Issue # 2 april 2012 news letter

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The Bubishi Karate-Do Organization

Editor: Katherine Loukopoulos

Issue 2


April 2012


Mission Statement The Bubishi Karate-Do Organization, Inc. is a Not-For-Profit organization dedicated for the study and continued development of traditional martial arts of Okinawa, Japan. The organizational leaders envisioned a stronger, healthier, smarter, drug free youth, and opened its doors to the economically disadvantaged of New York City. Besides offering Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Karate Do and Ryu Kyu Kobudo classes, the main dojo also operated an after school care program where youth was offered homework assistance and organic hot meals. Art classes, museum trips, summer training camps, tournament participations, and demonstrations were only a few of the frequently hosted events. The first dojo operated in New York City under the name “Bubishi Karate Dojo” and had the first class on May 31st, 1978. The Bubishi Karate-Do Organization, Inc. became a corporation, and was registered with the N. Y. S. Department of State, County of Albany, on October 24th, 1995. The artist of the Bubishi Logo is James Thompson, and it is patent protected since 1982.

A little bit of history It is widely known that Tote-jutsu Kenkyukai 唐手術研究会 (founded in 1918) was an informal gathering of leading practitioners of the Taisho era. Miyagi, Chomo, Chibana, Kyan, Yabu, Mabuni, Yabiku, Kyoda, Motobu and Nakasone exchanged techniques* and discussed the advancement of Okinawa’s Busa. Below, the grey nondescript building now stands on the original foundation of a wooden home and garden that served as the meeting place for the group.

Photo Courtesy: Cezar Borkowski, Canada *According to Nakasone Jyoen and Nagamine Shoshin, this was the first time that practitioners of different systems of Te, cross-trained together. Each session was led by a


different teacher, stressing the finer points of their method (Naha-Te, Shuri-Te, Tomari-Te, and Ryu Kyu Grappling).

Our newest addition, Dimitrios Lemonis, says that success is 90 % perspiration and 10% luck! In other words: Sweat today, so you don’t bleed tomorrow.

Progress in the making

Tasos Kefalas, one of many Kipseli’s greats, shows off the nunchaku which he created during the Christmas and Easter school breaks. Armed with a Bachelors Degree in Physical Education, Tasos will be returning to his beautiful Rhodes where he plans to open a Health Club. Surely, there will be Shotokan Karate and Kobudo at its best! We can’t wait! 3

Chishi made in Greece

Here is the first batch of Chishi constructed by Nikos Theodorou. Various new chishi are in the making with thicker wood, and with grids on the end which will prevent sliding off sweaty hands.

Perfect Shiko Dachi! Shinzo Chinen sensei warms up with stone chichi in every class. Jundokan Dojo of Goju Ryu Karate Do, Okinawa. 1990s.

Greeks can easily have stone made chishi… Greece has plenty of “ROCK”!


Last minute warm up before a street fest demo! Uehara Ko Dojo, Okinawa. 1990s.

Why Chishi?

Chishi, along with a combination of other training implements, builds a strong fist. While the arm muscles require startling speed, the fist needs to be strong and heavy just like a sledgehammer. The chest is strengthened to support maximum speed, power, and true “kime�.

Nikos Theodorou of Argyroupoli dreams of Sai Kata, and that is why he trains daily. Here he is showing us his daily routine! BRAVO!


Photo Courtesy: Hellenic Organization of Shotokan Fudokan Karate. Ilija Jorga Shinam Sensei came to Athens for his annual teaching visit. On March 17th, Savvas Mastrappas Sensei surprised his teacher with a strong demonstration of Haku Sho no Kun! (Ilija Sensei is third from right.)

Kipseli’s practitioners have captured the true meaning of BUDO! Their passion for Kobudo was demonstrated by creating their own implements. Here, all tunfa are handmade! 25 April, 2012.


Ioanna and Georgos Argyropoulos invited his hungry friends to celebrate Saint George’s Day with a Meal for Warriors! “Gochisosama Deshita!” Ano Ilioupoli, 22 April 2012.

Training Today for a Stronger Tomorrow!

“Yes! We Can!” TKD students scream out with confidence, strength, determination, and clarity. Tae Kwon Do Syllogos Ef Agonizesthe of Dimitrios Kornaros, Aghios Dimitrios, is “a home away from home” environment. Taking this one step further, Mr. Kornaros invited the editor, a Forensic Psychologist and Criminologist by profession, to speak on the subject of “Child and Youth Protection” against all types and levels of violence.


Dimitris assisted with the presentation exhibits. The Maskot’s name is Little Kato. Syllogos “Ef Agonizes the” is a busy place. Continuous education and training is provided to its members and friends with a single goal in mind: Improve the quality of life for all members.

Subjects of Discussion:         

The Child Victim The Child Bully Smart defense methods without violence Methods for protecting children against cyber abuse How parents and teachers can recognize the problem Teachers, trainers, parents, relatives, and friends as mediators Professional assistance The Law Position of the Hellenic Ministry of Education on school violence and abuse


Prevention is Defense! 28 April 2012

It takes a village to raise a child… 28 April 2012.

Vocabulary  Tadaima Always say it out loud when coming into a home. 

Osaki ni sitsurei shimasu

Always say it when departing from a place before other persons in your group. Say it when leaving the dojo and there are other students still left behind. Teach your body Strategy! Miyamoto Musashi


Soke Takayoshi Nagamine Rest in PEACE!

On Saturday afternoon, April 28th, Soke Takayoshi Nagamine of World Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu, passed away. He was discovered by a family member at his home and Hombu Dojo, Naha, Okinawa. Funeral Service was held on Monday, April 30th, 1:00 P. M., Naha, Okinawa, Japan.

Soke Takayoshi Nagamine, son of the famous Shoshin Nagamine, was born and died in the home which was also the Hombu Dojo of Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Karate Do. Although he spent many years in the United States and most recently traveled to Europe, he was responsible for the direction and continued growth of Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu. For this reason, regardless of his personal ambitions and aspirations, he always returned to Okinawa.


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