64th Ateneo Fiesta

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Inang Maria, Gabay sa Paghubog ng Mabuting Pinuno para sa Bayan

editor’s note

Kathleen Anne Veloso In the days before the fiesta, I had observed several students from different divisions working on props, banners, and other things needed for the celebration. Some dancers had been practicing late into the night for months. These students’ dedication and effort towards ensuring the success of the event deserve to be applauded. They embodied excellence in their determination to give their best and in managing their extra-curricular activities and school work. It shows that the meaning of the fiesta did not only lie in fun and entertainment, but also in the hard work and commitment that the students gave. Of course, everyone did well to remember that it was primarily the Feast of Our Lady of Assumption, the patroness of the University. Congratulations to all the winners and to everyone who participated in the fiesta!

Whether in the heart of a senior relishing the last fiesta of her college life or in the memory of a freshman experiencing his first ever college festival, the 64th Ateneo fiesta has made its mark in each student’s life. We hope to bring you back to the colorful celebrations through this booklet that showcases the stories and events that took place. Now take a few minutes to bask in the glory of Atenean talent, festivity, and camaraderie that was the Ateneo Fiesta 2012-2013.

Staff Box

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Kathleen Anne Veloso | ASSOCIATE EDITOR Edward Lactaoen | MANAGING EDITOR Jenny Mae Saldaña | ASSOCIATE MANAGING EDITOR Farrideh Jadali Sabet | NEWS EDITOR Almira Jane Villegas | FEATURES AND MONTAGE EDITOR Jamela Rae Allaga | ART EDITOR Bea Trizia Jimenez | SENIOR WRITERS Ursula Calipayan, Florienne Melendrez, Kathleen Pastrana, Clemarie Secuya, Arielle Sta. Ana, Maybelle Yutiamco | JUNIOR WRITERS Christopher Caboverde, Madel Catre, Basil Espinoza, Kirsten Ilajas, Ma. Kristina Camelia Nardo, Katrina Kate Dianne Punay, Kristine Jean Salgados, Estella Jane Sasil, Rhea Joyce Semillano, Hannah Tormis, John Paulo Vicencio | HEAD PHOTOJOURNALIST Caycee Coronel | PHOTOJOURNALISTS Janine Abejay, Geneva Shaula Almeria, Kristina Congson, Allan Francis Dorado, Louise Marie Loreno, Charydel Cassandra Malintad | HEAD CARTOONIST Steely Dhan Caballero | CARTOONISTS Nadine Caballes, Carl Militar, Zyra Montefolca, Gerson Poliño, Maverick Santos, Kristoffer Jan Tipon | HEAD LAYOUT AND GRAPHICS ARTIST Steven Adrianne Chua | LAYOUT AND GRAPHICS ARTISTS Rafael Benedicto, Ralph dela Cerna, El Sean Fuentes, Jankin Davies Go, Jason Occidental | HEADS OF WEB DEVELOPMENT Francis Kenneth Barrina, Herc Casiple | WEB TEAM John Lorence Lim | CONTRIBUTORS Adrian Leo Leuterio, Angela Mesa | MODERATOR Cristopher Ryan Maboloc

Where: San Pedro Cathedral When: August 15 Ateneans attend the mass as they officially start Ateneo Fiesta 2012. Photo by Franz Dorado

by Ma. Kristina Camelia Nardo


The Holy Eucharist manifests the love of Jesus Christ for all. Photo by Janine Abejay

The thanksgiving mass presided by the Jesuit priests serves as a solemn opening for the 64th Ateneo Fiesta. Photo by Janine Abejay

The mass for the official opening of this school year’s fiesta coincided with the solemnity of Our Lady of the Assumption. The homily centralized on the meaning behind this year’s theme “Inang Maria, Gabay sa Paghubog ng Mabuting Pinuno para sa Bayan.” This was followed by the parade from San Pedro St. to Jacinto gate.

Articles and more photos can be found at atenews.ph

The Accountancy Department flaunt their grand and festive banner. Photo by Janine Abejay

NSM students wearing masks in their masquerade-inspired outift. Photo by Franz Dorado

Students from the School of Nursing march along the hyped flow of the fiesta parade. Photo by Janine Abejay

The Humanities and Letters Cluster paint the town red with their fiery color. Photo by Janine Abejay

The School of Education carry their icon signifying their beloved division. Photo by Janine Abejay


Where: Claveria Street When: August 15 by Rhea Joyce Semillano

BM students march proudly in their Egyptian-inspired outfits. Photo by Franz Dorado

Computer Studies Cluster students show their smiles as they get closer to the end of the parade. Photo by Franz Dorado

The Social Sciences Cluster students carry their crafted dragon as they march towards the university. Photo by Franz Dorado

A student from the SEA entertains bystanders along the route with the help of his undead-inspired outfit. Photo by Franz Dorado

Ateneans and faculty members with sun-kissed skins and happy faces, painted the streets with vibrant colors as they marched along with their eyecatching outfits and props in line for the celebration of the 64th Ateneo College Fiesta. The parade on the 15th of August was an attraction to the bystanders and vehicle passengers near San Pedro Cathedral all the way to Jacinto street. This 2012 fiesta with the theme: “Inang Maria, Gabay sa Paghubog ng Mabuting Pinuno para sa Bayan� was a bundle of culture and a creative means of uniting the entire Ateneo community.

dance showcase

photos by Lousie Loreno

Where: Roxas Grounds When: August 15 by Estella Jane Sasil

Hot, fun and wild -- these best describe the 64th AdDU Fiesta Dance Showcase. It was held at the University grounds for the first time. Under the extreme heat of the sun, it was, literally, a hot start. With the banners and balloons, the grounds became more colorful and lively. As performers from each school and cluster occupied the dance floor, Ateneans went wilder for their moves and style. In the end, the Business and Management Deparment performers were declared the Ultimate Dancers while School of Nursing and Accountancy Department bagged first and second runner-up, respectively.

A Humanities and Letters performer strikes a happy pose during their performance.

The cheers of Vipers drown the whole field after the champion for Dance Showdown was announced.

A performer of the School of Engineering and Architecture does a graceful leap during their dance routine.

The neon-colored outfits of the School of Nursing performers highlight their very energetic performance.

karaoke challenge

photos by Geneva Shaula Almeria

Where: Roxas Grounds When: August 15 by Florienne Melendrez The contestant fight the ticklish feeling brought by the feather duster and continually sings her song.

Trisha Dulanas, a ka-SAMAHAN, hosts the Karaoke Challenge 2012.

(L-R) Nikki Mae Villanueva, 3rd placer, Shievar Olegario, Champion, Patricia Tolentino, 2nd placer take the challenge and hail as victors of the Karaoke Challenge 2012.

Loud cheers were heard from the crowd as the representatives for the Karaoke Challenge 2012 from the different schools, departments and clusters went up the stage. Their challenges involved peculiar activities such as eating green mangoes, eating polvoron, being pummeled with newspaper and even having to balance a bottle of water on top of the head were all done in entertaining ways as they sang contemporary songs.

henna tattoo

photos by Caycee Coronel

Where: Gazebo When: August 16 by Kirsten Ilajas

The Henna Tattoo competition showcased the artistic talents of the department representatives. The artists made use of henna ink, brushes, syringes and the models as their human canvas to show the Fiesta’s theme. The result of the competition was then announced in the awarding ceremony. The results were as follows: the Accountancy Department at 2nd runner-up, Business and Management Department at 1st runner-up and the Social Sciences Cluster was declared the champ for the event.

Grabbing the first place in henna tattoo competition, Social Sciences’ representative Ron Villacampa together with the models happily claim the fruit of their success.

Henna tattoo models pose as they show off their department’s design.

The artists paints a detailed making of a knight with shadows and highlights.

jazzyour up jeans

photos by Caycee Coronel

The Philippine flag glitters with “Sui Generis“ as a design.

Glitters, spray paint, and other materials were used during the 4-hour making of the jazz up your jeans pants.

Where: F200 and F201 When: August 16

by Hannah Faith Tormis

The division artists exhaust all their creative juices to express the essential features of the fiesta’s theme on the pants provided.

With a sprinkle of glitters, a splash of fabric paint, and a stroke of markers, the participants of the Jazz Up Your Jeans contest turned the plain and dull jeans into eye-catching and must-have jeans. Each division had two representatives to design two pairs of jeans mirroring their understanding and interpretation of the theme- “Inang Maria, Gabay Ka sa Paghubog ng Mabuting Pinuno Para sa Bayan”. Each division unleashed their fierce creativity, but the Humanities and Letters Cluster’s talent soared higher than the rest. The HumLets shouted out deafening voices of pride and triumph as the proud designers Joshua Caesar Medroso and Eanna Marie Fernandez seized the award as the champion of the said contest. “I’m just so happy and overwhelmed to know that my partner and I won the contest. All our efforts and sacrifices just paid off,” says Medroso. The Accounting and Management Accounting Department seized the First runner-up spot while the School of Education took the Second runner-up spot for the said contest.

children’s hour

photos by Charydel Malintad

Where: Thibault Hall When: August 16

A child receives her ice cream before the program formally starts.

The SAMAHAN President, Ms. Maureene Ann VIllamor, gives a speech in front of the children just after the program begins.

The children with their big brothers and sisters from Ateneo actively participate in guessing the balloon art the artist is making.

The balloon artist creates another balloon art for the the children to guess.

by Basil Espinoza

It’s time to give back a little of what we have. The program was headed by the SAMAHAN Central Board in partnership with Civic Social Service Development Office (CSSDO) and the Theology Division which aimed to reach out to street and working children and share the bounty of blessings received. Student volunteers were delighted to be with the kids who actively participated in the different activities prepared for them.

banner making

photos by Kristina Congson

Where: School Grounds When: August 5 and 12 by Paulo Vicencio Artists of the Accountancy Department finish up a few hours before the deadline.

Students of CS Cluster who participate in the Banner Making Contest.

One of the artists of the Accountancy Department polishes their masterpiece.

Nine divisions participate in creating 11 by 5 meters of vibrant masterpieces to represent their respective divisions for the Fiesta’s banner making contest. The School of Education won the contest, followed by the CS Cluster and then the Business and Management. Paint gushed through every masterpiece. Colors were bursting and shining. Every emotion was materialized. Different varieties of representations of our beloved Mother Mary were filling up the majority of the banners. Each department shared their own profound ingenuity in this year’s banner making contest.

One of the special numbers of the Ateneo Dance Theatre (ADT) during the Star Search. Photo by Kristina Congson.

The winners of Star Search 2012. (from left to right, 2nd runner up, Rigel Lyra Faith Micolob, from the Business and Management Department; Champion, Shaira Rica Opsimar, from the Accountancy Department; and 1st runner up, Benjamin Bautista, from the Humanities and Letters). Photo by Farrideh Jadali Sabet

The breathtalking performance of Ateneo Dance Theatre (ADT). Photo by Kristina Congson

Benjamin Bautista, Star Search 2012’s first runner up, proudly carries his trophy. Photo by Farrideh Jadali Sabet

star search Where: Finster Auditorium When: August 15 by Madel Catre

A contestant performs at the opening number of the Star Search. Photo by Kristina Congson.

The Contestant of School of Education. Photo by Kristina Congson

The winning performance from Accountancy Department. Photo by Kristina Congson.

Star Search 2012 promised a night of timeless serenades, captivating voices and the birth of a new star. It didn’t disappoint. Through a dynamic rendition of upbeat and environmental songs that kept the audience at the edges of their seats, the affair proved to be something too unforgettable. At the end of the night, Shaira Rica Opsimar, the 10th Star Search Champion blew everyone away with her performances that engaged the audience in a roller coaster spectacle of dynamism, emotion and awe. In that night to remember, she and all the participants found their own corner of the sky.

cco gimikan

photos by Charydel Malintad

Where: Gazebo When: August 15 and 16 by Maybelle Yutiamco

Gimikan is an annual showcase of booths by the Campus Club Organization. Recognized campus clubs and other small businesses offer games, prizes, and other services to Ateneans during this part of the fiesta. It is also an avenue for campus clubs to socialize with and be identified by Ateneans.

CCO GIMIKAN. Different booths from different campus clubs bring a train of leisure in the fiesta.

DOTA buffs troupe for a game headed by the Ateneo Circle of Computer Studies Students (ACCSS).

Warm smiles are given by the students at the Radio booth.


photos by Geneva Shaula Almeria

Where: Thibault Hall When: August 16 by Ursula Calipayan Stephen Lim showcases his guitar skills and places first runner up of Talentenista 2012.

James Patrick Apolonio champions Talentenista 2012 with his exceptional yoyo expertise.

Loud and proud. As this Atenista sings her heart out and the crows is in awe of her golden voice.

Students cheered as they witnessed the unleashing of talents of their fellow Ateneans in Talentenista 2012. The purpose of the show was to prove that Ateneans are not only good in academics but are also talented. According to Mr. Lunar Tan Fayloga, it’s a way to inspire students to use their talent in promoting an advocacy. The ultimate champion of Talentenista 2012 was given to Patrick Apolonio, who wowed the audience with his amazing yoyo skills.

musikahan photos by Janine Abejay

Where: Roxas Grounds When: August 15 by Kathleen Pastrana

The Musikahan 2012 wrapped up the first day of the Ateneo fiesta. Each of the eight bands that performed that night gave breathtaking performances of different acoustic song numbers. The band members came from different divisions, all equipped with the talent and confidence to make the night successful.

Intricately knowing the notes, he is able to bring the rythm for the night.

Passion for music emanates from the heart and soul.

People frenziedly throw their hands up and jive with the booming music.

fire dance

photos by Adi Leuterio

Where: Roxas Grounds When: August 15 by Kathleen Pastrana

A fire dancer spraying embers mimicking fireflies during the fire dance.

Fire breathing made easy using a spray bottle during the fire dance.

A fire dancer braves the flames as she twirls double hula hoops around her body as an opener for the Musikahan

Fire dancers illuminated the Ateneo open field after the smashing success of the Star Search 2012. They presented another round of performances after the Musikahan 2012 wrapped up.

Not too hot to handle. A fire dancer bares the heat to awe students before the night’s Musikahan event.

palarong pinoy Where: Roxas Grounds When: August 15 and 16 by Clemarie Manila-Secuya

The Social Sciences Dragons brought home the bacon during this year’s Palarong Pinoy. There were seven games for the event played last August 15 and 16. During the first day, Pass-the-Card and Tug-ofWar were played and Sack Race, Balloon Relay, Kadang-kadang, Walis ni Kwan, and Dragon Wars on the second day. In every event, the nine divisions were required to have 10 players - five boys and five girls. During the two days, the divisions were heavily competing for the title. But at the end of the day, the SS Dragons outshone the other schools and departments by garnering a total score of 19.5 points and were hailed as the Palarong Pinoy ‘12 champion.

PALARONG PINOY. The field heats up as the BM Department and the SEA fight for the “Tug of War” championship. Photo by Charydel Malintad

The blazing dragons set their blazing eyes on the prize. Photo by Janine Abejay

KEEP HOLDING ON. Palarong Pinoy sets up the first game into a bosom challenge. Photo by Charydel Malintad

Formulating ideas and wordplays, this SoN debater is squeezing all her brain juices.

ignatian debate

photos by Angela Mesa of APS

Where: F213 When: August 16 by Katrina Kate Dianne Punay

The Natural Science and Mathematics Cluster, along with the champions, the School of Nursing, pose gladly for the camera

Debating is not an easy task, but the SoN managed to succeed despite of the peculiarities of both fields; nursing and debate.

Think. Debate. Persuade. This house would prohibit the involvement of any religious group in the Philippine election process. Attesting that the art and sport of debating beats no one by course, the School of Nursing (SoN) and Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM) Cluster outwit seven other divisions and progressed to the championships. In the Ignatian Cup where everyone debates regardless of course’s inclination, victory is black and white. Victory is not read between the lines. Government or Opposition, argument or counter-argument, which side are you on? The heart of every good debate favors none. Matter-manner-method is taken as one.


Where: AdDU Matina Campus When: August 16

by Arielle Sta. Ana

This dancer from Social Science Cluster has the cutest smile while dancing to the tune of “Moshi, Moshi.” Photo by Geneva Shaula Almeria

This dancer from the School of Engineering and Architecture shows his best dance moves as he portrays the Mad Hatter of Alice in Wonderland. Photo by Geneva Shaula Almeria

On the night of August 16, 2012, exhilaration of Ateneans in different colors filled the AdDU Sports Center Matina Campus to witness the culmination of the 64th Ateneo Fiesta: The Sayawtenista and the awarding. The nine departments’ dancers and teachers heartily grooved to Original Pilipino Music. Models of the Jazz Up Your Jeans and Henna Tattoo then sizzled the stage, featuring the remarkable designs of the nine departments’ artists. The night’s vibrancy went on as the Star Search 2012 Champion, Ms. Shaira Opsimar of the Accountancy Department, astonished everyone with her take on “Fame”. Thrilling cheers ruled the air as Mr. Rikki Enriquez and Maureene Villamor awarded the winners. 2nd runner up of the Sayawtenista were the Humanities and Letters Cluster, while the School of Engineering and Architecture bagged 1st runner up. For the Over-All Fiesta Award, the Social Science Cluster were granted 2nd runner up, and both the Business and Management Department and Humanities and Letters Cluster were awarded 1st runner up. The Accountancy Department was hailed ultimate champion for both the Sayawtenista and Over-All Fiesta Award. Indeed, it is a golden year for the griffins, but more importantly, it has been a fruitful fiesta for Ateneans who will surely bank these experiences in their memories of their treasured college life.

Demi Mae Marin, from the School of Nursing, is the best epitome of the line “dance like there’s no tomorrow.” Photo by Geneva Shaula Almeria

Cries and jumps of joy rise from the Accountancy Department as their name is aired as overall champions of the Ateneo college fiesta 2012. Photo by Janine Abejay

Grooving with the music as these CS dancers make a statement that they are not only for the library but also for the dancefloor. Photo by Geneva Shaula Almeria

Janjo Bustamante, from Humanities and Letters Cluster, cheerfully grooves to the beat of “Bongga ka Day!” Photo by Geneva Shaula Almeria

One of the School of Engineering and Architecture dancers portrays the character of Russell from the movie Up. Photo by Janine Abejay

Yellow pride of the Accountancy Department hailed as the champion for both Sayawtenista and over-all fiesta award. Photo by Caycee Coronel

This nursing dancer energetically does her pose during the Sayawten 2012. Photo by Geneva Shaula Almeria Articles and more photos can be found at atenews.ph

The Jazz up your jeans model of the Humanities and Letters proudly holds up their Sayawtenista 2nd runner-up award. Photo by Caycee Coronel

The SS Representative jumps for joy as the SS Cluster wins the overall fiesta 2nd runner-up award for the second time. Photo by Caycee Coronel




 SoE  CS  BM

 NSM  HumLet  SS

 BM  SS  BSA



 BM  SoN  BSA

 SS  BM  BSA



 BM  SoN  BSA

 HumLet  BSA  SoE

 Shaira Rica Opsimar, BSA  Benjamin Baustista, HumLet  Rigel Lyra Faith Micolob, BM


 SoN  NSM  BSA


KARAOKE CHALLENGE | Shievar Olegario, HumLet

ATENEWS The Official Student Publication of Ateneo de Davao University

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