Press kit Circuits Bijoux

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Claire Wolfstirn Š Gilles Cohen


june 2013


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PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014


Over two hundred contemporary jewellery designers are creating a genuine event in Paris from September 2013 to March 2014, on the occasion of Circuits Bijoux. Presented by Ateliers d’Art de France in partnership with Les Arts Décoratifs and the Un Bijou à l’Autre association, Circuits Bijoux will be reuniting around seventy exhibitors and proposing conferences and encounters aimed at highlighting the great diversity of today’s jewellery scene. Never before has an event been held in France’s capital city associating designers, museums, galleries, schools, cultural and institutional players, historians and experts. Following the success of Circuits Céramiques in Paris in 2010, Ateliers d’Art de France is supporting jewellery designers with a new event, Circuits Bijoux. An excellent way not only to celebrate the great creative zeal in the field, but also to stimulate reflection around a cultural object that plays a number of roles as an integral part of our lives. Jewellery symbolises dreams, and is the reflection of our innermost selves... the one we willingly display. A form of identity, a social symbol, sometimes endowed with a magical, religious or even utilitarian force, often sentimental, commemorative, always personal, jewellery is a sign. Today, its History is as old as that of humanity itself; in the creative world, it is an infinite source of inspiration. Designers of individual pieces and sets of jewellery are in a constant quest for its meaning, via the perpetual renewal of its form. Contemporary inspiration is surpassing the standard code, employing a multitude of materials, from the most natural to the most innovative, via the pursuit of a daring artistic quest whose limits can stretch beyond the spectacular. Circuits Bijoux unveils the captivating and multifarious artistic expression of French and foreign jewellery designers by offering a tour through Paris: ▶ At the Musée des Arts Décoratifs with the Dans la ligne de mire, scène du bijou contemporain exhibition: from 20th September 2013 to 2nd March 2014, around 500 pieces of jewellery by 1. Éric Desprez de Gésincourt © Les Designers Anonymes 2. Eliane Michel © DR

54 designers will be presented throughout the museum’s permanent display via a play on associations. ▶ At the Collection gallery, with the Anti bijoux exhibition: from the 20th of September to the 2nd of November 2013, jewellery becomes sculpture under the watchful eye of eight designers at the Ateliers d’Art de France gallery. ▶ At the Atelier, with the Un bijou pour un autre exhibition: from the 3rd of September to the 25th of October 2013, the artistic crafts discovery centre is organising an exhibition, demonstrations, encounters and workshops on the theme of association and transmission, in partnership with AFEDAP. ▶ At Talents, with the Un bijou pour moi exhibition: from the 17th of September to the 19th of October 2013, whilst the creative worlds of six jewellers are waiting to be discovered in the Talents Etoile store, Talents Opéra will be presenting unique necklaces specially created for the occasion by twenty-four designers, along with a monograph by Yannick Mur.

From galleries to museums, via cultural centres, boutiques and showrooms, be they specialised in jewellery or not, over sixty exhibitions and retrospectives of astonishing diversity will be hosted. Among the sites along this Parisian tour, Les Ateliers de Paris, the Elsa Vanier gallery, the Lefor Openo gallery, the Wengé gallery, the Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles cultural centre, the Fondation de la Maison du Mexique, the Fondation Suisse - Pavillon Le

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PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014

Corbusier, the Musée de l’Eventail - Fan Museum, Cheret, the Boutique Extraordinaire…

▶ With the Parures et Allures show: from the 4th to the 6th of October 2013, in the Espace Blancs Manteaux in the Marais quarter. Contemporary jewellery, precious jewellery, jewellery that plays on matter and materials... Discover pieces by sixty jewellery artists and designers of varying skills and inspirations.

▶ With a series of conferences and round tables aimed at initiating and pursuing reflection on the status of jewellery, held in various sites throughout the tour. ▶ With an unprecedented auction, Le bijou mis à prix, on the 11th February at Hôtel Drouot, aiming to position contemporary jewellery in art auctions.

Circuits Bijoux will be offering a spotlight to over a hundred artists from today’s national and international jewellery scene: Marianne Anselin, Alexander Blank, Brune Boyer, Laura Bradshaw-Heap, Monika Brugger, Christophe Burger, Costanza, Hélène Courtaigne Delalande, Florence Croisier, Esther, Eric Desprez de Gésincourt, Jean Grisoni, Annabelle d’Huart, Sophie Hanagarth, Elie Hirsch, Gilles Jonneman, Aoï Kotsuhiroï, Otto Künzli, Emmanuelle Lacoste, Florence Lehmann, Patricia Lemaire, Camille Lescure, Benjamin Lignel, Géraldine Luttenbacher, Laurence Oppermann, Laurence et Philippe Ratinaud, Agathe Saint-Girons, Yael Sonia, Martin Spreng, Anna Tabakhova, Caroline Volcovici, Claire Wolfstirn… as well as a number of collective works by Borax, Contrepoint, Corpus, GLA, La Garantie, Viruthiers, reuniting a new generation of artists including Laurence Verdier, Galatée Pestre, Nelly Van Oost and many more…

Explorer, instigator, federator, the aim of Circuits Bijoux is to offer a new perusal, a new interpretation of jewellery over a lengthy encounter open to both collectors and the general public. And who knows, it may well cultivate vocations...

1. Yannick Mur © DR 2. Sarah Radulescu © DR

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PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014

Circuits Bijoux Multi-exhibition jewellery trail in Paris from September 2013 to March 2014 1st arrondissement ▶

Musée des Arts Décoratifs

Dans la ligne de mire, scènes du bijou contemporain en France (In the Line of Sight: contemporary jewellery in France) 20 September 2013 to 2 March 2014

The exhibition Dans la ligne de mire offers an original overview of current creation in the French jewellery scene. Over 600 pieces will be exhibited among the permanent collections of the Musée des Arts décoratifs, highlighting the role played by jewellery today, its boldness, both as an art and in its form, and the pertinence of the various ways it calls into question the contemporary body and identifies new social behaviours. Freelance designers: Marianne Anselin, Brune Boyer, Frédéric Braham, Christophe Burger, Monika Brugger, Faust Cardinali, Taher Chemirik, Cathy Chotard, Florence Croisier, Marion Delarue, Eric de Gésincourt, Joanne Grimonprez, Sophie Hanagarth, Elie Hirsch, Marie Masson, Gilles Jonemann, Emmanuel Lacoste, Catherine Le Gal, Florence Lehmann, Patricia Lemaire, Benjamin Lignel, Géraldine Luttenbächer, Christophe Marguier, Aude Medori, Astrid Meyer, Julia Moroge, Jean-François Perena, Galatée Pestre, Agathe Saint-Girons, Annie Sibert, Maud Traon, Patrick Veillet, Laurence Verdier, Claire Wolfstirn, Nelly Zagury Site-specific installations: Arik Levy, Alexandre Bardin, Gaelle Chotard, David Roux-Fouillet, Aoi Kotsuhiroi Couture jewellery and costume jewellery professionals: Chanel (with contributions from Lesage, Desrues, Goossens, Guillet, Lemarié and Gouvernel), Lanvin (jewellery designed by Elie Top), Erik Halley, Annabelle d’Huart (with the Manufacture nationale de Sèvres), Aurélie Lanoiselée, Camille Lescure, Mouton Collet, Aude Tahon and Natalia Brilli. 1. Claire Wolfstirn © Ulrich Landry 2. Alejandra Solar © DR

Fine jewellery collections (Haute-bijouterie): Hermès (by Pierre Hardy), Boucheron (by Shaun Leane) 107, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris Metro: Palais Royal, Pyramides, Tuileries Tel.: + 33 (0)1 44 55 57 50 Open Tuesday – Sunday: 11am–6pm Open late on Thursdays until 9 pm Admission: Full price 9.50 € - Concession 8 € ▶


Parfaitement Imparfait

(Perfectly Imperfect) 19 September to 31 December 2013 Designer: Dominique Trinéphi 91, rue Saint Honoré - 75001 Paris Tuesday – Saturday: 11am–7.30pm Admission: free

Library of the Arts Décoratifs CORPUS 7, Rétro-projective - Le bijou contemporain au

regard de la collection Maciet

(Retro-projective – Contemporary jewellery through the eyes of the Maciet collection) 19 September to 24 December 2013 – Preview: 18 September Designers: Cathy Abrial, Brune Boyer, Christophe Burger, Véronique Buri, Olivier Daunay, Marie Debourge, Florence Lehmann, Astrid Meyer, Suzanne Otwell-Nègre, Maud Rottier 111, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris Monday: 1pm–7pm Tuesday: 10am–7pm Wednesday – Friday: 10am–6pm Thursday 19 September: 10am–9pm Saturday 21 and Saturday 28 September: 2pm–6pm Admission: free

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PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014

Tel.: + 33 (0)1 44 55 59 36 ▶

Kiosk outside the Palais Royal

Makers Move Kiosk, Medium of exchange

20 September to 2 October 2013

15 September to 1 October 2013

Designers: Josephine Winther and Gitte Nygaard, in partnership with Amandine Meunier. Kiosque du Palais Royal - 75001 Paris Tuesday – Friday: noon–6pm Saturday and Sunday: noon–4pm Admission: free

Parade(s): Jewellery Design Studios from HEAR (Haute École des Arts du Rhin), Strasbourg and ENSA (École Nationale Supérieure d’Art), Limoges 4 September to 4 October 2013

La Boutique extraordinaire

Bijoux extraordinaires

20 September to 2 October 2013 – Preview: 20 September

Parures extraordinaires

HEAR Strasbourg: Sébastien Carré, Marion Delarue, Carole Deltenre, Clara Denidet, Marine Dominiczak, Camille Fischer, Sébastien Fritschy, Joanne Grimonprez, Manolya Konuk, Hector Lasso, Marthe Le Basque, Armelle Le Bihan, Émilie Losch, Christophe Marguier, Julia Moroge, Amélie Nivet, Cécilia Obouo, Marie Pendariès, Maiko Shinagawa, Annie Sibert, Lucie St-Leu, Alix Tran, Yiumsiri Vantanapindu, Shu Lin Wu, Nelly Zagury ENSA Limoges: Amandine Ansart, Lulu Bai, Antony Bortoluzzi, Emilie David, Hélène Defressingne, Fanny Durand, Corentin Ferbus, Remi Galtier, Marlène Grimaud, Angélique Leroy Auberger, Lya Ma, Marie Masson, Alexandra Morin, Yiumsiri Vantanapindu Display windows of the peristyle and the Galerie de Valois of the Palais Royal, Ministry of Culture and Communication - 75001 Paris Jardin du Palais-Royal, open from 7am to 9.30pm Admission: free

1. Andréa Pineros © Stéphanie Lecombe 2. Céline Sylvestre © Céline Sylvestre 3. Barbara Uderzo © The Bolb House

Designers: Éric Desprez de Gésincourt, Fabien Ifirès, Stéphane Landureau, Patricia Lemaire et Alexander Blank, Hélène Angeletti, Nicole Crestou, Pascal Oudet. 4, rue de Thorigny - 75003 Paris Metro: Saint-Paul Tuesday – Saturday: 11am–1pm and 2pm–7pm Tel.: + 33 (0)1 42 78 67 74

▶Palais Royal exhibition showcases: window displays of the Ministry of Culture and Communication

3rd arrondissement

Collection Gallery – Ateliers d’Art de France


13 February to 2 March 2014 – Preview: 13 February Designers: Aude Tahon and Diana Brennan. 67, rue Charlot - 75003 Paris Tuesday – Saturday: 11am–8pm Sunday: 3pm–7pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 57 40 68 85 ▶L’Acte



19 to 21 September 2013 Designers: Aline Berdichevsky, Trinidad Contreras, Patrìcia Correia Domingues, Carolina Gimeno, Dalia Jurado, Cristina Martí Mató, Carolina Martínez, Andrea Nabholz, Gastón Rois, Nelly Van Oost 94, rue Quincampoix - 75003 Paris 19 – 21 September 2013: 6pm–2am Admission: free

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PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014



17 to 26 October 2013


– GALERIE DE LA MAISON DES INITIATIVES ÉTUDIANTES NSAIO 4 in Paris – Gemstones from Idar-Oberstein 19 to 21 September 2013 – Preview: 19 September


Designer: Valérie Sloan

Designers: Anna Ameling, Sabine Conrad, Patricia Domingues, Matthias Dyer, Alexander Friedrich, Tatjana Giorgadse, Edu Tarin, Hye-Shil Kim, Sari Räthel, Pia Sommerlad, Christina Röhlen, Magdalena Meng, Tala Yuan 50, Rue des Tournelles - 75003 Paris 10am–noon and 3pm–8pm Admission: free

10, Rue du Perche - 75003 Paris Tuesday – Friday: 2pm–7pm Saturday: 11am–7pm Admission: free ▶Wéber


De fer et d’acier

(Iron and steel) 20 September to 11 October 2013 Designer: Catherine Le Gal


Ex - - Strato

20 February to 7 March 2014 – Preview: 20 February – Closing ceremony: 7 March

66, rue de Turenne - 75003 Paris Monday – Friday: 8.30am–5.30pm Admission: free

Designers: Marthe Le Basque and Marie Debrinay 6, rue Elzévir - 75003 Paris 20 February: 6pm–9pm 7 March: 6pm–10pm All other days: 2pm–7pm Admission: free ▶Boutique



13 September to 13 November 2013 Designers: Jordane Somville and Regina Dabdab 101, rue de Turenne - 75003 Paris Tuesday – Saturday: 11am–7.30pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 42 74 53 03

1. Marianne Anselin © Marianne Anselin 2. Taher Chemirik © DR 3. Rachik Soussi © DR

4th arrondissement ▶BIBLIOTHEQUE


Précieux Passages

18 September to 28 December 2013 – Preview: 17 December (invitation only) Designers: Rodrigo Acosta Arias, Angela Bermudez, Stella Bierrenbach, Babette Boucher, Céline Buffetrille, Patricia Correia Domingues, Jonathan Hens, Ulrike Kampfert, Christiane Köhne, Nadine Simone Kuffner, Sonia Ledos, Elvira H. Mateu, Aude Medori, Galatée Pestre, Nathalie Perret, Linda Pieri, Janire Roman Diaz, Céline Sylvestre, Janina Stübler, Edu Tarin, Laurence Verdier, Caro Weiss 1, rue du Figuier - 75004 Paris Tuesday – Saturday: 1pm–7.30pm Open exceptionally on Sunday 22 September Admission: 6€, 4€, 3€ page 6

PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014

Boutique Bénédikt Aïchelé

Bijoux de famille

(Lightness) 4 to 22 October and 24 October to16 November

18 September 2013 to the end of March 2014 Designer: Bénédikt Aïchelé

Designers: Edith Bellod (4-22 October), Janaïna Milheiro and Florence Croisier (24 October-16 November)

7, rue du Pont Louis-Philippe - 75004 Paris Wednesday – Saturday: 11.30am–7pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 44 54 03 03 ▶


La légèreté

18, rue du Pont-Louis-Philippe - 75004 Paris Tuesday – Saturday: 11am–7pm Admission: free

Centre Wallonie Bruxelles

Le Bijou d’auteur

La Flaq

Gold, Butter & Ripe Lemons

(Signature jewels) 23 October 2013 to 12 January 2014

20 to 28 September 2013

Designers: Nevin Arig, Isabelle Azaïs, Cécile Bertrand, Laurent Diot, Bernard Francois, Anne Goy, Sabine Herman, Claire Lavendhomme, Mei Lee, Patrick Marchal, Michel Mousset, Chloé Noyon, Stéphanie Seutin, Gwennaël Therasse, Dominique Thomas, Dorothée Van Biesen, Nelly Van Oost, Monique Voz

Designers: Benedikt Fischer, Nao Ishizaka, Morgane De Klerk, Jasmin Matzakow, Florian Milker, Q Hisashi Shibata

127-129, rue Saint-Martin, 75004 Paris Monday – Friday: 9am–7pm Saturday and Sunday: 11am–7pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 53 01 96 96

Galerie Hebert

A change of seasons

21 September to 13 October 2013 – Preview: 21 September Designer: Vered Babaï Curators: Jean-Yves Le Mignot, Silvana Loï 18, rue du Pont Louis-Philippe - 75004 Paris Wednesday – Sunday: 2pm–7pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 42 77 97 66 1. Miguel Chevalier © Yann Delacour 2. Otto Kunzli © DR 3. Yijie Huang © ENSA Limoge

36, rue Quincampoix - 75004 Paris Tuesday – Saturday: 4.30pm–midnight Admission: free

6th arrondissement ▶ Agatha Ruiz de La Prada

FiloRosso X Paris

21 September to 4 October 2013 Designers: Patrizia Bonati, Elisabetta Dupre, Flavia Fenaroli, Maria Rosa Franzin, Rita Marcangelo, Gigi Mariani, Corrado De Meo, Flavia Eleonora Michelutti, Sara Progressi, Chiara Scarpitti, Maurizio Stagni, Barbara Uderzo, Grazinao Visintin Curator: Isabella Bembo 9, rue Guénégaud - 75006 Paris Tuesday – Saturday: 11am––7 pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 43 25 86 88 page 7

PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014

D’or et d’acier (Gold and steel) 4 February 2013 to 1 March 2014

Antoine Chapoutot

Mille et uniques

(One Thousand and Only One) September 2013 to March 2014

Marianne Anselin, Brune Boyer, Astrid Meyer, Claire Wolfstirn

Designer: Antoine Chapoutot

9, rue Madame - 75006 Paris Tuesday – Saturday: 10am–1pm and 2pm–7pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 42 22 37 27

76, rue de Seine - 75006 Paris Tuesday – Friday: 1.30pm–7pm Saturday: 2pm–7pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 75 50 54 81

▶ Nyamanti


▶ Galerie Cipango

8 to 26 October 2013

Parure en majuscule

(English title: “ Absolute Jewelry ”) 19 September 2013 to 2 March 2014

Designer: Anaïs Rheiner 6, rue Cardinale, 75006 Paris Tuesday – Saturday: noon–7pm or by appointment Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 40 46 02 39

Designers: Christophe Tissot and Nisa Chevènement. 14, rue de l’Echaudé - 75006 Paris Monday – Saturday: 11am–7pm Admission: free

▶ Galerie Lefor Openo

7th arrondissement


17 October to 30 November 2013

▶ Galerie Elsa Vanier

Designers: Eliane Michel, Andrea Pineros, Xiaojia Wang, JeanMarc Waszack, Claire Wolfstirn 29, rue Mazarine - 75006 Paris Tuesday – Saturday: 10am–1pm and 2pm–7pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 46 33 87 34

11 October to 27 November 2013, media tour on 10 October Designer: Agathe Saint Girons

Et plus si affinités

(And more, if we get along…) 14 November 2013 to 20 March 2014, media tour on 13 November

▶ Chéret ALL

Bijoux en duo

1 to 19 October 2013 Designers: Aude Tahon and Claire Wolfstirn; Stéphane Landureau and Antoine Puygrenier; Andreas Grau and Violaine Ulmer 1. Ulrike Kampfert, Hérisson © Enrico Bartolucci 2. Helen Britton © Helen Britton

Agathe Saint-Girons, 20 ans de création

Designers: Agathe Saint Girons invites Marianne Anselin from 14 November to 11 December 2013. Marianne Anselin invites Muriel Laurent from 11 December 2013 to 15 January 2014.

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PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014

Muriel Laurent invites Ambroise Degenève from 15 January to 19 February 2014. Ambroise Degenève invites Ariel Kupfer from19 February to 20 March 2014.

▶ Talents Opéra boutique

Un bijou pour moi

(A Jewel for Me) 17 September to 19 October 2013

Surprise Party 30 November 2013 to 20 March 2014, media tour on 29 November Designers: Costanza, Hélène Courtaigne-Delalande, Florence Croisier, Nathalie Dmitrovic, Esther, Jean Grisoni, Patricia Lemaire, Delphine Nardin, Laurence Oppermann, Laurence et Philippe Ratinaud, Yael Sonia, Martin Spreng, Agathe Saint Girons, Anna Tabakhova, Claire Wolfstirn… Circuits Bijoux exhibitions closing ceremony on Thursday 20 March 2014 7, rue du Pré-aux-Clercs - 75007 Paris Tuesday – Saturday: 11.30am–7pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 47 03 05 00

9th arrondissement

Yannick Mur , Aline Kokinopoulos, Tzuri Gueta, Florence Croisier, Claire Marfisi, Violaine Ulmer, Sarah Radulescu, Aurélie Lejeune, Nathalie Rolland-Huckel, Les Bijoux Lauclem, Costanza, Michèle Forest, Ghislaine Darlavoix, Anne-Marie Elorza, Laurence FavreLorraine, Wabe, Vlum, Agnès Moulinot, Claire Wolfstirn, Sara Bartko, Elsa Cérnogora, Sara Bran,Ynac, Andrea Pineros, Patricia Lemaire, Emmanuelle Dupont, Claude Dahmen-B, Couleurs Zaouli, Valentine Herrenschmidt, Agnès Dubois, Laurence Oppermann, Anne Thomas, Amira Sliman, Agathe Saint-Girons, Sophie DallaRosa, Nathalie Tisserand, Anne Couteau. 1bis, rue Scribe - 75009 Paris Metro: Opéra Monday – Saturday: 11am–7pm Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 17 98 38

▶ Galerie MiniMasterpiece

10th arrondissement

19 September to 23 November 2013 – Preview: 18 September


Miguel Chevalier – bijoux Designer: Miguel Chevalier

16, rue des Saints-Pères - 75007 Paris Monday: by appointment Tuesday – Friday: 10am–4pm Wednesday: 10am–5 pm Thursday: 2pm–7pm Saturday: 2pm–6pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 42 61 37 82

Couture(s)- part II

21 January to 1 February 2014 – Preview: 23 January Designer: Ynac, in partnership with Atelier Suppan 9, rue Taylor - 75010 Paris Tuesday – Saturday: 11am–8pm Admission: free

▶ Musée de l’Éventail

Le bijou s’expose en éventail

(Jewellery fans) 16 September to 9 October 2013 1. Emmanuel Lacoste © Andreas Licht 2. Gilles Jonemann, © Gilles Jonemann

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PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014

Designers: Luce Delhove, Morgane Fieschi, Valentine Herrenschmidt, Sonia Ledos, Luciana Mafra, Aude Medori, Anne Milbeau, Andrea Pineros, Aude Tahon, Davide Vianello, JeanMarc Waszack, Claire Wolfstirn, Eugénio Zaron

18 to 30 September 2013, from 10am to 8pm

2, boulevard de Strasbourg - 75010 Paris Monday – Wednesday: 2pm–7pm Admission: 3 € Tel.: + 33 (0)1 42 08 90 20

Kiosk of Jewellery 10 to 13 October 2013, from noon to 6pm Finnish Jewellery Art Association Kiosque de la Ville de Paris Place de la Bastille -75011 Paris

11th arrondissement

▶ Sophie etc!

Convergences et divergences

▶ Galerie Objet rare

Empreintes : ce qui nous sépare est ce qui nous unit

14 January to 15 February 2014 Andrea Pineros, Eliane Michel and Claire Wolfstirn

(Imprints: united by our differences) 20 September 2013 to 1 March 2014

Designers: Clémentine Despocq, Shannon Guo, Rachik, Judith Sitbon, Hélène Thomas, Caroline Volcovici Un jour qui paraissait comme les autres… (It was just another day…) 13 to 18 September 2013 Designers: Marielle Debethune, Katharina Dettar, Clement Puig Bijou Joujou (Jewels ’n’ Toys) 9 January to 31 January 2014 Designer: Marie-Josée Morato 11, rue Paul-Bert - 75011 Paris Tuesday – Saturday: 2pm–7pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 75 42 94 58

▶ Kiosk outside La Bastille

L’objet trouvé

(Lost and found) 1. Géraldine Luttenbacher © DR 2. Sophie Hanagarth © DR 3. Patrick Veillet © Patrick Veillet

Designers: Laura Rose Graham, Typhaine Le Monnier, Natalia Olarte

2, rue Gambey - 75011 Paris Tuesday – Saturday: 11.30am–8pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 48 05 80 38

12th arrondissement

L’Atelier – Ateliers d’Art de France

Un bijou pour un autre

(A Jewel for Another) 3 September to 25 October 2013 Brune Boyer, Anne Couteau, Florence Croisier, Marie-Pierre Ginestet, Nathalie Gouliart, Suzanne Otwell-Nègre, Galatée Pestre, Andrea Pineros, Mathilde Quinchez, Amira Sliman, Rachik Soussi, Laurence Verdier, Xiao-Jia et Jean-Marc Waszack, Claire Wolfstirn, Ynac (Jana Tesarova Natier) In partnership with AFEDAP 55, avenue Daumesnil - 75012 Paris Metro: Gare de Lyon – Ledru-Rollin Tuesday – Saturday: 11am–2pm and 3pm–7pm Tel.: + 33 (0)1 43 45 28 79 page 10

PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014

Exhibition: Admission: free Special events and demonstrations: advance booking required

▶ Les Ateliers de Paris

Bijoux en résidence

17 September to 16 November 2013 Judith Bourdin, Marie Charpentier, Sophie Dalla Rosa, Morgane Fieschi, Anne-Laure Gautier, Camille Lescure, Lily et Léa, Janaïna Milheiro, Mylinh Nguyen, Galatée Pestre 30, rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine - 75012 Paris Tuesday – Friday: 10am–1pm and 2pm–7pm Saturday: 1pm–7pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 71 18 75 68

Designers: Andrea Coderch, Silke Feischer, Annette Dam, Sofia Björkman, Babette Von Dohnanyi, Thea Clark, Claire Lavendhomme,Vinit Koosolmanomai, Claire Mcardle, Yeseul Seo, Zoe Robertson, Corrado De Meo, Erica Voss, Christophe Zellweger,Christophe Zellweger, Demitra Thomloudis, Drew Markou, Farrah Al-Dujaili, Galatéé Pestre, Helena Johansson, Heng Lee, Isabel Dammermann, Iris Eichenberg, Jane Richie, Jo Pond, Jorge Manilla, Josephine Siwei Wang, Karen Bartlett,Karen Vanmol, Karin Roy Andersson, Kate Rohde, Katharina Moch,Kevin Hughes, Lauren Markley, Laurence Verdier, Lital Mendel, Lynn Batchelder, Mallory Weston, Masako Hamaguchi, Michelle Kraemer, Minna Karhu, Patricia A Gallucci, Rachel Mcknight, Réke Fekete, Rhona Mccallum Curators: Laura Bradshaw-Heap


57, avenue Daumesnil - 75012 Paris Monday – Sunday: 1pm–7pm Open Friday until 8 pm Admission: free

Designers: Marianne Anselin and Claire Marfisi and Lucileee BachLambert, jewellery theorist

13th arrondissement

▶ terres d’Aligre 19 September to 31 October 2013 – Preview: 21 September

5, rue de Prague - 75012 Paris Wednesday – Friday: 5pm–8pm Saturday: 10am–2pm and 3pm–8pm Sunday: 10am–2pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 43 41 90 96

▶ L’âge d’or Re-création 17 to 20 October 2013 Designers: Marie Charpentier, Mathilde Quinchez


Next stop is Jupiter

9 to 20 October 2013 Designers: Ulrike Buck, Annie Sibert, Camille Fischer, Joseph Kieffer, Marianne Maric, Lars Paschke, Arielle de Pinto

26, rue du Docteur-Magnan - 75013 Paris 19–20 September: 4pm–7pm 21 Sept: 2pm–8pm 22 Sept: 10am–6pm Admission: free / /

Suspended in Pink

12 to 20 October 2013 1. Nelly Van Oost – Borax © DR 2. Marie-Pierre Ginestet © DR

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PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014

14th arrondissement

Pineda Damián, Raquel Bessudo, Samuel Burstein, Sylvia Burgoa, Xanath Lammoglia, Ximena Alarcon Cavrois

▶ Fondation suisse - Pavillon Le Corbusier An exhibition in two phases

Curators: Ricard Domingo, Sophie Hanagarth With the participation of Industrias Peñoles

Design Bijou Suisse

3 to 27 October 2013 Designers: Christian Balmer, David Bielander, Sophie Bouduban, Esther Brinkmann, Florence Croisier, Johanna Dahm, Aurélie Dellasanta, Noémie Doge, Valentine Dubois, Florie Dupont, Giulia Frigerio, Kiko Gianocca, Carole Guinard, Andi Gut, Sophie Hanagarth, Pauline Held, Isabelle Hertzeinsen, Therese Hilbert, Susanne Klemm, Otto Künzli, Natalie Luder, Sonia Morel, David Roux-Fouillet, Fabrice Schaefer, Bernhard Schobinger, Ilona Schwippel, Verena Sieber-Fuchs, Marine Stampfli, Hans Stofer, Monika Strasser, Julie Usel, Luzia Vogt, Christoph Zellweger Curators: Nicole Brémond, Jean-Yves Le Mignot

▶ 19 Paul Fort

Au-delà du précieux, Au-delà des mers

(Beyond precious, Beyond the seas) Contemporary jewellery designers from Australia and New Zealand 24 September to 20 October 2013 Helen Aitken-Kuhnen, Julie Blyfield, Helen Britton, Pierre Cavalan, Simon Cottrell, Bin Dixon-Ward, Warwick Freeman, Karl Fritsch, Stephen Gallagher, Kirsten Haydon, Marian Hosking, Linda Hughes, Kath Inglis, Lynn Kelly, Johannes Khunen, Sally Marsland, Vicki Mason, Carlier Makigawa, Sean O’Connell, Alan Preston, Kate Rhodes, Blanche Tilden, Lisa Walker, Margaret West, Katherine Wheeler

HEAD Geneva at the Pavilion Le Corbusier 7 November to 1 December 2013 Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design – Geneva Fondation Suisse - Pavillon Le Corbusier Cité internationale universitaire de Paris 7K, boulevard Jourdan - 75014 Paris Monday – Friday: 8am–noon and 2pm–8pm Saturday and Sunday: 10am–noon and 2pm–8pm Admission: 2 euros Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 16 10 16

Au-delà du précieux Contemporary jewellery creators from Europe 5 to 24 November 2013

▶ La Maison du Mexique (Casa de México)


20 September to 6 October 2013 Designers: Adriana Dávila /Milka Manifiesto, AlejandraSolar, AndreaRuiz, BárbaraMagaña, Brenda, Farias, Carmen Lucía Sandoval, Cynthia Serrano, Edgar López Jiménez, Edith Brabata, FelipeCárdenas, Leticia Llera, Lola Ramos, Luciana Corres, Martha Carmela Sotelo,Maria Paula Amezcua, Martha I. Garcia /Pladi, Martha Vargas, MigdaliaRivera, Óscar Figueroa, Paula Guzmán, 1. Patricia Lemaire © DR 2. Alexander Blank © DR

9C, boulevard Jourdan - 75014 Paris Monday – Sunday: 10am—6pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 44 16 18 01

United Kingdom: Peter Chang, Liana Pattihis, Adam Paxon, Mah Rana, Mark Woods Germany: Bettina Dittlmann, Mirjam Hiller, Daniel Kruger, Dorothea Prühl, Bettina Speckner Switzerland: David Bielander, Otto Kunzli, Alla Malova Guy, Bernhard Schobinger, Verena Sieber-Fuchs

Au-delà du précieux Antique and contemporary ethnic jewellery 3 to 23 December 2013

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PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014

19, rue Paul Fort - 75014 Paris Tel.: + 33 (0)1 48 74 27 80

15th arrondissement ▶ Maëlle Galerie

André Benitah, Hélène Courtaigne-Delalande, Esther, Niederländer, Suzanne Otwell-Nègre, Washid 26, avenue Niel – 75017 Paris Metro: Ternes Tuesday – Saturday: 11am–2pm and 3pm–7pm Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 40 22 80 Admission: free


28 September to 10 November 2013 Designer: Dani Soter Village Suisse 78, avenue de Suffren - 75015 Paris Thursday – Sunday: 11am–7pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)6 14 80 42 00

18th arrondissement ▶ 22 RUE MULLER


27 September to 4 October 2013 Designers: Camille Fischer, Nelly Zagury

▶ Musée du Montparnasse

22, rue Muller - 75018 Paris Admission: free

(Travel tales) 21 September to 3 October 2013

▶ Béatrice Knoch Création

Récits de voyage

Designer: Stella Bierrenbach 21, avenue du Maine - 75015 Paris Tuesday – Sunday: 12.30pm–7pm Tel.: + 33 (0)1 42 22 91 96 Admission: free

17th arrondissement ▶ Talents Etoile boutique

Un bijou pour moi

(A Jewel for Me) 17 September to 19 October 2013 1. Ophelia Leclercq © Ophelia Leclercq 2. David Bielander © Dirk Eisel 3. Camille Fischer © Camille Fischer


20 to 28 September 2013 Designer: Anne Léger 17, rue André Del-Sarte - 75018 Paris Tuesday – Saturday: 11am–7pm and by appointment Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 42 57 97 09

▶ Galerie Wenge

Totalement exquis

(Totally exquisite) 15 to 30 November 2013 Designers: Caroline Aubry, Louise Barthélémy, Anne Couteau, Marta Fernandez Caballero, Hyun Joung Lee, Anne Milbeau, Amira Sliman, Fabienne Tixier page 13

PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014

9, rue Ramey - 75018 Paris Tuesday – Saturday: noon–7pm Open exceptionally on Sunday 17 and 24 November 2013 Admission: free Tel.: +33 (0)1 42 52 39 99

▶ Jardin d’Alice

Joaillerie soutenable - Bijou pérenne (Sustainable jewellery) 20 September to 4 October 2013 Designer: Monica Lecouna 40, rue de la Chapelle, 75018 Paris Monday – Sunday: 10am–10pm Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)1 83 06 16 05

20th arrondissement ▶ Atelier Vitruve

Totalement exquis

(totally exquisite) 17 January to 14 February 2014 Designers: Caroline Aubry, Louise Barthélémy, Anne Couteau, Marta Fernandez Caballero, Hyun Joung Lee, Anne Milbeau, Amira Sliman, Fabienne Tixier 8, rue Vitruve, 75020 Paris Friday and Saturday: 3pm–7pm By appointment the other days of the week Admission: free Tel.: + 33 (0)6 09 95 51 31

1. Laurence Verdier © DR 2. Amira Slilman © DR

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PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014

Also... Le bijou, matière à penser (Jewellery – matter for thought)

Series of conferences, round tables and meetings September 2013 to March 2014

It would be inconceivable to hold a large-scale event such as Circuits Bijoux without devoting some time to reflection and analysis. Ateliers d’Art de France is coordinating a series of conferences, round tables and discussions involving Social Science experts, specialists from the professional world and lecturers in the field. These are scheduled to take place in various locations throughout the entire duration of the event. Presentations and debates will focus on numerous topics related to jewels and jewellery: experts invited to share their research will address the subjects of History, History of Art, symbolic functions, anthropological questions and aesthetic preoccupations. Practical questions from a more economic point of view will also be broached (the market, professional structures, the need for the sector to assert itself as a cultural profession and to promote the excellence and creativity of each speciality, the question of training, etc.). The complete programme of conferences and round tables can be found at

1. Patrick Marchal © Patrick Marchal 2. Andrea Pineros © DR 3. Xiao-Jia et Jean-Marc © DR

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PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014

Parures et Allures show, espace des Blancs-Manteaux 4 to 6 October 2013

Ateliers d’Art de France will be holding the Parures et Allures show at the beginning of October in the Espace des BlancsManteaux, as part of the Circuits Bijoux programme. Sixty designers will propose a comprehensive overview of their skills, talent and creations in the field of contemporary jewellery. It will also showcase the wealth and diversity of creation in the crafts sector. Various themes will be highlighted, such as contemporary jewellery, precious jewels or jewellery using original materials. The public will discover items created from fine materials and natural or synthetic materials: gold, silver, gemstones, fine wood, bone, coral, rubber, fabric, glass, ceramic, leather, Corian, pearls, mother-of-pearl, etc.

Auré Li, Agnès Dubois, Agnès Moulinot, Anne-Marie – Broderie d’Art, Anne-Marie Elorza, Atelier Aurum - Erick Lazarus, Atelier Darlou, Aurèle, Aurélie Fontaine, Corinne Castin, Camille Lescure, Catherine Bonis, Cécile Bertrand, Chantal Audias, Claude Dahmen-B, Clothilde Ménard, Couleurs Zaouli, Créations André Benitah, Criska, Croqueuse de Perles, Eric de Gésincourt, Delphine Iskandar, Esther, Fanex France, Florence Lemoine, Françoise Gold – Dalg Bijoux, Ghislaine Darlavoix, Hector et Virgile, Hejmalova Martina, Isabelle Molénat, Kyoko Création Broderie, Lamai, Lauclem, Laurence Favre-Lorraine, Laurence Oppermann, Les Alluvions, Lumière de Soy, Mahshid, Michèle Forest, Marine Cauvin, Mona Luison, Nathalie Gouliart, Nyamanti, Oscar Galea, Pascale D. Lucas, Pyr, Rosa Mendez, Sandrine Giraud Création, Seconde Nature, Sibylle Traynard, Sophie Ducomte – Bijoux Couture, Stéphane Landureau, Stéphane Szendy, Vlum, Ximena Walker Joyask, Yannick Mur 48, rue Vieille du Temple - 75004 Paris Metro: Saint-Paul or Hôtel de Ville Friday 4 October: 3pm–8pm Saturday 5 October: 10am–7pm Sunday 6 October: 10am–7pm Admission: free

1. Ghislaine Garcin © DR 2. Laurence Oppermann © Olivier Braive 3. Sophie Viguier © DR

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PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014

Le bijou mis à prix, Drouot – Hôtel des Ventes auction of contemporary jewellery 11 February 2014 Ateliers d’Art de France and the auction house Audap & Mirabaud are organising a contemporary jewellery auction in the Hôtel Drouot in Paris during the Circuits Bijoux. The sale will reflect the various stages of the jewellery trail and will promote all forms of creation, the wide range of approaches, the wealth of talent and the skills of contemporary jewellery designers. A selection of pieces presented during the various Circuits Bijoux exhibitions will be put up to auction, along with items created during the past thirty years from private collections or from designers’ studios. There will be unique pieces and limited editions.

Pieces will be exhibited: On 6, 7, 8 and 10 February from 10am to 6pm At 12 Drouot: 12, rue Drouot – 75009 Paris On 11 February from 11am to 6pm At Hôtel Drouot, Salle 2 9, rue Charlot - 75009 Paris Admission: free Auction 11 February 2014 at 6pm Hôtel Drouot, Salle 2 9, rue Charlot - 75009 Paris Admission: free

1. Agathe Saint Girons © Elsa Vanier 2. Flavia.Michelutti © FEM Studio 3. Gaston Rois – Borax © DR

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PRESS KIT - june 2013 CIRCUITS BIJOUX Paris, September 2013 - March 2014

contacts Press Contact: Agence Observatoire · Véronique Janneau · 68 rue Pernety 75014 Paris · Tel.: +33 (0)1 43 54 87 71 Vanessa Ravenaux:

Ateliers d’Art de France Ateliers d’Art de France is the professional artistic craftsmanship organisation. It federates over 6,000 craftsmen and craftswomen, artists and art workshops throughout France. Its aim: to highlight, represent and defend the artistic craftsmanship sector and to contribute towards the economic development of its associated professionals in France and abroad.

1. Agnès Dubois © DR 2. Morgane Fieschi © DR

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Rédaction par Pascale Huby, Frédéric Bodet, Stéphanie Le Follic-Hadida

Ateliers d’Art de France Contacts: 6 rue Jadin 75017 Paris Anne-Victoire de Saint Phalle · Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 01 08 42 · av. Emmanuelle Droy · Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 01 59 97 ·

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