Postgreen Homes Strategic Plan

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Strategic Plan. A ROAD MAP FO R ACCO M PLI S H I N G PO S TG RE E N H O M E S 2 013 -2 014 B R AN D I N G G OAL S

Po s t g re e n H o m e s August 20, 2013

The contents of this document are considered confidential and are the property of Postgreen Homes. 2

Index. O ver view


Back ground


Current Challenges


G oals and Strateg y


D eliverables





Postgreen Homes (PGH) is looking to grow recognition for their brand as a renowned eco-conscious home development company at local and national levels. PGH seeks to increase sales as well as overall awareness of the PGH product, while creating a process that is turn-key for internal marketing personnel. Postgreen Homes has engaged At Media to create a Plan of Action to re-energize their brand and attract new customers, as well as impact sub-brand sales. To that end, At Media has developed a strategic plan for the branding and marketing of the PGH parent brand, and each sub-brand that PGH develops. Additionally, At Media will design and oversee a rehaul of the PGH website and sub-sites that will engage and excite consumers. The following document outlines the project goals, discovery process, reviews all collected data and insights, and provides recommendations that will guide a phased approach for action.


External Team

The team outlined in this section has worked collectively to gather the data presented in this document, and have used it to develop their recommendations to implement effective branding and marketing strategies moving forward.

At Media is the branding firm hired to complete the plan and strategy to refresh Postgreen Homes’ current brand, web presence, and marketing approach.

A nto i n et te M a ri e J o h n s o n , CEO Ty l e r R . We s tn e d ge , Cre ative D ire c to r E li s e Co nway, S e nio r A c c o u nt E xe c utive

The boutique firm has been engaged in an effort to increase recognition of the PGH brand, as well as drive

C h ri s Ri c h a rd s , A c c o u nt E xe c utive

sales to the new Folsom Powerhouse sub-brand and

Ri s a Ze ll e r, B ra n d M a n a ge r

remaining, available properties. The team members

Ia n T. B e r g , Le a d G ra p hic D e sig n e r

on this project are responsible for strategy and implementation.

D y la n G a r n e r, G ra p hic D e sig n e r

The website development partner for this project

Pat r i c k L u c y, Pa r t n e r

is Nimblelight. They are also responsible for the

B r ia n M e l to ny, Pa r t n e r

current PGH website. They will be assisting with the development of PGH’s approved web design for both the parent and sub-brand sites.

At Media will be providing Nimblelight with the strategy and designs approved by PGH, and will work with Nimblelight to help produce and launch valuable web components to the PGH brand. Nimblelight will be focused on customizing the Wordpress templates, building mobile versions of the sites and providing PGH with updates to the overall site structure. Nimblelight will also be responsible for implementing the SEO strategy.


Data Collection

The data and feedback presented in this document was collected by At Media in an effort to fully discover the challenges and opportunities for the PGH brand. Online surveys with strategic brand perception questions were conducted between June and July of 2013 with the following participants:

St a ke h o l d e r B r a n d D i s c ove r y

A ll o f t h e 4 s ta ke h o l d e r s

Cu s to m e r B r a n d Pe r c e p t i o n S u r vey

14 P G H c u s to m e r s

Pa r t n e r B r a n d S u r vey

25 P G H p a r t n e r s ra n g i n g f ro m d e ve l o p e r s to h i g h ly i nte re s te d p re s s i n f l u e n c e r s


Pro j e c t s - All development projects created by

I d e ntiti e s - The term, names, design and symbols

Postgreen Homes

or any other feature that identifies PGH from others

S u b - b ra n d s - Separate, complimentary brands

Pro d u c t s - A good or service made available to

developed by the parent brand PGH

Postgreen. Important to address future goals.

B ra n d Pe rce p ti o n - The sum of all experiences

related to the product, service and companies that deliver the brand’s promise



Brand Story Postgreen Homes was created to fill a gap in the

the way. He welcomes new homebuyers by saying

Philadelphia and National housing market. At the time,

“Welcome to the Postgreen family.” It’s more than a

there was a lack of high design, high quality, and high

business for him, PGH is a lifestyle. It’s a community

efficiency homes at an attainable price point available.

that has the power to impact the city beyond the limits

Chad Ludeman, founder and creator of PGH, is the

of traditional real estate companies.

source of passion behind this brand, and has grown

factors beyond earning potential, Chad has built PGH into a brand that is dedicated to a growing customer base; attracting savvy, urban, eco-conscious people, while earning local and national recognition along

Purpose PGH Serves PGH is re-defining the eco-conscious housing market by creating homes and communities that are not only socially and environmentally conscious, but accessible to a wider range of customers. By designing homes that are visually appealing, functional, and customizable, they are able to broaden the market for eco-friendly homes. At its core, the attractability of a PGH home is the impact it can have on the lifestyle of the buyers while simultaneously adding one more responsible home to their surrounding community and beyond.


When we purchased our home, Courtney

and Chad lived up the street and became our friends as well as our neighbors.

“ “

- Customer

“ “

line approach: people, planet, and profit. Driven by

the company with dedicated focus on a triple bottom

Where other companies have a business, Postgreen has an ethos.

- Customer

It’s a very human enterprise, full of respect for the buyer, the home and the craft of bringing them together. - Customer

Current Target Market

• Ages: 27-39 years old

• Active online, and in social media net

• 9-5pm professional, income starting at least $65,000.00/yr. • Works and/or lives in Philadelphia, the


• Seeks alternatives from the typical

• A genuine interest in making Philadelphia a better place

Philadelphia Suburbs, South NJ, Central NJ, NY area

• Attempts to be eco-conscious and

American lifestyle • Appreciates high-quality design • Likely uses public transportation and/or bikes regularly

environmentally responsible

• Likely DINKs or young families

• Lives with purpose

Top Reasons Customers Choose PGH:



Quality of Work


Live in Green Community

New Construction




Efficient Home Design


Modern Home Design





Current Challenges • Brand Clarity with Development Partners • Defining the Target Audience, Clearly Describing Postgreen Home’s position • Brand Recognition



Goals and Strategy



Increase Sub-Brand Awareness and Sales


Improve PGH Brand Message and Identity


Improve Online User Experience and Search Engine Results


Develop an Ongoing Marketing Strategy

Goals and Strategy Outline

This document will provide Postgreen Homes with a clear set of findings that drove At Media’s recommendations and Plan of Action. The following are target goals that At Media and Postgreen Homes have identified as critical to revitalizing the Postgreen Homes brand.


Increase Sub-Brand Awareness and Sales


Improve Online User Experience and Search Engine Results

• Unify sub-brands with the PGH brand experience

• Design and develop new PGH website

• Develop new sub-branding process

• Increase search engine rankings and results

• Develop on-site “brand experience”

• Develop content marketing strategy to aid continued brand awareness and SEO efforts

• Create web and marketing sub-branding process


Improve the Postgreen Homes Brand Message and Value


Develop Ongoing Marketing Strategies

• Define brand vision and differentiators

• Develop and initiate marketing plan

• Renew the brand position and messaging

• Develop PR media list and campaign • Develop social media campaign, content, and outreach • Monitor and report progress




Increase Sub-Brand Awareness and Sales


Increase Sub-Brand Awareness and Sales • Unify Sub-Brands with the PGH Brand Experience • Develop New Sub-Branding Process • Develop On-Site “Brand Experience” • Create Web and Marketing Sub-Branding Process



Increase Sub-Brand Awareness and Sales

Unify Sub-Brands with the PGH Brand Experience

Make each project a clearly identifiable PGH product • With copy-cat modern developers now and in the future, it is apparent that PGH should help audiences clearly identify PGH projects in a sea of lesser comparables • Make the differentiators of a PGH sub-brand clearly unique and identifiable • Bring to life the unique elements of each sub-brand i.e. Folsom’s community greening aspects vs. the Skinny Project’s exterior facade tattoo screen print • Unify all sub-brands as PGH projects in the same fashion on as many mediums as possible. (i.e. each sub-brand has its own color and that color is represented on all of the subbrand’s materials)

Going Forward • Highlight new and groundbreaking elements of the subbrand that are different and unique • Develop URL specific to each sub-brand’s name, implement template for all sub-brand sites so they have the same foundation with different images and elements • PGH must be visible within the sub-brand. Customers should associate the sub-brand as a part of PGH.


Ex: Create a “seal of approval” for all PGH

sub-brands that link the concept from online

(websites) to in-person (stamped on sidewalk)

Increase Sub-Brand Awareness and Sales


Develop New Sub-Brand Branding Process Naming of sub-brands

Develop this sub-branding process as a guideline

• Normalize the process of naming a sub-brand so

• Create a document to guide any PGH person as they

that all PGH sub-brands, particularly development

brand any new sub-brand

projects, are clearly identifiable as PGH • Introduce this guideline to new Partners so that they • Help audience members clearly identify the

are clear on the naming and branding process of the

location of the project to immediately generate

project they are supporting

interest in the community aspect of the project • Include messaging, photography and other branding • Consider adding the unique architectural detail,

items in the guideline to streamline all marketing sub-

product or materials used as part of the name

branded efforts

Brand elements • The unique elements of the brand should highlight materials used, as well as different architectural aspects of the sub-brand • All branded elements should use the same font type as the PGH brand, and/or secondary fonts • The identity of the sub-brand should be compli-

10 out of 14

mentary to the PGH brand colors, and consistent on all materials including the PGH parent website, etc.

Promotional/marketing materials • Create a normalized process to easily update and produce promotional materials with sub-brand

Customers say that location is the most important factor to buying a home.




Increase Sub-Brand Awareness and Sales

Example: Target Sub-Branding

Target does a great job at creating, designing and marketing their own sub-brands, while still maintaining the uniqueness of the products. Shown below are three separate sub-brands created for different divisions within Target.

Up & Up is Target’s sub-brand for all health and beauty care products


Increase Sub-Brand Awareness and Sales


Examples of Parent and Sub-brand Identities

Simply Balanced is a Target sub-brand of wholesome food products made with simple and recognizable ingredients that follow the USDA oranganic guidelines

Market Pantry is the overaching sub-brand of all food and beverage products for Target



Increase Sub-Brand Awareness and Sales

Develop On-Site “Brand-Experience” Develop on-site signage templates • Post signage around new developments, identifying them as PGH properties, as well as promoting their specific sub-brand identity

Develop the on-site environmental “brand experience” Examples of on-site brand experience • Before and during development of the project, include sub-brand identity in signage so that people will start to clearly recognize the PGH project

- Make use of the high-quality renderings, by

posting life size signage

- Include project specifics

- Introduce ways for audience members to interact (ie hashtag, qr code)

• Branded imprint/stamp on the sidewalk • Number plate to indicate the sequence of the property • Unique container to hold flyers on-site • Branded flyers that are a FAQ sheet of all of the sub-brand information • Sub-brand launch event • Upon purchasing a home, give out a packet of subbrand promotional materials and swag to owner



of PGH customers say that the parent brand’s reputation is a motivating factor for purchasing a home in a new development



Increase Sub-Brand Awareness and Sales

Create Web and Marketing Sub-Branding Process

Web Presence

Social Media Cont.

Currently, sub-brand pages are buried in the blog,

1. Each sub-brand should be promoted

external media results and partner developer sites

using a dedicated #hashtag

(reNewbold for example). Searching for sub-brand

- #folsompowerhouse

names does not bring up definitive results that

- #reNewbold

PGH currently owns.

2. Include the sub-brand’s hashtag on all

mediums featuring the project,

• Creating sub-brand micro-sites and populating

such as brochures, posters, flyers, etc.

them not only with image content, but descriptive

3. Develop a photo album for

pieces of the homes, will aid SEO and online PGH

each sub-brand on Facebook with #hashtag


4. Dedicate content to one post per week specifically for a sub-brand that PGH is

• Update the sub-brand sites with any featured news coverage, so that content is fresh and crawled by search engines

seeking press or pre-sales

Public Relations • Continue building/developing the current media

• Display the sub-brands on the PGH website

list, culling down list to publications that are specific

uniformly (more on PGH main site strategy)

to each sub-brand

Imagery and Photography • Images used can be renderings, floor plans, and architectural drawings but also, detailed product images from sourced materials and details from the properties • Hire freelance photographer to provide 30 images and retouch for each sub-brand - $150 budget

Social Media • Each sub-brand will be promoted by the PGH main brand, not separate accounts. This makes it easy for one person to manage all social media from a central location

• Develop schedule of significant events surrounding the development and launch

1. Ground Breaking

2. Ribbon Cutting/Launch

• Host these events more regularly to increase brand awareness • Pitch media contacts based on schedule and relevancy, include television contacts for live events

Sub-Brand Launch • In-Person Event

1. Develop unique event around the

launch, with the goal of increasing

pre-sales but mainly raising awareness

about PGH. Surround the theme around

a unique element of the sub-brand: Ex. Block party launch for Folsom Powerhouse includes a live demonstration from the featured artist, and organized games in the park nearby. Live social posts from #folsompowerhouse during the event, and in all materials.




For a while there PGH dominated

on social media and in the local press. It would be good to see them get back into the swing of things in regards to promo and developing their mystique.

- Partner 21



Improve the Postgreen Homes Brand


Improve the Postgreen Homes Brand Message and Value • Define Brand Vision and Differentiators • Renew the Brand Position and Messaging



Improve the Postgreen Homes Brand

Define Brand Vision and Differentiators

Going for ward, it is impor tant that PGH has

Adopt the PGH Voice

a defined brand vision. This will assist in the

It is clear that a major influencer in the PGH

development of the long term strategic position

brand and the most positive customer reviews

that the brand will take in the market as well as

sur face around Chad’s personality. As PGH

in the consumer mind-space. Additionally, all

grows, adding more products, ser vices and

stakeholders and par tners should agree upon

locations to their reach, the voice of the brand

the vision and have a role in accomplishing it

should be consistent and apparent. PGH should


adopt the personality and voice of the best-

Brand Vision To become the preeminent developer of modern,

version of Chad moving for ward in all PGH materials. This should be present in all brand guidelines to guide use of the voice.

eco-conscious urban homes that are accessible and customizable for buyers looking to live

Brand Positioning

healthy lives. First in the Philadelphia region,

Developing a brand position is necessar y

then beyond.

to take PGH to the next level. Currently,

Define the Postgreen Difference and Values

the position is not clearly presented, and the values that drive PGH are not visible in

Clearly illustrating the PGH values and

the communication materials. Defining the

dif ferentiators (both visually and verbally) will

following will help potential customers identify

show your potential customers what solutions you

with PGH as well as understand the reasons to

are providing, what your benefits are, and why to

respond to the call of action.

choose PGH over the competitors

• Sustainable and Attainable • Customized and Personal • Uncompromising dedication to Quality and Innovation • Triple Bottom Line: “People, planet, profit” • Modern yet Warm


A clear Slogan/Tagline/Motto This will give customers an intriguing glimpse as to why to choose PGH

Improve the Postgreen Homes Brand

Shor t and concise, no more than two sentences that defines who you are, who your target market is, and why to choose Postgreen Homes

Mission Statement The PGH mission statement should be strong and define the PGH standards and values, as well as your dif ferentiators. The Postgreen Homes Dif ference should be more than a blog series, it should be an integral par t of all messaging and be clearly defined on the about page of the website.

Customer Testimonials PGH has the luxur y of an inviting customer base, and should make use of it more of ten. They are brand ambassadors, and are excited to be apar t of the Postgreen Homes’ Family. Making use of not only their quotes, but photos of them and their homes will humanize the PGH brand, as well making the proper ties seem warmer and more vibrant.


We feel like we bought into a large family of owners.


Positioning Statement


- Customer



Improve the Postgreen Homes Brand

Here is what your customers think about the PGH brand

the company

Enjoy the personal approach Chad brings

• The most commonly used terms to describe PGH; sincere, genuine, family oriented, friendly, modern

Highly influenced by the brand or perception of

Chad provides great customer service. He’s a very friendly, genuine guy, and he builds a great house.

• 5 out of 14 PGH customers found Postgreen online, the most commonly sited lead generation tool

Refered to PGH by a friend

- Customer

They searched and found you - Online!

They are more about the home and the customer’s satisfaction than making a

29% of PGH buyers learned about the brand from a friend



- Customer


of customers surveyed said that the way they felt they were being treated was most important to them



Improve the Postgreen Homes Brand

Renew the Brand Position and Messaging Despite the overwhelmingly positive response received from current customers, the brand position and messaging need to be further developed to increase audience participation


• Currently, the way PGH has positioned itself and its sub-brands is exclusionar y. Instead of defining the dif ferences of PGH in a positive, open tone, the verbiage tends to shut out, rather than invite prospective owners. Exclusionary examples from Website

“At Postgreen we are trying to build homes for those people who are no longer interested in the race for more stuff and a bigger place to store it. We are trying to build homes for the many, many lifestyles that don’t mesh with the majority of homes being built. We believe that every home should be energy efficient, healthy and well designed. We believe that size isn’t everything. We believe that quality can be affordable.” • “We believe” seems pretentious and forceful. Let the consumers picture


“These are not your average American homes. Their focus is not on more bedrooms, bathrooms or more square feet. They do not try to mimic the past. They do not aim for mass appeal. They are homes for people who want something different, something more responsible, something better.” • The use of negative descriptors (using the word ‘not’) immediately creates a sense of exclusion

what they want and what they believe by describing the buyer profile.


“While we might not be designing the home for everyone, we know there are a lot of people out there who see things our way. Hopefully, you are one of them.” • Help the consumer see the meaning in the homes, and that it’s for them, not for you the builder. Don’t be hopeful, be so confident that there is relief in the consumer’s mind - Oh, they get me! I am not alone!

Postgreen homes can be for everyone. Inspire and entice consumers with your values and differentiators.


There’s a lovely irony in that while the Postgreen experience may begin with an interactive form on a website, once the ball is rolling you never once feel like you’re dealing with a machine.

Customer -- Customer 29



Improve Online User Experience and Search Engine Results


Improve Online User Experience and Search Engine Results • Design and Develop New PGH Website • Increase Search Engine Ranking and Results • Develop Content Marketing Strategy to Aid Continued Brand Awareness and SEO efforts



Improve Online User Experience and Search Engine Results

Design and Develop New PGH Website

Design and develop new PGH website

Web Voice and Tone

• Consolidate the two websites into one site.

• Friendly, honest, transparent, quirky, fun

This can be easily taken care of by redirecting

• Oppor tunity to streamline and clarify copy while to

still maintaining the current voice and tone



The website currently is managed by three separate CMS tools • Custom CMS • WordPress CMS (Blog) • Customization CMS

In order to unify the Postgreen Homes brand across the web, a switch to all WordPress is recommended • Pages can be added, edited and curated in WordPress CMS and easily updated with content throughout the site • Sub-brand pages can be separate WordPress sites • All sites will be grouped together in one central WordPress login • Sub-admin access to cer tain sites or pages can be granted

Improve Sitemap to create a better user experience and flow • Site map (Fig 1) • Main navigation (Fig 2) • Sub-navigation (Fig 3)


Current Copy Example

“People have been kind enough to say a lot of nice things about us. We try to keep a list of the best of them.”

Examples of Streamlined Content

- Here’s what people are saying about PGH

- Find out what’s being said about PGH

- An actual quote, with a “learn more” link

to more testimonials/press - Press/Media

Include larger and higher quality photography of finished sub-brands • Create a sustainable way to produce high quality photos for the sub-brands

AirBnB model

Pay freelancer $100 to shoot a house and


- Capture photos before, during, and after

people have moved into the houses, and

add them to the sub-brand sites

- Show examples of individual rooms

(such as the kitchen, bedrooms) that will

work in multiple projects

Improve Online User Experience and Search Engine Results



Site Map



Improve Online User Experience and Search Engine Results


Main Navigation Content



Clear and concise PGH message

A clear explanation of PGH’s values and background

Display current, past, and future projects

Keep your audience up-to-date (as “Blog”)

• Main purpose is to show what PGH is, and why their homes are right for you (What and Why)

• The Postgreen Difference - Mission

• Projects pages should be visually exciting

• Our Story - Team, photos and background

• Include project overview and specifications

• Determine topics and make them easily accessible and sortable to users (Design, PGH news, Press, Industry News, Sustainability, etc)

• Links to available listings and customization if applicable

• The content schedule can be organized and defined by topics

• Featured Press to show exciting developments

• Make PGH the go-to source for green living and development tips and news

• Integrate content throughout the site to entice users to learn more about the PGH brand - Projects - Featured Listings - About (Positioning) - Featured Press - News Articles - High Quality Imagery - Testimonial Quotes


• Testimonials - Highlight the “Postgreen Family” aspect, with photographs of homeowners, as well as their homes



• Increase sharability on articles

Improve Online User Experience and Search Engine Results




Sub Navigation Content

Listings This section is integrated throughout the site. Its main purpose is to show available “properties” (not projects) for sale and for lease. It is the avenue the users go to when seriously considering purchasing or renting a property. • Geared towards the specific sale or lease of property and not the project



Displays all press

Shows FAQs

mentions of PGH. Moving forward these mentions could also be posted on the News page.

Partners Lists PGH’s past and current partners • Normalizing where and how the partners are shown on the PGH and sub-brand sites will help streamline the message

• Ability for user to search by neighborhood, price point, sale or lease, residential or commercial • Shows how easy the PGH process is to buy/rent • Properties can be customized when applicable



Improve Online User Experience and Search Engine Results

Increase Search Engine Ranking and Results

Build search engine friendly website • Identify keywords and search phrases for better search engine results - the PGH blog should be a primar y driver of traf fic to the website • Traf fic Oppor tunities: The following are sample searches that have lead people to discover PHG in the past, based on analytics. They represent an oppor tunity to continue building content that caters to searches in the future.

General Home-buyer Searches “Af fordable modern homes” “Af fordable green homes” “Af fordable eco modern homes” “Modern townhouses” “Cheap modern house”

House Feature Searches Focus on unique features of each project and specific material-related keywords “Super insulated houses” “Expanded cork siding” “Double studded walls” “5.1 surround sound wiring” “Rectangular planters” “Stickwood applied to walls” “Insulated Walls”

Philadelphia Related Searches Take advantage of local real estate market searches to stand out as a unique developer “Modern Philadelphia Townhouses” “Green Homes Philadelphia” “Sustainable Modern Homes Philadelphia” “Philadelphia Green Homes”


Improve Online User Experience and Search Engine Results


Develop Content Marketing Strategy to Aid Continued Brand Awareness and SEO Efforts Formulate a content schedule for better search engine results





• Create a schedule of upcoming announcements and ar ticles to release in a timely fashion. Designate


one individual to curate the web content to ensure freshness, relevance, and customer value.

- The blog curator should be knowledgeable

in all things Postgreen, and should

ultimately drive the content based on

detailed knowledge of PGH materials,

construction processes, and home features

- They should identify popular blog topics

from analytics and SEO goals to provide

content oppor tunities



• Maintain a list of recommended blog topics,

of customers would prefer to hear

based on Google’s keyword research tool. These

about updates on PGH

topics incorporate keywords that show high

through email or social media

monthly search rates both locally and globally. They should be creative titles and topics that integrate valuable keywords and reflect some of Postgreen’s personality


“Insulating Basement Walls the Postgreen Way”


“Green Roofing Materials: What You’ll Want Up Top”


“What You Should Know about Triple Pane Windows”


“Getting High with a Roof Deck Over the City”


“Extreme Air Sealing: Goodbye, Leaks”


“Home Automation for Dummies”


“The Cherr y on Top: Whole House Audio”


“ What’s the Deal with Air to Air Heat Pumps?”

Create a quarterly newsletter to inform all PGH customers of new sub-brands, events, and blog posts. Newsletter will maintain the look and feel of the PGH brand, and further build the relationship with the customer/consumer. • Create a community of PGH customers by keeping people connected after purchasing/renting their home • Customize newsletters based on audience, whether it is current customer or potential customer

Create an announcement email template to announce news in-between quarterly newsletters




Develop Ongoing Marketing Strategies


Develop Ongoing Marketing Strategies • Develop and Initiate Marketing Plan • Develop PR Media List and Campaign • Develop Social Media Campaign, Content, and Outreach • Monitor and Report Progress


Develop Ongoing Marketing Strategies

Develop and Initiate Marketing Plan

PGH can increase visibility to new target audiences, generate new leads, and build overall brand awareness

Marketing goals • Increase awareness of PGH brand • Increase sales • Expand reach to new audiences

Develop an ongoing marketing plan Identify key roles to continue turn-key execution • Assign team members specific roles and tasks • Develop checklist of duties



Develop Ongoing Marketing Strategies


Develop PR Media List and Campaign

Position Chad as the expert on environmentally conscious development • Chad should be the go-to source for any repor ter writing on this topic • Create a media kit on Chad’s behalf

Continue building and developing the current media list • Monitor and adjust as needed • Build relationships with writers/journalists

Develop a pitch timeline that takes into account the following criteria • Publications’ topic schedule • Any national topics relevant to PGH • Scheduled events within PGH

- Major sub-brand announcements or updates

- Product development announcements

Develop press pitches based on the above information Be aware of any current trends, topics, or breaking news in any of the following areas that PGH can be the authority on, and pitch appropriately • Real Estate • Development • Green Development • Eco-Conscious Lifestyle • Eco-Concious Building



Develop Ongoing Marketing Strategies

Social Media

Postgreen Homes aims to become the go-to developer

• Content shared across social media platforms

for consumers interested in buying or leasing efficient,

• Share Instagram and Vine posts on both

sustainable, modern homes. To reach this goal, PGH

Twitter and Facebook

will need to communicate its superior knowledge and exper tise on green living. Social media platforms

Social Media Campaigns

provide a great oppor tunity to showcase PGH’s

• Social media campaigns are effective for

exper tise while keeping users engaged and up-to-date.

increasing brand recognition, reach, and lead

In driving Postgreen to become the go-to green


builder, you can first reel people in by becoming a

• Types of campaigns include: photo contest,

relevant and useful resource for green living tips and

video contests, caption contests, ‘fan favorite’



Social Media Content • Internal links

Ex: A photo contest in which people submit photos

of a ‘problem’ in their house or something they

would like to work better/more ef ficiently

(ie, a leaky roof )

• Postgreen site (News, Events)

• Sub-brand sites (Folsom Powerhouse)

• List all influencers in markets for targeted growth

• Blog Posts

• They have the ability to reach a wide audience

- Content derived from blog can be

by integrating multiple social media platforms

translated into multiple Facebook

(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

and Twitter posts

- On Facebook, a specific app would be

• External links

created for the campaign

- On Twitter and Instagram, a specific

• Press on Postgreen Homes

- Use google aler ts to be notified of

hashtag would be designated for

new stories on Postgreen

the campaign

- Post timely information and share

stories quickly af ter they are


• Relevant ar ticles and media,

with topics including

- Green building

- Sustainable living

- Energy ef ficiency

- Local news (highlighting

neighborhoods where Postgreen

homes are located)

- Community development in


- Sources of inspiration (home

design, architecture, green

initiatives) 42


We struggle between maintaining both


personal social media accounts (with larger followings usually) and company ones at the same time with good quality for both. Facebook campaigns, events, mail and email marketing suffer the most of all we do currently.

- Stakeholder 43




Content Marketing


Social Media



Based on your experience, how is Postgreen Homes currently reaching target market?

30% says Social Media

Promotional Events

Newsletter, Email Marketing

Sales Representative


0 45


Develop Ongoing Marketing Strategies

Develop Social Media Campaign

Facebook Advertising

Example Facebook

• Facebook advertisements enable you to reach a

Advertising Campaign

targeted audience, drive traffic to the website and

Given the success of previous

expand your Facebook reach

Facebook campaigns, we recommend continuing to implement the strategies

• Advertisements can either link to your website or earn a ‘like’ for your Facebook page. There are advantages to each, and both types can be run simultaneously

• Linking to website brings interested Facebook

users to the PGH site directly

• Gaining ‘likes’ means users will be brought to

the PGH Facebook page, and will be subscribed

to PGH Facebook updates and receive posts

from PGH on their home feed.

• Develop a targeted ad campaign

• Identify audience based upon

location, age, interests, family status

• Develop ad copy specific to each

target audience and target division

already in place

Previous Campaign Parameters • Specific interests

- Sustainable, Low-emissions house, Green living, Sustainable Architecture, Lease, Rentals

• Demographics - College educated, 26 and older, within 25 miles of Philadelphia • Ad copy summed up Postgreen Homes’ brand message

- “Modern, efficient, environmentally- sound living in Philly. Customize your space today.”

Campaigns like this can be easily duplicated and run on a monthly basis with a small dedicated budget Budget: $60 New Likes: 92 Reach: 9,700


Develop Ongoing Marketing Strategies



Ad Campaign Results



Facebook Fans











Days 47


Develop Ongoing Marketing Strategies

Develop Social Media Content and Outreach



• Refresh profile to reflect new brand strategy • Post /Interact daily, along Content Strategy

Twitter Growth Results

Interaction 1700

• Retweets, replies • Mention users and use hashtags whenever applicable • Reaching out to influencers and notewor thy users


- Conversations on Twitter

organized by a common interest

(ex: #sustainability)


• Host or par ticipate in relevant Tweetchats


Growth Campaign • Develop regular list of influencers on Twitter to follow and engage • Current growth campaign resulted in over


500 new followers


k1 Wee

k2 Wee

k3 Wee

k4 Wee



ek 5 We

ek 6 We

Develop Ongoing Marketing Strategies



• Concise bio with a link to

• Oppor tunity to tell a stor y and give a unique perspective

• Showcase dif ferent aspects of the Postgreen brand and give different perspectives

• Videos should be ver y specific

• Increase focus of photos

• Materials used in homes

• Green products/companies - specifically

home related

• Inspirational home/building design

• Postgreen home exteriors

• Postgreen home interiors

• Postgreen construction/work in progress

• Postgreen architectural drawings/mock-ups

• Relevant Philadelphia neighborhoods

• Postgreen Home buyers ( We welcome John

to the #PGH family) featured monthly or more


• Green living tips theme

• Playful, instructional videos

• See Lowe’s Vine (@Lowes)

• Ensure quality posts (ex. Lowes)

Interaction • Hashtags whenever applicable • Add videos to relevant channels

• Gives user the ability to find videos when

searching by categor y

• Revine influencers and notable Vines • Follow relevant influencers and engage /interact

• Update at least weekly • Share posts across Facebook and Twitter • Encourage user submissions on all platforms to feature regularly (ex: HipCityVeg’s Instagram)

Interaction • Hashtag whenever applicable • Tag other users whenever applicable, both companies and indivuduals • Post photos with captions that pose questions and elicit a repsonse



Develop Ongoing Marketing Strategies



• Update profile with new identity and messaging, include

“Houzz is the leading online platform for home

remodelling and design, providing people with

images such as icons. Current profile is outdated

everything they need to improve their homes from

• Post weekly

start to finish - online or from a mobile device”

• Expand network

• Encourage team to create profiles and list

• “Houzz is the easiest way for people to get the design

PGH as their workplace • Have employees follow the company’s

inspiration, project advice, product information and

page and promote it within their own

professional reviews they need to help turn ideas into




• Allows Postgreen to display images of their work for

• Have Chad increase connections by importing Gmail

users to browse, save, and share

contacts • Have Chad and others join relevant groups (related to

• A database of local home-related companies with

LEED, sustainability), pointing back to PGH

reviews by users

• Have Chad begin/join discussions and comment on

- Architects, developers, builders are all

existing discussions, linking to PGH where applicable

listed on the site

• Goal of connecting users with vendors/companies

All Primary Networks • Include Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn on all stakeholders email signatures • Include all primary accounts on links throughout PGH parent website and sub-sites • Tastefully promote the networks on promotional materials • Encourage live tweeting @ PGH events, specifically development project hashtag use


that they are interested in working with

Benefits • Create a profile as “a home improvement professional or vendor”

• Include a description, contact

information, photos of work (projects)

that can be divided into albums

• Create “idea books” - similar to a mood

board or Pinterest board

• Users can comment on photos, ask

questions, and participate in discussions

with Postgreen

• Post regularly or at least for new projects

Develop Ongoing Marketing Strategies


Architizer is a “gathering place and a growing

“Architizer connects architects to a vibrant

collaboratively engage with each other, our

On Architizer, architects and designers upload

toolkit for pragmatic idealists to creatively and communities, and our world.” This could be a great site for Chad to join as an individual to

spread the “Postgreen” values. It is blog content that is either something you “do” or something

you “learn,” all with the goal of making our world

a better place. Although this does not fall into the geographic target market, the site is made up of individuals who think and act like PGH’s target market.


network of peers, fans, and potential clients.”

photos of their work and link them to brand pages of products used in the home. Users can then

browse and save projects that inspire them and

products that they may be interested in using. This will expand PGH’s reach by directly giving other

designers, architects, and brands exposure to PGH while benefiting SEO.

• Join site and create a profile page with engaging photos of PGH buildings

• Join site, create a profile, and follow like minded individuals

• Create project pages for each sub-brand, include description and photos

• Post relevant and engaging content on a bimonthly or monthly basis (these posts could be snippets from the already created blog posts)



Deliverables • Tasks and Materials to be Executed • Timeline for Delivery



At Media will manage the project and assign resources to complete the execution at the highest quality, while delivering on the proposed timeline. The Senior Account Executive will report the status of the project, and be responsible for managing communication between all parties. For total estimated hours and cost see attached Statement of Work. Execute the strategy and plan within the following timeline

September 16, 2013: Folsom Powerhouse Brand Launch



Refresh Sub-Brand Identity

• Logo design (Folsom, and others sub- brands)

• Type and treatments for all materials moving forward

• Templated “Sub-Brand” Guidelines


• Guideline

• On-site signage

• On-site brand experience (i.e. PGH seal)


Plan to Announce Launch Event

Sub-Brand Microsite Template Design

Develop Sub-Branding Process Guidelines and Templates

• Main & Mobile site(s)

• 2nd PR Announcement: Sept 16

• Email Annoucement: Sept 23

6 3

Development of Microsite (Nimblelight) • Launch determined by Nimblelight


Continue other “Sub-Brand Launches with Newly Created Template/Guidelines

• According to client priorities

March 14, 2014: Postgreen Homes Updated Brand Launch





Deliver PGH Strategy: August 20th 2013

• For PGH’s brand, web presence and

2014 marketing



Refresh Identity

Design fully customized website with updated sitemap and structure • Main & Mobile site Development of new website in wordpress (Nimblelight)

• Fine-tune Logo to match the brands updated position

• Define Typefaces and colors for all materials moving forward

• Create Brand Guidelines

• Update branded materials

- Business Cards

- Collateral

- Swag

• Dependant on Nimblelight’s delivery

Continued Marketing Efforts


Track and evaluate progress of updated brand identity and messaging


Create an ongoing marketing plan with the updated identity and messaging in place

• Introduce advertising avenues

Brand Positioning

• Sponsorship opportunities

• Define voice and persona guidelines

• Define tagline, positioning, and mission

• Define and outline the Postgreen Homes Difference

• Create messaging to be used for all customer touchpoints

• Update Brand Guidelines

• Press achievements on a national and/or international scale • Outline Agency role moving forward

Design and Develop email marketing assets as templates

• Newsletters (project updates, news, press, etc)

• Announcement Template

• Sign Up confirmations

• Customization Submissions




Thank You.

57 58

222 B Race Street Phila, PA 19106

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