General Legislation
English version
Edition Prepared by:
javier carrascosa gonzález
asunción cebrián salvat
natividad goñi urriza
isabel lorente martínez
cayetana santaolalla montoya

m iguel á ngel c ollado yurrita
joan e gea Fernández
i sabel Fernández torres
josé ignacio g arcía ninet
javier l opéz g arcía de la serrana belén noguera de la muela
l uis p rieto sanchís
Francisco r amos m éndez r icardo robles p lanas
sixto sánchez l orenzo
jesús -m aría silva sánchez
joan m anuel trayter jiménez
juan josé trigás rodríguez Director de publicaciones
General Legislation
English version Authors
javier carrascosa gonzález
asunción cebrián salvat natividad goñi urriza
isabel lorente martínez cayetana santaolalla montoya

Colección: Manuales universitarios
Reservados todos los derechos. De conformidad con lo dispuesto en los artículos 270, 271 y 272 del Código Penal vigente, podrá ser castigado con pena de multa y privación de libertad quien reprodujere, plagiare, distribuyere o comunicare públicamente, en todo o en parte, una obra literaria, artística o científica, fijada en cualquier tipo de soporte, sin la autorización de los titulares de los correspondientes derechos de propiedad intelectual o de sus cesionarios.
© 2024 Los autores
© 2024 Atelier
Santa Dorotea 8, 08004 Barcelona
e-mail: atelier@atelierlibros.es www.atelierlibrosjuridicos.com
Tel. 93 295 45 60
I.S.B.N.: 978-84-10174-86-3
Depósito legal: B 16316-2024
Diseño y composición: Addenda, Pau Claris 92, 08010 Barcelona www.addenda.es
Impresión: SAFEKAT
Regulation (EU) 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012
Council Regulation (EU) 2019/111 of 25 June 2019 on jurisdiction, the recognition and enforcement of decisions in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, and on international child abduction (recast) 51
Council Regulation (EU) 1259/2010 of 20 December 2010 implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the law applicable to divorce and legal separation
Council Regulation (EU) 2016/1103 of 24 June 2016 implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of jurisdiction, applicable law and the recognition and enforcement of decisions in matters of matrimonial property regimes
Convention of 19 October 1996 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition, enforcement and co-operation in respect of
Council Regulation (EC) 4/2009 of 18 december 2008 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance
of 23 November 2007 on the law applicable to
Regulation (EU) 650/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate of Succession
Regulation (EC) 593/2008 of the European
and of the Council of 17 June 2008 on the law
Nations convention on contracts for the international sale of goods, Vienna Convention 11 April
of 11