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Not much to complain about

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According to the News 4U bylaws, I'm legally bound to begin every editor's note with a report on the weather. Not the most electrifying way to get things started, I know, but my hands are tied. (FYI, I'm currently fielding calls from local lawyers interested in representing me as I prepare to mount a challenge against this tyrannical state of affairs.) The good news is that there's not much to complain about - for now. Sure, we're set to rocket from the mid 60's straight to 90 degrees per the usual at this time of year, but after an unusually cold April and endless May showers, I'm all in. Give me excessive warmth or give me death - there's no in between. Admittedly, that's a bit dramatic but then again I've got to do something to keep you interested, something explosive... like talking about fireworks. Yes, it's that time again, folks. July 4th is just around the corner so you'd better stock up on things that go "bang" and quick! Our humble advice - as you may have noticed on the cover of this month's issue - is to head straight to Dreamland Fireworks on Diamond Avenue. For the last 15 years, owner David Baize has made it his mission to provide the tri-state with the best - and cheapest - fireworks around. Dreamland's prices are literally half that of area competitors - 50% below retail in most cases. Frankly, you're just wasting money going anywhere else. But hey, it's a free country; make up your own mind after reading all about Baize and his business on page 8. We've also got the 411 on all the upcoming summer events, from the WC Handy Blues & BBQ Fest to the seasonending St. Meinrad Rocks Fest. All that and more inside! . - TE


Dreamland Fireworks Dreamland Fireworks


David Baize is a man on a mission to save the community money - well, even more money, to be accurate. Owner of Dreamland Fireworks on Evansville's north side (650 E. Diamond Avenue), he's been dedicated to providing the lowest prices in the tri-state for years now, offering name-brand products at half the cost and no end of BOGOs. It's almost as if Baize gets a kick out of darn near giving away fireworks (spoiler alert: he does). Hardly surprising, then, that no competitor in the area comes anywhere close to matching the insane deals at Dreamland - going somewhere else is akin to throwing cash out the window. Hey, we all make bad decisions from time to time but there's simply no excuse for wasting your hard-earned money on over-priced name-brand products, especially with inflation on the rise and pain at the pump. Why eat up your monthly gas budget driving all over town trying to score the ultimate fireworks show at a bargain? Just go straight to Dreamland! Founded by Baize back in 2007 after his annual fireworks show on Reitz Hill simply became too expensive to pull off and the only option left was to cut out the middle man, Dreamland quickly ballooned. All total, Baize opened up 116 stores throughout the region over the following nine years - and at one point was overseeing 10 locations during the annual summer rush for fireworks. And that's when he decided to apply the brakes. "That's how you lose touch with your customers," he explains. "I got tired of not being there on the customer service level of things. When you're not there, it's not the same."

Baize rectified the customer service issue by slimming down to one location on Diamond Avenue in 2016 and got to work saving the community money. By his estimates, fireworks enthusiasts would have spent a whopping $1.5 million more over the last six years if Dreamland didn't exist. "For example, if you spend $500 at another shop, it's only going to cost you $250 or $300 here - because I do it by volume and by the unit, averaging out what is going to be sold," Baize says. "I'll sell 10,000 500 Gram Cakes and my competitor might sell 2000 for the same amount of money. I just give the customers the deal that I think I would like."

In addition to offering great deals on namebrand fireworks, Baize has been known to conduct giveaways on Facebook, handing out cash to followers of Dreamland's page that like comments and share with friends. The business

is nearing 10,000 fans online as a result, a key factor in its overall success. As noted earlier, with inflation and rising gas prices, people are hurting financially; Baize's generosity and determination to save the community money are truly making a difference. Do yourself a favor and follow Dreamland on Facebook to keep up with all the latest news and to get a jump on upcoming deals as July 4th approaches.

And just so there's no confusion, Dreamland ONLY sells fireworks - Baize is purely focused on providing you the most bang for your buck. "Other places sell knick-knacks and other things, but we're Evansville's fireworks store," he states. To ensure complete satisfaction with Dreamland's huge inventory - Baize carries over 10 major suppliers' products - 42 TVs are housed throughout the building, all displaying demonstrations of said name-brand products so customers know exactly what to expect. It's a formula for success that's put Dreamland at the forefront of the fireworks industry and resulted in a lot of happy shoppers this time of year. "There's not a single customer who's come here that says they just blew up all their money or it wasn't worth it. They say that every dollar they spent was worth it for each single bang."

Dreamland Fireworks is open now through mid-July. Stop in and pick up Dragon Warrior, the ultimate finale cake containing 608 shots, to ensure your 4th of July fireworks show is a big hit!


Dragon Warrior




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10 freaking years. Against all odds, this June edition of News 4U completes a decade of work for me here at the magazine. I don't even want to do the math, but by my calculations, that's 120 issues in all. Wait, make that 119 - COVID X-ed us out for a month in 2020. But close enough. You know, leading up to this milestone, I had been kind of impressed with myself for making it this far - but then some 100-year-old Brazilian guy set the record for most years at a single job: 84! What a show-off. Rest assured I won't be sticking around this office for another seven-plus decades. Furthermore, if I'm still living at the ripe old age of 135 I'll certainly be looking to scale back to a part-time gig - maybe chauffer people around the city in a hovercraft or something. Then again News 4U might find a new market on Mars in 2095 so perhaps it's best to keep my options open. Anyhow, I thought I'd take a look back at my time here at News 4U by taking a page from one of my heroes, fellow Hoosier native David Letterman. Among many other segments, I always loved his Top Ten countdowns. So as a tribute to one of the comedy greats - and certainly the best late night talk show host, in my humble opinion (Johnny and Conan aren't far behind) - I give you Tommy's Top Tens, lists of my favorite interviews, concerts, comedy shows and more that I've experienced and covered while on the N4U payroll. That I can recall, I should clarify. After 10 years, it's pretty much a blur - but imagine how that Brazilian guy feels! - Thomas "Tommy" Ellis



10. MICHAEL W. SMITH (2012)

My very first high-profile interview for the magazine - and very far from my best. But I include it for sentimental reasons. Props to Smith for being a good sport; surely he could tell I was as green as Gumby.


Am I a big country music fan? No. But hands down, artists from this genre are unfailingly polite and friendly - traits that make for enjoyable interviews. A few that stand out in my mind are chats with Miranda Lambert, Lady A guitarist Dave Haywood and the woman you'll read about below...

8. SARA EVANS (2021)

At the time of this interview, Evans was advised by her doctor not to speak for three weeks due to vocal issues. And yet she refused to cancel out on me. What a trooper - and just a wonderful person. Felt like I was talking to a dear friend.

7. RON WHITE (2014 & 2019)

Here's a guy that's just a blast to interview. Totally down to earth and, of course, effortlessly hilarious, White kept me in stitches throughout both conversations. Some comedians (who shall remain nameless) come off like they're doing bits of their routine, always working towards a punch line. Not White - he's just a chill dude right down the line.


The Craigster proved to be every bit as affable and amusing as he appeared on TV, making this a delightful interview from start to finish. I recall asking him if he knew the current location of his former sidekick, Geoff Peterson, and he came back with a typically quick-witted retort that made me spit out my Ski. Then Ferguson invited me to meet him after his upcoming show at the Victory. Respect.


I was promised 10 minutes with "The Shat" and got eight but no complaints - you take what you can get in life. Also, I grew up watching Star Trek and slept in Star Trek pajamas for a spell; never imagined I'd have the opportunity to shoot the breeze with this TV legend for 480 seconds.

4. BILL MAHER (2014)

Been a big fan of Bill's for years and he did not disappoint, giving a very funny yet thoughtful interview. The kicker is that I only got to speak with him because the previous N4U editor was too scared to do it, worried that Maher would be unpleasant. Nope, he was a total gent. And like Ferguson, he kindly offered a backstage meet & greet after the show.


Full disclosure: I was sweating bullets the morning of this interview. I mean, Carlos Santana is a stone cold legend - one of the greatest guitarists to ever walk the Earth. Plus, he's been asked every question under the sun after 50 years in the music business. Had nothing to worry about, though; Santana is a humble, engaging man with a good sense of humor.


As a huge fan of The Office - particularly Bratton's oddball character on the show - I was beyond excited to score an interview to help Bratton promote his Evansville tour stop. He was doing press to big-up his music but gladly discussed The Office at length. And he invited me to meet him post-show.

1. RACHEL BOLAN (2018)

Why did I choose Skid Row's bass player as my favorite interview of the last decade? Fair question. Well, we really connected on a musical level, veering off into discussions on punk and post-punk, etc. Plus, Bolan's just a great guy - so great that he suggested we hang out in Nashville the next time I found myself down there. Never happened but I've still got his cell number so stay tuned.


10. FOR KING & COUNTRY (2016)

This very popular Christian music group is fronted by a pair of incredibly nice Australians, brothers Joel and Luke Smallbone. Both are a joy to interview, by the way. When I spoke with the former the first time back in 2016, the conversation went great - and then Joel asked if I would be coming to their show at the Ford Center. Knowing full well that wasn't going to happen - but not wanting to disappoint - I heard myself proclaiming "Hell yeah!!" with way too much forced enthusiasm. Classic.

9. SWAMP TIGERS (2014)

I spoke with this Carbondale band prior to their gig at Legends inside River City Recreation - a phone interview, per the usual. It was a last minute deal so immediately after the interview I played it back on my digital recorder for transcription. Dead silence. Fast forward...more silence. WTF?! Seems I had plugged the mic into the headphones outlet. Lost the whole conversation. Smooth.


The lead singer of RAIN seemed very tired and vaguely uninterested in this interview until I mentioned my love for the band Devo. Suddenly, said lead singer burst into the chorus of "Whip It" and continued on for a good 30 seconds, totally reenergized. Until my next question.

5. BILL MAHER (2013)

As noted in the preceding Top 10 list, Bill gave a great interview, but I still laugh when I think about how I let slip that I had never seen Real Time with Bill Maher, the show he was effectively promoting at the time. Didn't have cable back then, you see, and it was - and still is - on HBO. Oops.


If you've never heard of Cook, she's a talented folk singer who headlined the Ferdinand Folk Festival back in 2015. The reason why she made this list is simple: I asked her how she came to write such an affecting song as "Pale Blue Eyes" - which I deemed the best of her career to date. Silly me, I failed to notice that it was a Velvet Underground cover. Good stuff.

3. JUDAS PRIEST (2014)

Between the sketchy phone connection and bassist Ian Hill's pronounced British accent, I could only make out bits and pieces of this conversation. A shame, too, because I was totally psyched to speak with him. But he sure seemed nice and I have to imagine that his answers to my scintillating questions - which Hill had no problem understanding, apparently - were quite eloquent. Sadly, we may never know.


My stomach was churning in the final countdown to this interview. After all, Manilow's songs were a big part of my childhood. Having read that he had just tied Johnny Mathis for most adult contemporary number one songs, first thing I asked Manilow was if he planned to call Mathis (without mentioning the record, assuming he would know what I was talking about). He replied, quite icily, "Why would I do that, Tommy?" Sweat formed on my brow. "Because you just tied his record (etc.)," I offered, shakily. "Oh! I didn't know that!" Manilow shouted with sheer joy. Whew. Crisis averted, a great conversation ensued.

6. HOOBASTANK (2021)

Lead singer Doug Robb was very nice - which made me feel even worse about my poorly-worded final question that seemed to imply Hoobastank's 2018 album kinda sucked. "So, what's your point?" he asked, quite understandably. Commence backtracking...


Imagine the situation noted above but much worse. The member of this Scottish bagpipe band that I spoke with had such a thick accent (brogue?) that I literally couldn't decipher a word during this interview. Looking back, it's pretty darn funny but at the time...not so much. Needless to say I scrapped the interview and wrote a generic piece for the mag.


True to Bach's rock star nature, he had clearly pre-gamed this interview. Totally fine by me. Now, I had been advised to keep the fact that he was in the studio working on new solo material on the "DL". But for some reason I brought it up to Bach in the opening moments of the interview - out of nervousness, perhaps. Big mistake. The conversation proceeded to go off the rails fast - but he eventually came around, warmed up to me and gave a wild interview that closed with Bach issuing an emphatic "ROCK ON, MY FRIEND!!" Number one with a bullet.


10. BOSTON (2015)

A childhood fave band of mine, Boston rocked the Ford Center, straight up. And it was entertaining to watch the crowd stand and cheer for the hits and then immediately sit down or head for the bathroom during the deep cuts.

9. JOURNEY (2013)

This show totally stands out because I received a photo pass despite having no clue about photography. Regardless, when Journey hit the stage I was right there pointing a camera at frontman Arnel Pineda as he bounded towards the mic. I recall turning around to see a sold-out Ford Center erupt as "Separate Ways" blasted through the PA. My pics weren't quite as electrifying, admittedly.


Some people refer to Hairball as a karaoke band and all but make no mistake, they tear it up. Every show at the Victory has been packed with a raucous crowd going off - a total arena rock party. Plus, the band always invites local talent to open. Very cool.

7. KANSAS (2017)

Seeing a powerful band like Kansas in the confines of the Victory was a real treat. And for this show they played their classic album Leftoverture in full (cue "Carry On Wayward Son"). Not a note out of place - an exquisite performance that lived up to their classic rock status.


This package tour at the Ford Center took me right back to 1981 when I was simultaneously obsessed with Styx's Paradise Theater and REO's Hi Infidelity. Sure, both bands have lost a step or two over time but they still delivered when it counted. I had absolutely no choice but to sing along with "Take It on the Run," "Too Much Time on My Hands" and a host of other longtime favorites.

5. JOHN WAITE (2019)

My friend and I took a road trip up north to the scenic Lincoln Amphitheatre to catch this show - and for the opportunity to meet Waite whom I interviewed. The venue is amazing, FYI, in case you've yet to check it out. Waite gave a fantastic performance and couldn't have been nicer when we connected backstage.

4. '80S ROCK THE DAM (2018)

The same friend and I headed down south for this show at the Beaver Dam Amphitheater, unsure of what to expect. But we were pleasantly surprised to find a first class facility with a great crowd. To top it off, we got backstage, hopped in a photo with Skid Row and watched Great White perform from behind the drummer. Vixen opened and killed it.

3. JUDAS PRIEST (2014)

Woefully undersold, only the Ford Center floor was filled for this show. Criminal. And yet, when Priest took the stage, led by Rob Halford straddling a big-ass motorbike, they played as if the place was packed to the gills, ripping through a career's worth of metal classics. Unforgettable.


As a massive fan of the Smithereens, I couldn't believe it when I heard Petty had hand-picked them to open on this tour which made a stop at the Ford Center. And I got a photo pass for their set, so frontman Pat Dinizio (RIP) was dead straight in front of me for 30 mins. Then Petty came on and all hell broke loose. When he sang, "With them Indiana boys on an Indiana night" from "Mary Jane's Last Dance," the sold-out crowd lost it.

1. CHICAGO (2014)

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate Chicago, but my dad - who passed away in 2020 - loved them. No lie, he had never been to a concert in his entire life, so I picked up a couple of tix and scored a photo-op with the band. As the picture was being taken pre-show (I'll never forget this), dad half-turned to the members of Chicago standing behind us and said, simply, "Love the music, guys." Very sweet. A great night all around and a wonderful memory.



The Victory was only about a third full for this show, as I recall, but those of us who were there had quite the time. As advertised, it was all about the Irish - and totally off the wall. There were skits, songs, pre-recorded videos and more. A truly unique comedy experience.

9. JIM GAFFIGAN (2018)

I did enjoy this show though food-based humor isn't my jam, necessarily. But I have to hand it to Gaffigan - he slayed the Old National Events Plaza that night, serving up the sort of family-friendly standup you don't hear much these days. Everyone went home satisfied.

8. KEVIN HART (2018)

Hard to believe that one man alone on a stage could destroy the Ford Center but that's exactly what Hart did that night. What really amazed me is how he just riffed on various topics - like freestyle comedy. No notes or crutches of any kind - Hart just jumped straight into the fire.

7. RALPHIE MAY (2015)

When May passed away back in 2017, we lost a unique comedy legend. Talk about a free spirit. He said whatever was on his mind - and it was always funny. This show at the Victory stood as a prime example of why he will be dearly missed. The jokes were raunchy and unforgiving, delivered with a big ol' middle finger to the establishment.

6. RON WHITE (2014 & 2019)

This man sure knows how to work a crowd - slow and low, that is the tempo. Between sips of Scotch, White told ridiculously funny stories in his distinctive southern drawl. Heck, you were probably there so no need to belabor the point.


More daring than his TV persona, Ferguson's wild standup routine brought the Victory to its feet on several occasions. Post-show, I was able to go upstairs and hang with Craig for a bit which was a real highlight of my time at N4U. A super nice guy with no celebrity vibe whatsoever.

4. TOM SEGURA (2019)

Somehow I was unfamiliar with Segura before this show at the Victory but went out of curiosity with a friend and wow, we were impressed. Edgy humor at its finest - totally nonPC. The crowd ate it up.

3. BILL MAHER (2014)

Like the seasoned comedy pro that he is, Maher just commanded the Victory stage with no let-up. No doubt every liberal in Evansville was there that night but truthfully, his set covered a lot more than just political division. As a bonus, I got to meet him after the show.

2. WHOSE LIVE ANYWAY? (2018 & 2021)

Here's the thing about improv comedy: it can be transcendental or it can be disastrous, depending on the night. Or the quality of the performers. Nothing to worry about here, though, because the cast of Whose Live Anyway? absolutely killed it both times I saw them at the Victory. Rarely have I heard an Evansville crowd respond like that - just waves and waves of laughter.


It's a little bittersweet to talk about this show. You see, Martin Short is a comedy hero of mine - and I love Steve Martin, too. So I desperately wanted to get an interview with them but heard nothing back until two days after upload of the magazine. They were in! Fudge. Too late but let me tell you, these two legends put on a master class in comedy at the Old National Events Plaza. Utter perfection.

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