Agnes Scott College Proposal

Page 1


Int roduct ion t o your Advisor (p 3)


Asset Disposit ion St rat egy (p 4 )


Comps and Asset Grouping (p 5-7)


The Sot heby's Dist inct ion (p 8)


Excel Spreadsheet - Propert y breakdown (p 9-10 )


Cont act Inf ormat ion (p 11)


Propert y Flyers wit h Pricing (p 12-53)


Comparat ive Market Analysis (p 54 -94 )

A st rat egic part nership bet ween buyer and seller begins wit h a t rust ed advisor t o help navigat e t he selling process. At At lant a Fine Homes Sot heby's Int ernat ional Realt y - we are Met ro At lant a?s No. 1 resident ial real est at e brokerage, redef ining t he client experience wit h unrivaled ser vice and innovat ive t echnology. Our f irm prides it self not only by proven result s, but also by maint aining great relat ionships wit h our client s and indust r y peers t hrough int egrit y and t ransparency. Our goal is t o creat e value f or t he client by using Sot heby's brand percept ion and At lant a Fine Homes' proven market ing st rat egy. I have ext ensive experience in t he real est at e indust r y, including my role as a Relat ionship Manager f or Wachovia Bank (Wells Fargo) which ent ailed working wit h CEO/ CFO roles of regional homebuilders and developers, a General Cont ract or specializing in t he Int own, Midt own and ITP market s and as a licensed Real Est at e agent since 20 0 6, specializing in t he Int own At lant a market . I received my MBA wit h an emphasis in Real Est at e in 20 0 3. Recent ly, I managed t he disposit ion of a 12-unit port f olio f or a client f rom Seat t le. Upon my recommendat ion, we put approximat ely $ 15k-$ 20 k int o each asset , which result ed in t he client receiving a 20 0 % ret urn on invest ment , t his result ed in a higher sales price. I managed t he ent ire process as t he client was out -of -st at e, including vendor management and asset disposit ion. I welcome t he opport unit y t o work wit h Agnes Scot t in t he expedit ious asset disposit ion t hat you have present ed t o us.





23 $761,900 $322

The 23 propert ies (21 homes/ 2 lot s) making up t his port f olio are locat ed wit hin a 1-block radius of t he campus of Agnes Scot t College. These homes/ lot s are considered desirable due t o t he proximit y t o Downt own Decat ur along wit h t he hist orical aspect of t he campus and specif ically t he MAK Hist oric Dist rict and Winnona Park neighborhoods. The Cit y of Decat ur designat ed t he MAK dist rict as Hist oric in 1998 in order t o preser ve t he homes t hat were built st art ing in 190 7. Winnona Park began around t he same t ime, alt hough we have 5 homes t hat predat e 190 7. This port f olio is comprised of 15 Single-Family homes, 5 Duplexes, 2 vacant lot s and 1 Triplex. The pot ent ial each home possesses paired wit h t he hist orical charm and idyllic set t ing creat e an ideal opport unit y f or prospect ive buyers. The homes are all in dif f erent ranges of condit ion, most if not all need a combinat ion of new roof s, updat ed HVAC syst ems, new kit chens & bat hs and t he pricing has t aken t hat int o account on an individual basis. The ant icipat ed t ime on market would be approximat ely 4 5 days per home (or group) as we would base t hat of f of t he CMA provided (15 days on market , plus 30 day average t o close). These prices are good as of Oct ober 20 23. Cost s associat ed wit h t he sale of t he port f olio include an indust r y st andard 6% brokerage f ee (based on t he f inal sales price per t ransact ion), which is split bet ween our f irm and t he cooperat ing broker t hat represent s t he buyer.


Based on recent sales in t he MAK/ Winnona Park dist rict s, t he average sales price hovers around $ 373/ sf over t he last 12 mont hs. While t his is not t he best met ric t o use as each home can var y widely by charact erist ics such as: -

Updat ed kit chens/ bat hs Busy st reet Shared driveway 8' vs 11' ceilings Deep lot vs no backyard New roof s/ HVAC's/ et c

However, it 's a good gauge t o use since it 's f airly consist ent across t he range of t hese homes. Our 21-home port f olio averages $ 322/ sf f or our ant icipat ed sales prices, t his is due t o t he required updat ing each home needs t o get t o t hat $ 373 average. New roof s range f rom $ 10 k-$ 20 k, New HVAC syst ems range f rom $ 5k-$ 8k per syst em, New Kit chens range f rom $ 15k-$ 30 k, New bat hrooms range f rom $ 5k-$ 10 k per bat hroom, Repaint ing t he int erior/ ext erior ranges f rom $ 8k-$ 15k . My proposed st rat egy t o market , procure a buyer and f inalize t he sale would include a mixt ure of list ings brought t o t he market immediat ely (t hrough our MLS) and some st aggered in order t o reduce a glut of invent or y in such a geographically small area. This would be execut ed by grouping cert ain homes/ lot s t oget her in order t o minimize disrupt ion t o t he t enant s as well as maximize t he owner's proceeds.

4 Duplexes & 1 Triplex



10 8 Adams St - $ 655,0 0 0 14 4 W College Ave - $ 825,0 0 0 20 6 S Candler St - $ 825,0 0 0 149 S McDonough St - $750,0 0 0 115 S McDonough St - $ 675,0 0 0 TOTAL -


2 Vacant Lots

$ 3,730,0 0 0

355 S McDonough St - $ 1,10 0,0 0 0 339 S Candler St - $ 1,0 50,0 0 0 TOTAL -

$ 2,150,0 0 0

149 Avery St - $ 20 0,0 0 0 153 Avery St - $ 50 0,0 0 0


Single Family


$70 0,0 0 0

GROUP 1 119 S McDonough St - $ 550,0 0 0


215 S McDonough St - $ 550,0 0 0


176 S Candler St - $ 825,0 0 0


218 S Candler St - $ 950,0 0 0


120 S Candler St - $ 975,0 0 0

226 E Hancock St - $ 550,0 0 0 363 S Candler St - $ 625,0 0 0 TOTAL -

$ 5,0 25,0 0 0 GROUP 2

321 S McDonough St - $ 625,0 0 0 220 E Hancock St - $ 655,0 0 0 232 E Hancock St - $ 580,0 0 0 14 6 S Candler St - $ 1,150,0 0 0 367 S Candler St - $ 4 55,0 0 0 357 S Candler St - $ 855,0 0 0 134 S Candler St - $775,0 0 0 TOTAL -

$ 5,0 95,0 0 0

The 4 duplexes and 1 Triplex are market able immediat ely as t hey will most likely appeal t o an invest or who will be in agreement wit h absorbing t he lower market rent . The 2 vacant homes will need an overall deep cleaning but are market -ready ASAP. The 2 vacant lot s will need t o be sold t oget her as each doesn't work well independent ly due t o irregular boundar y lines. A great st rat egy would be f or t he buyer of 134 S Candler t o purchase bot h 14 9/ 153 t o creat e a parcel wit h ingress/ egress f rom bot h S Candler & Aver y in order t o maximize lot coverage and densit y. The Average Days on Market (bef ore going under cont ract ) f or Single Family Homes in t he area is approx. 15 days (t hen add anot her 30 days f or closing). This t imef rame would work best t o list Group 1 at t he same t ime, t hen as t hose go under cont ract and get t owards closing, release Group 2 as a whole or house by house, whichever works best at t hat t ime. This can be done prior t o t enant s moving out but we can address t hat once a decision t o move f or ward is made by t he seller.

The Sotheby's Distinction

Our Brand, Your Advant age The Sot heby's Int ernat ional Realt y® brand is built on t he cent uries-long prest ige of t he world?s preeminent auct ion house. Our unmat ched reput at ion gives t he propert ies we represent t he best -in-class exposure t hey deser ve and assures buyers t hey are working wit h expert s t hey can t rust no mat t er where t hey are in t he world. The exposure and worldwide reach of t he homes we represent set us apart . We part ner wit h media powerhouses t o int roduce your home t o discerning audiences worldwide. We complement t hose ef f ort s wit h t arget ed digit al and print advert ising plans t hat are of t en exclusive t o Sot heby's Int ernat ional Realt y. Wit h an emphasis on exclusivit y, t he Sot heby's Int ernat ional Realt y brand?s advert ising plans are driven by a consumer-cent ric approach t arget ing pot ent ial homebuyers and sellers at all st ages of t he real est at e journey. Our robust digit al and print st rat egy is aimed at showcasing homes t o highly qualif ied homebuyers.

J A S O N H AT C H E R R E A LTO R ® c. 404.550.3090 o. 404.874.0300

108 AdamsStreet Decatur, GA 30030

3 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms, 1,900 sq ft Built in 1910, this duplex boasts 83' of frontage on W College Avenue and has a curb cut on Adams allowing for a second driveway. The home is best suited as a single-family home but also would be a great opportunity for commercial zoning (office, retail, etc). The value lies in the land and the location, although the home is livable on both sides. Market rate rents would need to be near $3,0 0 0 per unit to cash flow.

Retail Value is $ 655,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0

115SMcDonough St Decatur, GA 30030

5 Bedrooms / 3 Bathrooms 2,700 sq ft +/Built in 1920, this triplex is in reasonably good shape but is better suited as a duplex or a single-family due to the parking constraints. Upfront , 115A (1/ 1) boasts 9' ceilings and carpet with w/ d hookups. 115B (1/ 1) 9' ceilings, is a little less updated and has no w/ d hookups or a d/ w. 115C (3/ 1) is nicely updated with w/ d hookups. Approx. 69' of road frontage on S McDonough & 80 ' deep, all on a .14 ac lot . Needs a big renovation throughout but livable as-is. No back yard per se but walkability is outstanding. 2 parking spaces, possibly 3 makes this better suited as a duplex or transition to a single-family.

Retail Value is $ 675,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0

119 SMcDonough St Decatur, GA 30030

3 Bedrooms / 1Bathroom 1,500 sq ft +/Built in 1930, this single-family home is in great shape and will be an easy retail sale. Boasting 9' ceilings and a combination of hardwoods/ carpet , the home has tons of potential to be restored to its former glory. The home takes up the majority of the usable backyard, however, there is a small amount that is usable. Approx. 70 ' of road frontage on S McDonough & 73' deep, all on a .12 ac lot . Needs a small renovation but very livable as-is. 1-car garage, no back yard per se but backs up to vacant land owned by the college.

Retail Value is $ 550,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0


120 SCandler St Decatur, GA 30030

4 Bedrooms / 3 Bathrooms 3,150 sq ft +/Built in 1925, this duplex has a large covered porch and 2 levels (stacked units). The downstairs (Unit A, 1/ 1) has 10 ' ceilings and has hardwoods throughout , so it's very livable in its current condition but needs to be updated for most buyers. Upstairs (B, 3/ 2) is all hardwoods, 9' ceilings and more updated than A. There are 2 driveways (one shared w 128), so ingress/ egress is favorable. The value of the property is in the land due to it's size (1.1 ac), however, the structure is in good shape. Due to the lot being contiguous with a commercial zoning, there are many potential plays with this lot . 175' of road frontage on S Candler.

Retail Value is $ 975,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0

134 SCandler St Decatur, GA 30030

2 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms 2,000 sq ft +/Built in 190 0, this single-family home has over 2,0 0 0 sq ft . The downstairs has 12' ceilings and has hardwoods throughout most of the home, The home is livable in its current condition but needs to be updated for most buyers. There is a shared driveway (shared w 128), but each lot has it's own parking pad/ area on either side of the driveway. The value of the property is equally in the land (due to it's size, .9 ac) and the year built , which the historic aspect adds to the value due to the intact condition of the home. 125' of road frontage on S Candler. The shared driveway detracts from the value, but not a material amount .

Retail Value is $ 775,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0


144 W College Ave Decatur, GA 30030

4 Bedrooms / 2.5 Bathrooms, 2,600 sq ft +/Built in 190 0, this duplex boasts 75' of frontage on W College Avenue and sits on a 20 0 ' deep lot . The home is best suited as a single-family home but also would be a great opportunity for commercial zoning (office, retail, etc). The value lies in the land (.35 ac) and the location, although the home is livable in both units. The rear staircase was recently built . Shares a driveway with 10 8 Adams.

Retail Value is $ 825,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0

146 SCandler St Decatur, GA 30030

3 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms 2,600 sq ft +/Built in 1882, this single-family home is the oldest in the portfolio . The main level has 12' ceilings, hardwoods throughout , period specific moulding and a grand feel. The home is livable in its current condition but needs to be updated for most buyers. The size of the lot (1.5 ac) is the selling feature here plus the historical features of the home. Separate driveway and the deep setback from S Candler also add to the value. 143' of road frontage.

Retail Value is $ 1,150,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0


149 SMcDonough St Decatur, GA 30030

4 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms 2,800 sq ft +/Built in 1925, this duplex is in fairly good shape but has the potential to be special. Upfront , 149A (3/ 1) boasts 10 ' ceilings and hardwoods throughout with nice architectural details. 149B (1/ 1) is a little less updated and requires some updating for maximum value. Approx. 74' of road frontage on S McDonough & 141' on Ansley St , all on a .3 ac lot . Needs a small renovation but very livable as-is. All brick ranch with a patio on the back of B, no back yard per se. An abundance of parking makes this perfect for the duplex setup or easy transition to a single-family.

Retail Value is $ 750 ,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0


176 SCandler St Decatur, GA 30030

3 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms 2,800 sq ft +/Built in 190 0, this single-family home has great curb appeal and period specific details. Inside are 11' ceilings, hardwoods throughout , open concept and a grand feel. The home is in great shape in its current condition, it seems to have been renovated in the last 20 years The size of the lot (.4 ac) is a nice selling feature here plus the tall ceilings. Shared driveway with 184, however, each has its own designated parking area off of the driveway. The home backs up to the parking lot owned by ASC. 80 ' of road frontage on S Candler. Nearby parking lot and shared driveway detract from the value but the beauty of the home is a plus.

Retail Value is $ 825,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0

206 SCandler St Decatur, GA 30030

5 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms 2,800 sq ft +/Built in 190 0, this duplex has a beautifully updated 2/ 1 downstairs and a moderately updated 3/ 1 upstairs. The downstairs has 9'+ ceilings, hardwoods throughout , a fairly open concept and an abundance of natural light . Unit A is in fantastic shape, it seems to have been renovated in the last 5-10 years. Unit B upstairs is more outdated but functional in its use. The home borders the parking lot owned by ASC as well as the driveway going to the parking lot . 85' of road frontage on S Candler and a .4 ac lot . The large covered front porch adds to the value, the nearby parking lot detracts from the value.

Retail Value is $ 825,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0

215SMcDonough St Decatur, GA 30030

3 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms 1,800 sq ft +/Built in 1925, this single-family home is move-in ready and should be an easy sale for the retail market . Boasting 9' ceilings, newer carpet throughout and nice architectural details. Nice level lot with a long driveway and a deep backyard. Approx. 88' of road frontage on S McDonough & 20 0 ' deep on a .3 ac lot . Needs a small renovation but very livable as-is. Wood siding needs attention but is in decent shape considering the age. The lot is narrow towards the back which detracts from the value slightly. Large Magnolia tree needs removing.

Retail Value is $ 550,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0


218 SCandler St Decatur, GA 30030

3 Bedrooms / 2.5 Bathrooms 2,700 sq ft +/Built in 1890, this single-family home is one of the crown jewels of the portfolio. The downstairs has 12' ceilings, hardwoods throughout , a fairly open concept and an abundance of natural light along with historical features. 1/ 1.5 down, 2/ 1 upstairs. Additional driveway off of Winnona Dr allows for a second means of ingress/ egress. 107' of road frontage on S Candler, 30 0 ' deep on a .7 ac lot . The grandeur of the home, the additional driveway and the large lot all add to the value.

Retail Value is $ 950 ,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0


220 E Hancock St Decatur, GA 30030

6 Beds / 2 Full Baths/2 Half Baths 2,600 sq ft +/Built in 1941, this single-family home has over 2,60 0 sq ft of heated/ cooled space including spray foam insulation and brand new Hardi Plank siding. The home is a little choppy but very livable and would be move-in ready for the right buyer. Due to the amount of work needed to get it in top condition for maximum value. Also, the home borders the Observatory, which detracts from the value slightly.

Retail Value is $ 655,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0

226 E Hancock St Decatur, GA 30030

2 Bedrooms / 2 Full Baths 1,500 sq ft +/Built around 1940, this single-family home has a .3 ac lot along with a 1-car garage and a brick facade. The home has great curb appeal and would be a fairly easy sale. The kitchen and bathrooms are moderately updated, hardwoods in the main areas and vinyl tile elsewhere. Nice backyard and move-in ready. The home backs up to the Observatory but is not visible from the backyard.

Retail Value is $ 550,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0

232 E Hancock St Decatur, GA 30030

4 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms 2,000 sq ft +/Built in 1940, this single-family home has fantastic stone masonry, an open floorplan and living space on 2 levels. The downstairs has 9' ceilings and has hardwoods throughout , so it's very livable in its current condition but needs to be updated for most buyers. The driveway is shared with 363 S Candler, so an easement would need to be recorded with the sale. However, each home has dedicated parking areas off of the driveway. The large tree is being removed soon.

Retail Value is $ 580,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0


321SMcDonough St Decatur, GA 30030

3 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms 2,000 sq ft +/Built in 1930, this single-family home is move-in ready and should be an easy sale for the retail market . Boasting 10 ' ceilings, newer carpet throughout and a covered carport . Nice level lot with a long driveway and a private backyard. Approx. 60 ' of road frontage on S McDonough & 240 ' deep on a .3 ac lot . Needs a small renovation but very livable as-is. Wood siding is in good shape considering the age.

Retail Value is $ 625,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0


339 SCandler St Decatur, GA 30030

5 Bedrooms / 2.5 Bathrooms 3,300 sq ft +/Built in the 20 th century, this single-family home is one of the larger homes in the portfolio. The downstairs has 9' ceilings, hardwoods throughout , Primary on main, choppy floor plan and a 1990 's renovation. 1/ 1 down, 4/ 1.5 upstairs (not the best setup). Very deep lot with a 3-car detached garage and large backyard. Approx. 10 0 ' of road frontage on S Candler, approx. 30 0 ' deep on an approx. .7 ac lot . Needs a full renovation. The size of the lot and the detached garage add to the value. Does not have a Tax ID, needs to be addressed by an attorney.

Retail Value is $ 1,0 50,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0

355SMcDonough St Decatur, GA 30030

5 Bedrooms / 3.5 Bathrooms 3,600 sq ft +/Built in 1989, this single-family home is move-in ready and will be appealing due to size and location. The downstairs has 9' ceilings, hardwoods throughout and a 2-car garage. Primary suite on main, 4/ 2 upstairs. Nice lot with a driveway off of W Hancock and a fenced in backyard. Approx. 122' of road frontage on S McDonough & 160 ' deep on an approx. .45 ac lot . Needs a small renovation but very livable as-is. Unfinished basement allows for additional living space.

Retail Value is $ 1,10 0,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0

357 SCandler St Decatur, GA 30030

4 Bedrooms / 2 Bathrooms 2,800 sq ft +/Built in the early 20 th century, this single-family home is a move-in ready home that will work for most buyers. The downstairs has 9' ceilings, hardwoods throughout and a private driveway. 1/ 1 down, 3/ 1 upstairs . Nice lot with a parking pad and small backyard. Approx. 80 ' of road frontage on S Candler, approx. 20 0 ' deep on an approx. .4 ac lot . Needs a small renovation but functional as-is. Unfinished basement (storage). Does not have a Tax ID, needs to be addressed by an attorney.

Retail Value is $ 855,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0

363SCandler St Decatur, GA 30030

2 Bedrooms / 1Bathroom 1,800 sq ft +/Built in the early/ mid 20 th century, this single-family home is move-in ready that will work for most buyers in the area. The home boasts 9' ceilings, hardwoods throughout and a bonus room. Driveway is shared with 232 E Hancock but has a parking pad and small backyard. Approx. 80 ' of road frontage on S Candler, approx. 170 ' deep on an approx. .3 ac lot . Needs a small renovation but functional as-is. Does not have a Tax ID, needs to be addressed by an attorney.

Retail Value is $ 625,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0


367 SCandler St Decatur, GA 30030

2 Bedrooms / 1Bathroom 1,400 sq ft +/Built in 1940, this single-family home is on a corner lot with nice curb appeal. The home boasts 9' ceilings, hardwoods throughout and a bonus sunroom. There is a small backyard but no driveway (street parking only). Approx. 64' of road frontage on S Candler, approx. 170 ' deep on an approx. .25 ac lot . Needs a full renovation but functional as-is. The lack of off-street parking significantly reduces the value.

Retail Value is $ 4 55,0 0 0 in today's market .

Jason Hatcher 40 4.550.30 90

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree Street , Suite 10 0 Atlanta, GA 3030 9 40 4.874.030 0

Researched and prepared by

Subject Property

Jason Hatcher

Prepared exclusively for

Jason H@tcher Prepared on October 25, 2023 Jason Hatcher Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International Realty 1555 Peachtree St Atlanta, Georgia 30309 404-550-3090

Copyright: 2023 All rights reserved. This is a broker price opinion or comparative market analysis and should not be considered an appraisal or opinion of value. In making any decision that relies upon my work, you should know that I have not followed the guidelines for development of an appraisal or analysis contained in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Foundation .

71 71 91 70 450 70 616 86 70 337 187 70 226 95 72 036 3 71 050 57 71 687 880 70 428 64 70 351 6 70 202 57 72 000 312 71 454 73 71 312 4 70 102 76 70 153 171 72 369 45 70 277 2 70 377 29 70 492 713 70 343 08 71 575 5 71 958 92 72 297 842 71 153 39 70 250 8 70 559 09 71 989 771 70 790 69 69 305 0 72 823 65 70 366 636 70 420 13 70 388 9 942 275 1 55 4


October 25, 2023

List Price and Sale Price

This graph illustrates the list price, along with sale price in Sold listings.

Price Graph





800K Sum of ListPrice

Sum of C losePrice






Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

Brief Summary of Compared Listings This report summarizes the comparable listings contained in this market analysis. Status: Closed MLS#

Stat Date






L/S Price




627 S Mcdonough Street









346 Kirk Road









134 Bruton Street









624 S Mcdonough Street









542 S Candler Street


















251 Kings Highway









319 Greenwood Avenue









556 S Candler Street













556 S Candler Street





415 S McDonough Street









120 Candler Oaks Lane









332 W Benson Street









239 Kings Highway









319 KINGS Highway









539 Oakview Road









117 Mckoy Street









252 Kings Highway









128 South Candler Street









424 Ansley Street









736 Avery Street









625 Avery Street









123 Kings Highway









433 Avery Street









113 Pattillo Way











357 Winnona Drive







118 McKoy Street









228 W Davis Street









153 Kings Highway









200 Mimosa Drive









338 Greenwood Avenue









223 Avery Street









125 Bucher Drive









138 Greenwood Avenue









109 Greenwood Place













Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

Brief Summary of Compared Listings This report summarizes the comparable listings contained in this market analysis.

Summary Status


Avg Price

Avg $ Per SqFt






















Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Map Layout This page displays the Map for the CMA Subject and your comparables.

1 109 Greenwood PL 2 138 Greenwood AVE 3 223 Avery ST 4 125 Bucher DR 5 338 Greenwood AVE 6 200 Mimosa DR 7 153 Kings HWY 8 228 W Davis ST 9 357 Winnona DR 10 118 McKoy ST 11 113 Pattillo WAY 12 433 Avery ST 13 123 Kings HWY 14 625 Avery ST 15 736 Avery ST 16 424 Ansley ST 17 128 South Candler ST 18 252 Kings HWY 19 117 Mckoy ST 20 539 Oakview RD 21 319 KINGS HWY 22 239 Kings HWY 23 120 Candler Oaks LN 24 332 W Benson ST 25 415 S McDonough ST 26 556 S Candler ST 27 556 S Candler ST 28 319 Greenwood AVE 29 148 GREENWOOD PL 30 251 Kings HWY 31 542 S Candler ST 32 624 S Mcdonough ST 33 134 Bruton ST 34 346 Kirk RD 35 627 S Mcdonough ST

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International


109 Greenwood PL 113 Pattillo WAY 117 Mckoy ST 118 McKoy ST 120 Candler Oaks LN 123 Kings HWY 125 Bucher DR 128 South Candler ST 134 Bruton ST 138 Greenwood AVE 148 GREENWOOD PL 153 Kings HWY 200 Mimosa DR 223 Avery ST 228 W Davis ST 239 Kings HWY 251 Kings HWY 252 Kings HWY 319 Greenwood AVE 319 KINGS HWY 332 W Benson ST 338 Greenwood AVE 346 Kirk RD 357 Winnona DR 415 S McDonough ST 424 Ansley ST 433 Avery ST 539 Oakview RD 542 S Candler ST 556 S Candler ST 624 S Mcdonough ST 625 Avery ST 627 S Mcdonough ST 736 Avery ST

Days On Market

October 25, 2023

Number of Days On Market

This graph illustrates the number of days on market for the listings in this analysis.






Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 627 S Mcdonough Street MLS #: County: City: Parking:

Status: Closed 7094154 Dekalb - GA Decatur 3/Carport, Driveway, On Street



EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY in the highly desired neighborhood of Oakhurst in the City of Decatur’s award-winning school district. Located on a flat lot, this 3 BR 1 BA 4-sided brick house was originally designed by one of Atlanta’s famous female architects – Leila Ross Wilburn and is the perfect blank canvas. Manifest this space into your dream home; already complete with an unmatched location, walking distance to the shops, local market and award-winning restaurants in Decatur and Oakhurst neighborhoods. Visit the community garden (feed the chickens), bike the trails and play tennis at Oakhurst park. Enjoy being minutes from major highways, MARTA, Emory, CDC & VA hospital. An address that cannot be beat and the opportunity to make this everything you want it to be. The opportunities are truly endless!!


Downtown Decatur Head east on E Court Square toward E Ponce de Leon Ave, Turn right onto E Ponce de Leon Ave, Turn right onto Church St, Turn right onto E Howard Ave/Stone Mountain Trail, Turn left onto N McDonough St

3 Baths: 1 (1 0) Yr Blt: 1927 TDOM: 5

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

L Price: $449,500 S Price: $449,500 S Date: 8/29/2022

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 346 Kirk Road MLS #: County: City: Parking:

7038275 Dekalb - GA Decatur 2/Driveway

Status: Closed



This Charming Decatur brick home built in the 1930's, with lots of original details, is ready for your updates & renovations or even rebuild! Send this to your builders and contractors!

3 Baths: 2 (2 0) Yr Blt: 1937 TDOM: 3

L Price: $399,900 S Price: $505,000 S Date: 5/27/2022

Main level has a large living room with fireplace, separate dining room that leads into the kitchen. Large Primary Bedroom with French doors that open up to the back screened porch. Spacious Secondary bedroom with dual closets. Bonus 'office' room perfect for working from home. Interior and exterior access to the basement and the upstairs apartment/guest suite. The back deck overlooks the large level backyard Upstairs: Kitchenette, full bathroom with shower, bedroom and sitting area. Perfectly situated between Decatur, Oakhurst and Wynonna Park - Close to the Waldorf School, Downtown Decatur, easy access to highways, local parks, restaurants, bars and shopping! House is situated on a level lot of aprox .3 acres. The house needs updating and renovations - Cash or Conventional loans only. This house will likely not go FHA/VA due to the updates that it needs. Home is being sold "As Is" Direct:

From downtown Decatur head south on S. Candler, left at light onto Kirk Road.

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 134 Bruton Street MLS #: County: City: Parking: Rmks:


Status: Closed Beds: 3 L Price: $550,000 7042825 Dekalb - GA S Price: $560,000 Baths: 3 (2 1) Yr Blt: 1981 Decatur S Date: 6/3/2022 Garage, Garage Faces Front, TDOM: 4 Level Driveway Cute house in the best location on popular Bruton Street! Tucked into the cul-de-sac, this is an excellent opportunity to create your own little "Doris Day" home with a little TLC. The creative floorplan makes this 3 bedroom/2.5 bathroom home feel much larger than it is. With hardwood floors, a vaulted family room, and brick fireplace, this home has a pleasant transitional design. The kitchen features granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and a view to the backyard. A convenient laundry room/mudroom as well as a half bathroom are just off the kitchen behind the 2 car garage. Your cosmetic upgrades to the bathrooms and kitchen will make this home sparkle! Enjoy the backyard deck and and backyard with mature shade trees. Located across from Agnes Scott College, enjoy a short walk to some of Decatur's favorite restaurants! Located in the coveted Winnona Park elementary school district! From downtown Decatur, take Candler Road to Bruton Street.

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 624 S Mcdonough Street MLS #: County: City: Parking:

7236019 Dekalb - GA Decatur 2/Driveway

Status: Closed



BEST LOCATION in the HEART of OAKHURST/DECATUR! Put down some roots and love where you live! Meet friends for coffee at Revolution Donuts or stroll to Decatur for a date night dinner or hang out on your porch with a cocktail and wave to the neighbors! This Classic Craftsman Bungalow is updated and move-in ready! The covered side front porch welcomes you and your guests! Step inside the bright living room with the original fireplace and hardwood floors, crown molding and high baseboards throughout. Open and spacious dining room with a designed in place chandelier and French Doors that lead to a huge, custom designed screened porch! This will be your "Living Room" all year long with the vaulted ceiling, wood-look composite plank flooring, and open access from the kitchen, dining and 3rd bedroom/study. Grill out on the sun deck and let the fur babies/kids roam free in the fenced backyard! New energy efficient windows! Hardwoods, plantation shutters and blinds in all 3 bedrooms. Bathroom features retro style black and white tile flooring, original wainscoting, linen storage, new lighting and a vintage glass block window. An updated galley style kitchen features newly painted cabinets, stainless steel appliances and original built-in china pantry offering vintage charm and plenty of extra storage. Need more storage? In addition to the attic space, this home has a rare BASEMENT with concrete floor and is accessible from inside and out! Washer and Dryer nook, pegboard walls and shelving for your workshop, great storage for tools, bicycles, kayaks, toys, decorations and more! All this and just half a mile from downtown Decatur with all the restaurants, shopping, and nightlife that make Oakhurst the place you want to live! Zoned for City of Decatur schools, close to Emory, Agnes Scott, and an easy commute to downtown Atlanta.


From Downtown Decatur/E Ponce de Leon, go south on Commerce to W Trinity, take W Trinity to a Right on N McDonough. Cross over College Ave and house is on the left. Driveway is on the LEFT SIDE of the house.

3 Baths: 1 (1 0) Yr Blt: 1922 TDOM: 70

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

L Price: $580,000 S Price: $575,000 S Date: 8/21/2023

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 542 S Candler Street MLS #: County: City: Parking: Rmks:


Status: Closed Beds: 2 L Price: $647,000 6982633 Dekalb - GA S Price: $580,000 Baths: 2 (2 0) Yr Blt: 1920 Decatur S Date: 4/7/2022 2/Driveway, Garage, Garage TDOM: 81 Faces Rear If you are looking for an unique home with character, charm, architectural design, timelessness and an artful renovation that pays homage to the legacy of its 100+ year old past while enjoying all of the updated amenities of the present, this home is for you. Please Follow GPS.

148 GREENWOOD PL MLS #: County: City: Parking:

7179565 Dekalb - GA Decatur Driveway

Status: Closed



Here's your chance to sit on a fantastic front porch in Oakhurst, on a street walking distance to neighborhood restaurants, schools and downtown Decatur. Step inside to large windows, beautiful original hardwoods, newer updated kitchen and breakfast area. Brand new Daikin Variable HVAC and Smart Thermostat. Backyard is a gardener's paradise with plantings ready to burst open in the spring and enjoy the koi pond. Soak in hot tub under pergola. Plenty of opportunity to expand or building an ADU with permitting approval. Also opportunity for rear entrance off of the next street over. New sewer line replaced to the street - so no worries there. Come see what everyone loves about living in Oakhurst!


Off of College Ave heading to downtown Decatur. right on Greenwood Pl.

3 Baths: 1 (1 0) Yr Blt: 1925 TDOM: 24

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

L Price: $600,000 S Price: $600,000 S Date: 4/14/2023

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 251 Kings Highway MLS #: County: City: Parking: Rmks:


Status: Closed Beds: 3 L Price: $565,000 7030366 Dekalb - GA S Price: $600,000 Baths: 1 (1 0) Yr Blt: 1925 Decatur S Date: 5/23/2022 Carport, Covered, Driveway, TDOM: 9 Kitchen Level, Level Driveway, This Classic 1920’s home beautifully blends the right amount of character w/ modern convenience. It sits on a beautifully landscaped lot offering a surprising amount of privacy. Featuring 3 Bedrooms and 1Bathroom, The Kitchen peeks into the Dining Room and has access to the Mudroom off the back of the house. The Living Room w/ decorative fireplace opens to the screen porch off the side of the home. Every room in the house is light & bright and has been lovingly maintained – in the heart of the MAK Historic District close to schools, shops and a great walking neighborhood. Additional features include: permanent stairs to huge attic, flat driveway and carport with attached workshop, a whole house humidity control system , tons of storage .. the list goes on and on! You must see it for yourself! Please use GPS

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 319 Greenwood Avenue MLS #: County: City: Parking: Rmks:


Status: Closed Beds: 4 L Price: $698,500 7098060 Dekalb - GA S Price: $660,000 Baths: 3 (3 0) Yr Blt: 1930 Decatur S Date: 9/29/2022 Driveway, Level Driveway, On TDOM: 72 Street All the charm and curb appeal of its 1930 Bungalow roots combined with size, finishes and amenities of today. Superb 2022 complete renovation & additional 800 sq ft new construction addition. Unparalleled location - quiet street yet only steps from lively Oakhurst Village. Walking distance to downtown Decatur, parks & great schools! Lovely front porch overlooking one of Decatur's quietest streets. 4 spacious bedrooms. 3 full bathrooms with new mirrors. Owner's suite on main. Spacious living room centered by an original "iron ore" fireplace. Chefs kitchen w/ new stainless steel appliances and beautiful new granite countertops. The character of this home shines throughout while being updated for your modern needs. Front & back yard has been completely leveled with new sod, with a brand new large wooden fence around private backyard. While a short walk to Oakhurst Village, it is also less than a mile from Downtown Decatur, an easy walk to all neighborhood schools, has quick access to bike paths and easy stroll to McCoy Park & Dog Park. Complete renovation with new Hvac, new energy efficient windows, new interior & exterior paint, new light fixtures, new water heater, new siding, new roof & gutters, new cabinets, new doors, updated electrical/plumbing & new LVP flooring & trim. Additional walk in crawl space for storage below main level. use GPS.

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 556 S Candler Street MLS #: County: City: Parking:

7055979 Dekalb - GA Decatur Garage

Status: Closed



Wonderful well-maintained ranch in Winnona Park. Three bedroom, 2 baths. Very large living room with stone fireplace opens through arched opening to the light filled dining room and open kitchen with island and plenty of storage. Den with matching fireplace could be perfect office. Primary bedroom has private bath. Two other bedrooms share the hall bath. Permanent stairs to the attic make the addition of 2 more bedrooms easy. Attached garage with driveway on Kirk Rd. makes coming and going a breeze. Private backyard with large deck and a screened side porch to enjoy the changing seasons. Easy walk to Winnon Park Elementary, Downtown Decatur & Agnes Scott College. Close to CDC, Emory and all the freeways.


From Decatur - South on S Candler St. to Kirk Rd. Right on Kirk Rd. The house is on the corner of S Candler and Kirk. Driveway is on Kirk

3 Baths: 2 (2 0) Yr Blt: 1940 TDOM: 3

L Price: $675,000 S Price: $665,000 S Date: 6/30/2022

556 S Candler Street MLS #: County: City: Parking: Rmks:


Status: Closed Beds: 3 L Price: $675,000 7125971 Dekalb - GA S Price: $685,000 Baths: 2 (2 0) Yr Blt: 1940 Decatur S Date: 10/31/2022 Attached, Garage, Garage TDOM: 6 Faces Side, Kitchen Level Once owned by Agnes Scott College and the residence of the mayor of Decatur, this classic Decatur home has been restored to pristine condition without sacrificing its original character. Some of the features include the gracefully arched doorways, 2 fireplaces with their original stonework, the vintage tilework in the bathrooms, the original dining room chandelier, a relaxing screened-in porch, and much more. Permanent staircase leads to a huge attic that could easily be converted into additional living space. Everything has been done so that you can move in with total confidence and peace of mind. This beauty has been updated with newer windows, electrical panel, insulation in both the attic and basement, new paint and so much more. Please read the recent updates and upgrades completed by the current owners listed at the back of the house pictures. The attached 2-car garage, with a Kirk driveway, is a rare find. Private backyard has a large deck. The full unfinished basement is great for storage. Close to Agnes Scott College, CDC, Emory, and downtown Decatur with access to major highways. From Decatur - South on S Candler St. to Kirk Rd. Right on Kirk Rd. The house is on the corner of S Candler and Kirk. Driveway is on Kirk.

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 415 S McDonough Street MLS #: County: City: Parking:

Status: Closed 7215009 Dekalb - GA Decatur 2/Level Driveway, Parking Pad



This charming 1925 craftsman home is located in the MAK Historic district just a short walk from Decatur Square and Oakhurst Village shops and restaurants, greenway trails, several parks, and is easily walkable to ALL top-rated PreK-12 City Schools of Decatur. Enjoy peaceful moments sitting high above the street on your covered front porch, complete with a swing and a beautiful view overlooking the greenspace at Agnes Scott College. The home itself is spacious and well-maintained, light-filled with large windows, and features original hardwood floors, high ceilings and thoughtfully preserved architectural details throughout. Enjoy the convenience of having everything on one level including 2 bedrooms plus an office, and 2 full baths. There is also a butlers pantry with built-in cabinetry and additional space for a second office nook. The eat-in kitchen is bright and cheery and walks out to the huge screened-in porch with vaulted ceiling that overlooks the serene backyard. The fully fenced, flat, private backyard has a large garden shed, and you’ll find gorgeous mature bushes and trees with something blooming year-round. The semi-private alley behind the home leads to a double parking pad, with plenty of room for a future garage or accessory dwelling unit. Permanent interior stairs lead to the expandable attic and the basement for lots of extra storage space. Located near Emory/CDC and easy access to downtown ATL, I-20 and I-285. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to own a wonderful historic home in Decatur!


From the intersection of College Ave and S McDonough at Agnes Scott College, go south on McDonough, turn right on Hancock St. Then take the first left into the Alley and park in the double parking pad on the left at 415 S McDonough. Or, park on Hancock St and walk south on S McDonough 3 more houses and walk up the front steps to the front door entrance. Lockbox is on the front door.

2 Baths: 2 (2 0) Yr Blt: 1925 TDOM: 5

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

L Price: $629,000 S Price: $729,000 S Date: 5/30/2023

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 120 Candler Oaks Lane MLS #: County: City: Parking:

Status: Closed 7195749 Dekalb - GA Decatur Driveway, Level Driveway



You know that dream of home ownership where you not only get a great house with nice features but you get a neighborhood where you can build a life with friendly neighbors who socialize together and have each other's backs? Well here's your chance to make that dream come true! Candler Oaks Lane is a marvelous cul-de-sac in the City of Decatur's Winnona Park, strolling or rolling distance to Winnona Park Elementary School and one mile to Oakhurst Village and historic downtown Decatur. This nice home has beautiful hardwoods on the main level, an extra large living room with bay window, eat-in kitchen with granite countertops and pantry and a keeping room with fireplace. Step outside onto the deck and enjoy your morning coffee overlooking the lovely fenced backyard. You might hear the neighborhood owl hooting "hello"! Upstairs there are two bedrooms and a full hall bath and an owner's suite with an ensuite bath with double vanity, soaking tub and separate shower.


From downtown Decatur head south on South Candler, left on Kirk Road, right on Candler Oaks Lane.

3 Baths: 3 (2 1) Yr Blt: 1992 TDOM: 4

L Price: $725,000 S Price: $750,000 S Date: 5/9/2023

332 W Benson Street MLS #: County: City: Parking: Rmks:


Status: Closed Beds: 3 L Price: $750,000 7129338 Dekalb - GA S Price: $750,000 Baths: 2 (2 0) Yr Blt: 1920 Decatur S Date: 12/5/2022 2/Driveway, On Street, Vehicle TDOM: 4 Charging Station(s) Oakhurst perfection! This adorable renovated bungalow is conveniently located in the heart of the neighborhood. A large rocking chair porch overlooks a generous front yard with raised bed gardens. Interiors have been updated with 10 foot ceilings, hardwood floors, cozy fireplace, energy efficient windows, and spacious living room. Custom woodwork, crown molding, updated lighting and plenty of space provide a dining room that is perfect for hosting friends and family. The modern kitchen comes equipped with stainless steel appliances, granite counters, a kitchen island with ample cabinet/counter space, wine fridge, banquet for extra seating and more. 3 real bedrooms including a generous owners' suite with a renovated double-vanity bathroom overlooking the private, spacious and fenced backyard. This charming home is located just a block from Oakhurst Village. From Oakhurst Village, turn RIGHT on W Benson. The home is down on the RIGHT.

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 239 Kings Highway MLS #: County: City: Parking:

Status: Closed 7057882 Dekalb - GA Decatur Driveway, Kitchen Level



You do not want to miss this one! Truly a gem in the heart of Oakhurst, this charming three bedroom, two bathroom bungalow in the MAK (McDonough St., Adams St. and Kings Hwy) historic district exudes old world charm with four working fireplaces, detailed moldings and brick work, beautiful French doors that open from the living room into the dining room, stunning stained glass windows in the sunroom, and an updated kitchen with beautiful imported blue Brazilian granite countertops. A doorway off the kitchen leads to an enclosed pool room surrounded by windows that open to let in the fresh air. Open or close the solid electronically operated pool cover with the turn of a key to keep the water warm or pets or children safe (can hold up to 350 lbs). Refresh yourself on a hot summer day or a cold winter afternoon in the newly refinished in-ground, heated salt water pool. Revel in nature in your generously landscaped back yard oasis surrounded by flowering plants and decorative trees, play on the lush green grass, relax with a good book in a hammock, or enjoy al fresco breakfast, afternoon tea or a cozy firepit gathering on the generous patio. A delightful and easy walk to Oakhurst village, downtown Decatur Square, Renfroe Middle School and Decatur High School.


Directions: From intersection of College Av and S. McDonough at Agnes Scott Coll, go west on College Av (toward Atlanta) for 2 blocks,turn left on Kings Hwy, go to 239 on right.

3 Baths: 2 (2 0) Yr Blt: 1924 TDOM: 4

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

L Price: $725,000 S Price: $766,000 S Date: 7/22/2022

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 319 KINGS Highway MLS #: County: City: Parking:

Status: Closed 7034592 Dekalb - GA Decatur 2/Driveway, Level Driveway



Charming 1935 Tudor in the MAK district of Oakhurst in the City of Decatur will steal your heart. Renovated in 2018, this 2 bedroom, 2 bath home has 1883 square feet, and includes a separate den, dedicated office space surrounded by windows, and an upstairs bonus space. The Chef’s kitchen will make cooking and entertaining a breeze with double pantries, a stand mixer cabinet, pull out drawers for utensils and spices, a pull-down knife rack, and a microwave drawer. There is a butler’s pantry with a prep sink, wine fridge, additional cabinets, and built-in dog bowls. The owner’s suite has a wall of windows that look out into the beautiful back yard. The en-suite includes a renovated bath with a zero-entry shower and quartz bench. The closet includes an Elfa system with chest of drawers and pull-out shoe racks. The laundry area includes a pull-down drying rack and plenty of storage shelves. There is floored storage in the attic and even more storage in the partial concrete basement. New windows were installed throughout the home and foam insulation was used in the attic and the basement to increase heating and cooling efficiency. Planning to have additional overnight guests? Don’t miss the Murphy Bed bookshelf in the living room. Ready to relax? Enjoy the professionally landscaped backyard (including a new privacy fence installed in 2021) and custom grilling center. Welcome home!


College Ave to Kings Hwy. House on right side near end of Kings Hwy

2 Baths: 2 (2 0) Yr Blt: 1935 TDOM: 3

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

L Price: $674,900 S Price: $767,400 S Date: 5/16/2022

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 539 Oakview Road MLS #: County: City: Parking:

7049305 Dekalb - GA Decatur 4/Driveway

Status: Closed



Looking to be in Oakhurst? Can't beat this location; smack between Oakhurst Village and The Wylde Center Oakhurst Garden as well as all of Decatur's award winning schools. Beautiful craftsman style home recently updated with new paint, new floors, new staircase and new lighting - just looking for it's new owner. Open concept main level where the kitchen open to the dining and living room. Second floor includes the primary bedroom with walk-in closet and en-suite bathroom, 2 additional bedrooms, hall bath and laundry closet. Terrace level, which sits on a crawlspace, has 2 additional over sized rooms and a full bathroom. Mature landscaped yard is fully fenced in and parking allows for 2 cars to park side by side. Great details include beautiful light fixtures, great woodwork, fireplace, modern staircase and double decks.


Coming from S. McDonough home will be on the right. Coming from East Lake head north

4 Baths: 4 (3 1) Yr Blt: 2002 TDOM: 3

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

L Price: $775,000 S Price: $790,700 S Date: 6/21/2022

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 117 Mckoy Street MLS #: County: City: Parking:

7037218 Dekalb - GA Decatur Driveway

Status: Closed



Absolutely GORGEOUS home situated in the heart of lively Oakhurst and just seconds from the Oakhurst Village, McKoy Park, Downtown Decatur Square, and desirable Decatur schools. Situated on an extra wide lot and a quiet dead-end street this 3bed/3bath home has been updated throughout and impeccably maintained with a brand-new ROOF! Walk through the front door to a bright & open layout that is perfect for entertaining, hardwoods throughout, and soaring ceilings on the main level. The cozy yet spacious living room with fireplace and built-in bookshelves opens up to the dining area and kitchen that can sit 12+ people. The kitchen features all NEW stainless-steel appliances (Refrigerator, stove, microwave, and dishwasher!!), recently painted white cabinets, and plenty of storage and counter space. 1 bedroom and full bath on the main level that makes for the perfect office or guest bedroom. Master suite upstairs along with another guest bedroom and full bathroom. Spacious master suite with a large walk-in closet, secondary closet and spa-like bath with glass shower and dual sinks. The backyard is an absolute DREAM with deck + gorgeous stone patio that is perfect for entertaining or dining al-fresco! Completely fenced in yard with new landscaping and shed that is great for storage. Plenty of parking in the driveway. This one won't last long- located in a prime location, great schools, awesome indoor & outdoor living space, + so much more!!


From E Lake, turn left onto Oakview, right on to W Benson, left on McKoy.

3 Baths: 3 (3 0) Yr Blt: 1924 TDOM: 4

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

L Price: $750,000 S Price: $805,000 S Date: 6/27/2022

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 252 Kings Highway MLS #: County: City: Parking: Rmks:


Status: Closed Beds: 4 L Price: $825,000 7227773 Dekalb - GA S Price: $815,000 Baths: 3 (3 0) Yr Blt: 1935 Decatur S Date: 7/28/2023 1/Detached, Garage, Garage TDOM: 26 Faces Rear, Kitchen Level, Located in the Historic MAK District, this charming Craftsman Bungalow feels like sipping iced tea on the front porch and warm blueberry pie. This is the way Old Decatur comes through with classic red brick and a large back deck under a shaded, lush, oak canopy. Step inside to find the impressive high ceilings, elongated windows and warm hardwoods that capture the essence of a timeless era. The living room boasts a brick, wood-burning fireplace that stands as a sentinel, ready to provide cozy warmth when the temperature drops. The adjacent sunroom could be an ideal office or cozy sitting nook with built-in shelves and exposed brick. The expansive dining room is perfect for accommodating a holiday crowd and seamlessly connects to the living room. The kitchen features classic black and white with a copper accented backsplash. It offers convenient access to the lower deck for grilling and al fresco dining, as well as the fire pit, which leads to the detached garage. Moving to the second floor, you'll find a relaxing retreat with an additional bonus room that includes the perfect beverage station, complete with a wet bar. The oversized primary bedroom includes a sitting area, a large, full bath with antique, claw-footed tub, tiled shower and walk-in closet with additional lighted shoe-shelves. Dual French doors lead to the upper back deck providing heavenly views of the surrounding tree canopy. Want more surprises? Across the backyard and above the two-car garage, you will discover the very appealing carriage house apartment (ADU) featuring a full kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom. It offers ultimate privacy for hosting guests, an ideal home office/studio or home gym. So many options! 252 Kings Hwy is a home that will continuously surprise and delight you with its unique features and warm, welcoming ambiance. It's an opportunity to experience the warmth and grace of Old Decatur living and is just moments to Decatur's highly-ranked schools. From Decatur Square, go East on Trinity, Right on S McDonough Street, Cross over railroad tracks, go Right on W Hancock and Right on Kings Hwy. Home is directly on the Right.

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 128 South Candler Street MLS #: County: City: Parking:

Status: Closed 7036729 Dekalb - GA Decatur 4/Parking Pad



Your search for a large home on a large lot in the City of Decatur is over. 128 South Candler St has 5 bedrooms & 3 baths (please note...appraisal square footage is larger than tax record) & is situated on an almost 3/4 acre lot. As one might expect there are some classic architectural details such as wavy glass, some of which have leaded glass accents. Hardwood floors are in most of the upstairs & downstairs with intricate inlaid design around the edges. The kitchen is waiting for your dream design. Good bones & a great opportunity.


128 S Candler St is 2nd house on left after proceeding south across the CSX RR crossing across from Agnes Scott College. Please use driveway located between 128 & 134 & park in back (do not block driveway).

MLS #: County: City: Parking:

Status: Closed 7015942 Dekalb - GA Decatur Driveway, Garage


‘Ya Gotta See The Video Tour! This charming, renovated, and expanded home is the perfect marriage of period charm and modern flair with an inviting front porch, two-car garage, and two master suites. The character in this older home shines through while being updated for your modern needs. This home has Incredible natural light and also shutters to dim the home during the day if desired. You will fall in love with the new master bath and closet. Amazing location within walking distance to Oakhurst Village and downtown Decatur! So many coffee shops, markets, convenience stores, and restaurants to choose from. Check out this friendly, community-oriented neighborhood and all it has to offer.


Please use GPS

5 Baths: 3 (3 0) Yr Blt: 1915 TDOM: 25

L Price: $899,900 S Price: $845,000 S Date: 9/6/2022

424 Ansley Street Beds:

4 Baths: 3 (3 0) Yr Blt: 1905 TDOM: 4

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

L Price: $799,900 S Price: $860,000 S Date: 5/9/2022

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 736 Avery Street MLS #: County: City: Parking:

Status: Closed 7110375 Dekalb - GA Decatur Driveway, Garage



Spacious, bright, and utterly charming, this soulful 1930s Craftsman bungalow is perfectly situated in the heart of Winnona Park. Past the idyllic fenced front yard - perfect for neighborhood play - rests a lovely home full of original period details with a floorplan suitable for a variety of uses sure to satisfy the lifestyle needs of today’s buyer. Just inside the cheery front door, the ample family room features a handsome fireplace focal point flanked by built-in bookcases and a triple window adorned with wooden plantation shutters. Another built-in bookcase punctuates the adjacent sunroom which currently functions as the quintessential playroom but would also make a superb home office, library or separate den. A beautiful arched opening links the family room to the sizable dining room which showcases gorgeous millwork and wallpaper and leads to the spunky kitchen beyond, where vintage touches blend seamlessly with modern functionality. The attached mudroom provides additional storage, space for laundry and an airy transition to the outdoor living areas. Three main floor bedrooms afford numerous options for optimal use and are centered around a charming bath with a porcelain tub and timeless tile. Upstairs, the owner’s retreat features a wall of custom built-ins and a refreshed bathroom with wainscoting and a separate tub and shower, while the attached flex space provides ideal room for a nursery, den, hobbies, or an additional office. Outside, a spacious deck leads to a lower-level patio and private backyard, complete with a detached garage with expanded storage, area for a fire pit, and new play house. Not to be overlooked is the huge cellar with both interior and exterior access, providing loads of added storage and even the possibility for additional finished space. Just moments from the neighborhood schools, Decatur Square, Oakhurst Square, Agnes Scott College, and the proposed Legacy Park. Winnona Park is a thriving, vibrant and social neighborhood not to be missed!


From S Candler Street: left or right onto Winnona Drive. Right onto Avery Street. Property on the left, just before Kirk Road.

4 Baths: 2 (2 0) Yr Blt: 1930 TDOM: 4

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

L Price: $850,000 S Price: $865,000 S Date: 10/13/2022

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 625 Avery Street MLS #: County: City: Parking: Rmks:


Status: Closed Beds: 3 L Price: $869,900 7131211 Dekalb - GA S Price: $869,900 Baths: 3 (2 1) Yr Blt: 1994 Decatur S Date: 12/7/2022 Detached, Driveway, Garage, TDOM: 13 Garage Door Opener, Garage WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY!!MOVE IN READY!!Not a generic plan dropped on a lot. This is the Architect's meticulously maintained personal home/sanctuary. This beautiful home lives larger than it looks. Designed for a flexible lifestyle the main floor features a wonderful flow that extends to the patios and decks and the tall privacy fenced back/courtyard. While perfect for entertaining the backyard is also is perfect for a safe, enclosed play area for children and pets. Both front and backyard are fully landscaped with beautiful flowering perennials and shrubs that means minimal maintenance and more time for enjoyment. Upstairs find the laundry room with storage shelves across from an open common area that would make a good well lighted study area. The larger of the two secondary bedrooms features a vaulted ceiling and access to a shared bath. The primary bedroom features en suite bathroom with oversize lux shower and walk in closet. Driving in the gently curving level driveway brings you to a true 2 car garage complete with lots of storage and worktable space. Walk thru the breezeway past the serene courtyard and feel the Zen wash over you. Did I mention it's a block walk to Winnona Park Elementary School and Park. Just another of the many amenities. Easy walk to Downtown Decatur, Oakhurst and Legacy Park. You really need to feel this home in person. A truly wonderful home in a wonderful neighborhood. Call for more info. Appointment only. From College Ave. go south on Candler to third left on Bucher to Avery 625 ---or south on Avery (one block east of Candler to 625

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 123 Kings Highway MLS #: County: City: Parking:

Status: Closed 7245276 Dekalb - GA Decatur 2/Level Driveway



Located in the sought-after MAK Historic District in the City of Decatur, this beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom 1920 quintessential bungalow, designed by architect Leila Ross Wilburn, offers a perfect blend of historic charm and modern amenities. Gracious front porch offers the perfect place to meet your neighbors. As you enter, you will be greeted by tall ceilings, spacious rooms, refinished pine floors throughout, a central hallway and 4 fireplaces each with a unique and original mantle. The large living room has a bay window and connects to the very large dining room. An original butler's pantry connects the dining room to the renovated kitchen. Gather around the kitchen's central island complete with space at the island for casual meals. The kitchen boasts beautiful granite countertops, stainless steel appliances and a view of the back yard. A separate laundry room with pantry storage is found right off of the kitchen. The central hallway links the three bedrooms and bathrooms. The front bedroom is presently used as an office and was renovated years ago with a vaulted ceiling. There are two additional bedrooms including one with a fireplace and room for a king sized bed. The hall bathroom has been renovated and features a dual vanity and classic clawfoot tub. There is a bedroom overlooking the back yard and a second renovated bathroom with walk in shower. Outside you will find a large backyard with access from the alleyway for parking and future possibilities. Residence has been renovated with electrical updated and insulation added to the attic. Excellent location in City of Decatur for convenience of nearby shops, restaurants, MARTA and parks.


From W. College - turn onto Kings Hwy and home will be on right. Park in front of house to tour. Kindly do not block mailboxes.

3 Baths: 2 (2 0) Yr Blt: 1920 TDOM: 5

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

L Price: $815,000 S Price: $875,000 S Date: 8/18/2023

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 433 Avery Street MLS #: County: City: Parking: Rmks:


Status: Closed Beds: 5 L Price: $900,000 7000474 Dekalb - GA S Price: $925,000 Baths: 3 (3 0) Yr Blt: 1938 Decatur S Date: 4/1/2022 0/Assigned, Detached, Garage, TDOM: 0 Garage Faces Side, On Street, It’s a traditional home hideaway right in the middle of Decatur’s Winnona Park. The house boasts 5 bedrooms, a mature front lawn framed in wrought-iron, and a half-acre backyard retreat that’s both bird sanctuary and a forest of fruit. Quality touches abound: an airy, sun-filled living space, dining space for 10 or more, a family room bathed in natural light, and kitchen with granite counters and brick backsplash. A laundry room, modern hall bathroom with walk-in shower, two bedrooms, and huge screened porch round out the main level. A kitchen stairway carries you to a daylight basement, perfect for an exercise or craft room and furnished with a freezer. Upstairs, find the master suite finished with hardwood floors and adorned with a decorative wood beam, complete with 2 closets, bath with both whirlpool tub and shower, and a private deck overlooking the back. Also on the top floor are 2 additional bedrooms that share a full bathroom with double vanity. The large back yard offers a fire pit with great sunset views and summer harvests of strawberries, blueberries, and cherries. A 2-car garage keeps cars out of Georgia’s summer heat, and two sheds offer plenty of bonus storage and puttering space. It’s all tucked on a quiet street 2 blocks from Agnes Scott, and all the eateries, pubs, and shopping near College and Candler is just 4 blocks away. From Downtown Decatur, Travel South on Candler St, Turn left on Winnona Dr, Take the first right on Avery St, Home will be on the right

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 113 Pattillo Way MLS #: County: City: Parking:

Status: Closed 7020013 Dekalb - GA Decatur 0/Driveway, Parking Pad



How does an exceptionally energy-efficient, 4/3 house in a prime City of Decatur neighborhood sound? Distinguished with EarthCraft Platinum certification, the highest rating for enhancing air quality, conserving energy, water and natural resources and improving overall market value. In 2019, the first floor was renovated, and the second story added, creating a thermal envelope (completely insulated interior) with dual-pane windows/doors, solar panels, Energy Star appliances, WaterSense fixtures, and Nest thermostats. Homeowner's favorite features include a 450-sq. ft. screened-in porch for optimal outdoor living and a versatile external art studio/office. An outstanding location, walkable to Decatur's Square, West Ponce District, Oakhurst, schools, Marta and much more.


From Downtown Decatur, head south on Church St toward Ponce de Leon Ave. Turn right onto E Howard Ave. Turn right onto Pattillo Way. Home will be on the right.

4 Baths: 3 (3 0) Yr Blt: 1941 TDOM: 4

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

L Price: $850,000 S Price: $926,000 S Date: 4/26/2022

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 357 Winnona Drive MLS #: County: City: Parking: Rmks:


Status: Closed Beds: 4 L Price: $925,000 7142157 Dekalb - GA S Price: $930,000 Baths: 3 (3 0) Yr Blt: 1946 Decatur S Date: 2/6/2023 Drive Under Main Level, TDOM: 55 Driveway, Level Driveway, On This charming Decatur, all brick home built in the 1940's with lots of original details and is ready for your updates and renovations. First time on the market in 63 Years. Main level has entry foyer, large living room with marble fireplace, screen porch, separate dining room, breakfast room. kitchen, wood paneled office or study, bedroom and full bathroom. Second level has large primary bedroom with walk-in closet, office or nursey, full bathroom plus two additional bedrooms and hall bathroom. Full basement with endless possibilities for unfinished areas. Currently basement has a playroom with fireplace and lots of windows overlooking backyard. Home is perfectly situated on very private, deep level lot with brick out building that could be used as an outdoor kitchen for additional entertaining area. Walk to Winnona Park school, Downtown Decatur, easy access to highways, local parks, restaurants, bars and shopping. Additional features include hardwood floors, high ceilings, crown Mouldings, rounded archways, two wood paneled rooms, lots of windows plus large picture window overlooking backyard. This is truly a special home. From Downtown Decatur, head South on S Candler, take a Left onto Winnona Drive to 357 or East on College to right on Avery Street to left on Winnona Drive.

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 118 McKoy Street MLS #: County: City: Parking: Rmks:


Status: Closed Beds: 4 L Price: $799,900 7035232 Dekalb - GA S Price: $930,000 Baths: 3 (3 0) Yr Blt: 1989 Decatur S Date: 5/10/2022 2/Detached, Driveway, Garage, TDOM: 4 Level Driveway Gorgeous Total Renovation, Steps from Oakhurst Village! Tucked away on a Tree-Lined Street, this captivating home offers a Flowing, Open Floorplan with Full 1/1 Basement Apartment and Serene Backyard Retreat. Hardwood Floors welcome you into an Airy Dining Room with Built-In Bar. Gather and entertain with ease in the Sun-Soaked Family Room with Brick Fireplace and Step-Out Screened Porch. Make meals with ease in the Thoughtfully Designed Kitchen featuring Stainless Steel Appliances, Quartz Countertops, and Custom Tile Backsplash. Unwind in the Owner's Suite with Direct Deck Access, Walk-In Closet, and Spa-Style Bathroom with Dual Vanity, Soaking Tub, and Frameless Glass Shower. Downstairs, a Fully Finished Daylight Basement delivers a 1/1 Apartment with Dedicated Entrance, perfect for AirBnb or Mother-in-Law Suite. Outside, a tranquil backyard escape awaits! Sip morning coffee on the Screened Porch overlooking a Grassy Lawn and Slate Chip Patio with Koi Pond. Zoned for Award-Winning City of Decatur Schools! STEPS to Oakhurst Market, Mazcalito's Cantina, Kavarna Coffee, Multiple Parks, and Downtown Decatur. Please use GPS.

228 W Davis Street MLS #: County: City: Parking:

Status: Closed 7168866 Dekalb - GA Decatur 3/Driveway, On Street



Welcome home to the charming renovated bungalow in City of Decaturs prestigious Historical MAK District. You'll enter off the covered front porch into the oversized foyer with a bonus room/office to the right and a bedroom to the left. You will then enter the open living space with dining, kitchen with breakfast bar and living room with custom built ins. In the master you will find trey ceilings, walk in closet, double vanity and huge shower. Step outside onto the screened in porch and deck that overlooks the private fenced back yard. On the terrace level you will find a finished bonus room that can be used for a game room, man cave, teen space or?? There is also an additional 2 bedrooms and 1 bath stubbed and plumbed ready to be completed and a large unfinished area to store items. If all of this wasn't enough you can walk to Oakhurst for dining, jazz nights, the wine crawl and all the other festivals the area offers. Home was renovated to the studs in 2010 by previous owner.


Adams street to West Davis to home on the right.

3 Baths: 3 (2 1) Yr Blt: 1926 TDOM: 2

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

L Price: $949,000 S Price: $1,015,000 S Date: 2/24/2023

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 153 Kings Highway MLS #: County: City: Parking: Rmks:

Status: Closed Beds: 4 L Price: $1,150,000 7205784 Dekalb - GA S Price: $1,225,000 Baths: 3 (3 0) Yr Blt: 1916 Decatur S Date: 6/16/2023 Level Driveway, Vehicle TDOM: 4 Charging Station(s) Welcome to this historic California Craftsman in Decatur’s vibrant MAK Historic District. Lovingly revitalized in 2004 to maintain and enhance the architectural integrity of the 1916 home while still providing cozy, contemporary functionality, this exceptional property earned both the Decatur Design Award and the Leila Ross Wilburn Design in the same year. This is a one-of-a-kind property that all enthusiasts of Arts and Crafts architecture will deeply appreciate. A true beauty waiting for a new owner (only 2 previous owners in 107 years!) Come and enjoy a wonderful life in this unique masterpiece. All the rooms of the home have preserved the integrity of the original craftsman details: box beams, mission-style pillars, original woodwork throughout the living areas, a Stone Mountain granite fireplace with wood stove, restored glass-fronted bookcases etched with iconic “cattails,” sconces and chandeliers and light switches all true to the era of the home. In renovating the property, the focus was on recreating the beautiful farmhouse kitchen of the original home with cream-colored cabinets and a cozy breakfast nook, adding quartz countertops and a pastry counter with a dedicated sink. In addition, the new windows replicate the original divided light design. Following the principals coined in author/architect Sarah Susanka’s book, “The Not So Big House” in which a beautifully contained house lives large, there are many cozy spots to get-away and have privacy while at the same time, an open and airy feel is present in every room due to multiple doors and balconies that open onto generously sized porches on the front and back of the home, and even off the primary bedroom...where a charming sleeping porch is a perfect place to start the day. Upstairs is a large primary bedroom with an ensuite bathroom and a walk-in closet. The two additional bedrooms that mirror one another, include built-in window seats with library shelves that overlook the backyard Additional features not to be missed are a sweet and functional mudroom, a game closet in the family room, solar panels and electric car charger, plus alley access for a future garage or ADU. The lush backyard has been perfectly cared for with two levels and winding paths, an outdoor fire pit, and for the urban homesteader...a chicken coop. An oasis in the city.

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties Located within walking distance of the bustling Oakhurst neighborhood, and in the Decatur school system 153 Kings Highway is a home to love for years to come. Direct:


MLS #: County: City: Parking:

Status: Closed Beds: 4 L Price: $1,195,000 7003080 Dekalb - GA S Price: $1,244,900 Baths: 5 (4 1) Yr Blt: 2007 Decatur S Date: 4/18/2022 1/Garage, Garage Door Opener, TDOM: 5 Garage Faces Side, Kitchen This newer Craftsman home sits back on a quiet, tree-lined street in Winnona Park just waiting for a family to grow with. Step up to the covered front porch, and welcome into a cheerful, light-filled wide hallway that has a private office on one side with French garden doors across from a spectacular open dining room. House has stunning custom carpentry throughout -- like built-ins, coffered ceilings, wainscoting, custom cabinetry, transom doors and gorgeous windows. Dining room has butler’s pantry/bar pass through to roomy kitchen with beautiful wood cabinets, stainless steel appliances, and granite countertops. Huge island is great for meal prep/homework and overlooks family room made for gathering around the centerpiece stone fireplace. A cozy breakfast nook opens out to a charming screened porch/grill/entertaining area. Second level has owner’s suite complete with large walk-in closet, private bath with sunken garden tub, walk-in tiled shower, and double vanities. The laundry room is upstairs where you need it, along with three additional bedrooms, each with its own full bath. A separate flexible bonus space above the two-car garage has a private entrance and can be a workroom, play space or studio. Professional landscaping and in-ground irrigation system makes this a picture perfect house to call home. Additionally, note the custom touches including installed wiring for audio through the first floor with surround sound connections in the family room with additional speaker wiring to the dining room, office/den and back porch/courtyard area. There are data drops and TV outlets to all bedrooms. Forty amp electric car charger in garage. And the room over the garage, which is currently used as a home recording studio, was built with additional sound insulation and storm windows. This room also would be ideal as a playroom, home theater, or gym/yoga studio. This is the best of Decatur living -- a friendly neighborhood close to downtown Decatur and Oakhurst, where kids can walk to school or the huge park/playground behind Winnona Park Elementary.

200 Mimosa Drive



From downtown Decatur head south on South Candler, left on Kirk Road, right on Mimosa. It's the big Craftsman set way back from the street with the gorgeous front yard.

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 338 Greenwood Avenue MLS #: County: City: Parking:

7022657 Dekalb - GA Decatur 2/Carport

Status: Closed



Gas lanterns greet you to this stunning Craftsman with inviting front porch. On the first floor, you will find a formal dining room that works well as an office space or library, a powder room, and an open floor plan with gorgeous views of the outdoor living space. The primary bedroom on main level has a walk-in closet and en suite bathroom with a shower, separate tub, and dual vanity. Upstairs, you will find two more bedrooms that share a bathroom, as well as a secondary primary suite with a walk-in closet, dual vanity sinks, shower/tub, and plenty of attic space. The light filled kitchen is perfect for entertaining with large island and built-in dining banquette. The family room is appointed with a fireplace flanked by bookshelves, and provides access to a gorgeous screened porch with a soaring gable roof and skylights that allow the light to pour in to the back of the home. Outside, you will find a fenced-in yard with lots of green space and areas ideal for entertaining around a fire-pit. The attached two-car garage conveniently leads to a mudroom/closet, laundry room, and wet bar with mini-fridge. Situated on an exceptional street and conveniently located in a lively, young neighborhood, this beautiful home is within walking distance to Oakhurst Village, Downtown Decatur Square, and top schools.


From the downtown Decatur Square head west onto North McDounough St for .3 miles and turn right onto W College Ave. Follow W College Ave for .3 miles and turn left onto Greenwood Ave. The property will be on your left hand side in .3 miles.

4 Baths: 4 (3 1) Yr Blt: 2006 TDOM: 3

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

L Price: $1,189,000 S Price: $1,251,000 S Date: 6/1/2022

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 223 Avery Street MLS #: County: City: Parking:

Status: Closed 7061785 Dekalb - GA Decatur 2/Carport, Driveway



Designed by award winning architect Richard Stevens, this 5-bedroom 4-bathroom custom home in Winnona Park leaves absolutely no detail overlooked. From Hardie plank siding with brick accents to cut granite steps and foundation details to established landscaping including climbing jasmine and Japanese maples, even the exterior shows the attention to detail and quality of craftsmanship that this custom home was built with. The main level features gorgeous hardwood floors, custom cabinetry/built-ins in each room, an office, a family room, a full bathroom, a dining room with coffered ceiling, and a chef's kitchen complete with custom white cabinetry, a gas range with custom exhaust hood, a farmhouse sink, granite countertops, stainless appliances and a wine fridge. A mudroom leads to covered parking with soaring ceilings and skylights. Outdoor living on the main floor includes two decks that wrap around to meet in the fenced backyard as well as a covered porch with Bermuda shutters off of the family room. The second floor features three secondary bedrooms with custom built-ins, a full bath with double vanities and separate tub/shower room, an outdoor balcony, and an owner's suite complete with a custom closet and ensuite bath featuring a clawfoot tub. The third floor features a loft space great for online learning. The fully finished terrace level is accessible from inside the home but also opens to a separate outdoor entrance. The terrace level contains a theater room, two storage rooms, a full bath, and a common room complete with built-in seating nooks. No detail has been overlooked in this custom build, and it blends seamlessly into the historic City of Decatur Winnona Park neighborhood, which is walking distance to the shops and restaurants of Decatur Square.


From College Avenue, turn right on Avery St. Home will be on your right.

5 Baths: 4 (4 0) Yr Blt: 2005 TDOM: 8

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

L Price: $1,350,000 S Price: $1,350,000 S Date: 7/8/2022

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 125 Bucher Drive MLS #: County: City: Parking: Rmks:


Status: Closed Beds: 5 L Price: $1,300,000 7033693 Dekalb - GA S Price: $1,350,000 Baths: 4 (4 0) Yr Blt: 2007 Decatur S Date: 5/17/2022 Detached, Garage, Garage Door TDOM: 9 Opener This one packs a punch - it is full of charm and personality! Located on a beautiful, half-acre lot within walking distance of Winnona Park Elementary and downtown Decatur, it offers easy access to all the great things that make Decatur a wonderful place to call home. There are so many special features in this home - numerous outdoor spaces, gorgeous fixtures, and finishes throughout including amazing wallpaper and lighting, a very functional floor plan, an oversized owner's suite, and yes, a detached two-car garage with a suite above - perfect for guests who prefer a bit of privacy. Every choice in this home was made with style and love and you can feel that the minute you enter the front door. This is a home you must see to truly appreciate! The total bedroom and bath count includes the bed and bath above the garage. Main home has 4 bedrooms and 3 full baths. GPS friendly.

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 138 Greenwood Avenue MLS #: County: City: Parking:

7145617 Dekalb - GA Decatur 2/Carport

Status: Closed



Marvelous new construction craftsman from locally renowned and award winning Lockman Homebuilding. Optimally located the heart of Decatur, short jaunts to Oakhurst Village and Downtown Decatur. Cutting edge design, this 5 Bedroom 4 Bathroom main house accompanies a fabulous 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath carriage house dwelling unit, private alley access, screened porch, and a large rear yard with room for a pool. Cedar columns and all brick floors invite you to relax on the fully covered front porch. Beautifully finished archways with rounded edges connect interior spaces in a fresh and classically inspired fashion. The front office/bedroom includes inviting French doors and an en-suite full bathroom. The dining room is adorned with beautiful custom trim accents creating an exceptional space for entertaining. The custom white kitchen boasts floor to ceiling cabinetry and artfully selected custom white oak accents on the kitchen island and range hood. Meals and conversations are enjoyed at the expansive kitchen island or in the breakfast nook while gazing out over the spacious backyard. The kitchen incorporates top of the line stainless steel JennAir Professional Grade appliances including 48’ French door fridge, 36” gas range, quiet dishwasher and microwave drawer. The family room is anchored by a welcoming gas log fireplace and custom built in bookshelves. The butler’s pantry delivers a wet bar sink, beverage fridge, and a versatile serving station. The large walk in pantry with custom shelving makes storage a breeze. Light floods into the idyllic screened porch offering additional outdoor living space. A well appointed owner’s suite is located at the rear of the home on the second floor. Thoughtful details include a vaulted ceiling, large walk-in closet, custom tiled bathroom floors, soaking tub, spacious double vanity, white oak cabinetry, and a floor to ceiling tiled shower with frameless glass. The water closet is separated for privacy. The front and side bedrooms share an adorable Jack and Jill bathroom with a double vanity and separate room for the toilet and tub/shower. The middle bedroom has its own full en-suite bathroom with artful tile. The large laundry room is positioned at the top of the stairs for easy access featuring a sink, custom cabinets, and ample room for folding and sorting laundry. The home's spacious back yard flows towards the detached garage with the carriage house atop. The carriage house studio boasts a full bathroom, kitchenette with beverage fridge, sink, white cabinets and gray ForumQuartz countertops. This versatile space is perfect for guests, a home office and a gym. The garage is accessed from the private alley while providing covered parking and extra storage. This EarthCraft certified home has been built to the highest construction, sustainability, efficiency, durability and safety standards. Energy saving components include zoned high efficiency HVAC systems,

5 Baths: 4 (4 0) Yr Blt: 2022 TDOM: 42

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

L Price: $1,399,000 S Price: $1,399,000 S Date: 12/29/2022

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties remote controlled fans, tankless water heaters, premium double paned Low-E windows, and spray foam insulation. Walkable to the award winning Oakhurst and Fifth Avenue Elementary, Beacon Hill Middle and Decatur High Schools, dining, pubs, coffee shops, festivals, concerts and parks. Close to Emory Dekalb Medical, Agnes Scott, CDC/Emory Campus, Dekalb Farmers Market and heaps more. Lockman Homebuilding is an award winning home builder since 2008, Builder Warranty and Extended Warranty are provided with the sale. The home will be completed and move in ready by early December 2022. Direct:

Heading East from Downtown Atlanta along West College Ave, turn right onto Greenwood Ave and the Home is about 7 houses down on the left. Private Alley access to rear yard Carport & Carriage House is mid block between Greenwood Ave and Kings Highway (just East of 318 W College Ave).

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties 109 Greenwood Place MLS #: County: City: Parking: Rmks:


Status: Closed Beds: 5 L Price: $1,375,000 7191086 Dekalb - GA S Price: $1,425,000 Baths: 4 (3 1) Yr Blt: 1920 Decatur S Date: 6/7/2023 5/Detached, Driveway, Garage, TDOM: 6 Garage Door Opener, Level A luxury home in Oakhurst with 5 bedrooms and 3.5 baths is sure to appeal to even the most discerning buyers. This custom remodel is full of all the details you would expect in a modern home in the heart of one of Atlanta's most sought after neighborhoods. The front door welcomes you with iron glass doors. As you enter the open concept living/dining don't miss the original wood repurposed on the ceiling in the alcove to the primary bedroom. The first floor includes a chef's kitchen with a Thermador range and dishwasher with a matching stainless steel Bosch refrigerator. A full walk in pantry, and mudroom rounds out the utility that this kitchen provides. The first floor primary bedroom includes 2 walk-in closets complete with closet organizing systems. A 3rd closet for extra storage contains a second w/d hookup. The elegant primary bathroom includes a soaking tub and stand alone oversized shower. Be sure to admire the reclaimed wood vanity in the hall powder room, which is also a throwback to the home's original charm. The second floor includes an additional living room. Also on the second floor there are 4 generously sized bedrooms, each with their own walk-in closet. A spacious laundry room is conveniently located within steps of the secondary bedrooms. Large storage closets are found throughout the second level, as well as a secret walk-in closet behind the bookcase which is sure to please the new owner. Don't miss the oversized front porch, perfect for enjoying on a summer evening and especially during the Annual Oakhurst Porchfest. Finally the screened in enclosed back porch is ready for entertaining, it includes upgraded screens for more protection from pesky bugs! Additional storage can be found in the detached one car garage. Easy walk to restaurants, shops and all the amenities that the City of Decatur offers. From East Lake Marta, take W. College Ave east .6 miles, turn right onto Greenwood Place. First house on the right.

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Closed Properties Total # of Listings


Lowest Price


Highest Price


Average Price


Avg. Price/SqFt




109 Greenwood Place 113 Pattillo Way 117 Mckoy Street 118 McKoy Street 120 Candler Oaks Lane 123 Kings Highway 125 Bucher Drive 128 South Candler Street 134 Bruton Street 138 Greenwood Avenue 148 GREENWOOD PL 153 Kings Highway 200 Mimosa Drive 223 Avery Street 228 W Davis Street 239 Kings Highway 251 Kings Highway 252 Kings Highway 319 Greenwood Avenue 319 KINGS Highway 332 W Benson Street 338 Greenwood Avenue 346 Kirk Road 357 Winnona Drive 415 S McDonough Street 424 Ansley Street 433 Avery Street 539 Oakview Road 542 S Candler Street 556 S Candler Street 624 S Mcdonough Street 625 Avery Street 627 S Mcdonough Street 736 Avery Street 0K


Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

800K 1200K 1600K 2000K 2400K

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties.

Summary Graph/Analysis 2,000.0K






Avg Price

Min Price

Max Price

Cumulative Analysis Listing Category

Lowest Price

Highest Price

Average Price

Avg $ Per SF






Totals / Averages





Sold Property Analysis Address 627 S Mcdonough Street 346 Kirk Road 134 Bruton Street 624 S Mcdonough Street 542 S Candler Street 148 GREENWOOD PL 251 Kings Highway 319 Greenwood Avenue

List Price

Sold Price




$449,500 $399,900 $550,000 $580,000 $647,000 $600,000 $565,000 $698,500

$449,500 $505,000 $560,000 $575,000 $580,000 $600,000 $600,000 $660,000

5 3 4 70 81 24 9 72

%100.00 %126.28 %101.82 %99.14 %89.64 %100.00 %106.19 %94.49

$319.25 $243.49 $354.88 $475.99 $269.89 $439.88 $481.15 $353.89

Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties. 556 S Candler Street 556 S Candler Street 415 S McDonough Street 120 Candler Oaks Lane 332 W Benson Street 239 Kings Highway 319 KINGS Highway 539 Oakview Road 117 Mckoy Street 252 Kings Highway 128 South Candler Street 424 Ansley Street 736 Avery Street 625 Avery Street 123 Kings Highway 433 Avery Street 113 Pattillo Way 357 Winnona Drive 118 McKoy Street 228 W Davis Street 153 Kings Highway 200 Mimosa Drive 338 Greenwood Avenue 223 Avery Street 125 Bucher Drive 138 Greenwood Avenue 109 Greenwood Place Total Averages

$675,000 $675,000 $629,000 $725,000 $750,000 $725,000 $674,900 $775,000 $750,000 $825,000 $899,900 $799,900 $850,000 $869,900 $815,000 $900,000 $850,000 $925,000 $799,900 $949,000 $1,150,000 $1,195,000 $1,189,000 $1,350,000 $1,300,000 $1,399,000 $1,375,000 $837,440

$665,000 $685,000 $729,000 $750,000 $750,000 $766,000 $767,400 $790,700 $805,000 $815,000 $845,000 $860,000 $865,000 $869,900 $875,000 $925,000 $926,000 $930,000 $930,000 $1,015,000 $1,225,000 $1,244,900 $1,251,000 $1,350,000 $1,350,000 $1,399,000 $1,425,000 $866,811

3 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 4 26 25 4 4 13 5 0 4 55 4 2 4 5 3 8 9 42 6 15

%98.52 %101.48 %115.90 %103.45 %100.00 %105.66 %113.71 %102.03 %107.33 %98.79 %93.90 %107.51 %101.76 %100.00 %107.36 %102.78 %108.94 %100.54 %116.26 %106.95 %106.52 %104.18 %105.21 %100.00 %103.85 %100.00 %103.64 %103.82

$328.88 $338.77 $444.51 $408.05 $372.39 $399.79 $407.54 $336.18 $403.71 $295.29 $202.40 $390.91 $353.35 $379.37 $482.36 $331.54 $398.79 $317.62 $387.50 $347.72 $462.26 $377.01 $441.11 $371.19 $355.26 $383.71 $431.43 $373.92

Property Summary S

Street Address




L Price

S Price

Sold Date


Closed CLS

627 S Mcdonough Street


1 (1 0)







346 Kirk Road


2 (2 0)







134 Bruton Street


3 (2 1)







624 S Mcdonough Street


1 (1 0)







542 S Candler Street


2 (2 0)









1 (1 0)







251 Kings Highway


1 (1 0)







319 Greenwood Avenue


3 (3 0)







556 S Candler Street


2 (2 0)







556 S Candler Street


2 (2 0)







415 S McDonough Street


2 (2 0)






Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

October 25, 2023

CMA Pro Report These pages give a general overview of the selected properties. S CLS

Street Address 120 Candler Oaks Lane

Bds 3

Bth 3 (2 1)

Sqft 1,838

L Price $725,000

S Price $750,000

Sold Date 05/09/2023


332 W Benson Street


2 (2 0)







239 Kings Highway


2 (2 0)







319 KINGS Highway


2 (2 0)







539 Oakview Road


4 (3 1)







117 Mckoy Street


3 (3 0)







252 Kings Highway


3 (3 0)







128 South Candler Street


3 (3 0)







424 Ansley Street


3 (3 0)







736 Avery Street


2 (2 0)







625 Avery Street


3 (2 1)







123 Kings Highway


2 (2 0)







433 Avery Street


3 (3 0)







113 Pattillo Way


3 (3 0)







357 Winnona Drive


3 (3 0)







118 McKoy Street


3 (3 0)







228 W Davis Street


3 (2 1)







153 Kings Highway


3 (3 0)







200 Mimosa Drive


5 (4 1)







338 Greenwood Avenue


4 (3 1)







223 Avery Street


4 (4 0)







125 Bucher Drive


4 (4 0)







138 Greenwood Avenue


4 (4 0)







109 Greenwood Place


4 (3 1)






Researched and prepared by JASON HATCHER Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International


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