Issue # 5 july 2012 news letter

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The Bubishi Karate Do Organization

Editor: Katherine Loukopoulos Email:

Issue # 5 July 2012

July 1st marked the end of a one-year stay in Dafni, and a new beginning in a spacious apartment/dojo at Aghios Dimitrios also known as “Brahami”. Although Dafni’s stay was short, there were many enjoyable training moments and coffee breaks to be remembered…

The first items to safely be transported were the Bo!

Left to Right: Sarantos, Nionions whose mother calls him “Dennis” and serves as Katherine’s Personal Trainer, Mihalis, Anfisa, Savvas Sensei, and Aggelos.

Left to Right: Hristos looks on, while Anfisa, Mihalis and Aggelos (bent over) take apart Katherine’s bookcase.

47 boxes of books, 10 boxes of kitchenware, four huge boxes of wall hangings, six boxes of decorations, three boxes of miscellaneous paraphernalia, loads of training equipment, suitcases

and bags with clothing, desks, bookcases, furniture, and two super heavy metal file cabinets with all its content were loaded, unloaded, and carried up one flight of stairs! The following evening everyone came to class… everyone, except Hristos Papadopoulos (last on right) who promised to join us in September… Kornaros (not shown) came after the photo shoot! It is imperative to mention that Kornaros disassembled Katherine’s bed… thank God for the others who were there to put it back together!

Dimitrios Damigos (center with jeans and T-shirt) recovered from a serious leg injury, and stopped by the dojo in order to say “hello”. There was nowhere to escape, and he ended up in the center of the class. Kipseli, July 2nd.

A three-hour training prior to Kobudo Kyu Test took place at the TKD Dojang Aghios Dimitrios “Ef Agonizesthe”. Two young men, and two young at heart gave it all on Saturday morning, July 7th, and the results were OUTSTANDING! Left to Right: Dimitrios Zervas, Dimitrios Kornaros Sensei, Apostolos Tzamaras, Dimitrios Lemonis.



Kipseli Prepares‌

Hamahiga no Tunfa was drilled, and drilled, and drilled‌

At the end of the day! July 14th, 2012 Front Row Left to Right: Dimitrios Zaharopoulos, Mihalis Panagiotopoulos, Adrianos Ferrari, Sarantos Moforis, Anfisa Zaichenkina Second Row Left to Right: Savvas Mastrappas Sensei, Nikolaos Theodorou, Anastasios Kefalas, Aggelos Damianidis

Kipseli’s Effort: July 15th!

Front Row Left to Right: Dimitrios Zaharopoulos, Moforis Sarantos, Adrianos Ferrari, Mihalis Panagiotopoulos Second Row Left to Right: Savvas Mastrappas Sensei, Katherine Loukopoulos, Anfisa Zaichenkina, Anastasios Kefalas, Aggelos Damianidis

Success Stories… Ni Kyu 

Theodorou Nikolaos, Seidokan, Argyroupoli

Yon Kyu 

Kornaros Dimitrios Sensei, TKD, Aghios Dimitrios

Lemonis Dimitrios Sensei, Goju Ryu, Aghios Dimitrios

Mastrappas Savvas Sensei, Shotokan, Kipseli

Moforis Sarantos, Shotokan, Kipseli

Go Kyu 

Damianidis Aggelos, Shotokan, Kipseli

Ferrari Adrianos Sensei, Shotokan, Lavrio

Kefalas Anastasios, Shotokan, Kipseli

Panagiotopoulos Mihalis, Shotokan, Kipseli

Tzamaras Apostolos, TKD, Aghios Dimitrios

Zaharopoulos Dimitrios, Hako Ryu, Athinais Leshi

Zaichenkina Anfisa, Shotokan, Kipseli

Zervas Dimitrios, TKD, Aghios Dimitrios

Part I: We celebrated with an outdoors feast!

Part II: Coffee, cake, and ice cream! Part III: Everyone went home happy!

Joseph Carbonara Sensei, President of All America’s Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Karate Do Association and World Shorin Ryu Delegate, sent us this message:

A Day in the Life of a Karateka‌ Okinawa, 18 January, 1986

The Group Effort

The Bunkai (Pinan Shodan Bunkai)

Left to Right: Taira Sensei, Nagamine Takayoshi Sensei, Tamaki Sensei

The Celebration! Left to Right: Kishaba Sensei and Taba Sensei enjoy the show put on by its members…

Left to Right: Nagamine Takayoshi Sensei sings Karaoke; at the end of the day Katherine offers words of gratitude which were translated by a fellow practitioner…

Sad News… The world of Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Karate Do mourned another great teacher. Kensei Taba Sensei, Judan, and founder of Shogen Ryu Karate Do passed away on July 7th, 12:10 P. M., Okinawa time. Taba sensei’s legacy was his strong technique and gentle heart. He helped foreign students understand the complexities of Okinawa Karate Do, and he worked hard to break down the barriers of cultural diversities.

Taba Sensei’s fame of breaking makiwara posts spread across the United States well before he taught there. Photo Courtesy: Mike Ritter

Vocabulary 

Kokoro – It is the Spirit of the Martial Arts

Shin, Gi, Tai – It is the Mind, Technique, and Body

Karate Ni Sente Nashi – Fists that do not Strike First

Miyamoto Musashi wrote The Dokukodo (Principles of Going Alone). It consisted of 21 articles which he drafted and gave to one of his senior disciples named Terao Magonojyo. He did this on May 12th, 1654.

“Even though you may have to sacrifice yourself, don’t throw away your honor.”

The Dokukodo, Article 20, “Mi o sutetemo myori wa sutezu.” Miyamoto Musashi

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