AUCTION 1: The Welsh Sale / Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig 10am AUCTION 2: Selections & Collections / Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau 3.30pm
& The View / Bwrw Golwg
SUPER SATURDAY/ DYDD SADWRN MAWR 17.4.21 AUCTION 1: 10am The Welsh Sale / Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig AUCTION 2: 3.30pm Selections & Collections / Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau
Buyer’s Premium for both auctions: 24% + VAT (28.8%) on all lots up to a hammer price of £19,999 16% + VAT (20%) on all lots of a hammer price £20,000 and over Droit de Suite applicable (please see terms at back of catalogue)
South Wales Saleroom / Ystafell Werthu De Cymru 17 Llandough Trading Estate, Penarth Road, Cardiff, CF11 8RR 17 Ystad Masnachu Llandochau, Ffordd Penarth, CF11 8RR Tel / Ffôn: 02920 708 125 *Please see full terms & conditions at the back of this publication
Welcome to the first 2021 edition
Croeso i rifyn cyntaf 2021
So, we have closed the door tightly on 2020, for most, with a sense of relief and a throw away of the key. I sincerely hope you are all well and that a gentle breeze of Spring is blowing optimism in your direction.
Felly, rydym wedi cau’r drws yn glep ar 2020, i’r rhan fwyaf, gydag ymdeimlad o ryddhad a chan daflu’r allwedd i ffwrdd. Mawr obeithiaf eich bod yn iach a bod chwa o wynt y gwanwyn yn chwythu gobaith i’ch cyfeiriad.
The last twelve months have gone by incredibly quickly. Just over a year ago, we were researching and cataloguing the Vivian Family Archive. And it feels like just three or four months ago when the Vivian collection sold in last March’s Welsh Sale. The artefacts which told the story of Swansea’s most famous family, spanned three centuries. The never seen before scrapbooks, pictures and artefacts revealed the lives of the well-heeled industrialist in a time of elegance and high society
Mae’r deuddeg mis diwethaf wedi hedfan heibio. Ychydig dros flwyddyn yn ôl, roeddem yn ymchwilio i, ac yn catalogio Archif y Teulu Vivian. Ac mae’n teimlo fel dim ond tri neu bedwar mis yn ôl pan werthodd y casgliad Vivian yn yr Arwerthiant Cymreig fis Mawrth diwethaf. Roedd yr arteffactau a adroddai hanes teulu mwyaf enwog Abertawe, yn pontio tair canrif. Datgelodd y llyfrau sgrap, lluniau ac arteffactau na welwyd erioed o’r blaen, fywydau’r diwydianwyr cefnog yng nghyfnod y boneddigion a cheinder.
Twelve months later, we have been researching another incredible family archive - this one is of a sporting nature. The Birkett family are a clan who left quite a mark on the sport of rugby union…and football. The Birkett Archive forms part of a strong Rugby section in our Selections & Collections auction to take place on April 17th. This is hot on the tail of The Welsh Sale which starts at 11am on the same day, in what we now coin ‘Super Saturday’.
Ddeuddeg mis yn ddiweddarach, rydym wedi bod yn ymchwilio i archif teulu anhygoel arall - o natur chwaraeon y tro hwn. Mae’r teulu Birkett yn llwyth a adawodd gryn farc ar gamp rygbi’r undeb...a phêl-droed. Mae Archif Birkett yn ffurfio rhan o adran Rygbi gref yn ein harwerthiant Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau i’w gynnal ar 17 Ebrill. Bydd yr arwerthiant hwn yn dilyn yr Arwerthiant Cymreig sy’n dechrau am 11am ar yr un diwrnod, yn yr hyn rydym yn ei alw bellach yn ‘Ddydd Sadwrn Mawr’.
It is always a great delight to be entrusted to bring such family archives, collections, and family stories, out from the cupboards (or in the case of the Birkett family, airing cupboard) and under the spotlight. As auctioneers, we see ourselves as very fortunate custodians, who are afforded the privilege of immersing ourselves, recording and relaying incredible personal achievements. Such antiques are often passed silently through the generations without the recognition they deserve.
Mae bob amser yn bleser bod yn gyfrifol am ddod ag archifau, casgliadau, a straeon teuluol o’r fath, allan o’r cypyrddau (neu yn achos y teulu Birkett, o’r cwpwrdd eirio) a thynnu sylw atynt. Fel arwerthwyr, rydym yn gweld ein hunain fel gwarcheidwaid ffodus iawn, sy’n cael y fraint o ymdrochi ein hunain, cofnodi a throsglwyddo cyflawniadau personol anhygoel. Mae hen bethau o’r fath yn aml yn cael eu pasio’n dawel drwy’r cenedlaethau heb y gydnabyddiaeth maent yn eu haeddu.
I hope that you enjoy browsing through the catalogue and happy bidding if you decide to ‘have a go’ at something. There is certainly plenty to choose from. As we say frequently on the rostrum ‘don’t regret it tomorrow’. Seize the day! Best Wishes Ben Rogers Jones
Ben Rogers Jones
Gobeithiaf y byddwch yn mwynhau pori drwy’r catalog a phob hwyl ar wneud cynnig os ydych yn penderfynu mynd amdani. Yn sicr mae digonedd o ddewis. Fel y dywedwn yn aml ar y rostrwm ‘peidiwch â’i ddifaru yfory’. Bachwch ar y diwrnod! Dymuniadau Gorau Ben Rogers Jones
REVIEW: The Market in 2020
ADOLYGIAD: Y Farchnad yn 2020
Of course, we had no idea how the antique and fine art market would respond to the challenges of 2020. But auctioneers around the UK are reporting similarly; the market has reacted fantastically well during the pandemic. For those who may be a little sceptical, there are textbook reasons why we are seeing such positivity.
Wrth gwrs, nid oedd gennym syniad sut fyddai’r farchnad hen bethau a chelf gain yn ymateb i heriau 2020. Ond mae arwerthwyr ledled y DU yn adrodd yr un fath; bod y farchnad wedi ymateb yn rhyfeddol o dda yn ystod y pandemig. I’r rheiny sydd fymryn yn amheus, efallai, mae rhesymau clasurol pam ydym yn gweld y fath bositifrwydd.
Firstly, there are fewer items on the market as many potential vendors put on hold their requirements to get items valued and into an auction. Consequently, the market has been thinner, which has in turn driven prices upwards (as per the first rule of economics - supply and demand). But conversely bidding numbers have increased, particularly in the non-trade sector as the digital live bidding systems have come into their own in the last year for private buyers. Collectors, homemakers, and enthusiasts have shifted their spending from travel and leisure to owning things that please and excite them. Plus, working from home does have its perks!
Yn gyntaf, mae llai o eitemau ar y farchnad gan fod nifer o ddarpar werthwyr yn oedi eu gofynion i brisio eitemau a’u gwerthu mewn arwerthiant. O ganlyniad, mae’r farchnad yn deneuach, sydd yn ei dro wedi cynyddu prisiau (yn unol â rheol gyntaf economeg - galw a chyflenwad). Ond, i’r gwrthwyneb, mae nifer y cynigion wedi cynyddu, yn benodol yn y sector di-fasnach wrth i’r systemau gwneud cynigion byw digidol ennill eu plwyf yn y flwyddyn ddiwethaf i brynwyr preifat. Mae casglwyr, y rheiny sy’n gyfrifol am y cartref, a selogion wedi newid o wario ar deithio a hamdden i brynu pethau sy’n eu plesio a’u cyffroi. Yn ogystal, mae gan weithio gartref ei fanteision!
As restrictions are lifted we are confident that the market will remain strong bearing in mind the increase in new bidders we are experiencing and even though a higher volume of lots is predicted.
Wrth i’r cyfyngiadau lacio, rydym yn hyderus y bydd y farchnad yn parhau’n gryf gan gadw yn y cof y cynnydd yn y cynigwyr newydd rydym yn ei brofi, ac er y rhagwelir nifer uwch o lotiau.
Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg
REVIEW: The Welsh Sale: December 5th 2020
Adolygiad: Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig: 5ed Rhagfyr 2020
Lots: 365 Sold: 335 (91%) Total: £222,485
Lotiau: 365 Gwerthwyd: 335 (91%) Cyfanswm: £222,485
December’s Welsh Sale got off to a very solid start with an excellent section of Welsh pottery and porcelain, with items from a West Wales deceased estate contributing over 100 lots. This discerning collection included Swansea and Nantgarw porcelain, as well as many rare items of early Welsh pottery, from the historic Swansea factories and the lesser-known factory of Ynysmeudwy.
Dechreuodd Arwerthiant Cymreig mis Rhagfyr yn gryf gyda chasgliad rhagorol o grochenwaith a phorslen Cymreig, gydag eitemau o stad ymadawedig yng ngorllewin Cymru yn cyfrannu 100 lot. Roedd y casgliad chwaethus hwn yn cynnwys porslen Abertawe a Nantgarw, yn ogystal â nifer o eitemau prin o grochenwaith Cymreig cynnar, o ffatrïoedd hanesyddol Abertawe a ffatri lai adnabyddus Ynysmeudwy.
Highlights of the collection included a Nantgarw plate, decorated lavishly in the Meissen style, selling for £3000 (1). A rare Ynysmeudwy pottery Baptism basin for Pantteg chapel, weighed-in at £2100, a rare Dillwyn & Co jug to commemorate Wellington booted away the £300-500 estimate to £1650 (2), and an Ynysmeudwy pottery advertising plate for Huzzey’s Brewery frothed-over its £150-250 estimate to £600 (3).
Roedd uchafbwyntiau’r casgliad yn cynnwys plât Nantgarw, wedi’i addurno’n gain yn yr arddull Meissen, yn gwerthu am £3000 (1). Gwerthodd crochenwaith prin o Ynysmeudwy, basn bedyddio ar gyfer capel Pant Teg am £2100. Rhagorodd jwg Dillwyn & Co prin i goffau Wellington yr amcan bris o £300-500 gan werthu am £1650 (2), a bu i grochenwaith o Ynysmeudwy, plât hysbysebu ar gyfer Bragdy Huzzey wneud yr un fath, gan guro’i amcan bris o £150-250 a gwerthu am £600 (3).
Roedd y casgliad hwn yn eiddo i un perchennog, yn llawn enghreifftiau prin ac anarferol o grochenwaith Cymreig a chafodd gryn sylw gan y farchnad, wrth gyrraedd dros £38,000. Eitem arall o ffynhonnell wahanol oedd y pâr cyntefig, dymunol o rwyfau yn adrodd stori Gymreig (4). Roeddent yn darlunio Merched Llangollen ynghyd â Jenny Jones. Cawsant eu creu oddeutu 1915 gan y cwmni cydweithredol o Sir Ddinbych, Clwyd Toys. Roeddent wedi cael eu pasio i lawr yn ddiogel drwy deulu o orllewin Cymru ac er gwaethaf eu natur fregus, bu iddynt oroesi mewn cyflwr ffres, hyfryd. 4
This one owner collection was populated by rare and unusual examples of Welsh pottery and was very well received by the market, realising over £38,000.
Gallaf nawr gyhoeddi bod eu taith wedi parhau i Amgueddfa Sain Ffagan, lle byddant yn cael eu harddangos a’u gwarchod ar gyfer cenedlaethau i ddod.
Another item from a different source was the charmingly primitive pair of Welsh story-telling paddles (4). They depicted The Ladies of Llangollen together with Jenny Jones. They were crafted in around 1915 by a Denbighshire co-operative, Clwyd Toys. They had been passed down safely through a West Wales family and despite their delicate nature they survived in lovely fresh condition. I can now announce that their journey continued to St Fagan’s Museum, where they will be displayed and preserved for generations to come.
O fewn yr adran baentiadau, roeddem wedi ein bendithio gyda rhai enghreifftiau diddorol a chain gan ein ffefrynnau poblogaidd. Roedd paentiad dyfrlliw trawiadol gan Kyffin Williams o Garmel o dan haul y nos, a werthodd am £6200 (5). Bu i ni guro record yr arwerthiant am waith Nick Holly gyda golygfa hiraethus o Gaerdydd, a werthodd am £3700 (6). Roedd diddordeb mawr yn ffigwr tinnoeth Harry Holland, a werthodd am swm hy o £3400 a chynigion di-rif ar weithiau gan Donald McIntyre, Gwilym Prichard a John Elwyn.
Within the paintings section we were blessed with some very fine and interesting examples from our regular favourites. There was a belting Kyffin Williams watercolour of Carmel under evening sun, which made £6200 (5). We broke the auction record for Nick Holly’s work with a nostalgic view of Cardiff, that realised £3700 (6). There was huge interest in Harry Holland’s bare-bottomed figure, which made a cheeky £3,400 and fierce bidding on works by Donald McIntyre, Gwilym Prichard and John Elwyn.
The View / Bwrw Golwg • Rogers Jones & Co
REVIEW: Selections & Collections December 5th 2020
Lots: 87 Sold: 78% Total: £67,400 1
December’s Selections & Collections auction was flavoured by a super section of jewellery and watches, a market which is thriving. The outstanding results in this category included amber beads which tripled their estimate to £1300, a beautiful opal and diamond bangle closing at £1000, an Art Deco brooch took £2900 (1) and an exotic Tahitian black pearl necklace, formed from the black lip oyster in French Polynesia, cultivated a hammer-price of £3900 (2). Also, in this section was a ladies Cartier ‘tank’ watch which battled to £1300 (3) and a supreme pink sapphire and diamond necklace shone at £2500 (4). Further on in the auction there was a pair of stunning watercolours by Henry James Johnstone (1835-1907), showing a young girl carrying shellfish and possibly her sister carrying picked flowers. As well as being a fine watercolourist, Johnstone was a leading photographer of his age and lived much of his life in Australia. The delicate tones of blue in their dresses and muted hazy summer atmosphere were a big hit and typical of this artist. In fresh condition with original frames, the pair sold for £3600 against an estimate of £1000-1500 (5). We see many tantaluses pass through our auction rooms. A tantalus is a device for locking up the liquor from the ‘servants and younger sons getting at the whisky’. In Greek mythology, Tantalus was a
figure who was made to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches, with the fruit ever eluding his grasp, the water receding before he could take a drink.
Most we see have wooden frames with metal fittings, some are electroplated silver, but rarely are they solid silver. So, it was a first for us to sell a solid silver example in December, the maker was the famous James Dixon & Sons of Sheffield. The hammer price was a spirited one at £1900 (6). Another first for us, was the chance to offer a rare pair of Staffordshire pottery dogs which are known to collectors but rarely seen. Victorian Staffordshire dogs are a common sight, and a standard pair will create no more than a whimper at auction, but the market for rare pairs, which have an unusual characteristic is far healthier. ‘Grace and Majesty’ are one such pair, as they stand on bases in the form of regal pink cushions. They were in wonderful Crufts standard condition and fetched £1400 (7).
Cecil Kennedy (1905 -1997) £3200 4
Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg 6
ADOLYGIAD: Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau 5ed Rhagfyr 2020 Lotiau: 87 Gwerthwyd: 78% Cyfanswm: £67,400 Roedd arwerthiant Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau mis Rhagfyr yn serennu adran fawr o emwaith ac oriorau, marchnad sy’n ffynnu. Ymhlith y canlyniadau arbennig yn y categori hwn oedd gleiniau melyngoch a werthodd am £1300, teirgwaith yr amcan bris, breichled ddiemwnt ac opal hardd a werthodd am £1000, broetsh Art Deco a werthodd am £2900 (1) a chadwen berlau du Tahitïaidd egsotig, wedi’i ffurfio o’r wystrysen gwefusau du ym Mholynesia Ffrengig a werthodd am bris aruthrol o £3900 (2). Hefyd, yn yr adran hon oedd oriawr ‘tank’ Cartier i fenywod a werthodd am £1300 (3) a chadwen ddiemwnt a saffir pinc, rhagorol a serennodd am £2500 (4). Yn ddiweddarach yn yr arwerthiant roedd pâr o baentiadau dyfrlliw gwefreiddiol gan Henry James Johnstone (1835-1907), yn dangos merch ifanc yn cario pysgod cregyn a’i chwaer, o bosib, yn cario blodau wedi’u casglu. Yn ogystal â bod yn beintiwr dyfrlliwiau o fri, roedd Johnstone yn ffotograffydd blaenllaw ei oes a bu’n byw yn Awstralia am y rhan fwyaf o’i fywyd. Roedd yr arlliwiau ysgafn o las yn eu ffrogiau ac awyrgylch tesog, tawel yr haf yn boblogaidd iawn ac yn nodweddiadol o’r artist hwn. Mewn cyflwr ffres gyda fframiau gwreiddiol, gwerthodd y pâr am £3600 yn erbyn amcan bris o £1000-1500 (5).
Rydym yn gweld nifer o standiau gwirodydd yn pasio drwy ein hystafelloedd arwerthu. Stand gwirodydd yw dyfais ar gyfer cloi gwirodydd oddi wrth y ‘gweision a’r meibion iau rhag iddynt gael gafael ar y wisgi’. Ym mytholeg Gwlad Groeg, roedd Tantalus yn ffigwr a orfodwyd i sefyll mewn pwll o ddŵr o dan goeden ffrwythau gyda changhennau isel, gyda’r ffrwythau yn dianc o’i afael byth a beunydd, a’r dŵr yn cilio cyn y gallai gymryd llwnc. Mae gan y rhan fwyaf a welwn fframiau pren gyda gosodiadau metel, mae rhai wedi’u helectroplatio ag arian, ond anaml iawn maent yn arian solet. Felly, roedd yn brofiad Jacob & James Erat £2500 newydd i ni werthu enghraifft arian solet ym mis Rhagfyr, y gwneuthurwyr oedd yr enwog James Dixon & Sons o Sheffield. Aeth o dan y morthwyl am bris cadarn o £1900 (6). Profiad arall newydd i ni, oedd y cyfle i gynnig pâr prin o gŵn crochenwaith Swydd Stafford sy’n hysbys i gasglwyr, ond anaml y cânt eu gweld. Mae cŵn Swydd Stafford o Oes Fictoria yn olygfa gyffredin, ac ni fydd pâr cyffredin yn gwneud llawer o argraff mewn arwerthiant, ond mae’r farchnad ar gyfer parau prin, sydd â nodweddion anarferol yn iachach o lawer. Mae ‘Grace and Majesty’ yn bâr o’r fath, gan eu bod yn sefyll ar sylfeini ar ffurf clustogau pinc mawreddog. Roeddent mewn cyflwr arbennig o safon Crufts a bu iddynt werthu am £1400 (7).
Carlo Storioni £1000 5
The View / Bwrw Golwg • Rogers Jones & Co 1
REVIEW: Other auctions since December’s Super Saturday
ADOLYGIAD: Arwerthiannau eraill ers Dydd Sadwrn Mawr mis Rhagfyr
By the time you receive your catalogue, we will have conducted around 12 auctions online in 2021.
Erbyn i chi dderbyn eich catalog, byddwn wedi cynnal oddeutu 12 arwerthiant ar-lein.
The Colwyn Bay auction room have held an auction every fortnight under the banner ‘Vintage & Antiques’. These auctions cover all aspects of the market from jewellery to furniture.
Mae ystafell arwerthiant Bae Colwyn wedi cynnal arwerthiant bob pythefnos o dan y faner, ‘Eitemau Clasurol a Hen Bethau’. Mae’r arwerthiannau hyn yn ymdrin â phob agwedd o’r farchnad o emwaith i ddodrefn.
The Cardiff auction room hosts two different auctions aside from The Welsh Sale and Selections & Collections. The Jewellery & Collectables is the platform for estate jewellery, collections of coins, ceramics, pictures, and collectables. While the Interiors in Cardiff auction is a curated auction of antique furniture combined with mid-Century and modern styling including iconic furnishing brands and designers. We also held a very successful evening auction of modern art for City Hospice in Cardiff, a charity we have been supporting for a couple of years. We were pleased to raise over £13,000 for the charity on the evening. Here are a few highlights from our ‘digital’ auctions so far this year.
Mae ystafell arwerthiant Caerdydd yn cynnal dau arwerthiant gwahanol ar wahân i’r Arwerthiant Cymreig a Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau. Gemwaith ac Eitemau Casgladwy yw’r llwyfan ar gyfer gemwaith stad, casgliadau o geiniogau, cerameg, lluniau, ac eitemau casgladwy. Tra bod yr arwerthiant Celfi yng Nghaerdydd yn arwerthiant wedi’i guradu o ddodrefn hen ar y cyd ag arddulliau modern ac o ganol y ganrif ddiwethaf, yn cynnwys brandiau a dylunwyr dodrefn eiconig. Rydym hefyd wedi cynnal noson lwyddiannus o arwerthu celf fodern ar gyfer City Hospice yng Nghaerdydd, elusen rydym wedi bod yn ei chefnogi ers ychydig flynyddoedd. Roeddem yn falch o gasglu dros £13,000 i’r elusen ar y noson. Dyma rai uchafbwyntiau o’n harwerthiannau ‘digidol’ hyd yn hyn eleni.
Doulton Stoneware Garden Bench SOLD £2900 (1); Cherished Registration Number 33ANN SOLD £9800 (2); Fine Edwardian mahogany ‘campaign-travel’ desk, c.1910 SOLD £1600 (3); Pair of Wingback Armchairs SOLD £1100 (4); Ambrose Heal Reclining Armchair SOLD £2300 (5); Louis XVI Style Writing Desk Sold £4800 (6); Twin Fusee Mantel Clock SOLD £1000 (7); Pair of 19th Century ‘Gainsborough’ Library Armchairs SOLD £2000 (8). 6
Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg
PREVIEW: The Welsh Sale at 11am April 17th 2021 The Gordon Stuart Collection Gordon Thomas Stuart (1924-2015) was a Canadian-born artist who was based in Uplands, Swansea for many years. Born in Toronto, he attended Ontaria College of Art & Design. It was in 1952, that Stuart moved to Swansea working as a lecturer and adviser until devoting himself to painting full-time in 1985. When Swansea hosted the year of literature in 1995 Stuart became artist-in-residence at the Dylan Thomas Centre and held the post for 15 years. He painted more than 200 writers, poets, and celebrities, including Sir Kyffin Williams, President Jimmy Carter and Sir George Martin. But it is Gordon Stuart’s series of portraits of the poet Dylan Thomas that are considered his most famous legacy. Over three afternoons in the late-summer of 1953, Gordon painted Dylan Thomas at The Boathouse in Laugharne, where the poet lived with his wife Caitlin and their three children. They were the last pictures painted of Thomas who died a few weeks later, aged 39, after downing 18 whiskies at the White Horse Tavern in Greenwich Village, New York. Although Stuart did portraits of many literary icons - among them writers as disparate as Kingsley Amis, Seamus Heaney, Beryl Bainbridge and Benjamin Zephaniah - he was inextricably linked throughout his career with the Dylan Thomas sessions, and was often asked about their time together. ‘‘Dylan didn’t laugh a lot,’’ said Stuart in an interview in 2010. ‘‘And when I asked him who was his favourite poet he replied “I don’t like bloody poets. I like poetry’.’’ During the sittings Dylan spoke often of the novelist George Eliot and quizzed Stuart about his favourite films. Thomas would afterwards ask Stuart to accompany him to his favourite pub, Brown’s Hotel, where his wake was held later that year. ‘‘He always invited me to have a drink with him, but I never accepted - I preferred a stroll,” said Stuart. ‘‘Dylan was a good subject and very kindly towards me and told me he was looking forward to going to America. It was an amazing shock for me to hear that he had died. I was very saddened.” The State University of New York acquired one of the portraits of Thomas and a sketch went to the University of Texas. A 19 ½ x 15in painting of Thomas looking sleepy and ruddy became part of a portfolio of five Stuart originals held by the National Portrait Gallery in London. The final portrait from the sessions became “like a child” to Stuart who kept it at the home in Swansea where he lived with Mair; they had no children. This ‘final’ portrait is Lot 283 in our Welsh Sale on April 17th. It is a great honour to offer it for sale without reserve within a section of Gordon Stuart works which have come from the beneficiaries of the Stuart estate.
RHAGFLAS: Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig am 11am 17eg Ebrill 2021 Casgliad Gordon Stuart Artist o Ganada wedi’i leoli ym Mhantygwydr, Abertawe am lawer o flynyddoedd oedd Gordon Thomas Stuart (1924-2015). Wedi’i eni yn Toronto, mynychodd Goleg Celf a Dylunio Ontaria. Ym 1952 symudodd Stuart i Abertawe, gan weithio fel darlithydd a chynghorydd tan iddo ymroi ei hun i beintio’n llawn amser ym 1985. Pan gynhaliodd Abertawe’r flwyddyn lenyddiaeth ym 1995, daeth Stuart yn artist preswyl yng Nghanolfan Dylan Thomas a bu yn y rôl honno am 15 mlynedd. Peintiodd fwy na 200 o awduron, beirdd, ac enwogion, gan gynnwys Syr Kyffin Williams, yr Arlywydd Jimmy Carter a Syr George Martin. Ond cyfres Gordon Thomas o bortreadau o’r bardd Dylan Thomas sy’n cael ei hystyried fel ei waddol enwocaf. Dros dri phrynhawn yn nyddiau olaf haf 1953, peintiodd Gordon, Dylan Thomas yn y Boathouse yn Nhalacharn, lle’r oedd y bardd yn byw gyda’i wraig Caitlin a’u tri o blant. Dyma’r lluniau olaf a beintiwyd o Thomas a fu farw rai wythnosau yn ddiweddarach, yn 39 oed, ar ôl yfed 18 wisgi yn Nhafarn y Ceffyl Gwyn yn Greenwich Village, Efrog Newydd. Er y bu i Stuart wneud portreadau o sawl eicon llenyddol - yn eu plith awduron mor amrywiol â Kingsley Amis, Seamus Heaney, Beryl Bainbridge a Benjamin Zephaniah - roedd yn cael ei gysylltu’n anorfod drwy gydol ei yrfa â sesiynau Dylan Thomas, ac yn cael ei holi’n aml am eu hamser gyda’i gilydd. “Nid oedd Dylan yn chwerthin llawer,” meddai Stuart mewn cyfweliad yn 2010. “A phan ofynnais iddo pwy oedd ei hoff fardd atebodd “Dydw i ddim yn hoffi beirdd, myn uffern i. Barddoniaeth dw i’n hoffi.” Yn ystod y sesiynau, siaradai Dylan yn aml am y nofelydd George Eliot a holai Stuart am ei hoff ffilmiau. Yna byddai Thomas yn gofyn i Stuart fynd gydag ef i’w hoff dafarn, Gwesty’r Brown, lle cynhaliwyd ei wylnos yn ddiweddarach y flwyddyn honno. “Roedd bob amser yn gofyn i mi fynd am ddiod gydag ef, ond ni wnes i fyth dderbyn - roedd yn well gen i fynd am dro,” meddai Stuart. “Roedd Dylan yn oddrych da ac yn garedig iawn tuag ataf a dywedodd wrthyf ei fod yn edrych ymlaen at fynd i America. Roedd yn sioc enfawr i mi pan glywais ei fod wedi marw. Roeddwn yn drist iawn.” Daeth Prifysgol Talaith Efrog Newydd i feddiant un o bortreadau Thomas ac aeth braslun i Brifysgol Tecsas. Daeth peintiad 19 ½ x 15in o Thomas yn edrych yn gysglyd a gwritgoch yn rhan o bortffolio o bum gwaith gwreiddiol Stuart gan yr Oriel Bortreadau Genedlaethol yn Llundain. Daeth y portread olaf o’r sesiynau “fel plentyn” i Stuart ac fe’i cadwodd yn ei gartref yn Abertawe lle’r oedd yn byw gyda Mair; nid oedd ganddynt blant. Y portread olaf hwn yw Lot 283 yn ein Harwerthiant Cymreig ar yr 17eg o Ebrill. Mae’n fraint o’r mwyaf ei roi ar werth heb isafswm pris o fewn adran o weithiau Gordon Stuart a gafwyd gan fuddiolwyr stad Stuart.
Gordon Stuart 7
The View / Bwrw Golwg • Rogers Jones & Co
Lot 278 (Jack Crabtree)
Lot 170 (Ceri Richards)
Betty Evans Collection
Casgliad Betty Evans
We have been fortunate enough to sell many large collections of Welsh art in our Welsh Sales over the years. But it is not every day that these collections are complemented by first class British and Continental artist’s works.
Rydym wedi bod yn ddigon ffodus i werthu nifer o gasgliadau mawr o gelf Gymreig yn ein Harwerthiant Cymreig dros y blynyddoedd. Ond nid bob dydd y mae’r casgliadau hyn yn cynnwys gweithiau gan artist Prydeinig a Chyfandirol o’r radd flaenaf.
The Late Betty Evans of Cardiff was the former President of the Contemporary Art Society for Wales and it follows that there is an academic feel to the collection, which we are selling on behalf of Betty’s family. The Betty Evans Collection has bolstered the April Welsh Sale auction by some 38 lots but the collection also spills over into the Selections & Collections auction with another nine lots.
Roedd y diweddar Betty Evans o Gaerdydd yn gyn Lywydd Cymdeithas Celf Gyfoes Cymru a chan hynny mae ymdeimlad academaidd i’r casgliad, yr ydym yn ei werthu ar ran teulu Betty. Mae Casgliad Betty Evans yn rhan fawr o Arwerthiant Cymreig mis Ebrill gyda 38 lot ond mae’r casgliad hefyd yn croesi i’r arwerthiant Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau gyda naw lot arall.
Betty’s interest in Art probably started when she was a Nurse in London, during the Blitz. After moving back to Wales, she could make it her focus, supporting the artists of 56 Grwp (set up in 1956 in Wales) and then with CASW, Contemporary Art Society for Wales, a charity started in 1938 to support Welsh art and artists. Betty was involved for many decades, as a Member, Secretary, Chairman and President. She regularly visited museums, art galleries and exhibitions in Wales, the United Kingdom, across Europe and beyond, especially the Venice Biennale. Betty also supported emerging Czech artists whilst the country was under Soviet rule.
Mae’n debyg bod diddordeb Betty mewn Celf wedi dechrau pan oedd hi’n Nyrs yn Llundain, yn ystod y Blitz. Ar ôl symud yn ôl i Gymru, gallai ganolbwyntio ar Gelf, gan gefnogi artistiaid 56 Grŵp (a sefydlwyd ym 1956 yng Nghymru) ac yna gyda CASW, Cymdeithas Gelf Gyfoes Cymru, elusen a sefydlwyd ym 1938 i gefnogi celf ac artistiaid o Gymru. Roedd Betty yn gysylltiedig gyda’r elusen am ddegawdau lawer, fel Aelod, Ysgrifennydd, Cadeirydd a Llywydd. Bu’n ymweld yn rheolaidd ag amgueddfeydd, orielau celf ac arddangosfeydd yng Nghymru, y Deyrnas Unedig, ledled Ewrop a thu hwnt, ac yn arbennig Biennale Fenis. Roedd Betty hefyd yn cefnogi artistiaid Tsiec newydd tra bod y wlad o dan yr Undeb Sofietaidd.
Welsh Sale entries include works by Ceri Richards, Kevin Sinnott, Peter Prendergast, Will Roberts, Josef Herman and Jack Crabtree.
Ymhlith eitemau’r Arwerthiant Cymreig mae gweithiau gan Ceri Richards, Kevin Sinnott, Peter Prendergast, Will Roberts, Josef Herman a Jack Crabtree.
Lot 274 (Will Roberts)
Lot 272 (Kevin Sinnott)
Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg
Lot 503 (Marc Chagall)
Lot 518 (Christopher Wood)
Lot 505 (Carlo Carra)
Preview: Selections & Collections at 3.30pm April 17th
Rhagflas: Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau am 3.30pm 17eg Ebrill
Betty Evans Collection
Casgliad Betty Evans
The non-Welsh entries spilling over into the Selections & Collections auction from the Betty Evans collection, include works by Marc Chagall, Paul Nash, Scottie Wilson, Carlo Carra and Christopher Wood.
Ymhlith yr eitemau nad ydynt yn Gymreig sy’n croesi i’r arwerthiant Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau o gasgliad Betty Evans mae gweithiau gan Marc Chagall, Paul Nash, Scottie Wilson, Carlo Carra a Christopher Wood.
There is strong Welsh connection for John Christopher ‘Kit’ Wood (1901-1930) which is perhaps why Betty purchased his work.
Mae cysylltiad Cymreig cryf ar gyfer Christopher ‘Kit’ Wood (1901-1930), ac efallai mai dyma pam y prynodd Betty ei waith.
Born in Liverpool, Wood initially studied architecture and medicine before meeting our very own Augustus John in 1919/1920. It was John who persuaded Christopher Wood to become a painter. Wood went on to train at Academie Julian in Paris, meeting Picasso, and Cocteau. He travelled before returning to Britain where he became friends with Ben Nicholson and became influenced by the St Ives movement. Wood died tragically young, jumping under a train at Salisbury Railway Station at the age of 30.
Wedi’i eni yn Lerpwl, bu i Wood astudio pensaernïaeth a meddygaeth cyn cyfarfod â’n Augustus John ni ym 1919/1920. John wnaeth berswadio Christopher Wood i ddod yn beintiwr. Aeth Wood ymlaen i hyfforddi yn Academie Julian ym Mharis, lle cyfarfu â Picasso a Cocteau. Teithiodd cyn dychwelyd i Brydain lle daeth yn ffrindiau gyda Ben Nicholson a chael ei ddylanwadu gan y mudiad St Ives. Bu farw Wood yn druenus o ifanc, pan neidiodd o flaen trên yng Ngorsaf Reilffordd Caersallog yn 30 oed.
Lot 515 (Paul Nash)
Lot 516 (Scottie Wilson) 9
The View / Bwrw Golwg • Rogers Jones & Co
The Birkett Rugby Union Archive
Archif Rygbi’r Undeb Birkett
One of the most rewarding facets of auctioneering is being entrusted with family heirlooms that tell a remarkable story, while being given the opportunity to expose such stories to the wider public. This often happens when we are privileged to auction a family’s military medals, but it also happens in a sporting context too.
Un o’r agweddau o arwerthu sy’n rhoi’r mwyaf o foddhad yw bod yn gyfrifol am drysorau teuluol sy’n adrodd stori drawiadol, wrth gael y cyfle i amlygu straeon o’r fath i’r cyhoedd ehangach. Mae hyn yn aml yn digwydd pan rydym yn cael y fraint o arwerthu medalau milwrol teulu, ond mae hefyd yn digwydd mewn cyd-destun chwaraeon hefyd.
The Birkett Family is one such remarkable story, and those of you who follow football and rugby may well be asking yourself how you did not know this story already.
Mae’r Teulu Birkett yn un stori drawiadol o’r fath, ac mae’n ddigon posibl y bydd y rheiny ohonoch sy’n dilyn pêl-droed a rygbi yn gofyn i chi’ch hunain sut nad oeddech yn gwybod am y stori hon yn barod.
We start with Reginald Halsey Birkett or Reg, who was born in 1849. Reg’s stature in Victorian sport is immense; he played for the famous Clapham Rovers sporting club, where he alternated between association football and rugby football. He played in the first International rugby match 150 years ago, in 1871, in which he scored the first ever try in an International rugby match. He was also a committee member of the first Rugby Football Union which commenced 150 years ago.
Rydym yn dechrau gyda Reginald Halsey Birkett neu Reg, a anwyd ym 1849. Mae statws Reg ym myd chwaraeon Oes Fictoria yn enfawr; chwaraeodd i glwb chwaraeon enwog Clapham Rovers, lle’r oedd yn chwarae pêl-droed a rygbi bob yn ail. Chwaraeodd yn y gêm rygbi ryngwladol gyntaf 150 mlynedd yn ôl, ym 1871, lle sgoriodd y cais cyntaf erioed mewn gêm rygbi ryngwladol. Roedd hefyd yn aelod pwyllgor yr Undeb Rygbi gyntaf a ddechreuodd 150 mlynedd yn ôl.
In association football the same Reg was in the side that scored the first goal in the history of the FA Cup in 1871. He played football in two back-to-back FA Cup finals in 1879 and 1880, winning the cup in 1880. He also sat on the Football Association sub-committee that was created to lay down the rules for the FA Cup. And in the 1870s was a selector for the England football team. Reg’s brother’s, Louis and Percival also played rugby and Louis played for England four times, twice in tandem with Reg. It is certainly a lot to take in! So, remembering that he scored the first try in the first International rugby match and winning the FA Cup is a good start! John Guy Giberne Birkett was Reg’s son and born in 1884. He played rugby for England a record 21 times, including when they won the inaugural Five Nations Championship in 1910. Echoing the feat of his father, he was the first try scorer at Twickenham Stadium, while representing Harlequins against Richmond. John GG Birkett served on the RFU for more than a decade.
O ran pêl-droed, roedd yr un Reg yn rhan o’r tîm a sgoriodd y gôl gyntaf yn hanes Cwpan yr FA ym 1871. Chwaraeodd bêl-droed mewn dwy rownd derfynol olynol Cwpan yr FA ym 1879 a 1880, gan ennill y gwpan ym 1880. Eisteddodd hefyd ar is-bwyllgor y Gymdeithas Bêl-droed a grëwyd i osod y rheolau ar gyfer Cwpan yr FA. Ac yn y 1870au cafodd ei ddewis i dîm pêl-droed Lloegr.. Roedd brodyr Reg, Louis a Percival hefyd yn chwarae rygbi a chwaraeodd Louis i Loegr bedair gwaith, dwywaith gyda Reg. Mae’n sicr yn llawer i’w ddirnad! Felly, mae cofio ei fod wedi sgorio’r cais cyntaf yn y gêm rygbi ryngwladol gyntaf ac ennill Cwpan yr FA yn ddechrau da! John Guy Giberne Birkett oedd mab Reg a anwyd ym 1884. Chwaraeodd rygbi i Loegr 21 gwaith, record ar y pryd, gan gynnwys pan enillasant Bencampwriaeth y Pum Gwlad agoriadol ym 1910. Gan efelychu ei dad, ef oedd y cyntaf i sgorio cais yn Stadiwm Twickenham, wrth gynrychioli Harlequins yn erbyn Richmond. Gwasanaethodd John GG Birkett ar yr Undeb Rygbi am fwy na degawd.
John’s son, also John - John Brian Birkett, played rugby for Harlequins, Headingly, and the Army. It was a true rugby dynasty.
Chwaraeodd mab John, a elwid hefyd yn John - John Brian Birkett, rygbi i Harlequins, Headingley, a’r Fyddin. Roedd yn llinach rygbi wirioneddol.
Lots 572 to 589 include an incredible pocketbook belonging to Victorian Reg Birkett which logged Clapham Rovers’ football and rugby season in 1870-1871 while he and his fellow players flitted from association to rugby rules while on the cusp of the commencement of the Rugby Football Union.
Mae lotiau 572 i 589 yn cynnwys llyfr poced anhygoel yn perthyn i Reg Birkett o Oes Fictoria a gofnododd tymor pêl-droed a rygbi Clapham Rovers ym 1870-1871 tra’r oedd ef a’i gyd-chwaraewyr yn symud yn ôl ac ymlaen rhwng rheolau pêl-droed a rygbi ar ddechrau sefydlu’r Undeb Rygbi.
There is also an England jersey from John Birkett and one of the most immaculate rugby caps from the Edwardian period, we have ever offered for sale. Between these superb artefacts is an astonishing array of detailed scrapbooks, ephemera and match-worn jerseys and caps which have never been seen before outside of the family.
Hefyd, mae crys Lloegr gan John Birkett ac un o’r capiau rygbi mwyaf taclus o’r cyfnod Edwardaidd rydym erioed wedi’i gynnig i’w werthu. Rhwng yr arteffactau ysblennydd hyn mae casgliad gwefreiddiol o lyfrau sgrap manwl, effemera a chrysau a wisgwyd mewn gemau a chapiau nad ydynt erioed wedi cael eu gweld gan neb y tu allan i’r teulu o’r blaen.
The collection has been entered for sale by Reg’s great-great-grandsons, who have made an enormous decision to auction such historic items. One of the reasons they took the decision to sell, was that the artefacts and the stories within, were stored away, concealed to the public. They felt that it was time for the story of Reg, John GG Birkett and (John) Brian Birkett who formed an incredible sporting dynasty to be told.
Mae’r casgliad wedi cael ei gyflwyno ar gyfer yr arwerthiant gan or-orwyrion Reg, sydd wedi gwneud penderfyniad enfawr i arwerthu eitemau mor hanesyddol. Un o’r rhesymau dros eu penderfyniad i werthu, oedd y ffaith bod yr arteffactau a’r straeon wedi’u storio, o olwg y cyhoedd. Roeddent yn teimlo ei bod yn amser i stori Reg, John GG Birkett a (John) Brian Birkett a ffurfiodd linach chwaraeon anhygoel gael ei hadrodd.
Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg
The Dr Jack Matthews Collection
Casgliad Dr Jack Matthews
We were thrilled to be featured in the match-day program for the Wales v England clash in Cardiff, with the Welsh Rugby Union acknowledging our successes in selling rugby antiques over the years. The WRU touched on the Birkett Collection coming to sale 150 years since the inception of the Rugby Football Union and 140 years since the establishment of the WRU.
Pleser mawr oedd cael ein cynnwys yn y rhaglen ar gyfer y gêm rhwng Cymru a Lloegr yng Nghaerdydd, gydag Undeb Rygbi Cymru yn cydnabod ein llwyddiannau yn gwerthu hen bethau rygbi dros y blynyddoedd. Soniodd Undeb Rygbi Cymru am Gasgliad Birkett yn dod ar werth 150 mlynedd ar ôl ffurfio’r Undeb Rygbi ac 140 mlynedd ar ôl sefydlu Undeb Rygbi Cymru.
They also reported of another entry in this Selections & Collections auction from the family of Dr Jack Matthews. Jack was a tough as teak centre who played for Wales and the British Lions in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Jack’s family have entered four International jerseys which Jack will have swapped after matches. Also being offered is Jack’s scrapbook and photograph album from his 1950 British Lions tour of Australia together with gramophone recordings of the tour party signing some old favourites such as ‘Cwm Rhondda’.
Cawsant wybod am eitem arall yn yr arwerthiant Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau hwn gan deulu Dr Jack Matthews. Roedd Jack yn ganolwr gwydn a chwaraeodd i Gymru a’r Llewod ar ddiwedd y 1940au a dechrau’r 1950au. Mae teulu Jack wedi cyflwyno pedwar crys rhyngwladol y byddai Jack wedi’u cyfnewid ar ôl gemau. Ar werth hefyd mae llyfr sgrap ac albwm ffotograffau o’i daith o Awstralia gyda’r Llewod ym 1950 ynghyd â recordiadau gramoffon o griw’r daith yn canu hen ffefrynnau megis ‘Cwm Rhondda’.
In January we relaunched our website which comes with our own live bidding platform, Rogers Jones Live, which is free to use. The new site comes with far greater functionality, particularly within the catalogue and bidding pages. For a rainy day, there is also plenty of reading material within the site in the form of articles written by our team. In our December publication we announced the opening of our new office in The Old Vicarage, Carmarthen which is operated primarily by our West Wales based auctioneer Charles Hampshire. Charles has been busy getting The Old Vicarage ready for clients and it really does look the part. The space will have many different purposes but primarily it acts as a valuation office for potential vendors in West Wales. It is ideal for this purpose with customer parking in a lovely parkland setting near to the main road-links. The Old Vicarage offers privacy and comfort for valuation appointments with Charles. Ben Rogers Jones can also be available for specialist valuations on Welsh items and Sporting items, while Philip Keith can be on hand for Asian fine arts and tribal antiques. In March, the Colwyn Bay team were given instructions to empty the residual antique contents of the historic Bodelwyddan Castle (1). An eclectic mix of antique and later furniture was offered, the highlight being a sumptuous Rococostyle gilded console table with marble top which realised £55,000 (2).
NEWYDDION Ym mis Ionawr, bu i ni ail-lansio gwefan newydd sy’n dod gyda’n llwyfan ein hunain ar gyfer gwneud cynigion digidol, Rogers Jones Live, sy’n rhad ac am ddim. Mae’r wefan newydd yn cynnig mwy o nodweddion, yn enwedig o fewn y tudalennau catalog a gwneud cynigion. Ar gyfer diwrnod glawog, mae digonedd o ddeunydd darllen o fewn ein safle hefyd ar ffurf erthyglau wedi’u hysgrifennu gan ein tîm. Yn ein cyhoeddiad ym mis Rhagfyr cyhoeddom agoriad ein swyddfa newydd yn yr Hen Ficerdy yng Nghaerfyrddin, sy’n cael ei gweithredu’n bennaf gan ein harwerthwr wedi’i leoli yng ngorllewin Cymru, Charles Hampshire. Mae Charles wedi bod yn brysur yn paratoi’r Hen Ficerdy ar gyfer cleientiaid ac mae wir yn edrych yn dda. Bydd gan yr adeilad nifer o ddibenion gwahanol ond mae’n gweithredu’n bennaf fel swyddfa brisio ar gyfer darpar werthwyr yng ngorllewin Cymru. Mae’n ddelfrydol i’r diben hwn gyda maes parcio i gwsmeriaid mewn lleoliad parcdir hyfryd ger y prif gysylltiadau ffordd. Mae’r Hen Ficerdy yn cynnig preifatrwydd a chysur ar gyfer apwyntiadau prisio gyda Charles. Gall Ben Rogers Jones fod wrth law hefyd ar gyfer rhoi prisiau arbenigol ar eitemau Cymreig ac eitemau Chwaraeon, tra gall Philip Keith fod wrth law ar gyfer celf gain o Asia a hen bethau llwythol. Ym mis Mawrth, rhoddwyd cyfarwyddiadau i’r tîm ym Mae Colwyn wacáu cynnwys hen bethau gweddilliol o gastell hanesyddol Bodelwyddan (1). Cynigwyd cymysgedd eclectig o ddodrefn hen a diweddarach, gyda’r uchafbwynt ar ffurf bwrdd consol mawr goreurog gydag wyneb marmor yn arddull Rocco a werthodd am £55,000 i brynwr o Baris (2).
The View / Bwrw Golwg • Rogers Jones & Co
‘Chinamania” in Britain
We are delighted to be able to offer for sale in the Spring Selections & Collections auction a private collection of Qing dynasty blue and white porcelain and Delft pottery.
The Aesthetic movement emerged in the third quarter of the 19th Century in Britain amongst intellectuals and Philip Keith artists, who propounded the philosophy of ‘art for arts sake’ (to quote the rock band 10cc). Influential artists like Whistler and Rossetti eagerly collected ‘Nankin’ or ‘Old blue’ for its purity of colour and form. Subsequently, the fashion for blue and white became established among the emerging middle classes to affirm their cultivated taste and decorate often dark Victorian interiors, to the extent that entire rooms were designed to accommodate entire collections (Peacock Room of shipping magnate F. R. Richards in Kensington, redesigned by Whistler). Whistler and others were derided as suffering from ‘Chinamania’, and upon Whistler’s death, his collection numbered over 300 pieces (now in the Hungarian and V&A).
Chinese origins Blue and white is certainly the most well-known and enduring ceramic made in east Asia, where its origins can be traced to the Mongol rulers of the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368), when dishes, bowls and pouring vessels were processed following traditional central Asian metal forms. Cobalt mineral from the near east was discovered in several regions and imported into China. The process of production is technically skilled with the cobalt solution applied to the dry porcelain body after the first firing. At this stage, the paint is black. After the coating in clear glaze, it is refined at a high temperature and the colour miraculously turns beautiful blue. The control of paint, glaze, temperature, and time are crucial to achieve the best results. The town of Jingdezhen in southern China had been producing pottery since the 6th Century, and with the establishment of the Ming dynasty in 1368, the imperial household decreed that all its porcelain was to be made at twelve official kilns at Pearl Hill. Blue and white porcelain continued to be made at Jingdezhen to the present day.
Spring Sale The porcelain offered in this sale dates throughout the Qing Dynasty, form the late 17th Century to the early the 20th Century. For many collectors, the blue and white porcelain made during the reign of the Kangxi emperor is the finest of the Qing. Baluster vase (lot 485) is a classic example characterised by a clear, even, and bright sapphire blue tones executed like ink painting (fengshui), on an intense white clay body with a thin, clear, translucent glaze. Designs often include characters illustrating passages from epic poems, scholars in contemplation in dramatic landscapes, warriors in battle, as well as more familiar Ming revival floral designs. Soldier vase (lot 493) is a late Qing copy of the 5ft floor vases made for export to the west known as ‘Soldier’ or ‘Dragoon’ vases, after 600 cavalrymen were exchanged by the porcelain-obsessed collector Augustus the Strong of Saxony for 150 vases by Frederick the Great of Prussia in 1717.
Lot 485 12
Lot 493
Who’s copying Who? The Arita kilns in northwest Kyushu in Japan produced blue and white porcelain copying Chinese styles in the 17th Century, and when political turmoil in China made trade very difficult, the Dutch East India Company had a monopoly on trade with Japan, and started importing Arita blue and white to Holland in large quantities. Two lots in the sale are rare examples of dishes made by late 17th Century Dutch Delft pottery companies copying these imported Japanese dishes, in turn copying Chinese ‘Kraak’ dishes made during the reign of the of the Wanli emperor (1573-1619).
Results Rogers Jones & Co. have enviable success in selling fine Chinese porcelain over the years and illustrated here is an example of one such lot. This saucer dish measuring 35cm (13 ¾ in.) across, was sold in the Cardiff Saleroom in 2018 for £6000. It is painted with a mythical creature called a Qilin. They symbolise luck, good omens, protection, prosperity, success, and longevity; all attributes greatly admired by the Chinese. It is a chimera-like creature of various forms, and during the Qing Dynasty in particular is depicted with the head of a dragon, hooves of an ox, skin of a fish and tail of a lion. The background shows a landscape with rocks and banana palm beneath a moon, and was common on porcelains made during the so-called Transitional Period (1620-1683), the turbulent time at the end of the Ming and beginning of the Qing dynasty when government became increasingly corrupt and impotent. It bears a Hall mark rather than the more usual Reign mark, Yu Tang Jia Qi (Fine Vessel for the Jade Hall) and is associated with porcelain from the reign of the first Qing emperor, Shunzhi (1644-1661). Much of this Transitional porcelain was exported to Europe - bold in design, auspicious and old, these dishes are sought after by both Chinese and European collectors alike.
Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg
Pwy sy’n copïo Pwy?
Pleser yw gallu cynnig casgliad preifat o borslen glas a gwyn llinach Qing a chrochenwaith Delft yn arwerthiant Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau’r Gwanwyn.
Roedd yr odynau Arita yng ngogledd-orllewin Kyushu yn Japan yn cynhyrchu porslen glas a gwyn gan gopïo arddulliau Tsieineaidd yn yr 17eg Ganrif, a phan effeithiodd yr helynt gwleidyddol ar fasnachu, roedd gan y Dutch East India Company fonopoli ar fasnach gyda Japan, a dechreuodd fewnforio glas a gwyn Arita i’r Iseldiroedd mewn symiau mawr. Mae dwy lot yn yr arwerthiant yn enghreifftiau prin o’r llestri a wnaed gan y cwmnïau crochenwaith Delft Iseldiraidd ar ddiwedd yr 17eg Ganrif wrth gopïo’r llestri Japaneaidd hyn a fewnforiwyd, a chan hynny, wrth gopïo’r llestri ‘Kraak’ Tsieineaidd a wnaed yn ystod teyrnasiad yr ymerawdwr Wanli (1573-1619).
Tarddiad Tsieineaidd Glas a gwyn yw’r cerameg mwyaf enwog ac oesol a wnaed yn nwyrain Asia, lle gellir olrhain ei darddiad i reolwyr Mongolaidd llinach Yuan (1279-1368), pan broseswyd llestri, powlenni a basnau arllwys yn dilyn ffurfiau metel traddodiadol o ganolbarth Asia. Darganfuwyd mwyn cobalt o’r Dwyrain Canol mewn sawl rhanbarth a’i fewnforio i Tsieina. Mae’r broses gynhyrchu yn dechnegol iawn gyda’r toddiant cobalt yn cael ei roi ar y corff porslen sych ar ôl y tanio cyntaf. Ar y pwynt yma, mae’r paent yn ddu. Ar ôl ei orchuddio mewn farnais clir, mae’n cael ei buro ar dymheredd uchel ac mae’r lliw, drwy wyrth, yn troi’n las prydferth. Mae rheoli paent, farnais, tymheredd ac amser yn hanfodol i gyflawni’r canlyniadau gorau. Roedd tref Jingdezhen yn ne Tsieina wedi bod yn cynhyrchu crochenwaith ers y 6ed Ganrif, ac ar ôl sefydlu llinach Ming yn 1368, gorchmynnodd y tylwyth ymerodrol fod ei holl borslen yn cael ei gynhyrchu mewn deuddeg odyn swyddogol yn Pearl Hill. Mae porslen glas a gwyn yn parhau i gael ei gynhyrchu yn Jingdezhen hyd heddiw.
Arwerthiant y Gwanwyn Mae’r porslen ar werth yn yr arwerthiant hwn yn dyddio’n ôl i Linach Qing, drwy gydol ei rheolaeth, o ddiwedd yr 17eg Ganrif i ddechrau’r 20fed Ganrif. I nifer o gasglwyr, y porslen glas a gwyn a wnaed yn ystod teyrnasiad yr ymerawdwr Kangxi yw’r gwychaf o’r Qing. Mae fâs ‘Baluster’ (lot 485), yn enghraifft glasurol a nodweddir gan arlliwiau saffir glas llachar, cyson, clir wedi’u paentio fel peintiad inc (fengshui), ar gorff clai gwyn dwys gyda farnais tryloyw, clir, tenau. Mae dyluniadau yn aml yn cynnwys cymeriadau yn darlunio darnau o gerddi epig, ysgolheigion yn myfyrio mewn tirweddau dramatig, milwyr mewn brwydr, yn ogystal â darluniadau blodeuog adfywiol mwy cyfarwydd Ming. Mae fâs ‘Soldier’ (lot 493) yn gopi Qing hwyr o’r fasys llawr 5 troedfedd a wnaed i’w hallforio i’r gorllewin a elwir yn fasys ‘Soldier’ neu ‘Dragoon’, ar ôl i’r casglwr porslen brwd Augustus y Cryf o Sacsoni gyfnewid 600 o farchfilwyr am 150 o fasau gan Frederick y Mawr o Brwsia yn 1717.
Canlyniadau Mae Rogers Jones & Co. wedi bod yn llwyddiannus iawn yn gwerthu porslen Tsieineaidd dros y blynyddoedd ac yma ceir un enghraifft o lot o’r fath. Gwerthwyd y soser hon yn mesur 35cm (13 ¾ modfedd) ar draws, yn Ystafell Arwerthu Caerdydd yn 2018 am £6000. Wedi paentio arni mae creadur mytholegol a elwir yn Qilin. Maent yn symboleiddio lwc, argoelion da, amddiffyn, llewyrch, llwyddiant, a hirhoedledd; pob un yn rhinweddau a edmygir yn fawr gan y Tsieineaid. Mae’n greadur tebyg i fwystfil o sawl ffurf, ac yn ystod Llinach Qing yn benodol caiff ei ddarlunio gyda phen draig, carnau ych, croen pysgodyn a chynffon llew. Dengys y cefndir dirwedd gyda chreigiau a choeden fanana o dan y lleuad, ac roedd hyn yn gyffredin ar borslen a wnaed yn ystod y Cyfnod Pontio fel y’i gelwid (1620-1683), yr amser cythryblus ar ddiwedd llinach Ming a dechrau llinach Qing pan ddaeth y llywodraeth yn gynyddol lygredig a di-rym. Mae ganddi ddilysnod yn hytrach na nod arferol y Deyrnas, Yu Tang Jia Qi (Fine Vessel for the Jade Hall) ac fe’i cysylltir â phorslen o deyrnasiad yr ymerawdwr Qing cyntaf, Shunzhi (1644-1661). Allforiwyd llawer o’r porslen hwn o’r cyfnod Pontio i Ewrop - yn ddyluniadau beiddgar, gobeithiol a hen, mae galw mawr am y llestri hyn gan gasglwyr Tsieineaidd ac Ewropeaidd fel ei gilydd.
Obsesiwn Tsieineaidd ym Mhrydain Amlygodd y mudiad Esthetig yn nhrydydd chwarter y 19eg Ganrif ym Mhrydain ymhlith deallusion ac artistiaid, a oedd yn pledio’r athroniaeth ‘celfyddyd er mwyn celfyddyd’ (i ddyfynnu’r band roc 10cc). Casglodd artistiaid dylanwadol fel Whistler a Rossetti, ‘Nankin’ neu ‘Old blue’ yn eiddgar am ei burder lliw a ffurf. O ganlyniad, sefydlodd y ffasiwn am las a gwyn ymhlith y dosbarthiadau canol newydd i gadarnhau eu chwaeth ddiwylliedig ac i addurno ystafelloedd Fictoraidd tywyll, i’r fath raddau hyd nes y byddai ystafelloedd cyfan wedi’u dylunio i ddal casgliadau cyfan (Ystafell Peacock y meistr llongau F. R. Richards yn Kensington, wedi’i hailddylunio gan Whistler). Gwawdiwyd Whistler ac eraill am ddioddef ‘Obsesiwn Tsieineaidd’, ac ar farwolaeth Whistler, roedd ei gasgliad yn cynnwys dros 300 o ddarnau (sydd bellach yn Amgueddfa Hunterian, Glasgow ac Amgueddfa Victoria ac Albert). Sold / Wedi Gwerthu £6000 13
Rogers Jones & Co
1. Sir Kyffin Williams RA Oil ‘Evening Llangwfan’
2. Sir Kyffin Williams RA Oil ‘Clogwyn Y Person I’
3. Sir Kyffin Williams RA Oil ‘Riders In Cwm Hyfryd 1970’
4. Sir Kyffin Williams RA Oil ‘No.1, Old Wall, Cilgwyn’
5. Sir Kyffin Williams RA Oil ‘Cottage Below Slate Tip’
6. Canton Famille Rose Porcelain Vases
7. Patek Philippe Wristwatch
£11000 14
8. Sir Kyffin Williams RA Oil ‘Street In Belgium’
9. John Elwyn Oil ‘Farm Tapestry’
Rogers Jones & Co
10. Carey Morris Oil
11. Diamond Solitaire Ring
12. 1957 AMI Jukebox
13. Sir Kyffin Williams RA Oil
14. Heart Shaped Diamond Pendant
15. Poole Pottery Vase
18. Sir Kyffin Williams RA Watercolour & Pencil ‘Penrhiwiau, Cilgwyn’
16. 18CT Rolex Day-Date Wristwatch
19. David Jones Watercolour
17. Amethyst & Gold Parure
20. Rolex Oyster Perpetual Wristwatch
£5800 15
Rogers Jones & Co
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Rogers Jones & Co
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OUR VALUING & APPRAISING TEAM Ben Rogers Jones BA (Hons) Ben Rogers Jones has been with the company since 2001. Ben now manages the triannual Welsh Sale of Welsh Art, Welsh Antiques and Welsh ceramics. He is also the appraiser and cataloguer for sporting antiques. He is based out of the Cardiff Saleroom but visiting clients UK wide. Welsh Speaking.
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David Rogers Jones David Rogers Jones started the company in 1992 and has been an auctioneer and valuer for 60 years. He now works as a regional auctioneer out of the Colwyn Bay auction room, dividing his appointments with Stephen Roberts and John Rogers Jones. Welsh Speaking.
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Stephen Roberts Stephen works out of the Colwyn Bay auction room as a regional valuer and appraiser, dividing his appointments with David Rogers Jones. He has been involved in the antique trade for 35 years and has wide-reaching experience in all facets of the trade. OFFICE PERSONNEL Cardiff: Alys Lloyd & Sian Russ Colwyn Bay: Dawn Sandham & Lisa Lamb Carmarthen: Morganna Hampshire 17
Rogers Jones & Co
THE WELSH SALE / SELECTIONS & COLLECTIONS: CONTENTS & INDEX OF ARTISTS / CYNNWYS A MYNEGAI ARTISTIAID Welsh Antiques, Welsh Pottery & Porcelain Hen Bethau Cymru, Cerameg Cymru a Phorselen Lots 1-56
• BYRD, Charles (b.1916)
• CAMPBELL, Alex (b.1936) • CARRA, Carlo (1881-1966) • CARROLL, Leo
• CHAGALL, Marc (1887-1985) • CHAPMAN, George (1908-1993) • CHARLTON, Evan (1904-1984) • CHIVERS, Frederick H (1881-1965) • CLARIDGE, Simon (b.1980) • CLARK, Peter (b.1944) • COCKRILL, Maurice (1936-2013) • COUR, Glenys (b.1924) • CRABTREE, Jack (b.1938)
Welsh Prints & Multiples Printiau & Lluosog Lots 58-124 Welsh Works on Paper Dyfrlliwiau & Gwaith ar Bapur Lots 125-233 Welsh Oil Paintings & Other Medium Paentiadau Olew & Chyfryngau Eraill Lots 234-422
GILL, Eric (1882-1940)
248, 315, 318, 319, 342
GRIFFITH, Moses (1749-1819)
GRIFFITHS, Gwenny (Attr). (1867-1953) 351
• GROSVENOR, David (b.1956)
104, 106
• HARRIES, Hywel (1921-1990)
• CRAWFORD, Alistair (b.1945)
• HENDERSON, Andrew (1930-2017) • HERMAN, Josef OBE RA (1911-2000)
234, 235, 236, 421, 422
DE SAEDELEER, Valerius (1867-1941)
• DELAHAYE, Muriel (1937-2021)
DICKSEE, Herbert RE (1862-1942) 523, 524
• ANDREW, Keith (b.1947)
• DUNSTAN, Bernard (1920-2017)
• BARNES, David (b.1942)
239, 240, 243, 258, 260, 261, 301, 305-308, 375-377
149, 151 • BELL, Seren (b.1950) 506 • BONNARD, Pierre (1867-1947) BRANGWYN, Sir Frank RA (1867-1956) 108, •
• BRETT, Lionel Gordon Baliol CBE (1913-2004)
101, 112, 200, 201, 202, 211, 217, 330, 332
• EVANS, Ray (1920-2009) • EVANS, T Leonard (1926-1990)
209 380
• FORBES, Andrew Douglas
• FRIAS, Paul Martinez (b.1929) 298, 299, 300
• BURTON, Rosemary (b.1939)
• GANZ, Valerie (1936-2015)
117, 136, 205, 229
• GATHERCOLE, Susan (b.1962)
141, 167, 244
• HOLLAND, Harry (b.1941)
115, 118-123, 225, 226, 325, 326, 410, 412 257, 407, 408, 409, 411
HOWELLS, Neale (b.1965)
58, 59
526, 527 • HOYLAND, John (1930-2001) 354 • HUGHES, Darren (b.1970) 252, 254, 255, • HUGHES, Wyn (b.1965)
362, 365, 366
I 215
• JANES, Alfred (1911-1999) • JOHN, Augustus (1878-1961) • JONES, Aneurin (1930-2017)
125, 228
BURNE-JONES, Sir Edward Coley (1833-1898)
• ELWYN, John (1916-1997)
• HICKS-JENKINS, Clive (b.1951)
HORLOR, George William (1823-1895) 519, 520
82, 88, 92, 164, 192
100 71, 72, 73, 74, 230, 417
ALDEGREVER, Heinrich (1502-1561)
99, 219
• HOLLY, Nick (b.1968)
• AITHIE, Patricia (b.1957)
• ATKINSON, Kim (b.1962)
148, 265, 382
60, 197
253, 385
• DAVIES, Ogwyn (1925-2015)
• ARMFIELD, Diana RA (b.1920)
159, 278
• DAVIES, Karl (b.1971)
173 111, 116 269
• DALLIMORE-JONES, Martyn (b.1955) 89, 90, 91, 185, 317
83 87, 156, 172, 279
• GORSUCH, Peter • GREENWOOD, Maurice (b.1930) • GRIFFITH, David Lloyd (b.1956)
• GIARDELLI, Bim (1917-2011)
Selections & Collections Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau Lots 440-598
505 84
• GENTLEMAN, David (b.1930) • GIARDELLI, Arthur (1911-2009)
• JONES, Huw (b.1956) • JONES, Jack (1922-1993)
• JONES, Jonah (1919-2004) • JONES, Megan (b.1936)
• JONES, Mike (b.1941)
355, 357 224 232, 233, 420 310 250, 321, 322, 323, 324 139 162, 256
126, 127, 163, 166
Rogers Jones & Co
• JONES, Rowena Wyn (1917-2003) • JONES, Steven (1959-2017)
394 309
393 259
• KELLAM, Colin (b.1942)
• KENT, Maurice • KNAPP-FISHER, John (1931-2015)
• KNIGHT, David (b.1945)
132 268
• OLIVER, Richard J (b.1975) • OWEN, Stephen John (b.1959)
61, 130, 131, 147, 237, 238, 264, 294, 416
387 • PARRY, Gareth (b.1951) • PIECH, Paul Peter (1920-1996) 64-70, 76, 77 203, 221 • PIERCY, Rob (b.1946) 113 • PIPER, John (1903-1992) PRENDERGAST, Peter (1946-2007) 81, • 168, 212, 273
• PRICHARD, Gwilym (1931-2015)
• LEK, Karel (1929-2020)
78, 406
• LEWIS, Ann (b.1962) • LLOYD JONES, Mary (b.1934) • LOWRY, Laurence Stephen (1887-1976)
79 161 227
98, 181, 213, 216, 220, 295, 329, 367, 396, 397
• PRITCHARD, Arthur (1927-1993) • PRITCHARD, Ben (b.1970) • PUGH, Ieuan Meirion (b.1939) • RATHMELL, Thomas (1912-1990)
• MALTHOUSE, Eric (1914-1997)
85, 138, 312
364 97 418
521 • MASON, Frank Henry (1875-1965) 502 • MAZE, Paul (1887-1979) McINTYRE, Donald (1923-2009) 133, 184, •
358, 386
REES, Nick John
277, 370
343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348
• RICHARDS, Ceri CBE (1903-1971)
• RICHARDS, Frances (1903-1985)
80, 153, 158, 169, 170 155, 280
368 • MCINTYRE, Sion (b.1975) MONAGHAN, Mike 251 • 157, 190 • MOORE, Leslie (1913-1976) 356 • MOORE, Sally (b.1962) 361, 363 • MORGAN, Peter (b.1970) 245 • MORGAN, Robert (1921-1994) 392 • MORRIS, Carey (1882-1968) 186 • MORRIS, Edward • MORSE BROWN, Dorothy (1900-1995) 146
• ROBERTS, Bronwen (b.1917) • ROBERTS, Howard (1922-2001) • ROBERTS, Wilf (1941-2016)
MUFANGEJO, John Ndevasia (1943-1987) 469-473
• SAMUEL, Graham T Gower
SAWADA, Testsuro (1933-1998)
• MULLER, Sigrid (b.1962)
MURRAY, William Grant (1877-1950)
N 514, 515
NASH, Paul (1889-1946)
• NASH, Tom (b.1931) • NEEP, Victor (1921-1979)
281 282
O O’CONNELL, Richard (b.1947) OLIVER, Alfred (1868-1943)
335, 336
302, 303, 304
63, 249 297, 381
• ROBERTS, Will (1907-2000)
128, 129, 145, 160, 165, 196, 274, 373, 374 501
ROUND, Cecil Mendelssohn
• RUSSELL, Gyrth (1892-1970)
140, 171
• SELWYN, William (b.1933)
135, 150, 188, 191, 193
• SINNOTT, Kevin (b.1947) • SIRONI, Mario (1885-1961) • SNOW, Philip (b.1947) • SNOWDEN, Matthew (b.1961)
272, 275 504 142, 143 388
STUART, Gordon (1924-2015) 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 283-292
• SUTTON, Philip RA (b.1928)
• THOMAS, Francis Wynne (1907-1989) 360 371 • TINKER, David (1924-2000) 293, 313 • TOMOS, Gwyneth (b.1937) 384 • TRESS, David (b.1955) TREVELYAN, Julian (1910-1988) 525 • TUDUR, Dewi (b.1957) 204 • TUNNICLIFFE, Charles Frederick OBE RA • 114, 189
• TYDEMAN, Naomi (b.1957)
• VICARI, Andrew (1932-2016)
262, 263
• WALTERS, Evan (1893-1951) • WHITE, Charles (1928-1997)
WILKIE, Sir David (Attr). (1785-1841)
401, 402, 403, 404, 405
• WILLIAMS, Catrin (b.1966)
WILLIAMS, Christopher RBA (1873-1934) 337, 338, 339, 340, 353, 359
• WILLIAMS, Claudia (b.1933) • WILLIAMS, David T • WILLIAMS, Harry Hughes (1892-1953)
• WILLIAMS, Ivor (1908-1992) • WILLIAMS, John Cyrlas (1902-1965)
WILLIAMS, Penry (1800-1855)
182, 214 341
• WILLIAMS, Sir Kyffin RA (1918-2006)
62, 93, 94, 95, 96, 102, 109, 134, 152, 183, 194, 195, 206, 207, 208, 223, 296, 378, 383
• WILLIAMS, Vivienne (b.1955) • WILSON, Scottie RSA RSW (1889-1972)
WOOD, Christopher (1901-1930)
516, 517
• WOODFORD, David (b.1938)
327, 328, 390, 391
• WYATT WARREN, Charles (1908-1993)
242, 266, 270, 314, 316, 399, 400
WYLLIE, William Lionel (1851-1931)
Y YEADON, Darren (b.1970)
413, 414
• ZOBOLE, Ernest (1927-1999)
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions). 19
Rogers Jones & Co
NEXT WELSH SALE / SELECTIONS & COLLECTIONS JULY 24th Entries invited NOW and by June 12th but please call earlier to ensure entries are confirmed.
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The Welsh Sale / Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig 10am 17.4.21
Lot 383
Welsh Antiques, Welsh Pottery & Porcelain Hen Bethau Cymru, Cerameg Cymru a Phorselen
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
1 VARIOUS ITEMS RELATING TO FORMER PRIME MINISTER DAVID LLOYD GEORGE (1863-1945) including (1) a carved slate easel portrait frame inscribed Rt Hon. D. Lloyd George and dated 1911, containing a black and white photograph of Lloyd George in robes, 27cms high (2) a handwritten signed letter in Welsh language, on 10 Downing Street headed paper, dated October 13th 1919 (framed) (3/4) a framed copper relief portrait panel, two photographic portraits of Lloyd George, signed (one signature removed) (5) a framed Spy print for Vanity Fair, entitled ‘A Nonconformist Genius’, a Grafton China model of the Lloyd George statue in Caernarfon etc
3 DR THOMAS S JONES (1870-1955) four books - (1) ‘A Diary with Letters 1931-1950’, pub. 1954 containing a signed note to the vendor’s grandmother, on University College of Wales, Aberystwyth paper, with d.j (Oxford University Press) (2) ‘Leeks and Daffodils’ pub. 1942, no d.j (The Welsh Outlook Press) (3) ‘A Theme with Variations’ pub. 1933, no d.j (The Gregynog Press) (4) ‘Rhymney Memories’, pub 1938 containing signed note to vendor’s grandfather who reviewed the book, the note on The Pilgrim Trust headed card, no d.j (The Welsh Outlook Press)
Provenance: private collection consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Provenance: by descent, Vale of Glamorgan
Condition Report: on request £250-350*
Auctioneer’s Note: Dr Thomas Jones is considered by academics to be one of the most important Welsh figures of the twentieth century, holding several prominent positions in the public life of Wales. A native of Rhymney, he became a prominent civil servant, administrator and author who was Deputy Secretary to the cabinet from 1916 until 1930. He was an Independent Labour Party member and a member of the Fabian Society and he devoted much time to an intensive study of the problems of poverty, living and working at social settlements at Glasgow and Cardiff. He was also one of the founders of the Gregynog Press in 1923 and was one of the principal founders of Coleg Harlech in 1927. From 1930 until 1945 he was the first secretary of the Pilgrim Trust. During the severe inter-war depression in the South Wales coalfields he was closely associated with voluntary efforts to alleviate the worst ravages of the downturn in trade and industry. He accompanied Lloyd George on his famous visit to Hitler in 1936. In October 1944 Thomas Jones was elected president of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. His biography of Lloyd George, was published in 1951 and his political diaries were published in three volumes under the title Whitehall Diary between 1969 and 1971. He received a large number of distinctions and honorary doctorates
2 TWO PAINTED WOODEN WELSH DRAGON PLAQUES the dragons relief carved, 58cms and 25cms high, together with an associated swag relief inscribed ‘Y Ddraig Goch A Ddyry Gychwyn’ 85cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: in good condition, undamaged £100-150*
Condition Report: please enquire £100-150* 4 EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY & LATER SNOWDONIA CWPWRDD TRIDARN in carved oak, having an open canopy, turned pendants, middle section with double cupboard and fixed central panel, base with two panelled cupboards, all over geometric and foliate carving, on stile feet, one support carved with the letters ‘OT’, 143cms wide x 188cms high Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: please see images online, good early timber used in interior and top, later carving £1000-1500* 4
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
5 5 THE ‘PRINCE OF WALES’ WATERWORN WELSH GOLD NUGGET 30.57gms, discovered in 1979, by the New Zealand born prospectors Kerry Thackwell, and his father Ray, during their comprehensive appraisal, sampling and mining of the Dolgellau Gold Belt between 1979 and 1981. The nugget was discovered while sampling an ancient river bed near the Prince of Wales Gold Mine. At over 30gms it is believed to be one of, or even the largest, natural waterworn Welsh nuggets to be discovered and recorded Provenance: Ray and Kerry Thackwell purchased and opened the Clogau St. David’s Gold Mine in 1979 and produced the first commercial handmade Welsh gold jewellery in the same year, this is the first time the nugget has been offered to market £20000-25000*
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
6 A RARE MID 19TH CENTURY PONTYPOOL TÔLE PEINTRE PLATE WARMER with dome-top, four corner cabriole legs, door, sides and top decorated with exotic landscapes and buildings, pair of brass rosette and ring side-handles, 70cms high, 35cms deep, 39cms wide
7 7 GROUP OF INTERESTING JAPANNED TÔLE WARE CURIOS BELIEVED PONTYPOOL OR USK comprising (1) pair of candlesticks of baluster form on square bases, floral decorated, 21cms high (2) rectangular based tea canister with tortoise-shell effect reserve with opposing oval cartouches of finely painted landscape scenes, 8.5cms (3) a rare Winsor & Newton miniature en plein air paints-locket with finger-ring and neckribbon for practical use (4) cased pocket balance (5) spectacles case with faux tortoiseshell spectacles and (6) a pair of tongs Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire Condition Report: overall good, please enquire or see images online £300-400* 8 A TÔLE WARE PONTYPOOL CIRCULAR TRAY & TWO OVAL SMALLER SIMILAR each with pierced gallery, 57cms diam and 24cms
Provenance: private collection, Monmouthshire Auctioneer’s Note: Pontypool Japan is a name given to the process of ‘japanning’ with the use of an oil varnish and heat which is credited to Thomas Allgood of Pontypool. In the late 17th century, during his search for a corrosionresistant coating for iron, he developed a recipe that included asphaltum, linseed oil and burnt umber. Once applied to metal and heated the coating turned black and was extremely tough and durable. This platewarmer with it’s open back would have stood close to the open-fire to warm the plates as they were stored inside before dinner, at an upper-class residence
Provenance: private collection, Monmouthshire Condition Report: repair to large tray, losses commensurate with age, craquelure to oval examples £80-120*
Condition Report: some corrosion and losses, particular to top, commensurate with age, please see images online £300-500*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
9 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA an A4 handwritten letter on artist’s headed paper with Pwllfanogl address-the correspondence is with Burry Port artist Ruth Brenton, dated 14th October 1998, the letter is seemingly in response to a letter to Sir Kyffin from Brenton, relating a plan of hers to produce a portrait of the artist, signed fully Provenance: private collection West Wales, by descent Condition Report: well preserved but hole-punched, correction fluid top right £100-120*
9 10 AN ARCHIVE OF WELSH DEEDS & DOCUMENTS RELATING TO CLYDACH GORGE IRON WORKS of Llanelly, Monmouthshire (formerly Breconshire), includes important papers concerning the historic Welsh industrial site, including rare particulars of the works printed by Henry Hughes, Brecknock (1813); two massive vellum deeds dated 1814 and 1825 dealing with partnership interests; long unexecuted draft agreement 1830; further printed sale particulars 1862 (together with modern photocopies of the history and remains today) Together with important letters and documents relating to the associated local supply industries: Account of the Llangattock Railway 1815; large printed Report of the Brecon and Abergavenny Canal Co 1824; Letter from T. Ellwood, engineer, “Thoughts on the future working of the Boat Co and Bridge End Colliery” 1831; Important letter re coal supply via canal and price offered, signed by J and C. Bailey, Nantyglo 1832; Printed Report of the Brinmore Tram Road Co 1861. Rough accounts of Brecon and Merthyr Tydfil Junction Railway Co 1860-1
Together with a small group of papers relating to various Glamorgan industries, viz: two copy leases relating to the Penydarren Iron Company 1824 and 1828; manuscript accounts of the Ystalyfera Gas Co 1890-1; large hand drawn and coloured map (copied from OS) of the Ystalyfera Works; printed transcripts of two days of evidence in court case between Ystalyfera Iron and Tinplate Co and Ystalyfera Collieries Co 1906; Great Western Colliery Co Annual Report 1921 Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office £400-600* 11 APPROXIMATELY SIXTY 18TH / 19TH CENTURY DEEDS & DOCUMENTS RELATING TO PROPERTIES IN BRECONSHIRE some concerning leading county gentry. Mostly conveyances or leases; several copy Wills. Together with several printed sale particulars of properties, including two copies of a large set of printed maps of farms, bill heads and miscellaneous papers, all Breconshire 19th century; a bundle of company reports of the Tyspane Tea Company Ltd (Ceylon tea); a bundle of deeds 1733-1884 for two farms in the parish of Clun, Shropshire; and a bundle of papers relating to Miss Cobb of Leamington, Warwickshire, accounts, printed billheads, all late C19th Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office £300-400* 11
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
12 J & A WALKER Victorian coloured and engraved map-North Wales, dedicated to Marquis of Anglesey with pictorial view of the Menai Suspension Bridge, 62 x 77cms
13 A BRITISH RAIL’TOTEM’ ENAMEL SIGN FOR MERTHYR TYDFIL in typical brown, cream and black livery, of rounded-edge form, 93cms long
14 JOHN SPEED coloured antiquarian map of ‘Wales’, Basset & Chiswell Edition, 1676, map flanked by twelve county towns, 42 x 53cm
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Provenance: private collection, West Country, purchased York Station Shop circa 1987
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: no problems other than slight discolouration commensurate with age, framed and glazed £100-150*
Condition Report: clean example, no damage £300-500*
Presentation & Condition: unframed, condition good, recently coloured £300-500* 15 No lot
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
16 GROUP OF 19TH CENTURY SWANSEA POTTERY IN THE WEDGWOOD STYLE comprising Glamorgan green glazed leaf-form moulded dish, 25.5cms, Baker Bevans & Irwin green glazed moulded plate, 20.5cms diam, Cambrian pottery green glazed leaf-moulded tureen and stand, 17cms high Baker Bevans & Irwin sprigged jug, 15cms high and another sprigged jug, 19cms high, pair of creamware plates with chocolate and turquoise enamelled border, 25cms diam (8) Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: leaf form dish restored at tip, loop handle of tureen cover restored, please enquire £100-150* 17 A GROUP OF VARIOUS EARLY SWANSEA CAMBRIAN / GLAMORGAN POTTERY TEAWARE comprising matching cup, saucer and bowl in the ‘Fitzhugh’ pattern, ‘Boy on the Buffalo’ coffee-can, ‘Deer in Landscape’ bowl, ‘Chinoiserie Palm’ coffee can, painted floral coffee can and saucer, Glamorgan blue and white coffee-can (9) Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: no apparent problems, please enquire further £150-250* 18 PAIR OF LLANELLY COCKEREL PLATES typically decorated with sponged floral motifs to the border, believed to have been decorated by ‘Auntie Sal’ Sarah Jane Roberts, 24cms diam Provenance: private collection, consigned via our North Wales office
19 A WILKINSON TOBY JUG OF DAVID LLOYD GEORGE DESIGNED BY SIR FRANCIS CARRUTHERS GOULD commemorating WWI holding a grey artillery shell inscribed ‘Shell Out’, printed marks to base, 25cms high Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Auctioneer’s Note: part of a famous set of eleven Wilkinson Toby Jugs of Allied Commanders of the First World War, circa 1915-1918, Issued in Limited Editions between 1915 and 1919 and designed by Sir F Carruthers Gould Condition Report: no problems £250-350*
Condition Report: one browned and star crack to base, the other with localised crazing, no chips or repairs, fair condition £200-300*
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 20 A SWANSEA POTTERY NAMED JUG FOR D DAVIES SWANSEA of bellied form and moulded handle in rare black opposing transfers of a pair of jays perched in a tree, above a stream, and a trio of grouse on the ground being stalked by a fox, with chains of flowers to the handle and neck, inscribed D Davies Swansea to the front, 22cms high Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: crazing, good example of a named jug with rare transfer £100-150*
22 21 A MOULDED GLAMORGAN POTTERY NAMED JUG with Rural Series transfers in black and inscribed in black ELIZABETH HICKs WILLIAMS / BORN DECbr 20th 1835, mark for BB&I to base, 13.5cms high Provenance: jug illustrated as Plate 46 ‘The Glamorgan Pottery Swansea 1814-38’ by Helen Hallesy, deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Auctioneer’s Note: the Hicks-Williams family appear to be still present in the South Wales area Condition Report: restoration to handle £100-150*
22 TWO 1832 GLAMORGAN POTTERY POLITICAL REFORM JUGS comprising an example of bellied form with spreading foot and ear-shaped loop handle, black transfer and inscribed ROYAL ASSENT TO THE REFORM BILL 7 JUNE 1832 with opposing portrait medallions with titles, for Lord Althorp, Earl Grey, Lord John Russell and Lord Brougham, beneath spout the crown, lion and pillars representing the Westminster houses, 15cms high. The second with puce transfer and with opposing portraits of Early Grey and Lord Althorpe, 15cms high
23 A CAMBRIAN SWANSEA POTTERY JUG OF TAPERING FORM with blue marine-life and shells transfer and inscribed ‘Mrs Thomas Morgan, Roll-turner, Old Castle’, 18.25cms high
Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office
Condition Report: no problems except localised crazing and browning, good example of an interesting industrial-historic jug £100-150*
Condition Report: black transfer jug restored £120-180*
Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office, typed note from previous owner referring to research around Mrs Morgan, of ‘Vittoria Street (now Heol Siloh)...listed in the 1881 census...died 1888 aged 55’ Auctioneer’s Note: a roll-turner probably refers to Mrs Morgan’s occupation at the Old Castle Iron and Tin Plate Co which was located at the site of Carnwyllion Castle near Llanelly
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 24 A SWANSEA CAMBRIAN PEARLWARE COW CREAMER typically modelled with tail loophandle and standing on a rectangular green washed base, the body painted with black and iron red markings, 14cms high Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: restored cover and horns commensurate with age £120-180* 25 A SWANSEA CAMBRIAN PEARLWARE COW CREAMER typically modelled with tail loophandle and standing on a rectangular naturalistic base, the body painted with pink lustre markings, 14cms high
Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: restored cover and around horns commensurate with age £150-250* 26 AN YNYSMEUDWY POTTERY ‘FOUNTAIN’ TOILET JUG & BASIN the jug of baluster form with spreading foot, having a moulded twig handle terminating in raised leaves at the body, typical shapely wide moulded rim to match flared bowl, transfer decorated in black and grey, featuring a stately garden featuring fountain and sculpture, with flowers and foliage in over-glazed colour enamels, both bases with ‘Fountain’ mark in miniature scene, jug 33cms high, basin 37cms diam Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: crazing only £200-300*
27 AN YNYSMEUDWY ALAMBRA PATTERN PARTDINNER SET comprising large twin-handled lidded tureen, 28cms high, of bellied form with spreading foot, the cover with impressive moulded knop in the form of a closed tulip, complete with circular twin-handled footed stand, 37cms diam, platter, 44cms, the Alambra transfer pattern in grey and depicting sprays of flowers including lily-of-the-valley and honeysuckle within a scroll border, marked to the base with Williams and Alambra in a circular cartouche, plate and platter impressed YMP Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: professional restoration to knop and foot of tureen, localised crazing to other items only, rim of tureen body rough but does not appear to be restored £200-300* 27
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
28 AN YNYSMEUDWY POTTERY WASH JUG & BOWL the jug of baluster form with narrow neck and snaking loop handle, the bowl of flared and footed form, both printed in the blue ‘Rural’ pattern of pastoral scene with men and horses ploughing, a woman with a pail on her head and small child, all within an idyllic landscape with distant church, transfer marked Rural in cartouche to bases, jug 32cms high, basin 34cms diam Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: star crack to base of bowl, surface scratches and localised crazing to both £100-150*
29 EIGHT YNYSMEUDWY POTTERY ITEMS IN MATCHING ‘FLORAL 1’ TRANSFER comprising four jugs and a single tankard, decorated in the green version of the sheet-pattern with repeated lichen interspersed with chickweed, together with a similar blue transfer jug, blue toothbrush container and unusual copper lustre plate in the same pattern, tallest jug 24.5cms high Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: tallest jug is restored at spout, hairline to handle of tankard, localised crazing £100-150*
30 A POTTERY TRANSFER JUG COMMEMORATING THE CRIMEAN WAR attributed to Ynysmeudwy, of lobed form, having a spurred and moulded loop handle, with black and grey transfer depiction of General Sir George Brown at the battle of Alma, his one foot standing on a horse and with sword raised rallying his battalion below, to the opposite side a titled view of SEBASTOPOL harbour with ships of the Allied forces in the foreground and the Russian fleet in the background with distant fortresses, flower border, 20.5cms high Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: no problems, localised crazing £100-150*
31 TWO YNYSMEUDWY POTTERY OCTAGONAL JUGS both printed in black transfer, the larger in the ‘Livinium’ pattern, featuring two travellers surveying an Italianate landscape, 30cms high, the smaller with ‘Rural’ pattern, 24cms high Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: restoration to part of handle on larger £100-150* 30
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 32 A LLANELLY POTTERY NAMED JUG WITH TRANSFER TO COMMEMORATE GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI inscribed in black ‘A Present for Hannah Evans, Garnant, 1898’, 16cms high Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: repaired chip / flake to spout £100-150* 33 A LLANELLY SOUTH WALES POTTERY NAMED JUG of fluted form with twig handle, in transfer decorated in the Amherst pattern and inscribed ‘Ann Trevaskis’ in iron red to front, blue transfer mark to base with pattern name, 18cms high
Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: restored at rim £100-150* 34 EIGHT YNYSMEUDWY POTTERY CHILDREN’S PLATES all with floral moulded borders, comprising two from a transfer series of childhood games, named ‘Piggyback’ and ‘Old Robert and the Welcome Party’, 18.5cms diam, three from the series ‘Rural Pursuits’ (2 x) and (1x) 16cms diam, one from the series ‘Wholesome Chores’, 16cms diam together with a rose decorated plate, 16cms diam and another pink lustre ‘Tree, House, Fence’ pattern, 19cms diam, all eight impressed to base ‘YMP’ (8) Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office
Condition Report: no notable damage, flake from underside of one, crazing and browning as expected, please enquire £100-150* 35 GROUP OF FIVE GLAMORGAN POTTERY PINK LUSTRE WARES comprising teapot decorated with strawberries, 24cms long, cup and saucer with strawberries, teapot with castle landscape, 24cms long, jug with stylised flowers and leaves, similar with grapes, 16cms high (5) Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, former President of CASW (see catalogue foreword) Condition Report: repaired spout to both jugs, restored cup, small chip to rim of teapot, please enquire £200-300*
36 A SWANSEA CAMBRIAN POTTERY TRANSFER DECORATED CHESTNUT BASKET and matching transfer plate, the basket of oval footed form with undulating border and nine graduated circular vents to each side, the twin handles of feather form and with a series of moulded feathers around the body, the interior with green transfer of bird in flight over a swan with foliage, 27cms long, plate 20cms and impressed horseshoe mark for DILLWYN & CO SWANSEA (2) Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: no apparent problems £100-150*
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 37 FIVE CAMBRIAN POTTERY TEAPOTS WITH VARIOUS TRANSFERS including blue and white ‘Women with Baskets’, puce transfer ‘Mignonette’, pink ‘Archery’, black transfer with two Oriental views, transfer filled Chinoiserie (5) Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: restored spout (black transfer), loose knop (archery), localised crazing, possibly small chips elsewhere but not of significance, viewing by appointment recommended £100-200*
38 A RARE SWANSEA EARTHENWARE DOLPHIN-SUPPORT PASTILLE BURNER on curved triangular base, the base and three dolphins glazed in deep blue, the cup in mottled purple glaze, circa 1800 (George Haynes period), impressed SWANSEA mark to base, 12.5cms high, 12cms diam Provenance: private collection, Wales, please see Morton Nance ‘The Pottery & Porcelain of Swansea & Nantgarw’, page 55, Pl. XIX A Auctioneer’s Note: a rare academic item from the early transitional period at Swansea Condition Report: nibbles to edges of cup, base and dolphins, enamel loss, would have had cover originally £200-300* 39-41 No lots
42 42 A NANTGARW PORCELAIN CUP & SAUCER the footed bell shaped cup with elevated loop handle, both elements London decorated with colourful sprays of flowers and gilding Provenance: private collection, Cornwall Condition Report: fine condition, fresh decoration, no problems, super example £300-500*
43 43 GROUP OF WELSH PORCELAINS comprising (1) Swansea porcelain square dish, with typical moulded border, with botanical decoration, inscribed ‘Lilac’ to base, 20 x 20cms (2) similar oval Swansea porcelain dish, 26cms (3) Swansea porcelain Burdett-Coutts circular plate, decorated with overflowing basket and insects, 23cms diam (4) Swansea pearlware soup dish with Imari decoration (5,6,) two porcelain cabaret cups (7) non matching gilded cup and saucer Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire Condition Report: all plates / dishes and most items of repairs or damage, Burdett-Coutts plate is worn £300-500* * Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 44 A SWANSEA PORCELAIN CABARET CUP BY THOMAS BAXTER of baluster footed form with gilded ear-shaped handle, painted in sepia monochrome with Cupid playing a flute within a simple scrolled border below the interior rim, Swansea mark in Baxter’s script, 8.3cms high, Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire Auctioneer’s Note: part of the service painted by Baxter with cupids in sepia monochrome and illustrated by Wilstead and Morris, Thomas Baxter The Swansea Years (1997), p 18, and was exhibited at the Festival of Britain Exhibition of Swansea Pottery and Porcelain in 1951. In the exhibition catalogue, it was described by Kildare Meager as being ‘formerly in the possession of the Cadogan family’. Wilstead and Morris repeat an announcement from ‘The Courier’ of July 19th 1816 which relates ‘…the Princess Mary has recently obtained from the latter place a superb dejeune set, and one is in preparation for the Princess Charlotte, part of which is now exhibited at 250, Oxford Street’ Condition Report: restored and cracked at top of body £300-400*
44 45 A NANTGARW PORCELAIN SQUARE DISH FROM THE MACKINTOSH SERVICE having a shaped rim, painted in London, probably by Thomas Martin Randall, with a fine standing bird and a smaller perched bird set amongst grasses and flowering plants, the gilded shell and scroll border reserving floral sprays, impressed NANT GARW CW to base, 24 x 24cms Provenance: private collection, Wales Condition Report: restored break to border £700-1200* 46 A NANTGARW PORCELAIN DESSERT PLATE of lobed form, the border moulded with c-scrolls and reserved with panels enclosing flowers and insects, the interior with three colourful flower sprays around a centred single open pink rose, all within a gilt dentil rim, impressed NANT GARW CW to base, 21cms diam Provenance: private collection, Wales Condition Report: no problems, very fine and fresh example £400-600*
45 47 A NANTGARW PORCELAIN OVAL DISH of lobed form and decorated with a large off-centre spray of flowers, three scattered sprigs and a single butterfly, all within a solid gilt rim, impressed NANT GARW CW to base, 29cms long Provenance: private collection Wales Condition Report: no problems other than commensurate wear to gilding £300-500* 46
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
48 48 A MATCHING SET OF SIX SWANSEA PORCELAIN CRUCIFORM CIRCULAR DISHES painted with regularly spaced cornflower sprigs in blue and green enamels within brightly gilded borders, 21cms diam (6) Provenance: private collection, London Condition Report: no apparent problems, some wear to gilding of one in particular £200-400*
49 A NANTGARW PORCELAIN LONDON DECORATED PLATE having a border moulded with c-scrolls, ribbons and garlands, the interior painted with a large spray of flowers, pink rose and foliage, the border with sprigs of flowers and fruit within a gilt dentil rim, impressed NANT GARW CW to base, 21.5cms diam
50 A RARE SWANSEA PORCELAIN MINIATURE TAPERSTICK of circular form with ring handle and stepped nozzle surrounded by ring of beadwork at the base, the border painted with continuous series of convulvulus and with gilt decoration to nozzle and ring handle, 6.5cms diam at base
Provenance: private collection, London
Provenance: private collection, London
Condition Report: small chip to foot, surface scratches and wear to gilding commensurate with age £300-500*
Condition Report: nozzle rim chip with hairline, wear to gilding £200-400*
51 A NANTGARW PORCELAIN CUP & SAUCER DECORATED BY THOMAS PARDOE both elements painted with butterflies and insects around an enamelled and gilded centre star motif, all within gilt rims Provenance: private collection, London client, W D John ‘Nantgarw Porcelain’ Illustration 57A and described on page 148 Condition Report: without damage or restoration, wear to gilding commensurate with age £400-600*
52 A NANTGARW PORCELAIN PLATE DECORATED BY WILLIAM POLLARD of alternate lobed form, the border decorated with sprays of flowers and wild-strawberries beneath outer gilded fern scrolls within a solid gilt line border, impressed NANT GARW CW to base, 21.5cms diam Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office, collection labels for Sidney Heath and Harold Davies Condition Report: no structural issues, wear to gilding, light surface scratches commensurate with age £300-500*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 53 LARGE NANTGARW PORCELAIN OVAL CENTRE DISH lobed and with moulded fan handles, centred with spray of brightly enameled flowers including rose and tulip, four outer sprigs to interior and exterior, solid gilt trim, impressed NANT GARW CW to base, 35cms long Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office, rare shape documented in ‘Nantgarw Porcelain’ W D John, illustration 19d Condition Report: no apparent condition issues, wear to gilding particularly at handle, enameling very fresh £700-900* 54 A PAIR OF NANTGARW PORCELAIN PLATES of lobed form, both painted with open pink roses and foliage, three sprigs to borders, within gilt dentil rim, impressed NANT GARW CW to base, 23.5cms diam
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: no problems with either, gilding and enameling very fresh £300-500* 55 A PAIR OF NANTGARW PORCELAIN SHELL HANDLED DISHES of lobed form, having moulded handle and borders of c-scrolls, flowers and ribbons, both painted with sprays of flowers and foliage within solid gilt line borders, one impressed NANT GARW CW to base, 23cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: no structural problems, wear to gilding £600-800*
56 A PAIR OF NANTGARW PORCELAIN PLATES of circular form, finely painted with four sprigs of pink open roses and foliage within a gilt dentil rim, unmarked, 22cms diam Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: wear to gilding, please note no factory marks £150-250* 57 No lot 37
Welsh Prints & Multiples Printiau & Lluosog SUPER SATURDAY/ DYDD SADWRN MAWR
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 58 NEALE HOWELLS handmade cyanotype print with homemade negatives and pencil - entitled ‘New Variant II’, signed and dated 2021, 73 x 56cms Provenance: from the artist’s studio Presentation & Condition: no problems, unframed £150-250* 59 NEALE HOWELLS handmade cyanotype print with homemade negatives - entitled ‘New Variant I’, signed and dated 2021, 73 x 56cms Provenance: from the artist’s studio Presentation & Condition: no problems, unframed £150-250*
60 60 OGWYN DAVIES coloured print - the popular image ‘Soar y Mynydd’, the iconic and hauntingly beautiful remote Calvanistic chapel, over typed with Welsh hymns & musical notes, signed fully and titled, dated 97/98, 41 x 30cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400* 61 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER limited edition (110/175) colour print Porthgain harbour wall, signed, 25 x 76cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £250-350*
62 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (13/150) unframed colour print - entitled ‘Penrhyn Du, Aberffraw’, signed fully in pencil, 42 x 60cms Provenance: produced for Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, Mon, 1999, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: some marks, and small foxing, requires framing £250-350* 63 WILF ROBERTS limited edition (24/200) colour print - landscape with cottages, signed, 26.5 x 38cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
64 PAUL PETER PIECH three colour linocut poster - advert for a 1987 ‘Injustice Around the World’ exhibition of the artist’s work in Oxford to support ‘Threatened Tribal People’ (please see provenance below), with a figure symbolising Western Superpowers testing bombs, signed and dated 1987, 74 x 50cms Provenance: private collection overseas based vendor, vendor met Piech during the 1980s through Tony Evora (creator of the iconic Che Guevara posters) and when studying at Oxford Polytechnic. In 1987, the vendor and the artist organised an exhibition to raise awareness for Survival International with a focus on Aboriginal land rights, held successfully at the Old Fire Station, Oxford. This was followed by an exhibition at Oxford Polytechnic focusing on Piech’s work for Amnesty International Presentation & Condition: unframed, very slight foxing and discolouration but in excellent condition £200-300*
67 65 PAUL PETER PIECH three colour lithograph - ‘Abolish Torture’ with passage by Greek author and journalist Nicholas Gage describing the corporal punishment of Falanga (foot whipping), ‘Each blow of the rod is felt not just on the soles of the feet, painfully flexed as the club smashes the delicate nerves, between the well and the balls of the foot; the pain shoots up the stretched muscles of the leg and explodes in the back of the skull, the whole body is in agony and the victim writhes like a worm’, signed and dated 1987, 50 x 76cms Provenance: please see Lot 64 Presentation & Condition: unframed, foxing £250-350* 66 PAUL PETER PIECH two colour lithograph - ‘Neither Shall they Learn War Anymore’ peace poster with passage from the prophet Isaiah, signed and dated 1988, 75 x 51cms Provenance: please see Lot 64 Presentation & Condition: fresh print in good condition, unframed £200-300* 67 PAUL PETER PIECH three colour lithograph poster supporting the charity organisation Survival International, with a quote from the Isneg people of the Philippines, ‘Without the Trees, We Will Not Be Able to Survive’, signed and dated 1987, 72 x 51cms Provenance: please see Lot 64 Presentation & Condition: small tears to edge, good condition, unframed £200-300*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
68 PAUL PETER PIECH five colour limited edition (14/20) lithograph protest poster in support of indigenous peoples with extracts from nature writer Richard Jefferies (1848-1887) from his 1883 autobiography ‘The Story from My Heart’, ‘Each human being by mere birth, has a birthright in this earth & all its production; and if they do not receive it then it is they who are injured and it is not the ‘pauper’. Oh, inexpressibly wicked world! - it is the well-to-do who are the criminal classes’, signed and dated 1987, 51 x 75cms Provenance: please see Lot 64 Presentation & Condition: no problems, fresh example, unframed £250-350* 69 PAUL PETER PIECH two colour lithograph - image with typography ‘Aboriginal land rights is a Christian commitment - stand up for justice’, signed and dated 1988, 63 x 45cms Provenance: please see Lot 64 Presentation & Condition: no problems, fresh example, unframed £150-250* 70 PAUL PETER PIECH three colour lithograph - commenting on former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s stance on apartheid in South Africa, with Margaret Thatcher’s bouffant hair over demonic eyes with pound signs, the mouth in the form of an imprisoned figure, ‘Ally of Apartheid’ below, signed and dated 1988, 76 x 51cms Provenance: please see Lot 64 Auctioneer’s Note: in 1986 Prime Minister Mrs Thatcher opposed Commonwealth sanctions against South Africa Presentation & Condition: fresh example, small tear at base and edge, stain on edge, unframed, framing would cover problems £300-400*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
71 MURIEL DELAHAYE artist’s proof colour print - ‘The Visitors’, signed in pencil, 39.5 x 50cms
73 MURIEL DELAHAYE limited edition (11/275) colour print - ‘Night Walkers’, signed in pencil, 38 x 46cms
Provenance: private collection Ceredigion
Provenance: private collection Ceredigion
Presentation & Condition: no problems, mounted, not framed £200-300*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, mounted, not framed £200-300*
72 MURIEL DELAHAYE limited edition (19/275) colour print ‘Time To Go Home’, signed in pencil, 38 x 46cms
74 MURIEL DELAHAYE artist’s proof colour print - ‘Woman with a Pram’, signed in pencil, 39.5 x 50cms
Provenance: private collection Ceredigion
Provenance: private collection Ceredigion
Presentation & Condition: no problems, mounted, not framed £200-300*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, mounted, not framed £200-300*
75 NAOMI TYDEMAN limited edition (172/300) colour print - St David’s Cathedral at dusk, signed, 28.5 x 19.5cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
76 76 PAUL PETER PIECH limited edition (23/75) two colour screen print with image of a tiger entitled ‘Tyger, Tyger’, and words from the poem by William Blake (1757-1827) ‘Tyger! Tyger! Burning bright, In the forests of the night, What immortal hand and eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies, Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What hand dare seize the fire? And what shoulder and what art, Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand? & What dread feet? When the stars threw down their spears, And water’d heaven with their tears, Did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the lamb make thee?…’, signed in pencil and dated 1974, 61 x 22cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office Presentation & Condition: no apparent problems, framed and glazed £200-300*
77 77 PAUL PETER PIECH limited edition (40/75) two colour screen print with image and words from the prose work ‘Devotions upon Emergent Occasions’ by John Donne (1572-1631) ‘No man is an island, Entire of itself; Everyman is a piece of the continent, Part of the main; If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee’, signed in pencil and dated 1972, 46 x 21cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion Presentation & Condition: no apparent problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
78 KAREL LEK limited edition (5/18) screen print - totem type figure, signed, 32 x 14.5cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
79 ANN LEWIS limited edition (3/16) linocut - entitled ‘Twll Du, Cwm Idwal’, signed and dated ‘96, 20 x 18cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £150-250*
80 CERI RICHARDS CBE Curwen Studio limited edition (51/100) lithograph - ‘Conversation between Hermes and Menipeus on a Field of Snow’ from Roberto Sanesi’s ‘Journey Toward the North 1971’, 42 x 29.5cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
82 JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA bound portfolio of fifty prints with outer case and postage box - entitled ‘Fifty Herman Drawings from the Roland Collection’, each with printed title, first page signed by the artist, 24 x 30cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, letter retained with us written by the artist, dated 1992 Presentation & Condition: no problems other than slight creasing in corners, outer case stained £200-400*
81 81 PETER PRENDERGAST etching landscape with trees, signed and dated 1957, 42 x 51cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £200-300*
83 83 DAVID GENTLEMAN / ALUN LEWIS / JEREMY HOOKER limited edition (27/300) Gwasg Gregynog Press 1997 - volume of ‘Inwards Where All the Battle Is’ with drawings printed from line-blocks by David Gentleman and signed by Gentleman, together with BERT ISAAC Old Stile Press volume of ‘….for Books that Never Were’ Provenance: Betty Evans Collection
Presentation & Condition: back of outer case marked on former, no problems otherwise £100-150*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 84 CONTEMPORARY ARTS SOCIETY FOR WALES / GREGYNOG PRESS hardback volume of essays to mark the 70th anniversary of CASW, 2008 Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: slight dent to outer case only £100-120* 85 ERIC MALTHOUSE limited edition (9/25) print - abstract, entitled ‘Just a Little…’, signed and dated ‘68, 49 x 33cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: framed and glazed, may require reframing £100-150* 84
86 CHARLES WHITE relief print on handmade paper - entitled verso on Federation of British Artists Gallery ‘Last Load’, signed, 36 x 51cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: original framing, some blemishes to paper £100-150* 87 ARTHUR GIARDELLI limited edition (5/100) colour print - Saint Marc’s Basilica, Venice, monogrammed, 38 x 52cms
88 JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA limited edition (73/150) Curwen Chilford colour lithograph - entitled ‘Two Grey Figures’, embossed stamp, signed, 59 x 50cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £200-300*
Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-120* 88
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
89 89 MARTYN DALLIMORE JONES limited edition (1/20) colour lithograph abstract, signed and dated 1998, 36 x 35cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £70-120*
90 MARTYN DALLIMORE JONES limited edition (9/23) colour lithograph - abstract, signed and dated 1991, 49 x 36cms
91 MARTYN DALLIMORE JONES limited edition (4/19) colour lithograph - abstract, signed and dated 1989, 36 x 45cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: no problems with print, mount discoloured, framed and glazed £100-150*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, slight discolouration, blemishes to mount, framed and glazed £100-150*
92 JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA a rare series of five limited edition (21/25) prints each depicting continental country workers including grape pickers of Burgundy, unusually signed in pencil to the obverse, 23 x 25cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office, originally purchased Rogers Jones & Co, Welsh Sale, 2008 Presentation & Condition: framed and glazed £750-850*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
93 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA three signed prints (1) ponies grazing (2) three stalking badgers and (3) alert sheep dog, all signed with initials, all 20 x 14cms (3) Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: (3) has foxing, all in simple frames, dirt on glass £120-150* 93 94 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA print sunset coastal scene North Wales with roadside cottages, signed in full, 33 x 44cms
95 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (92/150) colour print - farmer in snow, signed fully in pencil, 55 x 45cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Provenance: private collection Cheshire
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed, nonreflective glass £400-600*
96 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA Curwen Chilford artist’s proof (iii/xv) print - entitled ‘The Old School House, Cwm Pennant’, signed with initials, 68 x 50cms Provenance: private collection Cheshire Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-500*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 97 BEN PRITCHARD limited edition (11/36) etching - a group of chefs in uniform running in the same direction on a beach, entitled ‘Heading Northwest’, signed and dated ‘06, 27 x 50cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Auctioneer’s Note: the artist is son of the foremost Welsh artist, the late Gwilym Prichard Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150* 97
99 98 GWILYM PRICHARD rare colour exhibition print - landscape with lane and houses, 58 x 47cms 98
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office, label verso with details of the 1995 joint exhibition with wife Claudia Wiliams, ‘Travelling Together’ held at Oriel Ynys Mon Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £200-300* 99 KIM ATKINSON monoprint entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Oystercatchers 2017’, signed with initials, 31 x 66cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: neat box frame and glazed, no problems £400-600*
100 VALERIUS DE SAEDELEER (1867-1941) Robert Hebbelinck limited edition (54/125) etching and aquatint print - Low Countries landscape with dwelling, entitled ‘Winter in Etikhove’, signed in pencil, 51 x 66.5cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales, purchased by vendor from Belgium art dealer Auctioneer’s Note: the artist is one of Belgium’s most acclaimed landscape painters. He was among dozens of Belgian refugee painters, poets and musicians who relocated under the patronage of the Davies sisters of Llandinam. Saedeleer lived near Aberystwyth for six years before returning to the village of Etikhove south of Ghent. The print is a collaboration with printmaker Roger Hebbelinck Presentation & Condition: framed and glazed, very slight foxing in margins £300-500* 101 JOHN ELWYN limited edition (183/300) lithograph - Laugharne Estuary from Dylan Thomas’ Boathouse, signed, 42 x 60cms (unframed) Provenance: private collection, mid-Wales Presentation & Condition: no problems, pristine copy £100-150*
101 48
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
102 102 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA rare Gwasg Gregynog linocut printed by Gerard O’Shea on watermarked Gwasg Gregynog paper, from the original linoblock - ‘The Villages of Carmel and Cesarea’, 20 x 35cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales Presentation & Condition: no problems other than small defect to paper, framed and glazed £400-600*
103 PHILIP SUTTON RA limited edition (20/30) original woodcut on Japanese paper - entitled verso ‘Tina Nude’, signed and dated 1966, 53.5 x 47.5cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales, purchased Connecticut, USA Presentation & Condition: slight blemish at top of paper only, faint creases £200-300*
103 104 GEORGE CHAPMAN rare original etching - large group of children on a climbing frame with school building, entitled ‘The Playground’, circa 1962, 28 x 35cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales, never been on market Auctioneer’s Note: made on a zinc plate after an ink drawing created for United States Industries Inc. and reproduced in The Sunday Times, 10 February 1963. The etching was intended for an exhibition of Chapman’s prints but the artist died after only a small number had been printed. None were signed. Of the drawing Chapman wrote: ‘A shoal of children-like minnows, darting and leaping. Released and carefree, they stream into the grey, mid-morning playground-and the air is bright with laughter. This is Britain today.’ Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400*
105 CLAUDIA WILLIAMS limited edition (89/200) colour lithograph, 1989 - mother and daughter, entitled ‘Morning’, signed, 40 x 45cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 106 GEORGE CHAPMAN original hand coloured etching with aquatint entitled ‘Graveyard and Monkey Puzzle Tree’, circa 1962, 65 x 48cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales, acquired from artist in 1980s Presentation & Condition: later framed and glazed, no problems £500-700*
107 EVAN CHARLTON artist’s proof print - entitled ‘The Archaeologist’, signed and dated 1977, 48 x 54cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-200*
109 108 SIR FRANK BRANGWYN RA dry-point etching (of 56) entitled ‘Old Bridge at Pavia’, signed in pencil, 36 x 54cms Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan Presentation & Condition: no problems other than very slight foxing in margin, framed and glazed £150-250*
109 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA artist’s proof print from an inkwash - Carmel village with chapel, Gwynedd, signed with initials, 44 x 59cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: immaculate, gallery framed and glazed £300-500*
110 KEITH ANDREW complete suite of four artist’s proof colour prints - entitled ‘Four Seasons / Swtan’, signed, 33 x 48cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon (Anglesey), consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Auctioneer’s Note: the ‘Swtan’ suite is regarded as an iconic series of prints to Ynys Mon (Anglesey) residents Presentation & Condition: all neatly framed and glazed £400-600*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
111 ERIC GILL limited edition (225/400) series of fourteen wood engravings - entitled ‘The Way of the Cross, 1929’ on Goldmark Gallery label, 32 x 77cms (incl. frame) Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £400-600* 112 JOHN ELWYN limited edition (233/260) lithograph - farmyard with two figures, cat and geese, signed, 45 x 45cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £150-200* 113 JOHN PIPER 1960 screenprinted fabric - Welsh mountains, entitled ‘The Glyders’, 51 x 57cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
114 CHARLES FREDERICK TUNNICLIFFE OBE RA Fine Art Guild blindstamped print - study entitled ‘Greylag Goose’, signed in pencil, 61 x 43cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £200-300*
Auctioneer’s Note: manufactured by Arthur Sanderson (Sanderson Fabrics Ltd) who commissioned the artist as part of the company’s centenary celebrations in 1960 Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
115 HARRY HOLLAND monotype print entitled verso ‘Stroke’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label, 1987, signed, 15 x 17cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150* 116 ERIC GILL wood engravings - profile of Xena Noelle Lowinsky, mounted, 29 x 19cms, together with three mounted together, entitled ‘Borders from Canterbury Tales’, 21 x 13 and 21 x 9cms
Provenance: private collection Swansea Presentation & Condition: no problems, mounted only £100-150* 117 VALERIE GANZ limited edition (16/150) colour print - jazz musicians, entitled ‘Louis and Leroy’, signed, 20 x 46cms Provenance: private collection Swansea Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150* 118 HARRY HOLLAND monoprint - abstract, signed, 72 x 55cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: slight discolouration, slight marks, unframed £100-150*
119 HARRY HOLLAND double sided monochrome print on cream paper - semi-abstract, 65 x 50cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, unframed £100-150*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 120 HARRY HOLLAND monochrome print on cream paper - semi-abstract, dated 1988, 72 x 55cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, unframed £100-150* 121 HARRY HOLLAND artist’s proof monochrome print on cream paper - semi-abstract, signed, 65 x 50cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, unframed £100-150*
122 HARRY HOLLAND two artist’s proof monoprints - figures, signed, 28 x 34cms and 28 x 38cms
123 HARRY HOLLAND artist’s proof monoprint and another - figures, 56 x 38cms and 46 x 38cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff saleroom
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: blemish to one above image, no other problems, unframed £100-150*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, unframed £100-150*
124 ALISTAIR CRAWFORD limited edition (56/85) hand-coloured lithograph - view through a window, entitled ‘Wales’, signed and dated 1985, 19 x 28cms Provenance: mid-Wales private collection Auctioneer’s Note: Crawford taught at Aberystwyth University (1973-2000), the view is from his home in Bow Street near Aberystwyth Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150* 124
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Welsh Works on Paper Dyfrlliwiau & Gwaith ar Bapur
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 125 ANDREW DOUGLAS FORBES mixed media entitled verso ‘Aberglaslyn Gardners II’, signed, 22 x 29cms
126 MIKE JONES pen, ink and wash - entitled verso ‘Miss Myfanwy came in with a Letter’, signed and dated verso 2003, 31 x 26cms
Provenance: private collection consigned via our West Wales office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £150-200*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £200-300*
127 MIKE JONES mixed media - entitled verso ‘Bus Stop; signed, 19.5 x 29cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400* 125
128 WILL ROBERTS charcoal - landscape, entitled ‘Pontrhydfen’, signed and dated 1989, 28 x 40.5cms
129 WILL ROBERTS charcoal - landscape, entitled ‘Pontrhydfen II’, signed and dated 1997, 28 x 41cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £150-250*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £200-300*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 130 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER mixed media on tapering hand-cut tissue paper - entitled verso ‘Yachts’, signed and dated 2007, 38 x 9cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £400-600*
131 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER ink and watercolour landscape at night with whitewashed farm, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Full Moon’, signed and dated 2003, 13 x 21cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £1000-1500*
132 DAVID KNIGHT pastel - entitled verso ‘Study 5’, signed, 53 x 31.5cms
133 DONALD McINTYRE early work in pastel - entitled verso on salvaged original label ‘Moelfre’ with artist’s Bangor address, signed, 40 x 53cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £150-250* 56
Presentation & Condition: no problems, later framed and glazed, ready to hang £2000-2500*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
134 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA mixed media - figure of an old gentleman with stick descending a path, with dry-stone walls and cottage, entitled verso 'Old Cottage at Rhiw', signed with initials, 44 x 52cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £4000-6000*
135 WILLIAM SELWYN watercolour and pastel - entitled verso ‘Moonlight Caernarfon’, signed, 15 x 24cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-500*
134 136 VALERIE GANZ pastel - study of a double-bass player, signed, 30 x 20cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Auctioneer’s Note: Valerie Ganz was the official Brecon Jazz festival artist in 1992 Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £400-600*
136 137 DAVID T WILLIAMS watercolour - shaft of light on mountain slope, signed, 21 x 32cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 138 ERIC MALTHOUSE pencil and pastel on paper artist’s wife and baby, signed with initials, circa 1970s, 24 x 34cms
139 JONAH JONES mixed media on paper - coastal view with sculpture, entitled verso ‘Eye to an Island’ and with Tegfryn Gallery label verso, 21 x 16cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
140 GYRTH RUSSELL watercolour - fjord with vessel and red-roofed coastal church, signed, 24 x 33cms
Presentation & Condition: no problems, later framed and glazed £400-600*
Provenance: private collection, Cardiff Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £150-250*
Provenance: private collection, Cardiff Presentation & Condition: no problems, later framed and glazed £100-150*
141 CLIVE HICKS-JENKINS mixed media miniature - entitled verso ‘Winter Solstice’, signed verso and dated 1996, 5.5 x 7cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed and glazed £100-150* 142 PHILIP SNOW watercolour - interesting study of various diver birds, with titles and pencil annotations, signed and dated 1985, 29 x 16cms Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-200* 143 PHILIP SNOW watercolour - river estuary scene with heron and waders in flight, entitled ‘Shelducks, Mawddach Estuary’, signed and dated 1986, 34 x 26cms Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Presentation & Condition: one blemish / foxing, aged, framed and glazed £100-200* * Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 144 WILLIAM GRANT MURRAY watercolour - view of St Illtyd’s Church, Llantwit Major, monogrammed, 36 x 51cms Provenance: private collection consigned via our Cardiff office, letter verso from Philip Davies Fine Arts outlining the career of the artist who was a former curator at the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery in Swansea, salvaged section with artist’s full signature from original back of painting applied verso. St Illtyd’s Church is one of the oldest churches in Wales and has been called ‘The Westminster Abbey of Wales’ because of its plentiful ancient carved stones and effigies Presentation & Condition: blemish right of church tower and top left of paper, no problems otherwise, later framed and glazed £100-150* 144
145 WILL ROBERTS watercolour - standing figure, entitled verso on Attic Gallery label ‘Farmer’, signed, 11.5 x 15cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Presentation & Condition: no problems, later framed and glazed £350-450*
147 146 DOROTHY MORSE BROWN (1900-1955) watercolour - Tenby harbour, signed 27 x 37cms Provenance: by descent, Vale of Glamorgan Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
148 147 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER pencil and watercolour - beach scene with figure and two boats, titled Aldeburgh 2002, personal message verso, signed, 12.5 x 18cms
148 HYWEL HARRIES watercolour - mid-Wales landscape, entitled verso in artist’s handwriting ‘Felingerrig, Machynlleth’, signed Hywel verso with personal greeting and dated 1953, 25 x 34.5cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £500-800*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £600-800*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 149 SEREN BELL pen and ink on paper - entitled verso ‘Wiltshire Horn Ewe & Lamb’, signed and dated 1994, 28 x 35cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £250-350*
150 WILLIAM SELWYN watercolour with PVA on paper - view of Bae Nefyn beach, north Wales, entitled verso on original label ‘Nevin Bay’ signed, 36 x 50cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £700-1000*
151 SEREN BELL large pen and ink on paper study of a cockerel in a landscape, 69 x 64cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £350-450* 149
152 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA inkwash - entitled verso on label for Dillwyn Gallery, Swansea ‘Hendre Waelod’, circa 1972, signed with initials in pencil, 24 x 34cms Provenance: private collection, Powys, two labels verso Presentation & Condition: original framing, mount and glazed, good clear labels verso, no problems or damage £2000-3000*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 153 CERI RICHARDS CBE mixed media - abstract, entitled ‘Study for Relief Construction’, monogram studio blind-stamp bottom left, 21 x 27cms
154 MOSES GRIFFITH (1747-1819) watercolour river scene with bridge and fishermen, possibly Pont Du, Ffestiniog, 21 x 32cms
Provenance: private collection Powys, typed verso ‘…on the verso you can read: Ceri Richards 1931, written by the widow’ and referring to an illustration of the drawing in La Nuova Foglio (Roberto Sanesi) and dating the work to 1932
Provenance: private collection Powys, indistinct pencil inscription verso with title, with Sotheby’s 2004
Presentation & Condition: no apparent problems, later framed and glazed £800-1200*
Presentation & Condition: framed and glazed, label verso for Vicars Brothers, Old Bond Street £200-300*
153 155 FRANCES RICHARDS mixed media - entitled verso ‘Flower Study No 1 White Musk Roses’, signed with initials, 25 x 17cms Provenance: private collection, Powys, handwritten label verso with artist’s address at Edith Grove, Chelsea which she shared with her husband Ceri Richards and family 154
Presentation & Condition: no problems, neat contemporaneous deep frame, glazed £200-300*
158 CERI RICHARDS CBE mixed media beekeeper study, initialled and studio stamped, circa 1955-56, 37 x 27cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no problems, later framed and glazed £1500-2000* 155
156 ARTHUR GIARDELLI mixed media - entitled verso ‘Pembrokeshire Thorn Trees’, monogrammed, 48 x 69cms Provenance: private collection, Powys
Presentation & Condition: framed and glazed £200-300* 157 LESLIE MOORE watercolour - figure collecting wood on a track, title bottom left ‘Glamorgan Farm’, signed and dated 1940, 31 x 40cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no problems, later framed and glazed £100-150*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 159 JACK CRABTREE mixed media on paper - hilly landscape, 27 x 36cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no apparent problems, cosmetic issues with frame only, glazed £100-150* 159
160 WILL ROBERTS graphite on paper solitary reader on seashore, signed with initials, 19 x 28cms
162 MEGAN JONES mixed media windswept red landscape, signed, 19 x 24cms
Provenance: Betty Evans Collection
Provenance: Betty Evans Collection
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
161 MARY LLOYD JONES watercolour Welsh landscape entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Ger Goginan’, signed and dated 1983, 19.5 x 24cms
163 MIKE JONES mixed media - head portrait, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Furnaceman’, signed, 30 x 25cms
Provenance: Betty Evans Collection
Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, greeting card from artist verso
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £250-350*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-500*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
164 164 JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA ink sketch - two standing figures, one cradling a child, 12 x 19cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: thumb marks at corner, no problems after production, framed and glazed £200-300* 165 WILL ROBERTS watercolour - two windows with flowering windowboxes, signed with initials, 28 x 40cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £150-250*
165 166 MIKE JONES graphite on paper - study of a standing elderly lady, entitled ‘Hen Wraig’, signed, 26 x 15cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, receipt from Albany Gallery verso Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
167 CLIVE HICKS-JENKINS ink and bleach - entitled verso in artist’s handwriting ‘Migration’ and dated 1997, also states ‘drawing signed under mount’, signed verso, 21.5 x 21.5cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no problems, cosmetic issues to frame only £100-150* 168 PETER PRENDERGAST mixed media - view of Dublin with town-houses, signed, 40 x 56cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £600-800* 166
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
168 63
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
169 CERI RICHARDS CBE pen, ink and watercolour - seated pianist at piano, artist’s studio stamp, 16 x 22cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, invitation letter verso to 2006 Ceri Richards exhibition, 2006 Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £500-800*
170 CERI RICHARDS CBE mixed media - Artemis drawing her bow aimed at a faun while her hounds attack, indistinctly signed and dated 1965, artist’s studio stamp, 46 x 67cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no problems other than pin holes in corners, later framed, mounted and glazed £2000-3000* 171 GYRTH RUSSELL watercolour boats in a harbour, signed, 26 x 35cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £400-600* 172 ARTHUR GIARDELLI three small watercolours - view of Karlsplatz, Vienna, dated 1984, monogrammed, 14 x 19cms and 'San Clemente', 20 x 15cms and another titled Kathmandu
Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, former President of CASW (see catalogue foreword) Presentation & Condition: framed and glazed, no problems with either £100-150* 173 BIM GIARDELLI watercolour and ink - Venetian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni, signed, 28 x 20cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection
Presentation & Condition: tired mount, framed and glazed, no other problems £100-150*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
174 GORDON STUART gouache - three quarter portrait of a girl with green background, signed, 59 x 43cms
175 GORDON STUART watercolour - entitled ‘Bowls at Cwmdonkin Park’, signed, 28 x 40cms
Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased
Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-500*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £200-300*
176 GORDON STUART watercolour - entitled ‘Jars on a Shelf’, signed, 34 x 38cms
177 GORDON STUART watercolour - entitled ‘Welsh Hill Farmer’, signed, 35 x 24cms
178 GORDON STUART mixed media - head and shoulders portrait of a lady, signed, 53 x 36cms
179 GORDON STUART pastel - Three Cliffs Bay, Gower, signed, 38 x 47cms
Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased
Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased
Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased
Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £150-200*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £150-200*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £200-300*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £150-200*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
180 GORDON STUART mixed media - portrait of a lady as she pegs washing to a line, signed, 38 x 47cms Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-500*
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 181 GWILYM PRICHARD mixed media on paper - Celtic stone with inscription, signed and dated ‘68, 75 x 51cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Presentation & Condition: unframed, paper has aged, sellotape marks on edges, small tears on edge £150-250*
182 HARRY HUGHES WILLIAMS watercolour - farm and Ynys Môn landscape with distant mountains, entitled verso ‘Gwynt a GwlawSir Fon’ (Wind and Rain-Anglesey), dated 1946, signed, 26 x 37cms
Provenance: by descent, Vale of Glamorgan, Welsh inscription verso relating to the artist referred to as ‘Harry Bach’ and being a teacher at Llangefni School, and that his brother was still alive in 1983, that Harry won prizes at the National Eisteddfod in the ‘20s and ‘30s Presentation & Condition: original frame, glazed £150-250* 183 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA inkwash - landscape with houses, signed with initials in pencil, circa 1980, 29 x 43cms Provenance: by descent, Vale of Glamorgan Presentation & Condition: original framing, glazed, no problems £2000-3000* 184 DONALD McINTYRE mixed media - preliminary drawing with annotations, entitled verso on Ffiny-Parc Gallery label ‘Anglesey Beach Study I’, 18 x 23cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-500* 185 MARTYN DALLIMORE JONES pastel - abstract, signed verso, 72 x 51cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-200*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
186 EDWARD MORRIS watercolour tranquil coastal scene with boats, entitled verso ‘Reflections’, signed, 33 x 49cms
188 WILLIAM SELWYN large watercolour - entitled verso on artist’s label ‘Porthdinllaen Nefyn’, signed, 59 x 76cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office, label verso listing exhibitions
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-130* 187 MAURICE GREENWOOD watercolour - entitled ‘Flowers’ verso, signed, 39 x 30cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-120*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £2800-3500* 189 CHARLES FREDERICK TUNICLIFFE OBE RA watercolour and pencil - study of a grey heron amongst vegetation, signed, 74 x 49cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: remnants of tape in top right and left corners, no other apparent problems, framed and glazed £1000-1200*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
190 LESLIE MOORE mixed media abstract - entitled verso ‘Night Town Mirage’, signed and dated 1960, 46 x 66cms
192 JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA colourwash - figures in a continental street, unsigned, 17 x 21cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, later framed and glazed £300-400*
Presentation & Condition: possible small repair top right corner, later framed and glazed £150-200*
191 WILLIAM SELWYN pencil and colourwash - seated lady, entitled ‘Marian a Sgrwff’, signed, 20 x 13cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £280-350*
193 WILLIAM SELWYN mixed media standing figure at work, entitled verso ‘Ffermwr Hapus’ (Happy Farmer), signed, 40 x 27cms Provenance: private collection, Cheshire Presentation & Condition: no problems, original frame, glazed £700-1000*
193 * Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 194 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA pencil - head self-portrait, signed with initials, 39 x 33cms Provenance: private collection Cheshire Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £2000-2500*
194 195 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA inkwash - entitled verso ‘Ogwen’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label and dated 1985, signed with initials, 28 x 20cms Provenance: private collection Cheshire
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £1000-1500*
196 WILL ROBERTS mixed media - waistcoat and cap wearing figure with thumb-stick walkingstick, signed with initials, 29 x 19cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glaze £600-800* 197 OGWYN DAVIES mixed media (pen, ink and paste) on board - a thirteen line part of the Welsh National Anthem, entitled ‘Patriotic Words’, signed and dated 1995, 32 x 43cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £600-800*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
198 198 SIGRID MULLER mixed media - study, entitled verso on Tegfryn Gallery label ‘Mussels’, signed, 15 x 16.5cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
199 199 SUSAN GATHERCOLE pastel and gouache - entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Green Tea and Fish’ and dated 2014, signed, 45 x 62cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400*
201 200 JOHN ELWYN acrylic on paper landscape with winding road and farm, signed with initials, 35 x 46cms
201 JOHN ELWYN acrylic on paper entitled verso ‘West Coast Welsh Farm No.1’ circa 1986, 27 x 37cms
Provenance: private collection mid-Wales, studio stamp verso
Provenance: purchased directly from artist circa 1995, mid-Wales private collection
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £1000-1500*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £700-1000*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
202 JOHN ELWYN ink and watercolour - entitled verso ‘Cardigan’, late 1960s, 18 x 24.5cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales, artist’s studio stamp and Winchester address verso Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £150-250*
203 203 ROB PIERCY mixed media - view of St David’s Cathedral, signed, 70 x 52cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed, fine example £600-900*
205 204 DEWI TUDUR mixed media - two buildings and trees, black night, signed and dated 2013, 17 x 27cms
205 VALERIE GANZ watercolour - view across Swansea Bay with Mumbles lighthouse, signed, 40 x 49cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Provenance: private collection Abergavenny
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £400-500*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £400-700*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
206 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA mixed media - Welsh village, signed with initials, 39 x 49cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £3000-5000*
207 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA inkwash - old Welsh mountain dwelling, signed with initials, 24.5 x 31cms
208 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA mixed media - Eryri, signed with initials, 19 x 27.5cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £1500-2500*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £1500-2500*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
209 RAY EVANS mixed media - entitled ‘Miner’s Cottages’, signed and dated 1980, 8 x 24cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £80-120* 209
210 PENRY WILLIAMS watercolour Mediterranean coast with mountains, figures and mule, sailing boat with French flag and villas, possibly Sicily, 19 x 44cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office, old typed label verso Presentation & Condition: very fresh, no problems, later framed and glazed £800-1200* 210
211 JOHN ELWYN gouache - landscape, inscribed verso in artist’s handwriting ‘Fernhill No. 8 - All the Sun Long it was Running, illustration for a poem by Dylan Thomas’ with artist’s address, signed and dated ‘75, 37 x 55cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Auctioneer’s Note: Dylan Thomas’ famous 1945 poem which mourns the poet’s idyllic holidays as a boy at his Aunt’s farm Presentation & Condition: no problems, original frame, glazed £1500-2000* 211
FREE LIVE BIDDING – ROGERSJONES.CO.UK • Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
212 PETER PRENDERGAST watercolour - entitled verso ‘Towards Menai Straits’ on Singer & Friedlander / Sunday Times Watercolour Competition 1996, signed and dated ‘95, 18.5 x 28cms
213 GWILYM PRICHARD early period mixed media drawing - entitled verso on Mansard Gallery label ‘Church and Cottages’, and with label for the artist’s Beaumaris address, signed, 44 x 34cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, original frame, glazed £600-800*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £400-600*
214 HARRY HUGHES WILLIAMS watercolours, a pair - Anglesey coastal scenes, signed, 20 x 35/36cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon (Anglesey), consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: original frame, glazed, pictures are fresh, losses to frames £100-150*
215 I W R (Victorian British) watercolour - Welsh mountain landscape with two travellers and distant farmer, entitled verso ‘Cader Idris from Road between Dolgelly and Barmouth’ on salvaged card and later label, 21 x 27cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon (Anglesey), consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: later framed and glazed, lightly foxed / discoloured £100-150*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
216 GWILYM PRICHARD early career pencil drawing - view of Mynydd Bodafon, Ynys Mon, signed, 21 x 37cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
217 JOHN ELWYN acrylic on paper - entitled verso on Mall Galleries label ‘Dyfed Landscape IV’, signed, 44 x 62cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £1500-2000*
218 CATRIN WILLIAMS pastel - colourful abstract with figure, signed, 18 x 27cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
219 KIM ATKINSON watercolour and pencil - study of a wader ‘Bar Tailed Godwit, Enlli-May ‘89’, signed, 19 x 24cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
220 GWILYM PRICHARD pastel on hand - cut paper, entitled verso in artist’s handwriting ‘Mynydd Gwerngraig’, signed, 11.5 x 16cms
221 ROB PIERCY watercolour - still-life of fruit in a bowl, signed, 26 x 26cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £250-350*
222 LIONEL GORDON BALIOL BRETT (4th Viscount Esher CBE) pastel, a pair - garden scenes, entitled verso ‘Rhodedenron’ and ‘The Gwyllt, Portmeirion’ on Montpelier Studio labels, both signed with initials, 29 x 43cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, both framed and glazed £150-250*
223 ATTRIBUTED TO SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA en plein air watercolour sketch on sketch-pad paper - coastal scene with rocks, entitled verso on old typed note ‘South Stack, Anglesey’ and reads ‘Llyfr braslunio watercolour Kyffin Williams. If you don’t ask you don’t get’ Kyffin dyweddodd prid fi gofyn am braslun’ (Sketch book watercolour of Kyffin Williams. If you don’t ask you don’t get’ Kyffin said when I asked for the sketch), circa 1940s/50s, signed with initials, 16.5 x 22cms Provenance: private collection Swansea Presentation & Condition: later framed, two marks on top edge £300-400*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
224 AUGUSTUS JOHN two pastel and chalk works on brown paper back to back an old gypsy woman standing with hand out and incomplete sketch of a nude, signed, 29 x 21cms and 29 x 22cms Provenance: private collection Swansea Presentation & Condition: no problems, later framed and glazed £1000-2000*
225 HARRY HOLLAND mixed media on brown paper - reclining nude, signed, 29 x 44cms
226 HARRY HOLLAND graphite and pastel - six intertwined nudes, entitled verso ‘The Falling Six’, signed, 44 x 39cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £150-250*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
227 LAURENCE STEPHEN LOWRY (1887-1976) pencil on napkin tissue - The Old Hand Ball Court, Nelson, Glamorgan, signed and dated 6 Nov 1961, 16 x 15.2cms Provenance: Percy Warburton; gifted to an anonymous Bury family; private collection, Midlands Auctioneer’s Note: Warburton was a fellow student with Lowry at the Bury Art College, and frequented Warburton’s home in the Holcombe Brook area of the city. Lowry undertook several trips to the villages in the valleys of south Wales in the 1960s with his friend and collector Monty Bloom, reigniting his interest in industrial landscape for a time, resulting in major works such as ‘Bargoed’ (1965) and ‘Hillside in Wales’ (1962). This sketch was executed at this seminal time, probably whist seated in a Nelson cafe. Handball was a popular sport amongst the working men of the south Wales valleys, leading to local rivalries and betting opportunities. The sketch depicts the three-sided court with squared quoins in the grounds of The Nelson Inn, thought to have been built in around 1860 (for further details see Aldo Bacchetta & Glyn Rudd, ‘Porth and Rhondda Fach’, pp.22-23: The Most Famous Handball Court in South Wales; and Although worked in broad soft pencil on delicate tissue, we can identify the characters of the five figures In the centre and foreground. From left to right, the wife and/or mother with hat and tightly wrapped shawl, the old man bent over with his cane, the working man hurrying along, the top-hatted man with hands on hips looking into the vacant court and the portly gentleman waiting on the street corner with his(?) dog. Lowry shows his uncompromising nature by scribbling out a building on the left, perhaps dissatisfied with the balance of the composition. Overall, an unusual and charming local south Wales view by a giant of modern British art Presentation & Condition: paper slightly browned, framed, ready to hang £8000-12000*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
228 ANDREW DOUGLAS FORBES mixed media - entitled ‘Aberglasney Gardners’, signed and dated 2017, 18.5 x 18.5cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £150-200* 229 VALERIE GANZ watercolour - Tyle House Farm, Burry Green, Gower, signed, 44 x 72cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office Presentation & Condition: no problems, slight discolouration with age, framed and glazed, remounting recommended £300-500* 230 MURIEL DELAHAYE pastel - large underwater scene of five female figures pulling bell ropes entitled verso ‘The Sound Of Bells’ signed, 103.5 x 83cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion Auctioneer’s Note: the illustration showing the bell ringers of Cantre’r Gwaelod which, according to Mabinogion legend, is an ancient kingdom beneath the sea at Cardigan Bay, and where it is said one can hear bells from the far away below the sea, the famous Welsh folk song ‘The Bells Of Aberdovey’ supposedly refers to the story of Cantre’r Gwaelod Presentation & Condition: no apparent problems, modern frame and glazed £1000-1500*
230 231 ROSEMARY BURTON collage - entitled verso on Tegfryn Gallery label ‘Three Vessels with White Flowers’, signed and dated 2011, 49 x 36cms Provenance: Martin Tinney gallery receipt, private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400* 232 ANEURIN JONES pencil - head portrait of a farmer in cap, signed, 40 x 38cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed, ready to hang £300-400*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
233 233 ANEURIN JONES work on paper full portrait of a standing gent holding a long-handled shovel, signed in the margin, 38 x 26cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed, ready to hang £500-600*
Welsh Oil Paintings & Other Medium Paentiadau Olew & Chyfryngau Eraill SUPER SATURDAY/ DYDD SADWRN MAWR
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
234 KARL DAVIES oil on board - entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Farmer and Moon 2’, signed verso and dated 2009, 29.5 x 36cms
235 KARL DAVIES oil on canvas - entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Midnight Walk’, signed and dated verso 2009, 24.5 x 29cms
Provenance: gallery receipt, private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: gallery receipt, private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £300-400*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £300-400*
236 KARL DAVIES oil on board - landscape, entitled verso ‘The River Taff at Trallwyn’, signed verso and dated 2005, 47 x 59cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £400-700*
237 JOHN KNAPPFISHER oil - view of Tenby with church at night, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery ‘Tenby’, signed, 57 x 78cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: framed and glazed £6000-10000*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 238 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER oil - landscape, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Wetlands II’, 10.5 x 19.5cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £600-1000*
239 239 DAVID BARNES oil on board ‘Woods Below Siabod’, signed verso, 39 x 29cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £250-300* 240 DAVID BARNES oil on board still life, vessels and fruit on a table, signed verso, size, 48 x 38cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £150-250*
241 LEO CARROLL oil on board Gwynedd street scene, entitled verso ‘Ffestiniog’, signed, 39 x 49cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed £300-400* 242 CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - autumnal landscape with whitewashed cottage, signed, 38 x 49cms Provenance: private collection Powys Presentation & Condition: original frame, painting may benefit from light clean, no damage £600-800*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 243 DAVID BARNES oil on board - whitewashed cottage with red door in landscape, signed with initials and fully verso, 28.5 x 37cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £250-350* 244 CLIVE HICKS-JENKINS acrylic on card maquette - entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Ynyspandy Slate Mill - Still Life with Pomegranates’ dated 2004, 46 x 47cms (incl. frame)
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, well presented and secure in box-frame, glazed £300-400* 245 ROBERT MORGAN (1921-1994) oil - entitled verso ‘Workshop & Pit Gear’, signed and dated 1987, 41 x 25cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £200-300* 245
246 MAURICE COCKRILL oil on canvas - abstract, entitled verso ‘Wales #1’, signed verso, 39 x 49cms
247 PATRICIA AITHIE oil on canvas - entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Chapel East, Cardiff’, signed, 16 x 13cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, Cardiff
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £300-400*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
248 DAVID LLOYD GRIFFITH oil on card - landscape, entitled verso ‘Dusk with Shower, Nant Dulas’, signed and dated verso 2001, 9.5 x 25.5cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Presentation & Condition: framed and glazed, no problems £100-150* 249 WILF ROBERTS oil on card - Ynys Mon coast, entitled verso ‘Lligwy’, signed and dated 2007, 16 x 26cms
Provenance: private collection, Cardiff Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £600-900* 248
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
254 251 MIKE MONAGHAN oil on board - entitled verso ‘The Tree 2006’, 34 x 39cms Provenance: private collection, Cardiff Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £100-150* 252 WYN HUGHES oil on card - lighthouse on rocky headland, signed with initials, 10 x 17cms
256 250 JACK JONES oil on board - arched bridge and trees, unsigned, 16 x 28cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: later framed £100-150*
Provenance: private collection, Cardiff Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150* 253 DAVID GROSVENOR oil on canvas - view of Criccieth Castle across the bay under grey skies, signed, 39 x 39cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office, Tegfryn Gallery, Menai Bridge label verso Presentation & Condition: no problems, original framing £400-600*
255 254 WYN HUGHES acrylic on board - Ynys Mon landscape, entitled verso ‘Bythynod Ger Mynydd Parys’ (Cottages, Parys Mountain), signed, 29 x 21cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, paint loss to frame only £100-150* 255 WYN HUGHES acrylic - whitewashed cottage with blue sky, signed, 21 x 24cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £150-200* 256 MEGAN JONES oil on board - entitled verso ‘Hen Dai a Ty Capel Tarsis, Maes, Pwllheli’ (Old Houses and Chapel House, Maes, Pwllheli), signed, 24 x 29cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed £200-300*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 257 NICK HOLLY acrylic on board North African city scene with taxi and figures, signed, 18 x 18cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed and glazed £400-500* 258 DAVID BARNES oil on board coastal scene waves and gulls, signed with initials, 39 x 53cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed £250-350*
260 DAVID BARNES oil on board - coastal scene with rocks, signed with initials, 49 x 63cms
259 STEPHEN JOHN OWEN oil on board - colourful houses, signed with initials, 49 x 48csm
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed £300-400*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed £250-350*
261 DAVID BARNES oil on board - coastal scene with distant headline, signed with initials, 38 x 58cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed £250-350*
262 ANDREW VICARI oil on board - entitled verso ‘Promenade on Craig y Nos’, 56 x 80cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed £200-400*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
263 263 ANDREW VICARI oil on board - entitled verso ‘Before the Whitsun March’, 39 x 70cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office, artist’s address verso Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed £300-500* 264 264 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER oil on board - stormy landscape with distant house, signed, 39 x 49cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £2000-3000*
265 265 HYWEL HARRIES oil on board snooker room with five gentlemen, one of them believed to be the artist, signed and dated 1987, 38 x 49cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office, label verso ‘Exhibited at the National Library of Wales, 1989’ Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £1200-1800*
266 CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - expansive scene of Trawsfynydd Lake, with whitewashed cottage in the foreground, 44 x 60cms Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, later framed £500-600*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 267 SIR FRANK BRANGWYN RA oil on board - entitled verso ‘Fishing Smacks off Ushant 1890’ on The Fine Art Society label, signed and titled bottom left, 30.5 x 41cms Provenance: private collection London, with Christies 2011 and label verso Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £1800-2500* 268 DAVID KNIGHT oil on canvas entitled verso ‘Nude on Grey’, signed, 42 x 37cms Provenance: private collection consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £300-400*
269 PETER GORSUCH oil on board entitled verso ‘Heritage Coast’, signed with initials, 28 x 48cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £200-300*
270 CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - entitled verso ‘Abersoch Harbour’, signed, 24 x 53cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Presentation & Condition: later framed, no problems £600-800*
271 GRAHAM T GOWER SAMUEL oil on board South Wales Valleys town with viaduct, entitled ‘Circle on the Hypotenuse’, signed, 90 x 75.5cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £300-400*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 272 KEVIN SINNOTT oil on board - entitled verso on Martin Tinney label ‘Green Gazing’, signed with initials, 23 x 29.5cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no problems, frame has some minor cosmetic issues £700-1000* 272
273 273 PETER PRENDERGAST oil on panel - mountain with storm clouds, 12 x 14cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed £300-500* 274 WILL ROBERTS oil on board entitled verso ‘Cockle Cart’, signed verso, 29 x 39cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no problems, original circa 1974 frame £2500-3500* 275 KEVIN SINNOTT oil on board - river scene, entitled verso ‘Cwm Garw’, signed with initials, 30 x 40cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, inscribed to her by the artist
Presentation & Condition: no problems, cosmetic issues with frame only £400-600* 276 DIANA ARMFIELD RA oil on board - north Wales landscape, entitled verso ‘Landscape Above Llanfor’, signed with initials, 19 x 23cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, verso a greeting card to her from the artist 275
Presentation: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 277 THOMAS RATHMELL oil on board entitled verso ‘Small Nude 1941’, signed, 14 x 19cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: no problems, old frame £150-250*
278 JACK CRABTREE oil and collage on board - extensive mining landscape with colliery buildings and winding gear, 54 x 76cms
279 ARTHUR GIARDELLI construction from segments of wooden life-boat oars applied to board - contours of a lower torso, entitled verso ‘Venus Anadyomene’, monogrammed verso, 34 x 32cms
Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, exhibition catalogues verso Presenation & Condition: surface marks, v. slight losses, original framing requires cosmetic attention £600-800*
Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, Arts Council label verso for 56 Group Wales ‘The Sea is All About Us’ exhibition 1967
Presentation & Condition: small losses, overall good condition, original frame £300-400*
281 TOM NASH large oil on board - entitled verso on Contemporary Art Society for Wales exhibition label ‘Landscape Form (Blue)’, signed and dated 1962, 118 x 83cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: contemporaneous frame, dirt and surfaces marks only, very slight losses commensurate with age £800-1200*
282 VICTOR NEEP oil on board - entitled verso on Contemporary Art Society of Wales label ‘Beach’, signed, 38 x 29cms
280 FRANCES RICHARDS tempera on board - single figure on yellow background, entitled verso ‘Honey’, signed with initials and with full signature and artist’s address verso, 28 x 22cms
Provenance: Betty Evans Collection
Provenance: Betty Evans Collection Presentation & Condition: neat contemporaneous deep frame of the period, glazed, no problems £400-600*
Presentation & Condition: original circa 1970s tired frame, surface dirt, no damage £100-150* 281
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 283 GORDON STUART oil on canvas - head and shoulders portrait of poet Dylan Thomas in side-profile, label verso entitled ‘Portrait of Dylan’, signed and dated 1953, 44 x 34cms Provenance: estate of the late Mair Stuart, widow of the artist, label verso inscribed ‘Exhibited National Eisteddfod Ystradgynlais 1954’ Auctioneer’s Note: the portrait was painted by Canadian artist, Gordon Stuart (1924-2015) when Thomas sat for him for three afternoons, near the poet’s home in Laugharne, in September 1953. After each portrait sitting, Dylan Thomas would head straight for his favourite drinking haunt at Brown’s Hotel in the village
Gordon Stuart recalled that Thomas, ‘…was a good subject and very kindly towards me and told me he was looking forward to going to America’ But in America, on the poet’s fourth US tour, Dylan Thomas suffered a severe chest infection and bouts of heavy drinking left him in a coma. He tragically died on November 9th 1953, at the age of just 39, it was just two months after the portrait sittings.’It was an amazing shock for me to hear that he had died in New York. I was very saddened’, said Gordon Stuart. The artist painted three portraits of Thomas. One example is at The National Portrait Gallery and the other at The University of Texas. This, the first painting of the series, was kept by the artist, and then by his widow. The painting was exhibited at the National Eisteddfod in 1954, and then for the first time to the public fifty years later, at 5 Cwmdonkin Drive, Swansea - during the Dylan Thomas centenary celebrations Gordon Stuart was a Swansea based artist. Born in Toronto, Canada in 1924 and attended the Ontario College of Art before moving to UK and studying at St Martin’s, London, and the University of London. He spent many years as a lecturer and art adviser until 1985, when he decided to dedicate his time fully to painting from his home in Swansea. He won a number of awards and prizes for his landscapes and portraits. His other well known portrait sitters included President Jimmy Carter, fellow Welsh artist Sir Kyffin Williams, former rugby international Cliff Morgan and The Beatles producer Sir George Martin. He also painted Dylan Thomas’ daughter Aeronwy Thomas Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £10000-15000*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 284 GORDON STUART oil on canvas - head and shoulders portrait of an African lady in blue dress, signed top right, 59 x 59cms Provenance: estate of Mair Gordon deceased Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £500-700*
285 GORDON STUART oil on canvas - minimalist landscape with fence, signed, 59 x 59cms Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £500-700* 284
286 286 GORDON STUART oil on board entitled verso ‘A Winter Landscape, Gower’, signed, 28 x 43cms Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £300-400*
289 GORDON STUART oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Still Life II’, signed, 59 x 59cms
290 GORDON STUART oil on canvas - interior scene with open door, signed, 58 x 43cms
Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased
Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £400-600*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £500-700*
287 GORDON STUART oil on board still-life, violets in a pot, signed, 30 x 41cms Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-500* 288 GORDON STUART oil on board entitled ‘Brushes in a Pot’, 28 x 28cms Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £250-350*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 291 GORDON STUART oil on board - portrait of Japanese Nobel Laureate, Kenzaburo Oe, inscribed verso and dated 1995, signed, 47 x 44cms
292 GORDON STUART oil on board figures in a life-drawing class with pink hues, signed, 40 x 29cms
Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased, painted during the artist’s residency at 1995 Year of Literature, Swansea
Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £200-300*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400*
293 GWYNETH TOMOS oil on canvas entitled verso ‘Murddyn’, 39 x 49cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £100-150*
294 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER oil on board - stormy landscape with barn, signed, 39 x 49cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £2000-3000*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
296 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on board - winter landscape at Nant Peris, signed with initials, circa 1949, 20 x 35cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office, please see similar in style and exact proportions at Woolley & Wallis auction rooms entitled ‘Ffestiniog’ (6.6.18) and ‘Snowdon from Harlech’ c.1951 with The Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea and illustrated in ‘The Light and the Dark’ 295 295 GWILYM PRICHARD oil on canvas - farmstead with pink sky, entitled verso ‘Cottage, Anglesey ‘75’, signed, 34 x 44.5cms Provenance: by descent, Vale of Glamorgan
Auctioneer’s Note: probably painted en plein air with studio embellishments around late 1940s early 1950s, a time in which the artist was experimenting with palette-knife as opposed to brushes, this period is widely considered the artist’s most innovative Presentation & Condition: later framed in the Kyffin Williams style of wide painted black frame with gold outer detail £4000-7000*
Presentation & Condition: no problems with picture, contemporaneous Hessian frame £1500-2000*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
297 WILF ROBERTS oil on canvas - Ynys Mon landscape near Amlwch, entitled verso ‘Bwlch’, signed and dated 2009, 39 x 39cms Provenance: private collection consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, original framing £2500-3500*
298 298 PAUL MARTINEZ FRIAS oil on canvas sailboats, signed, 76 x 75cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, unframed box-canvas £150-250*
299 PAUL MARTINEZ FRIAS oil on canvas sailboat with blue hull, signed and dated 2000, 49 x 39cms
300 PAUL MARTINEZ FRIAS oil on canvas - still-life of flowers in a vase, signed and dated 1989, 49 x 39cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £150-200*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £150-200*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 301 DAVID BARNES oil on board - Pen Llyn coastline with Yr Reifl mountain range, signed verso, 44 x 42cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £250-350* 301
302 ALFRED OLIVER oil on panel - entitled verso ‘Path on the Foot of Moel Siabod’, signed, 23 x 32cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: excellent fresh order, later framed and glazed £250-350*
303 ALFRED OLIVER oil on board - mountain track with deep snow and blue sky, signed, 30 x 42cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, later framed £200-300* 304 ALFRED OLIVER oil on board - woodland track with deep snow and setting sun through trees, signed, 37 x 47cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: surface marks, possibly overpainted area at centre, framed £150-250*
305 DAVID BARNES oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘View from Cwm Ffynnon’, signed with initials, 40 x 50cms
306 DAVID BARNES oil on canvas - coastal scene with big waves and headland, signed with initials, 40 x 50cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £300-500*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £400-600*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 308 DAVID BARNES oil on canvas - coastal scene, signed verso, 39 x 49cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £350-450*
308 309 STEVEN JONES oil on board - Snowdonia lake and mountain scene, signed, 37 x 62cms
307 307 DAVID BARNES oil on board - entitled verso ‘Above Clynnog’, signed verso, 39 x 29cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £400-600*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £300-400*
310 HUW JONES large oil on canvas - Eryri landscape in winter, entitled verso ‘Cow Parsley Skeleton’, signed verso and dated 2005, 120 x 100cms
311 ANDREW HENDERSON oil on board - still-life, signed, 19 x 24cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office, exhibition brochure and print-out with artist’s information to accompany together with a CD of a Welsh language program ‘Sioe Gelf’ (Art Show) featuring the artist
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, box canvas unframed £200-300*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly suspended in box frame, marks to frame £100-150*
312 312 ERIC MALTHOUSE oil on canvas abstract, entitled verso ‘Green & Kaki at Odds’ signed verso and dated 1991, 76 x 76cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no issues, contemporaneous floating frame £400-600*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
313 GWYNETH TOMOS oil on canvas - Eryri river with footbridge, signed, 48 x 74cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, contemporaneous frame which may require changing £200-300*
314 CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - entitled verso ‘River Llugwy’, signed, 23 x 53cms
316 CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - Eryri landscape with Snowdon, signed, 23 x 53cms
318 DAVID LLOYD GRIFFITH oil on board - Abergele beach, signed verso, 28 x 34cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: contemporaneous frame typically used by the artist £300-400*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, contemporaneous frame typical of artist £300-500*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed (marks to frame) £200-300*
315 DAVID LLOYD GRIFFITH oil on board - entitled verso ‘Boats at Foryd, Rhyl’, signed verso, 37 x 38cms
317 MARTYN DALLIMORE JONES impasto oil on card - abstract, entitled verso ‘Aureolin Sugar Plum’, signed and dated ‘02, 35 x 44cms
319 DAVID LLOYD GRIFFITH oil on board - Dyffryn Conwy, signed with initials, 40.5 x 42cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed (some scuffs / scratches to frame) £250-350*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed and glazed £300-400*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, unframed £300-400*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
320 CHARLES BYRD mixed media on canvas entitled verso ‘Abstract 1963’ with artist’s name, 43 x 49cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Auctioneer’s Note: Charles Byrd (1917-2018) was better known as a kinetic artist who established a museum of his kinetic art work that ran from 1965 to 1995 at The Old Library, Cardiff Presentation & Condition: no problems, has aged, unframed £100-150*
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
321 JACK JONES oil on canvas - religious themed illustration of the beginning and end of creation, with Adam and Eve together with John, Mary Mother of Jesus, and her sister near the cross, all within a heart, signed and dated 1990, 81 x 60cms
322 JACK JONES oil on canvas - head of Christ, signed and dated 1990, 60 x 50cms
323 JACK JONES oil on canvas laid to board - head of Christ with crown of thorns, signed with initials, 19 x 17cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office Presentation & Condition: framed, surface scratches only £300-500*
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office Presentation & Condition: framed, no problems £200-400*
Presentation & Condition: framed, loss to some areas, craquelure £500-1000*
324 JACK JONES oil on board - large view of terraced houses, 65 x 81cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office Presentation & Condition: old tired framed, may benefit from a light clean £700-1000*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 325 HARRY HOLLAND oil on board - nude, entitled ‘White Cover’, signed, 44 x 44cms Provenance: private collection, Gent, Belgium Presentation & Condition: original artist’s frame by ‘Joints’ of Cardiff £800-1200* 326 HARRY HOLLAND oil on board - entitled verso ‘String 1987’, with Thumb Gallery label verso, signed, 44 x 44cms Provenance: private collection, Gent, Belgium
Presentation & Condition: original artist’s frame by ‘Joints’ of Cardiff £400-600*
327 DAVID WOODFORD oil on card entitled ‘Moment of Light’, signed, 11 x 18cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £180-250* 327
328 328 DAVID WOODFORD oil on card - landscape, entitled verso ‘The Rivals’ and dated 1997, on The Gallery Manchester Art House label, signed, 15 x 24cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £150-250*
329 GWILYM PRICHARD oil on canvas - Breton figure feeding poultry, circa 1990s, signed, 53 x 44cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £1500-2500*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 330 JOHN ELWYN oil on board - entitled ‘Nude Study No.10’, 29.5 x 24cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales, artist’s studio stamp verso Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £500-800* 331 No lot
332 332 JOHN ELWYN front and back painted oil on board - figures in woodland / hens and chicken-shed, circa 1939, 34.5 x 26cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales Auctioneer’s Note: the woodland is part of the Cilgwyn Estate standing on the hill above John Elwyn’s boyhood home in Newcastle Emlyn. The hens would have been on the artist’s father’s allotment Presentation & Condition: neatly framed, no problems either side, although the back of the board has some faults prior to the artist applying his paint £1000-1500* 330 333 GLENYS COUR oil on paper ‘Carmarthen Bay from Rhossili’, signed and dated ‘79, 17.5 x 22.5cms Provenance: private collection, Swansea Presentation & Condition: no apparent problems, framed, glazed and mounted £100-200*
333 334 VIVIENNE WILLIAMS acrylic - ‘Iris Cluster’ entitled verso on Attic Gallery label, signed, 27 x 36cms Provenance: private collection, Swansea Presentation & Condition: no apparent problems, framed, glazed and mounted £200-400*
334 335 RICHARD O’CONNELL large scale acrylic on canvas - surreal image of harlequins and cheetahs, entitled ‘Keepers of the Bay’, signed, 108 x 155cms Provenance: consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: framed, no problems £200-400*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
336 RICHARD O’CONNELL large oil on canvas - two magpies at St. Augustine’s Churchyard, Penarth, signed verso, 97 x 97cms Provenance: consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: framed, no problems £200-400* 337 CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS R.B.A. (1873-1935) oil on board - buildings, entitled verso ‘Normandy’, 37 x 27.5cms
Provenance: house clearance, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: well presented in deep frame, glazed, no problems £200-300* 338 CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS R.B.A. (1873-1935) oil on board - Llyn Mymbyr, Eryri, Gwynedd, 28 x 38cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office, purchased Bonhams 2005 Presentation & Condition: good antique style moulded gilt frame, ready to hang £400-600* 339 CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS R.B.A. (1873-1935) oil on board - winter landscape with buildings, entitled verso ‘Near Granada’ and ‘painted by Christopher Williams 1914’, 28 x 37cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: later framed and glazed £400-600*
340 CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS R.B.A. (1873-1935) oil on board - Gwynedd landscape, entitled verso ‘Cader Idris from Barmouth’, inscribed with artist’s name and description on salvaged card, 27 x 37cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, later framed £200-300*
341 JOHN CYRLAS WILLIAMS oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Boatyard at Mousehole, Cornwall, c.1920’, 44 x 53cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, later framed £400-600*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
342 DAVID LLOYD GRIFFITH oil on board - landscape, entitled verso ‘Silage Fields, Rhyd y Foel’, signed with initials, 29 x 35cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £350-450*
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 343 NICK JOHN REES large oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘The Beautiful Sands of Southerndown, South Wales’, signed verso, 51 x 99cms
344 NICK JOHN REES oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Dangerous Mooring Pembrokeshire Coast’, signed verso, 68 x 49cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, box frame £300-500*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, box frame £300-500*
345 NICK JOHN REES oil on canvas triptych - entitled verso ‘The Rocks Along the Bristol Channel’, signed verso, 80 x 40 and (2x) 80 x 30cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, box frame £300-500*
346 346 NICK JOHN REES large oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Shortly After Dawn, Barafundle Bay Pembrokeshire’, signed verso, 90 x 90cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, box frame £700-1200*
347 NICK JOHN REES oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Seaweed and Rocks, Porth Cwyfan, Anglesey’, signed verso, 50 x 50cms
348 NICK JOHN REES oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Sennen Cove, Cape Cornwall’, signed verso, 50 x 50cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, box frame £300-500*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, box frame £300-500*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 349 HOWARD ROBERTS oil on board Pembrokeshire harbour, entitled verso on Howard Roberts Gallery, Cardiff label ‘Porthclais’, 42 x 55cms Provenance: by descent, private collection Vale of Glamorgan Presentation & Condition: contemporaneous frame, no problems £250-350* 350 IVOR WILLIAMS (1908-1982) two oils on board - river scenes, entitled ‘The Thames at Kew’, 25 x 34cms and untitled, 23 x 28cms
Provenance: by descent, Vale of Glamorgan Auctioneer’s Note: the artist was the son of artist Christopher Williams of which there are 6 examples in this auction Presentation & Condition: no problems other than very small losses etc, framed £100-140* 351 ATTRIBUTED TO GWENNY GRIFFITHS (1867-1954) oil on paper - landscape, entitled ‘Sugar Loaf - Abergavenny’, 29 x 37cms Provenance: belonged to vendor’s great-aunt Grace Gethin Davies, former headmistress of Abergavenny Girls Grammar School and founder of Abergavenny Art Group with Agnes Beverly Burton, inscribed verso ‘by Gwennie Griffith’ (sic) Presentation & Condition: visible surface scratches and dirt marks, frame very poor £100-150*
351 353 CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS R.B.A. (1873-1935) oil on board - Italian port scene, entitled verso ‘The Old Tower Santa Margherita’, 32 x 54cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office, inscribed verso ‘To G Ferrier Williams Esq from Mrs Christopher Williams, Nov 1935’ Presentation & Condition: no problems, later framed £400-600*
353 354 DARREN HUGHES mixed media on canvas laid to board - expansive landscape, probably near Bethesda, Gwynedd, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Early Morning’, signed verso and dated 2007, 30 x 131cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems other than minor marks, unframed £400-600*
352 No lot
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
355 ALFRED JANES photowork collage on board - rare Pop Art influenced experimental composition, entitled ‘…Pletely Different’, signed and dated 1978, 32 x 25cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: in contemporaneous frame in keeping with the style of the artwork, having a wide wooden mount and chrome outer frame, glazed £2500-3500*
356 SALLY MOORE oil on board - entitled on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Still-Life’ and dated 1994, 45 x 32cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, original frame £1000-1500*
357 ALFRED JANES oil on board - still-life of apples and shell on red cloth with chequered background, signed (top right), 33 x 48cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, later framed £2000-3000*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 358 DONALD McINTYRE oil on board - landscape with cottage and barn, signed, 49 x 75cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problem, in tired original Hessian type frame £2500-3500* 359 CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS R.B.A. (1873-1935) oil on canvas - rare full-portrait of a seated lady mourning the loss of her soldier son, the lady in dark purple dress with frilly collared blouse, picture locket suspended from her neck with portrait of khaki uniformed and capped soldier, circa 1917-1919, inscribed verso ‘Mrs Bostead’ with later handwritten name of artist, 110 x 77cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office, handwritten Auctioneer’s Note: the tragic subject matter is unsurprising for the artist who travelled to the Western Front in 1916 after the battle of Mametz Wood in which about 4,000 men from the 38th Welsh Division were killed or injured. The experience of visiting Mametz wood inspiring the artist’s masterpiece ‘The Welsh Division at Mametz Wood, 1916’ which is now in the ownership of the National Museum of Wales, it was commissioned by David Lloyd George and originally hung in Downing Street. Lloyd George was something of a patron of Christopher Williams and the artist painted three different portraits of the Welsh Statesman and his father
Williams’ war experiences affected him deeply and according to the recollections of his friend Arthur H Thomas, ‘Christie’s vehement denunciation of man’s inhumanity remain with me still’ (‘Christopher Williams: An Account of his Life and Appreciation of his Work’ by Jeremiah Williams, Delyn Press, 1955). It is no surprise that the artist sought out a mother of a soldier as a portrait sitter. One can see in the expression of the lady, someone who is sorrowful but also that of someone who may be sharing the artist’s despair at the ‘juggernaut trampling of the soul of man’ and asking ‘why’. The subject matter brings the questions around the futility of war to a personal level, creating a powerful connection between artist and the sitter David Lloyd George considered Williams as the most gifted artist Wales had produced Presentation & Condition: has been later cleaned and reframed, no notable problems other than light surface scratch and small losses on edge near frame £1500-2000*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
363 360 FRANCIS WYNNE THOMAS oil on canvas - historic Ynys Mon landscape with windmill complete with sails, Carneddau mountain range in background, signed, 38 x 48cms Provenance: private collection, Ynys Mon (Anglesey), consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: framed and glazed £300-400* 361 PETER MORGAN acrylic on panel entitled verso ‘Painter’s Cottage’, signed with initials, 11 x 10cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £200-300* 362 WYN HUGHES oil on board - entitled verso ‘Dyffryn Nantlle’, signed with initials, 19 x 24cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £100-150*
363 PETER MORGAN acrylic on panel entitled verso ‘John Piper’s Cottage’, signed with initials, 10 x 10cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £200-300* 364 ARTHUR PRITCHARD oil on board - entitled verso ‘Mynydd Bodafon (Anglesey) 1989’, signed, 16 x 23cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £150-250* 365 WYN HUGHES oil on board - entitled verso ‘Nantlle’, signed with initials, 24 x 29cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £100-150*
366 366 WYN HUGHES oil on board - cottage and landscape, signed, 21 x 16cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
367 GWILYM PRICHARD early career oil on panel - miniature painting, entitled verso ‘Penmon Priory’, signed in pencil verso, 14 x 18cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £150-250*
368 SION McINTYRE acrylic on board - entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Cottage Above Llanllyfni’, signed, 47 x 373cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office, Albany Gallery exhibition catalogue verso Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £500-700*
369 MAURICE KENT oil on board Eryri winter scene with river and distant ‘Tryfan’ mountain, signed and dated 1972, 44 x 90cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £150-250* 370 THOMAS RATHMELL oil on canvas - titled in paint by the artist verso ‘Ebenezer Welsh Presbyterian Church. Commercial Road, Newport’ with artist’s name, 61 x 75cms Provenance: private collection, Swansea, consigned via our West Wales office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £200-300* 371 DAVID TINKER mixed media on canvas - entitled verso ‘Bali’, signed verso, 50 x 77cms Provenance: private collection, Swansea, consigned via our West Wales office Presentation & Condition: no problems, unframed £200-300*
372 EVAN WALTERS oil on canvas - three-quarters portrait of a young girl seated in a swing with black cat, signed and dated 1922, 74 x 61cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Presentation & Condition: slight craquelure, later framed £1000-1500*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
374 WILL ROBERTS oil on board - figure with hand-tool and farm, entitled verso ‘Landscape with Figure, 1974’, signed with initials, 19 x 24cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, original framing £1400-1800*
373 373 WILL ROBERTS oil on board - standing figure in waistcoat and hat with hand-tool, entitled verso ‘The Ochre Hat, 1974’, signed with initials, 24 x 19cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, original framing £1800-2500*
375 375 DAVID BARNES oil on board - ‘Snowdonia Winter’, signed verso, 39 x 29cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £250-300*
376 DAVID BARNES oil on board - ‘In the Western Highlands’, signed verso, 39 x 59cms
377 DAVID BARNES oil on board - ‘The Road into the Mountains’, signed verso, 39 x 49cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £300-400*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £300-400*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
378 378 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on canvas - coastal cliffs at Bonchurch, Isle of Wight, circa 1954, 47.5 x 57cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our north Wales office, with Sotheby’s Olympia, 2005, then Rogers Jones & Co’s Welsh Sale, 23.09.06, copy of letter on artist’s headed paper to accompany, handwritten by Sir Kyffin’s close friend Denise Morris from the artist’s dictation as follows; ‘Your painting is of a cliff near BONCHURCH in the Isle of Wight. It was painted in about 1954. I’d gone there foolishly to ask a girl to marry me. Luckily my efforts were thwarted, and ever since I’ve realised how fortunate I was. She was a monumental snob and her father told her that I was financially and socially ineligible. He was an old fool but I’m grateful to him for those comments. I hope you enjoy the picture, and that you didn’t have to pay too much for it...’. The letter was a reply to the former owner’s request to Sir Kyffin for further information about the painting, the letter would have been dictated as at the time Sir Kyffin was suffering of ill-health, he died in 2006 Presentation & Condition: no problems, later framed £15000-20000* 379 No lot
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
380 T LEONARD EVANS oil on board - white-washed farmhouse and buildings, signed, 45 x 61cms
381 WILF ROBERTS oil on board - Ynys Mon crashing waves and rocks, entitled verso ‘Trearddur’, signed and dated 2002, 17.5 x 22cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office
Presentation & Condition: original Hessian mount, tired frame, would benefit from clean £200-300*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £600-800*
382 HYWEL HARRIES oil on board - atmospheric industrial scene of Cardiff Docks probably in the 1970s/80s under the evening sun, signed, 51 x 61.5cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion Presentation & Condition: good overall condition, colours vibrant, framed £1800-2500*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 383 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on canvas - entitled verso on Howard Roberts Gallery, Cardiff label ‘Valley in the Dordogne’, signed with initials, 50 x 58cms Provenance: Estate of the Late Sian Smout of Wakefield and formerly of Berwickshire who inherited the painting from former Welsh international rugby union player and President of the Welsh Rugby Union Nathan Rocyn-Jones (1906-1984) Presentation & Condition: original frame typical of artist, area of craquelure to centre at top of cloud line, no other problems, fresh original condition £10000-15000* 383
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 384 DAVID TRESS oil on board and construction - coastal scene, entitled ‘Thorn and Sea, Summer’, signed and dated 1999, 38 x 46cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, suspended in original box frame, glazed £2500-2800*
385 DAVID GROSVENOR large oil on canvas - dramatic North Wales landscape, entitled label verso ‘Moelwyn Bach from Rhyd’, signed in full, 80 x 100cms
386 DONALD McINTYRE early oil on board - moored boats with three yachts in the water in the background, signed in full, 24 x 34cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed £800-1200* 112
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: 1960s Hessian type frame which is tired, board warped, may benefit from attention and reframing £1000-1200*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 387 GARETH PARRY oil on board - entitled verso ‘Hen Inclen, Gaeaf, Gwynedd’ (Old Incline, Winter, Gwynedd), signed, 50 x 74cms Provenance: private collection, Cheshire Presentation & Condition: no problems, original frame £500-1000*
388 388 MATTHEW SNOWDEN acrylic on canvas entitled verso ‘Tryfan Slabs’, signed, 48 x 59cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, very neatly framed £600-800* 389 ERNEST ZOBOLE large oil on canvas - misty nocturnal Rhondda landscape entitled verso ‘The Landscape at Night’, 90 x 120cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Auctioneer’s Note: at bottom centre of the composition is an enclosed skeletal figure symbolising the artist in his later years, nearing his death and his burial in the Rhondda earth Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £2200-2800*
390 DAVID WOODFORD oil on card - snowcapped Y Garn in the Ogwen Valley, signed, 20 x 20cms
391 DAVID WOODFORD oil on card - clouds over lowland Caernarfonshire, signed, 18 x 39cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £400-500*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed with non-reflective glass £500-600*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
392 CAREY MORRIS mixed media on board - half-portrait of a lady, believed to be the artist’s mother Elizabeth Morris, unsigned, 51 x 41cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office, same vendor as Carey Morris as Lot 285 on 12.9.20 Auctioneer’s Note: portrait resembles the artist’s mother in his portrait of her illustrated in ‘A Celtic Canvas’ by Glyn Rhys (Y Lolfa) Presentation & Condition: framed £500-800* 392
393 393 RICHARD J OLIVER oil on canvas - figure in Welsh street, entitled ‘Super Hero Phil’, 91 x 76cms Provenance: private collection, Swansea, consigned via our West Wales office Auctioneer’s Note: born 1975 Pontypridd, now based in California Presentation & Condition: no problems, unframed £600-800*
394 394 ROWENA WYN JONES (1916-2003) oil on board - Menai Straits with Telford’s Suspension Bridge, entitled ‘Pont Menai’, signed, 39 x 75cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office, retained labels applied to now separate backboard to include James Bourlet & Sons agent label to the ‘Paris Salon 1974’ exhibition together with a French language exhibitors label for the artist with title Presentation & Condition: no problems, later framed £150-250*
395 395 ALEX CAMPBELL acrylic and other media on canvas - entitled verso ‘Fireplace’ and dated 1989, signed, 64 x 49cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £250-350* 396 GWILYM PRICHARD oil on canvas - eastern drive towards Plas-Tan-YBwlch study centre known as Oakley Drive (please also see Lot 397 of the same scene), 63 x 52cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £1000-1500*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
397 GWILYM PRICHARD mixed media - eastern drive towards Plas-Tan-Y-Bwlch study centre known as Oakley Drive, Gwynedd (please also see Lot 396 of the same scene), signed, 75 x 54cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £600-1000*
398 BRONWEN ROBERTS oil on board - entitled verso ‘Day Lily and Convolvulus’, signed with initials, 75 x 61cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £150-250*
399 CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - stone bridge over a Welsh river, possibly the Ogwen Valley, signed, 23 x 54cms
400 CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - Eryri lake scene with white washed cottage, signed, 23 x 54cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed £200-300*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed £300-400*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 401 ALAN WILLIAMS acrylic - whitewashed roadside cottages, entitled verso ‘Cottage, Dolgellau’, signed, 27 x 37cms Provenance: consigned via the Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed and glazed £250-350*
402 402 ALAN WILLIAMS acrylic - coracle man in flat cap, entitled verso ‘Coracle Paddler’, signed, 33 x 51cms Provenance: consigned via the Cardiff office
403 ALAN WILLIAMS acrylic yachts moored in harbour, entitled verso ‘Bull Bay, Anglesey’, signed, 33 x 53cms
404 ALAN WILLIAMS acrylic working figure on beach, entitled ‘Cockle Picker’, signed, 27 x 42cms
Provenance: consigned via the Cardiff office
Provenance: consigned via the Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed and glazed £250-350*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed and glazed £250-350*
Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed and glazed £250-350*
405 ALAN WILLIAMS acrylic - whitewashed cottage on hillside, entitled verso ‘Anglesey Cottage’, signed, 24 x 46cms Provenance: consigned via the Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, neatly framed and glazed £250-350*
406 KAREL LEK oil on canvas entitled verso ‘Mersey, November’, signed, 40 x 49cms Provenance: private collection Swansea Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £300-400*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
407 NICK HOLLY oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Cotton Pickers, Ephesus, Turkey’, signed, dated verso ‘08, 49 x 101cms
408 NICK HOLLY oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Mending the Nets, Greece, Kephalonia’, signed, dated verso 2017, 50 x 48cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: box-canvas, depiction extends to edges, unframed, no problems £800-1200*
Presentation & Condition: neatly framed, no problems £800-1200*
409 NICK HOLLY oil on card - titled in margin ‘Irish Shawls, Dingle Co.Kerry’, signed, 34 x 32cms
410 HARRY HOLLAND oil on board - half portrait of nude with striking auburn hair, signed, 28 x 38cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Presentation & Condition: framed and glazed, no problems £300-400*
Presentation & Condition: v. minor surface scratches / losses, framed £500-1000*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
411 411 NICK HOLLY oil on card - entitled verso ‘The Historic Police Call Post at Aldgate with a View of the Gherkin Beyond’, signed, 43 x 23cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £400-600*
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 412 HARRY HOLLAND oil on board - entitled verso on Bruton Gallery (New York and Somerset), ‘Bute Skyline, Summertime ‘87’, signed, 36 x 31.5cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, original neat framing £400-600*
413 DARREN YEADON Preseli bluestone sculpture - study of a whale with curved tail, 34cms Provenance: consigned by artist Condition Report: no problems, unmounted £800-1200*
414 DARREN YEADON Carrara marble sculpture - fish, 57cms high Provenance: consigned by artist Condition Report: no problems, unmounted £800-1200* 415 No lot 414 118
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 416 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER oil on card - title to back of card ‘Misty Sea’, personal inscription from the artist verso, signed and dated 2010, 5 x 8.5cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400*
417 MURIEL DELAHAYE oil on canvas entitled verso ‘Conversations on the Beach’, signed, 49 x 68cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £2000-3000*
418 IEUAN MEIRION PUGH oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Morning Nanteos Ceredigion', signed, 74 x 59cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Auctioneer’s Note: Pugh was born in Aberystwyth and became Principal of Bournville College of Art, Birmingham and the Loughborough College of Art and Design Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £400-600*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
420 419 18TH CENTURY BRITISH SCHOOL oil on canvas - head and shoulders portrait of a lady, with a distant fire in the background, perhaps out at sea, unsigned, 75 x 61cms
Provenance: note attached, ‘found by George Thomas at Caerau Mill, Church Bay, Anglesey in the 1960s. He was the landlord. My mother got advice on it (she can’t remember from whom) and it was suggested that the lady might be one of the ‘Seven Pretty Peggies’, I imagine from dating her clothes. I was visited by family members of the last millers to work Caerau Mill. One of them told me she was descended from the Bulkely Family, who were prominent in Anglesey. I failed to remember this portrait at the time and have not managed to track down my visitors again’. Signed by member of the vendor’s family. Facsimile of 1925 Anglesey Antiquarian Society and Field Club Transactions 1925 which lists the seven Pretty Peggies who were present at a ball given by the Dowager Lady Bulkely Presentation & Condition: the painting has been fully restored and stuck down to later canvas, has been removed from frame for investigation, frame present £100-200*
420 ANEURIN JONES oil on board two farmers, signed with artist’s address verso, 34 x 50cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed, ready to hang £1200-1800* 421 KARL DAVIES oil on board entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Farmer and Moon I’, signed verso and dated 2009, 29 x 36cms Provenance: gallery receipt, private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £300-400* 422 KARL DAVIES oil on canvas entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Farmer and Sheep’, signed verso and dated 2009, 24 x 29cms Provenance: gallery receipt, private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed £300-400* 423-439 No lots
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Selections & Collections / Dewisiadau & Chasgliadau 3.30pm 17.4.21
Selections & Collections / Dewisiadau & Chasgliadau (3.30pm)
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
Luxury items including Vintage Spirits, Jewellery & Watches – Lots 440-467 440 REMY MARTIN 250th ANNIVERSARY COGNAC 1724-1974, released in 1974, blended with 80-100 year old reserve cognacs, 70cl / 40% volume Condition Report: the box has been opened but is now closed, the vendor confirms that the contents are original and the bottle is sealed £500-700* 441 SIX BOTTLES OF COCKBURN’S 1963 VINTAGE PORT, shipped by Cockburn Smithes and CIA Limitada Oporto (6) Condition Report: all appear in good overall condition with liquid levels lower to middle neck, three of the wax tops have been tampered with exposing corks although not been compromised, labels all present, minor chips and marks £250-350* 440
441 442 TWELVE BOTTLES OF WARRE’S 1966 VINTAGE PORT in straw coverings and original wooden case (12) Condition Report: wooden case is full of wood worm and falling apart in places, one panel to top missing, one bottle has been removed to inspect, seal intact, labels good, no visible signs of seepage or leaking £1000-1500*
443 443 TWELVE BOTTLES OF CHATEAU LEOVILLE BARTON 2001 ST JULIEN, ASJC, 750ml, 12.5% vol, in original wooden case (12) Condition Report: one bottle removed for inspection, appear in very good overall condition, liquid level lower neck, seal intact, label good £300-500* 442 124
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 444 TWELVE BOTTLES OF CHATEAU LEOVILLE BARTON 2001 ST JULIEN, ASJC, 750ml, 12.5% vol, in original wooden case (12) Condition Report: one bottle removed for inspection, appear in very good overall condition, liquid level lower neck, seal good, label good £300-500* 445 TWELVE BOTTLES OF SMITH WOODHOUSE 2000 VINTAGE PORT, produced and bottled by Smith Woodhouse and CA, 75cl, 20% vol, in original wooden case (12)
Condition Report: one bottle removed for inspection, seal appears in good overall condition, no obvious leaking or seepage, label good £250-350*
446 TWELVE BOTTLES OF SMITH WOODHOUSE 2000 VINTAGE PORT, produced and bottled by Smith Woodhouse and CA, 75cl, 20% vol, in original wooden case (12)
447 TWELVE BOTTLES OF SMITH WOODHOUSE 2003 VINTAGE PORT in original wood case, bottled by Symington Family Estates, 75cl, 20% vol (12)
Condition Report: one bottle removed for inspection, appears in very good overall condition, seal intact, no signs of leaking or seepage, label good £250-350*
Condition Report: one bottle removed to assess, seal in good condition, label good, no signs of leaking or seepage £250-350* 448 WHITE & MACKAY 175TH ANNIVERSARY BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY, aged 50 years, limited edition, one of only 1,750, 50cl, 44.6% vol, in presentation box with congratulations leaflet Condition Report: very good overall condition, no obvious issues £500-1000* 449 FIRST CASK 1980 16 YEAR OLD ISLAY MALT WHISKY, distilled 6th August 1980 at Port Ellen. Cask no 89/589/44, bottle no. 248, 46% vol, 70cl, bottled by Direct Wines Provenance: private single ownership since release, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: Sealed and unopened. Liquid level lower neck. Labels in good overall condition with only minor ‘bubbling’. Wear to seal covering commensurate with age. Very nice single-owner example £400-600*
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
451 450 18CT GOLD OPEN FACED CHRONOGRAPH POCKET WATCH by Thomas Russell & Son, Liverpool, the enamel dial with Roman numeral chapter ring, the back and inner cover engraved ‘To R. Whittaker from his friend T. S. Field Jan 1st 1896’, the movement plate engraved ‘Thos Russell & Son, Makers to the Queen Liverpool, 90672’, with 9ct gold Albert chain with pendant engraved ‘Licensed Victuallers Championship First Prize 1902, 173.7gms overall
452 HAMILTON 14K KEYLESS WIND OPEN FACED POCKET WATCH, c.1916, cal./grade 914, ser. no. 177..., white enamel dial with black outer minute divisions and breguet numeral 5 minute markers, sunken subsidiary seconds dial, blued steel hands, with Swiss 17 jewel lever 3/4 plate movement with cut and compensated bi-metallic balance, signed and numbered, in plain gold case engraved Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster PA, 14K, to inner cuvette, 46mm diam
Provenance: deceased estate Swansea
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Condition Report: seconds hand ticking both ways, some hairline cracks to enamel, surface wear and light scratches, minor dent to back cover £1000-1500*
Condition Report: dial cracked between 12 and 9 and to centre. Glass moderately scratched. Case minor surface scratches. Movement ticks very briefly when wound £400-600*
451 18CT GOLD OPEN FACED POCKET WATCH having enamel dial with Roman numeral chapter ring and subsidiary seconds dial, the back cover engraved, the movement plate numbered 8002 with 9ct gold Albert chain with ‘T’ bar and Wahl Eversharp gold filled pencil, 149.5gms overall (not including pencil)
453 18CT GOLD JEAN-ANTOINE LEPINE FULL HUNTER POCKET WATCH having enamel Turkish, Roman and Arabic triple dial, engraved to the movement cover ‘Echappement Libre A Ancre Rubis Lépine à Paris’, No. 13422, 51.2gms
Provenance: deceased estate Swansea Condition Report: seconds hand ticking, some minor hairline cracks to dial, surface wear and light scratches £700-1000*
Provenance: private ownership, Conwy, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: replacement plastic lense (loose), multiple cracks to dial and some surface wear and scratches. Some very minor dents to covers £600-1000*
453 126
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
454 454 ZENITH GENT’S 9CT GOLD WRISTWATCH having subsidiary seconds dial, dagger hour markers, Arabic numerals at 3, 9 and 12. Hallmarked to the inner back cover and numbered 311 with 17 jewel movement, associated strap and box Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office Condition Report: Appears in good overall condition with no obvious or significant damage or losses. Minor surface wear and scratches. Seconds hand is ticking £200-400* 455 SEIKO ‘POGUE’ AUTOMATIC CHRONOGRAPH GENT’S WRISTWATCH, stainless steel, ref. 6139-6002, circular sunburst yellow / orange dial with baton hands and markers with luminous inserts, day / date apertures, subsidiary seconds dial, blue and red ‘Pepsi’ tachymeter bezel, tonneau case, with Seiko steel bracelet
456 ROLEX OYSTER ROYAL PRECISION STAINLESS STEEL WRISTWATCH, ref. 6427, circa 1959, serial no. 45xxx, silvered dial with applied arrow markers and blued steel centre seconds, cal. 1210 17-jewel movement, oyster crown and stainless steel oyster bracelet with deployant clasp, screw case back dated inside ‘IV.59’, 34mm. diam
457 ROLEX OYSTER PERPETUAL AIR-KING AUTOMATIC BRACELET WATCH, ref. 5500, circa 1990, stainless steel, blue dial, applied baton hour markers, white outer minute divisions with luminous dot five minute markers, pointed baton hands with luminous inserts, bracelet number 78350, with Rolex green box and outer Oyster box, various paperwork, Rolex travel pouch, and cased Rolex travel / pocket knife
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office
Condition Report: Movement - working. Dial - some very light marks. Glass generally good with minor scratches and tiny chip to edge. Hands - matching. Case - generally good, some light scratching to the case back and other typical marks. Crown - working. Bracelet - with some pliers marks and bent flange to one link £700-900*
Condition Report: the watch comes with Rolex guarantee dated 20/4/90 along with service guarantee, 2018 Laings valuation schedule and spare link. The watch itself appears in very good overall condition with no obvious issues, just very minor wear. Inner box in good condition, outer box may be a replacement but is genuine and has some damage to right hand side £1500-2500*
Provenance: private ownership Pembrokeshire Auctioneer’s Note: The Seiko ‘Pogue’ is named after NASA astronaut Colonel William Pogue who wore the watch on a mission to Skylab 4 making it the first automatic chronograph in space Condition Report: appears in complete condition. Bottom pusher button is stiff and stuck currently. Seconds hand is ticking. Surface wear and minor scratches commensurate with age. ‘No markings’ dial £200-400*
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
458 ROLEX OYSTER PERPETUAL SUBMARINER BRACELET WATCH, ref. 5513, stainless steel, automatic movement, black feet first dial, luminous dot hour markers, luminous baton quarters, white outer minute divisions, ‘Mercedes’ hands with luminous inserts, rotating bezel, the oyster bracelet numbered 93150 with 580 ends, engraved to reverse with lion rampant with spanner Auctioneer’s Note: The Rolex Submariner is an iconic timepiece and one of the first dive watches to appear originally on the market. With many different variations spanning its production lifetime it is one of the most sought after and collected of Rolex wristwatches Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: Appears in good overall and complete condition. Surface wear and scratches. Bracelet is later service replacement. Comes with 1979 insurance valuation paperwork and two spare links. Seconds hand is ticking. Owned previously by civil engineer who assisted on the Mary Rose excavation which may shed some light on the lion and spanner engraving £6000-8000*
459 BREITLING CHRONO-MATIC STAINLESS STEEL AUTOMATIC CALENDAR CHRONOGRAPH WRISTWATCH, Ref:2111, Circa 1969, jewelled automatic movement, sunburst silvered an blue ‘surfboard’ dial with applied polished baton hour markers, black outer 1/5th second divisions and five minute markers, red and black outer base pulsations scale, orange and white baton hands with luminous inserts and centre chronograph hand, double subsidiary dials for 30 minute and 12 hour recording, date aperture at 6, brushed and polished cushion case with screw down back, crown at 9 and pushers at 2 and 4, case, dial and cal.11 movement signed, associated blue leather strap with Breitling buckle, 38mm diam Provenance: Cardiff Collection Condition Report: Case - wear commensurate with age, one pusher possibly replaced, Dial - hands marked, very small scratches and perimeter marks at 4, Strap - new stitched leather £1500-2000* 128
460 BREITLING CHRONO AVENGER M1 TITANIUM CHRONOGRAPH WRISTWATCH, ref. E73360, c.2005, white dial with raised Arabic numerals, white & red centre hands recording seconds & minutes, sunken silvered triple registers recording 12 hours, 1/10th seconds & continuous seconds, calendar, Super Quartz movement, circular case, signed Breitling & numbered, 60 minute rotating bezel, helium escape valve, original crown & pushers, bracelet with signed deployant clasp, with 3 extra links, boxes, watch roll and papers, 44mm diam Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: dial - excellent, case - very minor scratches, bracelet - minor scratches. No battery so untested £700-900*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
461 YELLOW METAL ARTICULATED BRACELET set with two Estados Unidos Mexicanos coins engraved ‘David 12-11-53’ and ‘Gladys Arthur 27-11-48’ and a Victorian 1892 gold sovereign, old head, 53.3gms Provenance: private ownership Conwy, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: Appears in good overall condition with minor surface wear and scratches. Clasp working properly. In associated faux tortoiseshell box £1000-1500*
462 462 WHITE METAL FIFTEEN STONE DIAMOND BRACELET, the graduating old European cut diamonds totalling 5.0cts approximately (visual estimate), having diamond chip set bars, 18cms long, 18.4gms Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire Condition Report: Appears in good overall condition with no obvious damage or losses. Clasp working well and safety chain in good order. Diamonds are bright and well matched. Feather / crack to diamond left of centre. Some minor black mineral deposits and clouds. In good quality ‘Audrey Bull Antiques’ jewellery box £4000-6000* 463 9CT GOLD BLUE TOPAZ & DIAMOND SET CROSSOVER NECKLACE of articulated design, the central topaz (0.8 x 0.6cms) flanked by two diamonds (0.10cts each approx.), 77.9gms in Boodle & Dunthorne Jewellers box Provenance: private collection Conwy, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Condition Report: Appears in good overall condition with only minor wear and scratches. Some minor nibbles to topaz. The gem set head may be detachable although appears stuck in place with one cap missing £800-1200*
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co 464 GRAFF 18CT WHITE COLD DIAMOND CLUSTER RING, the central diamond (0.6cts approx.) surrounded by a ring of ten diamonds (0.05cts each approx.), surrounded in turn by a further ring of fourteen diamonds (0.07cts each approx.) totalling approximately 2.0cts of diamonds, ring size V / W, 8.7gms Provenance: deceased estate Carmarthenshire Auctioneer’s Note: Graff is a world renowned British jewellery company founded in 1960 by Laurence Graff. Notable diamonds include ‘The Delaire Sunrise’, ‘The Graff Pink’ and ‘The Paragon’ Condition Report: Appears in good overall condition with all stones present. Stones are bright and well matched, shank marked ‘GRAFF’. Comes in good quality ring box £1500-2500* 464
465 465 TRIO OF 9CT GOLD SET BANDED SPECIMEN CIRCULAR PENDANTS comprising malachite, orange and black agate, 4.7cms diameter each (3) Provenance: private ownership Conwy, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: All appear in good overall condition. Minor surface wear and scratches. No obvious cracks / splits £150-250*
466 CARTIER 18CT GOLD DIAMOND SET ‘JUSTE UN CLOU’ BRACELET of coiled nail design with hidden clasp within the nail head. Signed ‘Cartier’ and numbered CRD836352, 25.8gms Provenance: private ownership, Rhondda Cynon Taf, consigned via our Cardiff office
Auctioneer’s Note: ‘Juste Un Clou’ simply means ‘just a nail’. From the Cartier website - ‘Jewellery inspired by nails. The first nail bracelet was created in New York during the carefree, fun-loving 1970s. Juste un Clou, an outrageous appropriation of the nail as jewellery, has always been avant-garde, audacious and thoroughly modern. For men and women alike, this collection of jewellery magnifies the precious qualities of everyday objects in a sublime take on the ordinary.’ Condition Report: In good overall condition with all stones present. Clasp mechanism working well. Minor surface wear commensurate with age £2500-3500* 467 CASED EDWARD VII 1902 SPECIMEN COIN SET comprising ten coins including gold sovereign, half sovereign and Maundy money, in original velvet lined leather box Provenance: deceased estate Swansea Condition Report: one coin missing, minor wear commensurate with age, box in good overall condition with minor scuffs to edges £500-800* 468 No lot
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
Non-European Antiques & Fine Art – Lots 469-495 469 JOHN NDEVASIA MUAFANGEJO (Namibian, 1943-1987) limited edition (28/150) linocut - Evangelical Lutheran Church Womens Meeting (Umhlangano Wabasizikasi), signed, numbered and dated 1974 in pencil (I) 21.5 x 55cms Provenance: Barry Levinson (Movie Producer/ Filmmaker) collection. This and the following four lots were acquired by Barry Levinson when filming in South Africa directly from the artist with whom he came friends Auctioneer’s Note: John Muafangejo was considered the most important visual artist of his country. His linocuts are powerful depictions of people and events, expressed in black and white imagery, condensing the colourful landscapes and animal images of Namibia’s artists of European origin. He often combines text with images, and his images contain references to the history and culture of his own people, the Ovambo. He did not live to see the independence of Namibia, but the violent struggle for it formed the background for his art. Muafangejo’s output contains only about 260 different prints. The Namibian Arts Association in Windhoek has a large collection of his works in their Permanent Collection
Presentation & Condition: excellent, framed ready to hang £400-600* 470 JOHN NDEVASIA MUAFANGEJO (Namibian, 1943-1987) limited edition (55/100) linocut on Japan paper - Shiyane Home, signed, numbered and dated 1969 in pencil (I) 56 x 85cm Provenance: Barry Levinson collection (Movie Producer/Filmmaker) Auctioneer's Note: please see Lot 469 Presentation & Condition: ink thin in places, excellent condition, framed ready to hang £400-600* 471 JOHN NDEVASIA MUAFANGEJO (Namibian, 1943-1987) limited edition (135/150) linocut on Japan paper - A Boy is Looking After the Herd of Cattle in Forest… He is Hunter Man, signed, numbered and dated 1969 in pencil (I) 62 x 46cm Provenance: Barry Levinson collection (Movie Producer/Filmmaker) Auctioneer's Note: please see Lot 469 Presentation & Condition: several stains to the margin, pin/mounting holes to corners, printing good, in basic perspex box frame (scratched) with black backing £200-300*
472 JOHN NDEVASIA MUAFANGEJO (Namibian, 1943-1987) limited edition (55/100) linocut on Japan paper - Zulu Land, signed, numbered and dated 1974 in pencil (I) 45 x 68cm
473 JOHN NDEVASIA MUAFANGEJO (Namibian, 1943-1987) limited edition (73/100) linocut - A Man is Looking After his Oxen in Summer, signed, numbered and dated 1972 in pencil, 26 x 34cm
Provenance: Barry Levinson collection (Movie Producer/Filmmaker)
Provenance: Barry Levinson collection (Movie Producer/Filmmaker)
Auctioneer's Note: please see Lot 469
Auctioneer's Note: please see Lot 469
Presentation & Condition: indistinctly numbered, wrinkles to upper and left margin, pin/mounting holes to corners, printing good, in basic perspex box frame (scuffed) with black backing £300-400*
Presentation & Condition: excellent, framed ready to hang £300-500*
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co 474 TETSURO SAWADA (Japanese, 1933-1998) oil on canvas - Blue Skyscape, signed and dated ‘80, verso with brief biography on Gallerie Shinkura (Tokyo) label, 37 x 44.5cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Auctioneer’s Note: Sawada was born in Hokkaido and graduated from Musashino Art Academy, Tokyo and later became a member of Jiyu Bijutsu Art Association. He travelled in the Americas in 1966-67 and studied in France and Spain in 1969 Presentation & Condition: minor surface abrasions, modern aluminium frame £600-800*
475 19TH CENTURY CHINESE BLACK & GOLD LACQUER TABLE CABINET, decorated allover with figure in landscapes in the Canton style, the oval panelled doors opening to reveal five drawers with bone handles, door insides painted with flowering prunus and bamboo, bracket feet, 37 x 30 x 17cms Provenance: property of a gentleman, Vale of Glamorgan Condition Report: no faults, damage or restoration of note, cracks at top near to back edge, other slight losses £300-500*
476 476 CHINESE ARCHAISTIC BRONZE TRIPOD VESSEL, DING, 18th/19th Century, oval bellied form with upright loop handles, relief decorated to the exterior with Zhou dynasty-style archaistic motifs on a leiwen ground raised on tall cylindrical legs, 18 x 13 x 11.5cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
478 132
Condition Report: tiny hole in base, partial dry verdigris patina, casting repair to rim £250-350*
477 477 SINO-TIBETAN BRASS FIGURE OF TARA, seated in lalitasana, both hands held in vitarkamudra, the left also holding a lotus stem, wearing embroidered dhoti, neck, ear and arm ornaments, head framed with flaming nimbus, double lotus sealed base with engraved double vajra, 17cms high Provenance: private collection, consigned via our West Wales office Condition Report: polished surface £200-300*
478 JAPANESE BRONZE DISH BY THE HAMADA STUDIO, Meiji Period, decorated with four tsuru amongst reeds beside water, within brocade diaper border, raised on low bamboo form foot, the back patinated in brown, signed in a cartouche ‘Hamada Sei’, 31cms diam Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: front surface polished £200-300*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 479 POLISHED COCO DE MER SEED (Lodoicea maldivica), of typical form, 24cms high Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office
Auctioneer’s Note: The coco de mer is a palm found only in the islands of Praslin and Curieuse in the Seychelles. The fruit requires arounf seven years to mature and a further two years to germinate. Originally believed to have been a sea-bean or drift seed (a seed designed to be dispersed by the sea) it is now known that the nut is too heavy to float, and that only rotten nuts can be found on the sea surface: this explains why the trees are limited in range to just two islands. Until the true source of the nut was discovered in 1768, many believed that it grew on a mythical tree at the bottom of the sea. In the 16th century, the European aristocracy decorated their coco de mers with precious jewels, and treasured them in “cabinets of curiosities”. The sailors who first saw the nut floating in the sea imagined that they resembled a woman’s buttocks, leading to the plant’s archaic botanical name, “Lodoicea callipyge”; “callipyge” meaning “beautiful rump” in Greek
481 481 CHINESE BLUE & WHITE PORCELAIN BOWL AND COVER, Kangxi, of deep U-shape painted with elegant maidens (‘lange leizen’) in conversation and playing Go beside palm tree and ornamental rock, the shallow domed cover painted with five boys at play, artemesia leaf mark, 10.5cms diam. x 12cms high Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: cover with small rim chip, bowl with small glaze blister £500-700*
Condition Report: cut and shut £300-500* 480 ARTHUR MOODY (1887-1967) haida argillite - Totem pole, carved with a sea eagle with fish, bear with salmon, raven with basket and shaman with basket chewing a root(?), on square base, 44cm high Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Auctioneer’s Note: Arthur is one of several family members who were well known argillite carvers. Born in Skidegate, BC, he learned carving from Robert Miller (1860-1930). The proceeds from the sale of a huge 4 foot argillite pole to the Vancouver Museum enabled him to build his house in Skidegate 480
Condition Report: cracks, base loose, back crazed £600-1000*
482 482 PAIR FAMILLE VERTE PORCELAIN OVIFORM JARS, probably Samson c.1900, enamelled in the Kangxi style with panels of insects and flowering shrubs, beneath diaper shoulder band with reserves of conch, fan and ruyi sceptre, unglazed necks and feet, 15cms high (2) Provenance: property of a gentleman, Vale of Glamorgan Condition Report: each with tiny enamel chips £200-300*
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co 483 CHINESE BLUE & WHITE PORCELAIN YENYEN VASE, 19th Century, painted in the Kangxi style with phoenixes (fenghuang) flying amid scrolling lotus, 39cms high Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: neck riveted, rim chip, star cracks to base £500-700*
484 484 CHINESE BLUE & WHITE PORCELAIN ‘SCHOLARS AND LANDSCAPE’ JAR, Kangxi, of ovoid form, painted with a broad continuous frieze depicting two figures in an extensive mountainous landscape with river and pavilions, cloud collar to the shoulder, base with double circle, later pierced hardwood cover, 22cms high, 25cms with cover Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: small firing crack extending to small hairline, tiny footring nibbles £2000-3000* 485 CHINESE BLUE & WHITE ‘AUDIENCE’ BALUSTER JAR, Kangxi, well painted in shades of blue with an entourage bearing banners, standards and cloth wrapped gifts, and a scholar holding a Hu tablet addressing a dignatory in an interior, beneath wispy clouds and beside a garden of palm trees, shrubs and ornamental Taihu rocks, base with six character Chenghua mark within a double circle, 20cms high Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: rim with chip and crack, lacks cover £2000-3000*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 486 CHINESE BLUE & WHITE PORCELAIN ‘100 ANTIQUES’ HAWTHORN JAR, 19th Century, painted in the Kangxi style with three cusped panels of Chinese antiques and precious objects, reserved on a cracked ice and prunus blossom ground, base with double circle, later shou-character pierced hardwood cover, 20.5cms high, 22cms with covers Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: body crack and iron oxide glaze blister, cover cracked £300-400* 487 CHINESE BLUE & WHITE PORCELAIN ‘100 ANTIQUES’ HAWTHORN JAR, 19th Century, painted in the Kangxi style with three quatrefoil panels of Chinese antiques and precious objects, reserved on a cracked ice and prunus blossom ground, base with double circle, later shou-character pierced hardwood cover, 19.8cms high, 21.5cms with cover
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: surface scratches £400-600* 488 GROUP OF CHINESE BLUE & WHITE PORCELAIN HAWTHORN JARS, Qing Dynasty and later, all decorated with prunus blossom on a cracked ice ground, one probably Kangxi period with later wood cover, all around 17cms high (5) Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: jar with cover has foot ring chip, others good condition £150-200*
489 CHINESE BLUE & WHITE PORCELAIN ‘DRAGON & PHOENIX’ LANTERN JAR AND COVER, 19th Century, painted with four roundels of dragons and phoenixes chasing flaming pearls, divided by winged dragons amid scrollwork and between cloud collar and lappet borders, short foliate neck and foot, flat cover painted with winged dragon and ruyi scepter handle, base with 4-character Kangxi mark, 27cms high Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: minute chip to inside rim. a few small iron oxide bleeds into glaze £700-900*
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
490 CHINESE BLUE & WHITE PORCELAIN BALUSTER VASE, 19th Century, painted with alternate panels of river landscapes and with songbirds in flowering shrubs, between key fret, cloud-collar and lappet borders, tall neck with stiff leaves, later carved wood cover, 39cms high, 46cms with cover Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: large crack to body, a few tiny iron oxide bleeds, later cover which lacks knop £250-300*
491 CHINESE BLUE & WHITE PORCELAIN ‘LOTUS’ JAR, Kangxi, of slender ovoid form, painted with continuous frieze of densely scrolling lotus, beneath diaper collar, short tapering neck, base with 6-character Chenghua mark in a double circle, gold wax Duveen seal, 16cms high Provenance: J. M. Duveen & Sons, Liverpool; private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Auctioneer’s Note: Legendary Dutch dealer Joseph Duveen set up shop in Hull in 1866, followed by Liverpool, and eventually as his empire grew, in London, Paris and finally New York, where his dealership was patronised by the millionaire elite of American society. His canny marketing ensured that the collecting of antique blue and white delft, Chinese Kangxi porcelain and Old master paintings became extremely fashionable, and he dominated the art market around the turn of the 19th Century. Cf. Duveen: The Story of the Most Spectacular Art Dealer of All Time, by S. N. Behrman, London, Hamish Hamilton, 1952 and J. H. Duveen, The Rise of the House of Duveen, London, Longmans, 1957 Condition Report: hairline cracks to neck £300-400*
492 TWO CHINESE BLUE & WHITE PORCELAIN VASES, 18th/19th Century, comprising a Kangxi period slender ovoid vase painted with three cusped panels of cross-hatched shrubs (lacks cover), 14.5cms high; and a 19th Century bottle vase, painted in the Kangxi style with four Bodhi leaf-shaped panels of scrolling foliage, beneath keyfret and cloudcollar, stiff leaves with florets to the tapering neck, base with double circle, 21cms high (2) Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: ovoid vase with very small interior rim chip, fritting around the foot collar, no cover; bottle vase with some minute glaze blisters and iron oxide bleeds £300-400* 491
492 * Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
493 UNUSUAL CHINESE BLUE & WHITE SOLDIER-TYPE VASE, late Qing Dynasty, of tapering shouldered form with waisted neck, painted in the Kangxi style with two large panels divided by narrow borders of scrolling morning glory, each panel depicting scenes of boys at play behind fences watching two jousting mounted warriors, above and below zigzag cross-hatched band and demi-flower heads, and a border below enclosing roundels reserved on a cracked-ice ground above pendent stiff leaves and a narrow band of zigzag crosshatched design, the neck with upright and pendant lobed petals, base with artemesia leaf mark within a double circle, 57cms high Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Auctioneer’s Note: The design and shape of this vase follows closely that found on a number of similar large vases standing over a metre tall that were ‘exchanged’ for a regiment of 600 dragoons by Augustus the Strong, King of Saxony and the King of Poland in 1717. These large so-called ‘soldier’ or ‘dragoon’ vases now in several collections including pairs of jars with covers in The Royal Collection, Windsor Castle, possibly brought to England from Germany with George I, and another pair now in the collection of The National Trust at Petworth House, West Sussex Condition Report: glaze to rim edge worn with some small chips, minor glaze imperfections, and a few minor surface scratches £4000-6000*
493 494 PAIR CHINESE BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN ‘100 ANTIQUES’ HAWTHORN JARDINIÈRES, 19th Century, painted in the Kangxi style with cusped panels of Chinese antiques, and precious objects, reserved on a cracked ice and prunus blossom ground, bases pierced for drainage, 15.5cms high x 23.5cms diam. (2) Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Condition Report: one with rim chip, the other with firing crack to base and small rim chip £500-700*
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co 495 PAIR CHINESE FAMILLE VERTE PORCELAIN PLATES, Kangxi, centres decorated with golden pheasants on rockwork with large peonies, butterfly above, lotus and prunus border, indented rims, base with square seal character in a double circle, 27cms diam (2) Provenance: Deceased estate, South Wales Condition Report: rims fritted, small chips, glaze worn in cavetto £200-300* 496 No lot
European & British Antiques & Fine Art – Lots 497-544 497 LARGE DUTCH DELFT ‘KRAAK’ STYLE BLUE & WHITE CHARGER, c. 1700, painted in the Chinese style with two confronting dragons amid cloud scrolls and within ruyi-head and diaper cavetto border, the wide everted and angler rim painted with alternative panels if flowers and birds, and with Chinese objects, underside with floral panelled border, indistinct AT? mark, traces of red wax seal, 45cms diam Provenance: J M Duveen & Sons (see Lot 491), Liverpool; private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Auctioneer’s Note: Delft chargers in the Oriental style were copied from Arita versions imported by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in the 17th Century. Arita potters copied the Chinese chargers of the Wanli period
Condition Report: broken and reglued, rim fritted, rim chip £800-1000*
498 LARGE DUTCH DELFT ‘KRAAK’ STYLE BLUE & WHITE CHARGER, Amerensie van Kessel, c. 1700, painted in the Chinese style with a large basket of flowers on a table in an ornamental garden, within diaper cavetto border, the wide everted and angler rim painted with alternative panels if flowers, and with Chinese objects, underside with panelled border, AVK monogram mark, red wax Duveen seal, 45.5cm diam Provenance: J M Duveen & Sons (see Lot 491), Liverpool; private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Auctioneer’s Note: see former lot Condition Report: broken and reglued, rim fritted. rim section old restoration £800-1000*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
499 499 NEAR PAIR OF DELFT BLUE & WHITE JARS, c. 1750, probably English, painted with two large panels depicting hare coursing and an elegant couple walking in a landscape with attendant black servant holding parasol, windmill and cottage in the distance, divided by Chinese style floral borders and stiff leaf band to the flaring foot, with complete and partial Duveen wax seals, 29cms and 30cms high (2) Provenance: J. M. Duveen & Sons (see Lot 491), Liverpool; private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: both with glaze chips, some glaze chips with old discoloured restorations, both with chips to feet, rims fritted £2500-3000*
500 DUTCH DELFT BLUE & WHITE JAR AND COVER, De Drie Posteleyne Astonne c. 1700, painted in the Chinese style with three flowering sprays of peony and chrysanthemum issuing form ornamental rockwork, the short neck painted with scrolling lotus, the flat domed cover with matching flowers, floral mushroom knop, painted PK monogram for Pieter Gerritsz Kamm and applied red wax Duveen seal, 32cms high Provenance: J. M. Duveen & Sons (Lot 491), Liverpool; private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: cover broken and reglued, restored rim, glaze chips; vase neck chipped all around and reduced slightly, chips to foot £500-700*
501 CECIL MENDELSSOHN ROUND (fl. 1884-1926) oil on canvas - Greeting in Sicily, signed and dated 1920, signed, titled and dated verso, 50 x 76cms Provenance: South Wales collection Presentation & Condition: slight cracking to paint, canvas slightly rippled in the corners, will need minor framing attention £600-800*
501 502 PAUL MAZE (1887-1979) pastel on watermarked Ingres drawing paper Cambray, French Western Front in winter with two soldiers on guard, inscribed in pencil ‘Coy. H Q Ravine at 3pm’, signed fully in ink and dated 1917, 29 x 44.5cms Provenance: private collection, London Auctioneer’s Note: at the outbreak of World War I, Maze returned to France from Canada and attempted to join the French army but was deemed unfit. Determined to serve, Maze made his way to Le Havre and offered his services to the British and became an interpreter with the British cavalry regiment the Scots Greys. During the retreat from Mons, Maze became separated from the Royal Scots and narrowly avoided being captured by the Germans but was taken prisoner by a British unit. Maze’s position with the Royal Scots Greys was unofficial and his lack of documentation and his odd uniform led the British to think he was a spy. Maze was summarily sentenced to death. On his way to face the firing squad, Maze was recognised by an officer from the Royal Scots Greys who happened to be passing and who quickly secured his release. Maze then joined the staff of General Hubert Gough, initially as a liaison officer and interpreter but increasing as a military draughtsman undertaking reconnaissance work. Maze would go to advanced positions, often forward of the British trenches, to produce accurate drawings of enemy positions and other military objectives. The work was very dangerous and Maze was wounded three times in four years. He was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal and Military Medal by the British, and the Croix de Guerre by the French. His book, A Frenchman in Khaki (1934), detailed his experiences of the action that he saw on the Western Front. Churchill wrote the foreword to his book Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400*
503 503 MARC CHAGALL (Russian-French, 1887-1985) limited edition (62/75) lithograph on Arches wove Mère et enfant à la Tour D’Eiffel (Mourlot 94), 1954, 38 x 26.5cm Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, Cardiff Presentation & Condition: paper very slightly browned otherwise excellent £800-1200*
502 140
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 504 MARIO SIRONI (Italian, 1885-1961) ink, wash and pencil on paper - study of a female nude with figure, signed, laid down, 20 x 14.5cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, Cardiff Presentation & Condition: no apparent problems, slight scuffing to corners of gilt frame £300-500*
506 505 CARLO CARRA (Italian, 1881-1966) limited edition (8/60) lithograph, Sailor, signed and numbered in pencil, dated in the print 1916, exhibition label verso (I) 36 x 26cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, Cardiff Presentation & Condition: excellent, label verso partially missing, quality frame, ready to hang £1000-1500*
507 506 PIERRE BONNARD (French, 1867-1947) pencil - Etude de personage dans un Jardin, with stamped monogram, various auctioneers and collectors labels verso, 12 x 15cm
507 HEINRICH ALDEGREVER (German, 1502-1561) pair of engravings - Embracing Couple and Three Trombonists, artist’s monogram and date within the plate, 118 x 77cms (2)
Provenance: Sotheby’s, 21 June 1971, lot 45; Linda Karshan, London 1972; Barry Levinson (Movie Producer/Filmmaker) and thence by descent
Provenance: Deceased estate, South Wales
Presentation & Condition: paper slightly browned, in raised silk slip and carved giltwood frame £1000-1500*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Auctioneer’s Note: These two are no. 8 and no. 12 from the 1538 Large Wedding Dancers series of twelve prints Presentation & Condition: trimmed, numbers erased, margins worn, some discolouration and surface dirt, small tear, minor spotting £250-350* 141
508 SIMON CLARIDGE (British, b.1980) limited edition silkscreen on paper with diamond dust - Marilyn Monroe, titled ‘I Just Want To Be Wonderful’, No 85/95 with certificate of authenticity verso, blindstamped, dated 2015, signed, titled and numbered in pencil, 81 x 63.5cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: box framed, good £700-1000* 509 FREDERICK H CHIVERS (1881-1965) watercolour - still life of peaches and grapes, signed and dated 1922, later inscribed verso, 38 x 66cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Auctioneer’s Note: First employed painting fruit and flower patterns on porcelain for Royal Worcester, and then later for Coalport Presentation & Condition: slightly faded, in period gilt frame £400-600*
510 SIR EDWARD COLEY BURNE-JONES (1833-1898) pencil and chalk on paper - ecorché figure of a horse, circa 1890, 22 x 29cms Provenance: Christie’s auction labels, private collection, London Auctioneer’s Note: drawing probably associated with the Holy Grail tapestries designed for William Morris, in which horses figure Presentation & Condition: slight foxing, later framed £1200-1800* 511 WILLIAM LIONEL WYLLIE (British, 1851-1931) & EDWARD SLOCOMBE artist’s proof etching - entitled verso ‘Collier Discharging’, on old label for Robert Dunthorne, London & Liverpool, signed, 31 x 53cms Provenance: private collection, London Presentation & Condition: no condition issues and finely presented with contemporaneous frame, gold slip and wash mount £400-500*
511 * Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 512 BERNARD DUNSTAN (1920-2017) pastel - life-study, entitled verso ‘Louise’ on Abbott & Holder label, signed with initials, 24.5 x 27cms Provenance: letter from artist verso, private collection London Presentation & Condition: white blemish top right corner, framed and glazed £200-250* 513 PAIR LATE 19TH CENTURY PORTRAIT MINIATURES, enamel on copper, depicting a young girl in white dress with blue sash and ribbons, and a young woman with lace cuffs and blue bow, both inscribed verso, ‘Lee & Co. Patent, Cardiff’, 7.1 x 5.8cms and 6.9 x 5.5cms (2) Provenance: private collection, Monmouthshire Condition Report: both with sellotape adhesive and bluetack residue behind, both with rim chips to edge £200-300* 514 PAUL NASH (1889-1946) limited edition (12/45) engravings - Portfolio of Twenty-four Wood Engravings, printed on Japanese paper in stiff paper mounts by Ian Mortimer, each with blindstamp of Paul Nash Trust, with printed pamphlet published by Garton & Cooke, 1985, and original Nash designed solander box, various sizes approx. 23 x 15.5cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, Cardiff Condition Report: box hinge with tear, no. 15 with brown spotting £600-800*
515 PAUL NASH (1889-1946) rare wood engraving - The Hall of the Gibichungs, illustration for Wagner’s Music Drama of the Ring, for an edition of only 12 copies, on thin Japan paper, signed, inscribed (defective proof) and dated in pencil 1925 (I) 7.5 x 9cms Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, former President of CASW (see catalogue foreword) Auctioneer’s Note: Wagner’s Music Drama of the Ring is an analysis of the musical, literary and philosophical aspects of The Ring with particular emphasis on the theatrical side of the work. The Hall of the Gibichungs illustrates the opening scene from the last cycle, Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods). Nash was asked to illustrate the book by the author, L. Archier Leroy, because of his reputation as a theatrical designer. The book contains four wood engravings which correspond to the four music dramas
Presentation & Condition: a few small brown spots, mounted and framed £500-700* 516 SCOTTIE WILSON RSA RSW (1889-1972) mixed media on paper - Tree of Life, signed, 47.5 x 45cms
Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, Cardiff Presentation & Condition: excellent, framed ready to hang £600-800* 517 SCOTTIE WILSON RSA RSW (1889-1972) mixed media on paper - Flowering tree, birds, house, signed, 47.5 x 45cms Provenance: Betty Evans collection, Cardiff Presentation & Condition: excellent, framed ready to hang £600-800* 514
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co 518 CHRISTOPHER WOOD (1901-1930) watercolour Chrysanthemums, a still life of flowers in a vase titled on Gallery label verso, 43 x 29cms Provenance: Betty Evans collection, Cardiff Presentation & Condition: some minor creases to top margin, a little faded, framed ready to hang £1500-2000*
519 GEORGE WILLIAM HORLOR (1823-1895) oil on canvas (laid to board) - Donkeys eating hay beside a terrier and two ducks, signed and dated ‘G.W.Horlor/1856’, 32 x 46.5cms Provenance: North Wales private collection Presentation & Condition: small paint flake lower right, modern frame £500-700*
520 GEORGE WILLIAM HORLOR (1823-1895) oil on panel Deerhound, Retriever and Terrier, in a cottage interior beside a hearth with vegetables, tartan blanket, tam-o-shanter, and ram’s horn, signed and dated ‘G.W.Horlor/1857’, 45.5 x 61cms
521 FRANK HENRY MASON (1875-1965) mixed media - busy depiction of boats, tugs and a liner at Southampton port, signed and with title to label verso of Abbey Antiques & Arts ‘Hemel Hempstead’, 31 x 48cms
Provenance: North Wales private collection
Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £500-1000*
Presentation & Condition: good overall, modern frame £600-1000* 144
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 522 ATTRIBUTED TO SIR DAVID WILKIE RA (1785-1841) oil on board depicting two Spanish monks in a Capuchin convent at Toledo, unsigned, 37 x 16cms Provenance: the quality of this work may indicate that this is a painting by the artist of a portion of the much larger work painted by him in 1833, which was exhibited at The Royal Academy and was painted by the artist for the family of the Marquess of Lansdowne and whose family remain the owners of the painting. Consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Auctioneers note: The handwritten note attached to the back of the painting is quite legible and reads as follows, ‘a souvenir from notes made at the international exhibition at South Kensington in July 1863 of a picture by Sir David Wilkie RA belonging to the then Marquess of Lansdowne, improperly described in the catalogue as ‘The Confessional’. It represents two Spanish monks in a Capuchin convent at Toledo, an old monk is listening to a communication from a young monk who kneels at his feet for poetical conception and powerful expression. This was one of Wilkie’s finest pictures, it was painted shortly after his return from Spain in 1833 and was exhibited at The Royal Academy. The sum paid for it was £300 (see Mrs Jameson’s Companion to Private Galleries of Art in London, 1844, p.331, paragraph written by E.W. James Greenwich, May 1863). Etchings of the same size of this work on offer are traceable on the open market Presentation & Condition: gilt gesso frame, may need remounting within £500-1000* 523 HERBERT DICKSEE R.E. (1862-1942) an original artist proof etching ‘Ready’, A Wire Haired Fox Terrier, signed with initials and dated 1828 in the print, signed in pencil, various blind stamps, labels verso for Charles Nicholls & Son, Manchester, and with full title details, 36 x 56cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: paper slightly browning in the margin adjacent to mount £600-800* 524
523 524 HERBERT DICKSEE R.E. (1862-1942) an original artist proof etching on vellum The Prodigal, from and edition of 325, a seated terrier on stone steps, signed with initials and dated 1826 in the print, signed in pencil, various blindstamps, 48 x 39cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Presentation & Condition: Very slight browning and foxing £600-800*
525 JULIAN TREVELYAN (1910-1988) etching and aquatint - Santa Maria Novella, 1965-66 (Turner 182) from The Florence Suite, signed, titled and numbered 36/100 in pencil to the margin, partial paper Gallery label verso, 35.2 x 47.3cms Provenance: With Howard Roberts Gallery, by descent Vale of Glamorgan Condition Report: paper rippled £400-600*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co 526 JOHN HOYLAND (1930-2001) limited edition (69/75) screenprint with woodblock printed in colours on wove - Spirit Side, signed, numbered and dated 1997 in pencil, printed and published by Advanced Graphics, London, with their blindstamp, with margins, 58 x 47cms
528 COLIN KELLAM (b.1942) large stoneware sculpture pheasant standing on a rocky base with glass eyes, beak to tail, signed with studio mark to rear, 84cms, 51cms high
Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office
529 PETER CLARK collage from old tobacco packaging and card in perspex box - entitled verso on Portland Gallery label 'Smoked Fish', signed and dated 2015, 36 x 61 x 8cms
Presentation & Condition: paper slightly rippled, small spot in left margin, unframed £300-400*
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: no problems apparent £500-700*
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
527 JOHN HOYLAND (1930-2001) limited edition (69/75) screenprint with woodblock printed in colours on wove - Window to Nature, signed, numbered and dated 1997 in pencil, printed and published by Advanced Graphics, London, with their blindstamp, with margins, 58 x 47cms
Presentation & Condition: no problems, original perspex box frame £300-400*
Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Carmarthen office
Provenance: private collection Ceredigion
Presentation & Condition: excellent condition, unframed £300-400*
530 PAIR OF WILLIAM MOORCROFT POMEGRANATE JARDINIÈRES of circular form with foot signed to the underside ‘W. Moorcroft’ in green with impressed mark ‘MOORCROFT BURSLEM ENGLAND’, circa 1916, 15cms high (2) Condition Report: Appear in very good overall condition with no obvious damage, cracks or restoration. Minor crazing commensurate with age £800-1000*
527 531 RARE ROYAL DOULTON FLAMBE GLAZED MODEL OF A CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL, HN127, seated with head turned to left, mottled glaze with tones of orange, turquoise, red and navy, printed and impressed marks, 12 x 9 x 7cms 528
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Auctioneer’s Note: probably a trial piece with dramatic Sung-like glaze, and therefore not signed by Noke and without the Sung mark Condition Report: tiny chip to right paw £300-500*
531 * Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 532 JAMES MACINTYRE FLORIAN BALUSTER VASE, c.1908-9, by William Moorcroft, tube line decorated with poppies and forget-me-nots within mihrabshaped panels to a cream ground, base with painted signature, printed mark, 29.5cms high Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: small rim chip, small foot chip £400-600*
532 533 TWO ROYAL WORCESTER PORCELAIN CABINET TEA CUPS & SAUCERS, painted with apples, plums and grapes by Alan Telford and John Smith, with gilded interiors, handles and saucer wells, black printed marks, gilded numerals, cups 9cms diam. (4)
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: minor superficial scratches, one saucer unsigned £200-300*
534 FOUR ROYAL WORCESTER PORCELAIN CABINET COFFEE CUPS, painted with plums, apples, cherries and grapes by William Roberts, with gilded rocaille rims, interiors and handles, black printed marks, painted numerals, cups 6cms high (4) Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office 535
Condition Report: minor superficial wear, one cup unsigned £150-200* 535 FOUR ROYAL WORCESTER PORCELAIN CABINET ITEMS, painted with apples, raspberries, cherries and grapes by John Freeman, Christopher Bowen and William Roberts, with gilded rims and handles, black printed marks, painted numerals, cups 6cms high. (4) Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: minor superficial wear £150-200* 536 ROYAL WORCESTER PORCELAIN CABINET PLATE, painted with apples and grapes by John Smith with gilt rim, black printed marks, gilt painted numerals, 26cms diam Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: gilt rim worn, back with sellotape adhesive residue £150-200*
537 ROYAL WORCESTER PORCELAIN CABINET PLATE, painted with apples and cherries by Ricky Lewis with shaped and gadrooned gilt rim, signed Sibley-Lewis, black printed marks, gilt painted numerals, 20cms diam Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: excellent allover £100-150*
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
540 538
538 RARE & LARGE CARVED AND STAINED FRUITWOOD PUG’S HEAD TOBACCO JAR, with large brown glass eyes, the base with red velvet backed leather collar, hinged led with metal container within, 21.3cms high Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Auctioneer’s Note: compare with a similar jar in the Severin Wunderman Collection, sold Bonhams, 30 Sep 2009, lot 324 Condition Report: repairs to tips of both ears, base on one chipped, chip to base of mouth, old restoration to side of cheek, leather collar missing buckle and worn, cracks behind one ear £800-1200* 539 GEORGE III IVORY & SILVER MOUNTED TORTOISESHELL TEA CADDY, c. 1800, of oval 10-sided form, hinged fan-segmented lid with axe handle, above oval escutcheon monogrammed cartouche, zinc lined interior, paper label to inside lid with dedication dated 1940, key, 14cms high Provenance: deceased estate, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: three ivory bands replaced, one missing, a few ivory strung inlays missing to lid £500-700* 148
540 NEAR PAIR ROLLS-ROYCE SPIRIT OF ECSTASY SHOWROOM ASHTRAYS, chromed metal with RR insignia, engraved with personalised inscription for twenty-five years service to W.H.J. Johnson, 11.8 x 9.4 x 8.5cms (2) Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: very minor surface scratches £150-250* 541 WILLIAM IV IRISH SILVER FOUR-PIECE TEA & COFFEE SERVICE, Dublin 1832, maker IN possibly John Nicklin, of tapering panelled form with crabstock handles and knop, acanthus spouts, tot. gross wt. 75 t. oz. (4) Provenance: Deceased estate, South Wales Condition Report: some marks rubbed, tea and coffeepot handles replaced £1000-1500*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
542 LARGE WILLIAM IV NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER, by Anne Wilson aged 16, daughter of John and Hannah Wilson, 1833, with poetic inscription amongst hippocamps, fruiting trees, insects, mansion and dogs, within strawberry vine border, in oak frame with gilt slip, 52 x 50cms Provenance: Deceased estate, South Wales Condition Report: dark stained in patches, overall slightly browned £200-300*
543 A LATE GEORGIAN NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER, by Isabel Dun, with verses from Psalm XLV bordered by flowers, family initials under crowns, human figure, stag, peacock, vase of flowers, pine tree, dog, chicken etc., oak frame inscribed verso with names and dates of the Dun family, 31 x 27cms Provenance: Deceased estate, South Wales Condition Report: some age staining, several large and small holes, paper toens at back with old sellotape £80-120*
544 WILLIAM & MARY STYLE OYSTER VENEERED MINIATURE CHEST, parts possibly late 17th Century, rectangular moulded top inlaid with sycamore crossbanding and curvilinear motif, above three long drawers, on bun feet, later brass escutcheon and drop baluster handles, 31 x 22 x 27cms Provenance: Deceased estate, South Wales Condition Report: some drawer veneers cracked and restored, chips, two drawer margins patched veneers, feet replaced, lower right corner restored, all £700-900* 545-546 No lots
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
Clocks & Instruments – Lots 547-556
547 547 P. BERETTA 12-BORE OVER & UNDER SO6 EELL SINGLE TRIGGER SIDELOCK SHOTGUN with three interchangeable barrels, Serial No. C15065B, the barrels numbered 1, 2 and 3 in gold, 28in, 29.5in and 31.75ins lengths respectively, all BOEHLER ANTINIT STEEL with ventilated top ribs, teague multichokes and spares, hold open top lever with gold crown and pierced floral and engraved detail, integral barrel selector below the serial number, automatic safety, gold initialled trigger guard, superb and fully engraved action and furniture showing gun dogs and game taking flight to both sides with additional ducks taking flight under, the trigger plate bearing two signatures for F FRANZINI and master engraver D. MASSENZA, highly figured pistol grip stock with checkered butt. Presented in a fitted BERETTA leather carry case with keys and outer zip up cover, 10cms H, 89cms L, 35cms D Provenance: private collection, North Wales Condition Report: Visible signs of use, surface scratches to the barrels and stock, the shorter barrel with slight rust spots Auctioneer's Note: Sold as a Section 2 Firearm under the 1968 Fire Arms Act, potential bidders MUST provide Full Details and Necessary Permit. The lot is retained at COLWYN BAY SALEROOM, please call the office for collection arrangements £33000-38000*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 548 A LATE 19TH CENTURY NOVELTY DESK COMPENDIUM TIMEPIECE, the aneroid barometer dial bears the R.D.E monogram, as a ships wheel surmounted by a capstan later mounted with Bacchus figure, with double ratchet to the brass-moulded rouge marble base, the 2.25 inch dial signed with Paris retailer’s name and address, with Roman numerals and moon hands to the single barrelled movement with lever escapement, barometer with push-fit setting to enable winding, 30cms high Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: gilding worn, particularly to base and wheel, three spoked handles missing, finial later addition, retailers name worn £300-500*
548 549 MID-19TH CENTURY GERMAN ROSEWOOD CUCKOO CLOCK, by Johann-Baptiste Beha, pewter and brass inlaid case in the Biedermeier style, arched top with centred door and painted cuckoo, tapering base, 6-inch Roman enamel dial, and double fusee movement with pine backplates, outside count-wheel striking a coiled gong, label to back, 66cms high Provenance: Deceased estate, South Wales
Condition Report: enamel to winding holds chipped, bellows restored, new pine blocks, case with minor scuffs, corners chipped veneer £600-800*
550 WILLIAM IV WALNUT & BRASS STRUNG BRACKET CLOCK, circular painted roman dial inscribed ‘John Forbes, London’, unsigned twin fusee eight day striking movement, within carved and applied spandrels below a conforming carved pagoda style top, later glass rectangular side panels, on a carved ogee shaped base, plinth and bun feet, 41cms high x 31cms wide Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: case and movement married, bezel probably replaced, lacks front door, dial restored, minute hand repaired, one foot replaced, one spandrel darker, arch dented/chipped, case front and arch top with cracks/repainted veneer cracks, side panel apertures and back door damaged edges £200-300*
549 551 TWO-DAY RUSSIAN POLJOT MARINE CHRONOMETER, c. mid-20th Century, the 4in. frosted dial signed in Cyrillic POLJOT and numbered 06650 … CCCP, upright black Arabic numerals, gilt hands, large subsidiary seconds and state of wind dials, striped gilt plates, reverse fusee bi-metallic integral balance with four heat compensation weights and meantime adjustment nuts, free-sprung silver-metal helical balance spring, Earnshaw-type footed spring detent escapement, counter numbered plates numbered 06550 gimbal-mounted within three-tier box with Cyrillic label and drop handles, key, 19cms square Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: case and lacquered brass worn, not working £300-500* 552 TWO-DAY RUSSIAN POLJOT MARINE CHRONOMETER, c.mid-20th Century, the 4in. frosted dial signed and numbered in Cyrillic 1MWF (1st Moscow Watch Factory) KIROVA 23989… CCCP, upright black Arabic numerals, gilt hands, large subsidiary seconds, up-and-down dial, striped gilt plates, reverse fusee bi-metallic integral balance with four heat compensation weights and meantime adjustment nuts, free-sprung silvermetal helical balance spring, Earnshaw-type footed spring detent escapement, counter numbered plates numbered N-23989, gimbal-mounted within three-tier box with Cyrillic label and drop handles, 19cms square Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: case and lacquered brass worn, not working £300-500*
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
553 553 TWO-DAY THOMAS MERCER MARINE CHRONOMETER, 1858-1958 Centenary model, the 4in. silvered dial signed as per title and numbered 22344, blued steel hands, subsidiary state of wind and seconds dials, spotted plates set within ebonised counter-numbered backplate, Earnshawtype escapement with reverse fusee bi-metallic balance with silvered free sprung helical balance spring, jewelled detent and heat compensation weights and meantime adjustment nuts, gimbalmounted in brass bowl within wooden box with locking arm, with tipsy key and removable glass lid, engraved brass label for Andrew Weir Shipping & Trading Co. Ltd. London, 18.5cm square, outer box with strap and clip fastenings, with label and certificate from N.V. Observator (Rotterdam) Chronometer makers to the Royal Netherlands Navy, dated 24 Feb 1971, S.S. Chresooalandon; together with Tony Mercer, Mercer Chronometers History, Maintenance & Repair, 2003 (2)
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Auctioneer’s Note: Richard Ebsworth traded from three addresses in Fleet St. from c.1819 to 1835 and is listed as being a Mathematical instrument maker, Optical instrument maker, Optician and Philosophical instrument maker £400-600* 555
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: silvered dial slightly worn, bezel and case base slightly worn, inner wood case with small scratch, outer case green baize moth damage, lid split, scratches/general wear to wood £400-600* 554 TWO-DAY HAMILTON MODEL 21 MARINE CHRONOMETER, mid 20th Century, with 4in. silvered Arabic dial signed as per title Lancaster, PA. U.S.A. and numbered N 8396/1941, subsidiary state of wind and seconds dials, black finished hands, chain fusee with Earnshaw-type escapement with helical balance, repeat signature and number to plates with parallel line spot-finishing, gimbal mounted in a brass bowl, within later wooden box without locking arm, 18.5cms square
556 W. WATSON & SONS ‘H’ EDINBURGH STUDENT’S MONOCULAR MICROSCOPE, c.1910, 313 High Holborn, London, no. 20555, lacquered brass course and fine focusing, triple turret objective and plano / concave mirror, booklet and guarantee card with matching serial number, oil bottle, 31.5cms high, in mahogany case (with key) with two ocular and three objectives, bearing ivorine retailers label for A.H. Baird Scientific Instrument Maker, Edinburgh Provenance: property of a gentleman, Vale of Glamorgan Condition Report: good overall near complete condition with signs of moderate use viz. scuff etc. Case door timber shrinkage so lock does not articulate, old scratch to side, interior buffers loose, booklet worn £300-500*
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: gimbal brackets bent, lacquer to outer bowl compromised, staining to bezel £600-800*
555 FINE RICHARD EBSWORTH BRASS THEODOLITE, 1819-1826, of 68 Fleet St, London, the 9in. telescope and bubble level mounted on two brackets above racked half circle of degrees and horizontal degree circle, scales and vernier, silvered brass compass rose, on staff-head mount with three leveling screws, 17cms high, fitted mahogany box; together with a German pocket microscope, 5cms high, boxed with instructions (2)
557 No lot
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
Collectables & Books – Lots 558-569 558 COLLECTION OF EIGHTEEN CINEMA POSTERS WITH AVIATION IMAGES mainly US one-sheets, comprising the following (1) Dawn Express, directed by Albert Herman 1942, 104 x 68cms (2) Legion of Lost Flyers, Christy Cabanne, 1939 (3) Operation V2 (Mosquito Squadron), Boris Sagal, 1969 (French), 80 x 58cms (4) The Lady Takes a Flyer, Jack Arnold, 1958, 91 x 36cms (5) Decision Against Time, Charles Crichton, 1957, 90 x 36cms (6) Emergency Landing, William Beaudine, 1941, 104 x 69cms (7) Parachute Batallion, Leslie Goodwins, 1941, 104 x 68cms (8) Destination 60,000, George Waggner, 1957, 104 x 68cms (9) Jet Over the Atlantic, Byron Haskin, 1959, 55.5 x 71cms (10) Jet Over the Atlantic, 103 x 68cms (11) McHale’s Navy Joins the Air Force, Edward J Montagne, 1965, 104 x 68cms (12) Mosquito Squadron, Boris Sagal, 1969, 104 x 68cms (13) The Night My Number Came Up, Leslie Norman, 1955, 76 x 34cms (14) Bruce Gentry - Daredevil of the Skies, Spencer Bennet & Thomas Carr, 1949, 104 x 68cms (15) One Minute to Zero, Tay Garnett (Howard Hughes), 1952, 55 x 71cms (16) Jet Attack, Edward L Cahn, 1958, 55 x 72cms (17and 18) lobby posters Death Flies East, 1935 and L’Escadrille des Aigles Provenance: private collection West Country
Condition Report: very good overall, most folded, some small holes in folds, some small tears, please see website images for more details £1000-1500*
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
559 MARX (ENID) An ABC of Birds & Beasts, presentation copy no. XL of 300 signed by Enid Marx, on mould-made paper by Francis Cleverdon, bound in limp vellum with gilt titling to spine, from an overall edition of 375, slipcase in publisher’s patterned fabric, Clover Hill, 1985, 8vo, together with folio of 32 engravings on Gampi Japon in publisher’s patterned fabric, with accompanying compliment slip, specimen page (walrus) and 2 autograph letters from the publisher
562 MILNE (A. A.) Winnie-the-Pooh, first edition, illustrations by E.H. Shepard, map endpapers, original publisher’s green pictorial cloth gilt, t.e.g., dust jacket with ‘7/6 Net’ to spine and ‘117th Thousand’ at head of rear flap, 8vo, Methuen, 1926;
Provenance: Betty Evans Collection, Cardiff
563 MILNE (A. A.) Now We are Six, first edition, illustrations by E.H. Shepard, pictorial endpapers, t.e.g, original publisher’s red cloth gilt, loosely inserted Sporting Gallery advertisement, 8vo, Methuen, 1927; and The House at Pooh Corner, first Edition, illustrations by E.H. Shepard, pictorial endpapers, t.e.g, original publisher’s pink cloth gilt, dust jacket, 8vo, Methuen, 1928 (2)
Condition Report: very minor spotting, ribbon loose £200-300* 560 No lot 561 MILNE (ALAN ALEXANDER) The House at Pooh Corner (‘monogram edition’), pictorial endpapers, a.e.g, original brown roan with gilt decorated spine, upper cover with author’s monogram in gilt within decorative hexagonal frame, 8vo, unusual variant binding, Methuen, 1926 Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: top of spine damaged, bottom slight tears £150-200*
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Condition Report: endpapers partially stained, spine bumped, jacket excellent £1200-1800*
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: Now We are Six generally excellent, bottom of spine slightly bumped, title page and last page browned House at Pooh Corner - top and bottom of spine slightly bumped, end papers slightly browned, edges slightly finger soiled, jacket with tears to creases, top of spine fold missing, bottom repaired £200-300*
563 564 MILNE (A. A.) When We Were Very Young; Winnie-the-Pooh; Now We Are Six; The House at Pooh Corner, first editions, illustrations by E. H. Shepard, last three with pictorial/map endpapers, publisher’s blue, green, red and salmon cloth gilt, t.e.g, gilt spines, Methuen, 1924-1928 (4) Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: When We Were Very Young - gilt cloth slightly worn and stained, title page inscribed. Winnie-thePooh - cloth slightly lifting, spine slightly bumped, endpapers browned, otherwise quite clean. Now We Are Six - title and end page browned, otherwise very good House at Pooh Corner - covers slightly faded, spine gilt worn and bumped, corners bumped, endpapers partially stained, some pages slightly finger soiled/ water stained £1000-1500*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 565 DODGSON (CHARLES LUTWIDGE), ‘Lewis Carroll’. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, ink inscription dated 1908, 92 colour illustrations (of which 14 full-page) by Harry Rountree, pictorial endpapers, original publisher’s pictorial cloth, 8vo, 1908 Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: slight bumping to spine head & foot, endpapers torn along seam and slightly foxed £500-700* 566 MILNE (A. A.) Winnie-the-Pooh, first deluxe edition, illustrations by E. H. Shepard, pictorial endpapers, a.e.g, original green limp leather gilt, gilt spine, silk ribbon page marker, 8vo, Methuen, 1926 Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: slight wear to edge of spine and corners £250-350*
568 MILNE (A. A.) Now We Are Six (2); The House at Pooh Corner; When We Were Very Young; Winnie-the-Pooh, The Christopher Robin Birthday Book; various editions (first to eleventh), illustrations by E. H. Shepard, all but last with pictorial/map endpapers, publisher’s red, salmon, blue, green and scarlet cloth gilt, t.e.g (except last), gilt spines, Methuen, 1925-1930 (6) Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: Mostly fair to good, Pooh Corner with ink dedication and fairly worn/ stained throughout, p.35 torn/ repaired, lightly worn/spotted covers, ink dedication, all with browned end/title pages to various degrees £200-300*
569 DODGSON (CHARLES LUTWIDGE), ‘Lewis Carroll’. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (2), Alice Through the Looking Glass, The Hunting of the Snark, illustrations by John Tenniel and by Henry Holiday, publisher’s red cloth gilt, gilt spines, a.e.g, Macmillan 1967-1886; Alice’s Adventures Underground, illustrations by the author, publishers red cloth gilt, a.e.g, Methuen 1886, Phantasmagoria and other Poems, illustrations by A.B. Frost, publisher’s red cloth gilt, Macmillan 1911; Feeding the Mind, preparatory note by W.H. Draper, original printed wrappers, Chatto & Windus, 1807, all 8vo (7) Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: Wonderland - both volumes wrinkled cloth, reglued spines, stitching loose, worn; Looking Glass - missing on black end paper, some pages foxed/ pencil marked / torn; Snark with ink dedications, Underground - one page uncut, otherwise good condition; Phantasmagoria - endpaper with correction fluid to top margin and browning; Feeding the Mind - edges and covers slight foxing £200-300* 570-571 No lots
567 MILNE (A. A.) Now We Are Six; The House at Pooh Corner; When We Were Very Young; Winnie-the-Pooh; first two volumes first editions, third volume sixth edition, last volume fifth edition, illustrations by E. H. Shepard, last three with pictorial/ map endpapers, publisher’s red, salmon, blue and green cloth gilt, t.e.g, gilt spines, Methuen, 1924-1928 (4) Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: Mostly good, When We Were Very Young lightly worn/spotted covers, ink dedication, all with browned end/title pages to various degrees £300-500* 565
569 155
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
Rugby Union Antiques including the Birkett Family Archive – Lot 572-598 572 AN IMPORTANT POCKET JOURNAL FROM 1870/71 RELATING TO CLAPHAM ROVERS, THE HISTORIC LONDON SPORTS CLUB, WITH HANDWRITTEN ENTRIES BY THE REMARKABLE REG BIRKETT (1849-1898) Birkett was one of only three sportsmen to represent England at Association Football and Rugby Union. He was also an FA Cup Winner, scorer of the first International Rugby Union try and a Committee Member of the inaugural Rugby Union In the journal, Reg Birkett documents matches played in the season 1870/1871 by the famous Clapham Rovers club, revealing the somewhat chaotic nature of Victorian sport as a pool of players juggle between football played in the Rugby school tradition and Association football. The 1870/71 season was crucial to the future of both sports, rugby union especially The journal with black leather hardcover and lined paper, 15.5 x 10.5cms. is in excellent condition considering the age. All entries are in handwritten ink, except newspaper cuttings reporting on matches neatly stuck in. To accompany the journal is a facsimile copy of the Rugby Football Union First General Meeting, 1871 Clapham Cricket Club Journal Content: The first page within the journal inscribed ‘Clapham Cricket Club Matches, 1867’ and the following 20 or so pages are represented by an opposing cricket club to be played against that season by Clapham, together with their selected or available players for the fixture, and with location of venue From page 24-34 these fixtures are repeated in much the same way, except with comments as to the outcome of the match eg. Clapham won by innings and # runs…. There also some changes to the previously selected players. We do not believe this part of the journal involved Reg Birkett Clapham Rovers Journal Content: The entries relating to Clapham Rovers begin on page 38, which read as follows; ‘Clapham Rovers / foot-ball club / Captain – R H Birkett / Committee – A Nash, J Field, A W French, E Field, E C Lygath (?), W R Bryden, A Luzzer (?) / Secretary & Treasurer W E Rawlinson / Season 1870-71’ The next pages with entries, lists the ‘Addresses of secretaries not on the foot-ball association’ with addresses for the following representatives / Sydenham – R W Abbott / Hornsey – E N Alfie (?) / Lausanne – F H Moore (?) / Mohicans – Geo Ellis (?) / Harlequins – E Ellice Clark /Brighton - Walter Foster (?) /Barnes – Walter Powell’ The next entries are ‘Members Playing Rugby Rules’ with R, P & L (Reg, Percival and Louis) Birkett at the top of this list
572 with Reg Birkett at top of this page suggesting he would be the first on the team-sheet if all players were available Evidently Reg, on been given the responsibility of club-captain receives the journal and the remaining pages are handwritten by the 21-year-old. In each page Reg has included a match fixture, the venue, Rovers’ selected players, and the outcome of the match with comments, usually together with a cut-out newspaper report on each match. The matches are divided between matches played using ‘rugby’ rules and matches played using ‘association rules’ In all there were 42 fixtures entered into the book with 22 for the Rugby fashion and the remainder for Association code. Note that some of these entries were not played. Reg Birkett was in the team for 27 matches, mostly as captain (top of the team-list). Many of the Clapham Rovers played against were inaugural members of the first Rugby Union, namely Richmond, Gipsies, Harlequins, Ravenscourt Park, Lausanne, Civil Service, Marlborough Nomads and Mohicans
that thirteen matches were called off – the winter of 1870/1871 was very cold and so ten were called off because of weather, usually noted as ‘hard frost’. Two other fixtures were called off because one of the sides could not raise the necessary playing numbers. While on February 18th with resonance to present times, a clash against Wimbledon was called off, a few days before ‘on account of vaccination’. This is likely to relate to the compulsory smallpox vaccination of the time Remainder of pocket-book blank except note of an address in 5 Doughty Street, Mecklenburgh Square (Bloomsbury) and Seymour St (Marble Arch) Auctioneer’s Note: The 1870 / 71 season was a critical season for the future of ‘foot-ball’ and especially football played in the Rugby School tradition Rugby up until 1871 had been played to a variety of rules. But in 1870 Edwin H Ash, secretary of the Richmond Football Club wrote a letter to the newspapers stating, ‘those who play the Rugby-type game should meet to form a code of practice, as various clubs play to rules which differ from others, which makes the game difficult to play.’
The next entry reads ‘A good Association team to play against first rate club like Charterhouse & Wanderers’
There is evidence of the difficulties and frustrations of acting as club captain during this period, with many of the fixture dates having the two codes played on the same afternoon. Adding to Reg’s problems would have been the fact
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Then following this is a list of ‘Association Rules’ with R & P Birkett as the second entries on the list
Consequently, 32 members of London and suburban football clubs gathered on the evening of 26th January, 1871, in the Pall
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections Mall Restaurant, Haymarket, London, ‘to codify the rules of the game and to provide a central governing body.’ It was at this meeting, presided over by Edward Carleton Holmes (the captain of Richmond Football Club) that the Rugby Football Union was founded W E Rowlison was at the Pall Mall meeting, as representative of his Clapham Rovers club, who enrolled to the new union together with 20 other member clubs (comprising Addison, Belsize Park, Blackheath, Civil Service, Flamingoes, Gipsies, Guy’s Hospital, Harlequins, King’s College Hospital, Lausanne, Law, Marlborough Nomads, Mohicans, Queen’s House, Ravenscourt Park, Richmond, St Paul’s School, Wellington College, West Kent, and Wimbledon Hornets) The meeting was held halfway through Reg’s journal, so it is not inconceivable that the pocket-journal was present in Reg’s breast pocket as the Rugby Union was formed Each club paid a membership fee and byelaws were drafted, a secretary and a president were elected together with a committee of thirteen gentlemen. Reg Birkett was nominated as one of those committee members, and then just two months later in March 1871, Reg Birkett was playing in the world’s first International Rugby match between England and Scotland at Raeburn Place in Edinburgh - in which he scored the first ever Rugby International try. It was one of four International rugby matches that Reg played in The 1870 /1871 foot-ball season also saw the first three international matches according to Association rules, played at the Oval, London. It was therefore a seminal year for Victorian sport – while Birkett completed his journal, the Rugby Union was being born, the sport was formalised, and International matches of association foot-ball and Rugby commenced their 150 year history Reginald Halsey Birkett Reg was born in 1849, London, he was the son of a surgeon and brother to Percival, Evelyn, Arthus and Louis. Percival and Louis were also players at Clapham Rovers and are in many of the team selections noted in the journal. Louis also played rugby for England. Reg was educated at William Jacob’s School in Calne and then Lancing College where he learned both foot-ball codes. His switching between the two codes continued at Lancing Old Boys and as documented in the pocket-journal at Clapham Rovers. He also represented Surrey FC
Six years after scoring the first ever try in the first ever Rugby International, Reg Birkett was playing as goalkeeper for Clapham in the 8th FA Cup Final Round against Old Etonians at Kennington Oval (1879), which Clapham lost. A year later in 1880, Clapham Rovers were FA Cup Winners with Reg again ‘between the sticks’, as they beat Oxford University AFC, 1-0. Reg Birkett was now an FA Cup Winner The studiousness and comprehensive nature of Reg’s journal entries, enhanced by neatly cut-out newspaper reports, reveal a great deal about Reg’s character and skills. Evidently, he was very committed to the Rovers Club and to both codes of football, perhaps in the knowledge that there could be exciting times ahead, as both sports were maturing in this age of dramatic change. The pocket journal tells us of his stature as a sportsman but also his extraordinary skills as an administrator Tragically Reg died at the young age of 49, when, suffering from diphtheria he leapt from a window of his Wimbledon home, while being helped into his bed, he fell 20 feet to his death. At the inquest, a verdict of suicide whilst delirious was returned Reg Birkett left his mark on both sports as a player and administrator. He scored the first try in the first rugby international. He was an FA Cup winner and International association player. He was a committee member of the inaugural Rugby Union. He became a Rugby Union auditor, he was also appointed onto the Football Association’s special sub-committee to draw up the rules for the FA Cup competition, later becoming an England selector for Association. He was one of only three players to represent England in rugby and football Reg was instrumental in moulding the two sports which today are played across the world, giving millions of people pleasure and generating billions in the sporting economy This unique pocket-journal represents the trail-blazer Reg’s early skills as a sportsman as well as his skills as an administrator. But perhaps more importantly, it also represents the last days of a confusing colliding relationship between two of our national sports before their eternal separation into the two sports to which we are familiar Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the great-great grandsons of Reg Birkett and the great-grandsons of John Birkett (1884-1967), Reg’s son £4000-6000* 572 157
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co 573 TWO CLAPHAM ROVERS FIXTURE CARDS FOR 1870-1871 owned by Reg Birkett, together with a page of note paper with handwritten record of goals scored and by which player in Rugby and Association. Also, a newspaper cutting of a report on an Association match, Wanderers v The World with Reg Birkett in the ‘World’ team Both pocket-size cards similarly printed and similar in nature and both in excellent condition. Single-fold card, one in pink and another in peach. Printed on the front ‘Clapham Rovers FOOTBALL CLUB / LIST OF MATCHES FOR THE SEASON 1870-71 / W E ROWLINSON Hon. Sec. Inside left lists 17 fixtures ‘AT ASSOCIATION RULES’ the opposite side lists 19 ‘AT RUGBY RULES’. Both with contemporaneous handwritten corrections and outcomes of matches. The peach version signed on the front by Reg Birkett with his home address Note page and newspaper cutting also in excellent order. These items were kept with Reg’s pocket-journal described in the previous lot. Please see this description for further provenance and history to Reg Birkett and Clapham Rovers Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the great-great-grandsons of Reg Birkett and the great-grandsons of John Birkett (1884-1967), Reg’s son £200-400*
574 AN IMPORTANT & IMMACULATE ENGLAND RUGBY UNION CAP AWARDED TO JOHN GUY GILBERNE BIRKETT (1884-1967) embroidered with references to every one of his record 21 England International appearances between 1906 and 1912 The peaked cap is in stunning condition considering the age. With the maroon colour of the felt as fresh as it was when awarded to John Birkett. Braiding, embroidery, and tassel equally in awesome condition. There are tears to silk lining as is usual with antique caps, but tears are not extensive The six-panel cap with two-leaf wirework England Rose emblem to front segment below F (France) 07-08, then the peak with 1905 S-1906 representing his first cap against Scotland, and then each of the five further panels embroidered with letters to represent International opposition and the season eg. W.I.S 11-12 (Wales / Ireland / Scotland in 1911 and 1912) John Birkett was the son of Reg Birkett (please see Lots 572 & 573) The 21 fixtures accounted for on the cap represent every one of J G Birkett’s total England International cap count, between 1906 and 1912, which was a record for England caps at the time During this period, Rugby was starting to become more akin to the sport we are familiar with thanks to the inventive All Blacks ‘Originals’ on their inaugural tour of Europe, and with a great deal of thanks to John Birkett’s Harlequin team-mate - Adrian Stoop Stoop saw the advantage of quick back play and releasing the wings as early as possible. Birkett was initially a half-back but when he arrived at Harlequins RFC, Adrian Stoop occupied one of the half-back positions and he saw Birkett as having the ideal skills and build to fulfil his vision of quick back play. Birkett had the natural ability to move the ball wide while being strong enough to withstand the pressure from oncoming defenders. So thanks to the foresight of Adrian Stoop, John Birkett became a legendary Harlequins and England centre, and played in the position for the remainder of his career
John Birkett’s England caps began in 1906 against Scotland, after England had suffered a seven match losing run. He played alongside his Harlequin partner Stoop, and the Quin’s Stoop-style of play paid dividends as they won the tie with tries scored on both wings. Five days later the partnership featured against France in Paris in what was the first International between the two countries By the 1908 season John Birkett had established himself in the England side, and captained the side against Wales for the first of four occasions. He played in each of the inaugural Five Nations Championship matches in 1910, which England won. Birkett scored twice against Scotland By John Birkett’s final match against France in 1912, he was England’s record cap holder and record try scorer with ten tries. He continued playing with Harlequins and when in October 1909, the club side adopted Twickenham as their new home, John Birkett scored the first ever try at the ‘Home of English Rugby’ This feat echoed that of his father Reg, who scored the first ever International try In World War I, John Birkett was captain in the Royal Field Artillery and was mentioned in dispatches 18 times. Later he was a committee member of the RFU for 12 years Considering the sensational condition, provenance, and player history, together with the embroidered complete reference to each of John Birkett’s record England appearances, we believe the cap to be the most prestigious pre-war Rugby Union cap ever to be offered at auction Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the great-grandsons of J G G Birkett (1884-1967), and the great-great-grandsons of Reg Birkett £3000-5000*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
575 ENGLAND INTERNATIONAL RUGBY UNION JERSEY WORN BY JOHN GUY GILBERNE BIRKETT (1884-1967) believed be his ‘International career jersey’ and worn on the Harlequins player’s England debut, versus Scotland in the Calcutta Cup match of 1906 The jersey in traditional all white with fine cotton collars and with felt rectangular patch stitched to chest having a finely embroidered red, maroon, and pink English rose with two tone green and brown stems with five leaves. The sleeves are in the three-quarter length style for the England team during that period, two original buttons remain intact and there is a stitched name label to the inside of collar ‘JOHN BIRKETT’ As with the John Birkett’s England cap (Lot 574) the jersey is in super condition without notable damage Please see Lot 574 John Birkett’s associated England cap in this auction with regards to John Birkett’s playing career, records, and achievements which include being the top try scorer and most England caps gained, the first try scorer at Twickenham and winner of the inaugural 5 Nations Championship in 1910 In this early period of International Rugby Union, players were expected to retain their jerseys for matches, even after players returned to International duty from a 4–5-year hiatus of military duty in World War 1. The English Rose badges at the time were individually embroidered for each player with differences in detail. Lot 578 in this auction is an album containing John Birkett’s England team photographs. In his debut photograph in 1906 against Scotland, one can see through a magnifying glass that the different tones of black and grey on the stem and leaves match the emblem on the jersey, proportions seem to be correct as does the angle of the stem and rose. John Birkett did play in other jerseys which can be seen in the team photographs, but we believe this to be his debut jersey and used on several England appearances. Copy of the 1906 photograph shown with this description but is not part of this lot Auctioneer’s Note: Making his debut with Birkett in 1906 versus Scotland was James ‘Jimmy’ Peters who was the first black rugby player to represent England, and the only black player until 1988. Also playing for England was Belgian John Raphael, part of a millionaire banking family, who also played first class cricket and was killed in his home-country in 1917 during the Battle of Messines. While Adrian Stoop, the legendary Harlequins whom which their ground ‘The Stoop’ is named after played at half-back. The captain was V H Cartwright who was president of the RFU in 1928/29. In the Scottish line-up was Kenneth Grant McLeod, who was inducted into the Scottish Sports Hall of Fame for his all-round sporting ability, winning 9 caps for Scotland while also playing for Manchester City FC, cricket for Lancashire and was a successful golfer too. Also in the Scottish team was British Lions captain David Bedell-Sivright who was killed during the Gallipoli campaign The match was played at Inverleith, Edinburgh on the 17th March, 1906, watched by some 20,000 spectators. Against expectations, after a terrible losing streak of six matches, England were the victors 9 points to 3 (3 tries to one). The victory was despite England’s forward Simpson not completing the match due to injury sustained in scoring the winning try. Newspapers including ‘The Referee’ commended the English Selection Committee and bringing in John Birkett for his debut, while The Daily Mail wrote ‘Birkett, the young Harlequins centre, whose claims to international honours have been advocated throughout the season, showed himself to be possessed of rare judgment and a considerable amount of pace; he had a hand in the obtaining of all the three tries scored by his side’. The reports of Birkett’s debut being a glorious success continued in The Morning Post, The Field and other newspapers Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the great-grandsons of J G G Birkett (1884-1967), and the great-great-grandsons of Reg Birkett £12000-18000*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
576 A SPARE ENGLAND INTERNATIONAL RUGBY UNION JERSEY BADGE CIRCA 1908 with embroidered English rose from the archive John Guy Gilberne Birkett (1884-1967) of rectangular form, 13 x 11cms and with fine cotton embroidery in seven colours. Superb condition. On the reverse there appears to be a faded red stamp with a broad-arrow and a number ‘2’ with script in a banner below within an impressed outline of a heart. We are unsure of the purpose of this ‘spare’ rose and have discussed various theories such as whether the broad-arrow on the back has military connotations or whether the heart may have a connection with the heart-shaped design on his Colvin-House School rugby jersey. Or whether simply it was sent to John as a replacement or spare badge from the RFU. We do know that during the first part of the twentieth century England badges were sent to players to stitch on themselves. However, this badge does not appear to have been stitched to a jersey. Regardless, it is a rare and splendid object, and the embroidery is of high quality Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the great-grandsons of J G G Birkett (1884-1967), and the great-great-grandsons of Reg Birkett £300-400*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
577 577 JOHN GUY GILBERNE BIRKETT’S TWO HARLEQUINS RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB JERSEYS WORN DURING THE PERIOD 1905-1922 in which he made 162 appearances at centre-three quarter, scored 132 tries and amassed 400 points One with canvas collar and neck and with large, stitched repair around the shoulder (possibly from when John broke his collar bone in 1908). Allan Straker Outfitter’s label to interior together with a stitched label for John Birkett. The second with few repairs than the first, George Lewin label and stitched John Birkett label John’s rugby career for Harlequins spanned almost 15 years in which he had the distinction of scoring the first ever try at Twickenham in 1909 when Twickenham was their home-ground. Please see previous lots for further information regarding John Birkett Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the great-grandsons of J G G Birkett (1884-1967), and the great-great-grandsons of Reg Birkett £1000-1500*
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
578 A COMPREHENSIVE PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM RELATING TO THE RUGBY UNION CAREER OF JOHN GUY GILBERNE BIRKETT (1884-1967) including official England International Rugby Union team photographs, school and club photographs, 1900 through to 1912 Almost all photographs laid to traditional presentation boards, team members printed or handwritten. Also present are newspaper cuttings, telegrams and menu cards, there are 44 team photographs with 20 being official England team photographs, main items listed as follows: 1. Team photo Colvin House, Haileybury College 1900 22. England v Ireland 1908 2. Ditto (Cock-House) 1902 23. England v Scotland 1908 3. Haileybury College XV 1902 24. Harlequins RFC 1909-10 4. Unknown signed ‘Menu Card’ 25. RFU England v Wales 1910 5. Stade Francais v Brighton match report 26. England v Ireland 1910 6. Brighton Football Club 1903-4 27. England v Scotland 1910 7. Ditto 1904-5 28. Harlequins RFC 1910-11 8. Barbarians 1907-7 29. Harlequins untitled with 6 x players 9. Ditto 1908-9 30. England v Wales 1911 (with telegram to family and 10. Harlequin RFC 1906-7 (corrected to 1905-6) cuttings) 11. England v Scotland 1906 (J G G Birkett’s debut) 31. England v France 1911 (with cuttings) 12. England v France (Paris) 1906 (small) 32. Menu card for Ireland v England 1911, six signatures 13. England v South Africa 1906 33. England v Ireland 1911 (with telegram to family) 14. Rugby Football Union Dinner to the South African Team 34. England v Scotland 1911 1906 35. Harlequins RFC 1911-12 15. Harlequins FC 1906-7 (2 x) 36. England v Wales 1912 16. England v France 1907 37. England v Ireland 1912 17. England v Wales 1907 38. England v Scotland 1912 18. England v Scotland 1907 39. England v France 1912 19. Harlequins RFC 1907-8 40. Harlequins 1919-20 20. England v France 1908 41. Harlequins Past v Harlequins Present (undated) 21. England v Wales 1908 42. Old Cocks v Eton College Please see Lots 574 & 575 for more information of J G G Birkett. Please note the heavy weight of this item Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the great-grandsons of J G G Birkett (1884-1967), and the great-great-grandsons of Reg Birkett £1000-1500*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co 579 A SURREY COUNTY RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION XV CAP AWARDED TO JOHN GUY GILBERNE BIRKETT (1884-1967) IN SEASON 1905-6 The cap in deep purple felt and of traditional six panel form with wire braiding and tassel, 1905-1906 to peak, Surrey XV and castle to front panel In excellent condition, colour has not faded, all parts of cap are complete, a few minor loose stitches only 1905 was John Birkett’s debut season for the County, his first match was versus East Midlands and he played against the visiting All Blacks ‘Originals’ in November 1905 Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the great-grandsons of J G G Birkett (1884-1967), and the great-great-grandsons of Reg Birkett £300-500*
580 580 A HARLEQUIN RUGBY UNION FOOTBALL CLUB CAP AWARDED TO JOHN GUY GILBERNE BIRKETT (1884-1967) The cap in deep blue felt and of traditional six panel form with wire braiding and tassel, 1905-1906 to peak, Harlequin crest with multi-coloured harlequin holding a scimitar aloft In stunning condition as cherished by the family, colour has not faded, all parts of cap are complete. Extremely fine John Birkett arrived at The Harlequin Club in the 1905-6 season as indicated on the cap. On 2nd October 1909, the club played the first ever match at their new Twickenham ground, versus Richmond. The Harlequins won the match 14-9 with John Birkett scoring the first try and so entering the history books as the first ever try scorer at Twickenham, now coined the home of rugby or HQ He joined The Harlequin club under the impression that he would be a scrum-half but was quickly corrected and was converted into a three-quarter. His appearances for the club were interrupted by World War 1 when he served as a Captain in the Royal Artillery, his last season was 1922 John’s son John Brian Birkett (born in 1915), continued the family association with the club, playing for them in the 1930s Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the great-grandsons of J G G Birkett (1884-1967), and the grandsons of John Brian Birkett £700-1000*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
581 581 JOHN GUY GILBERNE BIRKETT (1884-1967) RELATED SCRAPBOOK of many newspaper cuttings, Post Office Telegraphs, 13 dinner menu-cards, some with autographs, and other mementos relating mainly to International Rugby Union matches played by the England International, Surrey and Harlequins player The contents mostly in chronological order but with the first few pages containing newspaper stories from the 1920s reviewing earlier years, a summary of notable contents as follows: 1. 1905 - mainly Birkett’s appearances for Surrey including NZ 2. 1906 – cuttings relating to England v South Africa with dinner menu card 3. 1906 – cuttings relating to England v Scotland with PO Telegraph from John Birkett to his family ‘England 9 points Scotland 3 hurrah hurrah hurrah John’ and Scottish Football Union menu card ‘To the English Fifteen’ 4. 1906 – cuttings relating to England v France with menu card from ‘Union Societes Francaises de Sports Athletiques’ autographed by French players 5. 1905-06 Harlequins match reports 6. 906-7 PO 2 x Telegraph reporting Harlequin results to family 7. Cambridge University v Harlequin dinner menu card 8. Surrey v South Africa dinner menu card 9. 1907 – England v France dinner menu card autographed by French players 10. 1907 – England v Wales dinner menu card autographed by Welsh players 11. 1907 – England v Scotland dinner menu card autographed by Scottish players
12. 1907-8 – PO Telegram to family from Bristol reporting on an England defeat to Wales 13. 1907-8 – dinner menu card for above match signed by various players 14. 1907-8 – dinner menu card for England v Ireland 15. 1907-8 – dinner menu card for Scotland v England 16. 1909-10 – newspaper cutting relating to ‘First Match at Twickenham’ 17. 1909-10 – dinner menu card for England v Wales 18. 1909-10 – dinner menu card for England v Ireland 19. 1909-10 – 3 x PO Telegrams relating to the 1910 Calcutta Cup match including one to Harlequins ‘may you each score a try’ from ‘Birkett Captain England Fifteen Edinburgh’ 20. 1909-10 - Congratulatory letter to England captain John Birkett from R Dodds, Berwick upon Tweed 21. 1909-10 – dinner menu card for Scotland v England, signed including by J W Dallas (who was not the publicised referee) 22. 1914 – dinner menu card for Shanghai RFC v South Wales Borderers RFC at Astor House, Shanghai 23. 1914 - Christmas card with handwritten message from John Birkett in Hong Kong with his regiment, contains two rugby photographs Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the great-grandsons of J G G Birkett (1884-1967), and the grandsons of John Brian Birkett £300-400* 581
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
582 582 A SCRAPBOOK FOR JOHN GUY GILBERNE BIRKETT (1884-1967) containing many newspaper cuttings, dinner menu-cards, some with autographs, four photographs of matches and other mementos from Harlequins Rugby Union matches played The contents mostly in chronological order, a summary of notable contents as follows: 1. 1910-11 - Harlequins newspaper reports 2. 1911 RFU dinner menu card 3. 1911-12 - Harlequins newspaper reports 4. 1912 - signed dinner menu card with illustration of a harlequin figure ‘The Outcasts Harlequinade - to congratulate Mr J W H T Douglas on Runs, Wickets, Catches and Ashes, collected while missing nothing but a football season’ (relates to John William Henry Tyler Douglas, nicknamed by the Australians as ‘Johnny Will Hit Today’ or, depending on his form, ‘Johnny Won’t Hit Today’. Signature present of J W H T Douglas) 5. 1912 - Blackheath FC Jubilee Dinner plan of tables 6. 1914 - Clapham Rovers Football Club 45th Annual Dinner menu card together with plan of table 7. 1912 - Blackheath FC Jubilee dinner program and Souvenir program 8. 1912 - four black and white photographs of play at Harlequins v Swansea 9. 1939 – signed dinner menu card for The Harlequin Rugger Ball Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the great-grandsons of J G G Birkett (1884-1967) £100-150* 582 168
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 583 THREE HAILEYBURY COLLEGE SCHOOL CAPS FOR FORMER PUPIL JOHN GUY GILBERNE BIRKETT (1884-1967) One in black felt with six segments with orange silk borders and having an embroidered ‘heart with wings’ crest to the peak, inscribed Birkett to the interior. Another purple scholar type cap with tassel but without segments, inscribed to the interior 1902-3 H.C and another similar without tassel or inscription (faded) John Birkett was a pupil at Colvin House at the College. For background and history of John Birkett please see earlier lots in this auction Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the grandsons of Brian Birkett £100-150* 584 PERSONAL ARTEFACTS RELATING TO ENGLAND INTERNATIONAL RUGBY UNION PLAYER JOHN GUY GILBERNE BIRKETT (1884-1967) being a silver cigarette box, monogrammed silk-handkerchief, and his 1937-38 Rugby Football Union Rules Book, a 1937 letter from the RFU relating to International tickets and a RFU ticket-allowance card (5)
The silver cigarette box with engraved dedication to ‘Johnnie’ from ‘The Quins, Dec 4 1915’ Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the grandsons of Brian Birkett £100-150* 585 A CIRCA 1934 MARLBOROUGH COLLEGE RUGBY UNION JERSEY & ASSOCIATED CAP FOR (JOHN) BRIAN BIRKETT (1916-2013), Harlequins Rugby Union player, son of Harlequin and England’s J G Birkett and grandson of the dual code International football player Reg Birkett Brian Birkett’s long-sleeved white jersey with large deep blue mitre crest stitched to the chest, three opalescent buttons. Structurally sound but with discolouration The peaked cap in Prussian-blue felt and having the traditional six panels divided by wirework braiding, wirework finial and tassel. The cap is wonderfully preserved without fading or damage. Label to the interior for Vincent Head of Marlborough and inscribed Birkett 484-P. Please see a copy of the team photograph of Brian in his jersey and cap with the description (the photograph is contained in Lot 586)
Brian Birkett was a military man first and foremost, serving in World War II and rising to rank of Brigadier by his retirement. He started his rugby at Marlborough College in the early 1930s, he played for both the Harlequins and Royal Military Academy Woolwich in 1935, Brighton in 1936 and then Headingley RUFC in 1937 for two seasons. He then returned to London in 1938 to play for the Harlequins again while at about the time he was made Lieutenant, he also made appearances for various military teams Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the grandsons of Brian Birkett £100-200*
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co 586 AN INTERESTING SCRAP BOOK OF PREWORLD WAR II RUGBY UNION EPHEMERA relating to Army officer and Harlequins Rugby Player (John) Brian Birkett (1916-2013), including Marlborough College photographs, military rugby items, match-day programs, official team photographs, newspaper cuttings together with cloth badges etc Summary of notable entries as follows: 1. 1945 Rosslyn Park v Harlequins program 2. 1945 Harlequins v Guy’s Hospital 3. 1945 Harlequins team photograph 4. Photograph of 1933 Marlborough College rifle team in cadet uniforms and with Birkett pictured together with a successful hoard of trophies, inscribed with names verso, with associated embroidered 1933 Bisley cuffbadge (visible in the photograph) 5. Photograph of 1932 Marlborough College Pieshute Rugby XV, names verso 6. As above for 1933 7. Photograph of 1933 Malrborough 2nd XV, names verso 8. Photograph of 1934 Marlborough College Pieshute XV 9. Photograph of 1934 Marlborough College 1st XV 10. 1934 Marlborough College RFC Fixture card with signatures and results added 11. 1935 Brighton Football Club v Harlequins program 12. 1935 Royal Military Academy v Royal Air Force dinner menu card, signatures 13. 1935-6 RMA fixture booklet 14. 1935 RMA v Royal Military College program and dinner menu card, signatures 15. 1936 Brighton Football Club v Harlequins program 16. 1937 Harlequin FC dinner menu card 17. 1937 Headingley RUFC v Dublin University program 18. 1938 Headingley RUFC v Sale program 19. 1938 Lansdowne v Headingley program 20. 1938 Bradford v Headingley program 21. 1938 Bath v Headingley program 22. 1938 Bristol v Headingley program 23. 1938 Harlequins v London Scottish program 24. 1938 United Services RFC v Rest of Hants program 25. 1938 Devonport Services RFC v Aldershot Services program 26. 1946 Harlequin Football Club dinner menu card, signed Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the grandsons of Brian Birkett £250-350*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
587 A 1935 ROYAL ARTILLERY REGIMENT RUGBY UNION CAP TO (JOHN) BRIAN BIRKETT (1916-2013) of the traditional segmented form with six alternate Prussian-blue and black felt panels, gold braiding and wirework finial and tassel and gold wirework ‘Gunners’ cannon, bears interior label for J G Plumb & Son Military Outfitters inscribed J B Birkett Esq. In stunning fresh and complete condition Please see previous lots with regards to Brian Birkett Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the grandsons of Brian Birkett £200-300*
588 588 A CIRCA 1937-38 HARLEQUINS RUGBY FOOTBALL JERSEY WORN BY (JOHN) BRIAN BIRKETT (1916-2013) during his time with the club, together with an infant’s version of jersey also worn by Brian Birkett The playing jersey in good structural condition but with dye run to the collar and neck, label to the interior ‘Brian Birkett’. The infant jersey with old stitched repair but structurally sound and complete Please see previous lots with regards to Brian Birkett Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the grandsons of Brian Birkett £400-600*
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
589 589 A BOX FILE COMPILED BY BRIGADIER (JOHN) BRIAN BIRKETT IN HIS LATER YEARS containing correspondences with Rugby bodies, event programs, menu cards and research material relating to Rugby Union, together with various neckties etc Notable items as follows: 1. A framed J G G Birkett Harlequin Hall of Fame certificate with photograph of the Brigadier receiving his father’s induction from Jason Leonard 2. Two vintage Harlequins neck-ties 3. An RFU neck-tie 4. 1961 - dinner menu card for Harlequin FC Annual Dinner, various signatures 5. 1959 – 3 x dinner menu cards for Harlequins Jubilee Match Luncheon 6. 1966 – as above Centenary Dinner 7. Various newspaper articles about the ‘state of Rugby Union’ 8. Letter with regards to the ‘state of rugby union’ and the expected professional era
9. 1959 – Twickenham Jubilee Match program (combined four nations) 10. 1984 – similar for 75 years at Twickenham 11. 1970 – Twickenham Centenary (combined four nations) 12. 1954 – Scotland v England program 13. 1966-67 – Harlequin FC Centenary season booklet 14. 1991 – similar 125 years 15. 1971 – RFU Centenary Dinner guest lists x 3 16. 1971 – Founder Clubs Banquet guest list and program 17. 1959 – Harlequins v Richmond Jubilee Match 18. Two rugby books 19. Typed eulogy for former England player Lord Wakefield of Kendal at Westminster Abbey (1983)
Provenance: the vendors of the Birkett Sporting Archive are the grandsons of Brian Birkett £200-300* 590 No lot
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
591 591 1950 AUSTRALIA INTERNATIONAL RUGBY UNION JERSEY MATCH WORN VERSUS BRITISH LIONS BY ALAN WALKER (1926-2005) green with white collar and sewn in felt badge of the period featuring kangaroo and emu and ‘RUGBY UNION 1950’, bears sewn in canvas number 3 to back, label for David Jones, Sydney and size 40 label Provenance: from the family of Dr Jack Matthews, British Lions tour 1950, Matthews was Walker’s opposite number in both Tests, inside of collar is inscribed ‘J Matthews’ Auctioneer’s Note: Alan Walker was an immensely talented athlete who played 10 Rugby matches for New South Wales and five Tests for Australia before being selected in the Australian cricket team. Born in Manly, Sydney, Walker learnt his rugby and cricket while growing up within walking distance of The Manly Oval. After school he joined the Royal Australian Air Force, qualifying as a pilot, and played for the Manly 1st XV as a 19 year old in 1945. In 1947 he replaced Trevor Allen in the Sydney 1st XV and promptly earned selection for NSW, then earned his first cap in the Bledisloe Cup Test versus New Zealand in Brisbane that year His performances earned him a spot on the 1947-48 tour of Britain and France where he played 21 tour matches as well as the Tests against England and France. He scored a dazzling try against England which thrilled the crowd and ended up in diagrams in match programmes and books for years to come. He was the top try-scorer on that tour with 19 tries. He played the two Tests against the visiting British Lions in 1950 from which this jersey originates, before concentrating his efforts on becoming a cricketer. He played cricket for NSW and Nottinghamshire, and toured with Lindsay Hassett’s Australian team to South Africa in 1949-50 Condition Report: areas of bleaching around collar, no notable damage, complete £1000-2000*
592 A 1950 NEW ZEALAND ALL BLACKS RUGBY UNION TEST JERSEY with embroidered silver fern to felt badge, bears interior label for Canterbury Sports Wear, believed to be a ‘spare’ replacement for the Test matches versus the British Lions (as does not bear a number) Provenance: from the family of Dr Jack Matthews, the Welsh player who appeared against the All Blacks in each of the 1950 Tour Tests, inscribed ‘J Matthews’ to the left of label inside collar Condition Report: pin holes to back, colour has held well, no significant damage, complete £300-500*
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
593 A 1951 SOUTH AFRICA SPRINGBOK RUGBY UNION JERSEY bearing embroidered prancing Springbok crest, interior label for Safnit Knitwear, stitched-in canvas number 31 to back denoting this as an unplayed jersey (No.30 was the highest number in the South Africa team in this match)
594 A CIRCA 1930S ENGLAND RUGBY UNION JERSEY FROM THE COLLECTION OF JACK MATTHEWS bearing embroidered cotton red rose and three tone green leaves and stem to a square felt chest badge, faded printed number 3 to back, fine cotton collar, collar label for Geo. Lewin & Co. Inside of collar inscribed in pen ‘TR’ and indistinct name inscribed in pen to label (perhaps J Matthews), complete with three mother-of-pearl effect buttons
Provenance: from the family of Dr Jack Matthews who represented Cardiff against the Springboks at the match held at Cardiff Arms Park in 1951
Provenance: from the family of Dr Jack Matthews
Condition Report: minor pin-holes to back, colours have held, maybe remnants of gel substance for holding the jersey down during presentation, no other notable damage, complete £400-800*
Auctioneer’s Note: George Lewin supplied the England jerseys in the 1920s and 1930s while it is believed that Bukta supplied the jerseys from 1947 and thus in the matches that Jack Matthews played against England (1947-1951). We are unsure of whom ‘TR’ relates Condition Report: structurally sound, badge in very good order, old playing days repair to back, small holes and browning but overall excellent £400-800*
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 595 EPHEMERA COLLECTED BY WELSH RUGBY UNION PLAYER JACK MATTHEWS (1920-2012) ON THE 1950 BRITISH LIONS TOUR OF AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND comprising six gramophone 78rpm records of the British Lions Team choir singing various songs including ‘Cwm Rhondda’ ‘Scotland For Ever’, ‘When Irish Eyes are Smiling’, recorded in Sydney by Australian Broadcasting Commission on 23rd August 1950, four with paper sleeve (two records are duplicates). Together with two scrapbooks; one book titled ‘JACK MATTHEWS’ containing excellent black and white photographs from moments of his playing career including All Black Ron Elvidge being helped off the pitch after a crunching Matthews tackle in the third test of the 1950 Lions tour, other tour scenes on the pitch and off, a view of Matthews being presented with a trophy by Field Marshall Montgomery, South Wales Argus Wales team photo, British Lions 1950 team photo signed by the players, Barbarians Football Club Easter Tour official photo 1953, Royal Army Medical Corps team photo and photograph of Matthews and his team meeting King George VI before a match. The second album contains press cuttings from the British Lions 1950 tour Provenance: from the family of Dr Jack Matthews Condition Report: records appear to be unused, scrap books scruffy and damage to some photos (please see online images) £300-500*
596 596 THREE RUGBY UNION CAPS TO REX WILLIS (1924-2000) two being for Cardiff RFC and the other being his Llandaff Cathedral School cap. The Cardiff caps with dated peaks for 1948-49 and 1949-1950, bearing crests and tassels, both bear interior retailer’s labels for R W Forsyth and are hand inscribed R WILLIS in pen. The School cap bears label for E Roberts Ltd, School Outfitters, Cardiff Auctioneer’s Note: scrum-half Willis won 21 caps for Wales and was awarded captaincy on two occasions, he toured with the British Lions in 1950 Provenance: gifted to his best-friend and father of vendor, then by descent, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: discolouration commensurate with age, small holes noted on schools cap, excellent overall £400-600* 595
597 597 1905-1907 WALES INTERNATIONAL RUGBY UNION JERSEY WORN BY RHYS GABE (1880-1967) HAVING BEEN SWAPPED WITH IRISH OPPONENT BASIL MACLEAR bearing embroidered Prince of Wales feathers on a black background, four buttons and white collar, bears label to back of waist for J C Stewart, Edinburgh Provenance: quotation by Rhys Gabe in ‘Fifty Years of the All Blacks’ ‘The match between Munster and the All Blacks in November 1905 afforded Basil Maclear the opportunity of creating a unique record - that of playing against the All Blacks four times. What the extent of Munster’s defeat would have been without the heroic deeds of Maclear is a matter of conjecture. Captain Maclear was a charming personality and persona grata, with all his opponents on and off the field. I was delighted to exchange jerseys with him after a memorable Ireland v Wales game, when we were Captains and opposite numbers at Centre ¾’ Statement from vendor ‘after Basil was killed in 1915, all of his effects were sent to his mother and she in turn passed them on to her granddaughter, my mother. (I should point out that my grandfather Percy, Basil’s brother, had already been killed less than a year earlier, and a third of the five brothers was killed towards the end of the Great War). My mother was the only child of that generation. Of my mother’s children, I was the sportsman, so she passed all of Basil’s effects to me. These included a suitcase containing his rugby jerseys and caps, comprising three Ireland jerseys (one with his name-tag sewn in), a Welsh jersey and an All Blacks Originals jersey. He had played against them 4 times on their 1905 tour. I have been caring for these since they came into my possession in 1974. I am the son of the late Eileen Bickford, nee Maclear and Basil Maclear was my mother’s uncle’ £7000-10000* 176
* Buyer’s Premium of 28.8% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices up to £19,999, or Buyer’s Premium of 20% inclusive of VAT @ 20% on hammer prices £20,000 and over.
598 598 A PRESENTATION VOLUME OF ‘THE TRIUMPHANT TOUR OF THE N.Z FOOTBALLERS (1905 An Illustrated Record from notes by George H Dixon, Manager of the Team)’ published by Geddis & Blomfield, Wellington, binding in gilt tooled dark brown leather with silver NZ fern, the fly-sheets inscribed ‘Presented to Mr J Davey on the occasion of the visit of the Anglo Welsh team to New Zealand 1908, by the Cornishmen of Auckland’ and with approximately seventy signatures. The book chronicles the trailblazing tour of Europe and USA by ‘The Original’ All Blacks in 1905, led by captain Dave Gallaher Auctioneer’s Note: James Davey played rugby for England in 1908/9, won a silver medal at the 1908 Olympics (Rugby Union) and played 5 matches on the Anglo-Welsh tour to Australia and New Zealand in 1908, including a Test v New Zealand. The 1908 British Isles tour to New Zealand and Australia was the seventh tour by a British Isles team and the fourth to New Zealand and Australia. The tour is often referred to as the Anglo-Welsh Tour as only English and Welsh players were selected due to the Irish and Scottish Rugby Unions not participating. It is retrospectively classed as one of the British Lions tours, as the Lions naming convention was not adopted until 1950. Cornishmen were encouraged to emigrate to New Zealand in the late 19th Century because of their hard work ethic and so such Societies as The Cornishmen of Auckland were formed Provenance: private collector vendor from New Zealand £200-300*
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