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reply address net rhe signer of

this letter, but Bureau of Navigation, Navy Oopsr!nfnt, Washington, 0.C. P-

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3 July 3.9234 Bureau of Navigation Mews Bulletin So. 2?r

( I t i s requestet! t h a t t h e Noms B u l l e t i n be circulntaa among a l l o f f i c e r s and t h a t item of i n t e r e s t t o e n l i s t e d men be published t o them).

1 . Recruiting: 269 Canvassers a t 28 Recruiting Stations were The requested t o state t h e reasons why recruiting has f a l l o n off. reasons given, w i t h t h e precentnge of Canvassers reporting some, are as f o f l i w s : 84.4$ Scarcity of k b o r and high'.pay in civil life: Four-year enlistment t o o long: 37.5% Disgruntled ex-scrvice man's reports preventing first e n l i s t ments: 28.2% Parents objcctions: I?. 1% Physical requirements t o o high: lL9$ Bo Trade Schad G u m t o e : 5.6% Other prominent reasons assigned were dependency cut13 i n a b i l i t y furnish satisfactory cvisence of birth.


Desertion reports received i n the Bureau on Friday, June 15th, This exceeded t h e f i r s t enlistments f o r t h a t date by 57; t o t a l l e d 127.

...................83074 2926 .....29282

Total strength 28 dune Shortage. 1st. enlistments since 1 July 1922... Deductions due t o underage and physical


Total 1st. enlistments,weok ending 28 June..... 506 Ro-cnlistmerrts waek ending 28 Junc..83 Extensions.. (1 I1 If tI 1

...................... ...


2 . Education and Trzining: P r z c t i c a l l y one t h i r d of the e n t i r e s t a t i o n complement a t t h e N z v a l Air Station, Pensacoh, F l G are enrolled During t h e month of May an average Of i n the Navy Education System. more than one assignment per ran cnrollcd was completed.

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