Atlanta Mission Annual Report 2021

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AT L A N TA M I S S I O N 2 0 2 1 A N N UA L R E P O R T

Innovate A SEASON TO

Dear Friends,

After many discussions with family and much prayer, I have discerned that it is now time for me to retire as President and CEO of Atlanta Mission, effective July 1, 2022. This timing gives our board and our ministry family time to pray, listen to God, and conduct a spirit-led search for God’s next person for this position. I am fully confident that God has already prepared the next leader of Atlanta Mission, just as He has done for over 80 years. God has made this ministry strong and ready for this transition at this very time. Atlanta Mission is one of the healthiest, most innovative rescue missions in the country, and has been led by a number of presidents in its 83-year history. In other words, many people have gotten us to where we are today, and many more will lead us in the future. As I reflect back on the last thirteen years, I am in awe of what God has done through the time, talent and treasures of our committed staff and faithful partners. Together, we have had the privilege to provide hope for almost 100,000 men, women and children through: • Refocusing our mission and our brand from Atlanta Union Mission to Atlanta Mission • Expanding our addiction recovery program for men at The Potter’s House • Building a new service model from self-assessment and best practice work that would dramatically transform how the work had been done – centered on the transformative power of Christ

• Acquiring The Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children and starting the new Transformation Model • Planning, building, and opening of Restoration House – a innovative, trauma-informed shelter • Safely navigating the COVID-19 pandemic • Growing our generous family of donors and volunteers who God has called to make this work possible while having their own lives impacted

The search for Atlanta Mission’s next CEO, led by a committee of seven current and past Board members, supported by executive search consultant CarterBaldwin, began in October 2021. It is anticipated that the new leader will be identified by Spring of 2022, allowing a healthy transition period before I retire on July 1st. I am confident that the future of Atlanta Mission is in good hands, and am excited to see what God has planned next for this ministry. We will keep you updated throughout the search process and the transition to a new leader. Thank you for your incredible impact on this ministry, and on my life. Blessings,

Jim Reese President/CEO

“Thank you for your incredible impact on this ministry, and on my life.” —J I M REES E, CEO

“Jim has selflessly dedicated the last 13 years of his life to improve the lives of thousands of Atlanta’s most vulnerable men, women, and children, many of whom may never know his name. While we are sad to see Jim pass the torch, we are a much stronger organization as a result of his vision, innovation, and leadership. We feel confident in what the future holds for Atlanta Mission. Today the organization is equipped both with solid leadership and financial stability. In an effort to increase shelter capacity for the growing homeless population, Atlanta Mission recently opened an innovative new facility, Restoration House, in the heart of West Midtown. This first of its kind, trauma-informed shelter serves Atlanta’s most vulnerable population of women and children experiencing homelessness. It offers wrap-around services and 102 additional overnight beds.” —TOM W ILK E S, BOA R D C HA IR

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Season Innovate “1 In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, 2 the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. 3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4 And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day... ...God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.” G EN ESI S 1:1-5, 3 1

A Season to Learn

In Jeremiah 29, God reminds us that there is a season for everything. For those of us at Atlanta Mission, 2021 has been a season to learn and, in turn, to innovate. Innovating means making changes in something established, or introducing something new. Mainly we think of innovation as something that happens at tech companies or in design firms. Rarely do we think of innovation in the context of the Kingdom of God. God is, in fact, an Innovator. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth, and everything in it. He is a Creator and a Designer. In Revelation 21:5a tells us that “He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” We are called to innovate. Tim Keller writes in Every Good Endeavor that, as believers, “… we are continuing God’s work of forming, filling, and subduing. Whenever we bring order out of chaos, whenever we draw out creative potential, whenever we elaborate and ‘unfold’ creation beyond where it was when we found it, we are following God’s pattern of creative cultural development.” At Atlanta Mission, the COVID-19 pandemic gave us the opportunity to reflect on what we can do better and how we can serve our clients more effectively. In this 2021 Annual Report, you will read about how we have made innovative strides in our client experience, places, and with our partners. We are continuously learning, adapting, and improving in order to provide hope. Thank you for inspiring us to courageously innovate. Without your support, we could not serve the thousands of men, women, and children experiencing homelessness in our community.

Our Values

CHRIST-CENTERED We desire all who engage with us to Know, Walk, and Live for Christ.

COURAGEOUSLY INNOVATE Driven to excellence, we continuously learn, adapt, and improve.

JOYFULLY CELEBRATE We intentionally appreciate and recognize all that God is doing in and through our staff, clients, and community.

STRENGTH IN UNITY We embrace God’s desire for oneness and kingdom-focused unity.

HUMBLY SERVE We strive to Live, Love, and Lead like Jesus.

FAITHFULLY STEWARD We honor and wisely use the Time, Talent, and Treasures that God has provided.


Partnerships Places Client Experience “Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation, in its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared.” —J. K. ROWLING


“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” —A L BERT EINSTEIN



Client Experience

During COVID, we had to pause some of our programming and shift what we were doing in other areas. It forced us to re-evaluate who we were serving and how we were serving them. We learned it was okay, in fact even healthy, to challenge the status quo. We asked a lot of questions. We explored diverse solutions . Here is a snapshot of some of the key insights we learned…

What we’ve learned The first step can be the hardest. Even for those who desperately need shelter, it can be daunting to walk in our doors and take that first step towards help. We need to celebrate the first courageous step and each milestone throughout one’s journey. We must paint a vision. It’s challenging to take a step if you don’t know where you’re going. Individuals will only invest in our program if they understand what they can accomplish and feel its worth it! Clients who are further along in their journey are the best champions – encouraging and inspiring those just starting out. Clarity and consistency drive comfort. Lack of structure and unknowns can create undo stress for those suffering trauma. Providing clear expectations (whether it’s around schedule or meals), creates a level of security and comfort. Providing choice is powerful. Making people do something may drive compliance, but rarely commitment. Providing opportunities to choose throughout one’s journey drives deeper engagement. Space and Place Matter. When we create a safe environment for clients that balances healthy accountability with loving affirmation, clients stay longer and achieve more. A refresh of a building can also refresh the minds of clients AND staff. Relationships are pivotal. Helping clients rebuild healthy relationships with God, themselves and others gives them the best chance to sustain a healthy lifestyle.


Improve Client


Based on these learnings, we are focused on key areas moving forward to inspire clients to courageously take the steps to engage and progress: Connect Connect in meaningful ways throughout the journey – from a time an individual walks in the door and after they graduate. Collect Collect critical information about our clients throughout their journey such that we can assess how to most effectively serve based on an individual’s unique needs. Clearly Communicate

Encourage Client


Clearly communicate the destination and set expectations for staff and clients throughout the process. Create Community Create community through building of trusted relationships with staff, peers and partners. Keep Christ at the Center

With our desire to continuously learn, grow and innovate in these areas, are desire is that we would ultimately improve Client Experience, encourage Client Progression, and inspire Client Engagement.

Inspire Client



Understanding who we serve

New Client Screening System This year, we implemented a new client screening system at some of our campuses. We needed to make sure we were gathering the right data on the front end to better know who is coming through our doors, to inform our services, and to also better prepare their support team with information as they meet with them. We also wanted to make sure we had a consistent experience for everyone who was being interviewed so that they felt welcomed and loved.

Guided Conversations The system guides any staff member in how to go about the conversation in a welcoming manner, step by step, while also making sure we gather the information we need. The clients feel welcomed and cared for. The system prompts our intake specialists to also always pray for the applicant if they’re interested.

Text & Email Alerts The system also automatically texts and emails any applicants who have been accepted at phone prescreening exactly the information they need at their fingertips for arrival and helps with that welcoming feel. If an applicant is not eligible, the system also automatically emails and/or texts them our partner organizations in the city that match up to their specific needs and circumstances.

Evaluating how we serve them 10 key areas of Client Experience that we will be tracking. We believe that the combination of providing exceptional client experience & client services will ultimately transform, through Christ, the lives of those facing homelessness. Client experience is HOW our clients experience Atlanta Mission. Client services are WHAT our clients experience at Atlanta Mission. We will use the learnings generated from these surveys to continually optimize our program.

Do you... 1

Feel Welcome

2 Feel Safe 3 Feel Celebrated 4 Understand Expectations

Are you... 5 Satisfied with Amenities 6 Being Prayed for and with 7 Learning about Jesus 8 Working towards solving emotional challenges

Do you have... 9 Trusted Relationships with Staff 10 Helpful Resources



“My children are in a healthy and stable state, and that has allowed me to grow and work on myself. I appreciate Atlanta Mission so much. God led me here, and the staff have given me hope again.” — C AT HY

“I love that word, ‘potter,’ because a potter shapes things. And I’ve certainly been shaped here and so I would definitely recommend The Potter’s House for a person who’s struggling.” —T E R R E N C E

“I was greeted with a smile and asked my name when I arrived at The Shepherd’s Inn. I’m beginning to feel like me again. It’s been quite a while since I felt like this.” — BLA K E

“Before I came to Atlanta Mission, my relationship with myself was toxic. I didn’t love myself. I hated who I was, and I never could quite find my place in the world. During the program, I came to realize that I was a child of God and ‘me being me’ wasn’t as bad as I thought.” — M AT T

“At Atlanta Mission, I’ve also learned how to love myself; I didn’t always do that before. Coming here taught me how to act and how to take care of my kids well. As a person of faith, I know that God sent me here for a reason.” —A LK IA

“I just can’t imagine where I would be without My Sister’s House. They brought me here, took me in. I feel safe here. And the staff here are great. They love on you. They are attentive to your needs. And I just have had a wonderful experience since I’ve been here. I have hope. I am going to make it.” — C A R OLY N

“To be successful is to be helpful, caring and constructive, to make everything and everyone you touch a little bit better.” —N O RMA N VINCENT PEALE

By the Numbers S

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very o c e r tion Addic

Spiritual formation Vocat io

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Life -

in ing

skil ls c lass Co es un se lin M ea g ls


Men, women, and children served




Ended homelessness

Meals served


Beginning in June 2019, Atlanta Mission partnered with Cara, a leading Chicago-based workforce development enterprise, to integrate their vocational training and job placement model. Our implementation of their model is called Atlanta Mission @Work. We train men and women in the following soft skills, so they can both obtain and retain a job: time management, communication, professionalism, conflict management, and teamwork.


classes taught


jobs attained


of @Work students graduated with Honors


of clients were placed with employer partners in 2021


24 Active employment partners

Retention rate 1 year after obtaining employment

72% Of clients obtained jobs upon graduation

“Small, Consistent Improvements over time equal BIG results.” — ST E V E FE R R A N T E


The design of our campuses is integral to the success of our Transformation Model, which in turn, ensures the success of our clients. Every aspect of Restoration House, our newest shelter for women and their children, was designed for those facing homelessness. It’s more than just beds. This is a truly innovative space rooted in human-centered design. From the furniture to the lighting, each design choice uniquely serves the women and children who’ve experienced trauma. Trauma-informed design can assist clients in maintaining their identities and reduce stress so they can develop and execute their plan to exit homelessness effectively.

“Atlanta Mission’s new Ethel Street facility leverages thoughtful, trauma-informed design strategies that will reduce women and children’s stress, support their dignity, and provide them important breathing room to exit homelessness successfully.” —J I L L PA BLE, PH. D. D ESI G N RE SO U R C E S FO R H O ME L E SSNE SS


Trauma-Informed Design GUIDELINES

Interior Finishes


Interior finishes include warmth of wood with accents of color to allude to optimism and empathy for uneasiness and fear.

Varied lighting throughout the building-- more soft lighting and natural light rather than harsh overhead lights help lessen stress.

Flexible Seating

Water Stations

Dining space offers various types of seating: 2, 4, and 6 seat tables, that are round to facilitate an environment for clients to build community during meals.

Simple elements like selfserve water stations available throughout the facility give clients a sense of choice and control amid so much uncertainty in their lives.

Visible Communication

Children’s Area and Space to Play

Security, Privacy, and Personal Space

Creative indoor and outdoor play areas provide mothers and children safe spaces to explore, learn and play together.

Stress Management

Signage and screens keep clients apprised of when they are scheduled to meet with staff to minimize a feeling of uncertainty. Individual Bed Pods Clients enjoy privacy and security with designated storage, lockers, lighting and phone chargers in their bedrooms.

Dignity and Self-Esteem

Empowerment and Personal Control

Staff Respite The staff have their own area to relax and refuel so they can serve clients from a full cup.

Sense of Community

Beauty and Meaning

“It’s easy to come up with new ideas; the hard part is letting go of what worked for you two years ago but will soon be out of date.” — R OGE R VO N O E CH


Innovation in our Dining Spaces The pandemic brought a number of challenges to Atlanta Mission, including staffing shortages due to illness and exposure. We have full-sized commercial kitchens on each of our campuses, for a total of four kitchens. Three of these kitchens are in Atlanta, within 2 miles of each other. Each kitchen makes breakfast, lunch, and dinner for hundreds of clients each day-- about 2,500 meals per day. It takes a large number of staff to plan, prepare and serve 17,500 meals each week. PARTNERSHIP WITH CHICK-FIL-A Throughout the last year, Chick-Fil-A has been guiding us as we consolidate all of our Atlanta kitchens into one, centralized kitchen. Not only is Chick-Fil-A an incredible partner to Atlanta Mission, they also are known for their outstanding efficiency and customer experience and their team has provided great insight into new trends in the food service industry. We’ve made the decision to use My Sister’s House as our central kitchen, and transport the cooked meals to Restoration House and to The Shepherd’s Inn. This change has helped us lower overall food costs, reduce redundancies in meal preparations, reduce equipment maintenance requests, and lessen the difficulty of trying to staff multiple kitchens, 7 days a week. Chick-Fil-A helped connect us with experts in the food service industry who have helped us think through storage, meal preparation, and transportation issues. Community partners began helping us with discovering the optimal design for the centralized kitchen and what equipment would be needed to prepare and transport food to all of our campuses.

“There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period.” —BRENÉ BROWN

WAREHOUSING & FOOD DONATIONS Food Well Alliance (FWA) has also become a new partner to Atlanta Mission, going the extra mile to offer us low cost warehousing. They lease us space in a warehouse that is within 2 miles of our downtown campuses. We rent 45 pallet slots from FWA: 15 slots of dry goods, 15 of refrigerated, and 15 of frozen. We have 24-7 access to our storage, which is really helpful if our kitchen needs something quickly or on the weekends. FWA designed the warehouse to be a community space where multiple non-profits can share resources.

The warehouse space at FWA provides areas for volunteers and employees at multiple non-profits to engage and collaborate.

“We’re already seeing benefits from renting the space as we’re able to receive large donations (when we would have refused them before) and we are able to store large quantities of food and easily pull them when we’re ready to use them in meal production”, shares Julie Stokes, Atlanta Mission’s VP of Client Support Services. “We’ve also created a partnership with Collins Food Pantry ( just down the street from our administrative offices) and are now ‘donating’ items to the food pantry that we can’t use in the kitchen. The kitchen staff is making sure that every item that is donated is put to use, whether by Atlanta Mission or another non-profit.”

TRIMARK EQUIPMENT VENDOR We have also been working with Trimark, an equipment vendor, who has helped us choose innovative equipment that drives efficiency, consistency, and food quality. We recently purchased a new oven which can cook meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and baked goods, many of them at the same time.

“The dining space is an incredibly important aspect to our clients’ experience ... One of our goals is to make each of our dining spaces more nurturing and family friendly.” The new design is modern, comfortable, and allows clients to choose between 2,4, and 6-person tables. Clients can engage within the community as much as they want, without feeling pressured to sit at a larger table.

iCombi oven

Whether we’re cooking for 100 or 1,000, this new oven provides consistent cooking by intelligently adjusting the cooking temperature for each item and can regulate its cooking parameters so we can cook multiple dishes at the same time. This will help us provide consistency in both our menus and in the quality of our food. ENHANCING THE DINING EXPERIENCE One of the most important aspects of this work is to enhance our clients’ experiences around the table. Meals are times where people typically create community and is a key time when our clients can connect with each other. We have improved the design of our newest dining room, at Restoration House, by rethinking our seating areas based on trauma-informed design.

“The dining space is an incredibly important aspect to our clients’ experience,” shares Jim Reese, President & CEO of Atlanta Mission. “It’s the one place they can come together around a table and feel ‘normal’. One of our goals is to make each of our dining spaces more nurturing and family friendly.” Ultimately, these changes will foster strong volunteer-client connections. Because we’re cooking everything in a centralized kitchen, our volunteers will be able to spend more time building relationships with clients, serving them at the table and engaging in conversation rather than spending their time standing behind a stove. It’s through connection and community that we see transformation happen.


We are so grateful for our creative and generous partners, whose support allows us to serve our clients with excellence and dignity. Here are just a few of our many incredible and innovative partners.

RESCUE & REUSE Second Helpings Atlanta is a nonprofit food rescue organization whose mission is to reduce hunger and food waste in the Metro Atlanta area by rescuing surplus food and distributing it to those in need. Since 2009, Second Helpings Atlanta has provided Atlanta Mission kitchens with weekly donations of fresh surplus food, and preprepared meals from large event venues around the city. In 2021, the total volume of food donations to date from Second Helpings Atlanta surpassed the 1 million pound mark, an in-kind donation that Feeding America values at over $1.74 million.

RENOVATE & RESOURCE Hundreds of donors gave online for the Stock the Shelves campaign, purchasing the needed toiletries, toys, linens and office supplies to stock Restoration House. In the weeks leading up to opening day, dozens of our amazing volunteers - many from Buckhead Church, participated in preparing the space. In over 300 hours of service, the volunteers unboxed toys, washed and made beds, assembled cribs and high chairs, and equipped offices with supplies.

At the same time the shelves were being stocked, Buckhead Church gifted us with an inviting new mural which is a dynamic backdrop to our outdoor space.

DIGNITY & RESPECT Dana Spinola is the founder and CVO (Chief Vision Officer) of fab’rik, a women’s fashion retailer. A daughter of hippie artists who handmade her clothes, she is a big dreamer who embraces and embodies innovation. Opening her first boutique in Atlanta in 2002, she envisioned a store in which all women could shop without the lofty price tag. She terms this “high style with heart.” fab’rik exists to make women feel beautiful inside and out; that was her goal in partnering with Restoration House this year. She helped us re-think the traditional clothing closet. Rooted in Proverbs 31:25 “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.”, her desire was to provide women with clothing that would make them beautiful and confident – a small step in their journey of hope. And this designated space in Restoration House is not the normal clothing closet you’d typically see in a shelter. It’s a true boutique complete with a mannequins and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. “It’s all about the experience” Dana shared, “I want women to feel love, warmth and a little piece of armor. I want this to be a source of pure joy.” So, what does she envision for the future of this space? Dana is excited to engage volunteers throughout the community to facilitate free sprees and put on fashion shows with the women at Atlanta Mission– she calls it Atlanta moms loving on Atlanta Moms. “When women feel safe and they’re shopping among friends, they start to open up, they share their life stories.” It is these intentional relationships, space and experiences that enable our clients to see the light of God and hope, perhaps for the first time.

“Innovation is dreaming and having the courage to ask What-If?” — DA N A SPIN OLA Founder and CVO (Chief Vision Officer) of fab’rik

Partners PURPOSE & PARTNERSHIP The Justin Landis Group has been a faithful partner to Atlanta Mission for many years. They have sponsored our 5K Race to End Homelessness, volunteered at our campuses, and provided Matching Gifts for multiple campaigns, beginning in 2018. Justin Landis Group (JLG) has a passion for helping people with housing. One of JLG’s core beliefs is to do things relationally, which is also how we function at Atlanta Mission. JLG is passionate about helping people change their lives through relationships.

“The Atlanta Mission leadership and staff are AMAZING! They’ve helped us as much or more than we’ve helped them. It’s been a blessing both personally and professionally to establish relationships with everyone at Atlanta Mission.” —J USTI N LANDIS President of the Justin Landis Group

FROM JUSTIN LANDIS “The partnership has impacted us in many ways! First, we’ve learned a lot - what leads to people facing homelessness, the challenges that the transformation model tackles, and that what we often assume about homelessness isn’t reality. Secondly, the partnership has added purpose to our business! Our desire for housing for everyone existed before the partnership but the partnership has given us a tangible way to live out that desire. Finally, it’s brought us together to work for a greater cause, and the benefits of that are hard to even quantify - more fulfillment attracts people to the organization with similar values, and better business results because those results lead to more impact.”

“No idea is so outlandish that it should not be considered.” —W IN STON C HU R C HILL

2021 Financials We can’t thank you enough. The generous gifts of friends and partners allow Atlanta Mission to care for the neighbors in our community who need help most. Together, we help men, women, and children discover the root cause of their homelessness, walk through the Transformation Model, build a brand-new future, and share hope.

Operating Income & Expenses Income Total

$25,567,504 14%

Monetary Contributions


Donated Goods and Services



Program Income


Thrift Store Sales


Other Income*


Income 18% 59%


*Other includes funds authorized for operating purposes, PPP Forgiveness, vending receipts, property rental income and farm revenue.

Expenses Total


$18,909,977 Program Services Fundraising General and Administrative Capital Expenditures





2% 71%

$1,922,328 $333,992

Restoration House Capital Campaign Income



Monetary Contributions



Donated Goods and Services



Capital Expenditures







*Atlanta Mission is a certified 501(c)3 organization, 100 % privately funded, and accredited by ECFA, the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. We are also a member in good standing of the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions.

Board of Directors

President’s Council

Joe Arnold

Jim Bria

David Boehmig

Russ Brockelbank

Shan Gastineau

David Craig

Gloria Gilley Ryan Floyd John Hamilton Ken Harbour

Dan Csont JoAnn Crooms Michael Franklin Dave Heffner Brooke Hempell

William A. Holby

Hollis Houk

Coleman Loper

Kevin Kelly

Tom McWhirter

Justin Landis

Lawrence Mock

Andy Lorenzen

Eddie Northen

Joseph Martinez

William S. Oglesby

John McAleer

Dan Phelan

Shara McClendon

Jim Reese Tony Royal Harvey Rudy Cheri Teague Jessica Teague Stewart Teegarden Joe Terrell Thomas L. Wilkes Benjamin Wills

Terry Moore Harriet Moran James Nellis, Jr. Susan Nolan Ben Parks Bill Peterson III Darryl Russ Megan Springer Jerrill Sprinkle Frank Tomberlin


Aaron Topol Adam and Katie Terrell Adam Marchak Adrian and Leslie Vann Alan and Carol Dahl Alan and Elizabeth Moise Alan Shinn Alberto and Alejandra Dent Alexander and Nancy Rodriguez Alice and Austin Ellyson Allen Vater Alysson Perrin Amy Goins Andrew and Kimberly Head Andy and Robin Lorenzen Anthony and Kellie Bartlett Arjun and Anisa Kaicker Arnold and Susanne Eves Asha Bratton Ashley and Donna Gillihan Barry and Glyn Teague Basil Bennett Beau and Emily Rose Terrell Ben and Jessica Teague Ben and Karen Copeland Ben and Kimberly Bondeson Ben and Rhonda Houston Bertram Boley, Jr. Bianca and Jonathan Perilli Bill and Amber Brigham Bill and Sharon Oglesby Brad Weston Bradford and Nathalie Fuson Brandon and Malecia Marzo Brenda Jackson Brett and Cristina Badessa Brett and Helen Fortune Brett and Lisabeth Vogt Brian and Cynthia Shepler Brian and Dona Donaldson Brian and Ginney Holland Brian and Maria Jones Brian and Olivia Jungles Bruce Elder and Heather Young Bryan A. Smith Caleb and Priscilla Nicholson Caleb Vogt Carol Murray - Conner Carolyn Scoular Ceil Petersson Chad and Jennifer Mann Charla and David Collings Charles and Brenda Vice Charles and Dilene Thompson

Charles Bruce and Joan Lloyd-Bruce Charles Bryant Chip and Janet Vaughan Chris and Stephanie Chandler Chris and Tracy Giglio Chris Carpenter and Cathy Henson Christopher and Shannon Cartrett Christopher Middleton Chuck and Diane Criscillis Coleman and Annette Loper Colin and Elizabeth Curlee Conrad and Catherine Lautenbacher Craig Dickinson Craig Wilson Curtis and Nancy Knorr D. Scott Smith Dan and Brennen Fields Csont Daniel and Amy McMorrow Daniel and Joy Balena Daniel and Kelly Stevens Daniel and Lisa Phelan Daniel and Uma Haynes Darden and Arleta Cobb Darden and Larry Mock David and Betsy Polstra David and Cecelia Ratcliffe David and Emily Fournier David and Jeanine Dungan David and Jeni Knight David and Stephanie Boehmig David Brown David Geller David Styers Dawn Morton-Rias Denetrius Scroggins Dennis A. Granger Dennis and Cheri Teague Diana and Joe Hurley Diane Smith Dina and Jim Reese Don and Cynthia Cathy Don and Margaret Ann Martin Donald and Joy R Thomas Donald and Paula Smith Donald Deemer Donald Shelton Donald Weber Doug and LeAnna Gates Doug Jackson Duane and Yvonne Hughes Duane Barnes Duncan and Ellen Beard Ed and Vickey Wile Edd Price Eddie and Mayra Northen Edward and Virginia Mitchell

Elizabeth Culbertson Elliott Hutchinson Elmon and Linda Vernier Elton and Claire Maddox Emily Creighton Emily McIntyre Erik and Jamie Lawser Erika and Rob Buchkowski Erin Izen Fletcher and Andrea Blalock Francis and Liz Blake Frank and Bonnie Creighton Frankie Singer Fred and Torie Baumann Geoffrey Wiggins Gil and Ashley Harvard Ginger and Richard Verch Glen and Claire Jackson Glenda Davis Glenn and Cathy Rauschenberg Hanna Cunningham Harvey and Sharon Rudy Helena Carlos Henry and Stephanie Howell Holger and Gayle Oliver-Plath Hunt and Melissa Anderson Ian and Kristi Marshall J. Alec and Cynthia Alexander Jack and Susan Harmon Jack Bergstrand Jack Boutwell Jackie and Twiggy Harris James (Wyn) and Luanne Roebuck James and Caroline Sturm James and Christy Grauley James and Shari Campbell James Milton and Jo Beth Boyer James Pirkle Jane Herndon Jaqueline Ward Waters Jason and Rachel Lewis Jason Guthrie Jason Rice Jean Anderson Jean Kerr Jeffrey and Jody Jones Jen Brooker Jenny and Robert Pruitt Jeremy Leggett Jill McEntegart and Lance Patterson Jim and Lyn Hansberger Jim and Billie Ellis Jim and Dina Reese Joe and Irene Terrell Joe Fowler Joel and LeAnn Nickelsen

John and Beth Scarbrough John and Caren McAleer John and Elizabeth Cleveland John and Kay Alexander John and Kelly Deushane John and Kirsten Howard John and Mary Lou Hall John and Nancy Oglesby John and Patricia Barmeyer John and Rebecca Ward John and Shiela Priore John and Susan Hamilton John and Trisha Kanan John Bush John Cunningham John F. Anderson John H. and Sarah Irby John R. and Jill Yost John Todd Jon and Molly Vaughan Jon and Shelli Keagle Jose and Kathleen Robayo Joseph and Mimi Cawood Josh Crisp Joshua and Daniele Osif Joy Plemmons Joycelyn Streator Juan and Mary Menendez Judd Vollbrecht Judith and Roy Overstreet Julianne Paige Julie and Pierre Coiron Justin and Amaris Landis Justin and Keiylene Strickland Justin and Rachel Reynolds Karen and Jay Sutton Karen and Todd Bitzer Kathleen and Edward Grzedzinski Kathleen Rodriguez Kathryn Hicks Kathy N. Waller Keith and Terri Davidson Ken and Paige Harbour Kevin and Margaret Johnson Kimberly Roelofs Kirk Poucher Kris and Lisa Mikkelsen Lamar Oglesby Langley and Diane Respess Larry and Dee-Sharon Goar Larry Wine Laurie King Lee and Bobbie Torrence Lee and Kim Macenczak Lee and Lauren Martin Lee and Lisa O’Neal Lee and Natalie Cavender Lisa Myers Lori and Jeff Billingsley LuAnn and David Gilmore Luc Tran Luis and Denise Aguilar Lynn and Rebecca Madewell

Lynn Tolleson Madison Garrett Manchester Orchestra Mandi and Luke Simpson Mark and April DeMoss Mark and Greta Alvarez Mark and Jenny Mummert Mark and Mary Daker Mark and Reagan McLaughlin Mark Kessler Marlene and Clete Kelly Marshall and Lynda Ausburn Martha Moore Martha Pentecost Marty and Linda Pinne Mary Imlay Mary V Davis Matt Jollay Matthew and Kari Samuelson Matthew and Kimberly Broms Matthew and Marsha Eggert Matthew Bales Matthew Johnson Matthew Teague Michael and Aimee McMillen Michael and Heather Rensink Michael and Judy Landry Michael and Melba Matthews Michael and Priscilla Buchanan Michael and Stacy Moran Michael and Suzanne Masters Michael Bienfait Michelle Pruitt Mike and Anna Elmers Mike and Kathy Southern Mike and Teresa McBride Mo and Marja Tabarrok Nancy See Natalie and Sanders McCown Natalie Smith Childs Ned Cone and Nadeen Green Neil Christman Nick and Jamie Ayers Noel and Kimberly Kelly Oliver and Lindsay Albrecht Pamela and Jeff Kuester Pat and Janice Vinson Patricia and Brad Raffensperger Patricia Englert Patricia Phelan Patrick and Karen LaFlamme Patrick Clark Paul and Debbie Anderson Paul and Ellen Kim Paul and Sandra Hanna Paul Van Nortwick Penni Hastings Peter and Ginger Dannemiller Peter and Kathryn Dahm Peter Mounts Pierrette Scanavino Price and Nancy Harding Quincy Kelly

“If I have 1,000 ideas and only one turns out to be good, I am satisfied.” —A LFR E D N OB E L

Ray and Julie Stokes Reuben and Heather Clarson Rhee Miller Richard and Mariette Reber Richie and Courtney Harris Rob and Lisa Hopcroft Robert (Scott) and Tricia Baynton Robert and Christy Righter Robert and Mary Yellowlees Robert Ivy Rodger and Sandy Peninger Ronald and Camille Hughes Ross and Lori Ramsey Russ and Brooke Hardy Russ and Sara Richards Russell and Melanie Richards Ryan and Christy Overall Sally Rich-Kolb and Tom Kolb Sandie Severnak Scotland and Margaret Wright Scott and Melissa Rutherford Scott and Laura Pryor Scott and Pat Satterwhite Scott Westervelt Sean and Amy Bowen Shan and Lisa Gastineau Sherman and Sandi Mack, In Memory of Sandi Mack Shobha Sharma Spencer and Leigh Welch Stan and Donna Sands Stanley Friedman Stephanie Blomeyer Stephen and Cindy Ott Stephen and Linda Goodroe Stephen and Nancy Olsen Stephen Brown Stephen Dexter Stephen Hunter Stephen J. and Ann Collins Stephen Kincaid Steve and Dianne Robinson Steve and Melinda Law Steven and Teresa Buckingham Stewart and Susanne Teegarden T. David and Barbara Beavin Tanya McAdams Terry and Suzann Moore Terry Ford Thomas and Elise Wilkes Thomas and Kelley Doran Thomas and Valerie Usilton

Thomas Kesler Tim and Belle Risch Tim and Jessica Huffman Tim and Maria Tassopoulos Timothy Peabody Timothy Rolston Tina Shah Todd and Ann Murphy Todd and Betsey Banister Todd and Jamie Ratliff Todd and Payal Cramer Tom and Cheryl Sharp Tom and Rae Mcwhirter Tommy and Jackie Clinton Tony Wolf Traci and Will Thurman Tracy Perrin Tracy Weiser Travis and Rose Collins Trevor and Leah Lang Trudy T. Cron Tycho and Marie Howle Vance and Gail Mullis Vernon Googe Vernon Ritchie Vincent Cox III and Amy Cox Virginia Secor Vyonne Ladd Wade Harrison and Amanda Coleman Walt and Valarie Erndt Walter and Ann Butler Walter Coleman Walter Henry Warren and Linda Wheeler Wesley Ellis William and Carolyn Baker William and Deborah Greak William and Jill Hudson William and Megan Ford William and Stephanie Holby William and Valerie Lawrence William Pitts and Julie Carr William W. Lee William White Wm. Millard Choate

FOUNDATIONS A.L.Williams, Jr. Family Foundation, Inc. AEC Trust AEGON Transamerica Foundation Aetna Foundation, Inc. Akers Foundation, Inc. Annie Bennett Glenn Fund Argo Foundation ATK Foundation Atlanta Foundation Atlantic Capital Bank Bertha and Hix Green Family Foundation Betty and Davis Fitzgerald Foundation BlackRock Blanche Lipscomb Foundation Bobbie Bailey Foundation, Inc. Bowman Family Foundation

Camp-Younts Foundation Center for Disaster Philanthropy Chambers Medical Foundation Chick-Fil-A Foundation Inc. Connolly Family Foundation Cousins Properties Foundation, Inc. CVS Health Foundation Delta Community Credit Union Philanthropic Fund Delta Dental Community Care Foundation Doug and Dianne Williams Family Foundation Equifax Foundation Ford Motor Company Fund Frances Wood Wilson Foundation Fraser-Parker Foundation Friedman Supporting Foundation, Inc. Gaby Family Foundation Gas South LLC Gay and Erskine Love Foundation, Inc. GE Foundation Georgia Health Foundation Google Greystone EMC Foundation Hagenstad Family Fund Hellen I. Plummer Charitable Foundation, Inc. Ida Alice Ryan Charitable Trust Irvin and Connie Pund Foundation J C Kennedy Foundation Inc J. Marshall and Lucile G. Powell Charitable Trust J.B. Fuqua Foundation Jackson EMC Foundation James M. Cox Foundation John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc. John and Polly Sparks Foundation Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation Katherine John Murphy Foundation Kimberly Clark Foundation Kulynych Family Foundation II Lattner Family Foundation Inc. Mary Allen Lindsey Branan Foundation Mary Margaret Manning TTE MAXIMUS Foundation, Inc. Monasse Foundation Morgan Stanley Foundation Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Nancy Forsyth Noblin Foundation NFL Foundation Disbursements Account Nordson Corporation Foundation Odyssey Group Foundation PCA Foundation, Inc. People Loving People from the Heart Piedmont Charitable Foundation Porsche Cars North America - Porsche Care Network Ramsey Family Foundation Ray M. and Mary E. Lee Foundation Rotary Club of Vinings Cumberland Roy and Janet Dorsey Foundation Schoen Foundation Singer Family Fund Stratton Foundation

A Friend of Atlanta Mission TEGNA Foundation The Arnold Foundation, Inc. The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia The Chatlos Foundation, Inc. The Coca-Cola Foundation The Ellis Foundation The Evelyn and Frank Gordy Foundation The Fred and Sue McGehee Family Charitable Fund The Gary W. Rollins Foundation The George M. Brown Trust Fund of Atlanta The Grace and Mercy Foundation The Hammill Family Foundation The Harry Schwartz Foundation The Home Depot Foundation The Howell Fund, Inc. The Imlay Foundation, Inc. The Jim and Billie Ellis Foundation The John and Tanya Sommers Fund The Kroger Foundation The Lookout Foundation The Lucia and Mark Wilton Charitable Foundation The Noonday Foundation The Pennies From Heaven Foundation, Inc. The Rachael Ray Foundation The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation The Scott Hudgens Family Foundation, Inc. The UPS Foundation The Wilson Family Foundation The Winston-Salem Foundation Thomas Garrett Family Foundation, Inc Thomas H. Lanier Family Foundation Thomas M. and Irene B. Kirbo Charitable Foundation Thrivent Financial Foundation Tides Foundation United Way Greater Atlanta COVID-19 Response And Recovery Fund Virgil P. Warren Foundation Waffle House Foundation Wal-Mart Foundation Waterfall Foundation Inc. Wayne and Nan Kocourek Foundation Wells Drive Fund Wells Fargo Foundation Westerstrom Charitable Trust William Josef Foundation Williams Family Foundation of Georgia, Inc. Zeist Foundation

CORPORATIONS A and J Manufacturing, LLC AMB Group, LLC Anisa International ASHRO Lifestyle Atlanta Falcons Football Club, LLC Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby’s International Realty Atlanta Track Club Automated Data Processing, Inc. Behnke Investment Group LLC Berkadia

Brand Vaughan Lumber Choate Construction Co. Club of Hearts, Inc. Convergence Acceleration Solutions (CAS) Creighton Interiors, LLC CSO, Inc Dynamic Technical Formulations LLC Electrical Construction LLC Exhibits South FSI Fire Sprinkler Inspection Co. Gay Construction Co. Georgia Furniture Mart Georgia Power Co. Google GPS Hospitality Holdco, LLC Heart Of Atlanta Cares Inc. Intown Holder Construction Co. Jo-Ann Fabrics and Crafts Jollay Masonry, Inc. Kids ‘R’ Kids International, Inc. Leaders Legacy Inc Morgan Stanley Northpoint Capital Investment Holdings LLC Phoenix Roasters, LLC Piedmont Urgent Care by WellStreet Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation Ram Commercial Properties ResiPro LLC RJP Investments LLP Round Here Reality, LLC Rule Joy Trammell + Rubio, LLC Tegna The Justin Landis Group UBS Financial Services, Inc United Federal Logistics Inc Venture By-Products, Inc. Verus Ventures Yancey Bros Co

CHURCHES 12Stone Church Big Canoe Chapel C3 Church (Christian City Church, Inc) Church of The Apostles Clark Station Baptist Church Fellowship Bible Church Johnson Ferry Baptist Church Mount Paran Church Of God North Avenue Presbyterian Church North Point Ministries, Inc. (Buckhead Church) Peachtree Church Peachtree Road United Methodist Church St. Thomas More Catholic Church Victory World Church

BEQUESTS Estate Of Emile Fisher Estate Of Kathleen Crouch Akins Estate Of Robert Luther Stowell The Estate of Anita Simpson The Estate Of Charles A. Bodenheimer, Jr.

IN-KIND A. Lee Allison-Smith Amma Sri Karanumayi Astro Interiors Atlanta Community Food Bank Balfour Beatty Bascomb Elementary School Braselton Food Pantry Brent Scarbrough Carros Metals Charles Storne & Friends Children Helping Children

Crabapple Roofing DateYourselfGirl, Inc. Favor House Food Bank of NE Georgia Galloway Law Group Gerflor Hemma Concrete IGS Energy Impact Development Management Interface John Darden Koroseal Marion Crowder Michelle Jordan Mission Agape Misty Creek Community Church Momentum Glass NetPlanner Northwest Exterminators Our Loving Hearts Pat Rose Paulson-Cheek Mechanical Protech Fire Pro Purnima & Friends Restoration Atlanta Rollins, Inc. Rose McGill Sai Baba Second Helpings Atlanta Spartan Surfaces Steel LLC Stewart Brothers Technology Opens Doors Texston The Mart Shop Trinity Tile Tyson Foods Wakefield & Beasley Wolf Gordon Word of Faith Family Cathedral

Deeply, truly grateful

We are deeply, truly grateful for each and every one of the donations we receive to support the men, women, and children we serve. While we would like to thank all of the donors by name in our Annual Report, the list is almost 25,000 strong! The list above includes all donors that have given more than $5,000 to our operating and/or capital budgets in fiscal year and calendar year 2021.

“As believers, we are continuing God’s work of forming, filling, and subduing. Whenever we bring order out of chaos, whenever we draw out creative potential, whenever we elaborate and ‘unfold’ creation beyond where it was when we found it, we are following God’s pattern of creative cultural development.” —TI M KEL LER


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