Dingsdabumsda Issue 13

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The Arts Institute Student Union Magazine

Olly Spratley Editor and direction Nick Jowitt Lead design and illustration


Introducing Chloe Whittaker and the SU team


Welcome Fresher’s 2007. Fresher’s week listings and advice


Anne Dixon provides a low down on the upwardly mobile AIB organisation


Bournemouth Guide takes a look around town and out to sea

Seb Brookhouse

Design and illustration


Hot Topics - More from your Student Union President

Joe Harrison

Design and illustration


Summer Photo focus

Josh Akers

Design and words


Summer Show - The SU Graduation showcase

Laura Murphy

Words and editorial


Always a moral to a good story your Vice President Marco spins a yarn, yah!

Suzie Irlam

Words and research

Lauren Parsons

Editorial support


Awareness cartoon - second generation Boy’s Own artist guest illustrates

Jennifer Newbury Short story


Muse’o Moonshine - the formative years of art-pop groups

Matt Broughton

Words and photos


Littel bird drops in

Holly Jones

Little Bird editor


Festival focus Welly competiton inside, thrown out

Anna Haigh

Guest illustrator


Film Feature - new releases and some You Tube shorts

Marco kappert



New architecture - building for the future

Rob reed


10 tongue in cheek ways to blow your student loan

Rufus Blacklock


62 63 64

A short story with beautiful illustration

Cover Illustration Image - p.7

Joe Harrrison Nick Jowitt


Sport social Art students thinking inside and outside the box


Student Travel feature: Shanghai summer sabbatical


A guide to local entertainments


Students making their marks, stories from around the globe

New advertisers and contributors contact olly.spratley@gmail.com Printed in Great Britain by Epic Print Ltd, Dorchester

Politics - Admission Impossible 2


issue13 Issue 13 put together by the virtual seat of our pants with designers and writers working remotely spread countrywide off-term but


on-line. However, it was the Deans Park pub proving


that some things never change with fortuitous

Hi Everyone! I’d like to introduce myself, my

business strokes of serendipity made at this very

names Chloe Whittaker and I’m your new

local boozer thus providing the vital ingredients of the human touch and a pint of Devizes 6X. A huge thank you to all contributors and to willing

AIB Students’ Union President for the year 2007/2008. As your President, a full time

hands offered up, even if perhaps you were not

Sabbatical Officer, I am here as a representative

called upon, knowing you were out there gave the

for you, the student body. Marco Kappert is your

necessary support making this issue possible.

Vice President and is also the Education and

This time round we have gone for wide ranging

Welfare Officer. We were voted in to represent

topics from student top up fees to a new feature: Muse’o Moonshine, an in-depth look into European pop bands and how they were, in some cases

you and work with you. We anticipate another exciting year for students at the AIB

formed whilst at university, setting themselves apart within the world of performance art


(England’s example: The Chemical Brother’s).

As Union Sabbatical Officers Marco and I

So go out there and collaborate and create whilst

undertake a broad range of responsibilities

making the most of your studies. Thanks to the AIB, the AIB SU, former editors of Dingsda and everyone that has contributed in all

and activity, from representing you, the Student Body, at various meetings within The Arts

previous issues. Here we are now. Hurray and

Institute at Bournemouth such as; Governor’s

good luck!

Board and Academic Board to ensure you are

Thank you.

provided with a good quality education and provision is made for all your justified needs

Olly Spratley: Editor & Communications Officer olly.spratley@gmail.com


AIBSU Executive Team Bi-elections October 2007

Women’s Officer POSITION OPEN

and expectations. But, we can only do this if we know what your needs and expectations are, therefore we encourage you to get involved in Students’ Union activities and ensure your voice

Hello there every body!

is heard because we do have the capabilities and

Welcome back to an all new year

power to ensure change happens! You have the

here at the institution that we call home.

opportunity to participate in debates, seminars,

I’d just like to take this opportunity to introduce,

annual general meetings and discussions that

as well as to tell you something about myself.

we are holding as well as voting in elections

For those of you that don’t know me. My name

or even running your own club or society. We can also support you by offering advice and guidance throughout the organisation of your course fund-raising events. We advise you inform us of the dates of these, to ensure they

is Marco Kappert and I will be working as your Vice President throughout this year. I have been studying here for the last four years, first starting off as a foundation student in foundation media the as time went on I progressed to a BA student in the BA film production course. I think it’s also

do not conflict with other events, in order for

necessary to mention that I was an international

you to get the best out of your fund-raiser.

student and had to deal with every thing that that implies.

Check out ‘Hot Topics in AIB SU’ for more information on forthcoming events, activities

Well that’s enough about me.


I suppose this is the part that I tell you what I can






do for you this year. Well first and foremost I and

Students’ Union!!!

Chloe Whittaker (the President) have been working hard for a good part of the summer in order to put together a newly revitalized fresher’s week that I hope all of you enjoy. We have also been organizing other events to take place throughout the year, events such as Halloween and an x-mass ball. We are also both adamant that the number of clubs and societies grow, so I will be attempting to start up a golf team. However if you have any ideas for any clubs and societies, please don’t hesitate to come see me in our wee little office next to the arts bar.

Many Thanks, Chloe Whittaker

Ps enjoy, you are only a student one so make the

AIB SU President

most of it…

Contact: cwhittaker@aib.ac.UK / 01202363102

Marco Kappert

Further Education Officer

Mature Students Officer

Black Students Officer Post Graduate Officer






SU Executive Officers

Students With Disabilities Officer Hey I’m Emma Ward, I am working in the student union this year as the Students With Disabilities Officer. I am currently in year two of my Costume BA and know that the first year can be a little scary to begin with, especially for

Events Officer

those with disabilities. I have dyslexia which although I had suspected, wasn’t diagnosed

You probably have seen me running around

until I came to the Institute, I went SU and

university or at house parties/nights out. My

applied successfully for the SWD position after

name’s Hayley Smith and I’m the Events Officer

I had taken the screening. Over the past year I

for this year!

worked behind the scenes of the uni’’’’ attending meetings and beginning to get to grips with

I am currently studying BA (Hon’s) Arts and

how the Institute deals with issues concerning

Event Management. I am part of the netball

different disabilities.

team; I love student socials and feel that we need more.

This year I am hoping to be more of a student to student role as well continuing what I

I’m originally from South London and came to

started last year. I will be available to any

our university not knowing anyone. I found

student who wants questions answered about

that going to these student events helped me

what the institute has available for student

to meet people; therefore I think events are an

with disabilities and how they can access it.

important part of student life.

The other aspect of my role will simply be a friend to build on confidence and help in

I want to make the student union bigger

some situations.

this year, by working with the union’s officers to organise more student nights

As a student who is in a similar position I

which are different and accessible for all

understand that confidentiality is important so

people’s choices.

unless asked by you to do otherwise, any issues we talk about will remain between

Please feel free to pop into the student union

us only. So please if you would like to meet or

to give suggestions on what events you want

even just e-mail don’t hesitant to contact me

this year or just to say hey!

either by going to the SU office or on 3143125@ aib.ac.uk.

Hayley Smith


Emma Ward Secretary

Communications Officer



L.G.B.T Officer

International Officer

This will be my third year representing L.G.B.T.

We often hear about the AIB flowing with

students, and hopefully it’ll be the most successful

international students on every course. There

year yet. There is a great deal I’d like to do and a

are people from more countries than most of

considerable amount I’d like to have achieved by

us can name walking around the institute. But

the time I abandon this life for one of uncertainty

what are they like? Why are they here?

and poverty (i.e. post graduation). However, without the support and feedback from the student body,

As a Norwegian student in England, I often get questions like “what

none of it will be achievable.

languages do you speak?”, “what kind of weird food do you eat in Norway?” and “what do you think of the English culture?” I think I speak

I’d like to raise the profile of the Union, and work

for most internationals when I say: We’re not that different from you

with our sister University to bring the L.G.B.T.

guys. Really. Well, some of us Norwegians tend to have a great love for

students at the ‘stute more of what they’d like. It

our brown cheese.

could be more club nights and socials, or serious campaigning for NUS and local organisations. I

A day for me is like any day for any person in the institute. I wake up in

recently took part in the 10k Brighton Equality walk,

the morning, walk into uni’, have a drink in the refectory before running

and would love to see the Institute represented on

around having tutorials, working in the library and all that student stuff

a larger scale next year, to give but one example.

we all have to cope with. I don’t do a funny walk, I don’t eat weird food and I don’t know that many languages. In fact, there are times I feel

But none of this will be possible without the student

I don’t know any languages at all! And when it comes to the English

body. Raising awareness of my position and what it

culture: I am really surprised (and happy) to see you’re not all about tea

entails at Fresher’s fair will hopefully introduce our

and biscuits.

new students to this faction, and remind returning students of my existence. Not that it is easy to

International students often hear we are “really brave” coming over here

forget, mind you. Representing our interests at

to study. But are we? For me, the only thing really being different is that

Institute forums and at National Conference is still

I have a longer way home. Most of the internationals can’t really afford

of high priority, but to be honest I’d like to take a

going home for the weekend, and when we do, we have to remember a

more active role within the Institute itself and cater

passport in order to get there.

more for the needs of the individual.

Being International Students Officer, I feel it is my duty to promote and If you have any feedback, or want to share

enhance the international community at the AIB. We have got a great

ideas/ problems/ drama/ gossip/ a drink please

community at the moment, but if you’ve got any suggestions

feel free at reasonable hours to find me in the

about what more I can do for you guys, or you want

Union office, my studio (next to Acting and

to help out or need some help setting something

above Fashion) or you could even e-mail me via

up, I’m all ears. After all, I’m here for you!


Noel Turner Thanks to Rebekah Issac: SU Admin

Nadia Kristiansen Tokerud


RAG Officer

Sports Officer

Hi, My name is Dani and I am the RAG officer

Due to vast developments last year in the sports at AIB we are able

for this academic year. Since being at The Arts

now to compete in our three most developed sports. As many of you

Institute getting involved in charity work isn’t

may know the Arts Institute hasn’t had much in the way of sport and

something that has ever been advertised, or

recreation over the last few years. The student union are attempting

if it has it hasn’t been that successful! Well,

to change that at the moment. The AIB football team are affiliated to

this year I want all that to change. I’m an Arts

SESSA this year which is the sporting league that enables us to compete

and Events management student in my third

against other institutes and Degree colleges. We will be holding trials,

year and I will be coordinating heavily with the

and selecting 20 players to be part of our 11 aside football squad on

events officer to get raising money for charity

the first Friday of term. (times and locations will be specified) We will

higher on the Student Unions agenda.

also be continuing our 5 a side mini tournament every Wednesday from 5-7 where everyone is welcome, which costs £1. If you wish to play 5 a

There is so much that the student body can

side more competitively we also play in an indoor 5 a side league which

do. From small things like sponsored walks

we won last year against university teams, and an outdoor 6 a side

(sounds cheesy, but every little helps!) to

league. If you want to be considered for any of the team, commitment

club nights and much more! I’m also looking

is necessary.

into the possibility of organising relief work, or travelling to another country and working

If you hate football we also have a Basketball team which plays of

in schools. With so many talented people

Fridays 5-7 at uni’ sports hall, and a netball team which plays on

at the Institute we could go some great

Monday 5- 6.30 at 5 a side courts. . We also have a badminton club

stuff! Helping charities doesn’t always mean

which plays on Wednesdays from 5-7 at uni’ sports hall. Times will be

reaching in your pockets, there’s lots of things

confirmed as soon as courts have been re-booked.

that can be done that only require your time (and for those of you rolling your eyes at that

Look out for notices for Kickboxing and Yoga which will be continuing

slightly corny sentence, it looks great on your

this year, or contact the student union for more information.

CV as well!) We urge anyone who wishes to play or start up any other sports club or The University is right on our doorstep and it

society to come to the student union as we can help support you. The

puts us to shame! I know that they are a lot

university also caters for a wider range of activities, most of which we

bigger then us, and they probably have a lot

can partake in.

more funding, but I think with the help of all the SU team, The Arts Institute can really make a valuable contribution to our society.


Daniella Rorison

Matt Broughton




Mon Tue

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

st nd

Wed Thu Fri


th th

Sat Sun


Freshers’ Week 2007 Monday 1st – Sunday 7th October 2007 Zoo @ Litten Tree Zoo themed attire. Are you a cheeky monkey or feisty tiger!? Beach Olympics @ Bournemouth Beach Beach attire. Can you build the biggest sand castle!? Pass the pigs @ 2XS Pass the Pigs gaming event. Which country will you represent? DJ Chris Pedley @ Consortium DJ’s present ALTERNATIVE KARAOKE Grand Tour @ Bars + Clubs in Bournemouth Waterproof attire. Make sure you wearing your Official Bar Crawl 2007 t-shirt! Daytime fun + BBQ @ The Arts Institute at Bournemouth Challenge your friends to compete in the Laser Bug! 2020ROCKS FRIDAYS @ 2020 3 Rooms, 2 floors, one club and an amazing line up… We Are Your Friends @ The Firestation Bournemouth’s first & biggest Electro/Indie/Rave returns to the Old Fire Station. Las Vegas Freshers’ Ball @ Aruba Dazzling Las Vegas style Grand Ball!

th Tickets on sale from Thursday 27th September 2007 from SU + Finance WRISTBANDS - ONLY £30 FOR THE WEEK!


Six Tips to survive Freshers’ Week 1. Make sure you eat well. Your mum was right in telling you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Not only does it set you up for the day but it also kick starts your metabolism! 2. Drink LOTS of water. It will help hydrate your body and will aid those hangovers, it is also said to help with concentration. 3. Get plenty of sleep. (If you can). Don’t over do it, you have the rest of the year to explore the nightlife that Bournemouth has to offer. Believe me, when you get to the third year you will be wishing you had saved some energy! 4. Watch your drinks! Be aware of where you put your drink or whom you leave it with. Don’t except drinks from strangers unless you can see it being pored. Unfortunately, drink spiking has been an issue in Bournemouth bars and clubs in the past. 5. Turn up to your lectures! The information you receive, although you may find it boring, is invaluable to the rest of your life at the AIB. 6. Make the most of it! Enjoy it and don’t get so drunk that you are unable to socialise or remember all those nice people you meet! A quick note on the ‘’D’’ word… So you are at one of your first parties, you are socialising with new friends, chilling out and eager to ‘fit in’ – when somebody offers you drugs – so what do you do? * Option 1: Take it! – First time for everything, right? * Option 2: Stop, think – decline the offer, experimenting with new drugs, with people you don’t know is not really the sensible option and regardless of what you think people will respect you for saying NO. Drugs (and herbal highs for that matter) are unpredictable, the effect can vary from one person to another, with factors like where you are, who you are with and what your general state of mind is. No-one can tell you whether to take them or not, but one thing is for sure – the more you know about them and their effects the better. If you need more information or wish to talk to somebody about drugs please contact; FRANK – 0800 776600 or e-mail frank@talktofrank.com AIB Student Services – 01202 363 032



OPEN07 ArtSway invites artists to submit work for selection to ArtSway Open07 ArtSway Open07: 8 December 2007 - 10 February 2008 ArtSway’s annual Open exhibition is an opportunity for artists at all stages of their career and from all disciplines to show work in the ArtSway galleries. The winner of Open07 will be selected for a solo exhibition at ArtSway in 2008.

Selectors: Mark Segal, Director ArtSway Peter Bonnell, Curator, ArtSway Michael Stanley, Director, Milton Keynes Gallery Joel Papps, Artist and Open06 winner How to submit work: Works may be submitted by post in CD, slide or DVD format etc, or as actual work on the dates stated below. Dates for Submission: Deadline for postal applications: 5pm Wed 24 October 2007 Submission of actual work: 11am - 5pm on Fri 26, Sat 27, Sun 28 October 2007

Leasing Land to John Doe

Costs: £20 for up to 3 works submitted by slide, etc. £10 per actual work (up to three works) Application Forms: All submissions must be accompanied by an ArtSway Open07 application form. These are available by: Sending an SAE to: Open07, ArtSway, Station Road, Sway, Hampshire S041 6BA Downloading from: www.artsway.org.uk/exh_future.htm [Further details and information included with Application Forms]

An exhibition of new works by Cara Sutherland and Karin Tui Peters Opening Night 18th October - 5pm onwards Exhibition Runs October 18th-24th 2007 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm Sat 10am-6pm Et Cetera Art Gallery 1a Darnley Road, Hackney London E9 6QH 0208 985 4617

ArtSway Open07 is sponsored by Lashmars of Lymington www.leasinglandtojohndoe.co.uk Sutherland.cara@googlemail.com Karintuipeters@hotmail.com

ArtSway Trust limited. A Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England No. 394397. A Registered Charity No. 1080107

New Year, New buildings! Our new Phase IV building will be completed within the next few weeks. This building represents the completion of our 1999 Estates Strategy and gives the AIB a distinctive, high profile entrance to the campus. It will house the main reception, various business sections such as Finance, Registry, Marketing and the International Office and our Graphic Design and Architecture students will have their studios on the 1st and 2nd floors. With a birds eye view of the whole campus and beyond, the “pent house” will provide offices for the Principal and Deputy Principal and their staff as well as a Boardroom. On the ground floor there is also a 166 seater lecture theatre so I’m sure most of you will be visiting the building over the course of your studies here at AIB. Our architects, Lee Fitzgerald and the rest of the design team have provided us with, what we hope you will all agree, is an exciting, contemporary and beautiful addition to our working environment. No doubt those aspiring architects amongst you will let us know in Institute Services if they have any comments! Of course the story doesn’t end there. With all the new space created and many staff

relocating to Phase IV, that has given us the opportunity for refurbishment and to improve the functionality of the existing accommodation. Most notably, we have now provided purpose built accommodation for our Arts & Event Management course in Phase I (where Finance and Registry used to be) and the old Portakabin has been replaced with a new Northlight Studio which now completes the run of Fine Art accommodation along the eastern side of the campus. Note the new, clever infill “pods” between the studios which will improve security and enable everyone to move amongst them without getting wet, on the odd day when it rains in sunny Bournemouth! It’s been a very busy, and at various times, exciting, stressful, but never dull, summer. We in Institute Services and other service sections hope that you appreciate our efforts to get everything ready for a brilliant start to your new academic year but we are always looking for ways to improve and welcome comments either through your membership of committees, through the SU or individually. With very best wishes Anne Dixon Director Institute Services




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Watersports As Bournemouth is a coastal town

entirety. Considered to be the only place

you’ll find it hard to travel without being

in the world with unbroken evidence of

influenced someway by water sports. With

185 million years of evolution, the Dorset

the surrounding area of Bournemouth and

coastline is the ideal place for sailing, or

Poole renowned for its outdoor activities,

for those a bit more adventurous there are

you have the chance to try and enjoy things

kayaking tours, a unique way to take-in the

you may have never had the chance to do.

scenery and clear the head the morning after the night before.

The surfing Scene is steadily progressing in this cosmopolitan town. And in the

A 20 minute drive north west from

depths of winter you shall see a small

Bournemouth, Ellingham lake near

gathering of hardcore surfers either side

Ringwood can be found provideing one of

of the pier. From novices to professionals,

the best places to wakeboard and water

weather according, there is something for

ski. With expert tuitions and a sought after

everyone. The culture surrounding this

fleet, people travel far and wide, from

sport is firmly established within fashion

Somerset, Bristol, Sussex and London.

and music. Leading surf label Animal bases

The general atmosphere is relaxed and an

its headquarters in Poole and Criminal

enthusiastic group of ‘locals’ will help in

is in Bournemouth. Surfing on the south

any needs of assistance.

coast started in the 1960’s, with such surf spots as The Bournemouth Pier, Boscombe

If something less active is your game, not

Pier, Highcliffe, Kimmeridge Bay and

a million miles away from the hustle of

Southbourne Beach. Each of which offer a

everyday life is Lulworth Cove and Durdle

steady and safe location.

Door. They provide a great escape with stunning vista and generally a good day

Poole offers a selection of watersports


that may appeal to a different taste. Over the past 15 years Poole harbour has

But be warned, Dorset’s calm seaside

become one of the most popular spots for

reputation can be misleading as the ocean

kitesurfing and windsurfing. Sandbanks

is no different than anywhere else on the

provides clean cut windsurfing within

world, without significant knowledge of

a wealth of grand designs and natural

the tides, currents and your own capability,


the sea can turn fatal. As was the case of a lecturer at Southampton Uni who drowned

From the cliffs of the Isle Of Wight, through

in March 2007 after his kite collapsed in the

Dorsets Jurassic coastline to the far side

sea at Southbourne.

of Portland, one can marvel at nature in its





Starting out on your own in a completely

If you feel like splashing some of your loan

new place can certainly be daunting, but

on some ready prepared food, don’t reach

don’t worry; you’ll soon get to know the

for that pizza menu too soon! Along the

ropes. Bournemouth has an endless list of

same road you will find an endless choice

things to keep you entertained in those

of reasonably priced eateries. If you like to

well-deserved breaks from hard study.

stick to what you know there’s everything from your trusty Chinese and Indian

Winton and Charminster are the main

restaurants and take-aways to Spanish tapas

student residential areas, and both have

bars, Italian bistros and a French creperie.

some great hidden gems. Take ‘Makkah’

For those of you who like to treat your

for example; an Oriental grocers on the

gastronomic senses to something new, how

Charminster Road that offers an amazing

about trying Tunisian, Moroccan,

selection of fresh fruit, veg and things you

Moorish, Korean, Thai, Berber or

will have never seen before. It’s reasonably

even Lebanese. (Oh and ‘Anatolia’

priced too, so there’s no excuse to be eating

kebab is an essential pit-stop on a

beans on toast everyday.

late night stumble home!)

Makkah O

riental G


Another heavily student-populated area is Boscombe. Although it may not look like the most glamorous part of town at the moment, things are


be Chine



beginning to change. Millions of pounds are currently being spent on rejuvenating it. Its ‘Chine Gardens’ have just been re-vamped and the pier has a completely new look to bring it into the 21st Century, but that doesn’t even get close to being as exciting as the new Surf Reef. In the process of construction as you read this, Bournemouth is going to be home to Europe’s only

Boscombe Peer

artificial reef, and one of only five in the

your entrance. An alternative is

world. As you would imagine, it is going to

the hugely popular ‘60 Million

attract thousands of visitors each year and

Postcards’. Whether you

in preparation for this, contemporary, chic

pop in at lunch for a bottle

apartments are springing up around the

of strawberry cider and a

town, as well as plans for surf shops and

‘pint of chips’ (literally served

restaurants along the beach front.

in a beer glass) or you want a few drinks in the evening before heading onto the clubs, it

If you feel like hitting the beach but want to

always seems the place to be and on the first

escape the majority of tourists, head down to

Sunday of every month they have craft and

Canford Cliffs (towards Poole), or the luscious

curiosity market.

white-shores of Sandbanks (home to some of the most expensive real estate in the world).

You’ll get to know most of the clubs during

Or take the opposite direction past Boscombe

your Fresher’s Week I’m sure, but the final

down to Southbourne and Hengistbury Head.

place to check out which will prove vital through that very important week, not to

The hustle and bustle of Bournemouth’s

mention the rest of the year, is Westbourne’s

town centre makes for a great student night

‘Alter Ego’ fancy dress shop. There are loads

out, with a great choice of pubs, bars and

scattered around Bournemouth but

clubs. Newly opened ‘Aruba’

this seems to have the

restaurant and bar is situated at

best selection of

the pier entrance and its balcony

crazy outfits and

takes advantage of its great

reasonable prices

location with beautiful views

to match.

over the beaches and across the sea to the Isle of Wight and Old

Laura Murphy

Harry Rocks at Swanage. It boasts a constantly buzzing atmosphere that adds to its stylish décor, and you’re even greeted by a parrot on


Chloe Whittaker's - SU President HOT TOPICS DATES FOR YOUR DIARY! •

Mon 1st until Sun 7th Oct 2007 - Freshers’ Week 2007 @ various venues and locations in Bournemouth

Mon 1st & Tue 2nd Oct 2007 - Freshers’ Fair 2007 @ The Arts Institute at Bournemouth

Sat 20th Oct 2007 – Student Representative training

Wed 17th Oct 2007 – Executive Team training

Wed 31st Oct 2007 – Halloween Ball @ Consortium

Sun 9th Dec 2007 – Christmas Ball @ The Fire Station

Dates to be confirmed - Executive Team meetings and Student Council meetings



Student Unions were born out of a much larger

Be an Executive Officer? Play a

organisation, the National Union of Students

effective and proactive Students’ Union and work on a voluntary basis

over 40 years ago. Student Unions have the

in collaboration with the Sabbatical Officers. Alternatively you could

capabilities to fight for your rights as students,

stand as a Student Representative who represents both your course

both on a local and national level. You pay a

and other student matters throughout the Institute. Additionally we are

lot of money and in some cases take big steps

always looking for Graphic Designers, Illustrators, Film Makers, Arts and

in order to enter Further and Higher Education

Event Managers and many others to help and assist the activities of the

and we are here to ensure you get value for

Students’ Union throughout the year. We provide training for most of the

money and are provided with a suitable and

positions available and some of you have the opportunity to develop

well equipped working environment, are treated

your skills and knowledge by participating in NUS training and conference

fairly and have a fruitful student experience.

events held throughout the country. By joining the Students’ Union you

I encourage you to drop by and see us any

have the opportunity to make change happen and develop skills and

time if you wish to discuss issues related

experience that will benefit you for life!

pivotal role in the success of an

to your courses, tutors, welfare, education,


accommodation, campaigns and any other

NUS Extra Cards

activities related to your rights as students. We

NUS Extra Cards are now available to buy for ONLY £10 from the AIB

will offer advice, point you in the right direction

Students' Union providing student discounts as listed in the accompanying

ensuring as best we can that you have a

info booklet. Other organisations also offer discounts, so having a card

fulfilling educational and pastoral experience.

is definitely WORTH IT!!! You will need 2 original passport size photos of yourself and £10 in cash in order to purchase your new card.

Bi-elections Could you be the next Further Education Officer or Post Graduate Officer!? You have the chance to work as part of the Students’ Union on a part time voluntary basis to ensure the rights of students are defended, fought for and extended! AIBSU Bi-elections will be taking place during the first two weeks of October 2007. If you are interested in applying for one of the positions available please contact AIBSU at studentunion@aib.ac.uk or 01202 363286 or drop in and see us ASAP. NEW AIBSU WEBSITE….. COMING SOON! This academic year of 2007/2008 you will see the launch of the NEW AIBSU Website. You will be involved! Keep an eye out for when the site goes live! NEW AIB HOODIES…... COMING SOON! We will be introducing new design, purchase from AIBSU during opening times. So, stay tuned and don’t miss the chance of grabbing one of these original garments. Current AIBSU hoodies are still available to buy; drop in any time… £15 to buy today! Below: (Vice president) Marco

Students’ Union display boards SU






boards throughout the Institute grounds to enable

Kappert and Chloe Whittaker (president)

communication for latest news, topics, debates, jobs, campaigns, events, venues and revolutions! If you have something to advertise PLEASE come and see us to publish your thang!.

Landlords and Accommodation If you have any issues or problems with your accommodation or landlords please feel free to contact AIBSU or Student Services any time for advice and guidance. Chloe Whittaker: AIBSU President







Vincent Vincent & the Villains. Fire Festival 2007. Photos: Matthew Broughton



19 - 21 Exeter Road Bournemouth BH2 5AF Tel: (01202) 292697 sixtymillionpostcards.com myspace.com/60millionpostcards Opening Hours Sun / Thurs: 12pm - Late Fri / Sat: 12pm - 2am Regulars Cards Available for free, during the week from the bar Drinks / Deals / Peace of mind

Previous Guests Klaxons / Hot Chip / The Rakes / New Young Pony Club / Jo Jo De Freq / Riotous Rockers / Nightmoves (Kitsune) / Jon Carter / Bugged Out / Filthy Dukes / J G Wilkes (Optimo) / Trojan Soundsystem / Chris Coco (Radio 1) / Kid Harpoon / Trash Pussies (Peaches Geldof & Fifi Brown) / The Lovely Jonjo (Durrr/Trash) / The Strange Death Of Liberal England / Andy Smith (Portishead) / Nadia Ksaiba (Our Disco) / Casper C (Fluokids) / Akala / Noah & The Whale / Laura Marling / Peggy Sue & The Pirates / Edward J Hicks / Tare / They Came From The Stars, I Saw Them / stopmakingme (AITBF) / 22 10 In The Pen / Thomas Tantrum / Friends & Family / Jiro and Queenie (Vice Magazine) / Fleeing New York / Lois & Pearl / Geek Chic Soundsystem / Miss Odd Kidd / Paparazzi Street Team / Mixmaster Morris / Absentee / Larry Vegas / Devin Miles (Allez Allez) / Chris Pedley / Dead Kids / Super Nashwan / Heatwave / Jon Kennedy (Grand Central) / Joe Ransom (Kiss FM/Fabric) / Capture The Castle / Lost & Found / True Swamp Neglect / Kodaly’s Code / Dirty Boots Club / Parker and Moneyshot / Boom Bap / Jabba Tha Kut / Baseball Furies (Kitsune) / Tosh Ohta / Bukkake Social Club / Project Mayhem / The Glad Rags / Blind Voyeurs / Erection Section / Mac 3000 / LAMF / We Heart Kinney / Henry’s Phonograph / Skull Juice / Heatwave / deciBelboy / Littel Bird / Charlotte & Iggy / Ear Wax / Random Loop Generator / Six Six Sixties / Strawberry Fields Presents ...

60_mill_aib_jt.indd 1

13/9/07 15:16:43

The summer graduation show always draws in the crowd from far and wide consisting of representatives and practitioners from professional bodies working within the related art, design and media industries often on the look out for new graduates to join their teams. Here we have a few of the many wonderful works exhibited.

Chris Choules

Martin Cannings


Mark Lim

James Putland

Lucy Tavener


Ozymandius Poem by: Percy Bysshe Shelley I met a traveler from an antique land Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert... Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal these words appear: My name is Ozymandius, King of Kings, Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.


Matt Burgess

Matthew Kinealy

Kimberley Lake


HE Costume Show



Butterfly Ball

ActionFest - Chloe Whittaker & Abby Kegg


In this the second issue of the adventures of Marco I have decided to write about something that I’m quite sure not too many of you know about, well none of you fresher’s will know about it but yah… This is of course the time way back when, I lived in the humble little country called Switzerland, where I chipped my front tooth for the first time. Every Saturday I would drive the one and a half hour journey to Geneva in search of a crazy night out (as you do). I would park my car about half a kilometer out of town next to a small little harbor and wait for my mate Wassef to come and pick me up. We would then drive up to his place for some pre-drinks as we jammed and messed around on our skate boards. Normally around 9pm we would hop on the bus and head into town to meet up with the rest of our mates at a brewery called Brassers. Brassers is one of those breweries where you can order 2, 5 or 10 litres of beer in a tower ( a tube with a tap on the bottom), on that particular night we opted for the 10 litre tower between 5 of us and continued to drink. By the time we finished it we were all feeling the effects and by some divine influence our numbers had grown to around 15, then came the unanimous decision to make a break for the old town (the old part of town where most of the better clubs were). After about a 20 minutes walk which should have taken 5-6 minutes and loosing a little over half of our crew, we arrived at the old town. Our mood was loud and that’s just how we were, after all, the amount of English speaking people out on a Saturday night in


Geneva far exceeded the amount of French speakers at any one time. You see, only about 15% of the people living in Geneva are Swiss the rest are frowners. So in effect Geneva, come night was our play ground and since we knew most of the other people out we felt that we could do what we wanted. But any way back to the story, by this time it was about 12pm and we were in the mood for a good old fashion boogie. The bar/club Flannigan’s was suggested and approved, so we made heist. When we got there it seemed as if the people we had thought got lost had ventured straight to the club. We was not too upset so we went straight to the bar and got our drinks in. About 3 hours and 14 European size vodka red bulls later (a European vodka red bull normally implies 1 part red bull 3 parts vodka) I found my self slummed over the bar about to fall, when all of a sudden who should be there but Fazil (he was working behind the bar at the time) luckily he saw that I was not in the right frame of mind and sat me down on a table and consequently proceeded to feed me glass after glass of water (cheers man). Needless to say when the rest of my mates saw me they decided it was about time we made tracks. We must of missed a small storm while we were in the club because the old cobble roads outside the club were soaked. So there we were stumbling up the slippery roads on our long walk home it was at that point where this story becomes a little more interesting. And I do apologies for my rambling but I think it necessary

for you to realize what state of mind I was in. Anyway as we stumbled on our way, who would be walking in the opposite direction to us but two police men making their rounds. Now to this day I have no clue as to why I did what I’m about to tell you, however it seemed like a good idea at the time. What did I do you ask? Well nothing less but look the police right in the eye then turn and run back towards the club. Now I think it’s important to mention that I didn’t have anything on my person to justify running away from the law, but I must have thought it would be a laugh. Needless to say the police were hot on my tail followed by my mates. For a bit I thought I would be able to out run the law, but consequently that night fate was not on my side. The combination of my inebriated state and the unfortunate fact that the old cobble stone road was wet meant that I fell face forwards breaking my fall with my front tooth. Now for some strange reason I

can’t remember what happened next, however this according to my mates is what happened. When they arrived at the spot that the police caught me I was bleeding from the mouth as the law questioned me as to what I was doing running away from them. They then proceeded to plea with the police that I was just wasted and didn’t know what I was doing. Apparently the law had had another case such as mine that night and just told my mates to get me off the streets before or they would arrest me. The next thing I knew I woke up in my car back at the little harbor wandering why half of my tooth was missing… well as you can probably tell the moral of this story can be one of two things, 1. Don’t try and drink 14 vodka red bulls in one night, and 2. Don’t run away from the police for no apparent reason.


why, hello my dear! remember me? er... yes...we’re on the same course

at the pub...

mind if i sit down? hmmm.. I’m off to the loo.

perfect.... with those two out of the way, I can put my evil plan into action

going out for a smoke

huh! thanks sonny!

ahh yes, that’s fine my dear, off you go...

just let it disolve until it’s drop totally invisible... this little fella in her Drink...

then... once she’s drunk it... 36

AIB Student Advice: 01202 36 30 31

Samaritans: 08457 90 90 90

Relate: 08451 30 40 16


! she’s mininee! all m ha!

p taap t

mwahh! ha! ha! ha!

! bang

boo hoo! two new pints my chin! of cider please my beautiful !



boring in here isn’t it? nothing ever happens...


never leave your drink with a stranger always be aware of the danger leave it with a mate or if you’re on a 1st date leave it behind the bar.. safe as in a....manger*?!*!

created by actioncat www.actioncat.co.uk Care Confidential Helpline: 0800 028 2228




Welcome to the first in a series as we take a look at a selection of bands from around the globe. This issue we focus and celebrate with a taste of Euro-pop. First up is Norway as we take a trip from Bournemouth to the delightful Norwegian seaside town of Bergen. 38

Datarock (Norway)

that they are the rope in the middle of the tug of war between

Tell me more!

electronica and raw punk-rock, at least that’s what I make the long and short of it all.

Perhaps Royksopp springs to mind whilst surveying the contemporary music

Datarock have a natural calling back to the period 1977-1882.

scene set with a fjord as your dreamy

Indeed a significant slice of pop history indeed when punk rock

contemplative mindscape of a backdrop.

and electro flourished.

However, here we set our sights on the scene set by the duo of Fredrik Saroea and

Myspace tells us that Datarock debuted in 2000 at Annie’s

Ket-ill known as Datarock.

Monthly Club ‘Pop Till You Drop’...A Dingsdabumsda ‘Muso’ Moonshine manifesto mantra if ever there was one! They went

Blatantly and unashamedly influenced so

on to play the main stage at Barcelona’s Sonar festival following

by bands as polemic as Devo and Talking

that up with a release of Computer Camp Love.

Heads of 70’s and early 80’s fame. An obvious link is Brian Eno the producer of

Datarock intentionally use retro icons to form their countenance

Devo’s most notable album and also the

visually and orally paying particular attention to vehicles of

other half of the collaborative project with

entertainment culture with parodies of Grease’s Summer Nights

Talking Head’s David Byrne, gifting us with

and basing other song lyrics on the classic Commodore 64 (Oh

the immense album My Life Walking In

yes, a whopping 64K of memory!)

The Bush of Ghosts. I quote “Whereas Kraftwerk glorified the Trans Europe Express, A fly-by the Datarock Myspace page

the Autobahn and the Tour de France, Datarock prefer to sing

will cover the following in greater detail

the praises of a more proletarian method of transport the BMX”

however; their blend of pop on the rocks

which according to Fredrick and Ket-Ill “is better than sex”.

essentially consists of the computing

Steady boys!

cocktail of a Casio MT-64 keyboard and a Roland Groove box. Datarock sportingly

Seriously these guys will rock your Martini, perhaps calculated

adorn them-selves in sports-casual red

in their choice of ‘mining the vaults’ of a by-gone era but they do

trackkie’s and wrap-around Porsche

it well and they do it in the Datarock ‘stylee’, great stuff, check

sunnie’s having a fetish for Transformers

them out.

(very last season) and zip about town on bikes too small for their Norwegian frames

Datarock Datarock - album available now.

- the BMX.


“In Norway you would call a computer a

Olly Spratley

data machine” and Fredrick Saroe rallies

Right: Datarock’s

on to explain the irony in this failure of

album. Previous

literal translation is something they choose

page: Datarock on

to play with artistically, or perhaps rather

board their BMX.


Salvatore (Norway)

creation is echoed in the work of Vangelis

Free to Form!

in the theme to Blade runner emanating optimism and emotion all be it to a

A look now at a very different genre of

different beat. “Salvatore is an electronic

music sometimes referred to as freeform

instrumental rock band giving a sense of

and in many ways this one term sums up

spaciousness for us to behold, like the

this particular band focus but hey, here

very lakes or mountains of Norway. In this

are a few more; This bands influence

way, Salvatore very much transcends their

is “motorik” probably spawned by the

German influence”.

German outfit Neu! Free forming euphoric rock jamming to a incessant repetitive

A check on the marvellous musical

4/4 drum beat fashioning a trance state is

research website www.Allmusic.com

said to be of their genesis - or perhaps a

will tell you that they evoke moods of

state of mind in hopeful experimentation,

ambition, hypnosis, detachement, and

a journey, a new undertaking jamming

sophistication. They have been producing

along and thus providing a link to the

such works since 2000 and their latest

next chapter? Salvatore do this and do

offering is the searching Days of Rage

it well celebrating the studious maybe

released New Years day ...get it?! The title

even the geek, the so-called student type

sounds somewhat anarchic and a suitable

under a spell of flux within a manifesto

soundtrack as I pack myself off to the

of exploration searching for that unturned

anarchic Alternative football World Cup

pebble that will lead us all to a new dawn

(Crystal Balls) staged near Exeter.

of existence or behavioural pattern of

The perfect travel companion.

living. This sense of undertaking and of Myspace.salvatorenorway

Above: Salvatore’s logo. Right: The band in question.


Now for some Danish exports. . . ‘Come on Bollo lets go party.’ Mew (Denmark)

and healthy ambition and in the coming

Am I wry, No! I’m ethereal!

years release their first album in 1997 coincidentally around the same time as Aqua

Mew are a unique outfit with fairy tale

released Come on ‘Barbie Let’s Go Party!’

flighty vocals of an enchanting and magical

(It’s not just bacon you know) and would

ilk. In my mind sounding more like a

be signed up by Sony as a result of their

bunch of pixies than the Pixies, perhaps

second break-through album Frengers

not, more elvish? Anyhow, definitely not

released 2003. Walt Disney would have

rock goblins, although they are probably

been more appropriate.

characters somewhere in the lyrical story! A particular favourite on the Frengers “To call Mew sort of surreal is like saying

album is ‘Am I wry? No.’ It’s kind of

Bill gates is quite well off!” They tantalise

how the The Pet Shop Boys would of

and your existence and spark your wildest

sounded had they launched their career

imaginations, not sure if they would

commercially with guitars and not synth’s.

appreciate the moniker but they are the

Neil Tennant is a highly accomplished

Hans Christian Andersen of pop.

guitarist by the way.

“Mew create complex and turbulent

Putting all the fairy tale accusations and

sounds cape from skeletal guitar

my rambling to one side I quote Jonas

arpeggios through to universe quaking

of Mew; “Each song deals with different

crescendo...they project the sense of

aspects of life and fear...the artist wants

the glacial fairy tale.” They were naturally

to leave something behind. There are

united at Elementary school setting

things that run deeper lyrically and but it’s

about on a film project based on the end

not really important for the listener, it’s

of the world and produced a repetitive

how they experience it rather than what

apocalyptic introduction to that looped

was intended”.

continuously. At this stage they had not honed their musical craft but became the

Guitarist Bo Madsen has described

Above: Mew.

alternative clique at school and would soon

their bands genre as ‘pretentious art

Photo: Jesper Frisk:

make moves musically with an enthused

rock’. Fair comment nothing wrong with



creating illusionary material much of

Who Made Who (Denmark)

what entertainment is based on is magic,


isn’t it!? “Are a symbiosis of three very different For me their music is the kind you’d select

characters” having a different kind of

on Christmas day along with Mercury Rev

relationship to the Boosh but just as

and Joanna Newsom etcetera evoking

essential, you couldn’t have the one

a sense of magic or along with all the

without the other scenario. Tomas Barford,

glistening brand new paraphernalia and

Tomas HoefDING and Jeppe Kjellberg are

surprise presents!

the Vince Noir, Howard Moon and probably Naboo or could it be Bollo on drums!?

Olly Spratley

I love these chaps, charming Danes of the finest order having incredible care free presence that I find totally refreshing compared to the general English way of doing things. I had good fortune to be at the surprisingly excellent Love Box in a sunny Victoria Park, London having been offered a freebie press pass we had the unexpected surreal moment of being two of only six people watching The Super Furries whilst people waited on the very late entertainment licence to be approved. Later on after much reconnaissance from one stage to another I set my gaze toward two lean and lanky guitarists in all-in-one spandex skeleton suits that radiated Tron-like around their craniums! An instant smile was furnished on my chops and within a few chords the Who Made Who disco rockers had us all under their spell. Their live performance far outreaches most ‘dance-acts’ whose live performances are often whimpering off with anti-climax usually reverting to stage lighting to compensate for lack of stage presence. Not to say there is one formula


to have fun it’s just that these boys rocked the place and had us all seriously, fervently wanting more. They dealt adroitly with major technical problems and a very impatient stage manager in an adroit professional manner. If you are ever having a party book these boys! After the performance our group of friends all reconvened outside the marquee/tent and had a special moment where you all look each other in the eye and acquiesce that you had a whole lot of festival fun. Thanks. www.myspace.com/whomadewhomusic

Previous page: Mew. Below: Mighty boosh stylee. How Who Made Who would look in the Boosh!



Fresh back from performance at the majestic Green Man festival in the Sugar Loaf Mountains local ensemble (based in Britford, this side of Salisbury) North Sea Radio Orchestra (NSRO) is a unique chamber group who perform music of beauty and originality that has at its heart a lyricism of a particularly English nature. Featuring wind, strings, percussion, guitars, organs and voices, theirs is a world in which melody and harmony abound. 45

Founded in Summer 2002 by Craig and

The Orchestra honed its craft in churches

Sharron Fortnam originally to perform

within the square mile of the City of

Craig’s classical works. He was trained

London with concerts in St. Martin-

at Dartington College of Arts, graduating

within-Ludgate in the shadow of St. Paul’s

in 1990, and never ceased to compose

Cathedral, in St. Clement Eastcheap and

despite the attraction of pop. Since leaving

St. Olave Hart Street. It was a rewarding

Dartington, he has had pieces performed

experience that afforded the Orchestra the

by esteemed groups such as the Kreutzer

space and time to create a strong identity,

Quartet and the Britten Sinfonia. Craig and

musically and visually. They have since

Sharron had previously worked together

moved out of the square mile and have

in the English psychedelic acoustic band

played at Spitz, Bush Hall, St Martin in the

Lake of Puppies with William D. Drake

Fields, Bestival, Whitechapel Gallery and

– this association continues as pieces by

many other venues.

Drake are performed in the Orchestra and he has become involved as a performer, singing in the chorus. NSRO has reinforced links between writers, singers and musicians on a prolific London scene drawing in members from surrounding projects and creating the opportunity, for some, to indulge in something classical in nature whether composing, performing or both. In the beginning, there were just eight musicians, now there are twenty members forming the Orchestra and the expanding North Sea Chorus. North Sea Radio Orchestra performs works by Craig Fortnam, William D Drake and James Larcombe. As well as instrumental pieces there are choral numbers, trios and solo songs, many of which are poetry settings and as well as classic lyrical poets such as Tennyson and Yeats, new poet Daniel Dundas Maitland is also featured.


NSRO have attracted glowing reviews

September 29th - St Clements Eastcheap,

for their live and recorded performances.

Clements Lane, London EC4. £8

They have been broadcast many times

on the door.

on Radio 1, 2, 3 and 6music as well as regional stations. The success of their first

October 10th - Cargo, 83 Rivington St

single (‘The Flower’) and debut self titled

Kingsland Viaduct, Shoreditch,

album can be attributed to the truly unique

London EC2A 3AY - supporting Clientelle.

sound of NSRO - a strange alliance of various influences and elements: Benjamin

December 5th - Union Chapel, Compton

Britten, Vernon Elliot, the Incredible String

Terrace, London, N1 2UN. Arctic Circle

Band, London clay, Vaughan Williams,

presents NSRO + Ellis Island Sound in a

water from the Thames and shingle

special Christmas Show.

from Bankside.

Page 44: Portrait: Craig Fortnam. Previous page: (top); Group photo, (bottom; live on stage at the Green Man Festival. Left: Image from released single ‘End of Chimes’


Tweet of a little bird.

Just when I was at the bottom The whole world turned upside down Big troubles, the little worries All too much, much ado about nothing This little idea keeps me running Got all my skeletons in a wooden box Bout 5 foot long with a creaky door Cut from an oak tree By a man with a crooked finger And a drunken left knee It’s the skeletons and me on the open water Left at the tweet of a little bird Sailed till the fall of the night Moon all bug eyed, and restless Stars twisted and not quite upright Woke up on an island Bout seven miles across Palm trees, sand and the whole deal A crab, a coconut to keep me company I said Wilson I feel lucky

William Sansom


Festival Feve After a two-year hiatus to allow the grass to grow back and the cows and local people to recover from all the noise we saw the return of Glastonbury festival. This illustrious event was just one from vast range of summer music festivals that 50

we are blessed with in the UK. Over the next few pages are some short insights into four festivals that you may have overlooked and come recommended with welly’s at the ready. Most of which are in grasping distance of our sunny town of Bournemouth.

al ver 51



The Fire Festival is a one day community event held at Meryick Park, Bournemouth in the month of May. It is centred on the physical and conceptual elements of fire. Music includes a wide variety of genres from rock n’ roll to swing and from gypsy to ska. It truly was a blast!

On the grand scheme of things it was a relatively intimate affair but when you consider the distinct lack of events such as this on offer locally, particularly in term time, it’s no wonder that this event was well received giving rise to the festive faithful enveloping the delights and talent on offer this fine summers day. The main stage thronged incessantly with happy and exhilarated dancing party people, smiles radiating from all and sundry. The Fire Festival should prove to be an efflorescing local Festival along with the grander Inside Outside Festival just staged. http://www.insideoutdorset.co.uk/ A fire festival is never for the faint-hearted, especially when topping the bill you have a band with the


moniker of Vincent Vincent and the Villains. A range of attractions complimented the main stage, performance workshops, fire eating and breathing, human Catherine wheels, general tricksters, alternative wares and ways of playing the bongo or the bugle . The festive goings on were set about in earnest and exemplified by some of your very own. A merry band of AIB students made magical mischief engaging in acts of jumping through hoops bringing that well used phrase quite literally to life. One such leap of faith consisted of a daring duet remarkably completing the feat in tandem, and they didn’t spill a drop! Top work fella’s!

Isle of Wight festival the

At the height of the flowerpower era in 1970, hundreds of thousands of music fans came from all over the world to the fields of the Isle of Wight to see the legend, Jimmi Hendrix They packed onto the Isle of Wight ferry from the mainland for up to five days (although some stayed considerably longer) of live rock, communal living, free love and mind-bending substances. Besides all the peace, love and latrines, there was the music non-stop performances from some of the greatest pop musicians of any era. Today the Isle of Wight Festival has been known to attract such acts as The Prodigy, Foofighters, Coldplay, Faithless and this year the almighty dad-rockers the Rolling Stones.


Bestival is an award winning 3 day boutique music festival held on the Isle of Wight at Robin Hill - a beautiful leafy country park, a veritable Garden of Eden

The event is brought to you by

‘Scratch’ Perry and was a ground-

Sunday Best in conjunction with

breaking success.

partners Get Involved and the innovative promoters behind these

Bestival 2005 meanwhile saw

companies are Rob da Bank (Radio

Royksopp, The Magic Numbers,

1 DJ supremo and Sunday Best

Super Furry Animals, 2manydjs,

captain) and John Hughes

The Go! Team and Soulwax take

The first Bestival, in September

to the stage (amongst many

2004, was headlined by

others!). It also set the Guinness

Basement Jaxx, Fatboy Slim,

World Record for the Biggest

Zero 7, The Bees, Mylo and Lee

Fancy Dress Party (10,000 people dressed as Cowboys & Indians!) and was voted (by the festivalgoing public) the Best (Mediumsized) Festival and the Most Innovative Festival at the 2005 UK Festival Awards. This year Bestival brought you the likes of The Chemical Brothers, Primal Scream and The Beastie Boys, It’s outragous.


In the Sugar Loaf Mountains, Glanusk Park, Wales, with zero corporate sponsorship. Sensible security arrangements. Where folk rubs shoulders with electronica, the Green Man Festival is still shrouded in its folky cloak. An excellent line-up and a friends recommendation held true - this festival did not disappoint. OK so it rained, quite a lot actually, but the sodden trodden were not to be dettered and the appetite for folky frolics and pies ensued. This festivals most convoluted queues were for pies, the vegetarians amongst us had a veggie Thali option amongst the plethora of other food options to top up your camping stove cuisine. A personal highlight was the silent film accompanied with live piano that went hand in hand with our campmade Bloody Mary (accompanied with celery).

Without a corporate logo in sight The Angelic Joanna Newsom played harp headlining the main stage that was thronged by hordes of fervent admirers and many of which were letting off their machine apparatus rendering bubbles that en-massed the air, flitting around the ampitheatre setting whereas Battles jazz-rocked the curiously entitled Folkey Dokey stage. This festival is billed as a folk festival, make of it as you will, at the next opportunity I’d say!


Howdy all film fanatics! We bring you Film News, You Tube web links and a selection of up and coming movies. Suzie Irlam The Lookout – 1st October Director: Scott Frank Chris Pratt, is a young man whose life is torn asunder after a car crash leaves him with a fishing-net memory. Any hope of living a normal existence is left in tatters when he finds himself up to his neck in an attempted heist. Scott Frank talks of how interested he became in this identity movie where someone who made a mistake can end up us a totally different person. •Control – 5th October Director: Anton Corbijn Here we have a biopic film about the late Ian Curtis (1956-1980), lead singer of the legendary post-punk rock band Joy


Film Focus

Division. The screenplay is based on the book Touching From a Distance, by Curtis' wife, Deborah, who is also a co-producer of the film. •Paranoid Park – 2nd November Director: Gus Van Sant Paranoid Park started with just an advertisement on MySpace where the crew opened a casting call for ‘Gus Van Sant’s latest’. Searching for teenagers from skateboarders, cheerleaders, punks, drama kids, musicians, artists etc.

I have been searching through the good

time by flying up stairs in a tea pot like

Images: Previous

ol’ web site we all know as You Tube to

pose whilst surfing on one of the cast! A

page, top: Michael

bring you some of the best clips to check

beautiful episode of a 'stop motion battle'

Willis (Below): Suzie

out in the library when you are in need

between two friends turned enemies,

Irlam. This page:

of distraction.

ending with a happy handshake.

Tony vs. Paul.

Firstly I came across Tony vs Paul written

This video took two months to film and

and directed by Paul Cummings and

edit using a Canon GL1 with both digital

Tony Fiandaca.

stills being taken and footage being shot.


Paul Cummings edited the film using Final


Cut Pro and Chris Donovan created the sound track.

This short film stars Tony Fiandaca and The location used was Massachusetts in

be beneficiaries of special ‘stop motion

the towns Arlington, Medford, Upton and

powers’such as the gift to catapult

Gloucester. http://www.myspace.com/

enemies off swings and to boot they save



Paul Cummings, Tony and Paul seem to


Blind Date is a short film by first time director

three dimensional scenery and props

Keith Lawes. It’s a simple story with

constructed from photo segments giving a

two themes: romantic failure, and the

semi-realistic look to the piece.

Best of YouTube

ridiculous things we do to impress on a first date. One of its publicity tag lines is

Considering it was made entirely on

“Its first impressions that count, but just

location in Keith’s living room with no

how far should you go”, which sums it up

external support or input it does look

quite nicely. Blind Date is hopefully funny,

pretty visually sumptuous. According to

slightly sad, and has lots of interesting

those who know about these things it’s

things whizzing about to keep the eye

a slightly unusual application for After

amused. Fans of the mighty Wurlitzer

Effects, as the whole film is based within

Organ will be particularly impressed.

the package, including the final edit, the main reason for this being that Keith

The film is a computer based animation

couldn’t be bothered to buy and learn an

entirely made within Adobe After Effects

editing program just for this one function.

on a Home PC. Green screened footage of friends/talented actors Mawgan

The budget for the film is estimated

Pengelly and Rachel Jones is slotted

at around £30, mainly for the drinks

in to provide the human interest, with

that were Rachel and Mawgan’s only

3 dimensional photographic segment

payment. It did take a fair few hours

animation providing the mechanical

to compile though, lots of cutting up,

and visual spectacle around them. For

pasting, positioning and animating (in the

those filmmakers amongst you all of the

computer at least) of photo segments and

After Effects stuff is in 3D mode, with

footage, and lots of arranging virtual lights and cameras to obtain the final dark and moody look of the film. Keith has no formal film making training, but does have extensive experience of 3-D computer design from his day job as an engineer/crackpot inventor. These basic skills were directly transferable to 3-D manipulation of photo segments within the After Effects package. For a first effort the film has had reasonable success, being selected for the Edinburgh International Film Festival, and several other festivals besides. Anyhow


if you want to sample its delights its

Images: Screen shots

currently on YouTube, simply search for

from Blind Date.

Blind Date and Keith Lawes and there it is. And the very best of luck. What they said about Blind Date:“I’ve seen it and I’m sh**ting myself” Stephen Spielberg. “The leading man has one ear too many for my liking” Quentin Tarantino. “I once saw X-Ray Specs at the Hammersmith Odeon” Jonathan Ross. Words: Suzie Irlam


Being Eco-Centric

creating ecological products and buildings

Along with the start of another exciting

edge concepts and designs.

and producing some stunning, cutting

year ahead, and the arrival of a fresh bunch of talent, the Arts Institute not

One of the leaders of the eco revolution

only welcomes a new building but a

is Bill Dunster, founder of architectural

completely new course too; the BA

company Zed Factory (‘Zed’ standing

(Hons) Architecture degree. The three-

for Zero Energy Development). Projects

year course aims to introduce students

undertaken range from single building

to the profession whilst giving the

commissions to masterplanning and the

opportunity to explore additional art,

design of large ‘eco villages’: all completed

design and media disciplines.

with the use of non-fossil fuelled energy sources. Dunster’s website introduces

The launch of the course comes at

you to his 20-strong team of architects,

a time where you can’t escape the

visualisation designers and specialist

mention of ‘carbon footprints’ or

consultants as well as a gallery of images

international superstars throwing

from completed projects, target concepts

concerts to make a wider audience

and current works in progress.

aware of what is happening to our


earth. Whether you find all the fuss annoying, or do your every bit to

Sponge is a charity network of young

help the environment, it’s something

individuals all working within the design,

that we all need to play our part in

planning and engineering industries

preserving. Everyone can do little

that share a concern in sustainable

things, like recycling pizza boxes and

development. It provides endless links to

wine bottles for example, or wash your

informative websites, information about

clothes at 30°, but the new architecture

workshops and events and a library of

students and other designers out there

downloadable resources. Some sites like

need to be considering things on a

this can appear dull, yet this is crammed

wider scale.

with intriguing articles and debates. For example: ‘Eco Chic or Eco Geek? The


Desirability of Sustainable Homes’ www.spongenet.org

Caring for the environment and the


sustainability of the Earth’s resources

If you feel like you need a little inspiration

is not just about adding solar panels

for your own designs, take a look at ‘green

to the roofs of our houses or extra loft

architects’ Koru, who recently won a RIBA

insulation. Contemporary designers

award for the design of a sustainable

are embracing the new challenges of

junior school in Canterbury. Their site

offers some attention-grabbing visuals

and design. It’s current main project

Previous page:

of projects they have completed along

is it’s ‘House of the Future’; a project

Jengs, humans have

with drawings of current commissions.

running from 2007-2012 which in itself is

an innate sense to

Another architectural firm are Bere, who

an instance of eco-friendly design. Three

build, even when

were awarded best eco-house at the

buildings in San Jose, Amsterdam and

down the pub.

Grand Designs Awards. Their user friendly

Brussels act as examples of futuristic

Below: BedZED,

website provides an in depth look at

homes, offices and even a pub, as well

Carbon neutral

their portfolio, which doesn’t only include

as housing innovative gadgets that are

development by Bill

architectural projects like the exhibition

thought to be what we will be using in

Dunster Architects.

centre at London’s Tower Bridge, but

years to come.

Below left: The roof

examples of bespoke furniture design too.


mounted ventilation

This site is definitely worth a visit for some mental stimulation.


Laura Murphy

www.koruarchitects.co.uk www.bere.co.uk If you would prefer a bit of background reading on the subject then check out The Yellow House. Created by an environmental campaigner, the site provides an insight into how he turned his home, an ordinary 1930’s terraced house, into an eco-haven. Although the house itself is not at the forefront of aesthetical beauty, the website provides some extremely relevant information into ‘The Principles of Eco Design’ and ‘Green Living’; two things that are now essential to consider when designing and constructing homes, offices and other buildings. Another useful site that provides such in-depth information as well as discussions and reports is The Centre for Sustainable Design. www.theyellowhouse.org.uk www.cfsd.org.uk Finally, Living Tomorrow is a Belgium innovation that looks into futuristic living


A TONGUE IN CHEEK 10 WAYS TO BLOW YOUR STUDENT LOAN! 1. What no student rate?: Get a train to London or pretty much anywhere else for that matter 2. Crafty: Buy an Honoury Degree and take the slow boat to China 3. Over-rated: Hire a Sandbanks penthouse for the night 4 . Saucy: Pre-order your annual kebab quota 5. Poker in the fire: Book a croupier for the next student house party 6. At a stretch: Hire a Limo to take in the local sights for you and your house-mates 7. Take off: Hire a helicopter from Hern Airport 8. Charity: Buy David Beckham a business class flight back to the UK to save him from football obscurity 9. Sling your hook: Buy a ticket for your housemates to “anywhere but get out of my fucking room� 10. Have yacht: Charter a Sunseeker to stage your next party around Poole Harbour with you and your pals BONUS: Run the dough through the essay document shredder or better still, burn it KLF stylee!

Words: Olly Spratley


Admission Impossible 2 Following on from last years article we take another look at course fees and why they are unaffordable. Debt culture has been under the spotlight with the recent turbulent world stock markets activity suggesting that the less well off are saturated with debt thus impacting further up the food chain, the financial institutions themselves. This clearly illustrates that it is wrong and irresponsible for our Government to force people into suffocating levels of debt and I for one will be asking for a rebate once they have their house in order. A Labour Government must bring about reassertion of its culture as a fair and supporting organisation, supporting those that truly want to learn. Unfortunately today’s situation is a fragmented one with the onus placed on the individual to support the interest and inflationtinary dependent capitalist system. The buck stops at the students quite literally suggesting ‘here you are, your problem!’. Well sorry I didn’t choose a political and socio/economic pathway. Recent events clearly indicate that debt culture is a problem threatening to spiral out of control in all walks of life.

With warnings of further increase to the top-up fees therby further substantiating my assumption. Students are now ‘graduating’ out of the system with £15000 - £20 K of debt. The opportunity to study and read academically is being compromised by having to work too many hours in a ‘part-time’ job. Gordon Brown: “That’s why I joined the Labour party - out of faith - faith in people, that they should have the opportunity to realise their potential” . From this statement you would deduce that something could be on the table in the coming months for the NUS Anti Top-up fees Campaign or perhaps sadly, more realistically and in sober reflection these words will prove only to be rhetorical pandering. Is that why Gordon Brown joined the Labour Party? We shall see, because everyone deserves a full education.

The culture of today’s Government is riddled with Thatcherism and sadly our politically unchallenged throwaway consumer society that chooses to ‘pay for it all another day’,

Words: Olly Spratley

Admission into debt is encouraged and its eradication becoming nigh on impossible.

We want students to be able to go to a particular university, to do a particular course because this is what best fits their abilities and their aspirations- not their bank balance.

Short term fixes for longer terms of crippling debt A truly socialist party would take the politics out of our education system to allow us to get on with the business of learning, however the Government goes about its own business haplessly reworking the system with short term political ‘fixes’ to ‘consolidate’ for the folly of their own making, only to give rise to debt and heaping further pressure on the education system as a whole. Many can no longer afford mortgages to purchase property so it would appear that a new Government strategy is emerging from the boardroom of GB PLC. That is to create a mortgage market in the Higher Education system.

That a third of students skip lectures for part time jobs, which a massive 82 per cent absolutely rely on, is not a healthy state of affairs. NUS President Gemma Tumelty http://www.nusonline.co.uk/


A Reflection and Nothing More She had been led to believe that her life was full and good. She owned everything anyone could hope for; she drove a nice car, had a house in the good part of town, she was beautiful and thinner than anyone else she knew. One day a bird flew through her window and said to her, “Miss, you are like the moon. You are a reflection and nothing more.� She did not understand the bird at first, but found that the following days she did not feel quite right. She was empty. No longer did the distractions of her former life engage her attentions. Restlessness slipped into her, eating away at the front of her mind until all that was left of her was a shadow. The shadow was dark and full of hate and fear and pain. But it was all she had left, for her former self was an illusion, a reflection and nothing more. When she came to realise this, she and her shadow became one and there was no longer darkness. She was content and became her own light. Her light was reflected by others, making her seem all the brighter, for she was her own light and they were reflections and nothing more.

Jennifer Newbury




In an almost Oxford and Cambridge style, the SU brought to you the football ashes on May 11, 2007. This epic match saw the start of an annual game where the ashes of the football will pass from campus to campus for years to come. The AIB team met at the Arts Bar a few hours before the game to psyche up and discuss the tatics. The team was extremely excited at the prospect of playing on a professional pitch, and it was a great way to end a year of vigorous training and particularly for those few who left at the end of the academic year having not previously had the chance to represent the AIB competitively. We arrived at the stadium an hour before the match. On arrival at our changing room, the occasion got the better of our striker Tom who


gushed when having his ass cheeks spread on the very same bench as his hero Darren Anderton. Eventually he did come round and despite my concern went on to have a great game. Leaving the dressing room our AIB football team proudly proceeded through the tunnel onto the turf, hoping that we would give the kind of performance that our fans and the occasion deserved. As the whistle sounded our supporters let themselves be heard drowning out the opposition, silenced by the roar. Bournemouth Uni hadn’t read the script and knocked the first one in after 4 minutes, however, the support did not subside from the AIB faithful, this helped moral and kept our heads up. By half time however, despite a valiant effort from the AIB

AIB v BOURNEMOUTH UNI team we were 2-0 down and the world famous orange dispenser Daisy Gibbs contently distributed her goods in true style. In the changing room at half time we had a chinwag, contemplated Arsene Wenger’s genius and got straight back on the pitch. Though we had a few good chances throughout the game, we were not clinical in front of goal. The game ended with Bournemouth University winning 4-0. But as underdogs we held our own and our revenge will prove all the more sweet. Our support showed that we were true winners in the character stakes due to the support coming from all those that traveled with us. I would like to thank all those that made the trip. You guys made the day and set the standards for the next annual Football Ashes.

OTHER SPORTS NEWS AIB indoor 5 a side football team won the university league without loosing a game last year. I would like to acknowledge Glen Bradford, Tom Massey, Tom Walker, Marcello Vello, Rob Reed, Phil Stones, Dan Almeroth and Johnny Tate who all helped bring in our first bit of silver wear for the year. If there is anyone interested in helping start up a rugby and table tennis club contact the S.U or myself. Matt Broughton Email: 3121889@aib.ac.uk 07951570247


AIB Animation: China work placement

the animation producer (who’s chosen

'Back to Sea with Thom and three

Mandarin to ‘Frogman’) and his wife in

students from the AIB'

their lofty 14th floor flat, what a view!

English name Warren translates in

Everyone in the company was incredibly Booking flights days before boarding

humble and selfless towards us; genuinely

planes can lead to heart attack. I had

appreciating our work and they welcomed

many reasons not to travel to China on a

us to their fascinating city with an

work placement.


But, the night before the application

The studio was a 45 minute moped

deadline I realised it could be the last

commute through a jungle of 4 lanes of

chance of finding experience before the

traffic in 40 degree humid city air, but

post uni dive into the job applications

the studio was the best air conditioned

and career beginnings. After throwing

workplace in the city. Situated on the

together a portfolio, I applied and forgot

top floor of a secondary school, the

about it all, thinking only of the pre-

government funded Glory and Dream

arranged sunny Costa del Sol family

Animation Studio boasts state of the art

summer Holiday. As if luck should have it

workstations and its very own render

and it did an email from my course leader

farm. We were to be designing characters

arrived two weeks late, attached was an

and environments for their up coming

official invitation from a Mr Calvin Yao

production ‘Back to Sea’, a digital 2D

of the Jiangsu Television Broadcasting

animation feature telling the story of ill-

Company and an application form for a

fated restaurant fish soon to be dissected,

Chinese visa. I couldn’t refuse! China is

grilled and turned into gourmet Chinese

warmer than Spain anyway. Jabs, visas

cuisine. Our lovely art director Thom (a

and tickets needed sorting in two weeks.

chosen English name: Thom Yorke, for

Unfortunately rabies is very expensive,

kudos reasons) found our work exciting

but most other diseases are free…..

and had great ideas for directions. Concept

guided tour.

designing was great fun and varied, but 6 Two other animation students were also

days a week and all the heat got a little too

accepted for the placement and we all

much at times…..

travelled to Shanghai in mid July. There


we were greeted by Mr Yao, director and

The studio's was creating a teaser for the

writer for ‘Glory and Dream’ animation.

films and had not at this point cast actors,

We were to be working in the city of

the director was planning on an English

Nanjing, an ancient capitol of China

dub and we were asked to employ our

about 150 miles west of Shanghai. I

best English accents for the film!

was lucky enough to be staying with

In a back alley of what seemed like a

dilapidated slum, a beautiful, modern

Thanks to Peter Parr for support and

recording studio opened up from behind

to the team at Glory and Dream for a

an unsuspecting door.

great experience.

I was cast as the main character Mr

Rufus Blacklock

Farley Moonfish. An amazing and surreal

BA Animation Production, AIB

experience. After our time in Nanjing was up we were whisked down to the city of Huangzhou near Shanghai to speak to some students at the National Centre for Animation, proving very interesting and for the night we were put up in a 4 star hotel! Back to Shanghai soon after and away

Images: photo

home with the knowledge that I’d worked

travelogue of

with professionals on a feature film,

Shanghai and in the

savoured China’s culture and met some of

studio working on

its 1.5 billion friendly people.

‘back to sea’


Entertainments Film Purbeck Film Festival Thursday 25th October £6 for more information 07939 968238 http://purbeckfilm.org.uk

Dance TAG…just writing my name Friday 19th OctoberSaturday 20th October 7:30pm £13.50 Student Discount £6 Romeo and JulietMoscow City Ballet Monday 28th January 08Wednesday 30th January 08 7:30pm £24.50

Importance of Being Earnest Wednesday 10th October- Saturday 13th October 7:30pm Student Discount £6

SPACE RITUAL (EX MEMBERS OF HAWKWIND) Thomas Tripp Live (Christchurch)

Meeting Joe Strummer- The Power of Rock and Roll Monday 19th November-Tuesday 20th November 8:00pm Student Discount £6

Verwood Roots Music Festival

The Mikado 2007 Tuesday 5th February 08Saturday 9th February 08

Clubs and bars

Ray Quinn 7:30pm The Lighthouse

30.09.2007 Top 40 Countdown 60 million postcards 06.10.07


We Are Your Friends INDIE/ELECTRO/ RAVE THE OLD FIRE STATION £2 All Drinks . . £3 NUS Tickets . . £5 On Door Dress for UV

Betika The Central (Poole)



03.10.2007 Alabama 3 Opera House

Alabama 3 Opera House 09.10.2007 The Hoosiers The Old Firestation 12.10.2007



Live music

The NutcrackerMoscow City Ballet Thursday 31st January-Saturday 2nd February 7:30pm £24.50

Lady Salsa-dance spectacular Monday 1st October-Saturday 6th October 7:30pm Student Discount £7


26.10.2007 Denise Van Outen @ Elements Elements night club 27.10.2007 Mani (former Stone Roses bassist now with Primal Scream) Dusk Till Dawn

Drive in movie: Purbeck Film Festival



AIB SU Halloween party “blood curdling circus” consortium

We Are Your Friends OLD FIRE STATION Xmas Special

03.11.07 We Are Your Friends INDIE/ELECTRO/ RAVE THE OLD FIRE STATION 17.11.2007 The Pigeon Detectives The Old Firestation 21.12.2007 JAMES TAYLOR QUARTET + GROOVE O MATIC DELUXE Thomas Tripp Live (Christchurch) Mani DJ’s Oct 27

What other students of the world have been up to this summer or winter if you happen to be in Melbourne. August 26, 2007, Australia. Porn Cracker! MELBOURNE schoolboy has cracked the Federal Government's new $84 million internet porn filter in minutes. Tom Wood, 16, a year 10 student at a southeast Melbourne private school, told the Herald Sun it took him just over 30 minutes to bypass the Government's filter, released on

Student stories from far and wide

August 2007. "Filters aren't addressing the bigger

Design student Jack Kirby, builds a

issues anyway," he said, explaining

model car from 5,000 Budweiser

how filters are missing the mark

cans when he realised that the


company was giving away a 1965 Ford Mustang.

"Cyber bullying, educating children on how to protect themselves and

The life-size model 1965 Ford

their privacy are the first problems

Mustang was finished yesterday

I'd fix. They really need to develop

after a three-year effort, reports the

a youth-involved forum to discuss

Daily Mirror.

some of these problems� After a pause to admire his


Too easy... 16-year-old Tom Wood

handiwork, Jack, who studies near

says a computer-savvy child could

his home in Hatfield, Hertfordshire,

work out the filter bypass and put it

added: "I think I'll have a couple of

on the Internet for others to use.

cans to celebrate."

Craig Borrow, The Daily Telegraph.

Source: http://whatsthecrack.net

YouTube Rap Causes Malaysian Student Trouble August 8, 2007 A Malaysian college student is facing charges for allegedly violating the country's Sedition Act for displaying the country's flag and rapping the Malaysian national anthem on a YouTube video. The six-minute YouTube video was created by Namewee, a 24-year-old Malaysian student at Taiwan's Ming Chuan University. The video is said to have been watched by almost half a million people, not only in Malaysia but all over the world. The lyrics of the song is a mixture of Mandarin and Bahasa, and "touched on racially-sensitive issues

Below: (Bottom);

by sarcastically singing the morning call to prayer

4000 cans drunk and

for Muslims."

driven. (Top); Tom Wood: The Porn

One of the translations stated, "Malaysian police are


corrupt extortionists." Malaysian authorities became alarmed by the lyrics and are now looking at the video clips to determine if Namewee violated the country's Sedition law. If Namewee is found guilty, he will serve three years in jail and pay a fine of $1,400. Deputy internal security minister Johari Baharum said "If he has, we will act against him under the Sedition Act." Malaysian authorities are also alarmed that in such a short period of time, CD versions of the song were being sold secretly in bazaars and night markets in Kuala Lumpur.


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