1 minute read
Atlas University provides students and young professionals with a deeper dive into Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism, connecting them directly with our Senior Scholars and Fellows for both live and self-directed seminars, discussion groups, and courses.

In addition to expanding our online offerings, in 2023 we’re emphasizing in-person education through our Atlas University Speaker Bureau & inaugural student conference, the Galt’s Gulch Summit in Nashville, July 27–29th.
Atlas University Activism Kits: Distributed from California to Michigan

In addition to distributing our materials through partnerships and at events, in 2023 we began offering individual “Ayn Rand Starter Packs” that anyone can order for on-campus groups, book clubs, local libraries, homeschool groups, or even to distribute amongst friends and family.
Each kit includes our graphic novels (Anthem and Red Pawn), an assortment of Pocket Guides and merchandise such as our dollar sign pins, pens, and hats.
Morals & Markets: The Podcast

Morals and Markets is a 90-minute quarterly webinar hosted by Richard Salsman, Ph.D., a senior scholar at The Atlas Society as well as a professor of Political Economy at Duke University.

Professor Salsman began hosting Morals & Markets for alumni of his classes at Duke who wanted to continue engaging on contemporary topics at the intersection of ethics, politics, economics, and markets. In bringing his seminar to The Atlas Society, we began marketing this 90-minute webinar more widely, and also made it available for download as a podcast.
Recent sessions include Collegiate Cronyism, The ESG Virus, and Why MBAs Are Not Pro-Capitalist. In order to provide fresh content on a biweekly basis, we recently began uploading sessions “from the vault,” that Professor Salsman hosted before the Podcast launched.