Bartram's Garden Proposal

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Bartram’s Garden September 6th 2013

We aren’t just another agency.

We are can-doers, who believe every problem has a solution. We are innovators, where big ideas aren't huge enough. We give our all, all the time and live for the wow factor.

Our Trusted Partner A boutique branding agency based in Old City Philadelphia,

A Philadelphia-based Public Relations and Content Marketing

At Media was born out of the desire to inspire consumers

Agency, Scribewise was formed to help its clients bridge the

to respond to your “call-to-action,” by treating each brand

gap between old school communications tactics and the rapidly

touch-point as a continued experience unique to your brand.

emerging new way of doing business. Their team lives in both

Our clients have come to expect extreme commitment and

worlds, and can help you connect to your audience.

incredible results from our expertise areas: • Market Research • Branding, Brand Experience and Identity • Marketing and Promotional Campaigns • Messaging • Interaction with Regional Media • Visual Media Development, Design • Web Design and Development • Social Media Marketing and Management

• A journalistic storytelling sense that enables us to understand your organization and how best to transmit your brand essence to your audience • Great media connections and the ability to talk to journalists as peers • PR smarts and business savvy Scribewise founder John Miller managed and helped execute the successful 2008 Bartram’s Garden/Mark Dion communications campaign.



Company Overview




We approach every project, large

What box? We’re not thinking about

We’ll lend you our ears, but you can’t

or small, with equal enthusiasm.

anything even close to a box. Outside and

keep ‘em. We need those. After all,

To us, the glass is always

in, we’re pushing the boundaries of

listening is half the battle when it

half-full ...of Coffee.

what’s achievable.

comes to success.

Tyler We s tne dge

Antoinet te Marie Johnson Co-Founder / CEO

Co-Fo un der / Creative Direc tor

Named “Entrepreneur to Watch”, Antoinette has built a

Tyler’s creativity is the juice that drives his superb

top notch reputation and commits herself to becoming

technical knowledge; overseeing every facet of a

your new CMO (Chief Marketing Officer).

project from start to finish.

E li s e C o nway

C h r i s Ri c h a r d s

Ri s a Ze ll e r

Ia n T. B e r g

D y la n G a r n e r

S e n i o r A c c o u nt E xe c u t i ve

A c c o u nt E xe c u t i ve

B ra n d M a n a g e r

L e a d D e si g n e r

D e si g n e r



Discover, Plan, Create, Manage

Process At Media’s process is simple: plan, create, and manage stellar brand experiences by fully discovering how to reach and engage your target audience.






The discovery process is the most important

Our planning process turns research into a

component of a successful partnership. During

clear set of consumer insights, user goals,

the discovery phase we clarify expectations,

and recommendations. Along with user

survey stakeholders, research, and conduct a

personas and scenarios, the plan outlines

competitive analysis of your brand. Our brand

a strategic vision, defining the future of the

discovery provides the best foundation for

organization, as well as its messaging and

sustainable and successful marketing.

brand positioning.


Using the discovery and planning stages



Once your brand assets have been

as a guide, we start building your brand.

created, and a strategy has been put in

Creating identity, collateral, web, and other

place, we concentrate on ongoing brand

digital assets, we act upon the information

management. Social media, web content

gathered in the prior stages to create the

updates, and regular email campaigns

best version of your brand.

are all part of our management process. However we do make sure that everything we produce for you is turn-key for your staff in the event you want to manage it internally.



We’ve got you covered.

Project Goals JBA’s goals and objectives fall within our expertise. Here we offer some insight into how we achieve success for our happy clients, while addressing your specific needs.

Develop a baseline understanding of Bartram’s Garden’s audiences utilizing evaluation and market research tools. Gather Data Our Brand Discovery process is the opportunity to gather useful data to inform all changes to the Bartram’s Garden brand. We combine equal input from Audiences, Stakeholders and a Competitive Analysis to guide all design, messaging and marketing. Our process is said to be unlike any other agency’s. Surveys are conducted online with anonymous participation, grouped by audience types. The data is formed into a workable, very informative,

We specialize in delivering compelling messaging that concisely tells the brand story and engages your audience to interact with your organization.

Visual Communications Pairing creative messaging with beautiful brand identity designs will position your brand for long term success. Just like the history of Bartram’s Garden, we will strive to achieve a long term, sustainable look.

Outcomes • A Defined Brand Vision, Voice, and Promise • A Renewed Brand Position and Mission • A Beautiful Visual Communitions and Identity System • Brand Style and Usage Guide for internal use

Strategic Plan that guides our work from the start to the point of handing off to your team to support.

Define Audiences

Develop an integrated and measurable marketing campaign for new and existing audiences to build returning visitation.

We will identify and personify the most valuable audiences for Bartram’s Garden in a workable manner, to support all marketing moving forward.

Outcomes • Impressive Strategic Plan w/ Statistics • Great Customer Testimonials • Target Market Data & Advice • Stakeholder Goals & Ideas • Compelling Data Useful for Grant Applications

Create a comprehensive brand identity for Bartram’s Garden.

Campaign Strategy Our marketing campaigns have more legs than a centipede. Let’s create an engaging campaign that utilizes the newly launched visual communication tools and drive traffic to both your online assets and the garden itself. While engagement is our way to measure, our aim is to build brand ambassadorship and loyalty.

Execution When the concepts are approved and the strategy is strong, the next step is to get the ball rolling. From building Facebook contest apps and


connecting them to creative in-person experience,

Once we have identified your core strengths and

we can roll out a campaign quickly and efficiently.

the target markets, the first step is defining the Bartram’s Garden voice, vision and messaging.



Project Goals Continued Press and Launch

Content Schedule and Calendar

Let’s also define the target audience in the press,

A content schedule will be provided that identifies

and make Bartram’s Garden relevant throughout the

recommended frequency for the best online reach.

campaign, with news and events that make Bartram’s

From news articles and event updates, to email blasts

Garden a source of historical, yet relevant information.

and social media posts, all will be covered so the

We will aim to make this a regular practice for your

Bartram’s Garden Staff is clear on content going out

staff as well.

to their audience.



Gathering data from a variety of sources ensures

• Mobile-Friendly Website

a clear evaluation of the campaign’s effectiveness

• Custom CMS that Allows for Easy Updating

and success.

• Increased Site Traffic from SEO • Increased Online Following and Engagement

Outcomes • New Participants • Engaged Audience Members • Increased Traffic Online and On-Site • Increased Fans, Followers on Social Networks

Strengthen digital strategies and develop measurable media campaigns to launch Bartram’s major initiatives and interpret the garden history and ecology to enhance visitor experience.

• Increase in Leads and Visits to the garden

Develop collateral materials that serve to promote the garden with key target audiences. Design We will design additional collateral to give the best representation of your brand at every customer touchpoint. This will include on-site environmental experience, brochures, and other requested

Web Design and Development


We will create a custom mobile friendly website which

Templates and Guidelines

will be optimized for search engines and produce a captivating user experience across multiple devices. Not only will Bartram’s Garden get more incoming traffic via search results, but users will stay on the site longer and come back more often.

Social Media Presence We will create a social media overview to guide social media management that will include an established brand voice, recommended types of content and

We know you don’t want to come to us for everything, so we will create easy to update templates along with detailed brand guidelines for the Bartram’s Garden Staff to follow. Whether you need Word documents for events, PowerPoint templates for presentations, or HTML email newsletter templates to update your audience, we have you covered.


sources, and industry influencers to interact with.

• Engaging Materials for Visitors

Then, we will target growth according to the plan, and

• Consistency Across All Platforms

dramatically improve your online engagement.

• Easy to Update Templates • Increased Brand Awareness and Recognition



We Aim to Please... Every Time!

Happy Clients Some of our happy clients: American Diabetes Association Bartram’s Garden Christiana Mall Comcast

Adv., Collateral & Social Media



Collateral, Advertising, Web Strategy & Design

Constitution Health Plaza

Rebrand, Strategy, Messaging & Identity

Drexel University


Duane Morris LLP

Rebrand, Strategy, Messaging & Identity

“Antoinette has employed a unique skill set to try and change the image of her neighborhood and brands.” - Philadelphia Business Journal

Web Strategy, Design & Development

Named 30 Under 30 Entrepreneurs to

Greater Philadelphia Marketing Tourism Corp. HipCityVeg


Watch in Philadelphia Business Journal 2012

Social Media Strategy & Management

Independence Blue Cross Kings Food Markets

Collateral & Social Media Campaign

Social Media Strategy, Mgmt & Campaign

Philadelphia Magazine

Social Media Strategy, Mgmt & Campaign

Reybold Group

Rebrand, Strategy, Messaging & Identity

SWCC 5k Run

Branding, Collateral, Web Strategy & Design

Tower Investments United Healthcare

Strategy, Messaging, & Branding

Social Media Strategy, Mgmt & Campaign

Universal Companies

Web Strategy, Design & Development

Recent Press:

“At Media has established a very solid reputation as one of the most forward thinking marketing agencies in the region.” - Concrete Cake Internet Marketing Blog

Philadelphia Business Journal Philadelphia Inquirer 98.1 WOGL - The Philadelphia Agenda Temple News Geekadelphia - Geek of the Week Concrete Cakes



Case Study

American Diabetes Association Step Out Walk Overview: The Philadelphia chapter of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) came to At Media in need of a strategy, refreshed creative, and a way to increase registration for their annual Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes. At Media developed the tagline “Every Step Makes an Impact” to complement the nonprofit’s goals of raising awareness of both the walk and diabetes in general. Our team developed unique messaging, creative, and print collateral for the Step Out Walk, including a billboard and social media advertising to support registration for the October 5th event. At Media will continue to support the ADA through a social media campaign and continued advertising leading up to the event in October.

Case Study - American Diabetes Association


Case Study

Philadelphia Magazine Be Well Philly Overview: Be Well Philly, the health and wellness division of Philadelphia Magazine, approached At Media for a social media campaign to promote healthy and conscious living in Philadelphia. Dubbed the “Health Hero Challenge,” At Media created, executed and monitored a strategic contest to increase engagement and participation from Be Well Philly’s target audience. Spanning both Facebook and Twitter, the contest encouraged participants to vote for their favorite Health Hero: someone who most inspires healthy living.



Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

As a result of our social media growth strategy, Be Well Philly’s audience on Twitter grew from 1,800 to 4,140 followers in just 4 weeks. In the same time period, Be Well Philly’s

GOAL - 3 00 0+

Facebook audience increased from 1,700 to 2,880 as a result of the Health Hero contest. Since gaining a powerful following under At








influence. Today, the contest continues


only continued to grow their local


and the Health Hero Challenge have


Media’s supervision, Be Well Philly

to run annually as a core component of Philadelphia Magazine’s health and lifestyle outreach efforts.

3500 +

Campaign Shares

3400 +

Campaign Views

100 +

Campaign Comments

Case Study - Philadelphia Magazine


Timeline and Delivery To meet the established goals for the project, we have identified four key phases for execution of the strategy and plan.

Phase 1: Discovery Hours: 70

Budget: $6,299

Phase 2: Message and Identity Timeline: 10/1 - 10/30

Hours: 110

Budget: $10,591

Timeline: 10/20 - 12/15

Here we aim to learn the most amazing elements of your story,

Our custom designs and messaging will reflect the discovered

message and the experience that creates Bartram’s Garden.

position, look, and target.

During our brand discovery phase, we evaluate and conduct the following:

Identity • Logo Creation

Current Brand Audit

• Color Palette

• Identity

• Business Cards

• Messaging and Positioning

• Letterhead

• Website (online and mobile experience)

• Icon Language

• Social Media • Analytic Review


• Competitive Analysis

• Brand Vision

• Environmental Experience

• Tagline/Slogan • Voice and Tone

Customer Survey • Target Audience Analysis • Customer Loyalty Discovery • Brand Perceptions • Class/ Event Experience

• Positioning Statement • Mission Statement

On-Site Brand Experience • Employee Name-tags • Signage

Stakeholder and Employee Survey

• Uniforms

• Stakeholder Survey

• Visitor Name-tags

• Employee Survey and Workout Exercises

• Branded Collateral and Materials

• One-on-one Interviews • Brand Personality Exercise • Marketing Perception

Brand Style Guide • Logo Usage • Color Palette • Print and Web Typography • Graphical Elements • Icon Systems and Uses • Photography Treatments • Templates and Guides • Voice Guide and Characteristics

Timeline and Delivery


Phase 3: Digital Communications

Phase 4: Marketing and Strategy

Hours: 200

Hours: 125

Budget: $19,525 Timeline: 11/01- 01/31

We need to focus our efforts on building JBA a set of highly

Timeline: 1/01 - 03/31

Marketing and Communications Strategy

effective Digital Communication tools.

• Public Relations plan • News Hook Development


• Calendar of Annual Newsworthy Events

• Design and Develop Website to be Mobile Friendly

• Press Material Development, including News

• Content Management System (CMS)

Releases Templates, etc.

• Sitewide Search Engine Optimization (SEO) • Incorporate the Use of Social Media

Budget: $12,173

• Media Training (as needed)

• Development of Key Performance Indicators

throughout Site

for PR Activity

• Improve Messaging throughout Site,

• Define Top Target Audiences

include Keywords to Enhance SEO Efforts

• Develop Three Year Marketing Plan Based on Target Markets, Media Consumption, and

Social Media

JBA’s Budget

• Identify Target Social Media Platforms • Brand Platforms

Event/Class Recommendations

• Social Media Policy and Guidelines

• Audit Current Classes and Events

• Social Media Content Schedule and Growth

• Develop Recommendations Based on Responses and Target Markets

Content Strategy • Content Audit of Existing Materials

Social Media Campaign and Strategy

• Develop Editorial Brief and Persona Profile

• Develop Content Management Distribution

• Create 12-month Editorial Calendar

and Response Plans for each Platform to

• Develop Execution Strategy, whether Content will be Produced Internally or through External Resources • Content Creation Coaching

make it Easy for Employees to Update, and Monitor Social Networks • Targeted Growth to Social Networks and Double

Following within Three Months

Email Marketing

• Develop an Engaging Social Media Campaign that

• Create HTML Templates of Email Touch-Points

Grows Audience Participation and Engagement

for Easy Staff Management • Use Email Management System (e.g. MailChimp) to Facilitate Easy Distribution and Management • Develop Customizable Monthly Newsletter

Template that is Easy to Manage and Update with

Project Total (Phases 1-4): $48,588 estimated 505 hours

New Content • Develop Newsletter Content Schedule for Three Target Markets, Volunteers, Current Customers / Class Participants, and Potential Customers

Timeline: October 1, 2013 - March 31, 2014 Payment $8,098/month for 6 months

Timeline and Delivery


267.519.3592 222b Race St. Phila, PA

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