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Dear Friends, When we think about the many lives you have helped transform this year, we are overcome with gratitude. Four hundred and ninety-one men, women, and children ended their homelessness through Christ. Their relationships with the Atlanta Mission family put them on that path of transformation. This report highlights the impact of our first full year of implementing Choose Help Services in our Services for Women and Children. We could not have done it without you! Choosing help is the first step of our innovative Transformation Model to End Homelessness. It has been incredible to see some of the most vulnerable that we serve receive the individualized service plans they need to aid in ending their homelessness.
Jim Reese
President & CEO Atlanta Mission
This last year, we discovered that 80 percent of our women come to us with little to no relationships at all. There is no doubt that the successful rollout of Choose Help Services within our Services for Women and Children has brought lasting change because of the relational focus of our model. We are hopeful that this focus will have a major impact in our Men’s Services, where we anticipate the need for relationship to be even greater than what we experienced with our female clients this year. You helped make all this happen. We are deeply grateful for your prayers, financial support, and service. With your partnership, together, we are ending homelessness, one friend at a time. Blessings,
Steve Olsen
Chairman of the Board, Atlanta Mission Peak Performance Consulting
Jim and Steve
HIGHLIGHTS Homelessness ended for 491 people
668,498 meals served
175 Jobs for homeless men and women
250 decisions for Christ
2016 Annual Report // P. 3
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IMPLEMENTING THE TRANSFORMATION MODEL Men’s Services is currently rolling out Choose Help Services and will launch Make Progress Services
Choose Help Services launched for Women and Children
JUNE 2016
Make Progress Services launched for Women and Children
Rev. Lindsay Geist, Senior Licensed Social Worker at The Atlanta Day Shelter for Women & Children
Antoinette, client at My Sister’s House
Thomas, client at The Shepherd’s Inn
“I am excited that through the new Transformation Model we can now personalize services to suit the individual needs of each woman who comes through our doors. Every woman has a unique story and now by tailoring services to address each woman’s various needs in the five outcome areas: physical, vocational, emotional, social, and spiritual—we are able to be even more effective at ending their homelessness.”
“It’s like she was holding a lantern. I know God is my ultimate guide, but He works through people, and I know He worked through Brittany [Atlanta Mission Ambassador]. At one point, I almost gave up. I almost left. I told Brittany that I couldn’t do it anymore and I didn’t need to be taking up someone else’s bed space. But Brittany said, ‘No, Antoinette. You matter, too. You and your family, you matter.’”
“Kedren [Atlanta Mission staff member] is like a little brother with a lot of wisdom. He is someone who cares without a hidden agenda. When I have problems and I can’t figure things out, I go to him. I had to ask him what do people see in me that I don’t see in myself. He gave me some positive answers: I’m a new man of Christ, and I’m always dependable and accountable, and I take the program seriously.”
2016 Annual Report // P. 5
CHOOSE The Transformation Model to End Homelessness begins with the opportunity to “choose help.” We start by building relationships with the men and women that come through our doors and simply asking, “How can we help?” Because the majority of our clients arrive with no one to turn to, it is crucial that one of the first people they meet with is an Ambassador. These team members seek to meet clients in the midst of complex and diverse challenges, build relationships with them, and inform them of available services. Once clients choose help, they participate in a comprehensive needs assessment overseen by a Social Worker and conducted by the Ambassador. The Ambassador analyzes the results of the assessment and reports needs across Atlanta Mission’s key outcome areas: physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and vocational. From there a personalized service plan is created to end their homelessness and the client then moves into Make Progress Services. At the core of our Choose Help Services Care Teams, we have 4 Ambassadors and 2 Social Workers on our campuses, and over the past year, 318 clients completed an assessment and chose help. As clients build trust with staff through intentional relationships, our Care Teams ensure that the clients’ immediate needs are met while clients regularly hear and experience the Gospel.
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help HIGHLIGHTS 318 women completed an assessment and chose help
144,429 bed nights
5,919 individuals served
342,835 meals served
662 medical appointments 265 life skill and recreation classes
LOOKING FORWARD We are implementing Choose Help Services in our men’s program, and learning from our internal needs assessment results to determine how we can better serve our friends. As we strive to meet the needs of all our clients and provide individualized plans to end their homelessness, we intentionally seek out partnerships with other organizations to ensure each client’s path to transformation.
Choosing Help over Hopelessness: Gigi’s Story Gigi was close to losing all hope when she and her infant daughter, Aria, arrived at The Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children. But her Ambassador, Sherice, and other staff she had met on a previous stay kept her focused on choosing help. “They were more encouraging than they’ll ever realize,” Gigi said. “The staff is fantastic.” A native of Long Island, N.Y., Gigi moved to Atlanta in 2011 and worked as a prep cook at several restaurants. After she had Aria, she was not able to work, and worse yet, she was evicted from her apartment with no notice. After unexpectedly finding herself on the streets with her baby, Gigi pursued help at Atlanta Mission because she had heard that My Sister’s House would be a safe place for Aria. Gigi and Aria have been staying for one month at My Sister’s House and she is in the midst of an assessment with her Social Worker. Together they will determine the family’s next steps. Gigi’s dream is to earn a degree in adult behavioral sciences so she can give back and work with addicts and the homeless. Gigi said she hopes donors and people thinking about giving will visit Atlanta Mission. “Come spend time in here. People have a stigma about homelessness,” she says. “There are a lot of good people in here and everybody’s got a story. I’m just blessed to know some of them.”
Donor Story: A Commitment to Giving Back When Ryan and Christy married over five years ago, they decided to become percentage givers to Atlanta Mission. They both had positive volunteer experiences with Atlanta Mission, where they met clients who chose help, and the couple wanted to give back on a regular basis financially. “We’re both really attracted to organizations that help people who help themselves,” Christy said. Ryan said that they both admire the commitment the clients make to get better and the dedication of Atlanta Mission’s team. “They have a heart for what they’re doing to make such a long-lasting difference,” he said. When the couple learned more about Atlanta Mission’s new approach, the Transformation Model to End Homelessness, they were on-board and eager to help. Christy said, “Atlanta Mission is one of the organizations we’re happy to support because it’s so clearly well-researched, so clearly well-run, and by people who have a real passion for getting people out of homelessness—not just giving them a bed, but stopping that incredibly complicated cycle, and we’re happy to try to empower and finance the people who are doing it so well.”
2016 Annual Report // P. 7
MAKEprogress In Make Progress Services, our clients receive personalized services built on their assessments and needs to deliver individual success outcomes.
Our goal is to have each client make progress in five key areas; physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and vocational through a combination of methods: individual and group therapy, life skills classes and Bible studies, work assignments, and services from organizations such as Jobs for Life and other businesses that prepare clients for employment. We continue our relational focus in Make Progress Services through our interdisciplinary team approach and community living structure on our campuses. Counselors work in tandem with Social Workers, Advocates, and the Vocational Training Manager. The Social Worker assesses the client’s needs and creates the service plan, while the Counselor executes therapeutic services, and the Advocate helps clients navigate the services.
Living in community at our campuses has proven to be effective for facilitating our clients’ development. Advocates and Community Living Leaders help clients stay on track and demonstrate healthy living and relationships. Our teams genuinely care for our clients and demonstrate the love of Christ through their actions and words. As these relationships grow and each client makes progress toward ending their homelessness, we see hearts opened and more clients making decisions for Christ.
FIVE CLIENT OUTCOMES These outcomes assist us in measuring the current state of a person’s life and the progress that they make on a daily basis.
PHYSICAL: Satisfies housing, physical wellness, and life skills needs. EMOTIONAL: Answers the needs of those experiencing mental health issues, in need of healing from trauma, and needing addiction recovery and hope. SPIRITUAL: Designed to positively affect faith and promote discipleship within a church community.
SOCIAL: Encourages friend, family, and community relationships, as well as recreation and fun.
297 clients moved from Choose Help to Make Progress Services
VOCATIONAL: Addresses the need for hard skills, soft skills, and skills for employment.
206 graduated from the recovery program
278 clients completed job training 250 decisions for Christ
P. 8 // Atlanta Mission
We will begin to roll out Make Progress Services in our Men’s Services in 2017. As we do so, we are equipping our employees to provide more personalized services to our men. We continue to learn from our ongoing needs assessment and our experience implementing Make Progress Services in our Services for Women and Children.
Healing Through Relationship: Charlie and Josh’s Story When Charlie arrived at The Shepherd’s Inn in August 2015, he was battling an addiction and carrying around a lot of resentment toward his family. Yet, once Charlie connected with his Counselor, Josh, he began to heal and make progress. The two men “clicked” right away and Josh worked intentionally and consistently on developing that bond. “The whole time I was here, Josh was on my side,” Charlie said. He was able to let his guard down with Josh and about a month and a half into the year-long program, Charlie was saved in Josh’s office. Charlie went on to become a trusted servant-leader at The Shepherd’s Inn. He began leading chapel services every week and mentoring other men in the program. Through the relationships he built at The Shepherd’s Inn, he was able to encourage some of his friends and family members to choose help. As he healed from his past, Charlie encountered what he called the toughest part of the program—learning to surrender to and honor God. He was tempted to leave the program early and return to his old life, but with Josh’s counsel and prayerful consideration, he decided to stay. Josh says he believes Charlie has what it takes to one day become a drug addiction counselor, once he gains the required education and experience. “I think Charlie really embodies what Atlanta Mission is about, which is relationship, which is friendship, which is ending homelessness and helping to bring healing to families and relationships. He’s come full circle and I’m proud of him.”
Donor Story: Advancing our Progress through Partnership Lisa gives every month to Atlanta Mission and has volunteered at My Sister’s House, where she has enjoyed reading to the children. Recently, she attended a Discovery Tour of My Sister’s House and learned even more about how clients make progress on their individualized plans. “What really impressed me was that Atlanta Mission allows people to go through at their own pace,” she said. Lisa thinks it is great that clients are treated as individuals and not rushed through a program. She also appreciates the totality of Make Progress Services—from addiction recovery to job readiness. “You can give people fish or you can teach them how to fish. I like that you’re getting people back on their feet so they can be productive in society.” Lisa said she would recommend the Discovery Tours to other donors. “I think it makes a big difference. I think it is very helpful to take the time in their schedule and come down.”
2016 Annual Report // P. 9
SUSTAIN As our clients make progress and end their homelessness, we ensure they are rooted in community, retaining employment, have secure housing, and are connected to after-care solutions to support their life transformation. This empowers our clients to continue to grow and succeed in the changes they made.
& grow Strength through Faith-filled
Relationships: Kim’s Testimony
It is our goal to maintain connections with our clients. They know they are a part of the Atlanta Mission family and often give back by volunteering with us. For many of them, their lives have been transformed by Christ through relationship and they want to demonstrate their gratitude and love within their new communities. We are currently in the planning phase for Sustain and Grow.
Just a year ago Kim was staying at My Sister’s House and in addiction recovery and intense counseling, but today she lives in an Atlanta apartment complex with her husband, Clyde, and her younger daughters, Danielle, 14, and Tyshaun, 10. The family’s life unraveled a few years ago when Kim lost her job as an executive chef and then fell into a depression. After 14 years of sobriety, she returned to the heavy drinking of her teen years, growing up in an abusive home. As her life spiraled downward, she went to jail for writing bad checks. When she was released, Clyde—who also had relapsed into alcoholism— was incarcerated for forgery. Kim and her daughters became homeless, sleeping in a McDonald’s restroom before the girls were sent to foster care for a few months. When Kim arrived at My Sister’s House, our staff helped her fight her legal battle to get her children back and prayed with her before court. We also helped bring Clyde to The Shepherd’s Inn for his recovery. When Kim and Clyde graduated, it was a joyous, tearful occasion. (Continued on next page)
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“You can’t have a testimony without a test,” Kim said. “I feel like we went through what we went through not out of some punishment, but to make me stronger in my faith in God.” Kim Davis says God transformed her life through Atlanta Mission. “I have never seen so much love in one place,” she recalled in the kitchen of My Sister’s House, where she is now employed as a cook. Kim says her relationships with Atlanta Mission staff have helped her sustain and grow her progress. She says everyone from CEO Jim Reese to her Counselors took a genuine interest in her family’s healing—and kept in touch with her after she left My Sister’s House.
Donor Story: Thanking God through Service Tom and Rae McWhirter became involved with Atlanta Mission through their church, North Avenue Presbyterian. Several former Atlanta Mission clients have become active members of the church—an important aspect of Sustain and Grow services. A group of current clients from The Shepherd’s Inn also visit the church each week for their Wednesday night dinner and Bible study. “We feel like they bring a lot to our church,” Tom said. “We had one man who spent years on the street and in prison, and he is now a deacon in our church and really adds immeasurably to the life of our church and to our outreach to other men who have experienced what he’s experienced.” Tom joined our Board in 2006 and was given the Oglesby Award for his service to Atlanta Mission. He said, “Giving, whether it’s your money or your time, is really an expression of your gratitude to God for all the ways He’s blessed us. It’s a tangible way of expressing our gratitude.” Tom says he and Rae chose to partner with us because “Atlanta Mission serves some of the neediest members of our city and does it with the love of Christ and with a high level of professionalism and a desire to be the best in the field they minister in.”
2016 Annual Report // P. 11
12Stone Church members from multiple campuses have been involved in transforming clients’ lives at The Potter’s House for years through Small Group Bible Studies. This summer, 12Stone Church sponsored a cookout to provide food and fellowship with our men. 12Stone also gave us a generous donation for the Therapeutic Community Room at The Potter’s House. With their help, we are creating a space with new, durable, comfortable seating and tables used for lively discussion and therapeutic activities for men that are in great need of connection.
Over the past 3 years, Atlanta Mission has been building a culture focused on outcome measurement and continuous improvement. In order to take our system to the next level, our organization required a robust technology platform to track our clients’ progress and success. TechBridge became an integral community partner in this process. Through their annual fundraiser, TechBridge raised over $80,000 to develop a Salesforce solution for Atlanta Mission clients. Not only did they raise the funds, but also devoted their staff resources to creating the solution. Together Atlanta Mission and TechBridge spent 10 months developing the software solution and integrating it into daily operations. Salesforce drastically shortened our check-in and admissions processes, helped share client information, and increased time staff are able to spend with clients. With continued support from TechBridge, we are able to provide more dignity and better services to our clients through technology.
Jobs For Life:
Jobs for Life is an international organization that provides local churches with a curriculum and model to address joblessness in their communities. We have worked with churches using the Jobs for Life content to help our clients develop vocationally. Jobs for Life not only provides our clients with soft-skills training for employment, but also builds relationships between students and volunteers. We are incredibly grateful for how these partners have championed our clients’ progress by not only helping them find employment, but surrounding them with community.
P. 12 // Atlanta Mission
2016 Annual Report // P. 13
FEATURED CAPITAL PARTNERS For the past three years, Atlanta Mission has been in the process of completing capital renovations at My Sister’s House in an effort to serve the new influx of clients more efficiently. We are striving to create a safe and positive atmosphere that fosters empathetic interpersonal relationships, heals emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, and offers a place for growth. Laundry Project: The ladies at One Hundred Shares have made a tremendous impact on the women and children at Atlanta Mission. We were able to replace all of our laundry, industrial and personal, along with a completely new water recycling system and our operations are more efficient. Every month, we are seeing a reduction in our water bill which creates savings that we can use to better serve our clients. We would not have been able to receive our new water recycling system without the generous $75,000 donation by AquaRecycle. We are helping to build self-worth and confidence in women and children who can attend workshops, jobs, and school in freshly laundered clothes. Kitchen and Dining Hall Renovations: Imagine a welcoming atmosphere where families pray, connect, and share their daily experiences. Our families receive their meals while they are still warm, cooked to perfection, and substantial portions are given to feed their hungry mouths. Envision a kitchen where all of the equipment works properly, the materials used to prepare the food is up to code according to the health department, and outdated equipment is an issue of the past. This is no longer just a vision. Because of a generous donor, the kitchen is now a place where our clients obtain relevant job skills while taking pride in food preparation. Costs are cut significantly because we are able to better utilize the portions of food that we have. The new kitchen and dining hall is a warm and inviting place that welcomes our clients to feed their bodies and souls. Chapel Project: With the completion of our Chapel project, we have renovated the feel of spiritual services and group meetings. Our space is fresh and new – similar to how we desire our clients to feel about their transformation while they stay with us and when they move on to sustain and grow. We are grateful to the donors that gave $25,000 to fund our chapel renovation.
P. 14 // Atlanta Mission
2016 Annual Report // P. 15
FINANCIALS Fiscal Year 2016 Income total $17,717,794
Expense total $16,247,072
Monetary Contributions Donated Goods & Services Program Income Thrift Store Sales Other*
$9,703,182 $3,375,641 $619,768 $2,140,867 $1,878,336
54% 19% 4% 12% 11%
Program Services Fundraising General and Administrative Capital Expenditures
12% 54%
71% 19%
*Other includes funds authorized for operating purposes, vending receipts, property rental income and farm revenue.
A certified 501(c)3 organization, Atlanta Mission is 100% privately funded, and is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability and is a member of the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions.
It is through the sacrificial generosity of our supporters that we can provide services to the homeless in our city. Atlanta Mission receives no public funding.
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$11,478,752 $2,807,878 $1,366,179 $594,263
71% 17% 8% 4%
30,811 individuals gave to Atlanta Mission last year.
Our donors gave 64,607 individual gifts last year.
Most lifetime gifts given by a single donor: One donor has contributed 921 gifts, totaling $30,500, to Atlanta Mission. Her first gift was in 1990 and she is still giving today!
2016 Annual Report // P. 17
THANK you Legacy Bequests John Forbes Dorothy Ford Helen Fussell Shell James Hardie Aundry Lusby Kathryn Persons Keith Slayton
Churches 12Stone Church Big Canoe Chapel Church of The Apostles Johnson Ferry Baptist Church Mount Paran Church North Avenue Presbyterian Church North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church North Point Ministries, Inc. (Buckhead Church) Peachtree Presbyterian Church Peachtree Road United Methodist Church
Corporations A & J Manufacturing, LLC Amelia Rose Productions Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby’s International Realty Chick-Fil-A Choate Construction Company Convergence Acceleration Solutions (CAS) CSO, Inc. Destin Real Estate Company D-MAC Industries, Inc. Exhibits South Fidelity Bank Gay Construction Company Georgia’s Own Credit Union Huddle House Kids ‘R’ Kids International, Inc. King and Spalding Metalworks, LLC Priority Payment Systems Quality Technology Services, LLC Ray Boyd Rental Properties RentPath Rule Joy Trammell + Rubio, LLC Sharp Residential, LLC Specialty Furnishings, Inc. Swifty Car Wash The Law Office of Neil Flit & Associates, LLC The Northern Trust Company Velox Insurance Company
Foundations AEC Trust AGL Resources Private Foundation Alliance for Strong Families and Communities / Aramark Alpha Chi Omega Foundation Atlanta Foundation
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Bank of America Foundation Bertha & Hix Green Family Foundation Blanche Lipscomb Foundation Cecil B. Day Foundation, Inc. CF Foundation, Inc. Chambers Medical Foundation Club of Hearts, Inc. Community Health Charities Of The Southeast Connie and Irvin Pund Foundation Connolly Family Foundation Credit Suisse Americas Foundation EZ Agape Foundation Farbolin Family Foundation Ford Motor Company Fund Frances Wood Wilson Foundation Fraser-Parker Foundation Gay and Erskine Love Foundation, Inc. Georgia Pacific Foundation Global Village Champions Foundation, Inc. H. Gordon Martin Foundation Ida Alice Ryan Charitable Trust Inglis Family Foundation J. Marshall and Lucile G. Powell Charitable Trust J.B. Fuqua Foundation Jackson EMC Foundation James M. and Ruth E. Wilder Foundation, Inc. Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, Inc. John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc. John and Polly Sparks Foundation Kulynych Family Foundation Mary Allen Lindsey Branan Foundation Nationwide Insurance Foundation One Hundred Shares Patterson Barclay Memorial Foundation, Inc. People Loving People from the Heart Piedmont Charitable Foundation Providence Christian Foundation, Inc. Ray M. and Mary E. Lee Foundation Roy & Janet Dorsey Foundation Smither Family Foundation SunTrust Bank TEGNA Foundation The Chatlos Foundation, Inc. The Coca-Cola Foundation The Edward Colston Foundation The Evelyn & Frank Gordy Foundation The Gary W. Rollins Foundation The George M. Brown Trust Fund of Atlanta The Howell Fund, Inc. The Jim Ellis Foundation, Inc. The Luther and Susie Harrison Foundation, Inc. The McWhirter Family Foundation The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation The Scott Hudgens Family Foundation, Inc. The TJX Foundation, Inc. The UPS Foundation The Wilson Family Foundation The Winston -Salem Foundation Thomas H. Lanier Family Foundation Thomas H. Pitts Trust Thomas M. Kirbo and Irene B. Kirbo Charitable Foundation Tolleson Family Foundation
Westerstrom Charitable Trust William Josef Foundation Zeist Foundation
Individuals Justin Alexander Mark and Greta Alvarez Jean Anderson Hunt and Melissa Anderson Douglas P. Armistead Marshall and Lynda Ausburn William Baker Dan and Joy Balena Todd and Betsey Banister Fred and Torie Baumann Scott and Tricia Baynton T. David and Barbara Beavin Charles and Mary Benton Guthrie Frank and Liz Blake David and Stephanie Boehmig Raymond Boyd Milton and Jo Beth Boyer Matthew and Kimberly Broms Thomas and Amy Brown Steven and Teresa Buckingham Anthony and Mary Burger James and Shari Campbell Christopher Cartrett Lee and Natalie Cavender Gregory and Cynthia Charleston John Cleveland Chris and Tess Conway Ben and Karen Copeland Marilyn Craigmyle Frank and Bonnie Creighton Stephen and Beth Crim Mark DeMoss Deborah Denechaud Slimp Alberto Dent Stephen Dexter Nick and Candi Downey David and Jeanine Dungan Bruce Elder Mike and Anna Elmers Arnold and Susanne Eves Joe Fowler Stanley Friedman Bradford and Natalie Fuson Shan and Lisa Gastineau David and Luann Gilmore Stephen and Linda Goodroe Vernon Googe Dennis A. Granger Jeff and Ellen Gregor Edward and Kathleen Grzedzinski John and Susan Hamilton James Hansberger Ken and Paige Harbour Richard Harris Jackie and Twiggy Harris James Hewatt James and Sally Hinkle
We can only provide hope of transformation to those experiencing homelessness with the generosity of our donors. Margaret and Frank Hofland Ben and Rhonda Houston Tycho Howle William and Jill Hudson Ronald and Camille Hughes Diana Hurley Glen and Claire Jackson Yolanda and David Johnson Brian and Maria Jones Susan and Gary Juno John and Trisha Kanan Quincy Kelly Marlene Kelly Mark Kessler Donna and Kevin Kirbow Bill Kunz Patrick and Karen Laflamme Evelyn Lagerquist Jason Lewis Jared LoMeo Wilton and Martha Looney J. Lumsden Michael Matthews John and Caren McAleer Michael and Aimee McMillen Daniel and Amy McMorrow Thomas and Rae McWhirter Juan and Mary Menendez Kris and Lisa Mikkelsen Larry and Darden Mock Terry and Suzann Moore Vance and Gail Mullis Lisa Myers M. Lamar Oglesby William Oglesby John and Nancy Oglesby Stephen and Nancy Olsen Ryan and Christy Overall Joseph and Mary Owens Akash and Katie Patel Martha Pentecost Ceil Petersson Patricia A. Phelan Dan Phelan Olivia Phelan Janet Piercy Jim Pirkle Paul Plsek Robert and Jenny Pruitt Scott and Laura Pryor David Ratcliffe Todd and Jamie Ratliff Richard and Mariette Reber James and Dina Reese Michael and Heather Rensink Scott Rhoades Jose Robayo Juan Robayo Ramirez Steve and Dianne Robinson James and Luanne Roebuck Tim Rolston Sean and Hailee Sanders Scott and Pat Satterwhite John and Beth Scarbrough Gerald and Debbie Schoenecker
Robin Scott Stephen Scouten Shoba Sharma Tom and Cheryl Sharp Jay and Kathryn Simms Nancy and Steven Simms Anita Simpson Keith and Debra Sledge Donald and Paula Smith Michael and Kathy Southern Richard Sparkmon Jerrill Sprinkle Susan Sprinkle Ben and Jessica Teague Dennis and Cheri Teague Beau and Emily Rose Terrell Joe and Irene Terrell Will and Traci Thurman John Todd Lee and Bobbie Torrence Russell Umphenour Chip and Janet Vaughan Elmon and Linda Vernier Janice Vinson Jack Ward Katherine Warden Margaret Watkins Brad Weston Edward Wile Tom and Elise Wilkes Gordon Williams Doug and Kitty Williams Sibyl Wright Dom Wyant John Yost Heather Young
Board of Directors Joseph A. Arnold Lori Billingsley David Boehmig Shan Gastineau Gloria Gilley John Hamilton James E. Hinkle William A. Holby Jeremy Jones Coleman Loper Thomas McWhirter Lawrence Mock William S. Oglesby Stephen Olsen Jim Reese Russell M. Richards Harvey Rudy Robert Schnatmeier, Jr. Debbie D. Slimp Robin Hindsman Stacia Cheri Teague Stewart Teegarden Joe Terrell Diana Hurley
President’s Council Jim Bria JoAnn Crooms Donna Fields Michael Franklin Dave Heffner Elaine Helms Hollis Houk Andy Lorenzen John McAleer Terry Moore Harriet C. Moran James Nellis, Jr. Susan Nolan Terri Orr Ben Parks Bill Peterson, III David Preter Megan Springer Jerrill Sprinkle Frank Tomberlin R. Doug Wise
Event Sponsors Brightwell Payments Capital Group CAS Group Coca-Cola EY (Ernst and Young) Fas-Break Auto Glass Highgate Holder Construction Jackson Spalding Mark DeMoss Marsh & McLennan Agency Northern Trust Priority Payment Systems, LLC Tin Roof Software UBS Underpriced Furniture
In-Kind Donors Atlanta Food Bank AquaRecycle Arjun Kaicker Janine & Michael Hanley Ladies of Atlanta Lanier Tech Publix at Hamilton Mill Quality Poultry Chicken TechBridge WSB-TV
*We are grateful for all donations that we receive to support the individuals that we serve. While we would like to thank all of our donors in our annual report, it is nearly impossible as the list is more than 30,000. The list above includes all donors that have given more than $5,000 annually.
2016 Annual Report // P. 19
Transforming, through Christ, the lives of those facing homelessness. For more than 78 years, Atlanta Mission has provided emergency shelter, temporary shelter, recovery programming, job attainment services, and transitional housing for up to 1,000 men, women, and children daily.