3 minute read
by asvasiljevic
This trip started a few years ago on the banks of Loch Shandra in Glenisla, Scotland. The land owners and management of this place have been very kind to us year on year letting us group of lads come and use the loch and its banks. The trip was a success this year as usual with the introduction of a 'Top Rod' trophy to be had. I attended this days before going to Canada which was a perfect sending off before embarking onto bigger adventures.
The team walk down to the campsite after 'scoping' for scoping sake.

Me getting a bus to get a bus from Paisley to

McNee always has set the bar for us all. 'If only we could be alittle more like McNee', I often think. 'What would McNee do?'. He chose to sleep in a hut he made last year while his Mrs called him up for being a woose and taking a tent this year...

Top Left - Contemplating the next tin or going for a cast. Top Right - The picture in the boat house of the allusive 'monster Shandra roonie' Bottom left - Josh with his monster Shandra roonie. Bottom right - Surrounding the eternal blazing fire at night. The smoke always seems to follow you..
Typical 4lb brown from Shandra.

Andy I think supplied the whiskey, Cullen skink and stovies as well possibly?

360 degree pano with glitch hands brad!