AUCTION 1: The Welsh Sale / Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig 9.30am AUCTION 2: Selections & Collections / Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau 4.30pm
& The View / Bwrw Golwg
Lot 353: Sir Kyffin Williams ‘Storm at Penmon’
Lot 349
Buyer’s Premium for both auctions: 24% + VAT (28.8%) on all lots up to a hammer price of £39,999 16% + VAT (19.2%) on all lots of a hammer price £40,000 and over 12% + VAT (14.4%) on all lots of a hammer price £50,000 and over 8% + VAT (9.6%) on all lots of a hammer price £60,000 and over Droit de Suite applicable (please see terms at back of catalogue)
South Wales Saleroom / Ystafell Werthu De Cymru 17 Llandough Trading Estate, Penarth Road, Cardiff, CF11 8RR 17 Ystad Masnachu Llandochau, Ffordd Penarth, CF11 8RR Tel / Ffôn: 02920 708 125 *Please see full terms & conditions at the back of this publication
Welcome to the third and final edition of 2021 The final Super Saturday event of the year is upon us. Again, we are excited by the variety and quality we have to offer. Despite the strange world we are currently living in, the market has overall remained very buoyant and there have been some extraordinary moments at our auction houses this year. Wales’ favourite artist Sir Kyffin Williams has played a prominent role in our auctions since my father, David Rogers Jones, first wielded his gavel on the Colwyn Bay rostrum in 1992. In July’s Welsh Sale, Kyffin’s oil painting of Rhoscolyn, Anglesey was one of four exhibition oil paintings by the palette-knife master. And it was ‘Rhoscolyn’ which made the national news as it took the ‘world record’ mantle away from ‘Fox Shoot’ which we sold in 2016. I admit to feeling quietly confident of the painting to perform as it did; the combination of chapel, village, farmer, and dog ticked all the boxes, and the market conditions in which to offer the painting were encouraging. In this November Welsh Sale we have another important selection of oil paintings by Sir Kyffin Williams, and we are again expectant of the same level of interest. Could we break the record once again? Aside from Kyffin, the November Welsh Sale has a very strong picture section with many of the nation’s favourites represented. We are also immensely pleased with the variety of Welsh ceramics in the sale. The pottery and porcelain offered consists of two prestigious and well-known collections, that have coincidentally joined up in the same auction. The two collections acting as the perfect storm for a large and intriguing bumper section of Welsh ceramics. The first of these collections is the second part of the Gwyneth & Ieuan Evans compilation of Welsh porcelain and pottery. This includes an important early Ewenny Wassail bowl and cover, dated 1823, most likely the earliest to ever come to auction. The other major contributor is The Mary Daley Collection. Mrs Daley is the daughter of the most famous Welsh porcelain collector of them all – Sir Leslie Joseph. Sir Leslie’s collection was dispersed via Sotheby’s auction house in a one-off three-day auction at Margam Park in 1992. Some items from that auction have found their way to this Welsh Sale via The Mary Daley Collection, but also from The Gwyneth & Ieuan Evans Collection, as the late Ieuan Evans was one of the buyers at the famous Sotheby’s sale. The 1992 Leslie Joseph auction was the porcelain equivalent of Llanelli beating the All Blacks in 1972, with many Welsh porcelain collectors still proudly declaring in conversation that ‘I was there’! The Welsh Sale is again followed immediately by our Selections & Collections auction. This three times per year auction is our platform for offering the cream of non-Welsh items which we discover during our many house visits and valuation days across Wales and in England. For me personally, it is reassuring to have valuers on our side with first-class specialist knowledge in jewellery, wine and whisky, watches, and Asian ceramics, which all feature in this November’s auction. As always, a big thank you to all our vendors for these two auctions. We sincerely hope that you enjoy our catalogue, and we wish you good luck in your bidding should you enter the fray. Best Wishes Ben Rogers Jones
Ben Rogers Jones
COVID-19 STATEMENT Understandably, we have repeatedly been asked the question ‘when will your auction rooms open again for bidding in the room’? We are of course aware that other auction houses have returned to normality or near to it. But every business must do what is right for them individually as well as adhering to the guidelines. Our priorities remain three-fold; keeping our auction team and their families safe, whilst ensuring that we stand by our pledge to our vendors to achieve the best prices possible for their goods. Thirdly, our priority is to continue to deliver the best service we can to both vendors and bidders in a safe and responsible way. There has certainly been no drop-off in terms of results during the closure of our rooms to bidders. Quite the contrary as results on our website and in these pages demonstrate. Solid auction results have been assisted by our introduction of the free live bidding system now available on our own website, while appointments can be made to view all lots in every auction at both salerooms. We have further enhanced the online browsing experience with additional and improved images, together with more thorough descriptions to help buyers bid online with confidence. We appreciate that many bidders will always prefer to be ‘in the room’ and we look forward to welcoming them back at some stage for Super Saturday and other auctions. In the meantime, we will continue to do all we can to make bidding at home efficient, economical and enjoyable. The pandemic has taught many of us that there are alternative methods of working, and many clients have responded by embracing the digital technologies available for obtaining valuations, browsing of lots and for bidding. Looking further into the future, few would disagree that using online systems is to be the norm for bidding and transacting with auction houses. As a footnote, all our auctioneers at Rogers Jones have schoolchildren, and most of our children are old enough to remind us of the climate crisis. They knowledgably impress on us our responsibilities to operate in ways that lessen environmental impact. So, as a commitment to the next generation, we will continue to improve and invest in the digital experience, to benefit our clients and to reduce unnecessary travel for the benefit of all. We appreciate your continued support and understanding. If you have any questions or suggestions, we would be pleased to hear from you.
Croeso i drydydd rhifyn a rhifyn olaf 2021 Mae digwyddiad Dydd Sadwrn Mawr olaf y flwyddyn ar y trothwy. Unwaith eto, mae’r amrywiaeth a’r safon sydd gennym i’w cynnig yn peri cyffro mawr i ni. Er ein bod ni’n byw mewn byd digon rhyfedd ar hyn o bryd, mae’r farchnad yn gyffredinol wedi parhau’n fywiog iawn ac mae ambell i foment ryfeddol wedi bod yn ein tai arwerthu eleni. Mae hoff artist Cymru, Syr Kyffin Williams wedi bod â lle amlwg yn ein harwerthiannau ers i fy nhad, David Rogers Jones, gydio yn ei forthwyl am y tro cyntaf ar y llwyfan ym Mae Colwyn ym 1992. Yn Arwerthiant Cymreig mis Gorffennaf, roedd darlun olew Kyffin o Roscolyn, Ynys Môn yn un o bedwar paentiad olew ar gyfer arddangosfeydd gan feistr y gyllell balet. A ‘Rhoscolyn’ oedd yr un a gyrhaeddodd y newyddion cenedlaethol wrth iddo gipio mantell ‘record y byd’ oddi ar ‘Fox Shoot’ a werthwyd gennym yn 2016. Rwy’n cyfaddef fy mod i wedi bod yn dawel hyderus y byddai’r paentiad yn gwneud yn dda; roedd y cyfuniad o gapel, pentref, ffarmwr a chi yn ticio’r holl flychau, ac roedd cyflwr y farchnad ar gyfer cynnig y paentiad yn addawol. Yn yr Arwerthiant Cymreig hwn ym mis Tachwedd, mae gennym gasgliad pwysig arall o baentiadau gan Syr Kyffin Williams, ac rydym yn disgwyl yr un math o ddiddordeb eto. Tybed fyddwn ni’n torri’r record unwaith eto? Yn ogystal â Kyffin, mae gan Arwerthiant Cymreig mis Tachwedd adran luniau gref iawn gyda chyfraniadau gan lawer o ffefrynnau’r genedl. Rydym yn hynod falch hefyd o’r amrywiaeth o serameg Cymreig sydd yn yr arwerthiant. Mae’r crochenwaith a’r porslen fydd yn cael eu cynnig yn cynnwys dau gasgliad mawreddog ac adnabyddus sydd wedi dod at ei gilydd trwy gyd-ddigwyddiad yn yr un arwerthiant. Mae’r ddau gasgliad fel rhyw storm berffaith yn goleuo adran fawr a hynod o serameg Cymreig. Y cyntaf o’r ddau gasgliad ydy ail ran detholiad Gwyneth ac Ieuan Evans o borslen a chrochenwaith Cymreig. Mae’n cynnwys enghraifft gynnar, bwysig o lestr Gwasael Ewenny gyda chaead, yn dyddio o 1823; mae’n debyg mai dyma’r llestr Gwasael Ewenny cynharaf erioed i fod mewn arwerthiant. Daw’r cyfraniad mawr arall o Gasgliad Mary Daley. Mrs Daley ydy merch yr enwocaf o holl gasglwyr porslen Cymru – Syr Leslie Joseph. Cafodd casgliad Sir Leslie ei wasgaru trwy dŷ arwerthu Sotheby’s mewn arwerthiant arbennig dros dridiau ym Mharc Margam ym 1992. Mae rhai eitemau o’r arwerthiant hwnnw wedi canfod eu ffordd i’r Arwerthiant Cymreig hwn drwy Gasgliad Mary Daley, ond hefyd o Gasgliad Gwyneth ac Ieuan Evans, gan fod y diweddar Ieuan Evans yn un o’r prynwyr yn arwerthiant enwog Sotheby’s.
DATGANIAD COVID-19 Mae’n ddealladwy ein bod yn cael ein holi’n aml ‘pryd bydd ein hystafelloedd arwerthu yn agor eto i dderbyn cynigion yn yr ystafell’? Rydym yn ymwybodol, wrth gwrs, bod tai arwerthu eraill wedi dychwelyd at normalrwydd neu’n agos at hynny. Ond mae rhaid i bob busnes wneud yr hyn sy’n iawn iddyn nhw yn unigol. Mae ein blaenoriaethau triphlyg yn parhau: cadw ein tîm arwerthu a’u teuluoedd yn ddiogel, tra’n sicrhau y byddwn yn cadw at ein haddewid i’n gwerthwyr i sicrhau’r prisiau gorau posib am eu nwyddau. Ein trydedd blaenoriaeth ydy parhau i ddarparu’r gwasanaeth gorau y gallwn i werthwyr ac i gynigwyr mewn modd diogel a chyfrifol. Yn sicr, dydy’r canlyniadau ddim wedi dirywio tra bu ein hystafelloedd ar gau i gynigwyr. I’r gwrthwyneb, fel y dengys y canlyniadau ar ein gwefan ac ar y tudalennau hyn. Mae’r canlyniadau cadarn yn yr arwerthiannau wedi dod gyda chymorth y system rhoi cynigion byw sydd ar gael am ddim nawr ar ein gwefan, ac mae modd trefnu amser i weld yr holl lotiau ym mhob arwerthiant yn y ddwy ystafell werthu. Rydym wedi gwella’r profiad o bori ar y we gyda rhagor o luniau a rhai gwell, ynghyd â disgrifiadau mwy trylwyr i helpu prynwyr i fod yn hyderus wrth gyflwyno cynigion ar-lein. Rydym yn deall y bydd yn well gan rai cynigwyr fod ‘yn yr ystafell’ bob tro ac rydym yn edrych ymlaen at eu croesawu’n ôl rywbryd i’r Dydd Sadwrn Mawr ac arwerthiannau eraill. Yn y cyfamser, byddwn yn dal i wneud popeth y gallwn i wneud y profiad o gynnig o gartref yn effeithiol, yn economaidd ac yn bleserus.
Arwerthiant Leslie Joseph ym 1992 oedd fersiwn y byd porslen o Lanelli yn curo’r Crysau Duon ym 1972, gyda nifer o gasglwyr porslen Cymreig yn dal i ddatgan â balchder yng nghanol sgwrs, ‘Ro’n i yno’!
Mae’r pandemig wedi dysgu llawer ohonom bod yna ddulliau gwahanol o weithio, ac mae llawer o’n cleientiaid wedi ymateb drwy gofleidio’r technolegau digidol sydd ar gael ar gyfer cael prisiau, pori trwy lotiau a chyflwyno cynigion. Wrth fwrw golwg ymhellach i’r dyfodol, prin y byddai unrhyw un yn dadlau nad defnyddio systemau ar-lein fydd y norm ar gyfer cyflwyno cynigion a gwneud trafodion gyda thai arwerthu.
Unwaith eto, yn syth ar ôl yr Arwerthiant Cymreig, fe ddaw ein harwerthiant Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau. Yr arwerthiant hwn, sy’n cael ei gynnal dair gwaith y flwyddyn, ydy ein llwyfan ar gyfer cynnig y goreuon o blith yr eitemau nad ydynt yn rhai Cymreig y byddwn ni’n eu darganfod yn ystod ein holl ymweliadau â thai a dyddiau prisio ledled Cymru a Lloegr. Mae’n rhoi tawelwch meddwl i mi yn bersonol bod gennym briswyr yn ein tîm sydd â gwybodaeth arbenigol o’r radd flaenaf ym meysydd gemwaith, gwin a wisgi, oriorau, a serameg Asiaidd, sydd oll i’w gweld yn yr arwerthiant mis Tachwedd yma.
Fel troednodyn, mae gan bob un o’n harwerthwyr yn Rogers Jones blant o oed ysgol, ac mae’r rhan fwyaf o’r plant yn ddigon hen i’n hatgoffa o’r argyfwng hinsawdd. Maen nhw’n ddeallus iawn wrth ein hatgoffa o’n cyfrifoldebau i weithredu mewn ffyrdd sy’n lleihau ein heffaith ar yr amgylchedd. Felly, fel ymrwymiad i’r genhedlaeth nesaf, byddwn yn parhau i wella ac i fuddsoddi yn y profiad digidol, er budd ein cleientiaid ac er mwyn lleihau teithio diangen er lles pawb.
Fel arfer, diolch yn fawr iawn i’n holl werthwyr ar gyfer y ddau arwerthiant yma. Gobeithio’n wir y byddwch yn mwynhau ein catalog a dymunwn bob lwc i chi gyda’ch cynigion os byddwch chi’n mentro i’r ffau.
Rydym yn ddiolchgar am eich cefnogaeth a’ch dealltwriaeth barhaus. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau neu awgrymiadau, byddem yn falch iawn o glywed gennych.
Cofion Gorau Ben Rogers Jones
The View / Bwrw Golwg • Rogers Jones & Co
REVIEW The Welsh Sale 24 July 2021 Lots: 482 Sold: 415 (86%) Total: £399,465 Welsh Antiques & Welsh Pottery & Porcelain The Welsh Sale in July commenced with a very strong section of Welsh Antiques & Welsh Pottery & Porcelain. The section began with three items of early Welsh furniture with excellent generational provenance from a farmhouse in Clynnog Fawr, Caernarfonshire. The Welsh dresser, tridarn and food-cupboard all far-exceeded their estimates to bring prices of £2000, £1600, and £2200 respectively. It was encouraging to see exciting bidding from several parties on Welsh furniture in a market which has seen tough times. (1) The ceramics section was populated by very interesting and rare objects from a West Wales estate together with the first part of The Gwyneth & Ieuan Evans Collection. Over 90% of the lots found new buyers with solid prices for porcelain and pottery. It was, however, the Ewenny slipware Wassail bowl that stole the show. The Wassail bowl was dated 1832 and inscribed to William James of Tonyrefail. In the 19th Century, these unusual and rare bowls were filled with spiced ale, and at New Year, villagers would visit their neighbours to wish happiness, health, and well-being. The ritual was closely associated with The Mari Lwyd ritual, where a horse’s skull was fixed to a ribbon-decorated pole and promenaded around the well-wishers. The William James inscription referred to the donor of the bowl. The historic bowl underwent a spicy two-way battle with two bidders battling it out on the phone and the internet. Bidding began at the estimate of £3,000-5,000 reaching a final price of £15,000. A record for Ewenny slipware. (2)
Prints & Works on Paper There were excellent results for many of The Welsh Sale stalwarts, including John Elwyn, Valerie Ganz, John Knapp-Fisher and Charles Frederick Tunnicliffe. However, it was Sir Kyffin Williams’ star that shone the brightest. There is renewed level of interest for acquiring works by Kyffin and consequently there has been a shift upwards in
prices for good works on paper. We saw this in action during our Welsh Sale in April and again in July. All seven works on paper by the artist found buyers, with one example, estimated at £3000-5000, making a very pleasing £9000 hammer price. (3)
Oil Paintings The Kyffin works on paper were followed by his incredible view of Rhoscolyn, Ynys Mon, in oils. The panoramic landscape had the Holy Trinity of farmer and dog, chapel, and village. The price of £62,000 eclipsed the existing auction record of £60,000 which we achieved for the artist in 2016. The purchaser, based in the South of England, had fond memories of Rhoscolyn, and had even been christened in the chapel. It was a very touching conclusion to the sale of an incredible work of Welsh art that we were honoured to promote. Three other Kyffin oils to find new homes included a dramatic landscape with an ancient stone circle ‘Bryn Cader Faner’, selling for £29,000 (4). An early oil of Cemaes Bay village (5) also realised £29,000, and finally a portrait of an epileptic boy (6) took a hammer price of £15,000. We donated a proportion of our commission from this portrait to Epilepsy Research UK, to help with their invaluable work. Sir Kyffin himself lived with epilepsy. Gwilym Prichard (1931-2015) was another Ynys Mon artist who had a successful Welsh Sale. Prichard’s often colourful and dynamic oil landscapes are perennially popular with our Welsh Sale audience. Lot 341 ‘Y Parrog’ (7) was particularly pleasing in my opinion, and it seems that the collectors agreed, the hammer price of £3400 was achieved against an estimate of £1000-1500. Later, another landscape by Prichard realised £3200 against an estimate of £2000-3000. Results were also strong for John Elwyn, Charles Wyatt Warren, Will Roberts, Aneurin Jones and Kevin Sinnott with Sinnott’s epic ‘The Boxing Field, Pontycymmer’ delivering a punchy £9000. (8) Then, as ever, there was excellent demand for the works of Donald McIntyre, with whom the auction reached a very healthy climax by adding a collective price of £30,000 for works by him. (9)
Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg
ADOLYGIAD Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig 24 Gorffennaf 2021
Paentiadau olew
Lotiau: 482 Gwerthwyd: 415 (86%) Cyfanswm: £399,465 Hen Bethau Cymreig a Serameg a Phorslen Cymreig Dechreuodd yr Arwerthiant Cymreig ym mis Gorffennaf gydag adran gref iawn o Hen Bethau Cymreig a Serameg a Phorslen Cymreig. Dechreuodd yr adran gyda thair eitem o ddodrefn Cymreig cynnar gyda tharddiad gwych dros genedlaethau mewn ffermdy yng Nghlynnog Fawr, Sir Gaernarfon. Aeth y ddresel Gymreig, y tridarn a’r cwpwrdd bwyd i gyd ymhell y tu hwnt i’w hamcan-bris gan ddod â phrisiau o £2000, £1600 a £2200 yn y drefn honno. Roedd hi’n galonogol gweld cyffro yn y cynigion o sawl cyfeiriad am ddodrefn Cymreig mewn marchnad sydd wedi bod trwy gyfnod anodd. (1) Roedd yr adran serameg yn cynnwys gwrthrychau diddorol a phrin iawn o ystâd yng Ngorllewin Cymru ynghyd â rhan gyntaf casgliad Gwyneth ac Ieuan Evans. Cafodd dros 90% o’r lotiau gartrefi newydd gyda phrisiau cadarn am borslen a chrochenwaith. Ond y llestr Gwasael o grochenwaith slip Ewenny oedd seren y sioe yma. Roedd y llestr Gwasael wedi’i ddyddio i 1832 ac roedd arysgrif William James, Tonyrefail arno. Yn yr 19eg Ganrif, byddai’r dysglau anarferol a phrin hyn yn cael eu llenwi â chwrw sbeislyd, a thua cyfnod Calan, byddai pentrefwyr yn mynd â’r llestr o dŷ i dŷ i ddymuno hapusrwydd, iechyd a lles i’w cymdogion. Roedd yr arfer yn gysylltiedig â defod y Fari Lwyd, ble byddai penglog ceffyl yn cael ei osod ar bolyn wedi’i addurno â rhubanau a’i gludo o gwmpas wrth ddymuno’n dda i’r pentrefwyr. Roedd yr arysgrif William James yn cyfeirio at yr un a gyfrannodd y llestr. Roedd tipyn o sbeis yn y frwydr am y ddysgl rhwng dau gynigydd ar-lein fu’n cynnal eu brwydr ar y ffôn a’r we. Dechreuodd y cynigion gyda’r amcan-bris o £3000-£5000 gan godi i bris terfynol o £15,000. Mae hyn yn record ar gyfer crochenwaith slip Ewenny. (2)
Printiau a Gweithiau ar Bapur Cafwyd canlyniadau rhagorol ar gyfer llawer o hoelion wyth Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig, gan gynnwys John Elwyn, Valerie Ganz, John Knapp Fisher a Charles Frederick Tunnicliffe. Fodd bynnag, seren Syr Kyffin Williams oedd yr un ddisgleiriaf. Mae adfywiad yn y diddordeb mewn cael gafael ar weithiau gan Kyffin ac o ganlyniad, mae prisiau wedi bod ar i fyny ar gyfer gweithiau da ar bapur. Gwelon ni hyn ar waith yn ystod ein Harwerthiant Cymreig ym mis Ebrill ac eto ym mis Gorffennaf. Cafwyd prynwr i bob un o’r saith gwaith ar bapur gan yr arlunydd, gydag un enghraifft, oedd ag amcan-bris o £3000-£5000 yn cyrraedd £9000 pan aeth y morthwyl i lawr. (3)
Dilynwyd gweithiau Kyffin ar bapur gan ei olygfa anhygoel o Roscolyn, Ynys Môn, mewn olew. Roedd yr olygfa’n dangos panorama o’r pentref gyda’r capel yn ei ganol ac yn y blaendir, roedd ffarmwr gyda’i gi defaid. Dyma’r Drindod Sanctaidd o ffarmwr a’i gi, capel, a phentref. Rhoddodd y pris o £62,000 record flaenorol yr arwerthiant o £60,000, a gyflawnwyd gennym ar gyfer yr artist yn 2016, yn y cysgod. Roedd gan y prynwr, a oedd wedi’i leoli yn Ne Lloegr, atgofion melys am Roscolyn, ac roedd hyd yn oed wedi ei fedyddio yn y capel. Roedd yn ganlyniad teimladwy iawn i werthiant darn anhygoel o gelf Gymreig ac roedd yn anrhydedd i ni 7 gael ei hyrwyddo. Ymhlith tri arall o baentiadau olew Kyffin a gafodd gartref newydd roedd tirlun dramatig gyda chylch meini hynafol, ‘Bryn Cader Faner’, a werthodd am £29,000 (4). Aeth darlun olew cynnar o bentref Cemaes (5) am £29,000 hefyd ac yn olaf, roedd portread o fachgen epileptig (6) wedi cyrraedd £15,000 pan ddaeth y morthwyl i lawr. Cyfrannon ni gyfran o’n comisiwn o’r portread hwn i Epilepsy Research UK i helpu gyda’u gwaith amhrisiadwy. Roedd Syr Kyffin yn dioddef o’r salwch hwn. Roedd Gwilym Prichard (1931-2015) yn un arall o arlunwyr Môn a gafodd lwyddiant yn Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig. Mae tirluniau olew Prichard, sy’n tueddu i fod yn lliwgar a deinamig, wastad yn boblogaidd gyda chynulleidfa ein Harwerthiant Cymreig. Roedd Lot 341, ‘Y Parrog’ (7) yn ddeniadol iawn yn fy marn i, ac mae’n debyg bod y casglwyr yn cytuno, gan iddo gyrraedd pris morthwyl o £3400 o’r amcan-bris o £1000-£1500. Yn ddiweddarach, cyrhaeddodd tirlun arall gan Prichard bris o £3200 o’i amcan-bris o £2000-£3000. Cafwyd canlyniadau cryf hefyd ar gyfer John Elwyn, Charles Wyatt Warren, Will Roberts, Aneurin Jones a Kevin Sinnott darlun epig Sinnott, ‘The Boxing Field, Pontycymmer’ yn taro £9000. (8) Wedyn, wrth gwrs, roedd galw rhagorol am weithiau Donald McIntyre a ddaeth â’r arwerthiant i uchafbwynt iach drwy ychwanegu cyfanswm o £30,000 am weithiau ganddo yntau. (9)
The View / Bwrw Golwg • Rogers Jones & Co
REVIEW Selections & Collections 24 July 2021 Lots: 108 Sold: 83 (76.5%) Total: £127,170 July’s Selections & Collections auction commenced on time with ten supreme watches. As we know the market 10 for prestigious timepieces is exceptional and there were some amazing prices for both pocket-watches and wristwatches. The top price in this section was for the Rolex 18K gold diamond Oyster Perpetual wristwatch selling for £23,500 against an estimate of £12,000-18,000. (10) Second was the highly prized Grana WWII military-issue wristwatch which sold for £18,000 against an estimate of £5000-10,000. The Grana watch was purchased by a gentleman in Holland who was delighted to complete his collection of ‘Dirty Dozen’ military wristwatches. (11) The next section in the sale was estate jewellery and there were one or two very pleasant surprises for the vendors, a carved Chinese jadeite pendant dropping in at £2600 against an estimate of £300-500 (12) and a superb garnet set riviere necklace with an identical estimate taking £2800 under the hammer. (13) Another famously buoyant market is Chinese ceramics and there were some solid performers in this section too (14, 15). We are very reassured by the presence of Mr Philip Keith in our team who has a broad experience and knowledge of this subject matter.
A section of British and continental ceramics followed and those who were watching online at this stage would have witnessed a marriage proposal battle. The rare 19th Century Staffordshire pearlware model ‘The Proposal’, was fiercely contested on the telephones to a final price of £3800 against an estimate of £500-700 (16). Also in this section, a Clarice Cliff jar in the rare ‘May Avenue’ pattern made £1200 despite lacking the lid. Also in the rare bracket, were two early period Beswick shire-horses which ploughed on past the £300-500 estimate to take £1400. There were more horses in L S Lowry’s print ‘The Cart’ (17) which dismounted at £6200 and then the horseless ‘Contraption’ print by the same artist motored to £4000. Lowry’s signed limited edition prints continue to be highly sought by the UK public.
Finally, there was a magical conclusion to July’s Super Saturday as a paperback first edition issue of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone made £3800. The hardback version of this first edition can make spellbinding prices!
Other Auctions since July’s Super Saturday By the time you receive this catalogue, we will have conducted around sixteen auctions from our bases in Cardiff and Colwyn Bay. Two have been ‘Timed Auctions’ which are held without an auctioneer, instead the bidding takes place against the clock. This type of auction is becoming increasingly popular and one of the advantages is that the auction climaxes at a time in the week which is more convenient for bidders, such as a Sunday evening. One of the timed auctions was the Studio Sale of Gareth Thomas which comprised 90 of the late Swansea artist’s work. It was very well received by collectors and the results far exceeded our expectations.
Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg
ADOLYGIAD Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau 24 Gorffennaf 2021 Lotiau: 108 Gwerthwyd: 83 (76.5%) Cyfanswm: £127,170 Dechreuodd arwerthiant Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau mis Gorffennaf ar amser gyda deg oriawr ardderchog. Fel y gwyddom, mae’r farchnad ar gyfer oriorau o fri yn eithriadol a chafwyd prisiau anhygoel am oriorau poced a rhai i’r arddwrn. Cafwyd y pris uchaf yn yr adran hon am oriawr arddwrn 18K aur a diamwntau Rolex, yr Oyster Perpetual a werthodd am £23,000 o amcan-bris o £12,000-£18,000. (10) Yn ail, roedd yr oriawr filwrol Grana o’r Ail Ryfel Byd a werthodd am £18,000 o gymharu â’i amcan-bris o £5000-£10,000. Prynwyd yr oriawr Grana gan ŵr yn yr Iseldiroedd a oedd wrth ei fodd yn cwblhau ei gasgliad o ‘Dirty Dozen’ yr oriorau milwrol. (11) Yr adran nesaf yn yr arwerthiant oedd gemwaith ystadau ac fe gafwyd un neu ddau o ganlyniadau annisgwyl o dda i’r gwerthwyr. Un o’r rhain oedd tlws jadit Tsieineaidd cerfiedig a ddisgleiriodd ar £2600 wedi dechrau ag amcan-bris o £300-£500 (12) ac un arall oedd mwclis riviere rhagorol â garnedau wedi’u gosod oedd â’r un amcan-bris ac a werthodd am £2800. (13) Marchnad arall sy’n enwog am ei bywiogrwydd ydy serameg Tsieineaidd a chafwyd nifer o ganlyniadau cadarn yn yr adran hon hefyd (14, 15). Mae o gymorth mawr i ni i gael Mr Philip Keith yn ein tîm gyda’i brofiad a’i wybodaeth eang yn y maes hwn. Adran o serameg Prydeinig a chyfandirol oedd nesaf a byddai’r rhai oedd yn gwylio ar-lein ar y pryd wedi bod yn dystion i ymryson hen ffasiwn da dros gynnig i briodi. Cafwyd brwydr ffyrnig dros y model prin o’r 19eg ganrif o berlwaith Swydd Stafford, ‘The Proposal’ ar y ffonau nes iddo gyrraedd pris terfynol o £3800 o’i amcan-bris o £500-£700 (16). Yn yr adran hon hefyd, denodd jar Clarice Cliff ym mhatrwm prin ‘May Avenue’ £1200 er bod y caead ar goll. Yn y categori prin hefyd, roedd dau geffyl gwedd o gyfnod cynnar Beswick a garlamodd heibio i’r amcan-bris o £300-£500 a chyrraedd pris o £1400.
ar £6200 ac wedyn rasiodd y print di-geffyl, ‘Contraption’ gan yr un artist i bris o £4000. Mae printiau cyfresi cyfyngedig Lowry sydd wedi’u llofnodi yn parhau i fod yn boblogaidd iawn gyda’r cyhoedd yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Yn olaf, daeth Dydd Sadwrn Mawr mis Gorffennaf i ben mewn amgylchiadau hudolus wrth i argraffiad cyntaf clawr papur o ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ Harry Potter werthu am £3800. Mae fersiwn clawr caled yr argraffiad cyntaf hwn yn gallu gwerthu am brisiau fydd yn eich swyno!
Arwerthiannau eraill ers Dydd Sadwrn Mawr mis Gorffennaf Erbyn i chi dderbyn y catalog hwn, byddwn wedi cynnal oddeutu un ar bymtheg o arwerthiannau o’n canolfannau yng Nghaerdydd a Bae Colwyn. Roedd dau o’r rhain yn ‘Arwerthiannau Wedi’u Hamseru’ sy’n cael eu cynnal heb arwerthwr, gyda’r cynigion yn hytrach yn digwydd yn erbyn y cloc. Mae’r mathau hyn o arwerthiannau yn dod yn fwyfwy poblogaidd ac un o’r manteision ydy bod yr arwerthiant yn cyrraedd uchafbwynt ar adeg yn ystod yr wythnos sy’n fwy cyfleus i gynigwyr, megis nos Sul. Un o’r arwerthiannau wedi’u hamseru oedd Arwerthiant Stiwdio Gareth Thomas a oedd yn cynnwys 90 o weithiau’r diweddar artist o Abertawe. Cafodd dderbyniad da gan gasglwyr ac roedd y canlyniadau ymhell uwchlaw ein disgwyliadau.
Roedd rhagor o geffylau ym mhrint L S Lowry, ‘The Cart’ (17) a ddaeth allan o’r cyfrwy 15
The View / Bwrw Golwg • Rogers Jones & Co
PREVIEW The Welsh Sale Once again, we are amazed at the quality and quantity of lots in our Welsh Sale. We are hugely grateful to all vendors for their custom.
The Gwyneth & Ieuan Evans Collection Part II We feel honoured and humbled to be chosen as the auctioneer to represent this collection following the death of collector, author and academic, Mr Ieuan Evans. The first part of the collection sold successfully in July, and we now look forward to representing the second part. Many eager eyes will be fixed on another Ewenny slipware wassail bowl and cover after the £15,000 result for an example in July. We believe this example, which is smaller, to be the 27 earliest to come to market. The sgraffito decoration is charming and it is elevated by the maker’s name which is emblazoned on the body. (27) Gwyneth Evans has this year published a new volume of ‘Ewenny Potteries, Potters & Pots’ which chronicles the history of the potteries of the Ewenny district together with the potters and wares that the area produced. On the evening of 17 November, we will be hosting an Ewenny evening at the Cardiff auction room, where Gwyneth will be discussing her book with special guests. The event will be available for limited numbers, so please contact us in plenty of time if you would like to attend. (28)
The Mary Daley Collection
Mary Daley is the daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph - a name synonymous with Welsh porcelain. We are privileged to represent the sale of Ms Daley’s collection, most of which was originally from the principal collection. We frequently auction ceramics with the recognisable Leslie Joseph Collection labels applied to the base, but it is very pleasing to be instructed directly by the Joseph family. It is reward for our continuing endeavours in the Welsh porcelain market and confirms our standing as one of the leading auctioneers in Welsh ceramics. Sir Leslie Joseph’s collection of Welsh porcelain was known to be impressive when it was housed in his many cabinets at his home Coedargraig on the outskirts of Newton, Porthcawl. And over the years, the curious public were able to take a glimpse at his collection, on the occasions that certain items were released for exhibitions, including at the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery in Swansea. (29) But the scale of the collection took many collectors by surprise when it was brought to Margam Park for auction after Sir Leslie’s death in 1992. It was Sir Leslie’s wishes that his collection should be dispersed, allowing new collectors the same pleasure he had from amassing it.
The auction confirmed Sir Leslie’s collection as being the largest privately owned selection of Swansea and Nantgarw porcelain in the world. Over 2,000 objects were offered in a one-off sale at The Orangery in Margam Park. Over 900 lots came under the hammer, realising in excess of £1.1 million. (30) Sir Leslie Joseph was born in Swansea and had a long business career, which saw him eventually becoming vice-chairman of the Trusthouse Forte group. He had bought his first piece of Welsh porcelain before the Second World War. In the 1950s he began to 29 assemble a collection that would eventually fill those display cabinets that lined five attic rooms at Coedargraig. Sir Leslie was a scrupulous researcher, and his aim was to secure examples of every shape and pattern made at the Swansea and Nantgarw potteries. Over the years he built up a vast knowledge of Welsh ceramics and especially the script marks used on Swansea porcelain. In 1988 he published the book Swansea Porcelain: Shapes and Decoration with A.E. Jones, which is an invaluable resource for collectors. We have copies of this book for sale. Please enquire. (31)
Sir Kyffin Williams RA Once again, the entries from Wales’ most favourite artists are exceptional. There are five oil paintings, with two having been selected by the artist and loaned out by the present owners to the 1987 National Museum of Wales exhibition. Another, ‘Gwastadnant’ is one of those instantly recognisable Kyffin oils - variations of the composition were used in linocut prints (32) and Christmas cards. The humble Welsh village in the shadows of the imposing Welsh peaks is…well, iconic - which is an overused term that we try to avoid, but ‘Gwastadnant’ is certainly that.
Other Paintings in this Welsh Sale There are once again excellent examples of art from The Welsh Sale stalwarts including Donald McIntyre, Gwilym Prichard, John Elwyn, Jack Jones and George Chapman to name but a few. Selecting highlights is a difficult job as it is so personal, but I would like to give a mention to the Nicholas Evans painting entitled ‘Trevethick Engine 1804’. The monumental work is typical in style, but I am not sure I have seen a more impressive composition by the artist. (33, 34, 35)
Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg Cadarnhaodd yr arwerthiant mai casgliad Syr Leslie oedd y detholiad mwyaf yn y byd o borslen Abertawe a Nantgarw oedd dan berchnogaeth breifat; cynigiwyd dros 2,000 o eitemau mewn arwerthiant unigryw yn yr Orendy ym Mharc Margam. Daeth dros 900 o lotiau dan y morthwyl, gan godi mwy nag £1.1 miliwn. (30) Cafodd Syr Leslie Joseph ei eni yn Abertawe a chafodd yrfa hir ym myd busnes, a’i gwelodd yn y pen draw yn dod yn is-gadeirydd grŵp Trusthouse Forte. Roedd wedi prynu ei ddarn cyntaf o borslen Cymreig cyn yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Yn y 1950au, dechreuodd dynnu casgliad ynghyd a fyddai, yn y pen draw, yn llenwi’r holl gypyrddau arddangos yna a oedd ar hyd waliau pum ystafell atig yng Nghoedargraig.
RHAGOLWG Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig Unwaith eto, mae ansawdd a nifer y lotiau yn ein Harwerthiant Cymreig yn ein rhyfeddu. Rydym yn hynod ddiolchgar i’r holl werthwyr am ddefnyddio’n gwasanaeth.
Casgliad Gwyneth ac Ieuan Evans Rhan II Rydym yn teimlo’n hynod freintiedig ein bod wedi’n dewis i fod yn arwerthwyr i gynrychioli’r casgliad hwn yn dilyn marwolaeth y casglwr, yr awdur a’r academig, Mr Ieuan Evans. Cafwyd llwyddiant wrth werthu rhan gyntaf y casgliad ym mis Gorffennaf ac rydym yn edrych ymlaen nawr at gyflwyno ail ran y casgliad. Bydd sawl un yn cadw llygad craff ar lestr gwasael arall o grochenwaith slip Ewenny ar ôl i’r enghraifft ym mis Gorffennaf gael £15,000. Rydym yn credu mai’r enghraifft hon, sydd yn llai na’r un ym mis Gorffennaf, ydy’r un cynharaf i gyrraedd y farchnad. Mae’r addurniadau sgraffito yn hyfryd ac mae’n cael ei ddyrchafu gydag enw’r gwneuthurwr ar y corff. (27) Mae Gwyneth Evans wedi cyhoeddi cyfrol newydd eleni o ‘Ewenny Potteries, Potters & Pots’ sy’n adrodd hanes crochendai ardal Ewenny ynghyd â’r crochenwyr a’r gweithiau a gynhyrchwyd gan yr ardal. Ar noson 17eg Tachwedd, byddwn yn cynnal noson Ewenny yn yr ystafell arwerthu yng Nghaerdydd , a bydd Gwyneth yno yn trafod ei llyfr gyda gwesteion arbennig. Bydd y digwyddiad ar gael i nifer cyfyngedig, felly cysylltwch â ni mewn da bryd os ydych am fynychu. (28)
Casgliad Mary Daley Mary Daley ydy merch Syr Leslie Joseph – yr enw amlycaf ym myd porslen Cymreig. Mae’n fraint i ni gael cyflwyno arwerthiant o gasgliad Ms Daley, y mae’r rhan fwyaf ohono’n deillio o’r prif gasgliad. Yn aml, byddwn yn arwerthu serameg sydd â labeli adnabyddus Casgliad Leslie Joseph wedi’u gosod ar y gwaelod, ond mae’n rhoi pleser mawr i ni gael cyfarwyddyd yn uniongyrchol gan y teulu Joseph. Mae’n gwobrwyo ein hymdrechion parhaus ym marchnad porslen Cymreig ac yn cadarnhau ein statws fel un o brif arwerthwyr serameg Cymreig. Roedd pobl yn gwybod bod casgliad Syr Leslie Joseph o borslen Cymreig yn un trawiadol pan roedd wedi’i gartrefu yn ei gypyrddau niferus yn ei gartref, Coedargraig ar gyrion Newton ger Porthcawl. A thros y blynyddoedd, roedd modd i’r cyhoedd gael cip ar ei gasgliad ar yr adegau pan fyddai rhai eitemau’n cael eu rhyddhau ar gyfer arddangosfeydd, gan gynnwys rhai yn Oriel Glynn Vivian yn Abertawe. (29)
Roedd Syr Leslie yn ymchwilydd cydwybodol, a’i nod oedd sicrhau esiamplau o bob siâp a phatrwm a wnaed yng nghrochendai Abertawe a Nantgarw. Dros y blynyddoedd, datblygodd wybodaeth enfawr ynglŷn â serameg Cymreig ac yn arbennig y marciau ysgrifen a ddefnyddiwyd ar borslen Abertawe. Ym 1988, cyhoeddodd y llyfr Swansea Porcelain: Shapes and Decoration gydag A.E. Jones, sy’n adnodd amhrisiadwy i gasglwyr. Mae gennym gopïau sbâr o’r llyfr hwn ar werth. Holwch ni. (31)
Syr Kyffin Williams RA Unwaith eto, mae’r cyfraniadau gan hoff arlunydd Cymru yn eithriadol. Mae yna bump o baentiadau olew, a dau o’r rheiny yn rhai a ddewiswyd gan yr arlunydd ac a roddwyd ar fenthyg gan y perchnogion presennol ar gyfer arddangosfa Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru yn 1987 Mae un arall, ‘Gwastadnant’ yn un o weithiau olew amlycaf Kyffin - cafodd amrywiadau o’r darlun hwn eu defnyddio mewn printiau 32 leino a chardiau Nadolig. Mae’r pentref bach Cymreig yng nghysgod y mynyddoedd mawreddog yn... wel, eiconig - gair rydyn ni’n ceisio’i osgoi gan fod tuedd iddo gael ei orddefnyddio, ond does dim dwywaith bod ‘Gwastadnant’ yn haeddu’r disgrifiad. (32)
Paentiadau eraill yn yr Arwerthiant Cymreig hwn Unwaith eto, mae yna enghreifftiau rhagorol o gelf gan hoelion wyth yr Arwerthiant Cymreig gan gynnwys Donald McIntyre, Gwilym Prichard, John Elwyn, Jack Jones a George Chapman i enwi ychydig ohonynt. Mae dethol uchafbwyntiau yn dasg anodd gan fod gan bawb ei ffefrynnau, ond mi hoffwn i sôn am baentiad Nicholas Evans sy’n dwyn yr enw ‘Trevithick Engine 1804’. Mae’r gwaith aruthrol hwn yn nodweddiadol o ran ei arddull, ond dydw 34 i ddim yn meddwl fy mod i wedi gweld unrhyw waith gan yr artist sy’n creu mwy o argraff na hwn. (33, 34, 35)
Ond roedd llawer o gasglwyr wedi’u syfrdanu gan anferthedd y casgliad pan gafodd ei gyflwyno mewn arwerthiant ym Mharc Margam yn dilyn marwolaeth Syr Leslie ym 1992. Dymuniad Syr Leslie oedd i’r casgliad gael ei wasgaru, gan ganiatáu i gasglwyr newydd gael yr un pleser ag y cafodd yntau o’i grynhoi. 35 33
The View / Bwrw Golwg • Rogers Jones & Co
News We continue to support Welsh charities when we can, and one such charity we work closely with is City Hospice in Cardiff.
PREVIEW Selections & Collections Our highly popular Selections & Collections auction continues to showcase the very best in class across the antiques spectrum. The real gems our valuers uncover during the many house visits and valuation days held across the country and beyond find their way into this high-quality sale held in the capital. It truly is a global event with registered bidders regularly joining us from the US, China, Australia, Canada and beyond. With Christmas just around the corner it is an excellent opportunity to find that thoughtful, special, and unique present. We feel privileged whenever we offer military medals at auction but especially so when they are entered by the family of the awardee. We are humbled and hugely grateful to the family of the late Wing-Commander Rex Sanders OBE for entrusting us with the marketing of his superb medal group which includes his Distinguished Flying Cross. (37) Estate and private jewellery feature once again with a fantastic array of diamonds on offer including a beautiful Victorian diamond encrusted cross pendant, stunning solitaires, and head-turning
City Hospice offer palliative care and support to patients in their own homes and some at their centre in Whitchurch. Referrals are made from Velindre Cancer Centre, the University Hospital of Wales, or from a patient’s own GP.
39 cluster rings to name but a few. Also fitting into the small-but-beautiful category is a wonderful single owner collection of vesta cases. (38) Following the success of the military Grana wristwatch in July’s sale we have further military examples by Omega and Hamilton. Highly desirable and understated, popularity for these timepieces has soared in recent years and strong international competition is expected once again. (39) Arriving via our Colwyn Bay saleroom are two interesting collections - Chinese ceramics and rare whisky. In recent years whisky has outperformed almost all other sectors of our industry with ferocious competition seen particularly for rare bottlings from ‘silent’ distilleries. With over 40 bottles on offer from a single owner collection, look out for expressions from heavy-hitters Macallan, Millburn and St Magdalene. (40) Bob Dylan needs no introduction when it comes to music. He is possibly the most important solo singer-songwriter from the last sixty years. But he has also come to the fore as a visual artist in this century. Dylan created a collection of drawings that were published in a book entitled Drawn Blank in 1994. These expressive works captured Dylan’s chance encounters and observations whilst travelling on tour between 1989 and 1992, creating portraits, land and cityscapes, interiors, nudes and still life and were done to “relax and refocus a restless mind”. As with his comprehensive backcatalogue of poetic songs, his art encapsulates the ‘back-roads’ of America. (41)
38 12
The charity helps patients with diagnoses such as Cancer, Dementia, Motor Neurone Disease (MND), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or other life-limiting illnesses. In September we held an auction at a golfing event, hosted by boxer Joe Calzaghe. Our next event for City Hospice will be an art auction to be held online from our Cardiff saleroom on November 25th. Please see our website for details. We will also be supporting Mind Cymru this autumn. Mental Health for many has deteriorated during the pandemic and Mind are committed to helping people in this capacity. Lot 118 in this Welsh Sale is one of only ten hand-coloured prints by Kevin Sinnott. All proceeds from the sale of this print will be forwarded to Mind. Then on the 12th November there will be a one-off auction of another of these prestigious prints in Cardiff. Please enquire for further details. We have not yet resumed our valuation tour in which we offer no obligation valuations at local venues (but please watch this space)! We have though reconvened our monthly valuation days at Newton Village Hall, near Swansea, on an appointment basis only. The venue is very convenient for those in Swansea and the Gower and offers free parking. The final event at Newton this year is on November 30th.
Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg
Newyddion Rydym y dal i gefnogi elusennau Cymreig pan fyddwn ni’n gallu, ac un o’r elusennau y byddwn yn gweithio’n agos â nhw ydy Hosbis y Ddinas yng Nghaerdydd. Mae Hosbis y Ddinas yn cynnig gofal a chymorth lliniarol i gleifion yn eu cartrefi eu hunain ac i rai yn eu canolfan yn Yr Eglwys Newydd. Mae cleifion yn cael eu cyfeirio o Ganolfan Ganser Felindre, Ysbyty Prifysgol Cymru, neu gan feddyg teulu’r claf. 40
RHAGOLWG Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau Mae ein harwerthiant Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau: yn parhau i roi llwyfan i’r darnau gorau oll ar draws y sbectrwm o hen bethau. Mae’r perlau y bydd ein priswyr yn eu darganfod yn ystod yr holl ymweliadau â thai a dyddiau prisio y byddwn ni’n eu cynnal ledled y wlad a thu hwnt yn canfod eu ffordd i’r arwerthiant ansawdd uchel hwn a gynhelir yn y brifddinas. Mae’n ddigwyddiad byd-eang gyda chynigwyr cofrestredig yn ymuno â ni’n rheolaidd o’r Unol Daleithiau, Tsieina, Awstralia, Canada a thu hwnt. Gyda’r Nadolig ar y gorwel, mae’n gyfle gwych i ddod o hyd i’r anrheg arbennig ac unigryw yna y mae tipyn o feddwl wedi ei roi i’w ganfod. Mae gemwaith ystadau a phersonol i’w gweld yma eto, gyda detholiad bendigedig o ddiamwntau yn cael eu cynnig, gan gynnwys tlws Fictoraidd prydferth ar ffurf croes wedi’i gaenu â diamwntau, gemau unigol trawiadol, a modrwyau clwstwr fydd yn troi pennau, i enwi ychydig (38). Wedi llwyddiant oriawr filwrol Grana yn arwerthiant mis Gorffennaf, mae gennym enghreifftiau milwrol pellach gan Omega a Hamilton. Yn eitemau deniadol a chynnil, mae poblogrwydd y ceidwaid amser hyn wedi codi i’r entrychion yn y blynyddoedd diweddaraf ac mae disgwyl cystadleuaeth ryngwladol gref unwaith eto (39). Mae dau gasgliad diddorol wedi cyrraedd trwy ein hystafell arwerthu ym Mae Colwyn - serameg Tsieineaidd ac wisgi prin. Yn y blynyddoedd diweddar, mae wisgi wedi perfformio’n well na bron pob sector arall yn ein diwydiant, gyda chystadleuaeth ffyrnig yn arbennig am gostreliadau prin o ddistyllfeydd ‘tawel’. Gyda mwy na 40 o boteli’n cael eu cynnig o gasgliad un perchennog, cadwch lygad am offrymau gan enwau mawr Macallan, Milburn a St Magdalene (40). Does dim angen cyflwyno Bob Dylan o safbwynt ei gerddoriaeth. Mae’n debyg mai dyma’r canwr-gyfansoddwr unigol pwysicaf o’r chwe deg mlynedd diwethaf. Ond mae wedi dod i’r amlwg hefyd fel artist gweledol yn y ganrif hon. Creodd Dylan gasgliad o ddarluniau a gyhoeddwyd mewn llyfr o’r enw Drawn Blank ym 1994. Roedd y darnau mynegiannol hyn yn cofnodi’r bobl a’r
Mae’r elusen yn helpu cleifion sydd â diagnosis megis Canser, Dementia, Clefyd Motor Niwron (MND), Clefyd Rhwystrol Cronig yr ysgyfaint (COPD) neu glefydau eraill sy’n cyfyngu ar hyd bywyd. Ym mis Medi, cynhalion ni arwerthiant mewn digwyddiad golff, dan arweiniad y bocsiwr, Joe Calzaghe. Ein digwyddiad nesaf ar gyfer Hosbis y Ddinas fydd arwerthiant celf a gynhelir ar-lein o’n hystafell arwerthu yng Nghaerdydd ar Dachwedd 25ain. Gallwch weld y manylion ar ein gwefan. Byddwn yn cefnogi Mind yr hydref hwn eto. Mae Iechyd Meddwl llawer o bobl wedi dirywio yn ystod y pandemig ac mae Mind wedi ymrwymo i helpu pobl yn hyn o beth. Mae Lot 118 yn yr arwerthiant hwn yn un o ddeg yn unig o brintiau sydd wedi eu lliwio â llaw gan Kevin Sinnott. Bydd yr holl arian o werthiant y print hwn yn cael ei drosglwyddo i Mind. Wedyn, ar y 12fed o Dachwedd, cynhelir arwerthiant penodol ar gyfer un arall o’r printiau mawr eu bri hyn mewn digwyddiad yn Chapter, Caerdydd. Nid ydym wedi ailgychwyn ein taith brisio eto, ble byddwn yn cynnig prisio eitemau heb unrhyw rwymedigaeth mewn canolfannau lleol (ond cadwch olwg ar y newyddion yma)! Ond rydym wedi ailgydio yn ein dyddiau prisio misol yn Neuadd Bentref Newton, ger Abertawe, gyda threfniadau apwyntiad yn unig. Mae’r lleoliad yn gyfleus iawn i bobl yn Abertawe a Phenrhyn Gŵyr ac mae modd parcio am ddim yno. O deithio ymhellach, rydym yn Llundain bob 4-6 wythnos a gallwn ymweld â’ch cartref yn y brifddinas, i ddarparu prisiau arwerthu, i gasglu eitemau neu i gynhyrchu prisiadau ysgrifenedig proffesiynol.
llefydd y sylwodd Dylan arnynt wrth deithio rhwng 1989 a 1992, gan greu portreadau, tirluniau a threfluniau, mewnluniau, noethluniau a bywyd llonydd er mwyn “ymlacio ac ailosod meddwl aflonydd”. Yn yr un modd â’i ôl-gatalog o ganeuon barddonol, mae ei waith celf yn portreadu ‘ffyrdd cefn’ America (41).
The View / Bwrw Golwg • Rogers Jones & Co
Sold £1500
Stepping out of the Shadow In recent years, examples of antique Welsh pottery have stepped out of the shadow of their more gentrified porcelain cousins. The porcelain of Swansea and Nantgarw has always been held in high esteem and it is often regarded by academics as the finest porcelain of its age. This refinement however was incredibly difficult to make profitable and thus the porcelain output from both Swansea and Nantgarw only lasted twelve short years, between 1814 and 1826. Lot 37
Welsh pottery production began long before William Billingsley fired the first batch of porcelain wares in 1814. The Cambrian Pottery company began in 1764 and pottery continued to be made in Swansea until 1870. Llanelli’s South Wales Pottery lasted until 1922. While Ewenny pottery continues to operate today, under the Jenkins’ family ownership – a dynasty who have been at the wheel since the early 19th century.
Documentary pottery items are especially sought after. Jugs or plates with names of Welsh folk from centuries ago are decorative headstones bringing the names of the past to our living rooms. While political and satirical jugs which comment on the zeitgeist of long ago are historically interesting. Then there are the Wassail bowls by Ewenny. These bowls were famous locally and their use by New Years revellers form part of the Mari Lwyd folk-lore. So, as well as being very unusual in their form, they are also an important part of the Welsh tradition. Collections of antique Welsh pottery often combine history, poignancy, tradition and cheerful decoration with a uniquely Welsh perspective and charm.
Since we opened our doors in Cardiff in 2013, Welsh ceramics have found a new auction home in The Welsh Sale. And we have seen some excellent prices for Nantgarw and Swansea with renewed interest from local collectors who are pleased to see collections being offered in the heart of the Welsh porcelain collecting base. However, these high prices for fine Welsh porcelain examples are not unexpected. In my eyes though, there have been a greater number of auction shocks for Welsh pottery. In the last few years, we have seen fierce bidding and inflated auction prices for Llanelly pottery, Ynysmeudwy, Ewenny and of course Swansea pottery. So, what is the appeal of these rustic wares? Sold £550
Sold £950
Welsh pottery is especially appealing to the vernacular collector. Those who favour Welsh dressers and tridarns over china cabinets. Collectors are attracted by the naivety of the decoration, the vivid colours and the quirkiness. It is perhaps more fun than the more refined and ‘high-brow’ decoration of Welsh porcelain. Llanelly cockerel plates by ‘Aunt Sal’ are a prime example of ‘fun over fine’. When a collection of these iconic Welsh plates is assembled on a dresser, they are exciting and cheerful. Sold £1650
Sold £1000
Sold £1300
Rogers Jones & Co • The View / Bwrw Golwg
Ben Rogers Jones
Sold £2100
Sold £1400
Sold £5000
Yn y blynyddoedd diweddaraf, mae enghreifftiau o grochenwaith Cymreig hynafol wedi camu o gysgod eu cefndryd porslen mwy uchel-ael. Mae porslen Abertawe a Nantgarw wastad wedi bod yn uchel ei fri ac yn aml, bydd academyddion yn ystyried mai dyma borslen mwyaf cywrain ei oes. Ond roedd yn anodd drybeilig gwneud elw o’r cywreinrwydd hwn, felly dim ond am ddeuddeg mlynedd y parodd y gwaith cynhyrchu porslen yn Abertawe ac yn Nantgarw, rhwng 1814 a 1826. Roedd gwaith cynhyrchu crochenwaith wedi dechrau yng Nghymru ymhell cyn i William Billingsley danio’r casgliad cyntaf o weithiau porslen ym 1814. Dechreuodd cwmni Crochendy Cambrian ym 1764 ac roedd crochenwaith yn dal i gael ei wneud yn Abertawe tan 1870. Daliodd Crochendy De Cymru yn Llanelli ati tan 1922. Ac mae crochendy Ewenny yn dal wrthi heddiw, dan berchnogaeth teulu Jenkins – llinach sydd wedi bod yn troelli ers dechrau’r 19eg ganrif. Ers i ni agor ein drysau yng Nghaerdydd yn 2013, mae serameg Cymreig wedi cael cartref arwerthu newydd yn Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig. Ac rydyn ni wedi gweld prisiau rhagorol am ddarnau o Nantgarw ac Abertawe, gyda diddordeb wedi’i aildanio ymhlith casglwyr lleol sy’n falch o weld casgliadau’n cael eu cynnig wrth galon y gymuned o gasglwyr porslen Cymreig. Fodd bynnag, nid yw’r prisiau uchel hyn am borslen Cymreig cywrain yn annisgwyl. Ond yn fy ngolwg i, cafwyd llawer mwy o brofiadau annisgwyl mewn arwerthiannau ar gyfer crochenwaith Cymreig. Yn ystod y
Lots 4, 8 & 5 blynyddoedd diweddaraf, rydym wedi gweld ymrysonau ffyrnig a phrisiau uchel mewn arwerthiannau ar gyfer crochenwaith Llanelly, Ynysmeudwy, Ewenny, ac Abertawe hefyd, wrth gwrs. Felly beth yw apêl y gweithiau gwerinol hyn? Mae crochenwaith Cymreig yn arbennig o ddeniadol i gasglwyr eitemau cynhenid. Y rhai sy’n ffafrio dreseli Cymreig a thridarnau yn hytrach na chypyrddau tsieni. Mae casglwyr yn cael eu denu gan symlrwydd yr addurniadau, y lliwiau llachar a’r hynodrwydd. Efallai ei fod yn fwy o hwyl nag addurniadau mwy cywrain ac ‘uchel-ael’ y porslen Cymreig. Mae platiau ceiliog Llanelly gan ‘Aunt Sal’ yn enghraifft amlwg lle o feddylfryd ‘mwynhau yn lle mawredd’. Pan fydd casgliad o’r platiau Cymreig eiconig hyn wedi’u gosod ar ddresel, maent yn creu cyffro ac yn dod â gwên. Mae eitemau crochenwaith dogfennol yn arbennig o boblogaidd. Mae jygiau neu blatiau gydag enwau Cymry o’r canrifoedd a fu yn gerrig beddi addurniadol sy’n dod ag enwau’r gorffennol i mewn i’n cartrefi. Ac mae jygiau gwleidyddol a dychanol sy’n cynnig sylwebaeth ar ysbryd oes a fu yn mynd â ni’n ôl hefyd i’r fan a’r lle. Wedyn mae llestri Gwasael Ewenny. Roedd y llestri hyn yn enwog yn lleol a’u defnydd ar gyfer dathliadau’r Calan yn rhan o draddodiad gwerin y Fari Lwyd. Felly, yn ogystal â bod yn anarferol iawn o ran eu ffurf, maent hefyd yn rhan bwysig o draddodiad y Cymry.
Sold £6500
Bydd casgliadau o grochenwaith Cymreig hynafol yn aml yn cyfuno hanes, teimlad, traddodiad ac addurniadau hwyliog gyda phersbectif a swyn sy’n unigryw i’r Cymry. 15
Rogers Jones & Co
1. Sir Kyffin Williams RA Oil ‘Rhoscolyn’
2. Sir Kyffin Williams RA Oil ‘Bryn Cader Faner’
£29000 4. Ewenny Wassail Bowl & Cover
3. Sir Kyffin Williams RA Oil ‘Cemaes Bay’
5. Sir Kyffin Williams RA Oil ‘Willie’
6. Kevin Sinnott Oil ‘The Boxing Field’
7. Donald McIntyre Acrylic ‘Dolan’
8. Sir Kyffin Williams RA Watercolour ‘Old Eryri Farmstead’
9. Donald McIntyre Acrylic ‘Dark Sea, Iona’
10. Sir Kyffin Williams RA Mixed Media ‘Ynys Mon’
Rogers Jones & Co
1. Rolex Gold & Diamond Calendar Wristwatch
2. Grana WWII British Military Issue Wristwatch
3. Art Deco Diamond Encrusted Pendant
4. Boucheron 18CT Gold & Diamond Wristwatch
5. Laurence Stephen Lowry RA ‘The Cart’ Signed Print
6. Laurence Stephen Lowry RA ‘The Contraption’ Signed Print
7. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone First Edition
8. 19th Century Pearlware Figural Group
9. Garnet Set Riviere Necklace
10. Carved Chinese Jadeite Leafy Gourd Pendant
£2600 17
Rogers Jones & Co
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Rogers Jones & Co
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OUR VALUING & APPRAISING TEAM Ben Rogers Jones BA (Hons) Ben Rogers Jones has been with the company since 2001. Ben now manages the triannual Welsh Sale of Welsh Art, Welsh Antiques and Welsh ceramics. He is also the appraiser and cataloguer for sporting antiques. He is based out of the Cardiff Saleroom but visiting clients UK wide. Welsh Speaking.
Charles Hampshire FNAVA LLB (Hons) Based out of Carmarthen, Charles is our regional auctioneer and valuer for West Wales and visits clients in Swansea, West Wales and up to Aberystwyth. Charles is also our appraiser for jewellery, diamonds, silver, coins, watches, wine and whisky.
Philip Keith BSc (Hons) Based out of our Cardiff saleroom, Philip is our regional auctioneer and valuer for South Wales, east of Swansea and into the borders and England. Philip is also our specialist for Oriental works of art and ceramics and tribal art.
David Rogers Jones David Rogers Jones started the company in 1992 and has been an auctioneer and valuer for 60 years. He now works as a regional auctioneer out of the Colwyn Bay auction room, dividing his appointments with Stephen Roberts and John Rogers Jones. Welsh Speaking.
John Rogers Jones John works out of the Colwyn Bay auction room as a regional valuer and appraiser, dividing his appointments with David Rogers Jones and Stephen Roberts. John conducts all the auctions in Colwyn Bay while also acting as our Financial Controller for the whole company.
STRICTLY NO ACCESS ON AUCTION DAY. ALL ITEMS MUST BE PAID FOR PRIOR TO ARRANGING COLLECTION. COLLECTIONS FROM CARDIFF SALEROOM MUST BE PRIOR TO 19 NOVEMBER TO AVOID STORAGE CHARGES. All purchased lots in this auction may be shipped to our Colwyn Bay & Carmarthen offices without charge for collection from 17 November. This service is offered providing that payment is complete prior to 10 November and that they are then collected from Colwyn Bay / Carmarthen by 5pm 24 November (BY APPOINTMENT). Please note that this delivery will be the one free carriage to Colwyn Bay & Carmarthen undertaken by Rogers Jones & Co for items purchased at this auction. Purchases must be collected from the Cardiff saleroom by 19 November to avoid charges. Free carriage excludes furniture items. Rogers Jones & Co does not offer a P&P service for this auction unless items are of a non-fragile nature and can be posted in a Jiffy bag. Postage of these items are undertaken at a cost and at the buyer’s risk. We can recommend associates for a fully insured P&P service.
Stephen Roberts Stephen works out of the Colwyn Bay auction room as a regional valuer and appraiser, dividing his appointments with David Rogers Jones. He has been involved in the antique trade for 35 years and has wide-reaching experience in all facets of the trade. OFFICE PERSONNEL Cardiff: Alys Lloyd & Sian Russ Colwyn Bay: Dawn Sandham & Lisa Lamb Carmarthen: Morganna Hampshire 19
Rogers Jones & Co
THE WELSH SALE / SELECTIONS & COLLECTIONS: CONTENTS & INDEX OF ARTISTS / CYNNWYS A MYNEGAI ARTISTIAID 176 • BOWEN, Keith (b. 1950) • BRANDT, Anthony (1925-2009) 173, 174 • BRANGWYN, Sir Frank RA (1867-1956) 135
Welsh Pottery & Porcelain Cerameg Cymru a Phorselen Lots 1-106 Welsh Prints & Multiples Printiau & Lluosog Lots 112-205
• BRUNSDON, John (1933-2014) • BURNS, Brendan Stuart (b. 1963) • BURTON, Charles (b. 1929)
157 224, 254
Welsh Works on Paper Dyfrlliwiau & Gwaith ar Bapur Lots 209-346
257 271
COX, David Snr (1783-1859)
• HAINES, Elizabeth (b. 1945)
159, 265, 358
• DAVID, Illtyd (1906-1992) • DAVIES, Gareth (b. 1937) • DAVIES, Ivor (b. 1935)
422 308, 309, 324
Selections & Collections Dewisiadau a Chasgliadau Lots 520-670
• DAVIES, Karl (b. 1971) • DAVIES, Ogwyn (1925-2015)
384, 404 366 156, 182, 416
• DELAHAYE, Muriel (1937-2021) 149-153 383 • DONOVAN, James (b. 1974) DUNCAN, Edward R. W. S. (1803-1882) 613 646-659 • DYLAN, Bob (b. 1941)
ECCLES, Shan (Contemporary)
626 AFTER DONATELLO • AUCKLAND DAVIES, Ceri (b.1951) 371, 423,
• EDWARDS, Malcolm (b. 1934) 212-215, 252
• BALA, Iwan (b. 1956) • BANKS, Robert Louis (1911-2000) • BATES, Trevor (1921-2008)
326 620, 621 114
BAXTER, Thomas (1782-1821)
• BEARD, Leonard (1942-2007) • BELL, Seren (b. 1950) • BOWEN, John (1914-2006)
ELLISON, Thomas (1866-1940)
259 372
399, 400 318
• ELWYN, John (1916-1997)
162 • GARD ALLEN, Colin (1926-1987) GERRARD, Tom (b. 1923) 260 • • GILBERT & GEORGE (b. 1943 & b. 1942) 623 134 • GRAINGER, Ian (1942-2007) 663 • GREIG, Donald (b. 1959) 391, 395 • GRIFFIN, Chris (b. 1975) • GRIFFITH, David Lloyd (b. 1956) 474, 476 310, GRIFFITHS, Glyn (1926-1999)
• CHARLTON, Evan (1904-1984) • CLEAL, John (1929-2007)
129-133, 218-221, 377, 378, 379
120, 295-299, 316, 357, 426, 427, 437
• EVANS, Gwyn (b. 1931) • EVANS, Nicholas (1907-2004)
438 374, 375
F 455, 456 • FLETCHER, Beth (b. 1981) FORBES, Andrew Douglas (Contemporary) •
277, 420
247, 262, 263, 267
• CRABTREE, Jack (b. 1938)
Welsh Antiques Hen Bethau Cymru Lots 484-517
• GANZ, Valerie (1936-2015)
• CARPANINI, David (b. 1946) • CECIL, Roger (1942-2015) • CHAPMAN, George (1908-1993)
Welsh Oil Paintings & Other Medium Paentiadau Olew & Chyfryngau Eraill Lots 349-482
• GROSVENOR, David (b. 1956) • GWYN PARRY, Iwan (b. 1970)
322 470
243, 389, 402
• HALL, Christopher (1930-2016) • HAMBLEN, Max A.S • HARRIES, Hywel (1921-1990)
386 307 155, 355, 406
HEARD, Joseph (1799-1859) • HEATH, Adrian (1920-1992) • HERMAN, Josef OBE RA (1911-2000)
612 622
112, 113, 172, 311, 312
• HICKS-JENKINS, Clive (b. 1951) 236, 237 HIERONYMUS GRIMM, Samuel (Attr) 610
314, 315 • HOLLAND, Harry (b. 1941) HOLLOWAY, Edgar (1914-2008) 175 • 117, 158, 160, • HOLLY, Nick (b. 1968) 242, 268, 412, 413
• HOWARD JONES, Ray (1903-1996)
HUGHES, Hugh (1790-1863)
• ISAAC, Bert (1923-2006)
• JANES, Alfred (1911-1999) JOHN JONES, Peter (Contemporary)
362, 477, 478, 479
396 • JOHN, Geraldus (Contemporary) JONES, Jack (1922-1993) 278-286, 319, •
320, 425
Rogers Jones & Co
• JONES, Jonah (1919-2004) • JONES, Mike (b. 1941)
251 249, 313, 365, 368, 453
• JONES, Selwyn (1928-1998) • JONES, Tom RCA (1936-2017)
KEPPLER, J (1838-1894)
• KNIGHT, Alan (b. 1949) • KNIGHT, David (b. 1965)
• OWEN, Stephen John (b. 1959)
123, 434
448 287-290
• KNAPP-FISHER, John (1931-2015)
• SINNOTT, Kevin (b. 1947)
165-171, 241, 293 360, 361 397 274
KNIGHT, Joseph (1837-1909)
P 369, 467 • PARRY, Gareth (b. 1951) 226 • PERRY, Alan (Contemporary) 141-148 • PIECH, Paul Peter (1920-1996) 217 • PIERCY, Rob (b. 1946) PIPER, John (1903-1992) 115, 127 • 419 • POVEY, Edward (Ed) (b. 1951) PRENDERGAST, Peter (1946-2007) 125, 161, • 370, 418
• PRICHARD, Gwilym (1931-2015)
L 662 • LAYER CAKE (b. 1975) LEK, Karel (1929-2020) 240, 276 • 253 • LLYWELYN HALL, Dan (b. 1980) • LOWRY, Laurence Stephen (1887-1976) 619
124, 327, 328, 405, 409, 433
303 • PRICHARD-JONES, Aled (b. 1945) 119, 126 • PRITCHARD, Ben (b. 1956) 373, 411 • PRITCHARD, Ifor (1940-2010)
306 • MACFARLANE, John (b. 1948) MACKEOWN, Nia (Contemporary) 390 • • MACKEOWN, James (Contemporary) 388 • MALTHOUSE, Eric (1914-1997) 121, 122,
• RANDAL DAVIES, David (Contemporary)
• MANSEL BROAD, Clio (Contemporary)
• MATHEWS, Denis (1913-1997) • McBEAN, Angus (1904-1990) • McINTYRE, Donald (1923-2009)
291, 292 256 512
209, 304, 457-465
MID 18TH CENTURY BRITISH SCHOOL 611 • MILLER PARKER, Agnes (1895-1980) 136 625 • MOON, Chris (b. 1977) 223 • MOORE, Leslie (1913-1976) • MURRAY, William Grant (1877-1950) 128 MURRAY-COOKESLEY Margaret (1850-1927)
NAPIER HEMY, Charles RA RWS (Circle of) (1841-1917) 617
• NASH, David OBE RA (b. 1945) NIEMANN, Edmund John (1813-1876)
222 614
118, 454, 472
• STILL, Gillian (b. 1939) • STUART LLOYD, W RBA (1845-1959) STUART, Gordon (1924-2015)
• SUTHERLAND, Graham (1903-1980)
482 325 264, 410 116
• THOMAS, Elvet (1947-2006) • THOMAS, Gareth (1955-2019)
• TINKER, David (1924-2000)
230-234, 244, 248, 266, 392, 401, 432, 466
• UZZELL EDWARDS, John (1937-2014)
V VERTIN, Petrus Gerardus (1819-1893)
W 246
216 • RATHMELL, Thomas (1912-1990) 468 • RHYS JAMES, Shani MBE (b. 1953) RICHARDS, Ceri CBE (1903-1971) 138, 139, • 270
163 • ROBERTS, John (1923-2003?) ROBERTS, Wilf (1941-2016) 441 • • ROBERTS, Will (1907-2000) 211, 235, 255, 385, 469
272 • WALTERS, Evan (1893-1951) 154 • WATKINS, Islwyn (1938-2018) WILLIAMS, Alan (Contemporary) 442-446 • WILLIAMS, Sir Kyffin RA (1918-2006)
184-205, 334-346, 349-353
• WILLIAMS, Vivienne (b. 1955)
227, 238, 261, 393
• WILLIAMS-ELLIS, Bronwyn (b. 1953) 435 • WINSTANLEY, Peter (b. 1953) 428, 429, 480 363 • WOODFORD, David (b. 1938) • WOOL, Christopher (b. 1955) 660, 661
• SAMUEL, Mark (b. 1956) • SANTINI, Derrick (b. 1965)
WORTHINGTON, Alfred (1834-1927) 407, 408
SCHWARD, Wilhelm (1860-1943) • SELWYN, William (b. 1933)
• ROCHE, Laurence (b. 1944) • RUSSELL, Gyrth (1892-1970)
177-181, 210, 258, 300, 301, 302, 305, 323, 356, 387
• SETCH, Terry (b. 1936)
• SINCLAIR, Nicholas (b. 1954)
137, 140, 414, 415 183
• WYATT WARREN, Charles (1908-1993)
364, 380, 381, 398, 417, 430, 431, 447
YEADON, Darren (b. 1970)
• ZOBOLE, Ernest (1927-1999)
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions). 21
Rogers Jones & Co
NEXT WELSH SALE / SELECTIONS & COLLECTIONS 12 MARCH 2022 Entries invited NOW and by 4 February 2022 but please call earlier to ensure entries are confirmed.
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The Welsh Sale / Yr Arwerthiant Cymreig 9.30am 6.11.21
Welsh Pottery & Porcelain Cerameg Cymru a Phorselen
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 4 A SWANSEA POTTERY BALUSTER ‘ALE’ JUG circa 1790-1810, with loop handle, underglazed blue decoration and inscribed ALE in cloud cartouche, opposing sprays of flowers, sprigs and tiled collar, 22.5cms high Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label, Lot 770 at Sotheby’s The Sir Leslie Joseph Collection, 1992
Comments: rare, excellent provenance, chips to spout £400-600
1 SWANSEA PEARLWARE COW CREAMER standing over a grassy rectangular base, iron-red and pink lustre body, loop tail, with cover, size from head to tail 18.5cms Provenance: The Mary Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph (please see The View pages of our printed catalogue for further details) Comments: tail and cover restored, repainted features £150-250 2 GROUP OF EIGHT WELSH POTTERY JUGS FROM SIR LESLIE JOSEPH’S COLLECTION including Reform jug (A/F), pair of green glazed moulded body jugs, Lazuli pattern etc Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection labels on each
Comments: please examine for condition £150-250
3 A SWANSEA POTTERY SAUCE TUREEN & COVER WITH STAND of gondola form having a loop handle, painted in sepia by William Weston Young with titled topographical views as follows, the base inscribed ‘Sandown Bridge, Isle of Wight’ and ‘Vilage (sic) of Carisbrook, Isle of Wight’, the cover ‘Views in Essex’, the stand ‘Sea Church, Essex’, vine borders in sepia and gilt, impressed SWANSEA marks to stand and cover, circa 1803-1806, 19cms high
Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection labels, Lot 800 at Sotheby’s The Sir Leslie Joseph Collection, 1992 Comments: rare with excellent provenance, in sound condition, please examine fully for restoration £1000-1500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 5 A SWANSEA POTTERY BALUSTER JUG NAMED & DATED 1782 of baluster footed form with loop handle, underglazed blue decoration, inscribed Jo/n Hilditch 1782, within floral cartouche, sprays of flowers and garden scene to each side, tiled collar, 23.5cms high Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label, Lot 772 at Sotheby’s The Sir Leslie Joseph Collection, 1992 Comments: rare, excellent provenance, cracks to body but stable, small chips to spout £200-400 6 A PAIR OF SWANSEA EARTHENWARE FOOD WARMERS circular form, twin handles, painted to match a porcelain service with sprays of flowers within elaborate gilt scroll borders with series of floral pendants, manner of William Pollard, 27cms diam
Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection labels Comments: rare earthenware part service, excellent provenance, chip to rim of one £300-400 7 A BLUE & WHITE SWANSEA POTTERY DOCUMENTARY JUG IN THE ORIENTAL BASKET TRANSFER of baluster form, spurred loop handle, wide collar, inscribed in chocolate brown ‘G MARTYN FROM SWANSEA’, base with pattern name in cartouche, 26cms high Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label Comments: unique jug, excellent provenance £500-700
8 A SWANSEA CAMBRIAN PUZZLE JUG circa 1810, ovoid shape and loop handle, with cylindrical neck pierced with diamonds and circles and applied with three nozzles, printed in underglaze blue with chrysanthemums and other flowers, the handle with a trailing foliate stem, 18cms high Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base Comments: appears to be unrestored (please examine) which would be unusual for this model of jug with protruding nozzles, excellent provenance £300-400
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
9 A SWANSEA CAMBRIAN PUZZLE JUG circa 1800 baluster form, loop handle, with cylindrical neck pierced with diamonds and applied with single nozzle, painted with colourful flowers, gilded borders, 18cms high
11 A SWANSEA POTTERY LONGBRIDGE TRANSFER PART SERVICE circa 1800-1810, in the English ‘willow’ style with chocolate rims, comprising two small platters, 25cms and two small lobed plates, 18cms diam
13 A SWANSEA PEARLWARE POTTERY BOTANICAL DISH BY THOMAS PARDOE of near oval form with concave shoulders, centred flower study within chocolate border, titled to base ‘Peacock Iris’, and with impressed SWANSEA mark, 25cms
Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base
Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base
Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph
Comments: cracks, chip to rim and base edge £100-150
Comments: small hairline crack to rim of one platter, no other apparent problems, please examine £100-200
10 A LATE 18TH CENTURY SWANSEA POTTERY TANKARD transfer decorated in underglaze black with opposing flowers flanking the inscription ‘Drink about Brother, When this is out, We’ll have another’, under a tile and garland border, 12cms high
12 TWO POTTERY MUGS & ONE BEAKER FROM SIR LESLIE JOSEPH’S COLLECTION comprising (1) large Cambrian ‘Boy with Whip’ transfer mug, 14cms high, (2) Sunderland pink lustre ‘Crimea’ frog surprise mug, 13cms high, and a Royal Doulton beaker designed by Sir Frank Brangwyn
Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base
Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base
Comments: cracked and chipped, stable, early Swansea, rare £200-300
Comments: crazing and localised discolouring £100-120
Comments: chip to foot of largest £100-200 13
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 14 A BELIEVED SWANSEA PEARLWARE POTTERY MANDARIN JUG colourfully decorated with opposing scenes of attendees bringing tea while teasing a dog with a bird, between scene of exotic birds perched in branches, chocolate rim and detail to handle, 12.5cms high Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base Comments: very slight losses to enamel only £100-120
15 A WELSH POTTERY GROUP including small Llanelly cockerel plate, 18cms diam, pair of octagonal pictorial plates with daisy moulded borders ‘Great Western Steam Ship’ and ‘Lark and Young Ones’, 19cms diam, three Dillwyn cabbage moulded plates, pair of Dillwyn sponge decorated floral plates, crested china etc (15) Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base Comments: for condition please examine in person £200-300 16 LATE 18TH CENTURY CAMBRIAN POTTERY BOWL decorated in underglazed blue swags and floral tiles to the border interior, centre with inscription ‘Come Fill The Bowl’, circa 1788, 25cms diam Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base
Comments: broken in three main pieces, crack circling the body, restoration feasible in our opinion, rare early Welsh pottery £200-400 17 EARLY 19TH CENTURY PRATTSTYLE POTTERY CURLY / COIL PIPE inscribed ’Capt Howells 3rd Company of the 3rd Battalion Carmarthen Volunteers 1808’ colourfully decorated and with cobalt blue terminals, the bowl with relief figures, 37cms long
Provenance: the Gwyneth and the Late Ieuan Evans Collection, Powys Comments: professionally restored £300-500
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
18 18 A RARE PAIR OF SWANSEA EARTHENWARE FIGURES OF ANTHONY & CLEOPATRA circa 1791, attributed to G. Bentley of Cambrian Pottery, both modelled in recumbent pose, Anthony in armour, Cleopatra in flowing robes, the asp coiled around her arm, on integral naturalistic bases, painted in pink, green, blue, yellow, Indian red, brown, black and silver-grey enamels, 31cms Auctioneer’s Note: similar models in yellow-ware and black basalt pairs are recorded and have appeared on the auction market including at Sotheby’s Leslie Joseph Collection in 1992, also a black basalt pair at Bonhams in 2003, reference to the existence of these enamelled variations are on Page 54 a (plate XIV/c)and 52 of Morton Nance ‘The Pottery & Porcelain of Swansea & Nantgarw’ Provenance: The collection of Gwyneth and Ieuan Evans, Powys Comments: old repairs e.g. to Cleopatra’s shoulder / wrist and Anthony’s arm, other minor damage, losses, please examine, exceptionally rare and early documentary Welsh pottery £1000-2000
19 GRADUATED SET OF SEVEN DILLWYN SWANSEA POTTERY JUGS of faceted form with green enamelled twig handles, bodies with naively painted flower sprays, largest 22cms high
20 A RARE SWANSEA PEARLWARE CABARET TEA CUP & SAUCER PAINTED WITH SCENES BY WILLIAM WESTON YOUNG, circa 1805, finely painted by William Weston Young with sepia landscapes of Oystermouth Castle and a grand waterside residence believed to be Marino, reserved on a speckled chocolate ground gilded by Thomas Pardoe with an all over caillouté design
Provenance: the collection of Gwyneth & the late Ieuan Evans, Powys
Provenance: the collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans
Comments: localised damage, repairs, losses, please examine £200-300
Auctioneer’s Note: Marino was one of the residencies of the Vivian Family of Swansea, this service was very finely painted with scenes by Young and within a rare and interesting caillouté reserve, in the manner of Sévres, attributed to Pardoe Comments: saucer restored and cracked but stable £300-500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 21 TWO SWANSEA PEARLWARE ESSENCE VASES circa 1806 similarly modelled on fluted triangular bases with three tapering supports having lion head terminals, the egg shaped bowls with acorn pendant, both with deep blue glaze, one with floral painted collar attributed to Thomas Pardoe, the other undecorated, 24cms high Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, Powys, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label
Comments: the undecorated example is in excellent order, slight hairline only, the painted version has damage and repairs £300-400 22 SWANSEA PEARLWARE POTTERY SATIRICAL JUG concerning Napoleon ‘BONAPARTE DETHRON’D April 1st 1814, 14cms high Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, Rowland Williams Collection label
Comments: small chip to inside of rim with small hairline, enamel losses £200-300 23 TWO 19TH CENTURY WELSH JUGS & ANOTHER UNKNOWN comprising (1) commemorative transfer for the 1832 Reform Act with political inscriptions including ‘ROYAL ASSENT TO THE REFORM BILL 7 JUNE 1832’ and with four portraits of the main promoters, 15cms high, (2) transfer jug to commemorate unity between the French and British Empires, 17cms high, (3) underglazed blue decorated jug, 17cms high Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans Comments: damage and /or restoration to each £100-150
24 24 ARMORIAL DISH ATTRIBUTED TO SWANSEA EARTHENWARE with feathered edge and centred coat of arms in enamel colours, the border with floral sprigs and two urns, 27cms Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, see Morton Nance Plate XXX/A for similar pattern plate, since the publication doubts have been raised as to whether this armorial ware is from Swansea Comments: repaired £100-120
25 25 A RARE EARLY SWANSEA CAMBRIAN JUG TRANSFER DECORATED IN A MANDARIN PATTERN having opposing cartouches showing the seated mandarin and standing attendees, then with figures reading a decree, surrounded by y-cell decoration, two opposing mountain scenes to collar, circa 1800, 17cms high Provenance: west Wales estate Comments: scratches to body, structurally sound £100-150 31
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
26 26 A RARE PAIR OF SWANSEA CAMBRIAN POTTERY PUTTI in the form of swag wearing flower pickers and their baskets and with single flower in other hand to outstretched arm, standing on square bases, aside floral bocage, enamel decorated over the glaze, circa 1790, 11.5cms high Provenance: private collection London Comments: restoration to both outstretched arms, other damage commensurate with age £150-250 28 27 SWANSEA PEARLWARE PLATE & SWANSEA GOBLET VASE both with chocolate rim, the vase with enamelled band of flowers and strawberries, 8.5cms high, the attractive plate in light blue ground and decorated with reserve panels of plants and flowers, 21cms diam Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans Comments: hairline to plate, enamel losses £100-150 28 A CAMBRIAN SWANSEA PEARLWARE SHIP PLATE circa 1800, transfer decorated in ink-blue with a brig in full-sail with British Naval flag and within a Chinoiserie pattern border, 25cms diam Provenance: the collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, Powys
30 EWENNY POTTERY MODEL OF A PERCHED PARROT in red slip with sgraffito and yellow, brown and green over glaze, inscribed ‘Polly fach bert’, 22.5cms high Provenance: private collection north Wales, see Figure 125 ‘Ewenny Potteries, Potters & Pots’ by Gwyneth & Ieuan R Evans Comments: very nice example in the lighter coloured glaze with clear decoration, no damage, rare £200-300 31 A EWENNY POTTERY AMPHORA SHAPED FLOOR VASE with twin handles and spreading circular foot, yellow glaze over red earthenware body, sgraffito decoration with grape vines, leaves and flowers, inscribed with the first line of the Welsh National Anthem ‘Mae Hen Wlad fy Nhadau’ (the old country of my fathers) to one side, the other side with ‘O Na Bydain Haf o Hyd’ (O That Summer Smil’d for Aye), circa 1902, 58cms high Provenance: from the collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans
Comments: minor chip to rim, early Swansea £300-400
Auctioneer’s Note: O Na Bydain Haf o Hyd was a prize winning Eisteddfod song of 1888, popular with tenors
29 No lot
Condition: restoration to foot, neck and handle £300-400
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 32 A SUBSTANTIAL LATE 19TH CENTURY EWENNY SLIPWARE POTTERY JARDINIÈRE BY EVAN JONES with complex scroll handles, green glazed, sgraffito decoration of leaves and flowers, inscribed ‘Os am Orchfygu Maddeu’ (if you want to overcome - forgiveness), impressed JONES EWENNY BRIDGEND, 42cms diam Provenance: from the collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans Comments: scrapes only £300-400 33 EWENNY POTTERY ‘RUSTIC’ PLANT POT & STAND with naturalistic bark-textured decoration formed by a combing technique, in dark green glaze, base inscribed Ewenny Pottery 1912, 22cms high
Provenance: from the collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans Comments: flakes / scrapes only £300-400 34 EWENNY POTTERY SLIPWARE VESSEL possibly watering can or ewer, of bulbous form with nipple top, loop handle and two nozzles, olive green glaze with sgraffito decoration and inscription ‘deuparth gwaith ei ddechrau’ (Starting the work is two thirds of it), 29cms high
Provenance: the Gwyneth and late Ieuan Evans Collection Comments: restoration to nozzle and handle £250-350 35 EWENNY POTTERY LARGE JUG in mottled deep green glaze, handle with spur, base inscribed Claypits Pottery, Ewenny, 32cms high
Provenance: the collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans Comments: small flaked loss to glaze only £100-150 36 EWENNY POTTERY LARGE TWINHANDLED AMPHORA SHAPED VASE in mottled green and brown glaze, bulbous body, flared neck and spreading foot, base inscribed Ewenny Pottery, 37cms high Provenance: estate of Gwyneth and the Late Ieuan Evans Comments: no problems £100-150
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
37 37 AN IMPORTANT EWENNY POTTERY SLIPWARE WASSAIL BOWL & COVER, DATED 1823 glazed in yellow over red with sgraffito decoration, the base with seventeen loops decorated with zig-zags, repeated interlocking circles below the rim and below the handles the inscription ‘THOMAS ARTHUR maker Ewenny, Glamorganshire, South Wales, November 26th, 1823’ below the inscription a naive scrolling trail, and with a trail of flowers to the opposite side, the sgraffito decorated domed cover with loops and a prowling fox, the flat top adorned with birds and beehives or hay-cocks, 29cms high Provenance: from the collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, purchased privately by the vendor, to accompany a page from an old auction catalogue with an illustration and description of the bowl (possibly 1960s/70s), the maker is likely to be Thomas Arthur (1792-1853), a resident of nearby Corntown, who was registered as a potter in the 1851 Census (please see page 41 of Ewenny Potteries, Potters & Pots by Gwyneth & Ieuan R Evans) Auctioneer’s Note: Wassail bowls were used in an ancient custom in south Wales around New Year, when groups of revellers would travel from house to house wishing happiness, health and well-being to their neighbours. In Glamorgan the wassail tradition was closely associated with The Mari Lwyd ritual, where a horse’s skull was fixed to a ribbon-decorated pole and promenaded around the well-wishers. The bowls were usually filled with spiced ale. The communal nature of the wassail custom is highlighted by the multiple handles which may have been decorated with ribbons for the event. In the South Wales News of April 30th 1892 a report refers to William Williams, a potter at Claypits who made wassail bowls in the 1820s for parishes at a cost of one guinea each
38 38 A PAIR OF EWENNY POTTERY TALL CANDLESTICKS circular based with ribbed tapering stems, bowl shaped drip trays and bell shaped sconces, mottled deep blue, inscribed Ewenny Pottery 1913, 41.5cms high Provenance: Collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, Powys Comments: chip to one rim, very small losses elsewhere £300-400
Comments: on the crest of each loop on the body would have sat a chicken (one remains), one loop handle missing (should be 18), losses to cover include five missing loops, extremities and finial, examination in person highly recommended. Believed to be the earliest Ewenny wassail bowl to appear at auction in recent years £2000-3000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 39 AN 1898 PRIMITIVE WELSH SLIPWARE FLASK OR COSTREL of circular form bearing inscription ‘Drink Frequently / Pay Honourly / Dec 12 1898’, base inscribed ‘Mr James (?), Pont-y-Cymer’, 18cms diam Provenance: Collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, Powys Comments: restored, unusual and rare £150-250 40 GREEN GLAZED EWENNY POTTERY including part toilet set and tall vase, 36cms high Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans 39
Comments: damage, please enquire £100-150 41 TWO BUCKLEY POTTERY PLANTERS the principle of pedestal form over drip-dish, both in brown glaze and naturalistic form mimicking tree trunks, unmarked, 23cms and 18cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: repair to rim of pedestal example, small losses £100-120 42 TALL EWENNY SLIPWARE POTTERY TAPERED JUG with loop handle and curvaceous neck, green glaze, signed Jones Ewenny, for Evans Jones, circa 1900, 40cms high
Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: small flakes at foot, very small losses £100-120
43 1897 EWENNY SLIPWARE POTTERY CONICAL VASE BY HORACE ELLIOTT (1851-1938) yellow slip, sgraffito decoration of five stylised leaves, base inscribed Elliott’s Welsh Pottery - 1897, 13cms high Provenance: Collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, Powys Auctioneer’s Note: London potter and Arts & Crafts designer Horace Elliott’s involvement with the primitive kilns of Ewenny began in around 1880 and continued for many years, please see page 33/34 of Ewenny Potteries, Potters & pots by Gwyneth & Ieuan R Evans on how Elliott came to be involved with Ewenny Comments: flake losses near neck and base, chips inside rim, good condition £400-600 43 35
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 46 LLANELLY POTTERY COCKEREL PLATE, continuous sponged arrowpoint border, 25cms diam Provenance: private collection west Wales Comments: large chip to under rim, minor glaze bubbles £250-350 47 LLANELLY POTTERY COCKEREL & HEN PLATE with green inner and outer border, Llanelly marked base, 24cms diam Provenance: private collection west Wales 44
Comments: no apparent damage or restoration £300-400
44 LLANELLY POTTERY COCKEREL PLATE, continuous sponged arrowpoint border, 20cms diam Provenance: private collection west Wales Comments: small chip under rim, minor firing bubbles £250-350 45 LLANELLY POTTERY COCKEREL & HEN OVAL TRAY, 24.5 x 31.5cms diam Provenance: private collection west Wales 46
Comments: small chip to under rim, visible crack to top right and bottom left, both visible from underside £300-400
48 LLANELLY POTTERY ROSE PLATE, painted/printed Llanelly mark to base, 22cms diam Provenance: private collection west Wales Comments: several hairline cracks £100-200 49 SIX LLANELLY POTTERY ‘PERSIAN ROSE’ PATTERN PLATES, 4 x 25cms diam, 1 x 27cms diam, 1 x 20cms (bowl) Provenance: private collection west Wales Comments: all good condition £150-250
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
50 A LLANELLY POTTERY FIVE-PIECE CABARET SET comprising oval tray, teapot, cream-jug, sugar basin and teacup and saucer, typically decorated with wild-roses in green solid borders, tray 31cms Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans Comments: crazing and chips, please examine £200-300
51 WELSH POTTERY GROUP trio of Llanelly jugs, Chinoiserie teapot, BB&I ‘Opaque China’ jug and vase, teaware etc Provenance: collection of Gywneth and the late Ieuan Evans Comments: please enquire as to condition £100-200
52 A RARE LLANELLY POTTERY COTTAGE DECORATED PLATE with inscription to border ‘East or West homes best’, 25cms diam Provenance: west Wales estate Auctioneer’s Note: similar decoration with a different inscription (‘lest we forget’) was sold by this auction room in 2018, another inscription seen in ‘Llanelly Pottery’ by Robert Pugh and Gareth Roberts (1990) reads ‘There’s no place like home’, each of these three plates are rare examples of Llanelly Comments: slight flakes to rim, browning, good example commensurate with age £150-250 53 A LLANELLY POTTERY COCK & HEN DECORATED PLATE the birds pecking on grass and within green continuous borders, having a lobed rim, green Llanelly printed mark to base, 25cms diam Provenance: west Wales estate Comments: slight crazing, blacks substance under the glaze on rim of plate, good example £200-300
54 LLANELLY POTTERY COCKEREL PLATE continuous sponged star patterned border, 25cms diam Provenance: west Wales estate Comments: tight crazing and browning, no problems otherwise £200-300
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 55 LLANELLY POTTERY PLATE with crimped rim, painted with a standing heron or stork amongst reeds, marked ‘LLANELLY’ to base in green crescent, 25cms diam Provenance: west Wales estate Comments: crazing and browning only £150-250 56 LLANELLY POTTERY PLATE painted in underglaze blue with a fruiting branch, within blue line border, black printed marks, 23cms diam Provenance: west Wales estate 55
Comments: good example £100-150 57 A PAIR OF LLANELLY POTTERY PLATES painted in underglaze blue with a church or abbey and with a cottage amongst trees, within blue line border, 23cms diam Provenance: west Wales estate Comments: good example £150-250 58 A LLANELLY SOUTH WALES POTTERY NAMED JUG of fluted form with twig handle, in transfer decorated in the Amherst pattern and inscribed ‘Samuel Trevaskis’ in iron red to front, blue transfer mark to base with pattern name, 18cms high Provenance: west Wales estate
Auctioneer’s Note: the partner to this jug which was dedicated to Ann Trevaskis was sold by us in April 2021 Comments: no condition issues £100-150 59 LLANELLY POTTERY TRANSFER PRINTED JUG COMMEMORATING GARIBALDI with titled pictorial portraits either side, 20cms high Provenance: west Wales estate Comments: localised crazing, browning £100-120
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
62 60 A LLANELLY POTTERY FERN TRANSFER JUG WITH DEDICATION inscribed ‘John Caul, Llanelly 1888’, 18cms high Provenance: west Wales estate Auctioneer’s Note: according to records, there was a Caul family living in Llanelli in the 19th Century and a John Caul was born in 1823 and his son John was born in 1852 Comments: no condition issues, unique Welsh jug £100-150 61 A RARE LLANELLY COW CREAMER in the familiar Swansea style with tail as loop handle and standing over a grassy platform base, decorated in iron red and purple lustre, 15.75cms long Provenance: west Wales estate Auctioneer’s Note: believed to be Llanelly and produced from the mould of a Swansea cow-creamer resulting in a slightly smaller version to Swansea Cambrian / Glamorgan (please see Page 107 of Llanelly Pottery by Robert Pugh and Gareth Hughes) Comments: restored cover and horns £150-250
64 62 LLANELLY COCKEREL PLATES, blue cockerel and flowers to the centre, 22cms diam. and a blue bordered shallow circular dish plate with blue cockerel and flowers, 24cms diam (2) Provenance: Private collection Denbighshire Comments: very slight areas of flaking, no major damage £300-500 63 A LLANELLY COCKEREL PLATE WITH DEDICATION to John R Evans, 1907 in black, the cockerel standing on a yellow ground with flowers, the border with a trail of sponged red flowers, 25cms diam Provenance: private collection East Sussex Comments: no problems, rare to see a cockerel plate with dedication, very good example £300-400 64 TWO CIRCULAR LLANELLY POTTERY COCKEREL PLATES, blue border and the cockerels blue with red tails, each 24cms diameter and with kiln stand marks to the base Provenance: Private collection Denbighshire Comments: very slight areas of flaking, no major damage £400-500
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
66 65 A LLANELLY POTTERY PLATE WITH PORTRAIT OF A PURITAN with amusing grammar mistake, painted in blue and yellow detail, head and shoulders with collared cloak and wide-brimmed hat, inscribed to border ‘It is never to late to be taught’, 22cms diam Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans Comments: excellent order, light crazing £400-600
66 A LLANELLY POTTERY PLATE PAINTED IN BLUE WITH STORK IN REEDS of lobed form, 25cms diam, together with a small Llanelly cockerel plate, 18cms diam (2) Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, Powys Comments: both crazed and browned £200-300 67 No lot
68 PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO SWANSEA & NANTGARW PORCELAIN including by Kildare S Meager MBE’s Glynn Vivian Art Gallery exhibition catalogue (1949) and the 1965 catalogue of Meager’s bequest of Swansea Pottery to the gallery, four volumes of ‘Dillwyn’s Etruscan Ware’ by Elis Jenkins, catalogue for ‘A Loan Exhibition of Swansea & Nantgarw Porcelain at Turner House, Penarth’ (1958), two publications by P D Pryce, five paperback volumes of ‘Sir Leslie Joseph Loan Exhibition of Swansea Porcelain’ (1969) and two hard-cover bound similar, four print-house sealed volumes of ‘Swansea Porcelain Shapes and Decoration’ etc
69 A SWANSEA PORCELAIN CENTRE DISH WITH TWIG HANDLES of footed rectangular form, handles picked out in gold, decorated in ‘Imari’ pattern No.264, 32cms Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base, Harry Sherman Collection label Comments: no apparent problems, slight wear to gilding £250-350 70 A SWANSEA PORCELAIN CENTRE DISH WITH TWIG HANDLES of footed form, decorated in ‘Imari’ pattern No.236 with this number inscribed to the base together with Swansea in italics, 32cms Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base Comments: no apparent problems £300-400
Provenance: Mrs M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph £100-120
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
71 71 A SWANSEA PORCELAIN SHELL HANDLED DISH handle picked out in gold, decorated in Japan pattern No.233, numbered to base with Swansea script mark, 21cms diam Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base, Harry Sherman Collection label Comments: no apparent problems, wear to gilding £150-200 72 A SWANSEA PORCELAIN CIRCULAR CRUCIFORM DISH circa 1816, centred with a botanical study by William Weston Young within a solid gilt border, neatly titled to base ‘Convolvulus arvensis / Ranunculus aquatilis’, 23cms diam Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base, Harry Sherman Collection label, similar illustrated in ‘Swansea Porcelain Shapes & Decoration’ (Sir Leslie Joseph and Jimmy Jones), similar Illustrated in Welsh Ceramics in Context, Part 1 (page 136), Lot 174 Sothebys Leslie Joseph Collection auction (unsold) Auctioneer’s Notes: by William Weston Young study after James Sowerby or Sir J E Smith. Young had installed a muffle kiln at his cottage in Newton, Nottage on 23rd October, 1809. His diaries reveal that he did most of the painting on the service between 21st September and 1st November 1816, and that he was assisted by his handyman, William Bedford (see Welsh Ceramics in Context, Part 1) Comments: rare dish which can be attributed with certainty to Weston Young, wear only, excellent provenance £300-500
72 73 A SWANSEA PORCELAIN PLATE WITH LONDON SCENE of circular form, painted with a figure seated on a boat with riverside buildings beyond, probably by George Beddows, within a solid salmon-pink and floral gilded border, inscribed ‘Westminster from Temple Chambers’ to base, 20cms diam
73 75 A SWANSEA PORCELAIN SHELL HANDLED DISH & MATCHING TRIO dish handle picked out in gold, decorated in Japan pattern No.223, numbered to base with Swansea script mark, 21cms diam Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to each base, Harry Sherman Collection label to dish Comments: no apparent problems, wear to gilding £250-350
Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base Comments: no problems, fresh condition, slight surface scratches only, excellent provenance £200-300 74 A SWANSEA PORCELAIN SUCRIER & STAND with Paris flute moulding, tapering twin handles with moulded terminal, mushroom knop, matching circular stand, finely decorated with a series of four posies on gilt stipple within gilt scroll and foliate borders, stencilled SWANSEA marks to base, stand 16cms diam, handle to handle 18cms
Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base Comments: sucrier body restored, wear commensurate with age £400-600 75
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
76 A SWANSEA PORCELAIN JAPAN VASE & SHELL HANDLED DISH dish handle picked out in gold, decorated in Japan pattern No.194, 21cms diam, vase of ovoid form over a spreading circular foot, with insect handles, stencilled SWANSEA to base, 15.5cms high (2) Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base Comments: both items extensively restored £300-400
77 A SWANSEA PORCELAIN JAPAN DECORATED SAUCE TUREEN the tureen with upturned spindled handles, conical cover having beaded rim to the pineapple finial, gilt decorated with deep blue, iron-red and green enamels, stencilled SWANSEA mark to base, handle to handle 18cms Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base Comments: crack to body £200-300
78 SWANSEA PORCELAIN TWIN-HANDLED BASIN IN THE MARINO BALLROOM SET PATTERN circa 1815-17, naively painted with repeated flowers in various bright enamels, 36cms handle to handle Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base Auctioneer’s Note: The Marino Ballroom service of over 200 pieces was ordered from the Swansea factory by Mr J H Vivian of Marino, Swansea. The design is Indian influenced in the style of contemporary textiles and wall-papers, please see Morton Nance ‘The Pottery & Porcelain of Swansea & Nantgarw’, plate CLI, F Comments: hairline to handle, appears to be sound, enamels fresh, please examine £300-500
79 A PORCELAIN PLAQUE ATTRIBUTED TO THOMAS PARDOE of canted rectangular form, painted in the Classical-style with a robed lady reclining against a tree by a river and protecting an infant from two lions prowling up and down the far bank, 19 x 13cms Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label, Lot 659 in Sotheby’s Leslie Joseph auction, May 1992 Comments: very fresh and undamaged condition £700-1000
79 80 A PORCELAIN PLAQUE ATTRIBUTED TO THOMAS PARDOE of canted rectangular form, painted in the Classical-style with two nude infants in woodland, being harassed by a bird, 19 x 13cms Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label, Lot 660 in Sotheby’s Leslie Joseph auction, May 1992 Comments: very fresh and undamaged condition £700-1000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
81 A PAIR OF SWANSEA PORCELAIN VASES circa 1814-1818, of ovoid form over a circular feet on square platform bases and with ornate twin-handles, painted with opposing circular panels of summer flowers surrounded by marbled blue grey ground, impressed Swansea trident mark to base, 27cms high Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label, Lot 411 in Sotheby’s Leslie Joseph auction, May 1992, Glynn Vivian Art Gallery / Leslie Joseph label Comments: scrape to rim of one, firing faults, overall excellent considering age and vulnerability, please examine condition to satisfy fully £1500-2500
82 A SWANSEA PORCELAIN LANDSCAPE DISH & MUG the plate in yellow ground and solid gilt borders, centred with a scene of castle, bridge and river, stencilled SWANSEA mark to base, 21cms, the mug with titled view ‘A view of the Mumble Lighthouse’ (A/F) Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection labels to both Comments: wear to dish, mug with hairline at front £100-200 83 SWANSEA PORCELAIN EMPIRESTYLE TEA CUP & SAUCER & NON-MATCHING MILK JUG the cup and saucer in pattern No. 413 having gilded and deep blue circular and diamond floral motifs over salmon-pink ground, pattern number to base and SWANSEA stencilled mark to base, (2) the jug in pattern no. 410, similar corresponding marks to base
84 SWANSEA PORCELAIN MATCHING CUPS & SAUCERS comprising saucer and three cups in pattern number 403, decorated with alternating panels of pink roses and panels of foliate scrolls on salmon pink, within gilt borders to a blue ground, gold grape vine trailing the borders
Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection labels
Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection labels
Comments: good examples without damage, fresh, pattern 413 uncommon £150-200
Comments: slight wear only, uncommon pattern £150-250 82
84 43
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
85 A RARE SWANSEA PORCELAIN INKSTAND in the form of a shallow dish with everted rim, centre circular covered inkwell and three interior tapering pen-holders, decorated with sprays of bright enamel flowers and insects, solid gilt rim, 13cms diam Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, see page 154 of ‘Swansea Porcelain Shapes & Decoration’ Comments: repaired, non-repaired damage to liner of inkwell, decorated in the manner of Nantgarw but attributed to Swansea £400-600 86 A SWANSEA PORCELAIN TEAPOT & STAND set pattern No.404 decorated with wide deep-blue band, narrow pale blue band, trailing vinery gilding and kidney shaped reserves of flowering gardens, stand 19cms Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans Comments: extensively restored £200-300 87 A SWANSEA PORCELAIN CRUCIFORM OVAL DISH circa 1816, centred with a botanical study by William Weston Young within a solid gilt border, neatly titled to base ‘Lysimachia nemorum / Amagallis arvensis’, 28cms Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans Comments: wear but no other problems, please see Lot 72 for similar example and for further information £300-500
87 88 SWANSEA PORCELAIN MARQUIS OF ANGLESEY SERVICE PLATE circa 1815-17, London decorated, the centre painted with anemone, the border a band of summer flowers to a gilt ground, very faint impressed mark to base, 23cms diam Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans Comments: exceptional example with very little wear to gilding or enamels £500-700 89 SWANSEA PORCELAIN DISH IN THE MARINO BALLROOM SET PATTERN circa 1815-17, naively painted with repeated flowers in various bright enamels, 23cms diam Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans Auctioneer’s Note: please see Lot 78 for further information on Marino service, also Morton Nance ‘The Pottery & Porcelain of Swansea & Nantgarw’, plate CLI, F Comments: wear to enamels only, good example £200-300
88 44
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
90 90 RARE SHAPE SWANSEA PORCELAIN TUREEN & STAND of canted rectangular form, twin handles in the form of pig’s heads in the Chinese style, closed flower finial, decorated in the Chinoiserie style Gazebo pattern with green scene of domed building in a garden, in iron red, deep blue, green reserve and rich gilding, SWANSEA stencilled mark, stand is 19cms Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans Comments: possibly unrecorded handles £400-700 91 SWANSEA PORCELAIN TWIG HANDLED CENTRE DISH & TWO PLATES the centre dish in Japan pattern No. 264, 28cms, pair of plates in duck-egg porcelain, 23cms diam
91 92 SWANSEA PORCELAIN PARIS FLUTE PART TEA SERVICE comprising teapot and stand, lidded sucrier, two teacups and saucers, breakfast cup and bread-plate, stencilled SWANSEA marks Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans Comments: teapot restored, please examine for other restoration / damage £150-250
94 SWANSEA PORCELAIN PARIS FLUTE BREAKFAST CUP & SAUCER together with two further similar cups, each with high curved-back loop handle and with gilded motif and solid gilt bands, stencilled SWANSEA to two cups, saucer 17cms diam Provenance: private collection, Hertfordshire Comments: nicks to rim of breakfast cup, wear to gilding £100-200
93 A SWANSEA PORCELAIN PLATE WITH ‘PARAKEETS IN A TREE’ PATTERN with both birds chained to a gnarled branch sprouting colourful flowers, gilt foliate borders and gilt dentil rim, 18cms diam Provenance: private collection London Comments: no problems £100-150
Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, label on dish for 1951 Glynn Vivian Art Gallery exhibition Comments: plates are fully restored £150-250 93
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
95 A SWANSEA PORCELAIN CABARET SET comprising teapot, circular tray, pair of tea-bowls with saucers, bowl and lidded sucrier, the teapot modelled with serpent head spout and high loop handle with leaf moulding and a floret embossed disc and with narrow collared top and sunken lid, each element decorated with a flower pattern with blue and iron red flowers, green leaves on a grey scaled ground with scalloped insets of stylised flowers on a white ground, stencilled SWANSEA mark to base of tray, tray 25cms diam Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and Ieuan Evans, Powys Comments: small chip to underside of saucer, repair to finial of sucrier, professional restoration likely, examination in person highly recommended, rare and complete £1000-2000
95 97 SWANSEA PORCELAIN JAPAN PATTERN DISH, decorated with a garden of peonies and other flowering plants, within Satsuma type cavetto, the border with eight stemmed flowers, gilded rim, 24cms diam Provenance: private collection Swansea, labels verso inscribed ‘purchased by Vivian family direct from Swansea pottery’, label for West Wales antiques Comments: no apparent damage or restoration, some wear to gilding on rim, but overall a very fresh example £200-300 96
96 ROUND SWANSEA PORCELAIN PLAQUE with river scene with figures punting and buildings by William Weston Young, old frame with hanging loop, 18cms diam Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, Powys, handwritten note from 1966 on back of frame that there is a Swansea trident mark, pencil inscription dating from 1931 attributing the painting to Weston Young Auctioneer’s Note: roundels such as these were believed to have been intended as the centre of plates and dishes Comments: old circular frame, probably 1930s, painting reasonably fresh, slight scuff to edge £300-500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 98 SWANSEA PORCELAIN PLATE DECORATED BY HENRY MORRIS with off-centre large spray of colourful flowers and outer sprigs, within a continuous gilded vine border, 22cms diam Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: no signs of restoration or damage, nice example £200-300 99 A STAFFORDSHIRE PORCELAIN DESSERT SET PAINTED WITH NAMED WELSH VIEWS having deep blue borders and vines of gilding and gilt decorated rims, comprising tazza raised over a pierced and acanthus scroll-foot base, and six plates, views named as ‘View Near Aber, Caernarvon’ (tazza), ‘Rhaeadr Ewynnol or Swallow Fall’, ‘Aber, Waterfall’, ‘Bala Lake’, ‘Vale Graces Abbey’, ‘Ogwen Loch’, ‘The Viaduct Chester and Shrewsbury Railway’, 23.5cms diam
Comments: fresh decoration and gilding, please examine £300-350 100 A NANTGARW PORCELAIN PLATE gilded and painted in ‘Japan’ pattern, with iron-red cobalt blue and green enamels of birds, urns and columns, 25cms diam Provenance: The M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Joseph, Sir Leslie Joseph Collection label to base Comments: no problems, decoration fresh £250-350
99 101 NANTGARW PORCELAIN TWIN HANDLED PEN TRAY gondola shaped with scroll and floret handles, non-decorated, impressed Nant Garw CW, 27cms Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans
Comments: no condition problems £250-350
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
102 NANTGARW PORCELAIN PLATE circa 1818-1820, from the Brace Service, painted in London, with centred flower sprays surrounded by insects in flight, the C-scroll, floral and ribbon moulded borders painted with sprigs of flowers and a bird perched on a branch, within gilt dentil rims, impressed NANT-GARW CW, 25cms diam Provenance: Collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, with Bonhams, Sir David John KCMG Comments: slight wear only, to match Lot 103 £400-600 103 NANTGARW PORCELAIN PLATE circa 1818-1820, from the Brace Service, painted in London, with centred flower sprays surrounded by insects in flight, the C-scroll, floral and ribbon moulded borders painted with sprigs of flowers and a bird perched on a branch, within gilt dentil rims, impressed NANT-GARW CW, 25cms diam Provenance: Collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, with Bonhams, Sir David John KCMG Comments: slight wear only, to match Lot 102 £400-600 104 A RARE NANTGARW PORCELAIN MUFFIN DISH & COVER of circular form with domed cover having an acorn knop, decorated with full sprays of flowers and insects in flight within a solid gilt rim and blue segmented line border, impressed NANT GARW CW to base, base 21cms diam Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans Comments: both elements restored £200-400
104 105 A NANTGARW PLATE DECORATED WITH ROSES in the Derby style centred with three roses and leaves, the borders with groups of seven roses within a profuse gilt border, impressed NANT GARW CW to base, 24cms diam Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans Auctioneer’s Note: see W D John, Nantgarw Album, Plate 40, the Derby flower painter James Turner is recorded as working at the Sims workshop, alongside James Plant Comments: wear only, good example £300-400 106 TWO NANTGARW PORCELAIN PLATES WITH CHOCOLATE RIMS enamel painted flowers, impressed NANT GARW CW to both, 24cms diam and 23cms diam Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, one has Leslie Joseph label Comments: one with chipped foot, wear only otherwise £250-350 107-111 No lots
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Welsh Prints & Multiples Printiau & Lluosog SUPER SATURDAY/ DYDD SADWRN MAWR
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
115 112 JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA limited edition (48/150) lithograph - two figures, signed, 61 x 52cms Provenance: private collection north Wales Comments: unframed £100-200 113 JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA limited edition (57/150) lithograph - figure on a mule with another mule to his side, signed, 61 x 52cms Provenance: private collection north Wales Comments: unframed £100-200
116 114 TREVOR BATES screen print on cotton - abstract, entitled ‘Henge’, 1960, 76 x 81cms Provenance: private collection north Wales, produced for Edinburgh Weavers Auctioneer’s Note: Bates was a founder member of the Welsh art group the 56 Group Comments: framed and glazed £200-300 115 JOHN PIPER screen print on Sandersons fabric - produced for Sandersons in 1960, entitled ‘The Glyders’, 64 x 46cms Provenance: private collection north Wales, printed article verso, please see ‘The Fabric of Modernism’
117 116 GRAHAM SUTHERLAND etching semi-abstract / landscape, entitled verso on Mercury Gallery label ‘Clegyr-Boia 1 (landscape in Wales) 1938’, 21.5 x 16cms Provenance: private collection north Wales Comments: good clear impression without problems, framed and glazed £200-300 117 NICK HOLLY limited edition (49/50) print - Swansea City FC playing at the Vetch Field, signed, 30 x 30cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed £100-150
Comments: no problems, mounted, framed and glazed £200-300 50
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
119 120 JOHN ELWYN lithograph - entitled ‘Laugharne Estuary from Dylan Thomas’ Boathouse’, numbered 185/300, signed in pencil, dated 1988, 35 x 52cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion
120 118 KEVIN SINNOTT (1/1) handcoloured monoprint produced by master printmaker Pete Williams - two figures, title to margin ‘On Thin Ice’, signed in pencil, 50 x 70cms
Auctioneer’s Note: Following a visit to Thomas’s boat house at Laugharne, Elwyn made a series of watercolour paintings of the Taf estuary and the Gower beyond. This limited edition print was produced at the same time Comments: unframed, excellent condition £200-400
121 ERIC MALTHOUSE limited edition (18/20) screenprint - title to margin ‘Old Sir Faulk’, signed and dated 1970, 47 x 28cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff, Kooywood Gallery labels Comments: later framed and glazed, no problems £200-300 122 ERIC MALTHOUSE limited edition (18/20) screenprint - title to margin ‘Popular Song’, signed and dated 1970, 47 x 28cms Provenance: private collection, Kooywood Gallery labels Comments: later framed and glazed £200-300
Provenance: Confreys Solicitors Auctioneer’s Note: proceeds to mental health charity Mind Cymru, no commission charged to vendor, Christmas 2021 commission from mental health firm Confreys Solicitors, one of ten hand-coloured monoprints by the artist. Confreys Solicitors in conjunction with Capital Law and Rogers Jones & Co will be holding a charity event at Print Market Project on November 12th where a further handcoloured monoprint will be auctioned, and two of the monochrome screen prints from the edition of 30 will be available to purchase. These prints will not otherwise be available Comments: unframed £400-600 119 BEN PRITCHARD limited edition (1/24) aquatint etching - four film-strips of figures, titled ‘Which Way?’, signed and dated 2004, 27 x 34cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed £100-150
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
122 51
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 123 STEPHEN JOHN OWEN limited edition (4/50) print - figure walking with dog, signed, 33 x 24cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-120 124 GWILYM PRICHARD exhibition poster print - ‘Travelling Together’, joint exhibition with artist wife Claudia Williams, dated 1995, 57 x 47cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed, glazed £100-120 123
125 PETER PRENDERGAST limited edition (25/75) print - entitled ‘White Light on the Sea, North Anglesey 2004’, signed, 40 x 49cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed £120-180
126 126 BEN PRITCHARD limited edition (4/30) aquatint etching chefs playing cards, title to margin ‘Another Cheat’, signed and dated 2005, 22 x 27cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £100-150 127 JOHN PIPER limited edition (30/70) etching with aquatint - ‘Gothic Folly, Stowe’, signed in pencil, published by Marlborough Fine Art, 1985, signed in pencil, 38 x 47cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, good condition, age discolouration to mount £500-700
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
128 128 WILLIAM GRANT MURRAY set of four limited edition (118/150) colour prints - 1926 Swansea Eisteddfod Gorsedd procession, signed, 23 x 21cms Provenance: estate of Gwyneth Isaac, founder member of Dylan Thomas Society Comments: framed and glazed, mounts discoloured with age £100-150 129 GEORGE CHAPMAN rare etching (one of six) - view of Uppingham School, Rutland, circa 1962, signed fully in pencil, 51 x 60cms
Provenance: by descent from the artist Comments: framed and glazed, in excellent condition £400-600
130 GEORGE CHAPMAN etching entitled ‘Graveyard and Monkey Puzzle Tree’, circa 1962, signed fully in pencil, 67 x 46cms Provenance: by descent from the artist Comments: framed and glazed, in excellent condition £300-400 131 GEORGE CHAPMAN preliminary wood-block - figure on bridge in south Wales valleys town, 32 x 26cms Provenance: by descent from the artist Comments: produced on grid paper as a preliminary step to producing a print, framed and glazed, surface mark (possibly artist’s paint) £200-300
132 GEORGE CHAPMAN limited edition (4/25) etching and aquatint - south Wales valleys street scene with Trojan 200 bubble-car on the road, figures, railway signals, advertising for Guinness and a circus, circa 1963-64, signed, 52 x 52cms Provenance: by descent from the artist Comments: mounted not framed, excellent condition, clear edition £250-350
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
133 GEORGE CHAPMAN four prints - including linocut of graveyard, engraving of two head portraits, copy of a preliminary drawing with annotations and another, various sizes
134 IAN GRAINGER etching - diagrams and typography relating to a musician’s flute, entitled ‘A Flute’, signed, 42 x 51cms
Provenance: by descent from the artist Comments: two framed, one mounted, one loose £150-250
Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £200-300
135 SIR FRANK BRANGWYN RA etching - view of Dorsoduro, Venice with the house of Robert Browning, signed, 50 x 22cms Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan Comments: some foxing especially in lower margin, later framed and glazed £200-300 136 AGNES MILLER PARKER two limited edition (2/18 and 7/19) wood engravings framed together - from 1933 Gregynog Press ‘Welsh Gypsy Folk-Tales’, (2x) 14.5 x 15cms Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan Comments: later framed and glazed, no problems £200-300
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 137 TERRY SETCH limited edition (8/75) screenprint abstract, titled in pencil ‘Beach Car Wreck’, signed, 60 x 83cms Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £400-600 138 CERI RICHARDS limited edition (25/50) colour lithograph - from the Dylan Thomas Suite, 1965, ‘Green Metaphor’, signed and dated 1965, 78 x 56cms Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan Comments: slight aging to paper, later framed and glazed £250-350
137 139 CERI RICHARDS limited edition (10/50) lithograph - from ‘Twelve Lithographs from Six Poems by Dylan Thomas’, entitled ‘Over Sir John’s Hill’, signed and dated 1965, 58 x 68cms Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, small tear to base of print, paper has slightly aged £300-400
140 TERRY SETCH artist’s proof colour print - abstract, title margin ‘Penarth Car Wreck’, signed, 61 x 83cms Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £400-600
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 141 PAUL PETER PIECH four colour lithograph - ‘Abolish Torture’ with typography ‘..many people die under torture. Many more suffer severe after effects most never believe they will be the same again, and that the consequences of their experience may be passed on to their children’, signed and dated 1987, 75 x 51cms Provenance: private collection overseas based vendor, vendor met Piech during the 1980s through Tony Evora (creator of the iconic Che Guevara posters) and when studying at Oxford Polytechnic. In 1987, the vendor and the artist organised an exhibition to raise awareness for Survival International with a focus on Aboriginal land rights, held successfully at the Old Fire Station, Oxford. This was followed by an exhibition at Oxford Polytechnic focusing on Piech’s work for Amnesty International Comments: unframed, tape marks at corners, small edge rip and blemishes £150-250 142 PAUL PETER PIECH two colour lithograph - ‘Abolish Torture’ with typography ‘Torture is banned under International law, yet it is reported to be practised, in one-third of the countries of the world’, signed and dated 1987, 76 x 50cms Provenance: see Lot 141 Comments: unframed, slightly marked, good overall £200-250 143 PAUL PETER PIECH two colour lithograph - three figures and typography ‘No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment - the universal declaration of human rights’ (Article 7 of the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), signed and dated 1988, 76 x 51cms Provenance: see Lot 141 Comments: unframed, excellent condition overall £200-300
144 PAUL PETER PIECH two colour lithograph on gloss paper - critique on colonialism with series of skulls with a list of historic conquistadors and typography ‘1492-500th Anniversary of European Conquest’, signed and dated 1992, 76 x 51cms Provenance: see Lot 141 Comments: unframed, excellent overall £200-300 145 PAUL PETER PIECH & THOMAS KRUSE three colour poster - to advertise a 1987 Danish / British exhibition for Piech and Kruse ‘Plakater for en Bedre Verden’ (posters for a better world), at the Danish Poster Museum, dated 1982, 63 x 42cms Auctioneer’s Note: Thomas Kruse trained originally as an architect, but was later an active painter, graphic artist and set designer. Since the 1960s he has been an active book illustrator and poster artist. From 1969 and for nine years on he was a member of a group of artists called Røde Mor (Red Mother). As with Paul Peter Piech’s work, people and personal stories are always central to Kruse’s posters, especially in political protest and campaigns. We believe that the upper section of the poster in red was by Piech and the lower part in blue was by Thomas Kruse Comments: unframed, excellent condition £100-150
146 PAUL PETER PIECH two colour lithograph - candle and two opposing faces in the flame, typography by Robert H Shaffer (1915-2017), ‘We must view students not as empty bottles to be filled, but as candles to be lit’, signed and dated 1998 Auctioneer’s Note: Shaffer was an American pioneer in the field of student affairs Provenance: please see Lot 141 Comments: unframed, excellent condition overall £150-250 147 PAUL PETER PIECH two colour lithograph - ‘The Sun’ with typography ‘The Sun is the foundation of life. It is the symbol of light, of truth & of joy. It is the source of light & warmth, the source of all life. Man has busied mind & hand with the sun over the millennia. He has carved & incised it in wood, has drawn & painted it on rocks, on parchment, paper and canvas. He has made it a God, has worshipped it as an embodiment of natural & supernatural powers, has given it a place in every sphere of his earthy activity. At all times under all skies, the profound relationship of man to sun has persisted & is still giving birth to new images.’, signed and dated 1988, 61 x 43cms Provenance: see Lot 141 Comments: unframed, overall excellent £100-150 148 PAUL PETER PIECH miniature screenprint - motif of rampant dragon holding a banner with ‘Cymru’, signed, 5 x 5cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales Comments: framed and glazed, no problems, good image £80-120
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 149 MURIEL DELAHAYE limited edition (55/275) colour print ‘The Fisherman’s Daughter’, signed in pencil, 45 x 37cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion Comments: no problems, mounted, not framed £200-300
152 150 MURIEL DELAHAYE limited edition (11/195) colour print ‘At The Seaside’, signed in pencil, 39.5 x 50cms
152 MURIEL DELAHAYE limited edition (67/275) colour print ‘Walking The Dog’, signed in pencil, 37 x 47.5cms
Provenance: private collection Ceredigion
Provenance: private collection Ceredigion
Comments: no problems, mounted, not framed £200-300
Comments: no problems, mounted, not framed £200-300
151 MURIEL DELAHAYE limited edition (32/275) colour print ‘The Prawn Catcher’, signed in pencil, 37 x 46cms
153 MURIEL DELAHAYE limited edition (44/275) colour print ‘Ice Cream Ladies’, signed in pencil, 37 x 44.5cms
Provenance: private collection Ceredigion
Provenance: private collection Ceredigion
Comments: no problems, mounted, not framed £200-300
Comments: no problems, mounted, not framed £200-300
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
154 ISLWYN WATKINS artist’s proof coloured etching and aquatint - abstract, entitled ‘Where It’s At’, dated 1984, signed, 17 x 27cms Provenance: label verso for Brecknock Museum Exhibition, private collection, Powys Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-120 156
157 155 HYWEL HARRIES dry-mounting print - Chalybeate Street, Aberystwyth with Salvation Army Building and Shell petrol station, 1970s, 26 x 38cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales Comments: mounted, unframed, printing fault £80-120 156 OGWYN DAVIES limited edition (7/50) print - the popular image ‘Soar y Mynydd’, an iconic and hauntingly beautiful remote Calvanistic Welsh chapel, over typed with Welsh hymns & musical notes, signed fully and titled, 58 x 42cms
Provenance: private collection mid-Wales Comments: framed and glazed, scratches to frame only, no other problems £350-450
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
157 JOHN BRUNSDON artist’s proof (8/15) colour etching town panorama titled in pencil ‘Swansea’ with Swansea Bay and distant smoking industrial chimneys, signed, 31 x 47cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales, Attic Gallery, Swansea label verso Comments: framed and glazed, paper aged as expected, no problems £100-150 158 NICK HOLLY limited edition (36/50) print - The Slip Bridge, Swansea, with many figures and bus, signed, 31 x 29cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £100-120
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
159 JACK CRABTREE limited edition (7/18) print titled at bottom ‘Pithead Baths at Nantgarw’, signed and inscribed with dedication, 27.5 x 19.5cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-120
162 160 NICK HOLLY limited edition (2/50) print - figures outside the Old Swansea Central Police Station, signed, 30 x 29cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-120 161 PETER PRENDERGAST etching - title to margin ‘View From Studio, 1984’, signed, 19 x 19cms Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-150 162 COLIN GARD ALLEN lithograph - figures in an industrial landscape, title to margin ‘Miners, South Wales’, signed, 38 x 52cms 164
Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £200-300
163 163 JOHN ROBERTS lithograph - two figures, titled in margin ‘Olive Tree and Rocks’, signed and dated 1954, 33 x 29cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: contemporaneous frame, glazed, frame tired, no other problems £150-250 164 J KEPPLER chromolithograph from Puck Magazine - caricature of Adelina Patti ‘The Everlasting Prima-Donna’ (Puckographs - VIII), a supplement to issue No.250, 30 x 22cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-150
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
165 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER limited edition (251/500) print - entitled ‘Girl in a Rape Field’, 1990, signed, 56 x 77cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: neatly framed and glazed, no problems £400-600
165 166 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER limited edition (136/500) print - cottages, Pembrokeshire, signed, 17 x 42cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-120 167 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER limited edition (220/275) print - Pembrokeshire village of whitewashed houses, entitled ‘Llanwnda’, signed, 22 x 76cms
Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £250-350
168 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER limited edition (51/500) print - lighthouse and buildings, signed, 12 x 15cms
169 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER limited edition (278/500) print - two beached fishing boats, signed, 17.5 x 23cms
170 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER limited edition (56/500) print - coastal view, signed, 12 x 16cms
Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan
Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan
Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-120
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-120
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-120
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 171 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER limited edition (357/500) print - figure in a cafe kitchen, signed, 22 x 17cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-120 172 JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA limited edition (44/150) colour lithograph - entitled verso on Oriel Kooywood label ‘Two Grey Figures’, signed in pencil, 38 x 30cms Provenance: private collection Carmarthenshire Presentation & Condition: no problems, framed and glazed £200-300 171
172 173 ANTHONY BRANDT lithographic print on green paper - entitled ‘The Creation of the Cosmos’ published by Renaissance Fine Arts Ltd, 1969, 99 x118cms Provenance: from the artist’s studio near Brecon which was acquired by the vendor who owned the building, booklet to accompany Comments: unframed, no problems £150-250
173 174 ANTHONY BRANDT lithographic print on green paper - entitled ‘Love Enveloping the World’, published by Renaissance Fine Arts Ltd, 85 x 85cms Provenance: from the artist’s studio near Brecon which was acquired by the vendor who owned the building Comments: unframed, no problems £150-250
175 EDGAR HOLLOWAY etching - portrait, titled top right ‘DMH Sewing at the Sychtre, 1943’, signed in pencil and with dedication, 22 x 31cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales Auctioneer’s Note: DMH refers to the artist’s wife, Daisy Monica Hawkins. She was Eric Gill’s muse at Capel-y-Ffin in 1943. The Sychtre was the farmhouse on the mountain above the monastery that the newlyweds rented. Several drawings and watercolours that Holloway made at the Sychtre are now in the National Library of Waless, including ‘DMH Ironing’, the dedication is to Holloways’ biographer
Comments: framed and glazed £150-250
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 176 KEITH BOWEN limited edition (136/200) print - scene of farmer and his two dogs and flock of sheep, signed in full and entitled ‘Edrych tuag adref (Looking Towards Home)’, 33.5 x 48cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: mounted but unframed £100-150
177 WILLIAM SELWYN coloured limited edition (101/500) print farmer with stick and dog, signed in full, 37.5 x 22cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: mounted but unframed £100-150 176
180 178 WILLIAM SELWYN coloured limited edition (36/100) print - Beaumaris with numerous boats, signed in full, 31 x 41cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £180-250
179 WILLIAM SELWYN artist proof colour print - a speeding sheep dog, signed in full, 40 x 56cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £300-400
181 180 WILLIAM SELWYN artist proof colour print - four fisherman drawing in their nets, signed in full, 40 x 61cms
181 WILLIAM SELWYN artist proof colour print - farmer and dog gathering sheep, signed in full, 32 x 41cms
Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon
Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £300-400
Comments: framed and glazed, scuffs to frame only £200-300
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 182 OGWYN DAVIES limited edition (16/25) colour print - historic Vale of Glamorgan village church St Cadog of Llancarfan, overlaid with Welsh and English text from The Bible and hymn music, signed, 37 x 56cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan Auctioneer’s Note: The Church of St. Cadocs at Llancarfan, in the heart of the Vale of Glamorgan, is where a monastery existed from around 650 AD, founded by St. Cadoc or Cadog. By the 9th century Llancarfan was a flourishing centre of learning. In recent years, conservators have uncovered a series of wall paintings inside the church, believed to date from the 15th Century Comments: framed and glazed, frame marked and light damage £300-400 183 NICHOLAS SINCLAIR black and white photograph - Sir Kyffin Williams RA at work in overcoat with pallet and painting, 23 x 22cms
185 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA original linocut entitled ‘Venice’, 26 x 31cms Provenance: private collection west Wales Auctioneer’s Note: This view of the Church of San Eustachius from across the Grand Canal was printed by Gerard O’Shea at Gwasg Gregynog, Newtown from the original lino block which had been gifted by Kyffin Williams to the Press. This impression on hand-made watermarked Gwasg Gregynog paper is aside from the numbered unsigned edition. This image appeared in Gregynog’s book Cutting Images (2002) where it was reproduced from a reduced-size metal line block
Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang, rare print £300-500 186 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (4/750) print - entitled ‘Farmer at Funeral’, signed with initials, 60 x 40cms Provenance: private collection consigned via our north Wales office Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-150
Provenance: private collection London Comments: in Bourlet frame, mounted and glazed £400-500 184 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA coloured limited edition (158/350) print - view of Caernarfon with Eryri background as seen from across the Menai Straits, signed with initials, 30 x 40cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed and glazed £350-450
185 64
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 187 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA original linocut - entitled ‘The Farmer, His Dog, and His Cottage’, 22 x 30cms Provenance: private collection west Wales Auctioneer’s Note: Printed by Gerard O’Shea at Gwasg Gregynog, Newtown from the original lino blocks which had been gifted by Kyffin Williams to the Press. This impression on hand-made watermarked Gwasg Gregynog paper is aside from the numbered unsigned edition. This image appeared in Gregynog’s book Cutting Images (2002) where it was reproduced from two reduced-size metal line blocks Comments: framed and glazed, rare print £400-600 187
188 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (71/100) linocut - Ogwen Falls, Eryri waterfall, signed with initials, 95 x 38cms Provenance: private collection London Comments: large version of this popular linocut framed in fine quality Bourlet frame and glass, ready to hang £1500-2000
189 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (155/275) volume of ‘Cutting Images’ printed on T H Saunders Waterford paper and printed by David Vickers, bound by John Sewell, complete with slip-case and accompanying paperwork, signed in pencil by the artist Provenance: Estate of Gareth Williams of Porthmadog, Gwynedd Comments: fresh copy, two minor surface marks to slip-cover £600-800
189 190 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA coloured limited edition (149/150) print - Tehuelche girl of Patagonia ‘Norma Lopez’, signed in full, 28 x 23cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon
Comments: no issues, framed and glazed £100-200
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
192 191 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (24/150) print - stormy mountain landscape, signed in full, 43 x 63cms
192 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (194/500) print - Conwy Castle, town and river beyond, signed in full, 43 x 60cms
Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon
Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon
Comments: mounted but unframed £250-350
Comments: mounted, not framed £250-350
193 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (399/750) print - alert sheep dog, signed in full, 38 x 56cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: mounted but unframed £250-350
194 194 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (72/150) print - Patagonian landscape with grazing horses, entitled ‘Lle Cul’, signed with initials, 50 x 50cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: mounted but unframed £300-400 66
196 195 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA coloured limited edition (505/750) print - entitled ‘Farmer at Funeral’, signed with initials, 56 x 38cms
196 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA coloured limited edition (177/250) print - Eryri mountains scene, signed in full, 45 x 53cms
Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon
Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon
Comments: mounted but unframed £300-400
Comments: mounted but unframed £250-350
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
197 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA a set of twelve colourwash prints all from an issue of 350 eight various scenes all approx. 44 x 53cms and four small scenes ‘Farmer at Funeral’, ‘Caernarfon on the Menai Straits’, ‘Farmstead and Church with Cattle Grazing’ and ‘Waves on Rocks Seascape’, all signed with initials Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: well preserved, mounted but unframed £3500-4500
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
198 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA colour limited edition (91/250) print - alert sheepdog, signed in full, 31 x 43cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £150-250
199 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (65/150) colour print - Ynys Mon Farm, Penrhyn Du, Aberffraw, signed and numbered in pencil, (I) 55 x 73.5cms Provenance: Private collection, Cardiff Comments: excellent, framed ready to hang £1000-1500
200 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA coloured limited edition (78/350) print Moelfre, Ynys Mon, with tanker sailing in the distance, signed with initials, 51 x 59cms Provenance: Private collection Denbighshire Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £300-400
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 201 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA printed greeting card - standing ponies, from a watercolour and pencil, framed together with signed greeting, dated 1993, 45 x 35cms (including frame) Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £150-200 202 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA printed greeting card - village of Carmel, from an inkwash, framed together with signed greeting, 35 x 35cms (including frame) Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: v. slight blemish, ready to hang £100-150
203 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (78/150) colour lithograph ‘Nantmor’, unsigned, 41 x 58cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion Comments: no problems, mounted, not framed £200-300 204 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA monoprint - upland buildings and dry stone wall, framed together with a Christmas greeting ‘Happy Christmas Kyffin’, print signed with initials, framed and glazed, 10 x 27cms (2x) Provenance: private collection, Powys Comments: neatly framed and glazed as one, no problems £300-400 205 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA limited edition (64/150) print ‘Hendre Waelod’, signed fully in pencil, 42 x 68cms 204
Provenance: private collection Oxfordshire Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £300-500 206-208 No lots
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Welsh Works on Paper Dyfrlliwiau & Gwaith ar Bapur
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 209 DONALD MCINTYRE mixed media - coastal scene, distant headland, entitled verso ‘Rocks, Anglesey No.2’, signed, 26 x 73cms Provenance: private collection London Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £1500-2000 210 WILLIAM SELWYN mixed media - village street scene with telephone lines etc, signed in full and entitled ‘Pentre Newydd’, 14 x 20cms
Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: no problems, framed £280-350 211 WILL ROBERTS early period watercolour - sail boat in harbour, entitled bottom right and verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Leaving Porthmadog’, signed and dated 1936, 27 x 37cms
Provenance: private collection, Albany Gallery Comments: later framed and glazed £400-600 212 MALCOLM EDWARDS watercolour - a row of semi-derelict traditional Welsh cottages, signed in full, 14.5 x 17cms
Provenance: private collection north east Wales Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £250-350 213 MALCOLM EDWARDS watercolour - hillside ruins with corrugated roofing and farmer at doorway, signed, 9 x 14cms Provenance: private collection north east Wales Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £200-300
214 214 MALCOLM EDWARDS watercolour - row of cottages with two figures at a doorway, signed, 14.5 x 37cms Provenance: private collection north east Wales Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400
215 215 MALCOLM EDWARDS watercolour - dramatic hillside ruined cottages, with farmer and dog on a track, signed in full, 28 x 32cms Provenance: private collection north east Wales Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £400-500
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 216 THOMAS RATHMELL pencil drawing - figures in a life-drawing class with model on a chair, signed, 37 x 27cms Provenance: private collection, west Wales Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-150
218 217 ROB PIERCY watercolour - ‘Cnicht from Ynys Tywyn’, signed, 31 x 53cms Provenance: private collection, Bristol Comments: framed and glazed £200-300
218 GEORGE CHAPMAN mixed media cut-out on to paper - south Wales valleys street scene with footbridge and figures, 42 x 54cms
220 GEORGE CHAPMAN preliminary drawing - south Wales valleys street scene with annotations, 1960s, 48 x 40cms
Provenance: by descent from the artist
Provenance: by descent from the artist
Comments: a studio preliminary, tear during construction and glue marks to paper back, mounted not framed £200-300
Comments: mounted not framed, foxing, paper has aged £100-200
219 GEORGE CHAPMAN gouache on paper - head portrait of his wife Kate, 49 x 40cms Provenance: by descent from artist Comments: mounted not framed, slight tears to edges and vertical pressure line, requires framing £200-300
221 GEORGE CHAPMAN group of six preliminary works on paper including south Wales valleys scene with figures and distant colliery, 28 x 35cms Provenance: by descent from the artist Comments: one laid down, one mounted, three are loose £100-200
221 72
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 222 DAVID NASH OBE RA mixed media on paper entitled verso ‘Yews at Powys Castle’, dated 2000, signed, 30 x 22cms Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £400-600 223 LESLIE MOORE pen and ink - title in pencil ‘Deserted Italian Farmhouse’, 1944 date on Martin Tinney Gallery label verso, signed with initials, 22 x 28cms
Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan Comments: later framed and glazed, no problems £200-300 224 CHARLES BURTON pastel - still-life of pears and apples, signed and dated 21 Jan, 1987, 27 x 36cms Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan Comments: later framed and glazed, no problems £300-400
225 BRENDAN STUART BURNS mixed media - abstract ‘Pembrokeshire Beach Drawing’, signed and dated 2008, 30 x 41cms
226 ALAN PERRY inkwash - two figures shielding from enormous bird, signed and dated 1992, 67 x 55cms
Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan
Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £250-350
Comments: framed and glazed, chip to frame, no other issues £300-400 227 VIVIENNE WILLIAMS oil on paper poppies on a brown background, 57 x 60cms Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan Comments: neatly framed and glazed £400-500
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 228 GROUP OF 19TH CENTURY DRAWINGS comprising (1) William Payne preliminary annotated drawing with title ‘Superior Hall, Devil’s Bridge’, 26 x 16cms (mounted not framed), (2) drawing of a boat, titled ‘The Swansea Packet’, by (?) Hills, 19 x 11cms (mounted not framed), (3-6) 1847 maritime sketches by Rev. Calvert Richard Jones including figures drawing fishing nets ashore and vessels at sea, all but one dated, 17 x 24cms (loose, not mounted or framed) Provenance: The M Daley Collection, bequeathed from father Sir Leslie Joseph’s Collection, with envelope addressed to Sir Leslie Joseph Comments: a super collection of Welsh drawings with excellent provenance, condition excellent £300-500 228
229 THOMAS BAXTER rare pencil drawing - figure seated on wall of garden with two houses and Swansea Bay beyond, inscribed bottom right ‘Kilvey Hill, June 1818’ and initialled TB, 15 x 22cms Provenance: The M Daley Collection bequeathed from father Sir Leslie Joseph, note verso ‘On the back of this pencil drawing by Thomas Baxter (1782-1821) are the words ‘’sketch from Kilvey by Mr Baxter RA. Bought off Mrs Baxter for £4, Sept. 1853’’. Baxter’s pencil sketches of Swansea scenes appear to have been made in 1818, the year in which he also made the six engravings of local views. One of the drawings and one of the engravings were of Briton Ferry….’ Comments: in fresh condition without fading or staining of note, repaired rip to paper, later framed and glazed, important historic Swansea drawing £700-1000 229
230 GARETH THOMAS watercolour - two figures on a Pembrokeshire beach, entitled verso ‘The Beach, Angle’, signed, 7 x 36cms Provenance: private collection, Cardiff 230
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £80-120 231 GARETH THOMAS watercolour - landscape with old footbridge over a river, signed, 12 x 51cms Provenance: private collection, Cardiff
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £80-100 232 GARETH THOMAS watercolour - Italian landscape, entitled verso ‘Above Lake Maggiore’, signed, 25 x 53cms Provenance: private collection, Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £250-350
232 74
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 233 GARETH THOMAS watercolour - Venetian canal, entitled verso ‘Afternoon Venice’, signed, 25 x 36cms Provenance: private collection, Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed £200-300 234 GARETH THOMAS watercolour - landscape with farm, signed and dated 1989, 9.5 x 53cms Provenance: private collection, Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-150
234 235 WILL ROBERTS pastel - still life, entitled verso ‘Roses in Tall Vase’, signed and dated 1996, 36 x 28cms Provenance: private collection, Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £150-250
236 CLIVE HICKS-JENKINS oil, pencil and gouache on paper - entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘The Lion from Heaven (L’Ange qui annonce la fin du Temps)’, 81 x 57cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems, very striking piece £700-1000
237 CLIVE HICKS-JENKINS gouache and pencil on paper - entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘The Green Knight at Camelot’, dated 2015, 40 x 28cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £300-400 238 VIVIENNE WILLIAMS acrylic on paper - entitled verso ‘Still Life with Green Jug and Plums’, signed, 45 x 48cms Provenance: with Fountain Fine Art, private collection Cardiff office Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £400-600 236
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
238 75
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 239 GYRTH RUSSELL watercolour beam-trawler with red hull and sail, signed, 19 x 32cms Provenance: private collection, Cardiff Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £200-300
241 240 KAREL LEK gouache - head and shoulders portrait, signed, 36 x 22cms Provenance: private collection, Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £200-300
241 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER watercolour - canal scene with figure and dog, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Regent’s Canal, N. London’, signed and dated 1989, 8.5 x 20cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed £400-500
242 NICK HOLLY mixed media figures at a shop counter, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Inside the Old Shop’, signed, 26 x 26cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £300-350
243 ELIZABETH HAINES watercolour - skyline with mountains, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Preseli Vista’, signed, 15 x 10cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-150 244 GARETH THOMAS watercolour Venetian scene, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Rain Over the Guidecca’, signed, 14 x 27cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Comments: framed and glazed £100-150
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 245 F W SCHMIDT fine half length pencil portrait - of David Lloyd George, signed and dated 1935, 34 x 25cms and a small coloured engraving portrait entitled ‘The Right Hon David Lloyd George’, 14.5 x 10cms together with the following books on the politician: 1. Family Letters 1885-1936 2. Twelve Portraits of Power 3. David and Winston 4. Lloyd George by Thomas Jones 5. Tempestuous Journey 6. The Making of Lloyd George 7. The Decline and Fall of Lloyd George 8. My Brother and I (10)
246 DAVID RANDAL DAVIES mixed media entitled verso on Attic Gallery Swansea label ‘Cocklewoman with Donkey’, signed with initials, 23 x 34cms Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-150
Provenance: private collection north Wales Comments: both portraits framed and glazed, engraving slightly discoloured, all books with d.js, please examine £200-300
246 247 VALERIE GANZ mixed media - Welsh chapel and street at dusk, signed, 22 x 46cms Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £150-250
247 248 GARETH THOMAS mixed media - Italian landscape with buildings, entitled verso on Attic Gallery Swansea label ‘Evening San Gimignano’, signed, 37 x 73cms
249 MIKE JONES mixed media - standing figure of a farmer in waistcoat with hands in pockets, entitled verso ‘Farmer’, signed, 40 x 25cms
Provenance: private collection Swansea
Provenance: private collection, Powys
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £500-700
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £300-400
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 250 JOHN UZZELL EDWARDS early mixed media South Wales valleys community with bridge and chapel, signed and dated 1958, 36 x 63cms Provenance: private collection, Powys Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £300-400
251 251 JONAH JONES watercolour - entitled verso ‘Ffynnon Gybi, 1988’, signed and dated, 56 x 43cms Provenance: label verso for the ownership of Dr Charles Powell, private collection, Powys
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £300-400 252 MALCOLM EDWARDS watercolour - entitled verso ‘Afon Lledr’, signed, 28 x 46cms Provenance: private collection, Powys Comments: framed and glazed £350-450
254 253 DAN LLYWELYN HALL mixed media entitled verso ‘Pink Dock’, signed and dated 2004, inscribed verso ‘Brecknock Auction, 2004’, 27 x 37cms Provenance: private collection, Powys Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-150
255 254 CHARLES BURTON pencil drawing - still life, entitled verso ‘Three Pears’, signed and dated March 1987, 20 x 26cms
255 WILL ROBERTS pen and ink - figure, entitled verso ‘Old Man Lifting Potatoes, 1990’, signed with initials, 18 x 23.5cms
Provenance: private collection, Powys
Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, inscribed verso to them from the artist, dated 1996
Comments: framed and glazed £100-150
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £250-350
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 256 DENIS MATHEWS inkwash - landscape, entitled verso ‘Bridge Across the Loire, Nr Saumur’, dated 1983, signed, 20 x 28cms Provenance: private collection, Powys Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-150
257 EVAN CHARLTON pencil drawing - portrait of a lady with cat, entitled verso ‘Woman with Cat’, signed and dated 1976, 37 x 27cms Provenance: private collection, Powys Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £200-300
258 WILLIAM SELWYN watercolour and charcoal - Eryri landscape, entitled verso on Thackeray Gallery label ‘Llanberis Pass’, signed, 46 x 66cms Provenance: Thackeray Gallery, 2006, private collection midWales Comments: original framing, glazed, marks to mount / glass, no problems £1500-2000 258
259 SEREN BELL mixed media with pen and ink - entitled verso ‘Black Sheep Mid-Winter’, signed, 36 x 42cms
260 TOM GERRARD watercolour - landscape with cottages, signed, 24.5 x 32cms
Provenance: private collection mid-Wales
Provenance: private collection mid-Wales
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £500-600
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £300-400
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 261 VIVIENNE WILLIAMS mixed media single flower on green ground, titled verso ‘Tara’ on Attic Gallery label, signed, 50 x 49cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £600-800 262 VALERIE GANZ watercolour - steps to Cypriot villa, signed, 24 x 33cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £150-250 263 VALERIE GANZ watercolours, a pair - Cypriot landscapes, one with small church, the other with distant village, signed, 33 x 24cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff
264 GORDON STUART watercolour - two figures talking on a bench, signed and dated 2011, 25.5 x 38cms
265 JACK CRABTREE mixed media - head and shoulders portrait of a miner with bare-chest, titled ‘Joseph in the Locker Room at Lynemouth’, signed and dated 1977, 20 x 24cms
Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Comments: framed and glazed £150-200
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £250-350
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £200-300
264 266 GARETH THOMAS acrylic - coastal scene with small boat and pink house, signed, 26 x 34cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: no problems framed and glazed £300-400
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 267 VALERIE GANZ charcoal and ink - seated miner reading with his helmet torch light, entitled verso ‘Catching up with the News’, signed, 27 x 22cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £400-500
268 268 NICK HOLLY mixed media entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Three Cats Watching the Ball’, signed, 12 x 14.5cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed £250-350 269 No lot
270 CERI RICHARDS pencil drawing - the artist’s teenage daughter Rachel playing the piano, 13 x 18.5cms Provenance: private collection Vale of Glamorgan, gifted to vendor’s mother by the artist as she was school friends with Rachel, the drawing was later inscribed upon by the vendor’s uncle in pencil ‘Kerry (sic) Richards, Christmas 1943, Rachel at the Piano’, it was also initialled by him ‘KR’
272 EVAN WALTERS watercolour - tree and woodland, signed and dated ‘31, 55.5 x 75.5cms Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: framed and glazed, no apparent problems, ‘Evan Walters’ label to front, some marks and stains to frame £200-300 273 ELVET THOMAS mixed media - two militant figures, entitled verso ‘Pacifist Warriors’, signed and dated 1953, 28 x 18cms Provenance: private collection Denbighshire Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £150-200
Comments: framed and glazed, paper has age, light impressed line at top of drawing £200-300 271 JOHN CLEAL watercolour Pembrokeshire farm, entitled verso ‘Farm at Nolton’, signed, 15 x 22cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £100-200
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
273 81
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
274 JOSEPH KNIGHT large watercolour and gouache - expansive moorland landscape at evening, with harvesters heading homeward, entitled verso on remnants of handwritten artist’s label ‘A Bye Path O’er the Moors’, signed and dated 1880, 72 x 113cms Provenance: labels verso, private collection, Cardiff Comments: condition excellent, later framed and glazed £500-1000
275 DAVID COX SNR watercolour - expansive Welsh landscape with Carreg Cennen Castle, shepherds and flock, entitled verso ‘The Rain Cloud’, signed, 59 x 74cms Provenance: private collection, Cardiff, excellent exhibition and other labels verso for 1887 Royal Jubilee Exhibition in Manchester, David Cox Exhibition 1890 in Birmingham, 1875, David Cox Exhibition at Liverpool Art Club, Southport Centenary Exhibition 1892, Edinburgh Museum of Science & Art, ownership details to labels include ‘from the collection of FF Timmins 1873’, Gillott Esq, Blakedown Galleries, Vicars Brothers, with Halls Fine Art Auctions 2003 Comments: superb example with extensive provenance relating to various renowned Victorian exhibitions, no apparent condition issues, later framed and glazed £2000-4000
276 276 KAREL LEK inkwash - hunched over standing female seemingly salvaging rubbish in a street, signed, 38 x 28cms
277 277 ANDREW DOUGLAS FORBES mixed media - still-life of three jugs, unsigned, 21.5 x 31cms
Provenance: private collection Camarthenshire
Provenance: private collection Cardiff, purchased from artist in circa 2017
Comments: framed and glazed £200-300
Comments: framed and glazed £100-150
278 278 JACK JONES crayon and pencil - abstract, Mark Rothko style horizontal colours, 23 x 16cms Provenance: vendor purchased from close neighbour and friend of artist, Ms Janet Anderson who acquired the pictures after the artist’s death, the acquisition was approved by a relative of the artist who was based in Cape Town, South Africa Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-140
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
279 279 JACK JONES crayon, a pair - abstract, both signed with initials, 1986, 27 x 19.5cms Provenance: please see Lot 278 Comments: both framed and glazed, no problems £120-180 280 JACK JONES gouache on paper figures in a choir, 18 x 28cms Provenance: please see Lot 278 Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-140 281 JACK JONES charcoal - self-portrait, signed with initials and dated 1985, 27 x 20cms Provenance: please see Lot 278 Comments: framed and glazed £100-140
280 282 JACK JONES watercolour - abstract with burning sun, 24 x 19.5cms Provenance: please see Lot 278 Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £120-180 283 JACK JONES watercolour - abstract with red sun, 27 x 20cms Provenance: please see Lot 278 Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £120-180 284 JACK JONES gouache - abstract with colours, signed and dated 1986, 23 x 33cms Provenance: please see Lot 278 Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £120-180
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
285 JACK JONES watercolour portrait of Christ, 15 x 9.5cms Provenance: please see Lot 278 Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £80-120
286 JACK JONES charcoal - small house and landscape, signed with initials, 1985, 20 x 28cms
287 TOM JONES RCA pastel red barn, monogrammed, 42 x 52cms
Provenance: please see Lot 278
Provenance: consigned by the widow and daughter of the late artist
Comments: framed and glazed £100-140
Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400
288 TOM JONES RCA pastel - The Plough and Harrow in Upper Chapel, monogrammed, 47 x 47cms
289 TOM JONES RCA pastel - farm near Brecon Beacons, monogrammed, 47 x 47cms
290 TOM JONES RCA pastel - ‘Late Autumn Sunset, Castell Cerreg Cennen’, monogrammed, 35 x 35cms
Provenance: consigned by the widow and daughter of the late artist
Provenance: consigned by the widow and daughter of the late artist
Provenance: consigned by the widow and daughter of the late artist
Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400
Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400
Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £250-350
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 291 CLIO MANSEL BROAD watercolour Welsh mining street with terraces and slag heap in the background, signed, 30 x 39cms Provenance: private collection Denbighshire Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £200-250
292 292 CLIO MANSEL BROAD watercolour - Welsh mining village with terrace of houses and mine workings and slag heaps in the background, signed, 43 x 30cms Provenance: private collection Denbighshire Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £200-250
293 293 JOHN KNAPP-FISHER mixed media - whitewashed cottage, entitled verso ‘Welsh Cottage’, signed and dated 1976, 14 x 12cms Provenance: private collection consigned via our Carmarthen office, artist’s home address inscribed to back Comments: framed and glazed, mount marked, slight discolouration with age £1000-1500
294 BRITISH SCHOOL watercolour, circa 1810 - interesting view from Caer Street, Swansea, looking north up Castle Street, with the castle in view and an old tea-house on the corner of the two streets, Napoleonic War soldiers and other figures on streets together with a cannon, unsigned, 17 x 10cms Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: foxing, faded and some marks, later framed and glazed £100-200
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 297 JOHN ELWYN watercolour and gouache on paper Welsh Black cattle in a landscape, circa 1955, studio stamped verso, 20 x 25cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales Comments: no problems, later framed and glazed £300-400 295 295 JOHN ELWYN acrylic on paper with collage abstract, entitled verso ‘Fernhill: All the Moon Long’, from Dylan Thomas’ ‘Fernhill’ and with part of verse four inscribed by the artist bottom right, signed verso and dated 1970, with remainder of stanza, 52 x 72cms
298 JOHN ELWYN acrylic on paper - two figures walking on a road winding up a hill, entitled ‘Returning Home on a Wet Evening’, signed, circa 1988, 38 x 48cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales
Provenance: private collection, exhibited at Gregynog Hall ‘Works on Paper’ 1997 and National Library of Wales ‘Memorial Exhibition’
Auctioneer’s Note: silhouetted figures walking in sunset landscapes was a theme which the artist returned to and that preoccupied him in the early 1950s
Comments: no problems, later framed and glazed £500-800
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £1500-2500
296 296
JOHN ELWYN gouache and acrylic on paper - two figures talking in a garden with whitewashed outbuilding, entitled ‘Up to Date Gossip’, circa 1985, signed, 27 x 36cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales, vendor purchased from artist in 1994 Auctioneer’s Note: rarely do Elwyn’s gouache paintings from this period include figures Comments: later framed and glazed £800-1200
299 JOHN ELWYN pen and ink - the farm Wern Newydd, Newquay, Cardiganshire with poultry, inscribed ‘Newquay’, studio stamped verso, 28 x 37cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales Auctioneer’s Note: Wern Newydd or known as Wern House or Wern Farm at which 299 it is believed Henry VII stayed, in August 1435 on his way to the Battle of Bosworth. Plas-y-Wern Mansion is set in a wooded hollow by the Afon Llethi Comments: marks to paper, later framed and glazed £200-400
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 300 WILLIAM SELWYN watercolour - farmer with stick and admiring sheep dog, signed in full, 40 x 30cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £1000-1200 301 WILLIAM SELWYN colourwash - lady with cat at a counter serving a hatted gentleman with his dog, entitled ‘The Meeting’, signed in full, 39.5 x 28cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £1000-1200
302 WILLIAM SELWYN watercolour - three chatting farmers, signed in full, 12 x 20cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £400-600
303 302
303 ALED PRICHARD-JONES watercolour - the Menai Straits and Suspension Bridge, Carneddau mountain-range, Eryri, signed with initials, 34 x 44cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £700-1000
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
304 304 DONALD MCINTYRE expansive early watercolour - entitled verso ‘Hillside’ and with original exhibition label for the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours, with the artist’s then Bangor address and original price of 36 guineas, signed in full, 26 x 74cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £2500-3500
305 WILLIAM SELWYN mixed media - Ynys Mon coastal scene, entitled verso ‘Rough Sea, Towards Llanddwyn’, signed, 24 x 34cms Provenance: private collection London Comments: framed and glazed, no condition issues £300-500
306 306 JOHN MACFARLANE watercolour, gouache and crayon - theatrical figure in trailing red coat with annotations in pencil, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Mozart Coat (Barber of Seville, Santa Fe Opera, 1994)’, signed and dated 1993, 33 x 24.5cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £200-300 307 MAX A.S HAMBLEN watercolour - expansive scene of Llyn Mymbyr and the Snowdon horseshoe at Llanberis, signed in full, 63 x 101cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon
307 88
Comments: no major issues £800-1200
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
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309 308 GARETH DAVIES watercolour - boats with red and blue hulls, signed and dated 2002, 23 x 52cms
309 GARETH DAVIES watercolour - beached boat with rusted hull, signed and dated 2002, 37 x 70cms
Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon
Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon
Comments: no major issues £200-300
Comments: no major issues £300-400
310 GLYN GRIFFITHS large watercolour and pencil - landscape with farm, signed, 51 x 74cms Provenance: estate of the widow of the artist Comments: later framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-300
310 311 JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA inkwash and pencil - two figures and dog, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘The Dog Owner’, signed verso (visible in frame), 22 x 17cms Provenance: with Albany Gallery, private collection Bridgend Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £600-700
312 312 JOSEF HERMAN OBE RA inkwash and pencil - figure walking, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘A Day off Work, No.51’, 17 x 22cms Provenance: with Albany Gallery, private collection Bridgend Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £600-700
313 MIKE JONES pastel - group of figures, entitled verso ‘Catching Up, Ystradgynlais’, signed, 18 x 23cms Provenance: private collection Bridgend Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £200-250
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 314 HARRY HOLLAND early period mixed media three figures, entitled verso on Welsh Arts Council label ‘Hospital Waiting’ dated 1980, signed fully verso, 18 x 18cms
315 HARRY HOLLAND chalk on paper - figure with mirror, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label verso ‘Study for Gulls’, 2001, signed, 29 x 21cms Provenance: private collection, Bridgend
Provenance: previous owner specified as Treadwell Gallery, private collection, Bridgend
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £200-300
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £150-250
314 316 JOHN ELWYN gouache and acrylic on paper - Wern Newydd, Newquay, signed and dated 1980 lower right, 28 x 38cms Provenance: private collection west Wales
Auctioneer’s Note: The house where Henry VII slept in August 1435 on his way to the Battle of Bosworth Field, the last significant battle of the Wars of the Roses. Plas-y-Wern Mansion is set in a wooded hollow by the Afon Llethi Comments: framed and glazed £300-500
315 319 JACK JONES mixed media entitled verso on Attic Gallery label ‘Dickslade, Mumbles, Swansea (1955)’, title to bottom right ‘Swansea’, signed with initials and dated 1955, 25 x 17cms Provenance: private collection west Wales
Comments: framed and glazed £150-250
317 BERT ISAAC watercolour - trees and cliffs with beach, signed and dated 1988, 36 x 55cms 317
Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £150-250 318 THOMAS ELLISON watercolour - thatched cottage with figure pushing wheelbarrow and poultry, signed, 50 x 69cms Provenance: private collection
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £150-250
320 320 JACK JONES charcoal - street scene with railway bridge, signed with initials and dated 1985, 21 x 28cms Provenance: private collection west Wales Comments: framed and glazed £100-150
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
324 321 ERIC MALTHOUSE mixed media - entitled verso on Alma Gallery label ‘Untitled Abstract, 1966’, signed and dated, 19 x 27cms Provenance: private collection west Wales Comments: slight blemish, framed and glazed £200-300 322 DAVID GROSVENOR watercolour - Eryri landscape, entitled verso ‘Llanberis Pass’, signed, 51 x 70cms Provenance: private collection north Wales Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £600-800
325 323 WILLIAM SELWYN watercolour - Ynys Mon coastal scene with breaking waves and hilltop buildings, signed in full and with original Tegfryn Gallery label verso, 42 x 56cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed and glazed £1000-1500 324 GARETH DAVIES watercolour - study of two black hulled boats, signed and entitled verso ‘Black Boats at Porth Penrhyn’, 47 x 66cms Provenance: private collection Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £300-400
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
325 W STUART LLOYD RBA (fl. 1875-1929) large exhibition quality watercolour - Conwy Castle, Town and Quay with numerous trawlers and figures (three of the trawlers’ hull names are ‘Charlotte’, ‘Victoria’ and ‘Nancy’), signed, 75 x 125cms Provenance: private collection Conwy Auctioneer’s Note: please be aware that the painting remains at the Colwyn Bay saleroom during the auction Comments: with original mount and quality substantial gilt frame, no obvious foxing or other issues £1400-1800
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 326 IWAN BALA mixed media on linen - graphic of coastal scene with lighthouse, terraced houses and castle, signed and dated 1996, 47 x 56cms Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £200-300
326 327 GWILYM PRICHARD watercolour - crashing waves on rocks, entitled verso ‘Rough Sea, La Mer Agitee’, signed, 30 x 22cms Provenance: purchased directly from the artist by the vendors while in Brittany, France where the artist was living, handwritten dedication on back Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £300-400 328
328 GWILYM PRICHARD pastel - French landscape in Provence, entitled verso ‘Les Alpilles’, signed, 18.5 x 28cms Provenance: purchased directly from the artist by the vendors while in Brittany, France where the artist was living, handwritten dedication on back Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £300-400 329-333 No lots
334 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA mixed media - standing Welsh pony, signed with initials, 29 x 35cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed and glazed £1000-1500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
335 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA ink and gouache on grey paper - botanical study of acanthus, 1982, signed with initials, 69 x 48cms Provenance: consigned by the family of Mr Michael Forte, ownership label verso, label verso for 1987 National Museum of Wales exhibition of Kyffin Williams works (cat no.115) Auctioneer’s Note: a rare botanical study by Sir Kyffin, one of three in this auction with the same provenance Comments: slight aged colour of paper, no other problems, framed and glazed £1800-2500 335
336 336 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA ink and gouache on grey paper - botanical study of gladioli, 1982, signed with initials, 69 x 48cms
337 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA ink and gouache on grey paper - botanical study of irises, 1982, signed with initials, 69 x 48cms
Provenance: consigned by the family of Mr Michael Forte, ownership label verso, label verso for 1987 National Museum of Wales exhibition of Kyffin Williams works (cat no.116)
Provenance: consigned by the family of Mr Michael Forte, ownership label verso, label verso for 1987 National Museum of Wales exhibition of Kyffin Williams works (cat no.117)
Auctioneer’s Note: a rare botanical study by Sir Kyffin, one of three in this auction with the same provenance
Auctioneer’s Note: a rare botanical study by Sir Kyffin, one of three in this auction with the same provenance
Comments: slight aged colour of paper, crease, no other problems, framed and glazed £1800-2500
Comments: slight aged colour of paper, no other problems, framed and glazed £1800-2500
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 339 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA pen and ink - two figures, entitled ‘Father and Son’, signed verso and dated 6.3.99 (behind frame but copy applied), 9 x 13cms Provenance: deceased estate, specially drawn and donated by the artist to Macmillan Cancer Research charity fund-raiser, vendor’s mother won the picture at the event, auction proceeds to the same charity without commission charged Comments: charming drawing with son looming large over his father, both with similar nose and wearing flat caps, neatly framed and glazed, no condition issues £400-500
338 338 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA mixed media - upland cottage behind dry-stone walls, entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Penrhiwiau Nr. Cilgwyn’, signed with initials, 28 x 39.5cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £2500-3500 339
340 340 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA pen and ink - village scene, entitled verso ‘Pentre’, signed with initials, 23 x 35cms Provenance: label verso declaring former ownership to Sir Kyffin’s cousin Dr Peter Leftly, two handwritten letters by the artist to the vendor, dated 19.8.95 and 23.7.95, newspaper obituaries for Sir Kyffin (all enclosed), private collection London Comments: no problems, very well framed, glazed, ready to hang £1500-2500
341 341 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA watercolour - Patagonia landscape with barn amongst trees, distant mountains, signed with initials, 24 x 20.5cms Provenance: acquired directly from the artist Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £1800-2500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
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342 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA pencil and watercolour - fine example with elderly farmer walking and village beyond, entitled verso on Thackeray Gallery label ‘Pentrepella’, signed with initials, 39 x 49cms Provenance: Thackeray Gallery label with purchaser details and date of purchase as 1998 Comments: a very fine example in Bourlet frame with museum glass £5000-8000
343 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA pencil and watercolour - fine example with four standing horses, entitled verso on Thackeray Gallery label ‘Horses in the Snow’, signed with initials, 34 x 49cms Provenance: Thackeray Gallery label with purchaser details and date of purchase as 1998 Comments: a very fine example in Bourlet frame and glass £5000-8000
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
344 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA colourwash - entitled verso on Tegfryn Art Gallery label ‘Farmhouse Above the Conwy Valley’, 1982 exhibition, signed with initials, 28 x 37cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed and glazed £1500-2000
345 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA mixed media a standing Welsh ram, signed with initials, 13.5 x 23cms Provenance: private collection west Wales Comments: framed and glazed £800-1200
346 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA watercolour - rocky coastal scene, Ynys Mon signed with initials and with title on original 1970 summer exhibition label for the Howard Roberts Gallery, 37 x 55cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: possible slight overall fading £1500-2000 347-348 No lots
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Welsh Oil Paintings & Other Medium Paentiadau Olew & Chyfryngau Eraill
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 349 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on canvas - cottages in snow under the shadow of Esgair Felen, Eryri (Snowdonia), entitled verso ‘Gwastadnant’, signed with initials, 121 x 90cms Provenance: given by the artist to Witold Kay Korzeniewicz, a Polish architect who flew with the RAF in WWII and then taught with Sir Kyffin at Highgate School. In around 1970, Sir Kyffin asked ‘W Kay’ to design a studio for him on his return to Ynys Mon and Sir Kyffin gave the painting to W Kay in lieu of payment for these services. The vendor was very friendly with W Kay and his wife Elizabeth Harding who was a concert pianist. The vendor met Sir Kyffin on several occasions at W Kay and Elizabeth Harding’s home. W Kay died in 1988 and in 2005 his widow offered the vendor the picture. Sir Kyffin valued the picture for private sale and the vendor purchased the painting and it has been in the vendor’s ownership since then Comments: no problems, original frame £40000-50000
350 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on canvas - upland dwelling with dry-stone walls, entitled ‘Cottages at Cesarea’, signed with initials, 49 x 60cms Provenance: estate of Jeanne Howis Dauncey, purchased Albany Gallery 1997, receipt Comments: original frame, ready to hang £12000-16000
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
351 351 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on canvas - head and shoulders portrait, entitled verso ‘Portrait of Mrs Money’, 1950s, signed verso, 49 x 39cms Provenance: private collection Powys, various inscriptions verso including ‘North Wales Art Trust’ and ‘No.12’ Auctioneer’s Note: Mrs Money lived at a residential home for the elderly in St John’s Wood, London, opposite the artist’s home during this period. Sir Kyffin was the art master at nearby Highgate School, he described Mrs Money as a ‘gentle soul who spoke well of everyone as did most of the old ladies I painted. One venerable old pensioner was delighted when she saw her portrait and asked me to do a dozen for her friends. Mrs Money sat patiently in a lovely cherry-coloured waistcoat and brown shawl of a surcoat’ (Portraits Sir Kyffin Williams, Gomer Press 1996) Comments: there is the beginning of a portrait of a young boy verso, the painting is in the original Bourlet frame with old repair to back of canvas which looks to be by the artist, frame structurally sound but aged, canvas has bulges, original condition £7000-10000 352 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Waves at Llangwyfan (No. 25)’, dated 1982, 74.5 x 74.5cms Provenance: private collection London, Thackeray Gallery label dated 1983, National Museum of Wales Kyffin Williams Exhibition 1987 (cat no.57) selected for the exhibition by the artist Comments: large version of Sir Kyffin’s waves with superb provenance, displayed in a fine quality Bourlet frame, both frame and painting in immaculate condition and ready to hang £50000-60000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
353 353 SIR KYFFIN WILLIAMS RA large oil on canvas - entitled verso ‘Storm at Penmon’, dated 1975, 75 x 125cms Provenance: private collection London, National Museum of Wales Kyffin Williams Exhibition 1987 (cat no.36) selected for the exhibition by the artist Comments: very large coastal view of Penmon island, off Ynys Mon (Anglesey) with superb provenance, displayed in a fine quality Bourlet frame, both frame and painting in immaculate condition and ready to hang £50000-60000 354 No lot
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
356 355 HYWEL HARRIES oil on board - highly detailed street scene featuring Seion Chapel, Baker Street, Aberystwyth with congregation outside, signed and dated ‘89, 49 x 75.5cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion Comments: no apparent problems, framed £2500-3500
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
356 WILLIAM SELWYN oil on canvas atmospheric expansive sunset, titled ‘Sunset Across The Straits’, Albany Gallery label verso, signed, 49 x 68.5cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion Comments: no apparent problems, framed £1800-2500
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
357 JOHN ELWYN oil on canvas - ‘Wool Gathering’, titled verso on Workshop Wales Gallery label, signed, dated verso April 1998, 49 x 49cms Provenance: private collection Carmarthenshire Auctioneer’s Note: John Elwyn’s father ran the woollen mill at Newcastle Emlyn and so the picture may well be of his family with his father in the background and sister in the foreground Comments: no apparent problems, framed £3000-5000
358 JACK CRABTREE triptych mixed media on board - mining landscapes with colliery equipment, each 27 x 27cms approx Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: surface scratches and losses, each in chrome frame £150-250 359 LAURENCE ROCHE gouache on paper laid to board - landscape with steam locomotive at a colliery with coal tenders, winding gear and two figures, signed, 37 x 45cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: neatly framed and glazed £150-250 360 ALAN KNIGHT oil on canvas - Ynys Mon coastal scene with cottage, entitled ‘Aberffraw’, signed with initials, 50 x 75cms Provenance: private collection, Kooywood Gallery label Comments: framed, no problems £400-600
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
361 ALAN KNIGHT oil on canvas - colourful flowers in a vessel, entitled verso ‘Wild Flowers’, signed with initials, 60 x 49cms
364 CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - Eryri landscape with river, bridge and distant building, signed, 37 x 45cms
Provenance: private collection, Kooywood Gallery label
Provenance: private collection west Wales
Comments: framed and ready to hang £300-400
Comments: framed, no problems £300-400
362 PETER JOHN JONES acrylic on canvas - figure observing a mining town from distance, entitled ‘Remember When’, signed with initials, 44 x 33cms
365 MIKE JONES oil on board - entitled verso ‘Seated Farmer (Green Cords)’, signed, 39.5 x 48cms
Provenance: private collection Comments: framed, no problems £400-600
Provenance: private collection west Wales Comments: framed, no problems £300-500
363 DAVID WOODFORD oil on card - Eryri landscape with cwm, entitled verso ‘Idwal’, signed, 20 x 28cms Provenance: private collection west Wales Comments: framed and glazed £300-400
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 366 KARL DAVIES oil on board - moonlit landscape with sheep, entitled verso ‘Picking Up Stragglers’, signed verso, 42.5 x 59cms Provenance: private collection west Wales Comments: no problems, framed £250-350 367 DAVID TINKER oil on board - abstract, entitled verso ‘Magic Mound’, on label for 1965 Arts Council of Great Britain Welsh Committee, signed verso with artist’s Cardiff address and dated 1961, 76 x 54cms
Provenance: private collection west Wales Comments: believed original frame, no problems £200-300 368 MIKE JONES mixed media - figures in a cafe, entitled verso on Attic Gallery label ‘The Menu (Kardomah Series)’, signed, 24 x 29cms Provenance: private collection west Wales Comments: framed and glazed £300-500
369 GARETH PARRY oil on canvas - two figures walking away from distant village, entitled verso ‘Tu Allan i’r Pentref (outside the village)’, signed, 49.5 x 59.5cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed and ready to hang £500-1000
370 PETER PRENDERGAST oil on canvas - landscape, entitled verso ‘Hill Spring Day’, signed verso, 26 x 30cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales, purchased by vendor from MOMA Machynlleth Comments: frame is marked, no problem with painting £1000-2000
371 371 CERI AUCKLAND DAVIES egg tempera west Wales coastline, entitled verso ‘Carreg Wylan, Ceibwr Bay’, signed, 58 x 62cms Provenance: private collection, West Wales Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £600-800
370 106
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 372 JOHN BOWEN oil on board - market scene, entitled verso ‘Fishsellers at Tossa de Mar’, signed and dated ‘95/’96, 53 x 67cms Provenance: private collection, West Wales Comments: appears to be original frame, no problems £500-600 373 IFOR PRITCHARD oil on board - figures on the green at Pwllheli Golf Club, Gwynedd, and with sailboats off the shore, signed, 44 x 120cms Provenance: private collection, West Wales
Comments: seemingly original frame, no problems other than very small crack top middle (minor) £200-300 374 NICHOLAS EVANS large oil on board - miners, some with bare chests, working underground in a tight pack, entitled verso ‘Preparing Top Hole’, signed and dated 1982, 119 x 119cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: no problems, framed £800-1200
375 NICHOLAS EVANS large oil on board - expansive and powerful depiction of a mining community with houses, smoking chimneys, colliery and a mass of men alongside sheep surrounding a locomotive ridden by gentlemen in top-hats, entitled verso ‘Trevithick Engine 1804’, signed and dated 1978, 122 x 122cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Auctioneer’s Note: on 21 February 1804, the world’s first ever railway journey ran 9 miles from the ironworks at Penydarren to the Merthyr-Cardiff Canal, South Wales. It was to be several years before steam locomotion became commercially viable, meaning Richard Trevithick and not George Stephenson was the real father of the railways. In 1803, Samuel Homfray brought Richard Trevithick to his Penydarren ironworks at Merthyr Tydfil in South Wales. Homfray was interested in the high pressure engines that the Cornishman had developed and installed in his road engines. He encouraged Trevithick to look into the possibility of converting such an engine into a rail-mounted locomotive to travel over the newly laid tramroad from Penydarren to the canal wharf at Abercynon. It would appear that Trevithick started work on the locomotive in the autumn of 1803 and, by February 1804, it was completed. Tradition has it that Richard Crawshay, owner of the nearby Cyfarthfa ironworks, was highly sceptical about the new engine, and he and Homfray placed a wager of 500 guineas each with Richard Hill (of the 375 Plymouth ironworks) as to whether or not the engine could haul ten tons of iron to Abercynon, and haul the empty wagons back. The first run was on 21 February, and was described in some detail by Trevithick, ‘yesterday we proceeded on our journey with the engine, and we carried ten tons of iron in five wagons, and seventy men riding on them the whole of the journey… the engine, while working, went nearly five miles an hour; there was no water put into the boiler from the time we started until our journey’s end… the coal consumed was two hundredweight”. Unfortunately, on the return journey a bolt sheared, causing the boiler to leak. The fire then had to be dropped and the engine did not get back to Penydarren until the following day. This gave Crawshay reason to claim that the run had not been completed as stipulated in the wager, but it is not known if this was ever settled! The engine was, in fact, too heavy for the rails. Later, it would serve as a stationary engine driving a forge hammer at the Penydarren works Comments: frame slightly tired and scuffed but in otherwise good order, one of the most powerful Nick Evans work to come to auction showing a seminal moment in industrial history which took place in south Wales £1500-2500
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 376 LEONARD BEARD oil on board - entitled verso ‘Blossom Trees’, signed, 23 x 28cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed, no problems £150-200 377 GEORGE CHAPMAN oil on board - two ladies in discussion under umbrella, entitled verso ‘Gossip in the Rain’, signed, 32 x 19.5cms Provenance: by descent from the artist Comments: contemporaneous frame, no problems £500-1000 376
378 GEORGE CHAPMAN oil on canvas - dark and rainy south Wales street scene with church, two figures walking with umbrellas and a pug-nosed Bedford van, circa 1960s, 60 x 84cms Provenance: by descent from artist Comments: contemporaneous frame £3000-4000
378 379 GEORGE CHAPMAN unfinished oil on canvas - south Wales valley street scene with figure, 51 x 61cms
380 CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - three Eryri cottages, entitled verso ‘Llanberis Pass’, signed, 48 x 59cms
Provenance: by descent from the artist
Provenance: private collection London
Comments: surface marks to canvas, unframed £100-200
Comments: no problems, framed, considerable paint loss to frame £500-700
381 CHARLES WYATT WARREN early career oil on board - landscape with farm, signed, 25 x 53cms Provenance: private collection London Comments: original frame tired, no problems £300-500 108
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
382 RAY HOWARD JONES oil on board wetland with building, entitled verso ‘Spring in East Anglia’, 44 x 48cms Provenance: label verso for Andrew D’Arcy Fine Art, private collection, Vale of Glamorgan Comments: framed, no problems £400-600
383 JAMES DONOVAN diptych oil on calico two figures facing each other, entitled verso ‘The Apprenticeship’, dated verso 1999, (2x) 92 x 30cms
384 IVOR DAVIES mixed media - from the Mabinogion, entitled verso ‘Lleu With One Foot on a Bath and One on a Goat’, signed, 20 x 20cms
Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan
Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan
Comments: framed together neatly, no problems £400-600
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £300-400
385 WILL ROBERTS oil on canvas - two opposing figures in flat-caps reading newspapers, entitled verso ‘Reading Room’ on Albany Gallery label, signed with initials and dated verso 1994, 49 x 58cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff, Albany Gallery receipt 2002 Comments: no problems, framed, super example £2500-3500
385 386 CHRISTOPHER HALL oil on board - entitled verso ‘Farmhouse at Ffestiniog, Wales’, signed and dated 1997, 18.5 x 21cms Provenance: private collection, Cardiff Comments: framed, no problems £300-400 386
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 388 JAMES MACKEOWN oil on canvas portrait of a student girl, entitled verso ‘Reading’, signed, 38 x 25cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: neatly framed, ready to hang £150-250 389 ELIZABETH HAINES oil on canvas landscape, entitled verso ‘Amongst the Pines’, 69 x 89cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff, Kooywood Gallery 387
Comments: no problems, framed, ready to hang £300-400 390 NIA MACKEOWN oil on panel - beach scene with boats, entitled verso ‘Low Tide, Newport’, signed, 20 x 30cms Provenance: private Cardiff collection, Kooywood Gallery Comments: framed, ready to hang £200-300
391 CHRIS GRIFFIN acrylic - illuminated chapel at centre of village, entitled verso on Kooywood Gallery label ‘Evensong’, signed, 20.5 x 20.5cms Provenance: private collection, Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £150-250 392 GARETH THOMAS oil on card / board - entitled verso on Attic Gallery label ‘Still Life Three Objects’, signed, 19 x 24cms Provenance: private collection, Cardiff
392 387 WILLIAM SELWYN oil on board - three workmen with spades, signed with initials, 20 x 24cms Provenance: private collection, Cardiff Comments: framed, no problems, unusual initialling by this artist, manner of Will Roberts £700-1000
Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £200-300 393 VIVIENNE WILLIAMS oil on paper entitled verso on Attic Gallery label ‘White Jar and Grapes’, signed (indistinctly bottom right), 40 x 51cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £300-500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 394 DAVID CARPANINI oil on canvas laid to board - expansive South Wales industrial landscape, signed and dated 1970, 89 x 59cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff, verso inscribed The Royal College of Art Comments: framed, excellent example of an oil by Carpanini which are rarely seen on the market £500-800 395 CHRIS GRIFFIN acrylic - terraced streets with chapel, entitled verso ‘Terraces, Chapel and Four Lights’, signed, 13.5 x 18cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed £100-120 396 GERALDUS JOHN oil on linen laid to board - industrial scene, entitled verso ‘East Moors Steelworks’, signed and dated 1985, 40 x 50cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed £100-150 397 DAVID KNIGHT oil on canvas - vase wrapped in white sheet, entitled verso ‘Shiny’, unsigned, 40 x 50cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed £250-350
399 SHAN ECCLES acrylic - entitled ‘Blue Moon’, with artist’s label verso, 29 x 41cms
400 SHAN ECCLES acrylic - entitled ‘Open Window’, with artist’s label verso, 29 x 41cms
Provenance: Deganwy artist, newly chosen as the Artist in Residence at the Beaumaris Art Festival, 19-21 November 2021
Provenance: Deganwy artist, newly chosen as the Artist in Residence at the Beaumaris Art Festival, 19-21 November 2021
Comments: framed and glazed £70-100
Comments: framed and glazed £70-100
398 398 CHARLES WYATT WARREN large oil on board - entitled verso ‘Snowdon from Llyn y Gader’, signed, 59 x 89cms Provenance: private collection north Wales Comments: artist’s label verso with price of £210, original frame typical of the artist 108 x 77cms overall, no problems, ready to hang £1200-1800
400 111
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
401 GARETH THOMAS oil on board / card - Ireland coastal view with cottage, signed, 14 x 52cms Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: framed and glazed no problems £300-500
402 ELIZABETH HAINES oil on board / card landscape, entitled verso ‘Dwellings under a Mountain’, signed, 24 x 45cms Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £100-200
403 403 ALFRED JANES mixed media head and shoulders portrait of a middle aged man in suit with tie, entitled verso ‘Not Dylan Thomas’, signed and dated ‘56, inscribed with artist’s London address verso, 58 x 38cms Provenance: collection of Gwyneth and the late Ieuan Evans, purchased directly from artist, ephemera to accompany including retrospective catalogues, letters between vendor and artist, commemorative programmes, obituaries etc
404 IVOR DAVIES oil on canvas - still life, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Llysiau’r Gwynt’, signed and dated ‘96/’97/’98, 27 x 27cms
405 GWILYM PRICHARD oil on board - figure fishing, entitled verso on Attic Gallery label ‘Fishing by Moonlight’, signed verso, dated 1997, 23 x 17.5cms
Provenance: private collection, Powys Comments: framed, no problems £300-500
Comments: neatly framed and glazed £400-600
Provenance: private collection, Powys Comments: framed, no problems £500-700
406 HYWEL HARRIES oil on board - Powys landscape with St Michael’s Church, Abergwesyn, signed with initials and dated 1980, 32.5 x 38cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales, painting commissioned by a friend of the artist Auctioneer’s Note: the church was demolished in 1964, but the graveyard remains 406 112
Comments: no problems, framed £1000-1200
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 407 ALFRED WORTHINGTON gouache - winter landscape with water-mill at dusk, signed, 48 x 35cms Provenance: private collection Aberystwyth, label for Windmill Gallery, Aberystwyth Comments: later framed and glazed £250-350 408 ALFRED WORTHINGTON oil on board - two fishing smacks at the entrance of Aberystwyth harbour in stormy weather, signed, 38 x 63cms Provenance: private collection Ceredigion Comments: good overall condition, some loss to frame, framed and glazed £1400-1800 409 GWILYM PRICHARD oil on canvas - whitewashed farm in autumnal landscape, ‘Farm Houses, Pembrokeshire’, signed and dated 77, with exhibition list, 50 x 60cms
Provenance: private collection Ceredigion, consigned via our Carmarthen office Comments: no apparent problems, framed £1800-2500 410 GORDON STUART oil on board - two infants playing on a sandy beach, signed, 45 x 27cms Provenance: estate of Mair Stuart deceased Comments: no problems framed and glazed £250-350 411 IFOR PRITCHARD oil on board - slate worker splitting on a blue background, entitled verso ‘Y Gafael Tyner (The Gentle Touch)’, signed, 46 x 35cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Comments: framed, no problems £800-1200
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 412 NICK HOLLY oil on canvas - children playing on a mound of snow in a street with skyscrapers beyond, entitled verso ‘Fun in the Snow, NYC’, signed and dated verso 2008, 70 x 60cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: unframed box canvas, no problems, ready to hang £800-1200 413 NICK HOLLY acrylic - children playing on beach watched on by dogs, signed, 27.5 x 27.5cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff 412
Comments: framed, glazed, no problems £600-800
415 414 TERRY SETCH oil and wax on hessian - abstract work, 1978, entitled ‘Car Wreck on Penarth Beach’, 23 x 47cms
416 OGWYN DAVIES PVA, acrylic and oil - semi-abstract in yellow, entitled verso ‘Harvest Bird Machine’, signed, 1974/75, 76 x 102cms
Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan
Provenance: private collection Cardiff, artist’s address inscribed verso
Comments: contemporaneous box frame with glazing £250-350
Comments: in original chrome frame, ready to hang £400-600
415 TERRY SETCH oil and wax on hessian abstract, entitled verso ‘Car Burning on the Beach, 1980’, signed verso, 36 x 47cms
417 CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - Yr Wyddfa and Llyn Padarn, signed, 23 x 53cms
Provenance: private collection, Vale of Glamorgan Comments: contemporaneous framing with glazing, no problems £250-350
Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: in the contemporaneous Hessian type frame typical of this artist, both frame and painting in excellent fresh order £300-400
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
418 PETER PRENDERGAST acrylic - north Wales landscape, entitled verso ‘The Road to Bethesda’, signed, dated verso 1980, 48 x 57cms Provenance: private collection north Wales, label verso for artist’s touring exhibition of ‘Paintings & Drawings 1960-1982’ arranged by Mostyn Art Gallery, Llandudno, to accompany the picture a signed copy of Prendergast’s ‘The Painter’s Quarry’ (1998), aforementioned exhibition catalogue, ten postcards of the artist’s work Comments: painting framed and glazed, no problems, ready to hang, comprehensive provenance £1500-2000 419 EDWARD POVEY oil on canvas - male figure at a table with wine glass and a teddy bear in a chair, signed and dated 2004 and entitled label verso ‘The Days Are Mine, The Nights Are Yours’, 44 x 39cms Provenance: private collection Denbighshire Comments: framed, no problems £400-500 420 ANDREW DOUGLAS FORBES oil on board, triptych - repeat figure in varying palette, signed, 20 x 9.5cms Provenance: private collection Carmarthenshire Comments: neatly framed, no problems £150-250
421 No lot 422 ILLTYD DAVID oil on board - eleven ghostly figures, entitled verso ‘Pit Head Baths’ with handwritten inscription To Mr & Mrs Roy Adams with the Compliments of the artist Xmas 1966’, signed and dated 1966, 27 x 59cms
423 CERI AUCKLAND DAVIES egg tempera on gesso sunset and sea, entitled verso on Woodbine Contemporary Arts label ‘Dark Cloud, Llyn Peninsula’, signed, 60 x 64cms
Provenance: private collection Swansea
Provenance: private collection consigned in north Wales, receipts
Comments: loose in frame which is tired, painting aged but not damaged £400-600
Comments: impressively framed and glazed, few superficial marks to frame £1500-2000 419
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
424 424 CERI AUCKLAND DAVIES egg tempura on gesso - sea and sunset, entitled verso ‘Red Sunset No.3’, signed, 36 x 37cms Provenance: private collection north Wales, receipts Comments: impressively framed and glazed, superficial marks to frame only £700-1000
425 425 JACK JONES gouache on panel - two faces and telegraph pole, signed and dated 1987,15 x 20cms Provenance: vendor purchased from close neighbour and friend of artist, Ms Janet Anderson who acquired the pictures after the artist’s death, the acquisition was approved by a relative of the artist who was based in Cape Town, South Africa Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £150-200
427 427 JOHN ELWYN early career oil on paper laid to board - entitled verso ‘Cilgwyn Woods, Newcastle Emlyn’, signed and dated 1940, 59 x 43cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales Auctioneer’s Note: Cilgwyn Woods stand on a hill above John Elwyn’s boyhood home in Newcastle Emlyn, unusually signed J Elwyn D 40 Comments: no problems, later framed £400-600
426 426 JOHN ELWYN oil on canvas - bright landscape with whitewashed farm and trees, entitled verso ‘Below the Green Hill, 1992’, signed, 74 x 74cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales
428 PETER WINSTANLEY oil on linen initialled and entitled label verso ‘Evening Walk on Pentraeth Beach’, dated 2007, 29 x 34cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed £250-350
Comments: no problems, framed, ready to hang £4000-6000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 429 PETER WINSTANLEY oil on linen - track in Cwm Pennant with numerous grazing sheep, signed with initials and with title label verso ‘Mist Descending, Cwm Pennant’, dated 2007, 29 x 39cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: framed £250-350 429
430 430 CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board expansive lake scene below Snowdon with silver birch trees, signed, entitled verso with greeting, 35 x 90cms Provenance: private collection West Midlands Comments: later framed, no problems £400-600
431 431 CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board Anglesey coastal scene with rocky cove, signed, 35 x 90cms
432 GARETH THOMAS oil on canvas - rocky coastalscape with breaking waves and three fisherman, signed in full, 39 x 49cms
Provenance: private collection West Midlands
Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon
Comments: later framed, no problems £300-500
Comments: no problems, framed £700-1000
433 GWILYM PRICHARD oil on canvas - landscape, entitled verso ‘Abereiddy Slate Quarry’, dated verso 1998, signed, 37 x 44cms Provenance: private collection London Comments: framed, no issues, ready to hang £1000-1500
434 STEPHEN JOHN OWEN oil on canvas - Welsh farmstead with dry-stone walls, signed with initials, 19.5 x 19cms Provenance: private collection London
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Comments: no problems, framed, ready to hang £300-400
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
435 BRONWYN WILLIAMS-ELLIS clay panel and paints - two long fishes, signed, 42 x 23cms
436 MARK SAMUEL oil on panel - Cardiff public house, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘City Bar’, 36 x 53cms
Provenance: private collection London
Provenance: private collection Cardiff
Comments: no problems, unframed £200-300
Comments: framed, no problems £200-300
437 JOHN ELWYN large oil on canvas expansive landscape with white washed buildings, entitled verso ‘It Does Not Always Rain in Dyfed’, signed and dated 1998, 122 x 122cms Provenance: private collection north Wales, believed to have appeared at National Library of Wales artist’s retrospective Comments: a superb large example, neatly framed and ready to hang without condition issues £8000-12000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
439 19TH CENTURY MARITIME SCHOOL oil on canvas laid to board - full-sail portrait with title at base ‘Schooner Harriet of Swansea, R Roberts master, entering Leghorn, 1872’, indistinctly signed, 47 x 66cms
440 19TH CENTURY MARITIME SCHOOL oil on canvas laid to board - full-sail portrait with title at base ‘Excel of Swansea, J Gibbs master, entering Leghorn, 1868’, indistinctly signed, 45 x 65cms
Provenance: Swansea family, by descent
Provenance: Swansea family, by descent
Comments: framed, has been cleaned in the past, some surface marks remain £500-1000
Comments: framed, has been cleaned in the past, some surface marks remain, to pair with Lot 439 £500-1000
438 438 GWYN EVANS large oil on board - South Wales Valleys street, entitled verso ‘End of Terrace, Llwynypia’, signed and dated 1998, 121 x 80cms, together with a preliminary drawing of the same scene, signed with initials, dated ‘88, 21 x 14cms Provenance: private collection, west Wales Comments: framed, no problems, ready to hang, small drawing framed and glazed £800-1200
441 441 WILF ROBERTS oil on canvas - Ynys Mon coast with crashing waves, entitled verso ‘Moonlit Trearddur’, signed and dated 2004, 23 x 30cms Provenance: private collection consigned via our north Wales office Comments: neat original box frame, no problems, ready to hang £1000-1500
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
447 447 CHARLES WYATT WARREN oil on board - entitled verso ‘Abaty Glynygroes, Ger Llangollen’ (Glynygroes Priory, near Llangollen), signed, 24 x 53cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales Comments: later framed, may benefit from light clean £150-250 442
448 444
445 444 ALAN WILLIAMS acrylic on board working figure on beach, entitled ‘Cockle Picker’, signed, 33 x 51cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £250-350
446 442 ALAN WILLIAMS acrylic on board - coastal whitewashed cottages, entitled ‘Cottages, Abereiddy’, signed, 36 x 46.5cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed, no problems £250-350 443 ALAN WILLIAMS acrylic on board landscape with cottages, entitled ‘Pembroke Cottages’, signed, 33 x 51cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, ready to hang £250-350
448 SELWYN JONES oil on canvas - Eryri landscape with red sky, signed with initials and dated 1996, 24 x 34cms Provenance: label verso for National Library of Wales exhibition, estate of widow of Welsh artist Glyn Griffiths Comments: neatly framed, no problems £250-350
445 ALAN WILLIAMS oil on canvas whitewashed cottage in mountainous landscape, entitled ‘Hill Cottage, Gwynedd’, signed, 38.5 x 59cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed, ready to hang £350-450 446 ALAN WILLIAMS acrylic on rag paper landscape with farm, entitled ‘Carmel, Gwynedd’, signed, 33 x 51cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £250-350
449 449 GLYN GRIFFITHS oil on wood panel Glamorgan landscape with fields and distant farms, entitled verso ‘Southerndown’ and dated 1957 / 1958, signed, 29 x 54cms Provenance: estate of the widow of the artist Comments: framed later, ready to hang £250-350
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 450 GLYN GRIFFITHS oil on wood panel - entitled verso on Kooywood Gallery label ‘Cornish Fishing Port’, signed, 30 x 45cms Provenance: estate of the widow of the artist Comments: later framed, ready to hang £300-400 451 GLYN GRIFFITHS oil on board entitled verso ‘Cornish Harbour, St Isaac’, 45 x 65cms
Provenance: the estate of the artist’s widow Comments: later framed, ready to hang £200-250 452 GLYN GRIFFITHS collage - entitled verso ‘Estuary Castle’ and dated 1973, signed, 45 x 62cms Provenance: estate of the widow of the artist Comments: later framed and glazed, ready to hang £200-250 453 MIKE JONES oil on card / board - Carmarthenshire landscape, entitled verso ‘Landscape of Gwynfe’, dated verso 2000, signed, 25.5 x 30cms Provenance: private collection, Bridgend Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £200-300 454 KEVIN SINNOTT oil on board - two figures, entitled verso ‘Bunk Beds II, 2008’, signed with initials, 20.5 x 30cms Provenance: private collection, Bridgend Comments: framed, no problems £600-800
455 BETH FLETCHER oil on board - entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Estuary Glimpse Winter’, 61 x 122cms Provenance: Gwent estate Comments: large, unframed, please also see Lot 456 £150-250 456 BETH FLETCHER oil on board - entitled verso on Albany Gallery label ‘Estuary Glimpse Summer’, 61 x 122cms
Provenance: Gwent estate Comments: large, unframed, please also see Lot 455 £150-250
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
457 DONALD MCINTYRE acrylic - shore scene with mountains in background, entitled verso ‘Shore Kilberry No 7’ with Albany Gallery label, 36 x 43.5cms
458 DONALD MCINTYRE acrylic - expansive rocky coastalscape, signed in full, with original title verso ‘Green Sea, Iona’, 54.5 x 80cms
Provenance: private collection Carmarthenshire
Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon
Comments: no apparent problems, framed and glazed £2000-3000
Comments: no major issues £5000-6000
459 DONALD MCINTYRE acrylic - entitled verso ‘Dark Sea’, signed with initials, 19 x 27cms Provenance: private collection London Comments: framed and glazed with typical circa 1980s fabric mount, artist’s label verso, no condition problems £2500-3500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
460 460 DONALD MCINTYRE acrylic - coastal scene, signed with initials and entitled label verso ‘West Shore, Iona No. 1’, 36 x 43cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £2000-3000
461 461 DONALD MCINTYRE acrylic - rocky coastal scene, signed with initials and entitled verso ‘Gower Coast’, 29 x 39cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: no problems, framed and glazed £2000-3000
462 DONALD MCINTYRE acrylic on board coastal scene with three figures, signed with initials and with original title label verso on Pitcairn Galleries, Nutford ‘Three Figures in the Surf’, 28 x 39cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: no major issues £3000-4000
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
463 DONALD MCINTYRE acrylic on board snow scene, Tregarth, signed with initials, 36 x 43cms
464 DONALD MCINTYRE oil on board landscape, entitled verso ‘Winter Trees, Anglesey’, signed, 49 x 75cms
465 DONALD MCINTYRE acrylic - Ynys Mon coast, entitled verso ‘Porth Cwyfan No.7’, signed, 52 x 77cms
Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon
Provenance: private collection Monmouthshire
Provenance: south Wales vendor, purchased from Attic Gallery Swansea, circa 1992
Comments: no major issues £3000-4000
Comments: framed, no condition issues £2500-3500
Comments: original frame and glass £5000-8000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 466 GARETH THOMAS oil on board - the Menai Straits near Beaumaris with boats and the distant Carneddau, signed in full and with original 2010 Tegfryn Gallery exhibition label verso, 39 x 39cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: no problems, framed £500-800 467 GARETH PARRY oil on canvas - slate quarry road and buildings with two figures, signed and with original title label verso, 59 x 49cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon
Comments: no problems, framed £700-1000
468 468 SHANI RHYS JAMES MBE oil on canvas self portrait with jars and red background, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Time Has Ticked a Heaven Round the Stars’, signed verso, dated June 2000, 61 x 61cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff, by descent Comments: framed £5000-8000
469 WILL ROBERTS oil on board figures and boats with blue sea, entitled verso ‘On the Beach, Saundersfoot’, signed and dated 1960, 20 x 24cms Provenance: acquired from the artist directly by the vendor’s family who were friends and neighbours of Will Roberts Comments: no problems, original frame £1000-1500
470 470 IWAN GWYN PARRY large oil on board - entitled verso ‘Ship Emerging from the Gloom’, signed verso and dated 2001, 96 x 96cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and ready to hang £1500-2000
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 471 HUGH HUGHES rare oil on board - described verso on Miles Wynn Cato label ‘A river landscape prob. the Mawddach Estuary with Dolgellau beyond’, signed and dated 1851 verso, 29 x 45cms Provenance: private collection, Miles Wynn Cato label verso Auctioneer’s Note: Hugh Hughes is a well documented Welsh artist known for portraits, but his work rarely comes to the market and landscape work is especially uncommon Comments: old but later framed, in good order, please enquire £1000-1500
472 KEVIN SINNOTT oil on linen - four figures, entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label, ‘Mythical Encounter’ and dated 2000, signed with initials, 55 x 70cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: no problems, framed £3000-4000
473 ERNEST ZOBOLE oil on canvas entitled verso on Martin Tinney Gallery label ‘Figure and Surroundings’, signed verso and dated 1994, 61 x 76cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed, no problems, superb example £2500-3500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
474 474 DAVID LLOYD GRIFFITH oil on panel - sunset and landscape, entitled verso ‘Dyffryn Conwy’, signed with initials, 13 x 31cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed and glazed, no problems £150-200 475 ROGER CECIL oil and mixed media on panel - entitled verso ‘Angharad Yellow Dress and Butterfly Kisses’, 11 x 11cms Provenance: private collection Cardiff, Kooywood Gallery label
476 477 PETER JOHN JONES large acrylic on canvas - view of Laugharne and Dylan Thomas’ Boathouse, entitled ‘The Boathouse: Who Calls the Ferryman’, signed with initials, 100 x 150cms Provenance: private collection Comments: unframed, box-canvas, no problems £1000-1500 478 PETER JOHN JONES large acrylic on canvas - fishing boats in bay, entitled ‘Haven at Moonlight’, signed with initials, 39 x 49cms Provenance: private collection
Comments: framed and glazed £150-250
Comments: framed, no problems £300-500
476 DAVID LLOYD GRIFFITH oil on board - landscape with fields, entitled verso ‘Dyffryn Dulas, Conwy, Spring’, signed with initials, dated verso 2006, 32.5 x 54cms
479 PETER JOHN JONES large acrylic on canvas - entitled verso ‘Mari Jones and Her Bible’, signed with initials, 39 x 49cms
Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: framed, no problems £300-500
Provenance: private collection Comments: framed, no problems £300-500
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co 480 PETER WINSTANLEY oil on linen - Penmon Anglesey coastal scene with grazing sheep and the Great Orme Llandudno in the distance, initialled and fully entitled label verso with date 2007, 32 x 38cms Provenance: private collection Ynys Mon Comments: no problems, framed £300-400
482 GILLIAN STILL stoneware sculpture entitled ‘Woman with Mannequins’, 34cms high Provenance: private collection west Wales Comments: no condition issues £100-150 483 No lot
481 DARREN YEADON large Carrara Venatino marble sculpture - obelisk form with ribbon to one side and human hand to the other, mounted to a square plinth, entitled ‘Ribbons in the Wind’ and said by the artist to represent childhood, 183cms high Provenance: artist’s personal collection Comments: extremely impressive and large for garden or internal use £1500-2000 481 front
481 back
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Welsh Antiques Hen Bethau Cymru
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
486 RARE ELM CHILD’S WELSH STICK BACK CHAIR for restoration, with fourteen turnings to support the curved back and arm rest Provenance: Cardiganshire house clearance Comments: for full restoration with signs of old woodworm, in parts, parts missing, rare child’s chair £500-600
484 484 A CASED TAXIDERMY DIORAMA OF SOUTH AMERICAN INSECTS BY JAMES HUTCHINGS OF ABERYSTWYTH circa 1870, comprises central giant damselfly (Megaloprepus Caerulatus) and with approximately 70+ butterflies or moths set in the typical saddle position of the period, with the fore-wings set back over hind wings, specimens include Red Flashed (Panacea prola), Cypris Morpho, Urania Day Flying Moth, Longwing Butterflies to include Zebra Longwing etc also includes longhorn beetles in the genus Psalidognathus and seeds from the legume plant Ormosia, 74 x 82cms Provenance: private collection Aberystwyth Auctioneer’s Note: very rare display of butterflies by the renown taxidermists Hutchings Comments: believed in unrestored original condition, specimens appear to be in good order and correctly positioned, please examine by appointment £1500-2000
485 485 A TAXIDERMY STANDING JUVENILE EUROPEAN HERRING GULL (LARUS ARGENTATUS) believed by James Hutchings of Aberystwyth, standing on a rock with seaweed and shells, case typical of Hutchings with powder blue background, gilded slip, 55 x 50cms Provenance: private collection near Aberystwyth Comments: split to backboard, damage / loss to slip £350-450
487 WELSH ELM INFANT’S POTTY CHAIR stained, curved wing sides, 46cms Provenance: Cardiganshire house clearance, private collection Comments: good overall, later repairs, slight damage, see images £150-250
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 488 WELSH ELM CHILD’S CORRECTION CHAIR, 17/18th Century, simple four panel construction with curved wing sides, handle at back, 53cms high Provenance: Cardiganshire house clearance, private collection Comments: loss to handle section, old damage commensurate with age £300-400 489 19TH CENTURY OAK CANDLE BOX with sliding cover and hanging handle, 46cms high 488
Provenance: private collection West Wales Comments: old damage, interesting patina to back £80-120
490 490 1935 EISTEDDFOD CHAIR FOR EDMONTON (NORTH LONDON) oak, carved inscription within cartouche and having floral and foliate carved surrounding, scroll arms with further floral carving, acorn and fleur-de-lys finials, 63cms wide x 135cms high Provenance: private collection north Wales Comments: some losses and slight damage to vulnerable elements, please examine £200-300
491 491 A SMALL 19TH CENTURY YNYS MON (ANGLESEY) EISTEDDFOD CHAIR inscribed ‘Cymru Lan GwladyGan Wrth Cylchwyl Anibynol, Llanerchymedd, Nadolig 1884’ Wales’ (Land of the Singing At the Independent Circuit, Llanerchymedd, Christmas 1884), 62cms wide x 115cms high Provenance: private collection north Wales
492 492 EISTEDDFOD CHAIR, 1908 with carved panel of mountain goat, inscribed Eisteddfod Rhiw 1908 (with figure 9 incorrectly carved), 60cms wide x 114cms high Provenance: private collection north Wales Comments: split to seat, please examine £200-300
Comments: missing centre finial, please examine £150-250
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
497 495 VINTAGE WELSH TAPESTRY BLANKET of geometric design, pastel colours with black, 218 x 162cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales Comments: super example, no notable issues £150-250
499 493 VINTAGE WELSH TAPESTRY REVERSIBLE BLANKET of geometric design, pink ground with black, grey and white detail, fringe, 206 x 231cms Provenance: private collection Devon Comments: a very good example, no obvious damage £100-150 494 VINTAGE WELSH TAPESTRY BLANKET of geometric design, racing-green ground with yellow and blue detail, fringe, 210 x 150cms
496 AN ANTIQUE WELSH NARROW LOOM COARSE WOOL BLANKET, in brown ground with flecked red bands and dark brown narrow stripes, 182 x 125cms Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: in good condition £100-150 497 AN ANTIQUE WELSH NARROW LOOM COARSE WOOL BLANKET, in grey ground with tessellated design, 170 x 140cms
498 498 AN ANTIQUE TRADITIONAL WELSH BLANKET, in mustard ground with repeat bands of iron red and brown geometric designs, brown and mustard fringe, 230 x 230cms Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: in good condition, one small hole noted, please view £150-250 499 VINTAGE WELSH TAPESTRY REVERSIBLE BLANKET of geometric design, red ground with green and black detail, 215 x 182cms Provenance: deceased estate London Comments: a very good example, no obvious issues £100-150
Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: in good condition, side is cut unevenly £100-150
Provenance: private collection mid-Wales Comments: lovely example, no notable issues £150-250
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale
504 500 19TH CENTURY SLATE GOOSE FORM DOOR STOP on a square base, probably Dyffryn Ogwen, 23cms high Provenance: private collection West Wales Comments: old losses, split in base £80-120 501 19TH CENTURY WELSH SLATE CHEQUER BOARD with sgraffito and gilded squares, 40 x 35cms Provenance: private collection mid-Wales Comments: surface scratches / marks only £100-120 502 A RARE 19TH CENTURY OGWEN VALLEY SLATE CARVED PANEL by a quarryman of Penrhyn Quarry, near Bethesda, Ogwen Valley in Gwynedd, decorated with multiple geometric concentric circles and with lobed frieze, circa 1832-1845, 48 x 34cms Provenance: private collection west Wales Comments: in good order, without notable chips, damage or repair £1200-1800
505 503 AN 1843 WELSH WOOL SAMPLER TO ELIZABETH EDWARDS, containing a series of flowers in vases around a house or school house, religious passage above, below in cartouche ‘Elizabeth Edwards, her work in the year 1843 aged 14 years - fear the Lord and depart from evil’, size including frame 54 x 52cms Provenance: private collection, Gloucestershire, believed from the vendor’s ancestral town of Llanelli, bequeathed from vendor’s aunt Comments: good example, colours have held, aged but not extensively discoloured, old frame with glazing £150-200 504 A VERY LARGE BELIEVED 19TH CENTURY WELSH PAISLEY SHAWL, of arched form with fine fringe, 310 x 157cms approx. Provenance: private collection, Gloucestershire, passed through the family originally from Cardiganshire Comments: rare very large example, old repairs but not substantial considering its age £120-180
502 505 19TH CENTURY SYCAMORE CARVED LOVESPOON decorated with pierced treskelion motif over a pierced flower-head over a smaller geometrically carved flower circle, surrounded by chisel-point carving and with two scratched hearts, the reverse with crudely scratched 1854, 30cms Provenance: private collection, formerly with Tim Bowen Antiques, Carmarthenshire Auctioneer’s Note: similar at Swansea Museum donated by Col. W E Llewellyn Morgan and described as Carmarthenshire in origin (postcard photo showing this example to accompany produced by Royal Institute of South Wales) Comments: chip to edge of bowl but without other fault, very good rich chestnut colour, good example £400-600
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
508 506 JOHN SPEED 1611 coloured map - ‘Anglesey. Anciently called Mona’, with inset of Beaumaris, edition by John Sudbury and George Humble, 46 x 55cms Provenance: private collection Cheshire Comments: good example with clear wide margins, paper has aged well, no damage, Hogarth type framed and glazed at rear £250-350 507 JOHN SPEED 1610 coloured antique map - Brecknoke ‘Both Shyre and Towne described’, Bassett & Chiswell edition, 39 x 51cms Provenance: private collection, Powys Comments: framed, glazed both sides, good clear image, excellent example £100-150
509 508 FORTY FOUR VOLUMES OF ‘GOWER - JOURNAL OF THE GOWER SOCIETY’, 1950s / 60s / 70s with written contributions and illustrations from Swansea artist Alfred Janes, Vernon Watkins, John Ormond etc Provenance: Mrs M Daley Collection, daughter of Sir Leslie Jospeh £100-150 509 BIRMINGHAM CORPORATION PLANS & SECTIONS FOR CLAERWEN RESERVOIR as part of the Elan Valley Reservoirs System, dated 1939-40, to supply water to Birmingham and West Midlands, engineer James Walter Wilkinson Provenance: private collection mid-Wales Comments: tears to edges, good overall £80-120
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • The Welsh Sale 510 BOOKS, RECORDINGS & EPHEMERA RELATING TO DYLAN THOMAS including signed volumes by Paul Ferris, Aeronwy Thomas and Gwen Watkins, 1971 letter from Daniel Jones (comprehensive list available on request), together with a large quantity of Dylan Thomas Society journals, production programs, cuttings, Society notes, commemorative booklets and a framed signed print by Gordon Stuart of Dylan Thomas Square etc Provenance: estate of Gwyneth Isaac, founder member of the Dylan Thomas Society £150-250 511 RARE AUTOGRAPHED 1ST EDITION LP INSERT FOR JEFF WAYNE’S MUSICAL VERSION OF THE WAR OF THE THE WORLDS signed by actor and narrator-protagonist for the album Richard Burton at a CBS Charity Event, London 1980, also signed by Jeff Wayne after a concert at Sheffield Arena in 2010, also signed by David Essex and Phil Lynott, both who provided spoken-words and music for the album, when at a music Press Event, London 1983, artwork after Henrique Alvim Corrêa, 29 x 29cms Provenance: private autograph and memorabilia collection Comments: framed and glazed £150-250
512 ANGUS MCBEAN gelatin silver photographic print portrait of Richard Burton, together with smaller 10 x 8 print with McBean’s studio stamp verso, 34.5 x 22cms Provenance: private collection of autographs and memorabilia Comments: framed and glazed, smaller photograph enclosed verso £100-150
513 RICHARD BURTON SIGNED CHEQUE for $100 on Trade Bank and Trust Company, January 31st, 1952, 7 x 14cms Provenance: private collection of autographs and memorabilia Comments: in excellent order, preserved in clear wallet £100-150
The Welsh Sale • Rogers Jones & Co
514 514 1955 / 56 THE OLD VIC COMPANY PROGRAMME FOR OTHELLO SIGNED BY RICHARD BURTON in blue ink on front cover, printed by John Waddington, 18.5cms high Provenance: private collection of autographs and memorabilia Comments: sellotape mark down spine, small adhesive mark on cover and back, neat fold mark across centre, generally excellent in our opinion £150-250
516 1968 ATLANTIC PROGRAMMES LIMITED EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS CONTRACT WITH RICHARD BURTON four page typed agreement with final page signed by the actor and by Sir Nicholas Bayard Dill, embossed stamp for Atlantic Bermuda and with 1968 Bermuda postage stamp, 35 x 21cms
515 515 RICHARD BURTON SIGNED LETTER handwritten on single page of note paper, dated 9.2.49 and with the actor’s Pelham Crescent address where he first stayed in London, ‘Dear Jimmy, I’ve thanked you before but this is more official - thank you for your telegram and best wishes etc. Very kind of you to remember. Sybil sends her love and thanks. Only hope we work together again soon. Ever, Richard Burton’, 18 x 14cms
Provenance: private collection of autographs and memorabilia
Comments: in excellent order, rare and important in relation to 1960s showbiz £300-400
Provenance: private collection of autographs and memorabilia Comments: excellent clean condition, centre fold, fresh considering the age £150-250
517 19TH CENTURY WELSH OAK 8-DAY LONG CASE CLOCK Kern & Co., Swansea, painted 12” Roman dial with subsidiary seconds, calendar aperture, and rocking ship in the arch between painted castles with soldier sentries, mahogany case with boxwood strung details, inlaid door between canted angles, square base, high bracket feet, 225cms high Provenance: deceased estate Swansea Comments: Base with horizontal crack to veneers and chips to edges, chips to bracket feet and cracks, dial crazed and replaced seconds hand, others re-painted as are finials, chip to sail of ship in the arch. £400-600 518-519 No lots
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Selections & Collections / Dewisiadau & Chasgliadau 4.30pm 6.11.21
Selections & Collections / Dewisiadau & Chasgliadau (4.30pm)
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
Jewellery, Coins, Watches, Wine, Whisky & Luxury Brands – Lots 520-594
522 520 18CT GOLD SAPPHIRE & DIAMOND CLUSTER RING, the five central sapphires surrounded by fourteen diamonds totalling 0.7cts overall approx. (visual estimate), ring size U, 6.4gms Provenance: deceased estate Ceredigion Comments: all stones present, various inclusions £400-700 521 18CT WHITE GOLD DIAMOND & RUBY CLUSTER RING, the central stone 0.3cts approx. (visual estimate), surrounded by an arrangement of fourteen rubies and a further ten diamonds, ring size O, 5.8gms Provenance: deceased estate Ceredigion Comments: all stones present, feather / crack to central stone £500-800 522 FINE DIAMOND & RUBY ENCRUSTED CRESCENT BROOCH, the forty-eight graduated stones set in yellow and white metal, 6.1cms wide, 8.5gms Provenance: deceased estate Ceredigion Comments: all stones present, various inclusions and surface wear £800-1200
523 VICTORIAN DIAMOND ENCRUSTED CROSS PENDANT, mounted in white metal, flared terminals, with diamond set suspension loop, total diamond weight 4.0cts approx. (visual estimate), 8.3gms Provenance: private collection Powys Comments: all stones present, black mineral deposit in principal stone, various inclusions, viewing highly recommended £2000-4000
524 524 YELLOW METAL DIAMOND CLUSTER RING, the central stone 0.4cts approx. (visual estimate), surrounded by ten further diamonds, ring size N / O, 3.0gms, in ring box Provenance: private collection Carmarthenshire Comments: all stones present, probably 18ct gold, hallmarks rubbed £650-750
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 525 18CT WHITE GOLD SEVEN STONE DIAMOND RING, total diamond weight 1.0cts approx. (visual estimate), ring size O, 3.9gms, in vintage ring box Provenance: private collection Cardiff Comments: diamonds are bright and well matched, various inclusions across stones £500-700 526 18CT GOLD & PLATINUM DIAMOND RING, of Art Deco design, ring size O, 4.7gms
Provenance: private collection Ceredigion Comments: all stones present, bright and well matched £600-1000 527 VICTORIAN DIAMOND ENCRUSTED DOVE & CROSSED ARROWS BROOCH, yellow metal, the dove set with ruby eyes, c. 1860, 5.6cms wide, 12.9gms, in Bloom & Son of London jewellery box
Provenance: private collection Gwynedd, paperwork confirming it was won by current vendor in a Sunday Express magazine competition in 1990 Comments: no apparent problems, surface wear commensurate with age, all stones present £800-1200 528 18CT WHITE GOLD FIVE STONE DIAMOND RING, the five diamonds totalling 0.5cts overall approx. (visual estimate), ring size M, 9.1gms Provenance: private collection Powys Comments: appears in good overall condition, stamped ‘750’, inclusions including small black mineral deposits and feathers / cracks £300-500 529 18CT WHITE GOLD FIVE STONE DIAMOND RING, in geometric setting, the five diamonds totalling 0.75cts approx. (visual estimate), ring size H, 5.1gms
530 PLATINUM & 18CT WHITE GOLD DIAMOND RING, the central stone measuring 1.0cts approx. (visual estimate), flanked on either side by two graduating baguette cut diamonds, ring size M, 3.7gms Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: small black mineral deposits, central stone drawing slightly yellow colour £1000-1500
Provenance: private collection Powys Comments: appears in good overall condition, stamped ‘750’, diamonds well matched, some inclusions across the stones £400-600
531 PLATINUM DIAMOND SOLITAIRE RING, the claw 531 set central stone measuring 1.5cts approx. (visual estimate), the shoulders each set with three further diamonds, ring size M / N, 4.2gms, in ring box and outer box Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire Comments: minor nibbles around ‘girdle’, one small chip at claw £4000-6000
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
532 532 18CT WHITE GOLD DIAMOND & RUBY BAR BROOCH, of bow design with border of rubies, 4.2cms wide, 11.9gms, in Kayes of Chester jewellery box Provenance: private collection Conwy Comments: no apparent problems, all stones present, minor wear £700-1000
533 18CT GOLD PINK SAPPHIRE & DIAMOND THREE STONE RING, the central oval sapphire 8 x 6mm, total diamond weight 0.3cts approx. (visual estimate), ring size M, 4.7gms
534 18CT GOLD SAPPHIRE & DIAMOND CLUSTER RING, the central oval sapphire 8 x 6mm surrounded by ten round and two baguette diamonds, ring size N, 4.8gms
Provenance: private collection Newport Comments: appears in good overall condition, minor inclusions £500-700
Provenance: private collection Newport Comments: good condition overall, minor inclusions £500-700
535 EDWARD VII 9CT GOLD VESTA CASE, of slightly curved rectangular form, scroll engraved with vacant cartouche, Birmingham 1903, 21.3gms
537 GEORGE VI 9CT GOLD VESTA CASE of slightly curved rectangular form, engine turned with circular vacant cartouche, Birmingham 1942, 30.6gms
Provenance: deceased estate Rhondda Cynon Taff
Provenance: deceased estate Rhondda Cynon Taff
Comments: very good overall condition, minor wear £250-350
Comments: appears in good overall condition, minor wear £350-450
536 GEORGE V 9CT GOLD VESTA CASE, of rectangular ‘D-end’ shape, engraved with initials ‘D L’, Birmingham 1911, 33.2gms
538 VICTORIAN 9CT GOLD VESTA CASE of rectangular ‘D-end’ shape, having engraved initials, London 1896, 19.7gms
Provenance: deceased estate Rhondda Cynon Taff
Provenance: deceased estate Rhondda Cynon Taff
Comments: good overall condition, minor dent to front and minor wear £400-600
Comments: good overall, minor dent and wear £200-300
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
539 GEORGE V 9CT GOLD MATCH BOOK CASE of rectangular form, engine turned, Birmingham 1925, engraved initials inside, 29.1gms
542 GEORGE V 9CT GOLD VESTA CASE, overall engine turned with engraved initials, Birmingham 1925, 25.0gms
Provenance: deceased estate Rhondda Cynon Taff
Provenance: deceased estate Rhondda Cynon Taff
Comments: appears in good overall condition, minor wear £350-450
Comments: very good overall, very minor wear £250-350
540 GEORGE V 9CT GOLD VESTA CASE of square shape, engine turned, engraved initials ‘W. N. L.’, Birmingham 1919, 25.6gms
543 EDWARD VII 9CT GOLD VESTA CASE of plain rectangular shape, Birmingham 1903, 24.1gms
Provenance: deceased estate Rhondda Cynon Taff
Provenance: deceased estate Rhondda Cynon Taff
Comments: appears in good overall condition, minor wear £250-350
Comments: good overall condition, minor wear £250-350
541 GEORGE V ASPREY 9CT GOLD MATCH BOOK CASE of plain rectangular form, stamped ‘Asprey London’, London 1923, 31.1gms
544 GEORGE V 9CT GOLD MATCH BOX HOLDER of rectangular form, engine turned, housing a vintage ‘Bryant & May’ matchbox, London 1924, 15.7gms
Provenance: deceased estate Rhondda Cynon Taff
Provenance: deceased estate Rhondda Cynon Taff
Comments: hinge slightly misshapen, doesn’t close flush £350-450
Comments: good overall condition, minor wear, matchbox worn £150-250
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
547 547 TEMPOR WATCH CO. TRIANGULAR MASONIC FOB / POCKET WATCH, Schwab-Loeillet, Geneve, mechanical movement, white circular dial with Masonic symbols, the silver coloured metal and enamelled case with initials J.G.B. to the front, a temple embossed verso below eye of providence, 58.8gms Provenance: private collection Gwynedd 546 545 GEORGE V ASPREY 9CT GOLD COMPACT / PILL BOX of rectangular form, engine turned with initials to cover ‘M G’, the hinged opening revealing internal mirror and inner compartment, stamped ‘Asprey London’, Chester 1912, 49.7gms Provenance: deceased estate Rhondda Cynon Taff Comments: very minor dents to front and back, hinges and clasps working well £300-500
546 GEORGE V ASPREY 9CT GOLD MATCH / VESTA CASE, of rectangular form, engine turned, hinge opening, stamped ‘Asprey London’, Chester 1926, 25.7gms Provenance: deceased estate Rhondda Cynon Taff Comments: very good overall, minor wear only £300-400
Comments: gem stone missing below winder, appears good otherwise £400-600
548 MATCHED PAIR OF FINE WALTHAM SIDEREAL ASTRONOMIC & VANGUARD POCKET WATCHES, early 20th C., the A.W.W. Co. no. 18028576 open face Sidereal keyless wind watch with 19-jewels, damascened movement adjusted to 5 positions jewels in gold settings, bi metallic balance with overcoiled Breguet hairspring, diamond endstone, micrometer regulator, lever set, white enamel dial signed ‘SIDEREAL’, minute ring, 24-hour chapter ring, subsidiary seconds, blued steel hands, plain metal Crescent swing out case numbered 9382, c. 1910, 58mms diam.; the A.W.W. Co. No. 16099491 open face Vanguard grade keyless wind watch with 23-jewels, damascened full plate movement adjusted to 5 positions, jewels in gold settings, bi metallic balance with overcoiled Breguet hairspring, diamond endstone, gold rack and pinion regulator, roman chapters, blued steel hands, subsidiary seconds, Pioneer case with sterling silver outer case no. 5051, engine turned back with blank cartouche, c. 1907, 57mms diam., both in fitted mahogany case with ‘WALTHAM’ label (2) Provenance: Private collection (South Wales) Auctioneer’s Note: Waltham Astronomic Sidereal models are very scare. They were produced in very limited numbers in 19 jewel versions. Sidereal time is the time between two successive transits of a fixed star. A sidereal year is one day longer than a mean solar year making the sidereal day approximately 3 minutes 56 seconds (solar) longer than a mean solar day Comments: Sidereal watch - case very slightly worn, dial and movement excellent. Vanguard watch - hairline cracks to lower dial £2000-4000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
549 14K GOLD ZENITH SLIM HUNTER POCKET WATCH, side wind, the dial having subsidiary seconds dial and Arabic numerals, the cuvette engraved ‘Grand Prix Paris 1900 Zenith’, the movement numbered ‘1641072’, 71.0gms
550 EARLY VICTORIAN 18CT GOLD OPEN FACED POCKET WATCH, having Roman numeral chapter ring, engraved initials to back cover, the movement numbered ‘9940’, London 1840 with initials ‘H H N’, 75.9gms
Provenance: deceased estate Rhondda Cynon Taff
Provenance: deceased estate Rhondda Cynon Taf
Comments: seconds hand ticking, edge cracks to crystal, surface wear and scratches £300-500
Comments: tip of minutes hand missing, surface wear and light scratching, ticking when wound, with two keys in associated box £400-600 551 GEORGE V 18CT GOLD OPEN FACED POCKET WATCH, white enamel face with Roman numeral chapter ring, the movement engraved ‘Geo Moore 23 Percival Street London’ and numbered ‘9977’, London 1927, with watch key, 132.2gms overall Provenance: deceased estate Rhondda Cynon Taf Comments: appears in very good overall condition, minor wear, ticking when wound £800-1200
552 HAMILTON MILITARY ISSUE STAINLESS STEEL WRISTWATCH, c. 1977, circular black dial with broad arrow and Tritium ‘T’ within a circle, white Arabic numerals and centre seconds, brushed tonneau fixed bar case, manual wind movement, the case back with issue markings W10-665-99 532-8290 3968/77, modern black NATO type band marked ‘Zuludiver’, 36mm diam.
553 OMEGA MILITARY ISSUE RAF PILOT’S STAINLESS STEEL WRISTWATCH, c. 1953, ref. 2777-1 SC, 17J cal. 283 manual movement, circular black dial with broad arrow and Tritium, white Arabic numerals and centre seconds, fixed bar case, the screwdown case back with issue markings 6645 101000 68/542 1976/53, modern black NATO type band marked ‘Zuludiver’, 37mm diam.
Provenance: Deceased estate Comments: Movement - appears currently functioning. Dial - enamel chips to perimeter near 7 and 8 positions, lume faded to brown on the indices. Glass surface marks. Hands - matching, lume to minute hand darkened, generally good. Case - typical light marks with scratches to upper right lug. Crown - adjusting correctly. Strap - modern/good £200-300
Provenance: Deceased estate Comments: Movement - appears currently functioning. Dial - post 1950s replacement, brown rust patches to perimeter at 11, 9-7 and 2 positions. Glass - surface marks. Hands - matching, generally good with small marks, white seconds hand with small marks. Case - typical light marks with scratches. Crown - adjusting correctly. Strap - modern/good £1200-1800
555 555 TUDOR FOR ROLEX 9CT GOLD LADIES WRISTWATCH, the square champagne dial having baton markers, engraved to inner back cover ‘Made For Rolex’ and numbered ‘431711’, having integrated 9ct gold tapering bracelet, 28.9gms, in vintage Tudor box Provenance: deceased estate Ceredigion Comments: chips and crack to crystal, otherwise good £200-300
554 554 RARE TUDOR STAINLESS STEEL AUTOMATIC CALENDAR BRACELET WATCH, Prince Oysterdate ‘Snowflake’ Submariner, Ref: 9411/0, Serial No.843***, c. 1976, 25-jewel Cal. 2784 automatic movement, matt black dial with tritium block, baton and triangle hour markers, printed 200m=660ft, Submariner, and T Swiss Made T, white outer minute divisions, polished ‘snowflake’ hands with centre seconds hand, acrylic crystal with cyclops lens above date window, brushed and polished tonneau form case with screw down Rolex inscription Oyster back, shouldered screw down Rolex triplock crown, bi-directional bezel with black calibrated insert, fitted Rolex link bracelet with signed folding clasp stamped, case, dial and movement signed, 39mms diam. Provenance: One owner form new, privately consigned by a South Wales vendor Auctioneer’s Note: The unusual shape and large size of the luminous hands are a design feature initially introduced to improve legibility whilst diving in conditions of low visibility. Predominantly used in its early years by divers in the French military, the ‘Snowflake’ Submariner soon became an icon on the civilian market and has become one of the most collectable vintage Tudors made to date Comments: case with surface scratches, dial good with hands showing signs of corrosion to edges, lume in hour hand slightly shrunk, colour slightly aged to an attractive cream, crystal with surface scratches, crown worn, bracelet links stretched. Caseback unopened £2500-3500
556 556 MUST DE CARTIER VERMEIL SILVER GILT TANK LADY’S WRISTWATCH, ref. 590005, no. 1****5, c. 1997, champagne dial with two vertical columns of Roman numerals, cabouchon crown, quartz movement, fitted brown Cartier strap, 23mm. diam., box and papers Comments: Movement - in need of replacement battery, untested. Dial good. Glass - good. Hands - good. Case - wear to the gilding, surface marks, tarnished. Crown - functioning. Strap signs of wear and dirty, buckle pitted £250-350
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 557 CARTIER PANTHERE BI-METAL WRISTWATCH, in stainless steel and yellow gold, square dial with Roman numerals, blue steel hands, date aperture at 5 o’clock, hidden signature at 7 o’clock, quartz movement, numbered to reverse 83949023007, case 26mm diam. Provenance: private collection Pembrokeshire Comments: no box or paperwork, surface wear and scratches, not ticking currently £1000-1500 558 CARTIER ROADSTER BRACELET WATCH, ref. 2510, c. 2003, serial number 206842CE, Cal.120, nickel plated 20 jewel movement, two-tone silvered dial with Roman numerals, secret signature within VII, inner luminous batons, luminous hands, centre seconds, date aperture under cyclops, polished water-resistant type case with reverse secured by eight screws, on fitted polished and grained stainless steel Cartier bracelet with concealed double folding buckle, case, dial and movement signed width 38mms, with box, spare strap in roll, guarantee, booklets Provenance: Deceased estate (South Wales)
Comments: Movement - appears currently functioning. Dial -excellent. Glass - excellent. Hands - excellent. Case - typical light marks and scratches. Crown - adjusting correctly. Strap - typical light marks and scratches £1000-1500 559 ORIS AQUIS CALENDAR BRACELET WATCH, ref. 01 733 7730, jewelled automatic 7750 movement, black dial with applied baton hour markers with luminous inserts, 5 minute divisions, date aperture at 6 o’clock, luminous hands, silvered uni-directional ceramic bezel, brushed and polished tonneau case, screw down exhibition back, fitted Oris bracelet with deployant clasp, dial, movement and case signed, Oris box, 3 spare links, 42mm diam. Provenance: Deceased estate (South Wales)
Comments: Movement - appears currently functioning. Dial -excellent. Glass - excellent. Hands - excellent. Case - typical light marks and scratches. Crown - adjusting correctly. Strap - typical light marks and scratches £400-600
557 560 RADO HYPERCHROME CHRONOGRAPH BRACELET WATCH, ref. 01.650.0275.3, c. 2016, no. 13*****2, black dial applied polished stainless steel baton hour markers with luminous dots, luminous filled baton hands, stainless steel chronograph hand, date aperture at 4 o’clock, three overlapping subsidiary dials for running seconds, 30 minute and 12 hour recording, polished ceramic case, 37 jewel automatic movement, fitted Rado bracelet and double deployant titanium clasp, 40mms diam, three spare links, Rado box, wallet, booklet and warrantee cards Provenance: Deceased estate (South Wales) Comments: Movement - appears currently functioning. Dial -excellent. Glass - excellent. Hands - excellent. Case - excellent. Crown adjusting correctly. Strap - excellent £400-600
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co 561 RADO DIASTAR CERAMOS CHRONOGRAPH BRACELET WRISTWATCH, ref. 541.0937.3, c. 2014, no. 121****8, black dial, applied pointed luminous hour markers luminous filled baton hands, stainless steel chronograph hand, aperture for date, three subsidiary dials, polished ceramic case, quartz movement, fitted Rado bracelet and double deployant titanium clasp, 40mms diam, with warranty card, three spare links and wallet Provenance: Deceased estate (South Wales) Comments: Movement - appears currently functioning. Dial -excellent. Glass - excellent. Hands - excellent. Case - typical light marks and scratches. Crown - adjusting correctly. Strap - typical light marks and scratches £200-400 563 BREITLING TRANSOCEAN CHRONOGRAPH BRACELET WRISTWATCH, ref. AB0154, c. 2014, no. 708/2000 models worldwide, Cal. B01 automatic movement, two-tone champagne and silvered dial, applied baton and luminous dot hour markers, outer tachymetre scale, luminous filled baton hands, stainless steel chronograph hand, aperture for date, subsidiary dials for running small seconds and 30 minute register, polished case, hinged hunter-style case back revealing exhibition back, two round chronograph pushers, fitted Breitling mesh bracelet with deployant clasp, case, dial and movement signed 43mms diam, with leather box, 5 spare links, and limited number certificate
Provenance: Deceased estate (South Wales) Comments: Movement - appears currently functioning. Dial excellent. Glass - excellent. Hands - excellent. Case - typical light marks and scratches. Crown - adjusting correctly. Strap - typical light marks and scratches £3000-4000
562 562 BREITLING NAVITIMER WORLD STAINLESS STEEL CHRONOGRAPH GMT CALENDAR BRACELET WATCH, ref: A24322, c. 2008, no. 2819545 jewelled automatic movement, black dial with applied baton hour markers, luminous dots, 5 minute divisions, outer 24-hour chapter, subsidiary dials for running seconds, 30 minute and 12 hour recording, date aperture at 3 o’clock, luminous hands, additional 24-hour hand, silvered bi-directional bezel, brushed and polished tonneau case with twin pushers flanking the crown, screw on back engraved with names of the major world cities, fitted Breitling bracelet with deployant clasp, dial, movement and case signed, Breitling fitted box, 3 spare links, 43mms diam. Provenance: Deceased estate (South Wales) Comments: Movement - appears currently functioning. Dial excellent. Glass - excellent. Hands - excellent. Case - typical light marks and scratches. Crown - adjusting correctly. Strap - typical light marks and scratches £2000-3000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 565 TAG HEUER FORMULA 1 SENNA EDITION CHRONOGRAPH BRACELET WATCH, ref. CAZ1012, c. 2015, quartz movement, grey dial with slate subsidiary dials for running seconds, 1/10th seconds and 30 minute recording, steel hands with grey inserts, red chronograph hand, white outer 1 seconds scale, fixed bezel with tachymetre scale, brushed stainless steel case with screwdown back, fitted Tag Heuer bracelet with deployant clasp, four spare links, case and dial signed, 43mms diam, with box and guarantee card Provenance: Deceased estate (South Wales) Comments: Movement - not currently functioning. Dial excellent. Glass - excellent. Hands - excellent. Case - typical light marks. Crown - adjusting correctly. Strap - typical light marks £500-800 566 TAG HEUER CARRERA CALIBRE-1 CHRONOGRAPH BRACELET WATCH, ref. CAR2A1W-O, semi-skeletonised, applied baton hour markers with red/white inserts, skeletonised calendar markers, raised outer 1/5th second divisions, subsidiary dials at 12, 6 and 9 for seconds, 30 minute and 12 hour recording, date aperture between 3 and 4, gilt pointed baton hands with white inserts, red centre chronograph hand, brushed and polished tonneau case, exhibition back secured by 4 screws, black tachymetre scale to bezel, crown flanked by twin pushers, 39-jewel Cal. Heuer01 automatic movement, fitted TAG Heuer bracelet with deployant clasp, 45mms diam, three spare links, TAG Heuer box Provenance: Deceased estate (South Wales)
Comments: Movement - appears currently functioning. Dial excellent. Glass - excellent. Hands - excellent. Case - typical light marks. Crown - adjusting correctly. Strap - typical light marks £1500-1800
564 BREITLING CHRONOMAT AIRBORNE 30TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION CHRONOGRAPH BRACELET WATCH, ref. AB0114, no. 31****9, jewelled automatic movement, cream dial with applied baton hour markers with luminous inserts, 1/5 minute divisions, outer tachymeter scale, subsidiary dials for running seconds, 30 minute and 12 hour recording, date aperture at 4 o’clock, luminous hands, silvered uni-directional bezel, polished tonneau case with twin pushers flanking the crown, screw on back with Aermacchi MB-339 fighter and ‘Edition Speciale 30th Anniversaire’, fitted Breitling bracelet with deployant clasp, dial, movement and case signed, Breitling leather box, 3 spare links, 41mms diam. Provenance: Deceased estate (South Wales) Comments: Movement - appears currently functioning. Dial -excellent. Glass excellent. Hands - excellent. Case - typical light marks and scratches. Crown - adjusting correctly. Strap - typical light marks and scratches £4500-5500
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
567 TAG HEUER MONACO WRISTWATCH, ref. WW2110-0, c. 2005, automatic calibre-6 movement, black dial with applied batons with luminous dot markers, luminous baton hands, calendar aperture and subsidiary seconds dial, polished and brushed stainless steel case, exhibition case back, fitted black alligator strap with deployant clasp, case, dial and movement signed, 36mms diam. Provenance: Deceased estate (South Wales) Comments: Movement - appears currently functioning. Dial excellent. Glass - excellent. Hands - excellent. Case - typical light marks and scratches. Crown - adjusting correctly. Strap - typical light marks and scratches £500-1000 568 TAG HEUER MONACO CHRONOGRAPH WRISTWATCH, ref. CAW2110, Jewelled Cal:12 automatic movement, black dial with subsidiary dials for running seconds and 30 minute recording, steel hands with luminous inserts, steel chronograph hand, white outer 1/5th seconds scale, polished and brushed stainless steel square case with exhibition back, fitted Tag Heuer alligator strap with deployant clasp, case, dial and movement signed, 38mms diam Provenance: Deceased estate (South Wales) Comments: Movement - appears currently functioning. Dial excellent. Glass - excellent. Hands - excellent. Case - typical light marks and scratches. Crown - adjusting correctly. Strap - typical light marks and scratches £1000-1500 569 TAG HEUER MONACO CHRONOGRAPH WRISTWATCH, ref. CAW2111-0, jewelled Cal:12 automatic movement, blue dial with white subsidiary dials for running seconds and 30 minute recording, steel hands with luminous inserts, red chronograph hand, white outer 1/5th seconds scale, polished and brushed stainless steel square case with exhibition back, fitted Tag Heuer alligator strap with deployant clasp, case, dial and movement signed, 38mms diam Provenance: Deceased estate (South Wales) Comments: Movement - appears currently functioning. Dial excellent. Glass - excellent. Hands - excellent. Case - typical light marks and scratches. Crown - adjusting correctly. Strap - typical light marks and scratches £1500-2000
570 570 ROLEX DATEJUST II STAINLESS STEEL AND 18K WHITE GOLD AUTOMATIC CALENDAR BRACELET WATCH, ref. 116334, c. 2011, no. F10K**2, 31-jewel Cal.3136 automatic movement, silvered dial with applied Arabic markers with luminous inserts, black outer minute markers with 5 minutes in Arabic numerals, date aperture at 3, polished baton hands with luminous inserts, fitted polished and brushed tonneau case, fluted bezel, screw down case back, Rolex polished and brushed bacelet with deployant clasp, case, dial, and movement signed, 41mms diam, Rolex box, warantee, Rolex swing tags, extra link and booklets Provenance: Deceased estate (South Wales) Comments: Movement - appears currently functioning. Dial -excellent. Glass - excellent. Hands - excellent. Case - bezel with dints at 5 & 6 o’clock, typical light marks and scratches. Crown - adjusting correctly. Strap - typical light marks and scratches £4000-6000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 571 ROLEX MILGAUSS ANTIMAGNETIC BRACELET WATCH, ref. 116400, c. 2009, ser. no. M88***1, 31-jewel Cal.3131 automatic movement, black dial with applied luminous filled baton hour markers, outer white minute divisions with orange five minute markers, polished baton hands with luminous inserts, orange lightning bolt centre seconds, fitted brushed and polished Oyster link bracelet with signed deployant clasp with Easylink extension, case, dial & movement signed, 40mms diam., Rolex box, outer card, warrantee, booklet.
Provenance: Deceased estate (South Wales) Comments: Movement - appears currently functioning. Dial -excellent. Glass - excellent. Hands - excellent. Case - typical light marks and scratches. Crown - adjusting correctly. Strap - typical light marks and scratches £4000-6000
572 No lot
571 (detail)
573 MILLBURN DISTILLERY 1974, The Classic Whisky Guild presents a limited bottling of natural strength single cask malt whisky, bottled on behalf of David Phillips, 56.3% vol, 70cl
574 DALMORE DISTILLERY 1976, The Classic Whisky Guild presents a limited bottling of natural strength single cask malt whisky, bottled on behalf of David Phillips, 57.8% vol, 70cl
575 DALLAS DHU DISTILLERY 1976, The Classic Whisky Guild presents a limited bottling of natural strength single cask malt whisky, bottled on behalf of David Phillips, 51.9% vol, 70cl
576 ROYAL LOCHNAGAR DISTILLERY 1977, The Classic Whisky Guild presents a limited bottling of natural strength single cask malt whisky, bottled on behalf of David Phillips, 55.4% vol, 70cl
577 BENRINNES DISTILLERY 1980, The Classic Whisky Guild presents a limited bottling of natural strength single cask malt whisky, bottled on behalf of David Phillips, 53.7% vol, 70cl
Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy
Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy
Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy
Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy
Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy
Comments: liquid level lower neck, non-distillery colour printed label coming away at corners £100-200
Comments: liquid level lower neck, non-distillery colour printed label showing slight bubbling £100-200
Comments: liquid level lower neck, non-distillery colour printed label has minor wear to top edge £100-200
Comments: liquid level middle neck, non-distillery colour printed label has minor wear along top edge £100-200
Comments: liquid level lower neck, non-distillery colour printed label good £100-200
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
578 ST. MAGDALENE DISTILLERY 1982, The Classic Whisky Guild presents a limited bottling of natural strength single cask malt whisky, bottled on behalf of David Phillips, 61.6% vol, 70cl
579 LITTLEMILL DISTILLERY 1988, The Classic Whisky Guild presents a limited bottling of natural strength single cask malt whisky, bottled on behalf of David Phillips, 58.6% vol, 70cl
580 TOMATIN DISTILLERY 1990, The Classic Whisky Guild presents a limited bottling of natural strength single cask malt whisky, bottled on behalf of David Phillips, 58.9% vol, 70cl
581 GLENTURRET DISTILLERY 1990, The Classic Whisky Guild presents a limited bottling of natural strength single cask malt whisky, bottled on behalf of David Phillips, 53.5% vol, 70cl
582 MACALLAN DISTILLERY 1990, The Classic Whisky Guild presents a limited bottling of natural strength single cask malt whisky, bottled on behalf of David Phillips, 55.4% vol, 70cl
Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy
Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy
Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy
Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy
Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy
Comments: liquid level lower neck, non-distillery colour printed label good £100-200
Comments: liquid level lower neck, non-distillery colour printed label loose but present £100-200
Comments: liquid level lower neck, non-distillery colour printed label good £100-200
Comments: liquid level lower neck, non-distillery colour printed label good £80-120
Comments: liquid level lower neck, non-distillery colour printed label worn and curling in bottom left corner £100-200
583 BRAEVAL DISTILLERY 1992, The Classic Whisky Guild presents a limited bottling of natural strength single cask malt whisky, bottled on behalf of David Phillips, 57.1% vol, 70cl Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy
Comments: liquid level lower neck, non-distillery colour printed label slightly bubbled £80-120
584 NORTH PORT DISTILLERY Rarest of the Rare, single malt cask strength scotch whisky, aged 26 years, distilled 04.1981, bottled 09.2007, cask no. 775, 52.9% vol, 70cl, in original box Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy Comments: liquid level lower neck, label and box very good £100-200
585 ARDBEG DISTILLERY 1975, Connoisseurs Choice, Islay single malt scotch whisky, distilled 1975, bottled by Gordon & MacPhail, 40% vol, 70cl, in original box Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy Comments: liquid level lower neck, neck label coming away slightly, minor wear to box flaps £150-250
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
586 586 MOSSTOWIE DISTILLERY 1975, Connoisseurs Choice, Speyside single malt scotch whisky, distilled 1975, bottled by Gordon & MacPhail, 40% vol, 75cl Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy Comments: liquid level lower neck, label foxed £100-150 587 TWO EXPRESSIONS FROM THE BALVENIE DISTILLERY BANFFSHIRE SCOTLAND, comprising 1993 single malt scotch whisky finished in portwood port casks, 40% vol, 70cl, in original cylindrical box, together with Founder’s Reserve malt scotch whisky aged 10 years, 40% vol, 70cl, in original cylindrical box (2)
589 TWO TALISKER DISTILLERY ISLE OF SKYE EXPRESSIONS comprising Talisker single malt scotch whisky aged 10 years map label bottling, 45.8% vol, 70cl in original box, together with Talisker Port Ruighe single malt scotch whisky finished in port casks, 45.8% vol, 70cl in original box (2)
590 FOUR HIGHLAND MALT SCOTCH WHISKY EXPRESSIONS comprising Signatory Vintage Glenallachie 1991 whisky, distilled on 5.3.91, bottled 4.10.99, butt no. 1342, bottle no. 693 of 902, 43% vol, 70cl in original cylindrical box, Aberlour aged 10 years scotch whisky, 40% vol, 70cl in original box, Strathisla aged 12 years Scotch whisky, 43% vol, 70cl in original box, Dalwhinnie 15 years old scotch whisky, 43% vol, 70cl in original box (4)
Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy
Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy
Comments: both liquid levels lower nexk, labels and boxes good overall with minor wear, thread like sediment in Port Ruighe expression £100-150
Comments: all liquid levels in lower neck apart from Dalwhinnie in very upper shoulder, Dalwhinnie box a little rough around top and flaps £100-150
Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy Comments: both liquid levels lower neck, labels and boxes good £100-200 588 THREE ISLAY SINGLE MALT WHISKY EXPRESSIONS comprising Lagavulin aged 16 years scotch whisky, 43% vol, 70cl in original box, Bunnahabhain aged 12 years scotch whisky, 40% vol, 70cl in original box, Caol Ila aged 18 years malt whisky, 43% vol, 70cl in original box (3) Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy
Comments: liquid levels all lower neck, labels and boxes good overall £100-200
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co 591 FIVE SINGLE MALT WHISKY EXPRESSIONS comprising Bladnoch aged 15 years single Lowland malt, 55% vol, 70cl, Riverstown 12 years old single Speyside malt whisky distilled at Glen Spey distillery 6th April 1999, bottled August 2011, 59.8% vol, 70cl, First Cask 1978 Glen Mhor Highland malt whisky, cask no. 4047, bottle no. 273, 46% vol, 70cl, Aberdeen distillers single cask Speyside malt whisky aged 18 years, distilled at Auchroisk distillery, 46% vol, 70cl, Longrow aged 10 years Campbeltown single malt scotch whisky, 57%, 70cl (5) 591
Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy Comments: liquid levels all lower neck, labels good overall £100-200
European & British Antiques & Fine Art - Lots 595-630
592 TWO BOTTLES OF THE MCGIBBON’S PROVENANCE SPECIAL SELECTIONS comprising Spring distillation single malt scotch whisky distilled in 1993 at Lochnagar distillery, bottled Spring 2005 ‘over 12 years’, Summer distillation single malt scotch whisky distilled in 1990 at Macallan distillery, bottled Summer 2004 ‘over 14 years, both 46% vol and 70cl, in original boxes (2) Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy Comments: both liquid levels lower neck, labels and boxes good £100-200 593 FIVE SINGLE MALT SCOTCH WHISKY EXPRESSIONS comprising Glen Marnoch single Speyside malt whisky ages 12 years, 40% vol, 70cl, Ledaig Isle of Mull single malt scotch whisky aged 10 years, 43% vol, 70cl, Oban single malt West Highland scotch whisky aged 14 years, 43% vol, 70cl, Bruichladdich single Islay malt scotch whisky aged 10 years, 40% vol, 70cl, Inchmurrin single malt scotch whisky aged 12 years, 46% vol, 70cl, all in original boxes (5) Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy
595 595 PAIR COPPER & BRASS WINE COOLERS, each with four bottle sleeves around a central lidded ice container, stepped circular base, tops stamped ‘S.S. Boston’ and ‘White Star’, 31.2 d. x 23.5cms h Provenance: Private collection (South Wales) Auctioneer’s Note: The S.S. Boston was a 4,989 ton steam passenger ship built in 1924 for Eastern Steamship Lines Inc Portsmouth, USA. This ship was given to Britain & transferred to the Ministry of War in 1942. She was sunk by German U-Boat on the September of that year. The U-boat captain, Captain, Karl-Otto Schultz believed her to be the much larger Viceroy of India class boat, due to her high superstructure and twin funnels. It is unclear as to why this piece is also stamped White Star, since this was a separate shipping line, most well-known for building the RMS Titanic. In later years the term ‘White Star’ was adopted by Cunard who bought out the White Star Line to indicate a higher level of service to passengers Comments: generally very good with minor dints to edges £1000-1500
Comments: liquid levels all lower neck, labels and boxes good overall, some wear and minor rusting to boxes £100-200 594 FIVE BOTTLES OF MALT SCOTCH WHISKY comprising Glenmorangie rare malt scotch whisky aged 15 years, 43% vol, 70cl, Glenmorangie Handcrafts of Scotland 10 years old, 40% vol, 70cl, Glenmorangie Highland malt ‘Astar’, 57.1% vol, 70cl, The Glenlivet single malt guaranteed 12 years of age, 40% vol, 70cl, The Famous Grouse vintage malt whisky 1987 ages 12 years, 40% vol, 70cl, all in original boxes (5) Provenance: deceased estate single-owner collection Conwy Comments: liquid levels all lower neck, labels and boxes good overall, some wear and rusting £100-200
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 596 VERY RARE ‘MENAGERIE’ PINK LUSTRE PEARLWARE JUG, c. 1810, named for ‘James Hagger, Keeper at Wombwells’s Royal Menagerie’, with printed and coloured vignettes of a leopard and African man, camel and rider with Turkish handlers, and a zebra and rider, between flowers sprays and floral collar, lustre rim, moulded handle, 17cms high Provenance: Leslie Joseph collection no. MP1. Consigned to auction by Sir Leslie Joseph’s family Auctioneer’s Note: George Wombwell’s Menagerie began travelling around Britain in about 1807. The arrival of a travelling menagerie to a town would have caused great excitement, as it would have been a rare chance for people to see live wild animals. Wombwell was so successful that by his death in 1850, there were three different menageries on tour at any one time. His family continued the business and the last of the Wombwell menagaries closed in 1884. Cf. Pat Halfpenny, English Earthenware Figures, 1740-1840 (Suffolk, 1991), p. 236, pl. 69 and p. 274, for examples of Wombwell’s menagerie groups Comments: handle broken and restored. Rim restored £800-1200 597 RARE STAFFORDSHIRE ‘DANDY-HORSE’ & ‘ACCELERATOR’ CANARY YELLOW PRINTED JUG, c.1820, foliate painted neck above titled scenes ‘A Visit From Richmond to Carlton House’ depicting a landy and gentleman riding a dandy-horse and ‘The Lady’s Accelerator’ depicting a lady driving a Pilentum or accellerator (horseless buggy), pink lustre rim, 13.5cms h
Provenance: Private collection (West Wales) Auctioneer’s Note: For camparisons, see Bonhams 10.8.07 lot 115 and Pitt Rivers Museum no. 1897.69.8 for similaryly printed nursery plates. Alison Petch writes: The image on the plate refers to George Augustus Frederick of Hanover, (1762-1830), known as the Prince Regent and later George IV, whose residence was Carlton House until 1820 when he ascended the throne. He is the best known resident in the house and the timescale fits (dandy horses were popular just before 1820 when he was Prince Regent and still resident in Carlton House). The Prince Regent was probably the ultimate dandy of the time. Carlton House was an opulent residence, which could be called a palace when the Price Regent was living there so lavish was its decoration. The house was demolished in 1825 and replaced by Carlton House Terrace. The reference to Richmond refers to Maria Anne Fitzherbert (1756-1837). She was married to the future George IV in 1785 (her third marriage), but this marriage was considered invalid under the Royal Marriages Act of 1772 because it had not been approved by George III, his father. In any case, it would not have been possible to marry as she was a Roman Catholic. The relationship lasted until 1811. Maria Fitzherbert was known as the Sweet Lass of Richmond Hill. The jug is therefore a light-hearted political commentary about the scandal of their marriage and on-going relationship. The dandy horse may have been specifically chosen, not only to link George IV and Maria Fitzherbert on the same machine, but also because its name was synonymous with the high living of the early nineteenth century, which the Prince Regent epitomised
Comments: small chip to side of spout, hairline to neck beside handle, lustre slightly worn, some scattered enamel chips £200-400 598 BARR, FLIGHT & BARR CYLINDRICAL PORCELAIN VASE, painted with view of figure on horseback on bridge with manor house above river within mountainous landscape, gilt scroll and foliate decoration on a peach ground, gilt satyr mask handles, flared rim, script mark referring to Royal patronage and the factory’s London shop in Coventry Street, 16cms high, together with another example hand painted with bird within gilt borders and geometric decoration on a peach ground, gilt satyr mask handles, flared rim, 17.5cms high (2) Provenance: private collection Swansea
Comments: wear overall to gilding, unmarked example has faint impressed mark believed to be Crown with letters ‘F B B’ below, nibble to satyr mask nose, one has associated base £300-500
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
602 601 WEDGWOOD BLACK BASALT ‘FISHTAIL’ EWER, limited edition no. 12/100, with scaled handle, mask spout, greek key band hung with swags and medallions, and acanthus foot all richly gilt, impressed & printed marks, COA, boxed, c. 1998, 26cms high Provenance: private collection South Wales Auctioneer’s Note: based on an original design by Jacques Stella (1596-1657) Comments: no damage £300-500 602 PAIR WEDGWOOD MASTERPIECE COLLECTION BLACK BASALT ‘GRIFFIN’ CANDLESTICKS, limited edition no. 23/35 & 24/35, each with sconce, collar, beak, martingale, tail knop and base all richly gilt, impressed & printed marks, COA and booklet, boxed, c. 2000, 31.5cms high
600 599 WEDGWOOD GENIUS COLLECTION ‘PROCESSION OF THE DEITIES’ JASPER VASE, limited edition no. 12/100, decorated with fruiting vine to the waisted neck, stylised anthemion shoulder, six classical figure frieze above band of braziers, square plinth base, impressed & printed marks, COA, boxed, 34.2cms high Provenance: private collection South Wales Comments: tiny firing cracks and discolouration to feet of one figure and ground £300-500
Comments: no damage £1000-1500
Provenance: private collection (South Wales)
Provenance: private collection South Wales
Auctioneer’s Note: based on an original design by Sir William Chambers (1726-1796) and was first produced by Josiah Wedgwood in 1771
603 LARGE COALPORT PRESTIGE COLLECTION ‘AFTERNOON TEA’ GROUP, limited edition no. 53/250, depicting two Edwardian ladies and a maid, taking tea and cakes in a garden, designed by Sue McGarrigle & modelled by Jack Glynn, printed marks, with COA & booklet, c. 2000, 53w x 36d x 30cms h
600 WEDGWOOD TWO-COLOUR JASPER CANOPIC INKSTAND, limited edition no. 17, in the Rosso Antico style with ‘Egyptian’ bas reliefs, comprises stand, pounce pot, two inkwells & covers and canopic jar & cover, impressed & printed marks, COA, boxed, c. 2000, 30.5cms long Comments: no damage £400-600
Provenance: private collection South Wales
Comments: some smaller elements loose £400-600
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
604 604 MEISSEN PORCELAIN FIGURE GROUP, early 20th Century, of galloping horses amongst clouds wearing chariot harness, blue cross swords to base, 20.5cms high Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: crack to one of front legs, also some evidence of restoration to legs, chips to mane, wear to gilding £250-350
605 JOE JUSTER FOR WILLIAM DE MORGAN: FULHAM PERIOD POTTERY ‘PERSIAN’ VASE, c. 1890, baluster form on flaring foot, painted with exotic white birds amongst flowering peony on a midnight blue ground, turquoise borders, 32cms high
606 BOVEY POTTERY ‘OUR GANG’ FIGURES OF CHURCHILL & ROOSEVELT, former entitled ‘The Boss’, both in cream matt glazes, brown printed marks, 21cms high (2) Comments: Churchill - glaze slightly crazed, underglaze chip to right inside heel. FDR - very good £200-300
Provenance: Private collection (South Wales) Comments: foot, rim and body crack restored £1500-2500
607 RARE BOVEY POTTERY ‘OUR GANG’ FIGURE OF STALIN, in cream matt glaze, brown printed marks, 19.5cms high Comments: glaze mottled and discoloured to light brown, glaze chips to rear heels, one heel chip restored, underglaze chip to hem of jacket to rear £1200-1500
608 607
608 VLADIMIR NEMUKHIN FOR VILLEROY & BOCH: SET MODERNIST PORCELAIN PLATES, from an edition manufactured c. 1970-1990, titled ‘As’ (ace) No.1, ‘Valet du Carreau’ (Jack of Diamonds) No.2, ‘Joker’ No. 3 and ‘Carreau’ (Diamond) No.4, boxed, 30.5cms diam. (4) Provenance: Private Collection (Brecon) Comments: excellent £1500-2000
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
609 TWO SETS RUSSIAN ENAMEL & SILVER GILT TEASPOONS, 1908-1917, one a set of nine with makers mark ‘EO’, the other a set of three with slightly different design and makers mark ‘BH’, all about 11cms long (12)
610 ATTRIBUTED TO SAMUEL HIERONYMUS GRIMM (Swiss, 1733-1794), watercolour - Woolwich Arsenal, entitled on the mount, typed exhibition label verso dated 1954-5 detailing various English cities, and ink-inscribed ‘Festival of Britain, Brighton’, 13 x 18.5cms
Provenance: private collection (North Wales)
Provenance: private collection Swansea
Comments: excellent condtition £500-700
Comments: slightly faded, top and bottom possibly trimmed, laid down £400-600
611 MID 18TH CENTURY BRITISH SCHOOL oil on canvas portrait of Mrs Catherine Allix in lace cap, inscribed verso ‘Mrs Allix, Daughter of Dr. Green, Bishop of Ely, 1720. Great, Great Grandmother of Noel Charles Allix, who was born 1846’, oval 28 x 23.5cms Provenance: Private collection (West Wales) Auctioneer’s Note: Rt. Rev. Dr. Thomas Green was Master of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (1698-1716), Bishop of Norwich (1708-1721) and Bishop of Ely (1723-1738). He had two daughters, Catherine Allix (1707-1792)and Anne Clarke Comments: laid down, some areas of flaked paint, board warped, frame with some losses £200-300
612 612 JOSEPH HEARD (British, 1799-1859) oil on canvas - Barque in two positions, in rough seas flying x-ray signal flag (‘stop your intention- watch for my signal’), other shipping and mountain coastline in the distance, signed, 45 x 59.5cms Provenance: private collection London Comments: relined, cleaned, retouched £2000-3000
613 EDWARD DUNCAN R.W.S. (British, 1803-1882) watercolour - Off the Coast of Cornwall, a dramatic breeches buoy rescue, with cottages in the middle distance and under stormy skies, signed and dated 1873, titled on the mount, 28 x 55cms Provenance: Penarth private collection. Auctioneer’s Note: The schooner ‘Ellen Martin’, owned by Martin & Marquand in Cardiff, was beached on Summerleaze Point whilst attempting to enter Bude harbour on 25th January 1873. The crew were taken off using the breeches buoy rescue. It is noted that the figurehead of the Ellen Martin remained in the garden of the Captain for many years Comments: foxing, slight fading, Victorian gilt gesso frame in need of restoration to edges £400-600
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
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614 EDMUND JOHN NIEMANN (British, 1813-1876) oil on canvas - view of the Cheshire Plain, extensive landscape with escarpment, river with scull to the fore, red roofed cottages and tall smoking chimney stacks in the distance, signed, 82.5 x 89.5cms
615 PETRUS GERARDUS VERTIN (Dutch, 1819-1893) oil on panel - Townscape with figures near a canal, signed, 13 x 18cms
Provenance: deceased estate South Wales Comments: two holes to centre, varnish browned £500-700
Provenance: private collection Swansea Comments: varnish smear to top left margin, small superficial scratch LHS, framed ready to hang £600-800
617 617 CIRCLE OF CHARLES NAPIER HEMY RA RWS (British, 1841-1917) oil on canvas - fisherman pulling in a heavy net in a fishing smack in choppy seas, 75 x 108cms Provenance: private collection London 616 616 MARGARET MURRAY-COOKESLEY (British, c. 1850-1927) oil on canvas - The Spilled Flowers, a distraught maiden seated on a villa floor beside an upset basket of flowers, with leopard skin, bead necklace and gilt bronze table, signed and dated 1889, 37 x 59cms
Comments: relined, retouched, frame repaired and with loose slips £800-1200
Provenance: private collection (South Wales) Comments: excellent, reframed, ready to hang £2000-3000
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co 618 WILHELM SCHWAR (German, 1860-1943) oil on canvas - grey and white cat on the stoop, 50 x 39.5cms
621 ROBERT LOUIS BANKS (British, 1911-2000) watercolour - ‘Calle de Larco’, 68 x 48cms
Provenance: private collection Swansea
Provenance: with Alwin Gallery receipt dated July 1977, deceased estate Swansea
Comments: appears to have been relined with some evidence of restoration, modern frame £800-1200 619 LAURENCE STEPHEN LOWRY R.A. (British, 1887-1976), offset lithograph - Landscape with Farm Buildings, 1974, on wove, signed in pencil, from an edition of 850, published by Venture Prints Ltd., Bristol, with the Fine Art Trade Guild blindstamp, with margins, (I) 40 x 49.5cms
Provenance: private collection (North Wales)
Comments: appears in good overall condition, framed and glazed £200-400 622 ADRIAN HEATH (British, 1920-1992) mixed media - abstract composition in yellow, blue and red, signed and dated ‘80, 75 x 55.5cms Provenance: private collection (South Wales) Comments: some surface dirt £400-600
Comments: left edge rippled £1000-1500 620 ROBERT LOUIS BANKS (British, 1911-2000) large watercolour ‘Fortana Delle Tartarughe’, label verso with No. 335, 98 x 68cms Provenance: with Alwin Gallery receipt dated July 1976, deceased estate London Comments: appears in good overall condition, framed and glazed £300-500
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
623 623 GILBERT & GEORGE (British, b. 1943 and b. 1942) green bottle glass - ‘Reclining Drunk’, 1973, with the artists logo, the title and number 27 of 200 etched on the reverse, published by Nigel Greenwood Gallery, 22.8cms long Provenance: private collection (West Wales) Comments: in good condition, without box £3000-4000
624 624 DERRICK SANTINI (British, b. 1965), lenticular print - ‘Suki vs. Suki’, 2010, 84 x 120cms Provenance: private collection (South Wales) Comments: very good, ready to hang £3000-4000
625 625 CHRIS MOON (British, b. 1977) oil and acrylic on canvas - ‘Open’, 2016, 200 x 150cms Provenance: With Maddox Gallery; private collection (South Wales) Comments: very good condition, ready to hang £4000-6000
624 (another view)
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co 626 AFTER DONATELLO bronze - David, statue of the victorious youth with sword, late 19th/early 20th Century, weathered verdigris patination, 89cms high Provenance: Deceased estate (London) Auctioneer’s Note: Possibly Chiurazzi Foundry. Donatello’s bronze statue of David (circa 1440s) is notable as the first unsupported standing work in bronze cast during the Renaissance period, and the first freestanding nude male sculpture made since antiquity. It created a sensation when it was first shown, due to its portrayal of the nude young male. It depicts the young David with an enigmatic smile, posed with his foot on Goliath’s severed head just after killing the giant. The youth is standing naked, apart from a laurel-topped hat and boots, bearing the sword of Goliath. The exact date of creation is widely disputed, dates ranging between 1430 and the more accepted 1440s. It is now displayed in the Bargello, Florence. There is a full-size plaster cast (with a broken sword) in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. The Chiurazzi foundry was established in Naples and were at their most active around the turn of the 19th/20th centuries. They produced a range of over 1300 different models, mainly in bronze of after the Antique and Renaissance models, largely catering for clients engaged on the Grand Tour Comments: base filled, old cracks to chest and back £800-1200
626 (base) 629 (detail)
627 627 ITALIAN IVORY PORTRAIT MEDALLION OF POPE CLEMENT XI (1649-1721), 18th Century, carved in low relief facing to sinister, the orphreys of his cope lavishly embroidered, soft skull cap over curly hair, 8.4cms high, in carved giltwood oval frame Provenance: Sotheby’s 5 May 1972 Auctioneer’s Note: Cf. Victoria & Albert Museum collection (A.57-1923) for a related oval ivory portrait medallion of Clement XI (Giovanni Francesco Albani, 1649-1721; Pope: 1700-21) thought to have been made in Rome during his papacy c. 1707-21. This design, with the triple tiered tiara, is derived from a medallic portrait by Charles Claude Dubut of 1707 Comments: one edge broken away £200-400 162
629 A FINE LATE VICTORIAN MAHOGANY RAILWAY CARRIAGE DOOR, c. 1890, being an internal clerestory door for a dining car, first class, pullman carriage, the rectangular glazed upper section with gilt bronze oval bars and floral medallions, above a centre section of fruiting basket between carved griffins in the Gillows style, and panelled quarter 628 629 veneered section below, all within moulded borders, 628 Midland Railway style anthemion cast LARGE & SMALL LEATHER BLACK handle plate, brass hinges, 198.5 x 67cms JACKS, early 18th Century, the larger later painted with mounted knight Provenance: private collection (South holding and arrow-impaled boar’s head Wales) and a red lion, all within a stone arch, Auctioneer’s Note: With thanks to Simon beneath coat of ams and between Evans of the Midland Railway Trust Historic poetic inscription citing Barony of Carriage and Wagon Department, Bob Wallingford, 36.5cms high, the smaller Sprot at the Vintage Carriage Trust and plain, 13.7cms high (2) Peter Thorpe of the National Railway Provenance: private collection (West Museum (York) for their assistance in the Wales) cataloguing of this lot Comments: Larger - paint faded, inscription difficult to decipher, vertical holes either side of handle seam. Smaller - crazing and cracking of leather surface £600-1000
Comments: handle repositioned when door rehung on a wardrobe £500-700
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 630 VICTORIAN T. COOKE & SONS 3 1/4-INCH BRASS REFRACTING TELESCOPE ON STAND, c. 1880, signed ‘T. Cooke & Sons, York’ in cursive script, the tube with rack and pinion focusing, mounted in a trunnion above tripod base with telescopic struts, various eyepieces, length of tube 45in (114cm), fitted case Provenance: Private collection (South Wales) Comments: some dents here and there, one strut missing end pieces. Case with blocks inside £400-600
Non-European Antiques & Fine Art - Lots 631-663 631 PAIR CHINESE CANTON FAMILLE ROSE DESK BOXES, 19th Century, rectangular tops decorated with long-tailed pheasants and insects amid flowering branches and fruit, sides with cusped cartouches of birds in branches reserved on densely scrolling ground with orange, green and blue bats, internally divided, 19.3 x 10cms (2) Provenance: Leslie Joseph Collection no. MP36 & MP37, consigned to auction by Sir Leslie Joseph’s family Comments: one with chipped corner, both minor enamel chips £200-300 632 CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE BOWL, Jiaqing mark and period, the outside decorated with a broad frieze of warriors in combat on foot and on horseback, with bladed weapons, banners and demon mask shields, turquoise interior, underglaze blue 6-character zhuanshu mark, 21.2cms diam. Provenance: private collection (West Wales) Comments: interior very worn, rim chips, two hairline cracks £600-800
633 PAIR CHINESE ‘DOWAGER EMPRESS DAYAZHAI’ TYPE PORCELAIN VASES, 20th Century, shouldered form with fixed ring lion mask handles, painted en grisaille and white enamel to a yellow ground with sinuous 4-clawed dragon amid flowering chrysanthemum and hibiscus (denoting Autumn), gilt highlights, 20.5cms h (2)
Provenance: Private collection North Wales Auctioneer’s Note: this type of decoration is associated with the Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908) and is known from five or six designs based on her own paintings, found on dinner wares and narcissus pots for her exclusive use during late Tongzhi and early Guangxu. Of the 100 original period porcelains made, only a handful remain, and those that appear on the market are late Guangxu, Republic or later
Comments: one with two small rim chips, both with rubbed gilt rims and handles, both slightly wobbly, lacks any reign or seal marks £200-300 634 MATCHED PAIR CHINESE BLUE & WHITE PORCELAIN MOON FLASKS, 19th/20th Century, with chilong handles, painted with large roundels depicting figures in conversation in a garden beneath maple tree, and with three immortals picnicking beneath pine tree, reserved on foliate grounds, 21cms high (2) Provenance: Private collection (North Wales) Comments: one with tiny rim chip £200-300
634 163
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635 CHINESE FAMILLE VERTE PORCELAIN BASIN, Kangxi, centre decorated with lotus pond with pair of Manchurian cranes, crayfish and cricket, the wide everted rim with four vignettes of flowering prunus reserved on a seeded flowering peony ground, underside with four iron red peony sprays, 40cms diam. Provenance: deceased estate (north Wales) Comments: rim chip £2500-3500 635
636 636 CHINESE FAMILLE VERTE ‘FEMALE WARRIORS’ PORCELAIN DISH, Kangxi, centre decorated with three mounted female warriors with swords pursued by soldiers with lances and observed by three figures under banners, within border of six landscape vignettes reserved on a diaper ground, underglaze blue artemesia leaf mark, 37cms diam. Provenance: deceased estate (north Wales) Comments: broken and reglued, rim fritting, restorations £1000-1500
638 CHINESE BLUE & WHITE ‘ASTER’ PATTERN SAUCER DISH, Kangxi, painted with typical design of flowerheads and flowers stems on scrolled ground, cusped rim, underside with three lotus sprays, 28cms diam.
639 PAIR CHINESE ENAMELLED BLUE & WHITE PLATES, Qianlong, each centre decorated with a pair of deer beneath pine tree within lobed panels, iron red cloud collar border, diaper rim, 23.2cms diam. (2)
Provenance: deceased estate (north Wales)
Provenance: deceased estate (north Wales)
Comments: two hairlines £300-500
Comments: chips and fritting to both £200-300
637 CHINESE FAMILLE VERTE & UNDERGLAZE BLUE PORCELAIN SAUCER DISH, Kangxi, centre decorated with flowering shrubs and ornamental rock, cavetto with cusped panels of citrus fruits on an iron red diaper ground, within blue floral border and double lines, underglaze blue flower mark, 34cms diam. Provenance: deceased estate (north Wales) Comments: fritting, chips, two cracks £500-700 164
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 640 CHINESE MINGSTYLE CELADON VASE, Republic, baluster form and carved with stiff leaf collar to neck, above formal lotus sprays, base with 6-character Zhong guo jing de zhen zhi mark, mounted for electricity, 30.5cms high
641 SIX CHINESE EXPORT PORCELAIN DISHES, Qing dynasty, comprising Chinese Imari plate, 23cms diam; famille rose Manchurian crane and lotus plate, 22.5cms diam; blue and white pine and peony soup plate, 22.5cms diam; blue and white pierced cavetto landscape saucer dish, 26cms diam; blue and white scrolling lotus dish, 26.8cms diam.; blue and white pencilled river landscape dish, 27.8cms diam. (6)
Provenance: deceased estate (north Wales) Comments: inside filled with foam £200-300
Provenance: deceased estate (north Wales) Comments: variously wiith rim chips, hairlines, minor restorations and fritting £300-500
642 CHINESE ‘DRAGON’ PORCELAIN SAUCER DISH, Kangxi six-character mark but later, centre painted with sinuous five-clawed dragon in underglaze blue on a mustard yellow ground, mark in double circle, 20.8cms diam. Provenance: deceased estate (north Wales) £600-800 643 PAIR CHINESE DONGYANG WOOD CARVINGS, 20th Century, depicting vertical sprays of chrysanthemums issuing from rockwork below sparrows in flight, within glazed cases, 117 x 34.5cms (2) Provenance: deceased estate (north Wales) Comments: one or two loose sections, one back board split £200-300
644 TRIO OF CHINESE EXPORT SILVER FLOWER VASES, by Kwong Man Shing, c. 1920, of slender conical form, repousse-decorated with four-clawed dragons chasing flaming pearls, circular knopped socle bases, KMS and character marks, 19.5 & 15.5cms high, total approx. wt. 7ozt. (3)
645 FINE JAPANESE STAINED & INLAID IVORY NETSUKE, Meiji Period, of a seated man contemplating his wood, shell and stained ivory-inlaid tobako-ire and kiseruzutsu in his lap, horn/coconut shell ringed himotoshi, signed KOZAN in red on a green-stained inlaid ivory tablet, 2.9cms h
Provenance: Private collection (South Wales)
Provenance: Private collection (North Wales)
Comments: minor dints only £250-350
Comments: good condition £300-500 165
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co 646 BOB DYLAN (American, b. 1941) limited edition (180/295) giclee on paper print from the ‘Drawn Blank’ series ‘Lakeside Cabin’, 58 x 47cms Provenance: from a Mayfair apartment as part of a London / Swansea estate Comments: framed and glazed £1000-2000
649 647 BOB DYLAN (American, b. 1941) limited edition (180/295) giclee on paper print from the ‘Drawn Blank’ series - ‘Woman in Red Lion Pub’ (yellow), 80 x 60cms Provenance: from a Mayfair apartment as part of a London / Swansea estate Comments: framed and glazed £1000-2000 648 BOB DYLAN (American, b. 1941) limited edition (180/295) giclee on paper print from the ‘Drawn Blank’ series - ‘Woman in Red Lion Pub’ (white), 60 x 44.5cms Provenance: from a Mayfair apartment as part of a London / Swansea estate Comments: framed and glazed £1000-2000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
649 BOB DYLAN (American, b. 1941) limited edition (180/295) giclee on paper print from the ‘Drawn Blank’ series - ‘Woman in Red Lion Pub’ (pink), 60 x 44.5cms
650 BOB DYLAN (American, b. 1941) limited edition (180/295) giclee on paper print from the ‘Drawn Blank’ series - ‘Woman in Red Lion Pub’ (green), 60 x 44.5cms
651 BOB DYLAN (American, b. 1941) limited edition (180/295) giclee on paper print from the ‘Drawn Blank’ series - ‘Woman in Red Lion Pub’ (blue), 60 x 44.5cms
652 BOB DYLAN (American, b. 1941) limited edition (180/295) giclee on paper print from the ‘Drawn Blank’ series - ‘Man on a Bridge’ (blue coat), 60 x 46cms
Provenance: from a Mayfair apartment as part of a London / Swansea estate
Provenance: from a Mayfair apartment as part of a London / Swansea estate
Provenance: from a Mayfair apartment as part of a London / Swansea estate
Provenance: from a Mayfair apartment as part of a London / Swansea estate
Comments: framed and glazed £1000-2000
Comments: framed and glazed £1000-2000
Comments: framed and glazed £1000-2000
Comments: framed and glazed £1000-2000
654 BOB DYLAN (American, b. 1941) limited edition (180/295) giclee on paper print from the ‘Drawn Blank’ series - ‘Woman on a Bed’, 47 x 57cms
655 BOB DYLAN (American, b. 1941) limited edition (180/295) giclee on paper print from the ‘Drawn Blank’ series - ‘Truck’, 82 x 60cms
Provenance: from a Mayfair apartment as part of a London / Swansea estate
Provenance: from a Mayfair apartment as part of a London / Swansea estate
Comments: framed and glazed £1000-2000
Comments: framed and glazed £500-1000
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
653 BOB DYLAN (American, b. 1941) limited edition (180/295) giclee on paper print from the ‘Drawn Blank’ series - ‘Two Sisters’, 60 x 44.5cms Provenance: from a Mayfair apartment as part of a London / Swansea estate Comments: framed and glazed £1000-2000
655 167
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656 BOB DYLAN (American, b. 1941) limited edition (180/295) giclee on paper print from the ‘Drawn Blank’ series - ‘Dad’s Restaurant’, 60 x 44cms
657 BOB DYLAN (American, b. 1941) limited edition (180/295) giclee on paper print from the ‘Drawn Blank’ series - ‘Man on a Bridge’ (brown coat), 60 x 46cms
658 BOB DYLAN (American, b. 1941) limited edition (180/295) giclee on paper print from the ‘Drawn Blank’ series - ‘Statue of Liberty’, 60 x 46cms
Provenance: from a Mayfair apartment as part of a London / Swansea estate
Provenance: from a Mayfair apartment as part of a London / Swansea estate
Provenance: from a Mayfair apartment as part of a London / Swansea estate
Comments: framed and glazed £1000-2000
Comments: framed and glazed £1000-2000
Comments: framed and glazed £500-1000 659 BOB DYLAN (American, b. 1941) limited edition (180/295) giclee on paper print from the ‘Drawn Blank’ series - ‘Two Sisters’, 103 x 129cms Provenance: from a Mayfair apartment as part of a London / Swansea estate Comments: framed and glazed £2000-4000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections 660 CHRISTOPHER WOOL (American, b. 1955) screenprint - ‘Pessimist (Black Book)’’, 68 x 51cms Provenance: With Maddox Gallery; private collection (South Wales) Comments: very good condition, ready to hang £1000-1500 661 CHRISTOPHER WOOL (American, b. 1955) screenprint - ‘Authority (Black Book)’, 68 x 51cms Provenance: With Maddox Gallery; private collection (South Wales) Comments: very good condition, ready to hang £1000-1500 660
662 LAYER CAKE (American, b. 1975) mixed media on canvas - ‘Pink Twins’, 2016, 122 x 92cms Provenance: With Maddox Gallery; private collection (South Wales) Comments: very good condition, ready to hang £3000-5000
662 663 DONALD GREIG (South African, b. 1959) limited edition (9/40) bronze - Leopardo, head study of a leopard, signed and numbered, dated 2013, with COA, dated 2014, 37.5cms high Provenance: Private collection (Cotswolds) acquired from the artist’s studio Comments: excellent overall £2000-3000 663
• Artist’s Resale Rights/Droit de Suite may apply to this lot (please see terms and conditions).
663 (signature)
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
Collectables & Memorabilia 664 FINE LOUIS LACHENAL CONCERTINA, serial no. 10093, C. 1860s, the hexagonal, brass-inlaid rosewood fret-carved ends each with 24 nickel buttons, leather thumb straps and leather-covered brass finger rests, the green leather bellows with papered and gilt tooled decoration, additional tooling to bellow ends, printed oval label, in red velvet-lined mahogany case with ivory escutcheon, 16 x 18 x 15cms (closed) Provenance: private collection South West England Comments: Concertina - excellent, with minor varnish wear to fingerboard, thumb straps/finger rests with creases/tears. Case - lacks leather handle, scratches, and paint smear, lacks key. £300-500
665 ORWELL (GEORGE) ANIMAL FARM: A FAIRY STORY, FIRST EDITION, publisher’s green cloth, spine lettered in white, dust jacket with front flap priced ‘6s’ and ‘Searchlight Books’ design on verso [Connolly 93], 8vo, Secker & Warburg, 1945 Provenance: Charitable institution gift Comments: spine tips and extreme top edges faded, jacket slightly chipped at spine ends and corners, rubbed at folds, back slightly soiled £1000-2000
666 WING COMMANDER REX SOUTHERN SANDERS OBE (1922-2017) WWII medal group comprising DFC (Distinguished Flying Cross) engraved with date 1944, AFC (Air Force Cross) engraved with date 1953 & Bar, 193945 Star, Air Crew Europe Star, Burma Star, Defence medal, War Medal, GSM (General Service Medal) with Asia 1945-46 bar, with 666 miniatures, Royal Canadian Air Force Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book commencing 12th August 1942 - 29th July 1954 detailing various operations with signed certification that F/Lt R Sanders had completed his first tour of operations consisting of 33 1/2 sorties including Berlin, Royal Air Force Pilot’s Flying Log Book commencing 18th November 1941 - 23rd May 1942, Royal Air Force Flying Log Book for navigators, air bombers, air gunners, flight engineers commencing 6th August 1954-21st November 1962, together with Legion of Honour French order of merit, cased Bomber Command ribbon, cased medallion recognising service in early Cold War overflights 1950-56, DFC and AFC cases ETC
Provenance: direct from family Auctioneer’s Note: Wing Commander Rex Southern Sanders DFC AFC & Bar OBE was a Royal Air Force navigator who won a DFC for his service during the Second World War and an AFC for his part in secret photographic and radar reconnaissance missions behind Soviet lines during the Cold War in the 1950s. Operation Jiu Jitsu - the cover story was that the RAF was evaluating the mid air refueling capabilities of the RB-45 when secretly vital intelligence was being gathered on the Soviet infrastructure, defences and offences. Sanders was the lead navigator of a select nine-man RAF team that flew USAF reconnaissance aircraft on a series of top secret, and highly risky, spy flights deep into the Soviet Union in the early 1950s. In August 1951, three RAF bomber crews flew to a USAF base in Louisiana to train on the North American RB-45C four-engine jet reconnaissance aircraft. The following February the crews were briefed on the operation. Four RB-45Cs were flown to an RAF base in north Norfolk, where they were shorn of their USAF markings and repainted with RAF roundels Comments: viewing in person highly recommended £4000-6000
* See page 3, or paragraph 7 of our company terms & conditions at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the hammer price
Rogers Jones & Co • Selections & Collections
667 VEHICLE REGISTRATION CCC1C ON RETENTION Provenance: private collection north Wales £6000-8000
668 MAINLY PRE-WAR RUGBY UNION PROGRAMMES & EPHEMERA including programmes and dinner cards, (1) 1929 England v Wales (2) 1929 Wales v Ireland (3) 1950 England v Wales, (4, 5, 6, 7,8) 1923, 1927, 1929 (with photograph), 1939, 1950 Oxford v Cambridge varsity matches, (7) 1924 Royal Navy v Royal Air Force (8) 1922 Dinner Card Ireland v Wales, (9) 1928 Dinner Card (D/C) Ireland v England, (10) 1929 D/C France v England, (11) D/C 1930 Ireland v England, (12) D/C 1932 Scotland v Wales, (13) D/C England v Wales, (14) Annual Dinner menu card for Blackheath 1928 (15) 1944 Review of the War-Time Period Bedford RFC (16) 1938 British Lions fixture card (17) Statement of Accounts for Neath and District Schools Rugby League, 1923, Christmas greeting card ‘from New Zealand’ dated 1936 from John ‘Jack’ Manchester of Christchurch, capped 36 times for the All Blacks, 20 as captain, and another Christmas greeting from Mr S F Wilson former NZ RFC President ETC Provenance: private client Llanelli, formerly in ownership of Albert Freethy a Rugby Union referee from Neath and who refereed most of the matches to which the programmes relate. Freethy was the first referee to send an International player from the field (Cyril Brownlie, NZ 1924/25), he was also the referee for the 1924 Olympic Final £200-400
Selections & Collections • Rogers Jones & Co
669 A SOUVENIR RUGBY UNION PROGRAMME FROM WALES V NEW ZEALAND 1905, one of the most famous matches of all, played at Cardiff Arms Park on December 16th, 20cms high Provenance: lady vendor, by descent, Cardiff Auctioneer’s Note: Wales versus The All Black ‘Originals’, in Cardiff, is regarded as one of sport’s greatest matches with over 47,000 spectators at the Arms Park. Even before kick-off the match had become a landmark game when the Welsh supporters sang ‘Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau (Land of My Fathers)’ in response to the New Zealand player’s stirring performance of the Haka. It was the first time a national anthem had been sung before a sporting fixture. There had already been a degree of controversy leading up to the test, particularly in relation to the choice of referee John Dallas, and with regards to the tactics New Zealand had brought with them to the Northern Hemisphere including the role of Gallaher as a roaming wing-forward which many remarked as unsporting with the intent of obstructing opposition players. The controversy continued as the game developed with decisions seeming to go against The Originals. As the referee struggled to keep up with play, there was a ‘try that never was’ and the half-time whistle was reported to have been blown early when Wales were under pressure. Wales were the victors 3-0 Comments: complete, with folds and small tears within the folds, excellent overall in our opinion £2000-3000
670 BRAMBLE PATTERN GOLF BALL AUTOGRAPHED BY THE WORLD FAMOUS PIONEER GOLFER HARRY VARDON by St Mungo Manufacturing Co. marked to the poles ‘The Colonel’, ink signed ‘Harry Vardon’ with date inscribed as ‘March 3rd 1909’ and with inscribed scores of three rounds at believed Radyr Golf Club, Cardiff, ‘1st 67, 2nd 6, 3rd 67’ Provenance: presented to Mrs Franklin Thomas, Lady Captain of Radyr in 1909 and by descent, two newspaper cuttings Auctioneer’s Note: Harry Vardon (1870-1937) played at Radyr in mid-Summer of 1903 with the other two most famous golfers of the time, James Braid and John Henry Taylor, who made up the ‘Great Triumvirate’. Harry Vardon, originally from Jersey, was Open Champion six times between 1896 and 1914, and also US Open Champion in 1900. Vardon was responsible for popularising the grip which is now almost universally used by golfers of all standards and was the first professional golfer to play in knickerbockers - discarding the proper’ dress of an Englishman in an uncomfortable shirt and tie with a buttoned jacket. Later he became a golf course architect, designing several courses in Britain including Llandrindod Wells, Woodhall Spa and Radcliffeon-Trent. The PGA of America created the Vardon Trophy, now awarded annually to the player on the PGA Tour with the year’s lowest adjusted scoring average and the British PGA created the Harry Vardon Trophy which now serves as the award for the winner of the European Tour’s Race to Dubai. Vardon’s 1903 visit to Radyr is well described in ‘Playing Through Time - 100 Years of Golf at Radyr 1902-2002’ by Ron Jones (2002). The other recorded visit from Vardon was in 1908 when he and James Braid played a second exhibition match at the Club. But the date of March 3rd 1909 on the ball are somewhat of a mystery, but it is not inconceivable that Vardon revisited the course in 1909 or came for a social visit and recalled his score from the previous year. Comments: ball in good condition, wear to ink marks £300-500
669 (detail)
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