2 minute read
Music: Kyle Paisley
Evansville's funk-pop rocker is back with the 80s-influenced "Running on Empty"
Musically speaking, Kyle Paisley laid a bit low this last year after releasing a slew of singles throughout 2021, including the breezy summer jam "Just Friends." Not to say he went MIA or anything - but studio work took a backseat for awhile as the accomplished guitarist and singersongwriter contemplated his next move - which, as we now know, led to "Running on Empty," an exciting collaboration with Stephen Horning of Big Ninja Delight at The Dojo Recording. An 80s-influenced slice of funk-pop set to a mid-tempo groove, the new single proves that Paisley hasn't lost a step as he serves up another helping of melodic bliss.
With a mushrooming, ascending synth intro that recalls the best of Toto, "Running on Empty" dials back to 1982 before the keyboard progression gives way to Paisley's signature guitar; he's playing the same four chords but the shift in instrumentation completely changes the dynamics and lays the groundwork for his lovelorn lyrics: "Can't stop believin' you still got feelings/ You're so in love but you won't let it show." As the synths re-emerge, slowly fading back in to add a touch of melancholy, Paisley puts it all on the line: "I know deep down you miss that lovin' in your life/ Sometimes they say it's better 'round the second try." And just in case there's any doubt left about his intentions, he issues a direct plea as the guitar takes center stage again for the infectious chorus: "Come on won't you love me/ My heart's running on empty now."
Later, as the song develops, Horning sweetens the production with more synth flourishes and Paisley pops his bass with abandon, driving the track forward as it crescendos via an extended, tastefully executed guitar solo that only hastens the exhilarating ascension. Here, the chemistry between the two musicians really peaks. Perhaps what's most impressive is that "Running on Empty" deftly pulls off the trick of pairing a tale of heartbreak with a joyous melody - albeit one that's underpinned with sadness. Clearly, this is not destined to be a oneand-done collaboration; there's too much promise and too much musical ground for Paisley and Horning left to cover. Here's hoping we hear more from these two local talents in 2023.

"Running on Empty" is available on Spotify and other streaming platforms. For more info, follow Kyle Paisley on Facebook.