Closing Date: 5pm Tuesday 1st April 2025

Closing Date: 5pm Tuesday 1st April 2025
6 years ago, we started the journey to Map Perforation – but Only Now, six years later, is it good enough for you to join us …
The Mission: To create the World’s 1st Philatelic automatic Digital Perforation Reader (DPR), powered by FRT on your mobile smart phone! ...
You struggle with perforation – You can test NEW DPR technology for just £1
The V i s i o n: An affordable Global Philatelic Resource Universally shared by Collectors & Dealers alike: The present: – Privacy (Personal) DPR use, save unlimited images on your device. The future: – and/or publish/share images for Global Philatelic research/ collaboration facilitated by machine learning and ubiquitous ‘A I’ upon the World Stamp Monitor resource philatelic platform. This is the vision as more and more collectors join, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves on the present journey! …
Say that again - What is DPR? - a DPR is a DIGITAL PERFORATION READER, but a DPR is not a physical object, because it’s a web-app on your Mobile Phone, enabled by the DPR card we’ll mail/airmail you when you REGISTER (To Start now USE QR CODE a)
The Deal: For just £1 Registration, 30-day unlimited use Free Trial. (After your free trial it’s £2.49 (US$3.30, E2.95) per month used so you’re not paying when you’re not using it, or seamlessly pocket TWO months FREE … it’s just GBP£24.95 (US$33, E29.50) per annum charged to your card …
easy. But for many, if not most, perforation is difficult to align and those ‘dot-perforation-guides’ can prove an investment in self-delusion. Unsurprisingly, as we all get older … there are literally tens of, if not hundreds of thousands of collectors worldwide out there who deliberately choose to ignore perforation. It is nobodies’ fault perforations are prohibited for them because, obviously ‘perfs aren’t easy,’ are they?
We will mail/airmail your DRR card
GETTING STARTED: You’ll need to register for us to mail/airmail you your Digi-Perf-Reader (DPR) card. You’ll need it for your DPR web-app. to work. Your card is bio-degradable, so it won’t harm the environment, we’ll mail/Airmail your DPR card POST-FREE for just £1 (US$1.30 E1.20) registration fee with unlimited use 30-day free trial
OK, let’s get on with the story: ‘Perfs’ are a ‘Faff’ aren’t they?! Whereas for some, the fortunate few – they’re
Some collectors and even battle-hardened dealers spend their entire working lives ignoring them, or simply making blind perf-sumptions! Time and again we see it written in collections – ‘RARE PERF’... but 9 out of 10 x it simply isn’t, is it?! It’s a shame because we are missing out arguably upon one of the most under-explored areas in Philately today – an area which is unrecognised by many, potentially one of the most profitable philatelic areas for the few, until now ...
The point is that since perforation measurement was first identified and catalogued some 100+/- years ago – where only one perf variant is known, nobody has needed to
check or query catalogue listed perforation for approaching 100 years. For example, let’s take a common P.14. Many Perf 14 (that’s 14 perforations across 2 centimetres) identified stamps are not really P.14. We’ve checked – they’re somewhere perhaps between P.13.5 to P.14.2 … BUT because no other variant is currently known to exist … they are simply corralled, rounded up or down to P.14. Naturally, these are unlikely ever to become valuable because no other perforation is known to exist, or be listed for that stamp … but you never know …
However, where new DPR technology today scores, is in identifying the differences between ‘official’ stamp catalogue recognised rare perforation. This is where DPR technology may enable collectors without straining eyesight, without straining purse or wallet or burdening the environment. Of course, ultimately there’s nothing to replace the experienced human eye … but cost effective DPR perforation sorting may be a portent of the philatelic future …
Getting Started: You’ll need to register first for us to mail/ airmail your environmentally friendly DPR card. Then when you’ve accessed the DPR web-app it’s literally as easy as 1.2.3.
T A R T N O W : Using your internet enabled mobile smart phone – simply point your mobile phone camera to focus upon the QR (quick-response) code opposite … then tap the yellow UPASTAMPAUCTIONS.CO.UK link that emerges on your screen and follow the instruction.
NB: It’s best to inform you now that if we are to create something worthwhile of value to Collectors – then you have to register to join. It costs just £1 to register – that’s little more than 1Euro or 1US$ and for that regardless of where you live (Russia/Belarus excluded) we will mail/airmail your DPR card (conveniently credit card sized) which will fit in your wallet – so that when you go to stamp shows, seamlessly your card comes with you. Without your DPR card your web-app enabled DPR reader on your mobile phone will not work. (Naturally, if 1,000’s of Overseas collectors join we may have to review the £1 Registration because the cost of posting your free DPR card is heavily subsidised)
(a two months’ savings for one annual pre-payment). Your participation/ philatelic take-up/ sustained support facilitates on-going construction of the next stage of our journey –machine-learning to improve DPR thereby creating a library of images accessible to those wishing to learn more about our fascinating hobby and hopefully start collecting.
Cautionary Note: DPR technology is accessed by mobile phone camera. Everybody knows that stray light crossing the camera lens affects images. Extraneous light impacts DPR results. DPR technology works best in controlled consistent light. It is easily understood and explained in the DPR system FAQ’s you will find online via the QR code.
When your DPR card arrives – simply login to the DPR web-app on your mobile phone and for your initial £1 registration fee you have 30 days unlimited digital perforation reader measurement usage together with saving images and results upon your own device. Upon 30 days expiry you are invited to join for the paltry sum of £2.49 per month used … or £24.95 per annum
You can also access DPR from our website and upload images of stamps placed upon the DPR card: https://www.upastampauctions.co.uk/dpr/ (Exchange Rates may Fluctuate)
Scan using your mobile smart phone to get started Welcome to New DPR