summer programs Get inspired this summer! Classes available for ages 3–19.
about Arts Umbrella Arts Umbrella programs allow children and youth access to the tangible benefits of arts education through the joys of creating and learning. Children and youth that participate in the arts can: • • • • • •
Gain a wider view of themselves and their opportunities in the world Develop self-confidence and self-worth Explore and develop creativity and innovation Develop an ability to make decisions independently Learn to set and achieve goals Improve their odds of success in all areas of their lives
Through activities that are challenging, meaningful, and based on strong arts education principles, exposure to the arts can benefit our youngest citizens throughout their lives. Since 1979, Arts Umbrella bas been committed to delivering the highest quality visual and performing arts education to young people. A not-for-profit organization, Arts Umbrella relies on the support of the community to deliver high-quality arts education experiences through tuition-based programs, and free-of-charge outreach programs delivered throughout Metro Vancouver. To learn more, visit www.artsumbrella.com/support
summer programs Arts Umbrella Summer Programs offer an intensive arts-infused learning experience. Through hands-on theatre, dance, visual, digital arts, professional programs and early learning classes, children and youth have the opportunity to be immersed in creative discovery and fun, learning while they are free from their regular school work. www.artsumbrella.com/summer Summer Program sessions each run for 10 days, Monday – Friday Session 1: July 4–15 | Registration opens May 3 Session 2: July 18–29 | Registration opens May 5 Half day, ages 3–4: $300* / Half day, ages 5–19: $380* / Full day, ages 6–19: $760* *Unless otherwise noted.
how to participate 1. Create an account. BEFORE registering, set up or confirm required online account details at www.artsumbrella.com. 2. Choose a session. Register for one or both sessions: July 4–15 and/or July 18–29. 3. Determine appropriate age category. To ensure the best experience, participants must be the correct age by program start date. 4. Choose morning, afternoon, or full day. Full day programming available for ages 6 through 19. 5. Apply for a bursary. Is your family facing financial hurdles to participation? Bursary applications are available online or from Arts Umbrella. Submit completed application by April 26. 6. Register. Go to www.artsumbrella.com to register online. Registrations may also be completed in person at Granville Island or by fax (see back). You will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive confirmation within 7 days, contact Arts Umbrella. 7. Come to class! All classes take place at Arts Umbrella’s Granville Island studios, unless otherwise specified.
guidelines 1. Arts Umbrella programs can be an intensive learning experience. As there is no play-activity component of Arts Umbrella programs, it can be challenging for our youngest artists to participate for an entire day. Please consider your child’s needs and comfort level before registering for a full day of classes. 2. The activities programmed for each Session (1 and 2) are the same. If you register your child for the same classes in Session 1 and Session 2, they will encounter the same activities. 3. For ages 5–6, activities in the morning and afternoon are also the same. Registering in a full day is not recommended as your child will encounter the same activities in the morning and the afternoon, and will NOT have supervision for lunch. 4. Full day participants are responsible for their own, peanut-free lunches and snacks. Participants 13 years and older will not be supervised during lunch break. 5. For safety reasons, participants require a basic understanding of the English language. 6. NOTE: assistance with online registration account setup will NOT be available May 3–6 due to limited staff capacity. Please confirm account details in advance. Information in this brochure is considered correct at time of printing, and may be subject to change. Please refer to www.artsumbrella.com for the most up-to-date information. For full cancellation and transfer details, visit www.artsumbrella.com/summer
early childhood
ages 3–4
morning session only: 9:30–11:30 am ART START Children learn about line, shape, colour and pattern through themes from art history and their own imagination using watercolour, tempera paints, oil pastels, chalks and paper collage. DRESS UP DRAMA The sharing of stories and myths from around the world sets the scene for the children’s journeys through the landscape of imagination. Through inspirational theatre games, children create their own stage and pretend to be fantastical creatures, using costumes from Arts Umbrella’s ‘tickle trunk’.
ages 5–6
morning session: 9:30 – 12:15 pm OR afternoon session: 1:00 – 3:45 pm MIXED MEDIA Children participate in two- and three-dimensional art creation, exploring colour, pattern and texture. In a studio filled with exciting materials and tools, children will turn their original imaginative ideas into works of art. CREATIVE DRAMA A class packed with fun and exhilarating theatre games, encouraging children to develop their imagination, creativity and self confidence. They will learn the beginnings of improvisation, mime and movement.
ages 6 –12 morning session: 9:30 – 12:15 pm AND/OR afternoon session: 1:00 – 3:45 pm
CARTOONING* (ages 6–8) Invent images in a variety of media including coloured pencil, pastel, markers and paper cut-outs. Learn the tricks of the cartooning trade by creating funny faces, animals, monsters and comical backgrounds. MIXED MEDIA* (ages 6–8) Participate in two- and three-dimensional art creation, exploring colour, pattern and texture. In a studio filled with exciting materials and tools, turn your original ideas into works of art. KID TECH* (ages 7–8) Plunge into the world of multi-media art and learn to use digital video recorders, and software such as Photoshop and iMovie. Develop confidence with the creation of digital imagery, such as animation and video. clay, mixed media & sculpture* (ages 6–8, 9–12) Create two- and three-dimensional projects using tempera, watercolour, pastel, chalk and a variety of found objects. Study pattern, texture and colour as you learn to use clay, wood, fabric, paper and other materials in unconventional ways. CREATIVE DRAMA* (ages 6–8, 9–12) A class packed with fun and exhilarating theatre games to develop your imagination, creativity and self confidence. Learn the beginnings of improvisation, mime and movement. DRAWING AND PAINTING* (ages 6–8, 9–12) Discover composition, design, colour and art history as you create your own art using charcoal, oil pastel, tempera, chalk, pen and ink. Develop your visual perception skills while exploring natural forms, abstract concepts and still life.
THE FINE ART OF HANGING OUT** (ages 6–8, 9–12) Explore Vancouver with an artist’s eye. Take your Arts Umbrella backpack filled with watercolours, pastels, conté pencils, sketch board and paper, and discover beaches, wildlife, parks, museums, galleries and artist studios. Interpret your summer experience in “en plein-air” (in the open air) artworks. musical theatre (ages 6–8, 9–12) For those who love to sing, dance and act, familiarize yourself with musical theatre repertoire through ensemble pieces, solos, vocal training, choreography and improvisation. Learn how to prepare and perform an audition. Acting WORKSHOP** (ages 9–12) Discover your acting abilities through scene interpretation, gestural language and script work as you focus on improvisation, auditioning skills, characterization and scene study. This class provides one-on-one coaching and helps develop rehearsal skills with the goal of an in-house production. CLASSICAL ANIMATION* (ages 9–12) Use the basics of story development to bring your own characters and drawings to life using flip-books, on-film drawing, puppets, clay, cut-outs and multi-plane animation. COMPUTER ARTS* (ages 9–12) Explore, design and create web pages, animation and movies using software such as Photoshop, Flash and iMovie. Create digital masterpieces for family and friends! MIXED MEDIA* (ages 9–12) Study the world of three-dimensional art forms, and learn about the techniques, materials and methods of sculptural design. Work with wood, paint, clay, papier mâché and found objects to build your creations, using traditional techniques and experimental methods. PHOTOGRAPHY** (ages 10–12) Explore Granville Island with a 35mm camera! Learn how a camera ‘sees’, discover historical processes and create prints in the darkroom. Experiment with aperture, shutter speed, black-and-white film developing, contact printing and enlarging. Build technical skills by creating and composing unique images. YOUTH THEATRE intensive** (ages 11–13) This intensive acting workshop includes a variety of exercises, scene studies and script work to build and enhance your performance skills. Focus on voice, movement, characterization and improvisation and at the end of the session, stage a performance for family and friends. * classes are combined to make 1/2 day programs ** workshops run 1/2 day in length *** intensives run full day in length
ages 13–19 morning session: 9:30 – 12:15 pm AND/OR afternoon session: 1:00 – 3:45 pm
DRAWING AND PAINTING WORKSHOP** (ages 13–19) Free your creativity by playing with colour, form, composition, line and tone. Explore and create abstract and expressive works using traditional and non-traditional drawing and painting materials. THE FINE ART OF HANGING OUT** (ages 13–19) Explore Vancouver with an artist’s eye. Take your Arts Umbrella backpack filled with watercolours, pastels, conté pencils, sketch board and paper, and discover beaches, wildlife, parks, museums, galleries and artist studios. Interpret your summer experience in “en plein-air” (in the open air) artworks. PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP** (ages 13–19) Explore Granville Island with a 35mm camera! Learn how a camera ‘sees’, discover historical processes and create prints in the darkroom. Experiment with aperture, shutter speed, black-and-white film developing, contact printing and enlarging. Build technical skills by creating and composing unique images. SUMMER THEATRE INTENSIVE*** (ages 13–15) Develop your theatrical potential in an intensive, pre-professional setting. Expand your skills in character development, movement, costuming and mask making. The program finishes with a performance. ACT ONE: YOUTH – SUMMER THEATRE INTENSIVE*** (ages 15–19) This project is supported by the Youth Take Charge program at Canadian Heritage. Cost: $1520 (Limited scholarships available. Applications available online.) Program is four weeks (July 4-29, Monday to Friday), and can accommodate 16 students. Prerequisite: Approval of Artistic Director, Theatre by email pmonizdesa@artsumbrella.com. Experience what it is like to rehearse and produce a full length production of a Canadian play, working with veterans of the Vancouver theatre industry to build your theatrical skills and techniques. Final performances at the Waterfront Theatre July 28th and 29th.
schedules ages 3–4
morning session only: 9:30 – 11:30 am 9:30 – 11:30
Art Start and Dress Up Drama or Dress Up Drama and Art Start
ages 5–6
morning session: 9:30 – 12:15 pm OR afternoon session: 1:00 – 3:45 pm 9:30 – 12:15 1:00 – 3:45
Creative Drama and Mixed Media or Mixed Media and Creative Drama Creative Drama and Mixed Media or Mixed Media and Creative Drama
ages 6–8
morning session: 9:30 – 12:15 pm AND/OR afternoon session: 1:00 – 3:45 pm 9:30 – 10:45 Cartooning Mixed Media Musical Theatre 9:30 – 12:15 Fine Art of Hanging Out 11:00 – 12:15 Clay, Mixed Media & Sculpture Creative Drama Kid Tech (ages 7–8) 1:00 – 2:15 Clay, Mixed Media & Sculpture Drawing & Painting Kid Tech (ages 7–8) musical theatre 1:00 – 3:45 Fine Art of Hanging Out 2:30 – 3:45 Cartooning Clay, Mixed Media & Sculpture Mixed Media Musical Theatre
schedules ages 9–12
morning session: 9:30 – 12:15 pm AND/OR afternoon session: 1:00 – 3:45 pm 9:30 – 10:45 9:30 – 12:15 11:00 – 12:15 1:00 – 2:15 1:00 – 3:45 2:30 – 3:45
Clay, Mixed Media & Sculpture Computer Arts Creative Drama Fine Art of Hanging Out Classical Animation Mixed Media Musical Theatre Classical Animation Mixed Media Acting Workshop Architecture (ages 10–12) Photography (ages 10–12) Youth THEATRE Intensive (ages 11–13) Computer Arts Drawing & Painting
ages 13–19
morning session: 9:30 – 12:15 pm AND/OR afternoon session: 1:00 – 3:45 pm 9:30 – 12:15 Drawing & Painting Photography 1:00 – 3:45 Fine Art of Hanging Out Youth THEATRE Intensive (ages 11–13) 9:30 – 3:45 Summer Theatre Intensive (ages 13–15) Act One: Youth (ages 15–19)
get inspired year-round! Arts Umbrella offers programs for all ages and all skill levels, all year! Find out what inspires your young artist in the 2011-2012 program year.
Registration begins June 1, 2011. Teens can benefit from a separate schedule, designed to fit in with academic schedules. Session 1 September 26 – December 4, 2011 (10 weeks) Session 2 January 23 – May 27, 2012 (15 weeks)
general programs (ages 2-12) Registration begins June 1, 2011.
Fall September 12 –December 4, 2011 (12 weeks) Winter January 9 – March 11, 2012 (9 weeks) Spring Monday April 2 – June 10, 2012 (10 weeks)
spring break
Registration begins November 1, 2011. Session 1 March 19-23, 2012 Session 2 March 25-30, 2012
summer programs Session 1 July 3-13, 2012: Registration opens February 7, 2012 Session 2 July 16-27, 2012: Registration opens February 9, 2012
Don’t miss out! Register early to avoid disappointment. Check www.artsumbrella.com for class listings and schedule.
WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Acting Animation Architecture Drawing Painting Fashion Design Film Making Media Arts Mixed Media Musical Theatre Sculpture Photography
Find out. Register today. artsumbrella.com /teens
Trees, by Arts Umbrella Media Arts student
1286 Cartwright Street Granville Island Vancouver, BC V6H 3R8
Session 1: registration opens Tuesday, May 3 Session 2: registration opens Thursday, May 5
SESSION 1: July 4–15 | SESSION 2: July 18–29
Arts Umbrella is a not-for-profit centre for arts education for young people, dedicated to inspiring kids for life through the arts. Phone: 604.681.5268 x222 Fax: 604.681.5272 registration@artsumbrella.com Design Partner: Identica Branding And Design
Printing Partner: Hemlock Printers
Photo Credit: Kyoko Fierro, Kate Henderson