Dreamscape Learn | Draft

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towering peak emerges from the shadows, revealing

an ethereal ochre, shines in the burgeoning daylight.

its immense size and majestic presence. Having made

The crimson sun reflects the seeming desolation on

it to the top, they stand in silence for several moments,

the Martian surface. It also casts a warm light upon

taking everything in.


Dawn breaks over a vast and rugged vista. The sky,

a massive volcano that dwarfs even Mt. Everest. Yet, for all the stillness, several explorers, donned in white

“Alright, I think we’ve seen enough. Helmets off

spacesuits, are making their way up the mountain.

everyone.” Within the blink of an eye, the Martian atmosphere fades and the explorers are revealed.

The group leader breaks the silence to ask, “Can anyone

There were no spacesuits, and this is no interplanetary

tell me the geological significance of this place?”

expedition. Instead, this is a classroom in the heart of the Southwest, with state-of-the-art VR gear being

“I can,” replies one of the explorers. “This is Olympus

placed gently back on desks. These travelers are

Mons, the tallest mountain in the Solar System.”

students enrolled at Arizona State University, pioneers in an educational and technological revolution that

“That’s right. What else can you tell me?”

will permanently alter methodologies of learning and teaching for generations of future learners. This

“Despite being so big, it’s only 200 million years old,

collaborative venture called Dreamscape Learn is

which makes it quite young,” responds another. “Its

engaging students in unprecedented ways, reinforcing

geothermal activity can tell us a lot about how planet

foundational concepts they are learning in the

topographies are formed.”

classroom and revolutionizing the very notion of handson learning.

“Very good! OK, we’re almost at the top.” The explorers look up, marveling as the volcano’s

And the results are stunning.








Transforming education through exploration.

Welcome to Dreamscape Learn

Imagine a new learning platform capable of leveling the educational achievement playing field such that every child has access to the same opportunities to succeed in their classes, no matter what zip code they grew up in. Imagine a classroom experience so engaging, so inspiring, that students are not only captivated by the lessons but able to seamlessly retain the information presented. Imagine a new learning tool that excites a generation of digital-first students – most of whom have never known a world without social media – a learning tool that finally meets them where they are.


learning environments where they engage in virtual

the forefront of educational innovation, leveraging

worlds, solve problems and apply what they’ve learned.

responsible technology to power learning and to

This is more than simply replicating reality in a virtual

find new ways of inspiring students to succeed. So,

modality – DSL enables students to explore dimensions

it is no surprise that ASU, ranked #1 in the United

of learning never experienced before: they can see

States for Innovation (US News & World Report) and

things that are otherwise too small, go places that

Impact (Times Higher Education), and a global leader

are otherwise too far away, and observe changes that

in developing solutions to complex problems and

otherwise happen on inaccessible temporal scales. By

implementing them at sca le, would partner with a

facilitating education through exploration, DSL holds

leading-edge company like Dreamscape Immersive to

the promise to enable learners to grasp and retain

transform education as we know it.

very difficult concepts as they are learning essential


Arizona State University (ASU) has long been at

foundational skills. 07 01

The result is Dreamscape Learn, a collaborative venture that merges the most advanced pedagogy

DSL presents itself at precisely the right time. Like

with the cinematic and emotional power of the best

many colleges and university across the country,

Hollywood storytelling. Born of the shared vision of

ASU was unsettled by a noticeable achievement

ASU President Michael M. Crow and three-time Oscar

gap, particularly in its STEM courses. Many students,

nominated writer, producer and director Walter Parkes,

especially those from less privileged backgrounds,

Dreamscape Learn (DSL) is redefining how we teach

seemed disconnected and disengaged, and too many

and how we learn in the 21st century, with an eye

were turning away from STEM classes. ASU introduced

toward eliminating gaps in student achievement across

DSL as a pilot in its Introductory Biology course and

subject areas and demographic factors.

suddenly students found learning to be purposeful, motivating and empowering. Moreover, their grades

Through DSL, students become explorers who, with

and depth of knowledge increased dramatically. DSL

the help of cutting-edge technology, enter immersive

unlocked their imaginations and their desire to learn.




STEM isn’t the problem; it’s how we teach it.

Engaging learners and leaders of the future

In an ever-changing, increasingly complex world, it’s more important than ever that our nation’s youth are prepared with the knowledge and skills to solve problems, make sense of information and know how to gather and evaluate evidence to make decisions. Indeed, as we advance our collective global progress in key areas such as science literacy, health literacy, media literacy, arts literacy, sustainability and more, individuals must have access to these kinds of critical thinking skills. Our future depends on it.





ASU Charter ASU is a comprehensive public research university, measured not by whom it excludes, but by whom 03

it includes and how they succeed; advancing research and discovery of public value; and assuming fundamental responsibility for the economic, social,


cultural and overall health of the communities it serves.


As a New American University, ASU is wholly committed to ensuring that all students have access to learning opportunities and tools to succeed in college and beyond, regardless of their background, lived experience or learning style. We also recognize that traditional modalities of teaching and learning alone are insufficient to meet the needs of many, if not most, of today’s students. Modalities too often leave students disengaged, uninterested and lacking a sense of genuine connection to the lessons. 15

A new realm of teaching and learning is needed to support student success in today’s classrooms – one that promotes education through exploration. This is where DSL becomes a game-changer. Through its use of inspired storytelling and cinematic wonder,

Traditional learning models are often ineffective because they do not engage students to their fullest potential. Students—indeed all people—are drawn to content that is interesting, even challenging, but the delivery mechanisms, especially when education is seen as a top-down process, have too often been dull and dry.

enhanced by a VR experience, DSL engages students on a deeper and more profound level – as explorers and active participants in their own learning – sparking an emotional attachment to the course work that improves knowledge retention and understanding.

Realm 1 Campus Immersion High-intensity, technology-based learning experiences for P20 learners and beyond

Realm 1b Campus Digital Sync Fully immersive, technology enhanced, campus-syncronized learning for traditional P-20 and post-graduate learners 03

Realms of teaching and learning

Realm 2 Digital Immersion Digitally-immersive, online, asynchronous learning for P-20 and post-graduate learners

Realm 3 Digital Immersion— Massively Open ASU CHARTER

Digitally-immersive, open access, asynchronous distance learning for all learners

Education Through Exploration


Realm 4

High-intensity, technology-based learning experiences for P20 learners and beyond

Realm 5 Infinitely Scalable Learning Massively distributed, personalized, adaptive learning solutions


University Faculty and Staff Schools and Departments Centers and Institutes Laboratories Libraries Campus Resources

Knowledge Core

With the prevalence of social media, storytellers abound, and everyone is a “main character” in their own life. DSL allows for ALL students to be main characters in their learning experience and to share their perspectives and insights with their classroom peers. This democratization of the educational experience gives students an unprecedented sense of agency over their learning and confidence to set their unique academic paths in motion. Taking to heart ASU’s 9th Design Aspiration of Principled Innovation, which mandates that we place our character and values at the center of our decisions and actions, DSL deploys VR technology in an ethical way – in service to learners’ needs and education overall. In other words, technology is used purposefully, as a tool that drives learning and enhances education. Virtual reality can never replace real field trips and travels, nor should it. But the technology, especially when done at an exceptionally high level, enables experiences to happen that would be otherwise impossible and allows both teachers and students to develop skills and foundational knowledge where traditional methods have been known to fall short.

We’re throwing out the notion that students can only learn by reading textbooks and recalling facts. With learners around the globe looking for a quality science education, we got creative and reimagined how we teach biology.



Another element of DSL that amplifies students’ emotional connection to the VR experiences is the use of cinematic orchestral music. For this, DSL commissioned two-time Oscar winning and four-time Grammy winning composer Hans Zimmer to write the score that accompanies the storylines.


What sets DSL apart from other digital learning experiences, though, is not simply advanced VR. It is the coupling of outstanding pedagogy, exceptional narrative and VR, the combination of which leads to a more engaging student experience. The narrative draws students in and creates an emotional attachment to the subject matter. It prompts learners to care. This makes a stronger imprint, affecting students’ feelings about and attitudes toward what and how they are taught, as well as their feelings towards their instructors and peers. Not only does this result in greater knowledge retention, but it drives students to do more rigorous coursework and become more invested in mastering the material. We believe that ALL students should have the opportunity to be moved, challenged and inspired by humanity’s most beautiful and diverse art and architecture; by the extraordinary natural wonders of our Earth; and by the complex laws and systems of our universe. DSL brings students into direct contact with these objects, places, ideas and phenomena; it brings them together to learn and collaborate with one another – regardless of geography and demography.


Through DSL, what we dream can become real… for all learners.

This is our vision, and we invite you to become a part of it.



Proof of Concept




The idea behind education through exploration and another key to DSL’s success is the integration of various pedagogical methods that collectively engage more students more effectively.

About the current and active DSL experiences

In this realm, students study the material; they apply knowledge and concepts; they learn by doing and they do in order to learn; they learn from text, from lecture, from visual and audio media, from hands-on experience and from each other. DSL experiences intentionally tie all these modes of engagement together to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. In launching the education through exploration modality at ASU, DSL has rolled out two (to date) comprehensive immersive learning experiences: Biology in The Alien Zoo and The Immersive Classroom. Both platforms have been met with incredible enthusiasm by students and teachers alike. More importantly, research is showing how they are effective at engaging students and improving learning outcomes.


Proof of concept



The Alien Zoo The Alien Zoo is an immersive set of biology missions

actual biologists encountering novel life science problems

that take place in a vast and beautifully rendered world

in the sanctuary that they must analyze and solve using

(a futuristic, space-based sanctuary to protect the

the quantitative techniques and scientific understanding of

endangered species of the galaxy). It was developed in

practicing biologists. With modules spanning core biology

deep collaboration with world class biologists and biology

areas like cell signaling, genetics, adaptation and evolution,

educators to serve as the living and learning laboratory for

niches, biostatistics, and experimental methodology, Biology

DSL’s reinvention of biology courses for both undergraduate

in The Alien Zoo transports and transforms students.

and K-12 levels. In The Alien Zoo, students are positioned as



The Immersive Classroom 01

The Immersive Classroom is a platform that enables live,

Students engage as explorers with their instructors, as

instructor-led class time to be conducted from within a

dimensions are manipulated to enhance engagement and

virtual recreation of any imaginable location across space,

comprehension. These Immersive Classroom sessions can

time and scale – from inside an atom to the Egyptian

be synchronous experiences or recorded “lectures” with up

pyramids or even the moon – allowing students to interact in

to 32 fully immersed students and either 1 or 2 teachers.

real-time as fully rendered life-like avatars.

“DSL is an exciting new way of approaching education. Students are at the center of their own educational 03

experiences, learning in virtual environments. They’re solving novel problems they’ve never encountered


before in alien worlds and beyond.” — John VandenBrooks, Associate Dean and professor, Dreamscape Learn

We believe that everyone can be passionate about

classroom education, but to supplement it with “hands-

biology, history, chemistry or any other STEM or

on” experiences or labs conducted in VR. In fact, in

humanities subject if given the right tools, the right

the Biology course, the labs are structured to provide

situation, the right motivation – if the lesson is

just 15 minutes of immersive experiences for every

personalized and the story is compelling enough to

three hours of traditional learning – again, leveraging

draw you in. The realms of knowledge have advanced

the effectiveness of multiple pedagogical modalities.

and expanded exponentially over the past few

During their VR lab time, students are exposed to the

decades; now, our ways of teaching and learning must

creativity and flexibility of virtual worlds, combined with

catch up with learners’ needs to immerse themselves

Hollywood-style storytelling, which engages students in

in discovery and exploration of the subject matter

an interactive narrative that keeps them focused while

at hand. Through DSL, we’re developing learning

addressing specific learning goals.

environments grounded in advanced technology and advanced pedagogy that are equally able to engage

The DSL platform is a unique software

students emotionally. And what we’re seeing is that this

package that both enables the richly immersive

added component is helping students grasp and retain

experiences of the products and also supports

foundational concepts more than ever before.

potential partners in being able to develop new environments and tools of their own. With these software development kits, DSL partners are able to build extraordinarily realistic 3D environments for both synchronous and asynchronous teaching with minimal technical resources.


The objective of DSL is not to replace traditional




***Use latest version of DSL Overview Slides showing survey results (slides 9-11)***


Research-Proven Success

other sections. Students were also highly engaged in the content, rating the experiences on average 4.4 out of 5. The only subgroup that did not score

ASU conducted a Spring 2022 study of nearly 10,000

higher was honors college students, whose scores

students, comparing results for those enrolled in

stayed the same across both groups. What’s more,

traditional introductory biology classes with those of

results showed that from the first to the last VR

students in the DSL lab version. All indicators suggest

experience, the novelty of DSL did not wane.

DSL is moving the needle in a significant way on student achievement.

While various one-off student success initiatives have shown incremental progress in achievement

Students in the DSL lab version were 1.7 times more

and learning outcomes in some student categories,

likely to earn an “A” in their lab assignments than those

never has there been such a dramatic improvement

enrolled in a traditional course with a media score of

across the board. Upon seeing these results, ASU

96%. The study also found that across gender, race

made the bold decision in Fall 2022 to discontinue

and ethnicity, and socioeconomic status (measured

offering its traditional introductory biology class.

by Pell grant eligibility), students enrolled in the DSL

Today, every ASU student who takes introductory

version performed better than their counterparts in

biology enrolls in the DSL version.


“You can hear the wildlife around you. You can see the wildlife around you. You’re getting a lot of information in different ways. And I think that’s a lot more helpful than just reading from a textbook.” – Dreamscape Learn Student


Research-Proven Success

Improving student satisfaction and learning outcomes

alarming 48% of students pursuing STEM degrees

across multiple data points in a STEM class like biology

reportedly either switch majors to a non-STEM field or

has far-reaching implications for college persistence

leave college entirely. The numbers are even higher for

and graduation, and for how we are preparing students

underrepresented and minority students.

to succeed and lead in the 21st century workforce. In its position statement on STEM Education Teaching

DSL has given us a transformative solution to this

and Learning, the National Science Teaching

problem that transcends traditional approaches. When

Association (NSTA) aptly notes, “Modern STEM

students are engaged, when they are captivated by a

education promotes not only skills such as critical

story, when they are emotionally invested as explorers

thinking, problem solving, higher-order thinking, design,

seeking knowledge or solutions, they perform at a

and inference, but also behavioral competencies

higher level. They are more motivated, more intrigued,

such as perseverance, adaptability, cooperation,

and more willing to persist in the face of challenges. By

organization, and responsibility.” These, of course, are

igniting engagement, enveloping students in intriguing

wholly transferable skills, necessary for success in any

narratives, and nurturing their emotional investment,

career or field of study.

we have witnessed a remarkable surge in student performance.

The problem, however, is that too many college students are veering away from STEM classes and

Through DSL, a significant achievement gap is fixable –

STEM majors, discouraged by a lack of connection to

and we have the results to prove it.

the content and a perceived inability to succeed. An




Future Possibilities

We believe that access lies at the heart of this lingering dilemma: access to engaging coursework in STEM; access to inspiring lessons in the humanities; access to opportunities to succeed in college and beyond; access to jobs and career paths that can change the trajectory of one’s life.

extending the learning to students beyond ASU’s campus for the first time. This modality targets online There has never been a more opportune time to

learners unable to access the classroom technology

advance a promising solution for improving learning

in person and will be followed by at-home headset

outcomes and broaden access to a learning modality



Potential is limitless

that is inspired, engaging, motivating and effective. Having introduced the Immersive Classroom

The first instance of DSL outside of ASU launched

experience and implemented Biology in The Alien

at a private high school in August 2023, and we are

Zoo with proven results, ASU now seeks to expand

continuing to engage additional partners and generate

this education through exploration learning modality

interest among other educational institutions and

to more students in diverse disciplines. Presently, the

non-traditional settings. On average, ASU hosts just

design of a DSL Chemistry course is well underway

over 400 guests each month for DSL demonstrations,

with an anticipated pilot launch planned for SEMESTER

inspiring university presidents, provosts, principals,

20XX. Plans also are progressing to develop courses

superintendents and other top-level leaders to make

in Climate Science, History and art, among other key

this learning modality available to their students. DSL


also is showcased through educational technology conferences like GSV (Global Silicon Valley) and EAB

Looking forward, it is our hope and our intention to

(formerly the Education Advisory Board). Currently,

scale this effort and share DSL assets with other

over 20 potential partners are actively engaged,

educational institutions so that students across the

including large research universities, small private

country in multiple fields and sectors also may benefit

universities, Ivy League colleges, community colleges,

from access to education through exploration. To that

K-12 school districts, online universities and science

end, a cloud-streaming version of DSL was released

centers, with several contracts anticipated to be signed

in May 2022 and fully rolled out in August 2022,

this year. That number is projected to double in 2024.




Philanthropic Opportunities


Philanthropic Opportunities

As we continue to build our partnerships and work toward making DSL experiences more accessible to

Creating a center for planetary observation within the immersive classroom

Just as an observatory allows humanity to trace the movements of celestial bodies and study the

more students, there are several tangible priorities where philanthropic support can be transformational.

heavens from the Earth, DSL envisions a virtual planetarium that would enable students and researchers to focus in depth on our own planet. This Center for Planetary Observation would feature a dynamic model of the Earth capable of displaying in real time information about the interconnected systems that make it work – from ocean levels to the jet stream – as well as animation showing geological and climatic conditions throughout time. Like other Immersive Classroom experiences, the Center for Planetary Observation would func-tion as a portal from the macro to the micro, whereby an instructor could point to a specific location on the globe and transport students through time and space to immersive experiences that illustrate how Earth’s forces and human behavior are inextricably intertwined. In this way, the Center will combine the more


“presentational” aspects of the Immersive Classroom with more individualized experiences that allow students to play the role of actual climate scientists – observing phenomena, collecting data, developing hypotheses and postulating solutions to address our global future. Plans also call for the opportunity to embed 2D information, such short documentaries, into specific locations on the virtual globe.


Aligned with DSL’s ethos of education through exploration, the Center for Planetary Observation is intended to engage students in a deeper understanding of the urgent problems facing our planet and build an emotional connection to the desire to work together to find solutions. Even beyond the classroom, the potential applications for a comprehensive virtual planetarium are enormous. This groundbreaking tool can offer unprecedented ways for students, scientists and decision makers worldwide to view the Earth and intimately relate to its structure and inhabitants, such that sustainable solutions and policies are born from a place of compassion and cooperation. Today’s learners will be tomorrow’s leaders who must be prepared to tackle the complex issues of global sustainability and formulate climate solutions. Your generous support can advance progress toward solving these urgent challenges by enabling the creation of the first ever observatory of our own planet within DSL’s Immersive Classroom platform.


Creating DSL experiences in multiple subject areas

DSL’s inaugural product, Biology in The Alien Zoo, launched with tremendous success. Designed by ASU faculty, the technology-enhanced curriculum makes learning more relevant to the learner, with personalization allowing students to overcome challenges, improve their grades and feel engaged. Across multiple demographic characteristics, we saw exactly that: higher lab grades, a stronger likelihood of students receiving an ‘A’ (with a median grade of 96%) and higher engagement overall. Simply put, the model is a game changer for student success and learning outcomes. Having seen the astounding results in our pilot biology course, ASU now seeks philanthropic support to replicate the DSL experience in additional subjects, enabling greater student achievement for learners in any field.


As we prepare to finalize and deploy the new Chemistry course within the DSL environment, we also are eager to create new immersive content for other subjects. Imagine a history, environmental studies, art or American government class that engages students through storytelling and immersive experiences; one that is designed specifically to help students better engage with and expand their understanding of the lessons; and where students are presented with important problems to solve in collaboration with their classmates. Imagine how this transformational methodology of teaching and learning, expanded to multiple subject areas, can improve student performance and help them develop the skills they need to


succeed and lead in the 21st century. This is our vision. Biology gave us proof of concept; philanthropic support will see to it that even more students in more subjects have access to this revolutionary way of learning: education through exploration.



The vision of DSL is not confined to the university campus; we strongly believe that K-12 students also


Expanding DSL to reach K-12 students

should be able to experience its changemaking power. Using the DSL platform in age-appropriate educational settings can nurture a child’s interests, ignite a passion for lifelong learning and inspire them to begin thinking about ways to solve problems so that their generation – and the next one – can thrive. Envisioning a world where education through exploration is the rule and not the exception, we seek to make the opportunity of a DSL experience as widely available as possible to learners of all ages. Your generosity can support the expansion of DSL into K-12 schools and youth-serving organizations, especially those in disadvantaged or marginalized communities. We invite you to join us in the quest to further democratize education by broadening access to a revolutionary way of teaching and learning that has proven results for academic achievement. ASU proposes to establish a K-12 Immersive Learning Fund that would provide support to schools and organizations seeking to incorporate DSL experiences into their programming. With a focus on schools in underserved communities, funds could cover the costs for DSL to develop tailored courses or modules that align with state standards; provide consultation and technical assistance for school pilots; or provide technology grants for the purchase of various DSL-related equipment. Your support of a K-12 Immersive Learning Fund has the potential to shape a confident generation of bold explorers prepared to conquer challenges not yet even conceived. This is more than just a gift; it is an investment in the future.






Key to the success of DSL’s expansion into additional subject areas and the broad dissemination of education through exploration as a means to achieve greater learning outcomes will be bringing together those who share ASU’s commitment to access and who have the means and dedication to reimagine what the future of learning can and should be. The possibilities here are endless, dependent only on our ability to secure the resources necessary to make DSL as widely accessible as possible.

Come be a part of the narrative. Help us engage learners and leaders of the future. Imagine the problems we can solve and all that we can accomplish if we dream – together.


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