Saturn transit in sagittarius 2017

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Saturn Transit In Sagittarius 2017 Effect On Your Horoscope

Introduction Saturn is going to transit to Sagittarius on 26th January 2017. Saturn stays in a sign for almost two and half years. It will be in Sagittarius till 23rd January 2020 and then move into its own sign Capricorn. How the natives of all the signs will be affected, let us see:

Aries Your lord of 10th house and 11th house – The two most important houses of a horoscope- will enter in 9th Since long you have been going through many troubles and mental agonies. But remember that Saturn likes to do things slowly and thus you will be getting things but in a very slow manner.

Taurus This does not seem to be a good and rejuvenating period for you. Saturn is the lord of your 9th and 10th house and it will be transiting in your 8th bhava- The worst house of the chart.

Gemini Saturn as the lord of 9th in 7th will be good but as lord of 8th in 7th will be very bad for your married life and business partnerships. Saturn is supposed to inculcate fear of God, discipline and maturity in a person. It also makes the native understand the true colors of life and test his or her friends and relatives.

Cancer The natives of cancer are really going to suffer this transit and the bad times are not going to be over till coming 7 and half years, I am not talking about sade sat but the transit of this Saturn which will be in 6,7,8 houses in the coming 7 and half years.

Leo Leo, this transit is not at all going to be much bad like I have predicted for Cancer natives. But all that glitters is not gold. Leo natives born in this time with Saturn in ketu star will have a very troubled life when they will have Saturn mahadasha after 28 years of age.

Virgo Saturn is the ruler of 5th and 6th house in your ascendant. It will be here for 2 and half years. Being 12th to 5th it will promote disharmony between you and your lover, children, delay progeny if you are going through the dasha of Saturn.

Libra For Librans Saturn is supposed to be a yogakaraka planet because of being lord of Kendra and trikona but actually this Kendra and trikona are more favourable to the seventh house.

Scorpio Scorpions do not have a big heart but are hard workers and one of the reasons is this apart from others. Saturn is a malefic planet and it is so malefic that it does not excuse its own ascendant

Sagittarius Saturn rules 2,3 bhavas and gets placed in the ascendant which is 12th to 2nd 2nd house is not only for kutumb, but for bank balance, teeth, tongue, face, elementary education etc.

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