Learn Astrology and Numerology Online- 12th chapter

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ASPECTS OF PLANETS In Hindu astrology, which is also called as Vedic astrology- The planets are assigned aspects or “drushti” which means - “to see”, Thus due to this drushti, the effects change drastically when it comes to predictive astrology. The various aspects assigned to each planet are 1. Except Saturn, Mars and Jupiter, all planets have 180 degree aspect i.e. it aspects the planet 7th from him. 2. Saturn aspects 3rd, 7th and 10th house from his house. 3. Mars aspects 4th, 7th, and 8th house from his house. 4. Jupiter aspects 5th, 7th and 9th house from his house. Thus a good aspect on a bad house or a planet will lessen its malefic effects and aspects of cruel planets on good planets and houses will deteriorate the effects of the planets and houses it is aspecting.

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