TOOLS TO MARKET YOURSELF Marketing materials come in various shapes, sizes, and utility. It is important to note that what might work best for one candidate, might not be the ideal model for another. As you begin considering which marketing tools might be most beneficial for you, remember too that what works best for some employers might not be what is best for others. If you find yourself struggling to make the selection, be sure to reach out and ask the University Career Center for assistance.
DID YOU KNOW? In many international cultures, the curriculum vitae is the preferred professional document of choice. If you are conducting an international job search be sure to check out GoinGlobal in Handshake at handshake.auburn.edu for information particular to each country.
©2021 University Career Center
RÉSUMÉ Of all the items discussed in this section, the résumé is likely the most familiar. An almost universal presence in any job search, the résumé is the de facto document of choice by employers to assess past experiences, skills and abilities. So, what is a résumé? In short, a résumé is a targeted (emphasis on targeted) marketing document that best illustrates the most relevant skills, abilities, and experiences for the particular position that you are applying for. A résumé’s worth is not indicated by the number of pages it contains, but instead on the quality and pertinence of information provided. Job searchers and hopeful applicants do themselves a disservice when they only create one version of their résumé and send it to all their prospective employers. Imagine the look on your face when you receive a standard form letter in the mail. Now imagine that exact same look on an employer’s face when they read a standard form résumé. This likely was not the reaction you were hoping for. For examples of potential different layouts and different examples within majors, be sure to look at aub.ie/resume or pages 23-27.