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Antipasto Gitano Fettine di Carciofo


Fettine di Carciofo Sliced Artichokes in Sunfl ower Oil

The fi nest Italian artichokes hailing from the beautiful countryside of Puglia are harvested at the peak of season for freshness. Menu’s Sliced Artichokes are gently cooked, sliced, and preserved in sunfl ower oil and herbs. Ready to use, these artichokes provide excellent presentation for any culinary creation.

Culinary Application Ideal for pizza applications along with hot/cold dishes, salads, paninis, etc.

Item#/Description Pack Size

051056 - Fettine di Carciofo 6/84.6 oz


Artichoke Slices, Sunfl ower Seed Oil, Wine Vinegar, Salt, acidifi er: citric acid, fl avors (natural), antioxidizer: ascorbic acid

Gross Weight U.S.

Net Weight U.S.

Net Drained Weight U.S. Pieces Count

93.8 oz 84.6 oz 49.4 oz 150/180

Carciofi alla Giudía Whole Artichokes with Stem


Item#/Description Pack Size

055910 - Carciofi alla Giudía 6 Vinegar and garlic free, fresh picked in taste, color and quality; our Italian artichokes are picked at the peak of the season. Hand peeled, our artichokes are simply cooked and packed in water, sunfl ower and extra virgin olive oil and herbs. Still green and incredibly tender with no woody stems; Menù artichokes continue to be the world’s best.

Culinary Application Stuff with Burrata, or bake with gorgonzola and herbs, quarter and fry, and serve with aioli. The most tender whole artichoke you will eat.


Whole artichokes, water, sunfl ower oil, salt, extra virgin olive oil, herbs, sugar, acidifi er: citric acid, spices

Gross Weight U.S.

Net Weight U.S.

98.8 oz 90 oz

Pieces Count


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