Delaware County Regional News 17.4

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DelawareCounty REGIONAL NEWS

PUBLISHED QUARTERLY _______________________________________________________

From the Desk of Trish McFarland We have rung in the New Year and are reminded of our goals. Many resolutions are put in place and foresight for a new start with triumph. It’s often a time of reflection and evaluating the past years gifts and hardships. As a Chamber, we look back at 2017 and into the New Year and our resolution/goal for this year is to offer more opportunities for our members to be engaged and create a path to success and growth. When you think of a Chamber of Commerce, initially you think of events and we have an ever expanding calendar of opportunities to meet, learn and share for 2018. Secondly, you should think of our Chamber as a hub for resources. When it comes to your business, you want to get the most bang for your buck without cutting corners. There’s a lot we can try to master in house, but sometimes it’s just not worth the risk of doing it wrong. As we enter in this issue of Professional Services, remember we can connect you to fellow businesses and experts in your area of need. From accounting, bookkeeping and taxes to social media, advertising and marketing, we are a pivot of contacts. A great place to start is in our Membership Directory on our website that lists all current members and we’d be happy to do an introduction. Learn more about how you can maximize your membership and gain insight from fellow members. Stay safe this blistery season and best wishes on a prosperous 2018! Best wishes,

Distributed by

Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 1001 Baltimore Pike, Suite 9LL Springfield, PA 19064 610-565-3677 Fax: 484-472-7809 Trish McFarland, President Contact Jessica Hoffman, Marketing & Events Director, for editorial content ____________________________________________________

For advertising opportunities in Delaware County Regional News, contact our Sales Manager: Bob Dahlhausen, 610-644-0202 ____________________________________________________

Produced & Published by

Atlantic Communications Group, Inc.

Trish McFarland, President Delaware County Chamber of Commerce


PROFESSIONAL SERVICES – WINTER 2017/2018 2 From the Desk of Trish McFarland 4 Your Business’s One Stop Shop Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 5 Government Affairs: Hotel Taxes 5 Best Practices for Professional Service Firms 6 How to Avoid Common “Overuse Injuries” in the Office 8 Leveraging Your Benefits Package to Win the War on Talent

9 Youth Leadership Academy 10 Upcoming Events 10 Delicious Delco – Lentils with Mushrooms and Greens

12 Welcome New Members 2


Proud to be a member of the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 800-832-3747 Hayden M. Wilbur, CEO Tom Jeffers, Senior Graphic Designer Bob Dahlhausen, Advertising Sales ©2018 Atlantic Communications Group, Inc., all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any format or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo copying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. The information in this publication has been gathered and carefully compiled to ensure maximum accuracy. However, because completeness cannot be guaranteed, the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce and Atlantic Communications Group, Inc. cannot accept responsibility for omissions and errors.

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Your Business’s

ONE STOP SHOP Delaware County Chamber of Commerce

AS A MEMBERSHIP BASED ORGANIZATION, it is necessary to be, at the very least, a resource for business, and the Delaware County Chamber is multifaceted in this arena. As a member of the Chamber of Commerce, you have a membership base of 1,200 businesses at your fingertips. The Delaware County Chamber strives to create opportunities to learn, grow, mentor, refer, collaborate and do business with one another. Through events, advertising and basic one-on-one conversations, the Chamber can make introductions with any member company of your choice: all you have to do is ask. Make sure you understand all that membership has to offer and maximize those efforts. CONNECTIONS The Delaware County Chamber offers networking at every event that is hosted. Building connections and relationships is an invaluable piece to running a successful business. With over 100 events hosted annually by the Chamber, and a handful of those events with over 300 attendees, the opportunities are endless to create your book of business and referral network. Committees are another great way to get involved and make long-lasting relationships. 4

Those committees include Government Affairs, Business Owners Group, Ambassadors and Young Professionals, which all meet on a monthly basis. EDUCATION Partnerships is a key way that the Chamber can offer a business owner so many ways to learn. Delaware County is the home to many sole proprietors and small businesses, which means there are owners that have to be a jack-of-all-trades. From staffing and benefits, to marketing and inventory and


most importantly budgeting, they have their hands full. The Chamber brings in experts in those fields to help business owners do it all and ask for help when they need it. Partnerships with members and other organizations like SCORE and Delco SHRM, the Chamber is able to host valuable seminars that involve current issues for local businesses. VISIBILITY Being a member of the Delaware County Chamber gets a little extra spotlight on your business. Every member is listed in the Membership Directory, both online and in print and is posted to the Chamber social media pages when you join. There are also exclusive advertising opportunities available to members only, including the new Member Spotlight videos posted on the Chamber YouTube Channel.

Furthermore, sponsorships are always available, whether to host an event at your place of business or support a larger, annual event and receive tickets, logo placement and various other benefits. GOVERNMENT ACCESS The Chamber keeps a close watch on legislation happening in Harrisburg that can or will affect Delaware County businesses. State of the County, State Senate Forum, Federal Forum and State House Forum are just a few events the Delaware County Chamber hosts annually to keep businesses aware of what’s happening right here in Delaware County. Through the Government Affairs Committee, the on-staff lobbyist and events hosted, meet your local elected officials and get updated on items impacting your community.

Government Affairs:

HOTEL TAXES By: Mark Dougherty, Wanner Associates

September came and went, with no resolution to the on-going budget stalemate that has prevented an end to the struggle to fund the 2017-18 spending plan passed in June. Indeed, since June the Legislature has advanced a number of different proposals to close the budget gap. Many of them faded as quickly as they were announced though. The Senate passed funding bill included new energy taxes but that received a dead- on-arrival reception from the House. The House advanced a bill that took money from what are supposed to be dedicated funds. But the raids on transportation, public transit and environmental funds got a withering response from the Senate and the affected public. Next up was a proposal to apply sale tax to commercial storage activities and further tax the Marcellus Shale industry, both of which also failed.


The strategic management of a service-based business is different from that of a manufacturing company. It is important to implement a corporate strategy that keeps this in mind. According to the book Ignite Your Business: Bright Ideas for Serious Entrepreneurs, written by Bob Simpson and Anthony Mitchell, there are a number of steps you can take to create a strong foundation of growth for your business. Do you fully understand the specific type of service business you are in? • Do a SWOT Analysis • Develop Targets, Forecasts and Budgets • Track Your Key Performance Indicators • Survey Your Customers • Resolve Complaints • Get Your Pricing Right • Survey Your Competitors • Survey Your Team • Incentivize Your Team • Develop Referrals and Introductions • Hire a Marketing Person • Build a Contact Management System • Gather Testimonials

• Create a Communication Strategy (Newsletters/Emails) • Provide Content Materials • Send Welcome Letters • Say Thank You • Make Follow-Up Phone Calls • Write Articles • Promote Your Company • Join a Business Referral Group • Organize B2B Lunches • Build a Killer Web Site • Write an Action Plan • Get Close with Your Advisor Team

Additional resources can be found at or by calling your local trusted CPA’s.

One option discussed is raising taxes on hotels for a source of revenue by an additional 5 percent. This tax increase would be a huge burden to our state and cities. The hotel tax is not just a tax on hotels, but is a tax on any private room for rent. Therefore, this tax also effects motels, inns and B&Bs. Currently, if you wanted to stay the night at Philadelphia that 5 percent tax is adding 14.2% on to your room rate, to add any more would not just hurt hotels, but would also hurt your wallet.

If taxes were to be raised on hotels, it would really curve the revenue our region and state receives through tourism and would put Philadelphia in the top 10 most taxed cities in the U.S. Las Vegas for years stays on the top of lists to travel to because of their inexpensive hotel rooms. Even though the cost of entertainment might not be cheap, at least the hotels are. Philadelphia is not in that situation with a sales tax that was just raised an additional 2 percent and in Allegheny where it rose by another one percent. In comparison, Philadelphia has the same sales tax as L.A.

Pennsylvania is facing a budget crisis, with a $2.2 billion deficit projected. But raising taxes on hotels is not going to dig us out of the problem. It’s a poor solution that was created in response to other solutions made. We shouldn’t put the blame on small businesses and our tax payers by raising taxes. Legislators should be trying to increase business in Pennsylvania to collect revenue, not hurt the businesses we have or prevent current ones from coming.

XSCAPE THE ROOM – MEDIA, PA. Delaware County’s premier producers of live action escape games offers 4 fun and immersive experiences designed to whisk you away from the everyday, plunging you into one heart stopping hour where you can unplug from the outside world and connect with your fellow players joined together in one simple task...Xscape!

Work together as a team; collect clues and solve riddles, problems, and puzzles that lead to your escape. Perfect for team building, office parties, or a night out with family and friends.

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How to Avoid Common

“Overuse Injuries” in the Office

DAY IN AND DAY OUT, many people head to work and sit at their desks for hours and hours before getting up to move. Did you know more Americans have sedentary jobs today than ever before? According to the American Heart Association, technological advances have changed the work culture, and sedentary jobs have increased 83 percent since 1950. in one convenient location. Sitting behind a desk all day can be hazardous to your body. Prolonged activities can lead to “overuse injuries,” such as muscle strains, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis and bursitis. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, work-related musculoskeletal problems made up 32 percent of all worker injury and illness cases in 2014. Many of those injuries may have been suffered by those who perform physically taxing jobs, but those sitting hunched over a computer, typing furiously and staring at the screen all day can also sustain overuse injuries. Repetitive motions, such as typing and using the computer, can strain muscles and tendons and cause back pain, vision problems and carpal tunnel syndrome. However, being mindful about your posture, getting up and moving, and having proper ergonomic desk equipment can help reduce your risk. 6


“Most overuse injuries are pain-related, such as muscle weakness, sore wrists and elbows, and stiffness in the neck or back,” said Christopher Chong, MD, of Mercy Orthopedic Associates at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital. “Overuse injuries usually are not acute injuries, but are more chronic in nature due to the repetitive use of muscles or joints that lead to injury.” Follow these tips to make sure you are doing all you can to protect yourself: • Evaluate your desk ergonomics. Your monitor should be directly in front of you, about an arm’s length away. The top of the screen should be at or slightly below eye level to avoid eye strain, and your hands should be kept below the level of your elbows to avoid wrist injury. • Ensure you have an adequate chair. Your chair should support your spinal curves. Adjust the height of the chair so that your feet rest flat on the floor or on a footrest. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor and your wrists should be even with your elbow or below it. Adjust armrests so your arms gently rest on them with your shoulders relaxed. • Get up and move. The easiest place to incorporate increased activity during the day is at work. Getting up frequently throughout the workday can combat the negative effects of sitting. If you are experiencing pain or have symptoms that suggest you have an overuse injury, consult your physician. For more information, call 1.877.GO MERCY or visit





As the competition for talent continues to grow, employers turn to their benefits packages to attract and retain top talent. In the last 12 months, one third of organizations increased their overall benefits offerings according to the Society for Human Resource Management’s 2017 Employee Benefits Survey. The survey of 3,227 human resource professionals revealed that employers are increasing their benefits packages in the following areas:

1. Wellness (24%) 2. Health Related Benefits (22%) 3. Career Development (16%)

4. Employee Programs and Services (15%) 5. Flexible Working (14%) 6. Retirement Savings and Planning (13%) 7. Leave (12%) 8. Family-friendly Benefits (11%) 9. Housing and Relocation (4%) 10. Business Travel (2%)

The author of the study says, “You can leverage your benefits package to help with common recruiting strategies such as increasing retention efforts, expanding training programs to help improve skills of new hires, using/enhancing an employee referral program, offering more flexible work arrangements, providing monetary incentives to candidates (e.g., signing bonus) and offering new job perks. Of these strategies, HR professionals indicated that offering more flexible work arrangements was the most effective.”

As the war for talent continues to grow, you must evaluate your total rewards strategy to ensure it fits your organization’s culture and goals. Creating a 2-3 year benefits strategy with your benefit consultant is a good first step in developing a total rewards offering that can be used as differentiator to recruit and retain the talent your organization needs. Interested in understanding what the insurance offerings are that appeal to what millennials want? Check out blog/millennials-turn-down-jobs-with-poor-insurance-offerings.

While a majority of employers in this study increased their offering, only 6 percent decreased their benefits overall. Large organizations (12 percent) are three times more likely than midsize organizations (4 percent) to have decreased overall benefits offerings in the past 12 months. The most common reason for decreasing benefits was due to financial struggles, mergers, or poor organizational performance. Looking to get a leg up on your benefits packages? Check out the Most Desirable Employee Benefits Packages online at

As benefit consultants, Exude works with our clients to develop a strategy that is aligned with a client’s culture and business goals which results in a benefit offering that helps you accomplish your business goals. Sources Cited:



Melanie Hull-Dempsey

Youth Leadership Academy, Class of 2016; Chichester High School, Senior Class of 2018 Melanie Hull-Dempsey is a senior at Chichester High School and a Youth Leadership Academy graduate from Class of 2016. “At Youth Leadership Academy, I learned about the qualities of a great leader and how to be a leader in my school and community alike. I was able to work with others to achieve a common goal, our final ignite presentation. After YLA, I felt more confident about myself. I am more confident in my ability to lead others and I continue to use the skills I learned during our YLA panels, discussions and presentation.” She is quite the ambitious high schooler, currently ranked as Valedictorian of her graduating class, with a weighted GPA of 5.0480, and an unweighted GPA of 4.0. Melanie enjoys challenging herself to be the best she can be by taking three advanced placement classes in her junior year and four this year. Melanie stated, “I enjoy taking these classes and tests because they require me to think at a higher level and give me the opportunity to obtain college credit.”

Her drive for success does not end there, although her college choice has not yet been decided, her major is already determined. Melanie plans to major in Early Childhood Education (PreK-4th) with dual certification in special education (PreK-8th) and minor in Business Administration and Management. She wants to help to change little lives by educating young children, with hopes to own a preschool and establish an environment that encourages all young students to learn, create, and blossom.

Melanie’s extracurricular activities include, member of the National Honor Society and Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society, Vice President of the Spanish Honor Society, and President of the Tri-M Music Honor Society, President of Chichester Concert Choir and director of the Student-Run Choir, Future Business Leaders of America organization and on October 10th, 2017, she attended the Youth Leadership Summit at Marple Newtown High School, where she heard from multiple inspiring and insightful leaders.

All students showed immense personal and social growth over the course of meeting weekly for three months. One student, too shy to speak to anyone, progressed to speaking with adults, mentors, and students alike.

In September of 2017, Imagine Magazine, published by Johns Hopkins’ Center for Talented Youth, featured her article describing the program and its successes, titled “Helping Hands, Helping Hearts.” Melanie was then asked to present her program to the school board, which came with a plaque, photo and article in the Delaware County Times. Melanie says, “My creation and participation during the first year of Helping Hearts solidified my plans to become an early childhood education teacher, and allowed me to gain real-life experience to prepare me for my future.”

CALLING ALL DELAWARE COUNTY 10TH GRADE STUDENTS! Applications are now being accepted for the Youth Leadership Academy Class of 2018. April 23 – April 25 @Neumann University Sophmores from around the county are invited to apply to participate in this two and a half day program giving hands on experience with local community, business, media and government leaders. Only 30 students will be accepted for this great college resume builder. Apply today at

Her proudest accomplishment thus far is the establishment and management of the interschool Helping Hearts program. This program created by Melanie in her junior year, involves high school students that mentor a classroom of 18 elementary students.




Drexelbrook Events Center 4700 Drexelbrook Drive, Drexel Hill, PA 19026 JAN 12 NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Comcast Conference Room Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 1001 Baltimore Pike Ste. 9LL Springfield, PA 19064 JAN 18 YOUNG PROFESSIONALS: PONG TOURNAMENT 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Barnaby’s Aston 5501 Pennell Road, Aston, PA 19014 JAN 25 CHAMBER BOWL 2018 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Sproul Lanes 745 S. Sprould Road, Broomall, PA 19008


Comcast Conference Room Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 1001 Baltimore Pike Ste. 9LL, Springfield, PA 19064 FEB 1 BUSINESS AFTER HOURS 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Tavola Restaurant + Bar 400 W. Sproul Road, Springfield, PA 19064 FEB 22 INCLUSION & DIVERSITY 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Comcast Conference Room Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 1001 Baltimore Pike Ste. 9LL, Springfield, PA 19064


Buffalo Wild Wings 920 Baltimore Pike, Glen Mills, PA 19342 MAR 22 2018 SMALL BUSINESS AWARDS 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Springfield Country Club 400 W. Sproul Road, Springfield , PA 19064 APR 9 NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Comcast Conference Room Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 1001 Baltimore Pike Ste. 9LL Springfield, PA 19064


Comcast Conference Room Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 1001 Baltimore Pike Ste. 9LL, Springfield, PA 19064

Register to attend these events and other business boosting opportunities at DELICIOUS DELCO

LENTILS WITH MUSHROOMS AND GREENS Recipe by Christine DiJulia, Martindale’s Natural Market

INGREDIENTS 1/2 c brown or green lentils 2 1/2 c water or broth 3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 1/2 lb shiitake mushrooms caps, sliced Salt to taste 1 clove garlic, minced 1/4 tsp each ground cumin, coriander, black pepper 1/8 tsp ground turmeric 1/2 lb tender greens such as spinach or Swiss chard, coarsely chopped Garnish: 1 tbsp chopped parsley

This quick, easy and hearty dish will warm you up. Did you know that those who get more legumes in the diet are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes? Regardless, it’s soup season – so enjoy a mug full after a day at the office. Have some lentils as a traditional symbol of abundance and prosperity coming in 2018.



Instructions: In small saucepan, cover lentils with 2½ cups water or broth and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and cook covered until tender (20-30 minutes). Meanwhile, sauté the mushrooms in 2 tbsp olive oil for about 5 minutes, season with salt. Add remaining olive oil, garlic, and spices. Cook another minute until fragrant. Add greens, stirring until wilted. Combine with lentils and their liquid and simmer for 3 more minutes. Ladle into bowls, and sprinkle with fresh parsley. Grate Parmesan cheese on top if you like and adorn your hot bowlful with a bit more olive oil. Serve hot.

Welcome New Members 2120 Creative A & M Healthcare Agency A Cut Above Homecare Service Aliro Group LLC Allstate Insurance Co./ Mattus & DiGiacomo Insurance Agency Anson Construction Anthony J. Gueriera Jr. Insurance Agency LLC APM Masonry & Concrete LLC Berkshire Hathaway Home Services/Fox & Roach Buster’s Capital Corvias

Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Delco Restoratins Inc dba Servpro of Media Dragon Martial Arts Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery and Delaware Counties Healing Hands Massage Higher Information Group House of Arts Instaglamour Photo Booth Intrepid Marketing J5 Solutions Jackson Investors dba Pet Supplies Plus

A Warm Welcome To Our Newest Members! Membership in the Chamber is a savvy business investment. Through Membership, you gain a dedicated partner who is committed to the support and growth of your regional business environment. We look forward to seeing you around the Chamber. Jay Wiley Photography Jayscribe.NET LLC Keep Music Alive M2 Consulting McGinn Public Strategies LLC MVP Recovery My Path Ahead Ophthalmic Surgical Associates Inc. Providence Animal Center Public Citizens for Children & Youth Renewed Abundance Riches Enterprise River Avenue Digital

Sharon Savings Bank Signs A La Carte Smile Exchange of Springfield Socius South Jersey Energy Sprint Business Solutions Stream Energy Swiss Farms Swoop Pay The Jason Gizzi Team Vicky Zaine Independent Seacret Agent Zavodnick, Zavodnick & Lasky, LLC

Being part of the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce can be an invaluable asset to your business growth. The networking and visibility opportunities offered, combined with an increased voice in local, state and national issues, are easy to attain when you join the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce. Call (610) 565-3677 for membership information.



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