4 minute read
by asvasiljevic


32Stephen joins the party just in time of the Chum run. Breakfast at a local cafe.

Fresh Chum tail.

Long tailed sea lice, my favorite of all the louse family.

36Top Left - Athol with a Chum, see the bars on it's side? Top Right - Athol playing another fish for the day. You have to time the tides. Bottom left - Me knackered after playing multiple of these guys back to back! Bottom Right - The locals were amazed at these inventions! Lots of looks and even security at the airport.

This day I gave a man a fish (pictured above) and also taught a man to fish! The guy who I taught took one home that day, happy man!

Top Ian with one from his honey hole..
Bottom Some typical flies, anything big and bright, its not a secret.

Earl in his preferred position just after a hot tub! 'More..More!'

The last supper with Donna the house keeper. She knows the score.

My writing of the thank you note in the guest book.