Issue # 8 october 2012 news letter

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The Bubishi Karate Do Organization

Editor: Katherine Loukopoulos Email:

Issue # 8 October 2012

Toshiro Mifune! My Hero! Courtesy for Japanese Kanji: Leif Hermannson, Sweden

Somewhere early morning on Okinawa‌ with Kenneth Caputo‌

How to Throw…

Sai History in Pictures‌

Funakoshi Sensei in the center is holding his Sai. Photo Courtesy: POLSKA

Agena Art Smiley and Harry G. Smith, Okinawa, 1958. Photo Courtesy: John Bartusevics

A young Fumio Demura of Shito Ryu makes American history by introducing Okinawa Weaponry nationwide. Courtesy of Black Belt Magazine, December, 1967

Bubishi Dojo, Brooklyn, USA, 1980

V WUKO Championships, Madrid, Spain, 1980 After we arrived in Madrid, we learned that some countries were selected to demonstrate in the Opening Ceremony. Women were able to compete for the first time, and only in Kata. I was asked to demonstrate Sai and Tunfa. Although I did not have weapons with me the Australian Team proved resourceful and weapons were found for the demo. Right after the Weapons Demo, teammate Gina Schiavonne and I did a Demonstration Kumite Match which was well received.

Equipped with more guts and less technique, I travelled to the US Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, in order to meet US Marine Major (Retired) Bill Hayes who was a friend of the legendary Thomas LaPuppet who was also the Kumite Coach of the US National Karate Team.

Technically wrong; I am leaning backwards. US Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, November 16th, 1982. Mr. Hayes was kind enough to offer a handsome donation towards my US Team Travel Fund. In hindsight, it was a warm-up because five years later I was employed by the US Marine Corps, Morale, Welfare and Recreation Department (MWR), Okinawa, 1987 - 1992.

Alma Ata, Kazakhstan. 1992 From Caucasus Mountains, Mr. Vladimir Sitnik (deceased), showed a keen interest for Sai.

Posters mounted on Odessa’s city walls announced Kobudo Training. 2000

Sai, and more Sai Training at Mr. Ulrich Schlee’s invitation. Ochtrup, Germany, August, 2003 We trained eight hours each day… BEER never tasted so good!

Theo loved the Sai. Nijmegen, Holland, 2007 As part of his training, Theo threw empty beer and soda cans on high grounds. From a distance, he threw his Sai and easily pinned each can to the ground. On one occasion, Theo challenged me to a dual. He quickly pinned ten cans while I only pinned three. “Practice some more, Katherine” he said, “and we’ll have another round when you feel ready...”

Sai development in Greece… Chatan Yara no Sai was introduced to the Argyroupoli Branch. Needless to say, Nikos Theodorou already had a handmade pair of Sai with the ends cut off for safe practice…

Left pair made on Okinawa; right pair made in Greece

Points cut off for safety…

But it even got better! Mihalis Panagiotopoulos, our own weapon maker, shows off the first pair of Sai made out of brass; this is the same material our ancestors used to create their weapons, shields, and various household utensils and equipment. Kypseli, October 3rd, 2012


Fudokan Black Belts sharpen their claws! Once a year all Fudokan Shotokan Black Belts gather for two days under the guidance of Kancho Savvas Mastrappas to review everything plus learn new techniques. Black belts came from the four corners of Greece, as well as, from Cyprus. A focus on becoming better teachers especially for children and teen agers was a lecture with hands on experience. The Participants: Savvas Mastrappas, Tasos Kefalas, Adrianos Ferrari, Athanasios Karsiotis, Thomas Drogoutis, Dionisios Tsasis, Kostantinos Papaioannou, Manolis Tzorbatzakis, Giannis Tzigos, and Ioanna Tzigou.

Everyone agreed that we learn best when we are having fun. Sunday, October 14th.

60 seconds push-ups! Role playing children; the winner received a pair of toy Nunchaku!

We all learned something new! Sunday, October 14th.


Okinawa Soba! Soba is to the Japanese as Souvlaki is to the Greeks! Both as cheap, tasty, filling, and they both go well with beer!

On October 17th, 1978, the Japanese Trade Commission admitted that the noodles everyone ate on the Okinawa Prefecture wore in fact, Okinawa Soba! In mainland Japan, the noodles are made with buckwheat flour called “Sobako”; on Okinawa buckwheat is not used. During the Meiji Era, a Chinese cook was invited to Okinawa by a mainland Japanese man, and he opened a “Shina Soba” restaurant in Naha. As time went on “Shina Soba” became “Okinawa Soba”! Photo Courtesy and News Clip: Japan Update


Sayonara Tasos!

Hellenic National Security will be enhanced as Tasos Kefalas, center on the right side of the table, is leaving for compulsory military duty. Sayonara Dinner was held at “Kapilio tou Mitsou” where the food is excellent, and the wine is super. Neos Kosmos, 18 October, 2012


Jiu Jitsu experts visit Greece on October 20th & 21st! Nektarios Lykiardopoulos of Cross Gym Piraeus invited Jiu Jitsu experts Nikolas Haralambous and Solon Ntanovasilis for a grueling two-day seminar training. Our own Nikos Theodorou, a long time friend of the three men, participated in the training.

Left: Solon Ntanovasilis delivers a knee kick on Nektarios Lykiardopoulos thigh as Nicolas Haralambous looks on. Right: Nikos Theodorou has no trouble to carbon copy…

After the hard training, BBQ was at Nikos Theodorou’s house… Argyroupoli, October 21st. There was more food than anyone could eat, except off course for the young man in blue who always eats everything and never gains weight. Going around the table from left to right

and starting with the thin man in blue is Kostas, Dimitris, Faye, the parents Mr. and Mrs. Theodorou and their attentive nurse, Nikos, Giorgos, Solon and Nikos.

Did you anyone notice that these two were absent from the dinner table? It’s their “secret” to staying fit and slim! Spyros (Left) and Kick Boxing Instructor Alexia Antoniadou (Right) could not stop telling us how fantastically talented Faye and Evita Theodorou are as Kick Boxers!

Three “yashashi” but highly dangerous men!

Mythos Beer – Greece – Ya Mas!

Orion Beer – Okinawa – Kampai!

No Preservatives, light in taste, favored by Martial Artists!


October 25th - International Karate Day – Karate no Hi In 2005, the Prefectural Government of Okinawa established the International Karate Day. Since then, throughout Okinawa there are events, festivals, and much training. 

This year, 50 representatives from All Okinawa Karate – Do Federation, Okinawa Prefectural Karate – Do Federation, Okinawa Karate and Kobudo Federation, and Okinawa Karate Association performed Seisan and Sanchin Kata.

All Board Members gave a well-coordinated performance of Chudan Zuki.

Governonr Hirokazu Nakaima and Mayor of Naha City Takeshi Onaga joined in the event and were wearing karate uniforms.

Poster Courtesy: Ryu Kyu Shimpo What our own Bubishi Members said: Friday, October 26, 2012 1:45 PM Ioannis Samouelian, Athens Καλημέρα Σενσει, Εγώ συνεχίσα το Shushi no Kun Sho και στο μαγαζί που δούλευα όλη μέρα, αλλά, και το βράδυ στο σπιτι.

*** Friday, October 26, 2012 8:31 PM Δημήτρης Ζαχαρόπουλος, Athens Παρολο που εφημερευα εκανα ενα Shushi no Kun Sho κρατωντας ενα σιδερενιο στατώ για ορρους. Ωραια εμπειρια γιατι ηταν βαρυ και θυμηθηκα πως και εσεις κανατε προπονηση με σιδερένιο bo! Αναγκαστικα φορουσα ξύλινα τσοκαρα! Διαβασα και οτι αρθρα, δικα σας η του Σαββα Σενσει που ειχα αποθηκευμενα στο mail μου. Μετα...πισω στα επιγεια! ***

Carlos Abreu, Switzerland Muy buenos dias kiria Loukopoulos elpizo esi ise kala, pira ola ta plerifories muchas gracias y felicidades tambiÊn por el dia internacional del Karate. ."es nuestro camino"...mucha suerte en sus proximos eventos. Arigato gozaimas. Friday, October 26, 2012 9:10 AM *** Nikos Theodorou reviewed all the weapons kata, as well as Rohai. A bit unlucky, International Karate Day fell on Thursday, which happened to be the day he trains with Katherine‌ ***

Super Hot News! Panagiotis Alygizakis – First Matsubayshi Shorin Ryu Karate Do beginner already knows Fukyu Kata Ichi, and is on his way to Fukyu Kata Ni. Official Start Date: September 5th, 2012

“I should have started earlier” he lamented! (Isn’t this what they all say?) Born in Athens, Panos as he is affectionately called, has roots in historic Hania, Crete, and goes there to rest at every opportunity. A successful Physical Therapist by profession, Panos played Basketball during his growing up years…

Okinawa Eisa "If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything." Mark Twain

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