Issue # 25 april – may 2014 news letter

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The Bubishi Karate Do Organization

Editor: Katherine Loukopoulos Email:

Issue # 25, April – May 2014 Š 2014 Katherine Loukopoulos

The Cover - Pegasus Pegasus (Ancient Greek: Πήγασος, Pégasos, Latin Pegasus) is one of the best known mythological creatures in Greek mythology. He is a winged divine stallion usually depicted as pure white in color. He was sired by Poseidon, in his role as horse-god, and foaled by the Gorgon Medusa. He was the brother of Chrysaor, born at a single birthing when his mother was decapitated by Perseus. Greco-Roman poets write about his ascent to heaven after his birth and his obeisance to Zeus, king of the gods, who instructed him to bring lightning and thunder from Olympus. Friend of the Muses, Pegasus is the creator of Hippocrene, the fountain on Mt. Helicon. He was captured by the Greek hero Bellerophon near the fountain Peirene with the help of Athena and Poseidon. Pegasus allows the hero to ride him to defeat a monster, the Chimera, before realizing many other exploits. His rider, however, falls off his back trying to reach Mount Olympus. Zeus transformed him into the constellation Pegasus and placed him up in the sky. Hypotheses have been proposed regarding its relationship with the Muses, the gods Athena, Poseidon, Zeus, Apollo, and the hero Perseus. The symbolism of Pegasus varies with time. Symbol of wisdom and especially of fame from the Middle Ages until the Renaissance, he became one symbol of the poetry and the creator of sources in which the poets come to draw inspiration, particularly in the 19th century. Pegasus is the subject of a very rich iconography, especially through the ancient Greek pottery and paintings and sculptures of the Renaissance. Personification of the water, solar myth, or shaman mount, Carl Jung and his followers have seen in Pegasus a profound symbolic esoteric in relation to the spiritual energy that allows to access to the realm of the gods on Mount Olympus.

Parthian era bronze plate depicting Pegasus (‘Pegaz’ in Persian), was excavated in Masjed Soleyman, Khūzestān, Iran Michaud's Biographie universelle relates that when Pegasus was born, he flew to where thunder and lightning were released. Then, according to certain versions of the myth, Athena tamed him and gave him to Perseus, who flew to Ethiopia to help Andromeda. In fact Pegasus is a late addition to the story of Perseus, who flew on his own with the sandals loaned him by Hermes.

Pegasus, as the horse of Muses, was put on the roof of Poznań Opera House (Max Littmann, 1910)

The emblem of the WW II, British Airborne Forces Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Editorial It is said that karate training builds character, and improves self-esteem. Karate teachers profess that students become physically stronger and are able to surmount their fears against the face of danger. I agree that people who engage in regular training will develop stronger bodies, and parallel develop a more positive self-esteem. But that’s how far it goes. I order to develop a strong character and to be able to overcome our fears against all odds we need the appropriate role models and experiences. The average dojo may teach wonderful

techniques and have a diverse program, but it remains a place where people train for a few hours a week; it is not a lifestyle… The reality is that only few people can meet the rigorous demands of a strict training regime, and adhere to a code of ethics that would improve character. Karate students may not know as many techniques as their teachers do, but they are able to take notice, to compare and to critique. A karate teacher’s behavior in and out of the dojo is on constant display. That is what students will copy if inspired or criticize when they can… therefore, if we want to create students with strong characters who can overcome fear in times of diversity, we need to be able to demonstrate and do this ourselves. A dojo is a friendly and safe environment; therefore, it is not the place where we will overcome our fears. At the same time life does not give us practice shots experiences. So, how can we learn to overcome fear against all odds? The remedy is simple: Each task we undertake to finish it. Each promise we make to someone to bring it to completion. If we do this for a long time, it will build conviction. Conviction is the forerunner to endurance. And in overcoming our fears against all odds, we need conviction and endurance, because fear does not go away with practice, fear is and will be always present; simply we have learned to operate and to function intelligently in spite of it. And that is how we become ‘brave’. My humble opinion…

Our neighborhood…

Shoko Koizumi (center), great granddaughter in-law of Lefcadio Hearn in Athens! March 31st

Patrick Lafcadio Hearn (27 June 1850 – 26 September 1904), known also by the Japanese name Koizumi Yakumo (小泉 八雲?), was an international writer, known best for his books about Japan, especially his collections of Japanese legends and ghost stories, such as Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things. In the United States, Hearn is also known for his writings about the city of New Orleans based on his ten-year stay in that city. Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A photo opportunity with Ms. Shoko Koizume, Athens, March 31st

Postscript: In July, the Embassy of Japan in Greece will assist with the celebrations to be held on the beautiful island of Lefcada, the birth place of Lefcadio Hearn, where they will commemorate the 110 years of his passing. Many of Lefcadio Hearn’s books are being translated into the Greek language and will be offered as gifts to the Greek Public Schools in Lefcada Island. The generous offer will enrich the Lefcadian youth who will learn about the works and contributions of one of their own. Source: The Embassy of Japan in Athens

Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum in Matsue The Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum (小泉八雲記念館 Koizumi Yakumo Kinenkan) was established in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, Japan in 1933. Hearn lived in Matsue from August 1890 to November 1891, and the museum was built next to his former residence, itself designated as a Historic Site in 1940. The original museum was modeled on the Goethe-National museum in Weimar, but it was rebuilt in a more traditional Japanese style in 1984. The museum attracts around 150,000 visitors a year.

14th National Hellenic Hapkido Federation Open Seminars The 14th National Hellenic Hapkido Federation Open Seminars took place on April 5th and 6th in Argyroupolis Indoor Gymnasium. Over 100 participants came together and sweated for 12 hours over the two days led by National Hapkido Director Vaggelis Thanos Sensei. Thanos Sensei is also the World Hapkido Federation Regional Director for Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The late G. Master Kwan Sik Myung, one of Choi's first generation direct students, had included five forms in Hapkido syllabus, because he believed that kata, improved balance and multidirectional movements. It is the only Hapkido School with kata. G.master Myung had also included weapons like short stick, bo, and shinai (sword), but without kata. Source: Nikos Theodorou

Our own, Nikos Theodorou, provided me with a rare opportunity to observe Hapkido Kata (Hyung Sae) …for many hours… April 5th

Nikos Theodorou (left) and Vaggelis Thanos Sensei (right) demonstrated excellent sportsmanship and smiled for the camera… April 5th

On April 6th Ody (right) won his 2nd match against formidable opponent Nikos Theodorou (left).

Nikos Theodorou


Dimitris Lemonis at Nagoya Castle!

Nagoya Castle, along with Himeji Castle and Kumamoto Castle, is one of the three greatest castles in Japan. In 1610 Tokugawa Ieyasu ordered the construction of Nagoya-jo to solidify the Tokugawa authority in Owari (Nagoya and vicinity). The castle was completed in 1612 and Tokugawa's ninth son Yoshinao entered the castle in 1616 from which he governed over Owari.

Nagoya-jo is famous for the 2 golden shachihoko that adorn the top of its main keep. That is why it is also known as "Kinshachi-jo." Kin means "gold" and shachi refers to the killer whale type mythical creatures that sit atop the main keep and other castle structures.

This is what Dimitris Lemonis does when he does not come to class! Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean…April 9th. And, as if this is not enough excitement, he gets paid to visit exotic places around the globe… take the Nagoya Castle as an example…Jealous? Understatement…

Announcement: T-Shirts are finished… we now have cups! April 10th

Antonis Tzounis, together with his significant other Georgia, came to Athens for some rest and relaxation on May 2nd and 3rd. Antonis, besides being a seriously dedicated Uechi Ryu practitioner he is also an Information Technology genius! In a span of two days we prepared five short video clips to be uploaded on YouTube at the rate of one each month.

On behalf of the Bubishi Karate Do Organization we express our gratitude to Antonis Tzounis because without his splendid talent we would not have been able to upload our ‘ancient’ Okinawa based video clips…

Instructor Mr. Nadav Shoshan offered three days of KRAV MAGA GLOBAL training. Participants gave it their all, and came out with certificates and smiling faces. Ano Glyfada, May 9th

Successful KMG Instructors Dimitris Lemonis G5, Pavlos Gyparis G4,Vaggelis Papanastasiou G2, Akis Samopoulos G1, and Ilias Manolas G1 posed with visiting expert Nadav Shoshan for a memory photo. Ano Glyfada, May 11th

Paros Island is the home of the gentle, polite, and serious Shorinji Ryu karateka named Giorgos Elefsiniotis Sensei. Elefsiniotis Sensei visited us at the Brahami dojo and we spent some enjoyable hours training with Hakusho no Kun‌ April 11th

Distance and time became obsolete when fellow practitioners of Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Anthony Whelan Sensei of Ireland (left) and Jerry Figgiani Sensei of USA finally met in Dublin, Ireland!

New York based Jerry Figgiani Sensei, senior student of the late Joseph Carbonara Sensei has done it again! The first of a series of Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Kata Bunkai DVDs are selling like hot cakes! The next series will be filmed this upcoming July… we can’t wait…

A little bit of culture… Each year, on May 5th, ‘Children's Day’ is celebrated in Japan. Typically associated with boys (whereas March 3rd, ‘Hinamatsuri’ is associated with girls), families decorate their homes with miniature (but sometimes quite elaborately crafted) versions of samurai armor as a sign of hope that the children will grow strong and healthy.

Training and coaching was huge fun! Winning was unexpected! Naha Hari, Okinawa, 1989

On Okinawa, Naha Hari (Dragon Boat Races) is a huge festive event. Originally participated only by boys and men, I was part of the historic event where females took part‌ and won! Front row, fourth from right is the coach‌

We need to do this exercise every day!

Spirulina – Now available in Greece! Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids, antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage. It contains nutrients, including B complex vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamin E, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, and gamma linoleic acid (an essential fatty acid). Spirulina -- like any blue-green algae -- can be contaminated with toxic substances called microcystins. It can also absorb heavy metals from the water where it is grown. For these reasons, it is important to buy spirulina from a trusted brand. Test tube and animal studies suggest spirulina may boost the immune system, help protect against allergic reactions, and have antiviral and anticancer properties. However, there is no proof that spirulina has these, or any, benefits in people. More research is needed.

Source: University of Maryland Medical Center

We all need regular Chishi Training… A life-time benefit, and only one day to make it… Source: Courtesy of Dalmo Bushi Do

Easy to fold and a great way to keep neat pleats when packing a suitcase or storing at home…

Events in the horizon‌

On July 19th, Shorin Ryu Karate & Kobudo Association (SKKA) is hosting an all-day seminar!

Eihachi Ota Sensei and students are hosting a full day seminar on July 19th to be held in Gardena, California. Ota Sensei is the highest ranking Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu practitioner in the United States, and a direct student of Shoshin Nagamine Sensei. Special guests include Kazuo Tajima Sensei and Ikehara Sensei who will travel from Okinawa for this special event.

Nikos Theodorou of Greece (left) and Dr. Stephen Chan of United Kingdom (right) both Seidokan Karate practitioners go back a couple of decades… this time they’ll meet again in Zimbabwe…

Dr. Bob Bacher has 45 years of experience with tai chi, qigong, meditation, karate, and yoga. He studied in Chenjiagou, China with Grandmaster Wang XI’an, and is recognized as a 20th generation lineage teacher. Dr. Bacher is Chiropractic with more than 30 years clinical experience. He specializes in spinal health care, whole foods nutrition, intelligent fitness exercise, stress management, and healthy lifestyle. Dr. Bacher teaches tai chi workshops and retreats worldwide, helping people to reclaim their health and vitality. He lives in Pavones, Costa Rica, where he teaches Chen style tai chi and healthy lifestyle.

Chiropractor and Taiji practitioner Dr. Robert Bacher will leave the haven of Costa Rica for a European tour. He’ll be stopping by in Athens towards the later part of September for a few days of rest and relaxation… and for some catching up! We are making plans to lay the groundwork for a joint project…

Dr. Bacher when he is not training…or playing the piano…

Source: Courtesy of Stephen Chan OBE PhD, Professor of International Relations School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London

Wisdom begins in wonder - Socrates

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