T + 43 158 80125103 F + 43 158 80125197 ATTP.TUWIEN.AC.AT
253.568 Orientation Course Orientierungskurs 251.057 Architecture Theory 1 Architekturtheorie 1 259.268 Lecture Series Ringvorlesung Methodology of Architectural Research Methodologie der Architekturforschung 251.071 Wahlseminar
Topos in Architectural Theory
251.177 Wahlseminar Architekturtheorie
259.544 8H Design Studio 8H Entwerfen Studio SOL 259.546 Exkursion
Field trip: Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics
Privatissimum 251.092 Privatissimum for Doctorate Students Privatissimum fĂźr Dissertanten 259.520 Dissertantenseminar,Vertiefungswissen ATTP Postgraduate Seminar in ATTP Further information at the department! Weitere Informationen an der Abteilung!
251.057 VO Architecture Theory 1 Architekturtheorie 1 Lecturer Vortragende Vera Bühlmann, Univ.Prof. Dr.phil.
Time & Place Zeit & Ort Fridays 12:00-14:00, HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky
Programm 06. März 2020 A Life on its Own: From Pop to Canon. Einführung 13. März 2020 Der Kanon der Künste und die Sprache der Architektur 20. März 2020 Architektur als Enzyclio-Paideia 27. März 2020 Modern wie Modulor
From Pop to Canon. The Contrapposto Pose.
03. April 2020 Keine Vorlesung 10. April 2020 Osterferien
Ziele der Lehrveranstaltung Nach positiver Absolvierung der Lehrveranstaltung sind Studierende in der Lage, Architektur in einem breiten wissenschafts- wie kulturkritischen Verständnis als Ort des Ausdrucks und der Manifestation von gesellschaftlichen Weltbezügen zu erfassen. Sie sind in der Lage, das voraussetzungsreiche Verhältnis von Theorie, Technik, Wissen, Können, und Macht zu erfassen und zu reflektieren. Sie lernen analoge Problemlagen wiederzuerkennen und diese in neuen Kontexten zu verorten. Sie erwerben Kenntnisse der wichtigsten Theorieansätze in der Geschichte der Architektur wie auch in der gegenwärtigen Architektur. Sie erwerben ein grundlegendes Verständnis der praxisrelevanten Implikationen der jeweiligen Theorieansätze und entwickeln ein Bewusstsein der sozialen
17. April 2020 Osterferien 24. April 2020 Von Perspektive zu Optik 01. Mai 2020 Keine Vorlesung 08. Mai 2020 Keine Vorlesung 15. Mai 2020 Die übermütige Intuition: Mathemata und Exuberance 22. Mai 2020 Rektoratstag, keine Vorlesung
Implikationen von Architektur und Diskurs.
29. Mai 2020 Standards und Stil
Inhalte der Lehrveranstaltung Im Zentrum der VO Architekturtheorie 1 (die im Sommersemester gelesen wird) stehen die komplexen theoretischen und geschichtlichen Zusammenhänge von Architektur mit Mathematik, Kunst, Mythos, Technik, Rhetorik, Wissenschaft, Religion, Politik, Ökonomie. Die VO AT 1 vermittelt architektonische Gesten im Umgang mit begrifflichen Instrumenten und abstrakten Unterscheidungen, während die aufbauende VO Architekturtheorie 2 (die im WS gelesen wird) ein Grundverständnis neuerer Architekturtheoriediskurse (20./21. Jahrhunderts) vermittelt. Beide Vorlesungen gehen in exemplarischer Weise vor: die VO AT 1 greift aus der Fülle der Architekturund Kulturgeschichte explizite Gesten und begriffliche Instrumente heraus, und die VO AT 2 führt nahe an konkreten gegenwartsgeschichtlichen Texten vor, wie das Erkennen dieser Gesten, der Instrumente, und der Unterscheidungen im eigenen Umgang helfen, prominente architekturtheoretische Texte “zum Sprechen zu bringen”: das heisst, sie aktiv und kritisch lesen zu lernen – und davon mehr zu verstehen als einfach nur einen spezifischen Jargon (Wortgebrauch) aufzugreifen.
05. Juni 2020 Der Patron als Klient 12. Juni 2020 Theorie in Buch und Traktat: Die Signatur des Architekten 19. Juni 2020 In der Referenzlosigkeit: Der ungebundene Text und die metaphysische Geste 26. Juni 2020 Schriftliche Prüfung
259.268 VO Methodology of Architectural Research Methodologie der Architekturforschung Lecturer Vortragende Oliver Schürer, Senior Scientist Dipl.-Ing. Dr.Techn. & Guests
Time & Place Zeit & Ort Fridays 14:00-16:00, HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky
Ziele der Lehrveranstaltung Grundkenntnisse über Forschungsmethoden und wissenschaftliches Schreiben in der Architektur:
Programm 06. März 2020 Oliver Schürer Architekturtheorie & Technikphilosophie
Ziel der Vorlesungsreihe ist es, Architekturstudenten mit dem Konzept von Forschung vertraut zu machen. Für die große Mehrheit der Hörer wird dies die erste Gelegenheit sein, bei der sie Prinzipien, Werte oder Forschungsmethoden explizit kennen lernen. Vielen Studierenden fehlt es an Hintergrundwissen für ihre Entscheidung, in welcher Disziplin der Architektur sie später ihr Wahlseminar schreiben könnten. Daher bietet die Vorlesung einen Teil mit einer grundlegenden Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Forschung in der Architektur und einen zweiten Teil mit Einführungen in verschiedene Forschungsansätze, die sowohl das breite Spektrum der in der Fakultät vertretenen Disziplinen als auch die unterschiedlichen Positionen innerhalb der einzelnen Disziplinen aufzeigen.
13. März 2020 Keine Vorlesung 20. März 2020 Oliver Schürer Architekturtheorie & Technikphilosophie 27. März 2020 Oliver Schürer Architekturtheorie & Technikphilosophie 03. April 2020 Oliver Schürer Architekturtheorie & Technikphilosophie 10. April 2020 Osterferien 17. April 2020 Osterferien
Inhalt der Lehrveranstaltung Nach einer allgemeinen Einführung in das Thema werden in dieser Vorlesungsreihe verschiedene Beispiele für wissenschaftliche Forschung an unserer Fakultät für Architektur vorgestellt. Die Studierenden werden in verschiedene Ansätze der wissenschaftlichen Forschung und des Schreibens eingeführt.
24. April 2020 tba 01. Mai 2020 Keine Vorlesung 08. Mai 2020 Angelika Psenner Städtebau & Entwerfen
A. Einführung: – Theorie der Wissenschaft – Methoden in der wissenschaftlichen Forschung – Verfassen einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit: Orientierung innerhalb
15. Mai 2020 Ardeshir Mahdavi Bauphysik & Bauökologie
eines Diskurses, Entwicklung eines Forschungsthemas, Erstellung einer Forschungsfrage, Entwicklung einer Struktur für die Arbeit, Arbeiten mit Referenzen, Zitieren und Bibliotheksrecherche.
22. Mai 2020 Keine Vorlesung
Gehalten von Abteilung Architekturtheorie und Technikphilosophie.
05. Juni 2020 Alireza Fadai Tragwerksplanung & Ingenieurholzbau
29. Mai 2020 Nott Caviezel Denkmalpflege & Bauen im Bestand
B. Vorträge zu Forschungsprojekten an unserer Fakultät (60 min Vorlesung + 15 min Diskussion): Jede Vorlesung repräsentiert ein bestimmtes Forschungsfeld mit eigenen Methoden, Werten und Agenden, einschließlich Fallstudien und Forschungsprojekten. Gehalten von:
12. Juni 2020 Simon Andreas Güntner Soziologie 19. Juni 2020 Robert Stalla Kunstgeschichte 26. Juni 2020 Schriftliche Prüfung
– Denkmalpflege und Bauen im Bestand – Tragwerksstrukturen, Tragwerksplanung und Ingenieurholzbau – Gebäudelehre und Entwerfen – Bauphysik (Bauphysik) – Kunstgeschichte – Stadtplanung und Design (Städtebau) – Soziologie (Soziologie) Weitere Informationen E-Learning-Ressourcen: – Viele Vortragsfolien werden über TUWEL zur Verfügung gestellt. – Viele Vorträge werden auf Video aufgezeichnet und über TU LectureTube angeboten. Sie müssen sich für die Vorlesung bei TISS anmelden, um Zugriff auf diese E-LearningRessourcen auf TUWEL zu erhalten. Ein Reader zur Vorlesung steht zur Verfügung: Er bietet zusätzliches Material zur Vorlesung und richtet sich an Studierende die ihr Interesse an den Vorlesungsfächern vertiefen wollen. Sie ersetzt daher keinesfalls die Teilnahme an den Vorlesungen. Erhältlich in der Abteilung ATTP.
251.071 SE Topos in Architectural Theory Lecturer Vortragende Emmanuelle Chiappone-Piriou, M.Arch, PHD Cand. Vera Bühlmann, Univ.Prof. Dr.phil.
Time & Place Zeit & Ort Tuesdays 10:00-12:00, Seminar room ATTP
Program 10.03.20 Lecture 1: Introduction to the seminar 17.03.20 Reading 1: Stéphane Mallarmé 24.03.20 Lecture 2: On Mallarmé and the crisis of the verse 31.03.20 Reading 2: Walter Benjamin Spring break 21.04.20 Exercise: towards the academic paper
Architecture and Poetics Affirming the Measure with Superstudio and Stéphane Mallarmé
28.04.20 Lecture 3: On Superstudio and the reflection of measure / Preparatory exercise 05.05.20 Reading 3: Massimo Cacciari 12.05.20 Lecture 4: Inhabiting poetically 19.05.20 Reading 4: Martin Heidegger 26.05.20 Reviews of the academic paper
Aim of the course After successful completion of the course, students are able to engage in the task of writing an academic paper. In order to achieve this, they will engage with bodies of discourse and works that range across different disciplines which, together; this cross-reading will allow to develop a broader understanding of architecture as a practice of thinking that concerns and connects both material and ‘immaterial’ domains of articulation.
09.06.20 Lecture 5: Prof. Vera Bühlmann, On Michel Serres and the directionality of the verse 16.06.20 Reading 5: TBC 23.06.20 Reading 6: TBC 30.06.20 Collective presentation of the ongoing research papers, in the mode of a symposium.
Subject of the course “Poetry is what makes home-living” wrote
Superstudio, the “radical” Italian group of architects (1966-78) best known for its project of the Monumento Continuo (Continuous Monument) and its photomontages, whose iconicity still remains unequalled. Then, like today, the context appeared unfitted for poetry: as the narrative of the crisis appeared to call for forms of reasonability, the emerging technologies inaugurated novel relations to the world, that broke with previously established notions of order. Beyond appearing as an unnecessary luxury, poetry – with its fixed metric matrix – must have also seemed anachronistic, in a time that celebrated expressions of individuality. Yet, Superstudio held on to “systems of measure”, in the form of intriguing objects they described as mirrors and images, and which they imagined could populate the world.
a poetic dwelling be beyond the apparent dissolution of the meter. Architecture, in its relation to poetry, might then appear as the discipline capable of aggregating, articulating and stabilizing the multitude of numerical flickers that compose our computational condition.
With Superstudio, we can start to think about measure and its capacity to establish not only an objective relation to the world, but also collective, poetic manners to inhabit it. The meter is what provides the objective “architecture” of poetry; it establishes the quantitative basement upon which language can evoke and manifest myriads of shared meanings, narrations and imageries. It bridges abstract and rational thought with sensation. Far from being immutable, this meter – as any other conventional system of measure – has historically been subjected to evolutions and crisis, in the face of the transformations of the written language. This seminar will articulate the question of measure through a parallel between poetry and architecture, by means of a close reading of texts by French poet Stéphane Mallarmé (1842-1898) and of the texts, images and works of Superstudio. In an attempt to release this exploration from any technocratic perspective, these texts will be contextualised historically and, most importantly, will be enriched by the parallel exploration of different lines of thought. This seminar will attempt to think of the conservation of the possibility of
251.117 SE Architekturtheorie Lecturer Vortragende Riccardo Villa, Univ.Ass. Dott.Mag. Cris Argüelles, Univ.Ass. M.Arch. Ludger Hovestadt, Univ. Prof. Dr. ETH (guest)
Time & Place Zeit & Ort Tuesdays 14:00-16:00, Seminar room ATTP
Program 10.3 Lecture: “The Treachery of Images”. 17.3 Exercise I: write an abstract of a text chosen from the provided literature. 24.3 Lecture: “Generic and Junk”. 31.3 Exercise II: write a short piece confronting the previously read text and a second one chosen from the provided literature. —Easter Break 21.4 Lecture: “Weltbild and Milieu”. 28.4 Exercise III: make an argument using the provided literature; control one’s own voice and correctly cite the sources.
The Garden and the Temple Architecture and the Domestication of Entropy
—ATTP Excursion 12.5 Lecture: “Garden and Sacrifice”. 19.5 Exercise IV: assemble a structure for a wider essay, outline a project. 26.5 Lecture: “Digital Architectonics” (L. Hovestadt).
Aim of the course After successful completion of the course, students will be able to engage in the task of writing an academic paper. Furthermore, students will attain a broader understanding of architecture, not only as a discipline aimed at the realisation of buildings (as a Baukunst), but also as a device of thinking that concerns and connects both material and ‘immaterial’ domains of production.
—Holiday (Pentecost) 9.6 Reviews of the academic paper. 16.6 Reviews of the academic paper. 23.6 Reviews of the academic paper. Final symposium with paper presentation (date to be decided).
Subject of the course Can architecture save the world? The world is coming to an end. Or so it seems. Constantly, since the beginning. Computers
brings us to space, but they also spread fake news; antibiotics save lives, but they also call for increasingly stronger bacteria; globalisation brings us closer, but it also increases the possibility of conflict. Every leap forward seem to drive us closer to an ultimately impossible challenge, to the point that the human domination of the planet—the mastery of Earth as a ‘system’—is seen today as a prelude to an environmental apocalypse. In a way or another, architecture has always been at the forefront of this ‘battle’: rather than trying to understand an ‘ultimate truth’ that would have allowed to get finally rid of any uncontrollable wilderness, architecture tried to provide means and spaces to resist to it. The garden and the temple are archetypical figures—tropes—of such friction: a sacred space, the rituals of which are dedicated to a purification in time, and an enclosure that would keep out wilderness while nevertheless cultivating its very species. Garden and Temple are neither generic nor ‘functional’ spaces; they do not provide ‘solutions’ to problems, but they are neither architectures of indifference. Both exceed our contemporary obsession for management and production. Like the entropy of a system, garden and temple ‘measure’ disorder via a negative domain, by elevating themselves upon the exchanges of economy, cultivation, and production. The seminar will investigate the exceptionality of these archetypes, in order to understand how architecture, as a speculative practice, can help us to better address and re-articulate what at times might appear as objective and unavoidable outcomes, as givens that can only be accepted as such. Ecology, or the management of the inhabited space, will be reconsidered through the paradigm of domestication: a ‘pact’ with nature, that does not deny natural laws, but that nevertheless does not bend itself to an a-critical subjugation to the necessities that such laws seem to impose. Domestication counters the managerial paradigm of economy with the civic one of architecture, as a practice of good government.
259.544 UE Design Studio UE Großes Entwerfen Lecturer Vortragende Georg Fassl, Univ.Ass. M.Sc. Indrè Umbrasaitè, Mag.Arch. BA
Time & Place Zeit & Ort Wednesdays 10:00-18:00, Seminar room ATTP
Programm 11.03.2020 Kick-Off 18.03.2020 Desk Crits 25.03.2020 Desk Crits 01.04.2020 Pin-Up 22.04.2020 Desk Crits 29.04.2020 Desk Crits 06.05.2020 Pin-Up
Studio SOL Aim of the course After successful completion of the course, students are able to design in a critical and inventive manner; they have trained to “bring the intellectual and emotional, the social and technological components [of our time] into balanced play; ... to see and feel them in relationship.” (L. M.Nagy, Vision in Motion, 1947)
13.05.2020 Desk Crits 20.05.2020 Desk Crits 27.05.2020 Pin-Up 03.06.2020 Desk Crits
Subject of the course SOL is a design studio working and thinking in the field of spatial and object design— remembering and exposing thereby the classical profession of interior architecture to the sun. Not accommodating but being open for abstraction, the hot topics and the contingency of our daily life, the studio proposes ‘solar-vernaculars’ as a means to build a home in today’s world; poetic, rich, and yet casual and lightweight—original spaces, objects and life, human and non-human, not native to the ground but native to the sky.
10.06.2020 Desk Crits 24.06.2020 Finals
The studio acts within the change of the seasons in cycles of one extended solar day to address the now in a sophisticated manner. From night, to sun-rise, to high-sun and sunset we are working on objects that move about the day and spaces that fashion the sun; sun-rooms, solaria, that know from the world, the past and future, opening unforeseen possibilities while entering the night anew: architectures close to life—living-spaces just under the sun. SEASON: SPRING-SUMMER 2020 ‘Blazingfield’ is the playground of musement and the country of Ops—it is the laissez-faire host of a flamboyant feast; not really new but really quite something, laying in and outside you, just under the sun.. Methods The studio will be organised in groups of 2-3 people, working collaboratively on diverse texts, images, drawings, models (mixing analogue and digital techniques), brought together in a final publication. In the course of the semester we will switch between two modes of meetings: desk-crits and pin-ups—the first marks days of individual work and discussions on the go, whereas the second consists of presentations and joint discussions. Find the studio’s website, plus extended brief and outcomes of last season’s work, here:
259.546 EX Field trip ATTP Lecturer Vortragende Vera BĂźhlmann, Univ.Prof. Dr.phil.
Time & Place Zeit & Ort Sun May 03rd, to Fri May 8th 2020 Caserta/Naples ,Italy
Mathematics of Exuberance Subject of the course During a five day trip to the vicinity of Naples, we will explore the mathematics of exuberance in the great palace of Caserta, which counts as the largest building erected in Europe in the eighteenth century. Begun in 1752 for the Carlo di Borbone, King of the Two Sicilies, Caserta became an archetypal expression of absolute monarchy. It provides the perfect site to study the relationship between absolutism and baroque mathematics. We will study the intellectual background of its conception, and attempt to endow the manifest relationships between poetry (painted and sculpted allegories) and number (architectural planning that has become a geometrical play) of the palace with fresh vivacity: through exphrasic descriptions of the palace, the gardens, and any kind of remarkable details we might find.
The excursion is offered as a joint event in combination with the ATTP research trip 2020. We have a limited number of 6 places for interested students. Please write to us with a personal motivation no later than March 3 email: Students who have absolved our Module Meta Architecture will be given priority (but not exclusively so), since this excursion is about learning to apply the skills trained in the different courses of the module. Our house for the trip is located near Naples, and it offers generous space for seminars, lectures, cooking and eating, individual concentration as well as colloquial chatting and discussions – always with a view to the Volcano Visuvius. Approx. Costs for Students: ca 400 Euro.
259.520 SE Dissertantenseminar, Vertiefungswissen Architekturtheorie und Technikphilosophie Lecturer Vortragende Vera Bühlmann, Univ.Prof. Dr.phil.
Time & Place Zeit & Ort Mondays 16:00-18:30, Foyer ATTP
Data and the Fold of the Given.
Subject of course How to relate data to computation and calculability is among the greatest challenges today: pure data renders an inhospitable world dominated by calculability, while its aesthetization poses severe challenges for democratic politics. There is an abyssal ‘gap’ between data and its ‘givenness’ that needs to be accounted for philosophically as well as architectonically. With this intent, Michel Serres’ book The Incandescent (2003) gives a new meaning to the term “architectonic” by relating it to the current concerns with the Anthropocene. In close dialog with contemporary phenomenology, he proposes to relate to this abyssal gap as an incandescent well, and proposes a notion of cornucopin instruments to speak about the cultural techniques of writing, drawing, and mathematics.
Michel Serres is one of the great philosophers to learn from for the 21st century, and the attention drawn to his work has been swelling rapidly throughout the last few years. Nobody has approached the emergence of information science and cybernetics quite like him, highly imaginative as well as thoroughly well informed about the complex developments and relations among a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines, from mathematics to molecular biology, from nuclear physics to literature, laws to meteorology, sculpture to epistemology: Serres’ writings couple what we could call anthropographic documentation with cosmoliterate readings, and this in an architectonic manner of polymath literacy. This course will provide an introduction to Michel Serres’ thinking, and its relevancy for contemporary architecture theory more specifically. No prior familiarity with Serres’ approach is necessary.
We will read The Incandescent (Michel Serres, 2003) in parallel to Mathematics and Information in the Philosophy of Michel Serres (Vera BĂźhlmann, forthcoming 2020).