Issue # 11 january 2013 news letter

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The Bubishi Karate Do Organization

Editor: Katherine Loukopoulos Email:

Issue # 11 January 2013

The Cover Fred Boissonnas was born in Geneva, Switzerland (1858–1946). He studied art in Stuttgart and Budapest. In 1903, he found himself on the mountain top of Parnassos and photographed the two shepherds.

Source: Wikipedia Fred Boissonnas was the most important photographer in Greece during the first decade of the 20th century. His archive, which for the past few years has been in the Photography Museum of Thessaloniki, is an important comparison basis for everyone who wants to see Greece before it passed through the quick changes after WWII.

Editorial I am pleased to share with our readers that our efforts to familiarize Greek karateka with the culture and techniques of Okinawa Karate Do styles and Kobudo culminated on December 9th with a Bo Kata Tournament Demonstration staged at Nea Makri, Attiki.

The participants were able to select one of the above trophies and went home with the feeling that they were a part of a little Greek martial arts history in the making. Because amateur sports organizations are funded by the government, the “elected� officials have a vested interest in the posts which they occupy. Karate and Kobudo styles of Okinawa receive no government funding, the students are not able to enter tournament competitions, and therefore, they cannot compete for a position on the National Hellenic Karate Team; for decades, a high percentage of excellent talent has gone undiscovered. Although we are making small steps, it is just a matter of time before Okinawa Karate and Kobudo gains its rightful place within government sanctioned athletic organizations and events. On December 9th we proved it!

Martial Arts Tradition On the last day of the year everyone spends time cleaning their homes, their work space, and their dojo. Regardless of rank and age, everyone participates, and it is everyone’s responsibility. In the end, students and teachers sit in the middle of the training area and enjoy a little bit of eating, drinking and well being.

A glimpse of where tomorrow’s leaders are training… Acropolis Bubishi Karate Dojo

New Year’s First Training

Photo Courtesy: Buddy Govender, Jundokan Goju Ryu, South Africa

Outside the temple, students sit seza and offer New Year’s first prayer. January 3rd, 2004. Photo Courtesy: Dimitrios Lemonis, Karatsu Cho, Kyushu, Saga Ken, 2004.

Immediately after the prayer, students emmerce into the cold water and start the News Year’s Training (Kan Keiko) with the trademark of Goju Ryu’s Kata Sanchin. January 3rd, 2004. Photo Courtesy: Dimitrios Lemonis, Karatsu Cho, Kyushu, Saga Ken, 2004.

Younger students follow the example set forth before them, and enter the water while parents and friends offer words of encourangement “gambate!�. January 3rd, 2004. Photo Courtesy: Dimitrios Lemonis, Karatsu Cho, Kyushu, Saga Ken, 2004.

Once the gruelling training is finished, students and teachers enjoy a well deserved lunch. Feelings of comradery and well being are indescribable. First from Left: One of our own, Dimitrios Lemonis. Second from Left: Kawaguchi Sensei of Budojuku Dojo of Kyokushin Karate Do. Photo Courtesy: Dimitrios Lemonis, Karatsu Cho, Kyushu, Saga Ken, 2004.

Rest in Peace Dinos Bakakos On January 13th, my best friend of 32 years took his last breath. He was gracious, generous and proud to be born a Spartan. Dino, who was born in Petrina, migrated to the United States where he worked hard and succeeded in the restaurant business. Equally diligently he also pursued an education. A shy character by nature, he quietly supported fresh talent in sports, arts, and in the film industry.

For the duration of seven years on the US National Karate Team Dino made sure that I ate well and plenty at his exclusive Aegean Isles Restaurant, Brooklyn, NY, USA.

Dino (first from left) bragged that my athletic success was due to his fine cuisine!

While I lived on Okinawa the Aegean Restaurant was sold, and in 1996 the Lafayette Bar and Grill opened and was located at 54 Franklin Street of Lower Manhattan. Dino supported all manner of artists, from dancers and painters to musicians and writers, and helped transform the Lafayette into something of a United Nations for performing artists across the city and beyond.

On any given night, one could hear music, instruments and influences from Greek, Armenian, Israeli, Turkish, Arabic and other Middle Eastern cultures. Dancers in particular—whether belly, tango or salsa—held a special place in Dino’s heart and at the Lafayette as well. “If you were an artist, Dino gave you a chance to perform,” said Chris Bakakos, Dino’s son. “I remember when the tango classes started… The Lafayette became part of the tango circuit,” Chris said. He added that Dino gave many performers their very first opportunities to perform. One performer who got her first shot at Lafayette was Cristine Andriopoulos, a veteran patron and performer under the stage name Athena Najat, who now lives in Istanbul, Turkey.

In Memoriam Joseph Carbonara Sensei June 4th, 1934 – January 26th, 2013

Joseph Carbonara Sensei dedicated his entire life to the study, practice and propagation of Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu in the United States. A quiet, humble, yet incredibly strong person,

Carbonara Sensei lived and walked the strict rules set forth by the traditions of Master Shoshin Nagamine, the founder of Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Karate Do.

Carbonara Sensei frequently sent me words of encouragement; even when I lived on Okinawa.

Carbonara Sensei visited and taught at the Brooklyn Bubishi Karate Dojo. January 19th, 1993.

Shodan level candidates are tested in Karate and in Kobudo Kata.

Atemi Waza and Makiwara striking techniques are required for Shodan promotion.

Kata Rohai. Carbonara Sensei (center) trained with his students and led by example.

Left to Right: Jerry Figgiani Sensei, Soke Takayoshi Nagamine, Joseph Carbonara Sensei, 1988 Photo Courtesy: Jerry Figgiani

Carbonara sensei received his Shodan from Master Shoshin Nagamine in 1969. At that time Ansei Ueshiro Sensei was the senior Okinawan in the United States, and Carbonara Sensei studied with him. However, this was not to last as Ansei Ueshiro Sensei severed his ties with Master Nagamine and pursued “The American Dream”. Ueshiro Sensei established his own American Shorin Ryu Organization and set up an Import/Export Business; he became highly successful in both. Next, Master Nagamine assigned the task to newly arrived Omine Tsotoku Sensei. Carbonara Sensei continued his studies with Omine Sensei, Master Nagamine, and after the Master’s death, with Soke Nagamine. Jerry Figgiani Sensei, Hachi Dan, is continuing along the path of Carbonara Sensei.

They came, they shared, and they left…. Omine Sensei (left) and Nagamine Sensei (right) in an Okinawa Cave…

Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Karate Do & Ryu Kyu Kobudo Kyu Test Sunday, 27 January 2013, TKD Syllogos “Ef Agonizesthe”, Aghios Dimitrios

Warming Up & Catching Up!

Nikos Theodorou assists Maria Grigoriadi with Haku Sho no Kun.

Dimitrios Kornaros, Anfisa Zaichenkina and Dimitrios Lemonis warm up in the adjacent hall with Hama Higa no Tunfa.

Anfisa Zaichenkina demonstrated Haku Sho no Kun. Nidan in Fudokan Shotokan and Okinawa Goju Ryu, Anfisa was promoted to Yon Kyu, Ryu Kyu Kobudo.

Anfisa is “Real Danger” with Maezato no Nunchaku.

The body needs to be protected while in between motion… Anfisa does just that!

Georgios Kikilis, Kostantina Kostoulaki and Maria Grigoriadi, all TKD Yondan, instructors and students of Dimitrios Kornaros, dazzled everyone with Haku Sho no Kun. All three were promoted to Roku Kyu, Ryu Kyu Kobudo.

Georgios Kikilis Sensei displayed speed and precision!

Konstantina Kostoulaki was powerful and graceful!

Maria Grigoriadi gave a stellar performance!

Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu student Panagiotis Alygizakis gave an outstanding performance and successfully passed to Hachi Kyu.

Dimitrios Lemonis, Sandan in Goju Ryu together with Nikolaos Theodorou, Godan in Seidokan served as Examiners. Dimitrios Kornaros, (far end) served as camera man.

It was a good day! Front Row Left to Right: Dimitrios Kornaros, Panagiotis Alygizakis, and Georgios Kikilis Second Row Left to Right: Anfisa Zaichenkina, Dimitrios Lemonis, Nikolaos Theodorou, Katherine Loukopoulos, Kostantina Kostoulaki, and Maria Grigoriadi

Far away from home Cuba, Carlos Abrau, trains all by himself… Zurich, Switzerland

He runs…


Endures the cold…


Every teacher’s dream!

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