Tabloid 2 2011

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Curious about the Chaos

Student summit

Maguindanao Massacre – then and now









Christmas over the generations PAGE


Students from different divisions of the Ateneo come together for the Samahan Student Summit where administrators participate as panelists. Photo by Migo Antonio.

Davaoeños fire torches for Human Rights Media celebrates freedom and fights impunity By Maybelle Anne Yutiamco Different media institutions and students all over Davao City gathered last November 23 at room F213 of the Ateneo de Davao University to commemorate the 2nd Davao Media Freedom Day and the 1st International Day to End Impunity. The event, which was sponsored by Sun.Star Davao, GMA Davao, ABS-CBN Davao, DXRA, and MindaNews, featured keynote speakers such as Stella Estremera (Sun.Star Davao’s Editor-in-Chief), Carol Arguilles (MindaNews editor), Ed Fernandez (journalism mentor and veteran journalist), Carlos Munda (Chief Executive Officer of DXRA), Jaime Cristoff (political and economic analyst of the Canadian Embassy), and Yvonne Chua (current fulltime professor at the University of the Philippines-Diliman). As a prelude, the reason behind the commencement of the program, which was to raise awareness against extrajudicial killings of media workers that took its toll during the Maguindanao Massacre last November 23, 2009 where 33 out of the 58 | Continued on page10

Ateneo’s green streak: doing it the eco way

By Paul Randy Gumanao

The road from Freedom Park to Rizal Park was lit up while nearly a thousand individuals marched with torches in their hands last December 9, the eve of the 63rd commemoration of the International Human Rights Day.

After the short program at the university’s Roxas Gate, delegates from various government institutions, non-government organizations, cause-oriented groups and academe manifested a symbolic gesture of calling for the respect of human rights. “It was very overwhelming. Despite the low publicity of the event, a large number of Ateneans joined without being required by their teachers. It was their will to join, and that is social involvement,” said SAMAHAN Central Board president Jubail Pasia. According to Pasia, “a human right is something that needs to be respected, fought for and protected.” Since the term of the university president Fr. Joel Tabora, SJ, the torch march was the second

rally engaged into by the university after the July 27 indignation rally against summary and extrajudicial killings in the region. The torch march was spearheaded by AdDU, City Government of Davao, Commission on Human Rights and Amnesty International. Also present were elements of the Eastern Mindanao Command of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police, which, according to CHR-XI Regional Director Atty. Alberto Sipaco, are most commonly accused “violators” of human rights. “When we speak of human rights violations, we are referring to [those] committed by people who are supposed to have special obligations other than their duty, especially in the sector of the PNP and the military, and the paramilitary groups. But, on the other hand, there are also violations committed by non-state actors like the Communist Party of the Philippines, and that is what we call as human rights abuses” added Sipaco.

By Kathleen Anne Veloso In our modern world today, man is constantly plagued by toxic waste, exhaust fumes, and junk food. He lives in a concrete jungle that offers little shade and air. Clean air, islands of green, and tropical forests are fast becoming things of the past. In our own small community, how is man faring? Is he simply sitting pretty with “more important things” on his mind while the world is dying around him? Or is he fulfilling his duty as an Atenean by contributing to the preservation of the environment? ADDU’s New Mission: Protect Mother Earth! What started as a small and often ignored advocacy in the past has now become one of the centerpieces of Ateneo life—protecting the environment. Now the university has taken a big step not just in promoting the preservation of nature, but by actually making it an integral part of university life through the modification of AdDU’s mission and vision. The new mission and vision was formally approve on August 13 by the Board of Trustees after an approval by an “overwhelming majority of the university community,” as Fr. Tabora, the University President, stated in the faculty summit. | Continued on page12

Leaders of the participating organizations light their torches. Photo by Jason Occidental.

| Continued on page 7


Atenews | The Official Student Publication of Ateneo de Davao University | November-December 2011



Human Rights, Students’ Rights Reymond Pepito

26th Avenue

Chase and Bite

“ “Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized,” says Article 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), authored by the United Nations in 1948. It’s been 63 years, but these rights are still being violated around the world. In our own backyard, the basic human right to life is being deprived by people engaging in extrajudicial killings, and at the same time, because of the extremely slow pace of our justice system, are missing out on their right to effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating their rights. Perhaps even more fearful is the fact that we, the students, are also subject to the violation of these seemingly universal rights.

Cyril Jerome Almanzor

Without the Overcoat

Who has the Final Say?

Sometimes, decisions carried in the Council don’t reflect the heart of the people.

It is stated in Article 20 that everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. But why were our fellow students participating in the “Occupy Mendiola” demonstration subjected to police brutality? What happened to our right to assemble? A simple campout to protest against the decay of the society: that was all they aimed for. Was it really too much to ask for? Was it the kind of protest that called for students to be blasted with water cannons or whacked with police batons? What happened to the very first article of the UDHR stating that people “should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood”? The protesters were exercising a right afforded to them by the UDHR, namely their right to freedom of opinion and expression, yet six students were arrested on charges such as sedition and

malicious mischief. What happened to Article 9? “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.” University of the Philippines president Alfredo Pascual branded their demands for increase in subsidies as legitimate expressions of their constitutional rights. What proof or correlation is there to prove that requesting for such incites rebellion or insurrection against authority? Moreover, what about the other students that have been subject to enforced disappearances, the student activists who have been silenced for being suspected as enemies of the state? Or even Ateneo de Davao’s very own Benjaline “Beng” Hernandez, who was killed in 2002. Even when the United Nations Human Rights Committee found the government responsible for her death, the local court declared the

perpetrator acquitted. It’s 2011, and her killer is still running free, effectively denying her effective remedy for the violation against one of her most basic rights: the right to life. For people like Beng, it’s been too long. Hope is beginning to dwindle for the delivery of justice for the students who are victims of summary killings and forced disappearances. The irony of the police brutality that took place at the “Occupy Mendiola” protests is also ironic, which just had to happen on Human Rights Week, nonetheless. Nevertheless, we must be vigilant. To know and uphold our very rights and the rights of our fellow students as living, breathing human beings. Let us not tolerate those who would look down on us because we are mere students. We are the future of the nation. Let’s take an active role in shaping it.

Throughout my childhood, I grew up in a very conservative family. “No TV” policy during the school days was implemented, and I should be home not later than six o’clock in the evening. Hours of “siesta” are required before playing, and “answering back” is a sin – one should shut up and listen to their “words of wisdom”. As I grew up, I used to delve away with some of these “rules”. TV became a constant companion, and so was grazing out to play basketball, disregarding the 6PM curfew. More so, I learned to answer back or to “justify myself ” according to my vocabulary. Still, at the end of the day, I was at fault. This is the dynamics for a casual family, I believe, where parents have the last word, and children ought to obey, regardless of the price at stake. This is imbued in Philippine culture, according to the books, and this is a social norm. However, can we apply this mechanism when the point in question is that of the establishment of the 300 megawatt coal-fired power plant where Mayor Sara and Vice-mayor Rody Duterte have a clashing view?

More than just a Mayor-Vice-mayor relationship, the two of them have a fatherdaughter relationship. Let’s put it in an analogy: let’s say Davao City is their home, and Aboitiz is a salesman and knocks on their door to sell them a product (power plant). To put it more in context, the City Council would be the younger siblings of Sara. The father seems convinced, but his daughter isn’t. Who has the final say about this proposed Therma South Energy Project (coal-fired power plant) in Binugao, Toril?? Seemingly convinced, the father expressed his approval to the power plant, in spite of the “harm” of buying this posed by his daughter who cited “several studies that alarmed her”. Conflicting as it may seem, the decision will boil down by the numbers. If the majority wants it, then it should be bought. The father’s opinion is surely influential, especially to his children, and that seems to be the outcome. Once again, who should hold the last say? If we see it from this analogy, it should be the father’s decision that will run final. However, that is not the case. Davao City doesn’t work that way.

The proposed power plant is not a matter of numbers in the City Council, or the mayor’s overriding power, or of the moral ascendancy of a father. It is on the issue of who should be protected – that is the people of Davao City. If the establishment would dispense the health of the people and is “prejudicial to public welfare”, abort it. We should regard the people as the “mother” in the analogy of the family. Sometimes, decisions carried in the Council don’t reflect the heart of the people. Whether who wins or not matters not only to Rody and Sara, as a family, but to the collective – who will feel the effects of this project. Everyone should put a sober view and pay attention, and this will not only affect you or me but EVERYONE. I still have hopes that the clashing views of Vice Mayor Rodrigo Duterte – known for his iron-fist rule – and Sara Duterte – who punched the sheriff – on the final decision will not fall into a matter of power relations. I hope this is not a role-play, or an act for the sake of opposing and supporting. After all, mother (the people) knows best [for them]. They have the final say.


Atenews | The Official Student Publication of Ateneo de Davao University | November-December 2011

I hope the council will understand why Atenews is persistent in its call for actions and challenges; we are here to maintain checks and balances, not to wage war. We are heading in the same direction; we are your comrades in safeguarding students’ rights.

Edward Lactaoen

Short Stuff From the Short Man

Impunity Lives

I for one do not blame the media for not providing constant updates on these cases, because the only developments they can report is what the government and courts are providing.

ONE. I congratulate Samahan Central Board, especially the person behind the successful student summit, Ianne Angel Aquino for the efforts in providing an avenue for all students to air out important concerns to the Board of Trustees. I am glad to hear fellow Ateneans raising their queries objectively, except for a few nonsensical notions brought about by some so called leaders. I am hoping for another event, this time not just administrators seating as panelists but also faculty and non-faculty representatives. Again, kudos! It’s good to hear Fr. Joel Tabora answering every question direct to the point. I am thankful that we have a one of a kind university president. But I hope that some of the administrators will imitate Fr. Tabora’s character of being straight to the matter, not dismissive or unresponsive. Answering with angst is somehow part of the perception of what an Atenean is, but answering with a generic idea, without comprehension, I doubt, maybe you belong to a different university if that’s the way you respond to problems. The pillars of our Jesuit education taught us not to be flippant, that’s why we’re men and women for others –we’re responsive, not indifferent. I have a comment on SCB’s newest president Jubail Pasia’s State of the SAMAHAN Address. Aside from the fact that the tone of her speech is familiar, similar to how the ex-president usually answers questions or concludes his communication letters, the reason she gave us for not ratifying a constitution just because they only have one year to do it and they have a lot of projects to materialize is unforgivable. If I’m not mistaken, last year’s SCB administration allocated most of their budget (which is 100 percent smaller compared to this year’s budget) to a Constitutional Commission to study, review and redraft the constitution. If this old issue of making a structure within SAMAHAN had been prioritized and not left behind, maybe before 2011 ends, we would already have a constitution and Ms. Pasia could have included it in her speech at the Summit. Together, especially to the aspiring candidates

of the upcoming SCB election, let us reorient ourselves of the words POLITICAL WILL. *** TWO. A friend from another Ateneo school in country shared his thoughts to me regarding student council – student publication relationship. He told me that never in the history of their campus did he see the two independent organizations work together; he made a conclusion out of their context –these important organs of the studentry are mortal enemies. Though I respect my friend’s opinion, I beg to differ from his idea and belief. The reason why both entities have the word STUDENT in their names is because they are owned by the students, run by the students and designed to serve and to operate for the students. Thus they are established for a common goal and purpose no matter how varied their responsibilities are. The word “enemy” comes into the picture when the student government and the student publication treat each other as alien institutions. The conflict usually arises whenever a writer from Atenews per se exposes SCB’s anomalous projects or a certain SAMAHAN officer has a program that has been continually criticized by Atenews and they take these things personally. And when it happens, they forget that they should work together as comrades to win a battle for their constituents. If in my friend’s school he never saw a trace of cooperation between their council and their publication, the archives of Atenews in our university library will tell us how Atenews and SAMAHAN worked together in safeguarding students’ rights during the late 70’s and 80’s. The two entities were united in debunking the Marcos’ administration on disrespecting Human Rights and curtailing the freedom of the press. This relationship is not only visible in AdDU; the same stories of a united studentry are shared by other colleges and universities in the country. Everyone must know that the student publication is the watchdog. It carries the responsibility to open the minds of its readers

and subscribers. It shares power to move the people in action, and ignite everyone’s spirit. But it is the council as a legitimate representative of students who can bring the issues into the negotiation table and create resolutions, without them, the efforts of the publication in exposing problems and searching for issues where students are the one disadvantaged will gain no justice. Beyond the walls of Ateneo, I can see the sad reality of how a government treats its press and how some members of the press treat the government. Traditional politicians are allergic to criticisms, and they don’t want to be corrected. They slaughter journalists; they kill them because they want to gag them. While there are few unethical press people receiving bribe, using their profession for their own good, sacrificing ethics over practicability, it all happens because the political condition is bad. But our situation in the campus is far different. Our government is the ideal government and our publication is the ideal press. The Samahan receives full membership fees, and has no need of a BIR to seek for tax evaders. The Atenews obtains full subscription fees from its readers, and has no need to seek for advertisers. The Samahan can implement projects anytime they want, while the Atenews can freely write and release issues whenever they like. Both have haters maybe, but almost all of their members follow and support them. No wonder why the people outside are envious because we have the ideal government and publication, with an ideal political atmosphere. I hope the council will understand why Atenews is persistent in its call for actions and challenges; we are here to maintain checks and balances, not to wage war. We are heading in the same direction; we are your comrades in safeguarding students’ rights. But again, the publication remains as the watchdog. Atenews is pro-student, biased for the students. Anyone who is against it, I assure you, we won’t just watch, we will chase them. We won’t just bark, we will bite them.

A friend of mine posted on Facebook, “Scientists found a cure for apathy, but nobody seemed to care.” I chuckled. It was timely. It was November, the month when the Maguindanao Massacre happened; it had been two years since 58 were killed in cold blood. You’d think that two years and a new administration would be enough for justice to be served to the victims of the massacre, but the sad truth is, it isn’t. Impunity continues to reign in this administration. The massacre took place in 2009, under the administration of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. The news of the massacre was all over the world, and the nation itself was a mess due to the unrest that the massacre caused. Everything happened so fast; bodies were unearthed, Maguindanao was declared to be under a state of martial law, Andal Ampatuan Jr. had surrendered and was awaiting trial. So much happened in such a short time, but alas, the pace was not kept. As the days rolled by news of the trial and the massacre itself began to slowly exit the media’s radar; the process had slowed down. Nowadays we’re lucky to hear any news or developments on the case in one month, unless it’s weeks within the date the massacre took place, otherwise, it seems that justice for the victims of the massacre has been delayed. It’s been two years, but the case still isn’t closed, and many of the suspects are still running free. It’s been two years, and justice still hasn’t come. An even more recent example is Father Pops Tentorio, who was murdered last October.

He was reportedly gunned down by men on a motorcycle. Interestingly enough, the manner in which he was killed was akin to numerous extrajudicial killings allegedly performed by state agents throughout the Arroyo administration, and to make it even more interesting, the Armed Forces of the Philippines admitted to tagging Father Pops as an ally of the New People’s Army. As with the previous case, the media and government were quick to investigate the murder at the time, but once again, with time, news on the case had exited the spotlight and taken a backseat to stories such as the death of Ramgen Revilla. Both murders had occurred in the same month, and while the Revilla case is still hot on the media’s releases, developments on Father Pops’ case have come few and far between. The National Bureau of Investigation claimed to have the identity of his assailant, but news of the capture of the alleged assailant is yet to be heard of. And these two instances aren’t the only ones; human rights group Karapatan states that a total of 64 people have fallen victim to extrajudicial killings under the administration of Noynoy Aquino. This number still doesn’t include the ones from the previous administration. So many instances of extrajudicial killings, but the news of the murderers being apprehended and sentenced are too few. Call me impatient, but the fact of the matter is, the longer it’ll take to apprehend the perpetrators of these crimes, the harder it’ll be to find them,

and without the accused to be sentenced for the crimes, what justice can the courts or government deliver? This paints an even more dangerous picture: if the apprehension of the perpetrators and delivery of justice is slow, what do the murderers have to fear? A sluggish justice system rife with allegations of graft and corruption? A system that allows this culture of impunity to reign, letting the perpetrators continue to run free? With such a reputation, the people living in fear are the masses, not the perpetrators. I for one do not blame the media for not providing constant updates on these cases, because the only developments they can report is what the government and courts are providing. If the media isn’t reporting, it doesn’t mean they don’t care; it means there’s no development in the cases. But maybe there’s still a role they can play. In fact there’s a role we all can play, to constantly pressure our government and courts to resolve these cases as soon as possible. This is not just standing with people lighting candles every November or posting about it when your friends do or tweeting about it when it goes trending. This is remembering them even when the spotlight isn’t on them, and in turn helping our government and courts remember them as well and that we’ve been waiting for resolutions. Aquino himself said, “kayo ang boss ko,” so now that you know that he serves you, let me ask, “anong gusto niyo?”

END THE SILENCE OF THE GAGGED! - THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ATENEO DE DAVAO UNIVERSITY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Reymond Pepito • ASSOCIATE EDITOR Karlo James David Bringas • MANAGING EDITOR Tom Louis Herrera ASSOCIATE MANAGING EDITOR John Kessler Misterio • NEWS EDITOR Cyril Jerome Almanzor FEATURES EDITOR Kathleen Anne Veloso • ASSOCIATE FEATURES EDITOR Edward Lactaoen • HONORARY EDITOR Paul Randy Gumanao SENIOR WRITERS Garry Camarillo, Jhar-Mae Magalona, Jamira Anne Martinez, Almira Jane Villegas, Pamela Joy Yutiamco WRITERS Ursula Calipayan, Zyra Kee, Florienne Melendrez, Kathleen Pastrana, Jenny Mae Saldaña, Clemarie Secuya, Arielle Sta. Ana, Maybelle Yutiamco PHOTOJOURNALISTS Caycee Coronel, Maritoni Nanini, JM Mercado, Miguel Antonio, Geneva Shaula Almeria, Farrideh Jadali Sabet, Louise Marie Loreno CARTOONISTS Paul Crooks, Steely Dhan Caballero, Nadine Caballes, Bea Trizia Jimenez, Zyra Montefolca LAYOUT & GRAPHICS Steven Adrianne Chua, Sanju Chugani, Jason Occidental, Jamela Rae Allaga WEB TEAM Francis Kenneth Barina, Herc Casiple • MODERATOR Dr. Victoria Tatad-Pre • CONTRIBUTOR Adi Leuterio Covered Court Bldg., Ateneo de Davao University, E. Jacinto St., Davao City • Tel. No.: (082) 221-2411 loc. 8332 • Website: • E-mail: MEMBER OF THE COLLEGE EDITORS GUILD OF THE PHILIPPINES We accept articles, letters, pictures, comics and other contributions for publication. “END THE SILENCE OF THE GAGGED!”


Atenews | The Official Student Publication of Ateneo de Davao University | November-December 2011


News Bits

Curious about the Chaos

CS Division Day The Computer Studies Division celebrated their Division Day last November 14 during the activity period at F213. Students’ attendance were recorded via barcode detector, the same as what the library is using, truly showing that they’re up to date when it comes to technology. In behalf of their Division Chairperson, Mr. Rey Alico, Ma’am Michelle Banawan gave the opening remarks to formally start the program. The event was hosted by two 6th floorian s– as what they are tagged. There was also a roll call for the classes belonging to the CS Divison, starting of course with the freshmen. Kristine Karla Haw, the representative for the recently concluded Star Search last Fiesta, serenaded the audience with songs from Janet Jackson and Imago. Prizes were also given on that event – a lanyard and badge, both printed with “COMPUTER STUDIES DIVISION.” A program created by Yancy Paredes was used to randomly generate the winners using the last six digits of their ID numbers from their attendance before the event started. An intermission number from Antonio Miguel, the ten-year-old boy who sang with David Foster, was rendered. He sang the hit song Don’t Stop Believing by Journey, and Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars that made all the girls scream at the top of their lungs. The bands from the division also rocked that afternoon, while food and drinks were served to formally end the event.


Director: John Paul Seniel, Gakit Film Workz Ondoy loves his disabled sister that he would do anything just to make her walk again. This is a short film about love and sacrifice from Mindanao Film Fest habitué filmmaker JP Seniel

Android OS: reigning the Smartphone world Students and teachers gathered last December 4, 2011 to learn more about the new innovation for smartphones ANDROID. Smart Telecommunications commissioned the Android Training as Mr. Melvin Ryan Fetalven, Associate Director for Research & Development of Chikka Philippines, was the speaker of the said event. Smart Telecommunications recently acquired Chikka Philippines as a subsidiary. The said network is also the official carrier of Apple’s latest flagship handset in the Philippines. Android is the most common operating system (OS) for smartphones these days. It’s a comprehensive open-source platform designed for mobile devices. It was built on top of Linux (v2.6). As to why the Android versions’ naming convention are desserts, Mr. Fetalven said, “Everytime I go to training and seminars, and this question is raised they [Android developers] would always answer ‘Android is just a piece of cake’.” Since Google produced Android, each handset using the above-mentioned OS comes with applications like Gmail, Google Map, and more. Mr. Fetalven also mentioned how the Android Market nowadays are flooded by application makers, with apps ranging from .99 cents to $4.00 and even encouraged young programmers to make one. To make the talk even more interesting at the same time, souvenir items were given away every time someone answers the question he raises. At the end of the talk, a Huawei Ideos Smartphone was raffled that made the training even more exciting. The corresponding number from the attendance sheet was generated in the random draw using the app for Android Tablet. Everyone was keeping their fingers crossed hoping that they’d win home the bacon. And to much surprise number 163, Roshen Sabater, a fourth year BS Information Technology student won the phone.


Film festival

By Clemarie Secuya

7. TI HO SOGNATO (I DREAMT ABOUT YOU) Directors: Kristine Dalis and Roldan Castillom, Lamdag Productions A story about two strangers: Franco, a young man who writes poems about the lady of his dreams and Cheska, a girl who paints and draws about the man whom she encounters in her dreams. Then one day the two strangers actually meet. As they say, destiny is written in the stars. 8. NIGHT OUT Director: Maan Remonde A group of friends after a night of partying heads out to a known haunted house for some ghost hunting; then a few days after, a mysterious murderer hunts down the ghosthunting barkada one by one. 9. FLUTTERFIELD Director: Tzaddi Esguerra, Little Peach Productions From Iligan City comes a film about a visually impaired child, his hopes and dreams and his yearnings to be free. The film is the filmmaker’s artistic rendition that celebrates the essence of life and how we have taken it for granted. 10. SUPERHERO Director: Gio F. Amoguiz, GioJoe ProductionZ A product of a young filmmaker from Misamis Oriental, the short is a special effects

laden presentation that tells a tale of a pesky superhero who never seems to get his act right.

12. OVERTIME Director: Alberto Egot, Jr., Alvertus Films A dedicated lady employee is haunted by a ghost while working overtime at the office; the ghostly phenomenon unmasks a tragic story of infidelity and misjudgment which alters the employee’s life forever. The film is from another film fest habitué Albert Egot who has helmed works like Bad Jao, Cha Cha, and Facebroke. 13. TINY AND TIMOY Director: Sonny Campaner A humorous take on the life of a lonely security guard and his dog Tiny, a half-breed pup who brings eternal happiness to his master. Tiny and Timoy is a short film describes by the director as a “down-to-earth fiction.” 14. THE PROPOSAL.NETWORK.END GAME Director: Arnel Barbarona Three short film noirs interconnected by a chain of deception and murder from Tagum City filmmaker Arnel Barbarona.

By Zyra Kee “I can tell you where the next direction of the star would be if you can tell me the fixed initial position of the star right at this very moment”, Fr. McNamara challenged the crowd. “The problem is, we can’t. It’s impossible,” he added. In other words, incorporated in this theory is the assumption that systems are highly dependent on initial conditions. Even the slightest change in initial conditions can affect a usual behavior of a system. The heart, according to him, also follows a chaotic pattern. The heart beats irregularly depending on different conditions, like what your activities are (if you’re sleeping or running). He also related the theory to social fields like sociology, specifically, poverty traps. If we can figure out the pattern why a nation stays in the poverty trap, then we might be able to get out of the separatrice, or the boundary between the stable and the unstable regions, i.e. poverty in one and prosperity in the other. Perhaps, this theory might be helpful if we can apply it in tracing the initial conditions of problems in the society. Corruption, perhaps?

Creativity showcase in 7th Mindanao Film Festival By Maybelle Anne Yutiamco Mindanawons’ creativity expressed through films is once again showcased in this year’s Mindanao Film Festival. The festival, now on its 7th year, featured short films of different genres created by filmmakers who come from different parts of Mindanao. The short films, all of which were shown in Cinema 5 of Gaisano Mall from December 9-11, are as follows. Movie descriptions are provided by the Film Festival officials: 1. PLACEBO Director: Dexter Dela Peña, Cinesur Film Productions From the Zamboangan team behind the Cinemalaya award-winning team Halaw, comes the short film Placebo which revolves around Jim, a convenience-store owner who months after his father’s death mans the family business all by his lonesome. His boring store routine is

interrupted when a vixen comes into the store and befriends him. 2. OVERPASS Director: Nef Luczon, Melonsheiyk Visuals and Voiceworks Theater Co., Inc. From GMA Cagayan de Oro TV reporter Nef Luczon comes an experimental narrative revolving around a pedestrian overpass that faces a new flyover built in the urban sprawl of Cagayan de Oro City. In the overpass we meet two street musicians who play their unique musical contraptions to beg for alms and a regular passerby, a young student radical who wants to start a school demonstration. 3. PENUMBRA Director: Rochelle Paula. A. Cariño

A young woman is haunted by horrifying premonitions which actually unravels a shocking family secret.

The production team of Lakad in the 7th Mindanao Film Fest Screening. Photo by Farrideh Jadali Sabet

Three groups comprised of AdDU’s Mass Communication students also passed their entries for the Festival. Two of the short films, Top Priority and Lakad, are products of 3rd year Mass Communication students for their Video Editing class last semester. Sa Ngalan ng Fwend Ko, on the other hand, which debuted during the Humanities’ Day last year, is a brainchild of 4th year Mass Communication students. 15. TOP PRIORITY Director: Daryl Regner Rae B. Daddie, No Cost Productions The film revolves around a kidnapped girl who tries to escape from her captors. Her successful escape reveals another important reason why she wants to be free and return home at the soonest time possible.

16. SA NGALAN NG FWEND KO Director: Leo Jeorge Bautista, Studio Beta A guy witnessed the assassination of his treasured friend while they were playing. At the right time, he avenges the death of his dear friend. Sa Ngalan ng Fwend Ko was only shot for two hours.

| Continued on page5

Last year’s finalist tries their luck again in winning grand champion Photo by Jane Villegas

By Almira Jane Villegas Ateneans once again proved what good composers they are, as the 25th Awitenista Preliminaries kicked off last December 3 at the Ateneo de Davao University Jacinto campus. Over 26 authentic Atenean music battled and jammed their way to make it to the finals. 14 of those reigned and got the chance to prove how great their original song entries are. Three respected and well-known songwriters evaluated the compositions: Rebel Villamor Magdagasang, Rosario Lopez Obenza, better known as “Gauss”, and Popong Landero. There were four categories this year: Religious, Nationalistic, Contemporary and Jam Atenista. “Para sa mga sumali, you’re already part of the history of Awitenista. Hopefully, all of you will continue to boost your passion and make Awitenista a stepping stone for you to shine brighter. Don’t you dare miss the finals!” said Marie Gracielle Epe, 25th Awitenista Steering Committee Chairperson. Awitenista is the annual songwriting competition produced by Kalasag, Ang Taunang Aklat ng Ateneo de Davao University. It is also the longest-running production in the history of AdDU. The 25th Awitenista Finals will be jamming on February 2012.

Song entries that made it to the Finals:

Religious Category I No Longer Live The Future You’ve Prepared There’s No Way

Nationalistic Category Hiyas ng Lahi Kami Ang Pinoy Tinta

Contemporary Category Hiya Seatmate Si Tadhana ay Isang Jeepney Song for Maria Tala

Jam Atenista Category T.U.B.A.G. Isigaw Koolang

ASSF applicants attend Bomb Awareness Seminar

17. LAKAD Director: Charles Michael Tolosa, 11:14 Productions and Overheat Studios “Lakad” takes you on a walk with Michael, a college student who experiences his own share of personal instability and social prejudice. A decision leads him to a journey where he carefully reviews every trace to his consciousness. In this journey, he takes a step in wariness, step to awareness, and step for justice. SPO1 Gerones(Right) explains to the trainees the degree of damage a single mortar could do. Photo by Jason Occidental.

4. ATONG AMIGO Director: John Paul Seniel, Gakit Film Workz Local TV reporter and indie filmmaker JP Seniel tackles the virtues of true friendship amidst brutal insurgency. 5. DISIPOLO Director: John Paul Seniel, Gakit Film Workz From prolific local indie film JP Seniel comes a story about two rival candidates for the muchcoveted position of army battalion spokesman. The final test for the position eventually unearths the true mettle of these two candidates. 6. ANG SULAT KANG ONDOY

Ateneans rock the 25th Awitenista preliminaries

11. THE PHOTOGRAPHER MOVES Director: Elle Ocon, L Productions A girl-shy photographer sees a pretty young woman in a park. He struggles for a chance to meet her, only to realize that the same girl would be their model for a photoshoot. Awkward glances leads to an inexplicable reunion between the photographer and his pretty model.

Father Daniel McNamara explains what chaos is with the use of this device. Photo by Louise Loreno.

This has been the object of curiosity in the Ateneo community, and has driven most to hear it – the Lecture on Chaos Theory by Fr. Dan McNamara (our very own astrogeophysicist here in AdDU). In a nutshell, Chaos theory is a field in Mathematics that studies the dynamical systems which are highly sensitive to initial conditions. According to Fr. Dan McNamara, speaker of the event, it is “… deterministic, following precisely the laws of classical physics, but they are fundamentally unpredictable.” To illustrate more, he demonstrated how it works – in a pendulum, for instance. He raised it in a fixed direction, let it go and it started swinging from left to right, smoothly as we have expected, showing order and structure. But he stopped, saying, “there is chaos behind this”. So, he revealed another fold of pendulum hidden at the back of the first fold (the bigger one). He raised the now two-fold pendulum in a fixed direction, let it go and it started swinging again. This time, it didn’t follow a perfect and smooth movement, but instead a crazy, wild and disoriented one.


Atenews | The Official Student Publication of Ateneo de Davao University | November-December 2011

By Jason Occidental

The production teams of Top Priority (left) and Sa Ngalan ng Fwend ko (right) in the 7th Mindanao Film Fest Screening. Photo by Farrideh Jadali Sabet

Members of the Ateneo Student Security Force (ASSF) conducted a bomb awareness seminar in coordination with the PNP Davao Bomb Squad last November 30. Held at the Mini-Auditorium of Ateneo, it was organized as part of the club’s training for their aspiring applicants. SPO2 Jimmy Libranza and SPO1 Consorai Gerones Jr., both from the PNP Explosives Ordinance Division, gave the talk to the applicants. The seminar tackled on the nature and types

of explosives, the effects of explosions, and the things to be done in case suspicious objects are found. Real live bombs, both military made and improvised had been shown to the audience to make them more familiar of these dangerous paraphernalia. They also demonstrated how these explosives are triggered. Information and awareness about bombs are essential in ensuring the safety and protection of the innocent civilians which is why the Bomb Squad were grateful that ASSF was able to organize the seminar for their members and applicants.


Atenews | The Official Student Publication of Ateneo de Davao University | November-December 2011


Couple of the year: Gloria and Mike Arroyo By Almira Jane Villegas & Clemarie Secuya Former President Gloria MacapagalArroyo was again put into the limelight after her controversial attempt to go abroad for medical reasons. This was when the Arroyo camp alleged that the Philippines had no specialists who can treat her disease. The administration offered to have doctors brought into the country and shoulder expenses that would be incurred, but she still insisted. Given that, the Supreme Court released a temporary restraining order, permitting her to go. Justice Secretary Leila de Lima stood firm and did not let GMA fly out of the country. It was said that once she left, she won’t be coming back and this means escaping her liabilities, which resulted from her alleged illegal proceeds. Not contented, mugshots of the ex-President in neck braces also spread on the internet. The authenticity of the mugshots was questioned ,bringing Interior Secretary Jesse M. Robredo and Philippine National Police Director General Nicanor Bartolome to release statements. Accordingly, those photos circulated were different from that of the official ones, which were submitted to the court. Gloria Arroyo wasn’t allowed to fly. However, she was placed under hospital arrest at St. Luke’s Medical Center in Taguig. This happened after the Pasay City Regional Trial Court ordered the capture of GMA for electoral sabotage before she can think of taking off again. The Malacañang, the Department of Justice and the Senate all agreed to ask for a detailed explanation of Mrs. Arroyo’s condition from her doctors. The doctors’ report will play a crucial role in making GMA’s requests granted. “Bakit sila natatakot na ang duktor nila ang

charges. As remembered, Mike Arroyo has something to do with the divisive sale of Robinson R44 Raven I to the Philippine National Police last 2009. It was said that the two helicopters were owned by the former first gentleman. The two were sold for a brand-new price, disregarding the fact that it was actually secondhand. Senator Teofisto Guingona III, Chairman of the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee, insisted on making Mr. Arroyo stay in the country to avoid unwanted theories over the matter. According to Guingona, the accused should be present in the preliminary investigation. Justice Secretary de Lima will also be considering Mike Arroyo to be put back in the watch-list order if the Ombudsman says so. But Mr. Arroyo pointed out that he doesn’t have any plans of going abroad because his better half is put into hospital arrest. The Office of the Ombudsman granted 60 days of completing the query to support evidences to bring the case on trial. Aside from Mike Arroyo, Interior Secretary Ronaldo Puno, former PNP Director General Jesus Verzosa and others were also filed with graft charges. Through thick and thin, great highs and humiliating lows. Photo from

magsalita? Ang hamon ko sa kanila, ilabas niyo ‘yong doctor at siya ang magpatunay na talagang life-threatening ang medical condition ng kanilang pasyente,” said Secretary Edwin Lacierda, Presidential Spokesperson, as he challenged the Arroyo camp to protrude the doctors of the former president. The DOJ also called for the SC to have the

doctors of GMA subpoenaed. The Better Half The infamous couple got it all. If his wife can, then why can’t he? Jose Miguel “Mike” Arroyo has his own issues too. After being involved and gotten off her wife’s case, he is now accused and liable for graft

House Arrest The Arroyo camp is now asking for a house arrest instead of the hospital arrest. Accordingly, GMA’s condition is improving and is not lifethreatening. Secretary de Lima also said that aside from having Mrs. Arroyo on house arrest, other detentions may also be opted, having a private arrest or placing her on a proper jail facility.


Torches for HR


In an interview with Lt. Col. Leopoldo Galon, public affairs chief of the Eastmincom of the AFP, he told Atenews that it is the CHR’s duty to check most especially the government forces in their performance of duties and their engagement with the civilians. As per CHR records, several cases of extrajudicial killings, harassments and coercions by the AFP have already been documented. When asked about the recent reported case of military encampment near a school in Paquibato District, Galon answered, “wala naman sa International Humanitarian Law na bawal yan.” On the contrary, Part IV Article IV, sections 4, 8 and 12 of the Comprehensive Agreement for the Respect of Human Rights and the International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL) contain explicit restriction of making public places such as schools as legitimate target of attacks. AdDU strongly calls to stop militarization in the country. Together with the call for justice for the slain Italian missionary, Fr.

Workers of CHR XI join the march to preserve the sanctity of rights. Photo by Jason Occidental.

Pops Tentorio, the call against militarization was clearly stated in the tarpaulin mounted last month outside the school. As a reaction, Galon said “Unfair yun. Unfair yun and it will never happen. You (sic) cannot stop military operations from happening in our country. We can only stop the military from operating in our country kapag nabura na natin sa mapa ng Pilipinas ang mga NPAs, Abu Sayaff, at yung other lawless elements.”

DUAAD hosts First Davao GraphiCon

ECE students go eco-friendly Maguindanao Massacre –

then and now

By Jason Occidental The Junior Institute of Electronics and Communications Engineers of the Philippines Southern Mindanao Sector (JIECEP–SMS) held its 5th Student Summit last December 3 at John Paul II College of Davao in Ecoland. The summit aimed to enhance the knowledge of these future ECE students as well as students from allied courses such as Computer Engineering (CpE), who had also attended the event. 362 ECE and CpE students from different colleges and universities all over the region attended the whole day affair. 92 of these participants were from Ateneo de Davao University. With the summit theme: “JIECEP Goes Green: Gearing up towards Responsible Ecofriendly Engineering and Nation building,” JIECEP officers prepared talks and seminars which encouraged the participants to take into account the environmental impact of their projects as well as showing them the opportunities in environmental engineering. Among the speakers were Engr. Jenith Banluta,

IECEP Governor and assistant dean of Ateneo de Davao, who have discussed the engineer’s role in Climate Mitigation and Engr. Marloue Pidor, faculty of Ateneo de Davao, who have discussed the Weather Monitoring and Disaster Management project for Davao which was one of the winning projects of the Smart Sweep competition. In addition, speakers also talked about possible projects which the students could use concerning the Davao region as well as the whole of Mindanao. After the sets of serious discussions, the summit was concluded with a socials night entitled “Showtime.” This was a night wherein the different schools showcased their different talents and participated in the different games. The night had proved that ECE students know how to party hard. The summit gave its participants a lot of new ideas, new friends, and unforgettable memories in which they have brought home to their own respective colleges and universities.

By Clemarie Secuya

Member of Human Rights Watch Group lights a candle in commemoration of the Maguindanao Massacre. Photo by Adi Leuterio.

Engr. Pidor shows how the weather monitor could be accessed. Photo by Jason Occidental.

It’s been two years since the carnage that happened in Sitio Masalay, Maguindanao wherein 58 people were killed in that massacre, 32 of them were media workers. However, the body of the 58th victim identified as Reynaldo Momay remains missing up to now. November 23, 2011 is not only the second anniversary of the mass killing, but also the 1st International Day to End Impunity (IDEI). The Toronto-based Internation Freedom of Expression eXchange (IFEX), IDEI’s lead organizer, chose the said date to be the first IDEI due to the anniversary of the massacre. Two years had passed and changes were made, yet some remained the same – the injustice. At the site of the tragic massacre rose a shrine that was built by Gov. Toto Mangudadatu. He expressed, “This place is built to honor those who lost their lives in a cause that ended the

power of greed among Ampatuans.” His wife, Gigi Mangudadatu, was also a victim of the said incident. Speaking before the crowd, “I can’t let go. I can move on but I can’t let go.” he said this with pain. But the challenge to make the perpetrators accountable remains because many of them “are still roaming free around Maguindanao,” he added. Media practitioners and the relatives of the victims commemorated the anniversary of the brutal incident and gathered in various places in the Philippines and are still seeking for justice. MANILA Journalists and the relatives of the victims of the Ampatuan Massacre marched there way toward Chino Roces Street, stopping for a short program at Nicanor Reyes Street. The protesters held a banner that says “Duguan ang daang matuwid.” “Daang matuwid” is a term President Benigno Aquino III repeatedly uses to refer to the path that his administration is taking. DUMAGUETE Despite the busy schedule of the media practitioners, they took time to plant 58 seedlings in honor of the souls of the victims of the massacre. A simple candle lighting and prayer was also offered that evening. DAVAO Different media unions gathered at Freedom Park for a short program to pay respect to the victims of the murder. Some media representatives and student journalists also gave their views on the celebration of the 1st International Day to End Impunity and the massacre. Fifty-eight candles were lit that evening to signify those people who were not given justice for their death. In the end, everyone is still exclaiming for JUSTICE. Even though two of the alleged masterminds of the massacre are now behind the bars and have been convicted – Zaldy Ampatuan and Andal Ampatuan Jr., still for the relatives of the victims, that will never be enough. Two years had passed, yet justice was not properly served.


Atenews | The Official Student Publication of Ateneo de Davao University | November-December 2011

Number of particpants double as the walk-in registrants line up at the conference entrance. Photo by Jason Occidental.

By Jason Occidental The Davao United Association of Animators and Designers (DUAAD) organized Davao’s first ever Graphic Design Conference at Abreeza Mall last December 1. With the theme: “I am a Graphic Designer: I am for Peace”, the event highlighted an array of technical sessions from the country’s leading graphic designers and animators. Among these sessions were multimedia design and development, copyrights on using media files, website design and development, technical presentation on graphics designing, and the motion graphics development pipeline.

Organizers of the said event also promotes the contribution of graphic designers in their role to address the effects of armed conflict and internal displacement in Mindanao as through the field of computer animation and design technology. The conference had served as an avenue for learning to young graphic designers through the experience and expertise of their professional colleagues. Participants were also given career opportunities in the growing global industry of graphic design. The conference proved that Davao is one of the leading cities that is actively tapping technological advancements in terms of promoting creative talents.

JPIA-AdDU school level elimination for Mr. and Ms. Ambassadors of Goodwill

Meanwhile, Atty. Romeo Cabarde, Davao City coordinator of the human rights group Amnesty International and director of the Ateneo Public Interest and Legal Assistance Center (APILA), said that the human rights condition in the country is worsening, even worse than those of the previous administrations. Atty. Cabarde urged the Ateneans to be aware of their human rights, and to him, the best way to uphold and protect them is through education.

Tanggulan Youth Human Rights Alliance spokesperson Ms. Rosel Serrano said that the 63rd commemoration of the International Human Rights Day is also the 63rd year of continued human rights violations not only against the people’s civil and political rights but also of their socio-economic and cultural rights. “To the youth,” according to Serrano, “the right to free education in all levels is also a human right, more than just a constitutional right.”

SC rules infavor of farmers By Zyra Kee & Ursula Calipayan “Kahit kailan hindi ko naman naramdaman na isa ako sa may-ari ng Hacienda,” said Mang Pering, one of the tenants of Hacienda Luisita, on He kept 20 stock certificates in his closet. This number of stock certificates represents the number of years the farmworker-beneficiaries (FWBs) waited to at last claim what was rightfully theirs. What took the Supreme Court two decades before deciding on distributing the land to the FWBs? Why wasn’t it actualized during Cory’s administration? And what’s present on the current administration that it was implemented? Yes, Cory promised to give “land to the tiller” and subject Luisita to land reform. But because of Stock Distribution Option (SDO), which Cory implemented, farmers were given the option to own stocks in lieu of land distribution. This paved way for the FWBs to own only 33% of the HLI and the remaining to the Cojuangcos— that made the family still in control of the land. There were a lot of people in high position who backed up Cory and Cojuangcos for the dismissal of the civil case the Marcos government filed against the Cojuangco-owned TADECO. Also, the governor of Tarlac during this time was a Cojuangco and was able to pass a resolution that would reclassify a large part of the land from agricultural to commercial, barring the government to distribute its huge part -making the Cojuangcos again still the owner of the hacienda. Several instances happened where the revocation of SDO was dismissed during Cory’s presidency, and land

distribution was delayed. Even how much effort the farmworkers pour on justice over Hacienda Luisita, still, it couldn’t be done because they had no power against the influential Cojuangcos. Even the massacre that put seven farmers dead did not successfully persuade the Cojuangcos to give up the long-stretched land dispute. It was not until the presidency of P-Noy that the Supreme Court finally ordered the distribution to the beneficiaries. It must be remembered that during the heights of “Hello Garci” controversy, Cory was among the first who called for the ousting of PGMA. Cory publicly showed that she was against the former president. When GMA was still the president, the Stock Distribution, which was in favor of the Cojuangcos, was cancelled. Recently, Chief Justice Renato Corona, “midnight appointee” of GMA, reopened the case of Land Distribution of Hacienda Luisita. On November 22, 2011, the land distribution was finally approved by the Supreme Court by a 14-0 vote. Questions were still hanging; did the Supreme Court approve the land distribution to give justice to the Farm Workers Beneficiaries? Or was it approved only to avenge the Cojuangcos? Was it a work of justice? Or was it a work of a political vendetta? No matter what reason the Justices have, our history will judge their ruling as a form of justice to the poor farmers of the hacienda.

By Tom Louis Herrera The Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants – Ateneo de Davao University (JPIA-AdDU) conducted its annual Search for Mr. and Ms. Ambassadors of Goodwill last December 10, 2011 at the mini-auditorium. A prestigious pageant which showcases the beauty, talents, and great minds of BS Accountancy students is this year’s most anticipated event. Nine pairs coming from different classes prepared their ways and competed in a series of event parts to grab the title: the talent showcase which was held on an earlier date, theme wear competition, resort wear competition, casual interview portion, and formal attire and long gown competition. The criteria for judging include the people’s choice competition through Facebook likes and ‘piso’ votes. Throughout the pageant the crowd cheered for their favourites, however only three pairs

moved on to the final round where they were be judged according to how they answered the questions that the judges raised. Their wit and intelligence in delivering their answers with grace under pressure were used as basis. Mr. Gerfel Geralde, a third year BSA student, and Ms. Janine Nicole Orcena, a second year BSA student, were crowned as Mr. and Ms. Ambassadors of Goodwill 2011. They shall represent JPIA-AdDU in the upcoming Regional Level Finals on January 28-29, 2012 wherein eight other schools in Davao Region will compete with them in order to advance to the National Level Finals. Geralde and Orcena need support in their endeavours because for the record, in two straight years (2010 and 2011), JPIA-AdDU’s male Ambassadors of Goodwill won the Regional level and represented Region XI in the National finals.

Farmers clean the Hacienda Luisita Photo from


Atenews | The Official Student Publication of Ateneo de Davao University | November-December 2011


Atenews | The Official Student Publication of Ateneo de Davao University | November-December 2011

Ateneo Spirit

Ateneo leads peace

An Atenean reaches the hand of a child and ties the ribbon of peace. Photo By Migo Antonio. Photo By Jason Occidental

By Ursula Calipayan

The Mindanao Week of Peace commemorated last November 21 – 26 brought the Ateneo community in engaging into various advocacies founded on peace. In line with this year’s theme: “Common word between us and you: Love of God, Love of neighbour”, several events were organized like an art exhibit showcased different artworks and literature about peace in Mindanao. The Peace Walk encouraged students and teachers alike in stepping up for peace and against violence. There was also an essay and poetry writing competition to give students the chance to show their advocacy for peace through their literary works. Lugaw for Peace gave way for students to engage in feeding some war victims in Mindanao. A Jam-for-a-Cause celebrated the essence of peace through music with the active participation of the youth in peace-building, where Ateneans worthily spent their Php 100 as ticket for the said event. According to Juslin Pulanco, Bahaghari President, the ticket sales will proceed to the Mindanawon Scholarship, who caters to the educational needs of Indigenous students. “One of the reasons why sometimes peace is forgotten is that people lack of a pluralistic worldview, where there is an inclusive tolerance and respect to other religion, culture, and worldviews”, pointed by Mr. Ian Clark Parcon, SICO Director. Students can be an agent for peace if there is peace within them and have no prejudices with other culture. Peace is not a one-week event, but a daily journey.

Photo By Migo Antonio

Photo By Louise Loreno

Photo By Ideh Jadali Sabet

Photo By Migo Antonio

Photo By Migo Antonio

Photo By Ideh Jadali Sabet

Photo By Ideh Jadali Sabet


Atenews | The Official Student Publication of Ateneo de Davao University | November-December 2011


Disadvantageous advantages It’s a manic Monday morning. You try to open your swelling eyes, and, with that sour look on your face, you look at the time. You have 30 minutes left before your class starts. So you curse and blame the alarm clock, and panic to get out of bed only to find yourself in yet another dilemma: What in the world to do first? Fix the bed, print the paper due, take the quickest shower of your life, eat what little scoop you can have, or just hail a cab? On the way to school, with your uncombed hair, you contemplate and a bit of regret sinks in. You have been unproductive, procrastinating, and cramming all weekend. Then, with a sudden sensation of metanoia, you vow to yourself that you will not be the same again. But yes, you know what’s next. The cycle takes place, and you’re back to the same old weekend with the pestering welcome of a manic Monday. Guilty? Yes, Your Honor. So what went wrong? Looking at the multifaceted world today, the advances that have taken place have made a lot of things “right”, and by right I mean faster, sleeker, and, well, cooler. With all of the progression, the world proffers an assortment of all things fascinating to consumers and better ways (much, much better, as the advertisements say) of doing things while having fun. It has become a vogue. Can all these be considered “right”? Of course. What’s not right about simplifying tasks and making things more enjoyable? It’s all so undeniably beneficial. But then again, what went wrong? As beings of the 21st century, we have advantages standing firmly beneath our feet. Instant knowledge is made within reach by what we call the internet. This phenomenal invention has also made way for social networks and games. There is a glut of entertainment behind a TV/PC/ tablet screen, waiting to be seen or heard. With the advancement of studies, job structures have opened the gates to more career opportunities and specializations. With fulfilling discoveries, different fields of interest and practice have been made glowingly available, giving you options of engaging in passions for leisure, or passions for profession. In school, there are countless organizations and activities one can get involved in. Being active in various clubs can do miracles in holistic development and in building meaningful connections with other people. All of these seem so tasteful, yes? Most of us want a little bit of everything, and though many would contend that this is a good

outlook on how we can make the most of our lives (as the saying keeps on going), this is at the same time a call to “level up”, just as everything else has. We might not realize this, but the evidently beneficial manner of attaining “instant knowledge” through the web can be detrimental to our brains, for it somehow trains us to become contented with having only a shallow grasp of things. We usually settle for one-line facts about a certain topic. It is a common scenario that when students are assigned to research on a topic, they turn the computer on, ask Google, open Wikipedia, and copy-paste the first few sentences of the topic description. Done. Quick and easy. Usually, students only care about the trivial “what” of a subject, and don’t bother to dig up the deep “why”. In a recent

Illustration by Nadine Caballes

article from entitled “The Unfortunate Triumph of TV News”, Rodel Rolis expresses his disheartenment in the “dumbing down” of society’s consciousness because of the bigger influence of visual media which presents no level of logic or analysis, as it “spoonfeeds” the viewers with videos and images of no depth at all. The effortless way of gaining news through the television provides no room for profound mind work. We tend to rush things, particularly learning, because we crave to do other things we find much more interesting. With so many gigs, activities, clubs, ambitions and dreams at hand, how can we

possibly focus on one? A lot of these are splendidly interesting, inviting us to engage and learn more. What happens though is that our time and energy for learning gets divided. Then an issue of balancing our time and activities arises. Sometimes we feel the need to log in to update our social networks. *** It’s not bad to connect with friends, right? It only becomes bad if it becomes an “itch”, or an “addiction”. It’s bad if, after hours of browsing (or stalking… admit it.), clicking tabs and opening some more, you feel a dark plague within you, dictating your every click. Sure, it’s fun, but too much of it is dead on pointless. Patrick Babao and Marius Caranay, 3rd year Management Accounting students, said that on average, they play Dota, Ragnarok, and online poker 3 hours a day, 5 times a week. “Maka-gain ka ug friends, ug naa kay lingaw. Naa pud ka’y fame pag hawd magdula. Pero dili na makastudy. Hapdos pud sa mata paghuman sa dula. Kulang pud sa tulog usahay, ug maka-regret ko kay maypa nagstudy nalang ko sa 5 hours na akong gidula,” they expressed. To bear out how addicting and distracting gaming is, no matter how enjoyable, Patrick and Marius both owned up and said, “Hanap-hanapin mo ‘yung laro. Minsan makalimutan na ang gutom.” With the plethora of entertainment available, it becomes challenging to actually focus on doing what you know is more important. Temptations arise, and everyone else is doing something “fun”, so we resort to “pausing” what we have to do, simply because being on the other side is easier. Easier isn’t always better though. One can do so much in this intricate world of ours. The trick is in distinguishing precedence, in how you want your day, your semester, and, ultimately, your life, to be directed. With the cut up time we have for everything we want, maybe we can restructure our time frame and add more to those we really need to eventually achieve ,what we aspire in a deeper sense, rather than what we hanker after in a shallow instance. It’s pretty testing to be living in our generation. Confusing, stressful, and tempting it may all be, it is exciting, colorful and transformable into a personal mission waiting to be fulfilled. Too much cravings and interests defeat our aspirations in pursuing and mastering these. Advantages can be disadvantageous after all. The challenge is in turning these disadvantages around. The next Monday we wake up to doesn’t have to be manic, just magnificent.

Why do we need a Constitution? ByMarie Florienne Melendrez lead to a hit-and-miss type of governance. “There is nothing permanent in this world except change.” The idea of Greek Philosopher Hereclitus may already sound cliché, yet, we can never deny the plausibility of such statement. Everything changes—from technology to people’s preferences and society’s behavior. Because of this, we usually strive to adapt to the changes. Parents cater to the changing needs of their children; scientists continually search for new ways to accommodate the needs of the altering world and even governing bodies amend laws to better address the changing needs of the changing society. Ideally, the same thing should go with the governing principles for our very own administration of our student body: The Samahan Central Board. Yet ironically, the Ateneo community continues to be alarmed as the constitution of the SCB which was validated back in the 60’s, remain unchanged and unmodified, making itself unsuitable for Ateneo’s current state. The call to change Efforts to amend the existing constitution were exerted for more than a year now. It started during the term of former SCB president Carizza Gonzales when the need to have more effective and updated guiding principles became apparent. This is when the Samahan Constitutional Commission, which is composed of selected commissioners from different divisions like Campus Clubs Organization and General Assembly of Class Presidents, started doing its role. According to Humanities Commissioner Karlo David, the idea of drafting a new constitution branched out from the fact that it is inappropriate and quite difficult for a governing body to function without a set of rules that would dictate their responsibilities and limitations. The absence of an improved and efficient constitution might

What’s new? With all the deficiencies found in the old constitution which steered towards a somewhat muddled function of the SCB members, the ConCom proposed a new structure of the student government as stated in their drafted constitution to provide clearer functions and allocation of governing powers. “The deciding power and doing power will be separated,” David said. The legislation will be the role of the division representatives who will then be called “senators” while the President will take the executive branch with his appointed cabinet members. Yet, the president couldn’t just recklessly pick people for his cabinet. An approval of the senate will be needed before and appointed member becomes official. The traditional election of the President, Secretary-General and Treasurer will also have a minor tweaking. Once the drafted constitution is ratified, the students would then have to elect a Vice-President as an alternative to the customary Secretary-General. David said that this will give a more palpable and more specified work for the Vice-President for he will automatically function to the senate as their Chief Secretary. The proposed constitution will also slash through the CCO’s direct affiliation with the SCB and will instead name it as “Department of Clubs”. Aside from the aforementioned, other departments will be added such as the Department of Treasury, Department of Public Information and Dissemination which will be under the hands of the PIO, Department of Audit, and Department of Student Affairs. Aside from the new structure of the Student Government, the proposed constitution also laid down the SCB’s policies on budget. This includes the disabled interference of the school’s administration with the funds of Samahan. The policies will also compel the SCB to make their own bank account so as to avoid the dilemmas in


A life for a charity: Fr. Pops’ endeavor

ByArielle Sta. Ana

the past such as the huge amount of money that vanished inside the SCB office. Each division will also be given their own freedom to make their own constitutions so as to properly manage their own Student Executive Council (SEC). There’s another addition to the draft which will hopefully offer great and true help to students: The Bill of Student’s rights. This includes the right of student to demand grades from their teachers despite their inability to make full payment for their tuition. They will be given a chance to know their grades but they can only be furnished with an unofficial copy. Other privileges include the right to petition the administration regarding impaired or malfunctioning facilities, right to organizations and the right to study groups. WHEN WILL IT HAPPEN? The exact date on which the constitution takes effect is still unidentified. As a matter of fact, there already had been issues as to why the SCB has paid minimal attention to the approval of the constitution. Regardless of this, David said that the Con-Com is hoping for the immediate response of the SCB so that the presentation of the constitution to the Director of Students and School President for their approval and the referendum can take place before the end of the Second Semester. This way, the changes will automatically take place as the next school year starts and the change in the SCB’s structure will already be applicable to the next elected officers. Truly, change is almost inevitable. At the same time, it is unpredictable. We can never be assured of what changes can lead us to. Will it make things better? Will it make things worse? The right answer is yet to know. But, as for the change that will probably transpire in our Student government and will surely affect the whole Ateneo Community, we just have to raise our hopes that it will steer the Ateneo towards betterment and progress.

Media Freedom


This year’s program still paid tribute to media workers all over the country who were unjustly deprived of their lives but had a broader subject as suggested by this year’s theme: “Covering Mindanao: Changing Mindsets and Understanding Conflicts. The topics discussed during the event included news as a direct conflict, the use and abuse of media, journalism not as a means for journalists’ self-gratification but rather as a service for others, community communication, and media safety and ethics. The program’s main gist, however, was how the media can change many people’s negative perception of Mindanao. Only Mindanawons, as Ed Fernandez mentioned, can understand their own experiences and translate them into news. In remembrance of those who died in what would be considered as the most gruesome bloodbath involving Philippine politics, the program ended with the releasing of the 58 balloons.


Atenews | The Official Student Publication of Ateneo de Davao University | November-December 2011

Solar panels on campus By Kathleen Anne Veloso

Graphic by Jam Allaga.

By Jamela Allaga “Ang imong pangandoy, akong pangand-oy, ang imong pakigbisog, akong pakigbisog: Busa kaw ug ako usa ra. Kauban sa pagpanday sa ginharian sa Dios” – Fr. Pops’ Last Will. He saw God in the eyes of the poor. He dedicated his time and effort helping the people of Arakan on their education, support system, land, and health services. Learning to be closer to the poor and the oppressed, he committed himself on a vision where there is a concrete connection between the church and the poor. What’s more heroic than devoting one’s life in the service of the people? Fr. Fausto Tentorio placed his heart on his work towards social transformation. Inspired by the enthusiasm of the youth, he focused mostly on education because he believed that the young people are the future. He felt that there was a need to build up their awareness so that education would suit not only personal interest but also the welfare of the people. Acting on what he believed in, Fr. Pops gave 3000 scholarships, provided school supplies, constructed 80 day care centers, and developed health services. He did not only develop the way of living of the people in Arakan, he also protected their territory. His objective was also to unite the farmers and the Lumads. There were two groups formed for the unity of these sectors; APPO (Arakan Peasants Progressive Organization) and TIKULPA (Tinananon

–Kulamanon Lumadnong Panaghiusa). The unity involved in these groups and his advocacies against mining and land grabbing put together could save their land to give way to their livelihood, culture, and other needs. He created a good way for the social welfare and the relationships within the community. In his preceding years, he could have chosen to be somewhere else and taken the path where he could live his life comfortably a thousand miles away from the threats of being in strife. However, Fr. Pops was selfless. He chose to experience the life of the Lumads and the peasants. He lived a life that had a profound interaction with the community to bring about his projects for the people. In perceiving the totality of his works in his time, we can see that his life was not taken from him. He already bequeathed his life as early as he started growing his passion for the poor and continued to do so until his last breath. Many were touched by the life and the mission of Fr. Pops. This life is a distinct example of what God wants us to see. It’s a selfless endeavor for the gain of others. We hope to continue his vocation and give importance to what he died for. The outcome of all those years remains a motivation for the individuals he helped. Because for him, his dream is our dream, our struggle is his struggle. We are one: companions in building the Kingdom of God.

One of the points in the school’s new vision and mission is the promotion of renewable energy. Solar energy is one of the examples of renewable energy. To harness the power from the sun, technologies such as solar panels are used. Though it is not a new discovery, solar panels are very rare in our city. It is something most people see only on the net or on TV. If this is also the case with you, then you will be surprised to learn that our school now has solar panels on the rooftop of the Finster building. According to Dr. Randell Espina, the College of Engineering and Architecture Dean, the College proposed this to Fr. Tabora and he approved. They then bought the materials for the panels and assembled them. “They have already been tested and the connections are ok,” he said. However, there are two options that will depend on the availability of sunlight. “It’s either we will use the series or the parallel combination. Hopefully by Thursday, we will be able to test the load and it will be connected,” Dr. Espina stated. When used, the solar panels will be able to generate about 13,000 Watts—enough to light the whole Del Rosario building. Though this may seem small, the importance lies in convincing and proving to other groups and people that solar panels can be used. When asked why there are only few who use solar panels in Davao compared to other countries, Dr. Espina explain the Feed-in Tariff System (FIT), a policy implemented in some countries. It is designed to accelerate investment in and encourage companies to use renewable energy technologies. “The energy producer will sell his energy for a higher price to the utility. This is why it works in other countries, because the renewable energy producers have profit.” He also said that the Philippines has a Renewable Act that implements the policy of net metering, which subtracts the energy outflow from metered energy inflows. Though the initial cost of

investing in renewable energy is high, Dr. Espina says that we can recover the cost in about six years, especially now that solar panels are getting cheaper. The solar panels will also last as long as 25 years, meaning that you will have about 19 years of free energy. Dr. Espina emphasizes the need for the community to know about the new solar panels in the AdDU. “Today we have problems about coal and we keep saying that it shouldn’t be allowed. But we really don’t know what other options are available. The argument is that there is no alternative. Now that we have the solar panels, we can say that it is possible, that we can replace our systems, even if it will be slowly,” he said. “Of course, “ the Dean further states, “we shouldn’t stop at just one institution. Those who have the capability should use solar panels. Even if only 10% of the 30,000 houses in Davao would use solar panels, it would already be a great help,” He said that it is essential for many to know about this new technology in Ateneo so that more institutions will use solar panels because they will see for themselves that it is possible. “These solar panels are not just put up for Ateneo’s sake, but for the whole community, so that they may also see the benefits of renewable energy. It will now be easier to convince other people to go solar because we have solar panels ourselves and we can talk to them about the costs and other technicalities,” concluded Dr. Espina. After next week, the solar panels will be finalized and presented to the President’s council. These solar panels are indeed an important investment on our University’s part. It is a sign that the school is taking concrete steps to live out the new mission and vision, and that all this buzz about environmentalism is not all talk. Hopefully, the school will continue to invest in more projects like these and continue to be one of the exemplars of good stewards of creation.

AdDU Solar panels line up on the Finster rooftop providing clean energy to the Ateneo. Photo by Migo Antonio.

Assessing the Automated Enrollment By Jenny Mae Saldaña The second semester of SY 2011-2012 was marked as the implementation of Ateneo de Davao University’s first-ever automated enrollment process. The plan was in the making for quite some time, and it finally took off in a way that left the students in a state of anticipation. It was expected that the system itself would be a more convenient and time-saving enrollment procedure for the students especially those who reside outside the walls of Davao City and farther provinces. Both regular and irregular students would be able to access their accounts and see the subjects, codes and times for their class schedule with just a few clicks. Aside from that, all the grades from the past semesters until the present as well as the tuition balances of every student are shown. The automated enrollment system has not only made everyone’s lives easier, it has also lived out the University’s campaign of environmentalism since there will be less paper to be consumed unlike before. Imagine yourself in the past enrollment system. You were once one of thousand students who waited for what seemed like forever for your section’s scheduled time just to fill out the T-form, get the print-out and have it stamped with a number to pay the cashier. Now imagine those who wanted to add and drop their subjects. They had to repeat the same process again and more of their precious time was wasted just to get enrolled. With the implementation of the automated enrollment, everything changed from worse to better. “Wala ko nag-expect nga hapsay ang online enrollment. Beforehand, gahuna-huna gyud ko nga mahimung labad kay first time kini mahitabo. Malipayon ko nga dali ug convenient kayo ang bag-ong sistema.” (I didn’t expect that the online enrollment would be in order. Beforehand, I was thinking that it would be

A student takes the online pre-enrolment for the 2nd semester. Photo by Francis Barrina.

We want the students not only to be given the convenience but also choice.

bothersome since it will be the first time it’s going to happen. I was happy that it was fast and convenient.) Michelle Salcedo, a second-year from the NSM Division said. Responses from students in other divisions basically tell us the same thing: the online enrollment process went easy and

convenient for them. As a matter of fact, most of them were glad that the online enrollment was implemented. “Medyo nagkaproblema lang nung hindi makaconnect sa SIS tulad ng isang araw noong enrollment,” a student from the CEA Division added. Due to the number of students accessing the site, there have been instances that signing in took a lot of time. According to Atty. Edgar B. Pascua II of the University Registrar, the automated enrollment concept itself is still new to the students, so minor glitches cannot be avoided. He also pointed out that is there is no such thing as a perfect system but they are doing what they can to make the system more efficient. Aside from the usual technical difficulties with a new system, it cannot be denied that most of the students benefited from its implementation. But, why is there a need for a manual adding and dropping session if you can add and drop subjects online? In the matter of the manual adding and dropping of subjects, he clarified that they could not promise for it to completely disappear because there were several student issues at hand that need to be accommodated manually rather than online. Pascua also revealed that a better enrollment system will be waiting for the students next time with the design of additional templates in the process of completion by February 2012. In addition, he hinted of a new concept to be developed that works like a social network for the teachers and students. “We want the students not only to be given the convenience but also choice.” Pascua said. Indeed, with the automated enrollment system within our reach, the administration does not only give us the convenience we all deserve, they are also giving us the choice to enjoy the kind of enrollment like no other. Let’s just hope that the people who made the online enrollment a success continue what they are doing and improve for the benefit of every student while living up to the standards of excellence.


Atenews | The Official Student Publication of Ateneo de Davao University | November-December 2011


Eco-Ateneo | FROM PAGE 1

The new mission states that we must “engage vigorously in environmental protection, the preservation of bio-diversity, and the promotion of renewable energy.” It urges each student and member of the school community to be adamant in protecting the environment and to make it a part of their daily lives. This involves thinking critically, as there are many who can sway even intelligent minds about the safety of environmentallydestructive activities. There are ads that promote such activities as safe because they are approved by international standards. Some even go as far as labelling these as a “need”—a need for electricity, a need for jobs, a need for money. In the face of all these, the Atenean must carefully discern about whether these needs are worth the wanton destruction of our forests or the killing of thousands of animal and plant life, and whether these needs will still be around if the people in the future will not even have a place to live in anymore. The Green Campus Project The Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) developed an orientation-guide called “Our Environmental Way of Proceeding.” It was created under the central theme of the Jesuit mission since the 35th General Congregation, which is Reconciliation with Creation. Seeking collaboration with the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities in Asia Pacific (AJCU-AP), of which the Ateneo de Davao University is a charter member, the JCAP proposed the guide for the program on growing a green campus. The guide offers a five-step process for sustainability management. The first step, training on the “Environmental Way of Proceeding”, includes basic reflection on how to better reconcile with creation on campus. The second step, Establishing “Campus Baseline Environmental Measurements and Procedures” helps to make a baseline study on current “ecology-keeping” factors on their campus, covering all areas of waste production and energy consumption. Development of “Criteria and Indicators for Green Campus Management” is the third step in the guide, where a manual and auditing system will be developed integrating existing experiences. Following this would be the Ecology Formation Course, which would feature scientific basis on climate change, spirituality, social experience and reflection. This would be integrated in existing courses and deepened over a number of years. The fifth and final step in the guide is the setting up of a University Ecology Committee and the appointment of a Sustainability Officer. They will be in charge of the campus environment and the development of the campus carbon footprint accounting for the university. So far, we are currently on the second step, with the College of Engineering and Architecture taking the lead

in the structural side of the Green Campus Project. Baseline studies on energy, water, and solid waste are set to be conducted in the university. Engr. Michelle Soledad, who is the head of the energy audit, mentions that the main objective of the audit is to conserve energy. “The generation of energy has associated effects on the environment. If we are able to keep our energy usage to a minimum, then we also reduce whatever impact on the environment that energy would have,” she said. The process of the energy audit is a rather taxing one because there are many factors to consider. “We start by conducting an inventory of all the energy-consuming devices in the school. This will include measuring the watts the lights in a room use and finding out whether these are appropriate for the function of the room. At the same time, we will look into the current practices of the stakeholders in the university,” said Engr. Soledad. According to her, this would be as detailed as knowing what time air-conditioning units are turned on and whether computers are left on or put on sleep during breaks. The energy audit is targeted to be conducted within the semester. Why are these audits essential to a green campus? The data from these studies will give us an idea of how much energy and water are consumed and how much solid waste is being thrown by the school on an annual basis and on average. “What we can promise to the university right now is that we can provide you with the initial studies and the data. But after this the idea is to ask what the students could do and what the admin could implement based on the data,” said Engr. Jenith Banluta, who is in charge of the audits. “Also, retrofitting could be done by the architects and engineers if needed, guidelines could be made by the admin, and monitoring will be done,” she added. This is a time to correct any bad practices and to see what can be done. She also stressed that proper implementation is important for the guidelines to work, using the waste segregation issue as an example. Though there is a guideline on segregating trash, only a few follow it. According to an insider, plans for the next three steps are being made, though they will only be final in the upcoming formal planning of the university. ECO-Atenean Projects One of the various organizations which have upholded the green movement even before the “envi-buzz” took over started right in the campus. Some may remember a time when the

By Cyril Jerome Almanzor, Jhar-Mae Magalona & Almira Jane Villegas “Taking service and leadership into new heights” was the motto of Samahan Central Board under the leadership of Aldwin Chester Dumago – who resigned last October 1 due to anomalous reasons that were never stated. Now that the leadership has been relinquished, a bunch of questions were left hanging. Who will lead the pact of leaders now that the one who promised of “building a better Samahan” is gone? Moreover, how will they lead?

Illustration by Nadine Caballes

campus was filled with green ribons and a group called “Blue Goes Green” presented environmental programs such as tree planting trips to the university. Though it started as a core group planned by the Social Involvement Coordinating Office (SICO) and the Campus Clubs Organization (CCO) to handle environmental awareness, Blue Goes Green has branched out and reached more students, including those in highschool. Head Coordinator Miguel Antonio shares the group’s grand plans of organizing a school-wide tree planting program and hosting an international mining forum with speakers from Europe. Will ECO-Ateneo be a mere fad? However, like most green movements in the world, Ateneo’s envi-buzz is speculated to die out as a mere fad. “There is an envi-buzz in the campus right now, but it’s sad to see that people are not really taking it to heart. It’s not exactly something that they’re taking home with them,” said Miguel Antonio of the Blue Goes Green group. While this is the case with most students right now, it’s not too late to change. If we have plans for our future, we must start acting on them now. Though it is great that the school is planning to implement guidelines and polices on environmentalism, we must not wait for that moment to come before acting. We, as the next leaders of the future, should take the initiative to change. Acting on the environmental issues at hand is not an option, it is an absolute must. We must conserve water. We must conserve energy. And we must act now. If we don’t, then we will reap the rewards of our own lazy and wasteful ways. So, are you sitting pretty or doing your part to preserve the earth?

By Almira Jane Villegas & Clemarie Secuya

Tuition and Other Fees Increase Fr. Tabora explained that, “TOFI is always bloody. We all have to understand that. I don’t think we can run Ateneo unless we have regular TOFIs”. Justifying it he said, “If we want quality education, we have to have quality faculty. And that means, we should pay them relatively well.” The TOFI according to Fr. Tabora, is used to raise the salaries of the faculty members. 70% of the tuition fee is said to be going for the teacher’s salary, and the rest were allocated for facility maintenance and others. School Facilities Quality and Maintenance Emmanuel Joseph Sumatra, a concerned student, asked regarding how the engineers ever considered the risk and danger that the “spiral stairs” may bring in case of emergency like fire or earthquake. Atty. Pilariza Racho-Baldovino, Head of the Disciplinary Board, said that there are others stairs available which was plotted out for the emergency plan other than the “winding stairs”, as she corrected it. Patrick Dequiña of the CCO asked on how the admin plans to act upon the falling fruits in the Gazebo, something harmful with students having heart conditions. Gladly, Engr. Evtri Tabanguil, University Physical Plant Director, said that there will be a regular trimming of trees to avoid the unexpected falling objects. Garry Camarillo, from the College of Nursing (CoN), represented the sentiments of his co-nursing students on the

usage of the bus during their duty schedule. True enough that nursing students were paying tuition fees that soar from 40,000-50,000, and yet they’re still obliged in paying for their fare in going to their designated areas – or the rent for the bus if they wish to use it. Dr. Patria V. Manalaysay, Dean of College of Nursing, responded not to support the students’ side but gave reasons why they cannot avail the usage of the school vehicle. The CON Dean said that if the students’ have different schedules then it would be such a hassle for the school drivers to send them to their different areas. The issue was left hanging due to time constraints. Student Involvement It was said that Ateneans are not that active in school activities, according to the primer given by an “ambassador” of the said summit. One student pointed out that club events are usually publicized through social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, causing students to know nothing about such activities. The SAMAHAN President, however, said that events or activities are disseminated very well through tarpaulins and posters, which are found on bulletin boards, near the gates or the elevators, and those online announcements were just supplementary given that students were fond of using and browsing these social networking sites whenever they go home, according to Jefford Mamacus, President of CCO. Students also raised the point that one reason why they cannot participate in such activities is due to make-up classes and other academic stuff imposed upon by their teachers, especially in Activity Period. It hinders them in club activities or even university-wide events. The administrators articulated that teachers must also respect the sanctity of the activity period so students can have the chance to join certain events. They also pointed out that students too | Continued on page15


SAMAHAN on the inside

View Finder: The Samahan Student Summit Ateneans gathered at the Finster Auditorium last December 7 as the SAMAHAN held this year’s Student Summit. Entitled View Finder, the summit served as an avenue for the Ateneans to be heard, a dialogue between administrators and students. Matters and issues were opened for discussion. Students got to ask questions and clarifications relating to the concerns raised.


Atenews | The Official Student Publication of Ateneo de Davao University | November-December 2011

One of the top questioners on the summit, Mr. Sumatra. Photo by Adi Leuterio.

Assessing from Within When Mr. Dumago decided to resign, it was not only the Ateneo community that was caught off guard; his fellow officers in the Samahan Central Board were astounded as well. Even as speculations floated days prior to the resignation, the officers chose to ignore it, hoping that it was just a rumour that would soon die. To their dismay, on October 2 Mr. Dumago’s Facebook status confirmed the thought they have been trying to avert. The SCB officers were abashed with the said abrupt resignation. According to Ianne Aquino, SCB Secretay General, they had nothing to do with it. “We did not push him in any explicit way to resign; it was his own personal decision”, Aquino stressed. However, on their October 3 special meeting, they agreed upon to accept, respect and support Mr. Dumago’s decision. The meeting also discussed that even if they might be president-less at that time, the SCB still exists. They may have lost the president but the other members are still around. The SCB has a lot of duties that have to be fulfilled. Still, it was impossible to act without a president. They had to find a proper replacement for the position Mr. Dumago left before they could go on with their responsibilities. This was why their agenda on October 8 meeting was about the said concern. With prior consultation, the Commission on Elections gave them three options. First, the second highest position will assume the position and responsibility. In this case, there were two of them: the External VicePresident, Jefford Mamacus and the Internal Vice-President, Jubail Pasia. The second option is having a special election between and among the SCB officers, open to everyone in the office. That is open to all elected positions including the EVP and IVP positions that, who represents both GACP and CCO in the student body, but excluding political appointees. The last option was for the post that garnered second highest votes at large next to the SCB President. In this case, it will be the Secretary-General who got the second highest votes last 2010 SCB elections, in the person of Ianne Aquino. The process of determining the option to take was decided by the SCB by way of voting. With a total of 9 votes, the first option was what the majority of SCB wanted. Now it has boiled down to a choice of either Ms. Pasia of GACP or Mr. Mamacus of CCO. Jubail garnered the position. The reason for this according to Ms Aquino was “by virtue of the nature of the vice president, internal affairs meant SCB”. COMELEC’s Statement The Commission on Election also gave their stand regarding the matter. It was said that, in case of vacancy of position of the president, the Internal Vice President should take over and act as the officer-in-charge for it was the right thing to do. The SCB officers had an agreement themselves and directly voted Pasia as president. The COMELEC and the Office of the Student Affairs thought it was a good move since it was very impractical to have another election. Many things have to be considered first before conducting such. Say, the availability of the volunteers, the cost that will be incurred in campaigning and the period of time- since it is already the second semester and the COMELEC is more focused on the upcoming SAMAHAN Elections next year. “Ms. Jubail Pasia’s presidency is legitimate. Well first, it was really shocking that the previous president resigned. The position entails such big responsibility and we know that she will be able to manage. The COMELEC will always be here to help her”, assured Jen

Illustration by Bea Jimenez

Humangit, COMELEC Chairperson. “Jubail is a very responsible person. It is also good to know that the SCB officers fixed some issues inside the SAMAHAN,” according to the Chairperson. Since there was an elevation of lower position, the IVP position is left vacant. The General Assembly of Class Presidents would have an election for the unfilled position As of this moment, the Commission on Election also did the revision of their constitution. A plebiscite will be done to approve the amendments made in their by-laws. However, the question remains: why is the COMELEC not around on the process of choosing a new leader? As arbiters of impartial and credible elections, their presence is an assurance for the stakeholders – the students – that the election was done in good faith, and no interest groups took the chance of assuming power.

challenge due to many factors. For Jubail, she wanted to seize the short time given to her as an opportunity to be of service for the people, and a time to improve herself as a person. Pleasantly said, she pointed out that serving as a GACP Chair before and a SAMAHAN President spells no difference – she is still serving for the betterment of the students though on a larger scale. A “better” SAMAHAN When asked if the SAMAHAN became better now compared previously, she confirmed that IT BECAME BETTER in terms of relationship. The reason for not quitting is also due to the fact that SAMAHAN right now is very supportive given that collaboration was never a problem anymore. “If you’ve heard about it, we have internal issues within the SAMAHAN before...medyo hindi united”, she stated. “Ngayon, we have

If you’ve heard about it, we have internal issues within the SAMAHAN before... medyo hindi united. Ngayon, we have tackled that issue na, and we have a good relationship with each other.

Jubail Pasia and the Challenge By theory and practice, the IVP takes over when the position is vacated. In an interview with the new Samahan President, Ms. Jubail Pasia shared her thoughts about the vacated position and her plans for the studentry. Without knowing the plans of resgination, Ms. Pasia was “challenged, surprised, and bothered” on the resignation of Dumago. It is almost imminent that Ms. Pasia would refuse accepting the position of presidency, “Actually, I will do everything para hindi mapunta sa akin iyong position”, saying that she wouldn’t want to receive the position to which she is not prepared and confident on delegating. Not only about unpreparedness, Ms. Pasia also pointed out that her academic life is also at its peak of difficulty, given that she is in her third-year in Chemical Engineering - a course that is admittedly difficult. With a congested schedule, she admitted “Saan ko isisingit ang SAMAHAN?” Challenge Accepted Why continue? That would be the question now, but the response of Miss Pasia with the thought of being a President as coming into a reality is optimistic. She indicated how heavy the role of a SAMAHAN President is, but accepted the

tackled that issue na, and we have a good relationship with each other”, she happily expressed while stating how supportive SAMAHAN is. It is also confirmed by one SAMAHAN officer that previously relationships among the student body was marred by “colours” [political parties], while now it is friendly and warm. SCB’s Plans Ms. Pasia assessed their performance and admitted that they have shortcomings in attending to the needs of the students. Her plan is basic – reinforcing sustainable relationship between the student and the [school] administration, focusing more on the welfare of the students. One of her plans was organizing a dialogue on the appeal of an Optional Internet Subscription, so that the students and Admin can have understanding on the matter. Another was the Student Summit that culminated last December 7 where students aired and shared their own thoughts and concerns in the school, like Tuition Fee Increase and usage of school facilities. When asked if she has plans to run, Jubail incessantly indicated her lack of interests on running on the upcoming elections, and wants to focus on the demands and responsibilities as of the moment.

Expanding SAMAHAN SAMAHAN expanded not only in terms of space in their office and their semestral budget (you’re now paying 80 Php for it), but also intends to expand in manpower, confirmed by the SCB president. The first move was the massive recruitment on their creative team, an event organizing committee, volunteer’s pool, and the resurrection of STAMP – the office that was previously declared by Mr. Dumago as “null and void” through an administrative order, thus ending its function last semester. Constitution: Where art thou? It has been the previous issue of SAMAHAN that their constitution is outdated – dating back decades. The constitution was intended to be ratified this school year with the hopes of conducting a public reading this December, and a plebiscite, alongside the SCB Elections next year, that will confirm if the student would approve in ratifying the newly amended constitution. It is good to know that the constitution has been reviewed upon with the help of sister schools. According to Pasia, Ateneo de Manila extended help by reviewing our constitution. With this many groups involved in crafting a well updated, amended, and suitable constitution, many hope for the crafting of the constitution, hoping it will not take them forever. Hopes for a “better” SAMAHAN Many had been asking, and maybe not familiar too, the process on who should succeed “the one that got away”. Probing deeper into the point of all this, the abandonment made by the previous SCB president is never less than a personal choice, but swearing to the studentry on the duty and responsibility that lies in the position he assumed is a betrayal of public trust. He is elected, not appointed, after all. One cannot swear of building a better Samahan, if resignation will be its end. SAMAHAN is not only of the officers, for the officers, and by the officers. It is built using the student’s money, and everyone is accountable and has a say to it. The hope now is that there will be no “resignation” in the making again, and that the new president will definitely take the lead on answering for the student’s concerns given the short time she has – and her optimism. SCB Elections are just months away. Thinking wisely on whom to vote is necessary, and not settling to those who will leave your votes written in the air is a must.


Christmas Special

Atenews | The Official Student Publication of Ateneo de Davao University | November-December 2011

The perennial problem of gift-giving By Jhar-Mae Magalona & Kathleen Anne Veloso ‘Tis the season of Christmas once again. Yes, the time for gift-giving is upon us. Yahoo! Now for the perennial, unsolvable problem: what to give. Fortunately for you oh-poor-homeworkstressed student, Atenews has come up with a list of what girls and boys want to receive this Christmas and what they don’t want to get.

What not to give to your manito/manita/friend:


Picture Frames/ Photo Albums – These would have been perfect gifts if we were in the film era where people actually take pictures and print them. Now that photos are stored in computers and share them through social networking sites, picture frames and photo albums aren’t really of much use. So unless your friend uses a Lomo Cam or a Polaroid, strike these out in your Christmas shopping list.


Handkerchiefs – Contrary to the belief that hankies promote sanitation, it actually does the opposite. Using the same piece of cloth for the whole day to wipe sweat in different parts of your body isn’t really hygienic. So promote sanity and stop giving handkerchiefs! Give tissues instead! Kidding! But, seriously, there are better gift options besides hankies. Hankies are perfect last minute gifts; you don’t want to give your receiver the impression that your gift wasn’t well thought of.


Mugs – Mugs are kitchenware that should only be given to people during weddings or if they don’t have glasses at home to drink from. Imagine receiving a plate or a spoon for Christmas, sucks right? It might not be the same thing; but it is of the same family. So don’t give mugs if you want your friend, or whoever it is you’re giving it to, to be happy.


Candles – No one will buy cheesy lines like “you light up my life,” anymore. So if you’re planning on giving your friend a candle, think again. Candles are like figurines—they only gather dust as well. If your friend lights it up, it might even seem like a bad omen— like your friendship is melting or something. Whatever. Just don’t give candles. Period.


Figurine – Unless your friend is an avid collector, don’t get him/her a figurine! Besides becoming a paperweight, there’s not much use for them. Giving your friends something that’s useful is a better way to make them happy than giving a lifeless, still statue of a girl that’ll do nothing but gather dust in a cabinet.

What to give to your manito/manita/friend:


Umbrella – These days, the weather is so unpredictable. One minute it’s blazing hot, the next it’s pouring like cats and dogs. Get your friend a handy umbrella for protection against the harsh elements. From plain-colored ones for boys to colorfully patterned ones for girls, there are many styles to choose from. An umbrella costs 200 – 500 pesos, which is a reasonable price for something that can shield you from the sun and rain. There’s also an added plus to this gift: your friend will think of you whenever he/she uses it!


Clothes – Clothes are mirrors to one’s personality. This is why most only dare to give clothes to people who are really close to them. Finding the right a piece of cloth with the right design and size that the recipient will love is a pain in the ass. Nevertheless, the happiness that will radiate from that person will surely be worth every leg muscle aching from the long walks. The price of the clothing will depend on the design or brand. You can buy clothes for as low as 50 pesos, but if you have a lot of money to spare, you can go for those worth hundreds and up.


Music CD/DVD – One of the safest things to give to your manito/manita is a music CD. Each person likes a certain genre, so be sure to find out the kind of music your friend likes if you don’t know yet. Prices for an original CD range from 200 – 500. If your friend is more of a movie buff, you can get him/her a DVD instead!


Tumbler –Bringing beverages with you will never be uncomfortable again, not with our buddy tumblers! So if your friend or loved one does not have one yet, these are fantastic gifts! Tumblers are like the new and more fashionable water jugs slash handy thermos everyone has or wants to have. Some stores even sell personalized tumblers if you want a touch of unique character in them. With prices ranging from 100-700 pesos, you surely won’t go wrong with picking this gift.


Books – Who doesn’t love a good book? It’s a way to escape to a separate reality that’s not about homework, projects, or deadlines. It’s the only way to be another person without acting or going under the knife. Try choosing a contemporary novel like American Gods by Neil Gaiman. If your friend is into old-fashioned things, get him/her a classic like Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and you won’t go wrong. Paperbacks usually cost about 300 – 500 pesos, while hardbound copies are pricier at 500 – 1000 pesos.

Now that you know what and what not to give, it’s time to empty your pockets and choose the best gifts for your friends this Christmas. Don’t be a scrooge! After all, it’s the season of giftgiving, right?

Christmas over the generations By Marie Florienne Melendrez & Kathleen Pastrana

Santa’s Gifts!

That’s the first phrase that popped into the mind of a 5-year old girl when asked what Christmas is all about. Apparently, people’s perceptions toward Christmas have changed over time. From focusing on the spiritual side, to leaning more on the materialistic side—surely, the essence of Christmas has been altered. The spirit of Christmas, the most anticipated time of the year, used to be felt as early as September. People started counting off days as soon as the month stepped in. They filled their houses with decorations shaded in red and green and their windows lined with little colorful bulbs. Little by little, various sizes of lanterns started to occupy the streets. As the month of December drew near, choruses of different Christmas carols seeped through the cracks of doors decorated with wreaths. Some houses even had their backyards decorated with images of the Nativity scene to recognize the birth of the divine being who ought to be the focus of the festive celebration: Jesus Christ. Most Christians (especially Catholics) made it a point to attend the nine pre-dawn or early morning masses called Misa de Gallo which begins formally on December 16. According to an article in Manila Bulletin, another Old Spanish name for this practice is Misa de Aguinaldo. The name adds up to the importance of the custom since “Aguinaldo” in Spanish means “gift” and in a way it provides another meaning for the practice as a “gift for Jesus”. Regardless of the name, the observance was deemed important for it became a way of fulfilling Christian duties.

It entailed commitment and discipline--one could offer small sacrifices as a gift in waiting for the Child Jesus. Apparently, the Christmas tradition of Christians used to be Christ-centered. They attended the celebrations of the Holy Eucharist, they prayed, they reflected and prepared themselves for the coming of Christ. Without Christ who is the heart of the gathering of the people, Christmas loses its meaning. The Filipinos nowadays seem to make some changes. They have inherited different Western traditions that they practice during the Christmas holidays and tend to focus more on these customs than the old Christ-centered practices. The real definition of Christmas, the mass celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, has changed over the generations. Popular Western traditions such as associating the idea of Santa Claus with Christmas dominated the mindset of most people, causing them to focus on the pressure of providing gifts and preparing stunning decorations instead of looking at the religious aspect of the celebration. According to Michael Horton, a professor of Theology and apologetics at Westminster Seminary California in an article by USA Today, most of the time, Santa Claus is given more attention and becomes the substitute of Christ. “He’ll give you presents whether you were good or bad. It’s hard to imagine Santa returning to judge the human race and consign anyone to hell,” he added. From this alone, we can already grasp the idea that there has been a huge effect of how we celebrate Christmas with how we perceive the true essence of such celebration. Another Theology teacher also reinforces the idea of the changes. “Ten years before, Christmas is ideally a very religious celebration”, said Mr. Lunar Fayloga when asked about how most

people nowadays practice Christmas traditions. “It must be centered on Jesus, but now people celebrate a Christ-less Christmas. You often see images of Santa Claus and the snowman. But that idea is too Western.” It is true that little by little, people tend to miss the larger purpose of celebrating it. There has to be something more than just interpreting Christmas as the time for sharing and throwing a grand festival, because it has to be centered to Christ, the ultimate reason why such event exists. “Celebrating Christmas is different from feeling the spirit of Christmas,” Mr. Fayloga continued. “There are changes when it comes to their means of celebrating it. “Huwag sana mawala yung religious aspect kasi it’s very Filipino. Dapat hindi mawala yung pagsisimba sa midnight mass or misa de gallo.” There’s no denying the fact that a lot of things regarding the true spirit of Christmas

has changed. Instead of paying more attention to the divine being who is the main purpose for the celebration and even the existence of such, people rivet their time and devotion to material gifts, relentless partying and even Westernized icons that barely have any connection to Christcenteredness. Yet, even if people’s perceptions toward Christmas continue to change, they still find time to celebrate it with their loved ones, and that is one good thing that hasn’t changed. It has its ways to bring people closer together, no matter what situation they are in. Like what Mr. Fayloga said, “It all goes down to how families celebrate Christmas together.” Through this, they are able to strengthen their relationships. Through this, they can foster love and affection—things that stir up the values taught by Christ and in a way preserve the true essence of Christmas.


Atenews | The Official Student Publication of Ateneo de Davao University | November-December 2011

Christmas Special

Wishing upon the Christmas stars Here’s what’s on some of the Ateneo Community’s wish lists:

By Arielle Sta. Ana IT’S THE season of giving! It’s also the time for intensifying your desire on that thing you’ve been eyeing for some time now. People are starting to jot down their fantasies for Christmas, in the hopes of having someone else grant it for them. A lot of us have been thinking about that one gadget that we feel will make our collection of thingamabobs perfect, until we find another one to fancy. Some have been in frantic hopes of finally being with that special someone. Meanwhile, some have been simply wishing for everyone else’s welfare, praying for the betterment of those who need it more. What’s on your wish list? Read on and find out what our teachers, janitors, guards, administrators, and fellow students want for Christmas. You might just want the same things, and you could be wishing on the same star. Finding common things on the wish lists could make you feel that you are not alone in that irritably desperate and void feeling. On the other hand, reading someone else’s wish which you already possess could ignite the verity that you are blessed. May this season grant your heart’s yearning and may it bring you incessant joy. Let us not overlook being contented and thankful. We may not have everything, but we have enough.

Prosperity sa mga unfortunate kids kasi someday gusto ko ng charity for them.

As the University President, I wish that the wonderful people will come together with a sense of commitment to the goals of an excellent university. I wish that we will find a way to helping the external community. I am happy that many have responded to the call on mining, and I hope that the message of the environmental concerns will be delivered. I am also looking forward to my get together with my sisters.

Watch and new phone kasi sira na phone ko.

(Zhamille Sur, Entrepreneurship 1)

(Bel Delicana, BIO 3)

Pag-ibig. Pagmamahal. Pag-aaruga. At pag-iintindi. LOL. (Charlie Cabrera, MK 3)

(Fr. Joel Tabora, SJ, University President)

Good health, more love, more zeal for service, justice, equality, and peace. Parang Miss Congeniality lang. Haha!

That every Atenean Christian may consciously become more loving in the way that Jesus loves.

(Mr. Jeremy Eliab, Assistant to the President)

Gusto ko talaga makapiling buong pamilya ko lalo na mga kapatid ko. Kung material, gusto ko ng gym bag.

(Ma’am Marlita Dayrit, Theology Teacher)

Itouch and DSLR.

I wish I’ll be able to spend wonderful quality time with my family and loved ones. They’re the best gifts God gave me.

(Alyssa Villegas, PSYCH 1)

Girlfriend. Hahaha. (Brian Congson, INFORMATION SYSTEM 3)

(Alona Ruyeras, BSA 4)

Summit | FROM PAGE 12 should not give their consent and disapproval if ever these teachers will push for a make-up class in times like the Activity Period. TEACHER ISSUES The audience became so alive when Mr. Sumatra, once again, asked Atty. Baldovino to demonstrate which parts of the body are allowed to be touched by the teachers and what kind of gestures are they supposed to show. According to her, the only gesture that the teachers are allowed to do is to tap the back of their students and that the warmth of the palm of the teacher should not be felt – other than that it could mean something else. Cases were presented to illustrate how teachers became an issue. Concerns raised were practically because of grades. It was said that some teachers do the hocus pocus in making the students’ grades. The administrators got alarmed and reminded the students that whenever such case happens, they should immediately report the teacher to the immediate superior – program or division heads - for them to give appropriate actions. WIFI REGULATION The last issue tackled was the Wi-Fi Regulation in the campus. Janlery Laganao of the Alliance of Concerned Students (ACS) raised the question on why Facebook was regulated and if it would be possible that the payment for Information Technology Fee (ITF) could be optional. The Director of the University Information Technology, Father Ramon Prudencio S. Toledo, S.J., said that the ITF goes to the License Software and people with the right expertise that are responsible for the maintenance of the equipments. The tools used in every laboratory go through a cycle, and every three years these are replaced. Though not satisfied with some points that were not clearly brought into clarification, the summit came to an end as Mr. Jenner Chan, SAMAHAN Moderator, expressed gratitude to all Ateneans who came, attended, and got involved in the summit instead of grabbing the opportunity of going to the malls. “We in the SAMAHAN are very pleased and super happy. We’re not expecting the number of students kasi usually kung may summit less than 50 lang ang pumupunta. Kaya we’re very thankful sa students because they are very much involved now and engaging sa mga activities,” thankfully expressed by Ms. Jubail Wee Pasia, SAMAHAN President.

Good grades, good health, and a lightsaber.

(Kenneth Chong, ENGLISH 2)

Unta wala ko’y mabagsak na students, unta dili sila magbinuang.. Wish ko rin good health. (Ma’am Lenore Loqueloque, Accounting Teacher)

Kabag-uhan sa sarili.. Pansinabtanay sa pamilya.. Ug true love.

(Luna Acosta, PHILO 3)

For the school to unblock 9gag!

(Nathaniel Razonable, Foodcourt Service Crew)

Unta naay dakong Christmas bonus ug mahimog healthy ang pamilya. Bahala’g wala’y kwarta basta healthy.

(Ceejay Sagarino, ARCHI 2)

I would say for a bookworm like me, a Kindle Touch would be the best gift ever! (Nisa Capistrano, BSN 2)

(Elizar Balbero, Security Guard)

Unta maayo ang lawas bahala wala’y pangChristmas. Sa New Year sana may pera na dumating, at tumaas and sahod.

Magkauyab. Joke. Haha. MagkaDSLR bitaw. (Cha Ronquillo, IS 1)

(Ronela Candido, Lady Guard)

High grades! (Regina Basa, BM 3)

Unta naay magmahal ug tunay. Unta naa koy madawat na bonus. (Jude Aguil, Foodcourt Service Crew)

Health and safety, progressive career, and love of people. (Sir Jenner Chan, Math Teacher)

Unta naa koy Christmas bonus, ug ma-increase na ang sweldo, makit-an na nako akong Christmas gf, ug unta makaipon na ang akong pamilya para naay asenso sa kinabuhi. (Ronald Buera, Security Guard)

BEATS by DRE, Rolex watch, Pearl drum set, better lens, package to Italy. (Earl Dumanon, MA 3)

A new lens or camera na Instax. HAHAHA. (Eecee Gamalong, MC 4)


Atenews | The Official Student Publication of Ateneo de Davao University | November-December 2011

Fun Page Sudoku



2 4

9 2









| paul crooks

5 8






© Jason Occidental - Answers next issue



1 4


7 8


6 9 10


12 13 15






20 21

22 23

Baryo Tinyo

| steely dhan caballero

24 25 27

26 28 30

29 31

32 33


14 - Student _, last 12/7

1 - Emotionless female protagonist of the Twilight Saga

16 -__-story Community Center

2 - Fr. President’s SUV

18 - Alignment of 3 celestial objects

3 - First name, Chair - Standards Committee 4 - Leader of United Russia 6 - Beethoven’s final Symphony, No. _ 7 - Spanish, “it pleases me” 9 - Protests against economic & social inequality 11 - Avenue when AdMU is located 13 - (2W) Mainly retreat/recollection transport 15 - Article of jewelry worn around the wrist 19 - (2W) Library and miniauditorium building

17 - He stole Christmas 21 - These fees never stop increasing 22 - What floor is the Foodcourt in? 23 - Ghost town near the Chernobyl Power Plant 24 - “I want to break _” 26 - __ floor, location of TSO 27 - (P) Trollface, Y U NO GUY and Me Gusta are _ 29 - Atenews’ Lampoon Issue 31 - Raw/processed food from the seed of the cacao tree 33 - Intelligent marine mammal; related to whales & porpoises

Davao City Elimination








Contestant’s Name



Emiko Antonette Escovilla Paolo Cansino Reymond Pepito



Geneva Angela Garcia Lyra Nicolle Arriola



Jemimah Pearl D’Lonsod

1st Runner Up


Karmella Dawn Adle

1st Runner Up











Dec. 6 - 9, 2011 Held at UM Matina Campus & PWC

















12 - Lysergic acid diethylamide



10 - Former name of C. M. Recto St.





8 - University Treasurer





5 - 1st SAMAHAN President to resign





32 - These guys love to ban websites


30 - Sang “Somebody to Love”



20 - (3W) Why we celebrate Christmas © Steven Adrianne Chua - Answers next issue 23 - (2W) Sang “Another Brick to the Wall” Answers FROM Last ISSUE 25 - World’s highest paid footballer; LA ROLLFA E R BSPR NG Galaxy midfielder VOLCA O 28 - Harsh/bitter derision/irony

Winners of APSCUR Culture & Arts Competition


Oration Piece By Atty. Pilariza Racho-Baldovino Coach: Ricardo P. Enriquez


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