4 minute read
by asvasiljevic
Fishing in the sea (not estuary) for Pacific Salmon!? Yes thats right! What a thrill this is. Stalking the coast line, then spotting something then pull up and run down to target an active shoal of salmon, Boom! Straight into them! Then all goes dead and you persevere pointlessly for another half hour before pinching yourself back into reality. You need to stop and wait for them to appear. Then when they do seem frenzied, cast towards them working your way into the center of the jumping shoal.

Marching back to the car to move up the coast a kilometer or two.

Husband rescues mother and daughter when the mother catches a
Salmon on the paddle board.

Top - Earl scoping out shoals of salmon on the coast. Time to move on if you don't see anything within 5 mins
Bottom - Front and back of a note left on the car while we were in the sea from a local notifying us of other hot spots in the area. How nice is that!
Ian into his first sea caught pacific on the single hander!
Well done that man!

Raft I spent 1 hour building while the guys caught nothing then I floated out and hooked a fish first few casts! Highlight!
Loyal dog wouldn't take his eye off his owner while he was fishing for hours and hours.
Ian starting to get good at this salt water salmon business.

Top Left - Two young boys freely being let out to take their boat out onto the water. Good lads! Top Right - Rodger putting out a line on the switch rod. Bottom left - Me playing a 5lb fresh Coho in the salt flats. Hard fighters for their size! Bottom Right - Rodger spey casting towards a shoal of fish.