The View / Bwrw Golwg The Welsh Sale / Selections Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig / Dewisiadau
November / Tachwedd 2023
Lot 205
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a mission! This November, we are on a mission to meet Welsh Sale customers.
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THE WELSH SALE / SELECTIONS YR ARWERTHIANT CYMREIG / DEWISIADAU November / Tachwedd 2023 The Welsh Sale 10.30am Saturday 18 November Selections 2.00pm Tuesday 21 November both at our Cardiff Saleroom Viewing: by appointment for both auctions. The Welsh Sale: Public Viewing for Room Bidders 8.30am-10.00am Saturday 18 November (No viewing 10.00-10.30am) Selections: Public Viewing for Room Bidders 12.00pm-1.45pm Tuesday 21 November Free delivery for Welsh Sale pictures of £4000 or over. Free delivery of Welsh Sale invoices of £4000 or over. Free carriage to alternative venues for all lots. Please see details in catalogue / enquire. Buyer’s Premium for both auctions 24.5% + VAT (29.4%) on all lots up to a hammer price of £24,999 20% + VAT (24%) on all lots of a hammer price of £25,000 and over 15% + VAT (18%) on all lots of a hammer price of £30,000 and over 10% + VAT (12%) on all lots of a hammer price of £35,000 and over Droit de Suite applicable (please see terms at back of catalogue) South Wales Saleroom / Ystafell Werthu De Cymru 17 Llandough Trading Estate, Penarth Road, Cardiff, CF11 8RR 17 Ystad Masnachu Llandochau, Ffordd Penarth, CF11 8RR Tel / Ffôn: 02920 708 125 *Please see full terms & conditions at the back of this publication
Welcome to the third edition of The View The third Welsh Sale catalogue and the third Selections catalogue of 2023 Every Welsh Sale has a dominant flavour and this November is no exception, as we bring you another fine art smorgasbord, this time with an overriding taste of Welsh paintings to whet your appetite. There are outstanding ‘exhibition quality’ examples from many of The Welsh Sale stalwarts; a special Claudia Williams for instance, which surely rivals the quality of the record breaking ‘Le Vent’ sold in the summer sale. There is also a superb example from Claudia’s late husband Gwilym Prichard too, which shows Tenby in glorious vivid technicolour . There is a supreme example from David Woodford - an artist who, after so many years of patiently capturing the dramatic light of Nant Ffrancon, is finally beginning to receive the wider recognition that he deserves. And there is, in my opinion, the best Ray Howard Jones oil that we have offered in any Welsh Sale previously. We will also be serving a monumental Keith Bowen portrait of a farmer in which you can almost smell his musty tweeds. And to finish, a group of fine exhibition quality works by Donald McIntyre, with no less than seven of his electric acrylics, a few of which are quite substantial in size. Then of course, there are works by Kyffin - a total of nine oil paintings this time, biographical in nature, with three views of London where he spent so much of his life, an early view of Ireland and two stunning later canvases - the first a large canvas with many Kyffin trademarks – the farm, the upland landscape, dry-stone walls, cattle and not one but two patrolling sheep dogs. All these trademarks in one painting - a signature dish indeed! The other is one of Kyffin’s dramatic mountain scenes with a delicious hazy sunset, exhibited at the Royal Academy.
Ben Rogers Jones
And lastly but by no means least, there is the catalogue cover-shot oil painting by Kevin Sinnott. ‘Running Away with the Hairdresser’, an image of two figures sprinting away from South Wales terraces is likely the most famous of Welsh art images from the last thirty years. The partner of this painting is permanently exhibited at the National Museum of Wales, and it has over the years proved to be one of the museum’s favourite acquisitions. In interviews, Kevin Sinnott said that he could not pinpoint the inspiration for the image, or provide a solid narrative behind the scene. But he has related the two figures to an age of aspiration when many young Welsh people endeavour to escape from their birthplaces. The artist himself left for London for the Royal College of Art and thence became hugely successful in the 1970s and 1980s with sell-out exhibitions at leading London galleries such as Anne Berthoud and Bernard Jacobson, as well as internationally at Jan Turner Gallery, Los Angeles, Roger Ramsey Gallery, Chicago and Bernard Jacobson in New York. Along the way, Sinnott’s paintings were acquired by major collections including Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, the British Council, the Royal College of Art London, the British Museum and of course the National Museum of Wales. But like many of us, Kevin Sinnott returned to Wales where he is now held as the preeminent Welsh male artist still working today.
Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg For starters in November’s Welsh Sale is a section of Welsh antiques, ceramics, and books including an extensive sub-section of Dylan Thomas books and ephemera. I am proud that over the years so many clients have brought their Dylan Thomas items to us at Rogers Jones & Co, it is no secret that he is my favourite writer. The bulk of the Dylan lots this time are from the library of the late actor David Ponting (1936-2018). The collection represents the culmination of Ponting’s lifelong passionate interest in Dylan Thomas. Ponting was first introduced to the writing of Dylan Thomas by an inspirational English teacher in the Sixth Form of his Wiltshire grammar school. Whilst teaching in Uganda, he took the lead in a semi-professional production of Sidney Michael’s play, ‘Dylan’. Later, with the support and encouragement of Dylan’s daughter, Aeronwy Thomas-Ellis, the actor developed a travelling multi-media one-man show, ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’, which he performed hundreds of times in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, on both sides of the Atlantic, often supported by the Welsh Tourist Board. In retirement he produced a CD-ROM based on a previously unknown recording of Dylan Thomas’s 1950 performance at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, and gathered this collection of publications by and about Thomas. The David Ponting library includes rare 1st editions, early published writings by Thomas and hosts of other material relating to the poet. It offers a wonderful opportunity to acquire a very focussed library, carefully assembled over many years, which was brought about by sheer passion and enthusiasm for Wales’ greatest 20th Century writer. Our Selections auction acts as the sophisticated digestif - short, neat, and strong with an international flavour that delivers a punch. As with The Welsh Sale the flavours of each Selection auction changes from sale to sale, but it so happens that the overriding taste in this November sale is also 20th Century art from major names. Representing England – Banksy, Patrick Heron, Sir Peter Blake, Peter Lanyon, Keith Vaughan, Fred Yates, Stephen Wiltshire MBE and Harold Riley. Representing Scotland, we have Doris Zinkeisen and we aptly have Dylan Thomas’ namesake, Bob Dylan to bookend this catalogue.
Finally, there are global names in decorative arts too; from France there is Rene Lalique, from Austria, Franz Bergmann, and of course from Switzerland the ubiquitous Rolex. Whatever your taste might be, the Selections auction always guarantees a global cuisine. I sincerely hope you have a healthy appetite for quality this autumn! Happy bidding. Ben Rogers Jones
The View / Bwrw Golwg • Rogers Jones & Co
Croeso i trydydd rifyn Bwrw Golwg Trydydd gatalog yr Arwerthiant Cymreig ac trydydd gatalog yr Arwerthiant Dewisiadau ar gyfer 2023
Mae yna ryw flas penodol yn amlygu’i hun ym mhob Arwerthiant Cymreig ac mae hynny’n sicr yn wir fis Tachwedd yma wrth i ni ddod â smorgasbord arall o gelf gain i chi, gyda blas amlwg paentiadau Cymreig i dynnu dŵr i’ch dannedd y tro hwn. Mae yna enghreifftiau rhagorol o ‘safon arddangosfa’ gan nifer o hoelion wyth Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig; un arbennig gan Claudia Williams er enghraifft, sy’n sicr lawn cystal o ran ansawdd â ‘Le Vent’ a dorrodd record pan gafodd ei werthu yn arwerthiant yr haf. Mae yna enghraifft wych hefyd gan ddiweddar ŵr Claudia, Gwilym Pritchard, sy’n dangos Dinbych-y-pysgod mewn lliwiau bywiog gogoneddus. Mae yna enghraifft ardderchog gan David Woodford - arlunydd sydd wedi treulio blynyddoedd amyneddgar yn darlunio golau dramatig Nant Ffrancon, ac sydd o’r diwedd yn derbyn y gydnabyddiaeth ehangach y mae’n ei haeddu. Ac, yn fy marn i, y darlun olew gan Ray Howard ydy’r gorau rydyn ni wedi’i gynnig mewn unrhyw Arwerthiant Cymreig hyd yma. Byddwn ni hefyd yn cynnig portread gogoneddus gan Keith Bowen o ffermwr y gallwch chi arogli ei hen ddillad brethyn, bron. Ac i orffen, grŵp o weithiau campus o safon arddangosfa gan Donald McIntyre, yn cynnwys cymaint â saith o’i baentiadau acrylic trydanol, gydag ambell un o faint sylweddol iawn. Yna wrth gwrs, mae yna weithiau gan Kyffin - cyfanswm o naw paentiad olew y tro hwn, yn fywgraffiadol eu naws, gyda thri golygfa o Lundain lle treuliodd cymaint o’i oes, golygfa gynnar o Iwerddon a dau gynfas diweddarach syfrdanol - y cyntaf cynfas mawr gyda llawer o nodau masnach Kyffin – y fferm, tirwedd yr ucheldir, waliau sychion, gwartheg ac nid un ond dau gi defaid yn patrolio. Yr holl nodau masnach hyn mewn un paentiad - pryd llofnod yn wir! Mae’r llall yn un o olygfeydd mynyddig dramatig Kyffin gyda machlud haul niwlog blasus, wedi’i arddangos yn yr Academi Frenhinol. Ac yn olaf, i goroni’r cyfan, mae’r paentiad olew gan Kevin Sinnott sydd i’w weld ar flaen y catalog. Mae’n debyg mai ‘Running Away
with the Hairdresser’, llun o ddau ffigwr yn rhedeg ar ras o derasau yn Ne Cymru, ydy’r ddelwedd enwocaf o’r byd celf Cymreig yn y deng mlynedd ar hugain diwethaf. Mae partner y paentiad hwn yn rhan o arddangosfa barhaol Amgueddfa Cymru, a thros y blynyddoedd, gwelwyd mai dyma ydy un o’r hoff weithiau sydd wedi dod i feddiant yr amgueddfa. Mewn cyfweliadau, dywedodd Kevin Sinnott nad oedd yn gallu rhoi ei fys ar yr hyn a ysbrydolodd y llun, nac adrodd stori bendant sy’n sail i’r olygfa. Ond mae wedi uniaethu’r ddau ffigwr ag oes o uchelgais pan roedd llawer o bobl ifanc Cymru yn dyheu am ddianc o’u cynefin. Gadawodd yr artist yntau am Lundain i fynd i’r Coleg Celf Brenhinol ac wedyn cafodd lwyddiant aruthrol yn y 1970au a’r 1980au gydag arddangosfeydd yn gwerthu allan yn rhai o brif orielau Llundain megis Anne Berthoud a Bernard Jacobson, yn ogystal ag yn rhyngwladol yn Oriel Jan Turner, Los Angeles, Oriel Roger Ramsey, Chicago a Bernard Jacobson yn Efrog Newydd. Ar hyd y daith, daeth paentiadau Sinnott i berchenogaeth casgliadau mawr, gan gynnwys y Metropolitan Museum of Art, Efrog Newydd, y Cyngor Prydeinig, y Coleg Celf Brenhinol yn Llundain, yr Amgueddfa Brydeinig ac wrth gwrs, Amgueddfa Cymru. Ond fel sawl un ohonom, dychwelyd i Gymru fu hanes Kevin Sinnott a’r farn yma bellach ydy mai dyma’r arlunydd gwrywaidd disgleiriaf sy’n dal i weithio heddiw. Y cwrs cyntaf yn Arwerthiant Cymreig mis Tachwedd, ydy adran o hen bethau, serameg a llyfrau Cymreig, gan gynnwys is-adran helaeth o lyfrau ac effemera Dylan Thomas. Mae’n destun balchder i mi bod cymaint o gleientiaid wedi dod â’u heitemau Dylan Thomas i ni yn Rogers Jones & Co dros y blynyddoedd, a bydd llawer ohonoch yn gwybod mai dyma fy hoff lenor. Daw’r rhan fwyaf o eitemau Dylan y tro hwn o lyfrgell y diweddar actor David Ponting (1936-2018). Mae’r casgliad yn benllanw ar y diddordeb ysol yn Dylan Thomas fu gan Ponting drwy gydol ei oes.
Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg Cafodd Ponting ei gyflwyno gyntaf i waith Dylan Thomas gan athro Saesneg ysbrydoledig yn y Chweched Dosbarth yn ei ysgol ramadeg yn Wiltshire. Tra roedd yn gweithio fel athro yn Uganda, chwaraeodd y brif ran mewn cynhyrchiad lled-broffesiynol o ddrama Sidney Michael, ‘Dylan’. Yn ddiweddarach, gyda chefnogaeth ac anogaeth gan ferch Dylan, Aeronwy Thomas-Ellis, datblygodd yr actor sioe un-dyn amlgyfrwng deithiol o’r enw ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’, ac fe lwyfanodd y sioe gannoedd o weithiau yn y 1970au, y 1980au a’r 1990au, ar y naill ochr a’r llall i’r Iwerydd, yn aml gyda chefnogaeth Bwrdd Croeso Cymru. Wedi iddo ymddeol, mi gynhyrchodd CD-ROM yn seiliedig ar recordiad na wyddai neb amdano hyd hynny o berfformiad Dylan Thomas yn 1950 ym Mhrifysgol Cornell, Ithaca, Efrog Newydd, a bu’n crynhoi’r casgliad hwn o gyhoeddiadau gan ac am Dylan Thomas. Mae llyfrgell David Ponting yn cynnwys argraffiadau cyntaf prin, gweithiau cynnar a gyhoeddwyd gan Thomas a llu o ddeunyddiau eraill yn ymwneud â’r bardd. Mae’n cynnig cyfle bendigedig i gael gafael ar lyfrgell â ffocws pendant a gasglwyd yn ofalus dros nifer o flynyddoedd, a hynny oherwydd angerdd a brwdfrydedd a daniwyd gan lenor mwyaf Cymru o’r 20fed Ganrif. Ein harwerthiant Dewisiadau ydy’r digestif soffistigedig - mae’n gryno, yn gryf ac yn cynnwys blas rhyngwladol a fydd yn rhoi ysgytwad. Yn yr un modd â’r Arwerthiant Cymreig, mae blas pob arwerthiant Dewisiadau yn newid o un arwerthiant i’r nesaf, ond fel mae’n digwydd bod, y blas amlycaf yn yr arwerthiant hwn fis Tachwedd yma hefyd ydy celf o’r 20fed Ganrif gan enwau mawr. Yn cynrychioli Lloegr – Banksy, Patrick Heron, Syr Peter Blake, Peter Lanyon, Keith Vaughan, Fred Yates, Stephen Wiltshire MBE a Harold Riley. Yn cynrychioli’r Alban, mae Doris Zinkeisen ac yn briodol iawn, mae’r gŵr sy’n rhannu’r un enw â Dylan Thomas, Bob Dylan yma i gau pen y mwdwl ar y catalog hwn. Yn olaf, mae yna enwau byd-enwog yn y celfyddydau addurniadol hefyd; o Ffrainc, mae Rene Lalique, o Awstria mae Franz Bergman, ac o’r Swistir wrth gwrs, mae’r cyson-bresennol Rolex. Beth bynnag sydd at eich dant, gallwch fod yn sicr y bydd bwydlen ryngwladol yn yr arwerthiant Dewisiadau bob tro. Gobeithio’n wir fod y safon yn codi blys arnoch yr hydref hwn! Pob hwyl â’r cynigion Ben Rogers Jones LOT 25 DYLAN THOMAS BY MERVYN LEVY
The View / Bwrw Golwg • Rogers Jones & Co
2023 JOURNAL Despite not kicking-off the auction calendar until January 10th, we managed to squeeze in five auctions including a specialist auction of Asian Art. Most memorably for me was a highly unusual cast-metal sign of a suspended jacob-lamb which marked the coming of spring with a healthy £2100 hammer price in our January 13th sale.
We held six auctions in a record-breaking February, which culminated in The Greatest: The Rugby Jersey Collection of Sir Gareth Edwards MBE. It was an auction that will go down as a career highlight and one that I will never forget. It proved to be a ‘white glove’ sale in which all thirty-nine lots sold for a total of £351,500. Sir Gareth’s 1973 Barbarian’s jersey made history as it was knocked down to a private collector for £240,000. It was a privilege and honour to act on behalf of the Edwards family and to conduct this auction. Aside from Sir Gareth’s jerseys, February proved to be a sensational month for auction prices. A wonderful 19th Century Italian Cassone (marriage chest), realized £12,500 at the Colwyn Bay Saleroom and then realizing £3400, a King James Bible, dated 1617. But items do not have to be old to sell well - a set of Hans Wegner (Danish. 1914-2007) designed ‘heart chairs’ made £2200 demonstrating the continuing strength of the mid-Century furniture market. Whilst a modern abstract oil by Walter Whall Battiss (South African. 1906-1982) was hammered down at £3300. We held four auctions in March which again saw rare curiosities raise a few eyebrows. A Japanese cloisonne tray served up £4000, a violin hit a high note at £5400, a pub-sign called last orders at £3300 and a forgotten about, genuine barn-find, 1954 MG convertible revved up to £8,600, despite there being no sign of the key anywhere at the property! 8
From January 1st up until October’s Club House auction on October 13th we will have had held 53 auctions. In this time, we have knocked the hammer down on over 11,000 lots to a total value of over £2.8m. With nine auctions to go, we are heading towards another record year of auction sales for the fourth year in succession. Our growth has been down to a collective effort of course, and we are very fortunate to have a fabulous auction-team supported by an excellent admin team. A big thank you to them and a huge thank you to all the vendors and bidders who continue to support us and leave us such positive reviews.
April was a month of six auctions including our first Welsh Sale and first Selections auction of the year. The Welsh Sale might have landed on April 1st but there was no fooling around with the bidding. 85% of lots found new homes to the total hammer price of £349,810. There were new records set for a Kyffin print at £3000 and an Ewenny cat at £2800 and fabulous prices for Welsh paintings, a good sign that strong market was set to continue in 2023. As usual, following The Welsh Sale was the Selections auction in which there was a pleasant surprise for the vendor of a mourning ring which sold for £4200, and a group of prints by David Hockney which collectively made over £12000.
May was also a month of six auctions including our inaugural The Club House auction. Highlights at The Club House included an amazing collection of Groggs and prestigious match-worn jerseys. Rather bizarrely, we also had the dubious honour of selling various elements of Royal underwear and other princely garments which drew international interest. Results in May were bolstered by excellent consignments of gold and other jewellery, together with gold coins. The market is exceptionally buoyant in these sectors, as gold sovereigns have been selling for £320 to £350 recently. If you have invested in gold sovereigns over the years, then now might be a good time to bring them to the market.
Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg There were five auctions in June this year. Highlights included a collection of Welsh gold nuggets sourced from the St David’s mine in Bontddu, near Dolgellau. The rare gold selling for an accumulative £8,100. Pokemon I must admit, is something that I knew very little about, but fortunately, we have an enthusiastic former collector in our auction team and so we were able to catalogue a collection with a reasonable amount of authority. The collection of trading-cards from the 1990s made £3410 at our Collectables auction in June. Again, it shows that not everything needs to be old to sell well, sometimes items do not even have to be mid-Century, there is a new wave of collectables coming in from the 1990s. I am now personally caught up in Pokemania, twenty-five years too late! My favourite lot in June was the very large Canadian moose-head which made me smile as I wondered whether it speaks English having ‘’learnt it from a book’’. The moose sold for a major £1000.
There were six auctions in September including a very visually interesting auction in Cardiff of Fine Books, Fine Art & Furniture. Modern art sculptures, mid-Century designer furniture and rare books were the catch of the day, with the highest price realized for a manuscript journal titled Sketches of the County of Devon and dated 1793. The volume was by John Swete and formed an itinerary of the county of Devon during travels made by the author from 1792-1802 all of which were illustrated with sketches made on the spot.
Another six auctions took place across the company in July including our second Welsh Sale and second Selections auction of 2023. The Welsh Sale was graced with some fabulous examples of Welsh art, with Sir Kyffin having an excellent day with each of his six oils finding new buyers. However, the contest of the day was for Claudia Williams ‘Le Vent’, which shattered the artist’s previous auction record by taking an unprecedented £18,000 hammer price. The Welsh Sale totalled £340,910 with 86% of lots finding new homes.
The Selections auction was also packed with quality and rarities too. Most rare of all was a collection of various sets of municipal brass measures and weights which tipped the balance at £8900. There was also a fine Italian micro-mosaic panel which caught the eye of several bidders and realized £7000. Five auctions took place in the month of August. The month saw some beautiful jewellery and objets d’art go under the hammer and the top selling lot from this sector was a luscious enamel and portrait snuff box, which despite some damage, made £3100. We also began offering a single-owner collection of paintings and prints by the Manchester artist, Harold Riley which thus far have realised over £20,000. The examples which we consider to be the best from this collection we have saved for this November’s Selections Sale. Another highlight or should I say high light in September was the Arts & Crafts ceiling light fitting by W A S Benson which illuminated the Colwyn Bay’s furniture auction at £6600.
Another six auctions took place in October, or at least there will have been by the time you receive this catalogue! We held our second auction called The Club House which brings together the collecting fields of sports, military, natural history, wine and whisky, motoring and so forth. Putting the objects from all these collecting fields together works exceptionally well and visually they seem to belong to each other when they are ready for view at the auction rooms. The highest prices in the auction were for three match-worn rugby jerseys at £3000, £2500 and £2200. Following hot on the heels of sporting clothing, there was a collection of World War II period uniforms and accessories which sold for £1800, a juke-box proved a hit at £1600 and then there were hotly contested Grogg figures, military medals and collections of taxidermy with an albatross flying highest at £950. 9
The View / Bwrw Golwg • Rogers Jones & Co
IONAWR: Er na roesom gychwyn ar y calendr arwerthu tan Ionawr 10fed, llwyddon ni i wasgu pum arwerthiant i mewn, gan gynnwys arwerthiant arbenigol o Gelf Asiaidd. Roedd yn fis o safonau uchel a oedd yn cynnwys ein harwerthiant mwyaf llwyddiannus o Addurniadau Mewnol hyd yn hyn eleni. Yr hyn sy’n sefyll orau yn y cof i mi ydy’r arwydd haearn bwrw hynod anarferol o oen Jacob ynghrog a nododd ddyfodiad y gwanwyn gyda phris iach ar y morthwyl o £2100.
CHWEFROR: Mi gynhalion ni chwech arwerthiant mewn mis Chwefror o dorri recordiau, a ddaeth i benllanw gyda The Greatest: The Rugby Jersey Collection of Sir Gareth Edwards MBE. Roedd yr arwerthiant bythgofiadwy hwn yn un y byddaf yn ei gofio fel un o uchafbwyntiau fy ngyrfa. Roedd yn arwerthiant ‘menyg gwynion’ ble cafodd pob un o’r 39 o eitemau eu gwerthu am gyfanswm o £351,500. Cafodd hanes ei greu gan grys Barbariaid 1973 Syr Gareth wrth i’r morthwyl ddod i lawr arno i gasglwr preifat am £240,000. Roedd yn fraint ac yn anrhydedd cael gweithredu ar ran teulu Edwards a chynnal yr arwerthiant hwn.
Yn ogystal â chrysau rygbi Syr Gareth, bu Chwefror yn fis syfrdanol o ran prisiau mewn arwerthiannau. Gwerthodd Cassone (cist briodas) Eidalaidd hyfryd o’r 19eg Ganrif am £12,500 yn Ystafell Arwerthu Bae Colwyn, ac yna cafwyd £3400 am Feibl y Brenin Iago yn dyddio o 1617. Ond does dim rhaid i eitemau fod yn hen iddynt werthu’n dda - cododd set o ‘gadeiriau calonnau’ a gynlluniwyd gan Hans Wegner (Denmarc. 1914-2007) £2200 gan ddangos bod marchnad dodrefn canol y Ganrif yn parhau’n gryf. A daeth y morthwyl i lawr ar baentiad olew haniaethol gan Walter Whall Batiss (De Affrica. 1906-1982) ar bris o £3300. MAWRTH: Cynhalion ni bedwar arwerthiant ym mis Mawrth ac unwaith eto, roedd yna drugareddau prin a achosodd i aeliau godi. Daeth hambwrdd cloisonne Japaneaidd â £4000, tarodd ffidil nodyn uchel ar £5400, canodd y gloch ar arwydd tafarn am £3300 a sgrialodd MG anghofiedig o 1954 a ganfuwyd mewn sgubor hyd at £8600, er nad oedd unrhyw sôn am yr allwedd unrhyw le yn yr eiddo. 10
O Ionawr 1af hyd at yr arwerthiant Clwb Chwaraeon ar Hydref 13eg, byddwn ni wedi cynnal 53 arwerthiant. Dros y cyfnod hwn, rydyn ni wedi dod â’r morthwyl i lawr ar dros 11,000 o eitemau a chyfanswm eu gwerth dros £2.8m. Gyda naw arwerthiant i fynd, rydyn ni ar ein ffordd tuag at dorri’r record o ran gwerthu mewn arwerthiannau eto eleni am y bedwaredd flwyddyn yn olynol. Mae ein twf wedi bod yn ffrwyth ymdrech ar y cyd, wrth gwrs, ac rydyn ni’n ffodus iawn bod gennym ni dîm arwerthu gwych sy’n cael cefnogaeth tîm gweinyddol rhagorol. Diolch yn fawr iawn iddyn nhw a diolch enfawr i’r holl werthwyr a chynigwyr sy’n parhau i’n cefnogi ni ac yn gadael adolygiadau mor gadarnhaol.
EBRILL: Roedd chwech arwerthiant ym mis Ebrill, gan gynnwys Arwerthiant Cymreig ac arwerthiant Dewisiadau cyntaf y flwyddyn. Er mai ar Ebrill 1af roedd yr Arwerthiant Cymreig, yn sicr nid dyma oedd y lle i ffyliaid. Cafodd 85% o’r eitemau gartref newydd am £349,810. Torrwyd recordiau ar gyfer print Kyffin am £3000 a chath Ewenni am £2800 a chafwyd prisiau ardderchog am baentiadau Cymreig, sy’n arwydd da bod marchnad gref yn debygol o barhau yn 2023. Fel arfer, dilynwyd Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig gan yr arwerthiant Dewisiadau ac roedd newyddion da annisgwyl i werthwr modrwy alar a werthodd am £4200, a grŵp o brintiau gan David Hockney a wnaeth gyfanswm o dros £12000.
MAI: Roedd chwech arwerthiant ym mis Mai gan gynnwys ein harwerthiant Clwb Chwaraeon cyntaf erioed. Ymhlith yr uchafbwyntiau yn y Clwb Chwaraeon, roedd casgliad anhygoel o Groggs a chrysau a oedd wedi’u gwisgo mewn gemau mawr eu bri. Yn rhyfedd ddigon, cawson ni’r anrhydedd hefyd, os hynny, o werthu amrywiol eitemau o ddillad isaf Brenhinol a dillad tywysogaidd eraill a ddenodd ddiddordeb rhyngwladol. Cafodd canlyniadau mis Mai eu cryfhau gan gyflenwad rhagorol o emwaith aur ac amrywiol, ynghyd â darnau aur. Mae’r farchnad yn eithriadol o lewyrchus yn y sectorau hyn, gan fod sofrenni aur wedi bod yn gwerthu am £320 i £350 yn ddiweddar. Os ydych chi wedi buddsoddi mewn sofrenni aur dros y blynyddoedd, gallai fod yn adeg dda i chi ddod â nhw i’r farchnad.
Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg MEHEFIN: Cynhaliwyd pum arwerthiant ym mis Mehefin eleni. Ymhlith yr uchafbwyntiau, roedd casgliad o dalpiau aur o fwynglawdd Dewi Sant yn y Bontddu ger Dolgellau. Gwerthodd yr aur prin am gyfanswm o £8,100. Rhaid i mi gyfaddef mai ychydig iawn a wyddwn i am Pokemon, ond wrth lwc, mae gennym gyn-gasglwr brwd yn aelod o’n tîm arwerthu, felly roedd modd i ni fod yn eithaf agos ati wrth gatalogio casgliad. Gwnaeth y casgliad o gardiau cyfnewid o’r 1990au £3410 yn ein harwerthiant Casgliadau ym mis Mehefin. Unwaith eto, mae’n dangos nad oes rhaid i bopeth fod yn hen er mwyn gwerthu’n dda, weithiau does dim rhaid i eitemau fod o ganol y Ganrif hyd yn oed, mae ton newydd o eitemau a gesglir yn dod i mewn o’r 1990au. Rwyf innau bellach wedi cael fy ysgubo ymaith gan Pokemania, bum mlynedd ar hugain yn rhy hwyr! Fy hoff eitem ym mis Mehefin oedd pen elc Canadaidd mawr iawn oedd yn dod â gwên i fy wyneb wrth i mi feddwl tybed a oedd yn siarad Saesneg wedi iddo “ei dysgu o lyfr”. Gwerthodd yr elc am swm anrhydeddus o £1000.
MEDI: Roedd chwech arwerthiant ym mis Medi, gan gynnwys arwerthiant oedd yn hynod ddiddorol yn weledol yng Nghaerdydd ar gyfer Llyfrau Cain, Celf a Dodrefn Cain. Cerfluniau celfyddyd gyfoes, dodrefn gan gynllunwyr o ganol y Ganrif a llyfrau prin oedd arlwy’r dydd, a chafwyd y pris uchaf am lawysgrif dyddiadur o’r enw Sketches of the County of Devon oedd wedi’i ddyddio i 1793. Cyfrol gan John Swete oedd hon ac roedd yn cofnodi hynt yr awdur ar ei deithiau yn swydd Dyfnaint rhwng 1792-1802 gyda sgetsys a wnaed yn y fan a’r lle i gydfynd â’r cyfan.
GORFFENNAF: Cynhaliwyd chwech arwerthiant arall ar draws y cwmni ym mis Gorffennaf, gan gynnwys yr ail Arwerthiant Cymreig ac ail arwerthiant Dewisiadau 2023. Cafodd Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig ei gyfoethogi gan enghreifftiau godidog o gelf Gymreig, gyda Syr Kyffin yn cael diwrnod rhagorol a phob un o’i chwe darlun olew yn denu prynwr newydd. Fodd bynnag, cystadleuaeth y dydd oedd honno dros ‘Le Vent’ Claudia Williams, a chwalodd record arwerthiant blaenorol yr arlunydd drwy ddenu pris morthwyl digyffelyb o £18,000. Cyfanswm Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig oedd £340,910 gydag 86% o’r eitemau yn cael cartrefi newydd. Roedd yr arwerthiant Dewisiadau yn gyforiog o ansawdd a phethau prin hefyd. Y peth prinnaf oll oedd casgliad o setiau amrywiol o fesuriadau a phwysau pres bwrdeistrefol a drodd y fantol ar £8900. Roedd yno banel o ficro-fosaic Eidalaidd cain hefyd a ddaliodd lygad nifer o gynigwyr ac a werthodd am £7000.
AWST: Bu pum arwerthiant ym mis Awst. Aeth nifer o eitemau gemwaith ac objets d’art prydferth dan y morthwyl yn ystod y mis a’r eitem a werthodd orau o’r sector hwn oedd blwch snisin hyfryd o enamel â phortread, ac er bod rhywfaint o ddifrod arno, cododd £3100. Dechreuon ni gynnig casgliad unperchennog o baentiadau a phrintiau gan yr arlunydd o Fanceinion, Harold Riley hefyd, a hyd yn hyn, maent wedi codi dros £20,000. Rydyn ni wedi cadw’r enghreifftiau gorau o’r casgliad hwn yn ein tyb ni ar gyfer Arwerthiant Cymreig mis Tachwedd yma. Uchafbwynt arall, neu gallwn i ddweud ‘uwch olau’ ym mis Medi oedd golau nenfwd addurniadol Celf a Chrefft gan W A S Benson a ddaeth â goleuni i arwerthiant dodrefn Bae Colwyn ar £6600.
HYDREF: Cynhaliwyd chwech arwerthiant arall ym mis Hydref, neu o leiaf bydd chwech wedi bod erbyn i chi dderbyn y catalog hwn! Cynhalion ni ein hail arwerthiant o’r enw Y Clwb Chwaraeon sy’n dwyn ynghyd feysydd casglu chwaraeon, milwrol, hanes byd natur, gwin a chwisgi, moduro ac yn y blaen. Mae rhoi eitemau o’r holl feysydd casglu hyn gyda’i gilydd yn gweithio’n arbennig o dda, ac yn weledol, mae fel petaen nhw’n perthyn i’w gilydd pan maen nhw’n barod i gael eu gweld yn yr ystafelloedd arwerthu. Cafwyd y prisiau uchaf yn yr arwerthiant am dri chrys rygbi oedd wedi’u gwisgo mewn gemau, sef £3000, £2500 a £2200. Yn dynn wrth sodlau’r dillad chwaraeon, roedd casgliad o wisgoedd ac ategolion milwrol o’r Ail Ryfel Byd a werthodd am £1800, juke-box a aeth i frig y siartiau am £1600 ac wedyn roedd cystadleuaeth frwd am ffigyrau Grogg, medalau milwrol a chasgliadau o anifeiliaid tacsidermi, gydag albatros yn hedfan uchaf i ddenu £950. 11
is for Aneurin Jones (1930-2017) If Sir Kyffin Williams was the foremost landscape painter for the rugged mountains and farmers of north Wales, then Aneurin was the equivalent for mid-Wales. Aneurin painted the farms and farmers of Powys and their labour endeavours, their outbuildings, and their livestock - especially horses. In doing so he chronicled the rural communities, the men and women, and their traditions in a hilly, remote, and quieter middle section of Wales. For hundreds of years, the public through railway advertising, postcards and art have been fed the images of the rugged peaks of Eryri. But Aneurin unveiled another part of Wales, which to many is the Nation’s beating heart and soul. Historically, in mid-Wales changes happen slowly and Aneurin through his visions of harvests, horse-fairs, sheep-dog trials, and coracle-men are a testament to this slower-pace of life. The artist spoke deeply and affectionately of his farming roots and the land to which he was so well connected,
‘’I was born into the upland farming community of Cwmwysg, on the borders of Breconshire and Carmarthenshire. It was still the age of the working horse, and the place was peopled with colourful and eccentric characters with vivid imaginations. The boundary between this world and the world of mythology was ambiguous. At horse fairs, being a farmer’s son, I can mingle with the people gathered, talk about the lineage of a cob, the confirmation, and the stance, and then, almost without thinking, take a few steps back to observe these people as a group, as a series of physical shapes, and hold them in memory until I reach the studio. The colours on the palette are siennas, ochres and umbers – earth colours, melancholic, Welsh. I instinctively reach for these because they convey the deep feeling I have for the subject matter. They have a hiraeth and a longing quality which is hard to convey in words’’. The timelessness of Aneurin’s work is enhanced by his methods. Farmers appear hazily in misty landscapes, they are like ghosts, they are our late fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers. Often these figures are how we remember them personally - performing simple tasks such as chatting with their peers or lighting a cigarette. Often, they are simply staring out, perhaps from wherever they exist now, back into the mists of time. Aneurin’s paintings have a spiritual quality, they are memories of simpler lives and memories of ones that we loved and miss so dearly.
Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg
am Aneurin Jones (1930-2017)
Os mai Syr Kyffin Williams oedd yr arlunydd blaenllaw ar gyfer mynyddoedd a ffermwyr geirwon gogledd Cymru, Aneurin oedd yr arlunydd cyfatebol ar gyfer y Canolbarth. Bu Aneurin yn peintio ffermydd a ffermwyr Powys ac ymdrechion eu llafur, eu beudai, eu stablau a’u hanifeiliaid - yn enwedig eu ceffylau. Wrth wneud hynny, bu’n croniclo’r cymunedau gwledig, y dynion a’r menywod, a’u traddodiadau mewn rhan fryniog, anghysbell a thawel o berfeddwlad Cymru. Ers cannoedd o flynyddoedd, mae’r cyhoedd wedi cael eu porthi â delweddau o gopaon garw Eryri drwy hysbysebion rheilffordd, cardiau post a chelf. Ond datgelodd Aneurin ran arall o Gymru, rhan sy’n cynrychioli calon ac enaid y Genedl i nifer o bobl. Yn hanesyddol, araf yw’r newid yn y Canolbarth ac mae Aneurin, drwy ei olwg ar y cynhaeaf, ffeiriau ceffylau, treialon cŵn defaid, a chwryglwyr yn dyst i’r bywyd arafach hwn.
Wrth siarad am ei wreiddiau amaethyddol a’r tir yr oedd ganddo gysylltiad mor gryf ag ef, roedd dwyster a chariad yng ngeiriau’r arlunydd, “Cefais fy ngeni i gymuned amaethyddol yr ucheldir yng Nghwmwysg, ar y ffin rhwng Sir Frycheiniog a Sir Gaerfyrddin. Oes y ceffyl gwaith oedd hi o hyd, ac roedd y lle wedi’i boblogi gan gymeriadau lliwgar ac ecsentrig â’u dychymyg yn fyw. Roedd y ffin rhwng y byd hwn a byd mytholeg yn annelwig. Mewn ffeiriau ceffylau, gan fy mod yn fab i ffermwr, rwy’n gallu cymysgu â’r bobl sydd wedi ymgasglu, trafod llinach cob, ei ffurf, ei osgo, ac yna, heb feddwl bron, cymryd cam neu ddau yn ôl i sylwi ar y bobl yma fel grŵp, fel cyfres o siapiau ffisegol, a’u cadw yn y cof nes byddaf yn cyrraedd y stiwdio. Y lliwiau ar y palet ydy lliwiau sienna, ocrau ac wmberau – lliwiau’r tir, lliwiau melancolaidd, Cymreig. Rwy’n estyn yn reddfol am y rhain gan eu bod yn cyfleu’r ymdeimlad dwfn sydd gen i dros y testun. Mae yna hiraeth yn perthyn iddyn nhw sy’n anodd ei gyfleu mewn geiriau”. Mae natur ddigyfnewid gwaith Aneurin yn cael ei ategu gan ei ddulliau. Mae ffermwyr i’w gweld yn anelwig mewn tirluniau niwlog, maen nhw fel ysbrydion, maen nhw fel ein diweddar dadau, ein teidiau, ein hen deidiau. Yn aml, mae’r ffigyrau hyn i’w gweld fel rydyn ni’n eu cofio - yn cyflawni tasgau syml fel sgwrsio â’u cyfoedion neu gynnau sigarét. Yn aml, dydyn nhw’n gwneud dim ond syllu, o bosib o’r man ble maen nhw nawr yn ôl i niwloedd amser. Mae yna ansawdd ysbrydol i baentiadau Aneurin, maen nhw’n atgofion o fywydau symlach ac yn atgofion o’r rhai fu mor annwyl i ni ac y gwelwn eu heisiau.
Rogers Jones & Co
1. Sir Gareth Edwards 1973 Barbarians Jersey
2. Sir Kyffin Williams RA
3. Sir Kyffin Williams RA
4. Sir Kyffin Williams RA
5. Sir Kyffin Williams RA
7. Sir Kyffin Williams RA
8. Sir Kyffin Williams RA
6. Claudia Williams
£18,000 14
9. Sir Gareth Edwards 1974 British Lions Jersey, £15,000
10. Sir Kyffin Williams RA
Rogers Jones & Co
11. Rolex
12. Sir Kyffin Williams RA
13. Italian Cassone
15. Sir Kyffin Williams RA
17. 1954 MGTF
14. Sir Gareth Edwards 1977 Wales Jersey
£12,000 19. Welsh Gold Nuggets
16. Gerald Davies CBE 1971 British Lions Jersey
18. Sir Kyffin Williams RA
20. Sir Kyffin Williams RA
£8,000 15
Rogers Jones & Co
Dylan Thomas including the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) / Dylan Thomas gan gynnwys llyfrgell yr actor David Ponting (1936-2018) Lots 1-28
‡ ELLIS, Andrew (b.1971)
‡ BELL, Trevor (1930-2017)
‡ EVANS, Will (1888-1957)
‡ BENSON, Dawn (b.1952)
131, 334, 345
‡ BRANGWYN, Sir Frank RA (1867-1956)
BREANSKI, Alfred de Snr (1852-1928)
‡ BROWN, Peter (b.1967)
139, 272
‡ BURNELL, Clive (b.1950)
263 91, 92, 238, 239
‡ CANNING, Neil (Contemporary)
137, 138
‡ CARPANINI, David (b.1946)
‡ CARVELL, Sarah (b.1964)
‡ CECIL, Roger (1942-2015) 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153,
229, 310, 330 ‡ CHAPMAN, George (1908-1993)
CIRCLE OF GEORGE HAYTER (1792-1881) 456, 457
438 292
FOSTER, Myles Birket (1825-1899) G ‡ GANZ, Valerie (1936-2015)
158, 159 ‡ GIARDELLI, Arthur (1911-2009)
89, 90, 364
‡ GWYN PARRY, Iwan (b.1970)
114, 273
‡ GWYNNE-JONES, Allan (1892-1982) 230, 231
‡ HERMAN, Josef OBE RA (1911-2000) 124-129
‡ HERON, Patrick (1920-1999)
‡ HIND, Audrey (b.1936)
‡ HOLLAND, Harry (b.1941)
112, 298
‡ HOLLOWAY, Edgar (1914-2008) 64, 65, 66, 101, 102, 103, 104
‡ HOWARD JONES, Ray (1903-1996)
‡ COUR, Glenys (b.1924)
‡ HOWARD, Ken OBE RA (1932-2022)
‡ CRABTREE, Jack (b.1938)
‡ HOWELLS, Neale (b.1965)
‡ DAVIES, Ivor (b.1935) ‡ DAVIES, Ogwyn (1925-2015)
143, 144,
‡ HUNTER, Robert (1920-1996)
‡ HUSTED, Mary (b.1944)
270 80, 228
‡ JENKINS, Wynne (1937-2019)
DAVIES, Thomas Nathaniel (1922-1996) 264
‡ JOHN, Augustus (1878-1961)
‡ JONES, Aneurin (1930-2017)
‡ DAVIES, Seiriol (Contemporary)
DYLAN, Bob (b.1941)
304, 331
‡ JONES, David (1895-1974)
‡ JONES, Jack (1922-1993)
‡ JONES, Jonah (1919-2004)
‡ JONES, Leslie (b.1934)
‡ DOUGLAS-JONES, Anthony ‡ DUNN, William (1862-1948)
305, 316
(Contemporary) B
262, 289,
‡ CORSELLIS, Jane (b.1940)
‡ DELAHAYE, Muriel (1937-2021)
‡ FORREST, Edwin (1918-2002)
‡ COCKRILL, Maurice (1936-2013)
‡ GLEN, Robert (b.1940)
CLAUDE LORRAIN (1600-1682) 480
‡ BURTON, Charles (b.1929)
Selections / Dewisiadau Lots 400-491
436, 437
‡ BOWEN, Keith (b.1950)
Oils, Sculpture & Other Medium / Olewau, Cerfluniau a Chanolig Arall Lots 222-364
‡ BANKSY (b.1974)
‡ BLAKE, Sir Peter RA (b.1932)
Works by Aneurin Jones / Celf gan Aneurin Jones Lots 213-221
‡ BELL, Seren (b.1950)
Prints & Paintings by Sir Kyffin Williams RA / Printiau a Phaentiadau gan Syr Kyffin Williams RA Lots 174-212
ROI NEAC (1853-1908)
BERGMANN, Franz Xavier (1861-1936)
Works on Paper / Celf ar Bapur Lots 89-173
‡ ALKEMA, Jacqueline (b.1948)
Prints & Multiples / Printiau & Lluosogau Lots 51-88
‡ BARRETT, Karina Rosanne (b.1981)
BENTLEY, Joseph Herbert RBA (1866-1934)
Welsh Antiques, Ceramics & Books / Hen Bethau, Serameg a Llyfrau Cymreig Lots 29-50
271, 287, 288, 294
Rogers Jones & Co
‡ JONES, Mihangel (1940-2018) ‡ JONES, Mike (1941-2022)
255 136, 260
‡ JONES, Selwyn (1928-1998)
K ‡ KNAPP-FISHER, John (1931-2015) 69, 70, 71,
‡ THOMAS, Gareth (1955-2019)
P ‡ PETTS, John (1914-1991)
‡ PIECH, Paul Peter (1920-1996)
‡ THOMAS, Sally James (b.1973)
154 96 97-99
‡ PIERCY, Rob (b.1946)
‡ TRESS, David (b.1955)
‡ PIPER, John (1903-1992)
77, 78,
‡ TUDUR, Dewi (b.1957)
116, 117, 118,
140, 141, 142,
‡ KNIGHT, David (b.1965)
286, 301, 302, 308, 323
PRITCHARD, Edward Francis Drew
‡ LANYON, Peter (1918-1964)
‡ LE GRICE, Kathryn (b.1972)
‡ LEK, Karel (1929-2020)
‡ LEUERS, Jeanette (b.1942) ‡ LLOYD GRIFFITH, David (b.1956)
132, 133, 134, 135
‡ LLOYD, Wendy (Contemporary) 275, 295, 296, 297
‡ LUXTON, Vivienne (b.1942)
‡ MACFARLANE, John (b.1948)
119, 120
‡ MACKEOWN, Nia (Contemporary)
(1882-1960) ‡ McINTYRE, Donald (1923-2009)
100, 352-360
MEYNELL RHEAM, Henry (1859-1920) 467 ‡ MILLER, John (1931-2002)
‡ MOORE, Sally (b.1962)
‡ MORRIS, Carey (1882-1968)
‡ MORRIS, John Meirion (1936-2020)
‡ MURPHY, Wendy (b.1956)
‡ UPTON, Mark (Contemporary)
‡ UZZELL EDWARDS, John (1937-2014)
‡ QUINN, Lorenzo (b.1966)
‡ RHYS JAMES, Shani (b.1953)
WALTERS, Evan (1893-1951)
‡ WATKINS, Islwyn (1938-2018)
WERNER, J (19th Century)
‡ WHITEHEAD, Steven (b.1960)
‡ RICHARDS, Ceri CBE (1903-1971)
RICHARDSON, Thomas Miles (1784-1848) 307
‡ RILEY, Harold DL DLITT FRCS DFA ATC ‡ ROBERTS, Gwyn (b.1953) ‡ ROBERTS, Sue (Contemporary)
283, 285 85
‡ ROBERTS, Wilf (1941-2016) 338, 339, 342, 344
‡ ROBERTS, Will (1907-2000)
303, 309, 314, 324, 326, 333,
WILLIAMS, Alan (Contemporary) 222-225
340, 343, 349 RYLAND, Henry (1856-1924)
S ‡ SELWYN, William (b.1933)
‡ SINCLAIR, Helen (b.1954)
‡ SNOWDEN, Matthew (b.1969)
‡ NEAL, Charles (b.1951)
‡ STEINTHAL, Helen (1911-1991)
‡ NISBET, Scott (1910-2002)
SYER, John (1815-1855)
TERRY, Henry M (act. 1880-1920)
WILLIAMS, Christopher RBA (1873-1934) 319
‡ WILLIAMS, Claudia (b.1933)
94, 313, 348, 350
‡ WILLIAMS, Emrys (b.1958)
‡ WILLIAMS, Sir Kyffin RA (1918-2006) 174-212
‡ WILLIAMS, Vivienne (b.1955)
‡ WILTSHIRE, Stephen MBE (b.1974)
‡ WOODFORD, David (b.1938)
‡ WYATT WARREN, Charles (1908-1993) 241-254
Y ‡ YATES, Fred (1922-2008)
472, 473
YEADON, Darren (b.1970)
T 282
‡ RATHMELL, Thomas (1912-1990)
‡ NASH, Tom (b.1931)
‡ OWEN, Stephen John (b.1959)
VERBOECKHOVEN, Eugene Joseph (1798-1881)
‡ SINNOTT, Kevin (b.1947) 312, 327, 337, 351
474-477 U
‡ TURNER DURRANT, Roy (1925-1998)
‡ LLOYD JONES, Mary (b.1934)
‡ PRITCHARD, Ifor (1940-2010)
315, 322, 325, 329, 335, 347
‡ LANYON, Martin (b.1954)
‡ TUNNICLIFFE, Charles Frederick OBE RA
‡ PRENDERGAST, Peter (1946-2007)
‡ PRICHARD, Gwilym (1931-2015)
106, 278, 281
‡ ZINKEISEN, Doris Clare (1897-1991)
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
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Dylan Thomas including the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) Dylan Thomas gan gynnwys llyfrgell yr actor David Ponting (1936-2018)
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
3 1 THREE 1ST EDITIONS OF ’18 POEMS’ BY DYLAN THOMAS PUBLISHED BY THE FORTUNE PRESS each dated 1934, each with a different cover design, two with d.js
Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’
Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’
Comments: please examine / request condition report # £200-300
Comments: please examine / request condition report # £200-300
2 TWENTY-THREE DYLAN THOMAS RELATED BOOKS mainly UK 1st Editions including three proofcopies, most with dust-jackets, including by Thomas ‘A Prospect of the Sea’, ‘The Beach of Falesa’, ‘Me and My Bike’ and Henry Treece ‘Dylan Thomas’ etc (please see online images for full listing)
4 GROUP OF CAITLIN THOMAS RELATED PUBLICATIONS, wife of Dylan Thomas (née Macnamara, 8 December 1913 – 31 July 1994) includes her biography ‘Leftover Life to Kill’ (please see online images for full listing)
Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’ Comments: please examine / request condition report # £250-350
Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’ Comments: please examine / request condition report # £200-300
5 5 GROUP OF DYLAN THOMAS CRITICAL STUDIES including ‘Dylan the Durable? On Dylan Thomas’ by Seamus Heaney (please see online images for full listing) Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’ Comments: please examine / request condition report # £200-300
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
6 GROUP OF AMERICAN MAGAZINES WITH DYLAN THOMAS CONTENT larger format 1940s-1960s comprising ‘Esquire’ (4), ‘McCall’s’ (1), ‘Life’ (1), ‘Harper’s Bazaar’ (2), ‘Mademoiselle’ (3), ‘Vogue’ (2) Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’ Comments: please examine / request condition report # £200-300
7 GROUP OF AMERICAN MAGAZINES WITH DYLAN THOMAS CONTENT medium format 1940s-1960s comprising ‘The Atlantic’ (12) and ‘Saturday Review’ (3) Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’, please see Dylan Thomas Actor’s Library at The Welsh Sale – Rogers Jones Co (EN) Comments: please examine / request condition report # £200-300 8 GROUP OF MAGAZINES & EPHEMERA RELATING OR CONTAINING WRITINGS BY DYLAN THOMAS including ‘The Boy’s Own Annual’, 1923-24 (please see online images for full listing) Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’ Comments: please examine / request condition report # £200-300
9 9 GROUP OF DYLAN THOMAS PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO WALES including ‘Laugharne and Dylan Thomas’, Dobson Books Ltd, 1967 (please see online images for full listing) Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’ Comments: please examine / request condition report # £200-300
# condition reports in this section do not act as a guarantee and later amendments to condition reports may have been applied to the online listing. Please examine / enquire prior to bidding.
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 10 THE RESIDUAL DYLAN THOMAS LIBRARY OF ACTOR THE LATE DAVID PONTING large group of hardback and softback books, includes the actor’s working copy of ‘The Days of Dylan Thomas’ with Ponting’s notes and inscriptions (please see online images for full listing) Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’ Comments: please examine / request condition report # £200-300 11 GROUP OF US & EUROPEAN LITERATURE PERIODICALS FOR DYLAN THOMAS including four rare editions of ‘Transition’ and ‘Partisan Review’ (4 x) (please see online images for full listing)
Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’ Comments: please examine / request condition report # £250-350 12 THREE DYLAN THOMAS UK 1ST EDITIONS PUBLISHED BY J M DENT & SONS comprising (1) ‘Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog’, 1940, with d.j (2) ‘The Doctor and the Devils’, 1953, with d.j (3) ‘The Map of Love’, 1939 Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’ Comments: please examine / request condition report # £250-350
13 THREE GOOD LIMITED EDITION DYLAN THOMAS HARDBACK BOOKS comprising (1) limited edition (132/200) ‘Letter to Loren – with an introduction and notes by Jeff Towns’ (signed), The Salubrious Press, 1993, (2) Italian limited edition (83/100) ‘Lunch at Mussolini’s’, M’Arte Edizioni, 1972, with translation by Robert Sanesi, signed and with two colour xylographs by Mino Maccari, in slip-case (3) limited edition (65/175) ‘Twelve More Letters’, Turret Books, 1969 Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’ Comments: please examine / request condition report # £250-350
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
14 14 GROUP OF DYLAN THOMAS ‘UNDER MILK WOOD’ PUBLICATIONS including a rare ‘Botteghie Oscure IV’ which features the poem’s 1st printing, Botteghe Oscure was a literary journal that was published and edited in Rome by Marguerite Caetani (Princess di Bassiano) from 1948 to 1960 (please see online images for full listing) Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’
15 15 RARE 1ST EDITION OF DYLAN THOMAS’ ‘TWENTY FIVE POEMS’ published by J M Dent & Sons Ltd, 1936, rare copy of Dylan Thomas’ second book with only 730 printed, with d.j Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’ Comments: please examine / request condition report # £300-500
Comments: please examine / request condition report # £250-350 16 RARE SWANSEA GRAMMAR SCHOOL MAGAZINES WITH DYLAN THOMAS CONTRIBUTIONS comprising Vol 27 (No.1) April 1930, Vol 27 (No.43) December 1930, Vol 27 (No.4) April 1930, Vol 27 (No.2) July 1930, Vol 28 (No.2) July 1931, Vol 26 (No.3) December 1929, Vol 26 (No.2) July 1929, Vol 26 (No.1) March 1929, Vol 25 (No.2) July 1928, together with an earlier bound volume of magazines spanning April 1919 to December 2021 Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’
Comments: please examine / request condition report # £300-400 17 SIX RARE U.S DYLAN THOMAS 1ST EDITIONS comprising (1) ‘Conversation About Christmas’ printed at Christmas 1954, for the friends of J Laughlin and New Directions (a private printing which was not for public sale) (2) A 1st Edition ‘A Child’s Christmas in Wales’, New Directions 1954 with d.j (3) ‘The Doctor and the Devils’, New Directions 1953 with d.j (4) ‘New Poems’, New Directions 1943 with d.j (5) as no.4 but soft, with d.j (6) ‘ The World I Breathe’, New Directions 1939 with d.j together with (7) 6TH Edition ‘Collected Poems’ with d.j Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’ Comments: please examine / request condition report # £300-400
# condition reports in this section do not act as a guarantee and later amendments to condition reports may have been applied to the online listing. Please examine / enquire prior to bidding.
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
18 TWENTY DYLAN THOMAS RELATED BOOKS mainly US 1st Editions including some scarce to the UK, including by Thomas ‘Collected Poems’, ‘Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog’, ‘Adventures in the Skin Trade’, ‘Quite Early One Morning’ etc (please see online images for full listing)
21 GROUP OF UK LITERATURE PERIODICALS WITH DYLAN THOMAS CONTENT including ‘Encounter’ (7 x), ‘Horizon’ (23 x), rare editions of ‘Poetry London’ (4 x) and ‘Life & Letters’ (9 x) (please see online images)
Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’
Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’
Comments: please examine / request condition report # £300-400 19 GROUP OF POETRY PERIODICALS WITH DYLAN THOMAS CONTENT comprising ‘Circus’ (2 x), ‘Lilliput’ (3 x), ‘Seven’ (2 x), ‘The London Magazine’ (7 x) and others (approx. 27 total) (please see online images for full listing) Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth Comments: please examine / request condition report # £300-400 20 GROUP OF UK LARGE FORMAT LITERATURE MAGAZINES WITH DYLAN THOMAS CONTENT including ‘The Listener’ (8 x) and ‘Picture Post’ (3 x) (please see online images for full listing)
Comments: please examine / request condition report # £300-400 22 FIVE ITEMS OF DYLAN THOMAS LARGE FORMAT LITERATURE including Ralph Steadman’s picture book ‘Who Killed Dylan Thomas’ (please see online images for full listing)
23 23 SWANSEA PRINT WORKSHOP eighteen limited edition (1/30) prints by eighteen artists - entitled, ‘The Dylan Thomas Dialogues’, each 38 x 48cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: boxed £300-500 24 SWANSEA PRINT WORKSHOP collection of twelve original prints by twelve artists, 1st impression, 2003 - commemorating the 50th anniversary of the death of Dylan Thomas, entitled, ‘Especially When the October Wind’, each 37 x 50cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: boxed £300-500
Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’ Comments: please examine / request condition report # £200-300
Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’ Comments: please examine / request condition report # £300-400 28
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 25 ‡ MERVYN LEVY graphite on paper - portrait of Dylan Thomas by his life long friend Mervyn Levy, signed and dated ‘38, 30 x 22cms Provenance: private collection Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350 26 SIX VARIOUS DYLAN THOMAS VOLUMES OF COLLECTED POEMS including J M Dent 1954 (please see online images for full listing) Provenance: from the library of actor David Ponting (1936-2018) who portrayed the poet in ‘Dylan Thomas: The Man and The Myth’ Comments: please examine / request condition report # £200-300 25
28 TWO CERI RICHARDS / DYLAN THOMAS BOOKS both by Enitharmon Press and being (1) a first edition of ‘Keys to Transformation - A Monograph by Richard Burns’, 1981 with d-j, (2) limited edition (162/180) 1980 copy of ‘Drawings to Poems by Dylan Thomas’ complete with separate edition details card and slip-case Provenance: private collection Cheshire Comments: please examine / request condition report # £150-250 27 27 DYLAN THOMAS 18 Poems, published by The Fortune Press 1934, signed and inscribed to John Arlott (1914-1991) BBC Colleague and friend, ‘For John A from Dylan T’ Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Auctioneer’s Note: radio producer and cricket commentator John Arlott was a great friend of the poet. They shared the same age and both shared a love of cricket. The poet spent many hours watching cricket at the St Helen’s Ground which was but a ‘big six’ from his childhood home in Cwmdonkin Drive, Swansea. As a radio producer, John Arlott used Dylan for many performances on the BBC World Service. It was said that Dylan borrowed money from Arlott on multiple occasions and always paid him back, except that is when Dylan Thomas borrowed £5 to go to America in 1953 - his last fateful trip from which he did not return Comments: signed twice, very good overall £2,000-3,000 # condition reports in this section do not act as a guarantee and later amendments to condition reports may have been applied to the online listing. Please examine / enquire prior to bidding.
Welsh Antiques, Ceramics & Books Hen Bethau, Serameg a Llyfrau Cymreig
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
29 29 18TH CENTURY WELSH OAK DEUDDARN, Eryri (Snowdonia) region, ogee cornice above turned finials, pair fielded panelled cupboard doors flanking four drawers on a cupboard base, raised on stile feet, 171h x 151w x 59cms d Provenance: private client Ynys Mon (Anglesey) Comments: front and rear legs spliced/restored, corner of one drawer restored, upper cupboard doors restored at hinges, good colour £800-1,200 30 WELSH OAK TRIDARN Snowdonia (Eryri), circa 1720-1750, two cupboard base having fielded arched panels, below three drawers below pair of flank cupboards having fielded arched panels, below open canopy featuring internal shelf and with pair of turned baluster supports, raised on stile-feet and with brass furniture, 187h x 126w x 52cms d
30 31 MINIATURE WELSH OAK CHEST OF TWO LONG & TWO SHORT DRAWERS the beaded drawers inlaid with mahogany, holly and bog oak raised on shaped bracket feet, Carmarthenshire circa 1790-1820, height 29cms, length 36cms, depth 24cms Provenance: private collection Hampshire £500-800
32 RARE OAK CORNER WELSH DRESSER probably Carmarthenshire, circa 1780-1820, on bracket feet, open boarded base, four drawers having single turned knobs, open rack with shelf configuration, angled for two adjoining non-right angle farmhouse walls, 193cms h overall width of back 137cms angled at about 125 degrees Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire £500-1,000
Provenance: private collection Surrey £800-1,200
32 31
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 33 SET OF SIX ARTS & CRAFTS OAK BRYNMAWR DINING CHAIRS by Paul Matt, with double-bar square backs and leather drop-in seats, some stamped ‘2126 / 42 / 23 8 38’ to the underside, 88cms h x 40cms d x 43cms w (6) Provenance: private collection Denbighshire Comments: one chair with detached seat £300-500 34 COLLECTION OF MID-CENTURY BRYNMAWR FURNITURE including, chest of four graduated drawers, ebonised handles and plinth, 84h x 76w x 45cms, oak desk, single pedestal of three drawers with shelf above the kneehole, ebonised handles and plinth, original beige linoleum top, tall side table of rectangular form, ‘Brynmawr Furniture’ labels, 77h x 90w x 60cms d (3)
Provenance: consigned via the Vale of Glamorgan Comments: chest with water stains, desk top distressed, ill-fitting drawers £250-400
35 SEBASTIAN ERARD GOTHIC HARP WITH WELSH PROVENANCE with bird’s eye maple frame, the gilded Corinthian column carved with Grecian figures and palmettes to the capital and base, fitted with eight pedals, on paw feet, engraved Sebastian Erard Harp & Pianoforte Maker in Ordinary to her Majesty and the Royal Family (on one brass arm plate) and further engraved Sebastian Erard Patent no 4963, 18 Great Marlborough St London (on the other side), circa 1830, 170cms h, 80cms w Provenance: former owner was the vendor’s great-Uncle William (Wil) Jones (1910-1981) of Codau Mawr, Llangernyw, Abergele, and thence by descent. The self-taught Wil Jones used to perform in Eisteddfod and chapels, he worked as a farmhand and worked in a quarry, also a keen poet and lyricist. To accompany a typed local history manuscript in Welsh, ‘Cymeriad’, with information on Wil Jones and his performances, also to accompany a bound Welsh music score ‘Moliant Israel sef Crynoad o Donau a Dyganau Cynulledfaol Gwreiddiol a Dotholedig’ (praise of Israel - a collection of original and selected congregational tunes and songs), inscribed in the fly-sheet by members of Wil’s family and by Peter Parry with address in Llanelian, 1872, also various photographs of Wil and copies of a harpist manual ‘Allwedd y Tannau’, an old purse of English gut harp-strings and tools etc £700-1,000
35 32
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
36 36 VICTORIAN WELSH QUILT c.1860 Ceredigion, pink roses on green ground, from the village of Pontrhydfendigaid, Ceredigion, 208 x 176cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, by descent £250-350 37 VICTORIAN WELSH QUILT c.1860 Ceredigion, blue flowers on beige ground, from the village of Pontrhydfendigaid, Ceredigion, 208 x 170cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, by descent £250-350 38 THREE 19TH CENTURY WELSH SLATE CARVINGS comprising (1) goose form doorstop on a square base, probably Dyffryn Ogwen, 23cms high, (2) cube form doorstop with brass handle insert, feathered swirl pattern, 9.5cms square, (3) a geometric slate doorstop with loop handle decorated with concentric circles typical of Dyffryn Ogwen, 16cms high Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Mid-Wales office £300-400 39 THREE WELSH SNUFF BOXES two inscribed to ‘E Parry, Troedyrhiw’ and one to ‘R.W Meyrick, Abercynon’ together with the book ‘Conversation on Mines’ by W. Hopton Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office £300-400
40 FRANCIS GROSE ‘The Antiquities of England and Wales’, New Edition, 1797, printed for Hooper & Wigstead, Volume VII of an eight volume set of Francis Grose’s topographical account of the antiquities of England and Wales, with chapters on Anglesea, Brecknockshire, Caermarthenshire, Caernarvonshire, Cardiganshire, Denbighshire, Flintshire, Glamorganshire, Merionethshire, Montgomeryshire, Pembrokeshire, and Radnorshire, with a large fold-out index map, frontispiece, engraved title page, seventy copper plates, and numerous maps in text, later quality three-quarter polished leather binding, spine with ribs and gilded title and decorations Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire, title page with stamp for Benjamin F Feinberg Library, State University College, Plattsburgh, New York, withdraw/discard stamps thereafter
Comments: fine copy, quality binding, pages very good overall £200-300 41 GROUP OF ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS ON WELSH TOPOGRAPHY comprising (1) two volumes GIRALDUS DE BARRI ‘Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales’ ‘Translated into English, and Illustrated with Views, Annotations and a Life of Giraldus, by Sir Richard Colt Hoare, for William Miller, London, 1806’, both volumes with front boards loose, for restoration or rebinding (2) SAMUEL LEWIS ‘A Topographical Dictionary of Wales’ ‘Comprising the Several Counties, Cities, Boroughs, Corporate and Market Towns, Parishes, Chapelries, and Townships with Historical and Statistical Descriptions, illustrated by Maps of the Different Counties and A Map of Wales, shewing The Principal Towns, Roads, Railways, Navigable Rivers, and Canals for S Lewis & Co, London 1833’, binding is loose, for rebinding or restoration, (3) THEOPHILUS JONES Volume 1 & 2 ‘A History of the County of Brecknock’ ‘Containing the Chorography, General History, Religion, Laws, Customs, Manners, Language, and System of Agriculture used in that County’, London 1805, threequarter leather bound, marble boards (4) RICHARD FENTON ‘A Historical Tour through Pembrokeshire’, for Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme, London, 1810, quarter calf leather bound, gilt title to blue panel upon ribbed spine (6 x volumes total in this lot) Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire £200-400
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
42 JOHN GEORGE WOOD large volume being Part 1 ‘The Principal Rivers of Wales Illustrated’; ‘consisting of A Series of Views from the Source of Each River to its Mouth. Accompanied by Descriptions, Historical, Topographical, and Picturesque’, T Bensley, London 1813, having four handcoloured double-page maps, 157 soft ground etched plates, three-quarter red leather binding with marble boards, ribbed spine with gilt title (loss to one rib)
43 THREE BOOKS FROM THE OLD STILE PRESS ETC comprising (1) limited edition (53/250) ‘The Laugharne Poems’ with wood engravings and drawings by John Petts, together with slip-case, 2003 (2) limited edition (164/250) ‘House of Leaves’ selected poems of Dafydd Ap Gwilym with images after John Elwyn, with slip-case, 1993 (3) limited edition (81/25) ‘Lens of Crystal’ with poems by Robin Skelton and images by Sara Philpot, signed by both, with slip-case, 1996. (4) together with ‘Gweledigaethau Y Bardd Cwsg - Y Rhan Gyntaf’ by Ellis Wynne, slip-case, 1991 (4) Provenance: private collection Gwynedd Auctioneer’s Note: fine handprinted books produced by The Old Stile Press of Monmouthshire, set up by the late Nicolas and Frances McDowall and now run by their children, for over thirty years the McDowalls worked with Welsh printmakers and artists
Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire £400-600
Comments: finely preserved editions without fading to covers or damage £200-400
44 JOHANNES BLAEU collection of five uncoloured engraved maps of various Welsh counties, circa 1650, Denbigh & Flintshire, Cardiganshire, Montgomeria, Breknoke and Radnorshire, each 38 x 50cms Provenance: private collection South Wales
Comments: unframed £400-600
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
45 MARTIN TINNEY GALLERY collection of twenty one exhibition catalogues from the Welsh gallery, which has recently closed due to retirement, the gallery was at the forefront of contemporary Welsh art for over 31 years, example catalogues include, Gwilym Prichard, Peter Prendergast, Evelyn Williams, Harry Holland and Shani Rhys James MBE
46 AN EWENNY SLIPWARE POTTERY ZOOMORPHIC JUG in the form of a pig, mustard ground, Welsh inscribed ‘Y Mochyn’ (the pig), loop tail, conical snout, raised fore-legs, eyes and ears, sgraffito decoration including hair, marked to the base ‘E Jenkins Ewenny Pottery, 1899’, 18cms high
Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: see additional images for full list of exhibitors £200-400
Provenance: private collection Cheshire Comments: rare and rarer still to be in such good condition without restoration, minor scrapes / losses only # £400-600
47 AN EWENNY SLIPWARE POTTERY MODEL OF A SEATED CAT circa 1900, in rarely seen cream coloured glaze, sgraffito detail to head, 21cms high Provenance: private collection Cheshire Comments: very minor scrapes to glaze, excellent condition # £200-400
48 THREE VARIOUS LLANELLY POTTERY COCKEREL PLATES circa 1900, typical sponged borders in blue, the interiors fully decorated with iconic cockerel scenes, 25cms diam and 18cms Provenance: private collection Cheshire Comments: good overall, without notable damage such as chips, expected crazing (particularly to one small plate), faint hairline # £250-350 48 49 NANTGARW PORCELAIN PLATE circa 1818-20, painted in London, probably by the Sims workshop, the moulded fluted border with a continuous garland of summer flowers with a bouquet to the centre, impressed NANT-GARW CW, 23cms diam Provenance: private collection Munich, Germany 49
Comments: fresh, good example # £250-350
# condition reports in this section do not act as a guarantee and later amendments to condition reports may have been applied to the online listing. Please examine / enquire prior to bidding.
50 NANTGARW PORCELAIN PLATE circa 1818-1820, having twelve unequal lobes, painted in London with the ‘Tumbling Baskets’ pattern, the five baskets in the border alternating with small floral sprigs and surrounded by gilt scrollwork, the interior with full flower spray, impressed NANT-GARW CW, 24cms diam Provenance: private collection Munich, Germany £250-350
Prints & Multiples Printiau & Lluosogau
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 51 ‡ AUGUSTUS JOHN etching, 1903 portrait, entitled verso, ‘Head of Old Underwood’ (also known as ‘The Draper’), signed, 13 x 12cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-400
52 ‡ CERI RICHARDS CBE lithograph in five colours - entitled ‘The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower’, signed and dated ‘65, 54 x 76cms
53 ‡ CERI RICHARDS CBE limited edition (14/50) lithograph - and death shall have no dominion, signed and dated ‘65, 59 x 81cms
Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon
Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan
Comments: framed and glazed £250-350
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £350-450
54 ‡ CERI RICHARDS CBE limited edition (artist’s proof) screenprint - entitled, ‘Major, Minor, Orange, Blue’, signed and dated ‘70, 54 x 49cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350 55 ‡ DAVID CARPANINI artist’s proof (VIII / XX) print - four gents chatting in a street, 41 x 33cms Provenance: deceased estate Carmarthenshire Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
55 37
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
56 56 ‡ DAVID JONES 1922 limited edition (75) wood engraving (reprinted 1981 from the original woodblock) - entitled ‘Petra’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label verso, 12 x 9cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed £150-250
57 57 ‡ DAVID JONES 1924 wood engraving (1981 reprint limited to 75 from original woodblock) entitled verso ‘Abraham Lincoln (Libellus Lapidum)’, 14 x 10cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed £150-250
58 ‡ DAVID JONES 1926 limited edition (89/100) wood engraving (1979 reprint on japon paper) entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Jonah Goes Down into the Ship (from the Book of Jonah)’, 20 x 15cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed £150-250
58 59 ‡ DAVID JONES 1926 limited edition (89/100) wood engraving (1979 reprint on japon paper) - entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Jonah Preached into Nineveh (from the Book of Jonah)’, 10.5 x 14.5cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed £150-250 60 ‡ DAVID JONES 1926 limited edition (89/100) wood engraving (1979 reprint on japon paper) - entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘The Repentant People of Nineveh (from the Book of Jonah)’, 20 x 15cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed £150-250 61 ‡ DAVID JONES 1926 limited edition (89/100) wood engraving (1979 reprint on japon paper) - entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘The Tempest (from the Book of Jonah)’, 20 x 14cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed £150-250
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
62 ‡ DAVID JONES 1927 limited edition (36/80) wood engraving (1977 reprint on japon paper) - entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Noah Offers Sacrifice (from the Chester Play of the Deluge)’, 19 x 16cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed £150-250 63 ‡ DAVID JONES limited edition (7/150) print - Gwener/Aphrodite, 37 x 57cms Provenance: private collection Gwynedd Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-400
64 EDGAR HOLLOWAY limited edition (12/50) etching, 1994 - entitled verso, ‘Self Portrait No.25, Goodbye To All That’, signed, 23 x 17cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Mid-Wales office Auctioneer’s Note: this picture had strong overtones to Robert Graves’ autobiography Good-Bye to All That with its themes of saying farewell to both war and the time of youth. For followers of the artist, the image was quite well known, having featured as the cover image for Robert Meyrick’s 1996 catalogue raisonnée The Etchings and Engravings of Edgar Holloway Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300
64 ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
65 EDGAR HOLLOWAY limited edition (27/75) etching - portrait of poet Sir Stephen Harold Spender CBE (1909-1995) entitled verso, ‘Stephen Spender in 1934’, signed, dated verso 1969, 29 x 14cms
66 ‡ EDGAR HOLLOWAY limited edition (7/40) portfolio of seven etchings and engravings produced by Merivale Editions, London 1992, printed on large format Somerset mouldmade paper from the original copper plates made by Edgar Holloway between 1932 & 1991, in clothbound box and one of nine special sets - entitled (1) ‘Self Portrait, 1932’, (2) ‘Eastcote 1932’, (3) ‘Essex Street Watergate, 1934’, (4) ‘Grey Topper, 1937’, (5) ‘Daisy Monica, 1977’, (6) ‘Orchard Moon, 1990’, (7) ‘The Afghan Hat, 1991’, and with additional prints in this portfolio ‘The Airman’ and ‘Self Portrait (No.7, 1936)’ each print individually signed and numbered by the artist and stamped with the edition mark, 25cms x 38cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Mid-Wales office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £150-250
Auctioneer’s Note: the first seven prints were printed by Anthony Dyson (1931-2023) and the additional two were printed by Edgar Holloway Provenance: private collection Mid-Wales £700-1,000
67 ‡ GEORGE CHAPMAN artist’s proof etching - Y Bont / The Bridge, signed fully in pencil, 71 x 60cms Provenance: private collection Gwynedd
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500
68 ‡ ISLWYN WATKINS limited edition (8/17) lithograph - purple and green abstract, signed and dated 1962, 45 x 34cms, together with three unframed similar examples all signed and dated Provenance: private collection Herefordshire Comments: framed, ready to hang £200-300 68
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
69 69 ‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER limited edition (360/500) print, 1990 - entitled ‘Girl in a Rape Field’, signed, 55 x 74cms Provenance: private client Mid-Wales, proceeds being paid directly to Velindre Cancer Care, auction commissions paid to the charity Comments: fine frame, glazed, ready to hang £400-600
70 ‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER - limited edition (492/850) print - Tenby with buildings and North Beach, signed in pencil, dated 2005, 46 x 52cms
71 ‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER limited edition (52/75) print - boatyard, Borth, signed fully in pencil, 53 x 71cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
72 ‡ JOHN PETTS set of four coloured wood engravings - (1-3) from ‘Against Women’, translated by Gwyn Williams, The Golden Cockerel Press 1953, and (4) from ‘The Defence of Woman’, by William Cynwal, translated by Gwyn Williams, The Golden Cockerel Press 1960, each engraving with titles, signatures and dates, Martin Tinney Gallery label verso, 16 x 8cms (x4) Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed £300-400 73 ‡ JOHN PETTS wood engraving entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Lion Hotel, Criccieth’, 7.5 x 11cms
Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed £150-200 74 ‡ JOHN PETTS wood engraving - half portrait of Anne Jones, 1989, signed and with title below and on Martin Tinney Gallery label verso, 15.5 x 9cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan 73
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Comments: framed and glazed £150-200 41
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 75 ‡ JOHN PETTS wood engraving - portrait of Doctor Herber Evans (for Storiau am Annibynwyr), signed and dated 1989, with title to margin, Martin Tinney Gallery label verso, 9 x 7cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed £150-200 76 ‡ JOHN PETTS wood engraving - portrait of Doctor Thomas Rees, signature and title to margin and dated 1939, 7 x 5.5cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan 75
Comments: framed and glazed £150-200
77 ‡ JOHN PIPER 1962 expansive screenprinted Sanderson fabric in two sections - entitled, ‘Stones of Bath’, 5.18 x 1.22 metres and 2.44 x 1.22 metres Auctioneer’s Note: one of 5 John Piper designs commissioned by and as part of the Arthur Sanderson and Company centenary celebrations in 1960, and manufactured from 1962. Using 19 colours, far more than conventional screenprints on paper, the semi-abstract design was based on the architectural features of the City of Bath. Whilst we have auctioned sections previously, we do not believe such a large expanse has been offered at any auction before. As seen in the V&A collection Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office £1,000-2,000 77
78 ‡ JOHN PIPER limited edition (19/75) lithograph - entitled verso, ‘Ile d’Elle’, signed fully in pencil, 44 x 57cms
79 ‡ LESLIE JONES limited edition (2/3) etching - entitled ‘Eryri’, signed, 26 x 30cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection Denbighshire
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
Comments: framed and glazed £150-250
78 42
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
80 ‡ OGWYN DAVIES colour print - entitled, ‘Wal Gymreig’, fully signed on mount, 11 x 15cms
82 ‡ PAUL PETER PIECH three colour lithograph quote form British economist E.F.Schumacher CBE entitled ‘The Smallest Mosquito’, signed and dated 1987, 75 x 50cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection overseas
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-400
Comments: unframed £150-200
81 ‡ PAUL PETER PIECH three colour lithograph exhibition poster supporting threatened tribal people, signed and dated 1987, 76 x 51cms
83 ‡ PAUL PETER PIECH two colour lithograph - Australian First Nations land rights poem by Bill Day, ‘Australian Crucifixion’, signed and dated 1988, 76 x 51cms
Provenance: private collection overseas Comments: unframed £150-200
Provenance: private collection overseas Comments: unframed £150-200
84 SIR FRANK BRANGWYN RA three woodblock prints produced in collaboration with Japanese printmaker Yoshijiro Urushibara (1888-1953) - various scenes, two signed by Yoshijiro, 16 x 21cms, 13 x 17cms and 18 x 21cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
86 85 ‡ SUE ROBERTS monoprint with wash - entitled verso ‘Sitting Woman I’, signed with initials, 49 x 30cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan. Purchased from ‘Barry Art Central’ Exhibition 2013. Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £150-250
87 86 THOMAS NATHANIEL DAVIES limited edition (12/20) linocut - south Wales valley street scene with a ‘Rhondda’ bus, motorcycle with sidecar and sheep, signed verso, 44 x 40cms
87 THOMAS NATHANIEL DAVIES limited edition (7/20) linocut south Wales valley street with figures and whippets beside buildings with a bill-board for ‘you’ll never work again’, signed verso, 35.5 x 47cms
Provenance: private collection Devon, directly from the artist’s estate (note no ARR)
Provenance: private collection Devon, directly from the artist’s estate (note no ARR)
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-400
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-400
88 ‡ VALERIE GANZ limited edition (11/50) print - entitled, ‘Look at This’, signed in full, 44 x 60cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Works on Paper Celf ar Bapur
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
89 ‡ ARTHUR GIARDELLI pen and wash - entitled verso, ‘St Davids’, signed with monogram, 36 x 55cms
90 ‡ ARTHUR GIARDELLI watercolour - sunset over the ocean, signed with monogram, 48 x 67cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection Bangor
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £150-250
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-400
91 ‡ CHARLES BURTON acrylic on paper - ‘Two Apricots’, still life depicting jug, funnel and fruit, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed and dated ‘Dec 00’, 28.5 x 32cms Provenance: deceased estate Carmarthenshire Comments: signed in full verso and dated ‘99-00’, framed and glazed, ready to hang £600-800 92 ‡ CHARLES BURTON pastel and pencil - still life of fruit, signed and dated 21 January 1987, 26 x 36cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed and glazed £150-200
93 ‡ CHARLES FREDERICK TUNNICLIFFE OBE RA pencil - preliminary pencil sketch of a standing pheasant amongst foliage, printed artist title to mount, 35 x 52cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-350
93 94 ‡ CLAUDIA WILLIAMS gouache - entitled verso ‘Rocks and Visitors’, signed, dated verso 1996, 20 x 29cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £500-700 46
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 95 ‡ DAVID CARPANINI watercolour and pencil - entitled verso, ‘A Routine Whisper of Silences’ on Attic Gallery label, signed, 48 x 56cms Provenance: private collection Devon Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £400-600 96 ‡ DAVID TRESS watercolour - life-study reclining nude, signed and dated 1989, 44 x 61cms
Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed and glazed £200-300
97 97 ‡ DEWI TUDUR mixed media - entitled verso ‘Tir Cyfoethog / Rich Earth’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed and dated 2005, 25 x 20cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed £300-400
98 ‡ DEWI TUDUR mixed media on card - nocturnal landscape under moon, signed and dated 2010, 33 x 14cms
99 ‡ DEWI TUDUR mixed media on card - nocturnal landscape with fence and gate, signed and dated 2010, 46 x 16cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 100 ‡ DONALD McINTYRE mixed media - portrait of infant signed with initials, 26 x 20cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500 101 ‡ EDGAR HOLLOWAY watercolour - entitled verso ‘Capel-y-Ffin from Box Bush’, signed, dated verso 1970, 30 x 39cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Mid-Wales office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Mid-Wales office Comments: unframed £150-250 103 EDGAR HOLLOWAY watercolour and pencil, circa 1970s - entitled, ‘Above Blaen Bwch’, signed, 29 x 39.5cms
104 EDGAR HOLLOWAY watercolour, circa 1940s- group of tree-fellers working in the snow, signed, 26 x 37cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Mid-Wales office Comments: framed and glazed £200-300
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Mid-Wales office Comments: unframed £200-300
102 EDGAR HOLLOWAY watercolour and pencil, 1998 - entitled, ‘Aberaeron’, signed and dated 1998, 28 x 38cms
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 105 ‡ EVAN WALTERS charcoal - head and shoulders portrait with hands clasped, entitled verso ‘Portrait 1929’, signed, 51 x 34cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan
107 ‡ GLENYS COUR mixed media - entitled verso, ‘Celtic Twilight’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label verso, signed and dated 2001, 38 x 48cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
Comments: framed and glazed £300-400 106 ‡ GARETH THOMAS watercolour - entitled verso, ‘Towards the Rialto Bridge’, signed in full, 23 x 31cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
108 ‡ GWILYM PRICHARD mixed media - entitled verso ‘Tunisia, 1996’, signed with initials, 13 x 16.5cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed £200-300
109 ‡ GWILYM PRICHARD mixed media - entitled verso, ‘Llanberis Pass’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed in full, dated 1999 verso, 68 x 50cms Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire Comments: framed and glazed, damaged frame £1,000-1,500
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
110 110 ‡ GWILYM PRICHARD pastel - entitled verso ‘Santorini 1985’, 23 x 23cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed £300-400
111 111 ‡ GWILYM PRICHARD watercolour entitled verso ‘Tunisia, 1991’, signed, 12 x 16cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed £200-300
112 ‡ HARRY HOLLAND pencil on paper - life-study of a sitting nude, smoking, signed in full, 39 x 25cms Provenance: private collection Devon Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300 113 ‡ HELEN STEINTHAL watercolour - entitled verso, ‘Boats in Portmadoc Harbour’, inscribed verso, 20 x 46cms Provenance: private collection Herefordshire
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £150-250 114 ‡ IWAN GWYN PARRY large exhibition quality watercolour - entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘The Oil Refinery on the Estuary’, 74 x 105cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon (Anglesey) Comments: framed and glazed £200-400
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 115 ‡ JACK CRABTREE ink on paper - entitled verso, ‘Pithead Baths’, signed, dated verso 1976, 30 x 40cms
117 ‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER watercolour - landscape with church believed to be St Mary’s, Haverfordwest, signed and dated 1992, 14 x 9cms
Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500 116 ‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER watercolour - entitled verso, ‘Rose Cottage, Rye Harbour’, signed and dated 1991, 17 x 18cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £800-1,200
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500 118 ‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER watercolour and pen - figures on a beach with sailing boat at sea, entitled verso ‘Summer - Traeth Llwyn’, signed and dated 1980, 17 x 25cms
Provenance: private collection Lancashire Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang, no problems £200-400
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 119 ‡ JOHN MACFARLANE gouache and crayon entitled verso, ‘The Opera Box’, signed and dated ‘20, 20.5 x 26cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-400 120 ‡ JOHN MACFARLANE oil on paper - entitled verso, ‘Mirror, Idomeneo’, signed and dated ‘08, 28 x 29cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff.
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £150-250
122 121 ‡ JOHN PIPER mixed media - abstract coastal landscape, signed, 34 x 52cms Provenance: private collection, London Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £4,000-6,000 122 JOHN SYER (1815-1885) watercolour - Criccieth castle overlooking Tremadog bay with sailing boats, signed, 36 x 49cms
123 ‡ JONAH JONES watercolour - Llyn Yr Arddu, Eryri (Snowdonia), signed and dated ‘03, 29 x 39cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £400-600
Provenance: private collection Gwynedd
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-400
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 124 ‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA ink - standing figure with crossed arms, signed in pencil, 24 x 14cms
126 ‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA ink on paper - entitled verso ‘Gower Coast’ on Albany Gallery label, 19 x 25cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection Cardiff.
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300
125 ‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA ink - entitled verso, ‘Miners’ Pay Day’ on Albany Gallery label, 15.5 x 19cms
127 ‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA ink on paper - two figures in conversation, 12 x 17cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £150-250
128 ‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA inkwash - entitled verso ‘Two Cockle Pickers’ on Albany Gallery label, 11 x 16cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300
Provenance: private collection Cardiff. Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £150-250
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
130 129 ‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA watercolour - seated figure and resting dog on beach, 18 x 24cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £400-600 130 ‡ KAREL LEK watercolour and acrylic - entitled verso, ‘Gossip’ on Gorstella Gallery label, signed, 19 x 23cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300 131 ‡ KEITH BOWEN pastel - entitled verso, ‘Corlan Wernlas Deg’, signed and dated 2012 verso, 68 x 49cms Provenance: private collection Anglesey Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £1,000-1,500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
132 ‡ MARY LLOYD JONES mixed media entitled verso, ‘Nant Gwrtheyrn IV’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed and dated 2018, 20 x 26cms
134 ‡ MARY LLOYD JONES watercolour - entitled verso, ‘Neath Valley’, signed and dated ‘92, 20 x 25cms
Provenance: private collection South Wales
Provenance: private collection Ceredigion
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500 133 ‡ MARY LLOYD JONES mixed media - entitled verso, ‘Ogof Trwyn yr Hwch Fawr, Enlli’, ‘Cave of the Snout of the Big Sow Bardsey’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed and dated 2005, 35 x 45cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £600-800
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350 135 ‡ MARY LLOYD JONES watercolour - entitled verso, ‘Torri Coed’, ‘Felled Trees’, 20 x 25cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-400
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 136 ‡ MIKE JONES ink on paper - portrait of a man wearing a flat cap, signed, 23 x 18cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350 137 ‡ NEIL CANNING mixed media - entitled verso, ‘Deep Cliff’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed and dated verso 1998, 27 x 37cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500
138 ‡ NEIL CANNING mixed media - entitled verso, ‘Variations Oil’, signed and dated verso 2003, 15 x 23cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500
139 ‡ PETER BROWN mixed media - Cardiff scene, entitled verso, ‘Bute Street’ on Albany Gallery label, signed and dated ‘03, 20 x 24cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300
140 ‡ PETER PRENDERGAST mixed media - entitled verso, ‘Porth Penrhyn’, signed and dated 1998, 29 x 40cms Provenance: private collection Gwynedd Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-400
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 141 ‡ PETER PRENDERGAST pencil on paper - entitled verso, ‘Seated Sue’, signed, 22 x 17cms Provenance: private collection Mid Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300 142 ‡ PETER PRENDERGAST pencil on paper - entitled verso, ‘Study for Carneddau’, signed and dated ‘84, 54 x 74cms Provenance: private collection Gwynedd
Comments: unglazed, damaged frame, foxing, tears in paper £300-500 143 ‡ RAY HOWARD JONES gouache - entitled verso on The Alma Gallery, Bristol label ‘Welsh Landscape’, signed, 30 x 46cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion 143
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £400-600
144 ‡ RAY HOWARD JONES gouache - Pembrokeshire coast, entitled below on separate panel ‘Carreg Gwylan’, signed and dated 1964, 16 x 24cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion Comments: framed and glazed £400-600
145 145 ‡ ROB PIERCY watercolour entitled verso, ‘Cnicht, Croesor’, signed, 76 x 53cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-400
146 146 ‡ ROB PIERCY watercolour - entitled verso, ‘Cwm Pennant’, signed and dated ‘94, 52 x 74cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £400-600
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 147 ‡ ROGER CECIL mixed media - barren landscape with industrial building, signed, 26 x 86cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: discolouration / blemish as seen, framed and glazed, ready to hang £600-800
148 ‡ ROGER CECIL mixed media on card - entitled verso, ‘Pit Top’, signed in full, 26 x 19cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £500-600 149 ‡ ROGER CECIL mixed media on card semi-abstract nude, signed and dated 2002 verso, 13 x 11cms Provenance: private collection Staffordshire Comments: unframed £350-450
150 150 ‡ ROGER CECIL mixed media on paper - abstract, circa 1988, signed, 47 x 43cms Provenance: private collection Staffordshire Comments: unframed £600-800
151 151 ‡ ROGER CECIL oil pastel on card - entitled verso, ‘Celtic View II’, 14 x 18cms Provenance: private collection Staffordshire Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £500-700
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
152 ‡ ROGER CECIL oil pastel on card entitled verso, ‘Valley Life I’, 14 x 18cms
153 ‡ ROGER CECIL watercolour and pencil - entitled verso, ‘Storm Brewing Over Two Houses’, on Manor House Fine Arts label Cardiff, signed, 27 x 75cms
Provenance: private collection Staffordshire
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £500-700
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £700-1,000
154 ‡ SALLY JAMES THOMAS linocut and mixed media - entitled verso, ‘Night Field Study II’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label verso, signed in pencil, 44 x 30cms
155 ‡ SEREN BELL mixed media - group of cheviot sheep and lambs in a winter landscape, entitled verso ‘Below the Black Mountains’, and with Fosse Gallery label, signed, 47 x 48cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300
Provenance: private collection Denbighshire Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang, fine example £500-800
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
156 156 ‡ SHANI RHYS JAMES charcoal – entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label, and bottom right ‘Kitchen Study’, signed and dated 1987, 84 x 60cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed £400-600
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
157 ‡ THOMAS RATHMELL watercolour - entitled verso, ‘On The Mersey Ferry’, signed, dated verso 1938, 36 x 27cms
158 ‡ VALERIE GANZ charcoal on paper - entitled verso, ‘Tired Pair, Heading for Home’, signed in full, 28 x 23cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £150-200
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £700-1,000
158 159 ‡ VALERIE GANZ mixed media - group of miners, signed, 24 x 32cms Provenance: private collection, Swansea Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £800-1,200 160 ‡ VIVIENNE LUXTON mixed media - farmer and son clutching pigs, signed, 27 x 27cms Provenance: private collection Herefordshire Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £150-250
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
161 ‡ WILL EVANS mixed media - bombed-out street of Swansea after the Blitz of 1941, with two figures believed to be wearing military uniform, boots and helmets, entitled bottom right ‘Gower Street’, 37 x 54cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion
162 ‡ WILL EVANS pen and inkwash - view of a Swansea town centre street after a German bombing of 1941, signed with single initial ‘E’, 37 x 48cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion Comments: later framed and glazed £300-400
Comments: later framed and glazed £300-400 163 ‡ WILL EVANS watercolour documenting the destruction in part of Swansea town during World War II, shortly after a bombing by the Luftwaffe, 38 x 56cms Provenance: private collection Derbyshire Comments: framed and glazed £400-600 164 ‡ WILL EVANS watercolour farmstead and trees, 38 x 56cms
Provenance: private collection Derbyshire Comments: framed and glazed £250-350 165 ‡ WILL EVANS watercolour - street of terraced houses with figures, 39 x 57cms Provenance: private collection Derbyshire Comments: framed and glazed £250-350
166 ‡ WILL EVANS watercolour on card - harbour, town and figures, 39 x 55cms Provenance: private collection Derbyshire Comments: framed and glazed £250-350
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 167 ‡ WILL ROBERTS mixed media gardener tending to a flower bed, signed, 21 x 29cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £1,000-1,500
168 ‡ WILL ROBERTS mixed media - workers in a field, signed and dated ‘95, 23 x 34cms
169 ‡ WILL ROBERTS watercolour - landscape and clouds, signed, 29 x 40cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £400-600
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-400
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
170 ‡ WILLIAM SELWYN watercolour - entitled verso ‘Sunset Towards Anglesey’, signed, 14.5 x 19.5cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500 171 ‡ WILLIAM SELWYN watercolour - entitled verso, ‘Santa Maria Della Salute, Sunset’ on Albany Gallery label, signed, 30 x 39cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500 172 ‡ WILLIAM SELWYN watercolour - inscribed verso, ‘Ffestiniog Railway, Porthmadog’, signed, 20 x 27.5cms Provenance: private collection, Shropshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Comments: framed, ready to hang £300-500 173 ‡ WILLIAM SELWYN watercolour and pencil - farmer and cow at sunrise, signed, 14 x 20cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-400
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Prints & Paintings by Sir Kyffin Williams RA Printiau a Phaentiadau gan Syr Kyffin Williams RA
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
174 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (113/150) print Llyn Padarn, signed with initials, 49 x 66cms
176 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (15/50) print a farmstead in Hendre Waelod, fully signed in pencil, 37 x 54cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection Swansea
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-400
175 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (41/150) print Nant Ffrancon, fully signed in pencil, 39 x 49cms
177 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (68/250) print - sunset at Moel y Don on the Menai, signed with initials, 40 x 50cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
Comments: unframed £200-300
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 178 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (67/75) print - Mott the sheepdog, fully signed in pencil, 30 x 50cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300 179 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA artist’s proof print - Ynys Mon coast with sun, signed fully in pencil, 30 x 42cms Provenance: private collection Gwynedd Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300
180 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (53/250) print ‘Sunset Moel Y Don’, signed with initials, 40 x 49cms Provenance: private collection Gwynedd Comments: unframed £200-300 181 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (138/150) lithograph - St Cwyfan’s church, Aberffraw, Ynys Mon (Anglesey), fully signed in pencil, 37 x 50cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
182 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA artist’s proof monoprint Patagonian horseman riding, signed, 37 x 48cms
183 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (6/150) lithograph - rocky coastline, signed fully in pencil, 37 x 50cms
184 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (69/350) print Aberffraw, signed with initials, 40 x 50cms
185 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (71/350) lithograph - Caernarfon Castle, signed with initials, 29 x 39cms
Provenance: private collection Oxfordshire
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-400
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-400
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 186 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (121/150) print - Gower at sunset, signed with initials, 61 x 60cms Provenance: private collection Gwynedd Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500 187 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA linocut and greetings card group of Welsh black cattle in a green background, signed with initials, framed together with a handwritten message ‘Happy Christmas to you all, Kyffin’, 39 x 31cms (incl. frame) Provenance: private collection Ceredigion 186
Comments: framed, ready to hang £300-400
188 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (189/250) print cottages in a country lane, signed with initials, 51 x 37cms
189 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA colour print - crouching sheepdog, initialled in pencil, 19 x 46cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon (Anglesey)
Provenance: private collection Ceredigion
Comments: framed and glazed £300-400
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-400
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 193 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA early pencil sketch - head-portrait of bespectacled gent smoking a pipe, inscribed below ‘Burdened with....’ and signed with initials, 13.5 x 11cms
190 190 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (241/275) Gwasg Gregynog book of linocuts - ‘Cutting Images’, dated 2002, signed and with signed attribution, slip-case Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: good condition £400-600 191 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA lithograph ‘Ogwen Falls’, unnumbered, signed with initials, 48 x 21cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Mid-Wales office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £400-600 192 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (114/150) colour print - entitled ‘Hendre Waelod’, signed fully in pencil, 45 x 69cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion
Provenance: private collection Bangor, Gwynedd, an unusual early drawing by Sir Kyffin Williams, the drawing was discovered within a bureau which the vendor was French polishing on Sir Kyffin’s behalf, a few years before the artist’s death. On discovery of the drawing the vendor informed his client Sir Kyffin on the phone of its existence, Sir Kyffin remembered the drawing and the vendor recalls that he confirmed it to be his hand and explained who the sitter was (which the vendor has now unsure of but possibly recalls that he was an Anglesey clergyman), Sir Kyffin at that point told the vendor he was welcome to keep the drawing. Sir Kyffin Williams was a repeat client of the vendor’s French polishing business as was Bangor University who received donations of furniture and effects from the artist during his life and whom was a beneficiary of The Sir Kyffin Williams Estate valued by our company in 2006/2007. To accompany a signed volume of ‘Across the Straits’ also gifted to the vendor, together with a funeral tribute to the artist which was attended by the vendor Comments: recently framed and glazed, sl. foxing, paper has aged, circa 1930s/40s, ‘Across the Straits’ without dj £300-400
Comments: framed and glazed £600-800
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 194 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA ink and wash - Corte Novello, Venice, signed with initials, 30 x 45cms Provenance: private collection Somerset Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £1,000-2,000
194 195 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA watercolour - coastal scene with another light pencil sketch of a horse verso, 37 x 49cms Provenance: private collection, Cardiff, letter from previous owner Mrs B Lloyd-Williams explaining that her husband received the painting as a gift from Sir Kyffin Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £1,200-1,800
195 196 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA watercolour - Eryri (Snowdonia) ridge at night, 39 x 48cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Mid-Wales office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £2,500-3,500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 197 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA mixed media - upland cottage behind dry-stone walls and gate, ‘Cottage Cilgwyn’, signed with initials, 22 x 36cms Provenance: private collection Carmarthenshire Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £3,000-4,000
198 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA watercolour - entitled verso, ‘Evening Storm’, signed with initials, 39 x 48cms Provenance: private collection, Stockport Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £3,000-4,000
198 199 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA watercolour and pencil entitled verso, ‘Shire Horse’ on Albany Gallery label, signed with initials, 29.5 x 35cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £3,500-4,500
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 200 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA inkwash - Penrhyn Du Farm, Ynys Mon (Anglesey) with approaching storm, signed with initials, 40 x 56cms Provenance: private collection Cumbria, purchase receipt from Abbott and Holder Ltd from 2003 Comments: framed and glazed £4,000-6,000
201 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA watercolour and pencil Patagonian horse and rider at full gallop, signed with initials, 26 x 34cms Provenance: private collection, Stockport Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £4,000-6,000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
202 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA ink and wash - upland stone dwelling and drystone walls, signed with initials, 36 x 55cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Mid-Wales office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £4,000-5,000 203 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA ink and wash - entitled verso ‘Shepherd and Dog’ on Oriel Tegfryn Gallery label, signed with initials, 48 x 36cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £5,000-7,000
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
204 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on canvas - hazy sun with Eryri (Snowdonia) mountains, lake and distant sea, entitled verso ‘Llyn Ffynhonnau’ on 1990 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition label, signed with initial, 71 x 91cms Provenance: by descent, vendor’s father purchased at Royal Academy as above Comments: a fine sunset scene with dramatic mountains and good variation of colour, worthy of the prestige of a Royal Academy exhibition £30,000-40,000
Buyer’s Premium: 24.5% + VAT (29.4%) on all lots up to £24,999, 20% + VAT (24%) on all lots £25,000 and over, 15% + VAT (18%) on all lots £30,000 and over, 10% + VAT (12%) on all lots £35,000 and over * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
204 ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
205 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA large oil on canvas - Eryri (Snowdonia) landscape with upland farm, dry-stone walls, Welsh black cattle and two patrolling Welsh Collie sheepdogs, entitled verso on Thackeray Gallery label, ‘Dyffryn y Fron’, signed with initials, 75 x 126cms Provenance: private collection London, purchased from Thackeray Gallery, London, by the vendor in 1999 Comments: an unusual large size for Sir Kyffin, exceptional example of exhibition quality £20,000-30,000
Buyer’s Premium: 24.5% + VAT (29.4%) on all lots up to £24,999, 20% + VAT (24%) on all lots £25,000 and over, 15% + VAT (18%) on all lots £30,000 and over, 10% + VAT (12%) on all lots £35,000 and over * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
206 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on canvas - coastal scene with cliffs, inscribed verso ‘Kyffin Williams’ and ‘Pembroke Coast’, signed with initials, circa 1950s, 56 x 76cms Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire, to accompany two signed letters from the artist on headed paper confirming that the lot was painted in the 1950s when he was ‘staying in St David’s’ Comments: finely framed, ready to hang £17,000-22,000
Buyer’s Premium: 24.5% + VAT (29.4%) on all lots up to £24,999, 20% + VAT (24%) on all lots £25,000 and over, 15% + VAT (18%) on all lots £30,000 and over, 10% + VAT (12%) on all lots £35,000 and over * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
207 207 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on canvas - Eryri (Snowdonia) landscape, entitled verso ‘Moelwyn Mawr’, circa 1940s/50s, signed with initials, 50 x 68cms Provenance: private collection, by descent, family association with artist Comments: framed, ready to hang £12,000-18,000
Buyer’s Premium: 24.5% + VAT (29.4%) on all lots up to £24,999, 20% + VAT (24%) on all lots £25,000 and over, 15% + VAT (18%) on all lots £30,000 and over, 10% + VAT (12%) on all lots £35,000 and over * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 208 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on canvas, circa 1950s entitled verso ‘Holy Trinity Paddington’, signed with initials, 69 x 50cms Provenance: private collection, London, exhibited ‘Kyffin Williams: Paper to Palette Knife’ at Highgate School / Highgate Museum, 2018 and in 2022 Oriel Ynys Mon ‘Kyffin - The London Years’ Auctioneer’s Note: Holy Trinity was demolished in 1984, Kyffin Williams lived in London for thirty years after joining Highgate School to teach art in 1944 Comments: framed, ready to hang £10,000-15,000
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 209 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on canvas - landscape with fields and village to the centre, including chapel, under a blue sky, signed with initials, circa 1960s, 50 x 60cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office, purchased John Noott Gallery, Broadway, Worcestershire 1988 Comments: framed, minor cracks to the thicker paint application on the right side, canvas stabilised verso £5,000-10,000
210 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA early oil on board, circa 1951 - Irish landscape with monastery, entitled verso ‘Glendalough, Co. Wicklow’ with signature, 28 x 39cms Provenance: signed handwritten letter from the artist to the vendor’s deceased Aunt with his Holland Villas Address, dated 1951, regarding the purchase of the painting by Mary Ponsonby deceased (please see online image) Comments: framed £4,500-5,500
Buyer’s Premium: 24.5% + VAT (29.4%) on all lots up to £24,999, 20% + VAT (24%) on all lots £25,000 and over, 15% + VAT (18%) on all lots £30,000 and over, 10% + VAT (12%) on all lots £35,000 and over * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
211 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on canvas - London landscape with figure walking amongst trees, entitled ‘A Walk in Hampstead Heath’, circa 1950s, 49 x 59cms Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire, formerly in the ownership of Mrs Audrey Osmond Weldon, a friend of the artist, to accompany a letter from Mrs Weldon, 26.06.08, confirming that the painting was given to her by Sir Kyffin in the 1950s, also a two page letter to Mrs Weldon from the artist, dated 12.11.00, which questions the appeal of his own work, raises the issue of there not being an existence a National Welsh gallery and commenting on he not being able to paint due to his ongoing chemotherapy Comments: framed and ready to hang £14,000-18,000
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
212 212 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on board - minarets in Rhodes, with blue sky and trees, signed with initials, 29.5 x 39.5cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff., accompanying the painting is a letter from Sir Kyffin Williams, dated 1992, ‘Dear …, how very good to hear from you and I am delighted to know that you have my small painting of minarets in Rhodes. I mention my visit there in ‘A wider sky’ in the chapter on Greece. The main purpose on the Hellenic cruise was not to listen to lectures but to paint whenever the boat pulled into harbour. I always rather liked your small oil and I have never exhibited before the disabled show. I am very interested’ Comments: framed, ready to hang £7,000-10,000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
WORKS BY ANEURIN JONES 213 ‡ ANEURIN JONES print - farmers in conversation, signed in pencil, 30 x 35cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350 214 ‡ ANEURIN JONES pencil and ink on paper - entitled, ‘Carnabwth’, signed in full, 20 x 29cms
Provenance: private collection Gloucestershire Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £400-600 215 ‡ ANEURIN JONES oil on board three standing farmers in field, signed, 20 x 20cms Provenance: private collection Carmarthenshire Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-700 216 ‡ ANEURIN JONES oil on board entitled verso, ‘Sel Defaid’, signed, 34 x 29cms Provenance: private collection, London
Comments: framed, ready to hang £800-1,200 217 ‡ ANEURIN JONES oil on board Welsh cobs with handlers amongst crowds of people, signed verso, 22 x 31cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff. Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,000-2,000
217 ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
218 ‡ ANEURIN JONES mixed media - entitled verso, ‘After the Storm’, signed, 40 x 53cms
220 ‡ ANEURIN JONES oil on card - portrait of a farmer in a flat cap, signed on mount, 15 x 11cms
Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire
Provenance: private collection Carmarthenshire
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £1,200-1,800
Comments: framed, ready to hang £300-500
219 ‡ ANEURIN JONES conté drawing - ‘Bois Talsarn’ entitled verso on Attic Gallery label, signed, 40.5 x 54.5cms
221 ‡ ANEURIN JONES acrylic on board - entitled verso, ‘Penclawdd’, signed verso, 60 x 90cms
Provenance: deceased estate Carmarthenshire
Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £1,500-2,000
Comments: framed, ready to hang £2,500-3,500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Oils, Sculpture & Other Medium Olewau, Cerfluniau a Chanolig Arall
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
225 222 ALAN WILLIAMS acrylic - entitled verso, ‘Anglesey Cottage’, signed, 25 x 39cms
224 ALAN WILLIAMS acrylic entitled verso, ‘Moelfre’, signed, 34 x 53cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
223 ALAN WILLIAMS acrylic - entitled verso, ‘Coracle Men’, signed, 34 x 43cms
225 ALAN WILLIAMS acrylic - entitled verso, ‘The Old Bridge, Velindre’, signed, 33 x 51cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300
226 ALFRED DE BREANSKI SNR oil on canvas - artist’s handwritten title verso, ‘The Foot of Snowdon at Llyn Y Ddinas’, with artist’s address, signed, 80 x 65cms Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire 226
Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,000-1,500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
227 ‡ DAI DAVID oil on card - entitled verso, ‘Gondolas, Grand Canal’ on Albany Gallery label, signed with initials, 17 x 17cms
228 ‡ OGWYN DAVIES acrylic - entitled verso, ‘Ysgubor - Wal Arw / Barn - Rough Wall’, signed and dated ‘06, 16 x 27cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection Mid-Wales
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £150-250
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £500-600 229 ‡ ROGER CECIL oil and pastel on card - entitled verso, ‘Mission’ on New Academy Gallery label, signed, 19 x 16cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £500-600
231 ‡ ALLAN GWYNNE-JONES oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Anemones’, indistinctly signed and dated 1942, 32 x 39cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon (Anglesey) Comments: later framed £400-600
230 ‡ ALLAN GWYNNE-JONES oil on board - entitled verso, ‘St Davids Cathedral’, signed verso, 17.5 x 25cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon (Anglesey) Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300 229 232 232 ‡ ANTHONY DOUGLAS-JONES oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Scent of Summer’ on Attic Gallery label verso, signed, 24.5 x 29.5cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed, ready to hang £250-350 230
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
234 233 ‡ AUDREY HIND oil on board - ‘Anglesey Farmhouse and Outbuildings’, signed, 48.5 x 89cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed, ready to hang £700-1,000
234 ‡ AUDREY HIND oil on board - entitled verso, ‘Beach, Red Wharf’, signed, 29.5 x 59.5cms
235 ‡ AUDREY HIND oil on board - entitled verso, ‘Cottage Llanfwrog’, signed, 39.5 x 75cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Comments: framed, ready to hang £600-800
Comments: framed, ready to hang £800-1,200 236 No lot
237 ‡ CAREY MORRIS oil on canvas - portrait of Mrs Evans, a Llangwm fisherwoman, wearing wide-brimmed hat, skirt, apron and shawl signed in full, 47 x 39cms Provenance: private collection Conwy, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office, a wedding present in 1961, from the artist to the vendor’s mother who was originally from Llandeilo, now a resident of Porthaethwy, Ynys Mon. The family also own a portrait by Carey Morris of Mrs Annie Mary Frances Menna Leyshon nee Williams Auctioneer’s Note: this newly discovered portrait is a version of a larger portrait which we sold at The Welsh Sale in 2017, the larger portrait is illustrated in ‘A Celtic Canvas - The Life, Work and Times of Carey Morris Artist, 1882-1968’ by Glyn Rhys (Y Lolfa, 2013). The larger painting was titled ‘A Welsh Fisherwoman’ and the sitter is described in Glyn Rhys’ book as a Mrs Evans of Llangwm, who would ‘...get up at four in the morning to walk the 35 miles each way, if necessary, to Carmarthen, to sell fish she had caught the day before’. The larger version was exhibited at the Royal Academy. Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £1,000-1,500
237 90
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 238 ‡ CHARLES BURTON oil on board - entitled verso, ‘Little Square Picture’, signed, 28.5 x 29.5cms Provenance: private collection Somerset Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-600 239 ‡ CHARLES BURTON oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Walking in the Snow’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed and dated ‘03 verso, 23 x 29cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff. Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-600
240 ‡ CHARLES FREDERICK TUNNICLIFFE OBE RA oil on canvas - portrait of a cob, signed, 27 x 22cms Provenance: private collection Gwynedd Comments: framed, ready to hang £800-1,200 241 ‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN early oil on board - river scene with trees and old mill building, signed, 39 x 49cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion Comments: later framed and glazed £400-600
242 ‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - Eryri (Snowdonia) landscape with cottages, signed 23.5 x 54cms
243 ‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - entitled verso ‘The Rivals from Brynsiencyn’, signed, 24 x 54cms
Provenance: private collection, Shropshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Provenance: private collection Ireland Comments: framed, ready to hang £600-800
Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-600
242 ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
243 91
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
246 244 ‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - entitled verso, ‘Farm Buildings in Snowdonia’ on Manor House Fine Arts label verso, signed, 37 x 47cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff.
Comments: framed, ready to hang £300-500 245 ‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board entitled verso, ‘Snowdon from Llyn Mymbyr’, signed, 23.5 x 54cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Comments: framed, ready to hang £300-500 246 ‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - Eryri (Snowdonia) landscape with lake and silver birch trees, signed, 24 x 54cms Provenance: private collection, Shropshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-600
247 ‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - Eryri (Snowdonia) landscape with silver birch trees, signed, 29 x 74cms Provenance: private collection Denbighshire Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-600 248 ‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - Eryri (Snowdonia) mountain range with stream and silver birch trees, signed, 24 x 54.5cms Provenance: private collection Conwy, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £400-600 249 ‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - Eryri (Snowdonia) scene with lake and silver birches, signed in full, 19 x 34cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
250 250 ‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - farmstead and track with mountains in background, signed, 38 x 49cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed, ready to hang £500-700 251 ‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - upland Eryri (Snowdonia) landscape, signed, 18 x 33cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-400
252 252 ‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - whitewashed cottage and track leading to Llanberis Pass, signed, 23.5 x 54cms Provenance: private collection, Shropshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-600
253 ‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - whitewashed cottage in mountain landscape, possibly Nant Y Betws, signed, 18.5 x 34cms Provenance: private collection, Shropshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Comments: framed, ready to hang £300-500
254 ‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - whitewashed cottage with blue door, signed, 19 x 34cms
255 ‡ MIHANGEL JONES oil on canvas - red boat, signed with initials, 26 x 21cms
Provenance: private collection, Shropshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Comments: framed, ready to hang £150-200
Provenance: private collection Denbighshire
Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-600 255
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 256 ‡ WENDY MURPHY oil on board - entitled verso ‘Camellias’, signed with initials, 39 x 29cms Provenance: private collection Denbighshire Comments: framed £150-250 257 ‡ DAVID KNIGHT oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Haze’, signed, 44 x 47cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed, ready to hang £150-250
258 ‡ SARAH CARVELL oil on canvas entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Golden Fields and Blue Sky’, signed verso and dated 2006, 20 x 51cms
Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed £200-300 259 ‡ EMRYS WILLIAMS oil on linen - harbour scene with figure, entitled verso ‘Figure and Boat 2008’, signed, 30 x 40cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed £200-300
259 260 ‡ MIKE JONES oil on board - still-life, red roses, signed, 30 x 22cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed, ready to hang £200-300
261 ‡ JOHN UZZELL EDWARDS oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Carnival Group II’ signed verso, 25 x 35cms
Provenance: private collection Herefordshire Comments: framed, ready to hang £200-400
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
263 262 262 ‡ EDWIN FORREST oil on board - castle and bridge, possibly Ludlow, signed, 29.5 x 39cms
264 ‡ SEIRIOL DAVIES oil on board - entitled verso, ‘Pen y Rhes’, signed and dated 1989, 44 x 54.5cms
Provenance: deceased estate Gwynedd
Provenance: private collection Gwynedd
Comments: framed £250-350
Comments: framed, ready to hang £250-350
263 ‡ CLIVE BURNELL acrylic on board - entitled verso, ‘The Bay’, signed, 60 x 60cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed, ready to hang £250-350
265 ‡ DAVID LLOYD GRIFFITH oil on board - entitled verso, ‘Blue Gladiola in a Jug’ signed with initials, dated verso 2018, 58 x 43cms
264 266 ‡ KATHRYN LE GRICE acrylic - entitled, ‘Paris III’ on Attic Gallery Label verso, signed with initials, signed and dated verso 2013, 28 x 19.5cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed, ready to hang £250-350
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
267 ‡ VIVIENNE WILLIAMS acrylic - poppies, 55 x 20cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
268 ‡ MAURICE COCKRILL oil on canvas, a pair - entitled verso, ‘Study Wheat 4’ & ‘Study Wheat 6’ on Bernard Jacobson Gallery London labels, dated verso 1992 Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Comments: framed, ready to hang £250-350
269 ‡ TOM NASH acrylic - abstract picture of flowers, signed, 49 x 36cms
270 ‡ IVOR DAVIES oil on panel - still life of fruit, signed, 45.5 x 30cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon (Anglesey)
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
Comments: framed £250-350
271 271 ‡ DAVID BARNES oil on canvas - street scene with a row of white cottages, signed with initials, 30 x 40cms Provenance: private collection Herefordshire Comments: framed, ready to hang £300-400
272 272 ‡ PETER BROWN oil on board - entitled verso, ‘Shoppers, Milsom Street, Bath’ on Albany Gallery label, signed and dated 2000, 19 x 23cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
273 ‡ IWAN GWYN PARRY oil on board entitled verso, ‘Evening Departure at Last Light’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed and dated verso 2004, 46 x 46cms
274 ‡ SCOTT NISBET oil on board - entitled verso ‘Banc-Y-Darren’, signed, 60 x 75cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection Herefordshire, purchased from the National Library of Wales, Summer 1969
Comments: framed, ready to hang £300-500
Comments: framed, ready to hang £300-500
277 277 WILLIAM DUNN oil on boards, a pair - Eryri (Snowdonia) landscapes, comprising Cromlech Bridge at Llanberis Pass and a rare view of the early ramshackle buildings on the summit of Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon), signed, both 30 x 46cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
275 275 ‡ WENDY LLOYD oil on card - entitled verso, ‘Penuwch, 2’, signed, 15 x 50cms Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500 276 FOLLOWER OF JAMES HARRIS 19th Century oil on canvas - off the Swansea coast with boats, label verso for ‘Artists Colourman Swansea’ (retailer in operation circa 1889), 50 x 75cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Comments: framed, ready to hang £300-400
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Auctioneer’s Note: there are very few images of the early buildings at the summit of Yr Wyddfa, these buildings predate the railway, and were erected at the Snowdon summit in 1838 to sell refreshments, and a licence to sell intoxicating liquor was granted in 1845. Very basic accommodation was also provided for visitors. The station opened with the railway on 6 April 1896, but both closed the same day following an accident. They reopened a year later, on 9 April 1897. After the station opened, the company unsuccessfully strove to get an alcohol licence for its own proposed new hotel. During the 1930s, many complaints were received about the state of the facilities at the summit and in 1934/5 a new station building was erected in two phases; the upstairs accommodation was completed in 1937. They were designed by Sir Clough Williams-Ellis Comments: framed, ready to hang £300-400
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
278 278 ‡ GARETH THOMAS oil - entitled verso, ‘Houses Near Trearddur’ on Albany Gallery label verso, signed, 28 x 38cms Provenance: private collection South Wales Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang, fine example £300-500
279 279 ‡ NIA MACKEOWN oil on board - entitled verso, ‘On Their Way’, signed, 25.5 x 30cms
281 ‡ GARETH THOMAS acrylic - beach at sunset, signed, 15.5 x 24cms Provenance: private collection Flintshire
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Comments: framed and glazed £300-500
Comments: framed, ready to hang £300-400
282 ‡ STEPHEN JOHN OWEN oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Bryn Ffynon’ on Albany Gallery label, signed with initials, 23 x 30cms
280 ‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER oil on card - entitled verso, ‘Disturbed Sea’, signed and dated 2004, 12 x 17cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon (Anglesey)
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500 280
281 98
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 283 ‡ GWYN ROBERTS oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Crib Y Ddysgl’, signed with initials, 59 x 60 cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed, ready to hang £300-500
284 ‡ MARY HUSTED mixed media construction on ceramic tile - entitled verso, ‘Keep Pace with the Wind’, signed verso, 28 x 29cms
Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-400
285 ‡ GWYN ROBERTS oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Hen Ffordd Nant Ffrancon’, signed with initials, 50 x 100cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-700 285
286 ‡ PETER PRENDERGAST oil on panel entitled verso, ‘Toffee Mountain’, dated verso c.1970, 28 x 39cms
287 ‡ DAVID BARNES oil on canvas entitled verso ‘Stream Below Llech Ddu’, 38 x 38cms
Provenance: private collection Gwynedd
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
288 ‡ DAVID BARNES oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Cottages in the West’, signed with initials, signed fully and dated verso 2009, 29 x 40cms
Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-600
Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-600
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-600 99
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
289 ‡ EDWIN FORREST oil on board - entitled verso, ‘Digging for Bait, West Shore, Llandudno’, signed, 12.5 x 18cms Provenance: private collection, Cheshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-600 289
290 290 ‡ KARINA ROSANNE BARRETT acrylic on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Wild Island Dwelling III’ on Oriel Tegfryn Gallery label, signed with initials, dated verso 2013, 60 x 60cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
292 ‡ JACQUELINE ALKEMA oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Molly’, signed verso on Ffin Y Parc Gallery label, 94 x 79cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-600 293 ‡ ROBERT HUNTER oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Magic Land’, inscribed verso, 76 x 92cms
Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-600 291 ‡ SALLY MOORE oil on board - entitled verso, ‘Foot Loose’, signed verso, 36.5 x 44cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £400-600
Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-600
293 100
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
296 294 ‡ DAVID BARNES oil on board - entitled verso, ‘North of Llanddwyn Island’, signed verso, 39 x 60cms
296 ‡ WENDY LLOYD oil on card - entitled verso ‘Fferm Fynydd 4’, signed verso, 24 x 39cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Mid-Wales office
Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire
Comments: framed, ready to hang £400-600
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £400-600
295 ‡ WENDY LLOYD oil on card - farm buildings, signed with initials, 25 x 40cms
297 ‡ WENDY LLOYD oil on canvas - family self portrait, signed with initials, 91 x 91cms
Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire
Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £400-600
Comments: framed, ready to hang £500-700
298 ‡ HARRY HOLLAND oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Green Dress’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed, dated verso 2006, 39 x 55cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff. Comments: framed, ready to hang £500-800
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 299 ‡ GARETH PARRY oil on canvas entitled verso, ‘End of a Lovely Day’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed, dated verso 2010, 60 x 60cms Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire Comments: framed, ready to hang £500-800
300 THOMAS NATHANIEL DAVIES oil on board - entitled verso, ‘Water Tower, Guest Keen, Iron & Steel’ on label for Industrial Wales - The Seventh Exhibition of Contemporary Welsh Painting, Drawing & Sculpture, 1960, signed verso, 93 x 60cms
Provenance: private collection Devon, directly from the artist’s estate (note no ARR) Comments: framed, ready to hang £500-600
301 ‡ PETER PRENDERGAST oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Small Self Portrait 1’, signed in full verso, 30 x 26cms
302 ‡ PETER PRENDERGAST oil on board - Eryri landscape, looking towards Tan y Garth from the artist’s former studio in Gerlan, signed verso, 16.5 x 18.5cms
303 ‡ WILL ROBERTS oil on canvas - red sailing boat at sea, signed and dated verso 1968, 40 x 50cms
Provenance: private collection Gwynedd
Provenance: private collection Mid Glamorgan
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Comments: framed, ready to hang £500-700
Comments: framed, ready to hang £500-700
Comments: framed, ready to hang £600-800
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 304 ‡ WYNNE JENKINS oil on canvas entitled verso, ‘Moelni, Eryri’, signed verso, 40 x 50cms Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire Comments: framed, ready to hang £600-900 305 ‡ EDWIN FORREST oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Summer Hedgerow, Gower Road, Trefriw’, signed, 45 x 60.5cms
Provenance: private collection, Cheshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Comments: framed, ready to hang £700-1,000 306 ‡ MATTHEW SNOWDEN acrylic on canvas - entitled verso ‘Pass of Llanberis’, signed, 49 x 99cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed, ready to hang £700-1,000
307 307 THOMAS MILES RICHARDSON (1784-1848) oil on canvas - Conwy estuary, with figures, beached fishing boat and Conwy Castle with Thomas Telford ‘s suspension bridge, George Hughes Fine Art Dealer (Newcastle) label verso, signed, 63 x 101cms Provenance: private collection Sweden Comments: framed, ready to hang £700-1,000
308 308 ‡ PETER PRENDERGAST oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Billy’s House, Autumn Day’ on Boundary Gallery label verso, dated verso 1998, 46 x 61cms Provenance: private collection Gwynedd Comments: framed, ready to hang £800-1,000
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
309 309 ‡ WILL ROBERTS oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Inquisitive Calf’, signed and dated verso 1978, 24 x 29cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed, ready to hang £800-1,200
311 104
310 ‡ ROGER CECIL oil, pastel and card - entitled verso on The New Academy Gallery, London label ‘Abstract Miniature’, 10.5 x 9cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £800-1,200
310 311 ‡ NEALE HOWELLS mixed media on wooden panel - entitled verso, ‘Remember When I Was Popular’ signed and dated ‘23 verso, 150 x 100cms
312 ‡ KEVIN SINNOTT oil on board - seated figure with hand on knee, entitled verso on Bernard Jacobson Gallery label ‘In the City’, dated 1985, signed with initials, 34 x 27cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection Cambridgeshire, consigned via our Cardiff office
Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,000-2,000
Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,000-1,500
313 ‡ CLAUDIA WILLIAMS oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘What Have You Found?’, signed with initials, dated verso October 2005, 32 x 23cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,000-1,500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
314 ‡ WILL ROBERTS oil on canvas - entitled, ‘Worker in the Field’, signed and dated ‘98, 24.5 x 29cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,000-1,500 315 ‡ GWILYM PRICHARD oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Fferm Wen, Sir Fon’, ‘White Farm, Anglesey’, on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed with initials, signed and dated verso 2004, 18 x 26cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,000-1,500 316 ‡ EDWIN FORREST oil on board - entitled verso, ‘River Conwy from Llanrwst Bridge’, on Williamson Art Gallery Label verso, signed, 51 x 77cms Provenance: private collection, Cheshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,000-1,500
317 ‡ STEVEN WHITEHEAD oil on canvas - entitled, ‘Back of the Yards’, dated verso 1983, 75 x 101cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Mid Wales office, exhibited at Aberystwyth Arts Centre Auctioneer’s Note: Whitehead is now one of the UK’s foremost hyper-realist painters. He trained under David Tinker at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth and twice won the Wales Open, where a companion for this painting, Platform Two, was purchased by the Contemporary Art Society for Wales Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,000-1,500 317
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 318 EDWARD FRANCIS DREW PRITCHARD (1809-1905) oil on canvas entitled verso, ‘Sunrise After a Storm, Mumbles’, signed and dated ‘55, signed in full verso, 75 x 125cms Provenance: collection of the Late Dai Evans, former Director of Picton Castle and former curator of Petworth House Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,000-1,500
319 319 CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS RBA circular oil on canvas - young woman sewing baby’s clothes before a landscape with cherubs, entitled verso ‘First Garments’ and signed verso, 76cms diam Provenance: private collection MidWales, with Phillips auction house at the artist’s studio auction on behalf of the Williams family, catalogued by Phillips as ‘The Seamstress’ (Lot 9, 1986) Auctioneer’s Note: Christopher Williams’ mother died shortly after his birth, and he was christened on her coffin, consequently motherhood and babes in arms were an enduring theme in his paintings Comments: fine condition in an impressive square gilt frame £1,000-2,000
321 320 ‡ SELWYN JONES thick impasto oil on board - Ynys Mon (Anglesey) harbour, entitled verso in artist’s hand ‘Moelfre’ and artist’s Caernarfon address, circa 1960s, signed verso, 36 x 51cms
321 ‡ RAY HOWARD JONES oil on board Pembrokeshire landscape entitled verso, ‘Tide on the Gann’ on Ernest Brown & Phillips Galley, London label, signed and dated ‘70 , 46 x 76cms
Provenance: private collection Mid-Wales
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office
Comments: contemporaneous frame, ready to hang £500-600
Comments: framed, ready to hang, fine exhibition quality example £1,000-1,500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
322 ‡ GWILYM PRICHARD oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Beach, Llanddona’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed, dated verso 1979, 35 x 44cms Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,000-1,500
322 324 ‡ WILL ROBERTS oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Footbridge, Cookham’, signed and dated verso 1998, 45 x 55cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Carmarthen office Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,200-1,800
325 ‡ GWILYM PRITCHARD oil on canvas - estuary at sunset, signed and dated ‘80, 40 x 50cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,500-2,500
326 ‡ WILL ROBERTS oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Man Carrying a Bucket’, on Albany Gallery label, signed with initials, signed and dated 1999 verso, 29.5 x 39.5cms
323 ‡ PETER PRENDERGAST oil on panel - entitled verso, ‘Head of Miner’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label verso, signed and dated verso 1989, 33 x 27cms
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
Provenance: private collection Cardiff, inscribed verso in artist’s hand ‘Homage to the Striking Miners my Father was a Miner’.
Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,500-2,000
Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,000-1,500
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
327 ‡ KEVIN SINNOTT oil on panel - entitled verso, ‘Modern Eclogue’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed with initials, 20.5 x 30.5cms
328 ‡ MURIEL DELAHAYE oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘The Seventh Wave’ on Attic Gallery label, signed, 70 x 86cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection South Wales, purchased from the Attic Gallery 2002
Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,500-2,000
Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,500-2,500
329 ‡ GWILYM PRICHARD oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Full Moon, South Beach’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed with initials, signed and dated verso 2005, 32 x 44cms
330 ‡ ROGER CECIL oil on canvas - abstract, entitled verso, ‘Be A Lamp onto Yourself II’ on New Academy Gallery label, 92 x 86cms
331 ‡ WYNNE JENKINS oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Machlud ar Pwllfanogl, Cartre Kyffin’ (Sunset on Pwllfanogl, Kyffin’s Home), signed verso, 29.5 x 40cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan
Provenance: private collection, Shropshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,500-2,000
Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,800-2,500
Comments: framed, ready to hang £1,800-2,500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
332 332 ‡ IFOR PRITCHARD oil on canvas - group of gentlemen in flat-caps outside a public house, signed, 60 x 40cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed, ready to hang £2,000-3,000
335 ‡ GWILYM PRICHARD oil on canvas - winter landscape, entitled verso, ‘Preseli’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed with initials, signed and dated verso 2004, 59 x 91cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff
333 ‡ WILL ROBERTS oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Readers’ on Albany Gallery Label, signed and dated verso Feb ‘98, 52 x 60cms
Comments: framed, ready to hang £2,000-3,000
Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office
336 ‡ JANE CORSELLIS oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Clouds Over the Estuary’ on Albany Gallery label, signed, 49 x 74cms
Comments: framed, ready to hang £2,000-3,000 334 ‡ KEITH BOWEN large oil on canvas - half portrait of a countryman, entitled verso ‘The Stable Lad ‘Billy Wilson’’, signed recto and verso with date 2005, 140 x 100cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £2,000-3,000
Provenance: private collection Denbighshire Comments: very large iconic image, no outer frame but ready to hang, very fine exhibition quality £2,000-4,000
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
337 ‡ KEVIN SINNOTT oil on panel - entitled verso, ‘Come On’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed with initials in pencil, dated 2014 verso, 19 x 14cms
338 ‡ WILF ROBERTS oil on board - entitled verso, ‘Ty’n-y-Ardd’, signed and dated 2010, 29 x 27cms
Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire
Provenance: private collection Shropshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
Comments: framed, ready to hang £2,000-4,000
Comments: framed, ready to hang £2,200-2,800
339 ‡ WILF ROBERTS oil on board - entitled verso, ‘Tai yng Ngharmel’ / ‘Houses at Carmel’, signed and dated 2010, 26 x 36cms Provenance: private collection, Shropshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Comments: framed, ready to hang £2,500-3,000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
340 ‡ WILL ROBERTS oil on board - entitled verso ‘Old Farmer’ and dated 1974, signed, 75 x 59cms
341 ‡ DAVID WOODFORD oil on board - landscape at ‘Marchlyn Mawr’, Eryri (Snowdonia), with reservoir and smoking campfire, 74 x 77cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff, same ownership since 1970s, purchased Albany Gallery Cardiff
Provenance: private collection London, purchased by vendor from Grafifi Gallery in 2002, copy of receipt and correspondence from the gallery
Comments: framed, ready to hang £2,500-3,500
Comments: framed, ready to hang, fine example of exhibition quality £2,500-3,500
342 ‡ WILF ROBERTS oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Storm at Trearddur, 2007’, signed and dated 2007, 30 x 51cms Provenance: private collection Flintshire Comments: framed, ready to hang £2,500-3,500
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 343 ‡ WILL ROBERTS oil on canvas - ‘Cockle Picker and Pony’, entitled verso on Attic Gallery label and on canvas, signed, 38.5 x 49cms Provenance: deceased estate Carmarthenshire Comments: framed, ready to hang £2,500-3,500
343 344 ‡ WILF ROBERTS oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Glan y Gors’, signed and dated 2005, 50 x 76cms Provenance: private collection Flintshire Comments: framed, ready to hang £3,000-4,000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 345 ‡ KEITH BOWEN oil on canvas - Eryri landscape, the Old Forge Gallery label verso, 50 x 70cms Provenance: private collection, Shropshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Comments: framed, ready to hang £3,000-3,500
345 346 ‡ JACK JONES oil on panel - figures on Ebenezer Street, Swansea, signed and dated ‘86, 50 x 40cms Provenance: private collection Herefordshire Comments: framed, ready to hang £3,500-4,500
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 347 ‡ GWILYM PRICHARD oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Dinbych Y Pysgod’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label, signed with initials, signed fully and dated 2007 verso, 58 x 80cms Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire Comments: framed, ready to hang, fine example typical of the artist’s later period when the artist moved towards a vivid range of colours £4,000-6,000
347 348 ‡ CLAUDIA WILLIAMS oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Getting Dry’ on Martin Tinney Gallery label verso, signed, dated verso Jan ‘02, 80 x 98cms Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire Comments: framed, ready to hang, a fine exhibition quality example £5,000-7,000
348 349 ‡ WILL ROBERTS oil on board - entitled verso ‘Reading Room’, signed and dated 1974, 58 x 74cms Provenance: private collection South of England Comments: framed and glazed, super exhibition quality example £5,000-6,000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
350 350 ‡ CLAUDIA WILLIAMS oil on canvas - entitled verso, ‘Joggers and Bathers, Tenby’, signed recto and verso, dated verso Jan ‘99, 150 x 150cms Provenance: private collection, Pembrokeshire Comments: ready to hang £7,000-12,000
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
351 351 ‡ KEVIN SINNOTT oil on canvas - entitled verso on 1995 Martin Tinney Gallery exhibition label, ‘Running Away with the Hairdresser’, 83 x 113cms Provenance: private collection South of England, vendor purchased from Martin Tinney 1995 Auctioneer’s Note: the painting is one of only two versions of ‘Running Away with the Hairdresser’ produced by the artist. This version was painted in early 1994 after the artist returned to Wales from London (in August 1993) and shortly before the larger version was painted and then acquired by the National Museum of Wales. The Station Hotel in the background is Caerau, near Maesteg. ‘Running Away with the Hairdresser’ is one of the most famous and best loved modern-Welsh art images. The artist said that the painting evolved from an earlier work called ‘Running Away’ showing a single man running from a smoke-filled sky and terraced houses and while painting ‘Running Away’ Sinnott recalled that his ‘..body tingled with the kind of excitement that comes when you sense a good idea is around the corner’. ‘Running Away with the Hairdresser was the outcome of this excitement. It has been said that the version at the National Museum of Wales is the most visited painting in the Museum’s impressive art collection which boasts works by Renoir, Monet and Pissarro. ‘Running Away with the Hairdresser’ is concerned with an age of aspiration where many young Welsh people have fled their roots, in this case the terraces of the South Wales valleys. It is simply a Welsh painting for the ages Comments: framed, immaculate condition and ready to hang £30,000-40,000
Buyer’s Premium: 24.5% + VAT (29.4%) on all lots up to £24,999, 20% + VAT (24%) on all lots £25,000 and over, 15% + VAT (18%) on all lots £30,000 and over, 10% + VAT (12%) on all lots £35,000 and over * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 352 ‡ DONALD McINTYRE oil on board - figures on shoreline with fishing boats, signed with initials, 25 x 29cms Provenance: private collection, London Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £1,000-1,500
353 ‡ DONALD McINTYRE acrylic - entitled verso ‘Isle of Tangles, Iona’, signed, 53 x 63cms Provenance: private collection, Scotland Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £6,000-8,000
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 354 ‡ DONALD McINTYRE acrylic - entitled verso, ‘Hill Top Cottage’, signed, 51 x 76cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £5,000-7,000
355 355 ‡ DONALD McINTYRE acrylic - entitled verso, ‘Evening Bay’, signed with initials, 28 x 38cms Provenance: private collection, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £3,500-4,500
356 356 ‡ DONALD McINTYRE early oil on board - figure in orange shawl on footpath with other figures, Mcloughlin & Co, Art Dealers, Belfast label verso, signed, 39.5 x 46.5cms Provenance: private collection, Devon, same family ownership since at least early 1970s, McLoughlin & Co ceased trading in circa 1974 Auctioneer’s Note: believed Connemara, Ireland where McIntyre enjoyed two painting trips in the early part of his career, the first believed to have been taken with artist Gyrth Russell, the painting has been seen ‘in the flesh’ and approved by McIntyre’s estate Comments: framed, ready to hang £600-1,000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 357 ‡ DONALD McINTYRE oil on card - entitled verso, ‘Connemara No.1’, signed with initials, 13 x 25cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon (Anglesey) Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £1,000-2,000 358 ‡ DONALD McINTYRE acrylic - entitled verso ‘Incoming Tide’ on Attic Gallery label, signed with initials, 29 x 41cms Provenance: private collection Swansea, purchased from The Attic Gallery Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £2,000-3,000
359 ‡ DONALD McINTYRE oil on board entitled verso, ‘Sea with Rocky Islands’, signed with initials, 29 x 39cms Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £3,500-4,500 360 ‡ DONALD McINTYRE oil on board entitled verso, ‘Sea and Rocks Iona’ signed with initials, 20 x 27cms Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £3,000-4,000
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 361 ‡ HELEN SINCLAIR limited edition (4/18) stoneresin sculpture - entitled, ‘Long and Leisurely’, stamped and numbered with monogram, 45cms h, 42cms w, 30cms d Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: with certificate of authenticity £400-600
361 362 ‡ JOHN MEIRION MORRIS bronze bust with Welsh slate base, limited edition (2/2) - portrait bust of Ray Gravell (1951-2007), 49.5cms high Provenance: from the artist’s family, one of two bronze busts produced by the artist of former rugby player and broadcaster the late Ray Gravell, the other bust was displayed at BBC headquarters in Cardiff prior to their recent relocation, the bust now resides at the National Library of Wales Comments: a fine Welsh sculpture of a well-loved Welsh figure who earned 23 International rugby caps for Wales, a British Lion, a member of the Gorsedd of Bards, broadcaster, actor and champion of the Welsh language JOHN MEIRION MORRIS penddelw efydd gyda gwaelod llechi Cymreig, argraffiad cyfyngedig (2/2) - penddelw portread o Ray Gravell (1951-2007), 49.5cms
Tarddiad: o deulu’r artist, un o ddau benddelw efydd a gynhyrchwyd gan artist y cyn-chwaraewr rygbi a darlledwr y diweddar Ray Gravell, arddangoswyd y penddelw arall ym mhencadlys y BBC yng Nghaerdydd cyn eu hadleoli’n ddiweddar, ac mae’r penddelw bellach yn byw yn y Genedlaethol Llyfrgell Cymru Sylwadau: cerflun Cymreig gwych o Gymro poblogaidd a enillodd 23 o gapiau rygbi rhyngwladol i Gymru, Llew Prydeinig, aelod o Orsedd y Beirdd, darlledwr, actor a phencampwr yr iaith Gymraeg £2,000-4,000 364 ‡ ARTHUR GIARDELLI paper and card construction - entitled verso, ‘Aragon’, signed with monogram, 67 x 50cms Provenance: private collection Gwynedd written on verso, ‘reworked 1980, exhibited University College, Cardiff 1980’ Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £500-800 363
363 DARREN YEADON Pembrokeshire ‘Preseli’ bluestone sculpture - ‘Ammonite’, signed, 30cms high Provenance: artist’s personal collection Comments: good overall £500-700 364
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Selections / Dewisiadau 2.00pm 21.11.23
Selections / Dewisiadau 2.00pm 21.11.23
Selections • Rogers Jones & Co
Luxury including Jewellery, Watches and Coins – Lots 400-411 400 WHITE METAL ART DECO STYLE DIAMOND ENCRUSTED BROOCH, set with graduating diamonds, 8cms long, 7.5gms, in vintage brooch box
Provenance: private collection Carmarthenshire Comments: good overall, stones bright and well matched £500-800
401 18CT WHITE GOLD DIAMOND, EMERALD & CORAL DROP PENDANT, the single diamond measuring 0.3cts approx., 4.8gms, in H. L. Brown jewellery box Provenance: deceased estate Pembrokeshire Comments: diamond Pi, good overall £200-400
402 18CT GOLD SIX STRAND BRACELET, designed with pineapple terminal set with rubies, 19.5cms long, 66.1gms, in vintage H. L Brown & Son jewellery box Provenance: deceased estate Pembrokeshire
Comments: one ruby missing, otherwise good, clasp working well £1,800-2,500
403 PLATINUM EMERALD & DIAMOND CLUSTER RING, the central emerald (7 x 8mm approx.) measuring 2.2cts approx., surrounded by ten round brilliant cut diamonds totalling 2.0cts approx., ring size M, 6.9gms in Jewels By Jason ring box Provenance: family ownership since 1965 with cash sale receipt and two insurance documents dated 1965 and 1972 Comments: very fine example, emerald stated as from Sandawana region on insurance paperwork, diamonds bright and very well matched, viewing highly recommended £4,000-6,000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections 404 AUSTRIAN GOLD 4 DUCAT COIN, 1915, restrike, laureate head of Emperor Franz Joseph I to obverse, crowned imperial eagle to reverse, 14.0gms Provenance: private collection Rhondda Cynon Taff Comments: good overall condition, couple of stains / marks £400-600
405 AUSTRIAN GOLD 4 DUCAT COIN, 1915, restrike, laureate head of Emperor Franz Joseph I to obverse, crowned imperial eagle to reverse, on 9ct gold scroll pendant mount, with 9ct gold rope twist chain, 35.7gms gross Provenance: private collection Rhondda Cynon Taff Comments: very good overall condition, light wear and tear overall £600-900
407 406 406 VERTEX WORLD WAR II MILITARY WRISTWATCH, one of the famous ‘Dirty Dozen’ collection, the black dial signed ‘Vertex’, broad arrow, luminous Arabic numerals, white outer minute track with luminous dot 5 minute markers, subsidiary seconds at 6, polished hands with luminous inserts, brushed and polished round chrome plated case, screw down back engraved ‘W.W.W A1202 3514118’, fixed bars, later strap
407 RECORD WORLD WAR II MILITARY WRISTWATCH, one of the famous ‘Dirty Dozen’ collection, the black dial signed ‘Record’, broad arrow, luminous Arabic numerals, white outer minute track with luminous dot 5 minute markers, subsidiary seconds at 6, polished pointed baton hands with luminous inserts, brushed and polished round chrome plated case, screw down back engraved ‘W.W.W L34195 552042’, fixed bars, 15 jewel movement signed ‘Record’, cal. 0.22K manual wind, later strap
Provenance: private collection Swansea by descent
Provenance: private collection Swansea by descent
Comments: chrome plating worn, scratches and scuffs, ticking not tested long term, viewing recommended £500-800
Comments: chrome plating worn overall, ticking not tested long term, crystal cracked, viewing recommended £600-900
408 408 18CT GOLD OMEGA DE VILLE AUTOMATIC WRISTWATCH, the square dial with Roman numerals, centre seconds, 30mm wide, modern leather strap with Omega gold plated buckle Provenance: private collection Carmarthenshire Comments: good condition overall, ticking, light wear and tear commensurate with age, scratch to side £300-500
Selections • Rogers Jones & Co
409 ROLEX OYSTER PERPETUAL DATEJUST BI-METAL WRISTWATCH, Ref: 16013, serial number 554***5, circa 1978, the champagne dial with applied baton hour markers, outer minute markers, magnified date aperture at 3, gilt baton hands with luminous inserts, centre seconds, 35mm case diameter, screw down back, gold fluted bezel, stainless steel and gold Jubilee link bracelet numbered 62523-H14, end links numbered 455, signed deployant clasp stamped F12, in vintage green Rolex box with cushion, envelope cover and two vintage receipts from 1998
410 18CT GOLD ROLEX LADY DATEJUST BRACELET WATCH, Ref. 69178, ser. no. W31****, cal. 2135 automatic movement, white Roman dial with calendar aperture, fluted bezel, screwdown back, original 18ct gold President bracelet with 8570 deployant clasp, full set (box, guarantee, red box, red cloth, swing tag, both red leather card and bifold wallets, other booklets), 26mm diam.
Provenance: private collection Anglesey
Provenance: private collection North Wales, purchased 28/6/95
Comments: in good overall condition, ticking but not tested long term, surface wear and tear as expected with age, viewing recommended £2,500-3,500
Comments: service record dated June 2005, minor surface wear only, one spare link £4,500-5,500
411 ROLEX STAINLESS STEEL ‘PEPSI’ GMT MASTER, ref. 16700, c. 1987, ser. no. R74***6, automatic cal. 3175 movement, signed black dial with luminous dot markers, date aperture below bubble glass, bi-directional aluminium blue/red bezel, steel Rolex Jubilee bracelet with 62501H deployant clasp and 502B end pieces, 40mm diam. Provenance: private collection North Wales Comments: only light wear, minor surface scratches, ticks when wound, no box or papers, vendor states it had a service in the mid-1990s £6,000-8,000
411 126
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections
European & Non-European Antiques & Fine Art – Lots 412-491 412 ROBERT GLEN (American, b. 1940) limited edition (4/6) bronze - camels drinking from a trough, signed and dated 1986, 39h x 48w x 31.5cms d, on black marble plinth. Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire Auctioneer’s Note: Born in Kenya in 1940, Robert Glen’s interest in art and natural history began at an early age. At sixteen years old, he was accepted to serve an apprenticeship in taxidermy at the renowned studio of Coloman Jonas in Denver, Colorado. It was then that his interest in sculpture was born. Returning home after three years of training, he began a transition from taxidermy to sculpting animals in the European tradition of animaliers, working in various media before casting his first bronze in 1970. Since then, Robert Glen’s work has met with great success. His sculptures reside in many private collections including those of the late Queen, the Aga Khan, and the late Kenyan President Jomo Kenyatta. He has also held many one man shows in the USA, Canada, UK, Monte Carlo, Spain and South Africa. Robert Glen’s public commissions include one of the largest equestrian sculptures in history, ‘Mustangs of Las Colinas’, in Texas Comments: natural verdigris patina, very good overall £1,000-1,500
413 ‡ DAWN BENSON (Canadian, b.1952) limited edition (5/8) bronze - entitled ‘Time Out’, signed, 20cms h. 21cms w Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: with provenance from Dawn Benson and Albany Gallery receipts £300-500
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Selections • Rogers Jones & Co
414 PAIR OF EARLY 19TH CENTURY PORCELAIN ICE-PAILS circa 1820, believed Staffordshire, Nantgarw style and believed to have been part of a Nantgarw service, each with twin gilt handles, heart shaped gilded knops to sunken-covers and each with three gilded bun-feet, complete with liners, decorated with gilt dentil rims, sprays of scattered flowers and insects, 21cms high (together with associated Nantgarw porcelain stands from the same service - these impressed marked for Nantgarw) Provenance: by descent Monmouthshire, passed through Henley family whom lived at Waterberry House, Oxfordshire until 1920s, an English family with Welsh connections, ice-pails believed to be replacements or additions to a Nantgarw porcelain service Comments: (1) significant loss to handle, large repaired chip to liner, wear esp. gilding (2) large repaired chip to liner, wear esp. gilding (please examine) # £700-1,000
415 WILLIAM MOORCROFT ‘REVIVED CORNFLOWER’ MACINTYRE POTTERY VASE, c. 1912, of bottle form with ‘garlic’ neck, decorated in muted green, browns and claret tones, impressed shape 25, base with signature and brown printed backstamp, 17cms h Provenance: private collection South Wales Comments: good condition # £400-600 416 RARE AYNSLEY BONE CHINA ‘BUTTERFLY’ PART TEA SERVICE, pink and white with butterfly handles, comprising six cups and saucers, six side plates, sandwich plate, cream jug and sugar bowl, green printed marks to base, pattern number B 1322, various registration numbers (21) Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: one butterfly handle has two chips, otherwise light wear, appears very good # £400-600
417 THREE BERLIN PORCELAIN CHOCOLATE CUPS, COVERS & STANDS, 19th Century, moulded basketweave borders, two decorated with flower garlands featuring the initials ‘N’ and ‘O’, in the 18th Century Sevres style, underglaze blue marks, gilt rims and highlights, a third decorated with landscape vignettes with European boatmen, iron red Chinoiserie figures and puce castles, lavishly gilt, all in the 18th Century Meissen style, underglaze blue marks, 11cms h (9) Provenance: Pembrokeshire Country House Comments: Meissen style cup with damaged foot, otherwise good # £150-250 418 SET OF THREE GERMAN ARMORIAL WINE GLASSES, mid-18th Century, probably Silesian, of soda lass, each bowl engraved with a marriage arms including family Kopsch, the baluster stems with tears and folded feet, 17cms h (3) Provenance: private collection Caerphilly County Borough Comments: good £300-400
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
419 ‘ONDINES’: A RENÉ LALIQUE OPALESCENT GLASS BOWL, engraved ‘R. Lalique France No 380’, 21cms diameter Provenance: private collection Carmarthenshire Comments: minor nibble to inner rim, very good otherwise overall £500-800 420 ROUX-MARQUIAND ART DECO TAZZA, c. 1930, electroplated octagonal form with turned macassar handles and triplesphere stem, on stepped circular foot, stamped ‘R*M’ and ‘15’, 36cms wide Provenance: consigned via our Cardiff saleroom Comments: handles faded, lacks cut glass liner £200-300
420 419 421 PAIR OF LATE 19TH CENTURY FRENCH FIGURAL TABLE ORNAMENTS, L. Oudry et Cie., electroplated bronze, modelled as classical dancing maidens with cymbals and with a flower, both stamped to base and with numerals 2573, tallest 25.8cms (2) Provenance: private collection South Wales Comments: some plating rubbed £200-300
422 EDWARD VII SILVER ARMORIAL SALVER, William Comyns & Sons, London 1908, shaped square form, centre engraved with full achievement and motto ‘ Suarviter In Modo Fortiter In Re’ for the Bennet family, wt. 49ozt, 35.5cms diam
423 GEORGE II SILVER LIDDED TANKARD, George Wickes, London 1728, tapering cylindrical form on a moulded foot, hinged cover with cast scroll thumbpiece, the scroll handle with heart shaped terminal, front with engraved armorial and motto ‘Omnia Vincit Vertus’, probably the Devey or Deville family, wt. 30ozt., 20cms high Provenance: private collection North Wales, consigned via Colwyn Bay saleroom Notes: George Wickes (1698–1761), Royal Goldsmith and founder of Garrard
Provenance: private collection Conwy County Borough £600-800
Comments: very good, makers mark slightly rubbed £1,500-2,000
# condition reports in this section do not act as a guarantee and later amendments to condition reports may have been applied to the online listing. Please examine / enquire prior to bidding.
Selections • Rogers Jones & Co
425 424
424 SCRIMSHAW WHALE TOOTH, carved and stained with a fox mask, reversed with hunting horn and whip, line and vine borders, 11cms h
427 SCRIMSHAW WHALE TOOTH, carved and stained with Welsh dragon reversed with Prince of Wales Feathers, vine and line borders, electroplate capped base,12.5cms h
Provenance: private collection North Wales
Provenance: private collection North Wales
Comments: old chip to inside base, crack £100-200
Comments: very good £200-300
425 SCRIMSHAW WALRUS TOOTH, carved and stained with scene of Eskimo hunting two walrus, signed, 10cms long, 11.7cms h
428 SCRIMSHAW WHALE TOOTH, carved and stained with half length portrait of Admiral Lord Nelson reversed with portrait of H.M.S. Victory in waves, serpentine border, 11.2cms h
Provenance: private collection North Wales
Provenance: private collection North Wales
Comments: very good £150-250
430 SCRIMSHAW WHALE TOOTH, carved and stained with 4 vignettes of ponies swimming, H.M.S. Victory below angels holding banner, Britannia regarding a distant ship, and a sailor before canon and ensigns, various other scattered motifs including flying fish, Noah’s ark, sun, compass star, dividers/set square, 12.2cms h Provenance: private collection North Wales Comments: old chip to base £300-500 431 SCRIMSHAW WHALE TOOTH, carved and stained with Royal coat of arms above motto ‘Semper Eadem’ reversed with arched display of naval trophies and ship medallion, zigzag border, 11.7cms h Provenance: private collection North Wales
Comments: very good £200-300
Comments: very good. £300-500
429 SCRIMSHAW WHALE TOOTH, carved and stained with portrait of H.M.S. Ihis (Isis?) reversed with Royal coat of arms, 10.9cms h
432 PAIR SCRIMSHAW WHALE TEETH, carved and stained with whale fluke and tall ship, entitled verso ‘Moby-Dick’ on slice cut backs, electroplate capped bases, 16.3cms h (2)
Provenance: private collection North Wales
Provenance: private collection North Wales
Provenance: private collection North Wales
Comments: very good £200-300
Comments: very good £200-300
426 SCRIMSHAW WHALE TOOTH, carved and stained with mounted huntsman and hounds reversed with hounds and fox in a landscape, electroplate capped base,12.3cms h
Comments: very good £300-500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections
433 TWO GROUPS IMPERIAL BRASS STANDARD WEIGHTS, comprising Borough of Burton on Trent 7lbs, 14lbs and 28lbs kettle weights by W & T Avery Ltd, Birmingham, and Victorian no. 915 Essex Working Standard 59lbs, 28lbs and 14lbs kettle weights, VR stamps and various dates (6) Provenance: private collection Cardiff £150-250
434 GROUP IMPERIAL STANDARD BRASS WEIGHTS, stamped ‘County of Carnarvon’, No. 3117, Pooley & Sons, comprising 56lbs & 28lbs kettle weights, 7lbs, 14lbs and 56lbs bell weights, variously with GV, GVI, EII stamps and various dates, with fitted oak box applied with brass label ‘Standard Weights, County of Carnarvon’ (6) Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: general surface dints and wear £250-350 435 SET BRASS IMPERIAL STANDARD FLUID MEASURES, no. 1267, graduated from 1/4 gill to 1 bushell, all stamped ‘County of Glamorgan’ with GV, GVI, EII stamps and various dates (11) Provenance: Sothebys 3.3.95, private collection Cardiff Comments: some minor dints (chest in image not included) £1,500-2,500
436 FRANZ XAVIER BERGMANN (Austrian, 1861-1936) cold painted bronze - Arab Warrior with Flintlock, cast as an Arab standing wearing a red cap and white headdress, brown cloak over striped blue robe, striped sash securing his sword, priming his rifle, powder flask and musket ball sack slung at his right hip, foundry mark and numbered 678(4?), 18.5cms high Provenance: private collection North Wales Comments: sash bent, paint wear, musket slightly bent £500-700 437 FRANZ XAVIER BERGMANN (Austrian, 1861-1936) cold painted bronze - Nubian Musician, cast as a musician playing a tambourine, standing wearing a cloth turban, web-like chest ornament, red and white pleated kilt tied with red sash, foundry mark to base and numbered 3260 to rear, 18.5cms high Provenance: private collection North Wales Comments: paint wear £500-700
437 131
Selections • Rogers Jones & Co
438 AFTER ARTHUR JACQUES LE DUC (French, 1848-1918) bronze - tethered horse and a terrier, cast by Thiebaut Freres, on naturalistic base signed LeDuc and with the Thiébaut foundry cachet, 44.5cms high Provenance: private collection Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Comments: harnesses loose, possibly incomplete £2,000-2,500 439 ‡ MARK UPTON edition (1/1) bronze - entitled ‘Horse’, signed and numbered with monogram, 12cms h, 23cms w Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: with Albany Gallery receipt £200-400 440 ‡ LORENZO QUINN (Italian, b. 1966) large and rare limited edition artist proof (1/8) sculpture - entitled ‘Draw Your Own Time’, mobile sculpture constructed from stainless steel, aluminium and sand, 225h x 65w x 112cms d Provenance: private collection West Wales Auctioneer’s Note: born in Rome, Italy in 1966, Quinn started his career as an actor before turning his full attention to art after the turn of the century. His public work includes ‘Volare’ at Cadogan Place London, ‘Gravity’ in Fraga Spain, and more recently ‘The Greatest Goal’ commission for the FIFA World Cup 2022 Comments: Certificate of Authenticity from Halycon Gallery £8,000-12,000 440
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections 441 TWO INTERESTING VICTORIAN INDIA & MILITARY PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, c.1880-1890, relating to Col. Thomas James Atherton, 12th (Queen’s) Royal Lancers, early in his career predominantly in India, the larger album containing large format photographs of landscapes and monuments (many titled in ink) in or near Madras, Ooty, Mysore, Seringapatam, Bangalore, Secundarabad, One Tree Hill, several of government/military/colonial buildings in Madras, officers and enlisted men in India, Sandhurst, Canterbury etc. dated in the 1880s, portraits of horses, views of parades, tented encampment, exercises with live firing and mounted lancers in India and Birmingham, regimental silver trophies, 37 x 54cms; the smaller album containing large format photographs comprising forty-one of commercial views of landscapes and monuments with titled mounts of Calcutta, Bombay, Delhi, Agra, Ahmedabad, Jeypore (sic), Ajmere, Amber, Baroda, Port Said, Suez, H.M.S. Crocodile (Euphrates-Class troopship c. 1886), Malta, three group-photographs of soldiers of the 12th Lancers, two of Oriental odalisques, and the regimental silver trophy cabinet, 28 x 38cms, both with T.J.A. stamped covers in gilt, together with an additional loose mounted photograph similar, of lancer with trophy shield and horse with blindstamp for G.A. Oldham, a separately framed group photograph of officers of the 12th Lancers, featuring Col. T.J. Atherton (seated middle row second from left) and the original memorial leaflet from Christ Church, Mayfair dated 4th October 1920, 20 x 13cms. (4)
Provenance: private collection North Wales, consigned via our Colwyn Bay saleroom Auctioneer’s Note: Thomas James Atherton was born on 19 August 1856, and educated at Charterhouse. He entered the 12th Lancers in 1880, and succeeded to the command of the regiment in South Africa, during the Boer War, after the death in action of Lieutenant-Colonel The Earl of Airlie. The 12th Lancers were heavily engaged at Magersfontein where, with the 9th Lancers, they fought dismounted on the right flank. After taking part in the Relief of Kimberley they fought conspicuously at Diamond Hill, where they charged to save the guns of “Q” Battery, Royal Horse Artillery. It was during this charge that the Earl of Airlie was killed and Atherton was promoted Lieutenant-Colonel and assumed command. Atherton led the regiment in the sweeps around Rustenburg and Magliesberg that took place at the end of 1900, including the actions at Eland’s River and Wittebergen At the end of November 1900, Atherton handed over command of the regiment and, in July 1901, was given command of a cavalry column, comprising 480 12th Lancers and two guns of “Q” Battery R.H.A., newly formed by General French to combat the menace of Kritzinger who had re-invaded Cape Colony in May 1901. The sweep by the eleven columns along a line of 150 miles was reasonably successful and, once they had turned round and gone back on themselves, even more so. By the end of August 80 Boers had been killed, and on 12 August Kritzinger was driven out of Cape Colony. Over the following three months Atherton’s column was one of five that ceaselessly chased and harried Gideon Scheepers over Cape Colony. Scheepers was eventually captured, condemned and executed as a rebel. The remnants of Scheepers’ men headed west to join up with Smuts, and Atherton’s column was broken up in November 1901. Atherton was created a Companion of the Bath on 27 September 1901, and mentioned in Lord Roberts’ despatch of 29 November 1900, London Gazette 10 September 1901. During the Great War he served in the rank of Colonel with the Reserve Regiment of Cavalry and with the Labour Corps in France. He was twice mentioned in despatches, London Gazette 4 January and 11 December 1917, and created a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George, London Gazette 1 January 1918 Comments: mounts all foxed, and warped £700-1,000
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Selections • Rogers Jones & Co 442 EGYPT & PALESTINE PHOTOGRAPHS: collection of 49 albumen print views of Egypt, by photographers including Zangaki bros, Felix Bonfils, Gabriel Lekegian, Antonio Beato, Hippolyte Arnoux, and others, c.1920s, and 22 smaller and earlier hand-coloured albumen print views of Palestine with French titles, c. 1880, in half Morocco folio album Provenance: private collection South Wales Comments: spine damaged with loose covers, corners damaged £600-900
443 EARLY VICTORIAN NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER, by Susannah Terrington aged 10, dated 1842, decorated with Georgian house, garden wall and gate to either side, to the centre a scene depicting Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, further decorated with foliate, trees and birds together with religious verse, 66.5 x 32cms Provenance: private collection North Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Comments: minor damage to the lower edge £300-500
444 ANTIQUE STUMPWORK PANEL believed to be depicting King Charles I and attendants amongst animals, foliage and cherubs, dated 1649, 27.5 x 37cms
445 EARLY 19TH CENTURY NEEDLEWORK SAMPLER by Sarah Hirsts, taught by Ann Royner, dated Marsh (sic) 1803, decorated with three-storey Georgian manor house, alphabet, dogs, peacocks, fruit trees and biblical verse to the centre, 51 x 42cms
Provenance: with Gorringes lot 24 16/09/2019, private collection Swansea Comments: poor condition in places, later box framed and glazed £500-800
Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: maple frame, generally faded £200-300
445 446 PAUL FOLLOT (French, 1877-1941) rare art deco floral rug, c. 1930, woven in typical pastel shades, signed in the weave ‘PAUL FOLLOT’, 300 x 206cms Provenance: private collection South Wales Auctioneer’s Note: Cf. Christies lot 32, 3.11.15 for a circular rug similarly signed. Paul Follot was one of a just a few Art Nouveau designers who made the transition to Art Deco. He was a French interior decorator, as well as a designer of furniture, silver, ceramics, wallpaper and textiles. His first designs were inspired by the Neo-Gothic school. At the beginning of the 20th Century, Follot co-founded “L’Art dans Tout”, a little known group of artists who fought fiercely for the French crafts tradition. His designs ranged from distinctly traditional to high Art Deco, and always exhibit a high level of craftsmanship in both construction and decoration. Other top French designers who were commissioned to produce rugs in this period, include Jacques-Emile Ruhlmann, Jules Leleu and the firm of Sue et Mare Comments: moderate fading, some moth damage, some glued repairs to borders visible verso £800-1,500
446 134
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections 447 LATE 18TH C. MAHOGANY BRACKET CLOCK, John Wightwick, bell top with handle and four cone finials, over glazed sides and moulded angles on a plinth base to claw and ball feet, the signed brass 5.75 inch dial with silvered chapter ring with Roman and Arabic numerals, matt centre with calendar aperture and pendulum window, strike/silent and regulation dials in the arch, the twin gut (now wire) fusee movement with four knopped pillars and engraved and signed backplate, verge escapement with pull repeat playing on six bells, 43cms h (incl. handle) Provenance: private collection South Wales Comments: repeat draw string broken, ticks and strikes, feet and finials probably replaced, other minor restorations £2,000-3,000
448 447
448 ASSORTED ANTIQUE WEAPONS & ARMOUR, comprising two European stilettos, thought to be 17thC. Italian and Flemish, 28 and 31cms long; a Victorian medieval-style armour piercing dagger, 26cms long, a section of armour, 15cms wide; a small bronze sword guard, 8.5cms wide; and a piece of chain mail by Raymond Bartell, 15 x 14cms (5) Provenance: Raymond Bartell Collection, keeper of Arms & Armour to William Randolf Hearst; Private Collection Vale of Glamorgan; thence by descent. Comments: minor rusting, daggers with old labels. £400-600
449 449 CHARLES DICKENS FRSA (1812-1870) - an autographed bank cheque signed with usual flourish in bright blue ink and paid to “Austin Estate” for the sum of “Ten Pounds” drawn on Messrs. Coutts & Comp’y cheque no. KS06646, blind stamps, dated 20th June 1862, mounted on brown card Provenance: private collection South Wales Auctioneer’s Note: Cf. Lillian Nader, “The Omission of His Only Sister’s Name”: Letitia Austin and the Legacies of Charles Dickens, Dickens Quarterly vol 28, no.4, December 2011, Johns Hopkins University Press, for a discussion of the strained financial relationship between Charles and his younger sister Letitita Austin, and details regarding payments made by him following the death of her husband, Alfred in 1860. She states, “Dickens sent her money periodically, his checks (sic) usually ranging from £10 to £15. In April 1863, he deposited £120 in the account of “Austin Estate” telling Letitia to “dismiss from [her] mind” her concerns over the gift”. Comments: printing somewhat faded, 2 corners glued down £300-500
450 450 JACOB DE GHEYN II, AFTER KAREL VAN MANDER set 14 engravings - The Twelve Apostles, with St Paul and Christ, all but the latter annotated in ink below titles, each inscribed “KVM. Inue. / DG sc.” in the plate, each approx. unframed, 30 x 19cms (14) Provenance: private collection Cardiff. Comments: trimmed within platemarks, partially laid to brown paper, foxed, tinted, some with tears £1,000-1,500 135
Selections • Rogers Jones & Co
451 FOLLOWER OF CLAUDE GELLEE, CALLED CLAUDE LORRAIN (French, 1600-1682) oil on canvas - Classical Mediterranean port at sunset, with Roman figures to the fore, 65.5 x 91cms Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire Comments: framed, canvas in good condition, paint cleaned £800-1,200
452 18TH CENTURY DUTCH SCHOOL oil on canvas still life of fruit, wine glasses, lute and Turkish carpet, 72.5 x 96.5cms Provenance: private collection west Wales Comments: framed, good condition £2,000-3,000
453 EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN (Belgian, 1798-1881) oil on board - entitled verso ‘On The Meadows’ on old handwritten label with wax seal ‘Succession. Van Geetruyen’, signed in full and dated 1848, 31 x 39.5cms Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: later framed with name plaque, good overall £800-1,200
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections 454 CIRCLE OF RICHARD ANSDELL RA (1815-1885) oil on panel ‘Pointer and Partridge’, signed with initials and indistinctly dated lower right, 29 x 23.5cms Provenance: private collection West Wales Comments: damaged frame £300-500 455 EARLY 19TH ENGLISH CENTURY SCHOOL oil on canvas - portrait of a gentleman, wearing buff frock coat, white cravat and yellow waistcoat, 52 x 42cms Provenance: collection of the Late Dai Evans, former Director of Picton Castle and former curator of Petworth House £300-400
456 CIRCLE OF GEORGE HAYTER (1792-1881) oil on canvas portrait of lady in feathered bonnet wearing velvet dress ornamented with cameo, kid gloves and holding lornettte, 90 x 70cms
457 CIRCLE OF GEORGE HAYTER (1792-1881) oil in canvas portrait of a gentleman, wearing dark coat showing gold watch chain and holding a book, 90 x 70cms
Provenance: collection of the Late Dai Evans, former Director of Picton Castle and former curator of Petworth House Comments: relined and retouched, cleaned £500-700
Provenance: collection of the Late Dai Evans, former Director of Picton Castle and former curator of Petworth House Comments: cleaned £300-400
Selections • Rogers Jones & Co
458 HENRY TERRY / HENRY M TERRY (act. 1880-1920) watercolour - The Country Fiddler, seated musician in whitework smock, signed, entitled on the mount, 54 x 39cms Provenance: Comments: framed and glazed £200-400
459 MANNER OF SIR FRANK BRANGWYN RA (1882-1960) oil on canvas - wood cutters in a landscape, 50 x 71cms Provenance: collection of the Late Dai Evans, former Director of Picton Castle and former curator of Petworth House £200-400 460 JOSEPH HERBERT BENTLEY RBA (1866-1934) oil in canvas - elderly lady in day cap and red/black plaid shawl, signed and dated ‘83, 50 x 60cms Provenance: private collection South Wales Auctioneer’s Note: other portraits by J H Bentley include portrait of Queen Vicotria at Lincoln Town Hall, Miss Aitken in the Museums Sheffield, and Sinclair White M.D., F.R.C.S. in the Royal Hampshire Hospital. Comments: cleaned and relined £300-500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections
461 19TH CENTURY BRITISH SCHOOL watercolour and gouache - S.S. Helen Otto in choppy seas, S.S. Helen Otto off Naples, two ship portraits, titled, 40.5 x 61.5cms (2)
462 19TH CENTURY BRITISH SCHOOL watercolour and gouache - S.S. King Malcolm flying 4 signal flags and red ensign entering Naples, titled, 43 x 63cms; and H. S. Johnson - S.S. Newent in waves, titled, signed and dated Oct 1887, 39 x 57cms (2)
Provenance: private collection South Wales
Provenance: private collection South Wales
Comments: paper with some tinting/shadowing £400-600
Comments: both generally good and bright, latter paper slighted tinted £300-500
463 J WERNER (19TH CENTURY) oil on canvas - The Whisper, signed, 46 x 67cms
Provenance: private collection South Wales Comments: paint scuff lower left, small areas retouching, framed £800-1,200 ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Selections • Rogers Jones & Co
464 MYLES BIRKET FOSTER RWS (1825-1899) watercolour - Quimper, Normandy, fisherfolk in a punt on a busy river with the town in the distance, signed with monogram, inscribed and titled on the mount, old typed label verso, 24 x 34.5cms Provenance: private collection South Wales Comments: very good with little fading, chalk lotting details verso (lot 32 13 Nov 92), marker pen MLI69 £1,200-1,800
465 ATTRIBUTED TO ALEXANDER MANN ROI NEAC (Scottish, 1853-1908) oil on board - Odalisque, reclining maiden on an ottoman beside animal skin rug, slippers and coffee pot, in an Arabic interior with domes and minarets in the distance, signed, 33.5 x 16.5cms Provenance: private collection West Wales Auctioneer’s Note: Alexander Mann was born in Glasgow, Scotland on January 22, 1853. He died in London on January 26, 1908. The second son of James Mann, merchant and collector, he took drawing lessons from the age of ten with Robert Greenlees (1820-94) and then attended evening classes at the Glasgow School of Art, where Greenlees was headmaster. In 1877 he went to Paris and enrolled at the Académie Julian, and then studied under Mihály Munkácsy and from 1881 to 1885 under Carolus-Duran. From 1883-93 Mann exhibited in London at the Royal Academy, Royal Institute of Oil Painters, Fine Art Society, New Gallery, Ridley Art Club, New English Art Club and Society of British Artists, a society that appointed James McNeill Whistler its President in 1886. At the same year he was invited to become the first Scottish member of the New English Art Club and was joined by several of his friends, notably John Lavery, Thomas Millie Dow of the Glasgow Boys and Norman Garstin. Influenced by the Hague school and by Jules Bastien-Lepage, his picture A Bead Stringer, Venice gained an honourable mention at the Salon in 1885. After a public controversy over this painting when it was exhibited at the Royal Glasgow Institute, Mann settled in England, at West Hagbourne, Berkshire, and later in the neighbouring village of Blewbury, where he painted a series of views of the Downs and portraits of country people. Mann travelled extensively in Britain, Europe and the Americas. A visit to Venice in 1884 was Alexander’s first artistic venture beyond Britain and the immediate environs of Paris; this was followed by a voyage to the Caribbean and the Southern American States, perhaps inspired by American artist friends in Paris. From 1890 to 1892 he lived with his family in Tangiers. Later he travelled to Madrid through Southern Spain in 1892 accompanied by John Lavery, another alumnus of the Académie Julian. Considered by many to be one of ‘’The Glasgow Boys.’’ Comments: good overall condition £1,000-1,500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections
466 HENRY RYLAND (1856-1924) watercolour Sea Birds, two youths in classical robes looking to sea on a rocky ledge, signed, inscribed and titled on the mount, 34.5 x 52cms Provenance: private collection South Wales Comments: framed and glazed £800-1,200 467 HENRY MEYNELL RHEAM (1859-1920) watercolour - Maiden and Violets, signed and dated 1919 top right, 24 x 17.5cms Provenance: private collection South Wales Comments: framed and glazed £800-1,200 468 ‡ DORIS CLARE ZINKEISEN (1897-1991) oil in canvas - The Velocipede, signed, 39 x 49.5cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Auctioneer’s Note: Doris Clare Zinkeisen was born in 1897 to a Scottish father and Welsh mother. In 1909, she enrolled at the Harrow School of Art. Upon graduation, 468 the gifted artist won a scholarship to the Royal Academy Schools in London. Early in her career, Doris met the esteemed actor and theatre manager Nigel Playfair, leading to her interest in this sphere of the arts. Zinkeisen created portraits of several actors, and she designed the scenery and costumes for Noel Coward’s musical, On with the Dance. Her artwork often depicts horses and carriages in the famous parks of London and Paris, however the inclusion of a velocipede, as in our lot is most unusual. Doris illustrated several commercial posters for railways and the London Underground, and was famously known for painting the murals on the luxury ocean liner, the RMS Queen Mary Comments: excellent condition £1,000-1,500
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Selections • Rogers Jones & Co
469 469 ‡ ATTRIBUTED TO KEITH VAUGHAN (1912-1977) pencil - sketch of the head of a man, signed with initials verso, gallery label verso titled and dated 1951, 13.8 x 9cms Provenance: private collection South Wales Comments: framed and glazed £400-600
470 470 ‡ PETER LANYON (1918-1964) gouache entitled verso on Anthony Hepworth Fine Art label ‘Prague, 1964’, 24 x 34cms Provenance: deceased estate Gwynedd, labels verso for Anthony Hepworth and for 1992 ‘Artists from Cornwall’ exhibition at Royal West of England Academy Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £3,000-5,000
471 ‡ PATRICK HERON (1920-1999) gouache on paper - entitled verso on Waddington Galleries Ltd label, ‘Cover of Barbican Catalogue: April 24: 1985’, 23 x 59cms Provenance: deceased estate Gwynedd Comments: original frame, glazed £3,000-5,000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections
472 ‡ FRED YATES (1922-2008) oil on board - North Wales Hospital, Denbigh, County Asylum, signed, 49 x 67cms
473 ‡ FRED YATES (1922-2008) oil on board - North Wales Hospital II, Denbigh, County Asylum, signed, 60 x 74cms
Provenance: private collection North Wales.
Provenance: private collection North Wales
Comments: framed £500-700
Comments: framed £500-700
474 ‡ ROY TURNER DURRANT (1925-1998) mixed media - entitled verso in artist’s handwritten label ‘Inscape (Evening Warren’s Meadow)’ dated 24.2.78 recto, signed, 23 x 29cms Provenance: deceased estate Gwynedd, artist’s address label verso Comments: framed and glazed £300-500 475 ‡ ROY TURNER DURRANT (1925-1998) acrylics and mixed media - entitled verso ‘Inscape: Lavenham Hill’, signed bottom centre with artist’s reference (including year ‘73), 53 x 82cms
Provenance: deceased estate Gwynedd, signed verso, inscribed verso and with artist’s label Comments: original frame, glazed £300-500 476 ‡ ROY TURNER DURRANT (1925-1998) mixed media including acrylics - entitled verso ‘Inscape: Bredwardine Walk’, signed and dated ‘78, 39 x 59cms Provenance: deceased estate, Gwynedd, inscriptions verso with artist’s reference number and artist’s label Comments: original frame, glazed £300-500
477 ‡ ROY TURNER DURRANT (1925-1998) gouache - entitled verso ‘Inscape (To Groton)’, signed bottom right with artist’s reference, 37 x 54cms Provenance: deceased estate Gwynedd, inscriptions verso in artist’s hand including reference, Heffers Gallery label, artist’s label and artist’s address label Comments: original frame, glazed £400-600
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Selections • Rogers Jones & Co 480 ‡ SIR PETER BLAKE RA (b. 1932) artist proof (6/9) silkscreen with diamond dust - entitled ‘Love Me Tender’, signed in ink, 74 x 57.5cms Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire Comments: framed and glazed £400-600 481 KEN HOWARD OBE RA (1932-2022) watercolour and bodycolour – semi nude woman reclining on a bed, entitled verso on Royal Society of Painters, Bankside Gallery London label ‘Seule’, signed and dated lower right 3/88, exhibition label verso, 12 x 17.5cms
479 478 ‡ TREVOR BELL (1930-2017) oil on canvas - abstract, unsigned, 53.5 x 26cms Provenance: deceased estate Gwynedd
Comments: original ‘floating’ board frame £700-1,200
479 ‡ JOHN MILLER (1931-2002) gouache - Penwith Landscape, signed and titled, inscribed verso with artist’s ref. no. KL/3933/985/ MC, 22.3 x 20.3cms
Provenance: RWS Bankside Gallery, London; private collection South Wales Comments: framed and glazed £250-350
Provenance: private collection North Wales Comments: framed and glazed £300-500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections
482 482 ‡ HAROLD RILEY DL DLITT FRCS DFA ATC (1934-2023) pastel - The Lamplighter, probably Salford, signed and dated (7?)8, 38 x 24cms Provenance: private collection North Wales Comments: framed and glazed ready to hang £1,000-1,500 483 ‡ JEANETTE LEUERS (French, b. 1942) oil on canvas - entitled ‘Meadow in Spring’, 50 x 60cms Provenance: Alexander Gallery, Clifton, Bristol; private collection South Wales Comments: framed, ready to hang £200-400
484 ‡ JEANETTE LEUERS (French, b. 1942) oil on canvas - ‘Evening by the Lake’, 50 x 60cms
Provenance: Alexander Gallery, Clifton, Bristol; private collection South Wales Comments: framed, ready to hang £200-400 485 ‡ JEANETTE LEUERS (French, b. 1942) oil on canvas - entitled ‘Poppies at Dusk’, 50 x 60cms Provenance: Alexander Gallery, Clifton, Bristol; private collection South Wales Comments: framed, ready to hang £200-400
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Selections • Rogers Jones & Co 486 ‡ CHARLES NEAL (British, b.1951) oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Wild Edge at Coberley, Glos’, signed lower right, 90 x 105cms Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire Comments: framed, ready to hang £300-500
487 ‡ MARTIN LANYON (b. 1954) gouache and collage - abstract still-life, signed and dated ‘92, 31 x 25cms Provenance: deceased estate Gwynedd Comments: neatly framed, glazed and ready to hang £300-500 486
488 ‡ ANDREW ELLIS (British, b. 1971) acrylic on board - entitled ‘Puffins on Skomer Island’, signed, 81 x 60cms Provenance: private collection West Wales Comments: framed and ready to hang £1,000-2,000
489 ‡ STEPHEN WILTSHIRE MBE (b. 1974) pen, ink & pastel on paper - entitled ‘St Paul’s and London Skyline’, signed and dated 14th July 2008, 23 x 47.5cms Provenance: private collection West Wales Comments: Certificate of Authenticity from The Stephen Wiltshire Gallery, framed and glazed, ready to hang £1,000-1,500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections 490 ‡ BANKSY (b.1974) limited edition (253/600) screenprint - Flying Copper, 2004, unsigned, 100 x 70cms Provenance: private collection Cheshire Comments: complete with Certificate of Authenticity from the Office of Pest Control, unframed, minor stain top right corner, minor crease upper left corner £18,000-25,000
491 ‡ BOB DYLAN (American, b.1941) limited edition (50/295) print - entitled ‘Amusement Park Alley’, part of the Beaten Path Series, signed, 43 x 66cms Provenance: private collection West Wales Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang, certificate of authenticity verso from The Washington Green Fine Art Gallery £1,000-1,500
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Rogers Jones & Co
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Rogers Jones & Co
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