Learning Civic Landscape
Joshua Jian Min Khong
A new Pedagogy incorporating the Civic & Series of Learning Landscape Learning Civic Landscape is created to tackle the lack of porosity and civic engagements with the surroundings of docklands precinct. Its goals are to bundle learning, media, esports and civic activation activities for the public. Creating a series of learning landscapes. Collaborative, Circulative, Observational, and Civic learning. It started out with an idea of a walkable roof. Habiting the unused, A concept of an elevated platform for civic and students to use as a flexible learning space. To create a building that attracts the public “Civic magnet”. Tied into this were ideas of creating a series of learning landscapes conditions. Collaborative, Circulative, Observational, and Civic Learning. Collaborative learning is achieved through incorporating design moments of verandas and courtyards, for the public and private to connect. To provide students with the possibility of industry collaboration with media companies in the building. Which dabbles with the idea of interconnectivity and experiential learning. Circulative Learning, the second series of “LCL” includes open learning spaces and smaller workshops that circulates around the first floor, with several smaller staircases that are placed around to promote coincidental meetings and moments. Observational Learning, the third series of learning civic landscapes are located at higher levels. “The peaks” where smaller workshops rooms are facing the civic side. Civic would be able to view students from the civic peaks, however they do not have access to the private areas. Promoting the idea of “watch and learn”.
Project Introduction
LCL “Learning Civic Landscape”
Exploration 3 aka Exploration A Exploration 5 aka Exploration B
of open learning spaces as well as a RMIT Sky Deck for anyone to admire the views from higher levels. Furthermore, the civic would also enjoy the green spaces on the second floors as well as an open child slide and mountain climbing area providing iconic experience. To achieve this a series of exploration were made to create form, program, spatial arrangement landscape and façade. Out of five explorations, two of which I have chosen to further develop were Exploration 3, Walkable roof / Elevated plaza, and Porous Engagement. These were pick due to the strong potential alignment with my propositions. Exploration 3 “Train Terminal type” gave me the concept of a walkable room which was incorporated, as it provided several peaks and possible elevated plazas. The building acts as a slope from the group to the top of the hill as being habitable, programmable, and walkable. This idea of pushing the public realm to higher levels rather then the generic bottom approach. Exploration 5 on the other hand “Prison Type”, was a result of several smaller prison cells being clamped together to create atrium like spaces and long scaled axis that became corridors which were inhabited by informal open learning spaces. This relationship between guard and prisoner in this exploration pushed the idea of observational learning. Prisoners can only view guards and opposite cells, learning from a visual point of view that creates an observational learning.
Civic Learning, the fourth series located mainly at north west of the building gives the public an area
Image. Bird’s Eye View, showcasing the building in its context, relationship between city, street and m2 city link
Learning Civic Landscape
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Image: City street viewing Relationship. The peaks that are legible in the view showcase the observational relationship by allowing the civic to view inside the series of Learning Civic Landscape from other buildings and city streets. This promotes the idea of sharing and obersvational learning.
City Street & M2 link Relationship / Entrance
Image: Entrance of the building from dockland drive. Showcasing the porous entrance with generous amount of sitting for public and private.
Image: View from M2 Bridge. This showcase the relationship and potential advertisement opportunity from cars driving on the m2 link to view RMIT promising design and its oberservational learning peaks, rock climbing and children slide.
Learning Civic Landscape
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Image Top: Collaborative Learning, first series of Learning Civic Landscape. Provides new opportunities for students to collaborate with huge industry partners on the ground floor. It features a “high street concept� where offices and workshop would face each other.
Collaborative, Circulative, Observational & Civic Learning
Image Bottom: Circulative Learning, second series of Learning Civic Landscape. Includes pockets of open learning spaces and smaller workshops that circulates around the first floor, several staircases move upwards to promote coincidental meetings and moments.
Image Top: Observational Learning, third series of Learning Civic Landscape. at higher levels learning through individual lenses becomes a feature. Civic would be able to view students from the civic peak while not have access to the private and vice versa.
Image Bottom: Civic Learning, fourth series of the learning civic landscape, the civic will dwell around in the specified peaks while entering from RMIT sky platform. Observational Learning from public to private areas.
Learning Civic Landscape
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Stage 1: Site Analysis
Learning Civic Landscape
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Stage 1: Site Photos
Site Boundary
M2 Link Bridge
Dockland Harbour Town
Dockland Dr - Site
Dockland Dr & Pearl River Road - Site
Facing Pearl River Road - Site
M2 Bridge
Dockland Dr
Dick Cook Studios
Dick Cook Studios / Dockland Studios
Learning Civic Landscape
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Stage 2: Formal Generation
Learning Civic Landscape
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Stage 3: Design Development
Out of 5 explorations, two were chosen to create “Learning Civic Landscape” Exploration A & B also know as Exploration 3 & 5. Exploration A Walkable Roof / Elevated Plaza “Train Station Typology” Exploration B Porous Engagement “Prison Typology”
Design Development Phase DDP: Developing the overall form and programatic arrangement
These were merged to create the ideal Learning Civic Landscape Formal Generation
7. The formal outcome from mid-semster was reduce to meet the area size of the brief, keeping the exisiting condition still present.
1.The merging of both projects, exploration A was treated as a container that could inhabit and programmatic layout. Thus exploration 5 with its “high street concept” atrium like spaces was chosen and inserted.
8. The “peaks” were extended to create a more smoother gradient from green open space to the top. An introduction of rock climbing on the peaks were implemented as well.
2.Exploration A on the site shows the peaks facing m2 link bridge while the back is flat to create the illusion of a hill going upwards. This is so that the city street will not be intimidated by too large of a structure.
Design Development.
3.Exploration B on the site shows the porousity of the building inviting the public to visit
9 & 10. Second set of peaks were form on the east side to create a visual and observational relationship it has with its peaks now facing the city. They include E-sports training center and rock-climbing info center, with one of the peaks extending out to become an interactive wall.
11. The final result of the building will include: Civic learning spaces, Open learning space, several green screen, workshop, editing suite, offices, school hub, rmit sky platform, green space, rock climbing area, e-sport training rooms and children slide, making the peaks unique, to not be only ornamental but usable.
4. Exploration B is inserted into A from its original positions on the site to preserve the originality of explorations 5. Exploration B and A is merged creating a different ecosystem of environments , ground floor is porous while higher levels are closed off in the peaks.
RMIT Sky Deck
6. Adding materiality to the building. Corten panels were chosen to be implemented due to its aging effect to emulate as if the dirt ground itself has risen up to create moumental peaks. Glass giving transparency for obervational learning.
Outdoor Green Space
Children Slide
Rock Climbing
Rmit Redback E-sports Rooms
Private Learning Areas
Learning Civic Landscape Axo
Learning Civic Landscape
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Ground Floor Plan 1:250 @ A2
09 11
02 29
01. Game Production Zone
06. Steam Hub 2
11. Storage With Vehicle Access
16. Circulative Learning
21. Cafe 2
26. Rock Climbing
02. Physical Effects Workshop 03. Private Industry Collaboration
07. Administration 08. Control Room 1
12. Toilets 13. Storage 1
17. Open Workshops 18. Offices
22. RMIT Sky Platform 23. Civic Learning Space
27. Children Slide 28. E-Sport Training Rooms
04. Editing Suites 05. School Steam Hub
09. Control Room 2 10. Control Room 3
14. Storage 2 15. Green Screen Studios
19. Server Room 20. Cafe 1
24. Observational Learning Space 29. Outdoor Siting Areas 30. Civic Interactive Screen 25. Outdoor Green Space
Learning Civic Landscape
Joshua Jian Min Khong
First Floor Plan 1:250 @ A2
19 11
17 12 30 16
15 21
13 29
01. Game Production Zone
06. Steam Hub 2
11. Storage With Vehicle Access
16. Circulative Learning
21. Cafe 2
26. Rock Climbing
02. Physical Effects Workshop 03. Private Industry Collaboration
07. Administration 08. Control Room 1
12. Toilets 13. Storage 1
17. Open Workshops 18. Offices
22. RMIT Sky Platform 23. Civic Learning Space
27. Children Slide 28. E-Sport Training Rooms
04. Editing Suites 05. School Steam Hub
09. Control Room 2 10. Control Room 3
14. Storage 2 15. Green Screen Studios
19. Server Room 20. Cafe 1
24. Observational Learning Space 29. Outdoor Siting Areas 30. Civic Interactive Screen 25. Outdoor Green Space
Learning Civic Landscape
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Second Floor Plan 1:250 @ A2
26 23
01. Game Production Zone
06. Steam Hub 2
11. Storage With Vehicle Access
16. Circulative Learning
21. Cafe 2
26. Rock Climbing
02. Physical Effects Workshop 03. Private Industry Collaboration
07. Administration 08. Control Room 1
12. Toilets 13. Storage 1
17. Open Workshops 18. Offices
22. RMIT Sky Platform 23. Civic Learning Space
27. Children Slide 28. E-Sport Training Rooms
04. Editing Suites 05. School Steam Hub
09. Control Room 2 10. Control Room 3
14. Storage 2 15. Green Screen Studios
19. Server Room 20. Cafe 1
24. Observational Learning Space 29. Outdoor Siting Areas 30. Civic Interactive Screen 25. Outdoor Green Space
Learning Civic Landscape
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Roof Plan 1:250 @ A2
01. Game Production Zone
06. Steam Hub 2
11. Storage With Vehicle Access
16. Circulative Learning
21. Cafe 2
26. Rock Climbing
02. Physical Effects Workshop 03. Private Industry Collaboration
07. Administration 08. Control Room 1
12. Toilets 13. Storage 1
17. Open Workshops 18. Offices
22. RMIT Sky Platform 23. Civic Learning Space
27. Children Slide 28. E-Sport Training Rooms
04. Editing Suites 05. School Steam Hub
09. Control Room 2 10. Control Room 3
14. Storage 2 15. Green Screen Studios
19. Server Room 20. Cafe 1
24. Observational Learning Space 29. Outdoor Siting Areas 30. Civic Interactive Screen 25. Outdoor Green Space
Learning Civic Landscape
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Straight & Cross Section
Straight & Cross Section
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Procedural Explorations. Appendix.
APPENDIX A Typological & Procedural Exploration Investigating how contaminations and transformations of diverse typologies and sub-typologies behaviors can assist in re-imagining formal, spatial, and organizational architecture elements (FORM, CIRCULATION, SPATIAL ARRANGMENT, ORNAMENT, ETC.) Procedural experiments will be deployed to assist in manipulating, distorting, amplifying, shattering, dispersing etc... The behaviours and qualities of existing subtypological behaviours to affect the architectural elements of learning typologies. Throughout the semester 5 explorations were thoroughly tested and pushed to its limit to create several possibilities for RMIT NEW MEDIA PRECINCT. Some may have failed and succeeded, however, this test gave an insight and learning experience to further pursue the course of changing and creating the generic learning environment and really push the ideas of an experimental learning space.
Facade Dictating Form
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Procedural Explorations 1. Appendix.
FACADE DICTATING FORM In this exploration the emphasis was mainly put unto form. Experimenting with the idea of façade / structural elements creating producing form instead of the container itself dictating form. Some examples that I was interested in were Precedent from Frank Ghery “Twisting LUMA tower in Arles” The final result from applying the system tomato brunch unto each mullion structured gave the possibilities to create façade as a dictator for forms. This could provide a Concept that could potentially be explored further with different façade types being experimented. Curtain wall, brick system, wood double facade etc.
Generic Operative Diagram - Application of System 1 “ Branching in Tomato “
Process of system applied unto Generic Operative Diagram Final Raw Result and Outcome
1. Branches numbered according to each elevation
2. Infill of mass removed to focus on the facade / mullions
3. Branch 1 is angled and scaled according to the data
4. Branch 2 is angled and scaled according to the data
5. Branch 3 is angled and scaled according to the data
6. Branch 4 is angled and scaled according to the data
Generic Operative Diagram - High Rise
Formal value of project could have been further explored in this experiment. Roof could be habitable
Raw Result
Typology: High Rise System: Tomato Branching
System: Tomato Branching
Luma tower
Post Process / Final Result
High Street Concept
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Procedural Explorations 2. Appendix.
HIGH STREET CONCEPT In this exploration the emphasis was put unto the possibilities of different arrangements that will create interconnectivity between students and industry players. Experimenting if a high street concept is usable. Idea of Interconnectivity, Concept of the University as collaboration with local Industry to increase more spontaneous activity. High Street Concept plays in hand with Interconnectivity as different programs and spaces face each other almost like a courtyard style.
Generic Operative Diagram - Application of System 2 “ Pollen Honey Bee “
Process of system applied unto Generic Operative Diagram Final Raw Result and Outcome
1. Generative operative diagram “god” typology : casino red “casino”- green “offices” - blue “shops”
2. Red part ‘casino” reduced level to provide as an trium / podium
3. Inside “casino” tables and chairs filled
4. Updated “god” put upon side 90x55m
5. Application of bee system first “13 divisions”
6. Application of bee system first “13 divisons”
7. After cutting the “god” into 13 small components
8. Application of system unto each component
9. Preparing to apply scale system to components
10. Preparing to apply scale system to components
Generic Operative Diagram - Casino
Spatial Arrangement of the project could have been further improved with better “GOD” and application of system towards “GOD” Typology: Casino System: Pollen Honey Bee The casino was chosen to achieve the current proposition. 5 different types of casino was averaged out into the GOD “ Generic Operative Diagram” the system used are data taken from the pollination of honey bee. They were applied by selected components rotating angles and scale. System: Pollen Honey Bee 11. Final Raw Result = Final Outcome
Walkable Roof & Elevated Plaza
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Procedural Explorations 3. Appendix.
WALKABLE ROOF & ELEVATED PLAZA In this exploration Walkable roof & elevated plaze, was developed with the thought Of an elevated platform which could present itself as being habitable or programmable that could create different opportunities for a new type of circulation.
Generic Operative Diagram - Application of System 3 “ Tornado Outbreak“
Process of system applied unto Generic Operative Diagram Final Raw Result and Outcome
1. Branches numbered according to each elevation
2. Defining each platform,column and program for system to be applied on
3. Application of system unto columns
4. Application of system unto platform and roof
5. Application of system to platform 2
6. Applicaiton of system to programs
7. Application of systems to walls
8. 1/4 of the roof stays, system was not applied
Typology : Train Terminal Application: Tornado Outbreak It starts out with terminals as the typology, this was chosen because of the its interesting zones, platforms and sinking levels the terminals has. Looking at the potential of creating staggered levels and elevated platforms. Therefore, a generic operative diagram was made from the average of 5 terminals. A system is then applied unto each program with scale and angle rotation. Post Process: The platforms are then patched to create a new type of spatial experience and form. The result was a landscape terrain like hill, that slopes from one end to another creating huge pockets of space as well as incredible viewing points from the roof.
Generic Operative Diagram - Train Terminal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
Columns Platform Program Walls Platform 2 Staircase 1552 3111 1612 13157 4967 5544 2887 3212 10122 8429 4865 7835 1606 2566 8108 1200 4764 3627 4934 3581 2278 2463 1844 3213 5701 3009 764 1837 3269 2950 2777 3722 2990 1443 1667 5635 4840 3005 1450 7856 3056 1688 7349 3005 2978 8641 1426 2435 12316 1329 4577 7171 2496 1721 1460 1602 1460 0 2954 1406 2954 1581 1477 2886 2886 1535 1477 1392 2852 1341 1392 4380 3004 2937 1426 2122 1433 2886 1494 2977 2905 2923 1371 1396 2854 3225 2978 3652 2978 3652 2992 4780
Post Process / Final Result
System: Tornado Outbreak
Stick Campus & Ideas of Domestication
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Procedural Explorations 4. Appendix.
Generic Operative Diagram - Application of System 4 “Gunung Agung Histogram“
Process of system applied unto Generic Operative Diagram Final Raw Result and Outcome 1. God of “sihiyuan”
2. application “gunung agung” on External Wall
3. Application of “gunung agung” on Front Courtyard
4. Application of “gunung agung” on Main Courtyard
5. Application of “gunung agung” on Rear Courtyard
6. Application of “gunung agung” on Main Gate entrance
7. Application of “gunung agung” on Second Gate
8. Application “gunung agung” one Ear’s Room
9. Application of “gunung agung” on Corridor
10. Application of “gunung agung” on Master Residence
11. Application “gunung agung” on East Wing
12. Application of “gunung agung” on West Wing
OF DOMESTICATION In this exploration the emphasis was put unto the possibilities of different arrangements that will create interconnectivity between students and industry players. Experimenting if a high street concept is usable and the catalyst of using a courtyard type as an idea of domestication Concept of Domestication has an opportunity to make individuals to feel at home and not want to leave the area. Typology: Chinese Courtyard System: Gunung Agung Histogram
Generic Operative Diagram - Siheyuan
The Project using a SIHEYUAN courtyard to create verandas civic courtyards as well as the size of spaces of the pavilions creates a sense of home furthermore this will strengthen the community through integration and connection with the courtyard style type to create a sticky campus.
13. Application of “gunung agung” on South Wing
To achieve this an operative diagram of Siheyuan was model out and applied with data from gunung agung histogram. In programs the data was applied to change the angle rotation, scale, movement and multiplying them.
14. Model put unto bounding box site
15. Post Process / Final Result
System: Gunung Agung Histogram
Porous Engagement
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Procedural Explorations 5. Appendix.
Generic Operative Diagram - Application of System 5 “ 311 Calls“
Process of system applied unto Generic Operative Diagram Final Raw Result and Outcome
1. God of “prison”
2. God “prison” divided into each cell basing out of 311 call system
3. God “prison” divided into each cell basing out of 311 call system “plan view”
4. Divided each cell into system colors
5. Bounding box for application
6. “311 calls” system application applied unto cell only
7. Plan view “311 calls” system application unto cell only
8. “311 Calls” System Application unto interior facade
In this exploration the the idea of civic realm being on all floors, were investigated. the speculation of creating pavilion like structures for the idea of “high street” to be incorporated and to design a porous inviting learning environment that engages the civic / students. Typology: Chinese Courtyard System: Gunung Agung Histogram The prison typology was chosen because of its atrium like position and the interesting relationship of how each prisoner would only be able to see opposite cells and not their neighbours.
Generic Operative Diagram - Prison’s
This can be translated and become a potential for creating a new spatial arrangement, program and relationship between student and civic. The system applied unto the Prison type was “311 calls”. Data taken from this were applied to move, angle rotate, scale and multiply the series of cells and cell bar structures.
9. Plan & Axo view of Post Process \ Final Result
System: 311 Calls Systems
Learning Civic Landscape Version 2
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Typological Ecologies Explorations. Appendix.
Images Pear River road back view Dickcook studio connecting entrance view Dockland Dr street view Back Interior view Middle condition interior view
Interior view facing large peaks Interior middle view
Pearl River road back view
Dickcook studio connecting entrance view
Dockland Dr street view
Back interior view
Middle condition interior view
What could have been? In this Ecologies series the two exploration were merge together to test the potential of creating a Learning Civic Landscape, exploration 4 and 3 were used. MERGE EXPLORATION 4 & 3
Ground floor plan
Roof plan
The result of these merge created a unique experience inside, the courtyards created a different environment more of an enclosed one. Almost like a city within a city. Whilst still keeping the idea of domestication with veranda like spaces, several courtyards and familiar spaces.
Interior view facing large peaks
Section typological ecologoies
Street view
ferris wheel view
Interior middle view
Collaborative Ecologies
Joshua Jian Min Khong
Collaborative Ecologies Explorations. Appendix.
Images Dockland Dr street view Top floor view Pearl River road street vie Pear River road street view 2 Dockland Dr street view
Interior view atrium space Interior view overall atrium space
Dockland Dr street view
Top floor view
Pearl River road street view
Pearl River Road street view 2
Dockland Dr street View
What could have been? In this Ecologies series the two exploration were merge together to test the potential of creating a unique experience for the public MERGE EXPLORATION 3 & DANNY TAN TRAIN TERMINAL EXPLORATION
Ground floor plan
Roof plan
The result of these merge created a unique porous experience, with the prison typology and Danny’s train terminal result giving market like shades. Different condition of platforms that could possibly act as open learning space.
Interior view atrium space
Street view Interior view overall atrium space
Image. Axonometric view RAW result of Exploration 3 & 5 where LCL ”Learning Civic Landscape” was borned