Issue # 10 december 2012 news letter

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The Bubishi Karate Do Organization

Editor: Katherine Loukopoulos Email:

Issue # 10 December 2012

The Cover: Vergina Sun The Vergina Sun (also known as the Star of Vergina, Macedonian star, or Argead Star) is the name given to a symbol of a stylized star or sun with sixteen rays. It was unearthed in 1977 during excavations in Vergina, in the northern Greek region of Macedonia, by archaeologist Manolis Andronikos. He discovered it on a golden larnax in the tombs of the kings of the ancient kingdom of Macedon. Manolis Andronikos described the symbol variously as a "star", a "starburst", or as a "sunburst". He proposed that the larnax on which it appeared might have belonged to King Philip II of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great. Recent osteological analyses have revealed that the tomb belongs to Alexander the Great's half-brother, Philip III Arrhidaeus. The larnax is on display at the archaeological museum in Vergina, where it was found. Another version of the Vergina Sun, with 12 rays, was found on the larnax of the occupant's wife, entombed in the antechamber, identified as Eurydice II of Madedon. Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We, the members of the Hellenic Bubishi Karate Do, are most grateful to Natasha and Dimitri Lemonis for their donation of mirrors already mounted at the Brahami Hombu Dojo. December 20th, 2012. Patience, perseverance, and endurance are necessary for success in any endeavor; mirrors are indispensable to those who study Kata. We also thank Mr. Ioanni Samouelian for taking the time out of his busy schedule to order a Shaman Drum which will replace Katherine’s voice as of 2013! And, a Special Thanks to our Administrative Specialist, Nikoletta Giannopoulou, for her countless hours of selfless work‌

It happened! The First Pan Hellenic Kobudo Cup (Bo Kata) took place on Sunday, December 9th, at Nea Makri’s Cultural and Athletic Sports Hall. The man responsible for this success is Shotokan’s Fudokan Karate Do Savvas Mastrappas Sensei who allowed the event to take center stage at his 21st Shoto Cup Kata Tournament. With this grand gesture Kobudo has officially and openly set foot onto Hellenic soil.

Left to Right: Tournament Director Savvas Mastrappas offers last minute instructions to Hristos Papadopoulos. The 21st Shoto Cup and 1st Kobudo Cup were rated as SMASHING SUCCESS!

Έναρξη για αγώνες KOBUDO (Οκιναβέζικα όπλα) έγινε αρκετά καθυστερημένα, χρονικά σε σχέση με τον υπόλοιπο κόσμο… αλλά έγινε… στις 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2012! Ιστορικά λοιπόν οι πρώτοι αγώνες KOBUDO με την επωνυμία 1ο KOBUDO CUP (κατηγορία BO) διεξήχθηκαν στο πολιτιστικό και αθλητικό κέντρο της Νέας Μάκρης. Διοργανωτές ήταν οι Sensei Κατερίνα Λουκοπούλου και Σάββας Μαστραππάς. Συμμετείχαν 5 αθλητές που για την ιστορία αξίζει να αναφέρουμε τα ονόματά τους, οι εξής: Αντριάνο Φερράρι, Άγγελος Δαμιανίδης, Αnfisa Zaichenkina, Νικόλαος Θεοδώρου, και Κωνσταντίνος Πούλος ο οποίος ήταν και ο νικητής των αγώνων.

The Judges

The Athletes

The Winner, Kostantinos Poulos, travelled from the beautiful Thessaloniki in order to support us. We give thanks to his instructor Athanasios Papathanasiou of Tode Hellas.

Aggelos Damigos gave it his best with Haku Sho no Kun! Aggelos and Adrianou are the fastest men alive‌

Nikos Theodorou of Argyroupoli displayed elegance with Shushi no Kun Sho!

Adrianou Ferrari, just like his name, displayed speed, and good old Shotokan clean stances with Haku Sho no Kun.

Anfisa Zaichenkina stole the show with her 100% commitment to each move! Haku Sho no Kun!

And when it was all over, everyone felt happy!

Feature Student Kobudo training is for everyone, and no one proves it better than Dr. Dimitrios Zaharopoulos. Dr. Dimitris found himself with additional free time when his son, a long time Shotokan student of non other than Mastrappas sensei, left for Patra in order to pursue his studies in medicine. Dr. Dimitris used his extra free time to learn Okinawa’s weaponry.

Martial Arts Background JUDO: Dates: 1973-1984 Location: Αθηναικη Λέσχη, Αθηναικος Ομιλος Judo Rank: 1st kyu (η διμελης επιτροπη απονομης dan ιδρυθηκε το 1982 και αποτελειτο απο τους κ. κ Παπηλιοπουλο, Vasilesku. “Eδωσα εξετασεις ξεχωριστα στον πρωτο και πέρασα, και στον δευτερο επαθα ενα σοβαρο τραυματισμο στο γονατο στον πρωτο αγωνα!” Teachers: κ. Ε. Παπαδημητριου (11 χρονια) & κ. Μ. Πετροπουλος (4 χρονια) ΗΑΚΚΟ RYU: Dates: 2012 Location: Αθηναικη Λεσχη Rank: O κ. Πετροπουλος απονεμει το 1o dan Teacher: O κ. Μ. Πετροπουλος Shihan Kaiden

Sneak Preview

Chatan Yara no Sai

Nikos is getting ready for Okinawa! No doubt about it! December 13th, 2012

Announcements Kyu Test, Sunday, 27 January, 2013 Ef Agonizesthe, TKD Dojang, Dimitrios Kornaros Sensei, Aghios Dimitrios 

09:30 A.M. Arrival of participants

10:00 – 12:00 Noon. Review Training

12:00 – 12:30 P. M. Rest

12:30 Kyu Test

Pending Additional Information 

Kyu Test, Kipseli (Suggested Date: Saturday, January 26th)

Outdoors New Year Training (Suggested Date: Sunday, January 20th)

Kata Unsu – They can fly! 2012

In memory of Theo Theloesen’s love for Goju Ryu Karate Do, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2011

Good by Old Year! If one went out of Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Hombu dojo and made a right turn and walked another 200 yards, there lived Nakayoshi san who owned a small ryokan with a snack bar and with couple of rooms to rent on the second floor. That was my home for the one-month visit back in December of 1982. Nakayoshi san was a sweet, middle aged lady who taught me how to lay out and how to fold my futon, and in what order to eat my Japanese breakfast. She was always there to offer a smile each time I returned “home”. She smiled and spoke to me all the time; although, I did not understand a single word. During that first visit I ran my first Naha City Marathon, and I laid in my futon for the next three days unable to walk. Nakayoshi san carried trays of food up to my room, brushed my hair, and laughed with my ordeals… she was truly a “mother”.

Nakayoshi san dressed me for my “Good by Old Year” visits, Okinawa, December, 1982

This photo was taken after Nakayoshi san finished dressing me, and coaching me on how to walk with my zori (sandals). She advised me against taking large steps because the kimono fold would open, and I would not appear elegant. Elegance was the least of my concerns… the zori felt two sizes too small, and balance on the two wooden beams positioned underneath each sandal required acrobatic maneuvers…

With fear of losing my balance and falling, I inched out of Nakayoshi san’s Ryokan and made my first stop at the Hombu Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Dojo to pay my respects to Nagamine Shoshin Sensei. Okinawa, December, 1982

Photo Courtesy: Cezar Berkowski, Canada “If you spend your entire life and never needed to use the skills of karate for which you trained diligently for such a long time, you truly have accomplished the goal of your training: Learn the art of killing, without ever taking a life.� Chan-me-gwa, Kyan Chotoku, 1942

Destination: Budokan, Onoyama Park, Okinawa! Keeping the Dream Alive!

A wonderful thing is happening at Filopappou (Acropolis)! Six vibrant, energetic, polite, hard working 14-year olds are taking on the world!

Left to Right: Alexandros, Maximos, Anna, Thanos, Panos, and Petros. Dimitris was in Tripoli for a swim event. December 1st

Alexandros, Anna, Dimitris and Panos are competing for a small karate gift! So what if they are beginners? December 23rd

Acropolis Bubishi Karate Dojo wishes everyone a Merry Christmas! December 23rd

The Night before Christmas It was the night before Christmas, when all through the dojo not a student was stirring not even a mouse! The Obis were hung by the door with care, and hoping that Kancho soon would be there. The students nestled all snug in their Gi with visions of Sushi and Sake, and hoping that their Kata would please! When out in the street arose such a clatter that all students sprung up from the deck away to the window they flew like a flash, tore open the window, and threw up the sash! When what to their wondering eyes should appear, but a miniature car and eight tiny white belt rain dear! The old driver so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be Kancho with his stick! Faster than an eagle his voice shouted out the names of the old masters… Their spirits came about… Higashionna! Miyagi! Higa! Izumigawa! Ichikawa! “Please watch over my students tonight and always when I am out!” Then, he jumped back in his car, and flew down the street yelling “A Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night (of training)!” By Bob Tayani Sensei, New York, USA, December 20th

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