Issue # 7 sept 2012 news letter

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The Bubishi Karate Do Organization

Editor: Katherine Loukopoulos Email:

Issue # 7 September 2012

Ms. Sudo Asako visits Athens! (31 Aug – 3 Sept 2012)

Born in Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan, Asako san is married, and she is the proud mother of a daughter and a son. A hard worker and self made, Asako san worked for many years, saved her money, and paid her own way to the United States in order to study Finance & Accounting at Park University, Parkville, Missouri, where she graduated with As. Having the Japanese warrior’s spirit Asako san studied at the Okinawa Kenshinkan Karate Federation with Fusei Kise Sensei and with his son Isao Kise Sensei, and reached the rank of Nidan in both Karate and Kobudo. During her formative public school years, Asako san excelled in swimming, and running. Asako san also studied with Anyu Uchima Sensei of the All Okinawa Kobudo Federation / Zen Okinawa Kobudo Renmei, and earned her Shodan in Kobudo.

In the United Kingdom, Asako san studied Aidido with Quentin Cooke Sensei, and thus far has achieved the rank of Yon Kyu. Being a school girl in the Japanese system is tough enough; however, Asako san’s responsibilities doubled when her mother passed away and had to care, and cook for her entire family. These days Asako san’s cooking brings joy to many, and although she is humble about her accomplishments, everyone who knows her… asks her to cook!

Fusei Kise Sensei makes it easy! US Naval Hospital, USMC Camp Lester, Okinawa, 1990s.

A smiling Fusei Kise Sensei excited the crowd with his sword cutting techniques… Naval Hospital at USMC Camp Lester, Okinawa, 1990s.

The Program 31 Aug, Fri – ARRIVAL – Eleftherios Venizelos – With Kornaros Sensei’s assistance we picked up Asako san and drove directly to the ocean for a swim, FRAPPE, and welcoming blah-blah…

It’s not Okinawa, but it is close enough…

The Welcoming Party at Katherine’s House Saturday Night

We kept the tradition…

Left to Right: Anfisa and Asako Two Nidan warriors who did not speak each other’s language, cooked together…

And they became friends…

Asako san explained….

Answered many questions‌.

Everyone had fun!

And for all of my work, this was my gift‌

The Next Morning Shushi no Kun Sho

TKD Dojang of Kornaros Sensei, Aghios Dimitrios

Bo pulls back - hip goes forward… again, and again, and again…

There were Team Kata Presentations (Embu)…

And there was Kumi Bo…

Front Row Left to Right: Kikilis, Zaichenkina, Sudo, Zaharopoulos and Theodorou. Back Row Left to Right: Kornaros, Loukopoulos, Alygizakis and Lemonis

Kornaros sensei presented Asako san with a handmade nunchaku‌ A job well done!

The Bubishi Camera captured one of our own on the annual walkathon “Leonida Trophy�. First from left, expert diver and Jiu Jitsu practitioner M. K. insisted to remain anonymous on pain of death, easily marched the 25 km along a route on Mount Kallidromon of Central Greece that followed the Anopaia Path, and finished at the original location of Thermopylae.

Battle of Thermopylae, 480 BC

Source Wikipedia: Greek phalanx

Source Wikipedia: Monument of King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans

In memory of a Shotojuku Black Belt Elizabeth Mazarake April 1912 - September 2012 “Shotojuku has suffered a great loss to our dojo family. After a century of life, our most senior student passed away” lamented Kai Leung Sensei.

Elizabeth Mazarake passed away in her sleep. She has moved onto a better place, and may she Rest in Peace! She was truly amazing and loved her Karate training very much. We will miss her and we will have her in our hearts.” Submitted by Kai Leung Sensei of New York’s Shotojuku

The European Community of Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu bid “Farewell” to the sweet and gentle Hanshi Pedro Fattore of the Camani Dojo in Madrid, Spain. September, 2012.

Sony could not keep up with their speed… Monday, Sept 17th

East and West think alike! An ocean apart, Uehara Ko Sensei and Dimitris Lemonis both of Goju Ryu Karate Do, share the same passion for excellence. Although never met and separated by decades of age, both men innovated and patented tools for similar training benefits. Passion for excellence transcends national borders, gender, color and age‌

Left: Uehara Ko Sensei’s multi use weight lifting and punching equipment Center: Dimitris Lemonis wall design for a heavy bag which can easily be pulled out for training and returned to the wall when not in use. Right: The proud innovator!

A picture is worth a thousand words‌

This happy go lucky Krav Maga group completed a grueling first training under the strict guidance of Pavlos Gyparis and Dimitris Lemonis! Their spacious new dojo located at Aghios Dimitrios was baptized in sweat and vibrated with energy worthy of celebration!

Carlos Abreu visits the Bubishi Home – Fri, Sept 21st Hailed from Cuba, Carlos Abreu, migrated to Switzerland six years ago. Energetic, athletic, tenacious, studious, adventurous, and polite, Carlos spent the last 29 years of his life studying the martial arts.

M. K. served as the official translator, although, Carlos surprised us all by speaking in Greek. In Zurich, Carlos is currently training with Gido Minore Sensei. Carlos had the good fortune to be trained by the Father of Joshinmon Shorin Ryu, Master Hoshu Ikeda who introduced it to Cuba and from there it spread to all of Cuba. It is now an international organization with branches in Armenia, Belarus, Canada, Costa Rica, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, East Russia, Estonia, Germany, Great Britain, India, Japan, Kazakhastan, Mauritius, Moldova, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Seychelles, South Africa, Spain, Sri-Lanka, Tartarstan, Ukraine, USA and Russia. The Style was established in 1969 in Tokyo, Japan. It combines two mayor styles: Shorin-Ryu (Kyan Chotoku), and Shorinji-Ryu (Isamu Tamatsu). Joshinmon Shorin Ryu advance kata: Ananku, Wanshu, Seisan, Chinto, Bassai, Gojushiho, Kushanku. (NOTE: There is no indication as to which version of Bassai or Passai, and Kushanku.)

Photo Courtesy: Estonia Joshinmon Shorin Ryu Website The Founder, Shihan Hoshu Ikeda’s philosophy is that, "You cannot teach karate as a means for harming another man". Master Hoshu Ikeda was born in China to Japanese parents. When he was twelve years old, the family returned to Japan, where Mr. Ikeda began his study of Shorin Ryu Karate. His training led him to Okinawa where he learned Matsumura Shorin Ryu (Tomari-te). He studied Okinawa Shorin Ryu and Shorinji Ryu. His lineage can be traced to Shorinji Ryu Karate Do founder Soke Isamu Tamotsu (1919-2000), President of Renshinkan Karate in Kagoshima, and to the Okinawa Master Chotoku Kyan. Master Ikeda serves on the Promotions Committee of the International Martial Arts Federation (IMAF). He is Kyu Dan in Karate, President of the International Joshinmon Shorin Ryu Federation, and President of the International Seitai-do Organization.

A little bit of Culture Keiro no Hi “September 17th, is a Japanese holiday called “Keiro no Hi,” which translates into “Respect for the Aged Day”. This is the day to respect and to honor elderly citizens, and to also celebrate longevity. Okinawa is famous for longevity, and ranks 5th in population of elderly citizens in Japan who are 100 years old and older.

In 1993, Ogimi Village was declared “the home of longevity”. According to Ogimi Village’s official website, the keys to longevity are: 1) Rich Nature and Slower-Pace of Life 2) Eating Habits 3) Social Activities 4) Community Activities 5) Recreation. Submitted by Steve Lyons

Their Secret The elderly get up early every morning because they have a sense of duty, responsibility, and a purpose in their lives well into their 100s. They rely on a plant based diet, they engage in gardening, they eat more soya, belong to moai*, they enjoy sunshine, they stay active, they plant a medical garden such as ginger, and turmeric, they learned to have an attitude, and to keep younger people in their company well into their old age.

*moai – It is the Okinawa tradition of forming a secure social network. These safety nets lend financial and emotional support in times of need, and they give all of their members the stressshedding security of knowing that there is always someone there for them.

Source: Blue Zones, Okinawa’s Longevity Lessons, February 9th, 2012

Code of Modern Day Samurai 

Be so strong that nothing is able to disturb your Peace of Mind

Talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet

Make all your friends feel something special

Look for good in everyone - Give everyone a smile

Think only of the best – Work only for the best – Expect only the best

Be as happy about the success of others as you are about your own

Be too big for worry and too noble for anger

Spend time improving yourself – then you will have no time to criticize others

Photo Courtesy: Nikos Theodorou

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains asleep. Anatole, French Novelist

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