Ibiza, experience the Mediterranean

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Ibiza, experience the Mediterranean

Es Vedrà

Ibiza, experience the Mediterranean


Ibiza, the island that captivates

18 Ibiza from the sea: landscapes of the imagination


Unique cultural heritage

20 Ibiza: meeting point

10 Mythical beaches 14 Salt marshes and posidonia: natural jewels

22 Geographical map of Ibiza and tourist information

heritage Ibiza, the island that captivates Where could one find a land that is ancient and futuristic at the same time? A place that synthesizes the avant-garde, leisure, fashion, entertainment, colour and life; but at the same times conserves secular tranquillity, immobility and nature. It may seem impossible, but it does exist. It is Ibiza, Eivissa in the Catalan version of its name. Ever since the 1960s, Ibiza has been in the headlines constantly. The island marked out tendencies in the hippy years, when ad-lib fashion was created along with all the imagery of magical landscapes, places with soul, parties and a kind of paganism that was more aesthetical than real. Ibiza represented an ideal for living. The peasant cottages, undulating hills and essential and picturesque traditional architecture, the sea, the beaches‌ They all symbolized freedom, creativity.

Dalt Vila

ancient times people believed that this region warded off snakes. And sailors would carry a little bag of its earth around their necks, by way of a talisman. In one way, this was a premonition of what takes place now. Ibiza acts through charms. The region seems to have some kind of power. First it attracted the hippies and the artists. Then it drew the attention of celebrities and members of the jet-set. Later it would give rise to a whole musical culture, to tendencies that included events held in big discotheques like "trance", "ambient house" or "chill-out". And, at the other end of the spectrum, its natural treasure attracts ornithologists and ecology enthusiasts from all over the world. Perhaps the secret of that charm lies in the combination of two very powerful elements. Culture, tradition, and on the other hand a wealth of nature that reveals itself in all its splendour. This explains why it was declared a World Heritage Site in 1999 by UNESCO, as a result of its biological diversity, the posidonia meadows on the sea bed around the island; the remains of the Phoenician-Punic past, such as the village of Sa Caleta and the Puig des Molins necropolis; and also because of the impressive ensemble of Dalt Vila, the old town with its walls. Universal recognition of its magic.

Ibiza is an island that captivates. It has a multifaceted, fascinating personality that you never manage to discover in its entirety. It can be sophisticated or rural, silent or full of music. In 5

Archaeological Museum

“Sa Caleta” Phoenician village

Unique cultural heritage

Ibiza is one of the most interesting islands in the Mediterranean. Around 2,700 years ago Punic traders from Carthage established themselves here. They were a practical people, great lovers of luxury, consisting of expert merchants. They chose Bes as their protective deity, a goddess of African origin who represented laughter and good fortune. The “Island of Bes” still bears her name today. Ibiza became a production centre and a commercial enclave. It received items from Egypt, Greece, Sicily, North Africa... And in turn, Ibizan ceramics or figurines were distributed all over the ancient world. That era of thriving prosperity, which lasted until



Parade ground, Dalt Vila

BalĂ fia

the Roman conquest of 123 BC, left a powerful cultural stratum in its wake.

Ibiza, which signed a treaty with the victors after the last Punic War, no destruction whatsoever took place.

The Phoenician village of Sa Caleta was one of the first Phoenician settlements on the island, before the colony moved to the current capital. And Puig des Molins is an archaeological treasure. This is where the Punic traders were buried in hypogea carved out of the rock, alongside their valuables and their offerings. Around 3,000 tombs have been found, and there may still be more awaiting discovery. This gives us an idea of the wealth of that Punic-Ebusitan society. This legacy cannot be matched by anywhere else in the Mediterranean, where the Punic world was wiped off the map by Rome. In

The Roman era has also left many archaeological testimonies, whereas there are barely any traces at all of the Muslim centuries. But throughout the ages, Ibiza always had one main source of wealth: its salt flats. When the Christian and Islamic worlds clashed in the 16th century, Ibiza was on the front line. This was when the spectacular walled enclosure that is now one of its most valuable heritage items was erected. We can see defences from the Renaissance era, completed over the centuries, with gateways,

the guardrooms, bastions and machicolations. The most spectacular element is the Portal de les Taules gateway, with a large coat of arms of Felipe II presiding over the old drawbridge. Above, by way of a tutelary presence, the Cathedral dominates the whole of the old town. After passing through the gateway, the town inside the walls, known as Dalt Vila, conserves its ancient atmosphere. Its labyrinthine streets, the geography of palaces, towers and shadows. At all times the sea is present like a backcloth between the Muslim, Gothic and Renaissance stones.


Ibizan jewells

Church of Sant Antoni de Portmany

One great treasure of Ibiza is its traditional architecture, in particular the rural churches. They all follow the same pattern: cubic, simple shapes and defensive, too. A bell tower and a simple porch where the parishioners sought shelter from the rigours of the age. They are authentic works of art Santa Eulària des Riu, Sant Jordi de ses Salines, Sant Mateu d'Albarca, Santa Gertrudis de Fruitera, Jesús... So white, so essential, that they remind us that sometimes an economy of means and simplicity are not at odds with inspiration and richness of spirit.

Ethnology is another of Ibiza’s treasures. The peasant world here is totally unlike the rest of the Balearic Islands, and indeed seems closer to North Africa. Popular attire with the rich "emprendada" of jewels worn by the women, the dances, the music. Everything is impregnated with a profound tellurism. It is a living legacy, which has by no means died out. The Ethnological Museum of Santa Eulària des Riu enables one to discover it in-depth.


The same is true of the island’s gastronomy, with singular products such as "borrida de rajada" (made using skate), "sofrit pagès", "flaó" (a cake made of curd cheese and mint), the “ensaimada”, “sobrasada” or herb liqueur.

Modernity brought different cultural patterns with it, without losing the old ones, however. Ibiza was inevitably a site for modern architecture, which sometimes drew inspiration from traditional constructions. Fashion, on the other hand, has conserved the aroma of the hippy days. Attractive, gauzy, romantic. The ad-lib phenomenon is unimaginable anywhere but Ibiza. It is based on the little shops in the Marina, the island’s scenery, the atmosphere of its nights, a sense of the generous, slightly reckless life.


Sunset in Benirràs

Ibiza is the very place to find peace

As well as the hippy universe, Ibiza was a pioneer of the “new age” and back-to-theland movements. Many “neo-rurals” settled in its country cottages in the 1970s, seeking a return to harmony, the simple life, the communion with nature. In this same decade the island was also ahead of its time in the introduction of Oriental religions. The first Buddhist centre in the whole country was operational here. Currently, Ibiza is a good place in which to search for peace, through different yoga centres that have picked up on that inheritance of an island with an intense spiritual side to it.

gather on the terraces facing west – under the influence of “chill out” music – or even on the beaches. They contemplate the solar disc, red as an incandescent shield, as it dips into the waters as though in an opera finale. The euphoria it produces is so great that people even applaud. Today Ibiza is a totally modern town. It has a Contemporary Art Museum, with musical and artistic events, art galleries… A prodigy has taken place whereby that archaic strength from the past has been capitalized on, creating a modern value. A passport to the future.

Ibiza’s latest discovery is the “sunset culture”. Every evening, crowds of people 9

Cala de Sant Vicent

Mythical beaches


An island with as much personality as Ibiza simply had to have mythical beaches. The settings for thousands of reports, films posters, record sleeves. Because they represent an important part of its magic. The dimensions of the island of Ibiza - 572 square kilometres - means all the beaches are within easy reach. The closest ones to Vila, as the capital is known on the island, are Talamanca, Figueretes and Platja d'en Bossa. Family beaches, with services and close to bars, restaurants and hotels. Heading south, the island ends in two large

stretches of sand, Platja des Cavallet to the east and Platja de ses Salines to the west. Both are within the area of Ses Salines, which one has to cross to get to them. For years now they have been fashionable beaches and they alone symbolize that image of the Ibiza of an intense sun, transparent waters, beautiful people and yachts anchoring in the background.

sun and beach

Beaches of Comte

You cannot visit Ibiza without stopping off at Cala d'Hort, on the south-western coast. This is where one can comprehend the mystery and the magnetic force of the island. By merely contemplating the gigantic silhouette of the islet of Es Vedrà, like a Sinai emerging from the sea, one feels the call of the island forever. The beach, with several restaurants and the omnipresent silhouette of the marine mountain, looks like the setting for an adventure novel. In the municipality of Sant Josep de sa Talaia, the Platges de Comte are the paradigm of

Ibizan beaches. Part rock and part sand, with green waters, a small kiosk and a mixed bag of people, a tranquil, carefree atmosphere. In the background, the islet of Illa des Bosc and the odd boat heading towards Denia. Sant Antoni de Portmany represents the town of the west. It occupies the island’s best natural bay, called “Portus Magnus” or “Big Port” in Roman times as a result. The whole area is full of spectacular beaches. Around Sant Antoni there are several very pleasant coves for bathing, which are also extremely easy to reach, such as Caló del Moro or Cala Gració.


Cala Saladeta

Continuing northwards, a few kilometres from Sant Antoni there is some spectacular scenery. The cliffs of Punta Galera, with stone platforms and terraces, look like they were designed exclusively for bathing. Although we are not so far from the hotels and tourist zones, the sensation one gets here is of a totally Robinson Crusoe-like scene. A little further on, Cala Salada and Cala Saladeta make up a small bay with transparent waters, lined with sand and a row of boathouses.


The next beaches can be found in the north of the island. At Port de Sant Miquel, an enclosed refuge in the middle of the island’s northern coast, and above all at the famous beach of Benirrà s. An essential, picturesque landscape, centred by the imposing island of Cavall Bernat which looks like the column of an invisible temple. In the municipality of Sant Joan de Labritja, Cala Xarraca and Cala Portinatx are quiet, medium-sized, family beaches. And in the same municipal district lies the beautiful Cala Xuclar. From Sant Joan one has to go to Cala de Sant Vicent to find another broad beach, facing east.


Tagomago island

Watch the contrast between the green of the pines and the blue of the sea

The beaches in the east of Ibiza are open, with the islet of Tagomago in the background. In the municipality of Santa Eulària del Riu we can find the beaches of Es Figueral and Aigües Blanques, whose name, meaning “white waters”, says it all. Santa Eulària has a good stretch of sand in the town itself. And a little further south lies the enclosed Cala Llonga, at the back of a small inlet.

crannies. For example, the abandoned quarries of Sa Pedrera, near Cala d'Hort, which the hippies called "Atlantis", where there are still inscriptions and rudimentary sculptures, as though here you really were in a continent lost to the rest of the world. In Ibiza, bathing has elements of an ancient ritual, a recovery of the senses.

The beaches of Ibiza stand out above all for the great contrast between the green of the pine trees and the blue of the sea. Not in vain did the Greeks call Ibiza and Formentera "Pitiusas", or "islands of the pines". They are accessible beaches, full of charm. But we can also opt for the more rugged, secret nooks and 13

Bicycle touring

Pla de Corona

Salt marshes and posidonia: natural jewels

The first thing to strike visitors is the fact that Ibiza is an undulating island. There is no one elevation that stands out above the rest. The highest point is Sa Talaia de Sant Josep, with an altitude of 475 metres. This means the whole geography of the island is harmonious, and in proportion. Valleys and gullies form between the hills, with fields that sometimes have reddish hues. Land ownership in Ibiza is based on small farms. So a kind of mosaic is repeated to infinity, made up of the houses with their simple shapes, the socalled "casaments", surrounded by fields of crops, almond trees, carob trees, pastureland with sheep, springs. It looks like an idyllic world anchored in antiquity.



Ses Salines

The villages did not appear until the 18th century. Formerly, only the church, the shop/bar and a few houses occupied the core of each municipality. The population was dispersed, and only gathered for religious services and fiestas. One curious custom are the dances and “sonades" or music sessions by the wells - for centuries the most frequent place through which a very isolated population passed. Although everything changed after tourism arrived, that early character of a dispersed population is still perceptible.

Posidonia meadows

Alongside that more humanized landscape, Ibiza also has large tracts of still-unspoilt territory. The Es Amunts area, in the north, conserves all its natural wealth. The same as the mountainous parts that surround the salt marshes. Therefore Ibiza is a perfect island for sports such as hiking, bicycle touring or mountain bike routes. There are numerous rural tracks that enable one to discover this eternal island, with its dazzling scenery, that seems to live outside of the passage of time.

One of the most interesting natural areas of Ibiza is without doubt Ses Salines. This is a system of wetlands that occupies a large part of the island’s southern vertex. Its total surface area, protected as a Natural Park since 2001, amounts to 400 hectares. Aside from the scenic element, fauna is also extremely important. These pools are a compulsory stopover on the migratory routes of many birds. Around 200 species have been counted, the most spectacular of which is without doubt the flamingo. It is quite a spectacle to watch them in the lagoons, with their long legs and bright colours, reflected by the hundred in the mirror of the waters.


sunset The area of Ses Salines takes on a very special quality in the evening, when the range of colours in the sky is reflected in the marshes, acquiring extremely beautiful blue and nearly pastel tones. Another picturesque image is the tiny church of Sant Francesc de s'Estany, surrounded by the expanses of water at its back. The sea water enters by a duct located in the nearby pebbly beach of Platja des Codolar. From here it passes first to the evaporation pools, after which it is channelled to the crystallization pools, near Platja des Cavallet. In some of them, the product acquires pinkish hues. As a result the defence tower located nearby is called "de la sal rossa", or “pink salt” tower. The mythical regatta of Ruta de la Sal reminds one of the importance of Ibiza’s salt marshes. It evokes the voyage of several boats from Barcelona to Ibiza to obtain salt. The year was 1846 and the capital of Catalonia was under siege by the Carlists. An entrepreneur offered to reward the first person to bring back the highly-prized “white gold” from the island. This explains why the regatta ends in Ibiza.

Posidonia is extremely important for several reasons. Its dense forests are inhabited by numerous animal species which ensure the biodiversity of the marine medium. They are their habitat, hiding place and foraging ground. Which is why they are authentic reserves of life. At the same time, its roots become fixed in the ground and prevent the sand from being swept away during storms. The mythical clarity of these waters is due largely to their posidonia meadows. The posidonia leaves make up those darkcoloured masses that sometimes cover the beaches. The fruits look something like an olive, and the filaments of the roots roll over and over in the waves and form a kind of “ball” that is commonly found on the sand. The posidonia meadows on the sea beds of Ibiza, above all in the south-eastern area, form part of the nature reserve of Ses Salines d'Eivissa i Formentera, and have been declared World Heritage.

Another fundamental episode of the nature of the ‘Pitiusa’ islands is posidonia. This plant forms thick meadows on the sea bed. They are distinguished as dark, nearly black patches in the midst of the blue extension of the sea. Posidonia is a complete plant, not an algae. This means it has roots and leaves and even flowers. Ses Salines


Es Portitxol

Ibiza from the sea: landscapes of the imagination

The sea forms part of the experience of Ibiza – for everyone, from the navigators of antiquity to the numerous sports yacht owners who choose its waters every summer. The island has yacht clubs in Ibiza, Sant Antoni de Portmany and Santa Eulària des Riu. Around the nautical activity an extensive range of complementary services has grown up – diving, sailing schools, vessel hire, canoeing... The island has 210 km. of coastline and a mild climate all year long. It is an ideal place for sailing and a venue for events such as the Diving Week or Kayak Meetings. Sailing around Ibiza involves enjoying truly unique places. Nearly all sailors, for example, set off on the route to Formentera.



Puig de Missa in Santa Eulària

The south coast offers majestic scenery such as Es Vedrà. No vision can be more magical than that of sailing around the islet by boat, contemplating its deserted geography, trodden by wild goats alone. And the islets of the bay of Portmany are also the destination of many sailors, who can then enjoy the spectacle of the sunset from the bay. The northern region of the island, known as Es Amunts, is only accessible by land in certain places. Which is why contemplating it from the sea is like discovering an unknown territory. From the humpbacked Cap Nunó, lying in the north of the bay of Portmany, one travels through a stretch of woodland, cliffs and just a few isolated houses. The

Margalides islands appear with Cap d'Albarca in the background. An imposing, rugged promontory, reminiscent of a terrae finis. And the character of the coast of Es Amunts remains so until reaching the Port of Sant Miquel. Two lighthouses guard the stretch of coast between Portinatx and Cala de Sant Vicent, the second unused for years now. This brings us to the east coast of Ibiza, marked by the islet of Tagomago. The coast here is pleasant, with inlets, hills, inhabited towns. From the sea one can understand the character of Puig de Missa of Santa Eulària. A church crowning a hilltop, strong, white, like a castle. It tells of fear and troubles. Of

fighting and resistance. And from here, the approach to Ibiza is another fantastic vision. The town rises up, enveloped over itself, baring its walls to the sea as though it were showing its toughest face to frighten off enemies. Whilst on the port side, it opens up with hundreds of houses, windows, welcoming faces. Entering the port of Ibiza from the sea is highly theatrical. It gives one a kind of secret tranquillity. As though you were returning home at last. No wonder Ibiza fascinates from the sea, too. Its landscapes look like an invention of the imagination.


Conference centre

Ibiza, meeting point

With all this to offer, the range of options for tourists in Ibiza is varied indeed. From sailing, hiking and beaches to history and culture. But Ibiza is also an emerging venue for congresses, meetings and business gatherings. Recently the first phase of the Ibiza Conference Centre was inaugurated. This auditorium for over 400 people is located in Santa Eulà ria del Riu. Its structure is a reflection of the traditional architecture of the island, and it stands beside the sea. Another contribution to this range of small conventions and incentive trips is the constant modernization of the island’s hotels. New fivestar establishments have opened their doors, whilst the existing hotels have adapted to





Ibiza Golf

these new uses. The island of Ibiza, with its strong personality, offers a “different� scenery for these events.

only one in the Balearics with a single 27hole route, comprised of an old course and a more recently-constructed one.

Moreover, the Recinto Ferial, or trade fair park, located in the town of Ibiza itself, is a huge open-plan building with a surface area of 3,400 m2, equipped with modern lighting and sound systems. It is especially designed to house over 1,600 people, for holding all kinds of events, trade fairs, congresses, exhibitions and other socio-economic and cultural displays, as well as concerts and festivals. Another sector that is gaining strength with every day that passes is golf. The Ibiza Golf Club lies a short distance from the town, in a small valley with very Ibizan profiles. It is the

In this way Ibiza serves as a bridge between the wealth of the past, natural and monumental heritage, and the possibilities of the future. By being a meeting place, a place of leisure, of knowledge, of contact with the scenery. A centre of relaxation and even of self-knowledge. An island capable of bewitching us all.





Vara de Rey Passeig Vara de Rey, 1. 07800 Ibiza Tel. +34 971 301 900 Port Antoni Riquer, 2. 07800 Ibiza Tel. +34 971 191 951 Airport Tel. +34 971 809 118 La Cúria Plaça Catedral, s/n. 07800 Ibiza Tel. +34 971 399 232 Figueretes Passeig de les Pitiüses, s/n. 07800 Ibiza Parc de la Pau Isidor Macabich, s/n. 07800 Ibiza Sant Antoni Passeig de ses Fonts, s/n. 07820 Sant Antoni de Portmany Tel. +34 971 343 363 Santa Eulària des Riu Marià Riquer Wallis, 4. 07840 Santa Eulària des Riu Tel. +34 971 330 728 Santa Eulària des Riu Passeig de s’Alamera. 07840 Santa Eulària des Riu Cala Llonga Playa Cala Llonga Es Canar Playa Es Canar

Published by: ATB, Agència de Turisme de les Illes Balears (Balearic Tourism Agency), Conselleria de Turisme i Treball (Regional Tourism and Labour Minister), Govern de les Illes Balears (Government of the Balearic Islands) Coordinated by: ATB publicity department Contributors: Fundación para la promoción turística de Ibiza Concept, design and layout: dcp3.es Photos: © Mateu Bennàssar, Jaume Capellà, Antonio Garrido, Manu San Félix, Klaus Siepmann, Aurelio Martinelli, Vicent Marí y Alberto Rodrigáñez, ATB photo archive, Fundación para la Promoción Turística de Ibiza. Cover photo: Cala Vadella Texts: © Carlos Garrido Printing: Gráficas Planisi Legal deposit: PM - 0000 - 2010 Edition: September 2010 printed on Creator Star paper.

Santa Gertrudis de Fruitera

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