Atlanta Intown - February 2022

Page 42

Building a rich collection of city-owned art Inside the Arts Camille Russell Love

Camille Russell Love Love has been executive director of the City of Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs (@atlantaoca) for more than two decades.

Among the many programs housed within the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs (OCA), the Art on Loan Program is one of the office’s signature activities. The Art on Loan Program supports the

presentation of public art by purchasing works of art from local, regional, national and, on occasion, international artists. The goal is to make fine art available to Atlanta residents and employees by displaying pieces from the collection in public spaces. The processes by which art is selected and acquired are varied. Most often, a jury is empaneled to select and purchase works. In my capacity as executive director, I sometimes come across works of art in galleries and other venues and make recommendations to staff for consideration. Other times, our office will issue requests for proposal (RFPs); thereby casting the broadest possible net in our efforts to identify diverse artists. To date, the collection consists of over five hundred works and is on display in


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42 FEBRUARY 2022 |

every City of Atlanta department “Hard Days Work Shack” (like Public Works and Finance), by Beverly and in municipal buildings – Buchanan at including recreation centers. Studioplex Previously, staff installed art based on individual preferences, availability and/or a combination of both. Lately, Program Manager Kevin Sipp invites staff from departments interested in the program to work with him to select the pieces that will hang on the department’s walls. In the process, staff not only participate in “curating” the office gallery, but also, they learn about the artwork and the artists who created it. Thus, the program serves as a de facto crash course in art appreciation. As a result, staff often better value the art in their office and can share information about it with those who visit. An unforeseen benefit of Kevin’s strategy is that he “Yes, We Can” has uncovered a bevy of working by Robert artists within the ranks of City of Clements at Atlanta employees. Webster Park Perhaps the most visible and consequential space for which the Art on Loan Program provides art is the Mayor’s Executive Suite. When a new mayor is elected to office, OCA staff work with the incoming administration to select art that best reflects the taste and personality of the city’s top executive. Under the previous administration, Mayor Bottoms sought to rethink how the most powerful office in the city could better support Atlanta artists. To that end, she asked our staff to remove the portraits of previous mayors and to install a diverse assortment of artworks – including recently purchased works. The strategy worked. The City of Atlanta Mayor’s Executive Suite is now a premier art gallery. At any given time, visitors will see artwork that is among the best in the country and represents Atlanta’s diversity. Included in the Executive Suite’s art rotation are historic images from the municipal court—images that not only contextualize the City of Atlanta’s current legislative activities, but also images that connect “Signs of the Times, The Daily Agenda” by Kevin those living today with previous Cole at City Hall generations, as individuals will often recognize a face, a building As new municipal buildings come online, and/or a location. we will have opportunities to beautify Mayor Dickens spoke openly and them and to educate employees and the plainly about his desire to strengthen and public about the artworks and the artists broaden the arts in Atlanta. We are excited who create them. Through the program’s to see the role the Art on Loan Program will activities, we raise awareness and make art play during his administration – not only in the Executive Suite, but throughout the city. more accessible. At l a n t a I n t o w n Pa p e r. c o m

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