2 minute read


Red Pawn: The Graphic Novel

An early screenplay written by Ayn Rand that dramatizes both the horrors of collectivism and the timeless themes of individualism, heroism, and romantic love.

Print & Animated Series

ANTHEM: The Graphic Novel

Ayn Rand’s dystopian tale of a totalitarian society in which the word “I” has been lost—and the hero, Equality 7-2521, embarks on a journey of discovery and creation, regaining his liberty and purpose.

Print & Animated Series / Translated into Spanish

Pocket Guide to Terms

A glossary of 42 terms defined from an Objectivist perspective. Included are terms such as “egoism,” integrity,” “individualism,” and “sacrifice,” as well as others deserving wider acceptance.

Print & Kindle

Pocket Guide to Philosophies of Education

An early screenplay written by Ayn Rand that dramatizes both the horrors of collectivism and the timeless themes of individualism, heroism, and romantic love.

Print & Animated Series

Pocket Guide to Postmodernism

A concise guide to the fundamental ideas of postmodernism, summarizing Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault by Stephen Hicks, Ph.D.

Print, Kindle & Audible / Translated into Spanish

The 7 Habits of Highly Objective People

David Kelley, Ph.D. poses seven questions to ask ourselves in practicing the virtue of objectivity and maintaining our alignment with reality.

Print, Kindle & Audible / Translated into Spanish

Ayn Rand and Business Ethics

Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. applies Rand’s radical ethical perspective to key issues in business ethics as contrasted with perspectives based on the assumption of the amorality or immorality of business.

Print, Kindle & Audible / Translated into Spanish

Pocket Guide to Atlas Shrugged

A compact summary of the plot, theme and characters of Ayn Rand magnum opus.

Print, Kindle & Audible / Translated into Spanish

Pocket Guide to The Fountainhead

A thorough, quick, and easy-to-use readers’ reference including a complete plot synopsis of the novel and an alphabetical guide to the novel’s cast of characters.

Print Ayn Rand & Altruism

A series of essays, originally establishing that Rand’s definition of altruism—“the placing of others above self, of their interests above one’s own”—as identical to that originated by Auguste Comte, the 19th-century French philosopher.

Print / Translated into Spanish

Pocket Guide to Capitalism

Richard Salsman, Ph.D defends capitalism by explaining that it’s sustainable because it’s practical, moral, and egoistic.

Print & Kindle

Pocket Guide to Objectivism

Learn the basic pillars of Ayn Rand’s philosophy in a simple, digestible way to brush up on the basics of Objectivism, and find ways to apply these principles toward building your best life.

Print, Kindle & Audible / Translated into Spanish

New In 2023

Pocket Guide to Self Interest

Rob Tracinski’s overview of Ayn Rand’s case for the morality of self-interest, contrasted with the common caricature of selfishness, presenting a vision of selfishness that is centered around work, achievement, and respect for rights.

Set to Release June 2023

TOP SECRET: The Graphic Novel

Movie producer Hal Wallis asked Ayn Rand to develop a script about the making of the atomic bomb. The film project, Top Secret never made it to fruition—but we believed that Rand’s ideation of the ingenuity required to achieve such an epic scientific feat bore unique relevance for our times.

We are honored to bring this story about the importance of entrusting technological powers to a free people and the value of the free exchange of ideas to people around the world—in print.

To Be Released in Late 2023, in Print

Pocket Guide to Socialism

Rob Tracinski’s capsule analysis of the history, economics and morality of socialism, contrasted with capitalism.

Set to Release October 2023

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