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Silt fence tiebacks were designed using a Visual Basic (VBA) coded spreadsheet design tool was developed to assist practitioners in the proper design of silt fence tieback systems to be used on highway construction sites. The tool uses the mathematical concepts outlined along with the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Curve Number (CN) method to determine an adequate tieback spacing that will accommodate a user specified rainfall event. The tool is composed of two components which are: (1) the stormwater runoff component and (2) the silt fence storage capacity component. The details of these two components are were used to determine an appropriate tieback configuration on an ALDOT job site.
SEDspread is a user-friendly spreadsheet-based design tool for designers to appropriately size sediment basin parameters. The workbook allows users to input site specific parameters and constraints to determine: basin capacity and configuration, surface skimmer size and dewatering rate, auxiliary spillway design, and baffle configuration. The workbook includes a summary sheet that provides users with schematics of the designed basin, available as a supplement to facilitate effective communication between designers and contractors for constructing/installing the basin. SEDspread includes geospatially derived and referenced data that allows for automated selection of design hydrologic and soil conditions through the input of a project location’s U.S. ZIP code. Sizing can be based off: local 2-yr, 24-hr rainfall event (by ZIP code), regulatory guidance or through manual sizing input. ,
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
SEDspread is a user-friendly spreadsheet-based design tool for designers to appropriately size sediment basin parameters. The workbook allows users to input site specific parameters and constraints to determine: basin capacity and configuration, surface skimmer size and dewatering rate, auxiliary spillway design, and baffle configuration. The workbook includes a summary sheet that provides users with schematics of the designed basin, available as a supplement to facilitate effective communication between designers and contractors for constructing/installing the basin. SEDspread includes geospatially derived and referenced data that allows for automated selection of design hydrologic and soil conditions through the input of a project location’s U.S. ZIP code. Sizing can be based off: local 2-yr, 24-hr rainfall event (by ZIP code), regulatory guidance or through manual sizing input. ,
Silt fence tiebacks were designed using a Visual Basic (VBA) coded spreadsheet design tool was developed to assist practitioners in the proper design of silt fence tieback systems to be used on highway construction sites. The tool uses the mathematical concepts outlined along with the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Curve Number (CN) method to determine an adequate tieback spacing that will accommodate a user specified rainfall event. The tool is composed of two components which are: (1) the stormwater runoff component and (2) the silt fence storage capacity component. The details of these two components are were used to determine an appropriate tieback configuration on an ALDOT job site.
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