CAMPUS RESOURCES Crafting winning marketing materials for your job search is not an easy endeavor at first. Thankfully there are many resources across campus that can assist you in this important task. If you are struggling with coming up with a way to cleverly present your artifacts in an ePortfolio or getting some extra polish on your cover letter, the resources below are ready to assist you.
RBD Library Learning Commons auburn.edu/writingcenter − The Miller Writing Center offers free, one-on-one consultation for all writers at Auburn University − The Writing Center specializes in helping writers in all stages of the writing process. − For those who have identified significant issues with grammar and syntax, The Miller Writing Center could be an excellent place to iron out those irksome quirks.
INNOVATION AND RESEARCH COMMONS 1st Floor RBD Library www.lib.auburn.edu/irc/
− The MDRL is happy to help you develop videos or other digital artifacts for your ePortfolio. The computers are equipped with the Adobe Creative Suite and much more. This software can help you develop artifacts by creating visual representation of your experience. − The MDRL staff can also help with a variety of technology and software questions. UNIVERSITY CAREER CENTER 303 MARTIN HALL CAREER.AUBURN.EDU
The University Career Center offers a variety of resources to assist you with your materials development. −
ePORTFOLIO PROJECT 3436 RBD Library auburn.edu/eportfolios
− The ePortfolio Project is a campuswide initiative that offers Auburn students the opportunity to create personal electronic portfolios. − Visit their website to take advantage of ePortfolio examples, workshops and online content.
©2021 University Career Center
One-on-One Drop-ins: Need assistance getting started or have a quick question? Take advantage of drop-ins staffed by Peer Career Advisors and a counselor on call to assist for in depth situations. Drop-ins are an excellent opportunity to receive quick and immediate assistance on your résumé, cover letter, C.V., portfolio and ePortfolio. Appointments with a counselor: If you know that you’ll need more than 15-20 minutes for your particular situation, consider scheduling an appointment with a graduate assistant or counselor. Quinncia uses artificial intelligence to review your resume instantly and give you feedback to make it optimized for Applicant Tracking Software (ATS), allowing it to be seen by the people who make hiring decisions. You can also use Quinncia to practice your interview skills. Using the information provided on your resume, Quin will ask you relevant questions and give you feedback. Perfect for practicing your Zoom interview skills! Get started now using your Auburn email to log in.