2010 Nightlife Awards

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Contents V O L . 3 7, # 0 3

J A N . 2 1 - 2 7, 2 0 10

Features 44

2010 Reader’s Choice Nightlife Awards Presented by acweekly.com and voted on by our readers



Club Hopping? Think Again. By Michael Pritchard Atlantic City’s nightlife grew steadily for the last decade, making it easy to find your personal hot spot.



On the cover: Readers’ Choice Nightlife Awards

Columns & Departments 6 8 18 34

Food & Drink

Pinky’s Corner Coasting Whitney’s Radar Curtain Call

Arts & Entertainment 54 30 Online

Movies: The Book of Eli Casino Capsule, AC Weekly Cultural Calendar, Attractions, & Performing Arts


Nightlife: A.C. Entertainment Guide


After Dark Nightlife Listings


Dining: Late-Night Eats


Area & Casino Dining

Advertising Section 22

Beauty, Health & Fitness

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1/12/10 10:03:09 AM

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‘Green’ Jitneys on the Way By Pinky Kravitz


HE ATLANTIC CITY JITNEY ASSOCIATION (ACJA) is proud to announce that 190 sparkling new green jitneys will begin arriving on the streets of Atlantic City on June 1, at the rate of 65 per week. All of the new jitneys will be in operation by July 1. It is important to note that this fleet will be powered by compressed natural gas (CNG). Although commonplace on the West Coast, the concept of CNG-powered vehicles is relatively new to the East and to New Jersey. The ACJA has partnered with the Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA) to fuel these vehicles; the ACJA will also be building a pumping facility that can be used not only by its fleet, but also by other municipalities and businesses that wish to invest in this green technology. The new vehicles will cost $54,000 each, and half of that sum will be paid by the drivers over a seven-year period. The other half of the funds necessary for the purchase of the new jitneys was a part of a federal stimulus grant that was given to transit authorities in various states to provide money to aid and assist private carriers. To coincide with the rollout of CNG and the new fleet, the ACJA is reevaluating its business model for the future. Tom Woodruff, the new president of the ACJA, has contacted Richard Stockton College to see if it might have an interest in using the ACJA as a case study for its marketing students. Stockton found this to be an interesting idea and has agreed to work with Woodruff on this project. This is unique in that it gives local students an opportunity to have a real-life experience and to possibly see the fruits of their labor be applied and recognized as a part of Atlantic City’s future. It also allows the ACJA to get a different business perspective from some of their future business leaders. Woodruff stated the ACJA needs to look internally as to how it operates. Plans going forward will involve a change to its business culture with an emphasis on customer service. All jitney drivers will have green uniforms, collared shirts for the spring-time and jackets for the colder weather. As you may know, the ACJA is comprised of many different ethnic cultures, and plans are in place to instill the idea that its members are more than just drivers, but front-line ambassadors to many of the people who visit our city. Jitneys are an Atlantic City icon and we need to capitalize on that experience. Rules and regulations that have been set by the ACJA will be enforced to provide the best service possible for the riding public.

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Huge SeleCtiOn – get firSt PiCk!

At the recent Atlantic City Boardwalk Committee meeting, a representative of the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (CRDA) reported that the demolition of the post office building at Pacific Avenue and Dr. Martin Luther King Boulevard will begin in April. The CRDA will landscape the vacant area that will be left after the demolition of the land they control, up to the portion of the block that is owned by Pinnacle Entertainment. There has been no word as to whether Pinnacle will landscape the final portion of that block. It was further noted during that meeting that the widenJoin us on Facebook:


ing of Mississippi Avenue, from Atlantic to Arctic avenues, will be developed by the South Jersey Transportation Authority. It is anticipated work will begin by April. The CRDA is currently working on a facade program for Virginia Avenue between Atlantic and Pacific avenues. Work on the Boardwalk street ends at Texas and New York avenues will be completed in time for the summer season. When completed, there will be an area for the eateries adjacent to the street ends to have space for tables for their clientele. A major overhaul of the New Jersey National Guard Armory, at New York Avenue and the White Horse Pike, will be funded by the CRDA, the Attorney General’s Office, and the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. The work to be done begins with the replacing of the current flooring that is sinking, the replacement of the HVAC ventilation system, electrical work for overhead power, and site work including landscaping and paving. The facility, which will continue to be used by the National Guard, will be turned into a sports complex that will encompass an indoor track, a soccer field, basketball and volleyball courts that will be intermingled along with rooms for varied additional activities. This is a major undertaking and it’s a credit to the agencies involved to provide for the usage of this facility by the residents and visitors to Atlantic City. The project should be completed by the end of 2010. A representative of the Special Improvement District noted that the Boardwalk Visitors Center at Park Place had over 200,000 requests for information. However, they also noted that their count of the number of people walking on the Boardwalk had been reduced by over 200,000 from the previous year. One bright spot has been The Walk, which averages over 20,000 visitors a day walking through its shops. Concern was raised about the operation of the rolling chairs on the Boardwalk. There was a lack of inspectors doing their job in making sure that the operators are abiding by the ordinances that control their operation. This is being looked into by city officials and, hopefully, will be corrected. Concern was also raised relative to the continued negative reaction that the biggest attraction Atlantic City has — its beaches — continues to be hidden by those walking the boards. At a time when Atlantic City needs to boast of its attractions, one of which is that it is the only city with casinos alongside its oceanfront, comes the concern that those strolling on the Boardwalk cannot see either the beach or the ocean. Hopefully, with a new state administration and a new commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection, changes will be considered. n

P INKY K RAVITZ Pinky’s Corner airs Monday through Friday from 4 to 6pm on News Talk WOND-AM 1400. His TV show, WMGM Presents Pinky, airs Saturday at 7:30pm on TV40. Pinky’s e-mail address is: pinky@acweekly.com.

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1/20/10 10:58:54 AM

Compiled by AC Weekly Staff: editorial@acweekly.com

Sweet Relief

Corzine signs medical weed into law On his last day in office, N.J. Gov. Jon Corzine signed medical marijuana into law, making the Garden State the 14th state in the USA to grant legal access to pot for the chronically ill, such as those suffering from HIV, MS, glaucoma and cancer.

Chelsea Hosts Winter Jazz Series

The local non-profit Historical Chicken Bone Beach Foundation (HCBBF) augments its successful summer jazz series with a winter series at The Chelsea in Atlantic City, dubbed “The Jazz Corner.” The events will take place every remaining Thursday night in January and February, beginning at 9pm. There will be a $10 “donation” and the music will feature everything from a tribute to Sonny Rollins (Jan. 21) to spoken-word artists and Latin jazz (Feb. 4). The HCBBF will present the series in conjunction with the Malkio Entertainment Group; the series will be held at the Chelsea’s 5th Floor club through Feb. 25. According to Henrietta Shelton, head of the HCBBF, each evening will have live jazz and spoken-word artists alternating with a midnight jam session “open to all” till 1am. The Foundation runs a very popular free jazz concert series in the Boardwalk each summer, which has brought international legends such as Houston Person, Greg Osby and many others to the Boardwalk stage (now at Kennedy Plaza) for a decade. Despite funding problems for the summer series through the years, Shelton has been excited about a winter series for a while now and had been in talks with different area venues to host the series. “The Chelsea was the [right] place,” says Shelton. For more visit chickenbonebeach.org or malkio. com/jazzcorner. — Jeff Schwachter


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Classic Dean

Margate’s Jewish Community Center, which regularly presents special “Dinner and a movie nights,” has found out a simple fact about its audiences. They want the classics. So that’s just what they’ll get Tuesday, Jan. 26, when they present the 1955 film East of Eden. “For the last few months we’ve been featuring James Dean,” says Josh Cutler, who heads the program aimed mostly at seniors (though the JCC prefers the term “active adults”). “What we’ve found is that our audience likes to see classic films. These are films that you can’t really see on the big screen anymore and they are very hard to find anywhere. For many of the people that come, they enjoy the delicious dinner and really feel a lot of nostalgia for these old films.” A couple of year’s ago the JCC did try showing current films, but seniors at the center pushed for older films. “They knew they were great films and everything, but they had just been in the theaters,” Cutler says. “They’d rather see these films they remember.” Any classic movie fan, however, would enjoy the chance to see the film on a large screen. Based on ohn Steinbeck’s novel, East of Eden earned Dean a posthumous Best Actor nomination. Tickets are $15. Call 822-1167 ext. 113 to register. — Mike Pritchard


The Legends of Hip-Hop II concert was held at the House of Blues last Saturday, featuring MC Lyte (above) and Big Daddy Kane.

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Joy Greenwood Sharon Hill, Pa. A: They’re all good, but my favorite was definitely MC Lyte.

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It’s the ultimate round of blackjack – where one lucky player could win $750,000, $150,000 or $100,000. Will it be you?



Into the Nightlife

& Shawn is Bonanni, Tova Ioannucci k. dus Nex t Level A.C. owners: Chr at ci tuc San ny Ken V Celeb Morton (far right) with MT

Ultra-modern and retro-chic dance clubs, world-renowned DJs and top-flight live entertainment — whatever your pleasure, A.C. can deliver. By Ray Schweibert


HERE’S BEEN PLENTY OF TALK about Atlantic City’s need to “reinvent itself” in the wake of a slumped economy and gaming competition elsewhere. That contention could almost come across as insulting to A.C. where nightlife applies, as the city has always provided an ever-evolving inventory of exciting after-dark alternatives for a diversity of ages and tastes. Long before the lever on the first legalized slot machine was pulled in 1978, Atlantic City has been likened to a microcosm of the cutting-edge activity offered in cities several times its size. To paraphrase a line from a popular 1978 disco hit, if you love the nightlife and got to boogie, A.C. has what you’re looking for. Below is a rundown of some of the options available to late-night revelers in the city that’s always turned on.

tures the high-energy live music of The Angels and Hot Lin every Thursday through Saturday (9pm), and Trump Plaza (4416000) has two casino lounges, Jezebel’s and the Liquid Bar, where talented cover bands perform regularly.


The lowdown — Nightclub DJs seem to

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have evolved from mere music lovers who moonlight for extra cash into major celebrities in some cases. The skill involved in mixing music tracks and video graphics with today’s high technology makes many of them sought-after talents in their own right. All of Atlantic City’s hottest nightclubs either have big-name “turntablists” on their staff, such as Jesse Marco and DJ Royale at Dusk, the Casbah’s Paulie Day and Jordan Williams, Boogie Nights’ KevinEdge, the Wave’s Jim Stritch, Providence’s Redline, DJs Jason E and Gabor Kiss at The Pool and many others. Live Music The lowdown — Sometimes exceptional live You’ll also see touring celebrity DJs show music crops up in the unlikeliest of places, up at these clubs like Roonie G, who such as Formica Brothers Bakery (344- regularly appears at the Casbah, and the 8732) on Arctic Avenue where area favor- Jump Smokers, a popular Chicago-based ites the Cole Brothers and Bobby Mower duo who will perform at Dusk on Jan. 26. perform every Saturday night at 7pm. Jay Sean, a British singer/songwriter/hipThe newly opened Chelsea hotel (800- hop artist, will guest DJ at the Borgata’s 548-3030) just started a Thursday night Mixx this Saturday, Jan. 23. series called “The Jazz Corner” at its Living Room (9pm), which will include spoken- Karaoke word poetry and an open jam from mid- The lowdown — The king of A.C. karaoke night to 1am. You’ll also find live bands bars would have to be the venue that on weekends at the Tun Tavern (347-7800) caters to it exclusively — Planet Rose across from the Convention Center, and Karaoke Bar (344-6565) in The Quarter at at the RiRa Irish Pub (348-8600) in the Tropicana. Open nightly from 7pm, Planet Trop’s Quarter. Rose has over 10,000 songs logged into a Several casino lounges offer live music computer base, and a compact but commost nights of the week. Along with a fortable lounge setting. The Liquid Bar revolving slate of talented entertainers at at Trump Plaza just started an event called Tango’s Lounge (345-7800), which serves Karacter Karaoke on Wednesday nights, as the gateway to The Quarter at Tropicana, from 8pm-midnight. Hosted by WZXL’s Alto Vino (340-4000) is a 20th floor wine bar Michael James, contestants will have the at the Trop featuring the soothing sounds of opportunity to win prizes if they come various duos and trios performing nightly dressed as the singing stars they are mim(except Saturday) from 5-10pm. At Borgata, icking. The individual area karaoke king, the Gypsy Bar (317-1000) has live rock ‘n’ Big Al and his Karaoke All-Stars, perform At roll cover bands regularly, usually starting Harrah’s Eden Lounge (441-5165) every around 7pm, and Eden Lounge (441- Monday night from 8pm-midnight. Every 5165) at Harrah’s has cover bands beginning Thursday night Lori Kelley hosts a karaoke 9pm every night except Monday. Trump party at the Blue Martini (340-2000) at Taj Mahal’s Ego Lounge (449-5138) fea- Bally’s. Rock Star Karaoke takes place every


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Friday night (8pm) at Club Worship at Showboat’s House of Blues (236-2583).

Bottle Service

The lowdown — Bottle service started as a

means for nightclubs to more easilly deal with massive crowds in big cities like New York and Las Vegas. Rather than purchasing individual drinks, patrons could buy an entire bottle of spirits in designated seating areas, and each bottle would be delivered with glasses, ice, mixers and all the garnishes. Despite its costliness, bottle service in Atlantic City has exploded in popularity and continues to grow. Some of the places that offer it include 32 Degrees Luxe Lounge (348-6700) and Providence nightclub (345-7800) in The Quarter at Tropicana; Mixx and mur.mur nightclubs at Borgata (317-1000); The Pool (441-5165) and its newest component The Loft at Harrah’s; Club Worship (800-5224700) at Showboat; the Casbah (449-5138) nightclub at Trump Taj Mahal; Dusk nightclub (441-5165) at Caesars. Game On! (345-6800) at The Pier Shops at Caesars and the 40/40 Club (449-4040) next to A.C. Outlets - The Walk.

VIP Service

The lowdown — Often A.C.’s premier nightclubs have long lines and hefty cover charges on weekends (particularly if there’s a celebrity guest or DJ), but there are services provided, or tricks to the trade, that can help ease the burden groups or individuals, and/or increase the bang for your buck. A company called VIP in Atlantic City (816-3165 or vipinatlanticcity.com) bills itself as a private concierge service that plans daylong or weekend-long nightlife trips to

A.C. Sometimes, says owner Tony Penza, getting onto a nightclub guest list and receiving VIP treatment (preferred seating, no waiting lines, no cover charge) is as simple as knowing the right people. “Some of the guest lists can be had by befriending local clubs on Facebook, Twitter or joining their mailing lists,” says Penza. “Borgata’s ‘mur.mur Monday’ allows free entry with a receipt from dining at Izakaya beforehand. Getting to know the club DJs is another good way to get yourself onto a guest list.” If an entire night or weekend in A.C. were being sought, that’s where the concierge service would come in. “We take care of everything, start to finish — their transportation into and out of A.C., casino hotel rooms and suites, limo service, fixed-menu dinners with or without open bars during dinner, entertainment like male reviews, strip clubs, private entertainment and, of course, their nightlife experiences.” Generally a member of the service acts as a host once all the details are finalized, and handles all the logistics. “This gives groups coming to town a stress-free night, since all they have to do is show up and enjoy.” Companies that are more venue-specific with the packages they provide offer similar services. Among them are the team of Chris Bonanni, Shawn Morton and Tova Ioannucci at Next Level A.C. (3770897 or nextlevelac.com), Steve Sagan of 1Source (334-9037 or 1sourcenj.com), Brett Perloff of Perl Media (facebook. com/perlmedia), Denis Sinelnikov of Wildin’ Out (wildinout.com), and Alec Krayzel of AK Promotions (215-6948584 or twitter.com/AKPROMOS). You can also plan a night on the town, or get some excellent ideas to plan your own entertainment, by going to acweekly.com. ■


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1/19/10 5:17:04 PM

Chocolate by JACQUES TORRES Want to satisfy all your senses? Indulge in all you can eat chocolate!


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Experience the art and romance of fine chocolates, specialty liqueurs and champagne at this grand tasting event. Bally’s Atlantic City on Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th

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A Crash Course in Love by vH1’s tough Love Hosts STEVE & JOANN WARD




Want to see more poker tournament information?

News on tournaments and other action in area casino poker rooms by Mike Pritchard


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Friday & Saturday Night JANUARY 29 & 30

LOT OF BAD BEAT JACKPOT money was flying out of Atlantic City’s poker rooms last weekend, with the biggest payoff coming Friday (Jan. 15) at Caesars. Steve Nedney. 56, of Dover, Del., hit an Atlantic City record jackpot of $553,948 when his hand of four 3s was beaten by four aces on the river. Nedney received $276,979, half of the progressive jackpot. Not bad considering that the pot he lost was only worth about $400. Chris Dobrzanski, 23, of Bridgewater, took home $138,489 as the winner of the hand (25 percent), which in bad beat jackpots actually comes in second. The remaining players at the table split $19,784 a piece of the remaining 25 percent. A major bad beat jackpot of more than $350,000 was also hit at Harrah’s over the weekend. Bad beat payouts occur in Texas Hold’em cash games when a very high hand (usually four of a kind, but rules vary per room) is beaten by a higher hand. The jackpot is divided among all the player’s at the table at the time. At the Taj Mahal, the Ray Kot Poker Open Tournament is underway and runs through Sunday. This is an industry wide event open to casino employees with the competitors trying to win prizes, including a top prize of two tickets to the “Big Game” Feb. 7 in Miami, Fla. Proceeds benefit the Ray Kot Memorial Fund. Kot, a longtime and beloved employee of the casino, was shot and killed by a patron at the casino last year. Also underway is The Borgata Winter Open, which runs through Feb. 5 with a $2 million guaranteed championship event taking place Jan. 31 through Feb. 5. The championship event carries a $3,500 buy-in. In the opening week, no limit tournaments are scheduled pretty much daily with a few pot limit Omaha tournaments also available. Saturday’s (Jan. 23) No Limit Hold’em tournament carries a $1,000 (+$90) buy-in. A ladies No Limit Hold’em tournament is scheduled for Sunday Jan. 24 ($260 + $40) and a seniors tournament is set for Tuesday Jan. 26 ($350 + $50). For a schedule got to theborgata.com. Here’s a look at the rest of the city’s tournament action: facebook.com/ACWeekly

Bally’s — Billy’s Poker Room: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday at 1pm & 7pm - $40 + $10; Wednesday Speed Tournaments at 1pm & 7pm - $40 + $10; Friday Speed Tournament at 1pm $40 + $20; Friday at 9pm - $100 + $20 ($15,000 chips); Saturday at 1pm - $60 + $15; Saturday at 7pm - $60 + $15 ($15,000 chips); Sunday Speed Tournaments at 1pm & 6pm - $40 + $10 ($10,000 chips, 12 minute level). Borgata: The casino has daily poker tournaments with buy-ins of $100 + $20 weekdays and $300 + $40 Friday and Saturday. Special room rates are available for all tournament players. Caesars: Caesars offers Texas Hold’em $1-2 No Limit, $2-5 No Limit and $5-10 No Limit games. Structured games start at $2-4, $3-6 and $4-8. Higher limit games are also available based on demand. Harrah’s Resort: Friday features a 15,000 in Chips tournament at 8:15pm ($105+$20) and Saturday at 1:15pm ($175 + $25) and Saturday Night Satellite at 8:15pm ($56+$14). Showboat: No Limit Hold ‘Em schedule: Monday through Thursday at 11am, 2pm, 7pm & 10pm; $53 + $12 = $10,000 in chips, Friday at 11am, 2pm & 10pm; $53+$12 = $10,000 chips, Friday at 7pm; $85 + $15 = $10,000 in chips, Saturday at 11am, 2pm, 7pm & 10pm; $85 + $15 = $10,000 in chips; Sunday at 11am, 2pm, 7pm & 10pm; $53 + $12 = $10,000 in chips. Tropicana: Daily tournaments are $40 + $12 ($50/$12 Sun. 11:15am) buy-ins on weekdays and $100 + $22 buy-ins on Friday and Saturdays. Trump Taj Mahal: The Taj has regular tournaments Sunday through Thursday ($48 + $12, $40 + $10, $50 + $15), plus higher stakes tournaments on the weekends ($85 + $15, $100 +$20) Friday.; $100 + $20, $200 + $40) Saturday. n see more online @

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So You Wanna Be A Rock ‘N Roll Star? By Whitney Ullman

business — music, acting, modeling. Are you having any opening specials? For an opening special, we are providing our customers with a low $50 an hour session. Also if you buy four hours you get the fifth free.

How involved are you in the music business? I’ve been in the entertainment industry since I was about 16 years old. I’ve done modeling, acting, and been developing my own music career as well. I’ve done things from MTV to smaller networks. I’m still on the hustle today! Joe is also in the industry; his most recent gig is with a new cutting-edge television pilot called Westchester. Musically, J-Bono has performed from the Atlantic City casinos in South Jersey to the clubs in Philly and New York.

When someone makes an appointment to record in the studio how long does a typical session last? We do a session per hour. So [it depends] on how many hours the artist chooses. If they are interested in making a demo it could be a few hours. Do you have any advice for aspiring singers or resources you would like to share? Yes, of course, I have tons! One of our major goals is to accommodate our local artists who have dreams of making it. Nothing is impossible. ... Come in and we’ll chat.

Can you explain what type of services you offer? Check out the studio’s Web site at The services that we are offering exceed lafamigliastudio.com or stop in to visit at the services that the average studio can 559 Tilton Rd., Northfield. n provide. We not only record music, we also offer videography and photography. We offer a live space for bands to W HITNEY U LLMAN rehearse, compose, or just rock out. We Dishing out advice on variare offering “kid packages” too. The child ous topics to our readers on will record the song of their choice. Then issues related to networkwe will interview the child, and take picing, dating, employment, tures. We then put it together on a DVD news, events, shopping and that can be played at home. This option much more. She is the curis great for parents that want to either rent president of the Greater create a memory, or actually pursue their Atlantic City Jaycees and child’s career. This is known in the enterowner of My Jewels by tainment world as a “press pack.” Press Whitney. packs will also be available for aspiring artists of all areas of the entertainment


Join us on Facebook: 18

What is the benefit of someone recording in your studio? Not only is La Famiglia one of the only studios around this area, but we offer such a wide variety of products that are beneficial to all artists or bands. Our recording booth is designed to fit and record a live band. Or they can just rent the space to rehearse. We also just built a new vocal booth that is made with state-of-the-art soundproofing material. Another thing about us is if an artist is serious about doing it as a career, we will help push their music.

M O N T H 0 0 , 2 0 1 0 / A C W E E K LY. C O M

J A N U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 0 / A C W e e k ly. C O M


O YOU EVER DREAM OF BEING a singer? Do you go to shows in Atlantic City and wish that it was you on stage performing? Do you have a passion for music? Do you wish there was a local place you could go to record your songs? Well, for those of you who have a passion for music and are gifted enough to express your talents, there are very few local outlets that will allow you to get your creative juices flowing. However, I was very excited to find out that there is a new recording studio, La Famiglia Studio, which just opened on Tilton Road in Northfield. The studio is owned by Anna Casciole (aka Anina) and Joe Bonofiglia (aka J-Bono). They chose their studio name because they want you to have the “family vibe” when you walk in. I had the pleasure of speaking with Casciole recently.


see more online @


After Dark

Nightlife listings info & updates: editorial@acweekly.com

ATLANTIC CITY * For casino venues, see “Casino Capsule” p. 30 for entertainment listings. Visit acweekly.com for more detailed listings. 25 Hours

Resorts. 344-6000. resortsac. com. Casino bar & lounge.

32° Luxe Lounge *

The Quarter at Tropicana. 5720032. tropicana.net. VIP bottle service, DJs.

40/40 Club

2120 Atlantic Ave., at The Walk. 449-4040. the4040club.com. Upscale sports bar.

A Dam Good Sports Bar The Quarter at Tropicana, Brighton & Pacific aves. 3477770. tropicana.net.

Alto Vino *

Tropicana Casino Resort. Sun.Fri. 4-10pm. Wine bar featuring fine wines and a small-plates menu, live nightly entertainment.

Atlantic City Bar & Grill

1219 Pacific at S. Carolina aves. 348-8080. acbarandgrill. com. Open all day and night.

Back Bay Ale House

800 N. New Hampshire Ave. 449-0006. backbayalehouse. com. Open seven days from 11am.

Bar 12-21 at Morton’s Steakhouse

Caesars, 2100 Pacific Ave. 449-1044. caesarsac.com. Premium wines and martinis.

Bar at Wellington’s

Bayside Tavern

648 N. Albany Ave. (formerly Home Run Tavern). 348-1700. Open 24/7. Happy hour 11am1:30pm, 4-8pm and 3-5am.

Blue Martini *

Bally’s, Park Place & Boardwalk. 340-2709. ballysac.com. Over 100 martini variations.

Boogie Nights *

Resorts dining level. 340-7698. resortsac.com. The ultimate ’70s and ’80s dance party. Open Fri & Sat. Nights, 9pm.

Borgata Comedy Club *

Casbah Night Club *

Taj Mahal, 1000 Boardwalk. 449-1000. casbahclub.com. Open Fri.,Sat. 10:30pm to 6am. DJs and dance parties.

Chelsea’s 5th Floor

Chelsea Hotel, 111 S Chelsea Ave. 800-548-3030. thechelsea-ac.com. C5 nightclub open 10pm-4am every Fri. & Sat.

Chelsea Pub

8 S. Morris Ave. (Across from Trop parking garage) 3454916. Three bars. 11:30am1pm and 4-6pm Happy hours. New patio area, pool tables.

Club Worship *

At House of Blues (Showboat), 801 Boardwalk. 343-5700. hob.com. Nightclub and ultra lounge.

The Comedy Stop Cafe & Cabaret * The Quarter at Tropicana, Brighton & Pacific aves. tropicana.net. 1-877-FUNNYAC.

The Continental

The Pier Shops at Caesars, 674-8300. continentalac.com. Famous Philly martini bar export.

Corky’s Ribs and BBQ

Tropicana’s Marketplace, Brighton Ave. & the Boardwalk. 345-4100. tropicana.net. Open daily from 8am-11pm.

Croctails Tavern

20 S. Virginia Ave. (between Atlantic and Pacific aves.), 3483360. Open 11am-midnight, Fri. & Sat. until 3am.

Cuba Libre Restaurant & Rum Bar * The Quarter at Tropicana, Brighton & Pacific aves. 3486700. cubalibrerestaurant. com. Latin music, exclusive rum bar.


27-29 Missouri Ave. 347-7780. Sports bar & dance club. Pool table and digital jukbox. Food served until 4am.

Dizzy Dolphin

Hilton, Boston & Pacific aves. 340-7200. hiltonac.com. Nautical-themed bar with signature cocktails.

com. Open 24/7. Three Happy hours: 11am-1pm, 4-7pm and 3-5am.

Dusk *

Caesars, 2100 Pacific Ave. 3453875. DuskAC.com. AC’s newest nightclub. Open Tues., Fri. & Sat., 10pm till late. Tues. is service industry night.

Ego Bar and Lounge *

Taj Mahal, 1000 Boardwalk. 449-1000. trumptaj.com. Nightlife hot spot at Trump Taj Mahal.

Eden Lounge *

Harrah’s Resort, 777 Harrah’s Blvd. 441-5165. harrahsresort. com. Open 24/7. Live music.

El Charro!

2430 Fairmount Ave. Authentic Mexican restaurant serving lunch & dinner.


Trump Plaza, 2225 Boardwalk. 441-0400. trumpplaza.com. Posh bar and dining.


Tropicana’s Marketplace, Brighton Ave. & Boardwalk. 344-6699. tropicana.net. 101 bottled & 50 draft beers, martini bar.

Flying Cloud Café 800 N. New Hampshire Avenue, Gardner’s Basin. 345-8222. Open

daily from 11am for lunch and dinner and drinks.

Formica’s Cafe

2310 Arctic Ave. 344-2732. formicabrosbakery.com. Live music every Sat., 7-10pm.

Forum Lounge *

Caesars, 2100 Pacific Ave. 1800-677-SHOW. caesarsac. com.

Foundation Room at House of Blues *

801 Boardwalk at Showboat. 343-5795. hob.com. Members and public can enjoy varied weekly events.

Game On!

The Pier Shops at Caesars. 3456800. gameonac.com. Sports bar w/ 90 HDTVs & mechanical bull. DJs, music videos every Sat. 10pm.

Girasole Ristorante & Bar

Dock’s Oyster House

2405 Atlantic Ave. 345-0092, docksoysterhouse.com. Opens 5pm. Piano bar nightly.

3108 Pacific Ave. (in Ocean Club Condos), 345-5554. girasoleac.com. Mediterranean style café.

Ducktown Tavern

Gypsy Bar *

2400 Atlantic & Georgia aves. 449-1212. ducktowntavernac.

Borgata, One Borgata Way. 1-

(Continued on next page)

19 9 1

Music Box, One Borgata Way. theborgata.com. Tickets $20, shows 9pm.

The Quarter at Tropicana. 5729300. tropicana.net. Familystyle Italian restaurant and well-stocked bar.

AA CC WW e eE k l yL .Yc. C oO mM / / J AMNOUNA TR HY 02 01 ,, 22 00 11 00 EK

Tropicana, Atlantic City. Brighton and Pacific aves. tropicana.net. Open daily 2pm-2am; food avail. from 4-11pm.


FOOD & DRINK (Continued from preceding page)

Get Happy Atlantic City Weekly’s Guide to Area Happy Hours

866-MYBORGATA. theborgata. com. Live music, gourmet tequila menu.

Hard Rock Cafe

Trump Taj Mahal, 1000 Boardwalk at Virginia Ave. 4410007. hardrock.com. Home of authentic rock ’n’ roll memorabilia.


Two locations: Tropicana, Brighton Ave. & Boardwalk. 449-1500 and Trump Marina, One Castle Blvd. 441-8300. hooters.com. 13 TVs.

House of Blues *

801 Boardwalk, at Showboat. 236-BLUE. hob.com. Music Hall with bands weekly, restaurant and bars.

Irish Pub

St. James Place at the Boardwalk. 344-9063. theirishpub.com. Free parking. Open 24 hours.


Borgata, One Borgata Way. 3171000. theborgata.com. Modern Japanese pub. Sushi, sake and cocktails. Premier after-hours spot. Izakaya Monday, $7 sushi and drinks starting 5pm.

Jezebel’s *

Located at Trump Plaza. 4416000. trumpplaza.com. Casino


Kelly’s Corner Pub

2721 Arctic & Iowa aves. 3484925. Lively Irish bar open 11am-1am daily.

Knife & Fork

Atlantic and Pacific aves. 3441133. knifeandforkinn.com. Open daily at 4pm, serving dinner from 5pm.

Le Grand Fromage

25 Gordon’s Alley. 347-2743. Late night menu, lounge open 8pm-8am. Live music.

Liquid Bar *

In Trump Plaza lobby, off Boardwalk at Mississippi Avenue. trumpplaza.com. Stylish bar in casino lobby.

Los Amigos

1926 Atlantic Ave. 3442293. losamigosrest.com. Southwestern and Mexican beers and fare since 1978.

Los Compadres

2701 Arctic Ave. at California. 344-1119. Thurs.- Sun. Live Mexican music.

Megan’s Good Grub & Pub 1743 Boardwalk at Indiana Ave., megansgoodgrubandpublcom. 289-8950. Open Tues.-Sat. for lunch and dinner. Closed Sun. & Mon. Live music 6-9pm:

Missile Bar *

The Quarter at Tropicana, upper level. 348-2000. missilebar. com. Open midnight-dawn Thurs.-Sun. DJs.


Pic-A-Lilli Pub

231 S. Tennessee Ave. 3441113. Dinner menu. Wing specials on Wednesday nights. Beer specials daily, 11pm2am.

Pizza Pub 2309 Pacific Ave. 344-0055 . Located across from Trump Plaza. Great food, music and specialty drinks.

Planet Rose Karaoke Bar The Quarter at Tropicana, Brighton & Pacific aves. 3446565. planetrose.com. Plush cocktail lounge and karaoke bar.

Proud Mary’s

2800 Atlantic Ave. 345-5766 and 345-9461. baltimoregrill. com. An A.C. landmark. Bar open 24 hours, kitchen until 3am.

The Trinity Pub and Carvery

Providence *

Tun Tavern

The Quarter at Tropicana, Brighton & Pacific aves. 3457800. providenceclubac. com. Nightclub w/ VIP bottle service, private lounges and energetic atmosphere.

Red Square

The Quarter at Tropicana, Brighton & Pacific aves. 3449100. chinagrillmgt.com. Sat. “Siberian Nights” includes DJ, dancing, and no cover charge.

Mountain Sports Bar *

Oasis Lobby Bar

Tony’s Baltimore Bar & Grill

The Pier Shops at Caesars. 345-6900. trinitypubac.com. Traditional Irish fare, frosty pints. Live music.

Ri´-Ra´ Irish Pub & Restaurant

Borgata, One Borgata Way. 1866-MYBORGATA. theborgata. com. Fri., Sat., Mon. 10pm5am. Nightclub with a personality of its own.

Ave. 800-548-3030. thechelseaac.com. DJ dance parties every Friday and Saturday night starting 9pm. Happy hour 4-7pm includes discounted drinks and half-off apps.

3209 Fairmount Ave. 3483322. Serving food, beverages 24 hours daily.

The Ridge *

mur.mur *

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Harrah’s Resort, 777 Harrah’s Blvd., (marina district), harrahsresort.com. Tropical oasis with large heated pool, six secluded hot tubs, 12 private poolside cabanas.

Borgata, One Borgata Way. 1866-MYBORGATA. theborgata. com. Fri. & Sat. 10pm-5am. High-energy dance club w/ world-renowned DJs. Bally’s Wild Wild West, Park Place & Boardwalk. 340-2709. ballysac.com.


The Pool *

Bally’s Claridge tower. Park Place and the Boardwalk. 340-2000. ballysac.com. A hybrid of a bar with casino games.

The Quarter at Tropicana, Brighton & Pacific aves. 3488600. rira.com. Authentic Irish pub with live music nightly.

Rumba Lounge *

Tropicana, Brighton & Pacific aves. 348-8600. tropicana. net. Open seven days a week. Sports-themed lounge.

Sheraton Hotel, Two Convention Blvd., across from Convention Ctr. 347-7800. tuntavern.com. Live music Wed.-Sun., 9pm-1am. Specials daily.

The Wave *

Trump Marina, One Castle Blvd. 441-8300. trumpmarina. com. Bands and DJs every Fri. & Sat. nights.

West Side Bar

511 N. Arkansas Ave. 3440883. westsideac.com. Alternative lifestyle party every night.

Whiskey Grille

20 Pennsylvania Ave. 3453290. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Five flat screen TVs, daily specials.

The Wonderbar

3701 Sunset Avenue (at the Albany Ave. bridge). 344-8888. wonderbarac.com. Casual and upscale dining with views overlooking the bay.



Cellar 32

The Pier Shops at Caesars. 3456300. sonsieac.com. Serving classic dishes from its original 1993 Boston location.

32nd St. and Revere Blvd. 2649463. Newly opened restaurant, bar and package goods store. Open from 10am.

1700 W. Riverside Dr. (Venice Park) 347-1793. Open Thurs.Sun. from 5pm. Waterfront dining. Happy hour 4-7pm Thurs. & Fri.


Laguna Grill Martini Bar

The Palm

Tango’s *

Trump Taj Mahal. 1000 Boardwalk. trumptaj.com. Located on the casino floor in the main lobby.

Old Waterway Inn

The Quarter at Tropicana, Brighton & Pacific aves. 3447256. thepalm.com. Awardwinning wine list. “Prime Time” Happy hour 5-7pm and 9pm-? daily, includes $3.50 small-bites menu.

The Pier Shops at Caesars. 3484443. thepiershopsatcaesars. com. Serving sushi and cocktails. The Quarter at Tropicana, Brighton & Pacific aves. tropicana.net. Lounge next to gaming floor with live music nightly.

Teplitzky’s Lounge

Chelsea Hotel. 111 S. Chelsea

14th St. So. & the ocean at the Celebrity Resorts Suites. 2667731. lagunagrill.com. Ocean views, entertainment and specials nightly.

Rod & Reel Tavern

101 13th St. North, 266-0343. Karaoke on Saturday nights. Pool table, darts.

St. George’s Pub

Towne Center, 4282 Harbour Beach Blvd. 266-1001.

stgeorgespub.com. Full bar with martini menu. Pool table. Open 24 hours.

823-1163. steveandcookies. com. Live music nightly.


9300 Amherst Ave., Margate. 822-7535. tomatoesmargate. com. Asian-American cuisine with entertainment weekends and “rock ‘n’ roll sushi” Mon. & Wed., 9pm-mid.

Ventnor, Margate & Longport Maynard’s Cafe

9306 Amherst Ave. On the Bay, Margate. 822-8423. Daily drink, lunch and dinner specials. Live music Fri. Sat. & Sun. 6:30pm.

Malelani Café

5205 Atlantic Ave., Ventnor. 822-5007. malelani.com. Open Mon.-Fri. 8am-8pm, Sat.-Sun. 8am-10pm. Live music every Wed. 7-10pm. Open mike night every Sat. 7-10pm.

Shore Club Crab House Bar & Grill

301 Longport Blvd., Seaview Harbor Marina, Longport. 822-1002. shoreclubbar.com. Great views, fine seafood, drinks and entertainment.


Ventura’s Greenhouse 106 S. Benson Ave., Margate. 822-0140. venturasgreenhouse.com. Open seven days. Late-night fare. Weekly beer and dinner specials.

MAINLAND Anchorage

823 Bay Ave., Somers Point. 927-1776. A Somers Point tradition Open 10am-2am. Happy hour Mon.-Fri., 47pm.

Barista’s Coffee House

Black Cat Bar & Grill

1 N. Shore Road, Absecon. 6412323. Open 7 days from 10am1am. Kitchen from 11am11pm. Live music Thursdays.

Blue Marlin Sports Bar & Grill 200 S. Pitney Rd. Galloway. 748-5000. bluemarlincafe. com. Lunch, dinner and drink specials daily.

Bulldogs Bar & Grill

743 W. White Horse Pike, Galloway, 965-4433. bulldogsbar.net. TVs at the bar & booths. Entertainment Fri. & Sat. night.

Caroline’s Bar & Restaurant

6725 Black Horse Pike, EHT. 927-9007. carolinesbythebay. com. Food served 11am-2am. Happy hour Mon.-Sat., 47pm. DJs Fri. night.

Carrabba’s Italian Grill

Mon.-Fri., Happy hour 3-6pm. Live entertainment.

priced apps. Entertainment Wed. through Sun. nights.


East Bay Crab & Grille

Chickie’s and Pete’s

Cardiff Circle, EHT. 272-7721. eastbaycrab.com. Daily Happy hour 4-7pm. Mon. half-priced sushi, dinner & drink specials daily. Bar menu with 11 items from $2 each daily.

Cousin Mario’s

Kensington Square, 200 North Tilton Road, Northfield, 6466565. formicabrosbakery.com. Live music Fridays, 7-10pm.

800 Shore Rd., Somers Pt. 9273363. charliesbar.com. Open daily 7am-3am; Sun. noon3pm. Mon-Fri. Happy hour 3-6pm. 6055 Black Horse Pike, EHT. 272-1930. chickiesandpetes. com. Ultimate sports bar with entertainment nightly.

Formica’s Cafe

5401 Harding Hwy. (Route 40), Mays Landing. 625-2523. (Formerly the Epic Grille). Happy hour noon-7pm weekdays. Live music every Fri. & Sat. night.

Fred & Ethel’s Lantern Light Tavern

Crab Trap

Goodfellows, W.L.

On the Circle in Somers Pt. 927-7377. thecrabtrap.com. Restaurant and bar overlooking bay.

Rt. 9 & Moss Mill Rd., Smithville. 652-0544. Nightly specials. Live music every Fri. and Sat. 310 White Horse Pike, Absecon. 652-1942. wlgoodfellows.com. Over 60 bottled micobrew beers. Open from 11:30am.

Beauty, Health & Fitness


9314 Amherst Ave., Margate. 822-9111. sofiaofmargate. com. Elegant Greek-style restaurant with entertainment on weekends.

Steve & Cookie’s

9700 Amherst Ave., Margate.

68 W. Jimmy Leeds Road, Suite 14, Galloway. 568-5519. An “Old World” atmosphere with free Wi-Fi connection and the best cup of coffee in town.

450 Bay Ave., Somers Pt.4072580. carrabbas.com. Wine Wednesdays: Enjoy any bottle of wine on the wine list for $10 off and if you don’t finish it, you can take it home with you.

DiOrio’s Circle Cafe

Cavallino Nero

bandgrill.com. 652-2210. Authentic Irish Pub. Happy hour 4-8pm daily and 8pmmidnight Sat, including half-

10 McArthur Blvd. Somers Point. 927-6111.

Dubliner Irish Pub

Great American Pub & Grille

Festival at Hamilton, Black Horse Pike, Mays Landing. 625-1990. Family owned since 1998. Specials daily.

325 E. Jimmy Leeds Rd., S Atlantic P E City CCountry I A Club L A D V E R TO R www.dublinerpuI A L S E C T I O N Galloway. 1 Leo Fraser Drive, Northfield, 236-4401, accountryclub.com. Tap Room Happy hour 4-6pm, half-priced drafts and martinis with culinary bar menu.

4760 Black Horse Pike, Mays Landing. 625-0144, cavnero. com. Open daily 11am-1am.

Beauty, Health & Fitness 9<:8LJ< PFLI =8D@CP D8KK<IJ

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900 Shore Rd., Somers Pt. 927-6665. gregorysbar.com. Weekly drink specials. Family

run since 1946.


101 E. Maryland Ave., Somers Pt. Formerly Stumpo’s. Entertainment Fri., Sat., Sun. nights. Open mike Sun. 4:309pm.

Hi Point Pub (Skelly’s)

5 N. Shore Rd., Absecon. 6413172. Open 24 hrs. Happy hour 5-7pm. Mon.-Fri. with discount drinks & free buffet.

The Inn at Sugar Hill

5704 Mays Landing-Somers Point Road, Mays Landing, innatsugarhill.com. 625.2226. Historic bed-and-breakfast.

JD’s Pub

Smithville Town Center, intersection of Route 9 and Smithville Blvd. 404-9000, jdspubsmithville.com. Open til 2am or later.

Jo-Jo’s Italian Grille

Black Horse Pike & Main St., Pleasantville. 646-8332. jojositaliangrille.com. Happy hour 46pm Mon.-Fri. Entertainment Wed. & Sun. in the bar.

JR’s Tavern

650 New Rd., Somers Pt. 6539853. jrstavern.com. Open every day 7am-2am, Sun.

(Continued on page 25)


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Management reserves the right to change or cancel this promotion at any time without notice. Must be 21 or older to gamble,enter and remain in a New Jersey casino or participate in any Caesars promotion. Know When To Stop Before You Start.® Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER. ©2010, Harrah’s License Company, LLC.

(Continued from page 21 )

Corner of Ocean Heights. Ave. & Zion Rd., EHT. 927-6363. julianospub.com. Tues., Thurs. 4-7pm, happy hour.

La Hacienda 265 S. New York Rd., Galloway. 652-6050. Live music every Fri. & Sat. night, 7:30-11:30pm.

Library III

Mangia by the Greens 3016 Ocean Heights Ave., EHT. 601-8369. mangiabythegreens.com. In clubhouse of McCullough’s Emerald Golf Links. Entertainment nightly.

PJ’s 50 Pub & Grille 2301 Rt. 50, Mays Landing. 625-9600. Open Wed.-Mon. 11am-11pm. Happy hour weekdays 4-7pm $1 off appetizers, reduced drink prices. Mon. Mexican night.

Ram’s Head Inn

9 W. White Horse Pike. Galloway.652-1700. ramsheadinn.com. Restaurant and bar. Pianist in the tavern Fri. & Sat. nights.


308 White Horse Pike, Absecon. 272-2000. Restaurant and bar. Entertainment Wed., Fri. & Sat. nights.

Riverside Inn

McKee’s Irish Pub

5397 Mays Landing-Somers Point Rd. Mays Landing. 625-9710. Open 11am-4am daily. Happy hour daily from 4-7pm. Live music Sat.

446 St. Louis Ave.,Egg Harbor City. 965-7878. Open for lunch and dinner. Drink specials daily.

18 S. Main St., Pleasantville. 646-5128. samsbarandgrill. com. Happy hour Tue.-Fri.

Sam’s Bar and Grill

Sandi Pointe 908 Shore Rd., Somers Point, 927-2759. (formerly Mac’s Restaurant). Seafood restaurant and bar with live music.


Tailgaters Galloway Grille

1075 N. Albany Ave. AC. 3400252.

Allure Dinner Theater

337 White Horse Pike, Egg Harbor City. 804-9000. Neighborhood sports bar w/ 12 beers on tap. Pool and darts.

Babes Gentlemen’s Club

Tap Room Bar & Grille


At Atlantic City Country Club, 1 Leo Fraser Dr., Northfield. 236.4465. Daily happy hour 4-6pm. Brunch Sun. 10am2pm.

Testa’s Good Guys Pub



137-139 S. New York Ave., AC. 344-3334.

Bare Exposure

2303 Pacific Ave. 449-0999. 30 S. Florida Ave., AC 449-0033.

Delilah’s Den

201 E. Delilah Rd., Pleasantville. 383-0666.

Hott Spot

5698 Mays Landing-Somers Point Rd., Mays Landing. 6251926. testaspub.com. Open Mon-Sat. to 4am; Sun. to 3am.

6032 Black Horse Pike, Mays Landing. 652-0800.

Ventura’s Offshore Cafe

Playground Lounge

2015 Shore Road, Northfield. 641-5158. venturascafe.com. Daily dinner specials. Weekly drink specials.



South Carolina & Boardwalk, Atlantic City. 340-8549. 2405 Pacific Ave. 347-1234.


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ft s t s t s t f

6605 Black Horse Pike, EHT. 645-7655, libraryiii.com. Tues. 2-for-1 appetizers at the bar and lounge. Tues. & Thurs. Patty Blee; Sun. & Wed. Don Ellsworth; Fri. Acoustic Fish; Sat. Sharon Sable. All performances 7-11pm.

1000 Black Horse Pike, Pleasantville. 484-1000. pistolpetessaloon.com. Happy hour 4-7 pm.

4-6:30pm. Thurs., Fri. and Sat. DJ. Every Sun., WTTH’s Raymond “Trouble Man� Tyler spinning live from 811pm.

ft s t s t s t f

Juliano’s Pub & Grill

Pistol Pete’s Steakhouse and Saloon



9am-2am. Weekly drink and wing specials. DJ entertainment Thurs.-Sat.



6760 Route 40, Mays Landing. 625-8656. n

Do you know someone who’s got what it takes to be one of the greater Atlantic Region’s Top 40 Under 40? Presented by:

Nominating a professional, entrepreneur, executive, manager, community leader or volunteer, from either the public or private sector, who is under 40 years of age.


The “Top 40 under 40� will be profiled in Atlantic City Weekly’s March 4th 2010 edition, complete with photographs & biographies. Honorees will also be granted exclusive access to the hottest celebration party in March! The mission of the Greater Atlantic City Jaycees is: To contribute to the advancement of the community by providing the opportunity for people to develop the leadership skills, social responsibility, entrepreneurship and fellowship necessary to create positive change.

If you think you or someone you know has what it takes to be part of the 2010 Top 40 under 40 Nomination Deadline: January 22 nominate them today at www.ACWeekly.com/40 For more information, call (609) 646-4848, ext. 23 or e-mail editor@acweekly.com

AA CC WW e eE k l yL .Yc. C oO mM / / J AMNOUNA TR HY 02 01 ,, 22 00 11 00 EK


25 5 2

J A N U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 0 / A C W E E K LY. C O M

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21+ with valid ID. Dress to impress. Management reserves the right to refuse admission. Know When To Stop Before You Start.®Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER. ©2010, Harrah’s License Company, LLC.

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rooMS Starting at $59*

A &E

Casino Capsule Entertainment for week of Jan. 21-27 Call 1-800-736-1420 or visit Ticketmaster.com for all casino show tickets (except Borgata, see below).

BALLY’S 340-2709 BOARDWALK HALL 348-7000 BORGATA 1-866-MY-BORGATA, Tickets: 1-800-298-4200 CAESARS 1-800-677-SHOW HARRAH’S RESORT 441-5165 HILTON 347-7111 RESORTS 1-888-771-1786 SHOWBOAT/ HOUSE OF BLUES 1-800-621-0200 TROPICANA 340-4020 TRUMP MARINA 1-800-777-1177 TRUMP PLAZA 1-800-677-7378 TRUMP TAJ MAHAL 1-800-825-8888



SAT. JAN. 23


Lisa Williams Trump Taj Mahal Xanadu Theater: 8pm


COMEDY, MUSICALS, REVUES Borgata Comedy Club Thurs.-Sun.: Nore Davis, Jean Boucher, Kevin Meaney. Mon.-Wed. 9pm: Steve Marshall, Andrew Kennedy, Dan Wilson Comedy Stop Trop Quarter: Thurs. 9pm; Fri., Sat. 9 & 11:15pm, Sun. 9pm: Coleman Green, Mike Burton, Jay Black. Mon.-Wed: Joe Delion, Cowboy Bill Martin . Kozak the Magician performs daily at 6pm. Yesterday — A Tribute to the Beatles Tropicana’s Liverpool Club Theater: Sat.Thurs. 8:30pm

Karaoke Night w/Lori Kelly Thurs. 7pm-2:30am DJ FX Fri. 7-10:30pm; DJ Danski Fri. 10:30pm2:30am DJ Jimmy J Sat. 7-11pm; DJ Filter, Blue Martini Dancers Sat. 11pm-3am House Music Sun. 7pm-2am Latin Night w/DJ Mon. 10pm-4:30am DJ K ’80s Night Wed. 7pm2:30am


Doug Jennings Sat. 8pmmid.

>MOUNTAIN SPORTS BAR Goldiggers Fri., Sat. 9pm1am Bobby, Kit & Greg Fri. 9pm1:40am DJ Joey Sat. 8pm-2am


MC Andrew, DJ Mikey Fri. 10pm-2am Mailman Dave, DJ Sean Sat. 9pm-2am DJ Danski & MC Sun. noon6pm


Lucky You Thurs. 10pm1:30am DVS Fri. 7-10:30pm LauraLea & Tripp Fabulous Fri. 11pm-2:30am Temporary Grace Sat. 710:30pm Amish Outlaws Sat. 11pm2:30am Barclay & Smith Sun. 8:30pm-mid. No band Mon.; closed Tues.Wed.


DJ Devera Fri 10pm Jay Sean, DJ E-Man Sat. 10pm

>MUR.MUR DJ Eli Escobar Fri. 10pm Discotech Sat. 10pm Kevin Scott Mon. 10pm

>>CAESARS >DUSK DJ Royale Fri. 10pm Sat One Sat. 10pm Jumpsmokers w/Jesse Marco Tues. 10pm

>FORUM LOUNGE Ariel Sat. 7:30-11:15pm

>>HARRAH’S RESORT >EDEN LOUNGE Flashdance Thurs., Sun. 811:45pm; Fri., Sat. mid.-3am DJs Fri. Sat. 9pm-2am Jumper Fri., Sat. 8-11:45pm Big Al’s Karaoke Party Mon. 8-11:45pm

>THE POOL Emcee Ringo, DJ James

Strzz Fri. 10pm DJ SL Sat. 10pm SINdustry Wed. 10pm


>>HILTON >DIZZY DOLPHIN That 70’s Band Fri. 9pm-1am Steamroller Picnic Sat. 9pm1am

>>RESORTS >BOOGIE NIGHTS AC Weekly Reader’s Choice Nightlife Awards After Party, Thurs. 10pm 70s & 80s Dance Party Fri., Sat. 9pm



J A N U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 0 / A C W e e k ly. C O M

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DJ Too Tall Fri. 9pm-2am DJ Redline Sat. 9pm-2am Zumba Dance Night w/ Arleen, DJ Chris Mambo Wed. 7pm-mid.


Black Taco Fri., Sat. 9pm1am


DJ Javier, Latin Dance Floor Show Fri., Sat.


Beth Tinnon Duo Thurs., Sun. 7-10:40pm Michael Pedicin Duo Fri. 811:40pm; Wed. 7-10:40pm Howard Issacson Duo Mon., Tues. 7-10:40pm

2am Rumba Lounge Dancers Fri., Sat. 10pm


Doug & Lisa Thurs. 5-7:40pm; Tues. 7:3011:10pm Angela Seeger Thurs. 8-11:40pm; Fri., Sat. 710:40pm; Sun. 4-11:40pm; Wed. 7:30-11:10pm Beth Tinnon Fri. 11pm2:40am; Mon. 7:3011:10pm Special KSat. 3-6:40pm Rayna Sat. 11pm-2:40am



Feeling the Groove Fri. Night Cap w/DJ B-Easy Sat. Sexy Sindustry w/DJ BEasy Sun. Uptown Wednesday w/DJ



DJ Fri., Sat.

DJs Thurs.-Sat.


DJ Jimmy Jam Sat. 10pm-


DJ/VJ Jim Stritch Fri., Sat. 9pm-3am

>>TRUMP PLAZA >JEZEBEL’S Bliss Fri., Sat. 9pm-1:30am

>LIQUID BAR Dyna Mixx Fri. 9pm-1:30am Teddie Fusco Sat. 9pm1:30am Service Industry Night w/ DJ Johnny Tues. 7pm-mid. Show Time Karaoke w/ Michael James Wed. 8pmmid.

>>TRUMP TAJ MAHAL >CASBAH DJ Paulie Day Fri., Sat. 10:30pm-6am DJ Jordan Williams Sat. 10:30pm-6am


SIN Night Thurs. 9pm-closing Angels, DJ Hot Lin Thurs.Sat. 9pm-closing n

A C W E E K LY. C O M / J A N U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 0

www.ballysac.com Must be 21 or older to gamble, enter and remain in a New Jersey casino or participate in any Bally’s promotion. Know When To Stop Before You Start.® Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER. ©2010, Harrah’s License Company, LLC.



Cheap Trick


AC Weekly Headliners and shows through Feb. 6

Listings compiled by Lori Hoffman lhoffman@acweekly.com / 646-4848, ext. 20

Boardwalk Hall Tickets: Ticketmaster, 1-800-736-1420 or in person at box office

Gambler’s Classic Midget Auto Racing Jan. 29-30, Boardwalk Hall The thrill of live auto racing will return to Boardwalk Hall when Len Sammons’ Motorsports Productions presents the 8th Annual “Gambler’s Classic” for the Three Quarter Midgets/600cc Micro-Sprints. Tickets range from $5-$30. Children under two free of charge to the upper sections. Tickets purchased on day of event will be $2 additional.

Miss’d America Pageant


J A N U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 0 / A C W E E K LY. C O M

Jan. 31, Adrian Phillips Ballroom When the Miss America Pageant left town, it meant the end of another local event, the drag queen spoof of the pageant, the Miss’d America Pageant. The Miss’d America Pageant comes roaring back to town Sunday, Jan. 31, 7:30pm. Tickets are $35 and $65. Golden Circle Table Seating for $100 includes free parking at Boardwalk Hall, complimentary access to the pre-party at Trump Plaza and the post-party at Caesars, and beverage table service. A $20 party pass is available for ticket holders, which provides access to both pre and post-parties. The 2010 Grey Goose Vodka Miss’d America Pageant will be presented by Trump Entertainment Resorts, Harrah’s Entertainment, Inc., and the Greater Atlantic City GLBT Alliance in association with the Schultz-Hill Foundation. The pageant will be hosted by Carson Kressley, best known for the TV series Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. The pageant, originally created as a fundraiser, is being written and directed by Robert “Sandy Beach” Hitchen as it has since its inception. The pageant will star drag queens strutting down the world’s most famous runway. Benefactors of this event include: The Greater Atlantic City GLBT Alliance, The Schultz-Hill Scholarship Foundation, The William Way Center of Philadelphia, Broadway Cares-Equity Fights AIDS of New York City, and the South Jersey AIDS Alliance.

Killswitch Engage

Feb. 5, Music Hall Killswitch Engage, a group formed a decade ago from members of bands Overcast, Aftershock and Nothing Stays Gold, headlines at the HOB on Friday, Feb. 5, 7:30pm. Tickets are $28.50 and $32.50. Also on the bill are The Devil Wears Prada and Dark Tranquility. The band made its self-titled debut in 2000, featuring an intriguing blend of hardcore metal and sophisticated melodies. The End of Heartache (2004) earned a Grammy nomination for best metal performance. As Daylight Dies was released in including opening slots for the Kinks, 2006 and their 2009 album is another Kiss, Santana, AC/DC, and Queen. Cheap self titled release. Trick’s concerts at Budokan Arena were Hotel Casino & Spa Tickets: www.ComcastTIX.com, 1-800-298-4200, recorded for release in 1979, capturing the band’s energetic live show which or at the Borgata box office led to their commercial breakthrough. A live version of “I Want You to Want Me” Atlantic City Lewis Black Feb. 5-6, Music Hall Comedian and became their first top ten hit. Other hits Tickets: Ticketmaster, 1-800-736-1420, or the political commentator Lewis Black songs of the band include “Voices” and Resorts VIP Services desk. For more info, call 1brings his hilarious angry man routine “Dream Police.” The band’s latest release 800-322-SHOW to the Borgata Music Box on Fri.-Sat. is called The Latest. Yiannis Ploutarhos Feb. 5-6 at 9pm each night. Tickets are Jan. 30, Superstar Theater Greek sing$75. Black’s live performances provide ing star Yiannis Ploutarhos headlines at a cathartic release of anger and disilluResorts on Saturday, Jan. 30, 8:30pm. sionment for his audience. A passionate Tickets range from $90-$185. performer who is more of an angry optimist than mean-spirited curmudgeon, New Breed Fighters he has perfected expressing what the Atlantic City rest of us cannot say in polite company. Feb. 6, Superstar Theater Resorts will In 2007, Black received a Grammy award Tickets: Ticketmaster, 1-800-736-1420 or 236host New Breed Fighters, an evening BLUE for best comedy album for The Carnegie of mixed martial arts, Saturday, Feb. 6. Doors open at 6pm, with the first fight Hall Performance. Shinedown Jan. 29, Music Hall Shinedown, with scheduled for 6:40pm. Tickets range Borgata Comedy Club opening act Puddle of Mudd, headlines from $40-$135, with a four-person ringMusic Box The Borgata Comedy Club at the House of Blues on Friday, Jan. side booth for $300. Each fight on the offers fun-filled evenings featuring a 29, 7:30pm. Tickets are $32.50 and $35. card is scheduled for three, three-minute trio of comedians nightly (except dur- The band first hit with their 2003 debut rounds. Fighters will square off inside a ing headliner engagements). Showtimes Leave A Whisper followed by Us and Them 24-foot caged hexagon. Fighters will use are 9pm and the tickets are $20. (Visit (2005) and their most recent release, a variety of techniques, including jujitsu, boxing, wrestling, and kickboxing. theborgata.com). Appearing now to 2008’s The Sound of Madness. Among the highlights of the evening Jan. 24 are Nore Davis, Jean Boucher will be a welterweight (140-147 lbs.) and Kevin Meaney. On tap Jan. 25-31 Gary Allan title match, James “Jimbo” Hoffman are Steve Marshall, Andrew Kennedy Jan. 30, Music Hall Gary Allan is a counand Dan Wilson. Appearing Feb. 1-4 try artist who ignores the trends along (3-0, Team Vendetta of Millville) takes and Feb. 7 are Rick Corso, Levent and music row and does his own thing. He on Patrick Sabatini (5-1, Warrior Mixed Martial Arts of Bristol, Pa.). Uncle Larry Reeb. performs at the Music Hall on Saturday, Jan. 30, at 9pm. A native of Montebello, Calif., Allan has followed in the Bakersfield tradition of Buck Owens and Dwight Yoakam, first playing in his dad’s band Atlantic City from age 12, then hitting the honky-tonk Casino and Resort circuit with his own band. His career Tickets: Ticketmaster, 1-800-736-1420, or Tickets: Ticketmaster, 1-800-736-1420 has included a fistful of hits like “Right Tropicana box office, 1-800-526-2935 Cheap Trick Where I Need to Be,” “Man of Me,” “Songs Jan. 29, Concert Venue. Cheap Trick About Rain,” “Man to Man,” “Nothing Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing headlines at Harrah’s Resort on Friday, On But the Radio,” “Best I Ever Had,” and Feb. 6, Tropicana Showroom Joe Jan. 29, 9pm. Tickets are $35, $40 and “Life Ain’t Always Beautiful.” His current DeGuardia’s Star Boxing returns to $50. Between 1975 and the band’s first release is Living Hard, featuring the singles Atlantic City at the Trop with a fight card album in 1977, Cheap Trick toured con- “Watching Airplanes,” “Learning How to on Saturday, Feb. 6, 7:30pm. Tickets $30, stantly, playing over 200 concerts a year, Bend” and “She’s So California.” $50, $100 (ringside) and a limited num-



House of Blues/ Showboat

Harrah’s Resort


Killswitch Engage

she had a gift. Communicating with those who are no longer with us. She just says what she hears and sees. Her personal ‘spiritual’ journey has been a rewarding one. She had to go through many life-changing experiences to understand what her calling was in life. She is able to share her gifts through large audience readings and her new TV show, Lisa Williams: Voices from the Other Side and also Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead.

passing in May 1981, his group The Wailers has continued to carry his message of “One Love” to millions of fans worldwide, led by Aston “Familyman” Barrett, bass player and musical director for the Wailers. Barrett is the sole musician who has remained in the Wailers since their inception, and is acknowledged as the single individual capable of leading the group. The lineup also features lead singer Elan Atias. Their live sets are known to include such classics as: “Buffalo The Wailers Soldier,” “Lively up Yourself,” “I Shot the Sheriff,” Feb. 6, Xanadu Theatre The Wailers, the legendary “Trench Town Rock,” “Get Up Stand Up,” “Roots Rock reggae group, headline in the Xanadu on Saturday, Reggae,” “War,” “Redemption Song,” “Stir it Up” and Feb. 6, at 8pm. Tickets are $25.50. Since Bob Marley’s “No Woman No Cry.” n

it’s time to CeleBrate!

ber of V.I.P. packages available at $200. Headlining the show will be Atlantic City’s own welterweight contender, Shamone “The Truth” Alvarez (20-2, 11 KOs) taking on knockout artist Alexis Camacho (17-2, 16 KOs) in a ten round welterweight showdown. In the co- feature bout of the evening, heavyweight fan favorite, Vinny Maddalone (32-6, 23 KOs), coming off a hard fought decision loss to former two-time cruiserweight champion Jean Marc Mormeck, returns to action to take on Dominique “Diamond” Alexander (19-7-1, 9 KOs). The bout is scheduled for eight rounds.

‘Yesterday’ — A Tribute to the Beatles Liverpool Club Theater (North Tower) The Las Vegas show band Yesterday – A Tribute to the Beatles performs “The British Are Coming!” in the Liverpool Club Theater setting depicting the Cavern Club venue in Liverpool, home of the Beatles’ first performances. Performances are daily except Friday at 8:30pm. Tickets are $25, $5 off for Diamond Club members. (See video at acweekly.com/video)

Comedy Stop Café & Cabaret

Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort

Tickets: Ticketmaster, 1-800-736-1420; or the Taj box office. For more info, call 449-5150

ĐƋ !/0Ƌ * !Ƌ (1 Ƌ ĐƋ !/0Ƌ Ƌ ĐƋ !/0Ƌ .%*'Ƌ ,! % (/ The Ultimate ‘70s and ‘80s Dance Club Every Friday & Saturday Night Call 609.340.7698 to book your VIP table.

Lisa Williams Must be 21 or older. Bet with your head, not over it. Gambling Problem? Call 1.800.GAMBLER.

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Jan. 23, Xanadu Theater Mills Entertainment presents psychic Lisa Williams in the Xanadu on Saturday., Jan. 23. The showtime is 8pm, and tickets are $35, $45 & $75. When Williams was a little girl, she discovered

AA CC WW EEK L YL .YC. C OO MM / / J AMNOUNA TR HY 02 01 ,, 22 00 11 00 EK

The Comedy Stop is a 300-seat venue in The Quarter at Tropicana. Showtimes are Sun.-Thurs. at 9pm ($23); Fri. and Sat. at 9 & 11:15pm ($28). Appearing now to Jan. 24 are Coleman Green, Mike Burton and Jay Black. Appearing Jan. 25-31 are Joe Delion and Cowboy Bill Martin. Kozak the Magician appears daily, ($23), with a dinner show package for $30. Showtime is 6pm (dinner seating one hour prior). Those under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Congratulations to the Crew at Boogie nights winner of the 2010 atlantiC City nightlife awards for:


Gone Retro at Resorts By David J. Spatz

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january 29

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Management reserves the right to change or cancel the promotion at any time without notice. Must be 21 or older to gamble, enter and remain in a New Jersey casino or participate in any Harrah’s Resort promotion. Know When To Stop Before You Start.® Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER. ©2010, Harrah’s License Company, LLC.

people in their 20s and early 30s who want a taste of the retro nightclub experience. “One of the things I love about Boogie Nights is that you can walk in there and see a 25-year-old dancing next to a 55-yearold, and you don’t see that in the younger clubs,” says Kathleen McSweeney, Resorts’ senior vice president of marketing. “That’s because of the music. There’s no better dance music than from that era.” The Boogie Nights theme carries out of the club and has spread to the casino floor, McSweeney says. Last year, the casino introduced a small number of Boogie Nights-themed retro slot machines that actually accepted coins, something Atlantic City hasn’t seen in years. Resorts will soon be offering $2 and $5 “retro blackjack” games, she explains. Two-dollar tables disappeared from the casinos years ago, and $5 tables are nearly extinct as well. Even the music that’s programmed in Boogie Nights, where Thursday’s (Jan. 21) Atlantic City Weekly “Nightlife Awards” will be handed out, is pumped into the casino. The retro theme even extends beyond the walls of the building itself. One area party store sells the wigs and costumes some people wear to the club to round out their throwback experience. “It’s become a very definite niche for the property,” McSweeney says. Not bad for a concept that was launched Thanksgiving weekend 2007 strictly as an experiment. The casino tried the retro club out as a special event limited to holiday weekends. But within several months, the club was operating every Saturday night and then expanded to include Fridays. In addition to its regular guests — many of them locals — the club has also become a popular place for bachelorette and birthday parties and high school reunions for graduating classes from the era. The club also offers other celebration packages “It’s been an amazing addition to our property,” McSweeney says. “There’s just an unbelievable energy in the room.” See more at resortsac.com. n

A C W E E K LY. C O M / M O N T H 0 0 , 2 0 1 0

J A N U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 0 / A C W e e k ly. C O M

FeBruary 27

T’S GOT ALL THE ELEMENTS YOU’D expect from one of Atlantic City’s hottest nightclubs: the loud and pulsating rhythms of popular songs, a swirling light show and, perhaps the most essential ingredient, a frenetic and sweaty energy that never quits. But long about the time the hip and trendy clubs in town are just getting cranked up for the evening — say around midnight — the crowd at Resorts Atlantic City has already been partying hearty for several hours. Welcome to Boogie Nights, the über-successful retro dance club that, almost ironically, is packing them in every weekend with the same music that was heard in the casino’s former disco when Atlantic City’s first gaming hall opened more than three decades ago. “We’ve definitely filled a void in the market in a big way,” says Boogie Nights creator Dave Pena, a nightclub operator who pitched the idea to Resorts more than two years ago. “Boogie Nights was the missing piece of the puzzle in Atlantic City nightlife,” he adds. “We throw one hell of a party.” Pena, who came to Atlantic City five years ago to open the Planet Rose karaoke lounge at the Tropicana, says sensory bombardment is one of the keys to the success of the club, which occupies the space that once contained Camelot, Resorts’ original steakhouse. In addition to the lights, non-stop music and tiny bubbles cascading from a twostory ceiling onto the lighted platform dance floor, the room has costumed characters making the rounds, like Michael Jackson and Madonna look-alikes. The staff is dressed in period costumes — polyester leisure suits, platform shoes, big hair, bartenders sporting Afro wigs and a young woman in hot pants zipping around on skates who calls herself Roller Girl (but whose family, friends and 1996 Mainland Regional High School classmates know as Helene Vaspoli). While the music is playing and people are dancing shoulder-to-shoulder, video walls are displaying TV shows and commercials from the era. “We’re active, we’re animated, we’re in your face, we engage our guests,” Pena, 38, explains. “We bring the party to you.” There’s no denying the club is geared toward an older crowd; the 20-somethings who came to Resorts in 1978 are now pushing 60. Yet Boogie Nights also attracts


Late-Night Eats

There are plenty of places to grab a bite after a night of partying By Frank Gabriel

Sushi Tomatoe’s style from which to select. Next on our list is the Tun Tavern, our area’s first and only microbrewery/ restaurant. An original anchor tenant of the Sheraton Hotel’s Convention Center complex, founder Montgomery Dahm’s patriotic tribute to his Marine Corps heritage serves as a sort of unofficial goodwill ambassador welcoming many visitors during their initial trip here.



OR A CITY THAT IS LITERALLY open around the clock, food becomes the final, essential element of the late/all-night scene. This week, we cast our beacon on a few of those places offering quality eats well into those wee hours of the morning. The intersection of Atlantic City’s South Carolina and Pacific avenues seems an ideal place to start. Not only is this nearly the geographic center of town, easily accessible from most casinos, it’s also the home of the Atlantic City Bar and Grill. The facility, which began as a small pizzeria more than two decades past, has grown into a full service restaurant plus a second floor luxury lounge, Level II, available for private parties and corporate events. A quick glance at the walls in the main dining area, lined with pics of A-list celebs like actor George Clooney enjoying the victuals, confirms that this is the premier spot to get your post-party, hangover-combating grub on. Twenty hi-def televisions continuously beaming in sports from around the globe help create an atmosphere where — like most casinos in town — clocks simply cease to exist, or even matter. Open until 5am, when you really should be going home anyway, the menu offers all the standard deep-fried delights that a good pub-crawler could require. Don’t think that’s all, though; the bill of fare here includes an extensive array of seafood — most notably some of the region’s most inexpensive whole lobsters and king crabs — plus steaks and ribs

Food becomes the final, essential element of the late/all-night scene. Food at the Tun has always been excellent, with a diverse menu that offers hearty casual fare plus a surprising amount of thoughtful, more upscale culinary creations. But the real star is, and always has been, the beer. A cool floor-to-ceiling Plexiglas partition is all that separates the massive brewing tanks from customers at the classy bar. With more than a half-dozen options available, brew masters at the Tun are always creating some unique seasonal draughts. The best part: The Tun’s kitchen regularly utilizes these incredibly fresh products in the makings of their cuisine, like the ale honey dipping sauce which accompanies a couple of appetizers.

Among our favorite casino nightowl spots is Bally’s Noodle Village. Situated near the Baccarat Palace Asian gaming area, this place is a real sensory treat. The aromas of sizzling grilled items combine with fragrant, steaming pots of freshly made noodles waft enticingly across the busy casino floor. As you approach, the visual aspect takes over, skillful cooks working speedily in an open-air theater kitchen, under the watchful gaze of hungry customers. The cuisine, both Chinese and Vietnamese in origin, provides a solid, substantial stomach-filling experience that’s a splendid antidote for excessive revelry. Moving down the coast a bit south, a

pair of places near Margate’s back bay are notable for late evening dining. The first, Tomatoe’s, in addition to being one of the region’s very best overall restaurants, offers a Rock and Roll Sushi special in bar area on Monday and Wednesday nights from 9pm to midnight. Despite reduced prices, the fish and seafood — like pretty much everything else on their menu — is of the highest quality imaginable. We’d suggest that you sample either the Calvin, tuna, crab and avocado topped with spicy lobster, or the Karen rolls, featuring shrimp tempura, spicy tuna and cucumber, topped by shrimp, avocado and a honey sauce. A few steps down Amherst Avenue, the final remaining bastion of Margate’s glorious Barbary Coast past, Maynard’s Café continues to turn out classic pub and tavern food. Owned for nearly four decades by local luminary Al Troiano, who expanded the place to include a separate outdoor patio area next door, Maynard’s continues to thrive since his passing in 2003. We recommend the Maynard Burger, with one of our most unique, quintessentially Jersey shore ingredients — pork roll — or the Pizza burger fly boy, loaded with bacon, cheese, mushrooms and onions. And if you happen to find yourself up past sunrise some weekend, Maynard’s even offers a Sunday steak and eggs breakfast starting at 8am. More options: The Taj Mahal’s Plate American Cafe, Tony’s Baltimore Grill, the Borgata’s Izakaya, Ducktown Tavern (all in Atlantic City) and the Point Diner in Somers Point. n E-mail Frank Gabriel at fgabriel@acweekly.com see more online @


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Area Dining

Dining listings info & updates: editorial@acweekly.com

ATLANTIC CITY For casino restaurants and independent establishments located within casino properties, including restaurants located inside The Quarter at the Tropicana and at The Pier Shops at Caesars, see Casino Dining listings at the end of this section. For more listings, visit acweekly.com.

Amici Brick Oven Pizzeria & Italian Grill 2010 Baltic Ave. (at The Walk). 345-8700. Large variety of pastas, brick-oven pizzas, hot sandwiches, paninis, calzones, strombolis, salads and desserts.

Angelo’s Fairmount Tavern

includes salad bar

at the bar & lounge only

2300 Fairmount Ave. 344-2439. angelosfairmounttavern.com. An A.C. institution, Angelo’s Italian fare has flourished for three generations.



Angeloni’s II Restaurant

10oz. Filet Mignon $19.95 Call for


Lobster Tail (10-12oz.) $22.95 includes salad bar

Gift Certificates

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2400 Arctic Ave. 344-7875. angelonis.com. Fine Italian cuisine and impressive wine selection.

Atlantic City Bar & Grill

1219 Pacific Ave. (Corner of S.Carolina & Pacific). 348-8080. atlanticcitybar.com. Lobster, homemade pizza, BBQ baby back ribs and more.

Café 2825

2825 Atlantic Ave (at Brighton Ave.). 344-6913. cafe2825.com. Regional Italian fare with full bar.

Cavo Crepe Café

122 N. Michigan Ave. (at The Walk). 340-1300.

Chelsea Prime


J AON NU TA HR Y0 02 ,1 ,2 02 10 01 0/ /A C AC M WW E Ee Ke Lk Yl .yC. C OO MM

111 S. Chelsea Ave. , inside Chelsea hotel. thechelsea-ac.com. 3482200. A steakhouse in the setting of a 1940s supper club with indoor and outdoor seating, a cocktail lounge with a curvilinear bar, and entertainment.

Chelsea Pub

8 S. Morris Ave. 345-4916. Popular local hangout is open 24 hours, seven days. Mon.-Fri. Happy hour 11:30am-1pm, 4-6pm.

Dock’s Oyster House

2405 Atlantic Ave. 345-0092. docksoysterhouse.com. Offering fine steaks and seafood, classic seafood soups, bar and raw bar.

Ducktown Tavern

2400 Atlantic Ave. 449-1212. ducktowntavernac.com. Open 24/7. Serving breakfast, lunch, dinner and late-night dining.

El Charro! 2430 Fairmount Ave. Authentic Mexican restaurant.

Flying Cloud Café

800 N. New Hampshire Avenue, Gardner’s Basin. 345-8222. Relaxed, waterfront dining specializing in seafood. Open daily from 11am

for lunch and dinner. Available for private parties from 10 to 200, and off-premise catering. Waterside outside deck open, weather permitting.

Girasole Ristorante

3108 Pacific Ave. 345-5554. girasoleac.com. Serving Mediterranean Italian cuisine daily. Holiday specials.

Imperial Inn

3124 Atlantic Ave. 347-8810. Serving exceptional Mandarin, Szechwan and Cantonese food.

Irish Pub

St. James Pl. at the Boardwalk. 3449063. theirishpub.com. Open 24 hours with full menu served anytime. Daily lunch and dinner specials.

Knife & Fork

3600 Atlantic Ave. Corner of Atlantic and Pacific aves. knifeandforkinn.com. 344-1133. Historic landmark restaurant with the finest seafood and steaks prepared on a wood-fired grill.

Latitude 39°

804 N Rhode Island Ave. 3483999. Atlantic City waterfront dining. Open Mon.-Thurs. 5am-2pm & Fri.-Sun. 5am9pm. Diner-style varied menu, complete with breakfast favorites and hearty lunch options. Sample homemade soups, salads, omelettes, cold cereal, and hot subs. Kids menu available.

Little Saigon

2801 Arctic Ave. 347-9119. Authentic Vietnamese and vegetarian cuisine.

Longhorn Steak House

2108 Atlantic Ave. 344-2050. Serving lunch and dinner. 11:30am-10pm weekdays, till 11pm weekends.

Los Amigos

1926 Atlantic Ave. 344-2293. losamigosrest.com/AC. Mexican food, fresh seafood and prime steaks.

Megan’s Good Grub & Pub

1743 Boardwalk at Indiana Ave. 289-8950. megansgoodgrubandpub.com. Open Thurs.-Sun for lunch and dinner. Closed Mon.-Wed. A unique menu of classic American comfort food, executed with gourmet flair, served in a friendly and fun pub environment. Meeting space, private parties and take-out available.

Melaka Restaurant

28 S. Tennessee Ave. 344-8928. Malaysian and Chinese cuisine.

The Melting Pot

2112 Atlantic Ave., 441-1100. meltingpotcom. Fondue restaurant offers unique and interactive dining experience.

Mexico Restaurant

3810 Ventnor Ave. 344-0366.

mexicorestaurant.com. Cocktail lounge serving authentic Mexican food & beer.

New York Diner

3101 Pacific Ave., at Flamingo Motel. 345-8887. Full diner menu. New York-style deli sandwiches.

Old Waterway Inn

1700 W. Riverside Dr. 347-1793. Specializing in seafood and steak. Open for dinner Wed. through Sun. 5-10pm.

Pho Hoa Cali

3808 Ventnor Ave. 340-0063. Authentic Vietnamese noodle house.

Pic A Lilli Pub

229 S. Tennessee Ave. 344-1113. Open 24/7. Full Menu. Serving lunch & dinner daily. Try their wings.

Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse

2020 Atlantic Ave. 344-5833. serioussteaks.com. Corn-fed USDA Prime Midwest beef, specialty chops, seafood, award-winning wine list.


111 S. Chelsea Ave., inside Chelsea hotel. thechelsea-ac.com.1-800548-3030. Retro-style diner with hideaway cocktail lounge and coffee shop.

Tony Boloney’s Pizzeria

300 Oriental Ave. (Corner of Oriental and Vermont St.). 3448669. tonybaloneys.com. Pizzas, subs, wraps, calzones and more. Mon.-Thurs. 9am-10pm, Fri.-Sat. 9am-11pm. Sun. 10am-10pm. Free delivery.

Tun Tavern

Two Convention Way. 347-7800. tuntavern.com. A.C.’s first steakhouse and brewery, now serving lunch, dinner and late night snacks. Microbrews.

Whiskey Grille

20 Pennsylvania Ave. 345-3290. Serving breakfast lunch and dinner.

White House Sub Shop

2308 Arctic Ave. 345-8599. A.C.’s legendary sub shop.

The Wonder Bar

3701 Sunset Avenue (at the Albany Ave. bridge). 344-8888, wonderbarac.com. Lunch served from 11am and dinner served nightly in the Sunset Room from 5-10pm.


wraps and more.

Cellar 32

32nd St. and Revere Blvd. Newly opened restaurant, bar and package goods store.

Goochie Brothers

4208 Harbour Beach Blvd. 2663100. Italian cuisine and pizzeria.

Laguna Grill Martini Bar

1400 Ocean Ave. 266-7731. lagunagrill.com. Fine cuisine, unique ambiance on the beach with beautiful view.

L’Aragosta Ristorante

3400 Brigantine Blvd. 266-2808. Northern and Southern Italian cuisine.

The Links Bar & Grille

1075 North Shore Dr. 266-1388. brigantinegolf.com. Beautiful views of golf course, casual ambiance.

Macedonian Grill

3015 Brigantine Blvd. at 31st St. 264-8801. macedoniangrill.com. Specializing in Mediterranean and American cuisine for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Yuki Hana

3628 Brigantine Blvd. 266-7608. Japanese/Chinese restaurant with a full sushi bar.

DOWNBEACH Ventnor, Margate & Longport Barrels

9 S. Granville Ave., Margate. 8234400. barrelsfoods.com. Italian food. Also in Linwood.

Billy Ho’s Imperial East

7800 Ventnor Avenue, Margate. 487-8052. Open 7 days 11am10:30 pm. Modern Chinese cuisine. Daily lunch and dinner specials. “We deliver, even to the beach.” Free parking lot.

China Dumpling Seafood Resaurant

5200 Ventnor Avenue, Ventnor. 822-6888. Open daily for lunch and dinner. Specializing in Dim Sum and seafood. Open 11am -10pm, Fri. and Sat. till 11pm. Eatin, take-out and delivery.

Cleo’s Fish Palace

7307 Ventnor Ave., Ventnor. 8225858. cleosfish.com. A large variety of prepared seafood and dinner platters. Catering available.

Dino’s Subs & Pizza

1312 W. Brigantine Ave. 2661124. Serving pizza, subs, steaks, Italian dinners, grilled seafood, cappuccino and desserts.

8016 Ventnor Ave., Margate. 822-6602 or 822-0670. Opendaily, 7-11:30am. Breakfast entrees, sandwiches and subs. Party trays for all occasions. Pick up, eat in and delivery.


Downbeach Deli

Andre’s Italian Restaurant

900 W. Brigantine Ave. 2665400. Pizzas, subs, wings,

8 S. Essex Ave., Margate. 8237310. Serving up a huge selection

of breakfast, lunch and dinner.


9510 Ventnor Ave., Margate. 487-7450. Prix-Fixe menu available. Reservations suggested. Local produce, poultry and fish. Organic options. Call for hours of operation.

Fedeli’s Italian Restaurant 9403 Ventnor Ave., Margate. 822-1293. Home of authentic home-cooked Italian cuisine and two-for-one specials.


7309 Ventnor Ave., Ventnor. 8233003. gertrudesventnor.com. Dinner from 5pm nightly.

1002. shoreclubbar.com. Great views of Egg Harbor Bay. Lunch, dinner and bar. Open dailyfor lunch and dinner.


4760 Black Horse Pike, Mays Landing. 625-0144. Lunch, dinner and late-night. Italian specialties.

Sophie’s Margate CafÊ

Sunrise Plaza, 68 W. Jimmie Leeds Rd., Galloway Twp. 404-1700. celinascafes.com. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Homebaked goods.

Ocean Heights Ave. & Zion Road, Bargaintown. 653-2112. www. gaspares.com. Quaint, cozy and casual serving lunch, dinner, takeout and delivery. Cocktails, beer and wine.

Charlie’s Bar & Restaurant

Gianna’s Cafe

9314 Amherst Ave., Margate. 822-9111. sofiaofmargate.com. This bayside treasure transports you to the Mediterranean with stylish decor and authentic Greek/ Mediterranean cuisine. 8017 Winchester Ave., Margate. 822-1610. Offers a wide selection of pancakes. Kids’ menu available.

Steve & Cookie’s by the Bay

Hannah G’s

7310 Ventnor Ave., Ventnor. 823-1466. (Cafe located at 7303 Ventnor Ave. 822-6000).

9700 Amherst Ave., Margate. 8231163. steveandcookies.com. Menu highlights fresh seafood and produce and prime cuts of meat.



4 S. Portland Ave. Ventnor. 8222477. This traditional Mexican restaurant serves breakfast entrees and remains open for dinner with specialities such as fajitas, burritos, and other Mexican inspired dishes. B.Y.O.B.

Johnny’s CafÊ

9407 Ventnor Ave., Margate. 822-1789. johnnyscafeventnor. com. Serving breakfast, lunch, dinner & dessert with reasonable prices.

La Fontana

20 Douglas Ave., Margate. Gourmet Italian cuisine. Take out anytime.


9707 Amherst Ave., Margate. 4876001. sunsetonthebay.com. Open dailyfor lunch and dinner. Happy hour daily 3-7pm with half-price appetizers and reduced drink prices at the bar only.

Maynard’s CafÊ

9306 Amherst Ave., Margate. 8228423. Lunch and dinner specials. Starlight Garden bar open daily.

Malelani CafĂŠ


9210 Ventnor Ave., Margate. 822-4759. Authentic Japanese cuisine.

Euro Gourmet Cafe and The Gelato Factory

6525 Ventnor Ave., Ventnor. 4876525. Italian ice and gelato made on premises. Also featuring breakfast, lunch & dinner specialties. Delivery.

Red Room CafĂŠ

141 N. Dorset Ave., Ventnor. 8221067. Gourmet pizzas, Italian specialties.

Shore Club Crabhouse, Bar & Grill

Ventura’s Greenhouse

106 Benson Ave., Margate. 8220140. venturasgreenhouse.com. Lunch & dinner specials and late-night fare.

Yama Japanese Restaurant 5305 Atlantic Ave., Ventnor. 8228105. Sushi and sashimi; over 100 special rolls, plus tempura and other cooked specials.

MAINLAND Antonino’s Jo Jo Ristorante

2405 New Rd., Northfield. 6467565. Traditional and contemporary Italian cuisine.

Athenian Garden

619 New York Rd. (Route 9), Galloway Twp. 748-1818. Authentic Greek cuisine.

Atlantic City Sub Shop

Heather Croft Sq., Northfield. 6467799. atlanticcitysubshops.com. Eat-in, take-out, delivery and party trays.

A Touch of Italy

Black Horse Pike, Cardiff/EHT. 6461855. touchofitaly.net. Serving veal, seafood, pasta, steaks and brickoven pizzas. Banquet facilities.


800 Shore Rd., Somers Pt. 9273663, charliesbar.com. Popular buffalo wings. No credit cards. Over 15 TVs for sporting events.

Chickie’s and Pete’s

6055 Black Horse Pike, EHT. 2721930. chickiesandpetes.com. Sports-themed bar/restaurant famous for its wings, crabs and Philly-style sandwiches.

Cousin Mario’s

5401 Hardin Hwy. (Route 40), Mays Landing. 625-2523. (Formerly the Epic Grille). Pizza and Italian specialties. Happy hour noon-7pm weekdays.

Crab Trap

On the Circle in Somers Pt. 9277377, thecrabtrap.com Serving fresh seafood, soups, steaks, homemade breads, desserts and more.

Dubliner Irish Pub

325 Jimmy Leeds Rd., Galloway. 652-2210, dublineririshpubandgrill.com. Authentic Irish cuisine.

East Bay Crab & Grill

Cardiff Plaza, EHT. 272-7721. eastbaycrab.com. Specializing in All-UCan Eat Crabs, Early Bird Menu.12 Entrees under $12 menu, over 60 entrees starting at $8.99 and daily specials. Reservations accepted.

English Creek Restaurant

3003 English Creek Shopping Ctr., EHT. 677-0016. Serving breakfast, lunch & dinner. Menu includes Italian specialties, pasta, seafood and smoked fish platters.

Feather Cafe & Grill

6041 Black Horse Pike, EHT. 3775555. Traditional and authentic northern and southern Indian cuisine. Indian lunch buffet daily from 11am-2:30pm. Also serves American entrees.

Rt. 9, Central Square, Linwood. 926-9900. barrelsfoods.com. Italian food in intimate setting. Also in Margate. Take out/ Delivery.

Formica Bros. Bakery

Berkshire Grill

Fred & Ethel’s Lantern Light Tavern

Black Horse Pike at English Creek Ave., EHT. 272-8808. berkshiregrill.net. Great seafood and thick, juicy, tender steaks.

Kensington Square, Northfield. 646-6565. formicabrosbakery. com. Cafe features daily lunch specials. Open 7am-7pm.

Bombay Indian Restaurant

Towne of Historic Smithville, Rt. 9 & Moss Mill Rd., Smithville. 6520544. Family restaurant, casual dining.


210 New Rd., No. 4, Linwood Green Plaza, Linwood. 926-8861. Japanese cuisine specializing in sushi and steak.

English Creek Shopping Ctr., Rt. 40 & English Creek Rd., EHT. 646-4445. Authentic Indian dining experience.

743 White Horse Pike, Galloway. 965-4433. Neighborhood sports bar serving American dishes.


Gaspare’s Gourmet Italian Bistro Harbor Village Square, EHT.

The Plaza at Center Point, 1205 Tilton Rd., Northfield. 677-0470; FAX 677-8885. California cuisine in a casual, upscale setting.


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Gilchrist Offshore

734 W. White Horse Pike, Cologne, 965-3433. Great breakfast and lunch specials.

Ginza Japanese Restaurant 6708 Black Horse Pike, EHT. 3832588. (Ginza II located in English Creek Shopping Ctr., EHT. 3833999) Hibachi steakhouse and sushi bar.

Goodfellows, W.L.

310 E. White Horse Pike, Galloway; 652-1942. Home of the French Fried Lobster Tail, gourmet burgers, steaks, seafood, and homemade Italian specialties.

Dine By the Fireplace or Oversee the Skyline. Enjoy the Innovative Specials our Chef-Owner Prepares Each Night.

Open Friday-Sunday Dinner at 5:00PM 347-1793 1700 West Riverside Drive Atlantic City, NJ

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Gourmet Italian Cuisine

324 S Pitney Rd, Galloway, NJ. 6521398. Serving authentic Italian food and fine wines.

Some of our menu items: Lobster Bisque • Filet Mignon Seafood Imperial Surf & Turf • Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail Pub Burger • Rack of Lamb NY Sirloin Sauteed Crab Cakes

Great American Pub


Gregory’s Restaurant

Discover Atlantic City Weekly’s online menu guide. Menus of your favorite area restaurants for viewing and download at acweekly.com

Black Horse Pike, Mays Landing. 625-1990. Great gourmet Black Angus burgers. Happy hour six days a week. Free poker Tues.Weds. 900 Shore Rd., Somers Pt. 9276665. gregorysbar.com. Serving lunch & dinner until 1am. Food and beverage specials.

The Grilled Cheese & Crabcake Co.

55 Laurel Dr., Somers Pt. 6017533. Offers a selection of fresh, homemade goods daily and a variety of tasty soups. Relaxing atmosphere, reasonably priced.

Hi Point Pub (Skelly’s)

5 N. Shore Rd., Absecon. 6413172. Open 24 hours. Full dinner menu. Eat in/take out/delivery.

Hu Tieu

Asian Mall, Pleasantville Shopping Center, 700 Black Horse Pike, Pleasantville. 646-8977. Vietnamese cuisine.

Johnny Rockets

Hamilton Mall, Mays Landing. johnnyrockets.com. 1960s-themed classic burger joint and more.

The Inlet

988 Bay Ave., Somers Point. 9269611. inletrestaurantnj.com. Open daily 11:30am-3pm for lunch and 3-10pm for dinner.

The Inn at Sugar Hill

Rt. 559, Mays Landing. 625-2226. innatsugarhill.com. Great food and

(Continued on next page)

37 7 3

303 Longport Blvd., Longport (in the Seaview Harbor Marina). 822-

9300 Amherst Ave., Margate. 8227535 or tomatoesmargate.com. Varied eclectic menu highlights seafood entrees.

Celina’s Mulberry Market & Grille

AA CC WW e eE k l yL .Yc. C oO mM / / J AMNOUNA TR HY 02 01 ,, 22 00 11 00 EK

5205 Atlantic Ave., Ventnor. 8225007. www.malelani.com. Fresh baked paninis, pastries, hearthealthy salad bar, Illy’s famous 60-bean blend coffee, black, green, and herbal teas, fresh juice, and other specialty drinks. Open Mon.-Fri. 8am-8pm, Sat.-Sun. 8am-10pm.


Cavallino Nero

FOOD & DRINK (Continued from preceding page)

cocktails on the waterfront.

JD’s Pub & Grille

45 S. New York Rd., Galloway Twp. 404-9000. Featuring classic pub fare plus a full dinner menu.

Joe’s Restaurant

131 Jordan Rd., (behind the Sunoco station off Laurel Dr./ Garden State Parkway entrance), Somers Pt. 927-4637. Lunch and dinner featuring Greek specialties.

Jo-Jo’s Italian Grille Black Horse Pike & Main St., Pleasantville. 646-8332. www.jojositaliangrille.com. Homemade Italian specialties.

Joseph’s Restaurant at the Tuscany House

L’s Restaurant

119 Route 50, Corbin City. 6283024. ls-jbones.com. Traditional, casual dining. J-Bones Tavern inside.

Mays Landing Diner

La Hacienda

6177 Harding Highway (Rt. 40), Mays Landing. 625-5051. mayslandingdiner.com. Classic New Jersey diner. Baking done on the premises.

La Pizzatega

446 St. Louis Ave., Egg Harbor City. 965-7878. Open for lunch and dinner.

265 S. New York Rd. (Route 9), Galloway, 652-6050. Serving authentic Mexican cuisine.

McKee’s Irish Pub

Linwood Greene, Rt. 9, Linwood. 653-8442. Serving seafood, veal pasta, steak, subs and salads.

Mexico Lindo II

Levari’s Seafood & American Grill

Mickey & Minnie’s

375 S. Main St., Pleasantville. Authentic Mexican.

Tuckahoe Rd. and Rt. 50, Petersurg. 628-2225.levarisamericangrill.com. Open daily 10am. Drink specials.

733 W. White Horse Pike, Cologne. 965-1877. Daily lunch and dinner specials. Closed Mondays.

Library III

Mount Fuji

72 N. Breman Ave., (Renault Winery), Egg Harbor City. 9652111. www.renaultwinery.com. Casual family cuisine, full bar with piano entertainment.

6605 Black Horse Pike, EHT. 6457655. libraryiii.com. Murph’s crab cakes, steaks, prime rib, seafood and salad bar.

JR’s Tavern

650 New Road, Somers Point. 653-9853. jrstavern.com. Lunch specials starting at $5 and dinner specials from $9.

3016 Ocean Heights Ave., EHT. 601-8369. Lunch, dinner, latenight snacks, pizza. Free delivery to EHT, Linwood, Northfield, and Somers Point.

6666 Black Horse Pike, EHT. 6778829. Northern and Southern Indian food, including nan, tandori and vegetarian dishes. Major credit cards accepted. Lunch buffett $9.95.

Juliano’s Restaurant

Maplewood Inn

Oyster Creek Inn

Zion Rd. & Ocean Heights Ave., Egg Harbor Twp. 927-6363. julianospub.com Sandwiches, salads, pizza, pasta and seafood.

Mangia by the Greens

1470 White Horse Pike, Hammonton. 561-9621. joesmaplewood.com. Italian specialties and “world’s best spaghetti.”

136 White Horse Pike, Absecon. 383-8881. Traditional Japanese cuisine. Sushi bar.

The Nizam’s

41 N. Oyster Creek Rd., Leeds Point. 652-8565. Old-fashioned fresh seafood house with waterfront dining.

Pistol Pete’s Saloon & Steakhouse

1000 Black Horse Pike, Pleasantville. 484-1000. pistolpetessaloon.com. Casual dining. Weekly specials.

PJ’s 50 Pub & Grille

2301 Rt. 50, 1 Mile N. of Black Horse Pike (Rt. 322), Mays Landing. 625-9600. Everything homemade from soups to desserts.

Rama Thai

3003 English Creek Ave. Egg Harbor Twp. (in English Creek Shopping Ctr.) 677-1004. ramathainj.com. Thai cuisine with reasonable prices.

Ram’s Head Inn

9 W. White Horse Pike, Galloway. 652-1700. Classic area hotspot.

Renault Winery

72 N. Breman Ave, Egg Harbor City. 965-2111. Gourmet restaurant and also Joseph’s Restaurant serving breakfast, lunch and dinner daily.

Richland House

1303 Harding Hwy. (Rt. 40), Richland. 856-697-5700. therichlandhouse.com. Fresh seafood and steaks, unique wine list.

Rifici’s Italian Cuisine & Pizzeria

308 White Horse Pike, Absecon. 272-2000. Serving lunch and dinner daily. Banquet room available.

Romanelli’s Garden Cafe

279 South New York Rd., Galloway. 652-0179. romanelliscafe.com. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also catering.

Sack O’ Subs

784 White Horse Pike, Absecon. 646-6555. Hot and cold subs, homemade soups and salads.


4215 Black Horse Pike (Hamilton Commons shopping center), Mays Landing. 485-0071. Japanese cuisine w/ Japanese steak, seafood house and sushi bar.

Sam’s Bar & Grill

18 S. Main St., Pleasantville. 6465128. samsbarandgrill.com.

Sandi Pointe

908 Shore Rd., Somers Point, 927-2759. (formerly Mac’s Restaurant). Seafood restaurant and bar with live music.

Simply Fondue

4215 Black Horse Pike. (Hamilton Commons shopping center) , Mays Landing. (near Regal Cinemas) simplyfonduemayslanding.com. Mostly fondue, but also salads and a bar offering more than 50 different martinis.

Somers Point Cafe

581 Ocean Heights Ave., Somers Point. 788-8115 Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Open 7am10pm daily. Daily specials. Eat in, take out, delivery. Most dinners under $10.

Smithville Inn


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Margate, Ventnor, Longport & Chelsea International, Eclectic, Casual & Fine Dining. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Late Night.

Rt. 9 & Moss Mill Rd., Smithville. 652-7777. Traditional area hotspot.

Tailgaters Galloway Grille

337 White Horse Pike, Egg Harbor City. 804-9000. Traditional American cuisine, daily homemade specials, burgers and wings. Sports bar.

Tap Room & Grille

Atlantic City Country Club, 1 Leo Fraser Dr., Northfield. 236.4465. Featuring an acclaimed Sunday brunch. Open Sun.-Thurs.lunch from 11am. Fri.& Sat. dinner from 5pm. Fri.-Sun. breakfast from 7am. Sun. brunch, 10am-2pm.

Testa’s Good Guys Pub

5698 Somers Point Rd., Mays Landing. 625-1926. Daily lunch & dinner specials.

Thai Basil

199 New Rd., Suite 72, Linwood. 926-9339. Serving Thai-French cuisine.

Tre Figlio

500 W. White Horse Pike, Pomona. 965-3303. trefiglio.com. Italian cuisine.

TW Howell’s

341 West White Horse Pike

(Odesse Ave. & Rt.9), Pomona. 892-3704. Summertime BBQs as well as catering for any event.

Ventura’s Offshore Café

2015 Shore Rd., Northfield, venturascafe.com. 641-5158. Awardwinning filet mignon, pan pizzas and more. Delivery.

Vic’s Subs

742 Ohio Ave., Absecon. 6450500. Hot & cold subs, salads, party trays.


701 4th St., Ocean City. 3982700. Contemporary Caribbean and Mediterranean cuisine.

Casa Del Dolce

947-949 Asbury Ave., OC. 3989300. Italian restaurant and gourmet deli.


500 9th St., OC. 399-0113. “Where the town meets.”

Clancy’s by the Sea

1244 Boardwalk, Ocean City. 398-3344. clancysbythesea.com. Weekly specials, open year round. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Open evenings.

Deauville Inn 201 Willard Road, Strathmere, 263-2080. deauvilleinn.com. Waterfront bar and dining.

Fuze 79th St. and Third, Avalon. 368-1919. Upscale dining and live entertainment. Open Wed.-Sun. in the fall.

Island Grill Restaurant

100 Atlantic Ave., Ocean City. 391-9616. ocnjislandgrill.com. Full service restaurant with wide variety of choices from seafood to steaks.

Ma France Creperie

506 9th St., Ocean City. 3999955. mafrancecreperie.com. Enjoy a quaint eatery with an artinspired decor while feasting on French cuisine. Call for hours.

Sack O’ Subs

926 Asbury Ave., OC. 525-0460. Hot and cold subs, french fries, pizzas, homemade soups, salads and dinners.


25 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Sea Isle City. 263-4567. vincesrestaurant. net. A family business in same location for over 50 years. Great views.

Ward’s Pastry

730 Asbury Ave., OC. 399-1260. Doughnuts, cakes, pies, etc.


316 Roosevelt Blvd., Marmora, 390-1757. yesterdaysbar.com. Lunch, dinner, late-night snacks and take-out. n


Casino Dining Dining listings info & updates: editorial@acweekly.com



340-2000 Arturo’s

1-866-MYBORGATA Bobby Flay Steak

Enjoy a traditional Italian meal prepared with a contemporary, New York fare in the sophisticated setting of this awardwinning trattoria.

Bally’s Brunch

Brunch every Sunday at The Reserve, 10am–2 pm. $39.99 per person.

Ben & Jerry’s

Enjoy all your signature favorites; also the home of the Philadelphia Soft Pretzel Factory.

Fulu Wok & Fry

Casual Asian cuisine at the Claridge tower.

Johnny Rockets

340-0099. A retro ’50s-style Boardwalk restaurant.

Noodle Village

Offering an extensive selection of authentic Chinese and Vietnamese comfort foods.

Pickles Deli

New York style deli.

The Reserve/Preview Bar Bally’s iconic culinary experience.

Choose from a variety of regional steaks and seafood.

Borgata Buffet

Extensive buffet menu. $28.95 (plus tax) for dinner Mon.–Fri. (4–9pm). Sat. (4–10pm). Sun. (4–9pm); Breakfast, $14.95 (plus tax) Mon.–Sat. (8–11:15am); Brunch, $23.95 Sun. (8am–3pm); Lunch. $17.95 (plus tax) Mon.–Sat. (noon–3pm).

Bread + Butter

Griddled sandwiches served with an array of premiere beverages and desserts.


Gypsy Bar


Celebrated chef Stephan Kalt’s new restaurant offering traditional Southern Italian fare. Fun, relaxing dining experience.


A modern Japanese pub from Michael Schulson.

Noodles of the World Asian fusion.

Old Homestead Steak House

Domestically-raised, handmassaged Kobe beef is the signature dish of this steakhouse.

Red Pearl


Modern Asian cuisine served up fresh in casual setting.

Spa Café

Located in the Spa at Bally’s, offering health-conscious meals.

Open daily.

WILD WILD WEST AT BALLY’S 340-2000 Gold Tooth Gerties

Bakery, bagel sandwiches, and more.

Lone Star Snack Bar Burgers, hot dogs.

Sports Bar

Snacks from the Lone Star Snack Bar are served.

Virginia City Buffet

The Cafeteria

Full of quick food options.

The Metropolitan

French bistro-style cafe serves classic and contemporary American dishes.

Wolfgang Puck American Grille Contemporary American cuisine in two distinctive dining areas.

449-1044. mortons.com. Steakhouse with an a la carte menu features steaks, fish and salads.

Nero’s Grill

Sirloin and porterhouse steak and New England lobster.


Service is formal with traditional Italian favorites. Catch the latest game or just relax with the most updated sports scores.


674-0100. Restaurant includes twilight sky or “opium den style” dining nooks.

The Continental

674-8300, continentalac.com. An “outdoor” patio bar with signature drinks & sunken firepit lounge as well as the large flower-shaped central dining pod, nicknamed the “Sammy Davis Room.”

Game On!

348-4411 Nero’s Sunday Brunch

Phillips Seafood

Coffee shop w/take-out available.

Kwi Restaurant and Noodle Bar

Offers a selection of traditional


Venice Bar

345-6800. State-of-the-art sports bar and restaurant.

Cafe Roma

Open Mon.-Sat. 4pm-10:30pm Sun. 2pm-10pm

348-4411, ext. 6000. Contemporary Italian/ Mediterranean cuisine.


Includes freshly carved prime meats, omelet artisan designing your gourmet omelet. Price: $44.95; includes champagne and Bloody Marys.

Banquet Rooms Available

348-2273. Serving authentic Maryland-style seafood and world-famous crab cakes.

Piazza di Giorgio

345-3100. Food Court with A Taste of Tuscany, South of the Border, Salad Sensations, Hot Off the Grille, and Udon Creations. Also a fresh fruit smoothie bar.

(Continued on next page)


Karaoke Night Sundays 9 till 11pm




39 9 3

All-you-can-eat, Western-style buffet. Hours: Mon.–Thurs. lunch noon–3pm, dinner 3–9pm.; Fri.–Sun. noon-10pm. $21.99 (plus tax) daily for dinner; $16.99 (plus tax) lunch Mon.-Thurs.

Celebrated chef Michael Mina combines cutting-edge technology and design elements with his signature and acclaimed approach to seafood.

Reserve Now for Valentine’s Day

AA CC WW e eE k l yL .Yc. C oO mM / / J AMNOUNA TR HY 02 01 ,, 22 00 11 00 EK

The Bagel & Doughnut Connection

Buffet selections for breakfast, lunch or dinner, with salad and dessert bars. $14.99 (plus tax) for breakfast daily (8:00– 11:30am); $18.99 (plus tax) for lunch (11:45am–4pm); $22.99 (plus tax) for dinner (4–9pm). Weekend Feast $26.99 Sat. noon –11pm, Sun. noon – 9pm.


American bistro. Breakfast served anytime.

6ix: A Bistro

and modern Asian cuisines.

La Piazza Buffet

FOOD & DRINK (Continued from preceding page)


345-6300. Chef Andrew Sciaretta combines world-fusion menu with steakhouse cuisine.

Souzai Sushi & Sake

348-4443. Souzai is a country-style Japanese restaurant. Intimate setting, sushi menu and unique sake cocktails.

The Trinity Pub and Carvery

345-6900. A warm and inviting place to relax and enjoy a frosty pint of your favorite stout while feasting on traditional Irish specialties.

HARRAH’S RESORT 441-5000 Bluepoint Bar

has hot menu items.

McCormick & Schmick’s

More than 30 different varieties of fresh seafood featured on a menu that changes twice daily.

Polistina’s Italian Ristorante

Enjoy family style, Italian favorites and a selection of homemade pastas and sauces.


A 24-hour cafe offering steaks, seafood, sandwiches and burgers. Breakfast is available anytime.

The Steakhouse

Gourmet restaurant offers a raw bar, roast prime rib, shrimp Wellington and more.

Taste of the Shore

A raw-bar experience where fresh seafood, shellfish and a variety of martinis are the house specialties.

Club Cappuccino

Coffee bar. Fine gourmet coffees, cappuccino, espresso and teas accompanied by homemade pastries, cookies and brownies.

Corner Grille & Deli

Traditional deli favorites. Also

Food emporium features Primo Pizza, Sack O’ Subs, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream and Philly Soft Pretzel Factory.

Temptations Fine Chocolate & Coffee

Located on first level of Waterfront Tower. Open 7am7pm Sun.-Thurs., until 2am on Fri. & Sat.

Waterfront Buffet

Extensive buffet items. Cost: $29.99(plus tax, $22.99 kids)

for dinner daily; $18.99 (plus tax, $10.99, kids) for brunch. Hours: Mon. & Fri., 8:30am– noon brunch, 4–9pm dinner; Tues. & Wed., noon–9pm dinner; Thurs. 4–9pm dinner; Sat. 8:30am–noon brunch, 1–10pm dinner; Sun. 8:30am– 1:30pm brunch, 2–9pm dinner.

HILTON Cappuccino’s

Coffee and espresso bar plus pastry shop, soups and sandwiches. Open 24 hours Sun.Fri.; open 7am-11pm Sat.

turing a four-course prix fixe menu for $29.99.


Beachball Seafood House

Specializing in Neapolitan cuisine, Patsy’s Italian Restaurant in New York was Frank Sinatra’s favorite restaurant. Hours are Fri.–Sat. 5:30-10pm; Sun.–Tues. 6 –10pm; closed Wed.–Thurs. A bar menu is available Sun. 4:30-10pm; Mon.-Tues. noon-mid.; Fri., Sat. 4:30-11pm. For reservations, call 340-7585.

The Oaks

Cornucopia Buffet

Land and sea buffet features a variety of specialties. Cost: $16 (includes tax). Hours are 11:30 am-9pm Sun.-Fri; 11:30 am10pm on Sat.

Empress Gem Noodle Bar Asian noodle bar open 1pm4am Mon.-Thurs., 1pm-5am Fri., noon-5am Sat. and noon4am Sun.


ing deli appetizers and sandwiches.

A lovely ocean view is a perk at this 24-hour restaurant Fri. to Sun., 7am-11pm Mon.-Thurs., serving casual fare including the Coney Island Deli, featur-

New York-style steakhouse featuring prime meats and the freshest seafood served in a refined atmosphere. Open for dinner Wed.–Thurs. 610pm; Fri.-Sat. 5:30-10pm; Sun. brunch, 10am-3pm. Reservations recommended. Also the casual Oaks Burger Bar.

RESORTS 344-6000 Asian Spice

Gourmet cuisine with a noodle bar and Chinese barbecue items. Noodle bar open daily noon–2am; Restaurant open Sat.-Sun. 6–11pm. Now fea-

Open May-Sept. Located off the Boardwalk, offers a variety of favorites including oysters and clams on the half shell, crabcakes, fish & chips, fried seafood combo and more.

Boardwalk Perks

Coffee shop with deli sandwiches. Sun.–Thurs. 7am–6pm; Fri.–Sat. 7am–10pm.

Breadsticks Cafe & Grill

Breakfast, lunch, dinner and late-night fare. Open 24 hours daily.

The Buffet

Offers an international menu, as well a full complement of all-American selections. Cost: $14.99 (plus tax) lunch and dinner; $13.99 (plus tax) for breakfast Sat. & Sun. $3 discount for members of the Resorts Destination Casino Club.


This perennial Zagat Awardwinning Italian restaurant features antipasto, pasta delicacies, fresh seafood or veal entrĂŠes with ocean views. Now featuring a three-course prix

fixe menu for $34.99.

Gallagher’s Burger Bar

Burger Bar located across from Gallagher’s offers dry-aged beef burgers, chili made with choice sirloin, sliders (mini burgers) and more.

Gallagher’s Steakhouse

340-6555. The renowned New York City steakhouse is located on Resorts’ dining level and features traditional dry-aged steaks and seafood favorites prepared on their famous open flame.

SHOWBOAT 343-4000 Canal Street Bread & Sandwich Co.

Soup, overstuffed sandwiches, made-to-order pizza and desserts, 24/7.

Casa Di Napoli

Brick-oven pizza, classic Italian dishes including pasta, veal and seafood, homemade salad and breads.

French Quarter Buffet

Seafood, steaks, a Bayou salad bar and homemade desserts, self-serve cappuccino machine. Sun.-Tues. 12-4pm lunch

$ELICIOUS 4REATS &OR %VERY /CCASION Open 7 Days Year ’Round for Lunch and Dinner

Live Music “Recession Buster� & Dancing


J AON NU TA HR Y0 02 ,1 ,2 02 10 01 0/ /A C AC M WW E Ee Ke Lk Yl .yC. C OO MM



“Best Crab Cakesâ€? h'OLDvä ä0RESS 2EADERS ä0OLL

“Best Seafood Restaurantâ€? h'OLDvä ä0RESS 2EADERS ä0OLL




“Best Lobster Dinnerâ€? h"RONZEvä ä0RESS 2EADERS ä0OLL

Voted “Best Crab Cakes� “Gold� 2009 Press Readers’ Poll

Happy Hour $5.00 Menu • Beef Tenderloin Sliders • Crab Crostini • Stuffed Pablano Pepper • Spinach and Artichoke Dip • Fire Sticks • Chicken Satay

Wednesday, Friday & Saturday

STARR Thursday


Voted “Best Place To Dance To The Oldies� “Gold� 2009 Press Readers’ Poll.

• Seafood Slider • Coconut Shrimp • Beef Taquitos On the Circle in Somers Point Call



Open Year Round

730 Asbury Ave. Ocean City

(609) 399-1260

$17.99 (plus tax) Sun.–Tues. dinner 4-9pm, $21.99. Fri., 410 pm Seafood Night, $25.99. Sat. noon-3pm lunch, $17.99; dinner, all-u-can-eat lobster 4-10pm, $29.99. Closed Wed.Thurs.


House of Blues Restaurant

Abundant selection. Cost: $18.95 (plus tax) for breakfast and brunch Mon.–Fri. 8–11am; Sat. & Sun. 8am–1pm. Nightly seafood buffet for $24.95 per person (complimentary lobster tail on Fridays). Hours: Mon.–Thurs. noon–8pm; Fri. noon–9pm; Sat. 2–10pm; Sun. 2–8pm.

236-BLUE. New Orleans-style restaurant and bar.

Mansion Cafe

Hearth-baked biscuits, overstuffed sandwiches, hearty salads and more. Home of the $3 Big Easy Burger.

Rib & Chophouse

Steaks, chops, chicken and fresh seafood, char-grilled to specification. Raw bar plus the freshest catch.

Royal Noodle House

Located next to the Fortune Gaming Pavilion on the casino floor; authentic Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese noodle, rice and dim-sum dishes.

Starbucks Coffee

Open. Mon-Sun 7am-mid. Signature drinks, including lattes and other specialty coffee drinks and pastry selection.

TROPICANA 340-4000 il Verdi

Upscale gourmet Italian cuisine presented in an elegant ambiance.

Golden Dynasty

Traditional Chinese cuisine, Cantonese specialties and exotic delicacies for which Chef Ping is well known.

Seaside Cafe

This 24-hour dining experience offers updated casual fare.



“Mom and Pop�-style deli featuring a variety of overstuffed sandwiches along with homemade soups.

Boardwalk Favorites

Classic Boardwalk treats including foot-long hot dogs, fresh fruit smoothies, soft pretzels, cotton candy, corn dogs, and pizza.

Corky’s Ribs & BBQ


Seafood, burgers and “nearly world-famous� chicken wings served by the famous Hooters girls.


347-7770. Catch your favorite game while eating a meal with everything from beef to seafood menu.


572-9300. The renowned New York family-style Italian institution serves southern Italian appetizers, entrees and desserts prepared from the freshest quality ingredients in large portions.

The Comedy Stop Cafe & Cabaret

Tropicana, Brighton & Pacific aves. 1-877-FUNNYAC. Offering a full menu of dining options, every day. CafÊ Cuisine includes a continental menu, latte & espresso available. Buffet style breakfast (Sat. & Sun. 10am–2pm) $7.77.

Cuba Libre Restaurant & Rum Bar

348-6700. cubalibrerestaurant. com. Classic and contemporary Cuban dishes. Brunch, dinner and late dining served daily.

The Palm

344-7256. thepalm.com. Known for its aged prime beef, monstrous Nova Scotia lobsters and outstanding American and Italian dishes.

P.F. Chang’s China Bistro

348-4600. Traditional Chinese cuisine, with innovative contemporary creations that demonstrate modern influences on the modern Asian palette.

Red Square

344-9100. Famed restaurateur Jeffrey Chodorow’s vodka and caviar bar and restaurant recreates centuries of Russian history. The dining room, flanked with two ice columns, gives way to an ice-topped 32foot bar.

348-8600. Authentic pubs were imported from Ireland and reassembled here. Pub fare and modern interpretations of classic Irish dishes.


Famous for its root beer, ice cream floats, and hot dogs, Stewart’s is now located in Tropicana’s Transportation Center, serving all its popular snacks and goodies.

TRUMP MARINA 1-800-777-8477; 4412000 The Bayside Buffet

An all you can eat International buffet has all your traditional favorites in a relaxing atmosphere lunch and dinner Mon.Thurs. ($16.99 pls. tax.), or sample the lavish breakfast buffet from 8am -11:30am daily ($12.99 pls. tax.). A Seafood buffet is featured every Fri., Sat., and Sun. during lunch and dinner ($25.99 plus tax.). Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8am-8pm; Fri.-Sun. 8am-9pm.

Cosimo’s Pizza

Casual and classic Italian cuisine from pizza to Eggplant Parmigiana to Chicken Florentino.

DJ’s Steakhouse

Surround yourself with western charm while savoring gourmet steaks, chop, and seafood. Serving CAB prime meats and the freshest fish available. A Sunday through Thursday Three Course Chef Special Dinner menu is available for $35 per person. Open for dinner Fri.-Tue. 6pm.


449-9300. Seafood, salad, “nearly world-famous� chicken wings and the “more than a mouthful burger� all served by the Hooters girls.

Harbor View

Elegant, intimate dining. Serving the finest gourmet seafood and Italian specialties. Best views of the Marina and Atlantic City skyline. Open for dinner Wed.-Sun 6pm. Sunday Champagne Brunch 10am-2pm.

TRUMP PLAZA 441-6000 24 Central Cafe

An upscale dining experience in a casual atmosphere, features everything from steaks to seafood and from Asian dishes to the latest martinis available.

China Cafe & Sushi Chef

Boardwalk Terrace (overlooking the ocean), 572-0866. A fusion of unique Asian cuisine ranging from Cantonese to Japanese accompanied by an assortment of selections available at the Noodle and Sushi Bar.


2225 Boardwalk at Trump Plaza. 441-0400. evorestaurant.com. Serving specialty cocktails and 20 wines by the glass. Menu features world cuisine and brick-oven pizzas.


Located on the sixth floor, this steakhouse features U.S.D.A. prime certified Angus beef and seafood selections. Open for dinner. On the Boardwalk at Trump Plaza. 345-5757. rainforestcafe.com. Exotic salads, pastas, burgers, steaks and seafood served amidst the sights and sounds of a tropical rainforest.


Serving northern and southern Italian cuisine in a setting that overlooks the ocean.

Food Court

With Starbucks, Sbarro, Nathan’s Famous, Arthur Treacher’s, Häagen-Dazs and Sarah’s Cookies.

TRUMP TAJ MAHAL 449-1000 Dynasty

Cantonese/Chinese with many delicacies including authentic sushi bar.

Hard Rock CafĂŠ

On the Boardwalk at Trump Taj Mahal. 441-0007. Burgers and sandwiches served in a rock ’n’ roll ambiance.

Il Mulino New York

Imperial Court

The CafĂŠ

Casual dining experience offers a lounge. Has an open kitchen with a pizza oven and a communal table.

Full breakfast fare. Also serving deli-style lunch and casual dinners. Open 24 hours.

The Rim

A gourmet noodle bar right off the casino floor. Sit at the circular bar and watch chefs prepare your meal or dine at a private table.

Royal Albert’s Palace

On the Boardwalk at Trump Taj Mahal. 449-9200. Fine Indian cuisine.

Safari Steak House

Decorated in a rustic jungle theme, the steakhouse received the Gold award from the National Academy of Restaurant Sciences.

Sultan’s Feast

Buffet features black angus steaks grilled to order, a gourmet pizza station and dessert station. $14.98 (plus tax) for breakfast daily 8–11:30am; $22.47 for lunch/dinner Mon.–Fri. noon–9pm; $26.75

Sat.–Sun. for lunch/dinner (open until 10pm Sat.).

SPICE ROAD A selection of eateries and shops:


Savor great burgers with an amazing choice of toppings.


The perfect place for a light breakfast, sandwiches, salads, paninis and gelato.

Plate American Cafe Breakfast anytime.


Italian dishes and pizza served cafeteria-style. n

Authentic Mexican Restaurant

6ji]Zci^X BZm^XVc GZhiVjgVci

Rainforest CafĂŠ

Offers two distinct, sideby-side dining experiences, the fine dining restaurant, Il Mulino New York and the more casual, newer concept, Trattoria Il Mulino.

Superb Chinese cuisine with exotic offerings and assortment of familiar items. Open for dinner for Friday - Sunday 6pm.

with sushi creations and fully cooked selections.

Trattoria Il Mulino

Moon at Dynasty

Serving specialty cocktails, including the Sake-tini, along



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Offering classic seashore seafood dishes, steaks and freshly prepared seasonal specialties and the best gourmet in town. Ocean views from every table.

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Bride’s Day Out Sunday February 28th, 2010 12 - 4pm Brides to be see the best the area has to offer while enjoying Live entertainment, a light food sampling from Penns Landing Caterers & discounted beverage bar. Featuring:

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J A N U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 0 / A C W e e k ly. C O M 42

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My Most Memorable

Valentine’s Day Story

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BSZZ ca OP]cb g]c` TOd]`WbS DOZS\bW\S¸a 2Og Ab]`g B] S\bS` U] b]( eee OQeSSYZg Q][ 1]\bSaba O\R g]c eWZZ VOdS O QVO\QS b] eW\ 7Z ;cZW\] B`Obb]`WO¸a 2W\\S`( UWTb QS`bW¿ QObS / 0]bbZS ]T >W^S` 6SWRaWSQY 1VO[^OU\S DOZcS AbS[( / 2]hS\ @SR @]aSa T`][ 2cbQV 6]ZZO\R eWbV 4Z]`OZ 5`SS\a @VW\Sab]\S QS\bS`a ' DOZcS BOX ;OVOZ( =dS`\WUVb AbOg Ob bVS BOX Ac\ 4SP " DOZcS " B]bOZ DOZcS %'



The votes have been counted. See who won this year’s Reader’s Choice Nightlife Awards.


FEW REPEATS FROM LAST YEAR. A FEW NEWBIES (CONGRATS!), a few surprises and a lot of exceptional area nightlife spots honored. A hearty congratulations to this year’s Reader’s Choice Nightlife Awards winners. The people have spoken and you’ve been selected as “the best” of whatever it is that you help to do in order to make the Atlantic City region one of the top nightlife destinations on the East Coast. In its second year of existence this contest not only garnered more votes on our Web site than it did last year, but more votes than we ever imagined we’d get. Thanks to all of our readers and nightlife lovers who voted online at acweekly.com; we hope to see you at the party. (Look out for pictures in next week’s issue!) The winners of this year’s coveted NLA’s (what we’ve dubbed them here at the AC Weekly offices) will be celebrated at a VIP party Thursday night (Jan. 21), 8pm, at Boogie Nights at Resorts. The party will be followed by a huge bash that’s open to the public and will include a cocktail competition and much more hot nightlife action. Party on!

J A N U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 0 / A C W E E K LY. C O M

Best Lounge for Live Entertainment: Gypsy Bar Best Karaoke: Planet Rose

Best Resident DJ: Kevinedge, Boogie Nights

Best Club to Hear Hip-Hop: 40/40 Club

Best Club Dancers: mur.mur

Best Lounge Act: Melissa Marshall

Best Bottle Service: dusk

Best Comedy Club: The Comedy Stop

Best Industry Night: mur.mur

Best Club to Find Celebrities: dusk

Best Drink Specials: Boogie Nights

Best Beach Bar: Trump Plaza

Best Happy Hour: Sonsie

Best Local Hangout: St. George’s Pub (Brigantine)

Best Sports Bar: Game On! Honorable Mention: Chickie’s and Pete’s (EHT)

Best Irish Bar: Irish Pub

Best Martini: Blue Martini Honorable Mention: Tomatoe’s (Margate)

Join us on Facebook: 44

Best Dance Club: Boogie Nights

Best After-Hours Spot: 32 Degrees Best Place to Have a Bachelorette Party: Casbah HEADLINERS

Best Beer Selection: Firewaters

Best Place to Have a Bachelor Party: Providence

Best Wine Selection: The Pool at Harrah’s

Best Gentleman’s Club: Delilah’s Den (Pleasantville)

Best Bartender: Hugo Jaramillo (Providence)

Best Local Band: Easy Does It


HEADLINERS see more online @

Cocktail Competition

Join us TONIGHT 10:00pm at Boogie Nights

The ďŹ rst 100 people to rsvp at acweekly.com/nightlife will recieve complimentary admission.

We are challenging local bartendars to shake up the best original cocktails of the New Year!

Boogie down til dawn. Reserve a room for only $59 At Resorts

Beth Tinnon

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Thanks to all our loyal friends and customers from all over the world for your continued patronage. We look forward to providing another 37 years of outstanding food and drink here at the Irish Pub.

Where every day is St. Patrick’s Day. Remember, “there are no strangers here; only friends you haven’t met� ... Yeats.

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St. James Place at The Boardwalk Atlantic City, NJ 609.344.9063 • Open 24 Hours Free Parking • Irish Gift Shop



Nightclubs like mur.mur host celebs like Paris Hilton

Club Hopping? Think Again.

Atlantic City’s nightlife grew steadily for the last decade making it easy to find your personal hot spot By Michael Pritchard


HEN ATLANTIC CITY RANG in the new millennium in 2000, partiers looking for some action in the resort faced a little bit of a challenge — kind of a nightlife scavenger hunt. They knew there were parties going on. The question was where? Dave Geiger, one of the owners of Atlantic Limousine, usually had to put his drivers on that hunt. “Before, when people got a limo, they’d book it for the whole night and drive around,” he says. “You know, ‘Let’s see what’s happening here. OK, now let’s see what’s happening there.’”

all over again?” This wholesale change in the city’s club life can be traced to a pretty simple beginning — the opening of the Borgata in 2003. “It really all comes back to the Borgata,” says Geiger of Atlantic Limousine. “Once that opened everything began to change. The Quarter at Tropicana

‘Before, most people just came here, gambled, then sat at a casino bar & had a drink. That’s all different now.’

J A N U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 0 / A C W E E K LY. C O M

Ten years later, that’s gone. Atlantic City is filled with go-to party spots and nobody has to look hard for nightlife. “When they come now, they know exactly where they are going,” Geiger says. “You drop them off at a specific club or at The Quarter or The Pier [Shops at Caesars] and then you pick them up six hours later. Nobody has to look for a place to go anymore.” In the last decade, Atlantic City has seen an explosion of nightclubs with names such as MIXX, Providence, mur.mur, the 40/40 club, Boogie Nights and dusk, just to name a few. Now for a party planner like Tony Penza of VIP in Atlantic City, the job isn’t finding a club, it’s putting his patrons in the club they want. “I would agree that people coming into town know where they want to go now,” he says. “I really don’t see much club hopping going on. They really don’t want to waste time moving around, even though everything is open until six in the morning. It’s [like] why restart your night


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Then came The Quarter [at Tropicana] and then the nightclubs. Before these places went in, most people just came here, gambled, then sat at a casino bar and had a drink. That’s all different now.” Penza notes that while the city did have a few nightclubs before the Borgata, the opening of the casino began seriously changing the way the city parties. “When I started, you really only had Déjà Vu and Casbah [which is still going strong at the Trump Taj Mahal],” he says. “Then came the Borgata and it was huge and it was the first great reinvention of the city’s nightlife. They brought in new architecture and new things like bottle service and it really took off.” Closely on the heels of the Borgata (home of the clubs MIXX and mur. mur) came The Quarter, which opened in 2004. Tropicana’s indoor party center came with restaurants, shops, lounges

and nightclubs. It was a complete party package, which proved especially popular with area locals, who aren’t always easily enticed into the city. “The Quarter is a big player because it was the first of the one-stop shops,” Penza says. “Everything you wanted was indoors and in one place. Eventually The Pier got into that area as well, but The Quarter was first.” For nightclubs, The Quarter is the home of Providence, which just received a nice national shout-out when the cast of MTV’s controversial Jersey Shore partied there in a recent episode. Other hot spots are the karaoke bar Planet Rose, the Comedy Stop comedy club, Red Square, the Missile Bar ... look, it’s filled with hot spots. In 2006, Harrah’s Resort added to the growth when it completed a $550 million waterfront expansion, which included The Pool, a multifunctional indoor pool area,

which also served as a hot nightspot. Again the facility proved a big draw, especially for area college students, and has made a name for itself nationwide with its celebrity hosted weekend parties. The Pool has just undergone expansion adding The Loft and an outdoor deck area, which should only add to its summer popularity. Another big player in the city’s nightlife has been The Pier Shops at Caesars, which also opened in 2006. The shops added to an already growing restaurant scene as well as bringing in Game On! sports bar and the Trinity Irish Pub. With Caesars adding the nightclub dusk to the scene, the city received another inclusive nightlife destination. The newest player is The Chelsea, a noncasino hotel that has been cultivating its own club scene at its 5th Floor clubs since it opened in 2008. Another development over the last decade has been the success of beach bars. Though there has been some fighting with state environmental officials over their placement, three beach bars have survived and thrived at Trump Plaza, The Hilton and Bally’s. In the height of the summer, even the beach has become a nightlife spot. Of course not all of the city’s nightlife spots are new, and some venerable city taverns are still thriving off Atlantic City’s most stable customer base — all the people who work at the casinos, clubs and bars. “Where places like the Ducktown Tavern and the Chelsea Pub thrive is with the employees.” Penza says. “They offer food 24 hours a day and people who work in the industry need some place to go and relax too. That’s why they are always packed at 4am.” And after a decade of expansion, you can say that of Atlantic City’s nightlife as well. It’s packed all night long. ■


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Road Warrior Roaming the scorched earth in ‘Eli’ By Lori Hoffman


NCE, JUST ONCE, I’D LIKE TO see a post-apocalyptic movie that doesn’t assume that humanity would revert to its worst behavior, but instead would survive with its best attributes leading the way back to civilization. Perhaps that is asking for too much. Once the bombs have been dropped and savaged the land, it is asking a lot for the desperate survivors to band together in the spirit of good will for all rather than me first. Denzel Washington stars in The Book of Eli, a post-a drama directed by Albert and Allen Hughes (From Hell, Menace II Society) that brings the religious allegory to the forefront rather than its usual place lurking in the background. Washington plays the titled character, one of the rare survivors old enough to remember what the world The Book of Eli ★★★★ Directed by Allen & Albert Hughes; rated R

★★★★ The Lovely Bones Directed by Peter Jackson; rated PG-13 ★★★★ Nine Directed by Rob Marshall; rated PG-13

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eople &


was like before the devastation 30 years earlier. He has been walking the earth for the past three decades on a mission. Along the way highwaymen have tried to kill him and he has endured because despite his age, he has some serious kung fu and blade skills. These action scenes are about the only moments that pump up the volume in a movie that is exceedingly light on character development. Gary Oldman shows up as a villain named Carnegie who runs a town and wants what Eli is trying to protect. You will figure out soon enough that the object of his desire is the Bible. He feels the Bible and its words will allow him to convert more people to his side, a premise that doesn’t get much traction in the weakly designed screenplay by Gary Whitta. The film does have an intriguing twist ending that some might find makes it worthwhile sitting through the doom, gloom and bloodshed. I’m still on the fence about that since in my book that twist is also a bit of a cheat. Washington, the only actor given a sufficient platform to create a performance, provides a solid one as a man who knows who he is and what he is fighting for. Beyond a funny cameo by Michael Gambon, he

is truly alone in this ugly world, which extinct musical genre. The biggest probmakes it a “wait for the DVD” movie for lem is finding any sympathy for the central character, the childish, womanizing everybody but Denzel devotees. director, played by Daniel Day-Lewis. The director in Federico Fellini’s autobiographLord of the ‘Bones’ Before he got back to his Hobbits, Peter ical film masterpiece 8½ (1963), the basis Jackson directed The Lovely Bones, based for Nine, was more likable. It really does on the book of the same name, about come down to the difference between the a murdered child (Saoirse Ronan) who lightness of Marcello Mastroianni and the is stranded in a world between heaven darkness of Day-Lewis. The ladies that surand earth, watching her grieving par- round him are charming and entertaining, ents (Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz) and in particular Penélope Cruz as his mistress, the man who raped and murdered her Marion Cotillard as his unhappy wife (Stanley Tucci). Ronan is wonderful in a and Judi Dench as his costume designfilm that is heartbreaking, yet filled with er and confidant. The musical numbers hope despite the tragic circumstances. are delightful but what surrounds them Learning to live beyond grief is the heart drains the energy provided by those musiof the story and the performances bring cal moments. ■ out that premise beautifully.

Nine Is No ‘8½’

I never saw the stage musical Nine, but despite some enjoyable musical numbers from the master, director Rob Marshall (Chicago), the screen version of Nine is not likely to extend the life of the not-quite-

AVATAR 3D (PG13) 11:30*, 12:15*, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10 AVATAR 2D (PG13) 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 THE IMAGINARIUM OF DOCTOR PARNASSUS (PG13) 5, 9:55 INVICTUS (PG) 11:05*, 1:50, 7:20 2012 (PG13) 3, 6:30, 9:45 PRECIOUS: BASED ON THE NOVEL PUSH BY SAPPHIRE (R) 11:40*, 2, 7:25, 9:40 NINE (PG13) 11:35*, 4:50, 7:15 THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON (PG13) 2, 9:25 THOMAS AND THE RUNAWAY KITE (G) Special kids show Saturday, 10am; all seats $5

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AVATAR 3D (PG13) Fri.-Sat. 12, 3:15, 6:30, 9:45; Sun.-Thurs. 11, 2:15, THE TOOTH FAIRY (PG) 11:45*, 2:15, 5, 7:20, 9:30 5:30, 8:45 LEGION (R) 12:10*, 2:20, 5:15, 7:50, 10 THE BOOK OF ELI (R) 12*, 2:30, 5:05, 7:40, 10:10 TILTON 9 THEATRE THE LOVELY BONES (PG13) 11*, 1:50, 4:45, 7:30, 10:15 TILTON SHOPPING CTR., NORTHFIELD • 646-3147 A SINGLE MAN (R) 11:25*, 1:55, 4, 6, 8, 10:05 DAYBREAKERS (R) 2, 5:10, 7:35, 9:40 Compiled by AC WeeklyEXTRAORDINARY Staff: editorial@acweekly.com MEASURES (PG) 12:15, 2:40, 5:10, 7:30, 9:45 THE FANTASTIC MR. FOX (PG) 12* coolest happenings around the region BROKEN EMBRACES (R) 12, 2:20 THE BLIND SIDE (PG13) 11*, 1:20, 4:30, 5, 7:25, 9:50 BROTHERS (R) 14:50, 7:15, 9:45 YOUTH IN REVOLT (R) 12:10*, 2:10, 4:10, 6:10, 8:10, 10:10 THE SPY NEXT DOOR (PG) 12, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9:45 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE SQUEAKUEL (G) 11*, 11:50*, 1, 1:50, THE YOUNG VICTORIA (PG) 12:15, 2:40, 5:10, 7:30, 9:45 3, 5, 7, 9

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facebook.com/ACWeekly ople & coolest happenings around the region

Compiled by AC Weekly Staff: editorial@acweekly.com

To read more about movies and other topics covered by movie critic Lori Hoffman under her blog alias Moviejunkie, visit http://blog.acweekly.com/

LEAP YEAR (PG) 12, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 IT’S COMPLICATED 12, 2:45, 5:20, 7:40, 9:55 THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG (G) 12, 2, 4 SHERLOCK HOLMES (PG13) 12, 2:30, 5:15, 6, 7:45, 8:30, 10:10 UP IN THE AIR (R) 12:15, 2:40, 5:10, 7:30, 9:45

REGAL HAMILTON COMMONS BLACK HORSE PIKE, HAMILTON TWP. • 677-1949 LEGION (R) 12:40, 1:20 , 3:10, 4:30, 5:40, 7:40, 8:20, 10:10, 10:50 EXTRAORDINARY MEASURES (PG) 11:45, 2:20, 5, 7:30, 10:15 THE TOOTH FAIRY (R) 12:20, 2:50, 5:20, 7:50, 10:20 THE BOOK OF ELI (R) 11:50, 1, 2:30, 4:10, 5:10, 7:20, 8, 10:05, 10:45 THE SPY NEXT DOOR (PG) 11:55, 2:25, 4:50, 7:15, 9:30 THE LOVELY BONES (PG13) (Some shows open captioned Tues-Thurs.) 12:30, 4, 7:10, 10:25 IT’S COMPLICATED (R) (Some shows open captioned Fri.-Mon.) 12:25, 3:40, 6:40, 9:40 SHERLOCK HOLMES (PG13) 12:50, 3:50, 6:50, 9:50 ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE SQUEAKQUEL (G) 12:10, 2:40, 5:05, 7:35, 9:55 AVATAR 3D (PG13) 12, 3:30, 7, 10:30 YOUTH IN REVOLT (R) 8:10, 10:35 DAYBREAKERS (R) 4:20, 9:35 LEAP YEAR (PG) 1:10, 6:55 THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG (G) 12:45, 3:05, 5:30


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