Appendix 3
School Improvement Plan 2019-2020
Our Vision:
School Context, Aims, Values
Learning together and having fun to be the best we can be.
Our Values: Friendship, Respect, Perseverance, Co-operation, Honesty
Our Aims: We We We We We
aim to never give up. aim to be a welcoming school where everyone feels safe and valued. aim to learn with a positive attitude. aim for all staff and pupils to understand our rights. aim to be kind and thoughtful.
Context: Athelstaneford Primary School is situated in a rural setting, serving the village of Athelstaneford and the surrounding area. The school is co-educational and all primary stages nursery - P7 are catered for in three classes. Our school consists of a nursery together with three classrooms. The composition of the classes is decided on an annual basis. In the 2019-20 session our school roll will be 78, including the nursery, and our class structure will be a P1/2/3, P3/4 and P5/6/7. Our nursery has been delivering 1140 hours since January 2019. We have a small hall in the centre of the school which is currently used as a general purpose room, delivering music with the specialist teacher and has the kitchen for serving the school lunches. Our library area is located in the entrance to the school. For physical education, we use the village hall and other outdoor areas within the school grounds and the village. The Head Teacher will be supported by a full-time principal teacher and 3 part time teachers. The Head Teacher has a 1.5 day teaching commitment. The school is supported by 2 part-time classroom assistants as well as 2 ASN auxiliaries. The school has an active parent council which works alongside the fundraising group and they make invaluable contributions to the school.
National Priorities (NIF) In line with the National Improvement Framework, school improvement priorities should clearly articulate with the following 4 key priorities in session 2019/20: Improve attainment, particularly in Literacy and Numeracy Close the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children Improve children and young people’s health and well-being Improve employability skills and sustained, positive destinations for all young people (DYW 3 to 18)
Lo Local Priorities East Lothian Council Plan 2017-2022 R
Reducing inequalities within and across communities Implement the recommendations within the Poverty Commission Action Plan Growing our Economy Reduce unemployment and improve employability Growing our People Reduce the attainment gap and raise the attainment and achievement of our children and young people and improve the life chances of the most vulnerable people in society Growing our Communities Extend community engagement and decision making and increase community and individual resilience Growing our Capacity Deliver excellent services as effectively and efficiently as possible within our limited resources East Lothian Education Service Improvement Plan
Improve inclusion, wellbeing and equality
Improve attendance and reduce exclusions
Raise attainment and achievement, particularly the lowest 20%, LAC and ASN
Improve positive destinations, particularly the lowest 20%, LAC and ASN
Improve the % of schools and early learning and childcare settings evaluated as good or better across the NIF quality indicators
School Priorities – identify three or four main priorities only. Please take account of the new developments towards a self-improving schools approach and focus on curriculum development and pedagogy of learning, teaching and assessment. Use the following HGIOS4 & equivalent HGIOELC QIs as a guide towards addressing the areas for improvement identified: 1.3 Leadership of change 2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment 3.1 Inclusion, equality and wellbeing 3.2 Raising attainment and achievement
Priority: To improve attainment and engagement in literacy and numeracy Actions
Moderation Moderation with all cluster schools with a focus on Literacy and numeracy Moderation with School Team Groups with a focus on Listening and Talking Moderation in school with a focus across the curriculum Differentiation Initial CAT session with QIO looking at differentiation Staff to undertake enquiry/ personal reading into approaches to differentiation as part of CLPL Review evidence of differentiation in planning Target Setting Develop a system for effective and proportionate target setting. Develop consultations to include pupils reviewing current learning and setting targets Family Learning Opportunity once a term to come in to school and learn with your young person focussing on one curriculum area (literacy, numeracy, HWB and digital literacy) each term Masterclass for parents/carers offered in the evening linked to curriculum areas.
Drivers for improvement
Teacher Professionalism Assessment of Children’s Progress
Cluster 20.11.19/27.1.20 STG 22.10.19 School 30.10.19/27.4.20
Moderation Improved use of the moderation cycle to build confidence in the awarding of a level across all curriculum areas Staff will be able to talk confidently about, and evidence their judgements
Teacher Professionalism School Improvement
Nick Trussler 18.9.19 Teaching staff 10hrs CLPL – Reading and professional enquiry 1x2hr CAT 13.3.20
Parental Engagement Performance Information HT Teaching staff 11/2 hr CAT 9.9.19 Parental Engagement Teacher Professionalism School Improvement Teaching Staff One per term
Differentiation Staff confidence in using a range of strategies to differentiate learning for all pupils Improved pace and challenge for all learners, ensuring that tasks are well matched to suit their needs
Target setting Pupils and parents will both have a clear knowledge of their targets and next steps in learning Pupils will be able to talk with confidence about their learning and what they need to do next Target setting will improve opportunities for parental engagement in supporting children’s learning Family Learning Improved parental engagement Developing a sense of pride for pupils about their learning Creating opportunities to allow children to be leaders of learning Enable parents to have the knowledge to support their children
Priority: Health and Well-being; Embed co-op learning approach, RRS / Loose Parts Play/Resilience/RSHP/ IEI Actions
Co-operative Learning Trained staff to cascade principles and practices of cooperative learning to all staff All staff to explore the use of co-operative learning approaches within their classrooms
RRS Silver Award Complete and submit for assessment evidence of work undertaken in relation to Silver Award On successful awarding of Silver Award, continue to embed this work and begin planning for Gold.
Loose parts/ outdoor learning Training for all staff in Loose Parts Training for all pupils Instillation of Loose Parts shed – planning permission pending Launch day Building Resilience Training for all staff in the delivery of the ‘Building Resilience ‘ resource. RSHP
Staff to undertake engagement and familiarisation of RSHP online resource Plan for more effective and streamlined rolling programme to meet the needs of a multi-composite school.
Drivers for improvement
Teacher Professionalism School Improvement
M.Bertram F.Overmeer Staff 2x CAT 23.8.19/27.8.19
Co-operative Learning Improved relationships and engagement by all pupils in learning across the curriculum Build and sustain working relationships with their peers Confidence and developed knowledge of co-operative learning routines
School Improvement School Leadership
M.Bertram Rights Respecting Pupil Group
School Improvement
Kelly Clarke All staff 1x CAT for teaching staff 8hrs training for support staff
School Improvement Teacher Professionalism
School Improvement Teacher Professionalism
In-service Day Oct 22nd CAT Names?
RRS Silver Award Children will be able to make links between their rights, their learning and their wider life Children talk confidently about rights, and how this connects with the values of our school Empowered children who can demonstrate empathy for others within established relationships, both in school and the wider community Loose Parts Create a rich environments for children to play where they can invent, construct, evaluate and modify. developing skills such as problem solving, creativity, coordination, resilience and social skills. Building Resilience Improved staff skills in delivery of resilience package RSHP
Improved staff skills in delivery of RSHP Children will have consistent and progressive programme of learning.
Priority: Digital Learning/ Literacy Actions
Training for all staff through committed time on in-service day. Staff will identify a digital technology resource, other than a chrome book, and familiarise themselves with it, to enhance learning in their classroom Staff to observe good practise, within and beyond school, in the use of digital technology
Drivers for improvement
Teacher Professionalism School Improvement
Authority led in-service TBC CAT All staff
Greater engagement by children using technology to support and enhance learning. Children using a range of technology resources to enhance learning Staff are more knowledgeable, confident and skilled in the use and delivery of digital technology.
Priority: Nursery Actions
Develop whole staff team involvement with self-evaluation floor book with a focus on impact for children, families and practitioners. To use early learning and guidance to evaluate our own practice and promote good practice ensuring parental and children’s engagement throughout. Consider through continual evaluation how we ensure children are engaged in their learning and adapt as appropriate to meet needs.
Drivers for improvement
Teacher Professionalism
Nursery Teacher/ Nursery Nurse
School Improvement
Throughout the year Planned CAT sessions