Rogers Jones

Page 1

The Welsh Sale / Selections & Collections

Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig / Dewisiadau & Chasgliadau

April / Ebrill 2023

The View / Bwrw Golwg

Lot 280


Rogers Jones & Co now hold the world record for a print, work on paper and oil painting by Sir

Recorded as of March 2023

Entries invited NOW for our July 2023 Welsh Sale

Please call to discuss

Sir Kyffin Williams RA mixed media ‘Horses in the Snow’ sold November 2021 for £18,000 + BP Sir Kyffin Williams RA oil on canvas ‘Rhoscolyn’ sold July 2021 for £62,000 + BP Sir Kyffin Williams RA linocut ‘Ogwen Falls’ sold November 2021 for £2,600 + BP



April / Ebrill 2023

The Welsh Sale

9.30am Saturday 1 April

Selections & Collections

4.00pm Saturday 1 April

both at our Cardiff Saleroom

Viewing & collection of lots by scheduled appointment

Room Bidding – Telephone – Online

Buyer’s Premium for both auctions 24% + VAT (28.8%) on all lots up to a hammer price of £19,999

15% + VAT (18%) on all lots of a hammer price of £20,000 and over Droit de Suite applicable

(please see terms at back of catalogue)


Wales Saleroom / Ystafell Werthu De Cymru 17 Llandough Trading Estate, Penarth Road, Cardiff, CF11 8RR 17 Ystad Masnachu Llandochau, Ffordd Penarth, CF11 8RR Tel / Ffôn: 02920 708 125
see full terms & conditions at the back of this publication

Welcome to the first edition of The View for 2023

2022 was another record year for the company with auction sales surpassing that of the previous record in 2021.

But 2022 will be mostly remembered as the year that our founder - my father David, left us. Dad was the driving force in establishing the company in the early years and he was still typically racing around the north Wales region to help clients up until his last days. In fact, he had been to see clients in Caernarfon on the morning before he was taken to hospital for end-of-life care. He loved being an auctioneer right to the very end, there was no stopping him! The words of Dylan Thomas come to mind, as Dad did not go gentle into that good night.

It is a stranger and duller world for the Rogers Jones family, but we move forward as a family and a family business. He would not have wanted it any other way.

I know Dad would have been exceptionally pleased with the offering in this double catalogue once again. The painting section in The Welsh Sale is as strong as ever. While the ‘Selections’ auction is as eclectic and interesting as always.

There is a freedom about his later acrylic work where the reality of the subject matter is secondary to the experience of colour, and these electric colours suit our modern interiors, they illuminate the room, they have an immediate feel-good factor.

Whilst on the same subject of illuminating the room, there is also a strong section of Welsh porcelain in The Welsh Sale. The prices have taken a bit of a knock in the last couple of years, I am not sure there is a better time to start a collection. Collecting Nantgarw and Swansea porcelain brings joyous colour into the home, especially when you see it en-masse. But collectors also marvel at the history of what was the finest porcelain made at the time. Of particular importance in this section is the very fine colonial plate painted by Thomas Baxter. Rare and important and with a full documentary description on the back in Baxter’s hand.

The non-Welsh paintings in the Selections auction could not be more varied. With a consignment of interesting, third generation owned 19th and 18th Century paintings from a Carmarthenshire family home, contrasting against modern art including David Hockney examples from the Estate of Professor Ritchie Ovendale, formerly of Aberystwyth.

The centrepiece of the Ritchie Ovendale collection is Hockney’s 2016 A Bigger Book, which documents over 60 years of his work. The book is the first time that Hockney’s oeuvre been documented on such a magnificent scale.

This 498-page book surveys Hockney’s work from his teenage years, studying at Bradford School of Art, to the 1960s where Hockney became a breakthrough British artist.

The Selections auction also contains good ceramics, a fine selection of jewellery, watches and not wholly unexpectedly L S Lowry signed prints.

We sincerely hope you enjoy your catalogue. Please do come down to the saleroom for an appointment to view. It is always good to see new and familiar faces. You can also bid in the room in these two auctions as well as online on our website or on the phone.

Best Wishes

Special mentions this time go to Donald McIntyre in The Welsh Sale; there are some lovely examples from his bright acrylic period which have become increasingly difficult to prise away from owners!

McIntyre’s acrylic period came later and was influenced by the Scottish Colourists such as Francis Cadell. You will see that McIntyre’s palette became almost psychedelic with electric-shock seas, purple tinted rocks, and lucid sands, while his figures became smaller - used as a tool for scale and to humanize a landscape, rather than the main feature of the painting.

DONALD McINTYRE acrylic ‘Anglesey Farm’ £7,000-10,000 DAVID HOCKNEY ‘A Bigger Book’, £1,000-2,000 L S LOWRY lithograph ‘Market Scene in a Northern Town’ £2,000-3,000 Ben Rogers Jones

Croeso i rifyn cyntaf Bwrw Golwg yn 2023


PORCELAIN PLATE, by Thomas Baxter £4,000-6,000

wedi mynd yn seicadelig bron, gyda moroedd fel sioc drydanol, creigiau ag arlliw porffor, a thywod gloyw, tra roedd ei ffigyrau wedi mynd yn llai, ac yn cael eu defnyddio er mwyn creu graddfa ac i ddynoli’r tirlun, yn hytrach na bod yn brif nodwedd y darlun.

Mae rhyw ryddid yn perthyn i’w waith acrylig diweddarach ble mae realiti’r testun yn llai pwysig na phrofi’r lliw, ac mae’r lliwiau trydanol hynny yn gweddu i’n hystafelloedd modern, maen nhw’n goleuo’r ystafell, maen nhw’n codi’r ysbryd ar unwaith.

A sôn am oleuo’r ystafell, mae adran gref o borslen Cymreig yn Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig hefyd. Mae’r prisiau wedi cael tipyn o ergyd yn y flwyddyn neu ddwy ddiwethaf, felly efallai mai dyma’r adeg orau i ddechrau casgliad. Mae casglu porslen Nantgarw ac Abertawe yn dod a lliw a llawenydd i’r cartref, yn enwedig o weld casgliad helaeth. Ond mae casglwyr yn rhyfeddu hefyd at hanes y porslen mwyaf cain oedd yn cael ei wneud ar y pryd. Darn nodedig yn yr adran hon ydy’r plât gwladychol hynod gain a baentiwyd gan Thomas Baxter. Mae’n ddarn prin a phwysig ac yn cynnwys disgrifiad dogfennol llawn ar y cefn yn llawysgrifen Baxter.

2022 oedd y flwyddyn orau eto i arwerthiannau’r cwmni, gan wella ymhellach ar y record a osodwyd yn 2021.

Ond yr atgof pennaf o 2022 fydd mai dyma’r flwyddyn y collon ni sylfaenydd y cwmni - fy nhad, David.

Dad oedd y grym oedd yn sail i sefydlu’r cwmni yn y blynyddoedd cynnar ac roedd yn dal wrthi’n rhuthro o un lle i’r llall yng Ngogledd Cymru i helpu cleientiaid yn ôl ei arfer hyd at ei ddyddiau olaf.

A dweud y gwir, roedd wedi bod i weld cleientiaid yng Nghaernarfon y bore cyn iddo fynd i’r ysbyty i gael gofal diwedd oes. Roedd yn ei elfen fel arwerthwr hyd at y diwedd un, doedd dim modd ei atal! Mae geiriau Dylan Thomas yn dod i’r meddwl, yn sicr wnaeth Dad ddim llithro’n dawel i’r nos.

Mae’r byd yn lle rhyfedd a mwy prudd i deulu Rogers Jones, ond awn yn ein blaenau fel teulu ac fel busnes teuluol. Dyna’r ffordd y byddai Dad am i bethau fod.

Byddai Dad wedi bod yn hapus iawn gyda’r cynigion yn y catalog dwbl hwn unwaith eto. Mae adran y paentiadau yn Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig cyn gryfed ag erioed. Ac mae’r arwerthiant ‘Dewisiadau’ mor eclectig a diddorol ag arfer.

Rhaid rhoi sylw arbennig y tro hwn i Donald McIntyre yn Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig; mae yma enghreifftiau hyfryd o’i gyfnod acrylig llachar sydd wedi dod yn fwyfwy anodd eu tynnu o afael perchnogion!

Daeth cyfnod

acrylig McIntyre yn ddiweddarach ac roedd wedi’i ddylanwadu gan y Lliwyr Albanaidd

megis Francis Cadell. Fe welwch fod palet McIntyre

Allech chi ddim cael mwy o wrthgyferbyniad rhwng y paentiadau nad ydynt yn rhai Cymreig yn yr arwerthiant Dewisiadau. Mae yma gyflenwad o baentiadau diddorol o’r 19eg Ganrif a’r 18fed Ganrif o drydedd genhedlaeth o berchnogion o gartref teuluol yn Sir Gaerfyrddin. Mae’r rhain yn gwrthgyferbynnu â chelfyddyd fodern, gan gynnwys enghreifftiau o waith David Hockney o Ystad Yr Athro Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth gynt.

Canolbwynt casgliad Ritchie Ovendale ydy llyfr Hockney o 2016,  A Bigger Book, sy’n cofnodi dros 60 mlynedd o’i waith. Y llyfr hwn ydy’r tro cyntaf i holl weithiau Hockney gael eu cofnodi ar raddfa aruthrol o’r fath.

Mae’r llyfr 498-tudalen hwn yn rhoi golwg ar waith Hockney o flynyddoedd ei arddegau a’i astudiaethau yn Ysgol Gelf Bradford i’r 1960au pryd gwnaeth Hockney enw iddo’i hun fel arlunydd Prydeinig.

Mae’r arwerthiant Dewisiadau hefyd yn cynnwys darnau da o serameg, detholiad gwych o emwaith ac oriorau a heb fod yn gwbl annisgwyl, printiau wedi’u harwyddo gan L S Lowry.

Gobeithio’n wir y byddwch yn mwynhau’n catalog. Cofiwch fod croeso i chi ddod draw i’r ystafell arwerthu i gael apwyntiad i weld y lotiau. Mae hi wastad yn braf cael gweld wynebau newydd a rhai cyfarwydd. Gallwch chi roi cynigion yn yr ystafell yn y ddau arwerthiant yma, yn ogystal ag ar-lein neu dros y ffôn.

Ben Rogers Jones

DONALD McINTYRE acrylic £2,000-3,000 DAVID HOCKNEY ‘A Bigger Book’, £1,000-2,000 Cofion Gorau L S LOWRY lithograph ‘The Level Crossing’ £2,000-3,000


The Welsh Sale

19 November 2022

Lots: 608

Total: £405,080

The final Welsh Sale of 2022 capped our record year for Welsh Sales with just under £1.5m of Welsh paintings, Welsh ceramics and Welsh antiques sold across the three auctions.

We are immensely pleased to see that the interest in all things Welsh continues with aplomb and that Rogers Jones & Co remains at the forefront in bringing such items to the buying public. Here are but a few highlights from our November auction.

Important Arts & Crafts

slipware jug by revered designer Horace Elliott (1851-1938), probably from the Ewenny kilns. Sold to a determined telephone bidder against a collector bidding in the room. The jug was consigned from Kansas City, USA when the owners brought the jug over to the UK to meet Ben Rogers Jones in Bath. They remarked that they were overjoyed at the price which went a long way to paying for their British holiday!

Estimate: £700-1,000

Sold: £6,500 + Fees

Ceri Richards CBE (1903-1971), oil on canvas depiction of the artist’s sister Esther, circa 1931. Sold to an online bidder overseas against a telephone bidder. Portraits by Richards are much rarer at auction than his surreal subjects and a stand-alone portrait such as this example remains an infrequent sight in the saleroom. The highest price achieved previously was the £12,000 for a portrait of his wife Frances that sold at Christie’s in 2006.

Estimate: £5,000-7,000

Sold: £14,000 + Fees

An auction record was achieved in the November Welsh Sale for Anglesey-born artist Tom Gerrard (1923-76). While the artist is still relatively little known beyond north Wales, he appears to have been receiving more recognition in the last two or three years.

Gerrard was a good friend of Sir Kyffin Williams who was clearly a strong influence on his style and approach. Indeed, Sir Kyffin is known to have bought some of Gerrard’s paintings.

The 20in x 2ft 11in (51 x 88cm) signed oil on board depicted a mountainside hamlet in Snowdonia with slate fences featuring prominently in the foreground. The painting drew a two-battle on the internet.

Estimate: £500-700

Sold: £3,600 + Fees

One of the surprises of the November auction was the Edgar Holloway (1914-2008) signed etching, titled Self Portrait No. 25: Goodbye to all that!

The image was based on a drawing made by the artist in 1947. Showing the artist looking over his shoulder, the picture and its title had strong allusions to Robert Graves’ autobiography Good-Bye to All That with its themes of saying farewell to both war and his youth.

Before this sale, the highest price for a copy of Self Portrait No. 25 was just £240 at an auction in England.

Estimate: £200-300

Sold: £2,600 + Fees

A rare Nantgarw porcelain teapot and stand which also saw a protracted bidding battle with a private collector winning via our live bidding system.

Estimate: £3,000-5,000

Sold: £4,200 + Fees

6 The View / Bwrw Golwg • Rogers Jones & Co
EDGAR HOLLOWAY ‘Self Portrait No 25: Goodbye to all that!’ CERI RICHARDS CBE ‘Portrait of Esther’ HORACE ELLIOTT Arts & Crafts jug

Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig

19 Tachwedd 2022

Eitemau: 608

Cyfanswm: £405,080

Roedd Arwerthiant Cymreig olaf 2022 yn goron ar ein blwyddyn orau erioed o Arwerthiannau Cymreig gyda bron i £1.5m o baentiadau Cymreig, serameg Cymreig a hen bethau Cymreig wedi’u gwerthu dros y tri arwerthiant.

Rydyn ni’n hynod falch bod y diddordeb mewn pethau Cymreig o bob math yn parhau’n gryf a bod Rogers Jones & Co yn dal ar flaen y gad o safbwynt dod ag eitemau o’r fath i afael prynwyr cyhoeddus.

Dyma ychydig o uchafbwyntiau ein harwerthiant ym mis Tachwedd. Jwg crochenwaith slip Celf a Chrefft pwysig gan y dylunydd mawr ei barch Horace Elliott (1851-1938), fwy na thebyg o odynau Ewenni. Cafodd ei werthu i gynigydd penderfynol ar y ffôn oedd yn cystadlu

â chasglwr oedd yn rhoi cynigion yn yr ystafell. Cafodd y jwg ei gludo o Kansas City yn yr Unol Daleithiau pan ddaeth y perchnogion

â’r jwg drosodd i’r Deyrnas Unedig i gwrdd â Ben Rogers Jones yng Nghaerfaddon. Dywedon nhw eu bod wrth eu boddau â’r pris a dalodd am gyfran helaeth o’u gwyliau ym Mhrydain!

Amcangyfrif: £700-1,000

Gwerthwyd: £6,500 + Fees

Portread olew ar gynfas Ceri Richards CBE (1903-1971), o chwaer yr arlunydd, Esther, tua 1931. Gwerthwyd i gynigydd tramor ar-lein fu’n cystadlu yn erbyn cynigydd ar y ffôn. Mae portreadau gan Richards yn llawer mwy prin mewn arwerthiannau na’i destunau swreal ac anaml iawn y gwelir portread unigol fel yr enghraifft hon yn yr ystafell arwerthu. Y pris uchaf a gafwyd cyn hyn oedd £12,000 am bortread o’i wraig, Frances a werthwyd yn Christie’s yn 2006.

Amcangyfrif: £5,000-7,000

Gwerthwyd: £14,000 + Fees

Torrwyd record pris mewn arwerthiant yn Arwerthiant Cymreig mis Tachwedd ar gyfer yr arlunydd a aned ym Môn, Tom Gerrard (1923-76). Er nad yw’r arlunydd yn adnabyddus iawn eto y tu hwnt i ogledd Cymru, mae fel petai mwy o bobl wedi dod i wybod amdano dros y ddwy neu dair blynedd diwethaf.

Roedd Gerrard yn gyfaill da i Syr Kyffin Williams a oedd yn amlwg yn ddylanwad mawr ar ei arddull. Gwyddom yn wir fod Syr Kyffin wedi prynu rhai o baentiadau Gerrard.

Roedd y paentiad olew ar fwrdd 20 modfedd x 2 droedfedd 11 modfedd (51 x 88cm) wedi’i arwyddo yn darlunio pentrefan mynyddig yn Eryri gyda ffensys llechi yn nodweddion amlwg yn y blaendir. Ysgogodd y darlun frwydr rhwng dau ar y we.

Amcangyfrif: £500-700

Gwerthwyd: £3,600 + Fees

Un o’r darnau a greodd syndod yn arwerthiant mis Tachwedd oedd yr ysgythriad wedi’i arwyddo gan Edgar Holloway (1914-2008) o’r enw Self Portrait No. 25: Goodbye to all that!

Roedd y ddelwedd yn seiliedig ar ddarlun a wnaed gan yr arlunydd yn 1947.

Mae’r llun, sy’n dangos yr artist yn edrych dros ei ysgwydd, a’i deitl yn cyfeirio’n amlwg at hunangofiant Robert Graves, Good-Bye to All That a’r themâu ynglŷn â ffarwelio â rhyfel ac â’i ieuenctid sydd ynddo.

Cyn yr arwerthiant hwn, dim ond £240 oedd y pris uchaf a gafwyd am gopi o Self Portrait No. 25, a hynny mewn arwerthiant yn Lloegr.

Amcangyfrif: £200-300

Gwerthwyd: £2,600 + Fees

Tebot porslen Nantgarw prin a stand a ddenodd frwydr hir hefyd, gyda chasglwr preifat yn ennill drwy ein system rhoi cynigion byw.

Amcangyfrif: £3,000-5,000

Gwerthwyd: £4,200 + Fees

• The View / Bwrw Golwg
Rogers Jones & Co
TOM GERRARD Mountainside hamlet in Snowdonia A rare NANTGARW teapot and stand


Selections & Collections

19 November 2022

Lots: 123

Total: £145,270

It proved to be a most memorable final Selections & Collections auction of the year with 89% of lots finding new homes and with several pleasant surprises for vendors.

We will also remember the auction for the intriguing curios that were consigned as part of The St John Perrott Stimson Collection of Treen & British Folk Art. All 44 lots in the collection sold, generating a sales total of just over £10,000. The highest price in the collection was for a collection of treen toys.

At just 9.2cms high, one of the smallest items in the November Selections auction was the Tiffany Aesthetic movement silver-gilt pepperette. It was engraved with the presentation inscription Given by TRH Prince & Princess of Wales, Xmas 1879

Lot number 641 in the November auction was this silverplated toast rack designed by Dr Christopher Dresser. It was consigned to sale from a private client in north Wales who, incredibly, was still using it to bring the toast to the table at breakfast until it popped up for auction. Dr Dresser is often regarded as the father of industrial design who created useable objects with radical designs while embracing the use of the latest mass production techniques of the period. His toast racks are especially sought after.

Estimate: £400-600

Sold: £2,200 + Fees


MOVEMENT silver-gilt pepperette

Estimate: £1,800-2,500

Sold: £8,000 + Fees

Research at the Tiffany Archive in 2021 found the original order for this piece in the Silver Manufacturing Ledger. Priced at $10 for making and $14 for etching, it was commissioned by the Prince of Wales. Our clients in north Wales had no idea how it came to be in the family collection. We cannot disclose who the winning bidder was, but we can say that we were delighted at its destination.

Black Forest carvings are not from the Bavarian Schwarzwald in the Rhine valley but originate in the Swiss Bernese Highland village of Brienz. They are fiercely coveted items and there was no surprise to see this charming fellow hotly contested in the November auction.

Estimate: £1,500-2,500

Sold: £5,500 + Fees

The November Selections & Collections auction was also very sculptural

Sold: £3,400 + Fees

Sold: £3,800 + Fees

8 The View / Bwrw Golwg • Rogers Jones & Co
Collection of mainly fruitwood treen toys (sold £1,100 + Fees) BLACK FOREST bear carving


Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau

19 Tachwedd 2022

Eitemau: 123

Cyfanswm: £145,270

Roedd arwerthiant Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau olaf y flwyddyn yn un gwirioneddol gofiadwy gydag 89% o’r lotiau yn cael cartrefi newydd a nifer o’r gwerthwyr yn cael eu synnu a’u plesio.

Byddwn yn cofio hefyd am y creiriau hynod a gyflwynwyd yn yr

arwerthiant fel rhan o Gasgliad St John Perrott Stimson o Gerfiadau

Pren a Chelfyddyd Werin Brydeinig. Gwerthodd pob un o 44 lot y casgliad, gan ddenu ychydig dros £10,000. Daeth pris uchaf y casgliad am gasgliad o deganau wedi’u cerfio.

Un o’r eitemau lleiaf yn arwerthiant Dewisiadau mis Tachwedd oedd y pot pupur arian â goreurad yn arddull mudiad Tiffany Aesthetic. Roedd wedi’i ysgythru â’r arysgrif Given by TRH Prince & Princess of Wales, Xmas 1879.

Canfu ymchwil a gynhaliwyd yn 2021 yn Archif Tiffany yr archeb wreiddiol ar gyfer y darn hwn yn y Silver Manufacturing Ledger

Gyda phris o $10 am ei gynhyrchu a $14 am ysgythru, cafodd ei gomisiynu gan Dywysog Cymru. Nid oedd gan ein cleientiaid yng Ngogledd Cymru unrhyw syniad sut y daeth yn rhan o gasgliad y teulu. Allwn ni ddim datgelu pwy oedd y cynigydd buddugol, ond mi allwn ni ddweud ein bod wrth ein boddau o gael gwybod i ble yr aeth.

Amcangyfrif: £1,800-2,500

Gwerthwyd: £8,000 + Fees

Nid o’r Schwarzwald Bafaraidd yn nyffryn Rhein y daw cerfiadau’r Goedwig Ddu, ond yn hytrach o bentref Brienz yn Ucheldir Berne yn y Swistir. Maen nhw’n eitemau hynod boblogaidd a doedd dim syndod bod y gŵr hynaws hwn yn destun cystadlu brwd yn arwerthiant mis Tachwedd.

Amcangyfrif: £1,500-2,500

Gwerthwyd: £5,500 + Fees

Gwerthwyd: £1,500 + Fees

Lot rhif 641 yn arwerthiant mis Tachwedd oedd y rhesel dost hon â phlât arian a gynlluniwyd gan Dr Christopher Dresser. Cafodd ei chyflwyno i’w gwerthu gan gleient preifat yng Ngogledd Cymru a oedd, credwch neu beidio, yn dal i’w defnyddio i ddod â thost i’r bwrdd brecwast hyd yn ddiweddar. Yn aml iawn, ystyrir mai Dr Dresser yw tad dylunio diwydiannol a greodd wrthrychau yr oedd modd eu defnyddio gyda dyluniadau radical tra roedd yn gwneud defnydd o dechnegau masgynhyrchu diweddaraf y cyfnod. Mae ei reseli tost yn arbennig o boblogaidd.

Amcangyfrif: £400-600

Gwerthwyd: £2,200 + Fees

Roedd arwerthiant Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau mis Tachwedd cerfluniol iawn hefyd!

Gwerthwyd: £8,000 + Fees

Gwerthwyd: £2,000 + Fees

Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg
Silverplated toast rack by SIR CHRISTOPHER DRESSER Sculpture from the November Selections & Collections sale


Auction prices from The Greatest: The Rugby Jersey Collection of Sir Gareth Edwards CBE 24 February 2023

All Blacks in 1973 Sold

10 17. £1,200 16. £3,200 15. £3,000 13. £12,000 12. £1,000 11. £1,500 10. £2,000 9. £2,400 8. £5,500 7. £5,000 6. £1,800 5. £7,500 4. £2,400 3. £1,500 2. £15,000 14. £700 1
The View / Bwrw Golwg • Rogers Jones & Co
Sir Gareth Edwards’ Barbarians Rugby Union Jersey match-worn versus the
for £240,000
Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg 11 –––––––––––––––––– 38. £1,300 19. £3,000 18. £800 23. £800 22. £2,000 21. £600 20. £2,000 29. £3,000 28. £700 27. £950 26. £10,500 25. £1,100 24. £6,000 35. £1,200 34. £3,000 33. £700 32. £400 31. £1,500 30. £2,000 37. £1,000 39. £2,600 36. £650


Rogers Jones & Co 12
1. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £22,000 4. Ceri Richards CBE £14,000 8. Swansea pearlware cabaret set £5,400 9. Swansea porcelain cabinet cup & stand £5,200 5. Peter Prendergast £7,400 7. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £5,500 10. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £4,400 6. Horace Elliott slipware vase £6,500 2. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £18,000 3. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £15,000


Rogers Jones & Co 13
1. Rolex Submariner ‘Kermit’ £15,000 5. Platinum diamond solitaire ring £7,000 6. Black Forest carved bear £5,500 7. L S Lowry pencil drawing £4,800 8. L S Lowry signed print £4,400 9. Diamond solitaire ring £4,200 10. Mary Pownall Bromet bronze £3,800 2. Gold & platinum diamond solitaire ring £8,500 3. Tiffany silver pepperette £8,000 4. Bronze group of the THE LAOCOÖN £8,000


Rogers Jones & Co 14
1. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £52,000 2. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £32,000 3. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £26,000 4. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £22,000 5. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £20,000 6. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £20,000 7. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £19,200 8. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £19,000 9. Diamond solitaire ring £19,000 10. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £18,000


Rogers Jones & Co 15
20. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £13,000 11. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £18,000 12. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £18,000 13. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £18,000 14. Shani Rhys James MBE £18,000 15. Chinese bottle vase £15,000 16. Rolex Submariner ‘Kermit’ £15,000 17. Ceri Richards CBE £14,000 18. Sir Kyffin Williams RA £14,000 19. Mid-18th Anglo-Chinese Huanghuali Bureau Cabinet £13,500


‡ BELL, Seren (b.1950) 220


Welsh Porcelain, Welsh Pottery, Books & Antiques

Porslen Cymreig, Crochenwaith

Cymreig, Llyfrau a Hen Bethau

Lots 1-66

Welsh Prints & Multiples

Printiau Cymreig & Lluosog

Lots 70-120

Welsh Works on Paper

Dyfrlliwiau & Gwaith ar Bapur

Lots 125-250

Prints & Paintings by Sir Kyffin Williams RA

Printiau a Phaentiadau gan

Syr Kyffin Williams RA

Lots 254-283

Oils, Sculpture & Other Works

Paentiadau olew, Cerfluniau a Chelf Arall

Lots 287-440

Selections & Collections

Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau

Lots 500-554

‡ BOWEN, Keith (b.1950) 155, 186, 345

‡ BROWN, William (1953-2008) 167

‡ BRUNSDON, John (1933-2014) 75, 107

‡ BRYN, Carys (b.1965) 307, 336

‡ BURNS, Brendan Stuart (b.1963) 288


‡ CAMPBELL, Alex (b.1936) 319, 350

‡ CARPANINI, David (b.1946) 111

‡ CECIL, Roger (1942-2015) 215, 219, 229

‡ CHAMBERLAIN, Brenda (1912-1971) 156, 178

‡ CHAPMAN, George (1908-1993) 78, 223

‡ CHARLTON, Arthur (1917-2010) 106

‡ CHIWAWA, Edward (b.1935) 553

‡ CLARKE, Graham (Contemporary) 312

‡ CYRLAS WILLIAMS, John (1902-1965) 368


‡ D’OYLY JOHN, Cecil Rochfort (1906-1993) 548

‡ DAVIES, Gareth H (b.1962) 375

‡ DAVIES, Glyn (Contemporary) 93, 94

‡ DAVIES, Karl (b.1971) 328

‡ GANZ, Valerie (1936-2015) 224, 244

GERRARD, Tom (b.1923) 332, 333, 397, 398

‡ GROSVENOR, David (b.1956) 330

‡ GUSTAVIUS PAYNE, Michael (b.1969) 299

H ‡ HALL, Mike (Contemporary) 317, 318 HAYES, Edwin (1819-1904) 157

‡ HERMAN, Josef OBE RA (1911-2000) 89, 166, 202, 203, 204, 206, 208, 209, 210, 216, 217, 227, 228, 231, 233, 234, 235, 239

‡ HICKS-JENKINS, Clive (b.1951) 130, 159

‡ HOCKNEY, David RA (b.1937) 534-541

‡ HOLLAND, Harry (b.1941) 101, 143, 152

‡ HOLLOWAY, Edgar (1914-2008) 83, 84

‡ HOLLY, Nick (b.1968) 160

‡ HOLMES, Walter (b.1936) 182

‡ HOWARD JONES, Ray (1903-1996) 175, 196, 205

‡ HOWELLS, Neale (b.1965) 141, 289, 300

‡ HUGHES WILLIAMS, Harry (1892-1953) 165

‡ HUMPHREYS, David (Contemporary) 366, 371 HUSON, Thomas (1844-1920) 334


‡ AINSWORTH, George (b.1949) 142

‡ ALLEN, Katie (b.1967) 290


‡ BALA, Iwan (b.1956) 171, 385

‡ BARCLAY, Ceri (b.1937) 361

BARKER, Thomas (1769-1847) 399

‡ BARNES, David (b.1977) 339

‡ BEARD, Leonard (1942–2007)

323, 324, 325, 357

‡ DELAHAYE, Muriel (1937-2021) 103, 104, 415

‡ DONOVAN, James (b.1974) 158, 373

‡ DOUGLAS-FORBES, Andrew (Contemporary) 148, 149 DUTCH SCHOOL 531


‡ EDWARDS, John (1929-2022) 153

‡ ELWYN, John (1916-1997) 87, 100, 154, 185, 207, 213, 214, 237, 355, 356, 370, 391, 401, 405, 421

‡ EVANS, Merlyn (1910-1973) 79

‡ EVANS, Will (1888-1957) 127, 128, 176, 181, 212, 218

‡ JENKINS, Wynne (b.1937) 393

‡ JONES, Aneurin (1930-2017) 406, 407

‡ JONES, David (1895-1974) 413

‡ JONES, Huw (b.1955) 198, 376

‡ JONES, Mike (1941-2022)

161, 183, 225, 232, 236, 414

‡ JONES, Selwyn (1928-1998) 134

‡ JONES, Steven (b.1959) 329

Jones & Co 16
‡ KING, Gordon (b.1939) 550 A
‡ ARMFIELD, Diana RA (b.1920) 386

‡ KITCHIN, Myfanwy (1917-2002) 337

‡ KNAPP-FISHER, John (1931-2015) 80, 86, 95, 96, 108, 200, 211, 222, 230, 242, 245, 247, 250, 402, 408

‡ KNIGHT, Alan (b.1949) 352, 369, 381

‡ PIPER, John (1903-1992) 56, 70-73, 422

‡ POVEY, Edward (Ed) (b.1951) 169

‡ PRENDERGAST, Peter (1946-2007) 240, 241

‡ TAYLOR GIBB, Lewis (1873-1945) 304

Charles Frederick OBE RA (1901-1979) 88, 174, 249

‡ LEK, Karel (1929-2020) 133, 177, 188, 320, 335, 351, 367

‡ LLOYD JONES, Mary (b.1934) 91, 146, 170

‡ LOWE, Ronald (1932-1985) 144, 145, 172, 173, 305, 306, 365

‡ LOWRY, Laurence Stephen RBA RA (1887-1976) 542- 545

‡ MALTBY, John (1936-2020) 525

‡ MALTHOUSE, Eric (1914-1997) 98, 125, 126, 137, 147, 150, 168, 191, 199, 296, 310, 340, 343, 353, 354, 382, 383, 387, 388, 389, 390

‡ McCUTCHEON, Andrew (Contemporary) 331

‡ McGILL, Sian (b.1973) 349

‡ McINTYRE, Donald (1923-2009) 425-436

‡ MELEGARI, Carl (b.1958) 400

‡ MORGAN, Paul (Contemporary) 440

‡ PRICHARD, Gwilym (1931-2015) 184, 189, 195, 396, 403, 409, 416, 417 PRYTHERCH, Thomas (1864-1926) 164, 194


‡ RHYS JAMES, Shani MBE (b.1953) 410 RICHARDS, Bryn (b.1922) 291, 292, 293, 301, 302, 303

‡ RICHARDS, Ceri CBE (1903-1971) 74, 76, 97

‡ RICHARDS, Gwyn (Contemporary) 187

‡ ROBERTS, Gwyn (b.1953) 348, 360, 378

‡ ROBERTS, John (1923-2003) 131

‡ ROBERTS, Wilf (1941-2016) 102, 118, 119, 420

‡ ROBERTS, Will (1907-2000) 151, 162, 404

‡ ROSENTHAL, Stan (1933-2012) 109, 110

‡ ROWLANDS, Wil (b.1948) 295

‡ RUSSELL, Gyrth (1892-1970) 377, 379, 380, 395

John (1778-1842)

Keith (1912-1977) 546

‡ WALTERS, Evan (1893-1951) 201

‡ WALTERS, Prudence (b.1949)

Nicholas (Contemporary) 297, 308, 309, 326, 327, 346, 347, 374, 384 WILLIAMS, Alan (Contemporary) 311, 341, 342

WILLIAMS, Christopher (1873-1934) 298, 313, 338

‡ WILLIAMS, Claudia (b 1933) 90, 419

‡ WILLIAMS, Emrys (b.1958) 287

‡ WILLIAMS, Glo (b.1940) 163

‡ WILLIAMS, Sir Kyffin RA (1918-2006) 57, 58, 64, 255-283

‡ NICHOLSON, Winifred (1893-1981) 547

‡ PARRI, Luned Rhys (b.1970) 363

‡ PARRY, Gareth (b.1951) 392

‡ PARRY, Iwan Gwyn (b.1970) 344

‡ PETTS, John (1914-1991) 77, 82, 99, 105

‡ PIECH, Paul Peter (1920-1996) 81, 92, 112-117

‡ PIERCY, Rob (b.1946) 190

‡ SAMUEL, Mark (b.1956) 321, 322

‡ SCOTT, Sir Peter Markham (1909-1989) 549

‡ SELWYN, William (b.1933)

179, 180, 192, 193, 221, 226, 243, 246

‡ SINCLAIR, Nicholas (b.1954) 254

‡ SINNOTT, Kevin (b.1947) 411, 412, 418

‡ SNOW, Philip (Contemporary) 135

‡ SOUTHALL, Andrew (b.1947) 362

‡ SPEED, John (1552-1629) 66

STOKES, Adrian (1854-1935) 552

‡ STUART, Gordon (1924-2015) 197, 314

‡ SUTHERLAND, Graham (1903-1980) 248

‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).

‡ WOODFORD, David (b.1938) 53, 294 WOOTTON, Circle of John (1682-1764) 532

‡ WYATT WARREN, Charles (1908-1993) 315, 316, 358, 359, 364, 372, 394 Y

‡ YATES, Fred (1922-2008) 551 YEADON, Darren (b.1970) 437, 438, 439 Z

‡ ZOBOLE, Ernest (1927-1999) 238

Rogers Jones & Co 17
129, 138, 139, 140
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David Rogers Jones


The end of the most successful year in our 30-year history was overshadowed by the loss of David Rogers Jones.

The Rogers Jones family and team would like to say a sincere thank you for the many kind messages which were sent to us at such a difficult time.

auctioneers who have conducted as many auctions and sold as many lots as he had. Certainly, it seems likely that no-one in Wales will ever come close.

Bidders will remember David for his amusing auctioneering, there were no gimmicks – none of the fancy waistcoats, dramatic hand gestures or catchphrases that might be witnessed at some metropolitan auction houses, but he added warmth to his auctions through gentle and very Welsh humour. There was always fun and camaraderie to be had with the bidders. This in turn helped bidders feel at ease and enabled him to generate a fabulous rapport with customers.

David would not have been the man for a fancy London auction-house but he was the man for auctioneering in Wales to the Welsh public. He had great affinity with this audience. It seemed like the role was made for him and he for the role.

Above all, David loved being out and ‘doing his calls’. He enjoyed meeting people and getting to know every backroad, housing estate and small community in north Wales. He always had the perfect tone, clients would immediately warm to him as a person knowing that he wanted the best for them.

David Rogers Jones, the joint founder of Rogers Jones & Co, succumbed to cancer on December 11th.

David and wife Margaret started Rogers Jones & Co in 1992, when they made great sacrifices and worked long hours to create a busy auction room in Colwyn Bay town centre, initially living above the saleroom, in a flat which doubled up as their office space.

They often remarked how immensely grateful they were for the support from local solicitors and clients who entrusted the company with instructions from the very beginning. These instructions helped the business gain momentum and set foundations for its future progress. In recent years, David was exceptionally proud of the company’s development, its successes and the scale and stature that we have been able to attain.

David will be remembered as a supreme auctioneer who loved his job. The first auction he conducted was in the Drill Hall, Menai Bridge in 1962, and his last auction was only four or so years ago. There can be very few

David’s final valuation appointment was on Monday, December 5th, 2022. He was by then very weak and weary but despite our concerns he insisted that he wanted to conduct a probate valuation in Caernarfonwhich he duly did, but this time with Margaret as chauffeur. Only a few hours later, he was taken to hospital for what, it transpired, would be for end-of-life treatment. We have since listened to his final dictated valuation which was a lucid and thorough assessment of a house contents for the purpose of probate. He remained the professional to the very end.

David was incredibly proud that 30 years on from its humble beginnings, the Rogers Jones company is still a family business with family values at its core, and that colleagues within the company appear to be happy in their work and remain for long durations. We can assure our clients that Rogers Jones & Company will remain an extension of the Rogers Jones family, and that the family values on which the company were built are secured for the future.

20 Rogers Jones & Co

David Rogers Jones 1942-2022

Taflwyd cysgod dros y flwyddyn fwyaf llwyddiannus yn ein 30 mlynedd o hanes gyda cholli David Rogers Jones.

Hoffai teulu a thîm Rogers Jones ddiolch yn ddiffuant am y llu o negeseuon caredig a anfonwyd atom ar adeg mor anodd.

Collodd David Rogers Jones, cydsylfaenydd Roger Jones & Co, ei frwydr â chanser ar Ragfyr 11eg.

Dechreuodd David a’i wraig Margaret Rogers Jones & Co yn 1992, gan aberthu llawer a gweithio oriau hir i greu ystafell arwerthu brysur yng nghanol tref Bae Colwyn. Ar y dechrau, buon nhw’n byw uwchben yr ystafell arwerthu, mewn fflat a oedd hefyd yn swyddfa iddyn nhw.

Roedden nhw’n sôn yn aml eu bod yn andros o ddiolchgar am y gefnogaeth gawson nhw gan gyfreithwyr a chleientiaid lleol a wnaeth ymddiried yn y cwmni i weithredu ar eu rhan o’r dechrau un. Roedd y gwaith hwnnw wedi helpu’r busnes i godi stêm ac wedi gosod y sylfeini ar gyfer ei gynnydd yn y dyfodol.

Yn y blynyddoedd diweddaraf, roedd David yn eithriadol o falch o ddatblygiad y cwmni, ei lwyddiannau a’r raddfa a’r statws rydyn ni wedi llwyddo i’w cyrraedd.

Bydd David yn cael ei gofio fe arwerthwr o fri a oedd wrth ei fodd yn ei waith. Cynhaliodd ei arwerthiant cyntaf yn y Neuadd Filwrol ym Mhorthaethwy yn 1962, a dim ond rhyw bedair blynedd sydd ers iddo gynnal ei arwerthiant olaf. Ychydig iawn o arwerthwyr fyddai wedi cynnal cymaint o arwerthiannau a gwerthu cymaint o lotiau ag y gwnaeth ef. Yn sicr, mae’n debyg na ddaw neb yng Nghymru yn agos at hynny.

Bydd cynigwyr yn cofio dull arwerthu difyr David, doedd dim un gimic – dim o’r gwasgodau ffansi, yr ystumiau llaw dramatig na’r ymadroddion rhyfedd y gallech chi ddod ar eu traws mewn ambell i dŷ arwerthu metropolitan, ond roedd yn dod a chynhesrwydd i’w arwerthiannau drwy hiwmor cynnil a Chymreig iawn. Roedd hwyl a chyfeillach rhyngddo a’r cynigwyr bob amser. Roedd hynny wedyn yn helpu’r cynigwyr i deimlo’n gysurus ac yn ei alluogi i ffurfio perthynas hyfryd â’i gwsmeriaid.

Nid David fyddai’r dyn ar gyfer tŷ arwerthu uchel-ael yn Llundain ond fo oedd y dyn ar gyfer arwerthu yng

Nghymru i bobl Cymru. Roedd ganddo berthynas wych â’i gynulleidfa. Roed fel petai’r rôl wedi’i chreu ar ei gyfer ac yntau wedi’i greu ar gyfer y rôl.

Yn fwy na dim, roedd David yn ei elfen yn mynd allan i ‘wneud ei alwadau’. Roedd yn mwynhau cwrdd â phobl a dod i adnabod pob lôn gefn, stad dai a chymuned fach yng Ngogledd Cymru. Roedd yn gosod y cywair perffaith bob tro a byddai’r cleientiaid yn cynhesu at ei gymeriad ar unwaith gan wybod ei fod y dymuno’r gorau ar eu rhan.

Roedd apwyntiad prisio olaf David ar ddydd Llun, Rhagfyr 5ed, 2022. Erbyn hynny, roedd yn wan a llesg ond er gwaethaf ein pryderon, mynnodd ei fod am gynnal prisiad ewyllys yng Nghaernarfon - ac fe wnaeth hynny, ond y tro hwn, gyda Margaret yn gyrru. Ychydig oriau’n unig yn ddiweddarach, aeth i mewn i’r ysbyty ar gyfer yr hyn a ddaeth yn driniaeth diwedd oes iddo.

Ers hynny, rydyn ni wedi gwrando ar y prisiad olaf yr oedd wedi ei arddweud ac roedd hwnnw’n asesiad eglur a thrylwyr o gynnwys tŷ at ddibenion ewyllys. Bu’n broffesiynol hyd at y diwedd un.

Roedd David yn hynod falch fod cwmni Rogers Jones, 30 mlynedd wedi’r camau bychain cyntaf, yn dal yn fusnes teuluol wedi’i wreiddio mewn gwerthoedd teuluol, a bod cydweithwyr yn y cwmni i’w gweld yn hapus yn eu gwaith ac yn aros am gyfnodau hir. Gallwn roi sicrwydd i’n cleientiaid y bydd Rogers Jones & Co yn parhau’n estyniad o deulu Rogers Jones, a bod y gwerthoedd teuluol a fu’n sail i’r cwmni wedi’u sicrhau ar gyfer y dyfodol.

Jones & Co

Entries now invited for: sporting memorabilia & antiques, sporting autographs, taxidermy, outdoor-pursuit antiques including hunting, shooting & fishing.

Leisure items including wines, whisky & spirits, cigars, tantaluses, corkscrews, journals, card-tables, club-style lounge furniture, sculptural items.

Games including Mah Jong, chess, game-counters, croquet sets, related Victoriana, vintage cameras, telescopes, microscopes, globes, steam locomotives etc ENTRIES

1963 All Blacks Jersey Estimate: £1800-2500

9.30am 01.04.23

Welsh Sale / Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig
Lot 249

1-66 Lots

Welsh Porcelain, Welsh Pottery, Books & Antiques

Porslen Cymreig, Crochenwaith

Cymreig, Llyfrau a Hen Bethau


PAIR OF SWANSEA PORCELAIN PLATES circa 1815-1820, of circular form, decorated with flower studies and strawberries within borders of scrolling giltwork with green flowerheads, solid gilt rims, 24cms diam.

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector

Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Condition Report: wear esp. rims # £200-250 2

SWANSEA PORCELAIN CABINET CUP & STAND circa 1815-1817, having three claw feet and scrolling elevated handle with mask terminal picked out in gold, slightly flared rim, painted by Thomas Baxter with a scene from Colonial India with soldiers and servant, surrounded by gilt scrolls and palmettes, Swansea script marks to both elements, cup 12cms high

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector

Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label, to match Lot 5

Condition Report: damage including repaired foot, repaired handle, cracks to both elements # £200-250

SWANSEA PORCELAIN PART TEA-SET circa 1815-1820, comprising teapot with stand and cover, sucrier and cover, cream jug, slop bowl and a pair of cups and saucers, all with wavy rim picked out in gold and embossed basket weave over elongated spiral moulded cartouches, painted with pink roses and anemone

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector

Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Condition Report: hairline to cream jug, hairline to cups, minor chip to cover and repair to other cover # £200-250

SWANSEA GLASSY PASTE PORCELAIN CUP & SAUCER, circa 1815, decorated by William Billingsley, the cup with a figure wearing blue breeches and holding a scythe in a landscape, the saucer with lady in red shawl in a landscape, within solid gilt rims

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector

Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Condition Report: wear to gilding # £200-250

2 1 4 3 26
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co

AN IMPORTANT SWANSEA PORCELAIN DESSERT PLATE PAINTED BY THOMAS BAXTER circa 1816-1819, of duck-egg body, circular, non-moulded form, solid gilt rim and inner rim, gilt scrolling foliate border, original inscription to base ‘OLD FORT GAUT, CALCUTTA’ ‘Within the walls of this fort is the black hole, whose name is eternized by the sufferings of Mr Holwell and his ill fated companions in 1756’, 21cms diam.

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label, typed Colonial history attached to base, new to market, illustration 96 ‘Thomas Baxter, The Swansea Years 1816-1819’ by John O Wilstead and Bernard Morris, Gomer Press 1997

Auctioneer’s Note: Thomas Baxter was the only ceramic artist of his time to have been trained at the Royal Academy of Art. He was acknowledged as one of the most accomplished porcelain decorators of the period. The scene is after Plate 6 from Thomas Daniell’s Views of Calcutta’ and represents the ghat (steps) descending from the old Fort William to the River Hooghly. Built at the turn of the eighteenth century, the fort had been attacked in 1757 by the Nawab of Bengal, then repurposed into warehouses, offices and Custom House for the East India Company. Indians bathing in the river demonstrate how locals used the site. In 1784 Thomas Daniel obtained permission from the East India Company to travel to India to work as an engraver, assisted by his nephew William. The pair reached Calcutta in 1786 and soon began to issue the first topographical prints of the colonial capital. Twelve etched and aquatinted ‘Views of Calcutta’ were completed by 1788, printed and hand-coloured by Indian assistants. The images proved immensely popular in India and Europe, and helped to launch a vogue for Indian ornament and design in Britain. The title relates to the horrifying ‘Black Hole of Calcutta’, in which British troops, commanded by John Zephaniah Holwell were captured in 1756 by the Newab of Bengal, Siraj ud-Daulah.

The captured British soldiers and civilians were rounded up and forced into the ‘black hole’, a tiny enclosure measuring 5.4 metres by 4.2 metres and originally intended for petty criminals.

With temperatures hitting around 40 degrees and in intensely humid air, the prisoners were then locked up for the night. According to Holwell’s account, the next few hours saw over a hundred people die through a mixture of suffocation and trampling. Those that begged for the mercy of their captors were met with jeers and laughter, and by the time the cell doors were opened at 6am there was a mound of dead bodies. Only 23 people had survived.

Condition Report: very fine, very minor firing faults, gilding and decoration excellent # £4,000-6,000

6 SWANSEA PORCELAIN PART DINNER SERVICE circa 1815-1820, comprising large platter, 41cms, small platter, two pairs of plates, 25cms and 21cms diam, transfer decorated with blue monochrome flower sprays

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Condition Report: no notable damage, please examine # £300-400

7 PAIR OF SWANSEA BISCUIT PORCELAIN VASES circa 1817-1820, urn form raised on a circular base, the ram’s head handles above ribbons and applied with flower swags, impressed mark with trident 14.5cms

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label, Illustrated by E.Morton Nance, The Pottery & Porcelain of Swansea & Nantgarw, pl.CII, C, old Sotheby’s labels attached Condition Report: losses to flower swags # £300-500

# condition reports in this section do not act as a guarantee and later amendments to condition reports may have been applied to the online listing. Please examine / enquire prior to bidding.

7 6 27 Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale




SERVICE circa 1814-1826, comprising circular based footed sauce tureen, cover and stand, square tureen and cover, platter and two plates, all with infill transfer pattern of rose blooms and exotic flowers growing from rockwork, the decoration printed in black and then brightly coloured by hand, the cavetto in orange with gilded ‘cracked ice’ decoration, series of flower sprigs to border

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector

Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label Condition Report: noted repair / chip to finial, no other damage, sl. localised crazing, wear commensurate with age, please examine # £400-600


SWANSEA PORCELAIN CHAMBER STICK circa 1815-1817, circular form, centre nozzle with flared neck, scrolling dolphin handle picked out in gold, the dish painted fully with flowers and strawberries, probably by David Evans, gilt decoration to the nozzle and gilt vine to the border of the dish, 12.5cms diam

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector

Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label Condition Report: wear esp. gilding commensurate with age # £400-600


circa 1815-1817, with flared rim and with ridged and footed base, twin faux ring handles, decorated with opposing ovals of flower sprays within turquoise ground oeil de perdix, scrolling and stippled gilding, gilt dentil rims, 10.5cms high

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector

Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label Condition Report: minor nicks to foot of one, minor scrape to rim of other # £800-1,200


SWANSEA PORCELAIN PART TEA-SERVICE circa 1815-1820, pattern No.194, painted in the Imari palette and style in dark blue and gold tracery interspersed with orange and green straps, comprising rounded rectangular teapot and stand, cream jug, bread-plate and two cups, stencilled marks and pattern numbers to bases

Provenance: private collection Swansea, with Bonhams 2010 (receipt)

Condition Report: noted hairline to one cup, please examine # £300-500

12 No lot

8 9 10 28
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones
& Co

NANTGARW PORCELAIN DISH PAINTED BY THOMAS PARDOE circa 1818-1820, of lobed form, the border typically moulded with ribbons and sea scrolls, painted with two sprays of flowers to the interior, butterfly and sprig to border, all within a solid gilt rim, impressed nantgarw CW to base (21cms diam.)

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: minor wear to gilt edge, light general wear commensurate with age but generally sound with no evidence of historical damage # £400-600


NANTGARW PORCELAIN PLATE circa 1818-1820, of non-moulded circular form, decorated with four colourful posies, scattered sprigs and four insects, gilt dentil rim, impressed NANT GARW CW to base, 22cms diam

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Condition Report: fine example # £150-250


NANTGARW PORCELAIN PLATE circa 1818-1820, of lobed form, typically moulded with c-scrolls, decorated by Thomas Pardoe with sprigs to the border and spray to the interior, rim picked out in chocolate brown, impressed NANT GARW CW to base, 22cms diam

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Condition Report: sl. wear only # £150-250


NANTGARW PORCELAIN PLATE circa 1818-1820, of lobed form, decorated with large off-centre posy and scattered flower stems, within solid gilt rim, 24cms diam

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Condition Report: fine example # £200-300


FINE NANTGARW PORCELAIN TEA CUP & SAUCER circa 1818-1820, with heart-shaped handle resting on rim, painted with sprays of flowers and roses, gilt dentil rim

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Condition Report: fine example, faint hairline to rim below handle (probably from firing) # £200-300


TWO RARE NANTGARW PORCELAIN COFFEE CANS circa 1818-1820, similar shaped, both painted with flowers, one with gilding, 6cms high

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Condition Report: fine examples # £250-350

# condition reports in this section do not act as a guarantee and later amendments to condition reports may have been applied to the online listing. Please examine / enquire prior to bidding.

18 17 16 15 14 13
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale


NANTGARW PORCELAIN PLATE circa 1818-1820, of lobed form with combed fluting to the border with a continuous garland of flowers, the interior with a centred posy, gilt dentil rim, impressed NANT GARW CW to base, 23.5cms diam

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Condition Report: fine example # £250-350


NANTGARW PORCELAIN CRUCIFORM DISH circa 1818-1820, the border decorated with a series of flower posies linked by gilt foliage, larger posy to centre, within gilt dentil rim, impressed NANT GARW CW to base, 23cms diam

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Condition Report: fine example # £300-500


NANTGARW PORCELAIN CUPS & SAUCERS INCLUDING TRIO circa 1818-1820, the trio with gilt bordered cloud cartouches containing flower sprays, with gilt dentil rims, together with two further floral decorated cups (5)

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Condition Report: wear to gilding, please examine # £300-500


NANTGARW PORCELAIN SAUCE TUREEN & COVER circa 1818-1820, of footed circular form with gilded twin-handles and pineapple finial, decorated with oeil de perdrix between gilded moulding of ribbons, flowers and c-scrolls, above a band of wildflowers, 19cms handle to handle

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Condition Report: fine example, wear to gilding only # £400-600

21 20 19 22 30
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co

NANTGARW PORCELAIN CENTRE DISH circa 1818-1820, of lobed oval form with twin fan handles picked out in gold, wide apple-green border painted with six flower sprays, the interior with garland of flowers to circle a centred posy, impressed NANT GARW CW to base, 35.5cms handle to handle

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Condition Report: regilding to handle, very minor hairline to rim (probably from firing), excellent overall #

£500-700 24

NANTGARW PORCELAIN CABINET CUP circa 1818-1820, footed and bell shaped, having twin gryphon handles, the body painted with sprays of flowers probably by Thomas Pardoe, gilt dentil rim, handles picked out in gold, 8.5cms high

Provenance: deceased estate Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: faint localised crazing, faint hairline below handle (poss. firing fault), v. sl. losses to decoration / gilding #


NANTGARW PORCELAIN TRIO circa 1818-1820, having elevated loop handles, painted with panels of flower sprays surrounded by gilt work of scrolls, stipple and lattice, saucer diam 13cms diam.

Provenance: private collection South West England

Condition Report: fine, sl. wear only #


# condition reports in this section do not act as a guarantee and later amendments to condition reports may have been applied to the online listing. Please examine / enquire prior to bidding.

26 No lot
• The
Rogers Jones & Co


MUG circa 1795, of cylindrical form with ear-shaped handle, transfer printed in black with silhouettes of George III, Caroline, Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, formed deceptively from the outlines of an urn supporting the crown, and from the outlines of a pair of entwined serpents, inscribed ‘A New Puzzle of Portraits Striking Likenefses of the King & Queen of England and the late King & Queen of France’, engraving attributed to Thomas Rothwell, circa 1795 (9.25cms)

Provenance: private collection Surrey, illustration 3.9 ‘Welsh Ceramics in Context II’ (Royal Institute of South Wales 2005), please also see ‘Swansea Commemorative Pottery’ by Helen Hallesy for a thorough explanation of the social history behind this image

Auctioneer’s Note: the Mysterious Urn was copied from a print drawn for the Loyalists of the guillotined Louis XVI and Queen Marie-Antoinette (1783). The disguised portraits intending to deceive revolutionaries that they were supporters of the ancient regime.

Condition Report: nicks to foot, small scrape to rim, localised crazing, sl. hairline # £100-150


SWANSEA CAMBRIAN PEARLWARE DOCUMENTARY MUG floral painted with stippled body, non-stippled cartouche inscribed SARAH THOMAS 1822 (9cms high)

Provenance: private collection Surrey, see Morton Nance ‘The Pottery & Porcelain of Swansea & Nantgarw’ page 81/84

Condition Report: in good condition # £100-150


AN EARLY SWANSEA EARTHENWARE UNITY SUGAR BASIN & SAUCER circa 1810-1820, printed in the transfer pattern known as ‘Cambrian Palm Chinoiserie’ and having a pilchard device and the words UNITY, 14.5cms diam and 10cms diam.

Provenance: private collection Surrey, example of a matching tea-bowl and saucer at City and County of Swansea collection

Auctioneer’s Note: the pilchard and ‘Unity’ relate to a pilchard cellar called Unity in Newquay, Cornwall, the items would have been part of a set commissioned by the company, please see jug sold at Welsh Sale / Rogers Jones & Co on Dec 5, 2020 (£380+BP)

Condition Report: small nick to foot of saucer and small area of repair to rim of saucer, transfer fresh on both items # £300-400


RARE SWANSEA PEARLWARE PUZZLE JUG circa 1800, footed baluster form, pierce-work neck, tubular handle to tubular rim with three nozzles, underglaze decorated with flowers together with blue and ochre trails, 18cms high

Provenance: directly from the family of preeminent collector Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label, illustrated Morton Nance ‘The Pottery and Porcelain of Swansea & Nantgarw’ XVI

Condition Report: repaired nozzle, chipped foot, overall excellent considering age # £200-300

30 28 27 29 32 The
& Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones


COMMEMORATIVE VASE with twin loop handles and spreading foot, crimped rim, yellow mustard glaze over white slip, sgraffito inscribed ‘Mafeking relieved May 17th 1900 after a siege of 214 days’, and to the reverse ‘Nac ymffriostia or dyd y foru’ (don’t worry about tomorrow), signed Jones, Bridgend, Glam (18cms high)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: good condition # £150-250


EWENNY SLIPWARE POTTERY COSTREL circular based with four loop handles, green mottled glaze, sgraffito decoration and inscription ‘Costrel Pererin’ (pilgrim’s costrel) (19.5cms diam.)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: in good condition # £150-200 33

EWENNY SLIPWARE POTTERY ZOOMORPHIC JUG in the form of a pig with elongated mouth to form spout, in yellow glaze, with sgraffito decoration, inscribed ‘Y Mochyn Gwyllt’ (the wild pig), signed Ewenny Pottery to base (19.5cms high)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: firing crack to handle only # £200-300


BOWL BY HORACE ELLIOTT yellow mustard glaze over white slip, crimped rim, sgraffito decoration of eight circular motifs, Elliott fleur-de-lys mark to body, and signed Horace Elliott London 1891 to the base, 24cms diam (24cms diam.)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: glaze loss as expected only # £300-400


LARGE RARE EWENNY POTTERY SEATED CAT royal blue glaze, modelled with collar, sgraffito whiskers, ears and eyes, inscribed ‘Morris’ to chest and ‘Gwae llygodlle bo cath fawr’ (woe to mice, where there is a big cat), base inscribed Jones Bridgend for Evan Jones, circa 1900 (38cms high)

Provenance: private collection Conwy, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office, owned by the vendor’s grandfather Dr Thomas Glynn Morris (Taid) who was a doctor for Penrhyn Estate and the quarry workers at the turn of the last century and before Condition Report: very small losses to glaze, minor repainting to tip of ear, overall excellent # £700-1,000

35 34 33 32 31 33 Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
# condition reports in this section do not act as a guarantee and later amendments to condition reports may have been applied to the online listing. Please examine / enquire prior to bidding.


GOOD LLANELLY POTTERY COCKEREL PLATE, circa 1900, continuous sponged floral border in blue, the interior fully decorated with the cockerel scene (24cms diam.)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: good example, without damage # £250-350


RARE LLANELLY POTTERY COCKEREL MUG, circa 1900, loop handle, opposing naïve cockerel scenes (10cms high)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: sl. crazing only # £400-600


LLANELLY PLATE SIGNED BY SHUFFLEBOTHAM of circular form with green and red borders, painted with a centred portrait of a standing lady in Welsh costume with pipe-hat being Mari Jones ‘The Bible Girl’, titled ‘Wales’ to the border, initials SWS for Samuel Walter Shufflebotham, inscribed in green ‘Llanelly’ to the base (25cms diam.)

Provenance: private collection Cheshire, consigned via our Cardiff office

Auctioneer’s Note: signed pieces such as this are rare as they were not produced commercially but were meant for members of Shufflebotham’s family or personal circle

Condition Report: restoration and discolouration # £500-1,000

TWO RARE GAUDY WELSH POTTERY NAMED MUGS & GAUDY WELSH COFFEE POT, mid to late 19th Century, named for ‘Leah Haskwith’, and ‘John Davison’, 10cms high, coffee pot with pedestal base, 24cms high (2)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: minor nicks to inner rim of one mug, hairline to other, restoration to spout of pot and chip to lid of cover # £150-250

40 No lot 38
36 39 34
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co



GLASS GOBLETS & MATCHING PAIR OF SHIP’S DECANTERS etched with the heraldic crest for the Vaughan family of Brecknock

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: no notable damage, staining to one decanter £150-200


ANTHONY FOSTER / ERIC GILL two finely carved and stained boxwood religious figures of Christ and the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus by Anthony Foster, together with a carved Christ crucified, attributed to Eric Gill. The two Anthony Foster carvings modelled to stand on plinths, Christ pointing to Biblical text ‘Judas Jesu Christi Servus’ (Judas, the servant of Jesus Christ), initialled at base, 31cms high, Virgin Mary, 16cms high. The carving attributed to Eric Gill (originally mounted to a cross), 30cms high

Provenance: items gifted to vendor’s mother by Eric Gill, Anthony Foster (1909-1959) was an apprentice to Eric Gill at Piggotts farm, from around 1931, and shortly afterwards became his main carver, for an excellent resume of the artist, please see Anthony Noel Henry Foster (

Auctioneer’s Note: the Foster carvings are of high quality, the technique of incising the wood and then staining the incisions is similar to the craft of Japanese netsuke

Condition Report: both Foster carvings in excellent condition, minor surface scratches and very minor nicks, Eric Gill has repaired arms and is no longer mounted £1,500-2,500


RARE DAVIS OF DERBY MINE FLAME SAFETY LAMP circa 1850, brass base stamped DAVIS 6 DERBY and G C C T I C 3, 20cms high

Provenance: vendor’s grandfather’s who worked as a miner in Blaen Garw, south Wales

Condition Report: appears to be complete and in good condition, please see images £300-500



WELSH 19TH CENTURY COW HORN WITH DOCUMENTARY ENGRAVING ‘Wm JonesBlacksmith, Tafarn y Celun 1845’, engraving painted red (29.5cms)

Provenance: private collection


Condition Report: good condition, drilled hole for hanging at tip £100-200

41 43 44
42 35
• The Welsh Sale
Rogers Jones
condition reports in this section do not act as a guarantee and later amendments to condition reports may have been applied to the online listing. Please examine / enquire prior to bidding.


CIRCULAR SILVER TABLE BOX WITH WELCH REGIMENT RELATED ENGRAVING of plain form having feathered rims, hinged lid, engraving with rampant lion crest to ‘Presented toCaptain Webley Parry Pryse, by farmers of the Tivyside on resigning the mastership of the hounds, 1904’, 14cms diam, hallmarks for London 1904, 19.5tr ozs approx Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: rubbed engraving, good overall £200-300


ANGLESEY FOLK ART TREEN SAILOR FIGURE with wind propelled arms, standing in faun breeches, Navy blue jumper, sailor’s cap and with smoking pipe in mouth, standing on a green base, 32cms high

Provenance: private collection north Wales, vendor recalls that her family purchased from Anglesey before World War II and that ‘there was a carver who was well known for making these figures in the Cemaes area of Anglesey’

Condition Report: crazing and losses, appears to be complete £200-300


GROUP OF SEVEN VARIOUS SYCAMORE BUTTER STAMPS Welsh, late 19th / early 20th Century, each carved with standing cow and one with cow and the Welsh inscription ‘Bod Ardle’ (Be There)

Provenance: private collection Powys, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: minor defects only £150-250


PAUL MATT FOR BRYNMAWR: SET OF SIX ARTS & CRAFTS OAK DINING CHAIRS, with double bar square backs and leather drop-in seats, some stamped ‘2126 / 42 / 23 8 38’ to the underside (6) (88h x 40d x 43cms w)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: one chair with detached seat £200-300

48 46 47 45 36
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co


PAUL MATT FOR BRYNMAWR: OAK BUREAU, 1930s, stage back above step moulded angled fall and sides, automatic lopers, fitted interior of pigeon holes, above two long drawers raised on square section legs, labelled verso, 104.5h x 68.5w x 41.5cms d

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: fall does not close completely, one brass strut bent, interior shelf base split on one side, three handle retaining pegs missing



PAUL MATT FOR BRYNMAWR: ARTS & CRAFTS OAK DRESSING TABLE, fitted six drawers below cheval mirror, tapering square handles, plinth base, label inside (49d x 173h x 123cms w)

Condition Report: appears structurally solid and undamaged with all handle tusk tenon joints present. Overall a little dry and faded in places, a few water ring marks to the lower shelf. One of the retaining mirror thumbscrews replaced with a standard screw. The bevelled mirror is in good condition



LATE 18TH CENTURY OAK WELSH DRESSER, the top section having a deep hood with square doors to the middle shelf and a base of three drawers and two drawers below (148w x 190h x 86.5cms d)

Provenance: deceased estate Conwy, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: remarkable original condition, rare to see a dresser of this quality from this period


51 50 37
52 No lot 49
• The
Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Rogers Jones


GREGYNOG PRESS: FIVE VARIOUS PUBLICATIONS comprising (1) ‘The Curate of Clyro – Extracts from the Diary of The Reverend Francis Kilvert’ with wood engravings by Sarah Van Niekerk, limited edition (137/250), 1983, (2) ‘The Ladies of Gregynog’ by Eirene White, limited edition (77/105), 1984, (3) ‘Four Great Castles – an Essay by Arnold Taylor’, with etchings by David Woodford, limited edition (47/150) with slip-case, (4) ‘Gwasg Gregynog – a descriptive catalogue of printing at Gregynog 1970-1990’ (5) ‘Llywelyn 1282’, 1982

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: all volumes are presented in near fine condition, appear to be complete and with no damage however the red outer cover of Llywelyn is faded in places



GREGYNOG PRESS WOODCUTS two rare practice-pulls from 1931-32, for (1) Blair Hughes Stanton ‘Comus’ by John Milton, 17 x 22cms and (2) Agnes Miller Parker ‘Esope’ 32 x 20cms (2)

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office, from private collection of Gregynog Press ephemera and sundries of Mrs Dora Herbert-Jones, Tregynon, the secretary of the Gregynog Press from 1927 onwards. Given to the vendor by Dora Herbert-Jones in 1975

Condition Report: both unframed, sl. creasing / browning to edges



GREGYNOG PRESS: GERTRUDE HERMES limited edition (122/240) on Zerkall mouldmade paper, bound in quarter cloth with attractive tessellated design, titled ‘Wood Engravings by Gertrude Hermes, being Illustrations to Selborne, with Extracts from Gilbert White’, introduced by William Condry with a postscript by James Hamilton, 1988

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: sl.browning to edge of paper only £200-300


‘DEATHS & ENTRANCES’ limited edition (41/250), dated 1984 - colour illustrations by John Piper, Folio publisher’s Morocco backed textured cloth, gilt lettering to spine, includes original slipcase. Edited with an introduction by Walford Davies. Printed on T. H. Saunders pure rag mould made paper and bound under the direction of James Brockman. Colour offset lithograph reproductions of illustrations by Piper by Adrian Lack at the Senecia Press, colour frontis plus seven double page colour plates

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: surface marks to slip case, sl. browning to papers, overall very good £300-500


‘TWO OLD MEN & OTHER STORIES’ limited edition (29/250) volume printed on Zerkall mould-made paper, illustrated with linocuts by Sir Kyffin Williams RA, 198, slip-case

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: sl. yellowing of papers £300-400

53 57 56 55 38 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


GWASG GREGYNOG & SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA assorted ephemera, booklets and printed items, including Miscellanea 2010, green edition, in original card folder; 2008 Gwasg Gregynog Reception, held at the Society of Antiquaires of London, containing numerous printed items and a Frank Martin signed print; ‘KyffinA Celebration‘ 2008 catalogue of touring bookbinding exhibition, with foreword by Prince Charles; and ‘Kyffin Williams RA.’ 2006 Albany Gallery exhibition catalogue (qty)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: all items presented in near fine condition



GWASG GREGYNOG, 2005Miscellanea, 1 of 75 copies of the green edition, a portfolio of c.35 pieces of printing ephemera from the press comprising specimen leaves, poetry, signed print Gaylord Schalinec, etc., loose as issued in original card portfolio, in original green cloth drop-back box (40.5 x 27cms) (2)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: presented in near fine condition, very clean with no signs of wear. Appears complete although further examination recommended



‡ GREGYNOG PRESS 2010 Miscellanea, 2 of 25 copies of the red edition, a portfolio of c.40 pieces of printing ephemera from the press including signed print by Frank Martin and some rare Gregynog printing, loose as issued in original red cloth drop-back box with silver ties by Lisa Neumann (2) (37.8 x 27.5cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: presented in near fine condition, very clean, minimal signs of use. Appears complete although further examination recommended



GWASG GREGYNOG, 2005 - Miscellanea, 5 of 25 copies of the green edition, each portfolio containing printing ephemera from the press, loose as issued in original green card wallet, still in original wrappers and outer brown cardboard box, 35 x 88cms (5)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: presented in fine condition, as-new, boxed and sealed in tissue bar from one edition opened for photographic purposes


62 GWASG GREGYNOG, 2008 See-Paynton (Colin), ‘Birds of a Feather’, limited edition printed from artist’s block, no. 31/150, title in green and black with feather vignette in gold, woodengraved illustrations by the author, original dark blue morocco-backed cloth by John Sewell with illustration mounted to upper cover, cloth slip-case, folio

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: very fine, near mint


62 61 60 59 58 39 Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


GWASG GREGYNOG, 2008See-Paynton (Colin), ‘Birds of a Feather, ‘a limited edition printed from artist’s block, no. 32/150, title in green and black with feather vignette in gold, woodengraved illustrations by the author, original dark blue Morocco-backed cloth by John Sewell with illustration mounted to upper cover, cloth slip-case, folio Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: presented in near fine condition, exceptionally clean and damage free. Appears complete although further examination recommended



‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (216/275) volume of ‘Cutting Images’printed on T H Saunders Waterford paper and printed by David Vickers, bound by John Sewell, complete with slip case, signed in pencil by the artist

Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: please do not handle as the book has never been removed from original packaging



THREE ANTIQUARIAN WALES RELATED BOOKS being (1) the Survey of the Cathedral Church of Landaff by Browne Willis, London 1719, later bound in full-calf, ribbed spine with gilt title cartouche, complete with three plates showing aspects and plans, (2) ‘Pearse’s Directory Swansea, Neath, Llanelly 1856’, (3) ‘Hand-Book of the Vale of Neath’ 1852

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: in very good condition £100-150


JOHN SPEED hand coloured engraved map of WalesJohn Sudbury and George Humble (1611 or later) with twelve oval vignettes of principal cities of Wales to the vertical margins, inset views of Bangor, St Davids, Llandaff and St Asaph, with English text verso (41 x 51cms)

Provenance: private collection London, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-300 67-69

66 65 64 63 40
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
No lots
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co

70-120 Lots


Welsh Prints & Multiples

Printiau Cymreig & Lluosog


‡ JOHN PIPER limited edition (35/75) lithograph - ‘Beach in Brittany’ (46 x 63cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £800-1,200


Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £700-1,000


‡ JOHN PIPER limited edition (42/70) screen print - ‘Vaux-le-Vicomte’, signed in pencil (54 x 85cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £700-900


‡ JOHN PIPER limited edition (89/100) colour lithograph - abstract (64 x 45cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £400-600

* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price

‡ JOHN PIPER limited edition (49/70) print‘Death in Venice’ (77 x 67cms)
72 71 70 42 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co

‡ CERI RICHARDS OBE collection of seven limited edition coloured lithographs - titled ‘Elergy for Vernon Watkins’,‘Vaucluse’, ‘Improvisation’, ‘Journey Toward the North’, ‘The Story Lost in the Snow’, ‘Hermes and Meniscus’, ‘Information Report XVI’, on artist’s studio paper, all signed in fully (7) (44 x 32cms)

Provenance: private collection North West England, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: unmounted and unframed £400-600

‡ JOHN BRUNSDON The Gower Suite set of four limited edition (35/150) coloured lithographsto include ‘Rhossili Down’, 65 x 49cms, ‘Sunrise Over Gower’, 65 x 49cms, ‘Pennard Cliffs’, 50 x 65cms and ‘Oxwich Bay’, 50 x 65cms, all signed (4)

Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: all framed and glazed



‡ CERI RICHARDS CBE limited edition (6/100) lithograph - entitled ‘Peu a Peu Sortant de la Brume (Little by Little Emerging from the Fog)’, signed in pencil and dated ‘69 (80 x 53cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: unframed £350-450

75 74 76 43 Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).

Provenance: private collection Staffordshire,

Condition Report: framed and glazed £350-450


Condition Report: framed and glazed £300-500

Provenance: private

Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £300-400

Condition Report: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350

77 80
77 ‡ JOHN PETTS limited edition (38/50) wood engraving - entitled ‘The Boathouse, Laugharne’, signed and dated 1989 (12 x 9cms) consigned via our Colwyn Bay office 78 ‡ GEORGE CHAPMAN limited edition (19/50) coloured etching - entitled verso ‘Rhondda Valley Street (Old Men at Gossip)’, signed in pencil (46 x 56cms) private collection London 79 ‡ MERLYN EVANS limited edition (4/10) artist proof print - abstract figure, signed and dated 30.3.57 (87 x 64cms) collection Gloucestershire, consigned via our Cardiff office 80 ‡ JOHN KNAPPFISHER limited edition (81/500) print - ‘Cottage Porthclais’, signed in pencil (36 x 50.5cms)
44 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price

‡ PAUL PETER PIECH limited edition (3/300) print24 illustrated proverbs contained in small black card folder, each proverb measuring 15 x 15cms

Provenance: private collection Bridgend County Borough, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: unframed, contained in original card folder £250-350


‡ JOHN PETTS two wood engravings - entitled ‘Y Bwlch Tyddiad’, 10 x 13cms and ‘Flock of Nant Ffrancon’, unsigned, 13 x 10cms (2)

Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £250-350


‡ EDGAR HOLLOWAY etching - self portrait no. 23, signed in pencil (13.5 x 10cms)

Provenance: private collection mid Wales, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-250


‡ EDGAR HOLLOWAY limited edition (3/50) etching - self portrait no. 24:Profile, 2nd state, after a 1937 etching, signed ‘Edgar Holloway 1994’, and written in pencil ‘for Robert Meyrick - Christmas ‘94’ (20 x 20cms)

Provenance: private collection mid Wales, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-250

82 81
Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
(please see terms and conditions).


WELSH ARTS COUNCIL ORIGINAL POSTERS, Gomer Press, 1970s including ‘The Seagull’ (‘Yr Wylan’) by Dafydd ap Gwilym translated by Glyn Jones; ‘Cofio’ by Waldo Williams; ‘Hon’ by T. H. Parry Williams and ‘Eifionydd’ by R. Williams Parry (4) Off-set lithographs (largest 76 x 51cms)

Provenance: private collection mid Wales, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: all unframed £200-300


‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER limited edition (76/500) print‘Ty Newydd, St Davids’, signed in pencil (29 x 42cms)

Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300


‡ JOHN ELWYN lithograph - semi-abstract, entitled ‘Savernake’, signed and dated ‘65 (58 x 80cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: unframed, discolouration to edges £200-300

* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price

86 85 46 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co


‡ CHARLES FREDERICK TUNNICLIFFE OBE RA etching (Printer’s Proof to R.C)Chinese geese, signed (13.5 x 40.5cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-400


‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA limited edition (13/100) coloured print - figures with a donkey, signed in full (50 x 62cms)

Provenance: private collection Staffordshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-300


‡ CLAUDIA WILLIAMS limited edition (114/200) coloured screenprintentitled ‘Morning’, signed in full (40 x 46cms)

Provenance: private collection Anglesey, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-300



MARY LLOYD JONES limited edition (47/56) screenprint - entitled ‘Camre Cain’, signed in full and dated 1993 (44 x 55cms)

Provenance: private collection Anglesey, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-300

‡ PAUL PETER PIECH two-colour linocutimage of Dylan Thomas above an excerpt from his poem, a long poem by Hugo Manning, signed and dated 1976 (51 x 38cms)

Provenance: private collection North West England, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-300

92 91
90 89 88
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-250



Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-250

Provenance: private collection


Condition Report: framed and glazed,

Provenance: private collection



Condition Report: framed and glazed, ready to hang £180-250

Provenance: private collection

consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: unframed £150-250

‡ GLYN DAVIES limited edition (2/30) monochrome photograph - entitled ‘Cyn iddi Dywyllu’, signed (40 x 58cms) private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office ‡ GLYN DAVIES limited edition (2/30) monochrome photographentitled ‘Darganfod Paradwys’, signed (40 x 58cms) private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office
‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER limited edition (89/500) print - ‘Cottages in Abereiddy’, signed in pencil (17 x 35cms) consigned via our Carmarthen office
ready to hang £180-250 ‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER limited edition (668/850) print - ‘Towards Caerhafod’, signed in pencil (21.5 x 68cms) consigned our Carmarthen office
CERI RICHARDS CBE limited edition (32/150) coloured lithograph - entitled ‘Piano’, signed and dated ‘58, with artist’s blind stamp initials in a circle bottom left (64 x 47cms) London,
96 95 94 93 97 48 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


Condition Report: framed and glazed




Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our

Condition Report: unframed


Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no problems



‡ JOHN PETTS coloured wood engraving - mountain ridge with inscription below ‘Bwlch Brwyn, Yr Elen to David Moore, 1980’, signed by the artist in pencil ‘John Petts’, dated 1939 (14.5 x 11cms)

Provenance: private collection Carmarthenshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, slight foxing to outer edges



Provenance: private collection Bridgend County Borough, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £150-250

‡ JOHN ELWYN limited edition (188/300) lithograph - Laugharne Estuary from Dylan Thomas’ boathouse, signed (42 x 60cms) Cardiff office HARRY HOLLAND monochrome lithograph - standing nude, entitled verso ‘Counting’, signed in pencil (23 x 19cms) WILF ROBERTS artist’s proof coloured printentitled ‘Tyddyn Waun’, signed in pencil (37 x 48cms)
‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE limited edition (3/20) screenprintentitled verso ‘St Ives 1955’, signed (41 x 52cms) private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office
98 102 101 100 99 49
Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ MURIEL DELAHAYE limited edition (90/275) print - entitled ‘Frozen Bathers’, signed in pencil (55 x 41cms)

Provenance: private collection Bridgend County Borough, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £150-200


‡ MURIEL DELAHAYE limited edition (5/275) coloured print - entitled verso ‘Bathers’, signed in pencil (42 x 60cms)

Provenance: private collection Bridgend County Borough, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no problems £150-200


‡ JOHN PETTS wood engravingentitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Welsh Gypsy Girl’, signed and dated 1949 (12 x 7cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £150-200


‡ ARTHUR CHARLTON linocut proof no. 1 - seated clown playing a violin, entitled ‘Boom Boom’, signed in pencil (56 x 37cms)

Provenance: private collection Conwy, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Auctioneer’s Note: this print of a circus clown was exhibited at ‘Some Swansea Artists’ held at the Glyn Vivian art gallery, Swansea in 1957. Part of the exhibition catalogue is reproduced verso

Condition Report: framed and glazed £150-200

106 105 104 103 50 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ JOHN BRUNSDON limited edition (48/350) coloured etchingentitled ‘Cloud Break Over Snowdon’, signed (50 x 65cms)

Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed



‡ STAN ROSENTHAL limited edition (94/250) print - entitled ‘Storm Over the Preselli Hills’, signed (49 x 69cms)

Provenance: deceased estate Carmarthenshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, together with certificate of authenticity



‡ STAN ROSENTHAL limited edition (95/250) print - entitled ‘Self Portrait Entering a Field of Colourful Flowers’, signed, together with certificate of authenticity dated 2001 (42 x 42cms)

Provenance: deceased estate Carmarthenshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed



‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER limited edition (158/500) print - ‘Late Night Window’, signed in pencil (11.5 x 11cms)

Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no damage, lower frame edge has what appears to be candle wax deposits



‡ DAVID CARPANINI limited edition (11/40) monochrome etchinglozenge shaped entitled verso on The Discerning Eye Gallery label ‘Lightning, Nant-y-Moel’, signed in pencil (19 x 19cms)

Provenance: private collection Bridgend County Borough, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £100-150

108 107 109 111 110 51
& Co • The Welsh Sale
to this
Rogers Jones
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply
lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ PAUL PETER PIECH two colour lithograph on grey background - Felis Cattus by Doreen Wallace, English novelist, poet and social campaigner, signed and dated 1987 (70 x 50cms)

Provenance: private collection, overseas based vendor who met Piech during the 1980s

Condition Report: unframed £100-150


‡ PAUL PETER PIECH two colour lithograph - with quote from Bruce Kent, Catholic priest, political activist and campaigner for nuclear disarmament, signed and dated 1987 (65 x 46cms)

Provenance: private collection, overseas based vendor who met Piech during the 1980s

Condition Report: unframed £100-150


‡ PAUL PETER PIECH limited edition (3/28) two colour print - with superimposed coloured drawing of wheat and butterflies and verse by the Victorian nature writer John Richard Jefferies, signed and dated 1987 (64 x 45cms)

Provenance: private collection, overseas based vendor who met Piech during the 1980s

Condition Report: unframed £100-150

114 113 112 52 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ PAUL PETER PIECH limited edition two colour lithograph - for Amnesty international opposing the detention of prisoners of conscience and political prisoners, signed and dated 1988 (75 x 51cms)

Provenance: private collection, overseas based vendor who met Piech during the 1980s

Condition Report: unframed



‡ PAUL PETER PIECH five colour print - with verse by Paul Klee (Swiss-born German artist) whose art was influenced by the expressionist, cubist, surrealist movements, signed and dated 1988 (76 x 51cms)

Provenance: private collection, overseas based vendor who met Piech during the 1980s

Condition Report: unframed



‡ PAUL PETER PIECH two colour print - with verse from ‘The Sick Rose’ by William Blake, signed and dated 1988 (64 x 46cms)

Provenance: private collection, overseas based vendor who met Piech during the 1980s

Condition Report: unframed £100-150

117 116 115 53
• The
Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Rogers Jones


‡ WILF ROBERTS limited edition (10/10) print - entitled ‘Murddim, Llaneilian’, signed (19 x 24cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £100-150


‡ WILF ROBERTS limited edition (9/10) print - entitled ‘Tan-y-Castell’, signed (29 x 22cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £100-150


VINTAGE 1975 COLOURED CIRCUS ADVERTISING POSTER in Welsh for Gandey’s Syrcas at the Plascrug Fields, Aberystwyth, printed by J H Williams, Abergele, in two colours (72 x 50cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, with fold marks £100-120


No lots

119 118 120 54 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price

125-250 Lots


Welsh Works on Paper

Dyfrlliwiau & Gwaith ar Bapur


‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE pencil drawing on paper - entitled verso ‘Men, Boy and Pigeons 1952’, unsigned (18 x 23cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £100-150


‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE pencil drawing - nude, signed (37 x 24cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £100-150


WILL EVANS watercolour - Gower landscape, signed and dated 1928 (21 x 26.5cms)

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £100-150


WILL EVANS watercolour - Carreg Cennen Castle and landscape with clouds, signed (17 x 25cms)

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £100-150


‡ PRUDENCE WALTERS mixed media - abstract sunburst, signed (28.5 x 57cms)

Provenance: deceased estate Carmarthenshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £100-150

129 128
125 127
56 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ CLIVE HICKS-JENKINS pencil and crayon – ‘Study for Barnfield Sonnets’ (20 x 20cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £100-200


‡ JOHN ROBERTS mixed media - boy in shorts with outstretched arms and gathering seagulls, signed in pencil to mount (51 x 41cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff

Condition Report: framed and glazed £100-150


JOHN VARLEY watercolour - Eryri (Snowdonia) with Y Wyddfa (Snowdon) in the background, unsigned (22 x 33cms)

Provenance: private collection London, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no problems £100-200


‡ KAREL LEK pen and ink wash - entitled verso ‘Hurdy Gurdy Man in Central Park, New York’, signed (29 x 23cms)

Provenance: private collection Bridgend County Borough, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £100-150


‡ SELWYN JONES mixed media - village church and churchyard, entitled verso ‘Eglwys Llanidan’, signed with initials and dated ‘96 (25 x 35cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £100-150


‡ PHILIP SNOW watercolourentitled ‘Red Kite, Mid Wales’, signed (17 x 22cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £100-150

135 134
132 131 130 57
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ MALCOLM EDWARDS watercolourWelsh mountain landscape with farmstead and figures, signed and dated 1979 (29 x 48cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £150-250


‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE mixed mediaentitled verso ‘Pigeons’, unsigned (35 x 42cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £150-200


‡ PRUDENCE WALTERS acrylicentitled verso ‘Seascape I’, signed (25 x 37cms)

Provenance: deceased estate Carmarthenshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no damage £150-200


‡ PRUDENCE WALTERS mixed media - abstract blue swirl, signed (26 x 39cms)

Provenance: deceased estate Carmarthenshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £150-200


‡ PRUDENCE WALTERS acrylic on paperabstract entitled verso on West Wales Art Centre label ‘The Whole Wide Shore’, signed (105 x 70cms)

Provenance: deceased estate Carmarthenshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, image has slipped from mount £150-250


‡ NEALE HOWELLS acrylic on paper - abstract painting fragment, unsigned (24 x 18cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office, purchased from the Washington Gallery, Penarth in 2000

Condition Report: in a glass clip frame £150-250

141 140 139 138
136 58 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ HARRY HOLLAND pencil drawingseated nude female, signed (24 x 24cms)

Provenance: private collection Neath Port Talbot, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £150-250

144 ‡ RONALD LOWE mixed media - pathway through rocks, entitled verso ‘Walk to Beach’, unsigned (16 x 24cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £150-250


‡ GEORGE AINSWORTH mixed media - misty mountains with stream and derelict barn, unsigned (34 x 50cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed and glazed £150-250


‡ RONALD LOWE mixed media - rocky coastline at low tide, entitled verso ‘Pembrokeshire for Shore III’, signed (16 x 24cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £150-250

146 ‡ MARY LLOYD JONES mixed medialandscape with rocks and mountains, unsigned (16 x 22cms)

Provenance: private collection Ystradgynlais, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £150-250

147 ‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE watercolour - entitled verso ‘Cosmeston Lake’, signed with initials and dated 1990 (28 x 45cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-300

147 146 145 144 143 142 59
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh


‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE watercolour - figures, entitled verso ‘Tropical House, Roath Park’, signed with initials and dated 1992 (34 x 49cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-300


‡ WILL ROBERTS charcoal - full portrait, signed and dated ‘96 (74 x 48cms)

Provenance: private collection Carmarthenshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: creasing to paper / sello. marks to corners



‡ HARRY HOLLAND watercolour and inkwashnude, signed (30 x 23cms)

Provenance: private collection Carmarthenshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-250


‡ ANDREW DOUGLAS-FORBES mixed media - three figures, entitled verso ‘Market Day’, signed (30 x 22cms)

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300


‡ ANDREW DOUGLAS-FORBES gouache on paper - still life of blue and white pottery with flowers, signed (26 x 37cms)

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-300


‡ JOHN EDWARDS group of nineteen watercolours with pencil on paper - landscapes, some signed and dated 1983, 29 x 41cms / 41 x 29cms (19)

Provenance: by descent from the artist, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Auctioneer’s Note: John Edwards (1929-2022) was born in Swansea, attended Llanelli School of Art and Swansea Art School specialising in stained-glass design under Howard Martin, after which he worked at Celtic Studios, Swansea. Established in 1948, Celtic Studios led by Howard Martin and Hubert Thomas, was the first firm producing stained glass in Wales in any quantity. They worked in the tradition of the Arts & Crafts movement, and brought a degree of originality to their design. Their work in the late 1950s and 60s demonstrated a willingness to embrace a more modern aesthetic with full-coloured windows. Through Celtic Studios, John Edwards earned stained glass commissions from churches across South Wales and Canada, From 1978, Edwards taught Stained Glass Art at the Swansea Institute of Higher Education Condition Report: unframed, in good condition


153 152 151 150 149 148 60 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ JOHN ELWYN mixed media - haystacks in a field alongside a roadway, circa 1950s, with studio stamp verso (17 x 29cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-400


‡ KEITH BOWEN coloured ink on paper - two Amish farmers harvesting crop with horse and cart, signed (29 x 42cms)

Provenance: private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Auctioneer’s Note: the artist spent some time with the Amish community in America, images can be found in his book ‘Among the Amish’, 1998

Condition Report: framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-400


‡ BRENDA CHAMBERLAIN pen and ink – ‘Two Tree Heads’, signed and dated 1970 (40 x 58cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, sl. foxing, rippling to paper £200-400



watercolour - entitled lower right ‘Mumbles Lighthouse’, signed (14 x 24cms)

Provenance: private collection East Midlands, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: unframed on original mount £200-300


‡ JAMES DONOVAN acrylic on paper - entitled and signed verso ‘Leaving the Band Club’, signed with initials and dated ‘99 (22 x 18cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no problems



‡ CLIVE HICKS-JENKINS ink and oil pastel - entitled and signed verso ‘Study for a Stained Glass Window’, dated 1999 (20 x 20cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no problems


159 158 157 156 155 154
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s
Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ WILL ROBERTS pen and inkfigure with walking stick, entitled verso ‘Tynywaun’, dated 1987 (19.5 x 24.5cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed



‡ GLO WILLIAMS charcoal - entitled verso ‘Nude Study I’, signed in pencil (50 x 35cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no problems



THOMAS PRYTHERCH watercolour - view of Caernarfon Castle across the estuary / harbour with moored sailing boats, signed and dated 1919 (20 x 33cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed



‡ NICK HOLLY mixed media, watercolour and charcoalentitle verso on Albany Gallery label ‘The Corner Shop’, signed (25 x 25cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no problems



‡ MIKE JONES inkwash - entitled verso ‘Two Women’, signed with initials (25 x 20cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no problems



‡ HARRY HUGHES WILLIAMS watercolour - Ynys Mon (Anglesey) landscape with cottages and hay gatherers near Bodafon Hill, signed (15 x 26cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed


165 164 163 162 161 160
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
See page
or paragraph
of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer


‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA pastel and charcoal - woman at weaving loom, unsigned (16 x 17cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-400


‡ WILLIAM BROWN charcoal drawing - Mari Lwyd procession, signed and dated 2005 (61 x 43cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: unframed £200-300


‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE mixed mediaentitled verso on Kooywood Gallery label ‘Men and Pigeons’, signed (31 x 43cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Auctioneer’s Note: from the artist’s centenary exhibition

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-300


‡ EDWARD (ED) POVEY conté crayon on paper - entitled verso with Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Study for the Angel in the Painting - ‘Moving the Vase’’, signed (25 x 25cms)

Provenance: private collection Powys, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-300




MARY LLOYD JONES mixed media - ‘Afon Teifi’, signed and dated ‘77 (33 x 53cms)

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-400

‡ IWAN BALA mixed media - stylised map of Cardiff with verses, entitled ‘Dinas ar Daf’ relating to the National Eisteddfod in Cardiff, 2008, signed and dated ‘08 (62 x 48cms)

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-400

‡ RONALD LOWE mixed media - beachscape with large rocks, entitled verso ‘Boulders at Low Tide’, signed (38 x 55cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-300

172 171 170 169 168 167 166 63
& Co • The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Rogers Jones



‡ RONALD LOWE mixed media - entitled verso ‘Tide up the Beach’, signed front and back (38 x 55cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-400


‡ CHARLES FREDERICK TUNNICLIFFE OBE RA watercolour - barn with haystacks and cattle ‘Cheshire Farm’, unsigned (21 x 28cms)

Provenance: private collection Anglesey, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Auctioneer’s Note: purchased with a number of other drawings and watercolours sold from the artist’s studio following his death.

Condition Report: framed and glazed, some foxing £200-300


‡ RAY HOWARD JONES mixed media - fishing boats in harbour, entitled verso ‘Fishguard, Lower Town’, signed and dated ‘67 (29 x 46cms)

Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-400


‡ WILL EVANS pen and inkwash - Swansea after the Blitz of WWII 1941, titled bottom right ‘Central Hall and Capel Gomer’ (38 x 54cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £250-350



‡ KAREL LEK pastel - couple walking arm in arm, signed (70 x 48cms)

Provenance: private collection Denbighshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £250-350

176 175
173 64 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ BRENDA CHAMBERLAIN pen and ink drawing – head and shoulders study of a female, 33 x 21cms, together with limited edition (144/200) volume of ‘Poems with Drawings’ (Enitharmon Press, 1969), and a Caseg Broadsheet No.4, with two poems ‘From the Green Heart’ and ‘From Lovesong’ by Chamberlain and two by Lynette Roberts, wood engraving by John Petts, signed fully by Brenda Chamberlain, 27 x 19cms (3)

Provenance: private collection County Borough of Bridgend, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: drawing and broadsheet framed and glazed, sl. foxing and creasing to drawing, discolouration to broadsheet, book condition commensurate with age £250-350


‡ WILLIAM SELWYN mixed media, pencil and watercolourwindmill, entitled verso ‘Anglesey Mill’, signed (17 x 13.5cms)

Provenance: private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £250-350


‡ WILLIAM SELWYN mixed media - terraced street scene with figures, entitled verso ‘Pentre Newydd, C’fon’, signed (14.5 x 20cms)

Provenance: private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £250-350


‡ WILL EVANS watercolour - Swansea street scene after a devastating German air raid of February 1941, unsigned 45 x 58cms (45 x 57cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £250-350


‡ WALTER HOLMES pastel - the interior grounds of Cardiff Castle, signed (35 x 52cms)

Provenance: private collection Staffordshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office, original receipt from the artist attached verso

Condition Report: framed and glazed £250-350


‡ MIKE JONES mixed media - entitled verso ‘Coed Glyntawe’, signed verso (24 x 29cms)

Provenance: private collection County Borough of Bridgend, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £300-400

182 181 180 179 178
Jones & Co • The Welsh
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ GWYN RICHARDS watercolourbeach scene with figures and boats, entitled verso ‘At Oxwich, Gower’, signed (25 x 36cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no problems



‡ GWILYM PRICHARD mixed media - Ynys Mon landscape with stencilled writing, signed (29.5 x 46cms)

Provenance: private collection County Borough of Bridgend, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed



‡ JOHN ELWYN watercolour - view across valley towards the Church of the Holy Cross at Mwnt, signed, titled and dated beneath the mount 1939 (21 x 33cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed



‡ KEITH BOWEN pastelAmish child on a swing, with figure beyond, signed (38 x 76cms)

Provenance: private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Auctioneer’s Note: the artist spent some time with the Amish community in America, images can be found in his book ‘Among the Amish’, 1998

Condition Report: framed and glazed, ready to hang £300-500


‡ KAREL LEK charcoal - entitled ‘Dog Walking Couple’, signed (83 x 59cms)

Provenance: private collection Bridgend County Borough, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed



‡ GWILYM PRICHARD watercolourmountains with river in foreground, entitled verso ‘Y Glaslyn ar Cnicht’, signed (13 x 18cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed


184 66 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
189 188 187 186 185


‡ ROB PIERCY watercolourEryri (Snowdonia) peaks with lake to foreground, entitled verso ‘Cwm Idwal’, signed (52 x 38cms)

Provenance: private collection Dorset, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £300-500


‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE mixed mediaentitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Pit Heaps’, signed and dated 1951 (26 x 45cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £300-350


‡ WILLIAM SELWYN mixed mediaview across rooftop towards distant mountains, entitled ‘Mynydd Mawr from my Bedroom’, signed (14.5 x 19cms)

Provenance: private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £300-400


‡ WILLIAM SELWYN mixed mediaview across fields towards distant church, entitled verso ‘Llanfaglan’, signed (18 x 26cms)

Provenance: private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £300-400


THOMAS PRYTHERCH watercolour laid to board - three historic views of Merthyr Tydfil, to include The Crypt / Under Croft of the ruins of Morlais Castle, Dowlais, steam train on the Cefn Coed y Cymmer viaduct, fishermen seated on rocks above tree lined waterfall, all signed (40 x 30cms, 31 x 43cms, 39 x 30cms)

Provenance: private collection Powys, by descent from great-grandfather of vendor who had a butcher’s shop in Merthyr where the paintings were once hung, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: all framed, two glazed, condition issues, viewing advised £300-400

194 193 192 191 190
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ RAY HOWARD JONES mixed mediaabstract, entitled verso ‘Rookery Spring’, signed and dated ‘63 (24 x 32cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £300-500


‡ GORDON STUART watercolourentitled verso ‘View from Big Ben RockBetween Ferryside and St Ishmaels

Towards Caldey Island (On the Horizon with Pendine Sands and Burroughs on the right)’, signed and dated 1975 (50 x 75cms)

Provenance: private collection

Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Cardiff office, together with a letter from the artist with reference to this painting and another oil

Condition Report: framed and glazed, frame is loose and the painting has slipped in the mount £300-400


‡ GWILYM PRICHARD mixed media - Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon), signed (54 x 36cms)

Provenance: private collection

London, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £300-500


‡ HUW JONES mixed media - hillside village with church, signed (40 x 58cms)

Provenance: private collection

Staffordshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £300-400


‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE watercolour and pencil - mother and child in rocking chair, signed (35 x 25cms)

Provenance: private collection

Anglesey, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £300-500

199 198 197 196 195 68 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ JOHN KNAPPFISHER watercolour and pen - figures on a beach with sailing boat at sea, entitled verso ‘Summer - Traeth Llwyn’, signed and dated 1980 (18 x 25cms)

Provenance: private collection Lancashire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no problems £400-600


‡ EVAN WALTERS watercolour - view through woodland across Singleton Park and Singleton Abbey, Swansea, signed (55 x 37cms)

Provenance: private collection East Midlands, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £400-600



OBE RA mixed media - seated figure smoking a pipe, entitled verso ‘Man with Pipe’, signed (20 x 25cms)

Provenance: private collection Powys, with Christie’s 26 July 2001

Condition Report: framed and glazed £400-600



OBE RA pen and ink sketch - seated female with head scarf holding a young child, unsigned (22.5 x 17.5cms)

Provenance: private collection Ystradgynlais, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £400-600



OBE RA pen and ink sketch - standing cows, unsigned (19.5 x 24cms)

Provenance: private collection Ystradgynlais, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, some creasing to the paper £400-600

203 202 201 200
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale


Provenance: private collection

Ystradgynlais, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £500-700


‡ RAY HOWARD JONES mixed media - coastal landscape with Leicester Galleries exhibition label verso and title ‘A Walk on the Cliff’, signed and dated ‘69 (28 x 40cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £400-600


‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA inkwashtwo figures mending nets, entitled verso ‘Scottish Fisherman’, circa 1962, unsigned (17 x 22cms)

Provenance: private collection North West England, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £400-600


‡ JOHN ELWYN acrylic on paperlooking out into the artist’s garden, signed (32 x 47cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £500-700



Provenance: private collection

Ystradgynlais, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £500-700



Provenance: private collection Anglesey, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office, related letter from Bonhams, Chester

Condition Report: framed and glazed £500-700

JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA pen and ink sketch - seated female nude, unsigned (22 x 17.5cms) JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA pen and ink sketch - figure seated at table at mealtime, with inset figures above, unsigned (22 x HERMAN OBE RA pen and inkwash - quayside in the south of France (20 x 25cms)
210 209 208
206 205 70
Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
The Welsh Sale


‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER watercolour - distant windmills, entitled verso ‘Windmills - Greetsiel, North Germany’, signed (10 x 13cms)

Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £500-700


WILL EVANS watercolourexpansive Gower scene at Three Cliffs Bay from Tor Bay, signed (and another watercolour of Three Cliffs Bay verso) (36 x 54cms)

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, rear of original frame with label inscribed by the artist retained by us, the label dated 1955 £600-800


‡ JOHN ELWYN acrylic on paper - whitewashed barns and farm buildings, signed (24 x 34cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £600-800


‡ JOHN ELWYN watercolour - ‘The Broody Hen’, signed and dated 1980 (37 x 52cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £600-800


‡ ROGER CECIL mixed media, oil and pastel - semi abstract reclining figure, entitled verso ‘Figure Series II’, signed and dated ‘89 (50 x 46cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £600-800


‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA mixed media - street scene with horse and cart, unsigned (18 x 24cms)

Provenance: private collection Ystradgynlais, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, crease to paper £600-800

216 215 214 213 212 211
Sale ‡
to this
Rogers Jones & Co •
Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply
lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA pen and ink sketch - crowing cockerel with crouched figure holding finger to mouth signalling to keep quiet (21 x 17cms)

Provenance: private collection Ystradgynlais, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £600-800


‡ WILL EVANS watercolour - St Mary’s Square, Swansea, after the devastating air raids of 1941, signed and dated ‘41 (51 x 55cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £600-1,000


‡ ROGER CECIL mixed media - colliery pithead and building with figures, signed and dated ‘71 (74 x 55cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £600-800


‡ SEREN BELL mixed media, pen, ink and colour - entitled verso ‘Torddu Ewes’ together with a Ffosse Gallery label, signed (29 x 35cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £600-800


‡ WILLIAM SELWYN mixed media - shepherd with collie dog, entitled verso ‘Shepherd’, signed (40 x 39cms)

Provenance: private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £600-900

221 220 219 218 217 72
& Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones


‡ JOHN KNAPPFISHER watercoloursunset, the Northern Cape of South Africa, entitled verso ‘Karoo Evening’, signed and dated 1984 (15 x 20cms)

Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £600-900


‡ GEORGE CHAPMAN gouache on paper mounted to board - churchyard scene with gravestones and line of trees, unsigned, circa 1950s (48 x 63cms)

Provenance: private collection Norfolk, consigned via our Cardiff office, vendor recalls the painting in the shared residence with the Chapman family in the early 60s

Condition Report: framed, some condition issues including surface marks, dirt and creasing



‡ VALERIE GANZ charcoal drawing - study of miners with helmets and lamps, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Night Shift’, signed (28 x 40cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed and glazed £700-1,000


‡ MIKE JONES inkwash - figure with walking stick and arm leaning on the shoulder of a standing figure, signed (23 x 29cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £700-1,000


‡ WILLIAM SELWYN mixed mediaVenetian canal scene with gondolas, entitled verso ‘The Piazzetta, Venice’, signed (31 x 40cms)

Provenance: private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £700-1,000

226 225 224 223
Rogers Jones & Co
The Welsh
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA pen and ink sketch - head and shoulder study with head overlooking from behind, unsigned (22 x 17cms)

Provenance: private collection Ystradgynlais, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £700-1,000


‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA pen and wash on paper - standing female nude holding right leg up, unsigned (24 x 18cms)

Provenance: private collection Ystradgynlais, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £700-1,000


‡ ROGER CECIL mixed media - evening landscape with figures and power lines, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Bare Mountain’, signed and dated 1970 (40 x 75cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, some paint loss to frame £800-1,000


‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER watercolour - cottage at Whitchurch, Pembs, signed and dated 1981 (11 x 16cms)

Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £800-1,200


‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA pen and ink sketch - figure with head in arms and one foot on a stool, unsigned (31 x 20cms)

Provenance: private collection Ystradgynlais, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,000-1,500

231 230 229 228 227 74 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ MIKE JONES mixed media - three seated males in conversation, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Three Men Seated’, signed (48 x 58cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,200-1,800



pen and ink drawing - figure carrying rake over shoulder (22.5 x 27cms)

Provenance: private collection Ystradgynlais, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, slight discolouration to paper top right and some pinholes £1,200-1,800


‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA pen and ink drawing - farmers in conversation with grazing sheep, unsigned (23.5 x 27cms)

Provenance: private collection Ystradgynlais, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, small crease to centre top £1,200-1,800


‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA pen and ink sketch - standing cow with telegraph poles behind, unsigned (23 x 25cms)

Provenance: private collection Ystradgynlais, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, slight crease to top left £1,200-1,800


‡ MIKE JONES mixed media - entitled verso ‘Three Farmers’, signed, together with inscription verso (24 x 29cms)

Provenance: private collection Ystradgynlais, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,200-1,800


‡ JOHN ELWYN mixed media - roadway with whitewashed cottage and distant mountains, signed (37 x 56cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,200-1,500

237 236
235 234
233 232 Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ ERNEST ZOBOLE mixed media - figure standing in doorway with window views of various valley town scenes, entitled verso ‘About Ystrad Ton Pentre’ (102 x 64cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,500-2,000


‡ JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA mixed media, watercolour and pen - study of an artist painting a cow, unsigned (23 x 30cms)

Provenance: private collection Ystradgynlais, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,500-2,000


‡ PETER PRENDERGAST gouache on paper - entitled verso on Oriel Tegfryn Gallery label ‘Red Sky Above Church’, signed and dated 1998 (20 x 28cms)

Provenance: private collection Conwy, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,500-2,000


‡ PETER PRENDERGAST acrylic on paper - entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Rock Pool III’, signed and dated 1999 together with other labels for Ffin y Parc and Oriel Mostyn (26 x 36cms)

Provenance: private collection Conwy, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,500-2,000

241 240 239 238 76 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER watercolourwest Wales church, signed and dated 1981 (15.5 x 23.5cms)

Provenance: private collection

Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,500-2,000


‡ WILLIAM SELWYN mixed mediafisherman with boat heading out, entitled verso ‘Fisherman Launching’, signed and dated ‘06 (37 x 55cms)

Provenance: private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,800-2,200


‡ VALERIE GANZ mixed media - head and shoulder study of three miners with helmets and lamps, entitled verso on Attic Gallery label ‘Close Up’, signed (31 x 51cms)

Provenance: private collection

Ystradgynlais, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £2,000-3,000


‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER watercolourfigures in a boatyard, entitled verso ‘Boatyard - Arniston’, signed and dated 1981 (15 x 22cms)

Provenance: private collection

Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £2,000-3,000

245 244 243
242 Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ WILLIAM SELWYN mixed media - Pwll Fanogl (Kyffin Williams’ home overlooking the Menai Straits and Anglesey), signed, together with a Royal Cambrian Academy exhibition poster entitled ‘Welsh Homes and Buildings’, October 2008 verso (36 x 55cms)

Provenance: private collection Staffordshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £2,500-3,000


‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER watercolour - sunset with rooftops, South Africa, signed and dated 1983 (26 x 42cms)

Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £2,500-3,500


‡ GRAHAM SUTHERLAND mixed media, crayon and pencil - industrial scene with figures, entitled verso ‘Tapping a Steel Furnace, Swansea’, signed with initials and dated 1943 (28 x 20cms)

Provenance: private collection East Midlands, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £3,000-5,000

78 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
247 246


‡ CHARLES FREDERICK TUNNICLIFFE OBE RA watercolourstudy of a golden pheasant and another walking on the ground with colourful leaves, signed (37 x 71cms)

Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon, labels verso for Royal Academy Exhibition 1969, Welsh Arts Council label and others

Condition Report: framed and glazed £4,000-6,000

(please see terms and conditions).

‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh


‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER watercolour - view out to sea with a distant boat, entitled verso ‘The Irish Ferry’, signed and dated 1986 (38 x 43cms)

Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed and glazed



250 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price

No lots 80
Printiau a Phaentiadau gan
Kyffin Williams RA
& Paintings by Sir Kyffin Williams RA
254-283 Lots


‡ NICHOLAS SINCLAIR black and white photographic print - Sir Kyffin Williams RA in his studio, signed by both Sinclair and the artist

Provenance: private collection London, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £100-200

‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA coloured limited edition (59/500) print - circular format ‘The Two Standing Stones’, signed in full (31cms diam)

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-400


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA linocutsheepdog, together with handwritten Christmas greeting ‘Happy Christmas signed Kyffin’ (2) (linocut 7.5 x 11cms, card 6 x 10cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Auctioneer’s Note: this card was sent to the artist Karel Lek by Sir Kyffin

Condition Report: both mounted in a single glazed frame £150-200


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (14/250) print - entitled ‘The Gathering (Farmers on Glyder Fach)’, with label verso, signed in full (51 x 76cms)

Provenance: private collection London

Auctioneer’s Note: label verso for 75th Anniversary Appeal for the National Library of Wales, 1984, 250 limited edition prints were issued to all who contributed £250 or more to the appeal

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no problems £200-400


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA colourwash print - farmer on cobb, unsigned (37 x 46cms)

Provenance: being sold on behalf of the Denbigh Infirmary League of Friends

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-300

257 254
255 258 256 257
82 The
Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Welsh Sale • Rogers


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA artist proof coloured print - ‘Mott the Sheepdog’, signed in full (27 x 53cms)

Provenance: being sold on behalf of the Denbigh Infirmary League of Friends

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-300


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA two limited edition (212/250) prints - Anglesey church with spire and tree and moonlit Anglesey church, both signed in full (2) (25 x 30cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed in one frame £250-350


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA artist’s proof coloured print - farmer with stick under arm, ‘John Jones’, signed with initials (52 x 38cms)

Provenance: being sold on behalf of the Denbigh Infirmary League of Friends

Condition Report: framed and glazed £250-350


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (138/150) coloured print - farmer on mountaintop, accompanied by two sheepdogs, signed in full (55 x 38cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £300-500

Provenance: being sold on behalf of the Denbigh Infirmary League of Friends

Condition Report: framed and glazed £300-400

263 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA artist’s proof colourwash printtwo farmers in conversation ‘Farmer John Jones and Ieuan’, signed (42 x 51cms) 263 262
261 260
259 Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA print - Welsh black standing bull, signed in full (40 x 59cms)

Provenance: being sold on behalf of the Denbigh Infirmary League of Friends

Condition Report: framed and glazed £500-700


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (22/50) linocut on buff paper - entitled verso ‘The Crooked Man’, signed in full (24 x 33cms)

Provenance: private collection Staffordshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £500-800


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (21/50) linocut - ‘Gwastadnant’, signed in pencil in full (43 x 43cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £800-1,200

265 264
84 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA & GWASG GREGYNOG portfolio of six limited edition (6/100) linocutsbequeathed to Gwasg Gregynog by the late Sir Kyffin, each print on a full sheet of handmade paper specially made for the press at Griffin Mill in County Mayo, Ireland and has the Gregynog watermark, each numbered from 1-6, which includes 1. Venice, 2. Rhosgadfan, 3. The Farmer, His Dog & His Cottage, 4. Welsh Blacks, 5. The Villages of Carmel & Cesarea, 6. Hunting the Fox, together with descriptive sheet/portfolio number, sizes vary between 26 x 32cms & 30 x 38cms

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: extremely fine, near mint



‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA & GWASG GREGYNOG portfolio of six limited edition (18/100) linocutsbequeathed to Gwasg Gregynog by the late Sir Kyffin, each print on a full sheet of handmade paper specially made for the press at Griffin Mill in County Mayo, Ireland and has the Gregynog watermark, each numbered from 1-6, which includes I Venice, II Rhosgadfan, III The Farmer, his Dog and his Cottage, IV Welsh Blacks, V The Villages of Carmel and Cesarea and VI Hunting the Fox

Provenance: private collection

North West England, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: contained in original hardcover portfolio £1,800-2,500


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA ink sketch - thank you note and cartoon sketch with inscription ‘Kyffin just wants to say very many thanks’ and dated ‘13.9.02’ with a drawing of Sir Kyffin and believed the recipient (29 x 20cms)

Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office, the recipient was a friend of Sir Kyffin, who in 2003 gifted the drawing to her friend and neighbour who is the vendor

Condition Report: framed £500-800

267 & 268 Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 85 ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA pencil and watercolour on Royal College of Art cardhead and shoulders portrait of elderly Patagonian native lady holding her head with her hand, signed verso ‘Kyffin Williams’ (15 x 10cms)

Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire, consigned via our Cardiff office, Royal Academy ‘Secret Postcards’ exh.

Auctioneer’s Note: Old Lady Trevelin to be found on p. 59 of Sir Kyffin’s book ‘Portraits’

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,500-2,000


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA watercolour and pencil - study of Harris Hawks, signed with initials (36 x 48cms)

Provenance: private collection Staffordshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,800-2,200

272 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA watercolour and pencil - lane leading to farm, signed with initials (20 x 28cms)

Provenance: private collection Conwy, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £2,000-2,500

270 272 86 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA watercolour - view over rocks towards Trearddur Bay, entitled verso ‘Creigiau Trearddur (Rocks)’, signed with initials (28 x 41cms)

Provenance: private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £2,500-3,000


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA mixed media, pencil and watercolour - Eryri mountains, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Cwm Dyli’, signed with initials (29 x 40cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £3,000-5,000

274 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA pen and inkwash - standing priest in cassock with cincture, pectoral cross and holding a prayer book, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘The Bishop’, signed with initials (50 x 26cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £2,800-3,500

275 274
& Co • The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Rogers Jones


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA watercolour - Patagonia landscape, with original Tegfryn Gallery label verso and title ‘Futalaufquen Landscape’, signed with initials (32 x 48cms)

Provenance: private collection Ynys Môn, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £3,000-5,000


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA watercolour and penentitled verso ‘Nant Ffrancon’, signed with initials, dated 2005 (20 x 35cms)

Provenance: private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £3,000-3,500

88 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
277 276

Provenance: private




278 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA watercolourPatagonian Andes mountains above lake at sunset, signed with initials (32 x 47cms) collection Ynys Môn, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Report: framed and glazed £4,000-6,000 279 ‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA watercolour - barn with stone walled pasture and Snowdon peaks in background, entitled ‘Aran’, signed with initials (37 x 54cms) private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Report: framed and glazed £4,000-6,000 279
Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Rogers Jones & Co •
The Welsh


‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on canvas - view across Gower coastline, view across headland with peninsula and rocky outcrops (Three Cliffs Bay), signed with initials (70 x 92cms)

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, ready to hang £22,000-28,000

90 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
280 91 Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).

* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price

281 92 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co

‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on canvas - head and shoulders portrait of a young female, entitled verso ‘Gwen’, signed with initials, dated 1963 (60 x 50cms)

Provenance: private collection London, consigned via our Cardiff office, illustrated on p.72 in ‘Portraits’, Gomer Press

Condition Report: framed £12,000-15,000

‡ SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on canvas - railway track and cottages below Snowdon, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Ffestiniog Railway’, unsigned (50 x 88cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, together with a signed letter from Sir Kyffin, dated 17.8.98, confirming the painting as his work, ‘…I might have done it in the late ‘40s when I used to go and stay in the Abbey Arms, Llanfestiniog and it is of the line just before it gets into Tanygrisiau and where today there is a lake that forms part of the Llyn Stwlan pump storage scheme. I did a lot of work at Tanygrisiau in those days but the area changed not for the better and has lost its character. It is incomprehensible to me why people should queue up to buy work but nevertheless very gratifying.’ (letter retained with the office)

Condition Report: framed, slight chip of paint loss and what appears to be a pinhole bottom left


282 281 282
• The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Jones & Co


SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on canvas - sunset over Ynys Mon (Anglesey) village, entitled verso Penmon, circa 1970s, signed with initials (49 x 100cms)

Provenance: deceased estate Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: appears to be in original frame, sl. craquelure, good condition, ready to hang £16,000-20,000

284-286 No lots

94 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See
3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms &
at the
of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
283 95 Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).

Oils, Sculpture & Other Works


olew, Cerfluniau a Chelf Arall
287-440 Lots


‡ EMRYS WILLIAMS oil on linen - entitled ‘Flowers, Boat and Church’ (30 x 30cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: stretched on wooden frame £100-150


‡ BRENDAN STUART BURNS mixed media, oil, wax and perspex on board - entitled verso on ten Gallery label ‘Green - Grey’, unsigned, dated 2004 (15 x 12cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed in perspex box, ready to hang £100-150


‡ NEALE HOWELLS oil on panel - untitled abstract, signed and dated 2000 to panel verso (60 x 26cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, ready to hang £100-200


‡ KATIE ALLEN acrylic on board - semi abstract squares with trees and branches, entitled verso ‘Towards the End of Autumn’, signed and dated with initials ‘02’ (41 x 41cms)

Provenance: private collection Aberystwyth, Ceredigion

Condition Report: box framed, no problems £100-200

289 97
Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


Provenance: consigned by the artist’s family

Condition Report: framed £100-150


Provenance: consigned by the artist’s family

Condition Report: framed £100-150

Provenance: consigned by the artist’s family

Condition Report: framed £100-150


‡ DAVID WOODFORD oil on card - shafts of sunlight streaming down in Eryri (Snowdonia) valley, unsigned (17 x 22cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed



‡ WIL ROWLANDS oil on panel - two figures below a dark sky, entitled verso ‘Gagendor’, unsigned (16 x 16cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: in glazed box frame


BRYN RICHARDS oil on canvas - still life of grapes and pears, from the artist’s ‘Bowl’ series, unsigned (40 x 40cms) BRYN RICHARDS oil on canvas - pink and red rose heads in a bowl, from the artist’s ‘Bowl’ series, unsigned (40 x 40cms) 293 BRYN RICHARDS oil on canvas - still life of oranges and grapes, from the artist’s ‘Bowl’ series, unsigned (40 x 40cms) 295 294
98 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
293 292 291



‘Corner Missing’, signed and dated December 1968 (25.5 x 25cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £150-200


on canvas -

coastal scene, signed with initials verso (15 x 15cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed £150-200

Provenance: private collection mid Wales,

Condition Report: in original gilded oak frame £150-250


Condition Report:




Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, ready to hang £150-250

298 CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS oil on canvas - entitled ‘Yr Eifl’, circa 1910 (23 x 32cms) consigned via our Carmarthen office 299 ‡ MICHAEL GUSTAVIUS PAYNE oil on panel attached to pine block - figure with shoulder bag walking up impossibly steep grassy incline, entitled ‘Postman’, signed with initials (17 x 19cms) private collection consigned via our Cardiff office glazed box frame, ready to hang ‡ NEALE HOWELLS emulsion on glass in brushed aluminium frameabstract ‘Robot Man’ (49 x 39cms) 300 298 299 297 296 ERIC MALTHOUSE oil on canvasentitled verso oil semi-abstract
Rights/Droit de Suite
apply to this lot
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh
Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale


BRYN RICHARDS oil on canvas - row of green apples on a purple cloth, signed and dated 2011 (30 x 60cms)

Provenance: consigned by the artist’s family

Condition Report: framed £150-200


BRYN RICHARDS oil on board - still life, entitled verso ‘Begonia Rex’, signed and dated 1998 (50 x 45cms)

Provenance: consigned by the artist’s family

Condition Report: framed £150-250


BRYN RICHARDS oil on board - still life, entitled verso ‘Lilac Cyclamen’, signed (64 x 38cms)

Provenance: consigned by the artist’s family

Condition Report: framed £150-250


‡ LEWIS TAYLOR GIBB oil on board - Eryri (Snowdonia) and lake, entitled verso ‘View Towards Snowdon From Llyn Llydaw’, unsigned (30 x 39cms)

Provenance: private collection Powys, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £150-250

304 100 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
302 303 301


‡ RONALD LOWE oil on canvas - low sunset over estuary, entitled verso ‘Luminous Low Tide, Pembrokeshire’, signed and dated ‘85 (23 x 27cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £150-250


‡ CARYS BRYN mixed media on canvassemi abstract New York skyline, entitled verso ‘New York’, signed and dated 2007 verso (41 x 102cms)

Provenance: private collection Derbyshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: unframed £150-250


‡ NICHOLAS WARD oil on panelcoastal scene under stormy sky, signed with initials (13.5 x 13.5cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £180-250


‡ NICHOLAS WARD oil on panellandscape, entitled verso ‘Blaenafon Moors 2013’, signed with initials (14 x 14cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, frame requires attention £200-300


‡ RONALD LOWE oil on canvas - coastal scene, entitled verso ‘Sea Cave Entrance - Pembs’, signed verso, dated 1982 (22 x 32cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: unframed £150-250

309 308 307
306 305
Resale Rights/Droit
Jones & Co •
‡ Artist’s
de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


ALAN WILLIAMS acrylic - entitled verso ‘Collecting Kelp’, signed (33 x 50cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed



‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘At the Breast’, unsigned (38 x 43cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £200-300


‡ GRAHAM CLARKE mixed media on board - entitled verso ‘Carnlledi (St Davids)’, signed (40 x 55cms)

Provenance: private collection County Borough of Bridgend, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: original frame with hessian mount, circa 1970s



CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS oil on canvas - beach and rocks, entitled verso ‘Llangrannog’, dated 1917 (30 x 38cms)

Provenance: private collection mid Wales, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed



‡ GORDON STUART oil on card - two figures on the shoreline with Llansteffan Castle on hill behind, signed (50 x 75cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, frame in poor condition with water marks to mount


310 102
& Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones


‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - mountain roadway with trees and old fashioned road-direction post, signed (38 x 48cms)

Provenance: private collection California, USA

Condition Report: unframed, with some paint loss to edges



‡ MIKE HALL acrylic on board - view through window to tethered boats in harbour, entitled verso ‘Boscastle Harbour’, signed (29 x 34cms)

Provenance: private collection West Midlands, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, ready to hang £200-400


‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - roadway through Eryri valley, signed (38 x 48cms)

Provenance: private collection California, USA

Condition Report: unframed, some paint loss to edges



‡ MIKE HALL acrylic on board - entitled verso ‘View of the Headland from the Studio (Port Isaac)’, signed (29 x 34cms)

Provenance: private collection West Midlands, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, ready to hang


318 317 103
Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot
see terms and conditions).
316 315


‡ ALEX CAMPBELL liquitex acrylic on canvas - horse and figure, entitled verso ‘Horse Leading a Man’, signed and dated 1993 (100 x 75cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed, ready to hang £200-400

Provenance: private collection Denbighshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: framed £200-400

1997 (59 x 28cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, some damage to edges of the frame £200-400

dated 1999 (36 x 25cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £200-300

320 ‡ KAREL LEK oil on board - two figures with cottage beyond entitled verso ‘Llangoed’, signed (50 x 70cms) 321 ‡ MARK SAMUEL oil on panel - Cardiff street scene, Castle Street, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Dusk’, unsigned, dated 322 ‡ MARK SAMUEL oil on panel - street scene, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Bute Street Shop’, unsigned, 322 321
104 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
320 319

‡ LEONARD BEARD oil on card - entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Early Morning, Pentyrch’, dated 1995, signed (42 x 28cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-300


LEONARD BEARD oil on boardVenetian canal with gondolas, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Venice II’, signed, dated 1995 (40 x 35cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no problems £200-400

‡ LEONARD BEARD oil on panel - entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Vale Sunset’, signed, dated ‘93 (39 x 59cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-400

‡ NICHOLAS WARD oil on panel - abstract entitled verso ‘Trefil Quarry’, signed with initials, dated 2013 (14 x 14cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: box framed and glazed £200-300


‡ NICHOLAS WARD oil on panel - abstract, entitled verso ‘Blaenafon Moors’, signed with initials, dated 2013 (14 x 14cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: hanging box framed and glazed £200-300

325 324 323 327 326 325 324
& Co • The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot
see terms
Rogers Jones
and conditions).


‡ KARL DAVIES oil on board - moonlit landscape with sheep, entitled verso ‘Picking up Stragglers’, signed verso (42.5 x 59cms)

Provenance: private collection Bridgend County Borough, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, no problems



‡ STEVEN JONES oil on card - mountainscape, entitled lower left ‘Snowdon’, signed (17 x 34cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £200-250


‡ DAVID GROSVENOR oil on canvasentitled verso ‘Nant Gwynant III’, signed (30 x 30cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £200-300


‡ ANDREW McCUTCHEON oil on board - entitled verso ‘Sheep in the Shade’, signed with initials (60 x 43cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £200-300

330 328 106 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price

‡ TOM GERRARD oil on board - whitewashed hill farm, entitled verso ‘Tyn y Polion’, signed (28 x 43cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, board loose in frame £200-300

‡ TOM GERRARD oil on board - harbourside slipway with boat, entitled verso ‘Moelfre’, signed (30 x 39cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £200-300

THOMAS HUSON oils on board - two views of north Wales, one entitled verso ‘Seaweed and Rock’, the other depicting a view across valley with cottages and distant mountains, both signed and inscribed verso and dated 1880 (2) (15 x 23cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: unframed £200-300

‡ KAREL LEK oil on canvas - semi-abstract image of Christ on the cross with repeated Martin Luther King quote ‘I Have a Dream’, signed (30 x 45cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £200-300

335 334 332 333 332 333
335 107 Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


Condition Report: unframed £200-300

Provenance: private collection Staffordshire,

Condition Report: framed £200-300

Provenance: private collection Anglesey, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed £200-300



oil on board - head and shoulders portrait of a young female, titled and signed verso ‘Haunted’ (22 x 16cms)

Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: unframed £200-300

BARNES 336 ‡ CARYS BRYN mixed media on canvasabstract with squares, entitled verso ‘Squares’, signed and dated 2007 verso (90 x 90cms) private collection Derbyshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office 337 ‡ MYFANWY KITCHIN oil on canvashospital operating theatre scene, entitled verso ‘The Hernia’, signed with initials (63 x 76cms) consigned via our Colwyn Bay office 338 ‡ CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS oil on canvas laid to board - the interior of St Marks, Venice (25 x 22cms)
338 339 108 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
336 337


‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Upwards’, signed and dated 1967/1985 (76 x 35.5cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed £250-350


ALAN WILLIAMS acrylic - entitled verso ‘Ladies Cockle Cart’, signed (39 x 56cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £250-350


ALAN WILLIAMS acrylic - entitled verso ‘Seaweed Pickers’, signed (39 x 56cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed and glazed £250-350


‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE oil on canvaslife study of a nude seated on a chair beside a basin and a grated fire, unsigned (68 x 58cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed £250-350

344 ‡

IWAN GWYN PARRY oil on boardentitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘A55 Express Way, Near Colwyn Bay - Early Evening’, signed and dated verso 2003 (35 x 35cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: unframed but ready to hang



‡ KEITH BOWEN oil on panel - entitled verso ‘Bwlch (Stone Wall Gap)’, signed and dated 2011 (26 x 25cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed and ready to hang £250-350

345 344 343 342 341
& Co • The Welsh Sale ‡
to this
Rogers Jones
Artist’s Resale
de Suite may apply
lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ NICHOLAS WARD oil on canvas - landscape with distant mountain, entitled verso ‘Llangynidre Moors II’, signed with initials (30 x 30cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: box framed, no problems £250-350


‡ NICHOLAS WARD oil on canvasentitled verso ‘Vaynor Quarry’, signed with initials (40 x 40cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: box framed £250-350


‡ GWYN ROBERTS oil on canvas - Eryri (Snowdonia) mountain side, signed with initials (40 x 30cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £250-350


‡ SIAN McGILL oil on card - seascape with waves breaking on rocks, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Porth Iago’, signed (29 x 38cms)

Provenance: private collection

Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £250-350


‡ ALEX CAMPBELL liquitex acrylic paintentitled verso ‘Hen’, signed (40 x 29cms)

Provenance: private collection Dorset, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £250-350


‡ KAREL LEK oil on canvas - seated chapel goers at prayer, entitled verso ‘Worshippers’, signed (29 x 39cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £250-350

351 350 349 348 347 346 110 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ ALAN KNIGHT oil on board - entitled verso ‘Cottage, Newborough, Anglesey’, signed with initials (42 x 42cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed £300-400


‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE oil on canvasentitled verso ‘Variations on Construction Yellow’, signed and dated 1971 (52 x 62cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed £300-400


‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE oil on canvashalf portrait of a lady, entitled verso ‘Mrs Hannam’, unsigned, inscribed verso by the artist with his Yorkshire address (57 x 51cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed £300-400


‡ JOHN ELWYN acrylic on card - still life, flowers in a white jug, signed verso and dated 1992 together with studio stamp (31 x 25cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed and glazed £300-500


‡ JOHN ELWYN oil on canvas - reclining nude female on a chaise longue with table lamp, bowl of fruit and vase of flowers, unsigned, studio stamp verso to canvas (61 x 92cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: unframed £300-500

356 355 354 353
Sale ‡
Resale Rights/Droit de Suite
to this lot
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh
may apply
(please see terms and conditions).


‡ LEONARD BEARD oil on panel - coastal scene with cliffs, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Coast Near Ffontygari’, signed and dated ‘92 (48 x 68cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £300-500


‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on boardwhitewashed cottage beside lake and mountains, entitled verso ‘Cottage Near Snowdon’, signed (24 x 54cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £300-500


‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on boardriver flowing through tree lined embankment, entitled verso ‘River Conwy in Summer’, signed (24 x 55cms)

Provenance: private collection Gwent, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £300-500


‡ GWYN ROBERTS oil on canvas - Welsh farmstead in the Brecon Beacons (Fferm Bannau Brycheiniog), entitled verso with original Foss Gallery label, signed with initials (50 x 40cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £300-500


‡ CERI BARCLAY oil on canvas - rear view of South Wales valley terraced houses, entitled verso ‘Morning Mist Near Clydach Vale, Rhondda’, signed and dated 2006 (36 x 46cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £300-400


‡ ANDREW SOUTHALL acrylic on artist’s board - Caernarfon Castle at sunset, signed and dated ‘09 (41 x 51cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £300-500

362 357 361 360 359 358 112 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ LUNED RHYS PARRI 3D mixed media maquette in a glazed box frame - female figure running in a carpeted hall, holding a copy of the book ‘Hiwmor Pobol Capel’ in front of a Welsh dresser, entitled verso ‘Hiwmor Pobol Capel’ (humour of the chapel people) dated 2015, together with a paperback copy of the same book written by William Owen and being a portrayal of the humour amongst Welsh chapel-goers (60 x 60 x 23cms D)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, no apparent problems



‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - Snowdonia river flanked with birch trees, signed (20 x 30.5cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed



‡ RONALD LOWE oil on canvasexpansive view across farmland towards estuary, entitled verso ‘Flight Toward the Haven’ (believed in Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire), signed (76 x 101cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed £300-500


‡ DAVID HUMPHREYS oil on boardwhitewashed cottage with red shingle tiled roof, signed (60 x 60cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed £300-400


‡ KAREL LEK oil on canvas - seated chapel congregation, signed (38 x 49cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £300-500

367 366
365 364
& Co • The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Rogers Jones



‡ JOHN CYRLAS WILLIAMS oil on canvas - seated figure under a tree, unsigned (46 x 56cms)

Provenance: private collection Anglesey, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed £300-500


‡ ALAN KNIGHT oil on board - entitled verso ‘Flowers in Vase’, signed with initials (76 x 60cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £400-500


‡ JOHN ELWYN oil on canvasentitled ‘Enigmatic Blossom’, studio stamp verso, dated 1980 (45.5 x 55.5cms)

Provenance: private collection mid Wales, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed £400-600


‡ DAVID HUMPHREYS oil on canvas - entitled verso on Century Galleries Ltd label ‘Village, Somerset’, signed (46 x 60cms)

Provenance: private collection Powys, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed £400-600


‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on boardLlyn Mymbyr and Y Wyddfa (Snowdon), signed (50 x 60cms)

Provenance: private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed £400-600


‡ JAMES DONOVAN acrylic on calico - entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Turn Coat’, signed and dated 2000 (40 x 50cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, ready to hang £400-600

371 368
114 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ NICHOLAS WARD oil on canvasabstract rocky gorge, signed with initials, dated verso 2012 (90 x 90cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: on stretcher frame £400-600


‡ GARETH H DAVIES oil on boardfigure in field with drum and crow, signed verso (78 x 61cms)

Provenance: private collection Caernarfon, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed £400-600


‡ HUW JONES oil on canvasRhyl estuary at low tide with fairground and flower, signed verso and dated 2005 (61 x 120cms)

Provenance: private collection Caernarfon, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: box framed £400-600


‡ GYRTH RUSSELL oil on boardcottage and outbuildings, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Anglesey Farmhouse’, signed (29 x 38cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £400-600


with initials (40 x 30cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £400-600

‡ GWYN ROBERTS oil on canvas - mountains with blue sky, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Cwm Idwal Hâf’, signed
376 375
374 Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ GYRTH RUSSELL oil on board - landscape with farm and cattle, possibly Connemara, signed (29 x 43cms)

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £500-600


‡ ALAN KNIGHT oil on board - entitled verso ‘Mynydd Bodafon’, signed with initials (60 x 70cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £500-600


‡ GYRTH RUSSELL oil on board - entitled verso ‘Breaking Sea, Isle of Harris Hebrides’, signed (30 x 41cms)

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £500-600


‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Step Off Again’, signed verso and dated December 1966-1993 (128 x 100cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: unframed, ready to hang, sl. surface scratch £500-800

383 ‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Quadrille Sequence II’, signed verso 1972 (91 x 91cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: unframed but ready to hang £500-800

383 382 381 379 380
116 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price




‡ NICHOLAS WARD oil on canvasabstract landscape, signed with initials verso (100 x 100cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: box framed £500-700




‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE oil on boardabstract, entitled ‘The Classroom’, unsigned (90 x 90cms)

Provenance: private collection Anglesey, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: framed £500-700

IWAN BALA oil on canvas - semi-abstract figures with boat and ladder, entitled verso ‘Rheibwyr traeth y gorllewin (Raiders of the Western Shore)’, unsigned, dated 1989 (63 x 53cms)

Provenance: private collection Caernarfon, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office Condition Report: framed £500-700

‡ DIANA ARMFIELD RA oil on card - ewe and lamb grazing, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Ewe with Lamb, Llwynhir’, signed with initials (17.5 x 25cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £500-800


‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE oil on canvasentitled verso ‘Bagatelle Early Version Red and Green’, signed verso and dated 1972 (91 x 91cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: unframed, ready to hang £600-800


‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE oil on canvasentitled verso ‘Bagatelle Mutation Four’, signed verso and dated 1980 / 83 (102 x 102cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed £600-800

389 388 387 386
Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ ERIC MALTHOUSE oil on canvas laid to board - semi-abstract with figure, entitled ‘Boy and Pigeons’, circa 1950s, signed (55 x 45cms)

Provenance: private collection Anglesey, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed £600-800


‡ JOHN ELWYN oil on canvas - entitled ‘Evening Landscape’, signed and dated 1976 (35.5 x 45.5cms)

Provenance: private collection mid Wales, consigned via our Carmarthen office, Phillips, The Arts in Wales, Tredegar House, 26 September 2001 [Lot 633]

Condition Report: framed £1,200-1,500


‡ GARETH PARRY oil on canvas - mountains and valley, entitled verso ‘Tirlun Haf Hefo Cawod - Summer Landscape with Shower, Wales’, signed (50 x 60cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £700-1,000


‡ WYNNE JENKINS oil on canvasSnowdonia mountain range with whitewashed cottage, entitled verso ‘Mynydd Cnicht - Croesor’, signed verso (40 x 30cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £700-900


‡ CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - entitled verso ‘Pwllheli Boat Yard’, signed (37 x 90cms)

Provenance: private collection Somerset, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £800-1,000


‡ GYRTH RUSSELL oil on board - Gower beach scene, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Rhossili Beach’, together with certificate signed by the artist’s wife confirming it is the work of her late husband, signed (40 x 60cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £800-1,200

394 118
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
393 392 391 390 395
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co


‡ GWILYM PRICHARD oil on canvasFrench summer landscape with cornfields and poplars, signed (39 x 75cms)

Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £800-1,000


‡ TOM GERRARD oil on board - Ynys Mon (Anglesey) farm and outbuildings, entitled verso ‘Ger Rhosgoch, Sir Fon’, signed and dated 1972 (38 x 75cms)

Provenance: private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed, some loss to edge of frame £800-1,000


‡ TOM GERRARD oil on board - Anglesey small holding with cottage, signed (40 x 67cms)

Provenance: private collection Gwynedd, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed £800-1,200


THOMAS BARKER OF BATH oil on canvasportrait of a bearded peasant, title to plaque ‘The Stick Gatherer’ (122 x 96cms)

Provenance: private collection South West England, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, title / artist plaque to frame, ready to hang £800-1,200


‡ CARL MELEGARI impasto oil on box canvas - entitled verso ‘Aquila’, inscribed verso with artist’s Bristol address (60 x 45cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: in floating frame, glazed £1,000-1,500

400 399 398 397
• The
Sale ‡
Resale Rights/Droit
Rogers Jones & Co
de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).



Condition Report: framed £1,000-2,000

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,000-1,500

Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Cardiff office, gifted to the vendor by her late stepmother, Mary Lawrence, who worked at Heals London store for her entire working career. It was given to Mary by Gwilym (who she called Gwilly!) having arranged the 6 exhibitions for him at the Mansard Gallery, Heals

Condition Report: framed £1,000-2,000


‘Farm’, signed and dated 1967 verso, with Conwy 1967 RCA label verso (40 x 54cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £1,200-1,800

Provenance: private collection Staffordshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,200-1,500

WILL ROBERTS oil on board - entitled verso 402 ‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER oil on board - sail boat on estuary, entitled verso ‘Ramshult Moorings’, signed and dated 1963 (22 x 39cms) private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office 401 ‡ JOHN ELWYN oil on boardhorsemen in landscape, signed and dated verso 1938 (31.5 x 44cms) estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office 402 401 403 ‡ GWILYM PRICHARD early oil on board - tree in sunlight, signed ‘Pritchard’ with a letter ‘t’ as per the artist’s early work, entitled verso ‘Tree’ and dated 1962 (91 x 60cms)
405 ‡ JOHN ELWYN oil on board - figure standing in cornfield, entitled verso ‘Girl in a Cornfield’, signed with initials (29 x 39cms)
120 The
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co


‡ ANEURIN JONES oil on card - ‘Sel Geffylau Llanybydder (Llanybydder Horse Sale)’, signed (34 x 63cms)

Provenance: private collection Swansea, consigned via our Cardiff office, bought directly from the artist

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,400-1,800


‡ ANEURIN JONES large oil on board - prancing Welsh cobb in orange background, signed (90 x 122cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, ready to hang £1,500-2,500


‡ JOHN KNAPP-FISHER oil on card - harbour wall, building and figures fishing, signed and dated 1974 (23 x 35cms)

Provenance: private collection Lancashire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no problems £1,500-2,500


‡ GWILYM PRICHARD oil on canvas - entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Ffordd i Tan y Grisiau’, signed and dated 1998 (38 x 36cms)

Provenance: private collection Carmarthenshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed £1,500-2,000

Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
409 408 406 407
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).



Condition Report: unframed

410 ‡ SHANI RHYS JAMES MBE monumental oil on canvas - self portrait in three poses, entitled verso ‘Ark’, signed verso (180 x 180cms) Provenance: private collection London, consigned via our Cardiff office
122 The
Sale •
£18,000-25,000 Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ KEVIN SINNOTT oil on canvas - male and female carrying young children with terraced houses in background, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Building’, signed with initials, dated 2004 (56 x 71cms)

Provenance: deceased estate Bridgend, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, ready to hang £2,000-4,000


‡ KEVIN SINNOTT oil on canvas - male and female embracing, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery ‘Office Do’, signed and dated 2001 (70 x 55cms)

Provenance: deceased estate Bridgend, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, ready to hang £2,000-4,000


‡ DAVID JONES oil on board - still life of apples, oranges and bowl, signed and dated verso 1968 (25 x 30cms)

Provenance: private collection Denbighshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed £2,000-3,000

412 411
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Rogers Jones
‡ Artist’s Resale
de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ MIKE JONES oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Figures on Street (Rhiwfawr)’, signed (50 x 60cms)

Provenance: private collection Gloucestershire, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, ready to hang £2,000-4,000


‡ MURIEL DELAHAYE oil on board - fisherman with catch and nets, signed (52 x 72cms)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed, no problems £2,000-4,000


‡ GWILYM PRICHARD oil on canvas - sailing boats off the north Wales coast, signed with initials, signed in full and dated 2005 verso (53 x 71cms)

Provenance: private collection Caernarfon, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed £2,000-2,500

416 415 414
124 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ GWILYM PRICHARD oil on canvasfield with baled hay, river, bridge and town in background, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Rocheforten-Terre’, signed and dated 1999 (54 x 73cms)

Provenance: private collection London, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed £2,500-3,500


‡ KEVIN SINNOTT oil on canvas - male and female leaning back to back against a tree, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Lonely Garden’, signed with initials, dated 2003 (70 x 55cms)

Provenance: private collection London, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed £3,000-5,000


‡ CLAUDIA WILLIAMS oil on canvasfemales on a beach in bathing costumes and with towels, entitled verso ‘Sisters at the Sea’, signed (92 x

Provenance: private collection Dorset, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed £3,000-4,000

419 418
• The Welsh Sale
to this
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‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply
lot (please see terms and conditions).


‡ WILF ROBERTS oil on canvas - roadway with cottages, entitled verso ‘Goferydd’, signed and dated 2003 (50 x 60cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £3,500-4,500


‡ JOHN ELWYN oil on canvas - figures walking on roadway with village beyond, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘The Road Home’, signed and dated 1952 (50 x 60cms)

Provenance: private collection Cambridgeshire, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: framed £5,000-8,000

421 420 126
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co




423-424 No lots

422 ‡ JOHN PIPER oil on canvas - entitled verso on Marlborough Gallery label (New York) ‘Powys Castle, Powys, Wales’, dated 1983, signed (85 x 110cms) private collection Vale of Glamorgan, labels verso for Marlborough Galleries (London & New York) Report: framed, ready to hang
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
terms and conditions).


‡ DONALD McINTYRE oil on board - two young long haired girls (sisters), signed with initials (20 x 24.5cms)

Provenance: private collection Anglesey, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £700-1,000


‡ DONALD McINTYRE oil - young girl playing hopscotch, signed with initials (30 x 24cms)

Provenance: private collection Staffordshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £800-1,200


‡ DONALD McINTYRE mixed media - whitewashed cottage amongst rocks, ‘Cottage and Rocks’, signed in full (55 x 75cms)

Provenance: private collection Anglesey, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,500-2,500


‡ DONALD McINTYRE oil on board - entitled verso ‘Trearddur Bay, Anglesey’, signed with initials (25.5 x 35.5cms)

Provenance: private collection Staffordshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed £1,700-2,500

428 427 426 425 128 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ DONALD McINTYRE oil on card - breaking waves on beach, entitled verso ‘Dark Sea and Sky’, signed with initials (20 x 28cms)

Provenance: private collection Ynys Môn, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no problems £2,000-3,000


‡ DONALD McINTYRE acrylic - coastal scene with breaking waves, entitled verso ‘The Little Wave’, signed with initials (28 x 41cms)

Provenance: private collection Ynys Môn, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed, no problems £3,000-5,000


‡ DONALD McINTYRE acrylic - lane with cottages, entitled verso ‘Thatched House Treen’, signed with initials (28 x 39cms)

Provenance: private collection Ynys Môn, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £3,000-5,000


‡ DONALD McINTYRE acrylic - Cornish village with figures on a slipway, entitled verso ‘Two Fishermen, Port Isaac’, signed with initials (29 x 41cms)

Provenance: private collection Ynys Môn, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £3,000-5,000

432 431
430 429
Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Jones & Co • The Welsh



‡ DONALD McINTYRE acrylic - huts on a headland, entitled verso ‘Fishermen’s Huts’, signed with initials (30 x 40cms)

Provenance: private collection Ynys Môn, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £3,000-4,000


‡ DONALD McINTYRE acrylic - lane with mountain cottages, entitled verso ‘House on the Hill, Spring’, signed in full (48 x 58cms)

Provenance: private collection Ynys Môn, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £4,000-6,000 435


‡ DONALD McINTYRE acrylic - figures in lane with cottages, entitled verso ‘Village Street with People’, signed in full (52 x 62cms)

Provenance: private collection Ynys Môn, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £5,000-7,000

130 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
* See page
or paragraph
436 ‡ DONALD McINTYRE acrylic - whitewashed farmhouse and farm buildings, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Anglesey Farm’, signed in full (54 x 78cms) Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office Condition Report: framed and glazed £7,000-10,000
Sale ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh


DARREN YEADON Pembrokeshire ‘Preseli’ bluestone sculpture - statua stele (the stele statues represent the male and female human form dating back to the 4th and 1st millennium) (27 x 86cms)

Provenance: consigned by the artist via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: no problems



DARREN YEADON Carrara marble sculpture - stylised fish, signed (32 x 30cms)

Provenance: consigned by the artist via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: no problems



DARREN YEADON Carrara marble sculpture - statua stele (the stele statues represent the male and female human form dating back to the 4th and 1st millennium), signed (22 x 47cms)

Provenance: consigned by the artist via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: no problems



PAUL MORGAN ironwork - replica Celtic firedog with terminals in the form of a horse and a bull (97w x 91cms h)

Provenance: private collection, commissioned by the vendor’s late husband, the firedog is a replica of The Capel Garmon Firedog which was found in 1852 in a field at Carreg Goedog Farm, Capel Garmon (Conwy). The Capel Garmon Firedog, which now resides at the National Museum of Wales, was believed to have been deliberately placed as an offering to a god of the pagan Celtic world

Condition Report: good condition


132 The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price

4.00pm 01.04.23

Selections & Collections / Dewisiadau & Chasgliadau
Selections & Collections / Dewisiadau & Chasgliadau (4.00pm)

Luxury items & brands including Jewellery & Watches – Lots 500-513

501 19TH CENTURY GOLD DOVE BROOCH, the dove holding a sprig in its beak, set with turquoise and cabochon ruby eyes, engraved feather detail to body, glazed compartment to underside of ‘forget-me-not’ flower, 5.2gms (4cms long)

Provenance: private collection Newport, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: good overall, all stones present £700-1,000



YELLOW METAL TORCH & SERPENT BAR BROOCH, the flaming torch having coiled serpent set with twenty-six graduated demantoid garnets and a ruby eye, unmarked, 10.3gms (4cms)

Provenance: private collection Newport, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Auctioneer’s Note: the torch is a common emblem for hope and enlightenment, while the serpent is often associated with medicine but within different religions can be both a symbol of good and evil, this particular design is similar to that of the Rod of Asclepius which depicts a serpent entwined rod, modern organisations with similar emblems include the American Academy of Family Physicians and the Loma Linda Fire Department (California)

Condition Report: good overall condition, no stones missing, unmarked, previously tested as approximately 15ct yellow gold as per Goldsmiths valuation for insurance £800-1,200

WHITE METAL THREESTONE DIAMOND RING the three old cut stones measuring 1.3cts overall approx., ring size O, 3.9gms

Provenance: deceased estate Swansea, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: minor chips to diamonds, black mineral deposits present, viewing in person encouraged £600-1,000


18CT GOLD FIVE-STONE DIAMOND RING, the five pavé set old European cut stones measuring 1.4cts overall approx., ring size M, 3.9gms

Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: Clarity SI, Colour H/I, one diamond chip missing, wear commensurate with age and wear, all opinions are subjective and not guarantees, we encourage viewing in person if possible £800-1,200

501 500 503 502 136 Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price

504 SAPPHIRE & DIAMOND CLUSTER RING, the central sapphire (12 x 9mms approx.) surrounded by thirteen diamonds, 0.10ct each approx., ring size K 1/2, 5.8gms

Provenance: deceased estate Ceredigion, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: good depth of colour to sapphire, wear to facet edges, various inclusions to diamonds, minor chips £1,000-1,500


ART DECO-STYLE DIAMOND RING, the principal stone measuring 1.5cts approx., flanked by a further six diamonds to either shoulder, stepped and pierced setting, ring size Q, 6.9gms

Provenance: deceased estate Ceredigion, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: Clarity VS2/SI1, Colour H/I, diamonds are bright and well matched, all opinions are subjective and not guarantees, we encourage viewing in person if possible £2,000-3,000



RING, the hexagonal rock crystal above skull motif, the ring designed as six scroll panels depicting designs to include coffin, hourglass, skull, bones, the inner shank engraved ‘Simon Taylor Esq. 11 April 1738 at 35’, ring size L, 3.6gms

Provenance: private collection

Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: wear and loss to setting around rock crystal, some loss to enamel commensurate with age, a rare survivor £600-1,000


LADIES 14K GOLD OMEGA WRISTWATCH, the dial having baton hour markers, engraved ‘Kristina 30.5.64’, hallmarked to inside cover and numbered ‘569342’ and ‘7117GY’, having integrated 14K gold bracelet, 25.3gms

Provenance: deceased estate Ceredigion, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: dial spotted, case back engraved ‘Kristina 33.5.64’, bracelet and clasp good, glass very slightly chipped to edge, not working at present £300-500

507 505 504
506 Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections


18K GOLD OMEGA CONSTELLATION AUTOMATIC CALENDAR WRISTWATCH, c.1961, ref. 886, 24J Cal.561 automatic movement no. 183****9, brushed champagne dial applied black accented gilt baton hour markers, date aperture at 3, gilt faceted lancet hands, centre seconds, polished round case with screw down back, no.170025, aftermarket 9ct gold bark textured bracelet with deployant clasp, case, dial and movement signed, 34mm diam., with Omega outer card box, Omega Constellation orange leather box, chromometer cert., warrantee booklet and Boodle & Dunthorne insurance cert. both dated 1964

Provenance: private collection Flintshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: dial with minor spots, glass scratched, bezel with tiny dints, bracelet with repaired links near to clasp




WRISTWATCH, c.1968, stainless steel, ref. 145.007, cal.865 17J manual wind movement no.258***62, black dial with applied polished baton hour markers with luminous dot tips, outer racing minute divisions and raised tachymeter scale, white pointed baton hands with luminous inserts, orange centre chronograph hand, brushed and polished tonneau case, screw down back, winding crown at 4, chronograph button at 2, original steel bricklink bracelet with deployant clasp, case, dial and movement signed, with spare associated black leather strap with red stitching and steel buckle, original Omega Mexico Olympics box and guarantee booklet dated 1968, 40mm diam.

Provenance: private collection South Wales, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: ticks when wound, chronograph hand not working, crown changes hands as normal, perspex scratched £800-1,200


BREITLING TOP TIME ‘THUNDERBALL’ CHRONOGRAPH WRISTWATCH, ref. 2002, stainless steel, circa 1965, black reverse panda dial with outer chronograph chapter, baton markers, chronograph centre seconds and subsidiary 45 minute and constant seconds dial, serial number 1047258, 36mm, strap stamped ‘Breitling Geneve’, in vintage yellow rectangular Breitling box with ‘Certificat International’ booklet signed and dated ‘13.12.71’, with world service booklet

Provenance: private collection Carmarthenshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office, owned by the current vendor since 13.12.71 as dated on the booklet when it was purchased in Gibraltar

Auctioneer’s Note: James Bond, played by Sean Connery, famously wears a modified Breitling Top Time chronograph watch in the film Thunderball (1965). The Breitling is given to Bond by Q and acts as a geiger counter

Condition Report: a very clean example, seconds hand ticking, in the same ownership for over 50 years, wear commensurate with age, viewing highly recommended


510 138 Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price



WRISTWATCH, c.1966, ref. 1002, presumed cal.1530 26J automatic movement, ser. no. 136***2, black dial with white baton hour markers, Arabic numeral quarters, white outer minute divisions, polished Mercedes hands with luminous inserts, centre seconds, in stainless steel brushed and polished tonneau case, screw down back engraved with presentation inscription and date, later factory fitted oyster crown, case, dial & movement signed, offered with original rivet spring-link 6635 bracelet with deployant clasp date stamped 2/64 (with ‘57’ ends & 2 spare links), and later 78319 brushed Oyster link bracelet with deployant clasp date stamped 4/71 (with ‘257’ ends), Rolex-style leather strap, original green Rolex box, guarantee booklet and purchase receipt dated 1966, 34mm diam.

Provenance: private collection Rhondda Cynon Taff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Auctioneer’s Note: The current lot is an example of a hybrid reference. The ref. 1002 along with ref. 5500 will be found on both Explorer and Air-King cases with ref. 1002 also appearing on Oyster Perpetual cases. The ref. 5500 is a crossover watch consisting of an “Air King” case, but fitted with the unmistakable 3-6-9 Explorer dial. Roughly 14 Rolex references were assigned to the Explorer line

Condition Report: caseback unopened. Full service by non-Rolex approved repairer in 2016 with new crown fitted. Hands with signs of modest corrosion, dial lume creamy. Case and bracelets both appear lightly repolished. Strap



J.W. BENSON 18CT GOLD OPEN FACED POCKET WATCH, white enamel roman dial with subsidiary seconds dial, topwind three quarter plate movement inscribed ‘The Bank 8061’, case no. 061, dated 1910, monogram engraved to back of case ‘FS’, in claret velvet and ivory silk lined morocco case with gilt lettering, 47mm diam, gross wt. appr. 95.7g

Provenance: private collection South Wales

Condition Report: very good all around, case rubbed £800-1,200


CHARLES SUCHY & FILS 18K GOLD & BLACK ENAMEL FOB WATCH, the full hunter case set with rose-cut diamonds within black enamel flower head, both covers stamped ‘18K’ and ‘JL’, numbered ‘40701’, the cuvette stamped ‘18K’ and engraved ‘Ch Suchy & fils’, the white enamel dial with Roman numerals and subsidiary seconds dial, 42.8gms

Provenance: private collection Powys, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: good overall condition, all stones present, hinges working well, not running £800-1,200

non-Rolex despite backstamp
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections

Antiques & Fine Art – Lots 514-554


TWO VINTAGE DUNHILL ‘UNIQUE’ TABLE LIGHTERS, c.1930, comprising silver plated ‘The Giant’ lighter with polished sides, stamped DUNHILL, reg’d design no. 737418, Patent No. 390107, 10.5h x 8cms w; and black enamelled upright lighter with triple diagonal band ornament, 10.3h x 6.4cms w, both with Dunhill ‘Directions of Use’ and Uniclita flints leaflets, both in original blue-edged claret boxes with gilt printed Royal Appointment stamp and Dunhill logo (2)

Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: excellent, little or no apparent use, wicks clean £300-500


RARE CURTA TYPE I CALCULATOR, L eichtenstein, mid-20th Century, No 45963, the stepped gear-type pocket calculator engraved ‘CURTA’, the base marked ‘System Curt Herzstark, Made in Liechtenstein by Contina AG Mauren, Type I No. 45963’, in original cylindrical carrying case (10.5cms high)

Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Auctioneer’s Note: The Curta is a hand-held mechanical calculator designed by Curt Herzstark. It is known for its extremely compact design: a small cylinder that fits in the palm of the hand. It was affectionately known as the pepper grinder or peppermill due to its shape and means of operation. Its superficial resemblance to a certain type of hand grenade also earned it the nickname math grenade Condition Report: appears in complete condition good overall, scuffs and marks to calculator and case



BAKER OF LONDON BINOCULAR MICROSCOPE, the gilt brass microscope marked ‘Baker 244 High Holborn London’, housed in fitted box with three graduated drawers containing additional lenses and loose plaque referencing ‘The County School Pembroke Dock’, the door with plaque reading ‘Presented By The Honorable The Commissioners of Inland Revenue to Mr Joseph Hopla as Third Prize for Proficiency in Practical & Theoretical Chemistry Session 1881- 2’, late 19th Century (52.5cms high overall)

Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: pitting and some rust to microscope, box is well worn with splits


514 516
140 Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price

MANDELA (NELSON) The Illustrated Long Walk to Freedom, number 36/950 copies, signed by the author, illustrations, original morocco, lettered in gilt, all housed in original drop-back box, Little, Brown & Co. London, 2001, 4to

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Auctioneer’s Note: The rebound, brown leather edition, produced by Chinthurst Fine Books to celebrate the 85th birthday of Mandela, 2003. Signed (‘N Mandela’) to a clear area on an inserted frontispiece. The book being contained within a bespoke case, which also features a draw containing a limited edition photograph of Mandela by Greg Bartley. Although 950 copies of this specially-bound production were planned, only 250 copies were ultimately produced

Condition Report: very fine £800-1,200



GROUP awarded to Captain Bernard Ernest Ablitt West Yorkshire Regiment, comprising Military Cross and bar, 1914-1915 Star, War medal, Victory medal and George V silver jubilee medal, together with cap badges and buttons and a silver topped ebonised cane engraved with West Yorkshire Regiment emblem

Provenance: deceased estate Swansea, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Auctioneer’s Note: the award of the Military Cross is recorded in the London Gazette 14th November 1914, “For conspicuous gallantry in action. He organised a party to shoot down a party of the enemy, who were firing into the backs of our advance. He also sent in valuable reports of the situation. Later he assumed command of the right flank, displaying great courage and ability.” He was later awarded a Bar to the Military Cross recorded in the London Gazette 16th September 1918, “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty in first assisting under heavy fire to hold battalion headquarters against the advancing enemy, and afterwards helping other units in resisting attacks on the reserve trenches.”


CHARLES AND DIANA TYPED & AUTOGRAPHED LETTER, dated 7th October 1981, signed ‘Yours most sincerely, Charles and Diana’ in blue and black ink, in their respective hands, on Buckingham Palace headed paper, expressing their gratitude to Miss Williams’ contribution to their wedding present of a mahogany library table and additional cheque towards further furniture (32.5 x 20cms)

Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: minor marginal stains, upper margin with minor foxing, creased, no envelope, formerly annotated by vendor, now erased but still partially visible £300-500

Condition Report: medals have surface wear and marks commensurate with age, cane has dents to silver knop and lacking foot piece £700-1,000

517 519 517
518 Rogers Jones & Co • Selections
& Collections


19TH CENTURY AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN SILVER GILT & AGATE HISTORISMUS TAZZA AND COVER, oval cover and moss agate body above annular-knopped stem and domed foot, decorated with foliate engraving and facet cut glass and hardstone cabochons in rub-over settings (13.6h x 9.2cms w)

Provenance: from the estate of Henry Lane Eno (1871-1928) and thence by descent

Condition Report: there are some mild marks, scratches, knocks, and wear to surface consistent with age and use. Agate possibly restored, metal surface overall tarnished and with losses to gilding, some damages to hardstone insets (edge chips and cracks- all 4 turquoise-coloured panels cracked) apparently unmarked. Please refer to additional images for visual references to condition which forms part of this condition report £250-350


19TH CENTURY GILTWOOD & ENAMEL SET CHASSE OR CASKET IN THE 16TH CENTURY LIMOGES STYLE, the giltwood frame set with coloured enamel panels decorated with twelve Saints, Salvator Mundi, and Italian-style armorial in the manner of the della Rovere family, bearing signature for L. Laudin (19h x 22.5w x 9.5cms d)

Provenance: from the estate of Henry Lane Eno (1871-1928), thence by descent

Condition Report: there are some mild marks, scratches, knocks, and wear to surface consistent with age and use. Losses to wood cresting and 2 feet, lifting and losses to gilded surface, a push release lock, interior with floral fabric that has begun to perish. Panels seem to be generally good if dirty, gilding and detailing mostly strong and legible, visible diagonal hairline across St Simon, dirt may be concealing other cracks and loss. Please refer to additional images for visual references to condition which forms part of this condition report £1,500-2,500


RARE 16TH CENTURY LIMOGES GRISAILLE & GILT ENAMEL BOWL ‘ADAM AND EVE EATING THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT ’, c.1550-80, with painted scene after a print by Étienne Delaune, Adam seated eating an apple as Eve talks with the anthropomorphised serpent, animals around, faint gilt shadows of trees beyond, with scrolling gilt border, underside with white and gilt trailing amorini-headed and serpent-headed swags, formerly with foot, unsigned (6h x 19cms diam.)

Provenance: from the estate of Henry Lane Eno (1871-1928), thence by descent

Auctioneer’s Note: The central scene is a mirror-image section after a print by Etienne Delaune (French, c.1518-1583) (Cf. Baltimore Museum of Art with a print by Stefano Scolari (Italian, 1640-1691) after Delaune Object Number 1946.112.1072). The Limoges artist has shifted elements slightly but retained the essential composition and details such as the sleeping dog and feeding squirrel. The Louvre holds in its collection a plate attributed to Jean Miette entitled “Le Péché d’Adam et Eve” that draws upon the same artistic inspiration. The handling of the details and anatomy are slightly different from this example but it shares the artist’s willingness to incorporate animals of all types, a feature also seen on another work attributed to Miette, “The Creation of Adam” on a plate in the British Museum. See also the Fitzwilliam Museum’s cup and cover depicting the creation of Adam by Jean Court (Vigier) (Accession Number: M.31 & A-1933). The stylistic depiction of the foliage to the tree and ground, and the detailing of animals suggest a kinship with the artist responsible for this bowl

Condition Report: there are some marks, scratches, knocks, and wear to surface consistent with age and heavy use. Lacks stem/foot. Top rim with knocks and losses, evidence also of old repair. Background formerly with gild detailed trees, rocks and water now rubbed but faintly visible in cross light. Some wear and cracking to enamel notably around her navel.

Reverse with some scratching and rubbed loss to gilded decoration. Please refer to additional images for visual references to condition which forms part of this condition report

522 142 Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


FRANZ BERGMAN COLD PAINTED BRONZE FIGURE OF ‘WHIRLING DERVISH I’, A ustria, c.1900, standing with his arms aloft, the underneath of his cloak stamped indistinct numbers 2741 (?) and ‘GESCHÜTZT’ (20cms high)

Provenance: deceased estate, North Wales, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office, see Joseph Zobel, Antique Vienna Bronzes, p. 147 for an identical bronze

Condition Report: paint worn, particularly on the pleats, some verdigris on the unpainted/exposed bronze



MODERNIST LIMITED EDITION (IV/VI) POLISHED BRONZE HEAD, inspired by African Congo sculpture, signed with initials ‘B. W.’ believed to be Björn Weckström, dated 88 (18.5cms high)

Provenance: deceased estate Ceredigion, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: surface wear, two drill holes to base £150-300


Provenance: private collection Cardiff, consigned via our Cardiff office

Condition Report: no apparent damage or restoration


525 ‡ JOHN MALTBY stoneware sculpture - entitled to base ‘Bird, Wall, Fish’, signed, together with impressed seal mark to bottom centre rear (28cms high x 25cms 523
524 525
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections


RUSSIAN PORCELAIN PLATE FROM THE KREMLIN SERVICE, Imperial Porcelain Factory, St. Petersburg, period of Nicholas I, centre gilt with interlaced rosette within the band of cloisonné-style blue, green and red strapwork, gilt cavetto, border with interlaced strapwork with gilt scrolling tendril embellishments and incorporating four Russian double-headed eagles, shaped gilt rim, underglaze blue mark, red ‘OXP21550’ and cyrillic mark, gilder’s numeral ‘79’ (24.7cms diam.)

Provenance: directly from the family of pre-eminent collector

Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Auctioneer’s Note: Fedor Solntsev (1801-1892) was the head decorator of Kremlin interiors for Tsar Nicholas I and was asked to study the vast collections which culminated in a six volume work ‘Antiquities of the Russian State’. The porcelain service commissioned from the Imperial porcelain works for the Kremlin Palace is based on drawings Solntsev made for this work, namely the cloisonné enamel and gold dishes from the collections in the Kremlin Armoury, made for Tsar Alexis (1645-76), father of Peter the Great

Condition Report: minor cavetto stacking wear



RUSSIAN PORCELAIN PLATE FROM THE KREMLIN SERVICE, Imperial Porcelain Factory, St. Petersburg, period of Nicholas I, centre painted with a medallion of scrolling foliage and stylised flower heads in red, green and blue against black ground, within a band of stylised green palm trees on tooled gilt ground, the rim painted in red and green to simulate jewels, underglaze blue factory, red inventory ‘OXP23364’ and gilt ‘N=2.4. U.K.’ marks (24cms diam.)

Provenance: directly from the family of pre-eminent collector

Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Auctioneer’s Note: Fedor Solntsev (1801-1892) was the head decorator of Kremlin interiors for Tsar Nicholas I and was asked to study the vast collections which culminated in a six volume work ‘Antiquities of the Russian State’. The porcelain service commissioned from the Imperial porcelain works for the Kremlin Palace is based on drawings Solntsev made for this work, namely the cloisonné enamel and gold dishes from the collections in the Kremlin Armoury, made for Tsar Alexis (1645-76), father of Peter the Great Condition Report: some stacking wear to the gilding £1,500-2,500


RUSSIAN PORCELAIN PLATE FROM THE KREMLIN SERVICE, Imperial Porcelain Factory, St. Petersburg, period of Nicholas I, centre gilt with interlaced rosette within the band of cloisonné-style blue, green and red strapwork, gilt cavetto, border with interlaced strapwork with gilt scrolling tendril embellishments and incorporating four Russian double-headed eagles, shaped gilt rim, underglaze blue factory mark and red ‘OXP21422’ inventory marks, gilder’s initials in cyrillic (24.7cms diam.)

Provenance: directly from the family of pre-eminent collector

Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Auctioneer’s Note: Fedor Solntsev (1801-1892) was the head decorator of Kremlin interiors for Tsar Nicholas I and was asked to study the vast collections which culminated in a six volume work ‘Antiquities of the Russian State’. The porcelain service commissioned from the Imperial porcelain works for the Kremlin Palace is based on drawings Solntsev made for this work, namely the cloisonné enamel and gold dishes from the collections in the Kremlin Armoury, made for Tsar Alexis (1645-76), father of Peter the Great

Condition Report: minor cavetto stacking wear. £800-1,200


RUSSIAN PORCELAIN PLATE FROM THE KREMLIN SERVICE, Imperial Porcelain Factory, St. Petersburg, period of Nicholas I, centre painted with a medallion of scrolling foliage and stylised flower heads in red, green and blue against black ground, within a band of stylised green palm trees on tooled gilt ground, the rim painted in red and green to simulate jewels, underglaze blue factory and red inventory ‘OXP23187’ marks, and gilder’s numeral ‘41’ (24cms diam.)

Provenance: directly from the family of pre-eminent collector

Sir Leslie Joseph, bears his label

Auctioneer’s Note: Fedor Solntsev (1801-1892) was the head decorator of Kremlin interiors for Tsar Nicholas I and was asked to study the vast collections which culminated in a six volume work ‘Antiquities of the Russian State’. The porcelain service commissioned from the Imperial porcelain works for the Kremlin Palace is based on drawings Solntsev made for this work, namely the cloisonné enamel and gold dishes from the collections in the Kremlin Armoury, made for Tsar Alexis (1645-76), father of Peter the Great

Condition Report: cavetto with stacking wear £1,500-2,000

144 Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
527 526 529 528 145
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections

oil on canvas - Cavalry Skirmish, figures engaged on the edge of a dark woodland, town in the middle distance, with Frost & Reed label dated 1968 (44.5 x 59cms)

Provenance: private collection, Carmarthenshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: 18th Century-style rococo frame, relined £1,000-1,500


c.1964, no. 1 Ringo Star, no. 2 George Harrison, no. 3 Paul McCartney, and rare no. 4. John Lennon, printed backstamps and impressed numerals (4) (all about 12cms high)

Provenance: fairground owner, thence by descent

Condition Report: minor grazing, no cracks or chips visible £1,000-1,500

146 Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


CIRCLE OF JOHN WOOTTON (1682-1764) oil on canvasThe Kill or The Breaking Up of the Stag (78 x 140cms)

Provenance: private collection, Carmarthenshire, consigned via our Carmarthen office, listed in 1909 inventory

Condition Report: cleaned and relined





18TH CENTURY FLEMISH SCHOOL oil on canvas - The Stag Hunt, with figures and quarry to the fore and in the mid distance, town with church steeples in the far distance (90 x 117cms)

Provenance: private collection, Carmarthenshire, listed in 1909 family inventory as by John (sic) Wyck

Condition Report: cleaned and relined

£4,000-6,000 • Selections & Collections ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Rogers Jones & Co


‡ DAVID HOCKNEY RA etching - ‘To Remain’, figure standing in the doorway of a Dry Cleaners, from ‘Illustrations for Fourteen Poems by C.P. Cavafy’, c.1966 (35 x 22cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Auctioneer’s Note: Hockney found inspiration as a teenager in the writings of Constantine Cavafy (1863-1933) and created a set of thirteen etchings reflecting Cavafy’s reflections on homosexual desire

Condition Report: framed and glazed



‡ DAVID HOCKNEY RA etching - ‘Beautiful and White Flowers’ from ‘Illustrations for Fourteen Poems by C.P. Cavafy’ (35 x 22cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Auctioneer’s Note: Hockney found inspiration as a teenager in the writings of Constantine Cavafy (1863-1933) and created a set of thirteen etchings reflecting Cavafy’s reflections on homosexual desire

Condition Report: framed and glazed, foxing, paper tinted £300-500


‡ DAVID HOCKNEY RA etching - ‘The Rescued Princess’, from ‘Illustrations for ‘Six Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm’, 1969 (39.5 x 30cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: minor rippling



‡ DAVID HOCKNEY RA etching - ‘The Black Cat Leaping’, 1969, from ‘Illustrations for Six Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm’ ((PL) 23.4 x 27.4cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: very good overall


534 537 148 Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
536 535


‡ DAVID HOCKNEY RA , limited edition (441/500) etching - ‘French Shop’, signed in pencil (53 x 45cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: small brown spot lower right, otherwise good allover £4,000-6,000


‡ DAVID HOCKNEY RA , engravings – four illustrations for ‘Six Fairytales from the Brothers Grimm’ with text (4) (all approx. 40 x 30cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed £1,000-1,500

to this
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit
de Suite may apply
lot (please see terms and conditions).



DAVID HOCKNEY RA ‘A Bigger Book’, Taschen 2016, limited edition (467/10000), in dust wrapper, together with original box, signed by artist, complete with adjustable acrylic and painted metal and perspex tripod stand designed by Marc Newson (71 x 52cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: some water damage to box, book pages not entirely flat, and stand in good condition


DAVID HOCKNEY RA , ‘Fourteen Poems’ by C. P. Cavafy, chosen and illustrated with twelve etchings by David Hockney, translated by Nikos Stangos and Stephen Spender, London - editions Alecto, 1966, twelve etchings on handmade Crisbrook Waterleaf paper by Barcham Green, each with publishers ink stamp to verso ‘edition B’, and numbered 362/373, signed by the artist to colophon at rear, numbered 451/500, tissue guard to each print, original magenta cloth, in original publishers black cloth slip case

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: excellent overall, slip case with some minor surface blemishes



‡ LAURENCE STEPHEN LOWRY RBA RA coloured lithograph - ‘Mill Scene’, signed in pencil to margin lower right (33 x 43cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed and glazed


542 150 Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price


‡ LAURENCE STEPHEN LOWRY RBA RA limited edition colour print - ‘Group of Children’, signed in pencil with Fine Art Trade Guild blind stamp, published in 1975 by Venture Prints Ltd, Bristol, (I) 17.5 x 19.5cms; together with three prints framed together - ‘Sketches’, of rushing figure with pram, boy on cart, and bearded figure with pram, published by Adam Collection, limited edition of 850 copies, signed and dated 1959 in the prints, one with blind stamp, (I) 8.4 x 11.4cms, 9.4 x 11.8cms, 9.7 x 12.8cms respectively (2)

Provenance: private collection Denbighshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office, with Charles Nicholls & Son, comes with original purchase receipt dated 1974

Condition Report: Group of Children - mounted and unframed. Three Sketches - excellent, in scratched metal frame. Both commonly sold together. The printed sketches from original drawings in the collection of Mr and Mrs Andras Kalman, London, printed by Chorley & Pickersgill Ltd £1,500-2,000


‡ LAURENCE STEPHEN LOWRY RBA RA 1973 offset lithograph printed in colours on wove - ‘The Level Crossing’, published by Patrick Seale Prints Ltd, London with blindstamp, from an edition of 750, signed in pencil (46 x 55.5cms)

Provenance: private collection Denbighshire, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: very good condition, framed and glazed, ready to hang £2,000-3,000


‡ LAURENCE STEPHEN LOWRY RBA RA off-set colour lithograph on wove - ‘Market Scene in a Northern Town’, published by Patrick Seale Prints Ltd, London, 1973 courtesy of Salford Museum and Art Gallery, signed in pencil (46 x 61cms)

Provenance: private collection Greater Manchester, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: mounted but unframed £2,000-3,000

543 544 545
‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may
to this lot
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
terms and conditions).

Provenance: private collection Powys, consigned via our Cardiff office, Redfern Gallery, London and Keith Chapman

Condition Report: paper tinted, slight crease lower right £400-600


Condition Report: framed

Provenance: deceased estate Swansea, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: very good overall condition, framed, ready to hang £600-1,000

546 ‡ KEITH VAUGHAN ink - Minotaur & Man, signed with initials and dated 1940 (34 x 24cms) 548 ‡ CECIL ROCHFORT D’OYLY JOHN oil on canvas - title verso ‘Village of Beaulieu near Monte Carlo, French Riviera’, artist’s label verso (34.5 x 70cms) 547 ‡ WINIFRED NICHOLSON oil on canvas - ‘Agamemnon Sets Out For Troy’, inscribed and dated 1968 verso (64 x 64cms) estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office £4,000-6,000 546
548 152 Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price



SCOTT oil on canvasfemale and male wigeon and greylag geese in marshy landscape, signed and dated 1951 (49.5 x 75cms)

Provenance: private collection Ynys Môn, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: excellent, framed, ready to hang £3,000-5,000


‡ GORDON KING watercolour - study of a girl with a basket of flowers, entitled ‘Sunny Smile’, signed, bears title verso (53 x 35.5cms)

Provenance: private collection Ynys Môn, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: small brown spot (paint?) upper right, otherwise good with little fading £300-500


‡ FRED YATES oil on canvas laid to board - coastal scene with headland and rocks, entitled verso ‘Cape Cornwall’, signed (17 x 25cms)

Provenance: private collection North West England, consigned via our Colwyn Bay office

Condition Report: good condition allover £700-1,000

551 550
• Selections & Collections ‡ Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Rogers Jones
& Co


ADRIAN STOKES oil on board – seascape, signed and dated 1922 (20 x 26cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: framed £800-1,200



EDWARD CHIWAWA carved hardstone ‘Moonface’, signed ‘E. Chiwawa’ (10cms high)

Provenance: deceased estate Ceredigion, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: good overall condition



WILLIAM KENTRIDGE, ROBERT HODGINS & DEBORAH BELL limited edition (4/25) screenprint‘Aida Etc’, signed, numbered and dated in pencil ’89 (I) (35 x 84cms)

Provenance: estate of Prof. Ritchie Ovendale, Aberystwyth, consigned via our Carmarthen office

Condition Report: very good overall, thin card mount slightly puckered left hand side


552 554
154 Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co * See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price

On to the next…

22 July, entries by June!

Ymlaen at y nesaf…

22 Gorffennaf, ceisiadau erbyn Mehefin!

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TOTAL: £405,080


TOTAL: £145,270

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Lot Price 620 £240 621 £320 622 £340 623 £340 624 £600 625 £360 626 £1,300 627 £750 628 £1,400 629 £2,000 630 £2,800 631 £3,000 633 £4,200 634 £8,500 636 £7,000 637 £600 638 £17,500 Lot Price 639 £280 640 £420 641 £1,000 641a £2,200 642 £1,400 643 £3,000 644 £8,000 645 £2,400 646 £500 647 £200 648 £100 649 £200 650 £300 651 £250 652 £1,500 653 £650 654 £1,400 Lot Price 655 £1,200 656 £2,400 657 £2,500 658 £4,400 659 £4,800 660 £150 661 £150 662 £400 664 £750 665 £500 666 £850 667 £950 668 £1,100 669 £360 670 £1,000 671 £2,200 672 £1,500 Lot Price 673 £3,400 675 £550 676 £3,400 677 £500 678 £320 680 £800 681 £8,000 682 £1,500 683 £5,500 684 £2,000 685 £3,800 686 £150 687 £460 688 £420 689 £100 690 £200 691 £280 Lot Price 692 £280 693 £340 694 £500 695 £650 696 £650 697 £700 698 £1,200 699 £1,100 700 £800 701 £600 702 £480 704 £950 705 £1,200 707 £900 708 £500 709 £360 710 £500 Lot Price 711 £500 712 £120 713 £50 714 £220 715 £50 716 £50 717 £120 718 £200 719 £220 720 £380 721 £260 722 £50 723 £260 724 £100 725 £70 726 £700 727 £600 Lot Price 728 £100 729 £200 730 £100 731 £150 732 £40 733 £180 734 £200 735 £70 736 £200 737 £90 738 £100 739 £100 740 £100 741 £160 742 £140 743 £60 744 £180 Lot Price 745 £1,100 746 £160 747 £120 748 £300 749 £360 750 £420 751 £200 752 £200 753 £140 754 £200 755 £400 756 £1,000
Lot Price 499 £550 501 £600 502 £80 503 £80 504 £90 505 £300 506 £120 507 £200 508 £100 510 £200 511 £95 Lot Price 512 £180 513 £260 514 £380 515 £170 516 £240 517 £280 518 £550 519 £350 521 £420 522 £550 523 £650 Lot Price 524 £650 525 £2,200 526 £2,700 527 £5,200 530 £90 531 £180 532 £200 533 £130 534 £240 535 £200 536 £150 Lot Price 537 £170 538 £400 539 £200 541 £170 542 £320 545 £340 546 £250 547 £320 548 £340 549 £340 550 £700 Lot Price 551 £650 552 £180 553 £550 555 £1,300 556 £1,300 557 £1,200 560 £120 561 £3,800 563 £4,200 564 £260 565 £6,500 Lot Price 566 £300 567 £400 568 £5,400 570 £280 571 £220 572 £300 573 £100 574 £460 575 £70 578 £150 579 £360 Lot Price 581 £600 583 £420 584 £600 585 £750 586 £160 587 £85 588 £320 589 £400 591 £500 593 £1,300 595 £440 Lot Price 596 £260 597 £120 600 £110 601 £80 602 £200 603 £80 604 £550 605 £140 606 £220 607 £250 608 £340


22 JULY 2023

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13.2.1 the catalogue description reflected the accepted view of experts as at the date of the auction; or

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17.3 We may use special terms in the catalogue descriptions of particular Lots. You must read these terms carefully along with any glossary provided in our auction catalogues.

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17.7 These Terms of Sale and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them (including any non-contractual claims or disputes) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and the parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the British law and British courts.

These terms are based upon the recommended terms of sale by the Society of Fine Art Auctioneers and Valuers.

Rogers Jones & Co 168


you, David Rogers Jones. Each time the gavel falls we salute you.

Diolch i chi, David Rogers Jones. Bob tro mae’r morthwyl yn disgyn rydyn ni’n eich cyfarch.

17 Llandough Trading Estate, Penarth Road, Cardiff, CF11 8RR

17 Ystad Masnachu Llandochau, Ffordd Penarth, CF11 8RR

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