2 minute read
with Barold Hume
You know things are going off the rails when, as I type this, one of the big news stories is the discovery of cocaine in the White House. How did it get there? Who got it past security? Is Hunter Biden somehow involved? The mystery of its existence aside, I gotta say that it might not be a bad idea for Sleepy Joe to do a line or two - could boost his energy level significantly. Of course, next thing you know we'd be bombing any country that looked at us funny. Maybe not. Never snorted cocaine myself, but I've watched enough TV to gather that it generally makes people feel good - for a few hours, anyway. Perhaps President Biden would just hold a rave with an EDM DJ. Speaking of weird, wild and wacky stuff going on, another headline at the moment is the proposed cage match between two of the world's dorkiest billionaires. Yes, everyone (I may be exaggerating) is salivating over a possible battle royale pitting business magnate Elon Musk against social media guru Mark Zuckerberg. Hmmm. Not sure how I feel about this. Just kidding, I have zero interest in watching this - my only hope is that they give the proceeds to charity. Extra points if the charity is focused on ridding the world of dorky billionaires. Well, I should probably give Musk some credit for being an innovative guy. Zuck, on the other hand, has contributed more than anyone to our societal decline through the creation of Facebook. Wouldn't shed a tear if he gets knocked out.
By the way, the last column or two I touched on the numerous Republican candidates that have put their hat in the ring of late for 2024. Again, I can't see a path to victory for any of them - primarily because Trump appears to be immovable on the ticket - but it's still interesting to get a cross-section of contenders, no matter how weak. On the left, however, there's been an unexpected development. And his name is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.the anti-establishment candidate liberals didn't know they wanted. Some have even referred to him as a sort of Democratic Trump, for better or worse (bear in mind DJT used to be a pretty progressive guy before it dawned on him that he would fare far better as a conservative, politically speaking). But are Americans ready for yet another Kennedy calling the shots? Polling seems to suggest that many are intrigued by the possibility; last time I checked, RFK, Jr. was sitting at about 25% support. Not bad at all - right around that Ross Perot level all those years ago. And here's the kicker: the guy's a full decade-plus younger than Biden. And he can do a lot more push-ups. Would he be good for the country? Doubt we'll find out - he'll likely be snuffed out by the establishment.