Fine Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy 中國字畫及油畫
Tuesday 13th November 2018
Lot 17
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Front Cover: Lot 8 Back Cover: Lot 28
Fine Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy 中國字畫及油畫 Tuesday 13th November 2018 at 10.30am Viewing in London (Highlights) 17 Clifford Street 2nd Floor W1S 3RQ Saturday 3rd November Sunday 4th November Monday 5th November Tuesday 6th November
11.00am– 4.00pm 11.00am– 4.00pm 11.00am– 7.00pm 11.00am– 4.00pm
Viewing in Salisbury Saturday 10th November 10.00am– 1.00pm Monday 12th November 10.00am– 5.00pm Tuesday 13th November 9.00am– 10.30am
CHINESE PAINTINGS 中國字畫及油畫 Freya Yuan-Richards +44 (0)1722 424589 fyr@woolleyandwallis.co.uk
Amber Lees +44 (0)1722 424571 aml@woolleyandwallis.co.uk
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Lot 21 detail
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Fine Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy 中國字畫及油畫
Lots 1-8 will be sold on behalf of the Roddick Charitable Foundation The Roddick Charitable Foundation is a family-run, independent and progressive organisation dedicated to the support of visionary organisations and individuals who show leadership and results in making a more just and kind world. Over the years the foundation has helped children’s education, arts & culture, medical needs and social and human rights-related charities and trusts.
羅迪克慈善基金 拍品編號1至8號是1990年代由著名護膚品牌The Body Shop的創始人安妮塔·羅迪克女爵士 (Dame Anita Roddick)購得并收藏至今。安妮塔是英國著名的人權運動家,環保運動家, 慈善家。羅迪克慈善基金就是由她的家族命名并創立的,基金會專注于幫助全球失學兒 童、拯救英國藝術及文化遺產、藥物開發及維護人權運動。
Lots 1-7 Chen Yan Ning (1945-) In 1989 Chen Yan Ning had his own exhibition at the Hefner Galleries and his paintings were seen by Anita Roddick where she fell in love with his work. Before she left for London she called the gallery and bought three of his paintings (lots 3, 5 and 7). In 1990 she lent the ‘Sandalwood Fan IV’ (lot 1) to an exhibition at the Mall Galleries where it was a firm favourite. In the same year Chen was invited by Anita to enter a portrait competition held by Alexon Fashions and the British Federation of Artists which he subsequently won. Due to this success he was invited to paint members of the Royal Family including Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. One of his portraits of The Queen was used by the Royal Mail on a Royal Jubilee stamp. He also painted a number of celebrities including Rula Lenska and Richard Branson. His work was exhibited at the Federation of British Artists’ annual Royal Society of Portrait Painters’ exhibition.
安妮塔因生意缘故,经常有机会往返纽约与英国,她对中国当代油画颇有收藏兴趣,也曾光顾赫夫纳画廊,1989 年陈衍宁画 展在赫夫纳画廊举行,安妮塔看了展览对他的画作十分倾心,臨赴機場前他一口氣買下了陳衍寧三張作品(為此次拍品編號3 、5及7),1990年她將《檀香扇之四》(拍品編號1)送去英國The Mall Galleries舉辦的 Alexon肖像畫展,大獲好評。同年,陈 衍宁在安妮塔的邀请下参加全世界享有盛名的英国肖像画比赛,荣获了大奖。在歐美名聲大震,并開始在國際油畫畫展上嶄露 頭角,為眾多富豪及貴族邀請畫像,更是三次進白金漢宮為英國女王及菲利普親王造像。 1 CHEN YAN NING (1945-) THE SANDALWOOD FAN IV A Chinese painting, oil on canvas, signed Chen Yan Ning, framed, with paper labels for the Hefner Galleries, Inc., Syllavethy Gallery and the Alexon Portrait exhibition at The Mall Galleries, 1990, 101cm x 75cm.
£8,000-10,000 Provenance: exhibited at the Hefner Galleries, Inc. New York. Purchased by Dame Anita Roddick (1942-2007) from Syllavethy Gallery for £10,500 on the 30th October 1990, together with a copy of the invoice. She then lent this painting to the Alexon Portrait exhibition at the Mall Galleries. Sold on behalf of the Roddick Charitable Foundation.
陳衍寧(1945-) 沉香扇之四 油彩畫布 畫框 款識:CHEN YAN NING。 來源:曾在紐約赫夫納畫廊展出,1990年10月30日由安妮塔·羅迪克(1942-2007)以£10,500的價格購於蘇格蘭斯拉維斯畫 廊,附發票複印件。之後借給位於the Mall Galleries的Alexon肖像展展出,背面附畫廊及展覽標籤。
Exhibition label for Alexon Portrait
Hefner Galleries, Inc. label
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
2 CHEN YAN NING (1945-) THE SANDALWOOD FAN III A Chinese painting, oil on canvas, signed Chen Yan Ning, framed, with two paper labels for the Hefner Galleries, Inc. and Syllavethy Gallery, 100cm x 73cm.
£8,000-10,000 Provenance: exhibited at the Hefner Galleries, Inc. New York. Purchased by Dame Anita Roddick (1942-2007) from the Syllavethy Gallery for £10,500 on the 20th February 1991, together with a copy of the invoice. Sold on behalf of the Roddick Charitable Foundation.
陳衍寧(1945-) 沉香扇之三 油彩畫布 畫框 款識:CHEN YAN NING。 來源:曾在紐約赫夫納畫廊展出,1991年2月20日由安妮塔·羅迪克 (1942-2007)以£10,500的價格購於蘇格蘭斯拉維斯畫廊,附發票複 印件及畫廊標籤。
Hefner Galleries, Inc. label
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
3 CHEN YAN NING (1945-) THE SANDALWOOD FAN II A Chinese painting, oil on canvas, signed Chen Yan Ning, framed, with a paper label on the back for the Hefner Galleries, Inc., 101cm x 75cm.
£8,000-10,000 Provenance: exhibited at the Hefner Galleries, Inc. New York. This is one of the three paintings Dame Anita purchased straight after the exhibition. Purchased by Dame Anita Roddick (1942-2007) for $13,000 on 7th of March 1989, together with a copy of the invoice. Sold on behalf of the Roddick Charitable Foundation.
陳衍寧(1945-) 沉香扇之二 油彩畫布 畫框 款識:CHEN YAN NING。 來源:曾在紐約赫夫納畫廊展出,并在1989年3月7日由安妮塔·羅迪 克(1942-2007)以$13,000的價格購得,附發票複印件及畫廊標籤。 此件拍品為安妮塔第一次觀展後購入的陳衍寧三幅畫其中之一。
Hefner Galleries, Inc. label
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
4 CHEN YAN NING (1945-) YOUNG GIRL WITH AN OX A Chinese painting, oil on canvas, signed Chen Yan Ning, framed, 60cm x 75cm.
£5,000-8,000 Provenance: from the collection of Dame Anita Roddick (1942-2007), purchased c.1990s. Sold on behalf of the Roddick Charitable Foundation.
陳衍寧(1945-) 女孩與牛 油彩畫布 畫框 款識:CHEN YAN NING。 來源:安妮塔·羅迪克(1942-2007)收藏,購於1990年代。
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
5 CHEN YAN NING (1945-) THINKING ABOUT THE FUTURE A Chinese painting, oil on canvas, signed Chen Yan Ning, framed, with two paper labels on the back for the Hefner Galleries, Inc. and the Syllavethy Gallery, 75cm x 99cm.
£6,000-8,000 Provenance: exhibited at the Hefner Galleries, Inc. New York. Purchased by Dame Anita Roddick (1942-2007) from the Syllavethy Gallery, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Sold on behalf of the Roddick Charitable Foundation.
陳衍寧(1945-) 幻想未來 油彩畫布 畫框 款識:CHEN YAN NING。 來源:曾在紐約赫夫納畫廊展出,由安妮塔·羅迪克(1942-2007)購於蘇格蘭斯拉維斯畫廊,作品背面附畫廊標籤。
6 CHEN YAN NING (1945-) POLO PLAYERS A Chinese painting, watercolour, framed and glazed, one of the players is Mr Roddick, 57cm x 75cm.
£3,000-5,000 Provenance: sold on behalf of the Roddick Charitable Foundation.
陳衍寧(1945-) 馬球賽 水彩畫 鏡框 款識:CHEN YAN NING 來源:羅迪克家族收藏。
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
7 CHEN YAN NING (1945-) MORNING MIST A Chinese painting, oil on canvas, signed Chen Yan Ning, framed, the paper label on the back is from the Hefner Galleries, Inc., 75cm x 99cm.
£6,000-8,000 Provenance: exhibited at the Hefner Galleries, Inc. New York. This is one of the three paintings Dame Anita purchased straight after the exhibition. Purchased by Dame Anita Roddick (1942-2007) for $14,000 on 2nd March 1989, together with a copy of the invoice. Sold on behalf of the Roddick Charitable Foundation.
陳衍寧(1945-) 清晨的薄霧 油彩畫布 畫框 款識:CHEN YAN NING。 來源:曾在紐約赫夫納畫廊展出,并在1989年3月2日由安妮塔·羅迪克(1942-2007)以 $14,000的價格購得,附發票複印件及畫廊標籤。此件拍品為安妮塔第一次觀展後購入的 陳衍寧三幅畫其中之一。
Woolley & Wallis is very fortunate to be offering this seminal work by Yang Fei Yun on behalf of the Roddick Charitable Foundation. Anita Roddick purchased ‘The Northern Girl’ from the Hefner Galleries c.1990. At this period of her life, she was very busy developing the Body Shop and this involved frequent trips to New York. “The Northern Girl’ was purchased on one of these trips and has remained in the Roddick family ever since. The Hefner Galleries: The Hefner Galleries Inc. was established by Robert A. Hefner III a businessman and collector and was based in the centre of Manhattan, New York, and it specialised in contemporary oil painting. Hefner developed an interest in Chinese oil paintings after visiting China on a business trip in 1984. After this visit, Hefner became very excited by the thought of promoting Chinese art in the United States. He subsequently negotiated an agreement with the China Artists Association to hold an exhibition in 1987 in New York which was the first exhibition of its kind in North America. The exhibition became a very important cultural exchange between China and America, so the Association decided to hold regular exhibitions at the Hefner Galleries. ‘The Northern Girl’ together with one hundred and fifty other paintings were exhibited in 1988. They were all sold after the exhibition to the Hefner Galleries. The Hefner Galleries logo is a calligraphy dragon character written by Wu Zuo Ren (1908-1997) a famous Chinese painter. According to Yang, they didn’t want to sell ‘The Northern Girl’ but the Association said the cost of the exhibition was too high, so they had to sell all the paintings to cover the expenses. In the end they received 2400RMB (around $650). Biography: Yang Fei Yun was born in Inner Mongolia in 1954 and is recognised as the master of Chinese realist figural painting. In 1982 he graduated from the Department of Oil Painting in the Central Academy of Fine Arts and in 1984 he took on the role of Professor at the Academy. He studied and admired Renaissance and Western paintings for many years and, as a leader of the Chinese Realistic Art Movement, he pioneered a new style based on the European classical tradition. However, he didn’t discard his Chinese roots completely and his work is built on a strong foundation of Chinese culture and customs. Hefner Galleries,赫夫納畫廊是由赫夫納(Rober A. Hefner III)先生在紐約曼哈頓市中心創辦的專門經營介紹中國當代油畫的 畫廊。1984年赫夫納應邀到中國考察石油開發業,偶然間首次接觸到中國當代油畫藝術,並為之所動,并決心把中國藝術作 品推廣到美國。幾經努力,終與中國美協建立了官方合作關係,1987年在紐約成功舉辦第一屆“中國當代油畫展”。鑒於此
次展覽在中美藝術方面產生的重要交流意義,中國美協決定定期舉辦“中國當代油畫展”并及時開辦“中國美術家畫廊”等 事宜。於是次年,第二屆“中國當代油畫展”如期舉行《北方姑娘》為參展作品之一。 楊飛雲的《北方姑娘》創作於1987年9月,年底參加在上海舉行的“中國第一屆油畫展”獲優秀獎,作品被全國幾十家報紙爭 相發表,在全國美術屆十分轟動,1988年即被選中參加第二屆“中國當代油畫展”,與其他150多件作品一樣,全部被赫夫納 畫廊收購。在《靈魂與美感——楊飛雲范學德對話錄》書中楊飛雲有提及,中國美協在紐約的展覽,吳作人先生還為展覽寫 了個“龍”字(可見拍品背面標籤), 但未曾想美協做主把一批得獎畫都賣掉了。楊飛雲不想賣,但美協說開銷太大必須賣 掉,去掉開銷之後,他們分到了2400塊人民幣。但對於《北方姑娘》的去向,楊飛雲說:“我也不清楚,聽說是一個法國老 太太買去了,是收藏家,後來就再也沒有出現過”。 此次Woolley and Wallis 威立士拍賣行有幸受the Roddick Charitable Foundation委託,對這幅見證了中國當代油畫發展、中美文 化藝術交流的見證、遺憾被出售的作品《北方姑娘》進行拍賣。而這個“法國老太太”其實正是英國Roddick家族的主要成員之一 安妮塔·羅迪克女爵士(Dame Anita Roddick),杨飞云的《北方姑娘》也有幸通过赫夫纳画廊遇到了安妮塔,在這位热爱中国 油画艺术的杰出藏家手中保藏了三十年。2007年過世前她將自己五千多萬英鎊的財富捐獻給了慈善機構,此次拍賣的楊飛雲 拍品成交金額將全數捐獻給以Roddick命名的慈善機構。 楊飛雲簡介 1954年生於內蒙古,1982年畢業於中央美術學院油畫系,如今任教于中央美術學院油畫系。作為中國寫實畫派的發起人之 一,多次榮獲中國油畫展獎項,出版個人油畫專著二十餘部,并主編展覽相關畫冊十余餘部。作品被國內外重要藝術雜誌、 畫冊、電視節目等傳媒廣泛介紹及報道,許多作品多次參加國內外大型重要美術展覽,部分作品被國內外美術館、博物館、 收藏家收藏。
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
Yang Fei Yun (1954-) The Northern Girl
The Painting: ‘The Northern Girl – love evokes the artistic inspiration of painting’ During the 1980s Yang Fei Yun embarked on a series of portraits. His subject was a girl called Peng Peng, also from Inner Mongolia. At first, she was his model, then his muse and in 1986 she became his wife. ‘The Northern Girl’ is the masterpiece of this series, winning the first prize at the inaugural National Oil Painting Exhibition held in Shanghai in 1987. Ever since he saw the work of the famous Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci Yang became fascinated with Classical narrative painting and he wanted to create his own Chinese Mona Lisa. In Peng Peng he found the perfect model. She has an ethereal quality in her eyes and an elegant oriental temperament. For Yang she was the idealistic Chinese beauty. In 1986 they were married and ‘The Northern Girl’ depicts Peng Peng in the early days of marriage. The portrait is painted with an almost photographic quality in the Western style but containing Chinese symbolism. It is charged with love and emotion which elevates it above Yang’s earlier portraits and takes his work to another level. The portrait is painted on a flat black ground, with red as dominating colour. This starkness emphasises his exquisite brushwork. Peng Peng wears a red headdress reminiscent of a Van Eyck portrait. The red headdress is in fact an apron with two ties but has significance as a newly married woman would have her veil or gaitou opened. The red clothes also relate to the Chinese marriage ceremony. She also wears a tie-dyed skirt. Tie-dying is a traditional Chinese technique that can be traced to the Jin dynasty and the use of this material shows Yang’s connection to the past. The fabric was a gift from him to Peng Peng and her Mother made it into a skirt which she wore when she was at school before they were married. Her face has a slightly anxious and shy expression with a very slight smile of excitement alluding to her recent marriage and anticipation of her life with Yang. Yang believed that his art ‘mostly demonstrates emotions, through the emotions you will see the morality and kindness of human nature, fraternal love, or just one word: love. Without love we will not be alive, there will not be a universe’. The series of narrative portraits painted by Yang of Peng Peng in the 1980s including: ‘Northern Girl’, ‘Little Actress’ and ‘The Song of Memory’ are inextricably linked and are like a string of memories that represent their pure and innocent love. The artist and model have an almost telepathic understanding and through their work together they want to share the beauty of their initial emotions.
Hefner Galleries, Inc. label
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
《北方姑娘》:愛激起澎湃的畫意 “艺术主要还是彰显情感,通过情感彰显出人性里面的道德和善良,或者是友爱,或者就是一个字:爱。没有爱就没有人类, 没有爱甚至连宇宙都不存在。” 楊飛雲的藝術生涯源於情感,執著於感動的瞬間,用他的畫筆化作訴說的橋樑,創作出美好的藝術。 自上世纪80 年代初,杨飞云的研究重点就放在文艺复兴早期和十五六世纪北欧画家的作品风格,其创作也基本确定为古典风 格。高全喜认定杨飞云“基本风格的确定主要是从1986 年开始的。其标志是1988 年,杨飞云的作品《北方姑娘》参加了全 国第一届油画展,并获得‘优等奖’”。而按照杨飞云自己的说法,在这之前,他还只不过是一个缺乏自信的古典艺术探索 者,但在这之后,他却逐步成长为中国当代最为杰出的古典主义油画家之一。 《北方姑娘》所描绘的一个黑色背景下端坐的红衣女子是杨飞云的妻子佟芃芃。芃芃是他的學生,也是他的模特,更是他的 繆斯,相差10歲的她在油畫創作的初期給予他源源不斷的靈感及創作的動力。他們在一起的時間很多,一起作畫,一起聽古 典樂,一起探討藝術。在這波瀾不驚卻不失情趣的生活中,芃芃的某一個動作或一個瞬間時而能觸動楊飛雲的“劃癮”。因 為愛,因為熟悉,楊飛雲覺更能夠抓住芃芃的神態和她的情緒。這樣心有靈犀一點通的合作,便成就了《小演員》、《北方 姑娘》、《喚起記憶的歌》、《漠然》等早期作品。《北方姑娘》沒有花哨的詮釋,採用了一種直接并樸素的金字塔式構圖 方式,他將芃芃所在的背景處理成比較扁平的黑色空間,襯映出芃芃的輪廓,而通過色調上的統一和細膩的筆觸突出她的氣 質。透过杨飞云的诠释呈现出一种帶有中國特色的理想美。內蒙姑娘經常會用頭巾把頭甚至整個臉圍住為了阻擋風沙,畫中的 芃芃用一個圍裙當做頭巾,靜靜的坐在那裡,身上用中國傳統絞纈法染就的紅布料,是楊飛雲覺得好看送給她的,芃芃的媽 媽用它做成了一條裙子。一身紅色的芃芃靜靜的坐在那裡,楊飛雲覺得這樣的裝扮有一種儀式感特別好看,這種感動激起他想 把此情此景畫下來,於是便有了《北方姑娘》這幅傳世精品。80年代這個時期的楊飛雲有了愛和情感,他們於1986年結婚, 《北方姑娘》創作於1987年,在杨飞云的画笔之下,妻子芃芃好似达芬奇的蒙娜丽莎,穿著一身象征著新娘的紅色和已經掀 開的‘蓋頭’,靈眸中带着一点新婚燕尔的羞涩和兴奋,有“一种很秀丽、凝重、东方女孩的感觉”。 只有真正感動的瞬間,“便有了感人的前提“,於是才湧動出的澎湃的畫意,這樣的藝術才具感染力。无疑,这幅《北方姑 娘》成了杨飞云艺术生涯中第一座、也是最为重要的一座里程碑!80年代後期,《北方姑娘》、《小演員》等代表作前後獲 得了國內各大油畫獎項之後,中國油畫開始走向世界,包括楊飛雲在內的很多油畫作品被中央油畫院組織送去紐約參加哈夫 納畫廊的中國油畫展並由畫廊收購。楊飛雲之後受邀到了舊金山和紐約作畫,靠畫油畫肖像在當地開始小名氣并有了簽約畫 廊。但他卻發現雖然經濟有了保障,但對畫畫對象缺乏情感,深感沒有了靈魂的畫看來甚是陌生。於是他和芃芃兩人沒有任何 猶豫,毅然決然的放棄了國外優越的生活,回到了懷念已久的祖國,在這樣的藝術環境裡,和志同道合的朋友一起畫畫,一 起尋找靈感,一起探討學術,一起研究藝術。自此之後楊飛雲在國內外名聲大噪,許多作品被國內外多家美術館收藏。 《北方姑娘》成功了,他是可以被寫入中國當代油畫史的作品,是楊飛雲創作生涯中最重要的作品。但對於芃芃而言,這一 系列油畫“像一串珠链,串起和记载的是一段段难忘的时光⋯⋯那时的生活很单纯,精神是充实宁静而快乐的”。寫實 油畫的藝術價值往往從日常的感性升華而來,這種升華使之生氣勃勃,充滿生命力。他和芃芃純潔,美好的愛情,互相扶持 著在藝術道路上,一直堅守著共同的藝術理想。他們用這濃郁的滿腔熱血所描繪出的作品,讓觀畫的人同樣體會到他們最初 的感動。用楊飛雲先生的話來總結就是“能打動自己內心的才是真正的藝術”。
8 YANG FEI YUN (1954-) THE NORTHERN GIRL A Chinese painting, oil on canvas, signed September 1987, Yang Fei Yun hua Peng Peng, framed, with a paper label for the Hefner Galleries, Inc., 88cm x 70cm.
Estimate on request Provenance: Exhibited in 1987 at the inaugural ‘National Oil Painting Exhibition’ in Shanghai, winning the first prize. Exhibited in 1988 at the Hefner Galleries Inc. New York, ‘Contemporary Oil Paintings from The People’s Republic of China’. Purchased by Dame Anita Roddick (1942-2007) c.1990 from Hefner Galleries Inc., New York. Sold on behalf of the Roddick Charitable Foundation. Literature: 1. F Y Yang, Soul and beauty: Yang Fei Yun and Fan Xue De’s Conversation, cover page. 2. Q X Gao, Art and Truth: Yang Fei Yun and Chinese Classic realism, cover page and appendix page. 3. F Li, Love in the painting: Yang Fei Yun, p.5. 4. F Y Yang, Zhong Guo Xie Shi Pai: Yang Fei Yun, p.5, No. 51. 5. F Y Yang and D J Jia, Searching the Literature: Chinese Art Academy, Yang Fei Yun Shi Sheng Zuo Pin Ji, p.3. 6. F Y Yang and C L Zhu, Gu Dian Xie Shi Yu Yan, p.231. 7. F Y Yang and H Wang, Zhong Guo You Hua Shi Jia: Yang Fei Yun, p.12 8. F Y Yang, Zhong Guo Gu Dian Zhu Yi Dai Biao Hua Jia, p.37 9. F Y Yang, Ming Jia Ming Hua: Yang Fei Yun Zuo Pin, cover page. 10. J C Liu, Zhong Guo Dang Dai Shi Li Pai You Hua Jing Pin Cong Shu: Yang Fei Yun, p.19. 11. T Z Shui, S H Dai and S Lu, Yang Fei Yun: Zhong Guo Xian Dai Yi Shu Pin Ping Cong Shu, p.21, No.5.
楊飛雲(1954-) 北方姑娘 油彩畫布 畫框 款識:1987年9月,飛雲畫芃芃。楊飛雲(背面) 展覽: 1987年参加上海‘全国第一届油画展’,《北方姑娘》获得优秀奖。 1988年参加美国纽约哈夫纳画廊举办的‘中国当代油画展’,之后由赫夫納画廊收购此画。 来源:1989-1990年由著名英国护肤品牌The Body Shop的创始人由安妮塔·羅迪克(1942-2007)购于美国紐約赫夫納畫廊,安 妮塔过世之后一直由其家族收藏至今。背面附畫廊標籤。 著錄: 1. 楊飛雲、范學德及昌旭正,《靈魂與美感——楊飛雲范學德對話錄》,廣西師範大學出版社,2017年8月,封面作品。 2. 高全喜,《畫與真——楊飛雲與中國古典寫實主義》,北京時代華文書局,2014年2月,封面及附錄。 3. 李放,《情在畫中——楊飛雲》,天津楊柳青畫社,2013年1月,P5。 4. 楊飛雲,《中國寫實畫派——楊飛雲》,吉林美術出版社,2009年1月,P5,No.51。 5. 楊飛雲、賈德江,《尋源問道:中國藝術研究院中國油畫楊飛雲師生作品集》,北京工藝美術出版社,2008年1月,P3。 6. 楊飛雲、朱春林,《古典寫實語言》,上海書畫出版社,2006年7月,P231。 7. 楊飛雲、王鶴,《中國油畫十家——楊飛雲》,世界知識出版社,2004年10月,P12。 8. 楊飛雲,《中國古典主義代表畫家》,廣西美術出版社,2003年4月,P37。 9. 楊飛雲,《名家名畫——楊飛雲作品》,中國工人出版社,2000年8月,封面作品。 10. 劉建超,《中國當代實力派油畫精品叢書——楊飛雲》,天津楊柳青畫社,2000年7月,P19。 11.水天中、戴士和、蘇旅,《楊飛雲:中國現代藝術品評叢書》,廣西美術出版社,1993年3月,P21,No.5。
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
The family home of Lin Wen Zhi in the 1920s 1920年代林文治在其別墅前留影
Lots 9-13 from the Lin family collection 9 ZHANG ZU ZE (20TH CENTURY) BAMBOO
A Chinese scroll painting, ink on paper, inscribed, dated the winter of the ren yin year and signed with two artist’s seals, 130cm x 31.5cm.
A Chinese scroll painting, ink and colour on paper, inscribed, dated wu zi and signed with two artist’s seals, 97cm x 26cm.
Provenance: from the collection of Lin Wen Zhi (d.1994) acquired in the 1950s and thence by descent.
Provenance: from the collection of Lin Wen Zhi (d.1994) acquired in the 1950s and thence by descent.
Lin was the oldest son of a wealthy and influential family, he studied at the University of Shanghai during the 1920s, he was sent from Shanghai to Singapore to help in his uncle’s business. After the Second World War, he went on to start his own businesses, then he re-established the family tea business in his late 70s.
Lin was the oldest son of a wealthy and influential family, he studied at the University of Shanghai during the 1920s, he was sent from Shanghai to Singapore to help in his uncle’s business. After the Second World War, he went on to start his own businesses, then he re-established the family tea business in his late 70s.
張祖澤(二十世紀) 墨竹圖 水墨紙本 立軸
張大千(傳) 松下高士圖 設色紙本 立軸 款識:戊子十一月張大千爰大風堂下。 鈐印:張爰大千父、蜀君。 來源:林文治收藏(逝于1994年)之後由其女兒收藏至今。林文治是民 國時期大戶人家長子,1920年代畢業於上海大學,畢業之後移居新加 坡幫助其叔叔的生意,之後重新創立家族茶葉生意。
款識:君重南山松樹枝,竹色四時志不移。寒天單木零落盡,獨自 青青君始知。壬寅小寒寒氣侵人,文治吾兄大教,張祖澤寫於抱翠 小樓。 鈐印:張、 來源:林文治收藏(逝于1994年)之後由其女兒收藏至今。林文治是民 國時期大戶人家長子,1920年代畢業於上海大學,畢業之後移居新加 坡幫助其叔叔的生意,之後重新創立家族茶葉生意。
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
A Chinese scroll painting, ink and colour on paper, inscribed and signed with three artist’s seals and one illegible seal. Together with another butterflies and flower painting by Wang Xue Tao, ink and colour on paper, inscribed and signed with one artist’s seal, 88cm x 48.5cm. (2)
A Chinese scroll painting, ink and colour on paper, inscribed and signed fu zi tian lai Yan Sun Xu Cao with an artist’s seal which reads Xu Cao, 57cm x 31.5cm.
£300-500 Provenance: from the collection of Lin Wen Zhi (d.1994) acquired in the 1950s and thence by descent. Lin was the oldest son of a wealthy and influential family, he studied at the University of Shanghai during the 1920s, he was sent from Shanghai to Singapore to help in his uncle’s business. After the Second World War, he went on to start his own businesses, then he reestablished the family tea business in his late 70s.
王雪濤及高士魁 兩件 花卉 設色紙本 立軸 來源:林文治收藏(逝于1994年)之後由其女兒收藏至今。林文治是民國時期大戶人家 長子,1920年代畢業於上海大學,畢業之後移居新加坡幫助其叔叔的生意,之後重新 創立家族茶葉生意。
£300-500 Provenance: from the collection of Lin Wen Zhi (d.1994) acquired in the 1950s and thence by descent. Lin was the oldest son of a wealthy and influential family, he studied at the University of Shanghai during the 1920s, he was sent from Shanghai to Singapore to help in his uncle’s business. After the Second World War, he went on to start his own businesses, then he re-established the family tea business in his late 70s.
徐操(1899-1961) 鐘馗送福 設色紙本 立軸 款識:福自天來,燕孫徐操。 鈐印:徐操 來源:林文治收藏(逝于1994年)之後由其女兒收藏 至今。林文治是民國時期大戶人家長子,1920年代 畢業於上海大學,畢業之後移居新加坡幫助其叔叔 的生意,之後重新創立家族茶葉生意。
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
13 KANG YOU WEI (1858-1927) COUPLET IN RUNNING SCRIPT A Chinese scroll of calligraphy, ink on paper, the couplet reads shan rong qian zhong shi chuan liu yi mo yun, signed by Kang You Wei with two artist’s seals, 142cm x 38cm. (2)
£300-500 Provenance: from the collection of Lin Wen Zhi (d.1994) acquired in the 1950s and thence by descent. Lin was the oldest son of a wealthy and influential family, he studied at the University of Shanghai during the 1920s, he was sent from Shanghai to Singapore to help in his uncle’s business. After the Second World War, he went on to start his own businesses, then he re-established the family tea business in his late 70s.
康有為(1858-1927) 行書對聯 水墨紙本 立軸 款識:山茸千重石,川溜一抹雲。康有為。 鈐印:康有為印、維新百日出亡十六年三週大地右邊四周經三十一國行六十萬里。 來源:林文治收藏(逝于1994年)之後由其女兒收藏至今。林文治是民國時期大戶人家長子,1920年代 畢業於上海大學,畢業之後移居新加坡幫助其叔叔的生意,之後重新創立家族茶葉生意。
14 HUANG ZHOU (1925-1997) FIGURES RIDING CAMELS CELEBRATING A MARRIAGE A Chinese hanging scroll, ink and colour on paper, title-slip reads Huang Zhou xie yin qin tu, inscribed and signed Huang Zhou with one artist’s seal, 176cm x 93cm.
£8,000-12,000 Provenance: the Mr Cheng Huan Collection, purchased from Susan Chen in the 1980s.
黃胄(傳) 迎親圖 設色紙本 立軸 款識:一九八二年黃胄作於京郊。 鈐印:黃胄 來源:香港大律師清洪先生收藏,1980年 代購自何太(陳淑貞)。
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
15 LIU HAI SU (1896-1994) YELLOW MOUNTAIN A Chinese landscape painting, ink and colour on paper, dated one day before the mid-autumn festival of the geng shen year (1980), inscribed and signed with four artist’s seals, framed and glazed, 67.5cm x 135cm.
£8,000-12,000 Provenance: the Mr Cheng Huan Collection, purchased in the 1980s in Macau.
劉海粟(1896-1994) 黃山雲海圖 設色紙本 鏡框 款識:黃山卓絕天下無,庚申中秋前一日於金陵寫,劉海粟年方八五。 鈐印:海粟、劉海粟印、曾經滄海、真手不壞。 來源:香港大律師清洪先生收藏,1980年代購於澳門。
16 AFTER BA DA SHAN REN (QING DYNASTY) CAT AND BUTTERFLY A Chinese scroll painting, ink on paper, inscribed and signed Ba Da Shan Ren with three artist’s seals, 128cm x 38cm.
£1,000-1,500 八大山人(傳) 貓戲圖 水墨紙本 立軸 款識:虎豹不足數,九河可以鑑。當時傳考虜,老南鷗零零。 鈐印:八還、驢書、畫舧。
17 ZHAO SHAO ANG (1905-1998) MAGPIES AND BAMBOO A Chinese painting, ink and colour on paper, inscribed and signed by Zhao Shao Ang with four artist’s seals, dated summer of xin hai year (1971), framed and glazed, 117cm x 53cm.
£6,000-8,000 Provenance: from the collection of Li Fook Kow (d.2011) and Edith Li (d.1992), purchased in the 1970s in Hong Kong. Magpies are always auspicious symbols, the birds of good fortune and love. The first character for the name of the bird, xi que, has the same sound as xi, ‘happiness’. Magpies are also a symbol for the wish for a happy marriage, success at examinations and for getting rich.
趙少昂(1905-1988) 喜鵲翠竹 設色紙本 鏡框 款識:高節人相重,虛心世所知,辛亥夏五月少昂于金山。 鈐印:趙、少昂、足跡英美法意瑞德日印菲諸國、生於乙巳中和節。 來源:李福逑及鄺美蓉伉儷收藏(逝于2011年及1992年),1970年代 購於香港。
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
The current owner and his wife in the 1980s with the present lot behind 1980年代现藏家及夫人在香港的家
A Chinese scroll painting, ink and colour on silk, inscribed and dated the geng chen year, signed Leng Mei, with one artist’s seal, 97.5cm x 47.5cm.
A Chinese scroll painting, ink and colour on silk, signed Dong Ming Leng Mei zhi, and one illegible seal, 63cm x 30cm.
£500-1,000 Provenance: formerly a private European collection acquired between the 1950s and 1980s.
冷枚(傳) 麻姑圖 設色絹本 立軸 款識:時在庚辰秋日仿宋人法,臺門畫史冷枚。 鈐印:冷枚。 來源:歐洲私人舊藏,購於1950-80年代
£1,500-2,500 Provenance: from an English private collection, acquired c.1999 with a label which reads Christie’s 24 June 1999, lot 328. Lady Gong Sun’s inventive sword dances in the Kaiyuan reign (713-741) of the Tang dynasty inspired the cursive calligraphy of Zhang Xu (c.675-741) and poetry of Du Fu (712-770). Wu Dao Zi (680-750), the great master of figure painting, was similarly inspired by the sword dance of General Pei. A burning candle shows that this is a night scene.
冷枚(傳) 公孫大娘舞劍圖 设色绢本 立軸 款識:東溟冷枚製。 鈐印:一印漫漶不辨。 來源:英國私人收藏,購於1999年,附佳士得1999年6月24日·編號328標籤。
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
A Chinese scroll painting, ink on silk, 113cm x 59cm.
A Chinese scroll painting, ink on paper, inscribed, dated the xin hai year and signed Wu Ying, with two artist’s seals, and six collectors’ seals, 160cm x 46cm.
£2,000-3,000 Provenance: from an English private collection, acquired c.1990. While the painting is untitled and unsigned, the principal figure may well be the Tang dynasty poet Li Bai, who wrote a poem about the famous waterfall at the Lu Mountain in Jiangxi Province.
佚名(明) 李太白廬山觀瀑 水墨絹本 立軸 來源:英國私人收藏,購於1990年代。
£300-500 吳應(傳) 山水 水墨紙本 立軸 款識:擬黃鶴山樵法,辛亥三月為紫老學長兄書,漁 山吳應。 鈐印:吳應、漁山、臥雪山人、錫蕃審定、石逸珍 藏、南徐安松溪藏、楊氏炳炎珍藏、一印漫漶不辨。
A Chinese scroll painting, ink and colour on paper, inscribed, dated the xin si year and signed Huang Liu Zi (the sixth son) with two artist’s seals, 102cm x 44.5cm.
A Chinese scroll painting, ink and colour on silk, inscribed, dated the gui chou year and signed Nan Tian cao yi Shou Ping with two artist’s seals and four collectors’ seals, 121cm x 44.5cm.
Provenance: an English private collection, acquired in 1960s.
惲壽平 (傳) 富貴牡丹 設色絹本 立軸 款識:送秋人尚為畫忙,與客同傾花下觴。四角燒燈中立炬。枝枝畫 工葉光芒。癸丑重九對話寫此,南田草衣壽平製。 鈐印:壽平、惲正叔、陳氏書畫、智弘道人、白雲外史、華農珍藏。
Yong Rong was the sixth son of the Qianlong Emperor, then he was adopted into the lineage of his great uncle Yun Xi as Xi’s Grandson. Yong Rong was a poet and painter with knowledge of astronomy and mathematics, he was best known as one of the general editors of the grand book Si Ku Quan Shu.
永瑢(傳) 蓬萊山水 設色紙本 立軸 款識:仙人源自愛蓬萊,瑤草金芝次第開,欸乃櫂歌青雀舫,逍遙響 屧鳳皇臺。辛巳仲冬,皇六子。 鈐印:質王之印、永瑢。 來源:英國私人收藏,購於1960年代。
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
24 ATTRIBUTED TO SHEN ZHOU (19TH CENTURY) AUTUMN LANDSCAPE A Chinese scroll painting, ink and colour on paper, title-slip reads Ming Shen Shi Tian cao tang qiu se tu, inscribed, dated autumn of the ren zi year, signed with three artist’s seals and two illegible seals, 134cm x 44.5cm.
£15,000-25,000 Provenance: from the collection of general Long Yun and thence by descent. Long Yun (1884-1962) was the late governor and general of Yunnan. Long was an extraordinary man, known as the ‘King of Yunnan’. General Long governed Yunnan for eighteen years, and was appointed commander-in-chief of the Army of the Nationalist party of China, when fighting the Japanese.
沈周(傳) 江南秋色圖 水墨紙本 立軸 款識:九月霜甘木葉黃,江南秋色滿斜陽。西山佳處堪高隱,佔斯風 光是草堂。壬子墓秋之望,長洲沈周。 鈐印:沈、南啓、石田、宗舜年、一漫漶不辨。 來源:雲南王龍雲將軍舊藏,并由其後人繼承。
Long Yun, pictured right, in a formal group photograph with Jiang Jie Shi, far left
A Chinese scroll painting, ink and colour on silk, title-slip reads Wang Qin Zhong lu he tu san shi wu nian shi yue chong zhuang, signed Wang Wu with two artist’s seals, 80.5cm x 46cm.
A Chinese scroll painting, ink and colour on paper, signed wo long mian ju shi Luo Pin hui, with two artist’s seals and one collector’s seal, 136cm x 57cm.
Provenance: formerly a private European collection acquired between the 1950s and 1980s.
Provenance: formerly a private European collection acquired between the 1950s and 1980s.
王武(傳) 楊柳鷺鶴圖 设色绢本 立轴 署簽:王勤中楊柳鷺鶴圖,三十五年十月重裝。 款識:王武。 鈐印:王武之印、字勤中。 來源:歐洲私人舊藏,購於1950-80年代。
羅聘(傳) 羅漢持淨瓶 設色絹本 立軸 款識:臥龍眠居士羅聘繪。 鈐印:羅聘,二印漫漶不辨。 來源:歐洲私人舊藏,購於1950-80年代。
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
27 ATTRIBUTED TO LAN YING (19TH CENTURY) LANDSCAPE PAINTING AFTER WANG JIN QING A Chinese scroll painting, ink and colour on fabric gauze, inscribed, dated the third month of the spring of the bing ying year, signed with two artist’s seals, 204cm x 50cm.
£4,000-5,000 Provenance: a private European collection, purchased in the early 1980s from Jim Freeman.
藍瑛(傳) 仿王晉卿山水 設色绫本 立軸 款識:山欲高,悉出之不見其高,以煙雲斷其腰則高矣。丙寅春三月 仿王晉卿筆,蜨叟藍瑛。 鈐印:藍瑛之印、叔。 來源:歐洲私人收藏,1980年代早期購於Jim Freeman。
28 XU BEI HONG (1895-1953) BAMBOO A Chinese scroll paining, ink on paper, inscribed, dated and signed by Xu Bei Hong, with two artist’s seals, and one collector’s seal which reads xin zhong cang zhi, 80cm x 32.5cm.
£15,000-20,000 Provenance: an English private collection. The inscription to the left says it was given to Mei Nu dao zhang, (Xie Mei Nu 1913-1991 was a famous seal carver and calligrapher) as a gift, and then given to Li Shou Zeng (1889-1962, a collector) for his generous donation to the China Academy of Art in 1932.
徐悲鴻(1895-1953) 墨竹圖 水墨紙本 立軸 款識:新篁類長留,梅奴道長惠存。悲鴻。李壽增先生所藏伊汀洲書,寶天下巨蹟,今捐美術學院先 生寶怡終之。卅二年夏日重慶南岸,涼風埡遣真。悲鴻。 鈐印:徐、東海王孫、 來源:英國私人收藏,藏家父親獲贈于1960-1080年代。 據羅光磊(謝梅奴學生)2009年2月1日在長沙晚報上面刊登的一篇《謝梅奴與徐悲鴻的白梅圖》記 載,梅奴先生回憶當時徐悲鴻為了保護伊秉綬(1754-1815)的四條隸書屏,請梅奴先生幫忙聯繫到了 當時的此隸書藏家李壽增。李先生知曉徐悲鴻是為國家保護文物而不是私人想買深為感動,願將四條 屏贈予中央美術學院。徐悲鴻獲悉后為表達謝意特地送了一幅當時在重慶的舊作《墨竹圖》並提款說 明收藏伊秉綬隸書屏的經過以志紀念,後又贈送了文章提到的白梅圖,此件拍品便是當時徐悲鴻所贈 的竹圖。 謝梅奴(1913-1991)師從書法篆刻家唐醉石及藝術大師齊白石,自幼酷爱书法篆刻傾心研究數十年, 蜚聲海外。三十年代就與徐悲鴻交往甚密并為其刻章。 李壽增(1902-1968),李氏四兄弟開設四怡堂藥店,壽增曾任經理。其弟李景陶曾任上海儲備銀行長 沙分行行長,因而李氏兄弟有名譽長沙金融界。李壽增解放前為孤兒院、公醫院,救濟原董事長等。 長沙和平解放後,他積極參與重建工作并以開明紳商選為長沙市人民代表會議代表等。
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
29 GUO MO RUO (1892-1978) CALLIGRAPHY IN RUNNING SCRIPT A hanging scroll of Chinese calligraphy, ink on paper, inscribed and signed Guo Mo Ruo with one artist’s seal, together with another painting of swallows, 63.5cm x 31.5cm. (2)
£6,000-8,000 Provenance: from a private collection, the calligraphy was a gift to the current owner’s father, Li Bo Yan (1913-1983), by the artist, in appreciation for his help and support given to him during the Chinese Civil War. Li Bo Yan was born in Beijing, after his graduation from Yan Jing University, he became the Vice Principle at the School of Classical Theatrical Art, and was friends of great Beijing Opera stars like Mei Lan Fang. From 1937 to 1943, he joined the Chinese Government Foreign Service as a diplomat, first as chancellor in Poland and then as attaché in Turkey. After moving to the United Kingdom in 1968, he joined Leeds University Chinese Studies Department with Owen Lattimore as Head of Department.
郭沫若(1892-1978)等兩件 書法 水墨紙本 立軸 款識:諸葛武侯畢竟是傑出人物,即其集眾思,廣書益,一語已足,永垂不朽,近人有詆毀之者,多 見其不自量也。伯言先生雅正。郭沫若。 鈐印:郭沫若。 來源:私人收藏,郭沫若送給現藏家父親李伯言(1892-1978)作為助其逃離國民黨的感謝。 李伯言生於北京,從燕京大學畢業之後就擔任京劇學院副教授,并于很多當時的名角交往甚密,如梅 蘭芳,孟小冬等。從1937年至1943年,李伯言加入了中國政府外交部,曾擔任波蘭及土耳其的外交官 及使臣。1968年移居英國之後,他成為了利茲大學中文系的系主任。
Li Bo Yan with his year group in the Chinese Study Department of Leeds University
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
30 ANONYMOUS (YUAN DYNASTY OR LATER) SPARROWS A panel of Chinese painting, ink on silk, with one collector’s seal which reads wei mei tu shu, another panel of a landscape painting, ink and colour on paper, the third panel of a scholar admiring a waterfall, inscribed and signed with one artist’s seal, 27cm x 36cm. (3)
£300-500 Provenance: an English private collection acquired in London in the 1970s.
佚名(元或更晚)等三件 雲雀圖 水墨絹本 扇面 來源:英國私人收藏,購於1970年代。
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
31 ATTRIBUTED TO WANG YUAN QI (QING DYNASTY) LANDSCAPE A Chinese album of landscape paintings, ink and colour on silk, title-slip reads Qing Wang Li Tai she se shan shui ce, signed Li Tai Wang Yuan Qi with two artist’s seals and twelve illegible seals, mounted as an album of twelve leaves, 28cm x 18.5cm.
£300-500 王原祁(傳) 王麗臺設色山水 設色絹本 十二開冊 署簽:王麗臺設色山水冊。 款識:麗台王原祁。 鈐印:原、祁、十二印漫漶不辨。
part lot illustrated
32 PU ZUO (1918-2001) EIGHT HORSES OF MU WANG A Chinese watercolour painting, ink and colour on paper, inscribed and signed by Pu Zuo with two artist’s seals, framed and glazed, 130cm x 66cm.
£2,000-4,000 Provenance: a private collection mostly acquired in the 1970s and 1980s.
溥佐(1918-2001) 松陵穆王八駿 設色紙本 鏡框 款識:擬龍眠大意,庸斋溥佐。 鈐印:溥佐印信長壽、庸齋居士。 來源:私人收藏,購於1970年代至 1980年代。 33 FANG JI (1736-1795) MAGPIES AND PLUM BLOSSOM A pair of Chinese scroll paintings, both ink on paper, signed xi yuan Fang Ji, with four artist’s seals, together with another scroll painting by Lu Song depicting scholars, 125.5cm x 61cm. (3)
£300-500 Provenance: formerly a private European collection acquired between the 1950s and 1980s. Fang Ji was a Chinese painter who was very well known in Japan for his flower and bird paintings.
方濟(1736-1795)等三件 喜上眉梢 水墨絹本 立軸 款識:西園方濟。西園方濟寫。 鈐印:方濟、巨川。 來源:歐洲私人舊藏,購於1950-80 年代。 34 HE YUAN YU (1840-?) PLUM BLOSSOM A Chinese painting, ink on silk, inscribed by Cui Jia Shao, dated Guangxu 18th year (1892) and signed Ci Shao with eight artist’s seals, framed and glazed. Together with two paintings of ladies, one ink and colour on silk, the other ink and colour on paper, both framed and glazed, 92cm x 28.5cm. (3)
£300-500 何瑗玉(1840-?)等三件 梅花 水墨 絹本 鏡框 款識:孤山冷艷,蘧盦為次韶作。 南海崔嘉紹次韶燈下。(詳文略, 不錄)。 鈐印:何瑗玉印。
34 part lot illustrated
A Chinese painting, ink and colour on silk, framed and glazed, 122cm x 53cm.
A Chinese painting, ink and colour on silk, signed Shanghai Wang Zhen Hai hui, with one artist’s seal which reads Zhen Hai, framed and glazed, 83cm x 45cm.
Provenance: an English private collection.
王鎮海(晚清/民國) 博古圖 設色絹本 鏡框 銘文:上海王鎮海繪。 鈐印:鎮海。
佚名(民國) 博古圖 設色紙本 鏡框 來源:英國私人收藏。
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
A Chinese fan painting, ink and colour on paper, inscribed and signed with two illegible seals, framed and glazed, 23.5cm x 50cm.
Two Chinese fan paintings, ink and colour on silk, inscribed and signed with eight artist’s seals, together with three fan paintings, all ink and colour on silk, 24.5cm. (5)
£300-500 Provenance: from an English private collection. Jin hui dui is a form of painting which illustrates fragments of title-slips, notes and newspapers. It became very popular during the early Qing dynasty both on painting and porcelain.
沙松 錦灰堆 設色紙本 鏡框 款識:殘篇數頁倒還顛,仔細看來卻不全。所幸繪成圖博古,雖然小道也天然。時在辛 末春句為步青二兄先生雅玩,小畦沙松拜。 鈐印:兩印漫漶不辨。 來源:英國私人收藏。
£300-500 Provenance: formerly a private European collection acquired between the 1950s and 1980s.
臧嵐光(1912-1980)等五件 嬰戲圖 團扇 來源:歐洲私人舊藏,購於1950-80年代。
39 WU DA CHENG (1835-1902) SQUIRREL ON A PINE TREE A Chinese circular fan leaf painting, ink on silk, inscribed with one artist’s seal and one illegible seal, together with a palm-shaped fan painting of butterflies, ink and colour on silk, inscribed and signed by Cai Wei Dao Ren with one illegible seal, 25cm. (2)
£500-800 Provenance: an English private collection acquired in London in the 1970s.
吳大澂(1835-1902)等兩件 水墨及設色絹本 扇面 款識:(詳文略,不錄)。 鈐印:吳大澂、兩印漫漶不辨。 來源:英國私人收藏,購於1970年代。 40 AFTER ZHOU WEN JU (LATE QING DYNASTY) LADY IN A GARDEN A Chinese watercolour painting, ink and colour on silk, signed Zhou Wen Ju zhi, with two illegible seals, framed, 30.5cm x 24.5cm.
£300-500 Provenance: an English private collection acquired in London in the 1970s.
周文矩(傳) 賞園圖 設色絹本 鏡框 款識:周文矩製。 鈐印:兩印漫漶不辨。 來源:英國私人收藏,購於1970年代。
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
41 ANONYMOUS (MING DYNASTY AND 19TH CENTURY) AN IMMORTAL IN A LANDSCAPE A Chinese circular fan leaf painting, ink and colour on silk, with two collector’s seals, together with three water landscape fan paintings, all ink and colour on paper, inscribed and signed with artists’ seals, 54cm. (4)
£300-500 Provenance: an English private collection acquired in London in the 1970s.
佚名(明)等四件 松鶴仙人圖 設色絹本 扇面 來源:英國私人收藏,購於1970年代。
42 ANONYMOUS (MING DYNASTY) MAGPIE AND PLUM BLOSSOM A Chinese palm-shaped fan painting, ink and colour on silk, one collector’s seal reads wu men Yuan Jie Qing shi jia cang (Yuan Tai Collector seal, a collector during the Ming dynasty), together with three landscape fan paintings, 48cm. (4)
£300-500 Provenance: an English private collection acquired in London in the 1970s.
佚名(明)等四件 喜上眉梢 設色絹本 扇面 款識:(詳文略,不錄)。 鈐印:吳門袁戒卿氏家藏(袁泰,字戒卿,明弘治年 間收藏家)。 來源:英國私人收藏,購於1970年代。
Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at 20% 每件拍品收取 25% 的買家佣金+增值稅 (20%)
43 ANONYMOUS (YUAN DYNASTY AND 19TH CENTURY) LANDSCAPE A panel of Chinese painting, ink and colour on silk, one collector’s seal which reads Qian Ning wang zi zi sun yong bao zhi (Mu Ying’s collection seal), together with two other landscape paintings, 25.5cm x 24cm. (3)
£300-500 Provenance: an English private collection acquired in London in the 1970s. Mu Ying (1344-1392) was a general and an adopted son of the Hongwu Emperor. He was also known as a passionate collector of Chinese master paintings.
佚名(元或更晚)等三件 山水 設色絹本 扇面 款識:桃源洞天,仿王子久筆,王翚。 鈐印:黔寧王子子孫孫永保之、王翚、兩印漫漶不辨。 來源:英國私人收藏,購於1970年代。
Jewellery by Design The Collection of Dr. Anne Shannon Wednesday 31st October 2018
A gold ‘Helios’-inspired Revivalist brooch by Melillo, circa 1870 Estimate: £2,000-3,000
ENQUIRIES: Charlotte Glyde | Tel: +44 (0)1722 424586 | cg@woolleyandwallis.co.uk
Fine Jewellery Thursday 1st November 2018
An Edwardian emerald and diamond necklace, converting to a tiara Estimate: ÂŁ40,000-60,000
ENQUIRIES: Charlotte Glyde | Tel: +44 (0)1722 424586 cg@woolleyandwallis.co.uk
Modern British & 20th Century Art Tuesday 4th December 2018
Sir Claude Francis Barry (1883-1970) St. Aubin’s Fort, Jersey Oil on canvasboard 66 x 100cm Estimate: £8,000-12,000
ENQUIRIES: Victor Fauvelle | Tel:+44 (0)1722 446961 | vf@woolleyandwallis.co.uk Jo Butler | Tel:+44 (0)1722 446962 | jb@woolleyandwallis.co.uk
British Art Pottery Wednesday 12th December 2018
A tall bottle vase by Lucie Rie with volcanic glaze, from the collection of Sara Pearch Estimate: £20,000-30,000 A sgraffito bottle vase by Lucie Rie Estimate: £15,000-25,000
ENQUIRIES: Michael Jeffery | Tel: +44 (0)1722 446954 | mj@woolleyandwallis.co.uk
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9. 競投:競買人需要在拍賣前進行註冊,登記時 需要提供姓名,位址。新客戶需要向本公司提 供身份證明。如需要電話競投服務,請儘早與 本公司進行登記。 10. 競投委託:該項服務是以書面的形式委託威立 士在不超過其指定金額下競投拍賣品。工作人 員將參考底價,盡力以最低價進行競投,如果 威立士收到兩個或以上相同價格的書面競投, 則以最先與本公司簽訂委託競投協定者為成功 競投者。 11. 付款方式:按照規定,成交拍品需要付清所有 遺留款項以後才能取貨。關於付款方式請提前 與本公司前臺聯系。 12. 取貨和存儲:請查閱本公司拍賣條款裏關於取 貨和儲存的有關信息。所有推遲提取的拍品都 會徵收相應的存儲費用。 賣家委託條件 1. 解釋:下文中用到‘您’代表賣家或仲介機 構,同樣‘我們’代表拍賣行。 2. 傭金:拍品成交價在£999 內收取15%的傭金 +VAT增值稅,超過£1,000 拍品需要徵收10% 的傭金+VAT。 3. 運輸費:所有拍品務必要在截止日期前送達我 們拍賣行,且所有費用將由您來承擔。我們可 以在運送過程中幫助您但是本公司不承擔運輸 中發生任何狀況的責任。 4. 丟失和損傷保險:我們沒有為客戶準備FSA的 保險,但本公司用拍品的最低估價作為保護承 擔責任賠償。我們會收取成交價的1.5%作為 責任賠償的保險費用,如果您的拍品沒有成交 那麼我們會以估價的中間值為標準收取費用。 如果您不需要這項服務,那麼您將承擔丟失和 損傷的風險,直到買家取走該拍品。 5. 插圖:插圖的費用由您來承擔。若我們覺得拍 品需要插圖會尋求您的允許,我們會事先通知 您。但所有圖像和文字說明的版權都屬本公司 所有。 6. 底價和我們的判斷:在拍賣會開始之前我們會 和您關於拍品的預訂價達成共識。 7. 我們可以賣出低於拍品預訂價,但我們會支付 您該拍品的保留價。但如果您給予本公司‘裁 決’的權利,我們會同意以低於預訂價10%的 價格出售。
保留價: (a)
敬請您務必在拍賣前提供給我們您需要的 保留價。保留價必須是我們認為合理的成 交價格,本公司有權利下降不合理的高保 留價。
保留價被確定以後,您不能自己進行競 投。
8. 電器拍品:這些拍品需要詳細的安全證明和防 火安全證明。若發現拍品有安全隱患,該拍品 將不被進行競投,我們有權要求您取走該拍 品。 9. 室內裝飾品:室內裝飾品如果發現有防火 安全隱患,根據Provisions of The Torts (Interference with Goods) Act 1997, Schedule 1 條例,我們有權要求您取走該拍 品。 10. 拍品描述:請告知我們正確的拍品資訊,包括 拍品來源等等。對於拍品的描述的正確性有嚴 格的責任賠償,且在很多情況下您將承擔該責 任。如果您沒有反對我們對您的拍品描述,我 們將假定您同意您已認可。若競買人發現拍品 描述和實際拍品不符我們將退還買家所付金 額。我們必須引提醒您,即使您確實不知道拍 品描述和實際不相符也必須遵循該條例。 11. 未成交的物品:如果拍品沒有成交,可以在您 的允許下在下一次拍賣中再次進行競投。如果 我們認為該拍品無法賣出,請您務必儘快從本 公司提貨,因為我們有權向您徵收倉庫儲存 費。 12. 撤拍和買入的物品:撤拍或自行買入的拍品若 已列入圖錄或已經開始印刷,則應支付保留價 或者圖錄中最低估價的10%的傭金加上VAT增 值稅。 13. 拍賣條例:您所有同意的物品將根據拍賣條例 進行出售,您或者仲介有權出售該物品。如違 反該條例您將承擔我們、買家和第三方的所有 損失和賠償。 14. 扣除賣家傭金和費用以及保留買家傭金和利息 的權利: (a)
您可以授權要求我們取消傭金和所有相關 費用,但是我們有權利保留買家所支付的 傭金和相關費用所產生的利息。
您可以授權我們在拍賣結束印業當天進行 私下協議出售沒有成交的拍品,但我們可 以收取和拍賣成交時同樣的傭金和費用。
15. 存儲:我們對任何不能馬上上拍的物品不負 責,且我們有權收取每天£2 儲存費。如果三 個星期以後還是沒有前來領取,我們有權利出 售該物品並收取相關費用。 16. 結算:通常拍賣結束以後28天內可以完成款項 結算,除非買家未付款。
威立士索爾茲伯裏拍賣有限公司是與競買人、賣家 和在拍賣現場的人進行業務運作。拍賣條例可以從 這裡參考查閱。 1. 定義 : a) ‘拍賣官’代表威立士索爾茲伯裏拍賣公司 或他授權的拍賣官。 b) ‘蓄意偽造’是指一件仿品試圖偽造原創作 者、時期、年紀、年代、文化或來源於圖錄 中描述的不同,而在拍賣當天拍出了與該仿 品的本身價值不符的價格。 c) ‘成交(落錘)價’是指競拍價格超過了保 留價,而拍賣師落錘成交的價格。 d) ‘委託條款’是指威立士拍賣行規定的賣家 或仲介的條約和傭金的百分比率。 e) ‘總額’是指成交價、買家傭金,VAT增值稅 和其他費用加起來買家付款的總和。 f)
‘銷售收益’指賣家的淨收益,成交價減去 賣家傭金、VAT增值稅和其他費用的餘額。
g) ‘你,你們’等等指買家請參考條例第二 條。 2. 拍賣過程和買家: a) 競買人在競投之前,必須填妥及簽注登記表 格才能參加本公司拍賣。 b) 在拍賣官的決定下,競買人出價最高且被拍 賣官接受的競買人才能成為該物品的買家。 下錘則表示賣家和買家之間的拍賣合約已經 達成。 c) 競買人會被我們視作委託人。我們有權利為 賣家競投到其設定的保留價,且有權利拒絕 任何競投。 3. 加價:拍賣官有權自行決定加價幅度 4. 買入價格:競買人需要付成交價和傭金(每件 拍品的成交價首£500,000 取25%,另外超過 £500,000 上部份收取12%)+ VAT增值稅 5. 增值稅:根據法律規定,買家所有成交的拍品 的成交價上要支付VAT增值稅。(具體信息請 查閱買家須知的增值稅部份) 6. 付款:拍下拍品以後: i)
b) 買家需要付清我們計算出的應付金額,包括以 您或您仲介名義下的所有款項。 7. 所有權和領取已購買物品: a) 物品的所有權只有在您付清全部應付金額之 後才能被轉移。
b) 您需要在拍賣結束後三個工作日付清金額, 且取走物品以後所發生的所有責任都由您來 擔當。 c) 在付款之前,任何物品不能被提取。 8. 不付款或未領取已購買拍品的提醒: a) 如果有買家沒有全部付清應付金額,根據條 例我們作為賣家仲介和拍賣行可以執行以下 權利和提醒: i)
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SOCIETY OF FINE ART AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS and the ROYAL INSTITUTION OF CHARTERED SURVEYORS CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION FOR BUYERS 1. Introduction. The following informative notes are intended to assist Buyers, particularly those inexperienced or new to our salerooms. All sales are conducted on our printed Conditions of Sale which are readily available for inspection and normally accompany catalogues. Our staff will be happy to help you if there is anything you do not fully understand. 2. Agency. As auctioneers we usually contract as agents for the seller whose identity, for reasons of confidentiality, is not normally disclosed. Accordingly if you buy your primary contract is with the seller. 3. Estimates. Estimates are designed to help buyers gauge what sort of sum might be involved for the purchase of a particular lot. The lower estimate may represent the reserve price and certainly will not be below it. Estimates do not include the Buyer’s Premium or VAT (where chargeable). Estimates are prepared some time before the sale and may be altered by announcement before the sale. They are in no sense definitive. 4. The purchase price. The Buyer shall pay the hammer price together with a premium thereon of 25% plus VAT @20% (totalling 30% inclusive) on the first £500,000 and 12% plus VAT @20% (14.4%) inclusive thereafter. 5. VAT. (†) indicates that VAT at the current standard rate is payable by the purchaser on the hammer price as well as being an element in the buyer’s premium. This imposition of VAT is likely to be because the seller is registered for VAT within the European Union and is not operating the Dealers Margin Scheme or because VAT is due at 20% on importation into the UK. The symbol (Ω) indicates that the lot has been imported from outside the European Union and the present position is that these lots are liable to a reduced rate of VAT (5%) on the gross lot price (i.e. both the hammer price and the buyer’s premium). Lots which appear without either of the above symbols indicate that no VAT is payable on the hammer price. This is because such lots are sold using the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme and it should be noted that the VAT included within the Premium is not recoverable as input tax. 6. We are, primarily, agents for the seller. We are dependent on information provided by the seller and whilst we may inspect lots and act reasonably in taking a general view about them we are normally unable to carry out a detailed or any examination of lots in order to ascertain their condition in the way in which it would be wise for a buyer to do. Intending buyers have ample opportunity for inspection of goods and, therefore, accept responsibility for inspecting and investigating lots in which they may be interested. Please note carefully the exclusion of liability for the condition of lots contained in the Conditions of Sale. Neither the seller nor we, as the auctioneers, accept any responsibility for their condition. In particular, mechanical objects of any age are not guaranteed to be in working order. However, in so far as we have examined the goods and make a representation about their condition, we shall be liable for any defect which that examination ought to have revealed to the auctioneer but which would not have been revealed to the buyer had the buyer examined the goods. Additionally, in specified circumstances lots misdescribed because they are ‘deliberate forgeries’ may be returned and repayment made. There is a 3 week time limit. (The expression ‘deliberate forgery’ is defined in our Conditions of Sale). 7. Electrical goods. These are sold as ‘antiques’ only and if bought for use must be checked over for compliance with safety regulations by a qualified electrician first. 8. Export of goods. Buyers intending to export goods should ascertain (a) whether an export licence is required for the goods to leave the U.K. and (b) whether there is any specific prohibition on importing the goods in question into the destination country because, e.g. they may contain prohibited materials such as ivory. Charges may be applicable for export licences. Ask us if you need help. The denial of any permit or licence shall not justify cancellation or rescission of the sale contract or any delay in payment. 9. Bidding. Bidders will be required to register before the sale commences and lots will be invoiced to the name and address on the registration form. Some form of identification will be required if you are unknown to us. Please enquire in advance about our arrangements for telephone bidding.
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(b) (c)
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Any statement as to authorship, attribution, origin, date, age, provenance and condition is a statement of opinion and is not to be taken as a statement of fact. The Company reserves the right, in forming their opinion, to consult and rely upon any expert or authority considered by them to be reliable. Edward Lear: In our opinion a work by the artist. (When the artist’s forename(s) is not known, a series of asterisks, followed by the surname of the artist, whether preceded by an initial or not, indicates that in our opinion the work is by the artist named. Attributed to Edward Lear: In our opinion probably a work by the artist but less certainty as to authorship is expressed than in the preceding category. Studio of Edward Lear: In our opinion a work by an unknown hand in the studio of the artist which may be or may not have been executed under the artist’s direction. Circle of Edward Lear: In our opinion a work by an as yet unidentified but distinct hand, closely associated with the named artist but not necessarily his pupil. Style of ...; Follower of Edward Lear: In our opinion a work by a painter working in the artist’s style, contemporary or nearly contemporary, but not necessarily his pupil. Manner of Edward Lear: In our opinion a work in the style of the artist and of a later date. After Edward Lear: In our opinion a copy of a known work of the artist. The term signed and/or dated and/or inscribed means that in our opinion the signature and/or date and/or inscription are from the hand of the artist. The term bears a signature and/or date and/or inscription means that in our opinion the signature and/or date and/or inscription have been added by another hand. Dimensions are given height before width. Pictures are framed unless otherwise stated.
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Design & Production by
Woolley & Wallis Absentee Bid Form Fine Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy
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Fine Silver & Objects of vertu
The Dr. Anne Shannon Collection of Jewellery
FREE AUCTION VALUATIONS We offer a free auction valuation service on the first Friday of every month, 10am – 1pm, no appointment necessary. For further information please call 01722 424 509 or visit our website.
Fine Jewellery
Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy
Fine Chinese Works of Art
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2019 JANUARY 9th
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Silver & Objects of Vertu
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Sold for £27,500
Lot 17
F ine C hinese P aintings & C alligraphy T uesday 13 th N ovember 2018
Fine Chinese Paintings & Calligraphy 中國字畫及油畫
Tuesday 13th November 2018