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Big buzz: Evansville-based poppunk trio goes head over heels for Hamm's on The Cancept Album

Like so many bands before them, the Chugs sing primarily about love. But the object of their affection - budget-priced beer - certainly strays from the norm a bit. Specifically, the Evansville-based pop-punk trio is totally hung up on Hamm's, famously brewed in the land of sky blue waters - otherwise known as the state of Minnesota. Members Scott Wambach (guitar/vocals), Brian Harding (bass/vocals) and Sam Kuban (drums/vocals) break this odd infatuation down in simple terms: "It's a cheap beer that everyone talks sh*t about, but there's nothing wrong with it - that's what makes it perfect." So perfect, in fact, that the guys felt compelled to dedicate an entire album - a six-pack of songs, more accurately - to this favorite of frugal drinkers everywhere. Thus, The Cancept Album was born.


Having crossed paths, musically-speaking, through the years and bonded over another deep love, punk rock, the guys ultimately found themselves working together at the same web-based marketing agency where the seeds of the Chugs were planted in late 2019, just prior to the pandemic. "We were like, we should probably start a band," Harding recalls, "but coming up with a name is always the hardest part." Creating the concept for the project proved to be much easier, considering the frequent presence of Hamm's at their hangout sessions. Yet even after coming up with a spot-on moniker, it all seemed more like a farce - something to joke about while cracking open more cans of that Minnesota brew. Then, seemingly on cue, Kuban conjured up "Sky Blue Waters," a punk-infused theme song for the Chugs, complete with a sing-along chorus that gave Hamm's its proper due. "Oh, sh*t, this is real," Wambach remembers thinking at the time. "Now we've all got to learn this song."

Not only did the rest of the Chugs get on board with "Sky Blue Waters," the newly-formed trio accepted an offer to play the 2022 Front Porch Fest in downtown Evansville with few songs to their credit and no prep for the two-hour set. "We treated the event like a long, long practice," Kuban jokes. Just a couple months later, with a chaotic yet promising live debut in the bag, the Chugs started recording with Wes Luttrell at Wally Opus Records (reports on how much Hamm's was consumed in the studio vary). In addition to "Sky Blue Waters," inspiring tracks like "Morning Beer," "Breakfast of Hammpions" and the emotionally-charged closer "Chug with You Forever" took shape, building on the pop-punk sound of Blink-182, MxPx and Pennywise, while also introducing a surf vibe, "because it's fun to pretend that Minnesota is some sort of coastal paradise."

The Cancept Album, in all its glory, was released last month and is available on all major streaming platforms with cassette and vinyl editions to follow. Catch the Chugs in June at Lamasco (6/10, record release show) and Tiki on Main (6/16).

For more info, follow The Chugs on Facebook or visit thechugsband.com.

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