Mykolas Romeris University 2019

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Ateities st. 20, LT-08303 Vilnius, Lithuania Students Admissions Erasmus +

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Lithuania Lithuania is a green and flat land in the north of Europe, ashore the Baltic Sea. It is one of three Baltic countries, and shares borders with Latvia, Belarus, Poland and Russia (Kaliningrad). The country is full of preserved natural landscapes, woods, lakes and rivers, and has a unique sea side, with Curonian spit, a sandy peninsula, isolating the Curonian sea from the Baltic sea. Lithuania, an active member of the European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is the only Baltic country with nearly eight hundred years of statehood tradition, while its name was first mentioned more than one thousand years ago, in 1009. Wedged at the dividing line of Western and Eastern civilizations, in 1918 the Respublic of Lithuania country declared its Independence and in 1990 restored it by separating from the Soviet Union.

MAIN FACTS Capital: Vilnius

Local time: GMT + 2 hours

Official language: Lithuanian

IntERNATIONAL telephone code: +370

Total area: 65 300 km2

GDP: 41,8 billion (2017)

Population: 2 849 317 (Jan 2017)

Political system: Parliamentary Republic

National Currency: Euro (€)

International partnership: NATO, EU and Schengen area

VILNIUS Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania, received the status of capital city in 1323. It is the largest city and the biggest economical and political centre of Lithuania. The population of the capital city is about 0.5 million. Vilnius occupies an area of 397 square kilometers, of which only one fifth is densely urban and the remaining territory is a green belt and water. For this reason, Vilnius is often referred to as one of the ‘greenest’ capital cities in Europe. Vilnius is also the biggest administrative centre of Lithuania. It is a home to the most important governmental, political, economic, educational, social and political institutions of the country. The historical centre of Vilnius, the Old Town, is the most valuable historical and cultural heritage of the city. The Old Town buildings date back to different centuries. Due to its unique historical and architectural features, Vilnius old town is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1994.

HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM Lithuania has a modern, highly developed education system. Lithuania’s higher education successfully blends the values of Western culture with the unique Baltic traditions and mentality. The system is focused on innovation, creativity and quality providing students with necessary competencies and skills for today’s and tomorrow’s fast changing academic and business world. The country has a binary higher education system: universities and colleges. There are three cycles of studies: Bachelor’s, Master’s, and (non-university higher education institutions) Doctorate. Students can study on full-time and part-time basis.

FACTS AND FIGURES * No. 1 in Law studies (MA) among all Lithuanian universities - magazine "Reitingai", 2017, Winter * 90% graduates employed according to their study field (BA) - Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre (MOSTA), 2016 * No. 1 in Psychology studies (MA) among all Lithuanian universities - magazine "Reitingai", 2017, Winter * 81% of the study programs are accredited for 6 years - Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education overview

23 universities:

14 state

24 colleges:

13 state

133 200 students: 18 000 researchers: 4652 foreign students:

9 private 11 private 39 700 at colleges

93 500 at universities 2700 with PhD’s from more than 90 countries

Top 10 countries from which students are choosing to study in Lithuania:

India 293

Belarus 159

Ukraine 144

Nigeria 94

Azerbaijan 78

Georgia 74

Russia 59

Germany 57

China 41

Israel 38

MYKOLAS ROMERIS UNIVERSITY Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) is a state (public) university in the capital city of Vilnius, bearing the name of the Lithuanian legal scholar, member of the Lithuanian Supreme Court and father of Lithuania’s Constitutional Law Prof. Mykolas RÜmeris (1880 - 1945). Established in 1990, it is one of the largest universities in Lithuania, currently enrolling around 6500 students from 58 countries and 530 staff members.

STRATEGIC GOAL Becoming a leading international university delivering innovative research based education in the fields of Social Sciences, supported by the values of personal growth, entrepreneurship, solidarity and sustainability. OUR VISION - A sustainable, open, nationally and internationally recognized institution of higher education of the society and the state, having achieved the highest academic standards and capable of releasing, developing and focusing human creative power towards the goals of sustainable progress. OUR MISSION - The mission of the University is to create the culture and the state of the society in accordance with principles of democracy, to educate an academic society, to promote sustainable progress of organizations and communities and to lead each member of our community to their individual and professional success. OUR DUTY - Our duty is to foster civic values, to educate a sophisticated personality, to reveal and develop personal abilities, critical thinking, creativity, leadership and social responsibility, to create favourable conditions for all members of the society for lifelong learning and application of knowledge and its production. OUR IDENTITY - Our identity is the University of society and state sciences, which achieves its aims in cooperation with social and business partners, as well as alumni.

Aims and Objectives We will become a leading institution preparing specialists of the highest qualification in Lithuania We will become a leading university in Lithuania oriented towards student’s personal success and citizenship We will develop the opportunities for the lifelong learning needs of the society and University graduates We will establish an internationally significant leading position in Lithuania in the field of research we will direct scientific research to ensuring the wellbeing of the country and society as well as dealing with global challenges We will encourage sociality, develop cultural life of the University, promote healthy lifestyle We will develop the system of student and staff support we will develop the environment of the university in accordance with the highest international standards







Media and Communication

Social Work

Business and Management


Public Administration


Public Security


Political Sciences




Public Relations

EVALUATIONS AND AWARDS Mykolas Romeris University is awarded with the Diploma Suplement Label which indicates that the Diploma Supplement of MRU entirely complies with the standards agreed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO. Awarded with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). This honorary distinction raises the profile of the institution as transparent and reliable partner in European and international cooperation. It is one of the most important signs attesting to a high quality of studies. MRU efforts to foster the culture of quality and internationalization are recognized by evaluations of International Association of Universities and European University Association.


MYKOLAS ROMERIS LAW SCHOOL Institute of Criminal Law and Procedure Institute of Private Law Institute of Public Law Institute of International and European Union Law

Faculty of Economics and Business

Faculty of Public GOVERNANCE

Mykolas Romeris Law School


Institute of Political Sciences

Department of Humanities

Institute of Management

Department of Police Activities

Institute of Public Administration

Department of Law Department of State Border Protection

Faculty of Public Governance

INSTITUTE OF COMMUNICATION Institute of Communication

Public Security Academy

INSTITUTE OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES AND SOCIAL WORK Institute of Educational Sciences and Social Work

Institute of Communication


Institute of Educational Sciences and Social Work


Institute of Humanities

Institute of Psychology

Institute of Humanities

Institute of Psychology

INTERNATIONAL STUDIES For international students Mykolas Romeris University offers 9 Bachelor, 18 Master and 6 Doctoral degree programmes taught in English language. Incoming exchange students and free-movers choose from over 200 courses that are mainly selected from English-taught study programmes. Undergraduate (Bachelor degree) study programmes: - International and Intercultural Communication - Leisure and Entertainment Education - Financial Industry - Informatics and Digital Contents (Joint study programme with Dongseo University, KR) - Tourism Management and Heritage - Communication and Digital Marketing - English for Specific Purposes and the Second Foreign Language - Psychology - Social Work and Legal Fundamentals Graduate (Master degree) study programmes: - Business Administration (Master of Business Administration - MBA) - Financial Markets (dual degree option open to students from Azerbaijan State University of Economics; Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine; Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine; Banking University, Ukraine) - Electronic Business Management (Master of Business and Management) - International Law (Master of Law) - Public Administration (Master of Public Administration) - Informatics and Visual Contents (joint study programme with Dongseo University, KR) - European and International Business Law (joint study programme with Savoie Montblanc University, FR) - European Union Law and Governance (double degree programme with Bordeaux University, FR) - Social Work with Children and Youth (joint study programme with Riga Stradins University, LV) - Legal Regulation of Public Administration and Human Rights (joint study programme with Taras Shev chenko National University of Kyiv, UA – admission organized by Ukraine) - European joint master’s in Strategic Border Management (joint study programme with NL, LV, ES - ad mission organized by FRONTEX) - Private Law (joint study programme with Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, UA – admission organized by Ukraine) - Intellectual Property Law (joint study programme with Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, UA – admission organized by Ukraine) - Comparative Social Policy and Welfare (joint study programme with the University of Tampere, FI, and Johannes Kepler University Linz, AT) - Public Relations Management (Master of Management) - Logistics Management (Master of Management) - Business Psychology (Master of Psychology) - International Politics and Economics (joint study programme with Dongseo University, South Korea)

Full list and outlines of degree programmes taught in English language:

RESEARCH Mykolas Romeris University has an innovative and interdisciplinary approach to its fundamental and applied research. The University participates in national, regional and international research programmes and projects, engaged in contracted research, widely disseminates research findings via publishing, conferences, appearances in the media.

Each year the University publishes more than 1500 publications: monographs, books, articles indexed at Clarivate Analyticse or

Scopus databases.

Periodical peer-reviewed journals: Jurisprudence -; Societal Studies -; International Comparative Jurisprudence -; Public Policy and Administration -; Intellectual Economics -; Health Policy and Management -; Social Work -

Annually the University organizes approximately 20 international and 30 national academic events;

Doctoral studies are offered in six areas: education science, economics, philology, psychology, law, management.

RESEARCH PROGRAMMES Priority Research Area: Social Innovations for Global Growth Improving Life Quality and Enhancing Employment Opportunities

Social Technologies Justice, Security and Human Rights

Sustainable Growth in the Context of Globalisation

Continuity and Change of Values in Global Society

RESEARCH AND INNOVATION LABORATORIES Business Innovation Laboratory Educational Technologies Laboratory Environmental Management Laboratory Gender Studies Laboratory Health Laboratory Human Rights Laboratory Justice Laboratory Life Long Learning Laboratory Life Quality Laboratory Mediation and Sustainable Conflict Resolution Laboratory PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING RESEARCH LABORATORY Public Management Innovation Laboratory Security Laboratory Social Technologies Laboratory Sociological Research Laboratory Values Laboratory

INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Together with partner institutions, MRU develops and runs joint studies, double degrees, summer schools, facilitates students and staff mobility and exchange, especially by taking part in EU Erasmus+ and other programmes. The University‘s international ties span all the regions of the globe; it has affiliations with almost 400 foreign academic institutions.

103 Bilateral Cooperation Agreements with Universities from 43 countries. Erasmus+ agreements with over 300 HE institutions from 55 countries.

MEMBERSHIP IN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) British Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania (BCC) European University Association (EUA) European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW) European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration (EDAMBA) European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) European Law Faculties Association (ELFA) European Observatoire of Sport Employment (EOSE) International Association of Universities (IAU) International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) Mykolas Romeris University is a co-founder of Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI)

MRU International Office provides all related information for prospective partner institutions:

Asian Centre Asian Centre is one of the structural units of Mykolas Romeris University, established in 2013 for cooperation with China, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea and other Asian countries. Asian Centre is targeted to develop and to encourage mutual understanding between Asia and Europe through intellectual, cultural and human resource exchange, to strengthen MRU international relations in Asia.

Asian centre at MRU

King Sejong Institute Vilnius King Sejong Institute Vilnius established at Mykolas Romeris University in cooperation with Dongseo University (South Korea) on October, 2014 as the first institute in Northern Europe. The goal of the King Sejong Institute Vilnius is to provide solid bases for teaching and learning Korean language and culture; deepen knowledge in Korean traditions, philosophy and history; educate young generation to become distinguished citizens culturally sophisticated, globally aware and capable of communicating freely in a dynamic, international environment.

King Sejong Institute Vilnius

Francophone Studies Centre Centre of Francophone Countries’ studies, established in 2003, aims to take part in educational, scientific and cultural cooperation projects globally with the embassies of Francophone countries in Lithuania and the agency of Francophone Universities, the International Francophone Organization and the francophone universities around the world.

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The University is not only about the lectures and seminars; it is also a place for everyone to discover something new about themselves. There are plenty of clubs and societies to represent and practice the diverse interests of the academic community. They include:

University Theatre

Song Studio Dance Group “Salsa”

Folklore Ensemble “Ritingo”

University Jazz Band

Song and Dance Ensemble “Skalsa”

Pop Vocal Group

Ballroom Dancing Group “Bolero”

String Quartet

Sports The University encourages an active lifestyle through sports and health promotion. There are 17 different sport clubs raging from basketball and athletics to fencing, greco-roman wrestling, powerlifting which are free of charge for all University students and staff. LATEST ACHIEVEMENTS

Mindaugas Griškonis became the 1st runner-up in double sculling.

Tomas Laurušas won 1st place in classical, rapidplay, and blitz chess in Lithuanian championship, meanwhile Salomėja Zaksaitė won in women’s tournament.

Together with his partner, Mindaugas Griškonis won silver in rowing during RIO’16.

Judoka Žilvinas Lekavičius won a gold medal in judo heavyweight (100 kg) category.

In the 2016 Summer Paralympics, Mantas Brazauskas won the gold medal in goalball together with his team.

In RIO’16, Ignas Navakauskas came 5th in canoeing and kayaking (single).

In the SELL Student Games, Tomas Laurušas and Živilė Urbonavičiūtė became medalists in individual matches.

In RIO’16, Andrej Olijnik reached 5th place in canoeing and kayaking (double).

MRU graduate Renaldas Seibutis is a professional Lithuanian basketball player.


STUDENTS’ REPRESENTATIVE BODY Students’ Representative Body of Mykolas Romeris University is students’ self-government, non-governmental, non-profit, independent and voluntary organization. MRUSA takes part in organizing the study process, organizing study programmes and taking care of students’ cultural life and leisure activities. The organization administers and organizes specific cultural and creative activities. It supports and encourages cooperation with youth and students’ organizations.

STUDENT SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY Student Scientific Society is an independent, public, scientific, voluntary organization, uniting all MRU students interested in research. The Society organizes intellectual, research-based discussions, conferences, seminars.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATION International Students Association (ISA) is aimed at uniting all international fulltime students of MRU, assisting international students to adapt to University life and achieve our common objectives: To represent international students; To collaborate with other student organizations to resolve issues affecting international students of MRU in the areas of academics, social and living conditions; To provide mentoring support; To serve as mediators between international students and University administration; To organize events and intercultural activities.

THE EUROPEAN LAW STUDENT’S ASSOCIATION The European Law Student’s association (ELSA) is the biggest independent, apolitical, nonprofit law students and young lawyers organization, which unites 30 000 members in 36 European countries. The association actively cooperates with the United Nations, institutions of the European Union, and governments of different countries, as well as practising lawyers, judges and advocates organizations. ELSA MRU is a Lithuanian ELSA branch at Mykolas Romeris University, established in 1994.

ERASMUS STUDENT NETWORK ESN MRU Vilnius is a local section of the biggest interdisciplinary student association in Europe - Erasmus Student Network (ESN). ESN MRU Vilnius was established in 2010 at the University to join efforts for the creation of a more mobile and flexible education environment by supporting and helping the incoming and outgoing international students, and providing an intercultural experience also to those students who cannot access a period abroad (“internationalisation at home”). The section has 7 board members, lots of active, friendly and really creative members who help around exchange students every semestre and organize various cultural and social events for and with them.

DEBATE SOCIETY The Debate Society is run by University students and hosts from other Lithuanian universities. As members of the society, University students have a possibility to learn how to debate, defend their arguments, speak in public and improve their English language skills. The debate programme provides students with the opportunity of meeting new people, enables them to communicate freely and openly in solving societal problems. Through debates, the younger generation becomes socially aware citizens, able to deal with problems their native country and the world faces, creating an active and positive attitude in finding solutions for a better future.

MRU FACILITIES MRU has several modern and well-equipped campuses – two of them are located in Vilnius and one - in Kaunas. The Central Campus is located in the Northern part of Vilnius, surrounded by the park:

The campus is easy accessible to public transportation from any place in Vilnius. It takes approximately 25 minutes to reach the city center by bus. Accommodation on campus is offered for all international students, a place in a double room at the University‘s Students house costs 85-100 euros per month. University offers dinning places on the spot to have breakfast, lunch or dinner for 3-5 euros. University Library with long houre open access everyday and the lecture halls are located only 5 minutes’ walk from the Students House. Many additional services offered by the University are completely free of charge - a huge parking lot, sport halls and gyms, wireless internet, cultural and educational activities, courses of foreign languages, etc.


Ateities st. 20, Vilnius

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