Based in Alapaha, Georgia, Atlas Greenhouse is a manufacturer of commercial and educational greenhouse systems. Founded in 1986 as a regional greenhouse supplier, Atlas is now a leading provider of greenhouses internationally, with our facilities consisting of over 100,000 square feet of sales, manufacturing, and warehouse space.
In October of 2022, Atlas established a partnership with Mangrove Equity Partners, which has allowed Atlas to expand its salesforce to better serve our customers throughout the United States.
At Atlas, we manufacture commercial greenhouses for ornamental horticulture, vegetable production, and as educational teaching environments. Additionally, we also manufacture residential greenhouses, as well as a full line of metal buildings.
With an inventory inclusive of a complete line of accessories, coverings, heating equipment, cooling and ventilation equipment, and more, we continue to manufacture and stock the inventory we sell, allowing for unprecedented lead times and unparallel service to you, our valued customers.
We truly appreciate your interest in the Atlas product line. As we get closer to our 40th anniversary, we are reminded of the incredible journey that brought us to this significant milestone. We wholeheartedly acknowledge that without the continued support of our loyal customers, this achievement would not have been made possible. It is our customers’ unwavering belief in us that has been and remains the driving force behind our success, and for that, we are truly grateful.
Our company journey has taken us from a small regional greenhouse manufacturer into a thriving greenhouse design company. Today, we embrace immense pride in providing innovative product designs and turn-key solutions for the ornamental, vegetable, cannabis, and institutional greenhouse markets.
As we continue to strive toward enhancing our offerings and maintaining exceptional service, we’ve experienced many exciting developments over the last couple of years. For one, we have bolstered our team with experienced outside sales personnel who are dedicated to meeting our customers’ needs and who provide expert guidance. In addition, we are pleased to introduce our latest addition, the “Apollo” polycarbonate covered Gutter Connect Structure, along with an expanded range of equipment options. By offering more cost-effective solutions, these advancements keep our customers at the forefront of greenhouse systems technology.
Although we have grown significantly over the years, our core principles remain unchanged. We remain committed to manufacturing quality structures and equipment at affordable prices, while our industry-leading lead times ensure that our customers receive efficient and timely service.
Again, thank you for considering Atlas as your trusted service proider. We are honored to have the opportunity to serve you and genuinely value your business. As always, our dedicated team is here to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
~- Mark Davis
Chuck Sierke
Stephanie Whitley INSIDE SALES
Consultations are provided by our team of experts to determine your cultivation needs. Designs are based on crop, product, region and climate changes.
Production begins in our 120,000-square-foot manufacturing facility and building commences by our teams of professional installation crews. Progress is tracked through our collaborative timeline between customer, engineer and contractor.
Construction plans are developed by our drafting and engineering team with collaboration from consultants and general contractors.
Customdesignedgreenhousestructuresareessentialto enhancingyear-roundornamentalgrowth.
Ornamental and landscape plant production is a highly specialized and complex field of agriculture. Custom designed greenhouse structures are essential to enhancing year-round ornamental growth.
With Atlas Greenhouse structures and accessories, growers can create versatile climate zones and growing conditions within the same structure. We provide options designed to accommodate the large- and mid-scale commercial ornamental operations.
• Grand Peak
• Apollo Series
• Pro-Com
• Snow Arch
• Super Arch
• Super Arch
• Snow Arch
• RT Max Muscle
• Budget Plus
• Emerald
• Price Buster
• 20’ RT Cold Frame
• 16’ Hoop House
• Cable Shade
• Pro-Lite Shade
• Flat Top Shade
• A-Frame Shade
“The quality of the greenhouses, the efficiency, the professionalism and service that comes from Atlas... whether it’s a site visit or overnighting supplies to us, we’ve seen all scenarios of professionalism and service from the personnel to the owner.”
- James Cook Owner of County Farm Plant Company
Atlasworkstoselectanddesignthebestgrowingsystem foryourcrops.
Greenhouse vegetable production has seen a steady growth over the past several decades. For large or small operations, Atlas provides greenhouse structures to accommodate your business or family farm. Our team works to select and design the best growing system for your vegetables and plants.
Explore our greenhouses designed for commercial operations or moderate vegetable operations.
• Grand Peak
• Pro-Com Gutter-Connect
• Super Arch Gutter-Connect
• RT Max Muscle
• Apollo Series
Atlasworkstoselectanddesignthebestgrowingsystem foryourvegetablesandplants.HighTunnelscanprotectplantsfromsevere weatherandallowfarmerstoextendinggrowingtimetoyear-round.
By providing a critical jump on the growing season, Transplant Production mitigates risk by enabling a controlled environment for germination and young plant growth stages. Atlas Transplant Greenhouses offer automated environmental controls, providing the grower with a streamlined system of monitoring for all internal environmental factors. In addition, overhead, programmable irrigation systems can be utilized for watering, chemical applications, and administration of fertilizer.
• Pro-Com
• Snow Arch
• RT Max Muscle
• 30’ Budget Plus
• 20’ RT Cold Frame
• 16’ Hoop House
• 28’ Emerald
• 30’ Price Buster
• Snow Arch
Commonly known as a “Hoop House,” a High Tunnel System is an increasingly popular practice for farmers searching for conservative growing systems. With High Tunnels, harsh temperatures are not an obstacle.
Benefits of High Tunnels include:
• Extension of the growing season
• Improved plant and soil quality
• Reduction in pesticide and nutrient transportation
• Improved air quality
• Reduction in energy usage by providing growers with a local source of fresh produce
High Tunnels protect plants from severe weather and allow farmers to extend their growing season to yearround. They also protect plants from direct rainfall, providing growers with the ability to have precise control over when delivering water and nutrients to plants by utilizing tools, such as a drip irrigation kit.
OurControlledEnvironmentGreenhousesincreaseyieldon crops,suchaslettuce,tomatoes,andpeppers.
Atlas greenhouses provide a cost-effective solution to creating a fully controlled growing environment. Controlled Environment Greenhouses increase yield on crops, such as lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers, and high quality produce can be grown throughout the year, often without the usage of pesticides.
Hydroponics, Aquaponics, and Aeroponics are a few of the most energy-efficient systems for greenhouse crops. With an Atlas Greenhouse, you are fully equipped for a successful controlled growing environment.
• Grand Peak
• Pro-Com
• Apollo
• Super Arch
• Educator
• RT Max Muscle
EquipyourRetailGardenCenterwithadditionalcomponentsfromAtlas, including:
• Climate Control Systems
• Automated Shade Systems
• Mechanical & Natural Ventilation
• Bench Systems for Plant Display
• Metal Buildings for Retail Sales Center
• And More!
• The Grand Peak
• The Apollo Series
• Super Arch Gutter Connect
• Atlas Shade Structures
• The Educator
Atlascreatesanenvironmentforsuccessbyintegratingmodern technologyandstructuresolutionsforCannabisCultivators.
With over 35 successful years of building greenhouses, our team of experts are experienced and knowledgeable in all fields of facility design, environmental factors and high-yield production. Our team of experienced greenhouse designers are dedicated to developing advanced, modern solutions for commercial growers. Our headquarters and manufacturing facility provide unprecedented lead times for structure manufacturing.
Our structures are designed and built for longevity and engineered for specific high wind and heavy snow climates, providing turn-key solutions for any region. Our team of contractors are fully versed in all aspects of Cannabis facility design.
Our Hybrid Greenhouses can utilize dehumidifiers, chillers, coolers, or traditional HVAC systems, allowing the grower to use the greenhouse as a traditional greenhouse most months of the year, utilizing outside air. Then, during those months when the air is too hot, or more likely, too humid, the outside vents close and instead of pulling outside air into the greenhouse, chillers or air conditioners scrub the air free of humidity, mold, pollen, spores, and of course, lower the temperature. Subsequently, this cold air is then pumped into the cooling chamber, where it is pulled into the greenhouse and distributed through the ducts under the crop’s root structure and is forced through the canopy. During this process, the greenhouse remains closed, and the air is returned back to the cooling chamber to be scrubbed of humidity and heat, and then, pumped back into the greenhouse. While this offers incredible control and the most ideal environment, the utility expense during this period can be 10 times as much, or more expensive than the traditional positive pressure methodology of cooling a greenhouse through evaporation of outside ambient air temperature.
Many growers contemplate that this is the best option available today by providing them with the ability to utilize many different environmental control options as the seasons change, thus making their operation as efficient as possible.
Currently, the ultimate and most controlled environmental option available on the greenhouse market, a Totally Enclosed Greenhouse utilizes the design of positive pressure, along with traditional HVAC heating and cooling to consistently set the temperature and humidity to the exact set points
desired and the ability to achieve those set points year-round, regardless of outside temperatures or humidity.
With totally enclosed facilities, growers have the results of an indoor growing facility with complete control of temperature and humidity, but the key factor making this an attractive option in today’s Cannabis market is Natural Sunlight! However, this sunlight has also played a major role in limiting the success of year-round cultivation of high-quality flower in other greenhouse ventilation and cooling options previously mentioned. As the sunlight rises above the horizon, it immediately begins creating a solar buildup in the greenhouse. This thermal load from the sun, especially when humidity levels are very high, is less than ideal for Cannabis in flower, making it at times, almost impossible to maintain acceptable plant health during this period, which can result in crop failure and loss.
Day Light Integral (DLI) is a measure of the total light accumulated in a 24-hour period and when growing in a greenhouse, growers can reach a DLI of 40 moles per day per meter squared, which is an ideal light accumulation and is unobtainable in an indoor growing environment with grow lights only. Truly, there is no substitute for the sun when growing plants, but a totally enclosed greenhouse provides growers with a clean, exact condition, while still letting the sunlight in.
Finally, although totally enclosed facilities provide the most accurate control, they are an investment, as the ongoing energy usage increases the price to maintain.
AnEducationalGreenhouseisalargeinvestmentandshouldbe designedwiththehelpofprofessionalgreenhousemanufacturers. Whenplanningagreenhouseforeducationalpurposes,ourteam consultswithschoolsanduniversitysystemstodeterminethe necessarydesignconsiderations.Structuresize,location,structure type,andclimatecontrolaretheprimaryelementstoconsiderwhen designinganeducationalgreenhouse.Otherfeaturestoconsider includeflooring,benches,andaislewidths.
Educational Greenhouses for grades K-12 or University programs provide a viable teaching environment for lessons in horticulture, disease management, and many other applications. Designed for easy usage and facility requirements, our Educational Greenhouse Series offers the perfect learning environment.
AtlasResearchGreenhousescanbebuilttosuitanyand allneedsforconductingstudiesonplantgrowth, diseasemanagement,andmuchmore.
Atlas Research Greenhouses are ideal for research in academia, industry research, as a supplement field-based studies, and for many other research endeavors.
A successful research greenhouse controls all variables and conditions to achieve a constant environment. The greenhouse can be built to suit any and all needs for conducting studies on plant growth, disease management, and much more. Our systems are fully integrated with components to control and monitor ventilation, humidity, photo periods, carbon dioxide levels, plant nutrients, irrigation, and temperature.
• Educator Series
• Grand Peak Series
• Scholar Series
• RT Max Muscle
For the home grower, whether you’re looking to overwinter your plants or just grow year round, Atlas manufactures several residential style greenhouses with the hobby grower in mind. We invite you to explore the various options we offer for our green thumb enthusiasts to find the perfect greenhouse you can enjoy for many years to come.
The Easy Grow is perfect for growing vegetables, starting seeds, or simply overwintering plants. Built at 10’ x 16’ commercial grade quality, the Easy Grow is engineered to last for many years. With a galvanized framework and slip-fit connectors to ensure simple and stress-free assembly, the Easy Grow is covered with 6-mil. 4-year poly and offers commercial grade plant protection. Also included in this package are curtains, one door and heater, white poly, and more. Additional sizes available include: 10’x11’, 10’x27’ with an 8’ peak height.
The ultimate greenhouse for the serious hobby grower, the Scholar is covered with commercial grade 8mm twinwall polycarbonate, with a 10-year warranty and 15-20 year life expectancy. Available in either 12’ or 16’ width, any length in 6’ increments, and a standard sidewall height of 5’-8’, this package includes a 2”x 2” square galvanized steel frame, aluminum extrusions, glass doors and mechanical ventilation.
Our easy-to-assemble Evergreen Greenhouse program features a patented attachment system that makes installation simple. Designed for easy construction, this structure is sturdy and permanent and has a 10-year warranty. Comes in multiple lengths and add-on accessory options.
Let Atlas work with you to discover the needs and specific details to provide the best solution for your growing operation.
Gutter-Connect Greenhouse Structures by Atlas provide growers across the country with a cost-effective solution. With our extruded aluminum gutters with built-in poly attachment and column-to-post connection, you can anticipate a savings in time, money and construction costs.
By creating stability and effective use of operating space with our multiple bays of greenhouse structures connected by gutters, future expansions can be easily added by building onto existing gutter-connect structures.
The Grand Peak
The Apollo
The Super Arch
The Pro-Com
The Snow Arch
Offered in Quonset, A-Frame, or Semi-Gothic roof design with various size options, Atlas Gutter-Connected structures provide low cost poly covered structures to cover large acreage, as well as polycarbonate structures for retail or institutional needs.
Atlas has the right choice for you!
Atlas proudly offers the Rovero Roll-Air, retail and commercial, and the HortiHouse for commercial growers, in the United States.
Atlas Greenhouse is pleased to announce the addition of the Rovero Product Line of greenhouse structures to our portfolio of offerings. This partnership will provide our customers with additional tools to grow perfect plants in an ideal environment, and all at an affordable cost.
The Rovero Roll-Air, Rovero HortiHouse for Growers, and the Roll-Air Retail for retail centers are an ideal fit to add to your ever-changing greenhouse needs.
The Roll-Air Greenhouse takes garden centers to the next level by combining the convenience of “indoor” features with the open-air feel and also, provides benefits for your plants. Featuring a roof that can be fully opened or closed in just a minute, depending on weather conditions. It is ideal for Retail Garden Centers seeking to shield their selling areas from the elements of wind and rain during that critical Spring buying period.
A structure that provides protection from the elements, while at the same time, creating an environment as close to outside conditions as possible. With its unique Open-Roof design, the Rovero Roll-Air Greenhouse is ideal for Ornamental, Nursery, Fruit and Vegetable Growers. The Roll-Air roof will completely open or close in approximately 1-minute, allowing for maximum exposure to the elements when needed, and the ability to close quickly when adverse weather conditions occur protecting your crops and people.
With its unique poly film that allows for greater light transmission, a longer life and easy and safe installation to cover and recover when required, the Rovero HortiHouse offers several unique features to a traditional widespan greenhouse, as well as a significantly larger ventilation system with ease of construction –all at an exceptionally affordable price.
The Grand Peak is versatile in a variety of markets, including research and education, retail, hydroponics/ aquaponics, cannabis cultivation, commercial and controlled environmental growing operations.
The Atlas top performing gutter-connect greenhouse is available as a free-standing or a multiple bay gutter-connected structure and can be built with a variety of rigid coverings. With its wide galvanized gutters and 8mm polycarbonate roof covering, the Grand Peak offers years of maintenance-free usage with a sleek, upscale design.
• 2x3 (14-gauge) pre-punched rafter design with 12’ spacing
• 4x4 (13-gauge) column post with 12’ spacing
• 2 1/2 square x 14 gauge roof purlins
• 14-gauge galvanized gutters
• Extruded aluminum profiles for polycarbinate coverings
• Available in 20’, 24’, 30,’ 36’ and 41.6’
wide bays
• 8mm polycarbonate roof covering (plus many other rigid covering options)
• Bolted rafters for easier installation
• Option of concrete foundation or pier installation
• Ideal structure for retail or educational purposes
Named after the Greek God of Sun and Light, the Atlas Apollo Series is our most versatile structure.
Capture the sun with our Apollo Series greenhouse!
With greenhouse covering options to include poly film, corrugated polycarbonate, and twinwall polycarbonate, the Apollo can be covered with corrugated sheet metal for headhouse connection.
• 4” x 4” x 11 Ga Column Posts
• 2” x 2” x 14 Ga Bows
• 1-1/2” Square Purlins (for rigid coverings)
• Large 10” Wide Aluminum Gutter
The Atlas Super Arch offers superior strength for high snow load applications, while maintaining a cost well within a grower’s budget.
The perfect structure to meet top quality needs at an affordable price, the Atlas Super Arch Gutter-Connect Series offers superior strength for high snow load applications and from product to product, cost to cost, growers will not find a more economical and efficient gutter-connected structure.
• 21’ , 24’ , or 30’ clear span widths
• 4’ or 6’ bow spacing
• Pre-punched holes for easy installation
• 2” square (14-gauge) bows
• 2” square (14-gauge) truss chord
• 3” x 3” column posts (12-gauge) - optional 4” posts
• 3 runs 1.315 (17-gauge) purlins on 21’ and 24’ models
• 5 runs 1.315 (17-gauge) purlins on 30’ model
The Atlas Pro-Com Series is designed and engineered to withstand most wind and snow loads throughout 75% of the U.S. without modifications.
Fully engineered and the most cost-efficient model in its class, the Atlas Pro-Com Series greenhouse is our lowest cost per square foot, allowing growers to cover large areas economically. With bay width options ranging from 22’ and 28’ to 30’ widths, the Pro-Com is constructed utilizing 3” x 3” square column posts, spaced every 12’, with 1.900” bows spaced at 4’ or 6’ and trusses every 12.’ This series also works perfectly with roll-up curtains to provide natural ventilation.
• 3” x 3” column posts 12-gauge (12’ spacings)
• 1.900 (14-gauge) bows
• 1.315 (17-gauge) purlin
• Extruded aluminum gutters
• Choice of 22’, 28’ or 30’ width bays
• Overhead cable and side wall bracing
The Snow Arch Gutter-Connect Series is Atlas’ most affordable professional grade structure, with no outside bay gutters required.
With no expensive brackets used to attach the gutters to posts, our Atlas Snow Arch Gutter-Connect Series features posts and bows spaced according to your selection of 4’, 5’ or 6’ spacings, elminating the need for large column posts. And, there are no expensive brackets utilized to attach the gutters to the posts. The Snow Arch frame supports the gutters as opposed to the gutters supporting the frame and this structure is offered with up to 8’ to 10’ gutter height.
• 2.197” round 12-gauge column posts
• 1.900” (14-gauge) bow assemblies
• 1.315” (17-gauge) purlins (3 runs; 30’ wide model has 5 runs)
• 1.600” (16-gauge) cross trusses
• 1.315” (17-gauge) corner wind brace
• Complete assembly hardware
Free-Standing Structures by Atlas provides many benefits to growing, including the ability to isolate plants that may be diseased, create additional space needed for product, and add-on options for additional space later.
Atlas has been building free-standing greenhouses for over 35 years. Our common sense approach to greenhouse design has resulted in cost-effective, energy-efficient structures combined with ease of installation.
For our growers who require high wind or heavy snow building codes, we have the perfect structure for you! With standard widths available for free-standing structures from 16’ to 35’ clear spans with sidewall heights from 4’ to 10,’ our solutions to your greenhouse needs provide you with choices of round, rectangular, and square tubing, as well as covering options of poly or polycarbonate.
• Benches
• Irrigation
• Hanging Basket Rails
• Ventilation and Cooling
• Environmental Controls
• Sealed Engineered Drawings
• Wind and snow load certifications
• Custom Design for your facility layout
• Installation
The RT Max Muscle by Atlas offers growers the ultimate in strength and versatility.
An excellent choice for natural ventilation, the RT Max Muscle by Atlas features straight sidewalls from 4’ to 10’ tall, as well as the option of properly sized mechanical ventilation.
The RT Max Muscle is framed utilizing 2” x 4” column posts and 2” x 3” rectangular bows and 1” x 2” rectangular cross trusses. Growers can take advantage of the extra square footage gained by utilizing the 30’ or 35’ clear span width. This structure is widely used by wholesale, hydroponics and transplant growers. In addition, the sides and/or ends can be equipped with polycarbonate to create an outstanding and attractive retail sales center.
• 2” x 4” (14-gauge) column post
• Massive 2” x 3” (14-gauge) rectangular bow assemblies
• 1.315” purlins (2 runs)
• Galvanized ridge hat purlin (1 run)
• 1” x 2” rectangular cross trusses
• 30’ and 35’ clear span width
• 4’ to 10’ sidewalls
• 30’ wide requires 36’ poly (top)
• 35’ wide requires 42’ poly (top)
The Super Arch Free-Standing greenhouse can be easily modified for high tunnel usage, which provides a wide width and superior strength.
With pre-punched, two-square framing, the Super Arch Free-Standing Greenhouse Series by Atlas offers strength and ease of installation. The standard 30’ and 35’ width base models, with approximately 8’ truss height, are ideal for hanging basket applications.
Available with 24” extended wall height, the Super Arch can be equipped with the Atlas EZ Roll-Up Curtain System, achieving nearly 30% of open structure for natural ventilation. Designed for Northern climates, the Super Arch has the highest rated snow load in our line of free-standing structures.
• 30’ or 35’ clear span widths
• 4’, 5’ or 6’ post spacings
• Pre-punched holes for easy installation
• 2” square (14-gauge) bows and columns
• 5 runs 1.315” (17-gauge) purlins
Features Include:
• Excellent for natural ventilation
• Designed for northern climates
• Standard truss systems for hanging baskets
The free-standing Snow Arch Greenhouse by Atlas offers the strength and versatility to accommodate various widths, sidewall heights, drop-down or roll-up curtains, roof ventilation, fans, shutters and/or cooling pad systems.
The truss design of the free-standing Snow Arch greenhouse can support multiple crop weights and is typically offered in 16’ to 30’ wide free span widths with standard 4’ sidewalls, as well as custom widths and 6’ sidewalls availability.
When equipped with an Atlas Curtain System, our 6’ sidewall option provides great natural ventilation. Additionally, this structure is designed for a poly-film covered roof with wind and snow load certifications available.
• 2.197” (12-gauge) anchor post
• 1.900” (14-gauge) bow assemblies
• 1.315” (17-gauge) purlins (3 runs; 30’ wide has 5 runs)
• 1.660” (16-gauge) cross trusses
• 1.315” (17-gauge) corner windbraces
• Complete assembly hardware
Whether used for an educational classroom, or as an upscale retail garden center, you can have the confidence that The Educator by Atlas will last for many years of growing pleasure.
Built with massive galvanized rectangular framing and covered with 8mm polycarbonate covering, The Educator by Atlas offers strength and durability with a sleek, upscale appearance.
The Educator features a climate control system designed to provide proper environmental conditions and is engineered for ADA requirements, as well as code compliance. Let Atlas custom design an Educator package for you today!
• 24’ x 30’
• 24’ x 48’
• 30’ x 48’
• 30’ x 60’
• 30’ x 72’
• 30’ x 96’
• 24’, 28’ and 30’ widths
• Any length in 6’ increments
• 4’ to 10’ sidewalls
• Custom sizes available
• Properly sized fans
• Shutters & Heaters
• Thermostats
• 8mm Twinwall Polycarbonate
• ADA Compliant Door
• Benches
• Irrigation
• Hanging Basket Rails
• Sealed Engineered Drawings
• Installation
• Vertical Side Walls
• Gothic Roof Design
• ADA Approved Doors
• Engineered for code compliance
The Scholar by Atlas is the ideal structure for a conservative educational budget.
Available in either 12’ or 16’ width and any length in 6’ increments, the Scholar Series by Atlas features sidewall height options ranging from 5’ to 8.’ Covered with a commercial grade 8 mm twinwall polycarbonate, which comes standard with a 10-year warranty and a 15 to 20-year life expectancy, this structures’ polycarbonate is highly energy-efficient and will provide years of maintenance-free usage.
The Scholar also features properly sized cooling and heating equipment that is available to create the ideal greenhouse environment. Optional accessories for the Scholar include shade cloth, fans, shutters, cooling systems, gas or electric heaters, bench systems, and hanging baskets rails.
• 12’ x 18’
• 16’ x 24’
• 16’ x 36’
• Properly sized fans
• Shutters & Heaters
• Thermostats
• 8mm Twinwall Polycarbonate
• ADA Compliant Door
• Assembly Instructions
• Benches
• Irrigation
• Hanging Basket Rails
• Sealed Engineered Drawings
• Installation
• 12’ and 16’ widths available
• Available in any length in 6’ increments
• 2” x 2” square galvanized steel frame
• 6’ column and truss spacing
• 5’ - 8’ sidewall heights
• 8mm twinwall polycarbonate
• Aluminum extrusions
• ADA compliant entrance door
• Free-standing greenhouse
• Ideal for the smaller classroom
The Atlas Easy Grow Hobby House offers the home grower elegance to enhance any residence for years to come.
A commercial-grade hobby house for the passionate residential grower, The Easy Grow Greenhouse by Atlas features a galvanized steel framework and slip fit connectors to ensure assembly is simple and easy. Covered with professional grade 6-mil, 4-year poly film, The Easy Grow is perfect for growing backyard vegetables, starting seeds or for simply overwintering your plants, and can be equipped with curtains, benches, heating and cooling equipment and shade cloth.
• 1 5/8” (16 gauge) galvanized steel frame
• 3 runs of purlin
• Insulated door with built-in shutter, lock and key
• White poly film covering (clear optional)
• Available Sizes:
• 10’ x 11’
• 10’ x 16’
Our latest Residential Greenhouse, the Evergreen line offers an affordable, quality structure for the Do-It-Yourselfer who desires to grow at home.
With the Atlas name, you can trust that our Evergreen line offers a solid quality home greenhouse option constructed with commercial grade materials. The Evergreen Greenhouse program features a patented attachment system that makes installation simple. Although assembly depends on skill level and location preparation, most assembly will take up to three days, depending on the model and accessories chosen, once the location has been prepped. However, it’s worth every bit of time for a professional grade greenhouse that will last for years.
At Atlas, we manufacture many different sizes and strengths of high tunnels and cold frames according to each geographic climate. Our basic High Tunnel frame consists of a frame with a single layer of poly film, roll-up sides, and doors. Additional options are also available, including steel end wall framing, steel base boards, automation for curtain systems, heaters, and gable vents.
An ideal choice for plant protection in areas of snow and ice in Northern climates, the rectangular tubing and high arch features of the 20’ RT Cold Frame provide a protection advantage.
Ideal for overwintering protection for tall plants for the commercial nursery owner, or as a lower cost structure for smaller operations, we recommend The Budget Plus.
Ideal for overwintering taller plants in snow-free zones, The Emerald features side walls and lower peak height to maximize heating efficiency.
Perfect for the nursery owner looking for 30 feet of width with a low profile Quonset design, the 30’ Price Buster is built to last and provides the most value for its pricing.
Perfect for affordable winter protection with fast and easy installation, the 16’ Hoop House features a simple design.
• 20 x 96 RT Package
• 30 x 72 Budget Plus Package
• 35 x 96 Super Arch Package
**Select packages are approved for the USDA NRCS Grant. Call us for more information.
At Atlas, we are proud to partner with experts in the climate control sector to provide our customers with numerous benefits for their greenhouses.
Atlas provides customized solutions to our customers by working with climate control experts, which allows our growers to receive tailored solutions for optimal temperature, humidity, and lighting control in their greenhouse, enhancing crop growth.
We provide a seamless integration, which ensures a smooth integration of climate control systems into the greenhouse design, optimizing efficiency and effectiveness.
Whether on the bench or on the floor, radiant floor heating systems use hot water (hydronic) heat and provide growers with distinct advantages, including:
• Acclerated rooting and plant growth
• Up to a 40% fuel effiency savings over conventional forced air heating
• Reduced disease, improved plant quality
• Flexibility to heat by zone, with soil and temperature control
• Comfortable working environment
P.L. Light Systems is a leading manufacturer of horticultural lighting systems, offering a complete range of innovative horticulture lighting products across a variety of technologies. P.L. Light Systems are designed to deliver optimal lighting performance for plant growth and combines Dutch craftsmanship with the most stringent North American regulatory standards.
• Offer simple, flexible climate management with excellent results
• Easy to use and install
• Reduces energy costs and improves crop quality
• 2 Heating and 4 Cooling Stages
• Includes aspirated temperature sensors
• Includes manual override features
• Day/Night/DIF set point control
• Intuitive interface accommodates beginners and experts
• Advanced humidity control
• Individual alarms for each sensor
• Graph data can be viewed from weeks to minutes and anything in-between
• View any zone at your facility, from any Seed control
• View outside weather data
• Background reflects day, night, rain or snow conditions
• Graphic interface provides extensive information at a glance
• Adjust settings, limits, overrides and view status on individual equipment screen
• Affordable alternative to traditional thermostats
• Reliable and easy to use
• Programmable for 1 or 2 zones
• 4 Cooling and 2 Heating outputs
• Day/Night/DIF set point control
• Reduces manual greenhouse monitoring
• Alarm output alerts for temperature imbalance
• Pre-wired relay box for easy installation
• Single Stage
• Two Stage
• For Heating and Cooling
Atlas offers a full line of Modine Unit gas-fired heaters. Standard stock models include the PTP 150 - 400,000 BTU heaters. Available in LP (stock) or Natural Gas, heaters come equipped with spark ignition and power-vented exhaust. Heaters come standard with an aluminized heat exchanger and a 10-year warranty. Also available are the Effinity High Efficiency (93%) unit heaters, which dramatically reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions. These models come standard with spark ignition, power vented exhausted, and require a vented air intake.
Our horizontal air delivery type heater (HER) is recommended for lower-ceiling applications. Electric unit heaters offer lower installation costs and are easier to install, requiring no venting, piping, valves, traps, etc.
Key Features include:
• Designed for long heat-throw, uniform heat delivery and reduced maintenance
• Hinged bottom panels for easy control access
• Deflector blades can be adjusted for heat dispersal
• Motors are enclosed and protected from thermal overload
• Made in the USA
Our forced air electric heaters feature a built-in thermostat that adjusts from 35 to 85 degree Farenheit. Its overheat safety shut-off operates on 60HZ 208/240 VAC at 23.4 amps. Heater comes with versatile mounting bracket (heater must be hard-wired to electrical source). Due to its rugged design, superior engineering and high-quality craftsmanship, this heater requires little maintenance. With proper care, your electric heater should last a lifetime.
Key Features include:
• Heavy-duty, industrial type heater
• Built-in ceiling mount bracket for easy vertical or horizontal mounting
• Adjustable louvers to direct heat to desired area.
3” - 6” Kit Sizes
Kit includes:
• Double Wall Construction
• Slip fit/twist connection
• 3 feet of pipe
• 2 Adjustable Elbows
• 2 Wall Covers
• 1 Vent Stack Cover
• Heavy-duty 2 x 2 (14-gauge) square tubing
• Pre-welded adjustable hanger brackets
• Available for 4’ or 12’ rafter spacings
• Complete hardware package
• No additional components needed
Available in 5’ increments, the Evaporative Cooling Pad by Atlas comes complete with pump, float valve, and all required plumbing. Our stainless steel trough holds enough water capacity to function without a sump tank, producing a user-friendly, self-contained system for our growers.
System Includes:
• Stainless steel trough and top cover plate
• Float valve for water reservoir control
• Industrial grade Goulds submersible pump
• Complete plumbing package included
• Available for 4” or 6” thick cooling pads
• Corrugated cooling pads included
The Atlas automatic Wall Vent protects and seals off the cooling pad system. In addition, it offers superior intake ventilation compared to shutters and our complete system includes rack and pinion drive, crank pipe, and 24-volt motor.
System Includes:
• Heavy extruded aluminum framework
• 1.315 x 14-gauge crank rod
• All steel rack and pinion drive
• Complete hardware package for assembly
• 24-volt drive motor with internal limits (longer systems require larger motor)
• Covering options: 8mm twinwall or corrugated polycarbonate or polyfilm
Atlas knows that properly sized ventilation options are crucial to the success of your greenhouse. That’s why we carry a full line of Quietaire slant wall fans, which is the ultimate in greenhouse ventilation. With standard size ranges from 24” to 56” with additional options available, our Slant Walls Fans feature six-bladed propellers with quiet operation at low RPM, as well as aluminum dampers.
Our Atlas Inlet Shutters are composed of mill finish extruded aluminum with aluminum pivot rods and nylon bearing. With standard stock size ranges from 24” to 60,” our aluminum shutters feature an all aluminum construction, double panel, motorized or non-motorized, and offer counter balanced blades to ensure smooth operation.
Atlas offers Quietaire steel box fans that are installed in the gable of the greenhouse and provide an excellent first stage of ventilation. An economical alternative to our slant wall fan, the steel box fan features a 3/4 HP direct drive motor with an aluminum exhaust shutter.
Atlas knows that airflow in your greenhouse reduces disease risk, circulates heat efficiently, and minimizes stagnant air. Our 18” HAF Fans render heating and cooling more effectively by evening out temperatures throughout the greenhouse. Specifications include:
• 1/10 HP
• 1 amp
• 115/230 V-1790 CFM
• 1600 RPM
• Pre-wired with a 115V, 10ft cord
• Industrial grade aluminum blade
• Swivel hook mount
Atlasprovidesourcustomerswithmanyoptionswhenitcomes tocoolingandventilation,dependingongrowthneeds.
Positive pressure cooling systems pull outside ambient air into a cooling chamber where the air is screened for bugs, then chilled through evaporation. This bug-free chilled air is then forced into the greenhouse through ducts to distribute the air to the opposite end of the greenhouse, allowing it to escape the duct along its journey.
• Effective Cooling
• Improved Air Quality
• Minimized Pests & Diseases
• Energy Efficiency
• Automation & Control
• Compatibility with other systems
The Atlas Economy Curtain System provides our growers with a more economical means to passively ventilate a greenhouse or cold frame. We understand that growers prefer curtains that roll-up from the middle as opposed to rolling up from the bottom and crank rotations are reduced by 50% because our crank rod rolls from the middle. With our crank handle providing ease of operation, for an even smoother operation, our crank package is available to be upgraded to include 13:1 gear reduction box. Our Economy Curtain System can be adapted to straight or curved side walls and comes complete with crank handle, crank rod, curtain guides, and all the hardware necessary to install.
Key Features:
• Provides natural ventilation
• Cost efficient system
• Optional Hat Base available
• Available up to 100’ length
• Optional heavy curtain fabric available
• Gear reduction crank package available
Poly Ridge Vent System
• Heavy aluminum extrusion for poly attachment
• Heavy-duty rack and pinion drive assembly
• Manual or motor driven
• Opens at the peak and creates adequate ventilation
• For poly film covering only
Polycarbonate Ridge Vent System
• Designed for the Grand Peak Greenhouse
• Heavy aluminum extrusion for 8mm P.C.S.S. attachment
• Heavy-duty rack and pinion drive assembly
• Manual or motor driven
• Opens at the peak and creates a 30” vent opening
The Atlas EZ Roll-Up package includes everything needed for natural greenhouse ventilation. In addition, you can choose a manual crank or automatic system. Our heavyduty, 13 mil. coated 10x12 weave fabric (not 6 mil. poly) is strong enough to withstand harsh conditions. We know our growers prefer curtains that roll-up from the middle as opposed to rolling up from the bottom, reducing crank rotations by 50%.
Available Options:
• 6’, 8’, 10’ or 12’ systems
• Manual crank package
• Motorized crank system with guide pipe and hardware
• 24V incremental temperature control system (controls 2 curtains)
Optional Base Wall Advantages:
• Protects plants from wind and air when curtain is open
• Prevents snow from accumulating against curtain
The Atlas Z-Lock Drop Down Curtain System drops down for ventilation and is well-suited for 4’ to 6’ high sidewalls. Our exclusive Z-Lock eave flange allows for the curtain to seal and “lock” the roof poly securely into place. Our package includes everything necessary, with the exception of pressure-treated lumber required for the base.
Key Features:
• Designed for 4’, 5’ or 6’ sidewalls
• Retrofits to most houses with straight sidewalls up to 6’ high
• Drops down for ventilation
• 4’ to 6’ systems
• Manual crank package
• Optional Motorized crank system with mounting hardware available
• 24V incremental temperature control system (controls two curtains)
• 110V Wadsworth motors available
• 30-40% reduction in energy consumption
• Quick payback of 2 years
• Cools 10-15 degrees Farenheit and provides shade
• Creates black-out environment
• Controls day length
• Reduces humidity and condensation
• Improves plant quality
• Easy to maintain, no cables
The latest in efficient greenhouse shading, the Svensson shade fabric by Atlas provides the benefit of less heat load (to be removed by ventilation) for a given shade value when compared to black shade. Shade percentages include 30, 39, 51, and 64.
An affordable source of cooling a greenhouse or outdoor growing space, our Atlas Black Shade Cloth is available in various shade percentages of 30, 47, 55, 63, 73, and 80, with reinforced edges, providing a long life of protection.
The Atlas Cable Shade System is the economical and efficient solution for those larger shading projects. Designed utilizing 20’ x 50’ pieces of shade attached with slide rings on the cable, this system allows for the shade cloth to be retracted during inclement weather conditions. Standard with 63% shade (more available, if needed), these systems also feature 3” x 3” - 12-gauge column posts and Auger anchors with cables for side and end wall bracing.
Standard Specifications Include:
• 10’ side wall height
• 20’ wide bay spacings
• 25’ column spacings
The Atlas Flat-Top Shade Structure will save our growers lots of money on the initial construction and future expansion costs. Our 4-way connector allows easy attachment of the framing with pre-welded stanchions. Each section is covered individually with shade cloth and secured with stretch bungees and rope (included), making our flat-top shade structure easy to maintain and very easy to expand.
Features Include:
• 2” x 2” columns (14-gauge)
• 2 1/4” x 2 1/4” ground anchors (14-gauge)
• 1-1/2” x 1-1/2” horizontal framing
• 15’ x 15’ shade cloth sections
• Easy to expand
• Black or reflective shade cloth available
The Atlas A-Frame Shade Center features slightly pitched rafters spaced 8’ apart, allowing for an attractive display area for your hanging baskets and other plant materials. Available in 20’ wide bays or in connecting multiple bays, we design our shade fabric to custom fit the frames.
Features Include:
• 2.197” ground posts (12-gauge)
• 7 runs of purlins per bay
• 63% shade (custom made to fit frame)
• Bench system (optional)
• 1.900” (14-gauge) rafters (8’ spacings)
• 4 corner wind braces
• Hardware with instructions
*Standard frames require in-ground installation. Above ground (portable) structures available.
Available in various sizes, Atlas portable benches can be easily moved inside the greenhouse by two people. Supported by a framework of 1” x 2” rectangular tubing, our portable benches provide superior strength and longevity.
Permanently fastened together above ground, Atlas continous benches create a continuous bench to any length you desire and are supported by a framework of 1” x 2” rectangular tubing.
Designed for in-ground or concrete installation, Atlas rolling benches are used to save space in high production applications and are supported by a framework of 1” x 2” rectangular tubing.
**Illustration based on our 30’ x 6’ Educator Bench Layout.
**Illustration based on a 4’ Rolling Bench Layout
**Illustration based on a 6’ Rolling Bench Layout
• 1-1/2 x 1-1/2 square welded steel construction
• 8mm twinwall polycarbonate covering
• Commercial duty door track, hangers, and hardware
• Single Slide available in 4’ x 7’, 6’ x 7’, or 8’ x 7’ sizes
• Double Slide available in 8’ x 7’ or 12’ x 7’ sizes
• Custom sizes available
• Optional door brushes for superior sealing quality
• 4’ x 7’ ADA compliant single swing door
• 24” x 30” tempered glass light kit
• Available with and without glass panel
• 20-gauge polystyrene door leaf
• 16-gauge 4-1/4” frame
• Panic hardware, lever lockset with closer
• Pre-hung in jamb with lock and key
• 3’ x 6’8” insulated half glass, half solid door
• 42” x 6’6” 3/4 glass
• 48” x 72” economy solid vinyl
• 36” x 6’8” solid vinyl steel
• Various types of personnel doors in stock
Standard stock sizes include:
• 8’ wide x 8’ tall (fits all size structures)
• 10’ wide x 8’ tall (fits 20’ to 35’ structures)
• 12’ wide x 8’ tall (fits 24’ to 35’ structures)
• 16’ wide x 8’ tall (fits 30’ to 35’ structures)
• Complete with door guides, crank assembly and mounting hardware
• Commercial grade construction
• 26-gauge galvanized corrugated steel
• Super durable corrosion resistant paint coating
• 12-gauge door mounting brackets
• 16-gauge galvanized steel door tracks
• Various colors available (standard white in stock)
• Stock sizes: 8’ x 8’, 10’ x 10’, and 12’ x 12’
• Chain operation or motorized door activation available
• Wind Rated Doors available upon request
Offering several options for boom irrigation for your greenhouse, Atlas systems afford growers with the ability to irrigate and spray the left or right side of the greenhouse, independent of the other. Our double rail tracking system eliminates sway to create consistent water and spray applications. Atlas ensures that your irrigation system is sized properly to your specific needs and requirements. Atlas irrigation applications can handle the most complicated greenhouse irrigation requirements, while assuring the precise application of fertilizers and chemicals.
Key Features:
• Hot dipped galvanized steel framing
• Multiple lengths and widths
• Walk-through design
• Telescopic spray bar support arms
• Aluminum Spray Bars Irrigation components and accessories are available to order. Call us for a quote or visit us at www.atlasgreenhouse.com.
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Contract #071223-AGR
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Contract #071223-AGR
Revised: 5/9/2023
This agreement (“Agreement”) and the purchase order and/or quote and all documents referenced herein represent the entire and integrated agreement (“Contract Documents”) between Purchaser as defined above and Atlas Greenhouse, LLC (“Seller”) and supersedes all prior negotiations, representative, or agreements, either written or oral, and each party may be referred to individually as party or collectively, parties.
Article 1: The Materials Seller shall ensure that the materials as stated in the purchase order or quote (“Materials”) are procured and ready for shipment. Seller will ensure that when the Materials leave the warehouse it is in good condition.
Article 2: Shipping and Receiving Quoted shipping and handling charges are subject to change and will be shipped at the prevailing rates at the time of shipping. Purchaser is responsible for all shipping costs incurred.
Once the freight carrier picks up Purchaser’s freight from Seller’s facility, safe delivery of this shipment is the responsibility of the freight carrier and/or Purchaser. However, Seller will be glad to render assistance to trace and recover goods. Seller will ensure that Freight carrier shipments leave the Seller’s warehouse in good condition. It is possible that in the process of transportation and transferring of freight, material may become either lost or damaged. Therefore, Seller cannot be responsible for conditions in which Seller has no control. Replacement material will be shipped and charged to Purchaser’s account as detailed below. In this regard Purchaser is obligated for prompt payment of material (original and replacement) to Seller. No replacement material shall be sent until payment has been received by Seller.
It is the freight carrier’s obligation to reimburse Purchaser for damaged or missing items in Purchaser’s claim.
Purchaser should examine shipment carefully before signing the delivery receipt. While counting the number of boxes and bundles, it is extremely important to check for shortages and/or damaged materials. If the box and bundle count does not agree with the bill of lading, or damaged material is found, it is Purchaser’s responsibility to document shortage or damage on the freight bill and notify the Seller within 48 hours of delivery. Failure timely notify the Seller shall waive Purchasers right to obtain replacement material for damaged or missing material.
Article 3: Risk of Loss
Unless otherwise stated herein, risk of loss and title to all Materials shall pass to the Purchaser once the materials have been delivered to the Purchaser at the address stated above.
Article 4: Change Orders
A change order is any change in Materials from the original plans and specifications upon which the contract sum is predicated. All change order requests are subject to Seller’s written approval. In the event the Seller authorizes changes in the work to be performed, or if any federal, state or local law, rule, or requirement results in alternate designs and/or deviations from the specifications herein, the contract sums shall be accordingly adjusted provided that the cost or credit to Purchaser shall be agreed upon by the parties before the change is put into effect. Any and all changes to this agreement must be in writing and signed by a representative of Seller.
Article 5: Cancellation
Orders for Materials or equipment are not cancelable, either in whole or in part.
Article 6: Return of Materials or Equipment
All returns for credit must have prior written approval of an authorized representative of Seller and must be for justifiable reasons.
The credit extended for such approved returns will be based on the invoice value at time of purchase, or such lower value as may then represent our current pricing. All returns will be assessed a handling and restocking charge of 25% unless otherwise approved by an authorized representative of Seller.
No items shall be returned for credit which have been damaged or rendered unusable. Unless otherwise approved by an authorized representative of Seller, all returned items shall be freight prepaid by Purchaser. During shipping, Purchaser is liable for all Materials.
Article 7: Ownership and Use of Drawings, Specifications, Plans, and Other Documents
Documents prepared by Seller, engineer, engineer’s consultants, architect, or architect’s consultants are instruments of service for use solely with respect to the Materials and the specific project. The Seller engineer, or engineer’s consultants or architect or architect’s consultants shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights in their instruments of service including copyright. The Purchaser or its contractor, are authorized to use the instruments of service provided to them for this project only.
Article 8: Waiver of Subrogation
Each party agrees that with respect to any losses covered by, or required to be covered by, property insurance under the terms of this agreement, other than those losses caused by the other party’s gross negligence or intentional acts, each party hereby waives and releases the other, its officers, directors, employees and agents, from any and all claims and liability or responsibility with respect to such losses, including losses arising out of the inability to conduct business. Each party further agrees that its insurance companies shall have no right of subrogation against the other on account of this release.
Article 9: Governing Law and Venue
The venue of any action arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or brought to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, shall be Berrien County, Georgia or the United States District Court for the Middle District of Georgia for a federal district court proceeding. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Georgia. The parties agree, as a condition precedent to litigation, any controversy or claim relating to this agreement shall be first submitted to mediation before a mutually acceptable mediator, unless Seller, at its sole option, elects to waive this requirement and the parties further agree that the mediation will take place in Berrien County, Georgia. Each party irrevocably consents to the jurisdiction of the above courts.
Article 10: Waiver of Jury Trial
Each party agrees that as a material part of the consideration hereunder and as an inducement to enter into this Agreement, each party hereby waives the right to a jury trial.
Article 11: Attorneys’ Fees
The prevailing party in any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be entitled to its attorney’s fees, costs, and expenses incurred through arbitration, litigation, appellate and bankruptcy proceedings.
Article 12: Damage Limitation
In no event, whether based on the Agreement, warranty (express or implied), tort, federal or state statute or otherwise arising from or relating to the Materials or use of the materials and services performed under the Agreement, shall Seller be liable for secondary, special, punitive, exemplary, incidental, speculative, consequential, or indirect damages, including loss of use, loss of revenue, loss of profits or loss of crops.
Seller and Purchaser agree to allocate certain of the risks so that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Seller’s total aggregate liability to Purchaser is limited to the dollar amount of the Agreement for any and all injuries, damages, claims, expenses or claim expenses including attorneys’ fees arising out of or relating to this Agreement regardless of whether it is based in warranty, tort, contract, strict liability, negligence, errors, omissions, or from any other cause or causes.
Article 13: Disclaimers
Purchaser understands and recognizes that greenhouses and related products manufactured and/or sold by Seller are subject to varied conditions due to the way they are to be installed and used. Seller makes no warranties whatsoever, express or implied, written or oral, to Purchaser. Liability is limited to repair or replacement of defective parts to the original Purchaser. Seller is not liable for any consequential damages, expenses, or injury arising from the use, misuse or adverse weather of any product manufactured or sold by Seller. Seller is not responsible for loss of income, merchandise, or livelihood due to a defective part sold by Seller. Seller reserves the right to make changes in design or add to or improve the product without incurring any obligation to install the same on any products previously manufactured. Seller cannot and will not be held responsible for product or equipment failure where excessive weather conditions including but not limited to, snow, wind, lightning, fire, or hail has occurred, and such occurrences have exceeded the design loads stated in the engineering specifications. Furthermore, Seller cannot and will not be held responsible for product or equipment failure due to improper installation, inadequate common maintenance, or failure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and instructions. Failure to follow manufacturer’s recommendations and instructions could result in ultimate structural and equipment failure. Seller disclaims all responsibility for any injury or damage caused by the structure or equipment.
If the Purchaser chooses not to purchase steel end wall framing kits from Seller, it is Purchaser’s sole responsibility to provide adequate framing to resist wind/snow loads to prevent damage or structural failure. Seller cannot and will not be held liable for a loss of or damage to single layer poly due to slippage through aluminum poly fastening extrusions.
Article 14: Indemnification
To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Purchaser shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Seller, and it its agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees, arising out of or related to the delivery or installation of the Materials, provided such claim, damage, loss, or expense is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death or to injury to or destruction of tangible property, but only to the extent caused by the negligent act or omissions of Purchaser, or anyone directly employed by them or under their control or anyone whose acts they may be liable, regardless of whether or not such claim, damage, loss, or expense is caused in party by a party indemnified hereunder.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, Purchaser shall indemnify defend and hold Seller, including its owners, officers, managers, employees and agents, harmless (to the extent provided by the law) from and against all claims, loss, liability, cost, damage, or expense including attorneys’ fees arising out of or related to any claim, action or proceeding against Seller arising out of or related to the installation, maintenance, use or operation of the Materials or products purchased by Purchaser or on Purchaser’s behalf.
Article 15: Limited Warranty Seller warrants that its products are free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of delivery except that Seller explicitly makes no warranties as to products or materials manufactured by others. As to products manufactured by others, Purchaser’s sole remedy shall be under warranty, if any, made by the original manufacturer. This limited warranty is nontransferable or assignable. It is the Purchaser’s responsibility to notify Seller in writing at matt@atlasgreenhouse.com (email) or mailed overnight mail with tracking to Atlas
Greenhouse, Attn: Matt Hughes, P.O. Box 558, Alapaha, GA 31622 within ten (10) calendar days of the occurrence of any claim, defect, or deficiency arising out of materials provided by Seller under the Agreement. Failure of the Purchaser to provide written notice of the occurrence will result in the Purchaser waiving all claims that may be brought against Seller because of or relating to the occurrence, including claims arising in law, equity, contract, warranty, tort, or federal or state statutory claims. Upon receiving notice, Seller will within a reasonable time inspect the Materials, and if the cause of the defect is within the coverage as stated above, the Seller will arrange for repairs/replacements to be made. If the cause of the damage is not covered by the warranty, Seller will notify Purchaser that the damage is not covered, and Seller shall not be liable to Purchaser for the cost of repairs or damage.
Purchaser’s remedies hereunder are limited to the repair and/or replacement of goods manufactured by Seller as provided herein. Any warranty provided by Seller shall be void if Purchaser fails to pay for any materials ordered pursuant to the Agreement.
The obligations of Seller herein are in lieu of all others, and Seller makes no other warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties of merchantability or fitness, for any purpose. Under no circumstances shall Seller be liable for any special or consequential damages, even if Seller has been notified of the possibility the same.
Purchaser shall hold and protect all products for which Purchaser has given notice, as stated above, until Purchaser is specifically instructed to do otherwise by Seller. While such products are under Purchaser’s protection, Purchaser shall be liable for all damages to said products.
Non-code or non-certified structures acquired by the Purchaser are done so at the Purchaser ’s own risk. Purchaser shall indemnify Seller from any liabilities or costs including attorneys’ fees for structural failure or any legal action taken by governing agencies for nonconformance.
The structure set forth in this proposal is designed with the understanding that the interior may be cooled and/or heated. If the structure set forth in this proposal is structurally certified by a licensed structural engineer, the certification is based on figures for a continuously heated greenhouse.
The Purchaser understands that it is required to regulate the inside temperatures to avoid excessive snow loads.
Purchaser understands that the cost of structural certification not requested at time of purchase but requested after Purchaser received structure and signed delivery receipt will be charged to Purchaser. In addition, any components (additional trusses, purlins, spacings, braces, etc.) necessary to meet the required certification will be charged to the Purchaser Purchaser is responsible for informing Seller of required loads for the county in which the structure is to be located.
Seller shall not be responsible for any damages, direct or consequential, whether or not the structure contains growing plants, which shall result either from: (a) the failure of the Purchaser to always regulate inside temperatures, or (in the event the Purchaser is responsible hereunder for installing environmental control equipment), (b) the failure of the Purchaser to complete timely installation of said equipment.
Including the exclusions mentioned elsewhere in this agreement, Seller disclaims all liability for claims arising out of the exclusions listed below
Purchaser acknowledges that he/she is solely liable for all damages, whether actual or consequential, arising out of these claims. This express workmanship warranty does NOT cover the following:
Defects or damage caused by:
Natural disasters including, without limitation, floods, lightning, hurricanes, tropical storms, hail, windstorms, earthquakes, and/or tornadoes.
Temperature fluctuations.
Structural failures, such as cracks in foundations or other surfaces; damages caused by water intrusion unrelated to the work.
Changes in original principal usage unless approved in advance in writing.
Repairs by others including, but not limited to, servicing or maintenance unless prior written approval is obtained.
Acts of God, strikes, riots, war, civil disturbances, fire, vandalism or other damage beyond Builder’s control.
Failure of Purchaser to maintain the purchased Materials.
Sinkholes, shifting soils, or other ground subsidence condition.
Purchaser negligence, misuse, abuse or alteration.
Damage to person or property caused by mold, mildew, fungi, spores, algae, microscopic organisms, hazardous chemicals, biological agents or allergens.
Any condition that is not in strict accordance with Seller’s installation instructions.
Article 16: Limited Equipment Warranty
Seller is a manufacturer or distributor for products and equipment used in the greenhouse industry. These product manufacturers have stated warranty procedures that must be followed to validate the warranty. These warranty procedures are typically included with the product’s original packaging. Each product manual should be retained for servicing the product and warranty procedures. If the service manual and/or warranty procedures cannot be located, please call and ask for technical support. Subject to the other requirements and exceptions in this Agreement, Seller will warranty defective parts and motors for fans, shutters, pumps, heaters, thermostats, and curtain motors for a period of one year
However, all warranties are null and void when improperly wired or used. Upon inspection and testing, if the motor or part was improperly wired or used, the Purchaser will be billed. Seller has found that most claims for a defective motor or part are caused by initial improper wiring. Motors and heaters should be wired/installed by a licensed professional with experience in commercial equipment. Most claims of shortages are caused by Purchaser inexperience. Purchaser should inspect, identify, and recognize all parts, bundles, and equipment before beginning construction.
Article 17: Design Parameters
The structure set forth in this proposal is designed with the understanding that the interior may be cooled and/or heated. Purchaser understands that they are required to regulate inside temperature to avoid excessive snow loads. Seller shall therefore not be responsible for any damages, direct or consequential, whether or not the structure contains growing plants, which shall result either from (a) the failure of the Purchaser to at all times regulate and maintain proper inside temperatures, or (in the event the Purchaser is responsible hereunder for installing environmental control equipment) (b) the failure of the Purchaser to complete timely installation of said equipment.
Article 18: Foundations
Foundation options shown in this manual are for illustration purposes only and are intended to assist with the layout for posts and may not be suitable for Purchaser’s structure. Soil types and densities vary from location to location, even within a specific locale. Different foundation requirements will be based on Purchaser’s specific soil conditions, post spacing, wind loads, snow loads, etc. Seller can provide, upon request, engineering calculations to assist in determining foundation requirements with a local engineer for Purchaser’s structure based on local code requirements. It is the responsibility of Purchaser to obtain all necessary local code information and to inform Seller of the required loads for the county, as well as obtaining any permits which will be necessary. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties, it is the responsibility of the Purchaser to install this structure on an adequate foundation designed to meet local building codes. Structures using post-in-ground are required to set posts according to foundation design. All structures must have posts set in 3000 PSI commercial grade concrete. Failure to strictly adhere to buildings codes, the requirements set forth in this Agreement or the installation manual shall void all warranties.
Article 19: Severability
The invalidity of any provision of the Contract Documents shall not invalidate the Agreement or its remaining provisions. If it is determined that any provision of the Contract Documents violates any law, or is otherwise unenforceable, that provision shall be revised to the extent necessary to make that provision enforceable and legal. In such event, the Contract Documents shall be construed to the fullest extent of the law, to give effect to the Parties intention in executing the Contract Documents.
Article 20: Waiver of Consequential Damages
The Seller and Purchaser waive claims against each other for consequential damages. In no event, whether based on the Agreement, warranty (express or implied), tort, federal or state statute or otherwise arising from or relating to the work and services performed under the Agreement, shall Seller be liable for secondary, special, punitive, exemplary, incidental, speculative, consequential, or indirect damages, including loss of use or loss of profits.
Article 21: Acts of God
Seller shall not be liable for any damage, whether actual or consequential, or claim arising out of or relating to Acts of God, accidents, civil disturbances, failure or delay of transportation, shortage of or inability to obtain materials, equipment or labor, fires, hurricanes and other weather conditions, strikes, war or other causes beyond Seller’s reasonable control.
Article 22: No Third-Party Beneficiary
This Agreement is intended to benefit only the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to create rights in any third-party beneficiary.
Article 23: Assignment
This Agreement shall not be assignable by Purchaser without the written consent of the Seller. Any attempt at assignment may be deemed a default.
Article 24: Technical Support
Technical advice is limited by the information provided by the Purchaser and the Purchaser must make the ultimate decision since the Purchaser is on-site.
The Purchaser should consult the instruction manual and have it available when speaking to technical support. There is no guarantee of success of the technical assistance and no additional warranties are expressed or implied based upon any technical assistance given to the Purchaser Seller is not responsible for the Purchaser’s misunderstanding or misapplication of the technical advice given, other than what may qualify under the original warranties, terms, and conditions.
Article 25: Recommendations
Store all galvanized square, rectangle, and round tubing in a dry area. Galvanized hat purlins also need a dry area. If a dry, indoor area is not available for storage, cut the bundle straps and separate bundles, allowing air to dry out trapped moisture. Failure to do so will result in white oxidation forming on the metals.
A continuous inside temperature of 50°f at 3’-0” above floor level must be always maintained during cold weather or winter conditions. If snow begins to accumulate on the structure, increase the temperature until the accumulation is no longer present. Failure to do so will allow snow and ice to accumulate which may result in a structural failure due to excessive accumulation.
In case of heating failure, Seller recommends having an alternative heat source and/or generator and spare parts to allow for product function until full repairs or replacements can be made.
Maintain the poly covering to have a snug or almost tight fit year-round, it will expand, or contract based on changing temperatures and wind. Poly must not sag between framing members – failure to do so may result in pocketing of rain/snow which can cause serious damage or structural failure.
It is the Purchaser’s responsibility to ensure that double poly systems are always inflated. In case of electrical failure, use a generator to keep the inflation system running. When extreme weather conditions are predicted, it is recommended remove poly covering from the structures to prevent structural damage. Ensure all bolts, nuts, anchors, etc. are tightened securely when construction is complete. Extrusions which require ‘snap caps’ are designed for two layers of 6 mil poly to adequately hold in place: single wide lock, double wide lock, channel lock, Z-lock, Snow Arch gutter, RT Max gutter, Pro Com gutter, wall/hinge extrusion. If using these extrusions with seasonal 4 mil poly,
substitute the snap cap for stainless steel wire.
Approval and Acceptance:
Purchaser has reviewed and hereby accepts the terms of this Agreement and agrees to be bound by all of the provisions